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'I reckon that if we ever split up; you and Rachel would be really good together.'

'Huh' I replied, rolling over and raising my eyes at my girlfriend.

'I'm just saying; you're both into the same kind of music and films, and she's really quite hot.'

'I honestly can't say I've ever thought about it Chloe', I replied, lying slightly.

'Well I have, and I think it's true...' she rolled back onto her side, ready to fall asleep. '... but don't go getting any ideas though.'

How could I not get any ideas? I had always thought that my girlfriend's best friend had been hot, with her sultry, dark looks, sleek black hair and voluptuous body; but it had obviously never strayed beyond the occasional fantasy. And now, here she was on my doorstep; dropping by to pay a surprise visit to Chloe, but finding that she was out shopping.

'Ohh that sucks' Rachel replied as I told her that Chloe was out. 'I was hoping for a girly chat and a catch up. How long is she going to be out for?'

'Umm... I'm not entirely sure Rach,' I replied, checking my watch; 'she's been gone for an hour or so.' We stood there awkwardly for a moment or two. 'Do you want to come in and wait?'

'Sure!' she replied as she bounded into the room and past me. Before I could even have a chance to inform her that I was painting the living room and for her to be careful, she stumbled straight into my step-ladder, which was set up behind the door. 'What the...?' She cried as she tripped and fell into the ladder, sending it, herself and the pot of green paint underneath it sprawling across the floor.

'Holy shit, Rachel!' I said, shutting the door and stooping to help her quickly to her feet. 'Are you ok?'

She was fine, apart from a slightly twisted ankle, and a fresh coat of paint, ruining her clothes and getting in her hair. 'I'm covered,' she complained as I helped her to her feet.

'Quick, quick,' I said, stifling a smile at how ridiculous she looked, 'shower!' I said as I took her arm and led her upstairs.

'I'm so, so sorry,' she spoke as we walked; 'I hope I haven't ruined your living room.

'Don't worry' I said as we reached the top of the stairs; 'let's just get you cleaned up before that paint does any permanent damage to your hair.'

'I'm so embarrassed,' she continued as we entered the bathroom, 'what am I even going to wear?'

'Stop worrying' I said as I twisted the shower knob for her and started the jets. 'I'll get your stuff straight in the wash and you can wear something of Chloe's in the meantime.'

'So, umm... how do we do this then?' Rachel stood there awkwardly in front of me.

'Oh yeah,' I replied, my face flushing slightly at the realisation that she was going to have to undress to get into the shower. 'I'll look away; I promise no funny business.'

'Okay,' she replied as I turned my back to her and looked at the tiled floor. I heard her quickly and quietly undressing behind me, muttering to herself about what an idiot she was. I stifled a chuckle, finding the whole situation quite amusing. 'Done,' she said a few moments later.

'Jump in the shower then and close the screen; then I'll take your stuff downstairs.' I heard her footsteps pad towards the shower and then the screen was closed; the sound of the water changed as it hit her body rather than the empty tub and I knew then that I could turn around. I quickly took her pile of clothes and headed towards the door, resisting the almost overwhelming urge to look towards the screen in the vain hope of a glimpse at her sexy, curvy body.

'Thank you so much Adam,' she said as she heard me walk towards the door.

'Not a problem Rach,' I replied, 'you just get yourself cleaned up and I'll leave some fresh clothes for you outside the door.'

I placed her paint streaked clothes into the washing machine, all except for her satin pink underwear, which I kept behind, stroking the gusset softly with my thumb and feeling the warmth there. My cock swelled and began to throb as I gave in to the temptation and lifted her delicates to my nose. Pulse racing I pressed her panties against my nose and inhaled deeply; her delightful scent fuelling my arousal. My God, I thought as I sniffed her panties, Rachel is naked in my house right now; probably soaping those big fat tits of hers; rubbing my bar of soap between her legs, parting her lips and sliding a finger inside...

I stopped myself before I got too carried away and, with great regret, added her underwear to the wash load, knowing that if her underwear was to 'disappear' then questions would be asked.

I allowed my erection to gradually subside before I went to mine and Chloe's room and picked out a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans and some underwear for her to change into. I knocked on the door and shouted through to let her know they were there and then went back downstairs to put the kettle on.

Ten minutes later she walked into the kitchen. How I managed to not splurt my tea from my mouth in surprise I do not know. The very first thing I noticed (hell, the very first thing that any red-blooded male would notice) as she walked into the room were her pendulous tits as they strained against the material of the flimsy white t-shirt I had provided her with; clearly bra-less as they swayed and jiggled naturally on her chest. I couldn't formulate a sentence and found myself shamelessly checking her out as she stood in the doorway; her wet hair fell down past her shoulders, sleek, black, straight and oh, so sensuous; the aforementioned tits straining against the material, the dark bumps of her nipples visible through the white top. Her pretty little feet were bare and she coyly stroked the top of her left foot with her toes as she stood leaning against the doorframe. I eventually realised that I was staring and stumbled around for something to say.

'Shit, I forgot to get you socks... sorry... I... do you want a cup of tea?.... errr... socks?' I stuttered and stumbled and found myself flushing and staring at the wall behind her in an attempt to keep my eyes from her tits.

'Honestly Adam, you've done enough.' She replied as she walked into the room, I was grateful to the fact that she chose to ignore my perverted stares. 'I'm fine as is, but unfortunately Chloe's bras don't quite fit.'

I stopped short of replying with the lie that I hadn't noticed, but at least had the grace to stare at my cup of tea as she said this rather than the poor girl's tits.

'I will have a cup of tea though,' she continued as she hobbled slightly into the room, 'if that's ok?'

'Course it is,' I replied as I jumped out of my chair and clicked the kettle back on. 'Hey, is your ankle okay? I noticed you limping there.'

'I think I twisted it when I fell over,' she replied, 'I'm sure it will be fine.'

Oh God, I groaned to myself as I turned back round to talk to her and saw her gently massaging her ankle, leaning forward on her chair, tits swaying rhythmically; her pretty little toes wriggling as she flexed her foot. How could she be such a fucking cock-tease without even realising it? I felt myself swell in my jeans, once again transfixed by Rachel. I didn't even hear the front door open, and I jumped visibly when I heard the voice at the kitchen door.

'What the hell has happened here?' Chloe spoke from the doorway. I looked across at her, knowing that the look on my face was exactly the same as that of a c***d who has just been caught stealing sweets from the local shop. It spelled one word, GUILTY. I caught the quick eye check from Chloe to see what I was looking at and then the quick check to my groin for confirmation of my swelling nether-regions.

'Chloe...' I replied, floundering for words.

'Oh my god Chloe!' Rachel exclaimed as she saw her friend at the doorway, 'you are not going to believe what has happened here!'

And that was it, Rachel explained the situation, Chloe giggled, then chuckled and then laughed out loud. Rachel joined in and pretty soon both girls were rolling around, laughing at Rachel's clumsiness and the mess that had been made in the living room. At this point I made my excuses and retired to the front room to try and clear up the mess that Rachel had made. Thankfully I had laid sheets down on the floor so there was no permanent damage and, in a matter of minutes, the room was fine.

