NIS Pieces of SamPrologue Thursday Friday
- 3 years ago
- 21
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"Rise and shine, sleepy heads!" Josh's mom was waking us up and I really wanted to sleep more, but apparently she didn't want two teenagers camping out in her living room any longer than we had to. It was like 6:30 in the morning and waking up that early on a Saturday was unheard of for us, usually his mom just let us sleep until whenever.
"What are you gonna do today?" Josh asked me fifteen minutes later while we ate some scrambled eggs.
"I gotta rake the neighbors' yard," I shrugged. "What are you doing?"
"Nothing," Josh shrugged.
"You wanna help me?" I asked him. "They're going to pay me twenty bucks. I'll split it with you."
"Oh yeah?" he smiled at that. "Sure."
"No you don't," Mrs. Evans shook her head. "There's a big yard right outside, young man. You can rake that one."
"Mom!" Josh whined and I smiled at him.
"And save the leaves," she said. "Your father might be sleeping outside tonight if he doesn't come home soon."
"Dad's not home yet?" Josh grinned and that seemed like a bad idea, so I just ate my eggs.
"Not yet," the woman frowned and that explained her kind of bad mood. "And he'd better have a good reason for it."
Usually Mrs. Evans was pretty easy going, talkative too, but between waking us up and complaining about her husband, she'd hardly said a word. We'd thought it was because we'd woken her up when Josh was tickling me, but plainly she hadn't expected Josh's dad to stay out all night with his friends.
She looked a little rough too, as if Mrs. Evans hadn't gotten a good night's sleep. Josh's mom usually looked okay, like anybody else's mom, except mine I suppose. She was like almost forty or something and she'd been married before, the same as Josh's dad had been. Her brown hair had a little gray in it and she had a bit of a tummy going, but she looked alright mostly. Mrs. Evans wasn't unattractive, but she sure as heck wasn't a stripper either, put it that way.
On that particular morning though, Mrs. Evans looked kinda frazzled and her eyes were dark with bags, her usual smile non-existent and I figured I'd finish my breakfast and go home. She probably didn't need a guest right then and when Josh's dad came home, I thought she was going to have something to say to him.
I really hoped he'd run out of gas or something, you know?
"Oh!" I stopped short, barely three steps out the front door because Mr. Evans was standing right there in front of me.
"Sam! Hey. You're up early," he cleared his throat and looked a little nervous, as well he might, and I noticed he was avoiding my eyes. Like he didn't even want to look at me for some reason.
"Hi," I smiled at him. "I was just, um ... going home."
"Right. Yeah," he nodded and then looked at his house. "Is Linda awake?" he wondered, and that was Mrs. Evans' first name, of course.
"Yeah," I giggled, even though I shouldn't have. "I think she's waiting for you."
"With a frying pan, huh?" he chuckled and made a face.
"Hmmm..." I shrugged and I really didn't know what to say.
"Well, I better go inside and face the music," he said. "I'll see you later, Sam."
"Okay," I agreed. "Bye."
I guessed it must have been some party if it kept Mr. Evans out until seven the next morning, but he looked pretty fresh anyway. I mean, his sandy hair was dark and still wet from a shower it looked like, and he smelled like soap, not beer. His clothes were kinda wrinkled, but wherever that party had been, he'd been able to wash up afterwards. Maybe Josh's mom wouldn't get too mad at him, since Mr. Evans wasn't like falling down drunk or anything. He hadn't looked drunk at all, actually, just nervous.
It was none of my business anyway and I walked the three blocks to my house and let myself inside quietly.
My mom was asleep when I peeked into her bedroom. The door hadn't been completely closed, otherwise I wouldn't have looked at all, and it was obvious she'd had company. Not only because the bed was pretty messed up with the sheets pulled half-way off the mattress, but my mom was naked and on her tummy. She looked pretty warm too, kind of damp and sweaty, and the air was heavy and sort of humid with that weird sex smell. I'd smelled that before, believe me.
