New Dawn
- 4 years ago
- 33
- 0
Harry Parker lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. He hadn’t slept well and his head ached and he felt more dead than alive. It was a large king size bed in a large modern apartment. It was also empty save for him. He was forty eight, twenty pounds overweight, tired, angry and alone. His greying hair was plastered to his forehead and neck. He needed a haircut, a decent shave and a healthy breakfast. None of which he felt he could manage to do this morning. His five feet eleven inch frame was sweaty and aching.
With an effort he launched himself from his bed and strode into his bathroom, after peeing he walked into the shower and hit the on button. For a few seconds icy cold water sprayed over him, then the water warmed until it was at the correct temperature. He scrubbed himself clean and walked out to the towel rack and found a clean fluffy towel to dry with. Sufficiently dry he walked into his bedroom again, towel wrapped round his waist. He heard the front door click shut and he smiled.
‘Morning Mrs J,’
he shouted as found clean underwear, picked out a shirt and began dressing. As he pulled his trousers on he could smell coffee coming from the kitchenette. Then the tantalising smell of bacon cooking. He grinned, picked up his electric shaver and began to remove his five o’clock shadow. Satisfied he ran his hand over his chin and face, then picked up his aftershave and applied a small amount to his face. He pulled on a pair of loafers and headed for the door.
In the kitchenette Mrs Jarnewski had the plate warmed and was piling bacon, tomato and scrambled eggs onto it. She placed a small rack of toast on the counter and poured a strong black coffee into a sizeable mug, which bore the inscription Parker Industries dot com. He sat at the bar stool and picked up the coffee.
‘Mrs J can I ask you a question, do you like working for me?’
‘What’s wrong Parker, you got fed up with me?’ she asked in her lilting Polish accent.
‘No far from it, you’re the best Housekeeper I’ve ever had, but I’ve been thinking, well questioning really. Am I a nice person, do you like working for me?’
‘You pay me on time, that’s nice.’
‘Yes, okay, but am I a nice person, do you feel comfortable round me?’
‘I’m married, I have five kids, I work eighteen hours a day, what do I know about ‘comfortable’, eat your breakfast, before it goes cold.’
‘Wait, wait, you work eighteen hours a day?’
‘What! you think I finish here and go get my nails done, have a spa break. Parker, I have three cleaning jobs, and then I have to look after my husband and the kids. Where you been living all your life?’
‘But why three jobs, don’t I pay you enough?’
‘Parker you pay good for three and a half hours, but that don’t bath the baby.’
‘I never knew, so you then go on to other clients and clean their houses?’
‘Yes except Sunday’s.’
‘What happens Sundays?’
‘I go to church and clean my house, what you think?’
‘I have no idea, but you need to do these two other jobs to make ends meet?’
‘Josep works very hard, he does nine hour shifts at the factory, so he’s pretty bushed when he gets in, we see each other for about seven or eight hours, most of which is asleep in bed. Five kids takes a lot of money Parker’
‘Wow! I’m sorry I never knew. Look, Mrs J I’ve been a bit lucky, I sold my business, make a fortune. Well the thing is I’m just caretaker there now, until they get their own man up to speed that is, then I have a title but no job. I’m not going to have to work so hard, but I will still need someone to do my place, could you do more hours?’
‘How, I got no rooms in my day?’
‘What if I increased your hours and the pay rate, to cover what you would lose dropping one of your jobs, or even both?’
‘You want me full time Parker?’
‘That’s exactly it, I want you full time, except you get time off with pay when you aren’t needed, plus all weekends off.’
‘Why you doing this Parker, I don’t need charity, I work for my living, you got fancy for me? Think I would drop my pants for you instead of Josep?’
‘Mrs J that was never my thought or intention. No I need to have someone here to look after things and keep the place tidy whilst I’m away, and to cook and clean for me when I’m here.’
‘You going away for long, what about my wages?’
‘Mrs J I will be paying you direct into your bank account and it will come every month and I’ll pay a month in advance so you have a cushion, okay?’
‘I trust you Parker, but you worry me sometimes. okay I do this, but you no pay I go like wind’
‘Right thank you, I’m so glad you will do it, I may have a long term guest here soon, so there’ll be someone here most of the time.’
‘Miss Rachel moving in with you then?’
