Cornish Cliffs free porn video

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They left his car and hiked up a steep, five kilometer trail to a vista overlooking the Celtic Sea. She struggled to keep up with him, as he took long easy strides. She stumbled, and he turned around. “You okay? Do we need to slow down?”

“Why don’t you ever sweat, Alan Trywick?” she asked. “I’m sweating like a pig, and you’re carrying on like it’s a stroll in the park.” She wiped her brow and took a rest. The bright sun shone in a crystal clear sky on an unseasonably warm, mid-June day on the Cornish north coast. She had taken her sweater off, and was wearing only her sun dress.

He laughed, his long easy laugh. “You’re out of shape. You don’t get out enough in that crowded city of yours, except to eat or drink. When you move back here to be with me, we’ll take care of that.”

They continued up the path, to a secluded place they had discovered years ago. It was difficult to get to, making it theirs alone. The granite outcropping that formed these spectacular, rugged cliffs didn’t support much vegetation, so there was little shade to be found. Normally, that was a good thing, as the winds whipping over the frigid waters below made the sunshine a valuable commodity. They made it to their spot; a high shelf with a granite protrusion above it. The shelf was larger than the protrusion, so they could choose to be in the sun or the shade, depending on the weather. He laid out his blanket to sit on, then took out some water bottles from his backpack.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve been here,” she said, wistfully.

“Not for me,” he said in a low voice. Suddenly, he caught himself and brightened up again. It wouldn’t do to get morose. She didn’t like it, and anyway, they had far too little time to waste that way. He was naturally upbeat, and that was one of the many things she loved about him.

The view was absolutely spectacular. Every year tonnes of granite fell into the waters below from these cliffs, as the sedimentary rock around the granite eroded. As a result, huge boulders littered the beaches several hundred meters below. The waves crashed over and around them.

Her phone dinged, announcing the arrival of a text message. They were surprised that it would work here. He snatched the phone from her hand, jumped up and ran to the edge of the shelf, then flung it as far as he could into the waters below. She jumped up and ran to him. He had both hands behind him.

“Give it,” she said, reaching her arms around him to try to get the phone.

“Sorry, it’s gone,” he said with his big smile.

“No, it’s not. Give it,” she said, trying to reach his hands. He moved his arms, but she finally grabbed his wrists and held them, working down to his hands. It wasn’t in his hands, so she started reaching for his back pockets, but now he held her wrists. Suddenly, he kissed her on the lips. She pulled away and he laughed again. Nobody could be mad when he laughed, it was the loveliest laugh in the world. He handed her the phone.

“I suppose that was Carver,” he said.

“His name’s Gordon. You know that.”

“No, it’s not, Lorna Doone. He’s the evil Carver, destined to force you to marry him.”

“And I suppose you’re my gallant Jan Ridd, who will save the day?” she said.

He bowed and said, “At your service, mi’lady.”

She looked at her text, then put the phone away. They talked the afternoon away, enjoying the weather and the view. He brought out bread, cheese, cakes and a thermos of tea from his backpack. After they ate, he lay with his head in her lap as she caressed his short hair. He read her an old poem that she didn’t remember hearing before, Cornish Cliffs. It was a perfect description of this place, this day.

Those moments, tasted once and never done,
Of long surf breaking in the mid-day sun…

As he read, she watched his mouth. His stubble, not yet full enough to wear a mustache, as he wished he might. The cool, clear, olive colored skin that never seemed to break a sweat. The fine features, almost feminine in their perfection and daintiness.

And in the shadowless, unclouded glare
Deep blue above us fades to whiteness where
A misty sea-line meets the wash of air…..

For some inexplicable reason, as she watched his mouth reading the poem, she wished nothing more than to kiss it. They had been friends since childhood, but only friends. They had shared many adventures when young, and had shared many deep discussions as they grew, but they had never been lovers. They had never shared a passionate kiss, though they had wrestled sometimes as lovers do. It was odd that she was affected thus today.

They met on the moors when they were eleven. He was Ivanhoe, storming the castle of Torquilstone with a stick, his sword. When Alis appeared, she immediately became the lovely Rowena that he was to save from the dastardly de Bracey. From that point on, they were inseparable, from one adventure to the next. One day he is Lancelot and she is Guinevere; the next he sails the HMS Lydia, fighting the Spaniards with Lady Wellesley on board. Then he is Don Quixote and she is Dulcienea. One day he makes an improvised bow and becomes Robin Hood, rescuing the fair Maid Marian from the evil sheriff of Nottingham. Alis adores Alan, and follows him everywhere, in all of his adventures.

Both of them assume that they will eventually marry. When they turn sixteen, Alis meets Gordon, who is two years older, and falls madly in love with him. She eventually loses her virginity to him. Gordon goes to university, leaving Alis alone. She uses Alan as a confidante, agonizing over Gordon’s absence. Alis follows Gordon to university. When she graduates, two years later than Gordon, she assumes they’ll move back to Cornwall. But Gordon will never move back. He loves the city, and he hates Cornwall. Alis takes a job teaching in the city.

