- 4 years ago
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'Symbols: Almost anything can be a symbol. An Athame can symbolize the male aspect in a ritual. The empty cauldron can represent the female aspect. Words are one of the best uses of symbols. An example is the true name of a person. In a spell the said name can represent the person that it name. So a Practitioner should be careful what he says and when says it. '
My days did not slow down after the Track Meet. I did notice that though there were no more meets scheduled all the girls in my PE class no longer casually jog the laps on the track. All of us really ran even the ones that had not made our team. Ms. Higgins seemed to walk a little taller now.
I was still doing well in my classes all "A" as Halloween approached. I had finished my Wand. I thought it was a beauty. It was in my book bag when I was at school. I wore it on my belt when not in school. My classes with Sensei Genwa were still intense. My Kata, more exercises on the workout machine. He had started me on some weapon training.
He explained that first he would teach me something that I could actually used with little problem. Not swords or knife both of which I would find legally hard to have in my possession. So I began to learn staff and stick fighting.
When that started I knew why I had bought such a large piece of wood. I started making myself a staff of black walnut. That took me time to do. I ended up with two pieces one for a staff and the other for a 'cane'. I did the cane first as it would be quicker. I had burnt multiple spiral grooves down the length of the cane. Then I bought a spool of jewelry silver wire. Then over days using a new jewelry hammer I slowly embedded the silver from the handle to the foot of the cane in all the spirals.
I was feeling more and more guilt. My Dad never questions me when I asked to buy something new. He was taking it for granted that I was not wasting what he bought me. When the cane was finish the underlying wood looked coal black with the silver glowing around it. I had fixed a silver cap on the top of the cane with a brass foot on the end. It was gorgeous it could also be deadly as I had used magic to make it almost unbreakable and could channel both lightning and fire.
A week or so after my weapon training had started I brought it to my Wednesday evening training. That was the slow day at the dojo. Many of the students went to church that night; a few more just wanted a break in the middle of the week. But I did it so most of them would not notice my new cane.
I handed the cane to Master Genwa; he froze for a moment right after the cane was in his hands. He looked up at me after examining the cane.
"Gakusei, where did you find this?"
"I made it; the wood is a lightning struck piece of black walnut a very hard wood. The shining spiral is silver that I embedded into the wood. The cap is also silver but the foot is brass."
He just looked at me for a minute. "This has a very strong spiritual element added to it also. If you are in harmony with this cane it will never fail you. Yes this will do very well as your weapon on the street."
He handed the cane back to me and went and got his favorite stick. We bowed to each other and we then went through the Kata for stick that he had taught me.
We did it slowly at first just warming up then he began to move faster. I responded to his movements returning parry and attacks. He caught me a couple of time mainly on the outside. I caught him good once.
We spent half the practice time doing weaponry. The rest of the night I spent sparring with the other two black belts instructor.
After showering and dressing Master Genwa called me to his office as I was about to leave.
"Gakusei Simpson, there is a tournament in the Capital next Saturday, not this one. I have sent a list of my student that I have approved for competition in that type of tournament. Your name is on that list. To participate, your application must arrive by the Friday before the tournament. Here is the application if you wish to compete." With that he handed me a form.
I looked the form over noticing that certain parts were filled out. My weight was 115 pounds, my style oriental mixed styles.
"Sensei, what does this style mean?"
"I have taught you Karate, some jujitsu, some aikido, some of your kicks are straight from taekwondo. Overall I class your style as mixed slanted toward oriental. If you compete in the mix arts you will not be penalize for using anything you know. Of course that no weapons. I think you need to start competing; you need to go up against strangers who ways of fighting you do not know.
"I think of this as just more intense practice. They require that all contestants under 21 wear protective gear so take yours with you. Unless both parties go to the mat together with holds or grips the fight breaks at a take down by a throw or hit." He stood and bowed to me.
Within minutes I was out of there and climbing into my Dad's car. We rode in silence for a bit.
"Katy what's on your mind?"
"Sensei Genwa has sent my name in to a tournament in the Capital next week as an approve student from his dojo to compete. I would have to send my application almost immediately to be accepted." I set there thinking.
"What kind of tournament is it?"