‘Ah! no, err, Miss Rachel and I are no longer seeing each other, we split yesterday, she thinks I’m not the person she wants in her life.’
‘You upset her?’
‘Yes I’m ashamed to say I did, by being selfish and childish, but it’s a good thing she found out before we did move in together.’
‘I like her, she got you covered, she is smart biscuit.’
‘Cookie, smart cookie.’
‘Yes I like her, shame, still now you on own, maybe better all round.’
‘Thanks Mrs J, you’re all heart.’
‘Welcome, now I can’t stand here all day, work to do, you finish in bathroom?’
‘Just need to clean my teeth then I’m gone. Thanks Mrs J, can we start the new arrangement next week?’
‘Okay Parker I tell others I must leave at end of week, I have cousin who will take over.’
Harry grinned finished his breakfast and went to clean his teeth.
Harry’s day consisted of showing the new guy the ropes. Chairing meetings to integrate the new boy and generally saying goodbye to the people who had stuck with him over the last fifteen years. He had arranged for a meeting with all the staff, a final goodbye and he nervously paced the floor of the conference room before they arrived. As they entered he shook each by the hand and hugged and kissed some of his older colleagues.
He stood at the front and the murmurs were swiftly silenced.
‘Hi guys, thanks for sparing the time to hear me today. I am sad to be leaving you, but the time has come for me to take a back seat. I know some of you have been here for the whole fifteen years and some have only just started. Nevertheless I feel you are all my family, I know some of your backgrounds and home life, but I don’t know you all and I regret that. Whilst I’m leaving, Maxco have given me an honory Life Presidency, so if you need help then give me a ring. I’ll leave my details with Sandra, who will be my eyes and ears at Parker Industries when I go.’
He nodded at Sandra his long term PA and she smiled then crumpled, but her friend Anne wrapped a motherly arm round her.
‘What I’m about to say next, Dexter knows nothing about, but I’m sure he’ll have no worries with me saying it, once he hears it. ‘
He nodded at Dexter Thorsonn, his replacement. Dexter raised his hands in a ‘go for it’,’ whatever’, gesture.
‘Thanks Dex. At the sign off, I agreed to fund a payout to all existing staff of a years salary, tax paid. That includes you to Dex. I did this as I have more money than I can shake a stick at and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved, no, what you have achieved on my behalf. This is payback time’
A low buzz went round the room and even Dexter sat up and looked bemused. Harry raised and lowered his arms until silence fell again.
‘Hey don’t think this is over generous, without every one of you doing your job, I wouldn’t be here today. I had the ideas, I had a vision, but you guys supplied the grunt, the muscle and put the meat on the bones of this baby. I know that each of you gave up a portion of your home life to do it too. This is my thank you. The money will be paid this month in
time for Christmas’
A round of applause swept the room. Harry smiled and raised his hands again,
‘Guys that’s about it, apart from I also have a guarantee that there will be no redundancies here for at least the next two years. Now you can go back to work and make me proud, well prouder than I am already, thank you.’
Applause now broke out again and Harry walked into a storm of hugs and kisses from his staff. Finally he and Dexter were left on their own.
‘Harry you can’t possibly include me in this deal, I work for Maxco and…’
‘No Dex you work for me! Parker’s, while wholly owned, is a separate division of Maxco, independent and only answerable to the board. They bought the company, you run it and I’m still Life President, so I figured you’re one of my guys, you therefore get the same benefits.’
‘You’re too generous Harry, thanks, I’m glad I work for you.’
They shook and Harry left for his old office. He had a quick few words with Sandra and gave her a big hug and kiss, before handing her back into the arms of Anne, who nodded and wished Harry luck.
Harry had a lunch with his ex wife organised so he went home to change, turning round in thirty minutes. He caught a cab to the restaurant and arrived on time. Susan kept him waiting thirty minutes, he sat and leisurely drank a glass of fresh orange juice and soda. Seeing the Maitre d approaching with Susan he rose and waited for her to be seated.
‘Hello Harry, what’s this all about?’
‘Hello Susan, how are you keeping, are you well, how’s Troy?’
‘He’s history, I’m OK, but what’s this about?’
‘It’s about Elizabeth, our daughter and you!’
‘Hmm this sounds ominous, okay Harry I’ll buy it, what’s your grubby little scheme now?’