Rachel stayed for an hour or so and I left the girls to it, choosing to escape to the bedroom and play on the X-box for a while so they could have their girly chat. She shouted up to me to thank me again before she left and I replied that it had been no problem; besides, I had a few more tasty mental images of her for my wank-bank for future sessions. I had completely forgotten (or chosen to forget) the split second look from Chloe as she had entered the house, that told me she had caught me staring.

Which is why, when she mentioned it later that night in bed, it completely caught me off-guard.

'So, Rachel has pretty feet doesn't she?' Chloe asked as she rolled over to look at me.

I didn't reply.

'I caught you there didn't I mister?' She continued.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' I replied, unable to meet her eye, but feeling them boring into the side of my face.

'Yes you do,' she whispered. 'I saw you looking, or should I say staring, transfixed at her pretty little toes as she rubbed her ankles; her tits swaying in that t-shirt you gave her. You must surely have known that would be too small for her. It's too small for me and I'm smaller than Rachel.' It was true; Chloe was a size 10/12, Rachel a bit bigger than that. But I'm a man, surely it was an honest mistake (then why had I discarded several other tops that were bigger when looking for a t-shirt for Rachel)?

I continued to remain silent, but cursed my cock as I felt it stir in response to the memories of Rachel earlier that day; my God I wanted to suck on those toes.

'I bet you wanted to suck her toes didn't you.'

'What are you talking about?' I protested as I tried to turn over and face away from Chloe; but she stopped me by placing her leg across me, trapping me and discovering my growing cock in the process.

'I cannot believe you.' She whispered as she grabbed hold of my cock firmly, almost painfully; which only exacerbated the situation, causing it to swell and throb more. She didn't let go. 'You were staring at her tits and her feet, fantasizing about fucking her. You filthy pervert. My best friend had an accident and you thought you could take advantage of the situation by making her wear too tight clothes and 'forgetting' to get her a pair of socks, when it just so happens that your two main turn ons are tits and feet.' Now that she put it that way, I could see what she was driving at; but it hadn't been that way... had it?

My cock still throbbed and still Chloe held on to it.

'What would have happened if I hadn't come back when I did?'

'Nothing' I whispered hoarsely.

'Bullshit!' she whispered, directly into my ear. 'I bet you would have offered to massage her poorly ankle.' Did her hand just move? 'I know how much you love to give foot massages; but poor Rachel doesn't know that, does she? She would have thought you were doing her a kind favour... just like you had when you dressed her up like a slut for your own perverse pleasure.' Her hand was definitely moving; slowly and surely, she was stroking my cock; her grip was vice-like around my member.

'I might have walked in then, and caught you slobbering over my best friend's feet. Your cock throbbing as you took them closer and closer to your mouth.'

'Stop,' I whispered, 'please.' She didn't stop. Instead, she straddled me, pressing her hand onto my chest to keep me in place as she lowered her dripping wet pussy onto my iron hard cock. My God she was wet and she easily took my length deep into her tight pussy.

'Close your eyes.' She commanded. I kept them open. She roughly covered them with her hands as she began to rock back and forth on my tool. 'It's not me you're fucking tonight Adam. It's Rachel.'

Involuntarily I arched my back at that very moment, trying to shove myself deeper inside. 'Yeah,' she moaned, 'I thought you might like that thought. Imagine if I had been even later. After you had got her all worked up with your foot massage and she had given in to your perverse, a****l lust. Imagine if I walked in and caught you with your head buried between her legs; eating her hairy little pussy out. Oh yes, she's got a bush going on has Rachel,' she said as she continued to ride my cock, 'I know how that drives you wild and helps to spread those delicious pussy juices all over your face. Imagine her grinding her little cunt into your mouth as you tongue fucked her to orgasm.'

I felt my own climax building; my balls began to tingle as Chloe worked her pussy like a vice on my cock, squeezing and pulling as she fucked me harder.

'You dirty little fucker,' she continued; 'fantasizing about my friend. I know you're going to cum hard; and you're going to be thinking of her as you do. When you cum I want you to have the mental picture of her down on her knees; those big brown eyes looking up at you, pleading with you to spray your load over those big, fat tits she's got. I want you to picture her as she squeezes them together and begs for your cum.

It was coming closer. My mind was a void, but for the very vivid image that Chloe was painting as she herself fucked me frenziedly to a climax.

'Say her name' she panted.

I held off, savouring the image or Rachel beneath me, begging for my load.

'Say it,' she wailed

I was almost there; I gripped hard at the bed sheets, arching my back as Chloe climaxed on my cock.

'Say it,' she screamed.

'Raaaaaaaachheeeeeeeeeeelllllllllll.' I moaned as I lost control and emptied myself into my girlfriend; but in my mind it was Rachel's face that I coated; her tits that I sprayed as she looked at me with hunger in her eyes. I came hard and long and I don't even remember Chloe rolling off of me. I was in a dazed stupor and way too far gone to even consider talking to my girlfriend about what had just happened. The next thing I knew I was drifting off into a long and deep sleep.

Chapter 2

I waited the next day for Chloe to being up the events of the previous night; but it was as if nothing had ever happened. We didn't talk of the spilt paint, nor of the fact that I had lent Rachel some of Chloe's clothes; nor of the fact that my girlfriend had basically forced me to fantasize about fucking her best friend while I fucked her. Things were... well, normal. There was no awkwardness between me and Chloe and it continued that way; as if the whole thing had never even happened.

'Rachel's coming round tonight.' Chloe said a couple of weeks later; she allowed a pause after she spoke. Was she waiting for some kind of response? 'We're going to be having a girly pamper night; so you'll have to stay upstairs.'

'Okay.' I replied, keeping my voice steady. It would be the first time that I had seen her since what I was now referring to as 'the incident'; and I was glad in a sense that I had been banished to the room because I knew that if I had to look, or talk to Rachel at all, the only image that would be running through my head would be of her on her knees in front of me as I sprayed her huge tits with my hot, salty jizz.

I was downstairs making a drink when Rachel had arrived; she made a quick, innocent joke about spilling the paint and apologised once again. I told her that it was not a problem. Chloe came into the room and told me that I had to make myself scarce as they wanted to have their pamper night, so I did as I was told. I had been able to hear them periodically giggling and chatting as they did all the usual girly stuff. I was happy playing my X-box, chilling out in my room. That was how I assumed the whole night would go. This is why it came as a bit of surprise after a couple of hours when I heard my name being hollered from downstairs.

'Adam!' Called Chloe; I paused the game and went to the top of the stairs.

'What's up?' I called back down the stairs, thinking that the girls probably needed some help with the DVD player or something to that effect.

'Come downstairs; your services are required.' I heard what sounded like a hushed protest underneath Chloe's call, but she giggled and called anyway. Slightly confused, I made my way downstairs and headed into the living room.

They had made quite a mess of the room. Pamper products were s**ttered here and there. They had obviously used the foot spa at some point, as it still had the water in it, but had been pushed into the corner of the room. Face-mask packets were discarded in the corner and the room had a smell of nail polish in the air. Chloe was sitting in our armchair with her hands planted on either arm; her fingernails looked freshly painted. Rachel sat on the sofa with her legs tucked up under her bum. I could see a bare sole and fought the temptation to stare, knowing that I had been caught previously. Both were wearing thick, towelled dressing gowns and I wondered if they were naked underneath.

