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“I want you to go to bed tonight,” he began saying.

“I go to bed every night,” she interrupted, and laughed.

“Can I finish?” he continued.

“Go ahead.”

“I want you to go to bed tonight, and wait until he is asleep. I know he is in a separate bed, but I want you to be absolutely certain that he is asleep.”

“Ok. And then what? What’s the point of waiting for him to be asleep?” she asked.

“Once he is asleep…once you are absolutely sure of it…I want you to undress and then get back under your covers naked.”

“I can’t do that!” she protested.

“Why not?”

“It isn’t…I…I never do that. He’ll know something is up if he sees me…”

He interrupted her. “He WON’T see you. That’s the point of waiting until he is asleep.”

“But what if he gets up…and asks me to…if I…if I have to get out of my bed?”

“You’re over-thinking. Don’t do it. Stop already. Didn’t we discuss over-thinking the other night when we were chatting?”

She blushed, as if embarrassed. “Yes. Yes, we did.”

“Of course we did. And I meant what I said. Every word.”

“Fine. I’ll stop. But being naked…on my own…I don’t do that. He will know for sure that something…”

“He won’t. I promise you that he won’t. Do you trust me? At least on this point…do you trust me?”

“Let’s say I do. What is the point of all this?” she asked.

“That’s part of trust. It’s faith. If you knew everything, you wouldn’t need faith.”

“We’re talking about you asking me to get naked under my covers, not about the existence of Hashem.”

“Maybe we are. Maybe everything we discuss comes back to that question.”

“That’s not right. Me being naked has nothing to do with…” He interrupted her again.

“It doesn’t, perhaps. But maybe it does. And you’ll just have to believe me on this. You’ll need to trust me and have faith.”

“That’s in short supply in my bedroom, you know. Did I tell you how long?”

“Yes. And that’s between you and him. But it’s not between you and me. He’ll be asleep, remember? So what does or does not happen with him, that doesn’t matter to me right now.”

“Ok. Fine. I wait for him to be asleep. Then I get naked under my sheets. And then?”

“Then? Then nothing. You go to sleep.”

“Nothing? What the fuck?” she exclaimed.

“Faith, my beautiful Sabra!”

“Your Hebrew is as bad as his. I’m not a Sabra. I was born in Canada and only made aliyah a few years ago. A Sabra is native born here in Israel”

“Forgive me…I’m not perfect.”

“That’s the first hint of modesty I’ve heard from you since we started chatting.”

“I never claimed to be perfect. I only said that I think that finding each other again was perfect. It was bashert.”

“Ha! So easy for you to throw in your half dozen Yiddish or Hebrew words. You’re sitting there back in Canada, and you don’t know what it’s like here. The words I’d be using aren’t words like bashert.”

“Oh? And what words would YOU be using now?”

“They didn’t teach those words to you in Hebrew school at that Conservative synagogue of yours, that’s for sure.”

“Ok…enough pulling Hebrew day school superiority on me now. I take back my incorrect use of sabra, ok? Just do as I am asking and have some faith. Can you do that one small thing? For me?”

“I like that,” she replied. “That’s honest. You’re asking me to do something, for you. That’s honest. That’s you saying what you want, and not just saying what you think I want to hear.”

“Do we have a deal?” he wrote, but typing a Hebrew phrase in Hebrew letters.

“Ha! Using Google translate now? Trying to impress me with your Hebrew? You’re so transparent.”

“But your answer?”

“Yes. It’s a deal. I’ll do it tonight.”

“Good. And thank you. It means a lot to me.”

“I still don’t see the…”

“Faith,” he interjected. “Have some faith.”

“I will. Ok…goodnight. I’d better get off this chat and go to bed. He’s going to bed now…I’ll wait for him to be asleep. We’ll finish this chat tomorrow.”

“Layla tov,” he responded. At least he knew how to say goodnight in Hebrew.