‘Susan, whilst I respect the fact you have every right to be suspicious, this time I’m clean.’
‘Well that’ll be a first.’
‘you’re probably right, but hear me out. I’ve had a bit of an epiphany, I realise now what a complete and utter shit I was to you and Elizabeth, I can’t take it back, but I’d like to make it easier going forward.’
‘You could go away and not come back.’
‘True, but I want to come back, well I want to make more time for Elizabeth and I’d like to help you.’
‘Harry, have you found God, or are you mainlining bullshit now?’
‘Look Susan, please listen to me, just listen.’
The waiter approached and they hurriedly scanned the menu and ordered.
‘Before you take off Harry, I have an important exhibition this evening and I need to get back to the gallery to finish the hanging and finalise the catering and stuff.’
‘Okay, mind if I tag along, I’d like to see the exhibition myself, am I too late to get an invite.’
‘Harry you hate modern art, why would you want to come?’
‘To support you and to understand where you’re coming from.’
‘Are you serious, look if you’ve taken over Harry’s body, this is not how he operates, you’ve picked the wrong guy to lead your infiltration of earth.’
She grinned and raised an eyebrow at him. He giggled and raised his glass in salute.
‘Touche, no this is real old Harry. But as I say I seem to have had a sudden and catastrophic realisation of just how screwed up I am.’
‘What happened Harry, did they take your toys back?’
‘No the opposite, they’ve given me all their cash and I can buy the earth now.’
‘Ever heard of Maxco, they own everything and the mineral rights. They bought me out, lock stock and all the barrels. Guess what they paid me.’
‘A stone of monkey nuts? five beans? a golden ticket from Wonka’s chocolates. I don’t know Harry. I have no idea what you’re worth now’
‘Six Hundred Million Pounds Sterling plus.’
‘I kid you not, I’m now Life President, I get shares in Maxco and the Six Hundred Mill, I am a pig in shit at the moment.’
‘Harry, are you kidding me? Is this your idea of some sick joke, because I’m not at all happy about it. Are you here to rub my nose in it again?’
‘No I’m not, I’m here to make amends for that faceful of shit I gave you when we split. I want to say sorry to you and Elizabeth and to try to give you something back for that and for the years of marriage I dragged you through before that.’
‘Harry, it wasn’t all bad, but yeah you did pour a crock over me when I left.’
‘Thank you, I just need to have some way of repaying the years of pain I gave you and Elizabeth. I know I can’t just throw money at it, but I want to somehow contribute, I want to at least get you to trust me again and see me as a friend, do you think you could do that?’
‘Harry why are you doing this? Oh what the hell, come back with me after lunch and lets’s see where it goes.’
‘Thank you Susan, you always were kind and generous. I miss that and I know it will take a while, but I want to be helpful and for you to know you can on lean on me when you need to.’
‘Okay Bill Withers I’ll lean on you, eat your starter.’
They smiled and raised their glasses as he waiter served the entre.
After lunch they took a cab to Susan’s gallery, Harry helping her out of the cab.
‘Well this is home,’
‘You live here too?’
‘Small flat upstairs, all I can afford as a working woman. All the surplus get’s ploughed back into the business.’
Harry look at the floor and then grabbed her hand.
‘Confession time.’
‘Again, I don’t think I can take much more.’
‘I spoke to the agents, the people who manage the letting, you know McCarthy’s.’
‘I know who you mean Harry’
‘Don’t be angry with me, but I paid your rental, for the next five years.’
‘You did what?’
‘I said don’t be angry and now you’re angry.’
‘Of course I’m bloody angry, how dare you do that without consulting me first.’
‘I thought it would help.’
‘Of course it helps Harry, but I might have wanted to ask you myself,’
‘I thought you’d be pleased.’
‘I am pleased it’s a major headache off my mind but goddamit Harry ask me first next time.’
She hammered her fists against his chest, but they were only light blows. He grinned and stopped her then impulsively kissed her cheek. She grinned and wrested herself free, digging into her handbag for the key. He grinned and followed her in.
‘Where’s Elizabeth?’
‘She’s meeting her partner for lunch.’
‘Her partner, I didn’t know she had a guy?’
‘Her partner is a girl, her names Perdy and she’s stunning.’
