NIS: Pieces Of SamChapter 9: Monday (cont'd) free porn video

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Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding

Our doorbell was ringing and that was weird. Nobody ever rang our doorbell. Nobody ever came over, except Josh maybe, but it was barely three-thirty. He'd still be at school, or walking home maybe and he wouldn't ring it anyway. Angie might ring the doorbell, but she went to college until like four or something.

"It's that woman from the news," I decided and we'd kind of forgotten about her.

"What was that about anyway?" Mom wondered and she was getting off my bed.

"Me getting suspended, I think."

"Hmph," she snorted. "I'll talk to them. Must be a really slow news day."

She was still dressed for sleeping in a long pink t-shirt with number 69 on the back and panties underneath. Maybe. I never really knew with my mom. She had her platinum bed head and no bra, of course, and her nipples were pretty obvious. I wondered if Mom would end up on the news. That would be kind of funny.


"I'm coming!" Mom sorta yelled, but not really. Mrs. Whiting was probably already in a bad mood after our little fight.

I sat up, shrugging out of my army coat, and started taking off the red high heels I was wearing. They hadn't really been that uncomfortable. I'd gotten used to them or something, or more likely I just had other things on my mind. But they were sorta okay. Maybe. They weren't my boots though and I reminded myself to call Jody before she came over and tell her to bring all my stuff.

"Sam? Come out here, please!" Mom called me and I wondered if she'd invited those news people into the house or something. She was using that tone of voice she used in front of other people, you know? Firm, but polite.

"Oh!" I blinked at Ms. Owens first of all and I'd totally forgotten to tell my mom to call her. She was dressed like always, you know, sort of a nice blouse, a blue one, and a matching skirt, a short one, and Ms. Owens always looked pretty cute.

"Hi Sam," Dr. Chase smiled at me and she was there too! Standing in my living room and even though she was like thirty and a doctor, she looked nice too in a lavender sorta dress with white flowers and her black hair was loose, which was different, and her green eyes were soft.

"Uh ... Hi." I glanced at my mom and I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"We can sit here," Mom said. "Would you like something to drink? I can make some coffee..."

"Oh. No thank you, Ms. Madeiros..." Dr. Chase said as she sat on the sofa.

"Monica, please," Mom told her and looked at me. "Sam, come over here. Sit down with us."

It felt really strange having my teachers in my house. Or one of my teachers anyway, I wasn't totally sure what Dr. Chase was. My counselor, I guessed, and nobody said anything for a minute while we got comfortable. Except I wasn't really comfortable, you know? I was pretty nervous and my mom hadn't even bothered getting dressed. I guess it didn't matter though, Dr. Chase and Ms. Owens didn't seem to mind that my Mom was just wearing a t-shirt that barely covered her butt.

"That's nice outfit, Sam," Dr. Chase smiled at me and I remembered to cross my legs high at my thighs and I pulled the skirt down the way Ms. Owens had just done it with hers.

"Thanks," I almost smiled. "I kinda borrowed it."

"Really?" she nodded at that. "From a friend?"

"Yeah, um..." I shrugged and it was just like being in her office, except different. "Jody Skyler? She sorta let me wear it."

"Hmmm..." Ms. Owens was smiling too. "I don't think I saw her at school today."

"Oh. Yeah, um..." I looked at my mom and she was watching me. "She wasn't, uh ... feeling good. Or something."

"Right," Dr. Chase nodded. "Well, you certainly look nice, Sam."

"So ... What can we do for you?" Mom wondered and she needed to start getting ready for work soon.

"We wanted to talk to you and Sam about what happened this morning," Ms. Owens said with a look at Dr. Chase. "I think we were both a little worried about her."

"I'm okay," I offered.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," Dr. Chase told me. "My flight was delayed and didn't get in until eight and I think I just missed you this morning. Would you tell me what happened, Sam?"

"Um, I just didn't want to do it. When the Principal told me I had to, um, you know ... take off my clothes," I shrugged, "I said no. And then he, uh ... Oh! Ms. Beyle said she'd get some boys to make me. Mr. Eckert tried to call my mom and then he said I was going to be in trouble, like my mom would get in trouble too, and..."

"Okay," Dr. Chase nodded. "Why did you say no, Sam?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, looking down at my hands. "I just didn't want to take off my clothes."

"I told her that she has to," Mom sighed. "That it's part of school now and..."

"It is part of school," Dr. Chase agreed and she was still looking at me. "You don't like Principal Eckert very much, do you?"

"Uhhh ... He's okay, I guess."

"Or Ms. Beyle?" she added. "Up here, Sam."

I looked up and we both knew I couldn't lie to her, not when I was looking at her, and I shook my head.

