Fluffer In TrainingChapter 4 free porn video

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Rachel entered the door marked ‘Studio B’ and walked into a flurry of activity. The lighting crew were busy moving lights into position around an old-fashioned four-poster bed in a room made up to look like the interior of an old stone castle. Billowing gauzy fabric hung in a canopy from the top of the bed, giving it a sultry appearance. Sound guys were checking and re-checking their equipment as she walked across the room, spotting Lori talking to a guy in his mid-forties with his hair pulled back in a man-bun.

“Oh great, you’re here,” Lori said as Rachel stepped next to her. “Rachel, this is Paul. He’s the director on this film.”

“Hey, Jimmy,” Paul shouted to one of the crew, “make sure the left side of the bed is well-lit, that’s where she’s going to be sucking Justin and I want a perfect shot of that.”

“Got it,” Jimmy yelled in reply.

Paul turned to Rachel and shook her hand. “Hi. I hear you’re new.”

“Yes. This is my first day.” Rachel couldn’t hide the nervousness in her voice.

“You’ll do fine,” Paul said, speaking at breakneck speed. “Lori will show you how things work. We’ve got four guys today on this scene, so you two will probably be busy. Anyways, good luck. Apparently Tanya is just finished getting dressed and having her makeup done. Her car conked out on the way here—that’s why we’ve been delayed. Gotta go.” With that, he turned away and joined his crew, pointing here and there about the set.

“So, how did your medical exam with Fitz go?” Lori asked.

“Oh, it was fine. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health.” Rachel couldn’t help but absentmindedly rub her hand over her tummy, thinking about the all the semen Dr. Fitz had fed her. She paused and looked around the busy room, people moving here and there doing various jobs she couldn’t figure out. “What is this movie called, anyways?”

“Oh, Paul’s calling it ‘Game of Bones’ after that big TV show. That’s why this place looks like some kind of medieval castle. It’s supposed to be the home of the Stark Naked family.” The girls turned as two young men and an older man clad in dark-colored robes and leather jerkins walked into the room and started talking to the director. They were all in good shape, but scruffy looking, just as Rachel would expect from having seen what the characters looked like on the TV show. Her attention was diverted as the door to the studio opened and an attractive young woman with vivid red hair and translucent white skin strode across the room. Flowing white robes draped down to the floor from her slender body, swirling mesmerizingly as she made her way towards the bed. The top of the gown was very low cut, exposing the swells of her pert breasts, which Rachel pegged at about a B-cup, the firmness and shape a perfect match for the girl’s slender body.

“Is that the girl who’s starring in this scene?” Rachel asked.

“Yes, that’s Tanya.”

“How old is she? She looks younger than me and I’m 18.”

“She’s actually 22. They use her for parts like this because she does look so young.”

“What part is she playing? And has the director told you what’s going on in this scene?”

“Yes. Tanya is playing Salsa, the red-haired daughter. In this scene, she’s going to get fucked by the males in her family, including her father,” Lori nodded to the older guy dressed in costume, “and his sons. Justin Deeper is playing the part of the bastard son, Jon Blow. He’s fucking her first, and then the father and the other brothers get sloppy seconds.”

“Which one’s Justin?” Rachel asked, looking at the three men standing together across the room.

“I’m telling you, girl, if you’re going to be working in this business, you’ve really got to start watching more porn. Justin’s in his dressing room. That’s the way it works for the big stars. They only come out at the last minute when they’re due on set. You won’t believe how hot he is.” Lori gave Rachel a wink as she lewdly licked her lips. “The one disappointing thing is that apparently he has such control over that big cock of his that he rarely uses a fluffer. They say he never has a problem getting it up.”

Rachel could only stare as the Tanya girl took her place on the bed, resting with her body supported on one elbow as the cameraman gave her some minor instructions. The director positioned the three male actors off to one side of the main set, where they stood side by side. He nodded to the lighting guy, who flicked some switches, brilliantly lighting the area of the bed, especially the vacant side, where the lead actor was supposed to enter.

