Finding Rachel free porn video

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Author’s Note.

I first published this about a year ago under a different title but I wasn’t happy with it so pulled it for a rewrite. The storyline is much the same but the ending significantly different.

If you are after a quick stroke story this is not it: rather, it’s a tale for those who like a bit of a build up and some romance, and – dare I say it – a little humour too. It is a lighthearted tale with a touch of fantasy and fairytale about it, so please don’t take it too seriously (unless you happen to believe in Genies!). There is sex in it, of course, but it is secondary to the main theme of the story. If you don’t like it then move on to richer pickings, but if you do, please leave a comment or a score (or both!).

None of the characters or names within it are based on any particular person, living or dead and all are over the age of 18 – although Tony Wilson, the main character, sometimes displays an immaturity that defies his years…

H_S May 2014.

Finding Rachel. Chapter 1

‘And another thing!’ Rebecca Armitage’s voice cut through the hubbub of conversation like a paring knife though the soft, wrinkled flesh of a scrotum. ‘You have a tiny, weeny dick!’

An instant hush settled over the room and I gaped at her, completely lost for words.

Bec looked around the bar and smiled. It was not a nice smile, by any means: rather, it was a malicious, mean-spirited, below-the-belt smirk that never touched her eyes.

‘It’s like a fucking little worm,’ she explained to the listening crowd. Her voice was getting louder, reaching through the open doors into the street. ‘Small and useless,’ she shrilled, ‘and….’ she drew in a breath and I could see her mind racing to capture the right adjective. I braced myself.

‘…miniscule!’ she said triumphantly.

Now, there was a time not long ago when I would have seriously questioned whether Bec would even know a word like ‘miniscule’. There’s no doubt about the quality of her physical attributes, but it’s fair to say her intellect isn’t up to the same standard. It isn’t just my assessment either – the general feeling amongst everyone who has fucked her, and there are many, is that the mass of each of her tits is at least twice that of her brain – and she is only a 34 C cup on a good day. But hey, she was clearly on a roll and you could have heard a pin drop. I could see everyone feasting their eyes on this feisty little blond who was happy to share her view on my noodle.

‘It’s a pathetic, shriveled, microscopic ugly little worm!’ she screeched, ‘and I never want to pick my teeth with it again!’ And with that she turned on one shapely heel and stormed out of the room.

You know the old adage – if you throw enough shit some of it will stick? Well, she’d just flung a complete fucking sewage works at me and I was covered in piles of ordure. Jesus! I looked around the room and was met with a sea of gleeful faces, and my heart sank. I knew that tomorrow some smartarse would christen me Tiny Tony or Wormy Wilson and the name would stick, and the story of Bec trumpeting my tiny, weeny little tool to the world would grace dinner tables and be the butt of jokes at my expense for years to come.

The bar was silent and I saw they were all looking at me. God, if only I was clever with words. I needed someone to defuse the situation, to turn the tables on pox-arse Bec – but I just didn’t have that gift and so I waited for some knight in shining armour to defend me.

The silence stretched out. I could hear the grandfather clock in the hall ticking.

‘I say,’ said Phil, who was standing next to me. He was my best mate and I knew I could count on him. ‘That was a bit unkind -‘

A sense of overwhelming gratitude surged though me. ‘Thanks Phil,’ I murmured.

‘- to worms,’ he finished.

The room erupted in laughter and I shrank back from him. Fuck! Tiny Tony it would be then, and I wouldn’t have minded if not for one stark fact.

My cock really was tiny.


As I stood there I reflected on the short story of my member. It was small – three inches or so, and that was when it was really angry. And there was nothing I could do about it. The bottom drawer in my cupboard was full of stuff that absolutely, positively guaranteed a longer dick: creams and lotions, pumps and weights and suction gizmos and stretchy bands. Over the years I’d tried everything but all it had done was empty my bank balance and give me a sore – and still small – prick.

