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Substitutions. I walked into the room like I had two times before. it was well lit -- not a dungeon at all, but more like a playroom. She kept it as an apartment most of the time, a separate place to use away from the rest of her life. She welcomed me in, as always, closed the door but stopped me before i fell obligatoringly to my knees. "This isn't about that, sweetie," she said. "I appreciate you coming over on short notice. But I've something I want to explain to you." "Of course, Mistress," i said, taking a seat opposite her in the living room. I pulled out the envelope with the tribute, but she shook her head. "This isn't a session," she said. "There's no need for that." She collapsed back in the chair. "I'll come straight to the point. I've got to go out of town for a few months. My mother down in Texas is ill, and as much as I don't want to, I need to take care of her." I started to offer condolences, but she shook me off again. "I know you do, sweetie, but that's not what this is about. You see, me leaving creates a few problems for me in terms of, well, in terms of you and ..." She stopped. "Do you remember what you promised last year? When you asked me to take you on? Do you remember what you said?" i paused. "yes, Ma'am," I said. "Tell me." "i asked you to take charge of me," i said. "i told you i needed direction, control. i told you that i'd turn over all the direction in my life to you .." "And did I?" "Yes Ma'am," I said, agreeing out of reflex. The truth is she hadn't in totality, but she had helped me quite a bit. She had helped me lose some of the weight I needed to lose -- she had helped me transition from a job i hated to a more freelance position. Not directly, mind you, but with persuasion, and even a little confidence building, which was the opposite of what i had expected a ProDomme experience to be. But the personality transformation i had thought i wanted had not been a part of our sessions -- she offered instruction, and degrees of sex, but it had all remained in two-hour sessions once a week. i realized that was what i had paid for, that this was a job, and expecting my fantasy to be fulfilled was beyond reasonable. "You're sweet, but that's not really true," she said. "The truth is, everyone who's not a pain slut asks for that kind of thing, but they don't really mean it. i didn't think you were any different, but lately, lately i've been thinking i was wrong. You made the changes i suggested, and seem eager for more. That was quite a gift you gave me, and i want you to know that I value your trust." i was blushing as she continued. "But I'm still wondering whether you really meant it. It's one thing to change your diet, it's one thing to give up a job you didn't really like. Now I'm talking about something much more than those little things. So I'm going to ask you again. Do you really wish me to take over your life, to decide those things I wish to decide? IS that what you really want?" i couldn't believe the question. She was going to take me with her to Texas! She wanted to make our relationship something more than just what it had been! i didn't hesitate before i spoke. "Of course, Mistress," i said, my voice quivering. Sensing what i was thinking, she shook her head. "I don't want to mislead you. You won't be coming with me, but you will stay in my collection." "then what do you mean, Mistress," i asked. "i am going to change you, but in order for me to start, you need to give me your word. if you break your word, then I'll know that about you, and when i return, the relationship we have will be forever altered. I'll still take your money, of course, but i'll never trust what you say. You'll become just another session to me, instead of something much. much more. Do you stand by your answer?" "Yes, Mistress." She smiled. "Good," she said, and stood up. "Then I'll explain. While I have many clients, i have very few special ones. Jeff is one of the special ones. We've been together for almost seven years, and he is, in all cases, like family to me. I love him dearly. But he can't come with me to texas -- he is good at his job, and his job requires him to be here. And, as i said, i can not not go to my mother. So what to do? I can't leave the poor thing here to his own devices -- I can't risk him falling for some other Domme, or some other girl," she said. "And besides, he's pretty much past subbing anyway." My stomach turned a little. "are you going to turn me over to him, Mistress?" i asked "are you going to make him my Master." "She shook her head. "Of course not, silly. Jeff doesn't need a slave, and certainly not a boy one." She looked me over. "Jeff isn't going to be you master. He's going to be your boyfriend." i looked puzzled. "You see, like you, Jeff never had a girlfriend. Not in high school, not in college. I don't know why, but he never did. So that part of his life education is missing, and it's something every man needs. It gives them confidence to have a girl devoted to them, desperate to hold onto them, afraid of being alone. Builds up their confidence, and that could only help Jeff. And you," she walked over to me and stroked my cheek. "you, sweetie, need to be devoted. you need to someone else. You need someone else to define you. That's why you came to me in the first place, to have someone whose light you can reflect in. So now you'll have it, after all this time searching. You'll be Jeff's girlfriend. You'll have someone to dote on, someone to obsess about. someone to please, to make happy. Someone to fall in love with, or at least act like you're in love with, which is really the same thing, you'll discover. You won't have to wonder about anything any more -- you'll only have to think about making Jeff happy, and know that in doing so, you're making me happy, too. "Or you can be a liar, just like you swore you weren't." I was speechless. Terrified of all of it. I wasn't gay, but i also had sworn that i was giving my mind to her. She faced me and took my face in her hands. "I know what's best for you, sweetie. You said you trusted me. Keep your promise, and when i get back, i'll ... well, i'll be very very proud." all i could do was nod, with tears in my eyes, and she i did she smiled. "Let's get started then," she said, energy coming into her voice. "He's coming over in about an hour. we ought to get you ready." She had me strip. My body was still large, and covered in body hair, but she said nothing about it as she tired to pick out an outfit for me. She settled on a plain white bra and lightweight blouse, pantyhose and a long skirt. She placed a long blonde wig on my head and then applied lipstick to my lips "just to make them kissable" she said. I had never cross dressed before -- it had only be a component of my fantasies, never a focal point. But when she had me turn around and look at the mirror, i saw her point. i looked ridiculous. A silly, overweight man dressed in women's