Novice Slaveowner free porn video

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Part 1

"Here we are now". My father's business agent stopped in frontof an impressive six storey redbrick building and I got out to have a look.The house sported a well-kept front garden with lawns and rosebushes and anoverall very pleasant old-fashioned look. "Quite nice, isn't it? Thirtyflats, six to each floor and a penthouse". "For me?" "Thepenthouse? Of course, but the rest as well. Your dad considers it a very goodinvestment, so it's yours". "Mine?" "Something to get youstarted in business, he told me". "Not quite like him, but very generous".A teenage boy opened the door to a spacious hall decorated in marble, droppingto one knee and bowing his head as we passed by. Only a pair of grey shortscovered his deeply tanned body and a short chain hobbled his bare feet. A girldressed in the same kind of shorts, but with the addition of a T-shirt waschained to a small reception counter by her right ankle. "Mr. Marshall.The new owner", the agent announced. She too bent a knee in front of me. "Welcometo Marsfield Gardens, Sir". Like the boy, she had a steel ring lockedaround her slender neck. "Thank you". "Your luggage will bebrought up right away, Sir, if it may please you". "It does".She smiled shyly and lowered her eyes. "This is your private lift, John".The agent held the door open. "Coming". I sent the girl one lastlook and sauntered over. "Quite a pretty little thing". "Wasshe? I didn't notice". We rose soundlessly. "They belong to the companyservicing the estate". The lift stopped and the doors opened to reveala spacious hall. "I hope you like your temporary home". "Quitegrand for a student, isn't it?"

I'd come over for a three-year post-graduate study in international politicsand was of course joking. My dear parent has a wide range of interests andinvestments all over the world and I suppose that most people would considerme a spoiled upper class brat. Well, young man rather, I was twenty-three atthe time. Perhaps I am, to some extent, at least used to a life in luxury,but the fast crowd never attracted me. I've always liked studying, have beenreading voraciously ever since I could. Not that I don't like sports and I'vebeen to all the parties I could wish for, but my real interest is the worldaround us. As a child it was animals and plants, later on history, and nowit's politics. Luckily my father appreciates that, so we've always been onthe best of terms, not least, I think, because even if I of course do enjoythe advantages of being rich, I don't overdo it.

The agent looked somewhat unnerved and hurriedly opened the door to a largesitting room, elegantly equipped with modern furniture and Oriental rugs scatteredon the gleaming hardwood floor. One wall was a great window, opening to a roofgarden. "Very grand, I dare say". I passed through the sliding doorsto meet a superb view across town and country. The garden covered two thirdsof the top of the building, with well-grown orchard trees, a little lawn, andbeds of flowers, even a fairly large swimming pool. "But I like it". "Thanks,there's more". "So I expect, at least a place where one can sleep".I followed him back to the hall to look into a bright and airy bedroom, witha luxurious bath, three spare rooms, a spacious study, and a diningroom. Adoor opened to a well-equipped kitchen. "I don't just like it, I'm alreadyfalling in love with it". The agent lit up in a relieved smile. 'Poorguy, my father can be very demanding', I thought. "But I don't know muchabout housekeeping, nothing at all, to be honest, so I'll need some sort ofcatering, and maid and cleaning service. Perhaps that company, you mentioned,can do that for me". "Of course, but I thought you'd be more comfortablewith your own staff". "Wouldn't that be overdoing it a bit? I mean,we do have servants at home, of course, but after all that's a mansion in townand a manor house in the country. Part time help can easily maintain a smallplace like this and I don't much care for the obligations. Servants are fine,but do give you some trouble". "Not over here, John. We use slaves". "ButI know nothing about handling slaves".

I knew of them, of course, had seen them around on previous visits, evenbeen served by some at the private homes I'd visited and at hotels and restaurants,but never had to deal with them directly. My own government had contemplated,but decided not to add slavery to the penal system. When introduced over heretwenty years ago it was meant to save the cost of prisons and therefore includedvirtually all sorts of convicts. Soon, however, it proved much too risky tohave hardcore criminals roaming around, even as slaves, and enslaving peoplepast forty turned out to be unprofitable. So now only younger felons, malesfrom the age of fifteen, females from eighteen, and up to thirty years of age,who'd committed minor crimes, were sentenced to slavery for periods of betweenfive and twenty years. After that adjustment, the system worked well, and wasvery popular. All families, who could afford the not very high prices, keptslaves, and they were widely used in the service sector, at hotels, by cleaningcompanies, gardeners and at housing estates like this.

"Nothing to it, John. They come fully trained, so it's just a questionof deciding how you want to be served and if not satisfied, you punish them". "Well,I don't really know". "It's the easiest thing in the world. I'm surethat you'll soon be a happy slaveowner, just like everybody else". Hecoughed nervously. "As a matter of fact I've already bought some for you". "Withouteven bothering to ask me?" I raised a questioning eyebrow. "It'sso common over here that I didn't think twice about it, just like buying furniture.If you don't want to keep them, I can sell them again, easily, and withoutloss. But why not try them out? I'm convinced that once you've been servedfor a day or two, you won't want to miss it". I considered for a moment. "Verywell, on your recommendation then, but please consult me first if you wantto do something for me another time". "Of course and I'm sorry, but...". "It'sall right. What have you bought and where are they?" "In the slaveroom.There are three of them: A well-educated male of twenty-one as head slave andgeneral servant. A not very bright, but strong and reliable boy of seventeenfor heavier task, like taking care of the garden, your car, driving you ifyou prefer that. And a very pretty girl of nineteen, who's a good cook andcan satisfy your personal needs". "My what?" "Well, serveyou in bed". He grinned and added hastily: "Most of us use our slavesfor sex". "But you're married!" "I am, happily, but a slavegirlisn't a lover, just a tool when you need relief, and my wife sometimes usesour slaveboy. It's normal, actually very good for married couples. No needto be sullen if your wife, or husband, isn't in the mood when you are". "Isee. Very well, please fetch them". "Right away, John". I wentback to the terrace to have closer look at the surrounding grounds far below.