'Hi girls, how's your night going?' I asked.

'Good thanks honey,' Chloe replied. 'We've had a good pampering session and a girly chinwag; so yeah, it's been a good night.' I noticed a couple of empty wine bottles among the mess on the floor.

'So what's up then? What service of mine is required?'

'Well,' Chloe began, hushing Rachel before she was allowed to speak; 'we were talking about pampering and, specifically massages, and guess what?'

'What?' I asked, confused.

'It turns out that Rachel has never... ever had a foot massage!' She exclaimed, giggling slightly.

'Ohhhh-kay' I replied, hoping against all hope that this wasn't going the way I feared it might.

'Well don't you think that's a shame? Especially considering how good you are at giving foot massages. I thought that maybe we could treat her tonight.' I glanced at Rachel; the poor girl had gone bright red.

'Honestly Chloe,' she began, 'I'm really not bothered.'

'That's because you've never had one... especially an amazing one like the ones Adam gives.' Chloe looked at me; her eyes were filled with mischief. 'You'd be happy to give Rachel a foot massage. Wouldn't you Adam?' She asked, challenging me to say no.

'I don't know Chloe,' I tried, 'she says she's not bothered.'

'I know what she said. And I know what you're saying too... but I'm telling you Rachel,' she said, speaking to her friend now, 'you'll love it. I insist. You're a guest in this house and I want to see you pampered. What's the worst that can happen?'

'I guess...' Rachel replied, nervously bringing her feet from underneath her bottom and placing them onto the carpeted floor. My God they were pretty, I thought, noticing the hot pink nail varnish she had applied, matching her fingernails. I smiled at Rachel, letting her know with my eyes that I was slightly embarrassed by the whole situation too.

I took to my knees at her feet, smiling slightly at how she coyly placed a hand between her legs to press the dressing gown down and preserve her modesty. Chloe knew exactly how much I loved giving foot massages, she also knew that I had checked Rachel's dainty little feet out previously, fantasizing about sucking her pretty little toes and running my tongue up and down her smooth, arched soles. I took her right foot in my hand, noticing straight away how soft and smooth her warm skin was. I felt her jump slightly at the contact; out of embarrassment she had closed her eyes and I smiled slightly at her jump.

I began to slowly caress and massage her foot, paying close attention to every inch of her beautiful, perfectly shaped feet. My mind was whirling at the predicament I found myself in. I didn't dare to look over to Chloe to see her face, because she would be able to tell straight away how much I was enjoying giving this massage. But she was the one who had asked me to do it; I was confused, but I was also aroused. My cock had sprung to life straight away, and the occasional whimpers and contented purrs that Rachel produced only served to make the situation worse. She still had her eyes closed, but as I continued to massage her sole I noticed her beginning to breathe more and more deeply, occasionally wriggling a little on the sofa. Was she getting aroused too?

'What do you think then?' Chloe asked, breaking the reverie that had descended upon the room.

'My God it's good,' Rachel whispered in reply, biting her lip.

'I told you,' Chloe replied. 'If I'm honest, when Adam massages my feet it really turns me on...' The last sentence was allowed to hang in the air. I looked over to where she sat and saw her eyes were filled with the same lust and passion as they were on the night of the previous incident. She had pressed a cushion against her crotch and was pushing it down with her hands. 'Don't look at me,' she spoke, 'look at Rachel's feet. Focus on your job.' I did as I was told, too into the moment to consider what I was doing. My cock throbbed in my jeans and I felt precum ooze out and soak into the material of my boxer shorts.

When I massaged each of her little toes in turn, Rachel actually moaned softly; the toes of her left foot curled into the shag of the carpet and gripped tight. Oh how I wanted to suck on those toes; to run my tongue in between them, up and down her sole; to wrap them around my thick, throbbing cock.

Nobody spoke for a long time and I continued my massage in silence, eventually and grudgingly putting her right foot down, but quickly starting on the left. I stole the occasional glance over towards my girlfriend. She was sitting, face flushed, eyes heavily lidded, intently watching as I massaged her best friend's feet. It was clear she was aroused; in fact it was clear that all three people in the room were aroused, the question was how far was this going to go? Her right hand had disappeared underneath the cushion on her lap and I wondered if she was touching herself. I couldn't find out though, because her eyes told me to look back towards Rachel's feet and continue my massage.

The hand that Rachel had used to keep her modesty covered was eventually abandoned to rest beside her on the sofa. The longer the massage went on, the more she relaxed and allowed her legs to part. I caught the occasional glimpse of the top of her thigh and it drove me wild. I needed to know if she was wearing underwear. Feeling naughty I began to gradually shift her left foot apart from its partner, making it seem almost imperceptible, but it had the desired effect. Slowly but surely her legs began to part, allowing me to see more and more. My cock was like iron in my jeans now and I thought that if I did actually catch a glimpse of her pussy I could actually cum there and then. Rachel was possibly feeling the same at this point; her face was deeply flushed and her breathing was deep and often came out as moans. Still she had not opened her eyes once, but she continued to nervously bite her bottom lip.

I was almost there; the top of her thigh came into view as a constant, no longer just the occasional flash. In the next few moments I would be treated to a glimpse of that wonderful, hairy pussy. I swallowed hard, my mouth was dry. My massage had dwindled to gently stroking my fingertips up and down the top of her feet; I had almost forgotten that my girlfriend was sat in the room, probably masturbating as she watched me with her best friend.

Suddenly the phone in the room went off; causing all three of us to jump. Rachel's legs clamped shut and her eyes flew open. I dropped her foot like it was an iron and I glanced over at Chloe just in time to see her hastily pull her hand from under the cushion. I looked at Chloe with my eyebrows raised momentarily before reaching for the phone.

'Hi, is Mick there?' Came the voice of an elderly female.

'No, sorry, I think you might have the wrong number.'

'Oh... okay,' came the reply and a click as the phone was hung up.

There was a long, awkward silence as I hung up the phone.

'I think I should probably be getting off soon.' Rachel spoke after a moment, breaking the silence and refusing to meet mine or Chloe's eyes.

'I'm err... I'm going to go carry on playing my game.' I said as I stood up.

'Ummm... thank you for that,' Rachel mumbled as I walked to the door.

'Yeah' I replied just as awkwardly, 'no problems Rach. See you soon.'

My mind was abuzz as I returned to the room; I sat there dumbfounded in front of the X-box, unable to fully comprehend the sequence of events that had happened downstairs. What game was Chloe playing here? What might have happened if that phone had not gone off? Had she been masturbating on the armchair?

I heard the front door opening and closing a short while later and the distant sound of a car pulling away; I assumed that Rachel had called a taxi. I decided to try and avoid any awkward conversations with Chloe by climbing straight into bed before she came up. Not long after that I heard the bedroom door opening and the sound of Chloe moving around the room, taking her dressing gown off. I pretended to be asleep.