Whoever the guy had been, I figured I'd just missed him and that was okay with me. I covered Mom up with a sheet, frowning at some wet stains on it, and I knew she'd be passed out for most of the day. That was the problem with working all night and it kinda sucked only seeing her for maybe an hour or two every day after school. Weekends were a little better, but not much.
"Hmph," I found a couple hundred dollars on the dresser, the bills neatly folded in half and underneath a corner of Mom's jewelry box. At least the guy had been generous, that was cool. Sometimes they weren't.
I also found a couple condoms, the used kind, sorta wadded up in a couple tissues on the floor after I'd stepped on one. That was pretty gross and I had to pick them up, three of them, and the foil wrappers they'd been in too. My mom had taught me all about condoms when I was like eleven years old, or maybe I was ten. Anyway, I'd asked her what those funny things were in her purse and she'd explained how they go on a man's penis, even demonstrating with a jumbo hotdog in the kitchen and then letting me try it a couple times. Mom called them a girl's best friend.
I closed the bedroom door and seriously thought about going back to bed myself, but I figured I'd just change my clothes and go see Angie. It probably would take most of the day to rake her yard and the sooner I started, the sooner I'd be done. I'd call Josh up after that and we could hang out or something if his mom wasn't still mad at his dad. I wished he could come over to my house after dinner sometimes, but Mom was pretty strict about that and nobody was supposed to come inside if she was at work. I'd had a babysitter until I'd turned twelve, which was too old for that probably, but I think it was mostly just so someone would be there to keep me company by that time.
When I went to take a shower I found two wet towels on the floor and I frowned at that. The shower was still wet and obviously Mom hadn't been using it. Whoever the guy was, he could have at least picked up his towels, you know? We weren't running a hotel or anything and that reminded me that I had to do the laundry soon. Sometimes Mom did it, but mostly I had to and washing clothes was easy, but the ironing and folding was the part I hated. It was just the two of us anyway and if Josh couldn't hang out later, well, I'd have something to do after dinner.
It could be kinda lonely sometimes.
I dressed in some old jeans and they had holes in the knees, but I'd only be raking anyway, and a red Huskies sweatshirt that had been my mom's once. It was faded and too big for me, but really soft and I liked it. Once in awhile, not often, she'd try and get me to try on her other clothes. Like a thong or whatever, since those are one size fits all, supposedly. I'd just laugh though and she was okay, making like it didn't matter what I wore and letting it go. I guess I was lucky that way.
I left a note, just in case Mom woke up, and slipped outside.
"Hey Sammy!" Angela opened her door wearing a short bathrobe, the thin satin kind, all pink with white flowers on it, and I wondered if eight o'clock was too early to ring her doorbell, but it was too late by then.
"Hi," I smiled apologetically and I felt kinda dumb standing there holding a rake. None of the girls at school interested me much, at least no more than some of the boys did, but I'd liked Angie since the first time I saw her. She was different than everybody else and I didn't know why.
"You brought your rake," she laughed lightly. "Cool. You want to come in?"
"Yeah, um ... I didn't know if you had one or not," I explained as I stepped into the house. "Do you have garbage bags or something?"
"Maybe," the blonde girl said. "I'm making some tea. You want some?"
"I guess. Okay," I shrugged, kicking off my boots, and I looked around the house as we walked through it.
The first thing I noticed was the smell, you know? Maybe it's just me, but everybody's house smells differently. Angie's house smelled like girls. I mean, it just smelled like flowers or something. Perfume, I guess. Or maybe they just had a thing for air freshener. Anyway, it wasn't bad and after awhile I got used to it. I wondered what my house smelled like.