“Okay, new girl,” Paul called as his eyes zeroed in on Rachel. She pointed to herself questioningly. He nodded. “Yes, you. Can you go down the hall and let Justin know we’re ready for him. And you can take your jacket off. We’re going to need you and Lori fairly soon.”

“Yes, sir,” Rachel replied, peeling off her jacket and draping it over the back of a folding chair. She quickly turned to Lori. “How do I know which room Justin is in?”

“Oh, just down the hall a bit there are two doors with stars on them. You’ll know which one is his.”

“Uh, okay.” Rachel turned on her heel and left the studio. She quickly found the two doors with stars on them, one with a picture of a bull on it, the other of a pussycat. It wasn’t hard to figure out. She tapped gently on the door.

“Yeah,” a deep male voice said as the door opened.

Rachel stared up at the tall young man holding the door open. She felt her heart give a flip as she looked up at his handsome face. He had sharp features and pronounced cheekbones that made her do a double-take. He had longish wavy brown hair and a scruffy beard with deep dark eyes that she felt she could look into for hours on end. Like the other actors, he was wearing loose dark robes with a thick leather belt, a sword sheathed in a scabbard on one side. He smiled at her, a pussy-dampening charismatic smile that had her melting. She knew why they had chosen him for the Jon Blow role.

“Are they ready for me?” he asked, giving her a little wink.

“Uh ... yes, yes they are,” Rachel stammered.

“All right then. Let’s get to work.” He stepped out and closed the door behind him. “You’re new. I’ve never seen you before.”

“Yes, I’m Rachel,” she replied, walking along beside him as they made their way into the studio. “This is my first day.”

“You’re one of the new production assistants?” he asked, and it made Rachel feel good that he’d used her professional title instead of calling her a fluffer.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Well, welcome, Rachel. It’ll be nice to have you around.” With another wink and a smile, he left her, walking across the room and standing next to the bed.

Rachel stepped back over and stood beside Lori, her eyes on the new arrival. “Earth to Rachel, Earth to Rachel,” Lori said, smiling as she waved her hand in front of the young girl’s face. She gave a little laugh when Rachel looked at her, the young girl’s face flushing. “Didn’t I tell you he was gorgeous?”

“Yes, you were right,” Rachel replied, her eyes now back on the star, who was busy conversing with the director.

“Wait until you see his equipment. You’ll be drooling all over yourself.” Lori pulled a hairband out of her jeans pocket and whipped her curly blonde locks into a ponytail, keeping her face and mouth clear of any unwanted interference. She nodded to the back of Rachel’s head. “You might want to adjust your hairband. It looks like it’s coming loose there.”

“Thanks.” Rachel re-did her hair, feeling with her fingers that the band had come loose from her sessions of sucking off Dr. Fitz. She smiled as she thought about it, the four loads of old-man cum still warming her belly. She re-tightened the band, giving it an extra circle to make sure it was nice and tight, her inky black tresses pulled nicely back from her pretty face and full sexy mouth.

“All right everybody, places,” Paul called out as Justin stepped next to the bed, his midsection in line with the Tanya girl’s face. Lori touched Rachel’s arm and led her over next to the three actors who were waiting for their turn to go on. “Okay, three ... two ... one ... and ACTION!”

“Jon, what are you doing here?” the Salsa character said in a high girly voice, her pasty-white skin glowing ghostlike under the brilliant white light, her bright red hair shining luxuriously as she looked up at the rugged-looking man standing over her.

“I’ve come to teach you a lesson.” The star’s rich full voice seemed to flow through Rachel’s senses right to her snatch, his lush deep tone making her pussy start to weep already. “I hear you’ve been misbehaving with a dwarf, and we can’t have that in this family. We are the Stark Nakeds of Virginfell, and you’ve brought shame on our house.”