"Here you are now". The agent returned with my slaves; naked andcollared, ankles hobbled by a short chain and wrists cuffed, or so I judgedfrom the way they kept them rigidly behind their backs. They sank to theirknees and bowed their heads submissively. "This is Fred, college graduate.Fifteen years of slavery for manslaughter". "You've bought me a murderer?" Ilooked astonished at the kneeling young man. "Of course not. His sentencewas for reckless driving. Next, Christine, who'd just finished high schoolwhen she got ten years for shoplifting, and last Tim, mechanics apprentice,twelve years for street-fighting. None of them have served another master,but Fred and Christine have had six months of advanced training, includinga special course in French cooking for her. Tim just had the obligatory threemonths routine training for new slaves. Get up, girl, to let the master inspectyou". She rose gracefully and spread her legs as far as the chain allowed,but kept her head bowed. A thick mane of chestnut hair fell almost to her shoulders,her young breasts were firm, with prominent nipples pierced by two small steelrings, and her slender legs incredibly long, tapering down to well shaped feet.A typical teenage beauty. I went around her, appreciating her straight backand pert little arse. "Delicious, isn't she, though not a virgin, I'mafraid". The agent's eyes were gleaming. "And just how would youknow that she's not?" "Few girls her age are and all female slavesare trained to serve their future masters in bed". "I see. Why arethey in chains?" "Standard procedure when delivered to their master.I have the key here". "Thank you, and for your efforts. I can manageon my own now". "Happy to be of service, John Your car is in thegarage. I can see myself out". We shook hands and he disappeared inside.

"Please rise, Fred and Tim, and remove the chains". I unlockedFred's wrist-cuffs and handed him the key. He gestured the girl to turn herback to him and I looked my youngest slave over. About six feet two or threeof bulging muscles under a gleaming black hide. Like Christine's, his crotchwas clean-shaven and his long cock was hanging low over a heavy ballsack. Hetoo had rings in his nipples and I noticed the same on Fred. "Member ofa street gang, were you?" He raised his head. "Nah, Sir, just meand me mates. Guys like us got to stick together". "Fighting othergangs?" "Yeah, nothing serious, just a bit of fun, Sir". "Whichearned you twelve years as a slave". He shrugged his broad shoulders,grinning shyly. "Yeah, that's how it is for poor guys like us, Sir, notallowed no fun". He lowered his eyes, but the grin never left his face. "Andwhat did you steal, Christine?" "Underwear, Sir". "Tenyears for a bra and a pair of panties?" "Yes, Sir". She lookedbriefly at me, then averted her eyes, but not before I'd caught a look of sheerterror. I shook my head. "Can you make me a vodka martini, Fred?" "Atonce, Sir". I sat down in a deck chair beside the pool and was a few minuteslater offered a glass by the kneeling slave. "Thank you". I tooka sip. "Excellent". "Thank you, Sir". He was about my height,with short-cropped fair hair, slim, but with well-defined muscles, a flat stomach,slender cock and strong legs. "What happened?" "Sir?" Hiscalm eyes looked questioningly at me. "The manslaughter incident whichmade you a slave?" "My car skidded on black ice, Sir, and rammedinto another vehicle. The driver was thrown out and killed". "Noseatbelt?" "No, Sir". "But you were using yours?" "Yes,Sir". "Were you drunk?" "No, Sir. It was in the afternoon,I...". He swallowed hard. "I was on my way home from University,Sir". "Bad luck". "Yes, Sir". "I mean; it wasjust an accident, wasn't it? And you were enslaved for fifteen years!" "That'sthe law, Sir. I did cause the death of another man". "Hardly. Blackice was not your fault, neither that he was fool enough not to use his seatbelt".He didn't answer, but his eyes darkened.

"Be that as it may. You know how to organise my household?" "Ibelieve so, Sir". "Then do that. My luggage will be brought up shortly.Have it unpacked". I handed him the keys to my suitcases. "Dinnerat eight". "Yes, Sir". "Don't you have any clothes?" "Yes,Sir". "Get dressed then, all of you". "Yes, Sir".I waved and heard them leave. After a while, I shed jacket and tie, openedmy collar and took off my shoes to be more comfortable. "It's seven thirty,Sir". I woke up with a start to see Fred on his knees beside my chair,now dressed in white shorts. "Ah, I must have dozed off". "Wouldyou want to change before dinner, Sir?" "Well, yes". He offeredme my shoes, but I shook no and padded to the bedroom. The living room seemedbrighter, with vases of fresh flowers scattered on the tables. I sat down onthe bed to take off my socks, but in a flash Fred was on his knees in frontof me. "Allow me, Sir". He bared my feet, then rose on his kneesto unbutton my shirt. "Would you want to shower, Sir?" I nodded. "Tim",he called softly and the teenager came running to bend a knee. "Shower",Fred whispered, while helping me out of my shirt and unbuckling my belt. Timhurried to the bathroom and Fred looked up at me. "Would it please youto rise and allow me to relieve you of your trousers, Sir?" I did as askedand was soon naked. "Tim has the shower ready for you, Sir". I noddedand strode to the bathroom, where the boy was kneeling beside a fresh bathmat.I went under the pleasantly warm spray to soak myself and jumped with surprisewhen a hand slid down my back. Tim had dropped his shorts and was soaping meup! No one had done so since I was a baby, but it did feel nice when his handscovered me in a rich lather, massaged my neck and shoulders gently, and wentbetween my arsecheeks. He came round to kneel and wash my feet, continued upmy shins and thighs and calmly raised my cock to wash the ballsack. When herose to do my chest, I asked: "Were you trained for this?" "Yes,Sir". He smiled broadly. "Feels good, Sir?" "Strange, butyes, very good". "Thanks, Sir". He finished by washing my hairand stepped out to let me rinse, hurriedly wiping himself with a rough cloth.When I left the shower the two slaves were ready with fluffy, heated towelsto dry me, without forgetting the crack of my arse or the spaces between mytoes.

"Something comfortable, Sir?" Fred had laid out a pair of jeansand a T-shirt. "Yes". He knelt to help me into boxers and jeans,asked me to sit down to dress my feet in socks and loafers, and dragged theshirt over my head. "Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes, Sir, ifit may please you". He was combing my hair. "Where would you wantit served, Sir?" "In the garden, I think". "Yes, Sir".He nodded to Tim, who'd cleaned the bathroom. "A drink, Sir?" Fredfollowed me to the terrace, where his fellow was busy laying the table. "Sure".A couple of minutes later I was offered another vodka martini and strolledover to lean on the railing, looking out over the city lights.

When I turned and emptied my glass, Fred held a chair for me and I sat downat table, laid with china and silverware, candles and a bowl of fresh flowers.Seconds later Tim placed an ice-cold gaspacho in front of me and Fred poureda glass of chilled dry sherry. The soup was perfect and I ate slowly, savouringevery mouthful. When I put down the spoon, Tim whisked the plate away and Fredplaced another glass in front of me, cool Chablis. The black slaveboy returnedto serve a hot plate of Dover sole and offer me small potatoes and sauce beurreblanc. The fish was as perfect as any I'd ever enjoyed. Fred stayed behindmy chair, topping up the glass and offering more sauce. When I'd finished,Tim was back to remove the plate. I looked over my shoulder. "Splendid,absolutely splendid!" "Thank you, Sir". Fred looked gravelyat me. "But where did you get this?" "Your slavegirl made it,Sir". "The fresh fish and the other ingredients?" "I askedReception to buy it for you, Sir. There are several very good shops in theneighbourhood". "Why not go yourself?" "We're not allowedto leave the premises without your permission, Sir, and I didn't want to disturbyou. Would you prefer cheese prior to or after dessert, Sir?" "Before,like in France". "Yes, Sir". He left to come back a moment laterwith a selection of fine cheeses, biscuits and another glass, this time a full-bodiedBurgundy. "Excellent; a good wine merchant". "Thank you, Sir". "Ordid you select them?" "Yes, Sir. I've undergone special trainingas a gentleman's slave, Sir". He removed plate and cheese, topped up myglass and left me to enjoy it. Ten minutes later he was back with a lemon soufflé anda glass of cool Riesling.

