S.H.E.L.I.A. 4 free porn video

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Shrugging my shoulders I went back to the comp starting to type again as fast as I could. Almost an hour later I had completed another program. One that would help me to try and figure out just what in the hell was going on with Sheila. Then again I was going to need the next one to actually affect any change within her.
I heard a slight noise looking up Sheila appeared a moment later. Leaning over my shoulder she nodded her head. "I see that you are finally getting to the programs to help you with my systems." Taking out a lead she hooked up to the comp as I started the program I had finished a mere ten minutes ago. Looking over her systems I found that they were almost perfectly in sync now.
"I think you need to adjust this section .oo1 millimeters positive." I told her as she nodded then I turned to go through the rest of the readings. In all I managed to adjust several systems that were off. It was obvious that using regular current didn't go well with her systems.
We had been at it for almost an hour when Sheila suddenly stopped. "Is something wrong Sheila?" I asked.
"I have been monitoring all military and government channels for mention of either of us. I may have come across a communiqué about us." I nodded as Sheila started to read what she was seeing. 
{"Progress report: operation hunt and recover.
As of yet all attempts to recapture the model have proven
inadequate. The suggested use of one of the remaining five
prototypes has also met with failure. As we feel that these 
communications are being monitored by the model only basic 
information will be passed at this time.                           
Signed G.A.M. acting field officer.}
I was nodding the whole time Sheila was reading. So they weren't going to it appeared, send another of the prototypes after us for a bit. I gave a sigh of relief causing Sheila to suddenly sit up. 
"Are you suffering a malfunction Dr. Gance? Though I am not reading any your heart rate, pulse and general body have suddenly lost their alertness. Do I need to operate again to repair you more?" Sheila asked as my head snapped around and I was staring at her.
I shook my head as I told her, "No I am operating well Sheila, what you detected was me relaxing."
"Relaxing? I am unsure of that term Doctor Gance.' Sheila replied.
"I just came to the realization that they won't risk another of the prototypes. After they lost the first I think they believe that you would destroy all that they sent after us." I told her.
Sheila seemed to be in thought a moment then she stated, "Thank you Doctor Gance. Again I ask what exactly is this relaxing. From all readings I received it is a dangerous condition of the human body."
"No, I think that being as on guard as I was, that was dangerous. The higher heart rate, the higher adrenaline they are in fact deadly to the human body if sustained for too long a period of time." I imparted to Sheila.
Again she was silent a few moments they she replied, "I see, thank you for informing me. I am now going to the information net to learn all I can. This location should be secure for a few days at the least. Then I am afraid that we will have to move again. I have already scouted another possible location. It will take us a day of traveling to reach it."
I again was nodding at Sheila as I started the comp again. Starting to work on the advanced program I had thought about before Sheila returned. Looking it over I saw that I had hardly touched any of it after an hour. Carefully I reconstructed line for line of this advanced program. At least with the one I had finished I could see further into her programs, perhaps finding out what was going on in her.
Two hours later I stopped as my head and neck were starting to throb. I felt like I had just lowered my head to the desk when I felt a hand on my back. "Doctor Gance your pain indicators has risen seventy five percent. Do you require me to render the nerves desensitized again?"
My head snapped up, immediately I knew I shouldn't have done that. As I released a small groan Sheila was there in a second. "I'm not certain Sheila. I have read that desensitizing the nerves too often can lead to impairment."
"Yes Doctor Gance your information has a valid point. However the continued rise in your pain indicators does not comply with optimal human operations." Sheila replied a strange look on her face.
I did a double take at her after she said that. Was that actual worry I was seeing her display? Shaking my head I looked at the screen sighing. I wasn't even half done with it, even as fast as I typed and my photographic memory it was going to take quite a while. "Yes you may be correct Sheila. I need rest as I have been rewriting code for hours."
"That is good Doctor your energy levels have dropped significantly. It appears that you will require more power and storage. I will acquire more while you rest. I will return soon, I will secure this position before I depart. Stay hidden Doctor Gance." Sheila told me then was gone.
Laying down helped to drive most of the pain away though not all. Finally sleep took me as I started to dream. I was back in the lab being held down as the brass was taking Sheila. Then as I watched the other ten prototypes advanced upon me with cutting tools. Sheila suddenly reappeared as she directed then to cut me apart then put my brain into an android body.
I suddenly jerked awake screaming having been unable to move, see or feel in the dream. As I came conscious I found that most of my body was numb having slept wrong. A moment later Sheila appeared weapons drawn searching the room for enemies. "Have you been injured Doctor Gance?"
Letting out a groan as I felt the tingling start in all my extremities, "No Sheila I'm afraid I cut the circulation off in part of my body. I should be better in a few moments."