The place was nice enough, but kind of cluttered with books and magazines. There were framed posters on the walls, mostly old movies like Casablanca and Dracula, and some actors and singers and stuff like that. The furniture was old and well-used, but clean anyway. They had a big blue beanbag chair, that was pretty cool, and an aquarium with angel fish in it, a small television on a metal stand, and the stereo was already on, playing some dance music, but not very loud or anything. Three college girls shared the house, so I guessed that was how it should look.
"I have some bagels too," Angie smiled over her shoulder. "Do you like cream cheese?"
"I don't know," I said, smiling back at her as we stood in the kitchen.
"I love the stuff," she giggled. "But I think it makes me fat. Do I look fat to you?"
I blinked at the girl as she sorta pulled her robe open at the hips, leaving her breasts mostly covered, but exposing her flat tummy and thin waist. She wore tight pink panties with a little white bow in the front. I could see some light brown hair curling around the edges as Angie shifted her weight from one leg to the other and they were really long. Her legs, I mean. They were pale and smooth and she was a tall woman, like 18 or maybe even 19 years old, and definitely not fat at all. She was thin all over except for her boobs which were pretty obviously nice sized, even hidden under her bathrobe
"No. You look really, uh ... nice." I swallowed hard and looked away from her, feeling my face burning and I knew I must have been pretty red.
"Good!" Angie smiled at my reaction and I figured it was a girl thing. Like it wasn't a big deal and my mom was the same way, sorta, but it still seemed kinda weird to me. "You can take off your coat. Just put it on a chair."
"Okay," I agreed, happy to have something else to do besides stare at her, and she started fixing some cups for us while I shrugged out of my army coat.
"That's a pretty cool jacket," Angie said. "Where'd you get it?"
"What? My army coat? Oh, uh ... It was my dad's," I told her. "A long time ago."
"Oh," she nodded at that. "He was in the army, huh? Do you want sugar or anything?"
"I never had tea," I laughed nervously.
"Really?" Angie smiled at that. "Okay. I'll fix it for you then. I like it with honey. It's good."
"Yeah, my dad was in the army," I answered her previous question and kinda looked around.
The kitchen looked like anybody's kitchen, I guess, but it smelled sweet. Like apple cider kinda and that was a smell that went pretty good with the dark wood cabinets and all the countertops were like little reddish-orange tiles. If it wasn't for a big silver refrigerator and a green stove, the place would have looked really old fashioned. The table was old, one of those heavy country kitchen ones, all scarred and beat-up, but looking cool because of it. I liked stuff like that, just because it looked like people really used it.
"Where's he at now?" Angie asked as she placed a cup in front of me. "It's just you and your mom next door, right?"
"Yeah. Just us," I agreed. "My dad, he was killed, um, before I was born, so ... I never knew him or anything."
"Oh." Angie looked genuinely sad and she put a hand on my shoulder, kind of rubbing me gently as I sat there. "I'm sorry, Sam. I shouldn't have asked."
"Nah. It's okay," I said, looking up at her as she stood next to me. "It's just what happened. He didn't even know my mom was pregnant."
"He didn't?" she sighed and I felt her fingernails moving through my hair, lightly scratching at my neck. It felt sort of nice, not ticklish or anything, but I wasn't really comfortable. Most people didn't touch other people like that and it seemed strange.
"I guess it was kind of an accident she got pregnant or something," I shrugged and Angie moved her hand. "He came home for a couple weeks, after boot camp or whatever, and then he went to the Gulf someplace and ... Just didn't ever come back."
"Yeah," Angie nodded and she was finally sitting down at the table with me.
"They were gonna get married," I said and I didn't know why I was telling her all this.
I hadn't ever told anybody, except Josh and I hadn't told him everything all at once. It kind of felt good to do it, you know? Probably I couldn't have said all this to someone I really knew, if that makes sense. It was better somehow to tell Angie because she didn't really know anything else about me.
"Why didn't they get married before he left?"
"Cause my mom was still in high school," I smiled self-consciously, but there wasn't much of anything to be embarrassed about. "She was like barely sixteen. My dad was eighteen already and after Mom graduated they were gonna get married and all that."