“But I never did anything with Teary Hardon. I just pretended to go to his bed. I’m still a virgin. And besides, you’re just my father’s bastard son. Who are you to talk to me like that?”

“It was your father that sent me. And then when I’m done with you, he and your brothers are going to come in and take their turn with you.”

Tanya reached up to gather her gown tighter about her throat, looking frightened as she tried to shrink back into the bed. “But what do you mean? What are you going to do to me?”

“I want to see those tits of yours that you’ve been flashing at me all these years,” the actor said as he reached forward and tore open the top of her gown, exposing the girl’s breasts. Now that they were fully exposed, Rachel could see how perky the girl’s breasts were. She thought that since they’d cast the girl in the role of a teenager, her small, but nicely-shaped, breasts were perfect for the part. “Those tits are nice, but I’m going to start by making use of that lying mouth of yours.” With those words, Justin flipped open his belt and threw open his robes with a flourish.

Rachel immediately brought a hand to her mouth to stifle herself, but she did hear a small gasp come from Lori standing next to her. As he let the robes fall to the floor, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. His physique was exquisite. His shoulders were broad, the sinewy muscles beneath the skin of his arms and upper body standing out like flowing ribbons of flexible steel. They weren’t gross, like body-builders have—they’re perfect, she thought. His upper body was like an inverted triangle, his broad powerful shoulders tapering in attractively at his waist. His abdominal muscles were firm and beautifully defined, with that six-pack look that she’d only seen in magazines. His legs were long and his thighs looked powerful, just like his torso and arms. From the side she could see the full curve of his pronounced buttocks, the attractive mounds looking firm and touchable. He had next to no body hair, and under the brilliant lights, his tanned skin glowed, making his muscular body look even more enticing, right down to his shaven groin, where Rachel’s eyes now looked.

Despite his rugged powerful good looks, the thing that drew her eyes like a magnet was what was projecting from his groin—the most beautiful cock she had ever seen. It looked half-hard and hung slightly below horizontal, bobbing with each powerful beat of his heart. She could see it rising as it pulsed, a bold thick vein running up the length of the stiffening shaft. She had thought Mr. Dexter’s cock was big, but this magnificent piece of manhood was in a league all its own. She found her mouth watering as she watched it continue to grow, now lifting past horizontal as it stiffened and extended.

“You’re going to take every last inch of this when I’m done with you, Salsa,” the Jon Blow character said. “You’ve been teasing me for years with that sexy little body of yours. Those nice tits and that tight cunt I know you’ve got between your legs are going to be mine now. From now on, I’m going to fuck you wherever and whenever I want.” He reached forward and slid his fingers around the back of the girl’s head, pulling her up from the bed, her gorgeous red hair swirling around his hand as he pulled her head to him. “Now, suck this cock. Suck it until I tell you to stop.” With one hand holding the girl’s head, he wrapped his other big mitt around the shaft of his mighty cock and brought it to her face, pressing the engorged crimson crown against the girl’s painted red lips.

Rachel felt her pussy dripping as she watched, the immense cock now totally hard as he rubbed it around the girl’s mouth. His thrusting erection looked like a menacing weapon, angry and engorged with blood, the vivid scarlet of the enflamed knob contrasting boldly against the Tanya girl’s ghostlike skin. Rachel couldn’t believe the size of Justin’s cock. Not only was it long, it was tremendously thick, almost as long and big around as her forearm. And the head was absolutely huge, the mushroom-shaped knob almost the size of a lemon. Rachel shivered as she looked at it, but found herself salivating at the idea of possibly getting her hands—and her mouth—on that amazing cylinder of flesh.

“Jon, I ... I can’t believe how big your thing is?” Salsa said, looking up at Jon with fear in her eyes. “You really expect me to take that in my mouth?”

“You’re going to take it in more than just your mouth, you teasing little whore. I’m going to fill all of your holes so full of cum that it’ll be leaking out of you for weeks. But your mouth is where I want to start. You’ve teased me long enough with those sexy lips of yours. Now open up.”