clothes. "you'll want to do better than that, sweetie," she said. "Jeff will do as i ask for a while, but if you don't learn to make yourself pretty, he'll leave. And i'll be soooo disappointed in you." i nodded and immediately thought of how quickly i could lose more weight, how quickly i could shave myself. "Now, when he gets here be glad to see him. He knows all about you and my plan, and he's promised to try." "what is he like?" i asked. "He's sweet. Likes sports. Fantasizes about dumb girls, so that's something to keep in mind," she said. "He's always dreamed about a young, silly girl attentive to him, one who likes to cook and clean and snuggle against him. He'll expect to be in charge, and he'll try to make you cry just because he can. Just like men." i nodded again. "He's got two kids from his ex wife. by the time i get back i'll expect you to have met them and have them accept you as his girlfreind, if not ... well, there's time for all that later. Right now you need to make the best first impression you can. Be aggressive and sexy and ... show him you love him. No, show him you want him." "But Mistress ..." i said. "DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME!" she yelled. "You swore to me -- it's not like you've never served a man before." "But that was at your direction, Mistress, in a scene." "Your life is a scene now, sweetie. He's got to have a reason to stay." She kissed me on the lips, for the first time. "You're his girlfriend. Make him love you. Make him want more." "Like this?" i asked, looking down at my ridiculous outfit. "i guess you'll have to find a way to make a good impression anyway, while staying out of sight," she said. before i could ask questions, the doorbell rang. "Okay, when he walks in, run -- no skip -- up to him and give him a big kiss. Full on the lips, sweetie. You're in love." Jeff walked in. He was taller than me, even in heels, and looked a few years older. He had thick brown hair and looked as though he had worked out, but not like he made a habit of it. while i had no frame of reference, i guess he looked handsome, and then caught myself. He was handsome, i told myself. i skipped to him and said "hi baby" in my softest, girlish voice. Before he could answer, my lips were on his, my mouth open. Do it right, i told myself. just do it right. gradually he opened his mouth and bent back my head, and his tongue slipped into my mouth as mine entered his. i heard Mistress say "isn't that cute," before we broke apart. She took his hand and led him to the dining room. "Mary," she said (i guess she had decided on calling me Mary), "why don't you fix the two of us a sandwich. I know Jeff must be hungry." I nodded and hurried to the kitchen. I pulled out bread and spread mayonnaise and lettuce and ham, trying to make the best sandwich I could. I found chips in the pantry and spread them out on the plate and sauntered out to the dining room, smiling as i placed them in front of them. "Aren't you eating?" Jeff asked. "I've got something else in mind for MY lunch," i said as I dropped to my knees and crawled under the table. I unzipped his pants and took out his cock. Bigger than mine -- what wasn't, i thought -- and starting to get hard. A good sign, i thought. I licked him up and down, sucked on his balls, doing everything i could ever imagine wanting done to me. i listened as they discussed me -- Jeff was not convinced yet -- and when i finally took him in my mouth, i was committed to giving him enough head to make him agree. I sucked hard, i sucked soft. i licked, i inhaled. i coaxed his cock -- i did more than that. i made love to his dick, just like a good girl would, and when he came, i felt satisfied and relieved, and as i licked up all of him, i tried to remember what had put him over so i could do it again, whenever he wanted, because that is what good girlfriends do, and that is what i was going to be. TWO I guess I thought it was going to be that easy. Just slip into a role and be done. Mistress had other plans. "I want to compliment you. You did a good job of acting the other day," she said to me the next time we met. "You did a good job of playing the role I laid out." When I started to blush, she stopped me. "But that's not what I want from you. I want you to believe it. i want you to really be the girlfreind I want you to be. It has to be in your soul, and you're a long way from that." "Mistress, I don't know how to ..." "Of course you don't," she said. "That's why you need me." She had me strip, and then tied my hands and legs to her spreader bars before raising them above my head. "Now, tell me one thing good girlfriend have in common." "I don't know," I said. "That's because you're not thinking right. All the best girlfriends are cock crazy," she said. "Sooooo ..." She turned off the lights and in front of my images started flashing on a screen. Giant images of erect cocks, flashing on front of me. "Don'r you dare close your eyes," she said after a moment. I want you looking at them. Aren't they yummy?" I said nothing, and immediately felt a shock on my right side. Mistress had brought her TENS unit, something way outside our safe word agreement. "I said, aren't they yummy?" When I said nothing again, another shock. Finally, I whispered, "yes." "Yes, what?" "Yes they are yummy?" "What is yummy? I stayed quiet too long, another shock. "Cocks are yummy, Mistress." "Say that again." "Cocks are yummy?" "Louder. with a full voice." "Cocks are yummy." "Again." When my words were too soft, she told mer to put feeling into it. "Make me believe you mean it, girl. Say it like you want me to know how you feel." "Cocks are yuuummmy," I said, likcing my lips, anything to avoid another shock. We went on like this until my throat was sore, and before long i realized i hadn't been shocked in quite a while, but I kept speaking. "What do you love?" she asked, and when i paused, the shock again. "Cock, Mistress." Tell me." "I love cock," I said, and then over and over again. "Say it like you're talking to your best, sluttiest girlfriend,' She instructed. "I loooove cock," I said, over and over and over until my voice was almost gone. She paused. 