I’d sought advice, too, and they’d all said the same thing – not to worry about it. In different ways, of course, like my G.P. ‘It’s still functional, Teeny – er, Tony,’ he’d said. I’d stolen a surreptitious look at his crutch and seen the outline of an elephant’s trunk in his pants. Condescending bastard. Or my shrink: he’d steepled his fingers and stared at the ceiling. ‘It’s not the size of your pecker, but how you use it’ he’d said, with all the sincerity of an undertaker explaining he could bring a body back to life (I’d reflected later on the irony of seeing a shrink about a small appendage). And then the young female doctor in the sexual health clinic with the sexy overbite and big nipples: ‘It’s not the meat, it’s the motion,’ she’d breathed in a little-girl voice. I’d hoped she’d show me how, but apparently she had much bigger things on her mind.

The worst was from my sister, though – a spontaneous comment as she saw me coming out of the bathroom one day when I thought the house was empty. ‘Oh, Tony,’ she’d shrilled. ‘What a beautifullittle willie!’ I’d scurried to my room, red-faced and humiliated, thinking that although my member might be compact, her twat was probably the size of the channel tunnel.

There was nothing to be gained by staying in the bar so I slunk out and started walking home, hoping that Bec was under a car somewhere and wondering where my sex might come from, now that she was gone. She might have been a first class bitch but her pussy was exceptional, and it wasn’t like I had a lot of other options. Perhaps I could find a midget somewhere who would be happy with the size of my equipment.

There’s an old junk shop in Morris Street not far from where I live and I often stop and look in the window. Passers by might think I’m interested in the bric-a-brac that fills its window: old books and pots and vases and bits of allegedly antique brass that probably come from Taiwan – but frankly, that shit leaves me cold.

No. The reason I stop to peer in through the grimy window is because there’s a little brunette who works there. She’s lovely: a shade over five six, I reckon, with a face as sweet as a baby rabbit, tits like honeydew melons and a shapely little arse that is just begging to be licked all over, preferably drizzled in golden syrup. She can be seen in the shop window from time to time – apparently rearranging the crap there – and she invariably wears a pussy-pelmet skirt…you know, one of those micro things made out of half a handkerchief that barely covers the hairs on her minge. And the thing is, she doesn’t seem to mind that most of the male neighbourhood stand with their dribbling lips stuck to the glass, ogling her spectacular derriere and the pubes peeping from the elastic of her little white panties. I don’t know what she gets paid, but it isn’t enough – half the sales must be to guys buying shit they don’t want, just to get a closer look at her.

The window-dressing thing doesn’t happen often, though, so I wasn’t expecting too much as I rounded the corner just down from the shop but – fuck me! – there she was, bending down setting up a box of crappy old vases in the corner of the window…and the street was empty. She was mine to ogle, all by myself. And so I hurried over and pretended to study a pile of old books in the window with my eyes swiveled sideways so I could see up her skirt. It was even shorter than the others and her panties had been pulled
up so tight I could see the complete outline of her pussy: the dark lips pressing against the fabric and the material folded in between, jammed in her crack and translucent with her juice. She hadn’t shaved recently, and little wisps of dark silky hair curled around the elastic in contrast to the white creamy flesh of the top of her tights. Fuck! And her legs were perfect, too: slim and shapely with the glossy flesh as firm as a ripe peach, leading up to that arresting little crack and the spectacular globes of her tight little butt either side of it.

The pretense of studying the books was forgotten. I mean, if you had the choice to examine a tattered copy of Ripley’s Believe it or Not or a delicious little snatch not two feet away in a pair of microscopic knickers clearly not up to the job, which would you choose? No contest! And so I stood there with my tongue hanging out and my dick like a paddle pop stick in my pants, gazing at syrup-arse’s delicious little cheeks with lust on my mind. I could almost smell her: the lovely, warm odour of a healthy young woman, and my mouth watered at the thought of how she might taste.

Christ knows how long I stood there with my tongue pressed against the window, but all too soon she stood up and the object of my desire disappeared under the hem of her little black skirt. She turned and saw me with my nose pressed to the saliva-stained glass and her face lit up in a smile you could have powered a thousand homes with. I mean, I’m not much to look at but that smile was just as if George Clooney was standing there with his dick out: a genuine, thousand-watt welcome that I just couldn’t resist.