As he pretended to grip her head tighter, the redhead opened her mouth as wide as she could. The actor thrust his cock into her mouth, pulling her head forwards at the same time. Rachel watched, totally enthralled, as the girl’s mouth stretched wide open, her lips on the verge of tearing before they slipped over the broad flared knob. The girl’s lips were pursed well forward, and she closed them down over the trunk-like shaft, the big red helmet locked in her mouth.

“Mmm,” the redhead moaned and Rachel saw the girl’s eyes close as she started to suck. The girl’s hands came up and circled the rigid shaft, pumping it back and forth towards her mouth. Tanya started oohing and aahing loudly, and even to Rachel it seemed fake. As she watched the girl work the actor’s cock, Rachel realized the girl was hardly doing anything with her mouth. It looked like she was just holding the cockhead in her mouth and trying to jerk it off with her hands. Rachel knew that if she was in the girl’s place, she’d be worshiping that gorgeous horse-cock with every ounce of her being.

Rachel felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to Lori who gestured to the three men beside them. All three had their cocks sticking out from openings in the fronts of their robes, their hands moving leisurely back and forth as they watched the scene in front of them. Lori nodded to the ground and dropped to her knees beside the older actor who was playing the girl’s father. She tapped the spot next to her and Rachel took her place in front of one of the scruffy young men. With barely a glance down, he pushed his limber cock against her lips.

“Now I want that hot little cunt of yours,” she heard the lead actor say behind her. As she opened her mouth and slipped her lips over the young man’s cock, from the corner of her eye she saw Justin Deeper climb on top of the red-haired girl and push her filmy white gown up to her waist, exposing her shaved pussy. The rugged actor positioned himself between the girl’s spread legs, fitting his massive cockhead between the glistening petals of her labia.

“You’ll suffer for the shame you’ve brought down on this house,” he said as she started to push himself into her, the lips of her cunt stretching as they circled around his tremendous girth. The muscles in his powerful buttocks flexed as he started to go deeper, sending his raging prick into the slender redhead’s tiny cunt. Rachel thought he was going to split the girl in two, but the pussy stretched before him, his shaft starting to disappear from view.

Inspired by the impressiveness of the main actor’s huge cock, Rachel turned and started sucking, pushing a big wad of saliva to the front of her mouth and bathing the young man’s waiting prick. She rolled her tongue over the intruder, coating it with her spit as she started to suck at the same time. Within seconds, she felt it getting harder.

“Fuck me,” she heard the young man mutter under his breath above her. Looking up, she saw the surprised look in his eyes as he watched her, rolling his hips as she really started to work him over. He elbowed his friend next to him, and gestured down towards Rachel. She heard the first young man whisper quietly to his friend. “This one’s mouth is fucking amazing. You’ve got to try it.”

He pulled his cock out of Rachel’s mouth and she turned to the second man, his semi-hard prick already pointed in her direction. She eagerly wrapped her lips around his beefy dong, sliding her lips well down the spongy shaft as she started to suck.

“Oh, man. What the fuck,” the second young man said as she slurped and licked his rising prick. Within just a minute or so, he was rock hard, and he pulled his dick out of her vacuuming mouth, directing her back to his friend. Rachel enthusiastically started sucking again, coating the hot prick in her mouth with a big gob of gooey spit, her head bobbing rhythmically back and forth. The two young actors kept switching back and forth as she enthusiastically serviced them, smiles on their faces as they watched her instead of the scene on the bed.

“This is for the whole family, Salsa,” she heard the lead actor say. She turned slightly, just in time to see him pull his raging prick out of the redhead’s greasy slot and climb up on the bed until he was poised over her face. He wrapped his big hand around his throbbing prick and started pumping. Rachel watched as a glistening white rope of cum shot forth, pasting itself against the girl’s pretty face, starting at her chin and running right up into her bright red hair. A second stream of spunk rifled forth, blasting against her cheek, and then a third milky rope, and then a fourth. “Take it all, Salsa, all of that cum is for you, you fucking whore,” the actor said as he continued to shoot, wad after wad of thick white cum raining down on the starlet.