She closed the app on her phone, and plugged it in for the night to recharge it. She changed for bed, in silence, and got into her own bed, as she did every night. She was very much aware of his breathing in the next bed. Funny, she thought, I usually don’t even notice him being there any more. He breathes very heavily. Like a bear. She giggled to herself, thinking of herself as Goldilocks and the Papa Bear was in his bed. She was in the one that was “just right”, and she closed her eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing, as it became more regular, more like background noise for her.

She waited for it to stop, and for the snoring to begin. That would be when she would know that he was asleep. She looked beside her at the clock. 11:25. Late for her on a normal weeknight, except she didn’t have to be at work the next day. The day after would be Shemini Atzeret, and Shabbat too, and her boss gave her the day off beforehand to let her prepare for the holidays.

The snoring began. Right into it, she thought, with no warm-up. Deep and loud. How did she sleep with that normally? She wondered. Most nights she paid no attention. But tonight she was very much aware of him being there, of his breathing, of his presence in that bed only a few feet away. It might as well have been a few miles away, she thought. Or in another country. How long had it been? How many years had she slept alone, and not know his touch? She didn’t finish that thought. She shuddered, disgusted at herself when the notion of his touch came into her head. Stop it! Those were the words she used with herself when she found herself thinking those thoughts that didn’t serve her. Stop it! She repeated those words to herself and soon the sound of his snoring seemed to fade, as her thoughts returned to the instructions she had been given shortly before retiring for the night.

Naked. That was reserved for herself now. With him in the room, there was no reason for her to be naked. The shower. The change room at the beach. That visit to the hospital, putting on a gown. That was naked for her. But not in this bedroom. That was for herself, and not for him.

She wondered aloud, briefly asking, “why?” Shhh! She shushed herself. “Shit,” she thought, “I hope he didn’t hear me.”

She listened. The snoring continued. Steady. Deep.

He was asleep. He hadn’t stirred to her momentary lapse and use of her actual voice, not the usual internal monologues she had with herself lying in her bed.

She quietly and deliberately removed her nightclothes. She pushed them aside, under her covers, ready for her to retrieve just in case. A fire. A kid coming in to ask for something. The arrival of the Messiah? She giggled to herself thinking of Elijah the Prophet arriving in his flaming chariot, and turning back when he saw that she was naked.

“Good,” she thought. “We’ve waited forever for him to announce the arrival, and now…now we wait again because some old friend halfway around the globe asks me to get naked in my bed.”

She pushed her clothes further away from her, though, almost to the edge of the bed, under her sheets, and she lay on her back, her naked skin upon the cotton fitted sheet, enjoying the cool feel of her fresh linen on her body. She spread out her arms like an angel’s wings, and felt the portions of her sheets that hadn’t been warmed up by her body yet, refreshing and sending a shiver through her body. She moved her hands back and forth on her bed, touching, searching for more cool spots.

She thought back to his words. About faith? That word had a completely different meaning for her. What did he know about faith? She thought of his other words. Sabra. She giggled again. It was cute how he tried to throw in some Hebrew, thinking it might endear him to her. Sabra was so funny. “I am so NOT a Sabra,” she thought.

Bashert. That was another funny one. Didn’t he remember their first time around, as friends in their youth? Did he not remember that they never got past being just friends? Good and true friends, but nothing more. He never got so much as a kiss, let alone…

No. Bashert was the wrong word, she thought. This second time around? They were a world apart. Literally. Nothing could come of this…exchange. That was it, she thought. This was an exchange. Back and forth. Not a joining. Bashert was absolutely the wrong word, she repeated to herself.

She thought of some of his other words, though. The ones she closed quickly on her screen when someone came near. The ones that made her heart flutter. The ones that made her wonder. What would THAT feel like?

She thought of those words, and she envied some of what he said. Some of his boldness. Her life now? There never seemed to be a time and place for boldness. She often felt alone. Lonely. Be bold? How? With whom? Where and when would she ever…?

Her thoughts drifted. Her hands drifted. She didn’t realize it, as she lay naked on the cool bed, but her hands had drifted, and she felt her nipples beneath her palms, as both hands cupped her full breasts. She felt her nipples harden to her touch. Her own touch, she thought. He has written words to me about HIS touch, on someone else’s nipples. For me, she thought…do I always have to settle for my own touch? Her nipples grew harder still as she imagined the touch of a different hand, of his hand perhaps, caressing the curves of her body as she would lie there, and imagining her nipples pressing hard into his palms.