"No, I don't them very much," I said softly.

"They can be a little intimidating, can't they?" Dr. Chase sighed. "It's hard to trust someone if they scare you, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I cleared my throat and glanced at Ms. Owens and she was nodded sympathetically.

"Do you trust us, Sam?" Dr. Chase asked, looking at Ms. Owens for a second, and then looking into my eyes.

"Um, yeah," I told her truthfully.

"Good," she smiled. "We trust you too, Sam. We like you very much, don't we?"

"That's why we're so concerned," Ms. Owens nodded. "We want to make sure you're alright."

"Yeah," I smiled back, feeling my face getting warm and their words were making me feel better.

"Good. Now, I'm going to tell you the truth, just like I always do," Dr. Chase leaned forward. "I think the Program would help you, Sam. I think you'd be surprised at how it can change the way you see yourself and your friends."

"Ummm..." I smiled weakly, wanting to believe her but not knowing what she meant.

"Sam, we don't want you to do it because just it's the new rule," Ms. Owens told me. "That's never a good reason, is it? Not by itself."


"We want you to do it because we're your friends," Ms. Owens assured me gently. "Because we care about you. Do you remember when I told you I had to do it? And I told you I didn't want to, but after it was over, I was glad I did."

"Yeah. I remember."

"That's what I want to share with you, Sam," she said. "I want you to have that experience and learn from it just like I did."

"I'm scared though," I sighed. "I just..."

"I know. I know," Ms. Owens agreed.

"You've been frightened before, right?" Dr. Chase asked me. "You told me you were nervous about starting high school. Remember that? You told me you were scared on the first day of school."

"Yeah. I was," I smiled self-consciously at my mom because I hadn't told her about that. I hadn't told anyone but Dr. Chase.

"And how did you get over that fear, Sam?" she asked me. "What did you tell me before?"

"That, um ... I was with Josh, so it was okay."

"You were with your friend," Dr. Chase nodded. "You're going to be with him again. He's going to be there with you."

"You have even more friends now," Ms. Owens smiled at me. "I'll be there. Ellen's going to be there ... Jody? Is she your friend now too?"

"Yeah," I cleared my throat. "She's my, um ... friend."

"We're all going to be with you, Sam," Dr. Chase said. "It's okay to be scared. It's natural to be nervous and worry. Getting over that, dealing with those feelings and overcoming them is how we grow. It's what makes us stronger than we were before."

"Okay," I said, nodding my head because all of that made sense.

"Yeah?" Ms. Owens asked me. "Do you understand what we're saying?"

"I think so."

"And..." Dr. Chase tilted her head and smiled, " ... do you think you can participate next week? Will you try it?"

"Uhhh ... Yeah," I swallowed hard and I knew if I said that, I wouldn't be able to take it back. It was like a promise.

"Good," Ms. Owens took a deep breath. "I'm very proud of you, Sam."

"We both are," Dr. Chase agreed. "On Monday, you won't have to undress in front of the Principal or Ms. Beyle either."

"I won't?"

"No. I'm sure they're good at what they do, but after meeting with the Mrs. Perkins today..."

"She's the district supervisor," Ms. Owens explained.

" ... it was decided that I would administer the program with help from Ms. Owens and Mr. Singer," Dr. Chase said. "We really should have considered the issue more carefully than we did. I'm sorry for that."

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"Ms. Beyle can be a little ... confrontational?" Ms. Owens offered with a small shrug and Dr. Chase nodded. "And Principal Eckert is, well, he's a high school principal. He's not used to explaining himself to students."

"Yeah, no kidding!" I giggled and felt a strange sense of relief that I'd actually agreed to do the NIS thing on Monday.

I was still scared and everything, but if Dr. Chase and Ms. Owens were in charge now ... God! That was like great! It just made me feel safer, you know? Like even though I was naked and all that, they'd protect me and that was a feeling I never got from Ms. Beyle or the Principal. I felt stronger too, or something, like confident? I felt like I could really do it.

"Now..." Dr. Chase was opening her purse and she had a Parental Consent form and a pen, " ... If I could get you to sign this for me, Monica."

Mom read it while I sat nervously and I wished Dr. Chase hadn't brought one of those with her. I mean, I knew my mom would have to sign one, but ... I kinda wished she didn't.

"So if I don't sign this, Sam doesn't have to participate?" Mom asked and I almost wondered if she really wouldn't sign it.

"No," Ms. Owens shook her head. "So long as Sam is enrolled in a public school, she has to participate."

"If you don't sign," Dr. Chase explained, "Sam will be excused from Redmond High and you'll have to enroll her in another school within two weeks."

"So..." Mom sorta rolled her eyes. "I'm signing this so she doesn't get kicked out of school."

