319 Sending In A Substitute Part 5 free porn video

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Part 5
By mid-afternoon we had done a few household chores, it had started to rain so the lawn could wait, so we snacked and were in the sort of frame of mind to chat. Being the supposed master of the house… an illusion a lot of us men like to perpetuate, I started the conversation, asking if she really had enjoyed the hammering Harry had given her, or was she just being polite? Her reply stunned me as much as the sight of Harry banging away at her had!
She looked me in the eye and hesitantly said, that it was like…well…being punished really, she couldn’t understand it either, …she had felt the need to give herself to him, to take whatever he dished out, and she had loved it, at that precise moment he could have …well beaten her to death if he had wanted and she would have loved every moment of it… she couldn’t understand the need… any more than she would have expected I under stood it. I went to speak but she raised her hand saying, “no let me finish, I want more, much more, and I want you to be there every time to see I don`t let him go too far. She paused me sat mouth open listening to my own beloved wife saying things that were beyond my imagination.
“I want to meet his wife, and I want him to use me… We, Harry and I, instantly understood one another, we knew I was his to use as he wished, it was when you went out to take that call, we talked, and it was like a meeting of minds, it wasn’t what he said it was …oh I don’t know it was…well…all sorts of little things. Yes, I want and perhaps need his chastisement, But, not without your total approval, I don’t want our marriage to suffer one bit. And if you say no, no it will be!”
Me I just didn’t understand it at all, she and harry had this mental link that said he wanted to have her hard, and so on, and though I was there 90% of the meeting dim old me hadn’t taken in any of these signs, he had had her and had her hard, but I never suspected that she wanted more, or that he had offered her this ‘treatment’ or whatever you may call it.
I said, “I was confused, she and he had never once given me any hint of this, in fact in all our time together since our marriage, I had not ever seen her excited about this sort of thing or in this way before!”
Playing for time I asked about the lad, was he out of the loop now, was she saying Harry was it, her master, her bull? “She shook her head, and forcefully “No, not at all!” she said she still wanted to train that lad, at least once more, but Harry was different, she just needed to feel used occasionally, perhaps spanked and humiliated, but only here in her own home, and by a man outside her marriage and with my approval.
She loved me with all her heart, but she needed that something Harry she thought could discretely supply, and it would help his marriage too. She won me over, I knew I had lost, though I reserved the right to stop tings at any time, and that I was to be present always when harry was here.
She phoned Harry, his wife had just come home, the ambulance men had gone, and she had heard the taped message. Harry put the phone in what I later found was a cradle beside Eileen`s head, the two women had a long and very frank conversation, the woman was a realist, she wanted his frustrations gone, and Tricia assured her that she wanted to be the sponge that absorbed these fantasies for her, not in those words but that’s what it came down too. she arranged to visit on my next day off, Eileen no fool asking if Tina really knew what she was letting herself in for, saying before the accident he had been not only her husband but her master, and that she had suffered on occasions, though she herself loved being a sub, this disability of hers means that she couldn’t feel the pain they so desperately needed in there lives and with no reactions it was no fun.
I noticed my wife glance at me then change the subject rapidly.
They rambled on for a while, about women`s chat and then Tina rang off.
There was a silence, then I said. “was this really what she wanted?” her nod said it all.
The next week was all work, like an elephant in the room we knew the situation was there but, well neither of us felt the desire to say anything more about it. During the next weekend Mike rang, saying he had found things better but wanting another meet if she could bear it, I wasn’t there so I don’t know exactly what was said, but I gathered after that he was eager, (who wouldn’t be) and that she said she would have him over for the evening one day in the week if I was ok and not on duty.
She also had another conversation with Harry on the Sunday afternoon, and he left her talking to Eileen while he popped to the local shop, though what was said, is anyone`s guess, though I suspect she got a warning of Harry`s likes and dislikes.
Either way all I can tell you is she was pretty randy when I came home didn’t enlighten me and gave me a Bj to beat all Bj`s.
Life rumbled on, it would soon be my weekend off, but before I was due a day off, so we shopped and then went to meet Eileen. They lived in a council bungalow, adapted for there needs, it had a very tidy garden, and inside was immaculate. Eileen lay in a special bed, on wheels, a brunette a big smile on her face, pleased to receive visitors, he shapely body lay under a blanket, she had no control of her limbs and no feeling below her shoulders, her functions all worked other than that, colostomy and catheters dealing with bodily functions, though her brain was as quick now as it had ever been.
He made coffee, setting hers up in an on-demand drinker, asking as the home helper not being due till much later if we would mind him doing a bit of quick shopping by leaving us to get acquainted. We sat and chatted, she took the opportunity of the moments privacy to say how she hoped things would work out for the four of us, each of us getting from the situation something, even her as his frustrations could be sadly over ruling in their lives at times, and she was sure it was the same for me. she may have been a shadow of her former self, but she was nobody`s fool. Harry soon returned, bearing cakes and shopping. At Eileen`s request I sat with her and in our sight the lovers kissed, before he took her into the bedroom, an hour soon passed, the bedhead rattling, and groans such as I had only once before (at the holiday inn) heard emanated from that room. My lady reappeared, dressed but a little dishevelled, followed by Harry in his dressing gown. Eileen asked him if he felt better, and with a lop-sided grin he said he did. Tina later told me he had not even removed her knickers, just dragged then to one side and “gone for it for a whole hour regardless of her exhaustion or orgasms of which she had had numerous numbers!!”