"Marvellous!" I leaned back and emptied my glass. "Thank you,Sir". "Call Christine". "Yes, Sir. Would you want coffee,Sir?" "And a Calvados, if we have that". "Yes, Sir".She was wearing shorts like the boys and a clean white apron, barely coveringher breasts. "A very fine meal". "Thank you, Sir". Shecurtsied, eyes to the ground. "I didn't know your tastes, Sir". "Ilike almost anything, especially when it's as well prepared as this, so justgo on surprising me". "Yes, Sir". She curtsied again and disappearedinside. Fred came out with a tray. "Your coffee, Sir". I moved toa deck chair beside the pool and sat down to digest the meal. He knelt besideme; head bowed and hands clasped behind his back. "I'm rather tired andsuffering from jet-lag, but you seem to have everything under control, no needfor me to interfere". "Thank you, Sir". "Any questionsthat can't wait until tomorrow?" "Just one, Sir. Would you want uslocked up or just chained?" "Is that necessary?" He hesitated. "Slavesare mostly caged or chained at night, Sir, but there are no cages up here". "Iasked if it is necessary. Do you run away?" "No, Sir". "Wheredo you actually sleep?" "There's a slaveroom behind the kitchen,Sir". "Well, put on those ankle chains when you go to bed". "Yes,Sir". "Didn't I tell you to get dressed?" "Yes, Sir".He looked surprised. "Don't you have a shirt?" "Yes, Sir, butmost masters prefer their slaves in shorts only, if not naked". "Iwant Christine to dress decently. You and Tim put on shirts when leaving thehouse". "Yes, Sir". "You may go now, and retire to bedwhen ready". "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. Good night, Sir". Herose, bowed to me and disappeared inside.

A moment later Tim came out to kneel beside my chair and top up the coffee.It was a warm evening and I dozed off again to wake up and find that it wasalmost midnight. The boy was still on his knees beside me and the coffee inmy cup fresh and hot. "Fantastic", I mumbled. "Sir?" Helooked up with a pained smile, shifting his knees. "Fantastic serviceyou offer me". "Thanks, Sir, but it's just what we were trained for,Sir". "Still, but I've better go to bed now". "Yessir".He jumped up, grimacing with pain and followed me to the bedroom. I sat downand he dropped to his undoubtedly aching knees to relieve me of shoes and socks. "Youwant your feet rubbed, Sir?" "Why not?" He sent me a smile andbowed to let his tongue wash the top of my left foot. "But what are youdoing?" "Lick your feet, Sir, before rubbing them; feels very nice,Sir". And it did. He sucked on my toes, raised the foot to clean the soleand rub it gently, and then changed to the other foot.

I was surprised, but very pleased, to say the least. One of my childhoodfriends, son of a farmhand at our country estate, introduced me to the pleasuresof foot licking. Well, not just like that. It began innocently enough whenwe were playing hide and seek in the woods. Our games developed into cowboysand Indians, with me as the Indian, who captured and tied the poor boy to atree and tortured him. Just tickling, at first, but later on I used a switchon his bare thighs to encourage him to tell where his fellows were hiding.I guess that he was a natural submissive because he put up with it, even ifhe was about a head taller than me and much stronger, but perhaps it was justbecause I was the squire's son and therefore in his eyes naturally superior.Yet it was he who suggested that we changed roles to allow him dressing likean Indian, in just a loincloth, a headband with a few feathers stuck in andwar paint on his chest. Now he was tortured to tell where his tribe hid itstreasures and we gradually went further. I strung him by the wrists from abranch and whipped his back, sometimes with stinging nettles, or hogtied himand whipped the soles of his feet. Not real torture, but it did hurt. It beganwhen we were about eight and we only saw each other during summer when my parentsmoved down to the country. When turning twelve he began working at the estateafter school and was supposed to spend his summer holidays supplementing hisfamily's meagre income. I complained about the loss of a playmate and my fatheragreed that he could retain his pay when spending time with me. I don't knowif that changed our relationship, but perhaps it did. Learning Latin at schoolmade me grow an interest in ancient Greece and Rome and our games turned inthat direction. Now I became a centurion and he a barbarian warrior, who wascaptured and tortured. We, or rather he, built a secret cabin at the brinkof a forest pond and we spent days there, imagining that it was my villa andhe a newly enslaved prisoner of war. A very reluctant and unwilling slave,who had to be kept firmly in place, chained hand and foot and often chastisedwith a switch. He carried heavy loads through the forest, hobbled and barefoot,served me snacks and soft drinks on his knees, was used as my footstool. Itwas an important part of the game that I forced him to do something unpleasant,so he could rebel against me and be punished. One such thing was licking myfeet, something both of us considered gross and humiliating. But it arousedme to see him there, on his knees, restrained with chains and padlocks andnear naked, reluctantly licking my sweaty feet, always under the threat ofthe switch. Aroused, yes, but sex never played any part of our relationship.I don't remember ever seeing his dick. It went on until we were about sixteenand grew other interests. He matured earlier than I, village boy as he was,began dating girls and go dancing, but we remained friends and still see eachother, even if he's married now, with two kids. It didn't harm him either,our friendship. He's now head gardener at the estate. But I did miss our slavegames and his submissiveness. His wife is a wisp of a girl and sometimes I'vebeen wondering about their relationship when her towering hulk of a husbandis jumping to meet her every wish.