“Fuck!” she muttered, softly but audibly. “Why does he have to tease me this way?” her thoughts continued. “He’s over there…and I’m here with…with Papa Bear a few feet away. Why is he teasing me this way? I know his touch would be not too hard, and not too soft, but…just right. Isn’t that right, Goldilocks?” she asked herself with a chuckle.

“Maybe I don’t want it just right or too soft,” she thought. “Maybe I want him to just fuck me hard and leave marks where he sucks on my nipples a bit too hard.”

Her hands were no longer on her breasts. One was lingering just below her breasts, but the other had moved further down her soft body. The other hand was now feeling the change from one zone to another. From belly to just below, where her hair began to grow. She felt the soft curls begin and her hand descended even lower. Her fingertips reached a small nub, and then touched the beginnings of some wetness.

Her fingertips continued, and slid between the slickness of that crease.

“Fuck,” she muttered again.

She was soaked.

“What would he be saying to me now?” she wondered to herself. “What would he say if he could feel my wet pussy? That’s probably the word he’d use. No vagina. No labia. Just pussy. Maybe I’d correct him and say something.”

She felt the wetness pervading her sex.

“Maybe I’d just tell him to call it my cunt, and freak him out by being a dirty girl for him.” She plunged a finger into her waiting sex as she thought this.

“I never use that word. He’ll go nuts if I ever say that. Hmmm…maybe that’s what I want?”

She continued to slide her finger into herself and after a minute, she found herself being too tired to continue. Damn! It felt so good, she thought. But she didn’t have the energy for some reason. She couldn’t do this herself tonight. She imagined what it would be like to have someone else do it for her. She sighed. And she pulled her finger up to her face, and smelled her own arousal. And then she dipped her finger between her lips and tasted herself.

“His lips. His tongue. Does he want to know what I taste like?” she wondered. “He hasn’t seen me in decades. Would he even want me now? Would he want to know what my pussy feels like when I think of those words he wrote? Does he even care how wet I’ve been getting when I read them?”

She pulled her finger from between her lips. She was tired. She liked the way she tasted, but she was too tired for second helpings. She could feel her wetness as she shifted her legs, moving herself to lie on her side, clutching at her pillow. She could feel some of her wetness as it escaped from inside, dripping slightly onto her thighs.

“Fuck it,” she thought. “I’ll wipe myself off tomorrow when I go to shower. Now I need to sleep.”

Sleep came quickly to her. Her eyes closed and she found herself in that calm and restful sleep, for the first time in a while. No tossing. No calling out in her sleep, or at least imagining that she was calling out. No movie reels playing in her mind. Just sleep and rest this night. The hours passed in the darkness.


She stirred. Did someone just say something? Or was she dreaming that someone said something?


She heard it again. She opened her eyes. It was still dark in her bedroom, but she could see the reflection of her alarm clock in something.

It was a pair of eyes, just above her face. She saw the reflection of the numbers in those eyes.

“Shhh…don’t say a word. Don’t be afraid.”

She didn’t recognize the voice. But in a way she did. It had been too many years, and their chats had only been online this past week. But somehow she knew that voice must be his.

Yet it couldn’t be. Not thousands of miles away. How could she be hearing his voice? Or seeing his eyes?

“Shhh…Please don’t say anything. Don’t be afraid. It’s alright now.”

She was silent. She remembered his words. About having faith. She would try, against her better judgment. Against every instinct in her body at that moment. She would have faith and listen.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m here with you now.”

She felt a movement on the bed. She felt the sheets lifting up and she felt the side of her bed lower as the weight of…as his weight lay down upon it and moved under the covers closer to her.

She felt his warmth as he slid in closer to her body. Fuck, she thought. “My naked body!” went through her mind.

And then she felt his warmth up against her own flesh. He was naked too. She felt his thigh press against the back of her thigh. She felt his chest come up behind her, and press against her back, as his arms reached around her to pull her body close to him, as he spooned her from behind.