We made arrangements for him to visit, (he needed warning as to arranging a sitter for Eileen,) the date set, we toddled off home! it was bizarre!
Mike was due the next evening, I was to meet him in a local bar and lead him to our home,
Our ritual never got going at all this time, I went to the pub straight from work as my relief was late due to a hold up on the motorway, he was trapped in the queue behind, so it was, a case of still in work garb I arrived at the pub where Mike was sat with a worried look waiting, believing I was not coming. We had a quick pint and then he followed me the mile or so to our home.
Tina was waiting, newly showered, and dressed in a nightgown and a dressing gown, later saying it didn’t seem to be sensible getting dressed to strip off again. We ate together, then after the washing up sat in our cosy lounge, where he told us of his “adventures” since we last met. He had gained so much self confidence that he had talked to one or two female students, which for him was a big step. One indeed had agreed to accompany him to the pictures on Saturday, real progress, though he still had nerves about it. Tina, asked if he wanted to have sex with her again, or did he think he had learnt enough?
His gushing “if she didn’t mind,” was enough to make us both smile. He then looked at me as if to say did I mind, and in answer I shrugged and nodded.
It was like putting him in gear, he kissed her, his hands everywhere as he did, laughing she told him “he needed to ‘tone it down’ on Saturday, if he was not to frighten the girl off. His answer of “But this is you and you know me” had her in fits, and saying “try treating me as if I was the girl from the pictures, like a dry run…” and slipping to the carpet in his arms, where the next act was performed, he had remembered every tiny detail of the last tryst, he was gentle, he was tender and he was the exact opposite of Harry, taking time to fetch her to the boil, it was a climax worth the wait, and her back was arched as they both orgasmed together.
After a rest she told him that “if he was as gentle as that he would do well on Saturday but not to take anything for granted!” good advice if I know girls, ah memory lane!
She asked him if there was any one thing, he was really worried about that she could help him with, that had him stammering a bit, but he finally red facedly admitted that bra`s concerned him, clasps, and clips, that sort of stuff. Tina rose and took his hand leading him off up to our room, I left them to it, bra`s and the like did not interest me that much, and thought he was embarrassed enough.
Later she told me that after she had mopped her sex dry in the bathroom, she showed him a range of bras, explaining the clips, and even modelling them so he could practise undoing them, before she knew it they were on our bed and at the old game again.
I didn’t see them again that night, but I did hear just some of their games as
I slept in the spare room, to give them time together and because I wanted some kip!
It was a bleary-eyed Tina that appeared come the dawn, I was sat with my newly delivered paper, and a pot of tea when she finally surfaced, she looked tired but her eyes were bright and her stud looked radiant as he trailed along behind her.
I smiled and poured tea, saying not a lot, and letting them make the running. It was Mike who started to talk, asking me if I minded him having slept all night with my wife? I explained that if my kit would work, he would not have got a look in, but as it didn’t, I wanted Tina to enjoy sex just as she would have if I had been capable.” He grinned and said, “it was an ill wind that did no-one some good!” which I thought was rather profound for one so young.
We breakfast together, then as Tina was off somewhere making our bed or something. I asked him how it came about that he had been so scared of women? Oh, I knew the official version, he had given us that story at the pub on the moors but what had really happened in the past to make him so afraid.
It seems he had seen his aunt, I suspect like all lads he was spying on any available female, anyway he had seen through an air vent to their bedroom, his uncle screw his aunt anally and brutally and she had screamed the house down, which had put him off sex as he associated it with hurting women the last thing he wanted to do.
I asked, if now, he knew some-thing about sex, he wanted to try anal and he looked pensive , saying he did not want to hurt my wife, she was too precious to him. I told him to go to her and I would be up in a moment. Like a lamb he went and was helping her with the marital bed when I appeared with a pot of lubricant. I kissed Tina and had her lay on the bed on her back with her legs drawn well up to her chest. I lubricated her brown ring, gently inserting my finger and demonstrating to the lad that she was not screaming. Telling him to dip his wick into the lube, and bidding my lady get up onto her knees which she soon did, I noted the swollen used state of her sex, he had used her well last night. looking back at me the whole time like I was offering her up as a sacrifice.
His tool was stiff as a ramrod and I made him kneel behind her then took him it in my hand and fed the tip into her puckered ring.
It was the first penis I had handled since school all those years ago. It took a few moments for the tool to slip slowly into her passage, gentle pressure, got him all the way with only a gentle groan of appreciation from her. She collapsed forward dragging him into her as she did, laying for him under him with her face on the pillow, her legs now straight, it was wonderful to watch them laying connected like this.
He began to move slowly, gently pistoning himself in and out, instinct taking over, as I kissed her, and she groaned, the pace quickened, and suddenly tired though they were the whole orgasm thing began once more.
It was tremendous, her heaving and bucking trying for more and him with a smile like a Cheshire cat, as he realised this was a magic carpet ride only, he could win.
He filled her she telling me about the wondrous feelings as he did.
It was over, his balls empty, his energy spent, we showered, then ate, knowing there was no more to be done today. Before he left, she lectured him on contraception, as not all women were as barren as she. He grinned kissed her thanked me and was away in that battered old beetle with a jaunty wave.