So I found my feet taking me into the shop…into that den of dust and debris and musty old books, not to buy anything but because I just had to see her close up. To gaze into those clear blue eyes and look upon face – or, better still, to peer down the top of her blouse at her magnificent melons. Who knows, I thought, as I stumbled in over the step, I might even get a head job. There was more chance of Pluto colliding with the Earth, but hey, I’m an optimist.

And fifteen minutes later I lurched out into the street twenty quid poorer and in love. Fuck! Rachel Pudney (as I discovered her name to be) was really something! She’d treated me like I was the only guy in the world. She’d ignored my stuttering and my stumbling and the drool on my chin. She’d touched my arm (which I now wasn’t going to wash for a week), and smiled into my face and asked who I was and what I liked, and then sold me some piece of junk that I didn’t need and didn’t want other than she’d been the last one to touch it. It was worth twenty quid just for that.

I watched as she wrapped my purchase in tissue paper, her fingers dexterous and slim and her alluring breasts heaving with every breath into her lovely body. ‘You come back soon, Tony,’ she’d breathed in her soft west country lilt that made my little member crank up another millimetre. ‘And tell me all about it.’

‘About what?’ I’d asked, perplexed.

She’d handed me the change with a knowing little smile, her eyes taking apart my soul as if she could see right through me. ‘You’ll see,’ she said, and she laughed a few tinkling notes as sweet as honey as I lurched from the shop in a daze, clutching my purchase.


I live with my parents and sister in a house in Mort Street, which is well named as it must be the most fucking dead-end place in the entire universe – but it’s free and Mum does my cooking and washing, so I can’t complain. My old folks have one end of the house and I share the other with Cassie, my sister, who is two years older than me. Cassie has a steady boyfriend and she likes to sneak him into her room when she thinks no one else is home.

I’ve set up a webcam in a shoebox on the top of her wardrobe, and I watch as he fucks seven bells of shit out of her on her bed, the floor, the carpet and, on one memorable occasion, balanced on top of the dressing table so he could watch his dick going in an out in the mirror. Despite the fact that Cassie is getting it regularly she is a complete pain in the left nut so we try not to have much to do with each other.

I hurried home and shut myself in the bathroom, thinking of Rachel Pudney’s fine round tits and tight little snatch, and in no time my little soldier was stood to attention. I dragged him out into the light of day and stroked him, thinking of how good she would feel and which of her delicious little orifices I’d do first. God damn, she was hot! I imagined how tight she would be and how my cock would look as it pumped in and out, and how she would grunt and groan under me as I fucked her. Holy shit, it was good!

In no time at all I felt the familiar urge and I shuffled my feet forward to the edge of the third tile and pointed Percy at the mirror while my orgasm built in my brain, spinning upwards in a tight little spiral of pleasure until, with a groan, I spurted. A jet of jism sizzled upwards and splattered on the mirror about a foot above my head – Bingo! A new record! A few others followed, gradually trailing down the glass until the final dribbles splattered on the floor next to my feet. No doubt about it, Rachel Pudney had won this round – better than Mila Kunis, whom I tossed over a lot, and even Charlize, by a good head’s width.

As I contemplated the milky product of my balls dribbling over the glass there was a furious hammering on the door and a female voice boomed through the keyhole. ‘Tony! Are you in there!? Let me in!’

‘Fuck, Cassie! I’m busy!’

‘I’m busting! Let me in.’

‘Go to the other loo.’

‘It’s busy! Jesus, Tony, I’m going to pee myself. Let me in, please!’ She hammered on the door again, the timber creaking with the force of her blows. She’s a strong girl, my sister.

‘Christ…OK, OK.’ I fumbled Percy back into my pants and unlocked the door.

‘Jesus, Cass- ‘ but she darted past me and was already crouching on the bog with her pants around her ankles, so I shut the door and went back to my room before remembering that my sperm was still splattered over the mirror. Shit, shit. Now she’d have something else to hold over me.

