Fluffer in TrainingChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 36
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Rachel couldn’t concentrate in school the next day. All she could think about was her new job. The money she’d be able to earn would make her life so much easier. She didn’t want to have to go home to Nebraska, a failure with her tail tucked between her legs. The possibility of being able to stay in California was too enticing to pass up. She hoped that she’d be good at the job. She was a bit of a natural worrier, and wanted to make sure she did the best she could. Being fired would be worse than never taking the job in the first place. She was thrilled that Mr. Smithers had been so pleased with her oral talents during the interview. And she was also totally enraptured at how much she loved feeling those cocks get hard in her mouth.
Her last class finished at noon and she raced home, anxious to get back to the studio. She hoped she passed the medical exam okay, but she also took comfort in the fact that knowing they were doing that for all employees. She definitely didn’t want to catch anything nasty.
She peeled out of her clothes and showered, her hands taking a little too long as they soaped up her heavy breasts. The nipples responded and it felt good. She closed her eyes, sliding her soapy hand down over her midsection and between her legs, picturing Steve and Mr. Smithers’ cocks in her mouth, working on them until they filled her belly with hot creamy cum. She remembered the taste, and how exciting it made her when they went off, and she rubbed her stiff clit between her slippery fingers, leaning against the shower wall as she climaxed. She’d rubbed herself to three tingling climaxes after she’d gotten home the day before, but obviously it wasn’t enough. Her whole body had seemed to come alive with need as soon as her lips closed around Steve’s cock, a feeling of illicit desire overwhelming her. She couldn’t wait for her first day of work.
She went to her dresser and looked at her clothes, remembering Mr. Smithers’ suggestion of what he wanted her to wear. She chose her best bra. It was made of sleek white satin with delicate lace trim at the top edges of the bra cups. She slipped it on, adjusting her girls until they filled the big curving cups. The heavily-structured bra pushed her big tits together and up, creating a deep dark line of cleavage. The ample amount of soft tit-flesh threatening to spill over the jam-packed cups told her she definitely needed to go up a size. “If only I could resist that craving for chocolate,” she said to herself, pulling on a pair of matching white satin panties, the French-cut leg openings fitting high on her broad hips. Surveying her wardrobe for the few things she thought would be appropriate, she selected a powder blue sleeveless turtleneck that she hadn’t worn in a while, but she knew the stretchy fabric would emphasize her buxom figure, just like Mr. Smithers suggested. Pulling on the sweater, she felt it stretch over her round tits, the vertical ribs of the fabric flowing in and out sideways as the material molded itself to the lush contours of her voluminous breasts.
“Oh my, this top is getting too small as well,” she muttered to herself as she looked at the fabric, stretched tight as a drum over her generous bust. “It’s going to have to do. I’ll definitely have to do some shopping once I get my first pay check.” She shimmied into a pair of faded jeans, wriggling her hips as she pulled them over her wide hips and big curvy bum. She pulled on a pair of short boots with a Cuban heel that were comfortable, and still looked great. A glance in the mirror was enough to let her know a jacket would be needed. With the way her tits were on the verge of bursting through the tightly-stretched material of her sweater, the last thing she needed was to get arrested for public obscenity. She was almost out the door before she remembered to grab some hairbands, remembering what Mr. Smithers had said about his fluffers keeping their hair away from their mouths while they worked. She stuffed a couple into her purse and headed out, anxious to get to the studio.
“Hey, little lady,” Rachel heard as the bus doors opened and she stepped inside. Looking up, Rachel spotted the smiling face of the bus driver she’d had the day before.
“Hi,” she replied with a smile as he nodded to the seat just inside the door across from him. She paid her fare and sat down in the very front seat he’d indicated. As she took her seat, she noticed the way his eyes gravitated to her chest.
“Well, how did the interview go? Did you get the job?” he asked, pulling back into traffic.
“Yes, I did. Thank you for asking, and for making sure I got there on time yesterday. I know you were driving pretty fast there at the end.”
“Ah, forget it. I’m willing to do anything I can to help. I know how tough it is for a young person nowadays to make ends meet.” His gaze flicked over as he gave her a smile and a wink, his eyes dropping to her tits for a second before he turned back to the road.
“You’re right about that. I really needed the job. I appreciate what you did. I didn’t realize how long it would take to get there.”
“So are you going to be one of their new starlets?” he asked, glancing over and blatantly looking her up and down.
“Uh, no. I’m not going to be in any of their movies. I’ll be working as a production assistant behind the scenes.”
The bus driver paused as his eyes flicked over to her, his gaze temporarily resting on her full round tits. “I’m surprised. A pretty girl like you, I would have thought they’d make you a star in no time.”
Rachel felt herself blushing, never having considered herself to be all that pretty. She was always conscious of her buxom figure, and figured being slightly plump was a turnoff for most men, especially here in California where skinny women seemed to reign supreme. “That’s so nice of you to say that, but I’m really happy to just get the job.”
“So what exactly does a production assistant do for a company like Starlite Films?”
Rachel was unsure of how to answer, but decided being fairly honest was the best way to go. She didn’t need to be explicit when it came to stating that her main duty would be sucking cock. “You basically help the director out by making sure things are ready for every scene, making sure the actors have everything they need to look and do their best onscreen.”
He moved his eyes from the road to look over at her, this time his gaze immediately focusing on her lush pouty lips. He looked at her mouth for what seemed like a long time until, finally, he lifted his eyes to hers and nodded slowly, a wry grin on his face as he pulled the bus over towards the next stop. “Yes, I can see why you got that job. You look like someone who’s willing to be helpful when people are having a difficult time rising to the occasion. Do you think it will be a hard job?”