"Good, Sir?" The slaveboy beamed at me. "Very good, Tim". "Thanks,Sir". He rose on his knees to draw off my shirt, opened my trousers anddragged them down. My cock sprang free, grown stiff by his ministrations andmy reminiscences. "You want me to help you with that, Sir?" "Iwant what?" "Me sucking you off, not healthy to sleep like that,Sir, it isn't". "Do you consider me a faggot?" "Coursenot, Sir, but you need relief and a mouth is a mouth, isn't it? I can callChris if you like, Sir". "She's asleep, I hope". "No problem,Sir. I fetch her?" "No, well, do it then". "Yessir".I received another beaming smile before he relieved me of jeans and underwearand began licking up and down my shaft and sucking on my balls. It did feelgood and even better when the hot mouth engulfed me and his tongue worked wonders.Within seconds I was shooting a heavy load and he swallowed frantically, lickedme clean, and looked up again. "Good, Sir?" Good? Damn, it was thebest blowjob I'd ever had! "Are you gay?" "Nah, Sir". "Butyou've done this before?" "Sure, part of the standard training, Sir.Practised on each other, we did". "Why?" He shrugged. "Aslave's duty, Sir. Most masters like it and mistresses too, we were told. Youwant a bath, Sir?" "No, just to brush my teeth". He jumped tothe bathroom to stand ready with toothbrush and a glass of cool water. "Whattime do you want to get up, Sir?" He tugged the sheets and blankets aroundme and put the key to their cuffs on the bedside table. "At eight andI'd like a cup of tea in bed". "Yessir. Night, Sir".

The light was dimmed and he left me to contemplate the day's turn of events.I suddenly owned three fellow human beings, body and soul. Exciting, frighteningin a way, but definitely something to explore further. I hadn't dominated anyonesince my childhood friend and we stopped playing six or seven years ago. Notthat I hadn't dreamt about it, but grown-ups don't do things like that, exceptin a special sexual relationship perhaps. Of course I'd seen magazines, surfedthe net, even sneaked into a SM shop, but none of the girls, I'd bedded sofar, had shown any interest in that kind of sex. They squealed if I gave thema playful slap on their bare bottoms, wriggled delightfully if I caught theirwrists in a firm grasp above their heads while I was up them, but didn't seeminclined to go any further. So I pushed the dream to the back of my mind, butnever abandoned it. Now I had an opportunity to live out that dream. A deliciousslavegirl, wrists tied to the headboard, long legs spread and tied above herhead, sex open and inviting, and, why not, with red stripes across her strainedbuttocks. Not a dream, but something I could just do, without any protestsor accusations of rape and abuse. No one would even think it odd or depraved.Or a strong black body in the same position? Not that I'd had any experiencewith gay sex, but at the bondage sites it did look tempting. Perhaps make allthree of them kneel and raise their bare arses for my whip, before I decidedwhich hole to use? The possibilities seemed endless. 'But you're a decent chap,aren't you, old boy? Could you really treat a helpless teenage girl like that?'I recalled the look in her eyes, terrified, yet resigned. 'Or a boy?' It hadbeen fun when a child back in the woods, but fun for both of us, a consensualgame. It would be no game for my slaves and most certainly not consensual,but then they couldn't do anything about it, weren't supposed to, were they?'They're convicted felons and it's your duty as their master to ensure thatthey're punished according to law'. If I got a bit of fun out of it, wouldthat be more than I deserved for all my hard work? Perhaps not, but not atthe price of losing my self-respect. 'You'll stay a good master, demanding,but not unfair or deliberately abusive. They'll be punished if they deserveit and you'll get your fun out of that. Some 'relief' too when needed. A slave'snatural duty, as Tim told you. But you won't degrade yourself by turning intoa sadistic monster, absolutely not'. With that decision I fell asleep.

Fred brought my tea. I woke up when he drew the curtains aside to let inthe sun; naked and hobbled. "Good morning, Sir. I hope you slept well".He arranged the pillows behind my back and knelt to offer a tray with a cupand a plate of sweetbread. "I did, thank you". "Would you prefera cooked breakfast, Sir?" "Sure". "In the garden, Sir?It's already pleasantly warm". I nodded and he shuffled to the door, whisperingto someone outside, then returned to the bedside. I sipped my tea, lookingat his bowed head, curious about this slaveboy, young man rather, just twoyears younger than I, but limited myself to repeating that I relied on himto run my household to perfection. He meekly promised to do his best, askedwhen to serve my meals and humbly advised me to acquire a slave credit cardand electronic slave passes to allow them shopping for supplies. Upon my questionhe explained that it was a small cell phone clipped to the slave's collar.If a police officer or a shop owner wanted to ascertain that he or she wasacting under orders, they just pressed the button to connect to the master'sphone.

He ran my bath, soaped me up, dried and dressed me, and followed me to theroof garden. Tim was cleaning the pool and called a cheerful 'Morning, Sir',when I sat down at table. Fred poured my tea and Christine came out, nakedand hobbled like the boys. Her body went rigid when she bent over to servea hot plate and my hand slid down her arse. "Relax, girl, I won't harmyou, or rape you". "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir", she whisperedand held the pose. I reached for her hanging breasts, fondling the firm flesh,gently pinching a nipple. "Those rings", I looked up at Fred, "Arethey standard?" "Yes, Sir". He was watching the nude girl anxiously. "Ourcollars and rings mark us as slaves, Sir, and can be used to control or punishus". "How?" "We can be chained or leashed by them, Sir.Weights may be hung from the nipple rings". "I see. Thank you, Christine".She breathed a sigh of relief and shuffled off. Fred remained behind my chairand she came back a little later to take away the empty plate and offer mea basket of warm buns. "Freshly baked?" "Yes, Sir". Herhand was trembling. "Look at me". The terror was still there. "Christine,please don't be so scared. I promised not to harm you and I meant that. You'llbe punished, but only if you've done something to deserve it, and I won't demandthat you serve me sexually. Perhaps later, when you're more comfortable withthis, but I don't want a terrified girl in my bed". "Yes, Sir. No,Sir". "I'm very satisfied with your cooking". "Thank you,Sir". "Now, sit down and give me your feet". "Yes, Sir".Obviously still frightened she lowered her bare bum to the tiles and raisedher legs, exposing her sex. I found the key in my pocket and unlocked the anklecuffs. "Is that another standard for slaves, shaving your pubes?" "Yes,Sir", Fred answered. "You don't have to do that, Christine, if itmakes you feel better". "Thank you, Sir, but I don't like hair downthere". "As you prefer, now get dressed". "Yes, Sir".I was rewarded with a shy smile before she took her chain and fled.

Fred buttered a bun for me and refilled my cup. "Are slavegirls alwaysthat frightened?" "Most are, Sir, at least when newly enslaved. Thehard training and the uncertainty about their future can be very scary fora young girl, Sir". "Understandable. I hope she'll calm down soon". "Shewill, Sir, but Chris is more scared than most. Her family keeps slaves andher two elder brothers can be very rough with their slavegirl, she's told us,Sir". "Expecting the same from me. And she?" "Sir?" "Howdid she treat the slaves?" "I don't know, Sir, but if her brothersare allowed, eh...". "To abuse the girl". "Eh...yes, Sir.I think her family treats their slaves very strictly, most people do, Sir". "Youtoo?" "My parents have no slaves, Sir". "Why not?" "Theycan't afford it, Sir". "If they could?" "Yes, Sir. Theywould have a slave, or more. It's common and very convenient". "Soyou don't consider slavery wrong?" "No, Sir". "You acceptyour own?" "I do, Sir". "All of it?" "Sir?" "You'llhappily suck my cock or take it up your arse?" "Yes, Sir". Hiseyes were as calm as ever. "And Tim?" "We're your slaves, Sir,the three of us, here to serve you in any way you may wish". "Butwon't like it?" "Slaves are not supposed to like what they have todo, Sir". "I guess not. Now take off that chain and get dressed.Tim as well". "Yes, Sir". He took the key. "And don't sendChristine to serve me until told differently". "No, Sir".