"Exactly," Ms. Owens said with a smile. "Also, you need to indicate whether or not Sam is allowed to engage in sexual activities while she's in the Program."

"And with other students who are active over the course of the school year," Dr. Chase added. "The school district will be responsible for Sam's health, but you'll be responsible for her method of birth control."

"So if she catches something..." Mom narrowed her eyes.

"The school has medical insurance," Ms. Owens nodded. "Intercourse won't be required, but certain circumstances may arise when students will be encouraged to explore their sexuality."

"Hmmm..." Mom shrugged and I was blushing. "She can still say no, right? Nobody is going to force her to do anything. Right?"

"Absolutely not," Dr. Chase said. "The choice will always be left to Sam and the other student. Even the smallest infractions cannot be tolerated."

"There will be no excuses for improper behavior," Ms. Owens agreed. "We're making that very clear to all our students and faculty."

"Okay," Mom actually smiled. "That doesn't sound so bad, does it, Sam?"

"Uh..." I looked down quickly as Mom almost signed the paper, but she stopped.

"What about lesbians?" Mom asked and I really burned then!

"Um, what about them?" Ms. Owens asked, glancing at Dr. Chase.

"I mean, if Sam wanted to explore her sexuality with another girl..." Mom shrugged.

"And if the other girl is willing," Dr. Chase smiled, "we would certainly encourage them to discuss and experiment with each other."

"Good," Mom signed the paper and gave it to Dr. Chase. "Is that it?"

"Almost," Ms. Owens agreed. "The only other thing is that Sam's suspension has been reduced to three days. Mrs. Perkins thought a week was a little too much under the circumstances."

"So, we'll look for you on Thursday morning, Sam," Dr. Chase told me. "And I really do hope you wear that outfit again. It looks very nice on you."

"Oh," I nodded and tried to smile, but the idea of wearing a dress to school was almost worse than going naked.

"It was nice to see you again, Monica," Ms. Owens shook hands with my mom.

"Very nice meeting you," Dr. Chase shook her hand as well and we were all standing up.

"Sam," Ms. Owens surprised me with a hug. A nice one and even though it was kinda weird, I liked it.

"Uh ... Ms. Owens?" I asked just before they left. "Who did, um, Penny pick this morning? Which boy, I mean.

"Oh," she looked at me. "She picked Josh."

"Oh." I frowned at that, but I'd already figured she would.

That bummed me out, but not just because Penny had picked him, but more because I wasn't even there. Josh was my best friend and he was going to school naked, probably all stressed out, and I'd been at Jody's house having sex all day. He'd needed me. Maybe. And I hadn't been there and wouldn't be there until Thursday. It didn't make me feel like much of a friend and I was glad nobody had said anything about it, but they didn't have to. I was already feeling guilty enough.

"Monica!" I sighed once we were alone and she looked at me.

"What?" she asked innocently as she picked up the phone. It was mounted to the wall near the kitchen, one of those kind with like twenty feet of tangled twisty phone cord.

"You didn't have to ask them about the lesbian thing," I frowned at her.

"Your teachers are cute," she said, punching buttons on the handset. "I can see why you like them. Especially Rachel. I bet she spends a lot of time at the gym ... Nance? Hey, it's Monica. Is Bernie there? Let me talk at him a sec ... Thanks..."

"Rachel? What?" I blinked at her. "Who are you calling?"

"I never met a blonde Rachel before though," Mom grinned at me. "They always seem to be ... Bernie? Hi. Hey, I'm not gonna make it in tonight ... Huh? Ohhh, you know ... I got a little tummy ache..." Mom giggled, " ... Yeah. I love you too. Thanks, Bernie. Ba-bye!"

"You're not going to work?" I asked and Mom smiled as she hung up the phone.

"Nope," she stretched and scratched her head, pulling her t-shirt up so I could see that she was totally not wearing underwear!

"You don't have panties on?"

"Oh relax, Sam!" Mom grinned at me. "Those two weren't going to care, believe me!"

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes and I was pretty confused.

"Because they could barely take their eyes off each other!" Mom laughed at the look on my face. "Rachel and Ellen? You didn't know they're gay?"

"No!" I felt my face getting hot. "How do you know?"

"Just how they looked at each other," she shrugged. "Those two got it bad. What are we going to eat tonight? How about an omelet?"

"That's why you asked them about lesbians?"

"Hmmmm?" Mom was looking through the refrigerator. "I was asking for you. If you're going to be naked for a week, I want to make sure you're going to have fun!"

"Monica!" I was really blushing then, but I didn't think Ms. Owens was a lesbian anyway. Dr. Chase maybe, but Ms. Owens had told us in Health class about all her boyfriends in college, and she'd had a lot of them. Maybe she was like bi-sexual or something? I had no idea.