And then she felt his hard sex press against the flesh of her ass, gently parting the two cheeks and nestling between them. He was warm, and his body melded with her own, as if they were two candles being melted down and made into one.

“I’m here with you now,” he repeated.

She broke with her faith briefly, and spoke.

“But…he’s in the bed…just over there…he’s going to…”

“No, he won’t,” he answered. “He won’t do anything. He’s asleep, and I am with you now. Don’t’ be afraid of anything.”

“I won’t,” she whispered back. And she wasn’t. As she felt her body and his together, she didn’t feel any fear. All she felt was a flutter of her heart.

“How?” she thought to herself. “This can’t be real. This can’t be happening.”

As her questions swirled in her mind, she felt his hands cup her breasts. His palms covered her nipples, and she could feel as they gently rubbed her nipples, as they hardened for his touch just as they had hardened for her own touch. She felt his lips kiss the back of her neck, and a tingle became a shiver that traveled from her neck through her body and down into the depths of her sex.

She felt his hands caress her breasts, at the same time as she felt his hardness press between her legs and touch the wetness she had felt hours before as she fell asleep. She felt him position himself and the tip of his…

She wasn’t sure what to call it. She felt so silly, like a teenager again. Shy at using the words he used. But if he wasn’t shy about using those words with her, she could use them too. She wanted to be bold, the way he had been bold with her.

“Fuck me,” she whispered. “Stick that cock into me already and fuck me. I want to feel you cum inside of me. Now. Don’t hesitate or the chance will be gone. Fuck me now. Fuck me like you wanted to fuck me when we were teenagers.”

She felt the first thrust of his cock penetrate her wetness and find its way into her velvety walls. She was tight as she surrounded him, and she felt him move his hips behind her, and make his way deeper within. She felt his groin hitting the back of her ass with each thrust into her, and each thrust felt like a spear splitting her in two.

“I never wanted to fuck you when we were teenagers,” he answered, as he continued to enter her. “I loved you then, and always thought we would make love with one another. I didn’t know from fucking back then.”

“It seems that you’ve learned over the years,” she whispered with a laugh. “Show me if practice makes perfect.”

“What’s going on?” That voice. It was Papa Bear. “Is everything ok? I heard you laugh.”

The lights came on. “Fuck,” she thought. “He’s going to see…”

In the bright light in her bedroom, all she saw was Papa Bear standing at the light switch. She was alone in her bed, naked, the sheets splayed across her body to cover her, and her hands sweating. Or they were just wet, and maybe it wasn’t sweat.

“You were laughing. What the hell? Dreaming?”

“I guess I was,” she answered.

“Go to sleep. I need to sleep too, you know.”

“Sorry,” she answered, as she rolled over onto her side, away from him, as he turned off the light.

She saw a faint flicker of light on the nightstand beside her. It was her phone.

She reached over, and saw that it was fully charged, so she unplugged the cable. She saw a small flashing light. It was a notification for Facebook Messenger.

She swiped her finger across the screen and opened her display. She pressed the icon for Messenger and saw that she had one message.

It was from him.

She opened the dialogue and saw the time of the message. 4:38 a.m.  She looked at her clock.  4:40 a.m.

She read his message.

“Next time I will taste you. I can feel your wetness still, the way it surrounded me, the way it is still clinging to my cock. I can smell your arousal, and it is so damn hot! You are hot! I can feel your breasts still beneath my hands, and I can still picture your ass in front of me as I entered you. But next time, I need to taste you. To run my tongue up and down your sex. To suck on your clit. Does that shock you when I talk like that? It shouldn’t. You know how much you excite me. I want to explore every square inch of your body, and I want to explore every square inch of your soul at the same time. Next time he won’t interrupt us. Don’t ever be afraid. I’m here when you need me. And even when it seems I’ve had to go away, just have faith that I will come back for you. And I know you…I’d normally say don’t cry, but tears are ok. No shame in crying. I will come back for you. And then the only wetness I’ll see won’t be tears. L’hitraot.”