I spent the next two weeks getting accustomed to my new surroundings. Ittook me no time at home. Even used as I was to luxury and servants, my slavessurprised me. Fred or Tim was always kneeling beside or standing behind mychair, jumping to my every wish, dressed and undressed me, bathed me, rubbedmy feet and my body. Christine produced a seemingly endless series of marvellousmeals and the three of them kept the penthouse in perfect order. I acted 'masterly',but was polite, and, although sorely tempted by my slavegirl's half naked body,limited my sexual use of them to letting Tim suck me off when he saw me tobed. After the first few days Christine lost her frightened look and towardsthe end of the first week even sent me a timid smile when I thanked her foranother splendid dinner. Fred was unfailingly polite and efficient and Timcheerful, almost cocky, but always subservient. They gave me no reason to complainand I never saw them idle, so there was nothing to justify a punishment.

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Inter sex with mami

She had also written many submissions like swapping on holi, sex with bhabhi etc. We share all our things. We are gr8 companions or rather say we are gr8 lovers. It all happened 4 years before in 2004. My mami, ritu was married to my mama in 1996 when I was younger. We lived in the same house, my mom, me, mama, mami; their 2 children. When I was in 9th I came to know about sex fantasies & relation b/w man & woman. By my 10th I was completely trapped in the world of sex. I was so addicted to sex...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Skylar Valentine Masked Muff Penetration

A small babe like Skylar Valentine loves a big dick inside her petite pussy, and sometimes she likes to add a little spice to the fun. Today, she wears a lusty black cat mask as she sucks and fucks a huge cock. The sexy bleach blonde stuffs her cunt with a big dildo and then gives our stud a drooling blowjob. Then, she pops her pussy on the couch as he strokes inside her aggressively. Skylar closes her eyes and feels waves of pleasure wash over her nubile body. She cums multiple times and then...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ki Araam Se Gaand Maari

Hi, ye kahani hai mere sanskrit teacher ki, jisko chodne ke baad maine apni virginity kho di… Ab jab ki mai uski chuut maar chuka hun, uski gaand ki baari ab gayi hai… mai bohot hi excited tha, uski gaand marne ke liye…jis din uski maine chuut maari thi, ussi din ghar jake maine kam se kam 4 baar muth maara hoga, uske boobs aur uski kamar mere sapnon mein ab aaye jaa rahe the… Agle din mai ready hoke aunty ke ghar gaya class ke liye, uski beti ne khola, woh salwar kameez mein thi, aur bohot...

2 years ago
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Prisoner Part Two

The next three nights Danny would make me perform like his slutty little bitch. Each time he fucked my ass, it did get easier but he was still very rough and aggressive when he did it. He would even slap my butt cheeks and call me his whore, his idea of romance I assume. On the 5th day at breakfast in the mess hall I saw Danny talking to two other inmates and making hand gestures towards me, then I saw packets of cigarettes changed hands and all of them smiling at me. I had no idea what was...

3 years ago
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The Secret Room

Dion wore an unusually revealing black tuxedo that evening. It was more revealing than anything Brad had ever seen him wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts, he was reluctant to have him wear it at first. But Dion who is only 16 years old, who had a shapely but very gorgeous 160-pound body, seemed to be very comfortable and confident in the tight tuxedo In fact, seeing his gay boyfriend in the tuxedo stirred some reoccurring fantasies...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Disturbed as he Worked

Paul Mathews was having a good afternoon. He was a slight man in his mid fourties with graying hair about 5 foot 5 tall with the features of a weasel. You would not look at him and feel you could trust him. That’s probably why he had so few friends. But then considering what Paul did for a living, that’s probably just as well. Paul was a house breaker. One of the best in fact. He carried only two tools with him. One was a small, but strong screwdriver. The other was a small automatic pistol...

2 years ago
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The FallenChapter 2

The doctors were still amazed at the speed of Jason's recovery. He exceeded all standards and previous records. He felt so good, that he started missing doctor appointments. That worried his mother. She started hinting that perhaps he should consider seeing a psychiatrist full time. He just looked at her. She sighed and knew that if she pushed it, he would only withdraw more fully inside the shell where he seemed to be hiding. The doctors had warned her there would likely be a change in his...

2 years ago
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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 5

I got then sent to traffic for three months. The only good thing about the three months I did in Traffic was that since I had a Hopper licence, I got to ride one. The bad thing was the occasional truck or Linger accident, but they certainly gave my paramedic training a workout. We still have electric cars as some people can’t fly the lingers, and even dual diesel engine and electric trucks running around on the roads. Linger smashes were the worst, as survival rates were lower if someone...

2 years ago
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My girlfriends adult daughterand why I had

This (fictional-hey I have to say that) story starts with me moving in to my girlfriends house. At the time, her daughter, Savannah, was fifteen. All was fine the first year, on occasion her daughter used to sneak a peek through my door, but I was at worse in my undies and usually just in sweats. In the next year, I built a tiny gym downstairs, and started working out every day, while my girlfriend was at work on the second shift. Soon Savannah started hanging around my workouts, and we talked...

3 years ago
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The Football Star

I had played football my whole life. Quarterback. And I was very good. My third year in high school our team was in a tournament and if we won this we would jump right into the state tournament. So the pressure was on. We had traveled to a neighboring city to play. Some of the booster club ladies were there. The booster club provided support to the various teams at the high school, wash and repair uniforms, make us food, general support and chaperon. The game we just finished we had barely...

3 years ago
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Mere Friend Nay Meri Mom Ko Party Mein Choda

By : Jaipal m Hello reader’s thanks a lot for your good response to my older stories this is new real story of my mom that I seen after a long time. Meri mom ka naam ranjana hai uska figure kuch is tarah say hai Mummey: 40 Kamar: 36 Gaand: 40 Baat tab ki hai papa out of station gaye hue they mere dost deepu ka birthday tha usney hum ko invite kiya hua tha ur bhupi ko bhi invite kiya hua thi so hum log uskay birthday pe chaley gaye. Deepu ka ghar double story hai aur neechay ka portion...