Rachel gasped as she listened to his question, his eyes looking back at her mouth for a second before concentrating on the road. She was saved as two Latino women boarded the bus and sat right next to her, chattering away like magpies. The bus driver simply grinned and turned away, focusing his attention on the road as he pulled back into traffic.
Rachel’s stop was just a short distance away and, as she exited, the bus driver looked over and smiled. “Good luck. I hope to see you again.” Once more, his gaze lingered a long time on her prominent chest. Rachel found the attention exciting, especially since it came from a grown man. Back in Nebraska, she was used to goofy high school boys staring at her tits, but this ... this was something different coming from a grown man in California. She was used to grown men looking at her curvy plump figure, but the only other grown man who had complimented her like that had been her Film and Communications teacher in high school, Mr. Dexter.
Rachel thought back on that final semester, and Mr. Dexter. He’d been her favorite teacher, always giving her a warm comforting smile when she entered his room. Mr. Dexter was an attractive man in his late 40’s, with wavy hair with more than just a touch of gray. He was of average height and build, with rugged features and skin that looked permanently tanned and weathered. This was only his second year at the school. He’d come to Nebraska when his wife had contracted leukemia, and when things got worse, she’d wanted to come home to be near her family. The school was thrilled to have someone with his background in screenwriting. Unfortunately for Mrs. Dexter, the change in location didn’t halt her illness. She rapidly deteriorated and passed away almost a year ago, but Mr. Dexter had stayed on, liking the tranquil lifestyle that Nebraska had to offer.
Rachel was aware of Mrs. Dexter’s demise, and her heart went out to the man who had always smiled kindly to her, even if she hadn’t had him as a teacher until this year. The pleasant smile that adorned his face greeted Rachel on her first day of film class and, without hesitation, she took a seat in the front row, just off to the side from Mr. Dexter’s own desk. She cherished her time in his film course, listening rapturously as he expounded on the world of film and the possibilities the medium offered in this day and age. His class was the last of the day, and she was surprised when after the first week of classes, he spoke to her as the bell rang.
“Oh Rachel, would you mind staying behind for a few minutes?”
“Uh, sure, Mr. Dexter,” she replied and, as a student always thinks in these situations, wondered if she was in trouble for some reason.
Once the last student had filed out, Mr. Dexter went to the classroom door and closed it, pulling down the dark shade over the window in the door, common procedure when they were watching films. Rachel was surprised when she thought she heard the lock on the door being flicked closed.
“Thanks for staying, Rachel,” Mr. Dexter said as he ambled back and perched on the front corner of his desk, one foot on the floor with the other dangling in front. He was wearing a soft blue shirt and tan khakis, which Rachel thought looked good on him. He leaned forward slightly, resting his hands on his thighs as he spoke to her. “I just wanted to tell you how much I’m enjoying having you in class. I can see how interested you are in the course, and it’s a nice change to have students showing a genuine interest, rather than just putting in the time to get the credit.”
His kind words instantly put Rachel at ease. “Thanks, Mr. Dexter. I’m loving the class so far, and I can only see it getting better. I actually hope to pursue a career in film—that’s been my goal for a couple of years now.”
“That’s good, although I think you know the opportunities here in Nebraska aren’t that great.”
“I know,” Rachel replied, nodding sadly. “I was hoping to possibly go to college in California once I graduate.”
Mr. Dexter nodded, his eyes roaming over Rachel’s curvy body. She’d gotten a new outfit on the weekend, and with this being Monday, she’d worn it right away. She’d been looking through one of her teen fashion magazines, and although she’d turned 18, she still loved to look at the styles. Most were for girls not as plump and voluptuous as her, but she perused the magazines from cover to cover just the same. One outfit caught her eye, which was labelled as the ‘Hot School Girl Look’. The outfit consisted of a plaid kilt that ended around mid-thigh on the slim young model, with a crisp white shirt accessorised with a slim black neck-tie loosely knotted. White knee socks and shiny black Mary Jane shoes with a bit of heel completed the outfit. The shoes had a higher heel and pointier toe than typical Mary Janes. The model in the picture was giving the camera a smoldering look and knowing smile that made her look both fun and teasingly sexy. Rachel loved the outfit the minute she’d laid eyes on it.
Having checked the balance in her bank account, Rachel had gone to the mall and found all the items necessary for the outfit. Trying on the pleated red and black kilt, she noticed that with her big curvy bum and full thighs, it ended up with the hem of the skirt rising much higher on her legs than she anticipated. She tried on a bigger size, but it didn’t fit right around her waist, so she went back to the original one, hoping the shortness of the skirt wouldn’t take away from the look she wanted. The brilliant white blouse fit snugly over her sizable breasts, with little pulled gaps between the buttons when she breathed deep. But again, going one size up looked too sloppy, so she stuck with the one that was just a little too small. The shoes felt good when she tried them on in the store with her jeans on, but the slight high heel was even more than she was used to. When she tried the whole outfit on at home with the knee socks and the tie, she saw how perfect the shoes were with everything else, the higher, yet solid heel, giving the outfit the sexy look that had caught her eye in the magazine.
After parading back and forth in front of the mirror and feeling good about how the outfit seemed to work on her plump curvy figure, she’d worn it that first day back at school after the weekend. She’d had a few smiles and appraising looks from the usual goofy boys, a couple she noticed who’d elbowed their friends in the side and nodded in her direction. But now Mr. Dexter was looking at her, looking her up and down, and the appreciative look in his eyes made her feel good, made her feel special.
“Well, California’s definitely the place to be,” he said. “You know, I’ve still got some connections there. If things go well for you this term, I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt if I was to write you a letter of reference for your college application. And then, if things work out with college, I have some names of people in the business I could put you in touch with.”