The parcel Rachel had wrapped was on my bed and I picked it up and sniffed it carefully, hoping it would retain a trace of her perfume. Bec used a similar product – two pound fifty from Boots – but somehow it didn’t seem as alluring on her as it did on the devine Ms Pudney. Anyway, there was no trace of it so I tore open the paper to remind myself what she had sold me.

It was an old fashioned oil lamp, I think – you know, one shaped like a gravy boat with the wick poking out of the lid. The metal was dark with age and the spout was blocked by what appeared to be cement. The lid was similarly fastened with some sort of silicon (which inexplicably made me think of Rachel again), and the whole thing was tarnished and dirty.

I remembered her enthusiasm as she pressed it into my hands. ‘Look at this, Tony,’ she’d warbled. ‘A genuine antique!’

‘But I don’t collect antiques.’ I protested.

‘Of course you do, silly! It’s just that you haven’t started yet!’ She regarded me with eyes as big and blue as wedgewood saucers. ‘Don’t you want to start?’ Her smile lit up the room. ‘I’d be here whenever you wanted help! I could come round to your place and help catalogue them.’

She probably said the same thing to every guy who bought something, but it didn’t matter. I was captivated by the vision of her being here, on my bed, observing my meagre collection of antique artifacts and making little grunting noises as I explored the tightness of her tube.

‘Um, how much?’

‘For you, twenty.’

‘You mean twenty pence?’

‘Twenty pounds, silly!’ She glanced at the back of the shop to ensure we were alone and her voice dropped. ‘You won’t regret it, I promise.’

‘But I -‘

Rachel put her hand on my arm. ‘Please, Tony! I haven’t sold a thing al
l day. Just for me? Please?’

If she’d offered me a plastic statue of Adolf Hitler at that moment I’d have bought it, so I paid my twenty quid – and here it was. A ratty, battered, fugly, expensive jug: my very first antique. I picked it up and turned it over and examined the bottom. There were words etched there, probably some sort of hallmark, and I rubbed the warm metal to remove the grime and held it up to the light to read the fine print.

Made in China.

And at that moment it happened. The jug shook violently in my hand and became instantly hot to the touch. I dropped it like a hot potato and stared with eyes like Rachel’s tits (round and bulging) as it bounced on the floor and came to rest on its side. The lid was flung off violently to strike the skirting board with a dull clang, and a spume of grey dust shot out from the open top like someone had just stamped on a vacuum cleaner bag. But it wasn’t dust – it was a cloud of…something, whirling and spinning in a little spiral of granular particles that turned blue and then silver and shimmered and teased the eyes, forming one shape and then another before finally coalescing into…the shape of a man.

For a few moments there was silence in the room as we observed each other, and then I reacted with customary finesse.

‘Fuck!’ I shouted.

‘Is that a command, master?’ His dark eyes regarded me without blinking.

‘Holy shit!’

‘What about that?’ He smiled, his teeth a dazzling white in the dark skin of his face. ‘Is that a command? I need a command.’

‘Who – the – fuck -are – you?’

‘Me? Oh, sorry.’ He did one of those ornate bows, you know, where you sort of wave your arm around at the same time as bending forward at the waist and bobbing your head.’ Let me introduce myself,’ he said, ‘Ali Akbar Khan the -‘ he closed his eyes for a moment, as if counting, ‘- twenty third.’

I stood there like a landed fish, my mouth opening and closing with no sounds.

‘And you are?’ he asked quietly.

‘Um – T-T-Tony Wilson.’

He smiled again. In time I was to grow to hate that smile for its utter insincerity, but for the moment at least it reassured me that he wasn’t inclined to violence. ‘T-T-Tony Wilson,’ he repeated. ‘Well, T-T-Tony, you look surprised to see me.’

‘Fuck yes!’ I tried to gather my thoughts. These two word conversations weren’t useful. ‘Where in hell’s name did you come from, and what the fuck are you doing in my room?’ I asked. Better.

‘I was in there,’ he said, and touched the gravy jug with the toe of his shoe, ‘ and I’m here because that’s where the lamp was when I got out.’