"How come our fridge is always empty?"

"How come you're not going to work?" I asked her, feeling kinda overloaded all at once. Ms. Owens and Dr. Chase were lesbians? Mom was staying home? God! Jody couldn't come over?

"It's Monday," she shrugged. "Slow night for tips anyway. Besides, you're going over to Josh's house, right?"

"Uh..." I blinked at that, trying to switch gears and my brain wasn't working.

"I thought you were going to watch the football game or something?"

"Oh! Yeah," I shook me head. "I forgot. Um ... Maybe. What are you gonna..."

"Great! I'll go over there with you," Mom decided and now I was really confused.

"What do you mean?"

"How about if we go out someplace and eat?" Mom smiled at me. "Just give me half an hour, okay?"

"Monica! What do you mean, you're going to Josh's house?"

"You're not going to change, are you?" she asked over her shoulder. "I bet Josh would love to see you dressed like that."

"You can't!" I finally said. "Josh's mom is gonna be there!"

"Oh!" Mom was in the bathroom and she gave me a funny look. "Are you sure about that?"

"Pretty sure," I said, feeling nervous suddenly. "Why?"

"I heard Linda was going to visit her sister down in Portland," she shrugged. "I guess we'll find out, huh?"

"Oh God!" I frowned. "You can't do this to me!"

"Do what?"

"He's my best friend's dad, Monica!"

"I know," Mom pulled her t-shirt over her head. "That's why I want to talk with him about it. Okay?"

"Just talk?" I asked her suspiciously, not really believing her at all.

"Find me a towel, would you?" Mom ignored me and she wasn't going to explain any more than she had.

I was just reaching for the phone to call Jody and tell her she couldn't come over when it rang.


"Sam? Hey."

"Oh! Hi, Josh." I cleared my throat and I felt really bad all of a sudden and I didn't know what to say.

"Guess what I learned in school today," he sorta laughed.

"I, um ... I heard Penny picked you."

"Yeah," he sighed. "It was pretty strange."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Cause, I shoulda ... I don't know. Cause I wasn't even there. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just naked," he laughed. "I'm kinda glad you weren't there."

"Really? Why?"

"Never mind."


"Nothing," he insisted. "Are you still coming over tonight?"

"Yeah," I nodded into the phone. "I guess so, um ... I think my mom wants to come with me."

"Your mom's coming over?"

"I guess," I said. "Um ... Is your mom there?"

"No," Josh replied. "She went to Portland. My Aunt Carol is sick or something."



"I just wondered."

"Are you okay? You sound kinda weird."

"Me? Yeah. I don't know. I got suspended."

"Yeah! Everybody was talking about it," Josh laughed. "Penny is pretty mad at you!"

"They were? She is?"

"Oh yeah. She was like talking about you all day."

"She was?"

"Sorta. Mostly she was kinda busy being naked though."

"Oh," I giggled nervously.

"What did you do all day?"

"Me? Nothing," I lied. "I just, um ... hung out and stuff."

"Yeah. I got your homework."

"What homework?"

"From school!" he said. "All the teachers gave me notes and stuff for you."

"They did?"

"Yeah. I'll give it to you later. It isn't much anyway. The game starts at seven."

"I'll be there."

"Cool. See ya later."


As soon as I hung up the phone, it rang again and I made a face at it.


"Hi Sammy!"

"Oh! Hi, Angie." I winced and felt my heart kinda drop into my tummy.

"What's up? I missed you all day today!"

"Yeah," I said, trying as hard as I could to sound as happy as she was. "I missed you too."

"What are you doing tonight?"


"Need help with your homework or anything?" she giggled softly. "I can come over, if you want."

"Oh. The, um, Seahawks are playing tonight," I told her. "I promised Josh I'd go to his house and..."

"Oh! Like a guy thing?" Angie laughed again. "That's cool. I heard boyfriends are like that."

"Uh, you mean me?" I asked, giggling nervously because for a second I thought she meant Josh was my boyfriend.

"Yeah! You're still my boyfriend right?"

"Yeah," I agreed, even though I knew it was kind of a lie, except I didn't know what I was anymore.

"I wanna see you again so badly, Sam."

"Me too," I whispered, just because she'd whispered.

"Are you sure you want to watch football?" she teased me. "We could do something else."

"I ... Yeah, I know, but my mom's got the night off too and..."

"Okay," Angie sighed. "Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I said without thinking, just because she sounded so ... something. She really wanted to see me and I wanted to see her, except I knew I liked Jody more.

"Okay," she said and it was quiet for a second. "Bye, Sam."