"A full contact mix martial arts. Due to my age I would be required to wear full protective gear. But it's by weight not age in the completion. I would be in the 110-125 weight division."
"Mixed Martial Arts! That what they use on the Ultimate Fighters! That is dangerous."
"That what Master Genwa has been training me in. Dad, I am dangerous. In a fight in my own weight I could kill over 75% of the people walking the street; and over 50% of the people bigger than me. As my training continue I will get even more dangerous. I have been training just under six months now. I think Master Genwa wants to learn if I will continue to be his Gakusei"
"I am his student, his Gakusei, that what that means; he is my Sensei."
"Do you want to do this? I mean the tournament? I know you want to continue training."
"Yes Dad, I think this is the first challenge and I can't back down from it. I have to push forward. But the fees for competing will be about $100. Also the tickets are about $25 to watch."
"This times your family going to be there. We did not get to see you at the track meet; but this time we are going to see you in action."
"Thanks Dad."
"When we get home lets set down and get that form filled out."
Later after I went to the lab to practice my Magic Dad called Ms. Higgins to let her know about the tournament and that I was going to compete. She then spread it around to the other track team members who told their friends.
Saturday finally arrived and we prepared to leave home headed for the tournament. We were going to use the big van. I dragged my large duffle bag filled with my gear. I no longer used the two small gym bags. My gear had grown. There was my gi, head protection, gloves, feet shields, groin protection, shin protectors, chest padding. Then I was also taking my cane, I had signed up for the traditional weapon match.
My research on the internet had found that this tournament was unusual in that it was not by age, but by weight. It was mixed gender as well. I was competing in the under belt competition which meant that I would face no black belts. All my competition would be Brown down through Purple belts but in my weight. The only age restriction was on protective gear for legal reasons.
It was about a three hour drive to the University in the Capital where the tournament was being held. When I was here for the track meet we had never entered the field house except for the locker rooms. This time we entered the same way to get dress. But then we exited the locker room into a hallway that lead up to the gym.
I carried my head gear and my cane as I entered the gym. There at the door I met one of the tournament directors.
"Name please last one first."
"Simpson, Katherine"
"Hum, I got you here as Mixed Martial Arts, Weapon Traditional Stick. Is that correct? Weight 115 lbs we will do a weight check in a minute, age 13. You have a Brown belt with stripe."
"Yes sir all of that is correct.
"It's very unusual to have a female in Mixed especial at your age. Master Genwa does not make mistake and he approved for all styles plus stick and staff. You are not competing in staff?"
"No sir, I don't have my personal staff yet."
"I need to check the stick you will be using."
I handed him my cane. He took it with respect and carefully examines it. Then he called another man over and handed it to him to examine it. The second man carried the cane back to me.
He bowed, "Ms. Simpson we cannot allow your cane in the competition, no metal or plastic is allowed and it has metal on it."
He gently rubbed his finger down the length of the cane following the flow of the silver spiral.
"I would be please to let you use my own personal cane." He looked at me with one eyebrow cocked. "It is made of Rowan wood."
I looked up sharply into his eyes. Then I bowed deeply. "I would be honored to use it."
"Where did you find such an unusual cane Ms. Simpson?"
"I made it from a piece of lightning struck black walnut."
He stood there for moment staring at me. Then he bowed deeply to me. "My honor to serve the goddess may she blesses you here today."
"My you walk in her light and her blessing on you."
I looked around and spotted my family they were only three rows up off the floor in the bleacher. I headed their way to let my Dad hold my cane.
A loud yell echoed through the field house. "YAH KATY! GO GIRL, GO!"
I came to a complete stop and starred in shock. A whole section of bleachers were full of people from my home town. Students, their parents, teachers and there in front of them all was Ms. Higgins.
To say I was shock would be feeble. I was frozen. I finally came to my senses and wave to them then turn and went back to where the director had told me to go. I began my warm up routine. Over to the far side I saw a group of men all of them wearing black belts and all of them talking and writing on clip boards. There was Master Genwa. The director that I had talked to was paying close attention to what he was saying.
Finally the loud speaker came alive as announcers welcome all of us to the tournament. Then he began telling us what the rules and etiquette were. We were to bow to the judges table whenever we entered the competition area. Bow to the referee before the match and to our opponent before the match began or restarted. We must break anytime the referee called it. No blows to the groin or throat. All competitors under the age of 21 must wear full protective gear any time we were on the floor.