'But that brings up an interesting question. What kind of man loves cock?" "A gay man," I whispered. "maybe, but then there's this other part. Most gay men are strong, confident. Manly. What kind of gay man would use a word like yummy?'' I didn't know what she wanted me to say, so she shocked me again. "I know, a faggot uses a word like yummy. Are you a faggot?" "Please Mistress," I whimpered, but the shock came again. "Are you a faggot?" I had been willing to perform. I had been willing to do what she told me. But this seemed .... another shock. And another, and another and another until. "i am a faggot," i whispered. "Say it louder. "i am a faggot." "What is cock?" "Cock is yummy," I said, reflexively, without thinking. "what do you love?" At any time in my past, the answer would have been "you, Mistress." But i said, "i love cock." "And what are you?" "i am a faggot." "Again." "i am a faggot. i am a faggot. i am a faggot.' i said over and over as she released the bar, and i fell to the ground, curled up in a fetal position, saying over and over "i am a faggot." "yes you are," she said, bending down and stroking my hair. "Yes you are." THREE If thought Mistress had gone through a series of proficient steps before, I had no idea of how brilliant she actually was. She took the basics she had already laid down and exploded them in ways that let me know how much she had thought about it, and let me know how much effort she was putting in. I suppose i should have been grateful but that would be a hard thing to say. She started having me call her hourly -- on the 13th minute of every hour, even at night -- so I wouldn't be able to let up with any of my conditioning. They were never long calls unless she wanted them to be. I dialed, she answered and I said "I am a faggot. Cock is yummy," and then she'd hang up, or ask me to repeat it, or have me explain a bit more, when I'd have to improvise on either my faggotness or how much I loved cock. After two weeks of near sleep depravation and repetition, I was saying both phrases in my sleep. She didn't stop there. "We've still got major hurdles to leap before you're really ready," she said. "The first is ... well, you just don't cum right. You're a girlfriend now, you cumming needs to be directly related to you getting fucked. Or making love -- you ought to think of it that way. You make love to Jeff, you don't fuck him. He may fuck you -- he does fuck you. He may never see you as anything -- ever -- more than a place for his cock to go when it's hard. but you make love to him, every single time, you put your whole heart and your whole soul into it, don't you. You want to make love to Jeff, don't you? Say it." "I want to make love to Jeff." I said it robotically, and she gave me a look that said. to do better, so I said it more affectionately, almost sincerely, and she nodded her head and said better. "But anyway, since you make love that way, you need to learn to cum that way. Or, better, you need to learn that you only cum that way. You only cum by getting fucked, oops, excuse me. You only cum by making love. Say that." "I only cum by making love." "That's sort of easy, though. Not even that big a change, Let's try this: you only cum when a cock is in your ass, and you are making love to it." She smiled. "A little long, but I think it should work. Now you write that -- cursive -- 500 times a day. 'i only cum when a cock is in my ass and i am making love to it.' Not too hard." She gave me a pat on the head. "But that leads to a problem, too, because in order for you to feel the affection, you need the sexual connection, and since I'm not really ready for Jeff to be a part of your training that way yet, what should we do. Dildos are so impersonal, don't you think?" I nodded. "So I have a new, neat idea. and this way you get to cum three times a day!! yay you!! "Now, i know you've got your cute little food thing, and I htink that is just sooo sweet. So we're going to use it -- we're going to use it a lot, actually. Whether it was your mommy or someone else, eating plays a big role in everything about you. So lets make it play a role in everything about you." She went to the refrigerator, and came out with a package of what looked like cooked bratwurst. She opened the package, took one out and walked over to me. "Isn't that a yummy shape?" she said. "yes Mistress, it is a yummy shape." "When you see something that shape, what do you want to do with it?" "I want to put it in my mouth," I said. I knew that was the right answer. "Oh, you are getting sooo gooood at this," she said. "But how can we make it even better for you, so you not only get fed, but you get to cum, too?" she gave a fake puzzled look and then a fake surprised smile. "i know. It's a good shape for suckin, but I'll bet it's a good shape for fucking -- i mean, making love to, too. Don't you agree?" I took a deep breath and nodded. "So that solves two problems!! Yay!" She handed it to me. "So every day until i say otherwise, for breakfast lunch and dinner, you fuck -- oops, i mean you make love to one of these sausages. While you're doing that, you repeat over and over "i am a faggot and this is how i make love," and you can stroke your little penis if you want to -- until you don't need to anymore -- and then when you cum, you take you lover out of your ass -- you're using your body like and oven!!! isn't that neat?! -- and you can use a bun if you realllly want to, but slather as much of your cum on it as you want, and then dig in!!! You'll start to get used to what will become your favorite taste -- the mixture of cum and ass. If I can figure a way to keep the sausage from going all the way up your ass, I might even have you bring lunch to the park -- go to the bathroom, pull out your meat, jack off and then eat your meal on a park bench where everyone can see. Wouldn't THAT be naughty. But for now ..." and she looked at me curiously. "well, aren't you hungry? Go ahead and fix your lunch." I took the sausage from her and pulled down my pants. It wasn't rigid, so i was nervous as i placed it to my ass, but it was naturally slippery, so i gently pushed it inside me. It was cold. "Remember, make love," she said to me, and so i started pushing my hips back against my hand and then out again, saying my mantra to her as i did. it did not take me long to cum on my hand, and with a sigh, i removed the sausage from my ass. "You don't need a bun this time, sweetie. Go ahead." i wiped the cum off my hand and onto the meat -- making sure to lick my fingers the way she'd told me to -- i took it in my mouth and sucked first, then ate. She liked that touch, but honestly, it felt natural, at least in that circumstance. When it was all gone, she told me to smile and lick my lips. "The things about you is you always want more," she said. She went over to her pantry and brought out another box. She opened it - - it was a dozen or so penis shaped lollipops, about six inches long each. "I thought these would be good for you to snack on," she said. "Not as sweet as a real cock, but nice practice for you. So you can have these to keep in your mouth until it becomes the most natural feeling in the world for you." She put her hand on my shoulder. "You know, the rarest thing in the world is a girlfriend, wife or lover who really, really loves giving blowjobs," she said. "Lots of girls pretend to -- lots of girls say they do -- but they don't mean it. But you are going to love -- adore, crave, beg for -- every inch of cock you can get into your pretty, pretty faggot mouth. I want your webcam turned on, and I want to see you in front of your computer, or doing your housework, or whatever, with a lollipop in, sucking a way just like the simple-minded faggot you are." And with that, she sent me out the door for the day.