3 years ago
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What Are Best Friends forChapter 2

So, I was at Nicole's first thing after school and the door swung open even before I rang the bell. "This is all I've been thinking about all day long. C'mon Noah, more practice," and I followed her back to her room, as I had many times before, but this time for a whole new and exciting reason all together. As soon as we were in her room, she started taking her clothes off and was soon standing before me completely naked. Completely naked and beautiful, I might add. "Noah, what's...

4 years ago
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Wedded into Cuckoldry

A girl and her master, plan for her husband's cuckolding."Please Nick, don't put your cock there. I'm not ready for that."Nick: "Come on Anna, open your legs, let me do you the right way. We've waited too long and I know you're ready for it.""No! I told you I'm not doing that. I can't. In four weeks I'm going to be married and on my wedding night I want my husband to be the one who takes my cherry. I've waited this long. I want to be a virgin for him. He deserves that."Nick: "Let me bust your...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 12

Tabitha and Gordon are locked together with her bent over the chair when Nola and the man’s brother walk through the front door. They come into the living room chatting and kissing and looking over all happy. Tabitha’s eyes go wide and Gordon pulls out. Felix catches her eye and he winks. “Surprised to see us back so early?” Felix laughs. “No need to be. Our fun is just beginning.” Before Tabitha can ask what he means she hears Nola give a happy squeal. “Me first,” she cries. “I’m ready...

2 years ago
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Master Voodoo part 2

Chapter Two. How long I waited I do not know but suddenly I heard the front door being unlocked. A well-built black man entered the kitchen and when he saw me he smiled. "Follow," he commanded curtly. Obediently I stood and followed him out of the kitchen. Not outside, no further into the house. As he exited the kitchen he pulled off his tight t-shirt and threw it on the floor. "Pick it up." I obeyed, but inside I was seething I wanted to tell this guy to fuck off and...

4 years ago
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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 24

Raven Cassidy and Sage Greyson strep through the doorway into a brightly lit and very large room filled with electronic equipment and video screens. At the opposite end stand two figures looking straight at the two agents. When Raven and Sage see them, they instantly raise their weapons up at them. “I suggest you reconsider,” the voice from hall says. A moment later, a squad of six soldiers fills in behind the two agents pointing guns at their backs. “Colonel Pierson, I’m guessing,” Sage...

3 years ago
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The Perks of My Job

My mind was screaming at me to stop, telling me that what I was doing was wrong but my body was telling me not to listen. That we both needed this. It had been such a long time. I opened my eyes and looked at Chris, as he shoved me up against the bathroom stall I dropped my camera bag to the floor. The flap opened and some of my equipment spilled out. I shut my mind off and let my body fully enjoy what Chris was doing to me. He had one hand wound up in the bun that I had previously pulled my...

Straight Sex
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Arie and the masseuse

Arie always hated it when they asked, “Do you prefer a man or a woman?” Arie had gone to massage ther****ts for many years. He was a workaholic who brought worry upon himself, and while others might carry their stress in their stomachs, he carried his in his body. His muscles often were a ball of tension that even his foam roller at home could not work out. He hated their question nearly as much as the phrase that every masseuse he had ever had said to him after a massage: “How do you feel?”...

3 years ago
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To fall for him

Introduction: Been a while since I last wrote anything, and is fairly short, quarter true, three quarters fantasy… Jamie was like no other guy I knew, and in all honesty I cant decide if I like him in a sexual way or not. Ever since I met him wed been good friends, I could tell him anything and knew he wouldnt care, wouldnt judge me, he knew my past, my abilities, there was probably nothing he didnt know. Months before hed asked me out but I couldnt do it, I liked him, but as a friend, these...

4 years ago
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Spicing it up Part 2

Chellie could not get her and Eric’s first adventure in the park out of her mind. She found herself thinking about it late at night in bed and she often touched herself to the thought. She knew that they had to continue their escapades and get even more risky. She thought that she would surprise him this time, so she began thinking of a plan. The next day, Eric came over to Chellie’s house and they went upstairs to her room. She pulled him onto the bed and began unzipping his pants. “Baby your...

4 years ago
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Take My Cherry

“If you want, you can take my cherry!” I’m not sure how it came that I heard it at all, with the music blaring much too loud through the worn-down speakers and the crowd around me shouting and jumping. Someone had bumped into me, as if I hadn’t been miffed enough after Kirsty and Jo-Anne had somehow up and vanished from the party. I had swiped the spilled Tequila Sunrise from the front of my red tank top as good as I could and cursed the gods. This should have been our big end-of-year party,...

1 year ago
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Strange LandsChapter 19

It took them hours before they left early that afternoon. All hopes of being in Minion that night were given up as they made their way back towards the desert. They left the donkey in the village to be a beast of burden. It would carry more on its back than six men. Atlanta made sure that everyone had promised to take good care of the animal. Not to overwork it, feed it, and made sure it had plenty of water. Also to rest it for the night. "Do you think we'll make it to the cave in time?"...

1 year ago
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Neighbors With Benefits Part One

I closed my legs tightly together. I wanted to retain the hot load of cum that was deposited deep within me. The man who had just fucked me, lay beside me. He was gasping for air, like a drowning man breaking out of water. He should be, he had just given me the best sex of my life. My pussy was dripping his cum and my juices, into a puddle. I had just orgasmed, and for the first time in my life, I had squirt, not much, but I did. My partner and our mattress was wet. I glanced over to see my...

Group Sex
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Code Name ANITA

Are you in the heaven? You wish you were in heaven. You are feeling warm weather, you think it is spring. You can smell the spring breeze and feel it in your face. You open your eyes and see the beautiful site in front of you. The grass, the flower, the tree and even the small living creatures are looking to be joy and be thankful of the grace of the God, who creates the world and everything in it. You notice there is someone in the middle of grass field in front of you. A woman standing there...

3 years ago
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BitchChapter 4

The next day started the same as the previous one. Use the bathroom, feed the dogs, walk the dogs. It’ silly to think something as outrageous could be routine, but it kind of was. Once we were back, I took Bitch to the bathroom and put her in the bathtub again. I told her to brush her teeth, and while she did that I cleaned her cunt and asshole using a washrag. I didn’t want to give her the comfort of being clean, but I worried about keeping her halfway healthy. So other than that, I didn’t...

4 years ago
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No Masturbatin In My Bathroom Please

You've had me decorating your bedroom as a surprise for when your husband comes home in a few days time. I've done a great job and you're really pleased and asked me if I can come back and do a few more little jobs around the house… simple handy man stuff! You have just been and bought some sexy new underwear that afternoon to wear when you show your hubby your new bedroom, and you're trying it on deciding which shoes your going to wear with your sexy new light blue bra and knickers and sheer...

