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"Would you please get Anne out of my house!?"

Rather uncharitable of my mother-in-law, I thought, but a perfectly understandable remark given the context. The whole of the afternoon, and all through dinner, Anne had been a total bitch to her mother.

Barbara rolled her eyes. Time for my wife to play Ms. Mediator again. I could see her irritation level was up. When Barbara got angry, she flushed from the neck down. Even with the top several buttons on her blouse undone, there was no end in sight. The warm red of the rash was heightened by the cool light blues and greens of the cloth.

I felt trapped there in the kitchen while all the pots came to a boil. It was like I wasn't supposed to be there, as though I was eavesdropping. But at least I had a sense of being part of the proceedings.

"Do something, anything! Say it's time for me to get some quality bonding time with my granddaughter! Tell her you want to keep your mother off Death Row for premeditated murder!" She moved her hand a little too close to the knife block.

Barbara looked to me. "Care to hang out with me and my sister over at her place for awhile?"

I turned to my mother-in-law. "Am I correct in assuming that bonding will involve you and Stephie and Barney?"

"And don't forget Baby Bop," she gave a dangerous grimace.

That question answered, I answered Barb's. "Sure. Great. Sounds like fun to me."

I did make note to know what the topic was if I was ever not a part of a whispered kitchen conversation. But Anne hadn't married into this. It seemed impossible that she could be unaware of the same. But when we all went back into the livingroom, she looked up from the floor with a bright oblivious smile. Maybe she was too caught up in play to have considered the huddle in the kitchen.

I was surprised that Anne still had some patience left in the reservoir. While being a cute, quick and generally agreeable kid, Stephie was still at the age where she was convinced that the whole of the universe existed solely for her own personal satisfaction. They had all those goddamn plastic horses out, which, I supposed, held Anne in the trance of a flashback. It almost made me queasy, how clear an image I had of Anne-the-little-girl cantering her herd of yore around.

I'd probably stolen the image from an old photo album. The only real difference was that age had filled out the knobby bare legs of her corral, and now they were sheathed in thin black cotton pants. The pants played nicely against her pull-over top, which I'd been admiring all day. It was a deep raspberry color I found intensely appealing. I would have killed for that shirt but for the feminine piping at the seams. Nor was the scalloped neck really my style.

The question I dreaded the most: "Daddy, will you play horsies with me?"

Think of Wayne-the-little-boy, surreptitiously biting the hooves off all his sisters' horsies. Given my lifelong love of horses, I really was the worst companion for such play. Of course Stephie would consign me the mangiest of the lot, and then get furious when I didn't play the way she wanted me to play. My horsies never wanted to go galloping across the plains performing dangerous deeds and heroic tasks. My sad lot were resigned to trudging slowly off to the dogfood factory.

Evil of me, true, but it had earned me last-resort status. Whereas Anne was ready to romp for hours. She looked around wildly after Barb informed her the three of us were going over to her place. "What? Why? But I'm having fun!"

"The ghouls from the glue factory are out on the loose, hunting in packs," I chirped in, ignoring the glowering glances I gathered. "Time for all good horsies to be back in the stable, fast asleep." Shameless!

Shameless as well, Barbara and her mother were furiously whispering while the pair of them looked askant down at Anne. Judgment pronounced, they traded big smug smiles.

Anne still looked a bit lost. Lacking the blood ties, I wasn't lacking patience with her petulance. Not quite yet, anyway. I leaned down and intoned in her ear, "It's time for the arrival of the fat friendly dinosaur and all his evil friends."

I quickly straightened up, trying to keep the surprise off my face. If she hadn't been sitting on the floor bent at the waist... and I hadn't been leaning from behind to whisper... I certainly never would have called the neckline of her shirt immodest. But there, in that brief flash, I clearly saw that Anne, like Barbara, didn't favor wearing a bra in an informal setting.

"Not the Barney tapes!" she gave a mock shudder. Anne was immediately on her feet. "Stephie, thanks for letting me play horsies with you!"

I glanced around to see if anyone had seen me seeing what I had seen. Several of the horses seemed to be grinning at me, but otherwise the indiscretion appeared to have gone unnoticed.

In the next instant the three of us were crunching down the gravel walk to the driveway. I was left to provide the applause for my own genius since no one else would. Not only had I gotten us out the door and on our way in a flash, but it'd been accomplished before Stephie had had time to react.

For the drive over I sat in the backseat alone. It was like some sort of futuristic mode of entertainment. There was the drone of the chatter in the frontseat, the syllables of which never quite made it intact to my domain. The red and amber flashing of taillights in front of us, white headlights darting at us from the front and sides, the blues and oranges of the sodium- and mercury-vapor street lights, and the whole rainbow of lights from the stretches of businesses and institutions along the way; all these amazing lights distorted by the traveling fishbowl effect of the car windows. I particularly enjoyed the stroboscopic effect of watching Barb and Anne as they turned their heads to each other during the conversation, that low level hummy sort of buzz us backseaters overhear and call language.

Once we got to the apartment, I quickly claimed the only real chair in the room, a modern ergonomic thing by the computer. It was a sensitive piece of machinery. In flopping myself down, I nearly wound up zipping across the room and crashing through the wall. Barbara and Anne were quite content to flop down on opposite ends of the collection of covered floor cushions that served as a sofa.

I carefully scooted my wheeled seat closer but to no avail. Barbara and Anne continued their conversation, old family stuff in such a code I might as well have been in the backseat. I sat there smiling, listening vaguely, reminding myself that I was having a better time than if I'd stayed behind. Though if I had I would have retreated to the guest room with a book. Strictly to avoid interfering with the quality time, of course.

Major on my mind was what a grand time I'd be having if I'd just stayed home. These weekend trips to the City of In-Laws were no nightmares, but still, given my druthers... much much grander still if we'd run Stephie over, the two of us returning home for a weekend alone!