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Substitute dad pt2

Todd bolted from the couch and raced around Nicole as she reached for him, and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him. He took several deep breaths before picking up his phone and calling Michelle. Voicemail. Shit! Shitshitshit!!!! As soon as her voicemail beeped, he began speaking. “Michelle, you need to get back here, Nicole had too much wine tonight and is acting all weird, and I just don’t feel comfortable being alone with her right now. Call me as...

2 years ago
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Substitute dad pt1

Todd turned at hearing his name called. A sixteen year old beauty was facing him. Wholesome good looks, perky breasts, and a tiny waist perched atop a delightful bubble butt, tapering down to a pair of gorgeous gams, aptly displayed by her Daisy Dukes. Her low slung shorts exposed her hip bones, and her belly shirt showed off her tight stomach. Her belly button peeked out of the bottom of her shirt. She showed off a deep summer tan. But not that he would notice that sort of...

2 years ago
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Substitute Santa

Santa's ElfAbby was in her senior year of high school and had been getting in trouble- mostly because of boys. The problem was that Abby had discovered how much fun sex could be, and the boys at MLK High School were most willing to help her out.Abby was an average looking girl, with a big smile, even though she had a couple of teeth that were a little crooked.  She had straight red hair, that was fine and limp. She had to tie it into pigtails to keep it out her green eyes, and even then, there...

1 year ago
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Sisters Substitute

When we aren't on family holidays I would often go round to their house and chill but my brother would never come with me as he and her brother were never as close as us two. I would often chill with Lucy but when she was busy I just hang around with Jack her brother. Jack was himself very skinny and effeminate in a way and him and his sister would often be mistake for twins. Not so long ago I was chilling round Lucy's and she told me that she was going out to an awards evening with her...