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The following week was a living hell for Alice. She barely had any appetite and with nothing to do, the only thing she could think about was how much she missed John. She did some household chores, went grocery shopping, worked out at the gym and even visited the pool, but no matter where she went, she was constantly reminded of John, or the things they had done together. It really felt as if her heart was slowly torn apart. John was limited by Anna to use his phone only in the morning...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 57 Land of the Rising Sun Part III

June 23, 1994, Oguni, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan My first week in Japan flew by, and a routine developed. Sakurako would wake me; I’d exercise and run, then shower and have breakfast, and share tea with Sakurako. After breakfast, I’d meditate, and then have my training session. After lunch, I’d work in the garden, or, as I had this day, wash the floors in the house. Hiroshi would accompany me back to the cottage and we’d talk while I washed up and dressed for dinner. After dinner, I’d spend...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 75 Settling In To A New Life

The sound of the bedroom door opening woke her several hours later. "Oh my god!" she heard Monique's voice say. "I forgot that you two..." Lissa glanced up, and saw Monique standing in the doorway, looking embarrassed. "Well this is a little awkward," said Alya, and Lissa realized that her new girlfriend was also awake. Then both girls burst out laughing. "Caught in the act," Lissa said. "Don't worry, Monique. We're finished in here. You didn't interrupt anything." "I'll...