"So they were sweethearts, huh?" Angie smiled at me, leaning on her left elbow and touching my thigh with her right hand, just stroking me lightly while we talked. That was kind of nice and I didn't mind it.
"Yeah," I smiled back at her. "But then she found out she was pregnant and then my dad died like right after that..."
"That's so sad," Angie sighed.
" ... and her parents didn't want her to keep me," I said. "They lived in a small town and all that. Orchard Falls? You know where that is?
"Nope," she gave me a tiny shrug and a smile.
"Yeah, me neither," I nodded. "I've never been there or anything. I don't know. They pick apples mostly. I mean, my mom's family. Like migrant workers?"
"Oh, okay." Angie nodded and probably I was just boring her.
"Anyway, Mom left that place and came here, to Seattle, and that's kinda it. Here we are."
"Here you are," she said and we just kind of looked at each other for a half-minute. "Thank you, Sam."
"For what?"
"For telling me that," Angie gave my thigh a squeeze. "For telling me about you."
"Uh, okay," I blushed a little and didn't really know what to say after that.
"Oh! Bagels!" Angie grinned and started getting up. "Let me get those and try your tea. Tell me if you like it or not."
"Yeah, it's good," I told her after taking a sip and I found out why the kitchen smelled like apple cider. "It tastes like apples, kinda."
"That's what it is!" she said. "Apple cinnamon. It's good, huh? Supposed to be healthy too, but who knows, right?"
"Yeah," I shrugged. "Um ... Where's your roommates?"
"Oh! They took off all weekend with their boyfriends," she made a face. "Don't ask me why."
"Why?" I giggled and Angie put her hands on her hips and gave me a playful pout.
"Because I wouldn't have a clue," she laughed and popped open the microwave without waiting for it to buzz.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" I wondered and she gave me a curious look. "I mean, I'm just wondering. You know."
"Nope. No boyfriend yet," she said with a grin. "I never really wanted one."
"Really?" I narrowed my eyes because I wasn't sure what that meant. She was very pretty, even standing there without any makeup or nice clothes or whatever. Angie could get a boyfriend in two seconds if she wanted, probably even faster than that.
"Really," she smiled back at me, placing a plate with two bagels on the table. "How about you?"
"Me? Uh, no. I don't have a boyfriend or anything," I replied, watching as Angie spread some of that cream cheese stuff on the bagels. They smelled good too, like bread sorta, but different. Yeasty kinda.
"Do you want one?" she asked me and I laughed at that, blushing and not sure if I even knew the answer.
"I don't know," I decided. "I guess I haven't thought about it very much."
"Here. Try one of these," she said, pushing the plate a little closer to me. "You're really cute, Sam. I like that look, you know?"
"My look?" I smiled at her.
"Yeah," she agreed, picking at one of the bagels with her fingers. "You're different. You have your own thing going."
"Oh. I don't know," I shrugged. "I just, um ... I like to look like, uh..."
"Like a boy?" Angie lifted her eyebrows and smiled. I thought she was teasing me and I bit my lip. "It's okay. I like it. You make a really cute boy."
"Right!" I rolled my eyes and I was sure she was teasing me now.
"I'm serious!" she said. "Here. You didn't try any of your bagel yet."
"Oh, um..." I didn't have much choice but to open my mouth as Angie tore off a piece and brought it to my lips.
She smiled at me as she put it gently into my mouth, like placing it on my tongue. I chewed the bagel slowly and nodded. The bread part was almost sweet, but the cheese was kinda sweet and sour, or something. Angie touched my lips with her fingertip, kind of rubbing around my mouth as I sat frozen, unsure of what was going on. She'd gathered a little cream cheese on her finger from my lips and I watched as she brought the finger to her own mouth and sucked it clean, sorta sliding it between her pinkish lips and then pulling it slowly out.