I studied him for a moment. He was a big guy – I mean, probably six-six and broad across the chest. The diameter of the jug’s top was about an inch I guess, so that didn’t compute. Not only that, but if you’ve just been reconstituted from a bunch of dust particles you’d expect to look like a hobo but this guy was smart…I mean, we’re talking a thousand guinea suit here, with a crisp white shirt and an Armani tie, and shoes like polished glass. His face was long and lean and sort of olive in complexion, but it was freshly shaved and I could smell a pint or so of eau de cologne even from where I stood. I figured the jug didn’t have a bathroom inside so he was clearly bullshitting.

‘Yeah? I asked. ‘Well, if that’s true then I’m Jessica Alba – how about you piss off out of the house before I call the fuzz?’

‘Is that a command?’

‘Fuck! What is it with this command thing? Well, if it makes you so frickin’ happy then y-‘

‘Stop!’ He held up his hand. ‘I’m sure you know the routine, Tony. A genie pops out of the bottle and offers three commands to his rescuer. Well, that’s me and you. You’ve got three, my friend, so don’t waste them.’

My lip curled. ‘Why don’t you just get back in the jug, you loony.’

‘Is that -‘

‘No, it’s not a fucking command! It’s a little test to show me that I’m right – that you’re speaking out of your arse…and if you can’t get back into that -‘ I gestured at the little jug, ‘- then you’re a certified nut and I need to call the cops.’

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Rachel was so gorgeous! How was I going to be around her for two weeks and not try to seduce her? Just looking at her made my hormones flow out of control.My wife’s best friend since c***dhood, Pat, was coming to Florida to spend two weeks with us and see the sights like the Space Center, Disney World, and the beautiful sandy beaches.The only problem was that she was bringing her eighteen-year-old daughter, Rachel, the most gorgeous redhead I'd ever seen! Her hair was long and straight with...

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Discovering Rachel

I was eighteen and unbelievable as it may seem, I had never kissed a girl yet, and it goes to say also that I had never experienced sex. Yes I was still a virgin at eighteen. All of my friends were often bragging about having gone all the way with this girl or that girl, some went even so far as to describe in crude details everything that they had done while having sex with a girl. As for myself, I had to lie and invent imaginary affairs that I had only dreamed about. You see I was then and...

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The Strange Coming Together of Aaron and Rachel

Chapter 1 It begins in the late 90s, right after I buy my townhouse in the Burbank Hills, in LA. I get a Latin cleaning woman named Ardis to come in and clean for me and she turns out to be quite a piece of work. She's in her early 50s, very efficient, dumb as toast, lively enough to light up a room and a gym rat with a remarkable body. When she cleans my house she's usually wearing short-shorts and a halter-top. She's fun to look at and I catch her checking me out but she's my cleaning...

2 years ago
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A Christmas present from Rachel

Every Christmas I remember that Christmas all those years ago when I was 19. Every year we had a big family Christmas gathering at an aunt’s place. She was quite well off and my parents and other relatives made sure they kept friendly with her in the hope of inheriting some of her estate. My parents tolerated such gatherings rather than enjoyed them. But for me the bright spot of those Christmas gatherings was meeting my cousin Rachel. I think she was my second cousin, with a common great...

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The Resort Part 3 Tim finds out about Rachel

This story takes a slightly different turn from Part One and Two. It deals more with the aftermath on how Rachel's husband Tim deals with finding out the truth of what has gone on with his wife, along with a plot twist for future installments. To better understand I recommend reading both parts one and two before this installment. Tim watched in silence still hidden in the nearby closet as both Steve and Rob finished getting dressed before exiting the room one behind the other. He could...

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Rough and Ready Rachel

"I'm gonna take off, Rachel." Keri rose from the barstool. They had only been there an hour. "Okay," Rachel said, swiveling toward her friend. "This place wasn't at all like what I heard it was supposed to be like," Keri apologized. "It's okay," she said with a shrug. "You going too?" "No. You go ahead," Rachel said, taking a sip from her drink. "I don't want to go home yet." "Okay. See you Monday." "Okay. Bye." Keri walked away. The place was supposed to be nice...