From my vantage I realized I'd taken the wrong seat. I would've fit nice and snug between them on the ersatz sofa, or cuddled up against Barbara if she'd been in the middle. There she was, my lovely wife, slumped down in the cushions. The slope displayed her draped breasts to a fine advantage, and gravity had her legs casually splayed. Even encased in a somewhat dowdy blouse and relaxed-fit jeans, this was not a sight I needed to be seeing in the company of others. We were passing through a very busy month or so, and my affair with my own hand had grown rather tiresome. The more I stared at Barbara the more the stash of cash in my wallet was burning a hole in my pocket. It was surely enough for a bed in a room at a low-budget chain. My wife, without child by her side! Break her out of this maternal mode she kept getting stuck in. A few hours of good clean fun. And hey, the night's paid for. We'd be partners in crime again. Old reliable car trouble. Nothing like an overnight miracle to recharge a few batteries! Let's ditch Anne and go fuck like crazy!

My telepathic powers, per usual, were malfunctioning.

I shifted my attentions to Anne to calm down. She was, when she was calm, a genuinely likable person. But she was currently trying to fast- track a PhD program. Student-teaching, taking classes, roughing out her dissertation, plus odd-jobbing the freelance stuff that paid the bills. No wonder she was nearly crazy. I pitied my mother-in-law for living in the same town, and thus becoming the sounding board for all of Anne's bitchy frustrations. Besides her mother, Anne's social life was her cat, a rather psychotic thing I'd seen once in a darting flash. As well, in my diagnoses--which I kept strictly to myself--I imagined that her sexual life didn't stray too far from the familiarity of her own friendly fingers. Which, as I well knew, could get to be quite a bore.

I had to turn my attentions away from her! She lay there sprawled in nearly an identical position as Barbara. Anne was a slightly different flavor, but she was still basically the same genetic milkshake. I was ready to go back and comfort myself by slurping up the infantile images on the television screen!

Right then the phone rang somewhere behind me.

Both sets of eyes turned in my direction. Not looking at me, but there I sat in the line of vision. I sort of crossed my arms in my lap. I didn't have a raging erection, but there was definitely less blood available to my brain than usual.

Anne got up to get it, passing directly by me to where it sat next to the computer. I swiveled and scooted in my wonderchair to give her less of a detour. In my sensitized state I could smell her as she swished by. It wasn't an ornate or complicated odor, nothing innately sexual, just the good clean scent of a woman. Enough to nearly throw me from the chair. Down boy, down!

The chair was nearly brand new and ridiculously well-lubricated. My tiny twist and push sent me almost to the sofa, twirling a full 180 degrees. I watched Anne on her trip across the room. My god! They can observe others, they can see themselves in fitting mirrors, but no woman can ever know how truly delicious she is to watch walking away.

Quickly I caught myself and turned back to Barbara. A little smile was playing across her face.

"I uh, wow, these damn chairs, they oughta put brakes on 'em!"

Barb laughed. "I think you're supposed to put the brakes on yourself."

I just stared. It seemed like a good time to keep my mouth shut.

She leaned up and lowered her voice. "Hadn't you noticed before? You're hardly the first guy to realize what a cute ass she has. Don't worry! I'd think there was something wrong with you if you didn't appreciate the view."

Actually I happened to be appreciating a different view at the moment. Barb guessed this without looking down; keeping her eyes on me she reached and tugged the neckline of her shirt out and down even further. Nipple alert!

"Stop it!" I hissed.

She snickered and gave me a playful swat that sent me, literally, spinning in circles.

After answering the phone, Anne's tone had quickly lost its brightness. She held the receiver out towards us, "It's Mom--something about Stephie?"

Barbara and I exchanged high-browed looks of surprise. I was scared to try and get out of the chair; before I could, Barb was on her feet and walking across the room. There went another fine sight! But I couldn't really follow it. The air was fairly crackling with concern. And the way Anne was turned, she would have seen the smoke pouring out my ears.

Barbara wasn't doing much talking, but her expression grew grave. Anne's arms started an agitated flapping, as though she couldn't stand not being on the phone herself hearing the whole story. The whole story seemed to take forever to tell. Barb backed up and settled her bottom against the desk while Anne took to canting back and forth on her hips. Eventually, Anne shrugged and walked across the room. She sank down in front of me, sitting on her heels and resting her hands on her knees.

Her look was so serious as she whispered, "I wonder what's wrong?"

I shrugged and dropped my eyes just long enough to see the danger of the situation. I didn't want to be rude and look at the top of her head, but her gaze was too intense for me to comfortably hold. Which didn't leave me many options. That damn shirt! I caught a glimpse of the formative swells of her breast, rapidly rising and falling with the excited pace of her breath. I settled instead on looking past Anne, around her, letting my gaze come to rest on Barb. I'd get to the bottom of this mystery using my profound supernatural powers

"Oh," I finally hazarded a guess to give myself something else to do, "Stephie probably spilled a nearly invisible drop of grape juice on her very favorite nightgown."

If it wasn't that, it was probably something just like that. Whatever it was, I was glad for the excuse to get out of there. This dwelling on the physical attributes of the opposite sex was going to get me in trouble. My mind had many more than just the one track, but it wasn't willing to concede the fact when stuck in a room with two gorgeous examples of the gender in question.

Anne looked stunned by my response.

"It happens!" I asserted. "Sure, I thought trial-and-error was a tried- and-true form of learning but this'll make the third time this week. She insists on using a grown-up glass too wide for her hand, she insists on pouring it so full the meniscus is floating above the actual rim, she insists on not sitting at a table, she insists on holding the glass in one hand while she uses the other for play. And she insistently--I mean consistently--spills on herself. But only when she's wearing the only nightgown she'll wear. And it's always one drop so small you wouldn't even see it if she didn't point it out. Lucky for your mom she has that washer and dryer--the crisis will be over within an hour without leaving the house."