"I love that stuff," she said softly. "Don't you, Sam?"
"Uh, yeah," I swallowed hard.
"Here..." she scooped a little off her own bagel with her wet finger and smiled at me, " ... Try some more."
"I don't know," I crossed my eyes at her finger and Angie touched it to my lips and then she was sliding her finger between them.
"You have to lick it too," she breathed. "Get all the cream cheese off. Yeah. See?"
I didn't know what we were doing, but I did as she told me. What else could I do? I licked at it, kind of flicking my tongue under and around the girl's long finger to get the cheese off, and after ten seconds maybe, Angie pulled it back out. I could feel the cheese melting in my mouth, taste it kind of creamy and tangy sweet, and there was still a little bit of white on her finger, so Angie licked it clean, using her tongue like it was a lollipop while I stared at her.
Monday morning I didn't want to look in my mom's bedroom. I didn't know if she was alone or not, but I was afraid of finding Mr. Evans in there, you know? I was kind of done being mad anyway and maybe I shouldn't have been mad in the first place, I wasn't sure. Just being with Angie had helped a lot and I'd spent most of Sunday afternoon and night at her place, but we hadn't made out or anything. We'd just made friends with each other. I did look though, opening the door slowly and...
Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding Our doorbell was ringing and that was weird. Nobody ever rang our doorbell. Nobody ever came over, except Josh maybe, but it was barely three-thirty. He'd still be at school, or walking home maybe and he wouldn't ring it anyway. Angie might ring the doorbell, but she went to college until like four or something. "It's that woman from the news," I decided and we'd kind of forgotten about her. "What was that about anyway?" Mom wondered and she was getting off...
Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. The sixth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). A computer error placed Gina in a course she hated but if Mike mentored her, would she like his course any better? ? ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? NIS PP 7 Mike & Gina ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take...
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NIS PP 2: Mitzi’s rehabilitation ? Synopsis ? After her terrible thrashing under the new laws and her subsequent ordeal at the hands of her mentor, Mitzi is given to a boy in the ‘Gifted Pupil Fast Track’ programme who enlists the help of a near human doll to aid her recovery. A sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? ? Naked In School Punishment Programme ? 2 Mitzi’s Rehabilitation ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story...
NIS Punishment Programme: 5 Rob & Jill Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. Jill, a smart but arrogant rich girl, caught in an act of vandalism, is given to a lone intellectual student to mentor her behaviour. The fourth sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 5 Rob...
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NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...
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"Do you want to get something to drink?" Angela asked me, and we'd kinda slowed down. It was almost eleven o'clock according to the clock-radio on the nightstand near her bed and we'd been making out for two hours at least. It seemed like two minutes. "Yeah," I agreed and smiled a little sheepishly. "I think I have to use the bathroom too." "Me too," she giggled. "We can have some lunch, okay? You can stay, right?" "Um, for a little bit," I nodded and I didn't know why I...
"Ummm ... Hmmphhh ... Ohhhh..." I woke up to the sound of my mom moaning loudly above the muffled squeaking of her bed. It took me a couple seconds of blinking and looking around in the dark, and I was momentarily confused because I could have sworn Angie was with me. We'd been naked and I'd been on top of her again, like I'd been after Mom had left for work, except this time I'd been touching her pussy with mine. I mean, like on the inside, you know? My pussy had been inside hers...
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NIS Punishment Programme: New Laws Synopsis The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life.Naked In School Punishment Programme: 1 New Laws by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal...
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I finally looked up to survey the room. After struggling to hold the door open while pushing my laundry basket inside, I instantly felt my face blush as I recognized the woman who was folding her lingerie quietly in the otherwise empty room. It wasn’t the fact that her sexiest lingerie was strewn across the table between us that caused my mouth to lose the ability to utter a simple greeting; it was the fact that two nights before I had caught her touching herself while wearing the very skimpy...