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When you see a site calling itself Taboo Porn, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that it's all about incest porn. That's right, fellas. Here is another chance for you to live out your dirty little fantasies. After all, you've always wanted to fuck your stepmom, haven't you? This is an incest themed site that promises you taboo family fuck sessions with brothers banging their stepsisters, horny and naughty stepmoms romping away with their equally horny sons and all that shit you...

Incest Porn Sites
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Off to see Brad and Susan

Number 30 of a series of individual stories. Off to see Brad and Susan By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - Travelling My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had many adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. We had met our friends Brad and Sue from America in Amsterdam when Brad had first let Sue know he liked to dress up as a woman. Sue was on the verge of leaving Brad when we met and we helped her...

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Top Ten Scenarios for Accidentally Turning into a Woman

TOP TEN SCENARIOS FOR ACCIDENTALLY TURNING INTO A WOMAN By Ingrid Halb - No. 10 - The beating of the drums slowed to a steady rhythm as the crowd of dancers pulled aside to allow the Chief and their medicine man to pass. There was a broad-shouldered and half-naked youth walking slightly behind the two native leaders as they approached. The handsome lad stood smiling while the Chief rattled off a string of words in that odd language of theirs. "My translation may be a little...

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Sweet Rohan From The 20th Floor

Rohan used to live in my apartment 5 floors below my 25th. The view of the city from my windows was exquisite and with no buildings close enough to block the view, the sunrise flooded the house with light early in the morning. Rohan was 1st year college and a piece of art. About 5, 10, 58kgs, black eyes large and round, high cheek bones and a wide smiling face. He was smooth like an egg and his stride caused his round petite buns to rotate just so slightly. I nearing 50, leeched at him every...

Gay Male
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BonnieChapter 8

The head of the security team buzzed me from the gate to announce their arrival. When he came to the door, he explained their plan and said they would set up patrols inside and outside the fence. I pointed out a spot near the barn where they could park their command vehicle and hook up to electrical power and gave him the key code for the front gate. He promised we wouldn't be bothered unnecessarily and left, wishing us a nice day. A very pleasant man but you knew he was trained to be...

1 year ago
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At school

This happened when I worked at the same school where she went, she was in 9th grade, the bodies of many girls had started to get nice shapes, just like her.I used to admire her a little extra on the sly, but I think she noticed it as soon as I looked in her direction so she made a little more challenging poses, bulging out of the breasts or buttocks. We both knew that a relationship between teacher and pupil was not appropriate, even "forbidden", it was of course especially me as a teacher and...

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College Life

DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...

1 year ago
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Love Making With Cousin Brother Part 6

Hi my Indian sex stories (ISS) readers. At first I was not sure to post on the site but now thanks to all your comments and support I am feeling better about my secret. Thank you for your comments and likes. You can read my story in these links and better understand the story and events: Love Making with Cousin Brother – Part 1 Love Making with Cousin Brother – Part 2 Love Making with Cousin Brother – Part 3 Love Making with Cousin Brother – Part 4 Love Making with Cousin Brother – Part 5 Here...