‘Are you saying Elizabeth is gay, she’s a…’
‘Lesbian, yes I am. Oh! and everyone calls me Lizzy now Harry, so you might as well too. Hi Mum’
Harry turned and saw two stunning willowy blondes walking in. He stared in fascination, as Susan smiled and raised a hand.
‘Wow, look at you, wow. Just wow. Well introduce me to Perdy then?’
Harry walked over to the taller girl and stretched his hand out. Her blue eyes sparkling and her grin broadening she appraised him thoughtfully.
‘Ah! you must be Harrytheshit, if I’m not mistaken,’ she said as she held her hand out.
‘Absolutely correct,’ he said grinning and pumping her hand vigorously.
He turned to Lizzy and moved his arms wider, hoping for an embrace. Lizzy moved forward and they came together awkwardly. Harry hugged Lizzy and she relaxed and draped her arms round his back.
‘Hi Harry, I’m surprised to see you here, lost your job?’
Harry leaned back and gazed into her steel blue eyes, taking in the sheer perfection of her skin and the cheeky grin on her face.
‘I love the way that grin crinkles your nose.’ He countered.
‘Hah! nice try, but really what brings you to this neck of the woods.’
‘You and your mother. I wanted to have a chance to talk to you, I want to make amends for the total shit
I put you through.’
‘Ah bless. You got a conscience at last. Okay I’ll buy it, what happened Harry, why now?’
‘Because I finally saw what a complete fuck up I made as a husband and a father. I now have the time and the money to do some good. I want at least to be your friend, even if I can’t be a father to you.’
‘Hmm, interesting, so you have money. Okay Harry, how much money do you actually have then?’
‘A shade over Six Hundred Million,’
‘How much of a shade?’
‘After some payments I made to the people who worked for me and your Mum’s rent, about say Six Hundred and Twenty Million and loose change.’
‘You’re shitting me?’
‘Nope, sold the company, made a mint.’
‘How’s Rachel taking this?’
‘Rachel and I split. I made some demands on her that were unreasonable and unjust. So she let rip and told me exactly what she thought of me and my life. Made it quite clear she wouldn’t piss on me if I caught fire.’
‘I’ve never met her, but she sounds nice,’ Lizzy quipped.
‘Yeah she has your style too. But she also made me think about what I was doing and I spent last night going through my life. I realised just what a total shit I’d been. It wasn’t pleasant believe me and if I could undo it I would. I can’t do that but I can try to make up for it going forward. That is if you and Susan let me.’
‘Won’t be easy I’m afraid, since you screwed up my teenage years but good. I can’t switch it off straight away and be nicey-nicey with you, do you understand.’
‘Completely, but I mean it and I just need you to let me try to prove it.’
‘Okay, well can’t waste any more time, there’s loads to do. Hey can you go over to the Printers and pick up the exhibition catalogues, that would help me no end.’
‘Sure, got the address, I’m glad to help.’
Lizzy scribbled the address and handed the note to Harry. He grinned and rushed out the door. A silence followed as they each wandered in their thoughts.
‘Mum, are you buying this sudden change of heart. I mean what’s come over him?’
‘I don’t know but I’ll play along with it for a while. I can’t speak for you, but I’m going to hold a little bit back, until I can see which way this is going.’
‘Agreed, nice but not open arms. What do you think babe.’
Perdy smiled, and hugged Lizzy.
‘I like him, he’s a whole bag of contradictions, this should be fun.’
‘You minx, don’t you stir him up, I know what you’re like.’
Perdy kissed Lizzy’s nose,
‘Trust me, you know you can.’
Lizzy grinned and they smacked lips.
‘You’re a terrible woman but I love you dearly.’
‘Love you too.’
Susan smiled and went back to her list, as the girls hugged and exchanged kisses.
‘Sorry Mum, what’s next.’
They worked through the list rapidly until about an hour later,
‘Oh I think we’re almost there, no wait the caterers, we need to ensure they’re here before five so we can set up the buffet.’
‘On it.’ Perdy lifted the phone and dialed the number from the book on the desk. She spoke softly, then winced and said OK.
‘Err guys we got a problem, the Caterers transport’s died, they have the food, but they’re stuck trying to get it here. It’s almost too late to get a replacement hire vehicle. What can we do?’
‘Err, err,..’
Harry staggered in with a box and dumped it on the floor.
‘here okay?’