“Really, you’d do that for me, Mr. Dexter?” Rachel asked, beaming inside. She sat forward, her heart pounding with excitement.
“I’d be happy to,” he said, his eyes dropping down to her sumptuous chest, her massive tits straining at the tight white blouse as she smiled from ear to ear. He’d been taken by Rachel since the first time he’d spotted her in the hallways at the school. Her plump curvy body was so different from most of the young girls, and it caught his eye every time he saw her. Those huge tits, big round bum and full thighs never ceased to hit him right in the groin. And that pretty face of hers was absolutely gorgeous. Her jet black hair framed her pretty features attractively, the round face made even more alluring by just about the most beautiful mouth he’d even seen. Her lips were deliciously pouty and plump, just like the rest of her. Her mouth was wide and full, a mouth made for sucking cock, as far as he was concerned. He’d noticed right away how much she resembled the younger version of Monica Lewinsky, who he’d always found attractive, knowing the scandal Ms. Lewinsky had been involved in and envious of the man who’d parted those gorgeous cocksucking lips, apparently again and again.
Whenever he looked at Rachel and that perfect mouth of hers, thoughts of doing the same to her, and staining her dress, just like Ms. Lewinsky, rapidly came to mind. With his wife’s illness leaving her bedridden, he’d taken to relieving himself in front of his computer in the spare bedroom. He’d often look at pictures of Ms. Lewinsky and compare her to Rachel, picturing what he’d like to do to either one of them. He’d looked up Rachel’s Facebook page, which the young girl had left unblocked. He printed off some pictures of her, and had laminated them for his own personal use. It never took long when he stroked his sizable cock for him to pump out a big load, usually all over Rachel’s pretty face, using his fingers afterwards to push the milky cum across the plastic surface towards her full beckoning mouth.
Yes, he’d thought about Rachel a lot, and now she was in his class. He found it difficult each day to stop his eager dick from springing a boner, especially when she’d chosen to plunk her curvy buxom body in the seat right in the front row of his class. If only she’d chosen the one right in front of his desk, that would have been perfect. And today—fuck—today she’d worn a sexy schoolgirl outfit that sent a jolt right to his midsection, just like he’d been tattooed with a cattle prod. He’d had to spend most of the class lecturing while seated at his desk, his cock like an iron bar in his pants as he looked at the girl, her full creamy thighs on display right there in the front row, not to mention those huge plump tits that seemed to be threatening to pop right out of her tight white shirt. Fuck, she looked incredible, and as he set the class some work to do in order to free up his own time, his wicked mind started whirling, coming up with an idea that he was now hopefully putting into effect. Rachel was very sweet, and yet incredibly naïve, which he hoped would allow things to work out perfectly for him, just as they had for that president.
“Rachel, I think you’ve got a great future ahead of you in the film industry, and I’m sure if you put your mind to it, a pretty girl like you could do anything she wishes.”
“Well, thank you, Mr. Dexter,” Rachel replied, feeling herself flushing at the thought of a grown man like her teacher calling her ‘pretty’. “You ... you really think I’m pretty?”
“I think you’re very pretty, Rachel.” Mr. Dexter paused, and then winked conspiratorially at the young girl. “You know, being your teacher, I shouldn’t be saying things like that, but since it’s just you and me here, I have to let you know I think you are one of the most beautiful young women I’ve ever seen.” He paused again, this time wagging his finger back and forth in front of his face. “But please, don’t tell anyone I said that, I’d probably get in trouble for speaking to a student that way.”
“Oh no, Mr. Dexter, I’d never say anything,” Rachel burst out. “You’re my favourite teacher, and I’d never want you to get into trouble.”
“Thanks, Rachel, that’s nice to hear. I think it’s nice that the two of us can talk like this, don’t you?”
“Yes, I think it’s very nice.” Rachel was beaming inside, enjoying the personal attention the teacher was giving her.
“You know, Rachel, every day when you come to class, it makes my own day better just to see you here. But I have to admit, what you’re wearing today is very special. Is that a new outfit?”
“Yes, it is,” Rachel replied, her hand automatically going to her throat, her fingers touching the knot of her loosely-tied tie. “I saw pictures of it on a model in a magazine, but I didn’t know how it would look on me. Do you think it looks okay?”
“It looks better than okay,” Mr. Dexter said, his eyes now roaming freely up and down over her buxom form. “I have to tell you, it looks amazing on you.”
“I was kind of worried, because the girl in the magazine was ... well ... let’s just say she was built a lot different than me.”
“If she was a model, I assume you mean she was skinny?” Mr. Dexter’s eyebrows arched up as he gave Rachel a warm smile, which comforted the young girl.
“Yes. I’m a little more ... uh...”
“I guess that would be one word for it. I have to admit to having sweet tooth. I don’t think I’ll ever have the willpower to be able to look like one of those girls in those fashion magazines.”
“Don’t ever worry about that, Rachel. You look perfect, just the way you are. I don’t think you should change a thing.” Mr. Dexter gestured with his hand up and down the full length of her plump curvy body.
“Thank you, Mr. Dexter. That’s so nice to hear. I was worried that for this outfit, I’d look too...” Rachel reached inside and summoned up the courage to actually say what she was thinking, “that I’d look too fat.”
“Oh dear, Rachel, don’t ever think of yourself as fat. You have an absolutely incredible body. Yes, you are curvy and voluptuous, but men love that. Trust me, you are gorgeous. And in that outfit, you look absolutely stunning.”
Rachel felt herself blushing even more under the kind words of her teacher. “You think this outfit looks that good? I wasn’t sure I’d be able to carry it off. I’m not really used to walking in shoes like these.” She nodded down as she turned her foot sideways, showing off the heel that had her standing taller than she was used to.