“Damn,” she thought. “He actually used the right word in Hebrew for once.” She laughed and closed her eyes, picturing him in her mind.

She had faith this time around as she drifted off to sleep, and she knew he would be back.

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Back to the well

I hope everyone is staying safe. The Chicago area has seen a large rise in Covid cases and we have been staying isolated. However, I have been extremely horny lately and have really been aching to suck on a cock. I have interacted with some guys on Xhamster as well as some other sites but I have been hesitant to pull the trigger due to the current environment. I have been hoping that Jim would reach out to me but he hadn’t texted me since our last meet-up. Last week, I sent a note on Kik to Jim...

4 years ago
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Jan Story 1

Story 1 by JanI have been getting tons of email from you guys asking ME to write a story about one of our, shall we say exposing times together. I have never wrote anything like this before, and Jim has kinda explained what I should wirte. so here goes, and I hope you guys enjoy this one.Jim and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jim had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie....

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 12 Decisions

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Twelve: Decisions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Aurora Xandra – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Conflict warred through me as I watched my husband administer Thrak the healing potion. The orc drank the creamy elixir, his wounds knitting together. Elation and anger, joy and horror swirled through me. Chaun lived. He survived the fight with the dragon. He fucked my mother. The images the...

1 year ago
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Stealing tights pantyhose panties etc from manager

This is a new fictional/fantasy story to add to the tights pantyhose nylons foot fetish etc stories that i wrote last year (receptionist, neighbour, dept store, bus, housemate etc). When i worked in a large office for a number on years in a large building based on a few floors we were in teams and every now and again we had to change teams and change managers/supervisors to keep things freshened up. One of the managers Julie was a bit of a nasty bitch and didn't like me much. She was never very...

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Riding With Martin Ch2

By Jax_Teller Recap from Chapter 1 Martin had been through a war and eventually survived after years of therapy and rehabilitation. He found himself starting life in a whole new way and a different world than He'd left. Growing up in a rural farm community, a third generation farmer he's feared his life would be as dull and predictable as every one around him. That's why the military seemed like the way out and in the end it was his way out. What he'd not counted on was that once...

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How I Got My Telugu Teacher

Hi guys…It is Arjun back again…I hope you remember me from my past story titled “me and my friend with our teachers”…….I am back again with one more of my wonderful sexperience with my telugu teacher……My first sexual experience began with my science teacher…Ooh by the way for those who don’t know me I’m Arjun 18 now and living in hyderabad. I’m doing my b tech now…..And this story is my experience with my teacher when I was in my 10th standard. Now coming to the story….After I fucked bindu...

4 years ago
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Her first time

It was a cool summer evening in Miami, Jane went out with her friends to a few bars and arcades to have fun. Jane was a tall beautiful brunette with a nice rack and a nice ass. She had gone to the beach with her friend, dateless, shockingly. Her friend Eriana, a seemingly short brunette, brought along her main squeeze for the weekend, Ryan. Their whole vacation Eriana had been getting hit on by all the guys on vacation, even some girls! Jane on the other hand, was trying purposely to avoid the...

First Time
2 years ago
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He Should Have Played Ball Part 1

He Should Have Played Ball - Part 1 By Erica Kennel "Chris, are you still here? You better still be here." His older sister was calling for him again from just down the hall, and Chris cringed slightly at the annoyed tone in her voice. He sighed, and felt he should get right up and let her know that he had better things to do than be at her beck and call all day. Heck, right now the guys were outside playing ball, and that is where he should be, not here helping his sister. His mind...

4 years ago
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A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

Hello to all the ISS readers. I have been reading stories here for a long time and thus got the courage to share my own experience. This is my first story so please give me your feedback and suggestions on … About me, my name is Nikhil. I’m 23, a fun loving guy, slightly plump. The story is about me and my best friend Neha. This is my real sexual encounter with my best friend and thus the story is a bit long but exciting too. Neha is a good looking, beautiful girl, the best part is her dressing...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend Stretched My Virgin Pussy

This is another real-life story of my first sex experience, which played a major role in making me a slutty bitch I’m today. I’m Khushi Kashyap, 21 years old. My height is 5”1’, and my measurements are 32-26-30. I’m skinny with a tight butt. My bra size is 32B, and my panty size is small. I have a fair complexion with long, straight hair. The incident happened to me 2 years back when I was in junior college. I was dating my classmate Joel. We were together for about six to seven months. After...