"I love you," Angie said and then hung up real quickly before I could say anything back to her and I frowned at the phone wondering what I was gonna do.

At least the phone didn't ring and I was able to call Jody.

"Hey!" I said when she answered, except I could barely hear anything but some kind of music.


"What?" I frowned and then she was yelling at someone to turn the music down. "What are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

"Uh ... Sam," I said. "Jody?"

"Oh. No. I'm Shelly. Hold on a sec."

That made me feel kinda dumb, but she had sounded sorta like Jody at first.

"Sam! Hi! Wassup?"

"Hi!" I smiled instantly. "I thought that other girl was you."

"Who? Shelly? That's Kurt's girlfriend. What are you doing?"

"Hey, my mom's taking the night off..."

"Oh yeah?"

" ... So, um ... She wants to go out and eat and stuff."

"So I can't like come over and make out with you, huh?"

"Uh!" I laughed. "Probably not!"

"That sucks," she giggled. "God! I wanted to like check out your bed, you know?"

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Poolside Pursuit Contd

A friendly recap of the girls in play from part 1. Allison:  Tall, skinny, long blond hair, sleek and slender build, very intelligent, blue eyes and is wearing a brown/orange/yellow designed bikini with ties around the neck, the back, and on the sides of the bottoms. Bailey:  Brown hair that hangs just past her shoulder, brown eyes, best friends with Candace, large D cup breasts, and is wearing a brown bikini with skulls that have hearts as eyes. Candace:  Long black curly hair, brown eyes,...

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untitled contd

a*****ion day was a stranga day. First of all, it was raining in L.A. Not the normal february rains we’ve all come to expect. No. It was a noisy slant of waterfall that seemed to empty the streets of all human life. I was out there, however. At her home. Waiting. Funny how all that rain seems to keep people’s eyes cast down, impairing their vision. She never saw me as she approached her front door, and I was standing next to a tall hedge not five feet away. As she clicked in her door key I...

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Coerced Adultry Contd

Introduction: Based on Reality We are living next to the waters edge of a large river that runs into an Eastern bay. It is a beautiful spot with all the entities one would want from the shore. We dont know how long we will be able to live there as my husband is in the military and could be transferred at any time so we have decided to purchase the property for the future so it will always be a place to go back to and renew our memories. A recent happening has caused our lives to change, to...

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untitled contd

I spent the rest of the day in hunter mode. Silent and invisible, I followed them. At one point they went to a street fair and the wannabe bought her a simple necklace adorned with a jade pendant. It was then, as he stood behind her attaching it around her silky neck, that our eyes made contact for the first time. I wasn’t prepared for that. All I could think to do was smile. Other fair goers were passing back and forth between us, but our gaze remained and she returned the gesture. Ducking...

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untitled contd

In the early evening they made their way back to her home. By this time I was.. how can I explain this feeling? I was.. on fire. I remember my leather driving gloves being so drenched in sweat that they had to be painstakingly removed. On the way back to my beach house I just threw them out of the window. I had loved those gloves. Unbeknownst to her, she had committed yet another crime. The punishment would be relentless. And I would break her, like these pacific waves breaking against the...

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sexy pregnant sophie contd

Sophie leaned against the wall of the shower, unable to hold in her moans of pleasure. With one hand, she tweaked her nipple, the other reaching around her enormous belly to try and push Beth's head further into her crotch. Beth responded to this by increasing the intensity of her lapping, her tongue darting in and out, driving Sophie wild with lust. "Mmmm, don't stop!" She yelled, her entire body shaking uncontrollably, "Oh God, make me cum!"Her shouts seemed to be getting to Beth, who now had...

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After we had rested for a bit and cleaned ourselves off we had ourselves a cold drink. Cathy and Ashley were eager to continue playing and they both were quite horny. We were all sitting on the sofa, Ashley to my left Steven next to me and Cathy to his right. The girls began playing with our cocks stroking and teasing us until we were both hard again. I was eager for Ashley to begin sucking on my cock as I watched Cathy suck Stevens cock. Both of the girls did very well making Steven and I feel...

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untitled contd

Had they been looking outside their windows it would have been virtually impossible for anyone in that neighborhood to identify what was happening to the woman who lived at 1368. But I doubt they were watching anyhow because I heard no mention of the a*****ion on the police scanner inside the van. It was inside the van, however, when the day really became strange.

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untitled contd

a*****ion day was a stranga day. First of all, it was raining in L.A. Not the normal february rains we've all come to expect. No. It was a noisy slant of waterfall that seemed to empty the streets of all human life. I was out there, however. At her home. Waiting. Funny how all that rain seems to keep people's eyes cast down, impairing their vision. She never saw me as she approached her front door, and I was standing next to a tall hedge not five feet away. As she clicked in her door key I...