When he finishes the poem, they sit silent for a while. She is moved by the view, and the poem, and Alan reading the poem.

“That poem was written for this day, this spot,” she says.


They sat silently, his head still in her lap. Then he got up and said, “The sun will be down by the time we get back to the car, if we leave now,” he said. “Let’s go.”

He bundled up their stuff and and put it in the backpack. Alis pulled him to her and kissed him on the lips, softly. They had kissed many times. Usually playfully, often with true love for each other, but not the kiss that only lovers share. This kiss was different than past kisses. It wasn’t ardent or passionate. It was a soft, tender kiss, yet held the promise of more. She held his lower lip between her lips gently, pulling his lip as she pulled away.

“Why?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Just felt like it,” she said, quietly.

“Okay, anytime.”



“Why are you still single? You’re the most beautiful person I know. I should think the girls here would see that.”

“There’s only one girl for me,” he said softly, looking away.

Alis felt guilty that she spent so much time with Alan. He should be freed for another woman, but she couldn’t bear giving him up. He filled a need in her life that nobody else ever would, certainly not Gordon. Alan made her feel beautiful and happy, and in love with herself and with life. He made every day seem an adventure, and every dream achievable. Every time they talked, he told her how special and beautiful she was, and made her believe it. Even when she was in the city, they chatted on-line constantly. She wanted him to have happiness, but she dreaded the day when he would find a lover and leave her life. She knew it wouldn’t be the same, once he did. She would never leave Gordon, he was the only man she had ever had. But she would never voluntarily give up what she had with Alan, either.

When she was with Gordon, she felt insecure, about her looks, about their relationship, about everything. She wasn’t the same person in the city. He teased her about her weight, and when she moped, he laughed at her and told her to “lighten up,” that he was only kidding. She wasn’t a stick like some of the other girls her age, and she never would be, but Alan had convinced her that she was perfect as she was.

Alan loved everything about her body; her large breasts, her fair skin, her blue eyes. She had made the mistake of telling him once how hurt she had been when Gordon teased her about her weight. Alan loathed Gordon in any case, but that day he would have killed him if he had seen him. He didn’t like anybody saying anything negative about Alis.

They had dinner at their favorite pub. They arrived at Alis’ home by nine, and they clung together outside, taking a very long time to say goodbye, as they always did.

“I have to work tomorrow. See you after work? About six?”

“O.K.,” Alis said.

She talked to her mum for a while, then went to her room and called Gordon. They talked a while, but Gordon had to go to work early the next morning, so they said their goodbyes.

Alan picked her up a little after six and drove her up to the cliffs. They walked out to the overlook. The waves below crashed loudly on the shore. She shivered in the cold wind, and he held her. They ran back to the car and sat inside, talking. After a couple of hours, he took her home.

They held each other at her front door.

“Love you,” he said.

“Love you too. See you tomorrow?”

“I’ll call.”

He had always assumed they would marry. But he had never made his move. When Gordon entered the picture unexpectedly, it was too late.

The next day, he called at one in the afternoon. “Let’s go riding,” he said. “I’ll pick you up.”

He loaded two bikes on the bike rack attached to his car, packed up waters, food and a blanket, and went to Alis’ house. She came out and they set off. They drove south across the peninsula and parked, then rode past one tourist filled beach after another. Mid-afternoon, they decided to take a walk on the beach to find a place to rest and eat. They locked the bikes and set off.

The “Cornish Riviera” was beautiful this time of year. The sand was like sugar. The brilliant blue sky had only a few big puffy white clouds. They found a secluded beach with a tidal pool. Several of the beaches on the south coast had deep, man-made tidal pools that were crowded with tourists, but this one was isolated. These natural tidal pools formed occasionally. They had never seen this one. Alan took off his shoes and walked into the pool. The water was less than two meters deep, so it didn’t take long for the sun to warm the frigid water, once the tide had gone out.

“It’s warm,” he said. “Let’s go swimming.”

“I didn’t bring a suit.”

“Neither did I,” he said, as he stripped off his clothes. She turned her head. After he got in, he said, “Come on in, it’s lovely.”

She went behind some bushes, took off her clothes and wrapped the blanket around her. As she got to the edge of the water, she said, “turn your head.” Then she dropped the blanket and walked in, kneeling down to cover her nudity. They had skinny dipped together dozens of times before. When she jumped in, he swum to her and they splashed and played. They used the blanket to dry, then dressed and rode back to the car.

“My mum wants me to go with her to Tavistock tomorrow to visit my grammy. I won’t be home til late, so I can’t see you tomorrow.”

“Damn! I have a week to see you, and it’s more than half gone already. Why don’t you move back here forever?”

“Sorry, I have to go see my grammy. I’ll see you day after tomorrow.”