How much more of a monster could I make myself appear? Why stop with one foot--hell, let me cram the entire leg in my mouth.

Fortunately Barbara saved me from further embarrassment by coming away from the phone wearing a very grim expression.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Your daughter."

"What's wrong?" Anne demanded, getting to her feet.

"A little girl wants her Mommy," came her curt reply.

"What is it? what is it?" Anne wouldn't let off.

"Stephie fell asleep in front of the tube, and then slipped into an intensely frightening nightmare."

"Yea, Barney does that to me all the time," I quipped.

"It was an epic horror involving the slaughter of horses," she glared at me.

Having the two of them standing there in front of me made me feel even smaller in my seat. "Oh boy," I replied, moving to get up, "I guess I better go clean up my mess."

"A little girl wants her Mommy," Barbara stated in her sweetest voice. I knew not to be tempted. The tone was the frosting on a display window cake; one bite would break a tooth on the plaster. "Besides, I can just see you trying to console her. It's okay honey, think how happy it made all the dogs."

"Well, it's the same as that Great Circle of Life crap all those cartoon animals are always spouting off about."

I stood up to go, remembering that it really wasn't a simple matter of one of us going into the other room to play the Comforter.

Barbara looked at me queerly. "Relax. Sit down. I'm going, case closed."

"But, um, I thought, you know... " My hands dipped and twirled and shook in elaborate gestures that, really, clarified nothing. I was quite the master of inarticulation.

"Oh? Oh, no no," she comprehended at last. "I plan to be right back. She'll probably be fast asleep by the time I get there."

That explicated I decided to sit back down. I chose the sofa. I was having no more of that chair!

There was that full minute where Anne and I both stared at the door after it closed. After that we had to turn to each other. And then began the Great Deadly Lull. In departing, Barb had taken the certain dynamic of her presence that generally allowed us to have easy conversations.

Anne slunk over and sat herself in the crazy chair. The damn thing barely budged. She swiveled my way, precisely.

This was not good. I was stuck in the same place, and in the same mindset. The only changes were that the one woman--my wife--had left, and that I'd switched seating with the other woman--my wife's sister. And my mission--should I choose to accept it--was to invent conversation when I was quickly feeling very quiet. Matters were not helped by the fact that I was basically sitting on the floor. With Anne sprawled in the chair in front of me, my level-headed gaze fell right between her open thighs.

"It could've been grape juice," I whined.

"But it wasn't," Anne countered.

True, true.

"Nice weather we're having," I attempted, clasping my hands in my lap.

"For winter," she shrugged.

I gave up and studied my hands. I glanced up at the overhead fixture, then I turned my attention to the window in the adjacent wall. The minutes were gorged as hours. Years later Anne rolled back a bit, then stood up. "I'm going to make a cup of tea. Would you like one?"

"Sure!" I grasped.

And, I admit--secret shameless bastard that I am--I stared at her behind until the turn into the kitchen swallowed the sight. A cute ass indeed.

Calm down! I scolded myself. The potential for big trouble was definitely arising. Barbara might not have minded my helping myself to a little look, but geez! You're in your apartment with your brother- in- law while your sister is off comforting your sweet little niece, and the jerk can't keep his eyes off you. What a creep!

The creak of the old tap, the splatter of water, the rattle of the kettle and the clicking of mugs. Bang on the stove, clunk on the counter, slam goes the cabinet door. A nice long medley of safe unsexy sounds. I was fast back in control, returned to the status quo. I had Anne placed back in the proper compartment.

The kettle gave a scraggly old whistle, and nearly immediately Anne was back in the room. She was carrying the cat, not cups.

"Look who I found." Anne's smile was broad and proud as she brought the cat over to me.

"Well hi, sweetheart." I never could remember its name. I'd known the damn thing since Anne got it as a kitten, so it was years too late to ask. Enna, that was one name I'd given it. Lunatic was another.

The cat was a mutt, but some exotic forebear was definitely trying to show through. It really was a gorgeous creature, a silvery sort of white with smoky hints of markings. The eyes were this amazing iridescent sort of baby-blue with violet undertones.

I reached out to stroke it. "Pretty pretty," I crooned.

As usual, it flinched. "Wah!"

"Oh, you big baby!"

I tried again. I wanted it to cry again. I loved the color of its mouth combined with the blues and greys. Princess Pink Mouth was another name.

Anne knelt down and practically crawled between my outstretched legs, insisting that I hold the cat in my lap. She was beaming. Love me, love my cat. I grinned back, "Gosh, this is more I've seen of it than in all the past two years." The transfer was effected, not that the cat was at all happy about it. The thing was trembling in my arms.

But this was not a good situation to be in. I had this squirming weight pressing against my crotch. A pretty face was hovering barely a foot from mine. And our hands, not touching, but so close together, stroking the soft fur. Petting a cat is a very sensuous experience, and sharing it with someone... well, it was like having some sort of unusual sex.

The cat exploded!

I didn't even see where it went. It just flew up in the air, and then Anne tumbled into my lap, the top of her head clipping my cheek. "Ow!" I shouted.

She quickly scrambled up, rubbing her scalp, "Oh what? I'm sorry!"

"Oh no, it's not that." I was staring at my arm. A trio of welts were forming, raising up, blushing, each splitting to bubble up a crimson line.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed. Before I could react she was holding my hand in hers. She used the index finger of her other hand to trace lines parallel to the scratches, stopping to poke at my arm around the welts. Such a simple touch, but it was driving me nuts! "Those look angry," she declared, "we better do something about them."

Uh uh! I was not about to let Anne go into nurse-mode. "Oh, that's nothing, really, it's okay, they don't even hurt. Little soap and water maybe, paper towel or something to blot them with. Hey, what about that tea anyway."

"Oh yea," she brightened.

Excellent diversionary tactic!