3 years ago
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Kens niece has second thoughts

Debbie and I had a long talk this morning as we waited for Pam to wake up.I don’t think she believed me when I told her how Pam woke me up .I told her she tried her best to get me to fuck her .I told her that her that I only used a dildo on her. “Well if I was a guy I would have done her”she said sounding again like she was suspicious .“So you just happened to have a dildo in your drawer,I see". What the hell I was she thinking “come on I will show you”I said, taking her by the hand into...

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Supporting Our Vets part 3

After he lifted her skirt, exposing her bald pussy to me, I just stared. She stood there and allowed him to touch her in places previously untouched by anyone other than me for the past twenty-four years. Her eyes fluttering as she suggested we move into the living room to be more comfortable.We all walked in the living room, Bob with his arm around Christine. She walked over to the loveseat and sat down. Not having room for both of us, Bob sat next to her. I took the seat that was directly...

Wife Lovers
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The day

In a world where angels and demons are in an endless war against each other, will Danny rule over the land or stop it. Until now, my life has never been better. I came from a filthy rich family. A beautiful girlfriend. Captain of the football team. What else could I wish for. My girlfriend Emily who was the same age as me was the best thing that ever happened to me. Her brunette hair reaching her waist, with her atlethic build her breasts are an A cup bordering on B. She's well toned and has a...

2 years ago
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A Piece of Art

Edited by Barney R and qxvw198 Hello again, Sue here to tell of another of Mike and my adventures. Mike has always been spontaneous so when he suggested we go to the modern art exhibit at the last minute I had no problems or worries. On our way Mike starts a conversation about art. "You know standing there being looked at by so many people," he said. "I bet a piece of art must have an exhibition fetish like you." "Yes but what piece of art gets to make love to her husband after being...

1 year ago
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Beth 1Chapter 7 Wednesday

I walked out of Chemistry and right into a bunch of footballers. "Hey, Randahl, you did quite a job on Jay yesterday." Oh, shit. Well, it was a nice life while it lasted. "Uh, I never touched him!" Lame, Tommy, lame. "No, but thanks to you our quarterback is out for two weeks." I couldn't argue with that. Well, I suppose I could say he started it, but that line of reasoning stopped working in first grade. "Do you know what's going to happen Friday?" Chuck Miller, our star end,...

2 years ago
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If The Shoe Fits

"If The Shoe Fits Wear It" By Keri R. A successful chemical engineer suffers a sexual obsession that is ruining his marriage to a beautiful and dedicated wife. His wife, desperate for change, finally agrees with his unconventional solution. Both will emerge with a new perspective on sexual liberation. **************************** At only 30, Bob had all the trappings of success. He was a senior chemical engineer of a leading biotech...

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Big Bodied Married Man Love Slim Sissies

Chuck Hall pulled up to second drive-way window the McDonald’s small town where he lived and worked as production manager at the a local chemical manufacturing plant. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and six year-old daughter wanted a happy meal. When the slender dark-skinned young fast food worked opened the window, he lisped, “McNugget happy meal for a girl with apples slices and a Sprite, right?”“Yeah, the six-foot-two-inch, dark-skinned, two-hundred-fifty-five beefy muscular man replied. The...

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Goin Fishin

I hadn't paid a lot of attention to the "For Sale" sign on the house next door until the moving van showed up, five months later, early on a Thursday afternoon in mid-June. The moving company was owned by my high school buddy Dave, so I wandered over there to see if, as sometimes happened, he was doing any of the actual moving. I was dressed in the running T-shirt and jeans that I usually wore when I didn't have a meeting, and it had been a few days since I'd shaved. "Hey, Bob," I said...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Javani 8211 Part II

Hi friends once again pantherforuall will continue from previous session Bhabhi Ki Javani will now continue15 minutes baad meybhi jaad gaya uske chut me puravirya chod diya jeevan ke sab such ekjagepe aur auratka chut ka shukh ek jagephe. Hum 5 min ek dushrepe soye rahe phir bhabhi utkar bathroom nikal gayi, Thode baad me ake so gayi. Usraat bhabhi se pyar ki shurarat ho chuki thi uske baad maine apne kapde Barabar pehenke bathroom fresh hone gaya toilet me jake dekha tho pura samaan...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 344

One Liner from Red Dog In days of old when knights were bold and toilets weren’t invented, they laid their load upon the road and walked away contented. Dorsetmike is at it again!!!! A local monastery was going bankrupt. The abbot didn’t know what to do. The brothers had a meeting, and decided to open a great Olde English Fish-N’-Chips stand. One day, a man knocked on the door. After one of the brothers answered the door, the man asked, “May I have just an order of fries?” The brother...