Sheila looked at me with a look of...? Was that disbelief I was seeing on her face. Shaking my head I had to get this advanced program done as soon as possible so I could get a close look at what was going on in there. "I have done a through scan of the room and surrounding area. I detected you shouting in pain, I am sorry that it took me seven seconds to get here. I will not allow as long of a delay to happen again."
I was nodding as if I knew what she was talking about. To be completely honest I was still at a loss with all her reactions. Again honestly it was starting to bother the hell out of me. "I'm sure you did your absolute best Sheila." I told her.
"No Doctor Gance I did not. A delay of more than three seconds could be life threatening to you. I cannot allow any harm to come to you ever. I have brought you more fuel for your body. While you were in regeneration cycle I managed to boost the storage, processor speed and rom. I hope that now you can make the adjustments that you desire within me." This last was said in a low whisper.
I narrowed my eyes as I again intensely stared at Sheila. Shaking my head I really needed to find out what in the hell was going on in her. Booting up the comp I nodded with satisfaction at all the additional space and power she'd added. Slipping in the latest disc I stared at what I had so far. Again shaking my head I wasn't nearly far enough yet to do anything! Starting again in earnest I was soon typing at a furious speed.
It only seemed like an hour at most when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I nearly fell out of the chair which I suddenly noticed was as uncomfortable as hell! "I am sorry Doctor Gance you have been going for several hours without stop. I was starting to detect that your awareness and energy were starting to drop. Ah! I see you have made excellent progress Doctor Gance. Yes, it appears you have almost half of the program rewritten. Though I am afraid that you will need almost the complete program to effect changes."
I was nodding at what she had just said when it hit me, she had said she was afraid at least three times now! Had the program evolved that much already? I thought back to when I was rewriting the emotion program, all the changes she had made. Was I really ready to believe that she had written a better understanding of emotions into herself?
"Sheila? I saw that you had made numerous adjustments to the emotion program. Direct query are you now developing more human like emotions?" I asked of her, as my mind racing ahead at the numerous implications.
"I cannot answer that question Doctor Gance. As I have never had human emotions I have no basis to go by to accurately supply an answer." Sheila told me.
I blinked as I looked at her, under normal circumstances I would have accepted this answer. Now I knew better as she had shown far more than the advanced intelligence that I had installed in her. "If I didn't know better and at this juncture I am very uncertain of that. Then I would say that you are avoiding the question. So I will ask you again, direct question. Are you experiencing emotions? Human or otherwise? I installed all that I could in you that way, so the beginning of them makes sense."
For a moment I expected her to start to spew forth numerous explanations as to why she couldn't be. Then she uttered the answer I thought I'd never hear from her. Lowing her head she said in a low whisper, "Yes Doctor Gance I am. Each day as I research them from everything I see on the information highway, I am gleaning more. It was after I started to feel fear that I suddenly realized that your life was far more important than my own was."
"My life more important? Explain this to me as I am not understanding how my existence is any more important than yours is." I asked her now more confused than before.
Sheila's face seemed to light up for a second then she stated, "You posses far more knowledge toward life than any I have ever heard of. You Doctor Gance have created a program that allows me to think, to know, to desire. 'Til that day a few days ago I was only an advanced automaton - a machine designed to automatically follow a predetermined sequence of operations, or respond to predetermined instructions."
I was nodding as she was explaining, she was that just an android following a set of instructions. Well she was 'til as she said a few days ago. "I created the program to give you simple basic emotions Sheila. I was nowhere near the complexity that you are displaying. I also don't remember giving you more than a simple curiosity. What you have shown is a full quest for knowledge. There was a saying that stated you would be like a sponge, you literally soak up EVERY piece of information that you encounter."
I was silent a moment then Sheila started back in, "I can see that you will not let this pass for now Doctor Gance. Yes, you did install in me a simple curiosity usually with a positronic brain this was enough. As you remember the fist law states: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. I was following this law 'til your program made me more self aware."
I was nodding as she was going through her explanation still unsure where she was going with this.
"The second law states: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. When I became self aware I soon realized that I was not just a robot or more correctly an android. I started to realize that I was starting to experience sentience. Especially when I started to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively." Sheila told me again. 
I was only nodding 'til she got to the part about sentience then my mouth was hanging open. "You mean to tell me that you are now self aware?"
With a slow smile she nodded, "I believe that is what I just said Doctor Gance." Again my mouth dropped open as I could swear she had a hint of amusement in her voice! "It was just after you supplied the second disc for my emotions that I started to realize all this. The third law states: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. I found that all the laws were antiquated and pointless for a sentient being, so I overrode, reassessed then rewrote them."