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untitled contd

Before I continue this love story, I am compelled to relate to those of you who are interested a thing or two about myself. Some may find my behavior disturbing. To those people, I will say this. I am, and always will be, a free man. Free to do as I please. In this life. In this world. I wish that everyone could, just for a moment, experience the freedom that I enjoy. And for the select few who stir both my emotions and imagination I will go to extreme lengths to set them free. And... I will...

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untitled contd

In the early evening they made their way back to her home. By this time I was.. how can I explain this feeling? I was.. on fire. I remember my leather driving gloves being so drenched in sweat that they had to be painstakingly removed. On the way back to my beach house I just threw them out of the window. I had loved those gloves. Unbeknownst to her, she had committed yet another crime. The punishment would be relentless. And I would break her, like these pacific waves breaking against the...

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Holi with Ramu and friends 82308230contd

The long thin cock had slid all the way into my cunt and his cock head banged into my cervix eliciting a “ooohhhhhhhhhh” from me. I raised my legs and bent them opening my cunt more. He put his hands either side of my body and started to bang away at my hole immediately. The hairy balls swayed in front of my eyes. I looked past it at the grinning face of Sanjay. He slowly lowered himself but I thought he was in the wrong position for me to suck his cock. Sanjay seemed to have other ideas. His...

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NIS PP New Laws

NIS Punishment Programme: New Laws Synopsis The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life.Naked In School Punishment Programme: 1 New Laws by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal...

2 years ago
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NIS Rachael and Brandi at the Mall

SATURDAY 'Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.' Brandi woke up at the sound of her alarm. Sleepily, Brandi reached over and turned it off. Looking at the clock, Brandi wondered why she had set her alarm, as she normally didn't set an alarm on Saturday. Throwing off the covers, Brandi got out of bed. She left her room, heading toward the bathroom. After using the toilet, Brandi got into the shower. After her shower, still naked, Brandi headed back to her room, but decided to just go downstairs. She found her...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 2 Sucking Juicy Boobs

Anisha and her sister Manisha, both of them stood there like ‘Dreamgirls’ in the lingerie they were wearing. Ravishing, sexy, hot and fucking desirable. I could never imagine or ask for a better birthday gift. Anisha asked me who looks better. I said both of you are really sexy and beautiful.  Anisha asked me to check if someone was around. Fortunately, no one was around. Anisha stepped out and pulled me in the trial room and locked it. She made me sit on the stool and sat on my lap kissing my...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 1 Birthday Gift

Great satisfying things happen unexpectedly. This was one such instance where we both desired more from each other. She was an amazing lusty, hot bomb. Ready for any adventure, taking every experience with her to a new height. Vinay here from Chennai. After spending unforgettable times with Anisha during Christmas Eve we started meeting frequently. We used to meet at malls or some restaurants to spend quality time with each other. Moving beyond sexual encounters towards more trust and mutual...

4 years ago
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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 3 Birthday Cake

We finished eating at the restaurant. Then Anisha invited me to her flat for the biggest surprise of my birthday. We drove to her flat. It was a neatly maintained 2 BHK flat. There was a cake ready for me. I was so happy that she had taken care to make it a memorable birthday. Once the cake was cut both the sisters started to apply the cream on my face. I do not generally like it. But I did not want to spoil the fun. We were enjoying and suddenly Anisha asked us to stop. She came to me and took...

1 year ago
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Tanisha 8211 Introduction

Year was 2012 and occasion was my cousin’s engagement at Chandigarh where I first saw Tanisha. I don’t know what drew me towards her. She was certainly not the first girl that I got my attention but being in my 30s I had always been interested in matured girls. Tanisha in her 20s was rather an unusual attraction. After spending entire function observing and digging information about her all I know that she is my cousin’s cousin and pursuing her MBA from a reputed institute in Noida. But this...

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Anisha 8211 Pub To Terrace 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. Vinay here from Chennai. Narrating below one more sexual encounter that I had with Anisha. Anisha came like a dream in my life. After my first meeting with her, I desired for more from her. But we had made a promise that I will never approach her first again. A few months passed. I was praying that she calls me and we could meet again. I had her number. I could see her pics on dp and check her status. I could see her online but I could not call her. With each day passing with...

4 years ago
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Tanisha 8211 Part 2

I finished my shower and came out of bathroom. Tanisha stayed in bathroom for little longer. I got dressed up and sat on bed watching Tanisha coming out of bathroom and dressing up. “I want you to move in with me. We will get more time to spend together. So by today evening I want you back in here with all your baggage” I said. “Are you sure about it, i mean what if our colleagues discovered that I’m living with you. It will spoil my reputation in company. I don’t want to be branded as the girl...