I followed Anne into the kitchen. It was a tiny, narrow space. There was barely room for us both to fit, me at the sink and her the counter opposite. Knowing Anne I should have guessed that the tea was a complicated business. The process involved tea-balls and loose leaf, an exact steeping time, then a pinch of another type of tea. A little lemon did not involve a quick squirt from that magic plastic one.

The whole time I was washing my arm, rinsing with peroxide, and drying off, Anne was directly behind me. We were bumping butts every fifteen seconds.

"Oops, excuse me."


"This really is an intimate kitchen, isn't it?"

Then she started exaggerating. "Boom-boom," she'd call out, and then boom-boom it would be.

But I was trying to press on the damn cuts. Otherwise they kept trickling. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all!" Boom-boom!

"Come on!" I reached for another paper towel.

"Okay!" Boom-boom!

"Anne! I'm doing that compression thing! Gentle, or I'll bleed to death in your sink."

She answered with a very gentle little boom indeed. Then she made a little sucking sound. "Mmm! Usually I don't indulge but sometimes I need some sweetness."

What? Whatever!

"Would you like a drop of my very special honey?"

I about fell through the floor! "Would you like a taste?" She came around my side with a spoon of something thick and dark and barely liquid, then showed me the jar. Okay, honey to sweeten the tea. But not the runny stuff that comes in a plastic squeeze bear. A raw honey from the nectar of a special flower that grew only in one small patch somewhere on the other side of the world. One drop because one drop would be a full dollop.

"Here," she flicked her tongue out at the spoon, "just the tip of your tongue. It's very strong." I'd been ready to open wide and say ahhh. Bad enough to be fed, but to have to expose my tongue--that implied something too sensual. "Go on, have a taste, it's really good." Eh, get it over with!

Hey, good enough, strong yes, a distinct nearly smoky flavor. Funny honey. Hell yea, stir some in. It was going to be a cup of weird tasting stuff anyway. I rarely drank tea, and when I did it would be three bags of grocery brand garbage and two spoons of sugar let set for about fifteen minutes--ersatz coffee.

I finally managed to staunch the bleeding. We took our cups back into the livingroom. Anne took the psycho chair, leaving me glad to have the faux sofa to myself. We smiled at one another over our cups of tea. The honey did help. The brew smelled sort of like--kindred in taste as well, I guessed--the water in a vase after you've tossed out the cut flowers you kept too long. To my health and my hostess!

"Well?" Anne smiled.

"Well?" I smiled.

"The tea?"

"Great! Really. Truly."



This was awful! Fucking painful. I doubt I was the only one in the room wishing Barbara a swift return.

"Would you like to meet some interesting people?" What? like she had a bunch of them stashed away in the closet?

"Sure, sounds great!" Maybe I should flap my arms and fly home to my town, call up some friends? Maybe she was going to suggest I step out the door and keep walking until I found some? The awkward fault was entirely my own--I was feeling supremely dull.

Anne was busy tapping away at the computer. "Come on," she called. I stood up with a groan, feeling old and weary, and went over. There wasn't a comfortable compromise between standing and squatting. I chose the latter simply because I felt less towering.

She was apparently hooked up into some sort of fancy chat room--she tossed off some acronyms that made me think of dirty cows--that involved a castle setting and everyone parading around in period costumes bearing fake names and unlikely personas.

"This is real time," Anne announced. Hardly the description I would have used.

She led us through a bunch of noisy rooms out into a quiet garden, prattling all the while. Those in the know knew the proper commands. By looking under a forsythia bush she pulled out a hand mirror. Held up at the proper angle one would see a turret window. Look in the window. Then we were in the turret room, which seemed to be as cozy as a mansion. That's where all her friends hung out.

"Oh look, there's Laura." I knew the name from discussions between Barbara and her mother. Laura was an old friend of Anne's from way back. Princess Prescience I believe she was calling herself. Princess Pretentious seemed more appropriate.

They went chattering away. My mind drifted, focusing on nothing specific. Always be polite, I reminded myself, singing the refrain of a childhood admonishment.

Suddenly Anne was poking at my shoulder. "Get on up here! Laura wants to say hello." The chair was not made for two, but she scooted over enough for me to sit down beside her.

>"Hello Shrouded One! How goeth things with thou?"

"Shrouded One? What's that?"

"I had to give you a name."

I was supposed to put my fingers on the keys and type out an answer:

>"Well, here I sit with Anne's thigh pressed against mine

>and it's sort of giving me a hard-on I don't really

>want. And of course I'm allegedly talking to some

>idiot pretending to be Princess Leviathan or whatever."

All I could really think to say was:

>"An old dog sitting here, learning new tricks I suppose."

Short, to-the-point, and not at all encouraging. As well I ceased to exist.

>"Ah, lucky Lady you! I see the Count approaching."

>She slips away discreetly in slippered feet.

Ah, the Count! I felt touched, and intensely saddened. Anne was showing me the extent of her social life. She didn't have one. I didn't have much of one, but at least when I was in a room with some friends the furniture was real. When they talked I saw their mouths move.

>Count Samovar rushes Lady Lida into a darkened alcove.

>She opens the spigot and fills her cup with his tea.

"Lady Lida!" I exclaimed, "as in famed for close encounters of the swan kind?"

Anne blushed, typing furiously.

>"Not now you don't, George. Sorry, but I'm giving a tour

>at the moment."

"This royal Russian tea urn and his spigot--what's he keep talking about anyway?"

"His penis." She didn't bat an eye, or miss a keystroke.

"Oh." Oh. Oh boy. Oh my god. Her faux social life and sexual life were one and the same. Gave a whole new meaning to the phrase digital sex. Granted, I hadn't had an orgasm in over a month that wasn't the product of my five little friends, but geez, at least they could concentrate on the business at hand. They didn't have to go wander away and type descriptions of what they were trying to do. Fer crissakes! A computer as a jack-off prop?