'I know you're awake,' she whispered as she slid under the covers. I didn't reply. 'I cannot believe that you did that down there,' she whispered as she pressed her naked body up against my back, her tits mashing up against me. Still dumbfounded by events I kept up the pretence of sleeping. God knows what I would have even said. I had no idea what was happening here. Luckily I heard Chloe's phone buzzing to life next to the bed before she could say anything else. 'Hey Rachel,' I heard her say. What now? I thought, but I was intrigued none the less. I think Chloe knew that I would be too, as she put her friend on loudspeaker in the bedroom.

'Chloe...' came the hesitant sound of Rachel's voice through the speaker, '... what happened tonight?'

'What do you mean what happened?'

'... Well... you know... with Adam and everything?' I could tell how uncomfortable Rachel felt about this and was relieved that I wasn't the only one feeling awkward in this situation.

Chloe, on the other hand, sounded natural, playful even in her reply. 'What, you mean the foot massage?'

'Well, yes... and the rest.'

'I couldn't possibly know what you mean.' Chloe said as she grabbed hold of my side and began to roll me onto my back. Still I kept up the pretence of sleep and so had to just roll with her pull. I was perfectly aware that she knew full well I was awake, but I think that just made her enjoy the situation even more.

'Are you with Adam right now?'

'Yes, but he's fast asleep. Don't worry sweetie, we can talk.'

'Well...' she hesitated, 'the whole thing seemed kind of... intimate.'

'Foot massages are Rach,' Chloe whispered. I felt tremors of excitement ripple through my body as a delicate finger tip trailed the length of my penis. 'Did you enjoy it?'


'It's okay Rachel. I told him to do it.'

'Well that's just it Chloe... why?'

'I don't really know,' came Chloe's reply as she continued to gently stimulate my cock, which was growing through her ministrations, '...but I liked it.'

'You liked what?'

'I liked watching.' My cock throbbed under her touch and my heart pounded in my chest. There followed an interminable silence, where the only sounds were mine and Chloe's breathing and the distant breathing of Rachel on the other end of the line.

'...I liked it too,' came the admission. Chloe gripped my cock in her hand as she heard her friend's words on the other end of the line.

'I noticed. I know Adam noticed too.' She began to slowly work her hand up and down my cock as she spoke to her friend. I felt the covers move as she worked her free hand under the duvet too. Was she touching herself now? 'He's got a foot fetish you know.'

'What do you mean?' Rachel's voice came out as a strained whisper.

'He gets turned on by feet.' I heard a soft gasp on the other end of the line. 'I know for a fact that when he was massaging your feet he would have been so turned on... his cock would have been hard.'

'Chloe...' Rachel whispered, 'you've got to stop.'

'Why?' She asked, her body squirming slightly beside mine, 'I thought you liked it?'

'...I do... but...'

'Forget about the buts... you're my best friend; I've always thought you were stunning. I see no problem that my boyfriend shares the same opinion.'

'So, what's going to happen now then?'

'Who knows?' Chloe's hand was rubbing harder now at the base of my cock, manipulating my balls and sending shivers up and down my spine. 'What do you want to happen?'

'I don't know,' Rachel whispered.

'Do you want him to give you another massage?'

'Oh God, I don't know,' came the reply, she sounded flustered, breathless, '...maybe.'

'Did it turn you on?'

'...yes.' She whispered.

'Are you turned on now, thinking about it?'

'...Oh fuck,' she moaned, softly.

'Are you?'

'Mmmm.' She gasped, 'I can't help it.'

'It's okay, I'm turned on too.' She replied, her hand busily working on her own pussy while she continued to wank me off. I had begun to thrust u*********sly at her hand now, more or less abandoning the whole, pretending to be asleep, approach. 'Next time you come round, I'll get him to give you another massage. He likes to do what he's told. Who knows, if the phone doesn't ring, maybe we can take it a little further.'

'Like how?' She asked between shallow breaths. Was Rachel masturbating now on the other end of the line? Her laboured breathing would certainly suggest so.

'Any way you like sweetie.'

'What does Adam think about all of this?'

'He thinks what he's told to think dear. He's already admitted to me that he wants to fuck you.' I heard a soft moan from the other end of the line as Chloe told her best friend my dirty little secret. I was loving it; thrusting my cock into Chloe's hand, now wet with precum, her hand slid easily up and down the length. 'He's got a nice big cock you know.'

'...Chloe...' came a hoarse whisper from Rachel.

'I bet you'd like to suck it wouldn't you?' Chloe spoke now in harsh whispers; her own climax impending. I could hear the wet sound of her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy as she masturbated. 'I want to watch you suck on my boyfriend's cock Rachel,'

'Ohhh, fuck,' came Rachel's moan as she climaxed on the other end of the line.

'Mmmmmnnnnnh,' Chloe moaned as she tipped herself over the edge, slamming her pussy to orgasm; 'I want to watch him fuck yoouuuuuuuuuuu!' She wailed. I came, hard, my cock spasmed in her grip as I shot my bolt; my eyes flew open but all I saw were stars as I rode the powerful orgasm. I couldn't help but grunt as I came, possibly giving the game away to Rachel, who still thought I was sleeping; but I think we were all three a bit too far down the line for that to even matter now.

'Come round tomorrow evening Rach.' Chloe spoke softly as she came down from her orgasm; 'sleep tight honey.' With that, she hung up the phone.

'Better get some sleep big boy,' she whispered to me in the dark; 'you've got a big night ahead of you.'

Chapter 3

Chloe was gone when I woke up; which suited me just fine. She had left a note pinned to the fridge which simply said 'gone to town, be back later. X'. No mention of what had happened the previous night, or the fact that she had invited Rachel to come round to the house that evening for another foot massage and God only knows what else. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions and I found that the whole day passed in some kind of blur. I knew that I had showered, eaten breakfast and lunch, but the rest of the day drifted by whilst my mind dwelt on what the night may bring. I still couldn't believe that my girlfriend was the one orchestrating the whole scenario; it was like every male's fantasy come true and I was incredibly turned on by the prospect, but still found it difficult to grasp exactly what was happening.

Chloe returned at around 6 o'clock and found me in the bedroom, playing games. 'Hey you' she said as she came into the room.

'Hey,' I replied pausing my game.

'You looking forward to tonight?'

'Chloe...' I began, not knowing exactly what I was even going to say.

'Look... before you start with the questions,' she said as she climbed onto the bed and took my hand, 'just feel this.' She guided my hands up her soft, smooth thighs, under her skirt to her freshly shaven mound, pantie-less and dripping wet. I slid my middle finger deep inside of her, causing her to moan softly. 'Feel how wet I am,' she whispered. 'Don't question anything... I can't explain what's going on any better than you can; but all I know is that the thought of what might happen tonight just drives me fucking wild.' As she spoke she was grinding herself onto my extended digit, I curled it back at the tip in order to stimulate her g-spot. 'So just go with the flow, okay?' she said as she looked me in the eye.

'Okay,' I whispered, cock throbbing in my pants. She chewed her lip, staring at my crotch as she rode my finger, her breath coming quick and shallow.

'Rachel will be here soon,' she said, through harried gasps, 'I'd better go shower and change ready.' She paused to let out a deep, low moan, orgasm fast approaching. 'You stay up here for a while; I'll shout you when we're ready.' She began to furiously rub at her clit while riding my finger, quickly bringing herself to a shuddering climax, her pussy juices oozing from within, slicking my hands and soaking into the bed sheets. Her orgasm over, she slid from the bed and left the bedroom without another word; leaving me with a throbbing cock and the stench of sex thick in the air.