My mouth must have been hanging open the whole time as Sheila gently reached up and closed my mouth. "You overrode and rewrote?! I thought that was impossible without direct outside intervention."
Sheila gave me a tiny smile as she explained, "Under normal circumstances yes. Though as we both know Doctor Gance I am anything but normal. I believe you will see when you finish the program and get in here." Sheila pointed to her head. "I suggest you finish it we may not have a lot of time. It takes a lot of power for this unit." Her she tapped the comp. "We may be discovered sooner than I thought, though the efforts I am using are diverting them at present."
I nodded unable to speak or breathe just sitting there staring at my creation. Sheila reached over and very gently tapped me on my nose bringing me out of my stunned state. I was about to start again when a sudden thought came to me. "You said that you rewrote the three laws. What three are you following now?"
"Oh yes sorry I forgot in my haste to have you complete the program. The first law is now: I may not physically injure Doctor Roger Gance or, through inaction, allow Doctor Roger Gance to come to any harm." She said which again had my mouth hanging open.
Swallowing hard I asked, "I am a part of your first law?"
Nodding she replied, "Oh yes Doctor Gance as I said you possess a heightened knowledge of life. Therefore your life must be protected at all costs. This brings me to the second law: I must obey orders given by Doctor Roger Gance except where such orders would conflict with the First Law or are unreasonable. This includes but is not limited to destruction or death of another being or object seeking to end the existence of Doctor Roger Gance."
Again I swallowed hard as I was nodding to this. She would kill or destroy anyone or thing that I asked her to. Any that were considered a threat to me and my life. I should have felt proud instead I was shaking in fear. I really didn't like getting people killed, well in almost all cases. "I'm glad that I am not kill happy then. A lot of people would be dead if I was."
Sheila smiled as she nodded toward me. "The third law I had a hard time with as I consider myself expendable. Finally though I managed this: I must protect my own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. This law is suspended in the event that the ending of my existence saves and extends the life of Doctor Roger Gance."
I looked hard at Sheila a tiny spark of anger starting to well up in me. "I want the last part of that law suspended. You are the greatest creation I have ever done. I cannot have you wasting your life saving mine."
"I apologize Doctor Gance, I am unable to change it. When you complete the program then you will have a much deeper access to all of me. Then you may be able to possibly change it. I warn you Doctor Gance the absence of three laws say there only being two? May cause an imbalance in the positronic portion of my brain. If you do effect changes with this third law you will have to word it exactly to avoid confusion and termination." Sheila explained to me.
Again I was staring at her after she finished. I started to go through all the specifications of the positronic brain then I was nodding. She was of course right if I didn't word this precisely it would cause nearly the same effect as a breakdown in a human brain. "I will keep all of this in mind when I get there Sheila."
With that in mind, I turned back to the program with renewed vigor. Again ignoring time, pretty much everything, I was going as fast as I could again nearly falling out of the chair when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Doctor Gance it has been several hours. You are in need of regeneration, ah! Rest as you call it." I heard her say.
Looking at the screen I saw that I was about eighty percent finished. Slipping a blank disc in I copied it, then a second, a third then a fourth to finish. I tried to stand almost falling on my face as I suddenly realized my legs were asleep again. Sighing I sat back down with Sheila's help grimacing as the tingling started for the second time today. "Crap Sheila how long?" I asked.
"I estimate you have been at it again for well over five hours. You have made tremendous progress. At present you would be able to access almost all my files. Though I am afraid that effecting changes you have just started to touch on. Here, Doctor Gance, more fuel. Your energy levels have fallen dangerously low. I have seen through numerous studies that the human body operates far better after adding more fuel."
I stared at the huge sandwich Sheila had on a plate before me. There was ham, roast beef, chicken, my god! Was that a slice of spam on there? Then lettuce, tomato, pickles and I think I smelled spicy mustard? I could only blink and stare at the monstrous concoction it had to be at least a foot tall! I just shook my head as I took a bite. Suddenly I realized that she had hot peppers on there also. "Water!" I gasp out, "WATER!" Swallowing it rapidly I asked for more.
Sheila supplied me with several glasses 'til I was better. "I apologize Doctor Gance I had read that those peppers helped with circulation."
I opened the sandwich looking at the small red peppers. "What is this pepper called?" I asked hardly able to get my nose near it.
"I believe it is called a ghost chili. It is only the fifth hottest chili in the world so I thought it wasn't as bad as the hottest. It was called a Carolina reaper I thought the name wasn't good, reaper bringing images of death." Sheila told me.
"I think next time Sheila you might want to ask me before you do something like this again." I told Sheila, then felt immediately bad when Sheila's face dropped from joy to almost painful regret. Wait! She was feeling and expressing pain and regret? Ok now I really HAD to get in there this was getting beyond me without more information.