The real reason her mum wanted her to go was so she had a chance to spend time with her, not with her grandmother. She was spending a whole week of her holiday at home, but she was rarely there, other than to sleep and shower. She was visiting friends all the time, mostly Alan. They had long talks at the station, and on the train riding to and from her grandmother’s house. They had a lovely dinner in Tavistock before coming home. They arrived back at about nine. Alis called Gordon, then went to bed early and read.

She heard something on the window and looked up. There it was again. She turned off the lamp and looked out. A torch shone in her face, then it turned on the holder. It was Alan.

“What’s he doing out there?” she wondered. She put a robe over her nightie and put on her slippers, then tip-toed down the stairs. Her parent’s bedroom door was closed. They would be asleep by now. She opened the door just wide enough to slip through, and closed it behind her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I missed you, and wanted to talk.”

You can’t. My parents are asleep, you’ll wake them.”

“Not if we talk quietly in your room.”

He was chattering. He’d ridden his bike, and the evening was very blustery. Even summer evenings on the North Coast could be quite bitter, especially with a stiff wind off the sea. The cold wind was like needles on her bare legs, below her robe.

“Take off your shoes and follow me,” she whispered. “Be very quiet.”

She took his hand and guided him slowly through the dark house, up the stairs and into her room. Closing the door behind her, he took off his jacket and they sat on the edge of the bed in the dim lamplight.

“What is it that couldn’t wait til tomorrow?” she asked.

“You. You leave in two days, I wanted to see you.”

They sat talking quietly. The wind was very strong against the drafty windows, and the room grew cold.

“I’m cold,” she whispered.

“Get under the covers,” he said.

She took off her slippers and lay down, pulling the covers up to her chin.

“Why don’t you move back here? You know you prefer living here. You can get a teaching job nearby, and we can be together.”

They had been through this a thousand times. Gordon wouldn’t even discuss moving back.

“I can’t,” she said, though she desperately wanted to. She missed living near her family, and she did miss Alan and her other friends. In the city, they spent all their time with Gordon’s workmates and their girlfriends or wives. They were nice, but she didn’t have close friends in the city. “I can get another job here, but Gordon could never find as good a job.”

“Leave him,” Alan pleaded. “You know you were meant for me, anyway.”

She didn’t say anything. They sat silent for a while, then he cheered up and they talked some more. Soon, he grew cold. He took off his shirt and started to pull down his pants.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m going to get under the covers.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Don’t worry, I’m a gentleman. Anyway, you’ve got two layers of protection.”

He pulled up the covers to his chin and snuggled up against her for warmth. He slipped his hand under her robe and held the back of her thigh.

“Aaggh, your hands are freezing,” she said, pulling her leg away from him. “Fat lot of good my ‘two levels of protection’ are doing.”

“Yes, I know my hands are cold. That’s where you come in. You’re nice and warm.”

She held his hands in hers to warm them, and to keep him from putting them elsewhere.

“Want me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asked.

“Yes!” She loved his stories. They were always original, and always about her. What was most impressive, he always made them up on the spot, as he went along. He was a great story teller.

She lay on her back, looking up into his eyes. He lay on his side, facing her, his head perched in his hand, looking down into her eyes.

“Once upon a time, offshore between Land’s End and the Scillies Isle, there existed a land called Lyonesse. It was ruled by an evil tyrant called Gordian.”

The heavy in his stories often had a name that sounded like Gordon.

“Living in that land was a poor blacksmith named Awen, and a lovely maiden named Alyssia. She was a beautiful lass, and the poor blacksmith was quite taken by her. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the money for a dowry, so he was unable to marry her. Alyssia loved the poor blacksmith as well. She wouldn’t have cared for the dowry, but her parents refused to consider the poor blacksmith.”

“It happened that the evil Gordian broke his sword fighting the Normans, and announced to his kingdom that he would reward the man who could replace it. People from all over the land, and beyond, vied to be the one who would make the finest sword. On the appointed day, the blacksmith took his sword to the castle. He waited in a long line to present it to the evil king.”

“There were many beautiful swords, with jewel encrusted hilts. The poor blacksmith had no jewels, so his sword was plain, and drew the scorn of many. When he finally got to the front of the line, late in the day, the king’s men told him to go away, that the king would not consider such a plain object. But the king, hearing them, insisted that he see every sword brought to him.”

“What the king’s men didn’t know is that the blacksmith had taken his sword to the mermaid of Zennor and asked her to cast a spell on it. She recognized the blacksmith as a pure, honest and humble man and agreed. ‘The first man that uses this sword will be bound to it for life. It will be as a part of his arm,’ she had said.”

“When the evil king raised the sword, he could feel the power in the sword throughout his body. The weight and balance of the sword were like none he had ever held. ‘I must have this sword,’ the king told his men. ‘Tell all the others to take their meager offerings and leave.’ When he gave the blacksmith his reward, he asked him, ‘What will you do with such a large sum of money?’”

“The blacksmith said, ‘I can now marry my Alyssia, the fairest damsel in the land.’”