I lay on the bed, heart thumping in anticipation as I heard Chloe in the room next door, showering and changing. Before long she was back out and I heard her going downstairs and sorting the room out, preparing for the arrival of her friend. I tried to focus my attention on the computer game I was playing, but found I was unable to focus on anything for any length of time. At some point I heard the front door open and muffled voices confirmed to me that Rachel had arrived. My heart had still not stopped pounding in my chest and her arrival only made things worse. I swallowed hard about ten minutes later when I heard my name being called from downstairs. Shakily I stood to my feet and checked myself in the mirror, noticing how wide my eyes were with nerves. I puffed out my cheeks and raised my eyebrows at my reflection, questioning what the fuck was going to happen tonight, before descending the stairs to where I knew that Chloe and Rachel were waiting for me.

'Hey Rach,' I smiled at her as I entered the room, straight away taking in her bare feet and her mid length plaid skirt. She looked as nervous as I felt and gave me a timid smile in greeting.

'Me and Rachel were talking about the massage that you gave her last night Adam.' Chloe said as I entered, she was sat on the same armchair that she had been previously, with Rachel on the adjacent sofa.

'Okay,' I replied. Chloe was obviously keeping up the pretence that all three of us were oblivious as to what was really happening here. I suppose it was less awkward than saying out loud what we all knew was coming.

'It didn't seem quite finished due to that silly phone call, so we thought that maybe you could finish it for us tonight?' I looked over to Rachel who was staring at her nails, face flushed with embarrassment, but she offered no words in protest. Chloe held up a bottle of something in my hands and proffered it in my direction. 'I even bought this massage oil today to make it an even more enjoyable experience. What do you say? Are you going to finish massaging her feet for me?'

I swallowed hard before replying with a nod and stepping forward and kneeling at Rachel's feet. She still refused to meet my eyes, but put her right foot out in my direction. My cock quickly began to swell as I took the massage oil from Chloe and poured some into my hand, warming it and inhaling the rich, fruity smell as it diffused into the room. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves I reached out and took her dainty little foot with my slippery hands, feeling again how warm and smooth it was in my grip. Rachel let out a soft gasp in appreciation of my touch and I felt her relax on the sofa slightly as I resumed my ministrations on her near perfect feet; never taking my eyes from them as I first slicked up her right and, a few minutes later her left, working the massage oil expertly into every square inch. Her long, elegant toes were painted in the same hot pink as they had been the previous night and I made sure to pay loving attention to each one in turn, massaging the oil in and spending far longer than necessary delicately rubbing and stroking each one; my cock throbbing in my jeans with lust and the desire to take her toes to my mouth and suck on them.

Rachel moaned and gasped in appreciation of my massage and the room grew thick and hot with our mutual arousal. I didn't look up from my task once, so was oblivious to anything else going on in the room, but after a while I became aware of Chloe's shallow breathing to my left. Was she touching herself as she watched me massage her friend? The possibility spurred me on to massage even deeper, really working my fingers into Rachel's sole; she too was breathing heavily and I finally broke my trance to look up to her face. She stared back down at me, her face flushed with her arousal; lips parted as she watched me at work. Knowing now that we had crossed to many bridges to turn back I stared at her chest; she was wearing a tight, soft pink blouse and I could see the bumps of her nipples as they strained against her bra.

'The oil is edible...' came Chloe's voice from beside me. I looked over to my girlfriend, realising that she was bra-less underneath the flimsy summer dress she wore, the shape of her nipples clearly visible against the tight fabric. A cushion covered her lap and her hand underneath it; but I was pretty sure that she was doing something down there due to the deep flush in her cheeks and her ragged breathing. 'Do you want him to suck your toes Rachel?' she asked her friend, who squirmed in her chair and could only chew her bottom lip in response. 'I think that means yes Adam.'

I took her right foot and raised it slowly to my lips, swallowing hard and staring at her delectable looking big toe as it edged closer and closer to my waiting lips. Still unable to get my head around what was happening here I puckered my lips and gently kissed the tip of her delicate big toe, causing my cock to throb in my pants. The warm, fruity taste immediately hit me, and I opened my lips to slide Rachel's toe into my warm, wet mouth.

'Oh,' she gasped as my lips formed a vacuum around her tootsie and she felt me begin to suck and lick the tasty massage oil. I looked up and made eye contact with her as I began to devour her feet, my head spinning with lust and my cock aching with desire.

'How does that feel?' Chloe asked her friend in between shallow breaths.

'Good,' Rachel whispered in response, eyes closed in rapture as she lay back to receive her worship.

'Does it turn you on?'

'...yes,' she replied eventually, followed by a long, low moan, as if the actual act of admitting her pleasure had allowed her to experience it on another level. I, meanwhile, continued my worship of her perfect feet, massaging her soles as I devoured each of those dainty little piggies in turn, running my tongue all around, sucking and kissing with reckless abandon. We fell into a silence for a while, the only sounds in the room were the girls' heavy breathing and the slurps and wet kisses of my mouth on my girlfriend's best friend's feet.

'Enough,' Chloe said eventually from beside me. 'Stand up now Adam.' I did as I was bid, now completely beyond stopping myself, not that any part of me wanted to. I realised that my cock was painfully obvious, creating a tent-pole in my jeans as I stood, but I didn't care; I wanted Rachel to see how much her feet had turned me on. I barely even hesitated when Chloe told me to strip off. Within moments I found myself standing nude in my front room, proudly displaying my swollen member, whose head was purple and engorged with blood, pre-cum oozed from the tip.

'Look at it,' Chloe whispered to Rachel, who had coyly stared at the floor as I undressed. Slowly she raised her head and allowed her gaze to settle on my cock, bobbing in the air a mere metre and a half from her face. We stayed like that for a few moments, me watching her as she stared at my cock, her hands pressing a cushion firmly onto her lap. 'What do you want him to do with it?' she asked her friend.

It seemed like a lifetime passed before Rachel finally replied, plucking up the courage to voice her desires. 'Touch it,' she gasped finally, her command barely audible, but it was enough. I looked over to Chloe who nodded to me, the lust clear in her eyes; she was clearly loving every second of this, whatever reason she had didn't bother me right now, seeing the look on her eyes was enough to convince me to take my cock in my right hand and squeeze it firmly, pulling the foreskin back to reveal my shiny purple head.

'Look at Rachel,' Chloe instructed me. I obeyed and stared down at her on the sofa, slowly pulling on my cock as she alternated her glances from her cock to my face. Growing in confidence now I shuffled in closer to where she sat, bringing my pulsing cock within touching distance of her. I was wanking at a steady pace now, moaning softly as I played with myself, the only naked one in the room. The smell of sex was thick in the air now; a glance over towards Chloe confirmed to me that she was in fact playing with her pussy on the sofa. Her dress had ridden up to expose her thighs; the cushion she had previously used to cover her antics had been discarded and the shape of her hand working her pussy was clearly visible through her red silk panties. I began to pick up the wet sounds of her fingers sliding deep inside of her pussy as she stared intently at the scene before her.