“I think those shoes look perfect. I thought you walked just fine when you came into my classroom.” Mr. Dexter paused as he gestured to the clear space on the floor beside his desk. “Why don’t you walk to the other side of the room and back again so I can see how you do in those shoes?”
“Okay, I can use the practice,” Rachel said, sliding her buxom form out of the chair and walking towards one of the side walls. She concentrated on walking gracefully, placing one foot in front of the other, like she’d seen models walk on the catwalk.
Fuck me, Mr. Dexter said to himself as the plump young girl walked away from him, the back of her kilt swaying seductively as her big curvy bum moved from side to side, the creamy smooth skin on the backs of her thighs drawing his gaze like a magnet. He was glad his classroom was on the second floor of the school with the windows overlooking the sports field below, giving them total privacy. He definitely didn’t want anyone inadvertently observing what was going on in his classroom.
Rachel reached the wall and turned slowly, making sure of her footing. She then walked back, making sure to keep her head held high, moving one foot gracefully in front of the other, just like the models she’d seen.
Oh sweet Jesus, Mr. Dexter thought as his eyes focussed on those huge tits, shifting seductively as she moved. His eyes were drawn down to her legs again, the short kilt hitting her high on those full lush thighs, making his mouth water. All of this at the same time she had an innocent—yet wickedly alluring—smile on that gorgeous young face of hers. He felt his prick start to stiffen, the tube of flesh filling and extending down the leg of his khakis as he sat on the edge of his desk and stared at her, totally awestruck.
“Mr. Dexter, are you okay?” Rachel asked with concern, seeing a different look on her teacher’s face than she’d ever seen before.
“Yes, Rachel,” Mr. Dexter said, breaking out of the trance the young girl had put him in simply by walking back and forth across the room. He knew that now was the crucial moment to put his plan into effect. Would the naïve young girl go for it, or would he end up going home and jacking off a night’s worth of loads thinking what might have been? He hung his head, his face shrouded with sadness. “I’m sorry, Rachel. It’s just that you’re such a beautiful young woman, and things have never been the same with me since ... since Mrs. Dexter passed away.” He dropped his hands over his lap, hiding his stiff cock as he sighed loudly and hung his head ... waiting.
“Oh Mr. Dexter, I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened to you,” Rachel said, standing right in front of him. He flicked his eyes up just slightly, the impressive shelf of her round heavy tits just inches away. “It must be so hard for you now.”
Was it ever hard, he thought to himself, the back of his hand resting against the steely bar beneath his pant leg. “Rachel, I’m sorry for acting this way, but it’s just that I ... I miss Mrs. Dexter so much ... I ... shouldn’t...” He stood in front of his desk and turned away, dropping his head. Not only was he hoping to appeal to the young girl’s kind and sympathetic nature, but it helped to hide the stiff protrusion running down his pant leg.
“Mr. Dexter, please don’t feel like that,” Rachel said. She stepped past him and threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him. “It’ll be all right.”
It feels all right, that’s for sure, he said to himself, feeling the warmth of her full breasts pressing against him. He reached forward and slid his arms around her, returning her hug, but being careful to keep the stiff bar of flesh inside his pants from pressing against her. “That’s so kind of you, Rachel. I just miss her so much.”
“I know, I know,” the young girl said soothingly, her hands rubbing in slow circles over his shoulder blades. “If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”
Those were the words he was waiting for. Now to see if she’d go along with his plan. “Rachel, that’s so sweet of you. There is one thing,” he said as she pulled back slightly from the hug, her face flushed. “Just a couple of minutes ago we talked about how we shouldn’t be talking about some things between a teacher and their student—like how beautiful you are and how gorgeous you look in that outfit. Remember when you said that was okay, and we’d just keep it between ourselves?”
“Well, since we’re talking freely between the two us, and the special relationship the two of us can have together, I think there’s something personal I can say to you, and trust that you’ll keep it between you and me. Can I ... can I do that, Rachel? Can I trust you like that?”
“Yes, of course, Mr. Dexter,” Rachel responded instantly, her heart going out to the man.
“Rachel, I think you know that a man has needs, and things haven’t been the same since Mrs. Dexter passed, of course. And seeing you in class since the start of the term has brought back some of those feelings, and then seeing how grown up and sexy you look in that outfit today ... I ... I can’t help what I’m feeling.”
Rachel felt overwhelmed by what Mr. Dexter said, but she felt a tingling of excitement at the same time. He’d just said she looked ‘sexy’ in her new outfit, and it made him think of the way things had been with his wife, and he’d talked about his needs. Rachel knew what he meant, but she was unsure of what to say or do. “I ... I... ,” she muttered.
He took a step back. “This is what you do to me, Rachel,” he said, nodding downwards.
Rachel’s eyes followed his until they alighted on his midsection, where her gaze zeroed in on a large cylindrical bulge running down the inside of one pant leg. “Oh my,” she gasped, her hand covering her mouth as she continued to look at the throbbing protrusion, the engorged crown seeming to throb with each beat of his pulsing heart. “I ... I did that?”
“Yes, Rachel. You are so beautiful, I couldn’t help what was happening inside me. It’s been so long since I ... since I...”
Rachel had looked back into his sad eyes, filled with grief, but the size of his erection drew her gaze like a magnet. She felt mesmerized, his swollen cock drawing her eyes like a hypnotist’s watch. She looked at it hungrily, and for some reason, felt her mouth start to water as a nagging itch started deep inside her pussy. “I understand. What do you want me to do?”
Now that was exactly the next thing he’d hoped she’d say. “Rachel, I think you understand how inappropriate it would be for a teacher and his student to have actual sexual relations, but I think there is something else that you could do to help me out.” He let his words hang there, seeing what she’d say. At the same time, he flexed his stomach muscles slightly, feeling his turgid prick lift and press against the taut material of his pants.