“When the evil Gordian heard that, his heart turned black, and he sent men to determine if Alyssia was the fairest damsel in the land. Seeing that she was, they carried her to his castle, locking her in the highest turret. When Awen returned to his village, he went immediately to Alyssia’s house. He presented his reward to her father and said, ‘A dowry fit for your lovely daughter. I beg you for her hand.’”

“’You’re too late,’ the father said in distress. ‘Men of the king took her yesterday.’”

“Awen returned to the king’s castle and confronted him. The king laughed at Awen, a small, powerless man. Gordian said, ‘I should put you to death for your insolence, but for the fine sword you made me. Go away and live.’ All the people in the court laughed at Awen, but he stood his ground defiantly.”

“I fight for the honor of the maid Alyssia, who you stole from her parents.”

“The king’s face turned red with rage, and he had a scowl on his face. He took his sword and ran at Awen, vowing to kill him. He raised his sword, but the enchanted sword cut off the head of the king.”

“The king’s men were so happy at the death of the brutal tyrant, they gave Awen his lady and some horses. They rode to her house, gathered her parents and left that land forever, jumping on a ferry and escaping. The mermaid of Zennor had cast a spell on the isle, and it sank beneath the water, killing all that lived in that evil land. Awen was able to set up a blacksmith shop in the land of Cornwall, and they lived happily ever after. Their descendants still live in Cornwall to this day. And that’s how the lost land of Lyonesse came to be lost.”

“Did you like that story?’

Alis laughed. She loved his stories, and the way he told them.

“I love it when you laugh. You’re far too serious most of the time,” he told her, his eyes sparkling.

“I laugh most when I’m with you,” she said.

He leaned over and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

“It’s getting colder,” she said.

He snuggled up against her and they lay quietly, his face against hers. His stubble tickled her. She turned away from him and he nestled into her back like a pair of spoons in a drawer. He began caressing her hair, pulling it away from her face, and put his lips on her now exposed neck below her ear. His breath was warm on her neck.

“I don’t know what I’ll do when you leave, Alis. I can’t bear to be apart.”

“Shh, I know, I know.”

He continued stroking her hair and kissing her neck. She turned her head and their lips met. Their kiss was tentative at first. Then she turned back toward him, and they embraced.

“I love you, Alis. I always have, and I always will.”

“I know, Alan. I love you too.”

They kissed again, harder this time. His hand slipped down to her side. He put it inside her robe and stroked her body, from her hip to the curve of her breast. He untied her robe and began to open it.

“Take this off,” he whispered to her.

“No, I can’t,” she said, but she didn’t protest as he helped her out of it. His hands rubbed her all over as he continued kissing her. “We can’t do this,” she pleaded.

“Are you sure?” he said, breaking the kiss.

Her heart was racing, and she wasn’t sure of anything except how much she wanted him.

“I love you, Alis, and I want you now.”

Alis thought, “if he takes me against my will, it’s not really cheating, is it. Oh, God, he feels so wonderful.”

He put his lips back on hers and kissed her deeply as he continued to explore her body. Her nicely rounded buttocks, her full thighs. He put his hand under her nightie and rubbed her breast, finding the nipple. Alis moaned. “Oooh, God, no. No, we mustn’t.”

“Do you really want me to stop?”

She didn’t say anything. He rubbed her buttock, then moved his hand around her thigh and found her warmth. She inhaled sharply as he touched her there, the only man other than Gordon to have ever done so. “Oh, God, no, we can’t do this,” she said.

He put his hand over her pussy, and she involuntarily spread her legs. Her need was great. She wanted him so badly. He could feel her warmth through her panties, and he rubbed against her mound. He kissed her passionately, as they had never kissed before. He slipped his hand under her panties and rubbed a finger up and down the length of her slit. He found her opening and dipped his finger in.

She raised her hips slightly to meet his finger. His finger easily went in her highly aroused vagina. Her mind was flooded with lust, and she continued kissing him as he fucked her with his hand. He broke off their kiss and removed his hand, just long enough to pull off his underwear.

In a panic, she realized that she was going to have sex with him. There was no turning back now. Her heart raced as he pulled off her nightie, then pulled down her panties and removed them. She lay naked in front of him. She could see the infatuation and worship on his face as he beheld the object of every fantasy he’d ever had. She touched him; he was hard. She shivered slightly. She pushed out thoughts of right and wrong from her mind. She didn’t want to think about anything.

He kissed her again. Now he had free access to her nude body, and he took his time exploring every inch of it. His lips moved down to her breasts. He loved her full breasts, and he kissed and suckled every inch of them. He put his fingers in her again, and as he moved them in and out she pushed against them, fucking his hand. He touched her clitoris with his thumb and she shuddered. She held his hard dick and pulled him toward her. He mounted her and they coupled. When he had fully penetrated her, he put his lips on her and they thrust together rhythmically.

He pulled out of her and mounted her from behind while they lay on their sides. This allowed him a free hand to play with her body while he pumped his hard dick in her. He played with her breasts, making her nipples stiffen. Then he touched her down there, looking for her clit. She guided his hand to the right place and held it as he gently rubbed her little button.