1 year ago
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The Escort and the Dirty Substitute

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

2 years ago
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The Substitute

I received a call, late last night, asking me if I could fill in forthe day, teaching a class over at the high school. I immediately said, “Yes.” I could really use the money right now. I arrived at the school about forty minutes early, and the principal greeted me, and then gave me a tour around the school. He brought me to a door marked private, and informed me, this was for special employees, and I was to stay out. This made me very curious as to what was behind that door. The morning...

1 year ago
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No Substitute For Experience

The alarm pings, 8 am. I press snooze and turn over, reaching for my wife, I try to cuddle an empty space. Coming to my senses slowly I recall that she’s got an early start at work, promising not to wake me on my day off. The sun is so bright that it penetrates the blinds and covers the bedroom and is covering the room in it’s hazy glow, making it impossible to go back to sleep. I rise, shower and make my way downstairs. The smell of bacon frying fills my nostrils. Entering the kitchen I see my...

1 year ago
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Seducing The Substitute Teacher

The morning light is just peaking into my bedroom, as I shift to avoid it. I pull the covers up, hiding my face. I groan lightly, thinking the day has come all too fast. Why me? I don’t want to get out of bed. Maybe I’ll just not go to school today, I groan. I know I can’t ditch, I have a major test in math and I need to go. I throw the covers off myself, taking a deep breath. I can smell the coffee mum has brewing downstairs, knowing at least one cup has my name on it.

4 years ago
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The Substitute

My relationship with Carol started out as a normal monogamous one. We both enjoyed sex, especially oral sex. She told me she loved to have her hairy pussy eaten and loved to suck my cock. I told her the same. I loved to lick her pussy until she came and I loved the feel of her warm mouth around my hard cock and watch as I shot my juice into her open wanton mouth. At one point, I told Carol I loved her and would like to watch her suck another man’s cock. I told her my love for her would not...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter Substitute Teacher

This story is set in the Harry Potter universe. All the students have been aged up to 18. I am Damok a wizard, an Animagus and a pervert, but we will keep that second and third parts too ourselves (My animal form is a mouse). I have mastered the secret Dark Arts. The Art of Sexual Magic, through which I have become one of the most powerful wizards alive, but no one knows that. I spent my life travelling the world molesting Muggles and Witches alike. Then I received an unusual message from an...

4 years ago
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Substitute Wives Part 2

Steve picked up Lauren and headed to the airport.“I can’t believe you talked Jenni into this,” Steve said as they drove to the airport."It wasn’t as hard as you think. I think your wife has a little more of a wild side than you want to admit. It didn’t take that much convincing. I figured if she agreed she would have put more rules than just no intercourse,” Lauren said. “I thought she would have restricted us to only playing above the waist. I guess your friend down here may get a little...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Substitute Wives

“So, it’s settled. You are going to be my husband’s wife for the weekend and I will go with your husband being his wife for the weekend,” Lauren said to me. “We are agreed on how far we are going to go right?”Let me back up and start from the beginning. My name is Jennifer and everyone calls me Jenni. I’m thirty years old married now for five years to Steve. Steve is thirty-two, I met him two years before we were married. We fell in love when we met. We are both in good shape, I’m 5’ 6” about...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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The Substitute Girlfriend

You are close to comming. Your girlfriend is now sucking you off for about ten minutes and is very eager to make you come soon. Faster and with more suction she fucks you with her mouth to get you off. Almost everyday for the last five years you have been served by her and it still is the best thing. You do fuck her, too, but when Ally lets you fuck her mouth, thats the greatest. And she loves it, too. She actually came a couple off times while you deep throated her. The little slut just likes...

2 years ago
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I substitute for my Twin Sister Gay

My twin sister Ryan is the crown jewel of the family. She is attractive, athletic, smart, and popular. I'm pretty much the exact opposite. We are both high school seniors. She is the star player on the volleyball team and I'm third string on the golf team. She is dating the stud quarterback and I spend my Friday nights with the chess club. Physically we are nearly identical; 5'10", blonde, blue eyes, trim and cute. On her, those stats make her a babe. On me, with my frizzed out hair and...

2 years ago
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I have a younger friend I,ve known a few years. When my wife still had sexual desires he often joined in threesomes as at first she invited him round because his wife walked out on him for an older man and he seemed lost and very lonely. It was through Sarah she introduced him to Marnie, a young woman she worked with in the office she now and then did temporary work at and they hit it off so well Marnie soon moved in and married Sid a year later. He even got her to swop a few times and my wife...