My mind was whirling. I was having to think about all sorts of things I didn't want to think about. The image of Anne sitting in this very chair creaking the casters. Did they concoct an entire torrid encounter, then kick back and get off while proofing it? Or did they really jump back and forth, Anne alternating cunt strokes with keystrokes? Pump pump, tickaticka, pump pump? Wouldn't that gunk up the keyboard?

I was spared further thoughts by the ringing of the phone. Wait a minute--the phone, ringing?

"How does that happen?" I asked.

Anne looked at me as if I was a moron, which, of course, I was. "I have two lines."

The phone was on her side of the computer so she answered it. It was her phone, so she answered.

"Hi! Oh yea? Hold on." Anne handed the phone over to me. "It's Barb." She resumed talking away, typing away.

"Thanks." Two lines and all this technology, but she didn't have a cordless phone. It was a delicate balance I was trying to strike-- keeping the cord out of her way without falling out of my half of the chair. I gave it up and got to my feet.

"Hey Barbara. What's up? How's Stephie? When are you heading back?"

"Sorry, Wayne, I'm not. I won't be able to make it back tonight."

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Let me start this story with telling you a little about my situation. I am married and I have 3 k**s and my husband lives in a different state for work reasons, He makes it home almost every month for a few days but im pretty much on my own. We have phone sex and cam sex alot to keep it interesting and I love watching him pleasure himself. I will sometimes let him buy full body massages so he can get his asshole and cock rubbed til he cums just so he can tell me about it (it drives me crazy)...

3 years ago
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Revenge Inc

Chapter 1 I sat in the parking lot and waited for the guard to walk to the door and open it. My crew was ready to perform their tasks as soon as the guard let us in. As soon as the door was opened we would then proceed to destroy Best For You Specialties, Inc. I looked at the can of dead roaches on the seat beside me and smiled. We would insert a roach into cups of yogurt and then put the infested cups of yogurt in different boxes that were ready for shipment in the huge refrigerators. The...

2 years ago
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Experiment Eleven

Experiment Eleven By Walter Ego Captain's personal log. We reached the Baldec system ten standard days ago on a mission to investigate the apparent loss of several independent mining ships. I've come to understand why independents have been attracted to such a far away system. Baldec has a dense asteroid belt and ship's scans have already come across several formations that would set the entire crew up for life if we had the wherewithal to haul them back to Earth. Central Control can...

1 year ago
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The Sales Contest

The Sales Contest By Mister Double-U It was Thursday, and the sales force for EC Electronics, Inc. sat around the long table in the conference room. At the head, was EC Electronics himself, Mr. EC Morgan. EC started this company 15 years ago when the electronics field was just getting underway. We weren't really big; so we didn't have the means to mass-produce our product. Therefore, we were only concentrating in one or two states. This helped us keep a quality product for a...

3 years ago
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A Further Change In Circumstances

Not much more than a week previously sixty-year-old Jim Butcher was a downtrodden and henpecked husband to Sheila, who was a similar age. After putting up with that situation for years Jim finally rebelled and his rebellion took the form of taking Sheila over his knee and giving her a damn good hiding.After the initial shock, Sheila became incredibly turned on and the couple had their first fuck in years.Since then, apart from much sex, Sheila had taken a belt across her arse and she had also...

2 years ago
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Mom Comes to Visit

I opened the door and the cool air hit us in the face. “Whew! So, this is where you guys have decided to retire?” My mom’s question sounded like an introduction to one of her critical arguments. I’d just picked her up from Tucson International. “Yeah, Mom, and I don’t want to hear anything about it except how nice and warm it is in Arizona in February,” I replied. S he still lived in the Montana town where she and I both, in our respective turns, had grown up. “You know I’ve talked about...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 368

This one is compliments of Gary: God said, 'Adam, I want you to do something for Me.' Adam said, 'Gladly, Lord, what do You want me to do?' God said, 'Go down into that valley.' Adam said, 'What's a valley?' God explained it to him. Then God said, 'Cross the river.' Adam said, 'What's a River?' God explained that to him, and then said, 'Go over to the hill... ' Adam said, 'What is a hill?' So, God explained to Adam what a hill was. He told Adam, 'On the other side...

3 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 6 Saturday Morning and Sherry Sleeps with Brent

He knew in his heart of hearts that she was probably awake last night. That's what gave him even more strength to go ahead and turn the knob. If she indeed was awake last night and she let him do that, then she would be willing to do it again, right? He pushed the door open slightly inside. The curtains were drawn so it was still rather dark. But there was just enough light so he could see. She was lying on her belly on the left side of the bed. So again he could easily reach her. He quietly...

2 years ago
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Slow Sweet Sex

We’re laying in bed. He’s laying on his back and my head is on his chest, and he’s stroking my cheek ever so softly. We’re watching a movie, but I am barely aware of it, enjoying the gentle, tender touch of his fingers brushing my cheek lightly. I am stirred deep inside, emotionally first, thinking how amazing he is, how lucky I am, how good it feels to be his. But then there is a stirring deep inside my body, wanting to be close to him, to touch him, to make the action of our bodies match the...

4 years ago
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Helping Melissa Score

You had liked my friend Kristin since you met her. And today you wanted her bad. You didn't have her number, so you asked me to help you get you two together. I agreed and arranged the three of us to see a movie at my place. The whole night Kristin flirts with the both of us. After the movie, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, winking at you while I leave. You move next to Kristin, both your arm and hers are draped over the back of the sofa. "So, Kristin, you and Cal get along pretty...

1 year ago
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Mera Pahla Pyar

Ye story sirf readers ke enjoy k liye likhi gayi ha. Ye sachi kahani nahi ha..,to is story ki main actress rekha ha…to agge ye story rekha k nazariye se likhi ja rahi ha.. ,maine (rekha) kuch din pahle hi apni 12 ki study puri ki thi….aur main sex k bare mein kuch jyada nahi janti thi…mere ghar mein mom,dad nd ek bhai ha….mein mom ke sath hr roj mandir jati thi…mom ki ek bahut achi saheli thi anuradha aunty…aunty ke ghar mein unke husband aur ek beti ha….mein unki beti k pass kabhi kabhi jaya...