Oh my, Rachel thought to herself a she looked at the front of his pants, the enormous cock trying to free itself from the confining material restricting it. It was so big. Bigger than the couple of boys she’d had sex with this year. But Mr. Dexter was a man—a real man—not a boy. She found herself longing to reach out and touch it, to feel that stiffness beneath her fingers, to feel the heat she knew would warm her hands like nothing else. “What ... what would you like me to do?”
There now, that’s the perfect response, he thought. “I think it would be okay if maybe you were to start by taking it out and stroking it. Even though we wouldn’t really be having sexual relations by doing that—which we both know would be wrong—I’m sure it would give me some relief. Why don’t you start by getting down on your knees and taking my pants off?”
“Okay,” Rachel said, stepping forward as if in a trance, and then dropping to her knees right in front of him. Her eyes were focussed on the massive bulge down his pant leg as she started to undo his belt. Once she had that open, she undid the button and then drew down his zipper.
Mr. Dexter could hear her breathing raggedly as she unzipped his pants. He looked down at the girl’s chest, seeing those massive swells heaving with excitement as she grabbed the waistband of his pants and boxers at the same time. He shifted slightly as she pulled downwards, the pants clearing his hips and tumbling to the floor. Once it cleared the elasticized waistband, his stiff prick lurched upwards, almost hitting her in the face as it pointed skywards.
“Oh my God,” Rachel muttered, her eyes staring intently at the throbbing prick mere inches in front of her, the veiny cylinder of flesh pulsing and stiffening even more right before her eyes. The circumcised head was huge, engorged to a dark crimson with a thick rope-like corona separating the enflamed crown from the stiff projecting shaft, the protruding veins running upwards feeding blood to the throbbing cockhead.
Mr. Dexter looked down, seeing the wanton look of desire in the young girl’s eyes as she stared at his erection, her eyes glassy and unmoving. He knew his cock was bigger than normal, having heard his wife complain numerous times about the pain it had caused when he fucked her, or how it had stretched her lips almost to the tearing point when he’d asked her to suck him off. But Rachel, Rachel had a fuller mouth. Wider, bigger, with the sweetest set of soft pillowy cocksucking lips he’d ever seen. He knew his big cock and her full sexy teenage mouth were just made for each other.
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LesbianIt's the fourth of July. My family has gone up north to New Hampshire for the holiday. I did not go up with them, because yet again I have to work. But this year, I am not lonely, because you have come up to visit me for the holiday.The house is silent as we make sandwiches in the kitchen. You come up behind me, and kiss my neck, as you press your hard cock against my back. I laugh, as you nibble on my ear a little and your hands wander towards my breasts. I lean back into you, as I pull your...
When Nicole’s dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a...
Sir Timothy read the report and shook his head, how could she have done that! She could have been killed! "Why is it Baxter? Anywhere I send that girl she finds trouble of one kind or another!" He said to his butler. Baxter nodded, "Indeed sir. One could almost think that she attracts problems, but if I might say she always gets out of the situations in a better state than she entered them." He said in his normal tone. Sir Timothy snorted, "Until she's finds something that's worse...
Allan Winters sat at his desk in his small real estate office. At thirty-five he was still an attractive man even though his dark hair was beginning to recede and thin a bit and his college half back waistline was a couple of belt notches larger. His personality was matched well to his profession, easy going with a quick smile and the gift of gab. He had been positioned a couple of years ago to hire some additional staff, but then had come the recession and with it the decrease in sales....
My loving Victor would be out of town during that long weekend on a business trip and I really was starting to get bored home alone.My longtime friend Gunnar called me. He invited me to take a walk that Saturday night and of course I accepted in delight.My good friend was younger than me, a handsome guy, very polite, with fire in his eyes; he had a nice thick cock but…he was gay…As I was getting ready, I made my best to be sure I was looking good. A very tight black dress and a pair of sexy...
Gerry drove morosely away. He had told her she was too special to him to let her go. He had also told her that she did not have to become involved but she had seen through that straight away. She was still clearly not going to tell him what her problem was. What was he to do next? A further direct approach in the near future was clearly out of the question. It would upset her too much. He wondered whether her parents might be able to help. He somehow doubted it. Isobel had inferred that she...
Recently I opened my own photo studio and with that in mind I had the perfect opportunity to have some extra fun on my photoshoots. I have fucked a good few female models on shoots in the past and thought it was about time to try my luck with the guys. I couldn’t use my normal routes to find a male model as all the ones on the modelling sites were professional models, so my only hope laid in sites like Craigslist and Backpage. So one day I thought I’d bite the bullet and put an ad up to...
Kathleen Casey snapped her laptop closed and turned her desk lamp off. Another day of work for the local newspaper, finished. She got up and stretched, her tank top forming around her B-cup tits, as she was not wearing a bra this late at night. Her long, thick red hair cascaded over her shoulders, not the artificial red color of her youth, but a natural reddish-brown with a slight curl to it. She had matured well, and stayed in shape, making all of her male co-workers head’s turn...
When Laurie got up for the day, she ordered breakfast for Sam, her guests, and herself. She then sent Aurelia and Octavia home to Franco's pod, early enough that Franco just barely missed seeing them return when he left for work. Laurie kissed Sam deeply as she left for her job, hoping to enjoy one of the perks of her position at the Civil Service: sampling the concubines. She was in for a surprise when she checked out the concubine pool. Franco had told her of his ex-wife, Rachel, who had...