ExhibitionismHi Friends kese ho sab pahele to Sorry kahena chahunga ke kafi lambe time ke bad story likh raha hu uske liye par dosto me thoda busy tha vese jo muje nahi jante unke liye me batadeta hu ki I am Sunil 25 Male From Surat our mera mail address he har bar ki tarah bataiyega ki mere life ki ye ghatana kesi lagi Aapko. To dosto ye story he mere padosme rahene vali bhabhi manisha ki. manisha ek housewife he our uska figer 36-32-36 he thodisi faty he par he ek dam mast mall our complty free minde ki...
Hello horny gentlemen and kinky ladies! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Anish, 28 years single man from Mumbai. An athletic built man. I am a regular reader of ISS and have submitted my previous experiences too. I would love it if you read them and let me know your feedback. All my submissions start with my name. Embrace yourself to feel the joy of my new steamy encounter. Set your dicks and pussies ready for an orgasmic journey. I request your pardon if you feel that the story is long. But...
Hi, I am Anish, 28 years drugs and diseases free single man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Before I start the sex story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email This sex story is how I met a homely yet extrovert MILF through a dating site. Get ready to jerk and finger your...
Hi, I am Anish, 27 years drugs and diseases free man from Mumbai. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories dot net and like to read various experiences. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen. Before I start the story, I would like to tell you all that please feel free to drop in your feedback on my email (). This story is about me and my first girlfriend and how we lost our virginity. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas! I...
*Guys, I’m a fantasy CFNM sex story writer, and I’m looking for inspiration to write more stories. If you have any CFNM ideas or experiences, please share below on comments and maybe I can write about it. Thanks, enjoy!* Dear Readers, I’m Manish Khanna, 27 y/o lawyer from Chandigarh practicing in Delhi. I also used to be a state-level swimmer during school and college, so I keep myself in a pretty good shape. For the past two years, I’ve been trying to bulk up my body and now I feel like I’m in...
Author’s note: Chapter 3 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 03 ‘ ‘Steal Your Face!’ ‘ Amber announced happily, looking up at the round window near the apex of east side of the roof. She wasn’t lying about liking the Grateful Dead. I had filled the window with a frivolous stained glass ode to The Dead. A purple and red skull with a lightning bolt across the top. It was from the mid-70s album that Amber so accurately named. ‘It fits, doesn’t it,’ I...
Author’s note: Chapter 11 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 11 The smell of coffee woke me from my uncomfortable slumber. Amber was in the kitchen, once again in my robe. She smiled when she saw me sit up. ‘Lizzy is still asleep,’ she whispered and pointed to the porch door. I stood, stretched some couch kinks out of my muscles and followed her and the coffee to the porch. She handed me a cup when I sat down. ‘Good morning,’ Amber said when she...
Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...
Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...
Hello dear iss readers have been an avid reader of iss quite sometime and enjoy reading all those fantasies so called true story. Well I have too my true sex experience which I m sharing with u. I am vikas. That very time my age is 20 years old and I am living in JAIPUR.I m 5.7’talk fair good looking guy. Here I am going to tell about my first sex experience with my neighbor. Her name is manisha. She is very beautiful. She is 20 year old .she is studying with me in the same college because we...
I am Raju aged 19. I am staying with my uncle in a posh apartment in Chennai. I am studying for Hotel Management course and was doing my training at one of the five star hotels in Chennai. I used to go to a Gymnasium.I was very good at swimming also and definitely I am a handsome young boy with well-built body and my cock was really 8.5" long and is really fat. It was rigid like an iron rod when it is in erected position. I know that to boy aged 18 that size was very rare. Here I am narrating...
Hi! I am Anish. 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Do read my previous submissions too. start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me. It’s worth reading. This part is a...
Hi! I am Anish, 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. This is my real experience. Do read too. All my stories start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me, it’s worth...