1 year ago
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Me And My Neighbour Aunty

Hi guys and girls… I am from Tirune halwa city this is my first story in Indian sex stories and I ‘m not good in English so please forgive for my mistakes and give your feedback in the following mail id I wont to share my name. I like mid age aunties than girls because they had a matured body and structure. I am reading stories in last 4 years after reading the story I masturbate thinking that story it’s time for my story. Now coming to the story I am 22 slim and fair in color with 6.5 inch...

1 year ago
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Padosan ko swarg ki sair karayi sagar me

Mujhe girls ke reply ka intajar hai my id Mera nam prince h ye bat us samya ki h jab mai 15-17 me tha mai waise to bhopal me rahta hu par ye bat sagar ki hai.Mere ghar ke bagal me ek unkle,aunty aur unke do bache the dono chhote &unki umar 2,4 sal hi thi.Unckle &aunty job par the isliye bacho ko sambhalne ke liye unhone pariwar ki ladki ko bula liya wo 21ya22 sal ki hogi.uski hight kam thi to wo kam umar ki lagti thi.Lekin sheela ek dum gori aur badan kasa fig38-36-40.Uski bachkani hasi aur...

1 year ago
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Mannsborough Tales 2 Jakes Big Bet

Jake spotted his wife as soon as she appeared from behind the sign that pointed out the parking lot of the Summer House. It was an unseasonably warm December day. She was wearing the streamlined gray coat that he had always found particularly flattering. Even if he hadn't seen the coat or the long, red hair flowing down from under her white knit hat, he would have recognized her from her gait alone. He watched her through the floor-to-ceiling window knowing that the sun was reflecting off the...

1 year ago
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My friends Help Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is my another super story with super erotic moments My name is Alex and I am a sophomore at a well-known university in Phoenix Arizona. In the fall semester, I took a course in philosophy and met an attractive student in that class. Her name was Emily and she was from England. Most of the guys in classes were hot for her. She was tall with long legs and long black hair but her face was rather plain. I think it was her accent that...

2 years ago
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Problems and SolutionsChapter 17

Patrick was asleep when he became part of the Dreaming. The Dreaming is many things in one. Among them, it is a kind of narrative of things that once happened; a kind of character of things that are still happening; and a kind of logos or principle of order transcending everything significant for Aboriginal man. It is cosmogony, an account of the start of the universe, a story about creation. It is also a cosmology, an account of how creation became an ordered system. Patrick thought how the...

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My first time with my older sister

Mom and Dad had gone to my grandparents for the weekend to help them pack and get rid of a lot of things so they could move into a retirement apartment. They decided that we were old enough to be home alone but sat us down and had a long talk about how we should behave and what would happen if we didn't. It was about eleven, Friday night and I was in my room watching porn on my computer when I heard Maggie come in. I looked out my door and saw her. She was shit-faced drunk. She...

3 years ago
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Episode 120 Rachael Mollys Dirty Wee

Saturday MorningRachael and Molly have been at sixth-form college for a week now, when Molly’s mum Justine gets the call to spend the weekend on her knees submitting to Sam, her new Dom.Rachael and Molly are mostly studying different subjects now, so have swapped touching each other up in class for sending nude selfies and planning their next sexual encounters.Rachael arrived early on Saturday morning, Justine opened the front door in just a bathrobe: “Hi love - Molly’s just getting dressed -...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Aaliyah Hadid Masturbating in Step Dads Room

Aaliyah Hadid is constantly horny. So much so that when she found herself home alone, she snuck into her step father’s room and started to masturbate. Little did she know, he would return home early. He walked into the house and instantly heard her moaning. As he followed the noise, he caught her in the middle of the act. Once he confronted her, Aaliyah decided to show him just how much of a bad girl she is, she started sucking him off on the spot. Eventually, things moved further along....

3 years ago
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The new summer job part 15

Daniel stood at the video room door, naked except for his skin tightt-shirt, not sure what to do. John had left him there with no instructionsand most of all, no pants. He glanced back at the threesome in the secondaisle still sucking and fucking each other. He looked at the young k**'scock sliding in and out of the black man's ass. His own hole clenched eachtime it slid in. He almost felt it. As much as he didn't want to admit it,all he seemed to think about lately was being fucked. His own...

4 years ago
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Loving Babysitter Part 1

--Jamie came in as my parents were packing to be ready to go, and my brother was gone. I was still a bit pissed so I just sat there playing on the computer with my dirty blonde hair pulled back. --Jamie smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry Lisa, we’ll have lots of fun. We can do anything you want.” I just shrugged and said my goodbyes then went to my room. --I changed into more comfortable clothes which were shorts and a tank top. I was pretty happy with my body at this point because I was...

3 years ago
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A History Lesson

The bus had taken us 50 kilometers east from Krak?w in Poland to the museum of the holocaust at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Many buses, several taking our party and others with other groups dropped us and we walked to  the iron gate crowned with the motto "Arbeit macht frei".  "Three Million Jews walked through this gateway to die" lied the guide"My Grandfather was here," I muttered to no one in particular, I remembered when he told me of it, a lovely gentle man with his collection of Cuckoo clocks."All my...

2 years ago
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Another night out with Emma

After a few years of meeting up with other people Emma was getting a taste for younger men and it was while she was browsing an adult contact site she came across Neil’s profile a 21 year old from Scotland a long way from us but Emma made contact with him anyway she was very taken by him his washboard abs and pecs and very good looking . They continued chatting on and off for a few months all of us wishing we didn’t live so far apart when Neil told us of a potential trip that his friend was...