He looked round and saw the concentration on the faces of the girls.
‘What’s up?’
‘Caterers van’s died they can’t get the food here at the moment.’
‘Give me the address, I’ll sort it, you deal with the rest.’
Harry grabbed the hastily scribbled note from Perdy’s hand and disappeared out the shop.
The three stood there speechless, then quickly looked at the list and busied themselves with the rest of the set up.
Harry caught a cab and reached the Caterers. He ran in and explained who he was and asked how much they they had to move. Not only were there food boxes, but also utensils and and cutlery, plates and glasses. Additionally the four Caterers were also coming as they were serving the food. Harry thought and then dug his mobile out. After two calls he grinned and told the Caterers the transport would be here in ten minutes.
Sure enough ten minutes later two Parker Industries Transit vans drew up, clean inside and out the vans were spotless. The drivers helped the Caterers load the vans and they set off for the gallery. Once they had arrived, the food was swiftly unloaded and set up. Harry dropped a fistful of notes into the drivers hands, they thanked him and left.
Disclaimer: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" & "Angel the Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.Dawn walked in the front door after a long day at school. "Hello? Anyone home?" No answer, but it was what she had expected. Buffy was probably off on...
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The Importance of Sophie, Part 2: Dawn by SmokingMan =========== I awake with a start. I must have drifted of. That was a crazy thing. Must’ve been some type of half-dream. I mean, she wasn’t actually there, right? I suddenly realize how drained I am, and decide a long rest is my best option for now. When I open my eyes again, it's around 11 o’clock Saturday morning. I move to the edge of the bed and put my face in my hands. What is this, I think to myself. I suppose I should get up...
There is a lot of timing and luck involved in getting the chance to watch your normally reluctant wife suddenly turn it on for another man. But Brad, a forty-two-year-old professor, had that chance to see his twenty-seven-year-old wife perform at a convention last summer at an upscale hotel in Miami.Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential...
Wife LoversDawn led Dan by the hand back inside the house just as the rain really started to fall, the young pair stood in the doorway and waited for chewy to come bounding in. He thought about his hands exploring Dawns body moments ago. He watched her shrug off the coat revealing the cardigan over her dress and the Nylon tights on her long legs and how good her bottom felt while they kissed outside. His hands on her body, hers on his, and their lips pressed together. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed...
RomanceChapter one:Neil’s Introduction:The first time I saw her was at the company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone’s attention as she glided through the room, making introductions to old friends and new alike. She was dressed in a figure hugging fantail evening dress in a deep blue colour. The dress was held up by two very thins straps which sat on her alabaster shoulders. Her skin was almost porcelain, so smooth and feminine....
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.It was one of those funny mornings, when it was still winter, but the sun streamed in through the window and the birds sang as if they were heralding Spring.Dawn sang to herself as she pottered around the kitchen, dressed in nothing but a polka dot apron and some shiny red heels."I'm too sexy for my apron, too sexy for my apron, and I'm making pancakes..." She sang softly, gathering ingredients,...
AnalI couldn’t help thinking about them telling me how they explored their new found pleasures .By the time I made it back to Feedville I was hard and horny,so I stopped at Matty’s bar for a drink to adjust my thoughts . Every chance I get I make sure I stop at Matty’s bar for a drink and a load up of what's been going on while I have been gone. The bartender there is really hot ,just 21 reddish hair, green eyes and a body that would get your dick hard just looking at her. I would have tapped...
It all started one summers morning in May . When I decided to venture to my corner shop in order to get my morning paper and some smokes anyway as I grabbed my coat and started to put it on I felt a sudden sexual feeling between my legs the groin area of course. Any way walked out my front door and it was sunny and warm the birds singing and I was feeling content . Just up the street was my corner shop I often go there for my paper and cigarettes and of course a chance to catch a glimpse of...
Erotic FictionStraight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...
We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...
Straight SexDawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...
1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAs most in the UK will know, just recently we have had some high winds.So I was holed up at home for the weekend.I don't do boredom too well and sitting still at a weekend is hard work for me.So it was with a pleasure when the phone rang.It was a friend of mine asking if I had a few hours free, her friends fence had blown down and since I had put hers up a few months ago she wondered if I would go and have a look to see what needed doing.She would be there to introduce me as the woman in...