Dear readers, this is a story about my experiences with Nisha, my little one. My name is Saheb Sahebji. I am young, 6 feet tall, slim with a strong well-built physique. I am a commercial artist by profession. When my story "Ramu and Cassie" appeared on the web I received several e- mails asking me to tell them the circumstances in which Nisha (Cassie"s best friend) lost her cherry. "Aapke annurodh per main yeh katha sunata hoon (At your request, I narrate this story)." A few words about...
Dear Readers, Thanks for the tremendous response to the previous part. Your enthusiastic response keeps me going to share more experiences on this forum. For those who want to read the previous part it is on the link above: Now continuing with the story: I woke up in the morning around 7 a.m Nisha was still in deep sleep. I loved watching her naked body while she is asleep and I spent 15 minutes doing so after which I moved out of the room and called Ravi. Ravi was very excited hearing about...
Hi Doston, this is another story I would like to tell you. A lovely lustful adventure of dad and daughter… Rajesh is a 48 years old guy, working as a manager for one of the reputed banks. His family consisted of his wife Savitri (45) and two beautiful daughters Nisha (23) who's married now and Esha(21) who's marriage is fixed. Although Rajesh was 48, he looked 35 as he exercised regularly. His wife Savitri didnt let him down either, she maintained herself very well joining Rajesh in his...
IncestFeminisation 101 Having been a reader of Fictionmania for many years I have finally been driven to the need to write about the feminisation process, be it voluntary or forced. I am tired of the five or six line feminisations, so beloved of many authors. These are of the form: "I (she) covered my body with cream and a few minutes later in the shower all my body hair disappeared down the drain I put on filmy nylon panties and then a bra or being laced into a very tight corset...
Denise's Summer of SlaveryDenise's father walked in on her while she wastaking a shower. Opening the shower door he pulled her out soaking wet. Shefell into his arms without a fight and he kissed her forehead. Denise was sixteen. Her father had been sexually molesting her since shewas eleven. It was the family secret that no one else knew, not even her motheror her two brothers. But that would soon change. Denise's father ran his hands over her breastsas he spoke. "Your mother and I will be...
Hi readers, this is Satish from Hyderabad. This actually started 2 years ago when I was in my junior college 2nd year in Hyderabad. My parents stay in Dubai, but they want to settle finally in India, so they wanted my education to go on in India itself. I use to stay in a hostel nearby our college. I wanted to change the hostel and I was searching for a small flat or room. One day I saw an ad in a classified page, that a house is available for rent in a very nearer area to my college. It was a...
It was a hot summer day. I had taken leave from office for some personal work. When I returned home it was around 2.30 pm. The summer sky was like an invisible dragon breathing out fire from its nostrils. The road was almost empty. Our apartment was also looking lifeless. I was relieved after reaching the inside of the building and started my way up thru the cool semi-dark stairs. My apartment was in the 2nd floor. When I was approaching the landing of the first floor, suddenly I heard the...
Author’s note: Chapter 1 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. Thank you Lori for talking me out of not throwing this away. If it sucks, at least I have someone to point at and say ‘It’s her fault.’ That is too much pressure. If it sucks, it’s my own fault. ***** Treasure hunting is my favorite pastime. Some people like antiques, some cars and others collect stamps. I could think of no better way to spend my Saturday morning than digging through the scrap glass bins at Stained...
Hi Friends, I am back to narrate another adventure with Nisha the sexy and beautiful housewife from Bangalore. This is a new story and does not relate to the past but still if you want to read the earlier story you can search on Indian sex stories site with title “Cuckold Hubby Ravi, Sexy Wife Nisha”. The story is in 5 parts and I have got a tremendous response to those stories. I would like to thank all the readers who took the effort to mail me for sharing my real life experience. I am now...