I would say it was standard but since I had never been in a tournament before I did not know this for sure. I glance over to my family Mom, Dad, Tom, and Jenny. Tom was looking around with interest especially at some of the older girls. I understood that; let me say you will never see a fat girl who practices martial arts. She might have been when she started but she would never have made it to a tournament still carrying that fat.
I was now eating like a lumberjack, I know, my mother had told me so.
Finally it started. Unlike my Kata form trial I was not first. In fact they were doing two at a time. The under belt competition up to purple belts were going first. At two matches at a time in went pretty quickly.
These were most of the kids under 16 and when they were through the next level were the purple belts up to black. I did notice a few under 17 with black belts they still had some time to wait. But the purple and brown would be mixed a little, due to weight.
Then I heard the announcer say. "We now start weight division 115-125 lbs. under belts, we have 7 people in this weight and belt division."
"Simpson vs. Wilson"
I stood up and put my head gear on. One more I heard the roar "Katy, Katy, go girl go!"
Glancing over to my home town section I saw they were all on their feet.
Talk about pressure. Didn't they know that this was my first time to compete?
I bowed to the judges table, and stepped on the floor to approach the competition ring. I stepped into the ring and bow to the referee then to face my opponent. It was an older boy about 17 but he looked only a little heavier than me. The referee motions both of us to the center of the ring.
"Ready..." we bowed to each other I notice the boy was eyeing my belt he only had a purple belt.
"Fight!" and the referee step back; as the fight started.
Wilson came at me with punches out of his stance and I of course blocked him.
He was quick, he changed one of his punches into a grab at my gi collar and move into a hip throw. Yeah, this was mix martial arts. I got a firm grip on the neck of his gi as I went over. When my weight hit the end of the throw I pulled him over my shoulder and let go. The sound of him hitting the floor shook the building. I stepped back.
The ref crouched over him checking him out. He stood up his right hand going up then down. Wilson slowly rolled over and made it to his knees and hands. Then the ref said with his hands going right and left. "Match Simpson with a full count take-down."
Wilson slowly made it to his feet then turn and bowed to me. We both turn to the ref and bowed and he bowed back to us. Then we exit the ring then I turn to face the judges bowed then I sit down.
I looked at my family they and all the people from my home town were standing screaming. My brother was looking at me with his mouth gaping wide.
The next set of competitors was called. One of the purple belts that had lost but had gone to full distance was paired with one that had not fought yet.
He won his match in two rounds by points. The two who had not fought before went three rounds. There were only two of us that had not been defeated yet. So we were up next. And the losers were beginning to pair up.
My opponent was a no strip Brown Belt who was also a little heavier than me. When the fight started he did not move. I was not use to that. Until now every free style as well as my one fight here in the tournament I had always started out on defense.
This guy Scott just stood there in his stance waiting on me. So I went into the advance Kata the Master Genwa had been teaching. A fast front kick then a punch to the face follow with a back hand to the temple. In a fight you can never expect a Kata to be completed as you have learned it. Your opponent can mess you up simply by moving out of position preventing a kick or a punch because he was no longer in position for you to do them.
My backhand was block to the outside; I was now out of position to deliver the front kick that was next. I switch to a jujitsu move I continued forward pass my opponent and did a rear inside leg sweep. In the middle of this I punched the right kidney area. The one two combo caught him and he felled to the floor.
I stepped back and waited, he took his time breathing deeply as he rested on his knee and one hand. The ref crouched down and asked him something. Scott nodded his head okay then said something. The ref stepped back with a small laugh.
Once he was back on his feet the ref looked over at the judges then he said, "Simpson one point" he pointed at me. Then he said "Ready..."
We bowed to each other. I did not trust my opponent.
He was a thinker; he knew to take his time getting up resting and catching his breath. He might be hurting but he was almost as ready as at the first of this match.
"Fight..." with that he almost won the whole match right then. I was expecting him to do the same as at the first of the fight just hold his stance.