Rachel couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was like the guy was a cum machine. He kept stroking his long hard cock as pearly ribbons and white ropes spewed from the gaping red eye at the tip of his huge cock, totally covering the girl’s face with his masculine seed. His cum was brilliantly white, absolutely chock full of sperm, and Rachel felt her mouth watering as she looked at the girl’s face disappearing under the coating of thick white spunk. He seemed to come forever, and then his pumping hand finally slowed, the last drops of jizz dangling from the end of his magnificent prick. He flicked it at the girl’s face, the shining strand of cum breaking and falling from the tip of his cock onto her lips.

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Our official marriage started auspiciously with a trip to the steakhouse, and soon, we were at the door of OUR home. I opened the door. "Come here, Mrs. Richards," I said. I scooped her into my arms and carried her through the door and deposited her on the bed. "There. Now make me a sammich!" She laughed. "Nuh-uh. It's time for YOU to consummate our marriage." An hour later I staggered out of bed behind her as she headed to the shower. She giggled. "Do YOU feel consummated? I feel...

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Hornee Hospital

B. J. Hornee Memorial Hospital by TW with help from MM It was a slow weekend evening at Hornee. With only three patients on the orthopedic wing, the staff had been cut down to just one RN and one CNA. Annette, a shapely 32 year old RN with dark hair and a lovely Mediterranean complexion, twelve years experience, knocked before opening the door of room 2714 then...

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Padosan ne chudwai thi

Mera naam neelu hai.mei 19 saal ka hun. Mere ghar ke paas ak ladki rehti hai uska naam pallavi hai . Mei uski chut marne ko bade din se besabar tha.ak din mujhe mauka mil gaya, uske ghar mei ak din koi nahi tha saare log bahar shaaadi mai gaye hue the.mei uske ghar akhbar mangne ke bahane gaya.woh so rahi thi, mene usse kaha akhbaar dedo.woh akhbaar lene gayi , aur jab woh jukh rahi thi badi hi sexy lag rahi thi.mujhse ruka na gya aur mei usse ja kar chipak gaya.aur mere haath usk boobs par...

4 years ago
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Every Dog Has Its Day

Ian Wells sighed as the crowd around him danced, laughed and talked; it was nothing new for him to feel isolated at this type of social function. For as long as he could remember he had been an outcast, infants school hadn't been too bad, junior school had been upsetting, but high school had been hell from the word go and all because he had a disfiguring birthmark on his face. Ian had hoped that things might change when he went to university, if anything they got worse, even some of the tutors...

3 years ago
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A first touch of silk

The day of skiing had been long and exhausting and I had returned to the lodge with the rest of the school group ready to relax and relive the tension of the day. Ten college girls and seven guys, including myself, were sharing the lodge together for this ski trip. After a quick dinner the couples slowly disappeared, leaving the "singles" group, including myself, watching a TV movie. As the night went on the muffled sounds of the couples drifting from the bedrooms started to raise the sexual...

First Time
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I first met Becca when I was teaching in England. At the time she was seventeen and I was 23. She was a very pretty, and very friendly girl and had a lovely personality, but she was not the most intelligent girl in the group by a long way, but she worked hard. My first contact with her was through teaching her and then in time she would come to me to get papers signed for instance for me to sign the form for her to renew her passport. Later she came and she was quite upset when she told me that...

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The Warmth of the Light League of Legends

To your surprise, a place like this actually exists. You had heard the rumors, but such a house of ill-repute couldn’t actually be in Demacia. But lo and behold, the raven haired bespectacled woman welcomed you after the payment was received and directed you to a simple, elegant room. A comfy regal chair sat amongst a room adorned with mirrors on the upper half and a soft elegant throw rug over a well stained wooden floor.“I’ll have you take a seat sir. Your lady will join in shortly.” The...