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The Cuckolds Reward Larrys Story Part 3

Larry woke before Ginny that Sunday morning. She lay facing him looking so restful and peaceful. He leant closer and kissed her gently on the forehead. Larry loved Ginny very much. He sighed. He had a sense of foreboding. It had been only twenty-hours since she had come back home unexpectedly and caught him masturbating. He hadn’t really known what came over him that morning. He had watched her walk to her car; watched her bottom wiggle in that special sexy way as she walked. Her blue jeans...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 12

Ric and Tony were up at the first light of day, dressed and downstairs and surprised that Frank had actually arrived in the dining room before them. "Do you ever sleep?" Tony asked, remembering the late night orgy with the queen and amazed that Frank looked so well rested after so much carousing. "Nope," Frank laughed. Then he looked at the two of them and added, "Alright, I'll confess. I slept 'til noon. Tanya did me a favor and timewalked me back until just before you guys came...

3 years ago
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The Tub of Cherry Garcia

"Bitch!" I heard from down in the kitchen. 'Now what?' I thought to myself, still lying naked in my girlfriend's bed, basking in the afterglow of some sweet early evening passion with Kaitleen. I could hear the annoyance in her voice and knew that, in spite of the fact I had just spent most of the evening delivering her pussy to nirvana, that annoyance in her voice was clearly with me! I heard the freezer door slam shut abruptly. Obviously she had just discovered that I had finished off the...

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Mena Suvari on the set of American Beauty

Sam Mendes called Mena Suvari into his trailer, he wasn'thappy with her work, he explained that she had to be a bitch,she hadn't had much acting work and wasn't very good. He told her that her water bottle was gone, she began screaming.That was what he wanted, he told her now I need you to be sexy,get into your part, make love to the camera, Angela was a very sexycharacter.Mena started to massage her tits, she played the virgin in AmericanPie, American beauty was going to make her a star, both...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part III

The Corruption of CeCe, Part III by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers and/or consenting adults. -First Day of High School- My alarm woke me up at 5:30am so I had about 2 hours before mom dropped me off at school. I went into the bathroom, used the toilet, brushed my teeth, and got into the...

2 years ago
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Future Perfect Chapter Four

Celeste sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window. She didn’t talk, didn’t look at me. We drove back to my house in silence.Under other circumstances, I might have played music. Tonight, I didn’t want to be distracted in the dark. The wildlife was unused to cars on the roads, and nighttime driving was hazardous. I cracked the windows so that I could hear better and focused on driving.We pulled up to my house about thirty minutes later. It might have only taken fifteen minutes in the...

1 year ago
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Putting him to the test full

As he got out of the Uber, Joshua was nervous but yet excited. Several weeks after answering a private message on his favorite porn site, the day was finally here. It had started simply enough with posting a few anonymous pictures of himself cross dressing and a video of him riding his favorite dildo. Joshua's profile said he was looking to be a first time gay bottom and possibly a sub. He had posted the message to his profile while he was really horny and had forgotten about it after he got...

1 year ago
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Hot weekend part 1

It was the hottest day of the year so far. We could only bear to stay on the beach for about half an hour at a time. The sea was a welcome refresher and helped wash the sweat from our bodies. We’d all been friends for years, grown up together and been through school together. Anne and I had tried to be a couple once or twice but jeopardising our friendship was just not worth it. Kym and Anne had had most of their classes together and helped each other out with studying. It was no surprise that...

3 years ago
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With The Tenant 8211 Part II

Hi guys this is Ramesh(name changed).This is my second posting from me and this is a story in which I’m involved. Any horny women or aunties who crave for dick staying in Hyderabad can contact and mail me at in my previous posting I told Sandhya lives in my friend Kiran’s house for rent. Even though I don’t care about her details in depth we were very close. Until then i did not have any intentions on her but from the time I encountered the fucking scene between Kiran and her sexual intentions...