“We’re supposed to be back this afternoon,” Barbara whispered across Owen’s sleeping body to Brandy. They were both naked and had smaller girls spooning their asses. Roxxi’s drool ran down Brandy’s shoulder blade. “What’s it matter?” Barbara said. “Jacob’s in on this now. Mom and Dad spend half the year in Florida. We hang out with Jewel and Paul. She’s here and Paul’s gonna come for her.” “Eugh,” Brandy said. Then she shushed her sister terribly. “It’s OK, girls, I’m awake.” Owen...
Kimberly Martin awoke from a deep and restful sleep around ten p.m. Saturday night. She found herself at home, in her own bed. She could not remember how she got there, but she had no problem remembering what she had done that afternoon. With a big grin on her face, Kimberly stretched like a cat in the noon day sun, relishing the glory of her body and all the incredible things she did with it the past twenty-four hours. The phone rang and she bent over in bed to pick it up. "Hello,...
My forty eight year old wife Melissa and I have always had a great sex life. She loves porn, is always down to go to the strip club, and loves to fuck. Melissa was a virgin when we got married so like most men would I have always wondered how she would enjoy another guys cock. After years of fantasizing about it while we fucked, it happened this Summer. We put a pool at our house this past May and had several pool parties throughout the Summer. We had a lot of our neighbors over for a party in...
A beautiful woman from Michigan reached out to me on SLS about two months ago to say she's coming to town Labor Day weekend. We'll call her DDB for now, you'll find out why later. She was very direct, funny and the pics were sexy, plus she had a great validation from a play partner in the Detroit area so I took it seriously. Thank goodness we clicked! We're into the same music, movies and lifestyle scene. DDB is basically the hippie version of Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction. Haircut and body type...
The ceremony was perfect, a dream day made real for her. As Jennifer was carried into the honeymoon suite by her new husband, Keith, she felt a strong pang of sexual excitement. She could feel her skin flush and nipples harden. It was the greatest arousal she had ever felt with Keith. ‘It must be the context,’ she said to herself. A girl only gets married for the first time once. Sure, she intended to divorce Keith and leave him for Christian as soon as Christian’s lawyer buddy said the...
Jim had just finished saying "Engage", when Annette tapped the preprogrammed virtual 'execute' button on her LCD monitor. It took just over 2 shakes, before the Warp Coil generated the field around the 90-foot length of the orbiting ship. On board, it was as though nothing had happened. The anti-grav generator was synched to the warp coil. It compensated for the sudden burst in acceleration, as if it were an inertial damper. As crude as it was, it worked well enough to keep them from...
Hi mera naam Pranav hai. Mai 24 sal ka hu aur bangalore mein rehta hun. Dikhne mein to mai normal hu but mere andar sex drive bahut hai. Iska reason hai ki mai 10 sal se porn dekh raha hu jo mai daily karta hu aur on roj 2-3 bar muth marta hu. Bina hilaye mujhe nind bhi nahi aati. Hamesha kisi hot ladki ko soch ke ya porn movie dekh ke hila leta hu. Maine kuch bar prostitutes k sath sex bhi kiya tha but usme jyada maja nahi aata. Wo log paise k liye karti hain entertainment k liye. Unke sath...
This is not one of the quick wank off and get on stories, please proceed accordingly. Your views and comments are welcome on and I’d be waiting to hear them. The people in the story are of legal age and everything happened with mutual consent. I live in Chandigarh and this story is based in my city itself. After my +2 exams and before college’s admissions, I took various crash courses for the sake of AIEEE, I knew i never was IIT material and didn’t want to waste my time and resources so I...
Canon xxxxxx had been a priest all his adult life and celibacy was a way of life for him; he unlike the priests he lead had never had any difficulty with observing his vow and he recognised every day of his life that awoke with an erection but simply allowed it to subside. In seminary he had not been troubled and yet was aware of other's struggles, masturbation, homosexuality and lust for c***dren and nuns.He had he felt been very compassionate but determined to root out those who became a...
Retrenchment and discovery Trillium looked around the corner of the picture on the desk. Rob, or Rue as she had named herself held Hope, staring out of the window sadly. "Rob?" The fairy stiffened. "Rob is gone, Tril. You saw to that." "Please..." She walked over, kneeling behind her love. "I almost lost you in Afghanistan. Manzanita would have died if you had not been there. Then Pat died, and I realized you could die and leave me alone." She sobbed. "Please, don't hate...
“So, uhhh… that happened,” I said.“Yup,” my dad replied.We sat in silence for a moment, both staring out the window at the hood of his truck. He shifted into gear and pulled out of the parking lot of the sex shop without a word. Recently I had taken to attending the glory hole at said shop, and things were going well until my dad came in for a blowie. I didn’t know it was him when I started. That’s kinda the whole point of glory holes, you don’t know who you’re sucking or getting sucked by....
TabooHoot, as the Representative of the Crew of Human Earth, had the use of a Proto land craft, and Proto spacecraft. Hoot and Penay-ah continued to meet the other representatives of the Alliance, establishing solid friendships, and discovering the diversity of the galaxy. The Colonel decided to return to Human Earth. The Alliance had proven trustworthy, the Tarc destroyed, and the Crew of Human Earth accepted as full members of the Alliance. The Alliance sent the latest technology on power...
I responded rather groggily to the knock at the door, which had turned into some real banging, forcing me to slip some of my rather crumpled clothes on that Sunday afternoon, at which point I opened the door to my motel room to find Pastor Lawrence Myers and two deacons looking rather intently at me. Myers was the new minister at our community church, and from what I had seen, I was yet to be impressed with him. The previous pastor had been chased off, which was bad enough, because I really...
Upon landing after our flight from Manila, our first order of business after leaving the airport was to shower and change clothes. Sun and Jun had reported by phone from the Philippines. The consensus among the ladies of Gemini was that China would write them off now and leave them alone. Had they killed Huang, the People's Republic might have been incensed enough to keep coming after them. Having destroyed his secret weapon, and demonstrated that they could get to him easily, however, Sun...
Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained...
Symbols 'Symbols: Almost anything can be a symbol. An Athame can symbolize the male aspect in a ritual. The empty cauldron can represent the female aspect. Words are one of the best uses of symbols. An example is the true name of a person. In a spell the said name can represent the person that it name. So a Practitioner should be careful what he says and when says it. ' My days did not slow down after the Track Meet. I did notice that though there were no more meets scheduled all the...
Greg watched as his mom fucked man after man when his dad walked out. She was heart broken and brought home a different man each night and fucked them all night. Greg was eighteen and had not moved out because he was concerned for his mom. One morning when she got up she was hung over and looked a mess. She had gotten drunk and brought a man home and fucked him most of the night. Greg grabbed her and said "Mom, I am going to clean you up and make you stop this fucking around. You are going to...
Friday This was definitely a TGIF. If there was ever a day that I felt like phoning in a fake health issue it would have been that day. I can’t do that. My head’s not screwed on right if I let myself do that. I was on my back with Katie’s large breasts on one side of my chest and Jules on the other. Although Willy had gone to sleep on the other side of Katie, her head was on my stomach and both her hands were holding my growing morning greeting. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and...
Alice was at home when she got a text from her friend asking if she was free that evening as she needed a big favour. Alice called her back straight away to ask what was wrong and her friend just said it was to do with her hubby and she really needed Alice to help her out with something. Intrigued and concerned Alice got straight into her car and headed for her friends house, she only lived a few minutes away and when Alice pulled up outside her house she was waiting at the door arms folded and...
Later, they were called to breakfast. The women had set up the bar again, so everyone grabbed a plate and went after their choice of foods. "I'm going to miss this great food," Captain Madison said as he filled his plate. He raised his voice a little, "And to all you ladies who cooked and made us feel like family, I want you to know that we appreciated it. But if I keep eating like I have since we got here, I'll have to start running with you in the mornings; otherwise, I won't fit into...
Hi, Friends, I am back with the Third part of my previous one. As elaborated in the first part a brief introduction of myself. I am Kajal working as a secretary to one of Export-Import company. I am damn hot and sexy looking woman. Me 25 Years old with figure of 34-26-34. As we moved to the client’s room, they asked me to keep my face cmm filled as they want to me like that only. I was walking with them in my sexy inners with cum filled face. We moved to their cottage and entered in the same....
'The Nurse - Part I'by DizzyDFor Connie, thanks for your inspiration - Love, DDHi Everybody. My name is Connie, and for as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a nurse. From the time I was a little girl, I loved the starched white uniforms and squared off hats the nurses wore on the TV shows of the 60’s and 70’s, and when I played with my dolls, I pretended I was Barbie, the pretty nurse who was in love with Ken, the handsome doctor, and together we would save lives and live happily ever...
"COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusingpimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become anormal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it'sseem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, sheis 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Herhips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guyscan't resist stopping and staring at her....
I decided i was going to hit the pubs last night in a quite town called fleetwood near blackpool.Let me tell you it was far from quite.I am thomas , i am 6ft and hung with a 9 inch dick, a bit chubby but good looking with my halfcast skin.Anyway we and my mates started drinking at his house that he shared with his younger sister. About 30 mins into drinking i needed a wee, i went to the bathroom and as soon as i closed the door there on the floor was his sisters dirty wet knickers. I picked...
The Pink Formal Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was my first time, really, it was. But my mother acted as if I had gone crazy, and all at once my life changed. My name is Tim, I'm 17, and almost out of school. Just a few more weeks to go and I had the entire summer before I start college. My sister had gotten married almost a month ago and moved, with her husband to an apartment. But she left behind all sorts of things, including a lot of her clothes. Cheryl is a real...
I have a fuck friend, a 25yo lad who visits me and sometimes he brings along a mate to share in the fun. I don't usually get much notice that he's bringing someone so often the way i'm introduced to them is when i'm told to get on my knees in front of them like a good whore, I then smile up at my new aquaintance and say hi before I start sucking their cock. I've had a number of encounters like this and the latest one involved experiencing my first black cock.I had just finished touching up my...
Pleaseread parts I – III first in order to fully enjoy the story, otherwise it’s hard to fully appreciate Chloe’s humiliation and Beth’s desperation. Enjoy! Long story short, Chloe caught my father spanking my bare ass, tried to stop but only to find herself on top of my father’s lap, skirt up and panties down. * * * I can’t help but admiring and envious of her astonishing beauty, her exposed, reddened buttock contrasted by her lean, porcelain like legs over my father’s lap. I watch in silence...
Chapter 3 By llamaman Tommy knew that he would have to be careful at school to not get caught being inappropriate with his sister, but there was no way he was going to be able to wait until after school to have her again. Having blackmailed his hot blonde sister Kim to be his sex slave was the best thing he ever did. He was sitting next to her in the car ride to school now. She was wearing her school uniform, which isn’t as hot as it sounds. The school was Baptist, so the skirt was to the...
Bhaag-2. aamhi aat gelo. tithe attaracha vaas yet hota. aat sarva kahi arabi irani style cha hota. mhanje vastu tebala vaigare. tine aamhala rahayachi kholi dakhavli. aarthat mala vegli va aaila vegli. pahile don divas aai tithe punjabi dress ghalunach hoti. mala tyanchi kaamwali jara puranvadi aani vedsar vatli. ti tashi mhatari hoti. ti nehmi aai va mala jara raganech pahat aase. pan sultana nehmi hasat khelat asayachi. tichi kaamwali pan mumbait purvi rahat hoti mhanun tilapan jara marathi...