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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 14

The Duke and Duchess of Renee caused a stir. Vasari was throwing the Summer Ball. They had deliberately arrived late, and when they were announced, Vasari’s head had snapped up. She went pale as if she was staring at ghosts. One of her consorts had to steady her when she swayed. Mark had picked her out instantly, and the look in his eyes was not one that Vasari would soon forget. He was back, and he wasn’t planning on putting up with any of her games. The fact he had Jean on his arm and...

1 year ago
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Sooby takes her first white man part 4

This is the 4th and last part of my story. Please read the other 3 parts. Sooby is a real person and she did fuck me almost as good as this story! God I miss her. Part 1 John loved Sooby’s tits and seeing them wet and cool with nipples as hard and long as any he had ever seen in his life, his mouth sucked and sucked on each one while his fingers cupped the nipples and tits! She held the blanket around her but she still was cold! Another shiver as John sucked her left nipple made him stop again!...

2 years ago
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Driving Home

The traffic started to bank up in front of him. Finally, he slid around the side street into the alleyway out back to park. His black Porsche would be safe here under the security cameras in Sasha’s carpark. That was another reason he enjoyed coming to her establishment. He just wished he could remember that girl’s name. Was it Sylvia, Lauren, or maybe even Louise? He paid the $200 at the door to Sasha. “Louise is the third door on the right,” she said.  He walked upstairs, lay on the bed and...

1 year ago
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The ringing in your head has become a constant bother nowadays. What started as an occasional buzzing has now grown to an all out assault on you eardrums. Your eyes scrunch shut as you desperately wait for the aspirin to kick in. Flying has never agreed with you, and it's starting to show in the agitated looks your getting from your fellow passengers. You don't know when or how, but you manage to get to sleep. With a little luck, you'll sleep through the whole flight. A gentle breeze and the...

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College Happenings

She’d had a horrific experience in her very first year at college. Away from home for her very first time, Kathi had experienced a most frightening occurrence she will scarcely overlook. But once he found out he was there. Her daddy jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes and her daddy was there to comfort her and “take” her into his arms. “Oh honey…ohhh baby…are you alright?” he asked as he held her full figured like body in his arms. It looked like it but he couldn’t be sure. Her mother...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 3

Jason was starting to doubt the wisdom of his decision to come to the house. Jason had suspected ulterior motives from the moment Heather had claimed her only interest was conversation on her oversexed nature. Fair play had compelled him to inform Melinda despite Heather's wishes that the meeting remain clandestine. He hoped he would not regret that decision. The irony was not lost on Jason. Only last summer had his own fantasies run hot and thick about Heather. Now he tried everything he...

4 years ago
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Full House Motherly AdviceChapter 7

Becky Donaldson had started DJ down the road of sexual enlightenment. Her young niece had already successfully brought her to a first orgasm and drank her love juices without any encouragement on her part. But now it was time for her teenaged niece to experience the same. "Now its your turn," she told her niece. "Lie down." DJ obeyed immediately, taking up her Aunts previous position on the bed. But she had forgotten that she was still clothed. Only when she felt Becky's hands over her...

2 years ago
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My 3some in Bangkok february 19

3-some in Bangkok 16 februari 2019For the moment I am in Thailand, in Bangkok again. I am staying in a small hotel near Sala Deang in Silom. In the hotel in the morning I saw a handsome Thai guy, not too young about 35. But he was not alone, he was joined by a western guy more over 40. No luck again, I saw very clearly they were gay.Then last night I went out in Silom area, the gay part. First had some Thai food to eat and then strolled to the gay bars. And who I saw there was the couple from...