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Fun Times with Rachel

Beep….Beep….Beep I woke up with a start to the sound of my alarm clock. My hand instinctively smashed the top of it, turning it off. I sat up in bed and checked the time. 11:34. I got up and walked to the bathroom, without even bothering to close the door as I had my own bathroom in my room. I did my business and brushed my teeth. As I finished, I stopped and looked at my self in the mirror. My name is Paul Allen and I’m 16. I’m an only child. I have short brown hair and I’m about...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Rachel

"Hi, I'm Rachel, and yeah... I guess you can call me a sex addict," I giggled as I looked at the expectant faces surrounding me.I thought about that statement for a minute. Of course, I'd never called myself a sex addict out loud, but the idea of it sounded almost kind of sexy. Of course I knew I was supposed to be all serious standing there in the classroom at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. But really, how can you find the seriousness of group therapy at all?They were a miscellaneous...

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My Nieces Three Part 1 Rachel

I decided to ride my motorcycle for the initial trip to my new post and return to bring my pickup down later. The ride down was great ,with lots of wonderful winding roads. By the time I finished the bulk of the trip and arrived in the town where my sister was living, I was feeling refreshed, recharged and a little excited. I had looked up their address on a map and figured to surprise them with an early arrival. I rode up to a nice little duplex on a quiet street and pulled in. There was no...

4 years ago
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Cathy and Rachel

We notice her right away, as she walks into the bar. She’s tall and voluptuous, all of the curves in the right places. She’s dressed in a business suit, with jacket opened to a lacy camisole. Cleavage to die for. Heels. Brunette, with brown eyes and long lashes. The line was simple, honest. I smile, and said, ‘Hi, would you like to join us?’ We both flirt with her shamelessly. I ask her to dance, and hold her hand as we walk to the dance floor. While dancing close, I make it obvious how...

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My wife loved the city. Well, she was born and brought up in suburban London. Sheffield isn’t quite the same, by any means, but it’s a busy, friendly city. I liked the city too. After all, I moved there to, well, not escape exactly, but to get somewhere more lively than the Cambridgeshire Fens. City or not, we both liked the surrounding countryside, which is easy to access. We also went camping sometimes, but always returned, of course, to the city. We got old. Helen, my wife, had osteoporosis...

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Watching Rachel

My fantasy of watching other men take on my hot wife comes true From my life and relationships in my 20's and 30's I never thought I would end up in the voyeur status. I was married in my mid 20's and for a few years had a decent sex life. By the time my now ex-wife and I turned 30 our sex life ranged from dull to puritanical. I longed for a sex partner that was exciting and divorced my wife. The only good thing about a dull marriage was I built a successful company and enjoyed the wealth it...

Cheating Wife
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My wife Rachel

Introduction: She found out about my cheating I arrived home from a business trip on Thursday night at about 9pm. I was not expected back until about 6pm the following day. The house was empty! Where was Rachel, my wife of 15 years? I was tired and so went to bed alone. Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachels absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no...

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Fitness Lesson With Rachel

Rachel had told me to wear something cool and loose for our first fitness session as we would be doing some stretches and muscle toning so I decided that my tatty old silk boxers would fit the bill as they would allow the movement required so after Mrs J had gone I slipped them on and sent my neighbour a text to say I was ready whenever she was.10 minutes later a smiling Rachel tapped on my open patio door, “Hi Frank” she said as she walked in and OMG she looked ready to rock-n-roll in her...

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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 15 Rachelle

The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...

3 years ago
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My wife Rachel

Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachel's absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no Rachel! At 6pm Rachel arrived home dressed for a normal work day. “Hello Brian. You're home early. Did you have a successful trip?” “Yes, thank you. So successful that I finished a day early. I was home here last night. Where were you last night?” “Oh! Well...

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alex and rachel

It had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school allday, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own tothe south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away.She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had largebreasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs.As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. Aftera moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in...

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Sexual Delights with Bruce and Rachel

... I took my panties and wiped off his cock, his body, my face, and boobs, and I used it on Rachel too. This little boy was a cum machine. I had gotten a lot of it on my face and in my mouth, but there was plenty on him, on me, and some on Rachel."" I had an idea about him."" Bruce, eat my panties now. Eat them with the cum all over.........." "He didn't hesitate. It was strange to watch him with my gloppy underwear in his mouth, sucking and chewing, and then with Rachel's too, his face all...