DREAMING OF DAWNFaith couldn't help it - even as she ate the pussy of the forty-something woman splayed out in front of her, she thought of nothing but B's little s!ster. The bitch in the suit - dressed for power lunches and corporate shenanigans, not to mention tongue fucks by tramps picked up in seedy bars – barely existed outside her peripheral vision. She was just a meal, someone Faith had said yes to, simply for amusement. The bitch didn’t know it, but she was just a prop in Faith’s...
Amanda entered her bedroom, looking totally different to the confident, poised glamorous young woman who had so easily entranced Katie in the coffee bar, the very same girl who now lay sleeping on Amanda's king-size bed. Amanda had removed all of her makeup and tied her long red hair back with a black scrunchy and wore a button through flower print cotton dress that, for all it's simplicity, still showed off her large firm breasts nicely. The cotton dress was fresh and cool against her naked...
LesbianI’ve wanted to put this into writing for some time but I don’t really know how or where to start. So I’ll just plow right into it and try to tell the story of how the last few months have become the dirtiest, sleaziest, sluttiest, sex-filled and sex-fulfilled period of my life, and how good it all felt.The passion pumping, countless orgasms and doing so many things I’d never before dreamed of doing. And also how bad it felt at the same time, to learn I was such a fraud and a tramp and nowhere...
IncestBirth of a New Dawn By Heather St. Claire To say I got the shock of my life when I arrived at the train station earlier tonight would be a gross understatement. My train pulled in a few minutes after six. I had spent a three-day weekend visiting my parents, which had been more of a trial than anything else. I suppose things got off on the wrong foot when I left early Saturday morning. My boyfriend Don and I had a hellacious argument, so when I got off the train and didn't see him, I...
Though she always had her suspicions, Dawn wasn't aware of the extent of her stepfather's underworld connections until she attended his funeral. As she stood to give her eulogy on behalf of the family, she looked out at the sea of hard-bitten men assembled in Calhoun's great cathedral. She noticed more than a few looking her up and down, no doubt trying to discern her toned cheerleader body through her tasteful black dress. She cleared her throat, tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear, and...
Me and Dawn was both born 'n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We'd just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always "Just Friends." You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I'd moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn't seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...
HumorBirth of a New Dawn (V 2.0) By Heather St. Claire Out of bed bright and early and sober. I'm picking my girlfriend Brittany up at the bus station in an hour, where she's due back after spending the week at her parents' place. We had a hellacious blowup the morning I dropped her off, and we haven't spoken or communicated at all since she left, and for reasons that will become clear, I'm actually grateful for the silence. I didn't have to give my outfit a lot of thought. I put on a...
I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...
Dawn Rhodes – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 No Sara. No Melody. I wanted to and feared to volunteer to be the third tongue stud. I wanted to be someone other than a utility to Matt. An utility. An umbrella. A yellow flower. Fuck English. He was tired and happy as he washed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. That was the worst part of my slavery, enjoying it. No one did, not all the time, but it was trivial to find some moments were I loved it. It had just been a warm afternoon....
One of the, many, things I like about dusting vamps is, if you're doing it right, there's no mess. Also no body, and B tends to be a nag if she finds one of mine and will give me an ear full, although that may be partly because she's holding a grudge over that whole long weekend romance with evil I had going a while back. Still, she's got a point about not leaving around evidence, which is why I always bury my demons now. As in literally. But when it's just me, like it normally is now it's...
The view was magnificent from up here. Alex had finally gotten out of what he was beginning to call his jail cell. Although he loved his place, he wasn't allowed much freedom to roam. It had been weeks since he had arrived on Solaria's home planet, he had met the Queen of their society, and it had become very apparent that he was essential to them as a human battery.At least six times a day, a female member would come up and drain him of what they were calling life-sustaining fluid. Most of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiDear Reader: It seems I just couldn’t leave out a bit of romantic prose in regards to Michael and Bianca. Theirs is a story that was too short to form into a novel, but one that needed to be told. This brief taste of the Native Dawn series gives us a glimpse of Michael and Bianca and the events that occurred between the end of Book 20 ‘Dawn Unleashed’ and the beginning of the final book in the series, Book 21. ‘Dawn’s End’. At this point, after Dawn’s End is released. I am considering writing...