2 years ago
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William and Ann Ch 4

Introduction: The siblings fun and explorations continue until… William and Ann Chapter 4 The clock neared midnight as William and Ann got into the bathtub and turned on the shower. Anyone looking at these siblings would have thought they were high school sweethearts. They couldnt keep their hands and lips off one another. The scent of sex permeated the air. The water cascading from the showerhead did little to cool off these two as they embraced and locked lips under the spray. Their hands...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour Sonia Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone.. This is sameer a 26-year-old techie from Bangalore. This sex story is about my sex with my neighbor aunty, it happened in 2010. I was a normal guy with a nice personality and a 6″ hard rock tool we were staying in my own house with 3 flats and we were on ground floor, one day our neighbor got transferred and a new family came there. The husband was around 38 years old, his wife (the main character of this story) was appx 32 years old. Let me describe you about Sonia (aunty...

3 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 4 Carol Lobegeiger

My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...

3 years ago
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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

2 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 14

STAR – Wednesday Day 10 part #2 I woke up feeling wonderful. It wasn't only having the woman I love here in my bed, but I had a great feeling of expectation. This was becoming a habit; waking and wondering what the new day would bring. I stretched, opened my eyes and found DeDe sitting up looking down at me with a serious, wistful look on her face. "You've moved on, haven't you?" She asked. "I was watching you with everyone at supper last night. You've now got a quiet air of...

2 years ago
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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Take two part 2

A good therapist who wanted to help this family would make Alisa see what the true problems were. But Dr. Zaaijer would instead use Alisa's propensity for denial to make her not realize anything was wrong when things would be changing radically. Jack had the least to say about anything. Dr. Zaaijer was right about his assessment of Jack. Jack was essentially a weak man who had been pushed into a subservient role by his wife who cared more about her job than her family. Jack wanted...

1 year ago
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Fun for My Wife

My wife is turning 45 this year. She is dreading it and I’m telling her it is just a waypoint. Her periods are behind her, she still looks great, and her health is excellent... I booked a seven-day adults only cruise for her birthday present. I had to show her once and for all that she was still the hottie I married so many years ago. We met under somewhat unusual circumstances. I was at a fraternity party and a buddy tipped me off that there was a chick upstairs doing a gang bang. I got in...

3 years ago
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The Body Guard Book 1Chapter 4

Kay watched Luca outside for a while. But he was always on the move, so she gave up. She went and locked all the windows and doors. ‘He can sleep out there, call me darlin’ now,’ she thought to herself. Kay was exhausted. She needed a shower. She knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. So, she put on a pot of coffee. She went to her room, grabbed some clothes and then went to take a shower. Luca walked up to the door, it was locked. He shook his head and grinned. He checked all the doors and...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 279

Wednesday morning was the last morning I would be driving to KCC for a couple of weeks. After the Thanksgiving holiday I was training for two straight weeks at the gym again. Then it was back at KCC for a few days then more training at the gym. The second group from Michigan and Minnesota were to be at the gym on Monday. I did have the days off between Christmas and New Years but had to be back at KCC for the first Monday of January, for the start of the second semester. I finished out all...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold McKenzie Lee Makes an Irresistable Offer

Naughty real estate agent McKenzie Lee shows client Jay Romero a property and gives him an offer that he just can’t refuse, namely to break in his new couch fucking her. The busty seductress unleashes her mouthwating melons to entice the stud into titty play and wraps her pouty lips around his hard cock for one of her topnotch professional blowjobs. Watch the horny Penthouse MILF work his monster dick with her soaking wet shaved pussy, getting fucked from behind until he busts a messy...