1 year ago
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alex and rachel

It had been a long day for 16 year old Alex. She had been at school all day, and was going on holiday tomorrow. She was going away on her own to the south of France, and knew that she may get horny whilst she was away. She could probably get a good fuck whilst she was their. She had large breasts, long flowing blonde hair and fantastic long legs. As she walked through town, she noticed a new sex shop over the road. After a moments thought she crossed the road and entered. When she was in there...

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The Neighborhood MILF Rachel

My friend Rachel is someone that I’ve been trying to persuade into joining our small circle of friends that likes to fool around. She’s been to some of our sex toy/lingerie parties, and has been a good sport by wearing sexy revealing outfits for it, but she hasn’t fully committed into any lesbian activity with anyone else. She’s always been satisfied with sitting to the side, to avoid being the center of attention. It never seemed like anything shocked her, like watching our friends engage in...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 27 Randall and Rachel

As Jack marched in through those gates he looked up at the Principal’s Office and saw a figure standing just behind the Venetian blinds. On an impulse Jack lifted his hand and waved at that solitary figure - the school’s sentinel he thought. Jack wasn’t sure but he thought he saw that figure wave back. Jack was about to give another wave back when a hand came up from behind and clasped itself across Jack’s bare shoulder. This hand on Jack’s shoulder made Jack nearly jump out of his skin. His...

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Married Preachers Daughter Chapter 14 Rachelle

To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...

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The SmithChapter 17 Rachel

We arrived home on the fifth of January. Reverse jet lag would be tough for a few days. The housekeepers, or as I should properly call them, the VAS, Veterans Assistance Service representatives, left me a note and us a full fridge. On the sixth, I received an official request from the Pentagon for a visit from a Colonel Maya Vega of the DSI; Department of Strategic Intelligence on the eighth at ten AM. I agreed. The DSI officer’s arrival distracted an already distracted Cat who was busy...

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My Nieces Three Part 2 Fucking Rachel

Sharon and Karen were Rachel’s sisters and my sister’s other daughters. Sharon was a 14 year old cheerleader in junior high and would start high school that fall. Tall, with long, shapely legs, nice firm boobs, and an amazing tan, she could turn many an eye just by walking across a room. Karen was shorter, also a cheerleader and 13 years with small boobs but the best booty I think I’ve ever seen. Their younger brother Carl was the baby of the family at 12 and a scout with the local troop. The...

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The Story of Rachel

Rachel was a very attractive blonde who has been with the companyfor five years. She started 2 years after I did, and while we neverreally hit it off, there were some signs that there was a mutualattraction. You could even call it sexual tension, at times. Shereally dressed well, and always carried a designer purse, and haddesigner shoes on her size 8 1/2 feet. The purses and pumps shewould wear to the office were incredibly beautiful. Boner-causingbeautiful! What i always thought of doing, but...

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Aria di cambiamenti Parte 3 Rachel

Note from the author: The story is in Italian as I realized it is too hard for me to keep writing in English, but I will probably translate it later on. ---------------------------- Capitolo 3: Rachel Matt sedeva al tavolo della cucina di Steve. Una massa indistinta di capelli viola le ondeggiava davanti al viso ogni volta che si muoveva. Indossava ancora il pigiama prestatole da Chelsea. "Non riesco proprio a credere di aver avuto bisogno di un...

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A time of changes Part 3 Rachel

Part 3: Rachel Matt was sitting at Steve's kitchen table. A mess of purple hair swayed in front of her face every time she moved and she was still wearing the pajamas Chelsea lent her. "I just can't believe I needed a stuffed animal to fall asleep," she said while slowly turning a spoon in the cereal bowl in front of her. "Your Twist hit you pretty hard. You don't only look like a girl, but you're also starting to behave like one," Steve replied from the other side of the table....

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Aunty Rachel

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here… I awoke on Saturday morning feeling very relaxed and happy, and wasn’t sure why. I cuddled up to the naked body lying next to me in the...