Well this was a different fighter. He did a forward roll and swept my feet out from under me. As I hit the floor he threw himself at me and tried to get an elbow to my sternum. I barely rolled out of the way the he did a foot axes kick dropping his foot down on my spine. I was still rolling but had to stop before I roll out of the ring. I came to me feet with an over my head roll. Then did a jump over him spun and did a rear kick catching him and pushing him out of the ring.
I turn and back up keeping my eyes on him. The ref was standing between us and waving his hand right to left. Then he looked at the judges. "Simpson one half point fight continues."
Scott came back into the ring. I could not help myself I grinned at him. I only needed a half point to win the match he needed three unanswered points to win. He scowls at her. The ref motion us to the center "Ready..."
We bowed to each other.
I was standing in my stance then I was moving I did a quick spin and did a rear kick then continue to move with my kick as I went pass I did a full back hand fist to his solar plexus. Then I did a front kick to his back; then another punch to his right kidney area.
He had barely blocked the back hand but that had him moving backward where he met both the kick and punch.
He hit the mat on his face, not even able to use a falling technique to help.
I stepped back and watch the ref as he crouched down and examine him talking to him at the same time. Scott hand went up then hit the mat. The ref got to his feet and wave over the body "Simpson Match full take-down."
I waited as Scott rolled slowly over to his side and looked up at me. The ref was back with him and an EMT was getting into the ring. I saw Scott hand motion to me. So I walked over and look at the ref. he nodded ok so I crouched down.
In a very soft voice I heard. "Where do you go to school?"
"Lynchburg High School next year, in Lynchburg."
"Darn I was hoping you were from here in Austin, girl you are one heck of a fighter. I will meet you again, Good luck.
I got up and walked to the ring edge then turn and bow to him then I bowed to the ref. Before sitting I bow to the judges. The announcer was talking.
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First TimeFinally, the day that we arrived on Jewel came to pass. Jewel was an absolutely stunning planet. The tenth-tier ladies and I were invited to watch the approach to Jewel from the observation deck. We approached Jewel on the same basic course that the original settlers approached on. The planet has an atmosphere almost identical to Earth’s and other than the differences in land masses you could not tell the differences. One could easily imagine how the initial settlers would have felt when...
I was wrong. Next morning, I went down and found Charlene looking delicious in her bikini and doing one of her special breakfasts. Today, she made a wonderful egg casserole with salsa on the side for the strong at heart. I helped with the fruit bowls and coffee. Tyler staggered in looking tired. I handed him a cup of coffee and winked. "Too much activity?" "I feel like a kid asking for a second helping of ice cream. It's a great idea, but he has no room. Then, you were just a little...
They had been friends of us for a few years. But everything was about to change this night...My wife Claire and i have been married for 10 years now. You could say it has been a save and steady relationship. Our friendship is very strong, but our love life has been a bit shaky. After the first years the sparks just went away, and we tried lots of stuff to get this back. Sometimes this was pretty successful, other times it was a mess. Of course we tried a bit of bondage, power play and stuff...
2007 – Home at States Professionally I was doing great. I could now use a new title if I wanted to, and I had managed to file two new patent applications. Most probably they wouldn’t be bringing me - or us - the same kind of money like my first one did, but I was quite sure that they would put a nice boost to my income for the following years. Pam was waiting for the high school to start and she also thought that I should go on dates in order to get Marie out of my head. I forced a smile and...
Hi friends this is rocky my pen name , I am 25 years old and I’m from hyderabad , if any auntie’s or girls want to have fun mail me to I had sex with my mom(amma), sisters(akka) and brothers wife (vadina),moms sisters(pedhama) Which I will narrate in parts as of now will come to my story with my vadina (elder brothers wife) Her name is sailaja (name changed) she got married to my brother 4 years back she looks like sonakshi sinha but boobs look like kajal agarwal her skin tone is like...
Master John finds his slaveChapter 1 John hated going to weddings. They long since ceased to be fun anymore. He wandered over to the bar again as the singer from the band introduced the wedding party. John ordered a scotch..decided he needed a double instead and watched the party walking in. As he watched John wondered how long the couple would stay married. Longer than he had he decided. But almost everyones marriage lasted longer than his had. He knew deep down not to marry a vanilla girl...