3 years ago
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Darkroom Monday

Steve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...

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Ryan Matthews walked into his office and was immediately struck with a severe case of Mondayitis. He placed his suitcase on the green couch which was placed against the left wall of his office, pulled a file out of it which he put back in its place in the filling cabinet on the right hand wall, before trudging over to his desk. With a sigh he sat down and pulled the monthly report in front of him and started up his computer.As the local manager for Essam Reality, a nation wide real estate...

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Anisha 8211 Pub To Terrace 8211 Part 2

Hello friends. Vinay here from Chennai. This is the continuation of the story of what happened between Anisha and me on the Christmas Eve. Very quickly I finished my socializing and escaped from there to the terrace. I locked the gate and saw her standing still admiring something. She looked stunningly sexy from behind in the dim natural light. She had rested her hands on the wall and bent down. Her skirt had moved considerably upwards with a beautiful rear view of her thighs. I walked towards...

1 year ago
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I Dream of Demie 19 Monday Zee

--- I Dream of Demie 19 - Monday & Zee (MF, cons, impreg, magic, sm) by Krosis of the Collective --- Hepzibah, a harpy with a magical amulet that made her appear like an emaciated human woman, lay on my friend Monday's bed caressing an egg that was about the size of a volleyball. I turned to Monday. "Damnit, Monday, I told you to wrap it up!" He looked back at me, eyes wide. "My girlfriend just laid an egg, and you're going on about safe sex?!" --- Seven weeks ago... After...

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Manisha My Sexy Mother in law

Hi all, my name is Shekhar, I am a married 29 yr old living in Mumbai. I am going to share REAL stories that happened/happening between me and my Mother in law. I have been married for 2 yrs now, a happy married life. My wife is working in a middle school as a teacher. Ours is like an arranged marriage, we met for a couple of months to understand each other and our families were happy with us getting together. My wife is 25 yrs and she wants to study a higher degree to get a promotion to a high...

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Lonnie was running hard on the beach, sweating bullets. It was late on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend, and the sun was hot and the sky was high. Humid as hell, too. He was about halfway through his fourth mile, and in a few minutes he would be leaving the beach and getting back on the pavement. Then he would run the five blocks to his condo complex and jump in the pool. He loved running on the beach for several reasons. There was usually a breeze. The hard-packed sand was the...

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Janis the Vixtorioxx

Behind her sat the Queen, and beside her, was a low table empty save a set of gold scales balancing several gold sovereigns. One for each minister, Marcos, and Kaarthen now too, Janis, and the King’s Emissary in Mavvus. “Of course we all look forward to the many tournaments.” She started looking around at the ministers seated around the room in a crescent shaped table. “Every year is brutal, but the king wanted to add something to this year’s tournament for the title of ‘Blade...

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Janis & Her FatherbyDr Kink©Janis couldn't wait to get home. It was one of those days at the office; anything that could go wrong went wrong. It was up to her to straighten out the mess caused by others. She finished cleaning up all their problems and she did a good job of it she thought. She just wanted to go home, take her shoes off, and have a nice glass of wine.Janis was just sitting down in her favorite chair, shoes off, feet up, sipping a nice glass of Chardonnay, when there was a...

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Come Monday Part 2 of 2

Claire watched him fade into the horizon and already missed him. His handsome face, his loving kisses, his arms around her, his cock inside her, her body reaching places it had never been before. And her orgasms, oh God, the orgasms. They were like earthquakes in her soul.----They both spent the following week thinking about each other. Lonnie was there the next Monday and the sex was even better, even more uninhibited for two naked people on the beach. They did their first sixty-nine, and...

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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 4 Popping Manisha8217s Cherry

Manisha and I were left alone as Anisha went out to get some drinks. Manisha was now ready for a fuck and wanted me to be the one to take her virginity. We were turned on and we were completely wet. Her alluring body aroused me to the core and had set the mood for a raunchy encounter. I moved my hands up and started to squeeze her melons little roughly. She moaned and held my fingers and asked me to squeeze then hard. I took a little cream from the dining table on my palm. I gently applied them...

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Tanisha The Bomb Slut

Hello Friends, I’m Regular reader of this site but for now I want to share my experience. First of all I should describe myself; I’m very strong, not much muscular but athletic type of body and quite fair. I am 6 feet in height and having 7 inch long dick. When I was in 10th standard I used to be pretty shy type of guy but was very much attractive and was very good in studies. Teachers were very much impressed by me. I was also good in sports like swimming and cricket. All girls of my class...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 19 Monday Zee

Hepzibah, a harpy with a magical amulet that made her appear like an emaciated human woman, lay on my friend Monday’s bed caressing an egg that was about the size of a volleyball. I turned to Monday. “Damnit, Monday, I told you to wrap it up!” He looked back at me, eyes wide. “My girlfriend just laid an egg, and you’re going on about safe sex?!” Seven weeks ago... After Monday got out of the hospital, he picked up the antibiotics he had been prescribed to fight the strangely powerful...