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Naruto Love Potion

It was a typical day in Konoha but for Naruto, this was his last day before he'd leave for training with Jiraiya, and while he was more than ready to head out on that adventure, there was still one last thing he wanted to do before he left. Sakura had been the apple of his eye for as long as he could remember and now before he'd be going away for a long time he wanted to try one last time to win her over. And today he felt especially confident. The previous week when he had been walking home he...

Mind Control
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CDay of Andy

We were being couch-potatoes as usual on Wednesday nights. There was a comedy show running on the TV. I lost my interest in it and started caressing my wife Pam. I massaged her hips and kissed her neck.When I got her moody, I whispered to her ear, "Let's watch something dirty, eh?"She chuckled, "What sort?""The sort that makes you drool.""There are many sorts that makes me... wet.""I mean your favourite one," I whispered and started kissing her neck."Mmh... Which one is it?" She...

1 year ago
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Scotts SituationChapter 7

“Any idea how far we are from Grand Bereby?” Scott asked, looking at the map. “I don’t really know,” Jenny replied, enjoying her experience of driving the Mercedes. “I zeroed the trip odometer when we left Tabou, what does it show?” “It shows sixty-nine kilometres.” “Nice sexy number,” Sula smiled. “That means we’ve driven past Grand Bereby.” “I’m sorry, I must have missed a sign,” she apologized. “It’s not your fault. We’re basically driving blind except for the map,” Scott...

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Hunting Down Evil Bitches

I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...

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Hot Shagging Experience In Classroom With Teacher

The heroine of the story is my cum goddess – our computer teacher Meena. I completed my higher secondary in a private English medium school. I then joined college.I started masturbating in the classroom itself watching my sexy teachers. When I moved to college, the first thing I was searching for was some sexy teachers for my ‘routine activities’.On the first day, I was very disappointed as I couldn’t find any good looking teachers. So I waited as some boys said that our computer teacher was a...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Skylar Snow Pure Passion

Skylar Snow and her boyfriend Quinton James wake up in each other’s arms. They may be wearing underwear to keep them just a little bit separated from skin to skin contact, but that can’t keep them from getting nice and intimate. Soft caresses are just the beginning as the lovers indulge in sweet touches that rev each other’s engines. It’s not long before Skylar has been relieved of her bra so that Quinton can open wide and take her tits into his mouth. Skylar lets her...

1 year ago
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The Trade OffChapter 39

Lucy At breakfast next morning Heather and Rory appeared. Heather had the very happy look of a woman who had experienced great sex for the first time. Once Rory had departed for a meeting with Dave, I asked Heather how things had gone. She related to me everything that Rory had done with her. It seemed, that not only had she lost her virginity, but also like me she was a pain slut. Like me, she found a good spanking heightened her orgasms. I decided that since she had now lost her...

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The Black Swans Broken

Jessica walked alone along the dark sidewalks towards the bus stop after another Saturday late-evening workout at the university gym. Some weights and a swim followed by a nice, hot shower left her feeling refreshed and energized. Not that she had anything fun lined up for the evening to put that renewed energy to good use. No, she was heading home to study. To look at her, people would be forgiven if they questioned why a pretty and personable, 19-year old university sophomore like herself...

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Santas Little Helper

The snow lay deep, all around the huge wooden barn where Twinkle Toes was piling up the presents in their respective sacks. This year she had addresses beginning with A to D. Some were for America, some for Europe, some for Africa, Asia and Australia. She looked round and gave a huge sigh as she contemplated the almost endless line of gift-wrapped parcels. She was sure the list was getting bigger every year. Outside she could hear the grunts of the reindeer and the chomping sound they made as...

3 years ago
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In Search of the Final Freedom Ch 03

In Search of the Final Freedom: An Erotic Socio-Political Novel Authors Note: My spouse and I have been had an open marriage for well over a decade and much of this novel is based on our experiences or those of our swinger friends. This chapter was inspired by several trips to Miami Beach. Our kids who were in early grade school at the time didn’t even notice that Mom went topless on the beach in front of the hotel as she often had sunned like that at their backyard pool or on secluded...