3 years ago
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Nina Was Her NameChapter 6

It was now about seven months after the sale of FFF was finalized, and we were in the doldrums. We had done everything interesting that we could think of doing in and around St. Louis, and we were looking for something else that might be interesting. We were at one of those ungodly boring afternoon tea and booze parties that so many of the rich use to kill time, and the subject of travel came up. Some woman commented that she had heard about an interesting trip to the Yucatan of Mexico. In...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 68

Meredith was puttering around the hotel room waiting for Brock's return when she heard the keycard in the door. Brock saw a room-service cart first. But his attention soon shifted to the scantily clad young woman in the room. Meredith was wearing a very sheer negligee that clearly showed that it was the only article of clothing on her body. "Hungry?" she asked with a devilish gleam in her eye as she sat down with her knees parted. Brock could see all the way up the short white gown. He...

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The wind and snow mixed with rain lashed the windows of the stately house on the hill in the country-side. Through the clamor of the snowstorm, Sabah heard a car's engine begin to sputter and miss. Few women could have caught the sound over the storm rattling the windows, but her hearing was more acute than any ordinary woman's. All her senses were - as were her urges. And those senses informed her that as the desperate driver turned off the road into her driveway as his motor died, leaving...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 13 The Kalinin of Kushtia

As far as trying out the account management idea was concerned, Clegg was as good as his word. He set up a meeting for me only a few days later. "So, I understand from Mr Clegg, that your new approach is to meet the specific needs of your clients rather than just picking up whatever you find lying around." The robed man in my office had an Asiatic appearance but spoke English without any trace of an accent. Clegg had said he was the Kalinin of Kushtia an old school friend, though he...

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My Gay Experience With A Massage Guy

Hi everyone. Well this is a true incident and not at all something that has come out of my head. This is an incident which happened when I went to get massaged in a gym, also it is a reputed gym so can’t take the name. Hi I am 28yr old guy and a resident of Navi Mumbai. Well to start off I am 100% interested in girls and love to fuck them. I am interested in working out every day but had started working out after a gap of two yrs. unfortunately my gym did not have massage services. Due to just...

Gay Male
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Bhabhi Ki Pyaas

Hello friends, I am ravi from delhi. Mere brother ki shaadi aaj se kareeb 4 saal pehle hui thi. Meri bhabhi ka naam babita h. Meri bhabhi ki height 5 ft 4 inch hai, rang gora hai. mene bhabhi ki bra dekhi h jispe size 36 likha tha isse aapko bhabhi k boobs ka size to pata chal hi gya hoga. Bhabhi ki waist 28 h. ab me apko ye kahani sunane ja rha hu Mere brother sales executive h aur zyadatar outstation hi rehte h, kareeb one month pehle jab me of office se ghar aaya to meri family kisi...

1 year ago
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Picked up by truck driver part 2

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of the truck engine running as we were driving along somewhere unknown to be. I tried to sit up but could not move because of the way the driver had tied me. We must have been driving for another couple of hours till I hered the truck start to slow down as the driver started to change down through the gear. Then I here him call out...Are you awake yet bitch???? I did not reply though.Once the truck had fully stopped The driver got out and headed towards...

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First ChillChapter 3

A bed full of dancers made for an athletic, graceful, sweaty, exhausting and ecstatic orgy. Two wives, two angels, one overlapping in the wife column, a former lesbian couple also with an overlap, a redheaded Amazon who had joined us in Boston, a second male, a very handsome and strong Lakota warrior, with Lindy of course directing it all. Only the gay contingent, and the June/September couple amongst all the dancers were absent. Eva’s and Miwa’s dildos brought two more tools for deep...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 01

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 01 --------- Hey! My name is TT; well that’s what most people call me, my full name is Tanya Bethany Turner. I got the TT nickname from one of my friends in school. After my friends started calling me TT some of the boys started calling me Tiny Tits or Tit-less Tanya (when no teachers were around). I always used to get embarrassed and ashamed of my little breasts when one of them called me that. I’m now 23...