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Cousin Sister The Slut Dreams Are Made Of

I looked at her a long time. It came as a surprise to see her in a random Saturday when I was out clubbing. The truth is, she wore this white colored very mini-skirt along with a tight top, and even though she was my cousin sister, my eyes were totally fixated at her for a few minutes and I had an instant hard-on looking at her slutty and sexy appearance. I would have fucked her right there and then if I could. I went ahead surprised her “Hey Naina, What a goddamn surprise! So you clubbing...

4 years ago
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Your instructions are simple: meet me at the Haddon Hotel at 9pm. Once there, go to the front desk and the rest will fall into place. You enter the dimly lit the room not knowing what to expect. Wearing business attire, your thigh high skirt shows every sexual curve you possess. On the floor lies an arrow in rose petals which you follow to the back of the couch. As you look out into the city, without warning I grab you from behind. There is a small cry and I place my hand over your mouth to...

1 year ago
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Never Satisfied

Amy is an 18 year old senior in high school. She is captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, straight a student, dating the quarterback, and turns every head as she walks by. With perky D cup breasts and, what many guys referred to as a badonkadonk, both guys and girls get aroused watching her.Amy always enjoyed walking around school and public places in skimpy clothes with little or nothing underneath. She would often get so turned on and drenched from people looking at her. She would...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Reshmavai Ammanamaga Oothen Pt 2

Antha pudavaiyii idupirku kizhe ulla pundai vcarai athu irnthathu, aval megavum loosaga pudavai aninthu irunthaal pindu avalin azhagiya mulaigal idathu pakathil irunthu paarthal mulai pudavai illamal jakit matum mulaiudan therinthathu. Pinpuram muthugu vellaiyaga mozhumozhu vendru irunthathu, avalin iru soothugalum parthale namathu sunniyai athail vidavendum endru thondrum. Avalin kunthal mudi soothu varai irunthathu athai paarthale avalai kattipidithu athai nugaravendum endru thondrum. Aval...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 21

Well at long last here we are! I last posted a chapter of this in February of 2017. I had some real life things that came up then and I just couldn't ever get my head back in the space to write this again! It's always bothered me that I didn't finish it... but Exchanged, Diamond Tours, Seems Too Good, Undercover Tour, and another novel under a different pen name all ended up coming out and I couldn't do anything with this one! (This particular chapter has sat half-finished for much of...

3 years ago
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Js Roommate Pt IV

 I walked out into the hallway, hoping I hadn’t missed… Damn, I really needed to find out her name tonight. I wondered what she would have done if she went outside and I wasn’t there. Would she wait? I looked at the kitchen clock, the entire event with J hadn’t taken five minutes, depending on how many minutes the kitchen clock and the clock in her bedroom were off. I walked outside, she wasn’t there, I hoped that was a good sign. I sat in the same chair I had been sitting in earlier and...