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I Jennifer Chapter One

I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter One: Awakening J47347 became self aware on the tenth of June 2347. She knew immediately that she would die, or more correctly expire on the tenth of June 2352; Hominoids have a five-year life span mandated by law. Although she knew that she would be known as J47347 officially for all of her short existence, she already thought of herself as Jennifer. She, like all 'skin jobs' as they were sometimes called, had been pre- programmed with a...

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A Christmas Story

About twenty years ago, when I was in my thirties and had moved to Florida, I started attending a very traditional Anglican-style church. I became actively involved, to the point where about ten years ago I became the head Verger. A major part of that job is coordinating and choreographing the various aspects of the Mass, particularly the Masses celebrating the major holidays. The music program is a big deal at church, especially at Christmas. However, because the choir is largely volunteer,...

Straight Sex
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BrownBunnies Julie Kay Great Body Seduces Pool Man

Julie Kay walks to her pool to sun bath and to tease the pool man. She oils up her sexy legs to showcase her perfect body before she starts touching herself. The pool man is in shocked as she doesn’t seen to care that he’s there. She goes inside the pool so she can seduced him more. She finally walks out and toward him where she takes her tits out and starts making out with him. They walk over to the outside bench where she sucks him off before taking his bare cock in her pussy. We see her get...

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SamChapter 8B

The bell rang to indicate the start of school and everyone crowded through the door to get to their homerooms so the roll could be called. Bud bent over and kissed Jolene on the cheek before retrieving his books and heading to class. She watched until he disappeared into the crush and then she turned to me. "He has a very large penis, doesn't he?" She asked, shyly. As she spoke, Janice stepped closer to hear what she had to say. "Yes, he does," I answered. "You won't see many cocks...

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Indian woman visiting US

Hi My name is Vanita , I am a HR professional working as GM HR in a US company operating in Pune India, I am 37 year old single woman , 5’2”, 58 kgs, have fair complexion, shoulder length Dark brown hairs and a great body figure of 34 –28-36. I was an athlete during schooling days and hence my thighs and hips are well toned ,even at this age my breast still stand erect even without support , in fact one of my boy friend with whom I had some steaming relationship was very fond of them . I visit...

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Busted I was at home once looking at a photo my girlfriend had sent me during that day while she was at work. It was just after seven and Sarah would not be back for several hours yet and that was exactly why she did it. Sarah always was a tease sending me all sorts of photos that never left anything to the imagination. Sarah loved to look after herself and at just under six feet tall all I could see was the perfect woman. With the body of a model and legs that no sculptor could match I was...

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UniversityChapter 51

Rachel left to return to the Gallery and I had the room locked up prior to finding my dad's office. "Body bags," he told me. "They're called 'body bags.' I knew that we had a committee to return materials, but I hadn't realized there were still human remains. I'll have something done. You go home. I'll call you when they're gone." "Thanks." "It's horrid to think of how barbaric our ancestors were." "Not much worse than stealing children, though. Is it?" "No. We...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 2 A surprise visit

It was a Thursday evening and everyone other than Dana and Candy, who were still at work, were in the family room. Pat was seated in one of the large overstuffed lounge chairs reading a cook book titled, 'Weird & Different Recipes'. God only knew what we were in for after her reading that. Vicky and Maria were laying on the floor looking through several College brochures, both Jen and Kim were seated in rockers bed-time nursing Kimberly and Jenny, and I was down on the carpet rolling...

2 years ago
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Makeup Mistake

This can be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Makeup Mistake By Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 John sat at his mother's vanity for the hundredth time. At 10 he had dressed as a girl for Halloween. The love of the clothes and the look stuck with him. He ate and kept himself in shape, making sure he did not develop muscles and overly noticeable masculine traits. He had snuck into his parents room and played with his mothers makeup and clothing ever...

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It was during one of these intense interludes when I noticed my step-daughter standing in a shadow just on the edge of the camera’s view. She was concealed by the dark but I could make out her profile against the wall she was standing by as she looked across the room, over her mother’s back at the monitor that had my image. Sherry was so busy with her fingers between her legs she didn't notice her girl behind her but I knew what JoAnne was seeing; a close up of my hand slow stroking my...

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Husband And Wife8217s Rough Roleplay Sex 8211 Part 1

This is a fantasy story. All the characters mentioned here are just the puppets of the writer’s mind. This is a series of different stories. The main hero in the story is Rahul (naam to suna hoga) and the heroine is Pooja (because creativity sucks, matlab isse common naam aur kya ho sakta hai)? Rahul and Pooja are married, they are in their mid-twenties. Rahul is working in the IT sector in one of the reputed companies and works as a computer engineer in Pune. Rahul is not a guy with a great...

4 years ago
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Country BoysChapter 18

Pepper stepped out of the trailer and stretched, once he was free of its confines. It was false dawn and the light was just bright enough to see his surroundings clearly, while still giving everything a soft appearance. The dew on the ground gave the grass a delicate appearance, like something out of a fairy tale. There was just enough of a chill in the air to make him wish he was still in bed. The whinny of a horse drew his eye to the south end of the pasture. Looking at them brought back...

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SS Valentine

[author’s Note: this story starts slow and ended up longer than I expected. There is no graphic sex, hence the reason it is posted in romance. Thanks for reading and please enjoy.] Frank Johnson was a drone – one of the many thousands of worker bees that commuted into Manhattan each morning to toil with the others. His contribution by itself was insignificant, but together all the individual parts made up the whole that was the engine of prosperity. Frank was one of about 2000 people who...

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My Junior Colleague Priya

Hello guys and this is gunjan again with a new story! I am expecting a lot of replies from girls/aunties especially the one from Delhi and I have said earlier that I am gunjan, 25 years old just like million other engineers in delhi I also work in a MNC here.I have a dick of 6.5" long and any aunty/gals can give me their reviews at [email protected] and xhamster id am really looking forward to make new female friends of any age and that's the reason I am...