Once again you find yourself at the boy’s starting line, facing the next wave of the girl’s team at the other end of the field. Their firm, busty tits and perfect, shaved pussies are making all the boys rock hard. A long line of rigid dicks point straight out towards 'the enemy', each with 2 tender orbs sitting below them. The whistle blows, and both sides rush at one another!
BDSMLittle Red Riding Hood The creepy story parents tell their children growing up about some little girl in a red cloak and a scary wolf that pretends to be her grandmother because he - ahem - eats her, is wrong. It's dead wrong, for one, to tell children about a grandmother being eaten in any way whatsoever, physical or innuendo. And second, I'm Little Red, and the bastards totally messed up my story. Let me set the record straight. My name's actually Lily, but I'm 5' 1" and have...
FynnSeventy minutes into the game, Borussia Dortmund still leads 1-0 against Bayern Munich. I'm sitting tensely with Cassandra on the couch. I'm a Dortmund fan, but the game is not over yet. I can hardly sit still because of all the tension and it is not so pleasant to sit relaxed with a red butt. Incidentally, I owe my red ass to Cassandra.While I'm watching the game, Cassandra surfs the internet on her laptop, bored.“Fynn?”“What?” I ask annoyed.“Sorry to interrupt you, but at Spanking...
SpankingRocky Emerson is a badass MILF. She is a beautiful girl with the most alluring blue eyes you will ever see, but she is also tatted up with a black leather jacket type style. The chick has it all, and she is willing to push the envelope at all times. So, when her man starts getting on her nerves, she pisses him off by having a little fun with his stepson. She slowly strips as the lucky guy takes some scandalous photos to send to her man. Then, she sucks his thick cock, taunting her poor guy the...
xmoviesforyouThe three of us had been skiing all day and we’ve been having a good time. The weather was great with no cloud to be seen and the sun was high. It was warm. Too warm actually too keep the snow quality good enough. The snow got quite watery making skiing much more tiring. We could all use a rest but still we pushed on, until in the afternoon from behind the trees, a café appeared. Located in the middle of an open space, surrounded by forest, like in a fairy-tale. The café had a wooden terrace...
AnalThis is something of a taboo subject, but it is real and continues to happen everyday in our lives. In this story I shall try to explain why women do this, I have done it and will tell you how I felt before, during and after, and if I will continue to do it, but please, if you wish to comment please do so after the story not in a private mailing, as I dont really like that.Please read on and see if you like my theme and the fact that we do it.1. If you look carefully at pet lovers, what is it...
A Dream Come True By Koli Note: I had this story in my head for a while. Let me know how you like it and I might make more. Introduction: Kyle woke up this morning feeling a bit strange but put it off for being anxious for his sixteen-birthday today. He has a height of 5" 10', deep brown eyes, short black hair styled in a fade, and believes he may be of African-American decent. He looks nothing like the parents that raised him since they adopted...
Mom looked at me with a look of pure lust. She began slowly walking on her knees up towards my face keeping her hairy brown slit open, she even reached down to pull back on her lips to open up and expose her clit hanging down. She continued with her whispering asking if this was what I wanted, did I want mommy to open up her slit for me? Did I want mommies slit in my face so that I could suckle on mommies slit? Do you want mommy to cunt fuck your mouth? She finally got her musky slit up by...
Needless to say Joel was in what would be described as a funk for the next couple of weeks. He was now looking for things to do on weekends with Deb moving to Southern California and no longer being available. One day he was surprised to receive a phone call which the caller ID indicated was from Steve Brandle. “Hi Steve, how are things going?” “Things are fine with me but getting right to the point you told me that you were a golfer right?” “I guess you could say that.” “Well I was...
..... the next morning I awoke to see her grinding on top of him. Who knows how long they had been at it before i woke up and i didn't ask. SHe continued to ride, grinding and gyrating slowly on his big hard dick. SHe came a few minutes later, she rested her tight pussy down on his cock, when she recouped she began fucking him again. HE let out a load groan and pumped her full with his load. she dismounted and laid across him, she looked at me "Im hungry, will you go get some breakfast?"...
Autry went off on marshal business and I returned to the Lenoir. Hoss was staying on our floor, and he and Cayuse and I walked down to the meeting room on two. I explained what Riles had overheard. And the telegram that Autry had just sent. Both men listened without interruption. Hoss nodded. I said, “Here’s what we’re going to do, starting tonight.” This time both of them nodded. It was a small change in tactics, just a minor adjustment. And it was unlikely to actually pan out. But it was...
Chapter 3 Sissy Training Induction As the handle turned, Sally placed her right hand on Steve's left shoulder and eased it down. Steve instinctivly kneeled. The door opened and the pair were greeted by a tall person in a pink sissymaids uniform complete with white tights and white shoes, gloves and a lace trimmed hat. He was at least six feet tall but quite slim, which only emphasised his height. He curtsied and spoke. "Hello miss Sally, we have been expecting you." She ignored...
Judy lay in her bed reading a book while the ten p.m. news played in the back ground. She was so engrossed by the trashy novel, that she wasn't paying attention when the news announcer spent a good two minutes on a story about a series of assaults on single women in the metropolitan area! All of the women were between the ages of twenty two and forty, and either lived alone or were alone at the time of the attacks! Entry was usually made through an unlocked window, although unbelievably, a few...
EroticWhen I went to college, I was away from Brittney for a few years and was enjoying the affections of the older women I was meeting in college. I could never get her out of my mind though and felt guilty for the constant obsession I had for my cousin. There were nights I would close my eyes and envision Brittney’s face and body as I slid myself into whatever girl I was with. For a few months I dated a girl with the same blond hair as my cousin and I would look down on her and fantasize about...