3 years ago
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Substitute Teacher part 2

I stood there with the door covering the right side of my wet nearly naked body. The thin satin fabric clinging to my wet skin. The light breeze was just cool enough to cause my nipples to stiffen. Jerome’s eyes were still fixated on my breast. Again I said Jerome is there something I can do for you. Trying to focus on my face now he said yes ma’am Ms Fields. One of your neighbors called and said they had heard screaming or yelling coming from your home. So I came to see if you were alright....

4 years ago
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Penny The Innocent Substitute

Denise could drive me crazy in at least three different ways. Number 1: She could be sulky, bossy, sarcastic, impossible to please and pathologically unreliable. Number 2: She could be provocative, charming, seductive and frankly more dirty in bed than any other woman I ever met. Number 3: There was no way to tell which of the first two she would be on any given day. So it was always going to be a bad idea to drive one hundred and fifty miles in the hope of getting to fuck her. But when...

3 years ago
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The Substitute

I received a call, late last night, asking me if I could fill in forthe day, teaching a class over at the high school. I immediately said, “Yes.” I could really use the money right now. I arrived at the school about forty minutes early, and the principal greeted me, and then gave me a tour around the school. He brought me to a door marked private, and informed me, this was for special employees, and I was to stay out. This made me very curious as to what was behind that door. The morning...

Group Sex
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My Friend8217s Mom Is A Substitute To My Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi..This is your dear friend Rajesh. Seeing you guys after a long time. I already wrote stories about my relation with my mom fantasy and as well as real experience. This is my experience with my friends hot yet good mom. Let me continue. I was shocked and very happy to see her legs spread. She is hiding her pussy in a dense forest like amazon. Full of hairs. She was also shocked .I quietly came out and went to my room. I want to rape her in that second. But let her come for me. I thought. I...

3 years ago
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The Substitute Part 1

"Jim I told you before I didn't do it," Harold tells the principal. Harold Moore was a 27 year old math teacher at the Carl Landry community college. He was 5'4 and quite skinny. "Harold my hands are tied. I can't help you out. It's above me," Mr. Owens tells him. James Owens was the principal at the Carl Landry community college. He was 34 and had been friends with Harold for the past 10 years and met Harold when he was even dating Harold's sister Sarah. "I can't believe you...

2 years ago
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No Substitute For Experience

The alarm pings, 8 am. I press snooze and turn over, reaching for my wife, I try to cuddle an empty space.Coming to my senses slowly I recall that she’s got an early start at work, promising not to wake me on my day off. The sun is so bright that it penetrates the blinds and covers the bedroom and is covering the room in it’s hazy glow, making it impossible to go back to sleep.I rise, shower and make my way downstairs. The smell of bacon frying fills my nostrils. Entering the kitchen I see my...

1 year ago
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The Substitute

My relationship with Carol started out as a normal monogamous one. We both enjoyed sex, especially oral sex. She told me she loved to have her hairy pussy eaten and loved to suck my cock. I told her the same. I loved to lick her pussy until she came and I loved the feel of her warm mouth around my hard cock and watch as I shot my juice into her open wanton mouth. At one point, I told Carol I loved her and would like to watch her suck another man's cock. I told her my love for her would not...

Group Sex
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A substitute teacher meets show and tell pets

The day began normally but after lunch the students put their plan into action. They drugged Alyssa and after gagging her put her naked over a barrel on her hands and knees. Once she awakened she struggled but was well secured. Some students set up cameras to broadcast the action over the internet. Then they brought two dogs to her the male dog immediately mounted her thrusting into her ody while the female dog was forced to lay on her back under Alyssas head. Alyssa was informed if she did...

1 year ago
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"Would you please get Anne out of my house!?" Rather uncharitable of my mother-in-law, I thought, but a perfectly understandable remark given the context. The whole of the afternoon, and all through dinner, Anne had been a total bitch to her mother. Barbara rolled her eyes. Time for my wife to play Ms. Mediator again. I could see her irritation level was up. When Barbara got angry, she flushed from the neck down. Even with the top several buttons on her blouse undone, there was no end in...

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