Katie opens the door to the bathroom and walks right in. She walks into the stall and locks it. She pulls her robe open and sits down on the toilet where she pees. She then gets up off the toilet and pulls her robe together. She ties it and turns around where she flushes the toilet. She then unlocks the bathroom stall and walks out. Katie walks up to the sinks. She grabs some soap. She then turns on the water and starts washing her hands. She finishes washing her hands and grabs some paper...
The snow had stuck around, and it was Saturday, so I was thinking about sledding. I figured a bunch of our friends would be thinking like me, heading out to the Hill in the nearby park. I called up Veronica, my girlfriend, thinking she'd be thinking the same thing, too. "Sorry, baby. It sounds like so much fun. I miss you so much. But we're going over to my aunt and uncle's for lunch, and staying for dinner. But you should go sledding and have fun. But not too much fun! Because, I keep...
I am Raja from a small town of Pandua in West Bengal. I am the only son to my parents. Father is running a grocery shop, small one. He is managing our lower middle class family somehow. The incidence happened when I was 22 and was in college doing my graduation. I am average looking young guy with slim body & average height. This story is about me & my mom. Mom was 44 then. She is small in height, slim, average looking & not very fair. She looks like a perfect Bengali house lady. The biggest...
IncestGeraldine Fellows would never have claimed to be beautiful although she had, in the past, considered herself to be attractive and even, sometimes, quite sexy but now she was thinking that those days were long gone. She was only aged fifty-eight but she had lost most of her self-confidence after her husband had left her five years previously for a woman barely half his age.She was now divorced and living alone and, basically, her life just drifted along. The fact that she was not having any sex...
Mature“I wonder what her name is,” Damien asked himself quietly as he wiped his face while staring at himself in the mirror. His 27-year-old face grimaced back at him. “What does it matter? The place is packed full of better men.” “Alayna,” groaned a man from the urinals behind Damien. “Ah, yes my friend I know that look. I know that look all too well. Many men have lost their courage in the eyes of the beast.” The man flushed the toilet and came over to the sinks to wash his hands. Damien...
It was Sunday, December 30, 1990. We woke up to find it had snowed most of the night. I went outside and helped Ned clean the steps and clear the snow around the garage doors where the snowplow had missed. Shirley followed us, snapping pictures with her new camera. Just as we were finishing, Mr. Oldham joined us, wanting to talk to me. Ned thanked me for helping with the shoveling, excused himself and went upstairs. Shirley busied herself with photographing the snow while Mr. Oldham told me...
I always come into work early because if I can work it out. I love to get the stupid parts of the day done. By the time I left the office last night and got home it was kind of late and I was drained. But I went early anyways. I arrived at my office as always the first to arrive, but the secretary usually arrives about 15 minutes later and she did on this day also. I got into my office and my voice mail was blinking so I turned on the computer and listened to my voice mail. ‘Hi John, its...
When Johnny hears sweeping, he knows a fat ass is just waiting for him to bury his face in it! He’s been fucking his neighbor Kimber Woods for some time, and by now he knows that if she’s cleaning, her husband isn’t home. So a hop, skip and a jump over the fence to her home when he hears that broom a-brushin’ and sure enough, he finds out Kimber’s husband is on the links while she’s wagging her big butt while cleaning. Kimber’s a bit perturbed that Johnny only ditches his wife to fuck her, but...
xmoviesforyouA week ago while browsing and swiping on Tinder, I came across a girl named Brenda, a single mother. A regular good looking girl, with a bit of a naughty look on her face. I liked her picture, read her little profile text, and it seems she's into kinky stuff and is looking for a submissive boyfriend. Although I've experimented with a bit of bondage, I don't consider myself that submissive, though with a little hesitation I clicked “like". That evening I get a Tinder message saying that...
Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. I can’t resist your comments and opening up all my secrets so far. It happened in 2000, we, close friends meetings at one of my friend house, as he was the only one married. Tina his wife was one of the ladies who had a great body with huge assets and an ok face. She was on my priority list of most lusted women. He also had a beautiful sister Sona; she was one of the petite beauties. A very simple charming girl anyone would fall for. We were...
In the years preceding the start of the Second World War, Alberto’s fame within Italy’s underworld as a genius pickpocket was renown. In his hometown of Brindisi, he was regarded as a peer, respected for his skill and proficiency and held in great esteem by both petty criminals and the organised crime lords. It was rumoured that his walls were decorated with the liberated empty wallets and purses from gentlemen and women across Italy’s most popular cities. Of course, Alberto would never draw...