Her mind was flooded with sensations. Her entire body was tingling as she neared orgasm. He grunted in her ear as he spilled his seed in her, but he continued pumping his dick in her, allowing her to reach her climax. She was near the crest, and she seemed to ride the crest forever, not going over and not receding, right on the top. Her body was a single nerve ending, centering on her pussy. The pleasure was almost excruciating. Her body tensed, then she exploded in orgasm. Her ears were ringing as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over her. Her pussy had contractions on his dick that lasted almost thirty seconds. Neither said a word as they collapsed in a heap together, still coupled.

Finally, he kissed her cheek and said, “I love you.”

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Cousin RemovedChapter 9

The next two days went by in a blur. I hired some contractors to help me finish the guesthouse and we worked from early until late. By midday Wednesday, Amanda and Kayla were at a nearly finished guesthouse picking new furniture out of a catalog. I was going to leave them with a shower enclosure on order with a contractor to install it and blinds that would be another week. They could do those themselves. Amanda hadn’t ordered a sign for the road yet, and that was about the end of it. I knew...

2 years ago
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Visiting Him

This is a story of what happened this past weekend when I stayed at Elliot's apartment with him. Elliot called and my m0m was ecstatic. It had been weeks, since she'd heard from him. I'd texted him on occasion, but nothing more than a quick hello from him, on his way to class. M0m must have been really tense, because when she got off the phone with him, she told me that he'd offered to give her a break and take me for a weekend. She asked him if it was alright for this weekend, and he had no...

3 years ago
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The Crush

There we stood staring at each other, an awkward moment. It was Jenny, a woman I had had a crush for some time now. She lived a few houses down from me. Her husband was one of these guys that bought a new truck every year right when the new models came out. He also had a Harley, snowmobiles, ATVs, everything. This guy spent money like it was water. And his wife, Jenny, was something to see. Nice tits, great ass, smoking body. For being in her mid to late forties she was in very good shape I...

2 years ago
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The Principal Rules With A Very Big Stick 8211 Part 4

As I stared at Mr. Jeffers big black cock I knew that Mrs. Hall never made it to the club. In fact the only club she got to see that night was Mr. Jeffers members only ’12 inch black club’. As I was watching this sexy sight, he looked in the mirror too and said hotly, “Yeah baby, there been a lot of rich-married pussy, that sat right were you are now, watching this 12 inch cock goin in and out of their tight married pussies.” I then teased, “You mean like my boyfriends mom, Mrs. Hall.” He...

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Birthday Boy

BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...

4 years ago
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New Neighbor Chapter Three

I wasn't comfortable with my new neighbor, Carl. He was leading me down a path I was having a hard time admitting I wanted to trek. The series of firsts, from casually chatting with a nude neighbor, all too soon developed into my accepting his cock into my mouth whenever he demanded it. I questioned my sexuality as much as my masculinity. I never thought that I'd ever be left on my knees at my own doorstep, dripping in another man's semen. It was too surreal for me to deal with and tossed...

2 years ago
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Seeking a Lover for the End of the World

Main Character: Arianna, 27, Female - Daughter of Will - 5’3, 130lbs, beige skin, long black hair Will, 47, Male - Father of Arianna Author’s note: This short story draws inspiration from the plot of the movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. But, of course, the idea gets the Chase Shivers treatment in that which follows. If you knew the world was ending tomorrow, what would you do with the time left to you? Where would you go? What would you do? Who would be the people you’d...

1 year ago
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Its a Humanitarian Effort

I was driving us home after a get together with all of our friends at one of their places. We enjoyed ourselves as usual, catching up on the gossip within our friend’s lives, sharing in their new successes, and of course our own rendezvous where we would find a room of the house that wasn’t being used at the time for a little make out session. Sometimes more… but not tonight. You’re bent over in the passenger seat, your skirt hiked up showing off your lush thighs and wet panties, your head in...

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Chanis Flight

I'll skip the disclaimers and legal mumbo-jumbo and simply state that this is a story I wrote in 1997, and for some odd reason, I suddenly got brave enough to post them here. Chani's Flight - By: Maura Elaine Kelly 1997 I walked into the restaurant, not looking at the various people that made up the scattered clientele. I was nervous, as I often am, dressing somewhere halfway between male and female. The waitress behind the counter gave me a slightly less than bored stare,...

3 years ago
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Seeing Matts Stars Part 50

“You know I would never spend time with someone without your permission.” Despite his thick skull, there was no way he could miss the sarcasm. My temples were already throbbing from the volume of the television, and his continued inability to do anything useful. Flicking the pot holder off of my hand, I shut the oven door and reached for the boiling pot on top of the flame. “Fuck you, Charley!” His outburst caught me off guard, and I stupidly jerked in reaction. My hand slammed...