Dawn slammed the door behind her as she stomped her way down the walk, towards her car. This was the last straw; she didn’t have to put up with his bullshit any more. Where did he get off telling her whom she could and couldn’t see? He was just possessive, controlling, whining, jackass. Yes, she thought to herself. A jackass was exactly what he was. “Fine, then!” he screamed out the window. “Leave! But I’m not coming after you!” He slammed the shutters and she could hear him screaming to her...
LesbianChapter 3 … my femininity dawnWill it was inevitable, but I was confused…..All my Senses, all my thoughts, all my feelings, all those screaming in my mindSaying that I am a girl !!But my mind couldn’t understand it, everything, everyone & everything around me says am a boyI understand am gay boy but that not make me a girlTill that night ……..It wasn’t a long time in that gang, till I had bigger circles of friends, friends who share the same desires and feelings Some were boy and some where...
Chapter 3 … my femininity dawnWill it was inevitable, but I was confused…..All my Senses, all my thoughts, all my feelings, all those screaming in my mindSaying that I am a girl !!But my mind couldn’t understand it, everything, everyone & everything around me says am a boyI understand am gay boy but that not make me a girlTill that night ……..It wasn’t a long time in that gang, till I had bigger circles of friends, friends who share the same desires and feelings Some were boy and some where...
Chapter One: The InvitationI work from home and am able to dress enfemme most days.Today I am wearing a pink flower-pattern, button front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig and clip-on earrings. Under that I am wearing a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties and underwire 40-D bra to support adhesive-attached breast forms, which give me a comfortable bosom.I had just received a call from an investment group...
CrossdressingI should have known. Happy Nude Day, I thought sarcastically as I watched Wendy and Ron walk by, ignoring me as they headed toward the lake. We'd been the best of friends the last time we saw each other the year before, but Linda had obviously talked to them. Yep - lucky me. Over forty with a hot, wild woman five years younger than me. Going to nudist camps, sex almost every day, threesomes ... It had been an amazing couple of years. I don't know how long she'd been fucking the neighbor...
Two days later, I really got to test my wellness and fortitude. It was late in the afternoon when I heard the whip crack and the scream of pain. Off to my right, in what appeared to be a fruitful hollow, spread a plantation with a big main house, a double row of outbuildings and a cluster of slave quarters. I rode over out of curiosity in time to hear the whip and the sharp outcry again. It sounded like a young boy or a woman to me. A saw a cluster of people in the back of the brick house,...
I met the first real love of my life when I was at school. Dawn had long dark brown hair, she was tall, slender and very good looking, a real catch for a young lad.After a short while of the usual hormone filled passionate kissing and heavy petting sessions we decided on a night that we were going to have full blown sex. My parents were going out and the house was to be empty. A good 3 or 4 hours on our own was just the job. I loaded up with condoms and awaited the said night coming...
Wish Shift: Chapter Forty-Two The First Kiss of Dawn Year 1 A.S. Day 228 Day 273 of Jenny's Pregnancy 8:30 A.M. One hundred and sixty pounds. That was about how much her ruck had weighed after she had crammed gear, twenty-four MRE's, an anti-tank mine, a thousand rounds for her SAW and an M-72 anti-tank rocket into it when she climbed onto a UH-60 Blackhawk and they sent her against the Iraqi army. One hundred and fifty pounds was what she had used as her average set when...
When you’re not quite sixteen, life’s issues tend to be the social ones, the biggies, of course, being about boys. That’s pretty much the reason for coming to Sr. High Camp, to meet ones your folks won’t know about. When you’re going to be a sophomore next year, Camp John Wesley’s where you can do what a senior does, but it’s still pretty intimidating. Colored laces in my tennies may have expressed my personality in middle school, but at this level, perhaps they mark me as a geek. I’m not...
Early the next morning in an effort to fan a reluctant flame from the ashes of the night I slowly drew my cock in and out of Alicia. With little hope of an orgasm being left in either one of us I was propped on my arms enjoying the parade of expressions crossing her face as she looked up at me with hazy eyes. I was also enjoying the sensation of her vagina gripping my cock like a tight ring sliding over the length of my shaft. There was more depth for my cock inside Alicia than Katie, I could...
NovelsMe and Dawn was both born ‘n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We’d just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always ‘Just Friends.’ You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I’d moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn’t seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...