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Office Hours

All characters are at least 18 years old. Hank Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. Stop staring at her panties. “And I believe that’s all we have time for today,” I announced with a quick glance at the clock. “Please make sure to finish reading Chapter 8 if you haven’t already, as we’ll be covering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. See you all next time!” My Psychology 1301 students were already packing up before I even finished, and I had to raise my voice higher and higher...

3 years ago
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Jungle Mai Mangal

This is the story of a mom seducing her son in the jungle. Coming to the story my name is aryan and I live with my mom only as my dad left us when I was 7 years old.Now the heroine of the story is my mom rupa she is 38 years old having lovely body stats of 38-26-42, a figure anyone would die for, the men in our colony used to watch her booty and masturbate every day .She was very fair and 5’4 tall and had a well-maintained gym body. I was 18 years old and had an athletic body with a height of 6...

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Passionate Moments Part I

Hi all readers and this is my first post in here. Well I am Krishna of around 30 years, happily married for 2 years now. All through my studies till Graduation, I was one of those rare breeds with interests in soccer, badminton, chess (till school days), pools and snookers (during graduation and post graduation), travelling alone long distances but no mention of girls et all till my post graduation. It was not that I was not interested in them but never had my heart and brains at it. Though an...

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Kalluriyil Katuthanamaana Kaamam

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil iru kathalargal nirvaanamaaga eppadi matter potargal enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Ithai en kangalaal iru aan pen nirvaanamaaga kalluriyil athum iravil sex seithu oothathai parthu athai ungalidam indru pagirugiren. En peyar karthik, vayathu 23 aagugirathu. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Chennai university kalluriyil naan thangi padithu kondu irunthen, en nanbanum naanum ore araiyil thangi irunthom. Hostel life solava vendum eppadi irukum endru, santhosham ondru...

3 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 7 Night At The Casino

Lunch was simple, a family diner on the water, tables with a good view of a small harbor. They both went for a burger and fries, though Mel downed his with a beer while Tracy stuck with a hot tea to ward off the ocean’s chill. Mel was happy to relax in the middle of a rambling conversation, talking about nothing, shying away from all of the serious and X-rated stories that had made up much of their ride in from the valley. He discussed his favorite bands, most from decades past, possibly what...

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BangBus Mariah Banks Eighteen Year Old Banks On The Bus

This week the bus rolled up on this hot chick named Mariah. She was waiting for a ride outside of a store but we convinced her to hop in the bus to make some money. Mariah was pretty damn shy and innocent the whole time but the temptation of being bad was more than she could handle. She kept demanding more money, however she still complied with the propositions offered to her. Eventually she was even told exactly where the video was going to go and she still agreed as long as she got money....

1 year ago
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How a Passionate Night With a Gay Male Escort Changed my Life

I came out as gay to my parents when I was around 25 years old. I knew that I wasn’t attracted to girls, but I was finding it difficult to have a meaningful relationship. I wanted hugs and cuddles, quiet nights with my partner just watching a movie and hot sex of course! I did meet attractive men of my age, but most were just wanting to have fun or wanted to explore. I wanted more, something more long term. And I guess it was because of this, that I didn’t find many partners. My sex partners...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 3 The Plan

Two weeks later, with everyone's new awareness becoming more routine, our little plan was set in motion the day after Marie had her tube-tying surgery. Remarkably, she was able to lay comfortably at home to let the pain in her surprisingly small incision heal. Kelly had hers done as outpatient surgery the first of the week and the twins whining about being left out, but unlike Marie and Kelly, I wasn't looking to be their principal source of sex. Marie was fine. But when Mom called the...

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Love Under the Pergola

It’s springtime, the birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, time for love thought Fran to herself as she looked out the kitchen window and saw that her man was busy tinkering with the truck. She then laughed to herself. “Damn girl, you got sex on the brain” she told herself. Since they had moved in together, they made love so often that it wasn’t so much a matter of on the mind but certainly on hand. Definitely not what she was used to with her ex. She smiled to herself content and happy...

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