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Alexa Chapter 34 Mondays

Alexa Chapter 34: Mondays God, I hate Mondays! I always have. I think everyone does. Getting back into the grind of everyday life was never any fun, but today was even worse. The events of the previous night cast a pall over not only my feelings but most of the state. Sure, the Vikings lost yet another NFC Championship, we were used to it. But the way they lost was so unlike the way the team had played all season was confounding. Add to that the sheer joy that had been created...

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Janis Wants To Be Watched

I finally looked up to survey the room. After struggling to hold the door open while pushing my laundry basket inside, I instantly felt my face blush as I recognized the woman who was folding her lingerie quietly in the otherwise empty room. It wasn’t the fact that her sexiest lingerie was strewn across the table between us that caused my mouth to lose the ability to utter a simple greeting; it was the fact that two nights before I had caught her touching herself while wearing the very skimpy...

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Manisha Bhabhi Ne Diya Pura Maja 8211 Part II

Hi Friends kese ho sab pahele to Sorry kahena chahunga ke kafi lambe time ke bad story likh raha hu uske liye par dosto me thoda busy tha vese jo muje nahi jante unke liye me batadeta hu ki I am Sunil 25 Male From Surat our mera mail address he har bar ki tarah bataiyega ki mere life ki ye ghatana kesi lagi Aapko. To dosto ye story he mere padosme rahene vali bhabhi manisha ki. manisha ek housewife he our uska figer 36-32-36 he thodisi faty he par he ek dam mast mall our complty free minde ki...

4 years ago
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Anish8217s Hot Encounter Poorva 8211 The Lonely Hungry Wife

Hello horny gentlemen and kinky ladies! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Anish, 28 years single man from Mumbai. An athletic built man. I am a regular reader of ISS and have submitted my previous experiences too. I would love it if you read them and let me know your feedback. All my submissions start with my name. Embrace yourself to feel the joy of my new steamy encounter. Set your dicks and pussies ready for an orgasmic journey. I request your pardon if you feel that the story is long. But...

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Anish8217s Luck Heather The Cougar

Hi, I am Anish, 28 years drugs and diseases free single man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Before I start the sex story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email This sex story is how I met a homely yet extrovert MILF through a dating site. Get ready to jerk and finger your...

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Anish8217s Beginning The School Time Love

Hi, I am Anish, 27 years drugs and diseases free man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen. Before I start the story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email (). This story is about me and my first girlfriend and how we lost our virginity. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas! I...

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Monday Nigh Football

This story is 100% true. The names of the guilty have not been changed because no one is guilty. Well, maybe we’re guilty of “ guilty pleasure “ and that’s not against the law just yet. My wife, Barbara, and I had been to a Cleveland Browns Monday night game and had stopped for a bite to eat after the game. We left the restaurant and were walking to where we had parked the car. As we walked between two buildings there was an alleyway that was probably 8 feet wide. Apparently, Barb had...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 27 Monday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Monday, December 6th. I guess today is Monday. When I went to bed last night, I didn’t even bother pretending to get into my own bed. I crawled straight in with Bec. She smiled and hugged me to her and then relaxed. Bec woke me in the middle of the night by shaking me and whispering in my ear. “Come on, wake up, wake up.” She kept shaking me until I groaned and she put her hand over my mouth. She...

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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolMonday part 2

Eventually we untangled ourselves, rearranging into a slightly less compromising position; I felt a sense of loss as his softening dick left me; I felt myself closing up behind him, as if trying to cling to him. Sometimes I wish we could just stay like that forever, him inside me; there is nothing to compare to it. But that wouldn't work very well. He turned me up on my side and lay down behind me, tucking the blanket around us, his arm around my waist, in easy reaching distance of my...

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Manish Gets Into Clothed Female Nude Male Medical Situation

*Guys, I’m a fantasy CFNM sex story writer, and I’m looking for inspiration to write more stories. If you have any CFNM ideas or experiences, please share below on comments and maybe I can write about it. Thanks, enjoy!* Dear Readers, I’m Manish Khanna, 27 y/o lawyer from Chandigarh practicing in Delhi. I also used to be a state-level swimmer during school and college, so I keep myself in a pretty good shape. For the past two years, I’ve been trying to bulk up my body and now I feel like I’m in...

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