2 years ago
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Maggies New Slave

NOTE: This is my third published story. I think it's some of my best work yet. This is going to be a new storyline, with more installments. It will be completely open to suggestions and ideas, so please, please, please, if you have questions, comments, ideas, or suggestions about the story or where you would like to see it go, send me an email. Otherwise, enjoy!        The girl's head lolled to one side in her drug-induced stupor. Maggie softly ran a hand down the girl's soft face, cupping the...

4 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

She looks in the mirror. Checks herself out. Black dress hugging her curves, a hint of cleavage, a flash of stocking clad leg. She looks incredible, just as he asked. She turns in front of the mirror, her hands moving over her body, feeling her curves under her touch, just as he said to do. She walks over to the dresser, repositions the camera, sets the timer and moves back into position. She smiles as the shutter clicks. She sets the timer again, moves back into position and turns as the...

3 years ago
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All Out

Chitoo!" I yelled. "What the fuck?"I was truly shocked at what I saw when I turned to look at the couple in the back seat. Chitoo had Taye's penis out of his pants and was playing with it. I hadn't noticed before since I hadn't looked back very much, and when I did it was so dark outside I couldn't see anything but dimly lit faces. But I had looked back as we neared more well-lit areas, getting closer to town, and Taye's lap drew my attention immediately.Chitoo didn't seem to be embarrassed at...

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Girls and Marriages and Hen Nights lots of Sex

'Do you Felicia Westbrook, take Blah Blah Blah'?I don't need to remind you people, that have been down the isle, of our wedding vows, where we promise not to be dirty unfaithful little girls, to our pussy hungry intended husbands, some of whom, which included mine, have already banged one of my so called friends, now standing just behind me, frocked-up as my bridesmaid, with my intended to be's, sperm still being nurtured inside her pussy.Weddings are like that from a girls point of view, they...

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Annie and I the early days

I was sixteen when I first met her at our local youth club and she was fifteen. She wore a yellow pleated skirt with a white blouse, and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  In those days, tights, (pantyhose) hadn't yet been invented and if a teenage boy caught a glimpse of stocking top, it was a case of an instant hard on!I was more than surprised when I asked her for a date and she agreed. I was practically walking on air when I went home that night.We went to the pictures...

Love Stories
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La Bella and Il Mostro part 3 and epilogue

As Jutta entered the ballroom the party guests quieted in overlapping waves, like wheat in a windblown field. The crowd had never seen anything quite like the tall black-clad vision that swept through the room.  She wore a midnight silk gown designed by her servant, Samira.  Venice was notorious across Europe and the Ottoman for its outrageous costume balls, populated by women who wore the most daring and even scandalous of gowns.  But no one had ever seen anything like this.  There was no...

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Vacation surprise

Having had a day of sightseeing and dining at various locations, I decided to wind down the evening with a relaxing drink. Being in a different country was exciting and was alone and didn't know anyone. I came across a quiet local bar, didn't seem to have many tourists around. As I walked in, I realised that I was the only black guy there. The patrons didn't really pay much attention to me as I walked in. I walked up to the bar and greeted the bartender who was pouring a drink. I said hello and...

1 year ago
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 10 Threesome

Lauren threw herself into the role of insatiable slut, and went to Gruthsorik for a tentacle fuck every day, sometimes even twice in one day. It wasn't long at all before she was taking two tentacles each in both her ass and her now-bare pussy, and loving every moment of it. She took an extreme liking to the monster's cum, using her hands to scoop it off her body and into her mouth, even sometimes licking it off the floor. At night Lauren slept snuggled close to the demon, often in a tight...

3 years ago
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Horsewoman Felicity gets saddlesore

‘Felicity Benson-Smith’ I recalled my House Mistress Miss Fenton, at the Ladies College shrieking. ‘You girls should always remember just two simple rules, keep your knees firmly together and your thoughts pure.’ She had just caught me in my dorm, naked on top of my bed with my trusty ‘battery boy’ firmly between my thighs, I was only 16 and sex was always on my mind. With no boys around we had to use the next best thing. I got detention and some loss of privileges but in another era I would...

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