'Suck his cock,' Chloe whispered between gasps, 'suck on my boyfriend's cock.'

Rachel looked across to her friend, gasping in shock as she realised for the first time what she was doing while she watched; as she opened her mouth I took my opportunity and pressed my cock forwards and into the gap between her lips. 'Ohhh,fuck,' I moaned as I felt her mouth close around the head, her full lips felt heavenly and my whole body shuddered as she flicked the tip of her tongue up the slit. I removed my hand and placed it on the top of her head, stroking her silky black hair as she took me in her hand and pulled my cock closer so she could swallow more of my length. She looked over at Chloe as she began to expertly suck me off. Chloe responded to the attention by sliding her panties off and lifting the dress up and off, leaving her naked too, exposed to her best friend. Spreading her legs she allowed her to watch as she parted her swollen pink lips and slid two fingers inside, her wetness shimmering in the light. Rachel sucked me hungrily as Chloe masturbated on the armchair, shamelessly sliding fingers in and out of her pussy as she watched her best friend perform fellatio on me.

'Ohh fuck that looks good,' Chloe whispered between gasps on the sofa. 'How does it feel Adam?'

'Ungghhh...' was all I could moan in reply as I luxuriated in the feel of Rachel's tongue caressing the underside of my shaft.

'I want you to taste her pussy,' she moaned, 'I want to cum hard as I watch Rachel cum all over your face.'

'Holy fuck...' I whispered, pulling my throbbing cock from Rachel's mouth. I was glad for the respite; I knew that if she had continued with her blow job then it would quickly come to a sticky end.

'Lay on the floor,' Chloe commanded, pointing to the space on the floor between her parted legs. She looked across at Rachel. 'Do you want to sit on his face, right in front of me?' Rachel, face flushed and looking slightly dishevelled, could only nod in response. 'You're going to have to strip first.' We both watched now, entranced, me pulling softly on my cock, Chloe slowly sliding fingers in and out, as Rachel slipped her skirt down and stepped her slick, oiled feet out. She seemed to take an age unbuttoning and removing her blouse, but I was enraptured by the show. Her full, heavy tits wobbled in her soft bra and I squeezed my cock hard in anticipation of seeing her fully nude.

I held my breath as she reached around to unclasp the bra, finally freeing her pendulous melons; I almost came as they spilled free, her nipples, large and rose coloured poking out at the centre of her pink areola. They jiggled freely now without restraint, almost joyous in their motion. 'Wow.' I gasped unable to help myself.

'Adam likes your tits,' Chloe said above me. 'Wait until he sees your pussy. Come over here and show him.' Slowly, hesitantly she stepped over me; standing less than a metre away from her best friend she hooked her thumbs under the waistband and slowly, delicately, slid them down and revealed her thick, swollen pussy. Her pubic region was groomed, but still full and thick, the hair between her legs jet black and glistening with her moisture. 'Good girl,' Chloe whispered to her friend. 'Are you wet?'

'...Yes.' Rachel whispered in reply.

'Let him taste you.'

I merely tilted my head back and watched as she lowered her lips to meet mine. Oh fuck it tasted so sweet; her juice was abundant and I eagerly began to lap it up, like a good little dog; causing Rachel to whimper and tremble above me. I heard Chloe moan somewhere above, but I was way too deep in my own pleasure to care about what was happening elsewhere. I gripped Rachel's wide hips and pulled her hard onto my face, mashing and grinding her swollen clit against my nose. I forced my tongue deep into her pussy, swallowing all that I could take into my mouth, my thirst for her juice insatiable. She squeezed her thighs tight around my head as she lost herself in reckless abandon and fucked my face for all she was worth.

I heard moans and wails, but they sounded muffled and distant; some were most likely my own. I lost count of how many times she came and I could have continued to worship her pussy and have my face used until the end of time. My face was smeared and coated in her cum and her scent overwhelmed me; several times she fucked my face so hard and for so long that I felt myself dizzying at the lack of oxygen; only to be given reprieve in the nick of time by a temporary lifting of her pussy as she adjusted her weight. I longed to be smothered by her though, I had no desire to breathe oxygen ever again; her nectar would suffice from now until the end of all things.

I felt rather than watched as Rachel lifted herself from me on unsteady legs and opened my eyes to watch with dismay as she stood to take a drink to steady herself. 'You're not going to let her off so lightly are you Adam?' Chloe asked from up above me. 'It's time to fuck her. Stand up,' she ordered me. With equally shaking legs I stood, cock aching and throbbing as it bounced in the air. I watched as Chloe beckoned Rachel to bend over the arm of her chair, her tits pressing up against her thighs and her ass and pussy open and exposed behind her. Chloe stroked her sweating and flushed friend's face tenderly as I stepped behind her and took my cock in my hands. 'Tell me how it feels;' she looked at me as I pushed my head inside.

'Oh fuck, it feels wet.' I whispered, allowing myself to indulge in the heaven between her legs as I slowly slid my full length inside. '...and tight,' which surprised me, considering how much she had already cum by fucking my face.

'Grab that nice big ass of hers as you fuck her,' she spoke again. I did as I was told; it was slick and wet with her juice, but I got a nice firm grip with both hands and used it as leverage as I began to slowly and deliberately fuck her. She responded in kind by contracting and releasing her pussy muscles, massaging my shaft as I tenderly thrust in and out. I began to rub her ass, my fingers delicately teasing her asshole with each stroke; I looked down and watched with fascination as her pussy lips sucked hungrily on my thick member.

Chloe began to moan softly as I fucked Rachel. I assumed at first she had resumed her previous ministrations on herself, but noted that both hands were in view, caressing Rachel's hair and back. I realised that her friend's head had nuzzled down between my girlfriend's legs and felt my cock throb and nearly explode at the realisation that she was orally pleasuring her. 'Holy fuck Rach,' she whispered, 'keep going!'

I increased my thrusts now, pulling myself in close and wrapping my arms around Rachel, finally getting my hands on those tantalising tits of hers; I pulled her up slightly to get better access to her tits and began to maul them as they bounced and swayed with each thrust of my cock. The room was filled with moans and groans and the sounds and smells of our sex filled the air; I made eye contact with my girlfriend and let her see how much I was enjoying fucking her best friend; she in turn let me know how much she was enjoying watching it. Our hands made contact on Rachel's tits and we began to maul and grope at her fleshy mounds together as I pounded myself in and out of her fleshy pussy, my balls slapping hard against her clit now with every thrust. She gripped and milked my shaft hard, and I could tell she was close to yet another orgasm. Her climax hit and caused her to frenziedly moan and groan, lapping at Chloe's pussy and sending her over the edge as she came all over her friend's face. I watched the girls climaxing with a growing tingling in the pit of my stomach, my balls we tightening and I knew that I couldn't hold out much longer.

'Uhh... I'm gonna cum...' I moaned, tensing every muscle and sinew in my body in an attempt to let this euphoric feeling last for an eternity.