1 year ago
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Tuesday afternoon, I went to Wal*mart. As I parked, a brand spanking new F150 parked beside me. I got out of my car and approached the F150’s driver as he was exiting.“That looks like one dam nice truck!”“Thanks. I just got it a week ago.”“My son had one a few years ago. He was happy with it but when he got married, they switched to an SUV.”“Would you like to get in?”“You bet, thanks.”He opened the driver’s door and I got behind the wheel.He got in the passenger side. I grasped the steering...

2 years ago
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The Nanny

After his wife, Laney, passed away giving birth to their fourth child, Austin needed help. His sister-in-law assisted him in a search for a live-in nanny, and posted an ad on The obstacle was finding someone willing to live with a single dad, most people found that a little unnerving due to the fact that there are so many creeps out there, and a single dad could take advantage.After about a week, only one good candidate had applied, Megan. Austin and his sister-in-law, Ruby, set the...

Straight Sex
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Minister his wife are encourgaed by Jonnie t

Well to be accurate it was wife that was encouraged and Jonnie gave her the task of pursuading her husband the minister. She knew the consequence of failing would be too bad to face - so she had better succeed.The night after Jonnie had made the suggestion when they were in bed. She said "you know it is too bad that not everyone of your flock enjoy the gift of sex. Don't you think we should do something to help them?" "Oh I don't know about that. We are not qualified." "Not qualified? Do we not...

4 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen - Laura at Business Lady Winter days can be beautiful, sunny and crisp with little wind. Winter days can be miserable, gloomy, rainy and cold. Dan and Laura hoped for the former when they made plans to have their Sunday brunch at one of the nice hotels in town. When they awakened, they found the weather gods frowning. “I tell you what Baby, you stay in bed and I will go down and get things started. I don’t feel like venturing out on a day like this.” “How about if we play cave...

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A Mistake Corrected

I had been frustrated while in college. In order to avoid the draft, I was enrolled in ROTC. Unfortunately, the unit was a Military Police unit and I wanted to be a doctor. My grandfather was a physician but my dad, his son, was in Insurance. He had his own independent agency and was doing very well financially. I wanted nothing to do with insurance or business in general. My focus was medicine. For this I needed exceptionally good grades and all the prerequisite courses required by medical...

3 years ago
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How It All Began Ch 09

With one eye open and then another, Jack realized he must have dozed off momentarily. Peering over the top of his sunglasses, the sun loungers were unoccupied. Jack felt disoriented and confused, he wondered where the others had gone. Questioning if the fun and games had started without him, he looked to his left. Looming into his personal space, there was Brigitte staring through her sunglasses directly at him. Caught unawares, only his own glasses maintained his façade of calm. Jack knew...

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Fantasy Night

I can't move, I can't see. All my other senses heightened. My skin feels cool, but on fire with need. My hands are shaking as I slowly approach the motel door. I can hear my footsteps echoing in the darkness. I swallow hard, nervous, playing with the paper I have in my hand that has the room number and time on it. It was given to me at my office earlier, excitement flowed between my thighs from seeing the dark numbers scribbled harshly into the paper. I knock softly, hesitantly. Knowing that my...

3 years ago
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A flower for my Mistress

'What do you think you are doing!' Shouted my mistress, as she barged into the bedroom, her boots clumping on the wooden floor. I was just milking my prostate for the second time when she busted me. 'You dirty little slut!' She exclaimed, pulling my hand away from my cunt, 'How dare you disobey Mistress. How dare you.' I kept my head down, not daring to look at her. She walked over to her toy chest and pulled out a riding crop. 'Look at me,' She demanded. I slowly looked up, my face burning....

4 years ago
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Ethan8217s huge cock earns him a new nickname

Ethan took the drill downstairs to the garage, feeling a bit dazed. The image of his sister, naked, with the drill jammed between her legs, was burned into his mind. His erection strained against the front of his jeans and hurt like hell. He tried to force the image of Pam out of his mind, but his desire for her was far too strong. He wished she hadn’t told him to go away like that. He desperately wanted to lie on top of her and put his dick inside her, in place of that stupid drill. In...

2 years ago
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He needed IT

I rented a room to my best friends cousin he just came home from jail. He had no where to go so I told Julie he could stay at my house until he get a job and apt. The first day I met him was the first day home from jail he came in tall, hardcore personality, handsome and muscular but not too big his shoulders was squared and his chin. He carried a big duffle bag with his clothes and his iPod with beats headphones he had on jeans with timberlands and a white v neck tee shirt. He shook my...

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All in one1

Having said that I had the wonderful experience the other day when arriving home, she sat down next to me and something told me that she really felt like performing a deep throat on me. In a moment she guided my hand to her pussy area and I could feel the lubricant of fresh semen dripping down her legs. “Oh that’s ok” she whispered, “had Mike lay me and he shot his cum inside before he could retract and fill my mouth”. “It was a bit disappointing though, that I didn’t get the chance to swallow...

4 years ago
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Sperm Donation 1

Jack found the small advertisement in the localnewspaper. "Sperm donors needed. To apply please come to…"with the number and street of a local address. Intrigued, Jack decided to godown and check it out since the next day was his day off. The address brought him to a nondescript office in anindustrial park with nothing special to distinguish it from any other. He wentinside and introduced himself to the receptionist sitting just inside the door.He was directed to wait and someone would be...

3 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 7 Nicaragua movie making kidnapping rescue and sex

A machine gun fired at us from an overhead helicopter flying low and right at us. Along the ground, the pock marks each bullet made exploded in a line closely parallel to where we were running in a zig-zap pattern. I thought of all the training I'd had when I joined the Special Forces, much of it training for just a situation such as this, except the rounds were real. Barry Peters and I had just grabbed Jill Dane's hands and raced for cover in a dilapidated adobe hut. Just as we neared the...

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Power Tool Original versionChapter 05

Waking up at 5:30 a.m. John continues to lay there cuddling Wendy as she wakes up, followed by Brooke. A few minutes before 6:00 a.m. they stand at the window and watch as Marcia gets the papers. When James arrives the building workers, who were busy getting set for the day, stop and make themselves comfortable. Marcia strides out and gets the papers, nodding at the men like a queen acknowledging her court. As she’s walking back to the house and the men are now buying their papers one of the...

2 years ago
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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 7 Two Fridays

"It was a wonderful party, that's for sure," Saul began. "In addition to having a great time, did we learn anything from it, as far as Virtual Jewelry goes?" "I figured out one thing, Saul," Anne said, "I'm not going another New Years without a swimming pool." "Well, I agree, but we can't do anything now, and when spring comes, we'll think about it as an improvement project. Now, what about Virtual Jewelry?" Mary said, "I think it was a great success, everyone enjoyed it,...