2 years ago
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Friends From Home

Carolyn could not believe it. How could she have gotten separated from her crowd in Nuremburg? Yes, she realized the train station was bustling. But Carolyn was in a hurry to get seats for the five of them on the train to Frankfurt. She had run ahead and hopped on board and by the time she realized she had gotten on the wrong train it had pulled out. She panicked, then got mad at herself, before accepting that there was nothing she could do but figure out how to reroute back to Frankfurt when...

Group Sex
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 11

(Spring of Year Three) We had a big party that night. For the first time ever in this world music played really quietly under those stars. When I picked out all my supplies all that time ago, I'd also added a low voltage turntable and some half-speed master recordings. I specified this old fashioned technology because even if I never got very far up the technology curve, a needle and a disk would produce sound from the records. That night I was very glad of the choices I'd made. I spent...

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My Wife And Our New Neighbor part twenty

I met Christy and Greg for breakfast the following day and again, the conversation was about her adventure the previous day. Christy was drinking her special yellow drink at breakfast and she looked amazing in her jean shorts and a white vest top.I stayed with them for the morning and it was just after eleven o’clock when Greg received a call from an old friend of his from New York.“Peter wants me to go and meet with his design team; they want to hire us,” Greg shouted. “This contract could be...

3 years ago
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Tink 3 the piercings

Tinkerbelle’s training Ch 3 – The Piercings Tink awoke on her fourth day aboard the Jolly Roger and began her training with the belaying pin. Her Master had not yet required her to serve him in that way but it was important for her to be ready for him. She finished quickly knowing that Mr. Smee soon would arrive with her porridge and tea. Yesterday he had walked in on her, ass well-impaled on the greased pin and she was mortified. Of course, buggery was nothing new to anyone on a pirate ship....

2 years ago
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The Infinite Book 1 Chapter 7

Forging Strength . . . Pained gasps. A feminine whimper. “Oh God!” Beth collapsed, fighting for every breath with Noah standing over her, the two of them drenched in sweat. “Come on, get up,” he said. “I can’t do anymore!” “You know what comes next.” She looked at him with eyes full of hate. “You’re a monster,” she hissed. A clear, steady stream was produced, arching onto the ground with a splash. “Oh, she broke her record!” said Oath. “I wish my mana would grow that fast!” Mira...

2 years ago
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The New Guy Chapter 1

“Adela, where are you? I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was so late.” Jennifer set down her briefcase on the large island in the kitchen, followed by her handbag and keys. She listened for a response, and when she did not hear one, she walked out the sliding glass door to the patio deck. Across the yard, she spotted the old Italian woman tossing a garbage bag into the trash bin. Looking at the sky, she could see the sun was close to setting. Shadows were long across the large lawn.As Adela stepped...

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Crystals QuestionsChapter 2

Kayla Simpson was known throughout the city, as a complainer. Crystal had worked with her at another company, and Kayla had filed sexual harassment complaints against every man on her work team. Management at that company had moved her to a group of all women, which slowed the complaints, but didn't stop them. Kayla began complaining about every man she encountered, and at least two women. Only one man had been immune to her complaints, and as far as anyone knew, he'd never even looked at...

3 years ago
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Fun with friends

We had been friends for sometime now and discussed our previous experiences and curiosities. As a joke I had asked her to send the hubby a random titty pic one day. I’ve always enjoyed tits myself and he does as well. She obliged with no hesitstion. After she sent it just the thought, knowing his dick would get hard from seeing her tits make me wet instantly. Soon after that first initiatial ice breaker we all started group messaging. We all would discuss our dirty ideas and interests. Sending...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Journal 04

Ned strolled the house, passing a couple of his attendees lounging in the living room. Their faces lit up at his entrance, freshly energized as he echoed their eager greetings. Ned felt his own palpable temptation to the girls’ eager reactions. They placed themselves in their most approachable postures and asked if there was anything, anything at all, that he needed. They had satisfied his initial meeting fantasy and were obviously competing for a sooner than scheduled follow up round. ‘Not...

1 year ago
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Me And Sam Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Somebody to Love Wednesday morning arrived and I awoke without the need of the alarm clock. I found myself totally confused by Sam's behavior. She had been my best friend all my life. She told me she loved me more than a few times in this last week. And now? Now she was behaving like a total idiot. My anger almost overrode the sadness that consumed me. I decided to hit the shower and hoped that the hot water would wash away my sorrows. It...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 388

Thank Alphqwe for this short enlightening comment. Remind you of anyone you know????? For you to consider, He was born ignorant and has been losing ground ever since. ✧ ✧ ✧ Another one similar: He was born stupid and has spent all his life perfecting it! ✧ ✧ ✧ This one is from Cbarge Cute little blonde girl, five years old goes into the pet shop. “I want a bunny wabbit,” she says in her enchanting little voice. “I have a lot,” says the shop keeper. “Do you want a little bunny...

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The Day I Become Sex Slave

Hi everybody I am Lisa my age is 18 years old and I am a good looking girl with a good figure my friends joke that I am very cute and sometimes they feel like having sex with me but I never thought of any lesbian sex even I had never had a friend who thought so. I finished my plus2 and was planning of joining a prestigious college since I was good in studies and had almost 95% marks it was easy to get admission. This was the first time I was going to stay in a hostel since i had always studied...