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Chriss First Oral Experience

My name is Christopher, I’m twenty-eight years old, and have my own apartment. I work for a company which furnishes custom programs for businesses. We build the programs in our office, then some of us have to go to the customer to implement it, train their employees, then monitor it for a few weeks to assure it operates properly.While we’re at the customers, we look for improvements that can be made so we can expand the program, increasing our charges to them. This starts a cycle of going back...

1 year ago
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SamChapter 22

Sam accelerated away from the station, gaining as much speed as he could. Finally, feeling he was far enough away he opened a wormhole. ‘Damnit, I hope that I gave her enough for her to survive this trip,’ Sam thought, placing his head closer to her chest. He was relieved to still feel her heart beating. Even as the wormhole started to close behind him; he saw the flash of light as the station exploded. Shaking his head, he was almost to Queen Triada’s world, when he heard and felt the...

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France summer of 1944

This is a small story that kind of came to me in my dreams, and when I woke up I felt like I had to write it down. So here it is with few adds. What a strange dream you might think...well not really, it combines two great interests I have, history and sex xD And please note that English is not my native language, so if I have done any mistakes on grammar or spelling, dont blame me ;)--------------------------------------------The war was on its fourth year, but it was now said to be nearing its...

2 years ago
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Welcomed VisitorChapter 13 Life Goes On

Kim and Susie went home and Grace, Janet and I settled down for some rest. Even though I was tired from all the activity of the evening before I managed to wake up after a couple of hours. I wasn't sure what was going on but I felt a warm moist feeling on my cock. I lifted the sheet and looked down. There was the smiling face of Janet looking back up at me with her mouth filled with my rejuvenated erection. She started a bobbing motion while sucking for all she was worth. Satisfied that she...

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My Wife Gives Me The Best Birthday Present Ever

My wife Christy and I have a great sex life. We found out very early in our relationship that we like to do some swinging. We had both done it before we met and we admitted to each other that we liked it. It didn’t take long for us to meet like minded couples. Christy is bi-sexual, and I was so incredibly turned on the first time I saw her with another woman. All of a sudden we had a lifestyle and a growing collection of sex toys. We have had many memorable times and it turns us on to talk...

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HootersChapter 5

Hoot, as the Representative of the Crew of Human Earth, had the use of a Proto land craft, and Proto spacecraft. Hoot and Penay-ah continued to meet the other representatives of the Alliance, establishing solid friendships, and discovering the diversity of the galaxy. The Colonel decided to return to Human Earth. The Alliance had proven trustworthy, the Tarc destroyed, and the Crew of Human Earth accepted as full members of the Alliance. The Alliance sent the latest technology on power...

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You like this cock dont you Bitch Gay

As the months went by, my cravings remained and I satisfied them from time to time by finding guys online who who wanted head. I would meet them or have them over and worship their cocks until they filled my mouth or covered my face with their cum. This would satisfy my hunger and sometimes weeks or months would pass before I would feel the need to suck another.During this time, I also met another girlfriend (yes, I'm totally Bi) who has no idea that I love pleasing men. As you can imagine,...

4 years ago
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Got a JobChapter 2

Jenny must have felt what I was thinking because she said, "Remember what I said, he sees everything you do, he will be following you everywhere, seeing everything you do. Now, click on that picture right there, I'm going to show you how we make money around here. I did and up popped a picture. It was a woman who looked like she was in pure bliss as she was straddling one man and he had his cock in her pussy, while another man was fucking her asshole. Jenny said, "What you need to do is...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 14

BOB (Saturday 12/3) What an experience! It had been more than I ever expected it could be. We'd merged just enough so we actually shared ourselves without getting lost or losing control. I decided to give Natalie a hard time. I glanced at the clock and told her, "Well, that took another half hour. I lost count of how many orgasms we had. We've got to decide whether or not this last set counts as just the third or if not, did we overrun our game rules and have to do it all again." She...

4 years ago
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Jenny is taught a lesson by lesbians

Jenny is 18 year old and hails from Bradford in the UK and is studying at Nottingham University. She's 5ft 1" tall, 107lbs and has the kind of perfect slim shapely body that most women would die for. Everything in proportion, nice rounded breasts, a full rounded bottom, a trim waste and shapely legs. In fact she's fucking gorgeous!!Her brown eyes shine causing many a male heart to flutter. She keeps her shiny dark brown hair fairly long and it enhances her Mediterranean lineage. After seeing...

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