2 years ago
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Mias Fantasy 2

"No, please. What are you doing?" Mia begged. The 21-year-old blonde was cuffed to the headboard completely naked, helpless as she watched Deon drag Noah off the bed. The sick part of it all was that this deep, inner part of her psyche loved what was happening. For so long she had nursed a secret rape fantasy - of being accosted in her home, her husband tied up, forced to watch the unspeakable unfold - a fantasy she'd only revealed to her husband when they'd married a few months ago. Now...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 289

Deep Space "The alien ship is moving," the scout's AI said, waking Arlene from a deep sleep. Naked, she came off her bunk at a run, grabbed the edge of her door, spun right, then ran down the short hallway to the bridge. "Brief me," she said, wiggling into her seat as the AI brought her forward screen on line. "They are operating on a type of gravity drive. Compared to ours, it is inefficient," the AI said, smugly. "Even as we are conversing, they have again matched velocities with...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 2

The following day, Charlie wanted to go shopping, and Daniel wasn't exactly in a rush to go home, so he went with her. They got a bus into the city centre, and proceeded to go around practically every shop they came across. Daniel found it quite boring, but it was better than going home and listening to Harry and Sarosa. "This is so much fun, don't you agree, Dan?" Charlie said as they walked through the city. "Loads of fun," Daniel said. "Oh come on, don't be like that. Why don't...

1 year ago
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Maddie Part 3

Madelyn woke up to a sun filled room without the pounding head and aching body like she had the previous morning. She wasn’t hung over, but she did have that lingering tiredness. All the sex and sweating must’ve took care of the alcohol that was going through her system. Wait, the fucking? I really hope I wasn’t dreaming… She turned to see if Shane were still in the bed with her and much to her relief, he was. It had not been a dream and she felt more relaxed about the situation. A smile...

3 years ago
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Crash Island

Crash Island I was on an unbelievably beautiful vacation that I had won in a contest. I was going to island hop around the Caribbean for the entire winter. It would last a full six months from November first to April thirtieth. Getting out of New York was a wonderful thing once in a while. At my age of sixty this was also a dream vacation, one that I had actually dreamed of for most of my life. When I won it I was speechless then I jumped for joy. When I told my boss that I needed six...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours birthday party

We live next door to the Chesters, and have done since I was young, and Mr and Mrs Chester are an older mature couple who are almost retired, Mr Chester works at the local car factory, and Mrs Chester is a teacher at my school.Now when it comes to birthdays Mr and Mrs Chester always throw a big bash and invite all the neighbours and their friends around, and reluctantly I've always been dragged along by my parents to attend, but as I got older I didn't have to stay all night and usually...

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Hi Many of you will know I am from the states. Lived all over as my pop was in the Airforce. Life in the states in the 60 and 70,s was wild for a girl growing up. Even in good social backgrounds dope was everywhere. So was sex as much as you wanted. The airmen did not mind where they stuck their hard cocks. As I grew I saw many sexual scenes I should not have seen.I often snuck up to parked cars and peeked into windows steamed up by fucking. I saw all sorts. Even caught my mom being banged by...

2 years ago
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The AdventureChapter 6

The chateau was modest in size but richly appointed. Sited in the mountains of Austria and isolated, it provided an ideal meeting place for the members. They sat around the fireplace sipping after-dinner brandy. The two women and four men, including Andre, obviously enjoyed each others’ company. “So Katrina continues with her adventure?” asked the younger woman of the silver-haired man. “Yes, she continues to enjoy every minute of it. I will not be surprised if she ends up asking for...

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Episode 68 Andrews first sex

This story is written for andrew426 about his real fam1ly experiences, just updated to the present day and contains some of my personal fantasies.ThursdayAndrew rushed up to his room after getting home from school, shedding clothes and spotted a pair of his younger sisters used pink panties in the clothes wash bin. He loved the feel of soft cotton against his balls, most of his cock stuck out above the rolled down waistband. He could hear giggling and splashing from the garden down below; there...

2 years ago
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Become GAY Part 2

Two more days gone as me and my boss stuck at our remote working location, covered around national security on road who locked our site from state border.Me and boss enjoyed very much with each others by licking, sucking and fucking.My boss married around 3-4 years back. He lived with his wife nearby city around 30kms far only but due to panic situation and routine check ups, he decided to live on site till lockdown.One day he requested to company for go to home, for this he need a...

4 years ago
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Consensual Cheating Ch 1

Is there such a thing as consensual cheating? Well I reckon the story of Lisa and my marriage proves that such a contradictory idea is actually possible.Our story starts around three years ago. At the time both Lisa and myself (Adam) were thirty-four. We’d been married for thirteen years, and had a happy marriage which had been blessed by two wonderful healthy children.Lisa is the product of mixed White-Latino heritage, and I’d fallen head over heels the first time I’d met her in our first year...

Wife Lovers
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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 20 Well and Truly Tucked

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Well and Truly Tucked -*- Copyright 1998 by Ellen Hayes. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. This work contains adult situations, adult language, adult concepts, and possibly sex. If you are legally not allowed to read materials containing such things, then you will be breaking the law by reading this. I am not...

2 years ago
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A Sense of Symmetry Pt 11

Julie took the stand. Her performance, Dani thought later, was worthy of an Oscar. In tears, she told of how she had been an innocent teenager seduced by an older man. (She had been eighteen when she met Ben, he had been six years older.) She had suffered through an accidental pregnancy (as accidental as the three she had miscarried?) and had been deserted three months into the pregnancy. (If she really had been deserted, it must have been by the new boyfriend, because she was the one who had...

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African Prince 5

Chapter 5Mikey woke to a beam of direct sunlight from theskylight above the bed cast into his eye. He shiftedhis head slightly to avoid it. Disoriented- he did nothave a skylight in his room- it took him a moment toremember where he was. He turned his head to the sideand saw a truly magnificent sight. His Mom lay stillsleeping, the sunlight had not yet reached her eyes.She lay on her back. Blankets had been cast asideduring the night and for the first time Mikey saw herbare tits exposed. Her...

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