3 years ago
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Life With My Sali 8211 Part II

Setu was holding her breath, biting her own lower lip. She was obviously in pain and tears. I paused for a few seconds, pressing my dick deep in her womb. Both of our pubic bones were rubbing with one another. Since my left hand was blocked, I was on my right elbow. I was holding her neck with my right hand and sucking her juicy left nipple. I pulled back a bit and started to slowly stroke her. In few minutes her pain must have subsided, she was breathing normally. She was slowly running her...

2 years ago
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Something To remember

It was a day around summer. Like any other day I was horny and fantasizing about my first time. Well I got onto the computer and went into the chat room. There was a lot of people there. But I noticed that someone had typed 32 year old buff male looking for younger male. Me being slim waying in around 120 always fantisized about an older man with muscles to fuck me. So I responded to him and he imed me. A/S/L? He typed> 15/M/FL. I typed He then asked where in...

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InterfaceChapter 11

I got to school fairly early on Monday Vicky was very talkative about her weekend and it took the pressure off me to explain what I had been up to without lying to my best friend, for which I was grateful. Vicky had been to see her grandma at the weekend and was full of stories about what they had got up to. She didn't see most of her extended family that often these days due to a lot of them being anti-MORFS. Her Grandma on her mother's side was one of the few who had stood by them. So she...

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Changing Voice

Josh was hungover. His throat felt like sandpaper. Stupid Jaeger Meister. He staggered towards the kitchen in search of coffee. He smelled it as he approached, and that was good and bad. Good because he wouldn't have to wait for it to brew; bad because it meant either his mom Ronnie or his sister Jemma had made it and would likely give him shit about being hungover again. His dark haired older sister was sipping her coffee at the kitchen table and scrolling through her phone. She glanced up at...

Mind Control
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That night at the restaurant was proving difficult. My girlfriend was trying to talk about something important, but I was distracted. Over her shoulder, at the next table, was the sexiest girl I'd ever seen.Loren (as I later found out her name was) was in a stunning pink dress that showed of her sexy figure, and her beautiful face was made even sexier by a stylish pair of glasses. Just looking at her was making my cock so hard.A little later, as I was leaving the men's bathroom, I saw Loren...

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Females rule

He was 20 years old. His mother had taught him how to properly behave toward females of all ages, and he was out with her and his 10 year old sister shopping. He was not sure why he was there, but they stopped at a house boy store and his mother started looking at clothes…for him?!! Noooo they were so tight and the skirts so small. He said nothing while she held things up to him and handed the most embarrassing ones to him to keep and put others on the rack. At his home he had always worn...

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Brad and Ashley Part 7

“Brad, I need some help,” Ashley hollered from the door of her room. She was wearing a towel, open down the side, with, quite clearly, nothing under it. She hastily sat down at her dressing table and awaited her stepbrother's arrival. “Shit,” Brad mumbled aloud, “Done something wrong with her computer again.” He was in the kitchen playing a game on his iPhone. “Yes,” he shouted, “I'll be right there.” He reluctantly ended the game and headed off to see what she needed. It was the day after the...

Straight Sex
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Femdom lifestyle

I'm a submissive, effeminate, bisexual cuckolded male. I'm happy to be in a femdom relationship with a couple of very assertive and demanding women, my wife and her mother. Nancy controls the money, makes all decisions, sets household rules, administers punishments, assigns my work, and establishes a social agenda. I live a very structured lifestyle and carryout a prescribed routine of housework that includes cleaning, washing, ironing, and generally looking after the needs of the women. ...

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Mabels StoryChapter 6

Delores didn't notice at first that Mike was fucking their daughter more often than herself and, after a few months when the fact dawned on her, she accepted it. It turned her on to see her young daughter as she was taught new things, dildo-fucking, eating, sucking and so on but by the time Mabel was sixteen Delores was beginning to feel left out. Still it was another two years before she managed to express her reservations to her husband. "I'm sorry Delores. I was being inconsiderate....

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Old Men Fondled Me for 20

We were on the beach and under a beach towel. Joe fondled me and brought me to the big "O". Apparently there was an older man who was watching us the whole time. I didn't see him but Joe did. After it was over. Joe said he was going to go to the car to get some sodas. Ok. When he returned 20 minutes later he had this really old and disgusting man with him. He was fat, hairy and had fingers like pickels. Joe told me that this old man had seen our whole escapade and was really turned on by it....

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Broken Bliss Ch 8

Exhausted, I lay on my back, arms stiffly standing up into the air. "Whew! You really know how to tire me out," my sister murmured next to me, and I turned to smile at her. Despite having just unloaded my seed into her, I couldn't help but admire her lithe naked body, as her chest heaved, and her auburn hair lay plastered to her head, full of sweat.It was Sunday morning, and Lisa had wanted to get one last good screw in, before our mom returned from her little vacation with Sarah. Personally, I...