Nisha mere chhote bhai Rupam ki wife hai. Nisha kafi sundar mahila hai. Uska badan ooparwale ne kafi tasalli se tarash kar banaya hai. Mai Shivam uska jeth hoon. Meri shaadi ko dus saal ho chuke hain. Nisha shuru se hi mujhe kafi achchhi lagti thi. Mujhse wo kafi khuli hui thi. Rupam ek UK based company me service karta tha. Haan batana to bhul hi gaya Nisha ka maika Nagpur me hai aur hum Jalandhar based hain. Aj se koi paancj saal pahle ki bat hai. Hua yun ki shadi k ek saal baad hi Nisha...
Author’s note: Chapter 5 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 05 ‘We’ll start you with a suncatcher,’ I said excitedly. We were in my workshop and I had a willing apprentice. It didn’t hurt that she was also gorgeous and liked the Grateful Dead. I went to the file cabinet where I stored patterns. I was way past using store-bought myself, but never threw them away. Sometimes they even offered ideas, things I hadn’t thought of myself. I pulled out the...
It’s me Rajiv again. First of all, I would like to thank this website for creating a new phase in my life. It has helped me meet many amazing people, win new friends and changed the way I think about relationships. After writing several stories, I am trying to come up with a sex story from a women’s perspective. This sex story is purely based on imagination and I only wish that it comes true one day. This sex story is about Nisha. After going through a couple of my stories Nisha dropped a note...
They left his car and hiked up a steep, five kilometer trail to a vista overlooking the Celtic Sea. She struggled to keep up with him, as he took long easy strides. She stumbled, and he turned around. “You okay? Do we need to slow down?” “Why don’t you ever sweat, Alan Trywick?” she asked. “I’m sweating like a pig, and you’re carrying on like it’s a stroll in the park.” She wiped her brow and took a rest. The bright sun shone in a crystal clear sky on an unseasonably warm, mid-June day on the...
Love StoriesHello friends, am back with another story which of my friend Nisha. Well I am a beginner right now so would appreciate your feedback and inputs to improve. You can email me at Well Nisha is a high society woman, married to a rich business tycoon and lives in Delhi. She got gorgeous figure and do what every rich woman do to be fit and slim. She’s 29 years old, 5’10 height, 36C boobs size, and always wear a tight fit dress to show her well maintained figure over the dress. Rajeev (her husband)...
Hi friends..,thanks for your response to last story. Meri last story m mene aap ko bataya ki kese mene meri aunty ki mast chudai ki.Jis ne meri story nahi padi wo is link se pahle use padh le.. Story padhane k bad kisi bahi bahabhi,aunty or girls ko sex karna ho wo free ho k contact kare Ab story pe aata hu..Jesa ki mene aap ko bataya ki mene nisha aunty ki chudai mere room pe ki…Fir jab bahi hme mauka milta ham mast wild...
Sumitra aur Nisha Khan Mera naam Sumitra hai. Mujhe log Sumi kah kar bulate hain. Meri umar 38 saal, rang gora aur aur body ek dam slim. Main Surat ki rahne wali hoon. Mere pati bahut hi amir businessman the. 2 saal pahle hi unka ek exident mein swargwas ho gaya tha. Maine 32-33 saal ki umar tak unse chudwa kar khoob maza leti thi. Uske baad mujhe na jane kya hua ki wo mujhe chodne ke baad jab 30-35 min mein jhadne wale hote tab kahin ja kar mujhe thoda thoda josh aana shuru hota tha aur main...
Hello dosto mera naam rahul hai (name changed) aur main iss ka bht bda fan hu . Mujhe incest aur rishton mein sex krna bht pasand hai. Meri umar 23 ki hai aur we’ll settle hu. Aap sab ne meri pehli story “nisha ka nasha “ ko khub pyaar diya . Is story mein apko btane ja raha hu kaise meri pyari sexy nisha massi mere ahosh mein aayi aur kaise maine unki choot ka ras chakha . Mera lund 5.5 inch ka hai aur 1.5 inch mota hai . Jo log naye hai unhe meri jaan nisha k bare mein bta du uski umar 29...