I want to share this true story in my life Which happened with me and I loved it. The whole episode is so clear and exciting to me today as it was six years back when all these started. It was the third year of our marriage. My name is sarina was married to kuldev three years back. His younger brother surdev got married after one year of our marriage to nayna. Nayna was a nice girl but Kul always says I am the hotter. Anyway Nayna gave birth to a nice boy after a year of marriage -that’s when...
Man, I suck at gaming. I don't know why I even bother to go up against Sid – he always creams me, no matter what title we're playing. And it's a pretty useless way to waste an evening. Buckets of beer and lots of annoying sound effects. Plus lots of Sid's annoying sound effects – farting, bad jokes, and tasteless comments. And Ingrid's just as good as Sid. And just as bad. God, she has a foul mouth! About the only thing I can beat Sid at is some Wii stuff – there's a ninja game that...
Just reuploading this old series with some edits. See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don't agree with his choices, and you're not supposed to either. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality. This SHOULD evoke visceral, icky...
At that point she starts to lean back up. I put my hand on her back and pushing her back down. She complied without saying anything. I put my other hand between her thighs and ran it slowly up. Her thighs are steaming hot. The thighs feel so smooth and soft. She gasped, but still didn't say anything. As my hand traveled further up her thighs, pushing her skirt up higher. She froze. " Open your legs," I commanded. She widened her stance and put both palms flat on the desk. Still quiet,...
Friday afternoon has always been a gift to me. The work week would be over soon and I could look forward to a weekend with my wife Pam, the kids and friends. I was really looking forward to tonight, because my best buddy, Jack was coming over for dinner. The plan was to hang out with Pam and me for the evening. It’s what we’ve been doing for more than fifteen years. We would probably have a few beers, watch a movie and then Jack would fuck my Pam.That would be the elephant in the room all...
Wife LoversHey guys, I’m Yash. I’m back with the sex story. Thanks to all the readers who appreciated my efforts, and I’m happy to know that my sex story could be related to many of you. LOVE… I reached the premises of my college and the first thing I did was to inform my parents of my safe journey. I had planned for B Tech course in one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. Every day, I called my parents and talked for 15-20 mins about my day. And every weekend, I called my girl (for hours,...
Hi friends this is rahul.regular reader of iss.this is my first story here.and i promise that i will fuck lots of girls aunties then i wil tell you all my experiences.must tell me hows the story email me at lets start now.i am 6 ft. Tall with a strong body.20 yrs in Hindi.1 saal pehle main apni ek teacher ke pass tution padhta tha.wo teacher itni hot thi ki main padhne ke jagah uske boobs ko hi dekhta rehta tha.uska figure tha 40 30 38.woh england mein pali badhi thi.isliye woh western...
This is a Re-Post of a Story from my last Profile, Jessy49. I have changed the title and up-dated it to reflect Current Events. I hope my Consistent Readers will enjoy my attempt a Dark Satire.DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction; I do not condone any of the actions described in this story. All aspects related to real life persons or events is strictly incidental. Attempting the following Inc(e)stual Acts in real life is Ill(e)gal and Immoral… unless you wish to spend the rest of your life in...
Shrugging my shoulders I went back to the comp starting to type again as fast as I could. Almost an hour later I had completed another program. One that would help me to try and figure out just what in the hell was going on with Sheila. Then again I was going to need the next one to actually affect any change within her. I heard a slight noise looking up Sheila appeared a moment later. Leaning over my shoulder she nodded her head. "I see that you are finally getting to the programs to...
My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it's obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...
Wife LoversThe girls:Tina, 23 years old (34B-24-35), 5'4" tall. A very pretty brunette with a slim, tight body from years of doing yoga. She has firm and perky tits and a completely shaved pussy with a piercing in her clit. She enjoys being in charge and takes great pleasure in fucking her girlfriend Lisa in both her holes with one of her big strap-ons.Lisa, 21 years old (35B-25-35), 5'3" tall. This hot blonde is the typical sex kitten type. Her body toned from the gym and her skin tanned with no tan...