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Giving my girlfriend her first nipple orgasm

(This is my first time writing about one of the great sexual experiences I have had in China. I hope you enjoy it, feel free to leave comments with suggestions on how to improve)We hadn't seen each other for a month so we were both looking forward to a week together of noisy passionate love making. I was making her favourite food, home-made pizza, ready for her arrival. Due to the unbelievably warm weather we had I was cooking wearing only my boxers. Luckily she arrived early and was knocking...

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Coming Home Early Can Be Good And Bad Part 3

Here I was, standing inside our mini sauna closet installed in the corner of our rec room. I’d installed a one-way mirrored window in the sauna door last week. Debbie, my wife and I had both agreed that the rec room would be the perfect place for her to have sex with Gus. My one request to her was that I wanted to watch, just like I had done when I had come home early from a cancelled meeting and discovered Debbie and Gus in the middle of copulation.We had reached an agreement between us during...

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Ugly duckling

When I was 25 my younger sister came to live with me , she was 18 and a nerd type. Not to be mean but she was not attractive. Not because she is my sister I have another sister who is absolutely gorgeous. Karen is not attractive. She’s kinda built like a skinny boy. I mean she has tits but they are small. She never wears makeup, beauty is on the inside is all that matters she’s says. Yeah bitch all the ugly people say that. She dressed like shit. Her face has pimples. She’s just a mess. She has...

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Neon and Nylons

New York City, New York. When the US became corporate controlled, a lot of people panicked. Riots. Anarchy. Puppy kicking. In the midst of all this chaos and death, New York saw just another day. Some say it was corrupt, and had been for years. Others will say that, after seeing everything in the world, the fall of the US government into a puppet state was just another thing. Whatever the case, it's home. While the tourist authority would have rich visitors believe that New York is only SoHo...

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My Favorite FelineChapter 9

Anyone who lives in the Tidewater Section of Virginia (Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake, etc) knows that you can't get anywhere without having to drive over a bridge or go through a tunnel. The roads and highways are a crazy mish-mash that has me thinking that the engineers who first laid out the maps had done so by giving a drunken monkey a crayon to scribble with. Where else can you drive on I- 64 WEST into the RISING SUN? Anyway, as I stated earlier, Kitty and I...

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A vacation with my parents and their best friends

My name is Jake, I am 19 years old and I have dark brown hair. I will tell you a story about what happened this summer when I went on vacation with my parents and their best friends. It was not the first time that we were going on vacation together, we did it almost every year. This year we went to a place near Venice in Italy for 2 weeks. My parents their best friends are Peter and his wife Jennifer, who have been married for 16 years now. Peter looks a bit like a geek. He is 44 years old,...

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My First Time With Pranita

Hello friends, this is Kiran from Mumbai, 29 year old, I had always loved reading stories on this site and enjoying different people’s experience At the age of 18 I had never had sexual Intercourse. I had spent a lot of time fantasizing about it but the chance had never come along where I could actually have a fuck. I had discovered the delights of masturbation some years before. My first masturbations were Ok then I started with a couple of friends and we would masturbate together and talk...

2 years ago
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LTD Malissas Academy 27

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 27 By: Malissa Madison I hurried towards the Tank Community telling myself that I really just wanted to visit with Lydia. But I knew deep down why I was pushing the speed limit, I wanted to know about the Seekers. And Julie's continued reminders every time I pushed her up over the posted limit were only making me more nervous. "Malissa, we are being pulled over," she announced as the flashing blue lights came on behind me. Pulling over to the side I...

1 year ago
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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 3 Punished

All work stopped, all talking ceased, all eyes turned as the door to the side entrance opened and Stephanie stepped hesitatingly into the office pulling her suitcase after her. For a few moments life seemed to stand still. No one moved. Even the customer Tracy was serving stopped her explanation. She had no idea what was happening but she knew something was about too. David, sitting alongside Stella discussing her artwork, turned slowly and said coldly, "You're late Steph. Put your case in...

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Me and Adam1

“Hey, Chris.” Adam’s mom said to me. “Hi Mrs. Kendall!” I replied. I got in the back of the car with Adam. We didn’t talk much because Adam’s mom was there, but in the matter of a few minutes we were out of the care and walking into his house. “Boys, you go in and do something. I have to go grocery shopping and do some errands. I will be back in three hours. Behave yourselves.” Adam’s mother said sternly. “Yeah, mom.” Adam replied, and she was gone. Adam and I went inside and flopped...

1 year ago
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Daphnes TuneUp

Angie Dalton was an advertising manager for a small Midwestern ad agency. She was about thirty-five, pretty, petite, yet prim and stern when annoyed. Her office was in the rear of the agency, and she had two assistants and a secretary just outside her door, all young and cute. Angie’s boss, Bob Thompson, had met with her earlier that day. Head office was upset over some problems, and as corporate America teaches, he dumped it all on her lap. “Fix this Angie, or if you can’t, I will.” It was not...


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