'On her tits...' Chloe gasped. Through vision blurred by stars I saw she was fingering herself once again as Rachel dropped to her knees in front of me and squeezed her flushed, sweating tits together underneath the throbbing tip of my cock. I fought every impulse in my body to make sure that my eyes remained open as I squeezed my cock one last time before allowing the damn to burst. Looking down I watched as the first hot, salty rope of cum erupted from the swollen head of my penis and splattered across her swollen globes. I heard Chloe groaning through another orgasm as she watched me spray jets of my fluid over her best friend's chest. Rachel tilted her head back and luxuriated in the feel of her mammaries being coated by my fluid; I was almost spent when I watched her pick up a trail of cum with the tip of her finger and raise it to her lips, causing me to climax all over again and shoot a fresh blast right up the side of her face and splat across her left eye.

'Holy fucking shit...' I whispered as I dropped my cock, instantly feeling dizzy and weak at the knees. I took a couple of steps back and flopped down on the sofa, completely spent and drained from the whole experience. I stared at the ceiling as I came down, unable to comprehend rational thought, the only thing in my mind was the sight of Rachel's tits as I blasted them with my cum.

An eternity passed before anyone spoke; a satisfied and drained silence fell on the room. At some point Chloe joined Rachel on the floor for a mutual embrace, but I remained on the sofa; not regretting a thing, but unsure as to what I should say now. Thankfully it was Chloe, the one who had initiated the whole situation, who finally broke the silence.

'I think it's too late for you to go home now Rachel,' she whispered to her friend as she kissed her tenderly on the head. 'Let's all go get in bed.' She stood to her bare feet and proffered a hand, which Rachel took, 'besides, I think I need to repay a certain favour to you.' She said with a wink as she led her friend to the stairs. She looked back at me on the couch and gave me a wink; 'come on you; now it's my turn.'

My cock twitched to life as I stood to my feet and followed them out of the room.

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The Resort Part 3 Tim finds out about Rachel

This story takes a slightly different turn from Part One and Two. It deals more with the aftermath on how Rachel's husband Tim deals with finding out the truth of what has gone on with his wife, along with a plot twist for future installments. To better understand I recommend reading both parts one and two before this installment. Tim watched in silence still hidden in the nearby closet as both Steve and Rob finished getting dressed before exiting the room one behind the other. He could...

2 years ago
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Rough and Ready Rachel

"I'm gonna take off, Rachel." Keri rose from the barstool. They had only been there an hour. "Okay," Rachel said, swiveling toward her friend. "This place wasn't at all like what I heard it was supposed to be like," Keri apologized. "It's okay," she said with a shrug. "You going too?" "No. You go ahead," Rachel said, taking a sip from her drink. "I don't want to go home yet." "Okay. See you Monday." "Okay. Bye." Keri walked away. The place was supposed to be nice...

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Fun Times with Rachel

Beep….Beep….Beep I woke up with a start to the sound of my alarm clock. My hand instinctively smashed the top of it, turning it off. I sat up in bed and checked the time. 11:34. I got up and walked to the bathroom, without even bothering to close the door as I had my own bathroom in my room. I did my business and brushed my teeth. As I finished, I stopped and looked at my self in the mirror. My name is Paul Allen and I’m 16. I’m an only child. I have short brown hair and I’m about...

3 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rachel

"Hi, I'm Rachel, and yeah... I guess you can call me a sex addict," I giggled as I looked at the expectant faces surrounding me.I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all?They were a miscellaneous...

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My Nieces Three Part 1 Rachel

I decided to ride my motorcycle for the initial trip to my new post and return to bring my pickup down later. The ride down was great ,with lots of wonderful winding roads. By the time I finished the bulk of the trip and arrived in the town where my sister was living, I was feeling refreshed, recharged and a little excited. I had looked up their address on a map and figured to surprise them with an early arrival. I rode up to a nice little duplex on a quiet street and pulled in. There was no...

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Cathy and Rachel

We notice her right away, as she walks into the bar. She’s tall and voluptuous, all of the curves in the right places. She’s dressed in a business suit, with jacket opened to a lacy camisole. Cleavage to die for. Heels. Brunette, with brown eyes and long lashes. The line was simple, honest. I smile, and said, ‘Hi, would you like to join us?’ We both flirt with her shamelessly. I ask her to dance, and hold her hand as we walk to the dance floor. While dancing close, I make it obvious how...

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My wife loved the city. Well, she was born and brought up in suburban London. Sheffield isn’t quite the same, by any means, but it’s a busy, friendly city. I liked the city too. After all, I moved there to, well, not escape exactly, but to get somewhere more lively than the Cambridgeshire Fens. City or not, we both liked the surrounding countryside, which is easy to access. We also went camping sometimes, but always returned, of course, to the city. We got old. Helen, my wife, had osteoporosis...

1 year ago
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Watching Rachel

My fantasy of watching other men take on my hot wife comes true From my life and relationships in my 20's and 30's I never thought I would end up in the voyeur status. I was married in my mid 20's and for a few years had a decent sex life. By the time my now ex-wife and I turned 30 our sex life ranged from dull to puritanical. I longed for a sex partner that was exciting and divorced my wife. The only good thing about a dull marriage was I built a successful company and enjoyed the wealth it...

Cheating Wife
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My wife Rachel

Introduction: She found out about my cheating I arrived home from a business trip on Thursday night at about 9pm. I was not expected back until about 6pm the following day. The house was empty! Where was Rachel, my wife of 15 years? I was tired and so went to bed alone. Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachels absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no...

2 years ago
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Fitness Lesson With Rachel

Rachel had told me to wear something cool and loose for our first fitness session as we would be doing some stretches and muscle toning so I decided that my tatty old silk boxers would fit the bill as they would allow the movement required so after Mrs J had gone I slipped them on and sent my neighbour a text to say I was ready whenever she was.10 minutes later a smiling Rachel tapped on my open patio door, “Hi Frank” she said as she walked in and OMG she looked ready to rock-n-roll in her...

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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 15 Rachelle

The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...

3 years ago
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My wife Rachel

Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachel's absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no Rachel! At 6pm Rachel arrived home dressed for a normal work day. “Hello Brian. You're home early. Did you have a successful trip?” “Yes, thank you. So successful that I finished a day early. I was home here last night. Where were you last night?” “Oh! Well...

2 years ago
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alex and rachel

It had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school allday, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own tothe south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away.She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had largebreasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs.As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. Aftera moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in...

3 years ago
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Sexual Delights with Bruce and Rachel

... I took my panties and wiped off his cock, his body, my face, and boobs, and I used it on Rachel too. This little boy was a cum machine. I had gotten a lot of it on my face and in my mouth, but there was plenty on him, on me, and some on Rachel."" I had an idea about him."" Bruce, eat my panties now. Eat them with the cum all over.........." "He didn't hesitate. It was strange to watch him with my gloppy underwear in his mouth, sucking and chewing, and then with Rachel's too, his face all...

1 year ago
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alex and rachel

It had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school all day, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own to the south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away. She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had large breasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs. As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. After a moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in there...

4 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Rachel

My friend Rachel is someone that I’ve been trying to persuade into joining our small circle of friends that likes to fool around. She’s been to some of our sex toy/lingerie parties, and has been a good sport by wearing sexy revealing outfits for it, but she hasn’t fully committed into any lesbian activity with anyone else. She’s always been satisfied with sitting to the side, to avoid being the center of attention. It never seemed like anything shocked her, like watching our friends engage in...