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A footjob from Rachel

On Saturday night we had a take-away and it was a nice evening, made better by Rachel’s bare leg brushing against mine under the table. Occasionally she would slip her bare foot out of her flip flops and run her toes across my ankle and foot. Afterwards, we sat in the lounge with the patio doors open. We were sitting in armchairs, next to one another and Rachel put her legs across my lap. "Would you mind massaging my feet, Pete?” she asked, “they ache a bit.”Slowly, I started to rub her feet....

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The Absent HeroChapter 7 Rachel

"How are you Princess?" I heard in my ear after saying hello. Was it him? It sounded like him, but I've had a couple of crank calls in the last year so I wasn't sure. "Who is this?" I asked. "It's your friendly Spiderman Princess, or should I say the Chubby Hippoman, or the Whaleman or the walrus, pig, Sasquatch, clumsy oaf, the Beast, twinkle toes or my favorite, Quasimodo. You did call me Einstein and Genius as well but I don't think you meant them as compliments." he...

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Married Preachers Daughter Sedcution Ch 12 Rachell

Rachelle was suspicious, and had horny dreams about me fucking her sister Laura and wondering what my cock, a strangers cock, would feel like. She felt guilty, but horny. She remembered when her and her dad had played a long time ago. She got wet and horny. She was sitting at the breakfast table, tired and wondering about the sticky mess she found, it seemed like dried cum.That day was uneventful and fun for all. Ray and I were gone a few hours with the k**s allowing sisters to talk and...

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Summer Time Rachel

Rachel and I blasted our lungs out through the open windows. We were getting close to the beach and when WPST started to play Nicki Minaj’s song, we looked at each other and grinned. Rachel took one hand off the steering wheel and cranked the volume up.  Rachel turned onto 10th Avenue and drove straight to Belmar’s Boardwalk. At the end she turned left and we began to look for a parking spot. She found a spot on 6th Avenue, next to Ferruggiaro Park, and parked her car. We got out, grabbed...

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An Etiquette Lesson Chapter 1 Rachel

Rachel came home from school, tossed her bag on the counter, rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She pushed the lock button on the handle, but it kept popping out. She didn’t have time for this. When it stuck in a little she thought to herself ‘oh, good enough,’ and then flopped down on the bed. She had work to do. Rachel pulled off her tight skinny jeans, and pulled down her plain black panties. She lamented that these were the sexiest things her mother would let her buy. Rachel...

4 years ago
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RachelI'm Rachel and a cum slut and have been for years. It started when I was eleven my girl friend Liz who is a month younger than me were at a sleep over at her house . We started talking about boys and their things, Cock they are called Cocks Liz said and my brother Mark has a big one. How do you know that? Well if you must know I saw him getting into the shower a couple of months ago and his cock was just hanging there . Just how big was it I asked ? Well it's not a big as my dads but...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Rachel

It was intense! It was by far the strongest orgasm I'd had in quite a while and I wasn't even on a bed. I was bent over the back of the couch in my living room and the hard cock was driving into me from behind. My feet weren't even touching the floor and I had my wadded up panties in my mouth and I was biting down hard on them to keep from screaming out and waking the baby. He gave one last push, muttered "Oh fuck!" and I felt the hot wetness of his discharge. He stood behind me not...

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A night with Rachel

“So how many of your girlfriends have you been in bed with?” she asked “Considering I only had 3 girlfriends all throughout high school and into college 2. The second one was a good catholic girl thinking that sex was for making babies and not pleasure and the sex should only be after marriage” I said “Well that sucks. Too many of them are around now days. They all need to learn the sheer pleasure of sex” she mumbled as she took a sip of her wine. “How many guys have you fucked?” I...

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Jenny and Rachel

I was a freshman in college when I met Jenny. I remember it like it was yesterday, I was putting the covers on the bed I had chosen in the dorm room when she arrived. She was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt with no bra. Her red hair, which came down to her waist, contracted perfectly with her blue eyes. “Oh, I was hoping to get the bed by the window,” she said. “You can have it,” I blurted out. I had known since I was little I was gay. I had never told anyone this and had kept to myself...

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