1 year ago
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Making Her Pregnant

By : Roni1235 Hi this is my first submission to I have read many stories and true incident,  This is a true incident happened with me 3 years back I am Rohit, I went to vasino devi alone as one of my wish came true. And I didn’t know what wait on my way. I reached Jammu railway station from Delhi, I took Bus from station to katra, all was norm by this time, as bus stop at tea stall on mid way I noticed a Guju (Gujrati) couple. Husband Rakesh approached me and asked how far more to go, are you...

2 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 2

The Hot Wife Brian, Katie and Nick enjoyed the great steaks, wine and ambiance of SW Steakhouse at Wynn Casino. It was a classy place with a great bar with an outdoor area showing off the beautiful landscaping but Brian was glad he managed to spend only $750 on the dinner and wine. And Katie hadn’t pulled any sexual stunts with Nick, which he had sat through the entire dinner fearing. Perhaps she had gotten that out of her system earlier with Karl and Wally at the bar? Nick’s phone rang and he...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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A dirty little fantasy of mine

I had always had this fantasy where I throw a lingerie and sex toy party and have about ten to twelve women over (excluding the sex toy/lingerie hostess in count). Before the party, I take a sheet of paper and randomly place numbers ranging from one to ninet-nine in no real order (ex: 2, 15, 23, 41, etc.). Our apartment, mine and my boyfriend, has two bedrooms. So in the second bedroom I tie my boyfriend's hands above his head to the ceiling. He is blindfolded and gagged, wearing only a thong....

1 year ago
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MomsBoyToy Richelle Ryan Moms Panties

Richelle Ryan is sick her stepson Johnny going through her dirty panties. She insists that they clear the air between them. While they’re talking, Johnny swears that he’s not trying to perv on his bigtit stepmom and that he’s only into girls his age. Richelle isn’t buying it, so she puts Johnny on the spot by telling him that they’ve cleared the air and now she can get his opinion on a few outfits. Telling Johnny to close his eyes, Richelle changes into a sexy...

3 years ago
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expanding the pack part 2

“Oh you’re just being paranoid why would a ghost want us stuck here.” S “Well maybe it isn’t a ghost maybe is a monster or something.” “A monster really and why is it that it waited till today to trap someone” S “Well I’m just saying look at that tree it’s not dead and rotting so there is no reason it should have fallen, and those glowing eyes must have belonged to something.” “So you go with monster, ok so some boys from school thought it would be funny to scare us. Isn’t that a better...

4 years ago
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A New Taste Part 23 Bum Heaven Bi

Harrison and Polly arrived back at my place about 11 at night. Polly used the bathroom and then I told Harrison to get ready for us. I left everything he would need laid out on the bathroom cabinet. He would be about half an hour prepping himself. As the sound of the shower ran Polly and I slipped into bed. I descended between her thighs to explore my delicious pussy with my tongue. She thrilled me by rolling over and grabbing my head. Face sitting is such a satisfying pleasure.She jumped off...

1 year ago
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Inner Secrets

Six months have passed since I had found out my inner secret that I was half and half and six months since I had amazing sex with my mother and girlfriend, Alexia. But Alexia and I didnt work out after that, which I was pretty upset about but in the end I knew it wasnt going anywhere. I found myself a job in an office answering the phone for a newspaper called Holls – a news paper on the news locally. My boss, Sylvia, was a complete goddess even though she was about twenty years older than I...

3 years ago
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Big Black Boss and Danielle the secretary 2

Introduction: Hi part 2 of the first 1 – If you dont like it thats fair enough everyone has different tastes and feel free to rate it negatively but if you have racist or abusive comments just keep them to yourself, constructive criticism is always welcome but theres no need to be offensive for the sake of it – Hope you enjoy Sequel to Big Black Boss and Danielle the secretary Definitely necessary to read Part 1 After I pulled out of her it hit me what had just happened! I mean I know after...

1 year ago
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My Day Dream

After browsing the local gay/bi hook ups site, I noticed a message was posted to me requesting a story to excite the sender.I was already dressed up in lingerie playing around while my wife was at work. I'll sometimes wait for her to get home so she can catch me dressing up, she then pulls out her massive strap on and proceeds to teach me a lesson on what it takes to be a woman.So I was thinking about what he asked me to do, and what it would take to turn him on. So after some hits on a joint I...

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The Two Rooms at the Back

One of my favorite things to do after a long, tedious night at work was to visit the adult bookstore. I used to tell myself “I’m just going to go watch a little porn” as I went into the next room where all the video booths were but really, deep down it was to rationalize my love for the anonymous (and very hot) sex that I knew I would find. I could tell myself whatever I wanted but the excitement I felt as I walked through the door told me it was just a lie. Tonight was no different. The whole...

2 years ago
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Joans Room Chapters 5 and 6

Chapter 5 One Thing Leads to Another Darla and Aunt Vivian stayed well into the evening. It seemed that Mom and Aunt Viv were establishing a real friendship. I was beyond happy for her. Aunt Alice is a wonderful person, but Mom was definitely in need of a new perspective. I also figured their friendship would benefit me, somehow. I actually found myself asking permission to bring Darla up to my room. Mom looked at me rather strangely when I did so, but gave her nod of approval....

1 year ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 50

I knew it was time to get up but I was too comfortable with Sue hugging my back while I was hugging Mercy or Juanita to my front. My arm was around the body in front of me, so I hugged her to me a little more. As she wiggled into me, my hand encircled a breast, an unfamiliar breast. It was too small for Juanita, besides she is better padded in the bottom than this. It was also too small for Mercy right now, as her breasts were still pumped up from Mike and the hormones she was developing for...

2 years ago
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A Mans Place is as a Woman Parts 2428

A Man's Place is as a Woman! Part 24 I'm really glad that Ben's gift was 14 karat gold, otherwise my neck would be green because I Never Take Off that beautiful necklace my Ben had given me. As the spring quarter was coming to a close, everything "down there" was becoming common place to me. But now and then, especially when I'd first wake up and go pee I'd be shocked that I had nothing to "aim" with. It did in fact seem strange not to have a penis, something I'd held in my hands...

3 years ago
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Hannah and Gretel

Their father had little to bite or break and once when a great dearth fell on the land he could no longer even procure daily bread. He thought this over at night and tossed about in his bed with anxiety. He groaned and said to his wife, "What is to become of us? How are we to feed our daughters, when we no longer have anything for ourselves?" His wife's eyes grew heavy with envy and cunning, "I'll tell you what we shall do dear husband. Early tomorrow morning I shall take...

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George ISolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band Ch V

Chapter V Isolde woke up drenched in sweat. The sun was beating down on her and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Her hip ached and she had a crick in her neck from lying on it wrong. She looked at her watch. 9:00 it said. “Damn,” she thought. And then, “I really have to pee.” She sat up and looked around. She was in a field that had recently been mowed. The stubble was about four inches high. There was a woods line about 100 yards to her left. To her right, she could see houses in the...


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