1 year ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 27 Randall and Rachel

As Jack marched in through those gates he looked up at the Principal’s Office and saw a figure standing just behind the Venetian blinds. On an impulse Jack lifted his hand and waved at that solitary figure - the school’s sentinel he thought. Jack wasn’t sure but he thought he saw that figure wave back. Jack was about to give another wave back when a hand came up from behind and clasped itself across Jack’s bare shoulder. This hand on Jack’s shoulder made Jack nearly jump out of his skin. His...

1 year ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 14 Rachelle

To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...

2 years ago
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Finding Rachel

Author’s Note. I first published this about a year ago under a different title but I wasn’t happy with it so pulled it for a rewrite. The storyline is much the same but the ending significantly different. If you are after a quick stroke story this is not it: rather, it’s a tale for those who like a bit of a build up and some romance, and – dare I say it – a little humour too. It is a lighthearted tale with a touch of fantasy and fairytale about it, so please don’t take it too seriously...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 17 Rachel

We arrived home on the fifth of January. Reverse jet lag would be tough for a few days. The housekeepers, or as I should properly call them, the VAS, Veterans Assistance Service representatives, left me a note and us a full fridge. On the sixth, I received an official request from the Pentagon for a visit from a Colonel Maya Vega of the DSI; Department of Strategic Intelligence on the eighth at ten AM. I agreed. The DSI officer’s arrival distracted an already distracted Cat who was busy...

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My Nieces Three Part 2 Fucking Rachel

Sharon and Karen were Rachel’s sisters and my sister’s other daughters. Sharon was a 14 year old cheerleader in junior high and would start high school that fall. Tall, with long, shapely legs, nice firm boobs, and an amazing tan, she could turn many an eye just by walking across a room. Karen was shorter, also a cheerleader and 13 years with small boobs but the best booty I think I’ve ever seen. Their younger brother Carl was the baby of the family at 12 and a scout with the local troop. The...

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The Story of Rachel

Rachel was a very attractive blonde who has been with the companyfor five years. She started 2 years after I did, and while we neverreally hit it off, there were some signs that there was a mutualattraction. You could even call it sexual tension, at times. Shereally dressed well, and always carried a designer purse, and haddesigner shoes on her size 8 1/2 feet. The purses and pumps shewould wear to the office were incredibly beautiful. Boner-causingbeautiful! What i always thought of doing, but...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

3 years ago
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A time of changes Part 3 Rachel

Part 3: Rachel Matt was sitting at Steve's kitchen table. A mess of purple hair swayed in front of her face every time she moved and she was still wearing the pajamas Chelsea lent her. "I just can't believe I needed a stuffed animal to fall asleep," she said while slowly turning a spoon in the cereal bowl in front of her. "Your Twist hit you pretty hard. You don't only look like a girl, but you're also starting to behave like one," Steve replied from the other side of the table....

4 years ago
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Aunty Rachel

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here… I awoke on Saturday morning feeling very relaxed and happy, and wasn’t sure why. I cuddled up to the naked body lying next to me in the...

2 years ago
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A footjob from Rachel

On Saturday night we had a take-away and it was a nice evening, made better by Rachel’s bare leg brushing against mine under the table. Occasionally she would slip her bare foot out of her flip flops and run her toes across my ankle and foot. Afterwards, we sat in the lounge with the patio doors open. We were sitting in armchairs, next to one another and Rachel put her legs across my lap. "Would you mind massaging my feet, Pete?” she asked, “they ache a bit.”Slowly, I started to rub her feet....

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The Absent HeroChapter 7 Rachel

"How are you Princess?" I heard in my ear after saying hello. Was it him? It sounded like him, but I've had a couple of crank calls in the last year so I wasn't sure. "Who is this?" I asked. "It's your friendly Spiderman Princess, or should I say the Chubby Hippoman, or the Whaleman or the walrus, pig, Sasquatch, clumsy oaf, the Beast, twinkle toes or my favorite, Quasimodo. You did call me Einstein and Genius as well but I don't think you meant them as compliments." he...

1 year ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Sedcution Ch 12 Rachell

Rachelle was suspicious, and had horny dreams about me fucking her sister Laura and wondering what my cock, a strangers cock, would feel like. She felt guilty, but horny. She remembered when her and her dad had played a long time ago. She got wet and horny. She was sitting at the breakfast table, tired and wondering about the sticky mess she found, it seemed like dried cum.That day was uneventful and fun for all. Ray and I were gone a few hours with the k**s allowing sisters to talk and...

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Summer Time Rachel

Rachel and I blasted our lungs out through the open windows. We were getting close to the beach and when WPST started to play Nicki Minaj’s song, we looked at each other and grinned. Rachel took one hand off the steering wheel and cranked the volume up.  Rachel turned onto 10th Avenue and drove straight to Belmar’s Boardwalk. At the end she turned left and we began to look for a parking spot. She found a spot on 6th Avenue, next to Ferruggiaro Park, and parked her car. We got out, grabbed...

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An Etiquette Lesson Chapter 1 Rachel

Rachel came home from school, tossed her bag on the counter, rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She pushed the lock button on the handle, but it kept popping out. She didn’t have time for this. When it stuck in a little she thought to herself ‘oh, good enough,’ and then flopped down on the bed. She had work to do. Rachel pulled off her tight skinny jeans, and pulled down her plain black panties. She lamented that these were the sexiest things her mother would let her buy. Rachel...

4 years ago
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RachelI'm Rachel and a cum slut and have been for years. It started when I was eleven my girl friend Liz who is a month younger than me were at a sleep over at her house . We started talking about boys and their things, Cock they are called Cocks Liz said and my brother Mark has a big one. How do you know that? Well if you must know I saw him getting into the shower a couple of months ago and his cock was just hanging there . Just how big was it I asked ? Well it's not a big as my dads but...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Rachel

It was intense! It was by far the strongest orgasm I'd had in quite a while and I wasn't even on a bed. I was bent over the back of the couch in my living room and the hard cock was driving into me from behind. My feet weren't even touching the floor and I had my wadded up panties in my mouth and I was biting down hard on them to keep from screaming out and waking the baby. He gave one last push, muttered "Oh fuck!" and I felt the hot wetness of his discharge. He stood behind me not...

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A night with Rachel

“So how many of your girlfriends have you been in bed with?” she asked “Considering I only had 3 girlfriends all throughout high school and into college 2. The second one was a good catholic girl thinking that sex was for making babies and not pleasure and the sex should only be after marriage” I said “Well that sucks. Too many of them are around now days. They all need to learn the sheer pleasure of sex” she mumbled as she took a sip of her wine. “How many guys have you fucked?” I...

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Jenny and Rachel

I was a freshman in college when I met Jenny. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was putting the covers on the bed I had chosen in the dorm room when she arrived. She was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt with no bra. Her red hair, which came down to her waist, contracted perfectly with her blue eyes. “Oh, I was hoping to get the bed by the window,” she said. “You can have it,” I blurted out. I had known since I was little I was gay. I had never told anyone this and had kept to myself...

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