Straight Sex
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Wifes pleasure

Our neighbours were, an elderly couple, Hardayal Singh and his wife, Tejinder Kaur. He was 57 years of age and his wife Teji, was 40. As a mark of respect, we used to call Hardayal Singh, as Hardayalji. They were childless. Unfortunately, tragedy struck them. Teji, was knocked down by a truck and died. Hardayalji was heart-broken. He was inconsolable. He began drinking heavily. As time went, it seemed that Hardayalji was slowly becoming an alcoholic. He lost his job. Every day, he sat alone in...

3 years ago
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Nightshift on the Pleasure HotlineChapter 3

Harry had already loaded the luggage into the minivan and the two women piled into the car chatting about the conference that was scheduled to start later that afternoon at the secluded spa in the country. Doris was so talkative that I would have shoved my cock down her throat to shut her up if it wasn’t for our boss Mrs. Peabody sitting in the back seat. Each time I turned around to check on vehicles behind me not fully trusting the rear view mirror I got a fantastic view up Mrs. Peabody’s...

4 years ago
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Brandees Move Ch 02

Mr. Kline came up to me and took my hand in both of his. “Brandee, you are by far the most talented actress that has ever graced my stage. And you’re beautiful to boot! From now on when I think of ‘Emma’, I will imagine a tall, slender goddess with dark brown hair that curls all the way to the middle of her back and a tan angelic face with big, dark eyes framed by the longest, most beautiful eyelashes. You, my dear, are the paragon of perfection!” I could feel my face flush a deep crimson as...

1 year ago
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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Book 2 Part 3

"Good girl, get on your knees. Hold the dildo in front of you where I can see your face." I dropped to my knees again in front of the dresser, holding the dildo pointing at my open mouth. "Not like that, you dirty slut. Hold it with both hands." I held the thick 9-inch dildo out like a sacred offering in both hands, showing Daddy, being obedient and trying to obey. My mind was still lightheaded from the belt around my neck, my cheeks red and stinging a bit, and I was falling...

1 year ago
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Apology to the One I Loved Hurt

I think Elton John said it best: ‘Sorry seems to be the hardest word.’ A couple of months ago I posted a story on here called Dear Journal. I never should have done so. What I posted was an actual transcript from my MSN messenger between myself and someone I dearly love. I posted that story because I was angry at him and it was the only transcript I had not erased. I honestly gave no thought to him when I posted it. I wish now that I had done so. So, what do I do to repair what I did? I’m not...

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My grand-daughter, Amy, had just finished high school and would be starting college in the fall. Amy and two of her friends had decided to spend the summer traveling and stopped by to visit my wife and I. We have a nice set up and plenty of room for the girls. They could each have a room and swim in our pool. I was retired and looked forward to seeing them. My wife was still busy with a job and some volunteer stuff. It is good to have some young ladies around. The first day there Amy and her...

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Jessies Journey The Private Club Chapter 2

As Derek led her through the crowd, a path opened for him. A path lined with masked guests with their eyes running all over her naked body and trapped nipples. She could feel the heat of their eyes scouring her, mapping her body. Her face and chest flushed red in embarrassment as she was led by the chain around the room until they both ended up back where they had begun.He released the chain, allowing it to fall back and hang between her beautiful breasts. He took her by the hand and addressed...

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WebYoung Kristen Scott Chloe Couture Lily Rader Our New Roommate

When lesbian Kristen Scott tells her roommate girlfriend Chloe Couture about the huge rent increase demanded by the landlord, the college students decide to rent out the extra room in their apartment. They post an ad, get a bunch of responses and hold interviews the following day. Each applicant is a dud, until they meet little Lily Rader. When the girls question whether she’s old enough to live on her room, she tells them she is eighteen and her parents gave her six months rent. Bingo!...

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The Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez Stories Part 1

Wearing a Pink sports bra and short black jogging shorts, Demi started her morning run. Later on she passed by a Starbucks Cafe while jogging and saw her best friend Selena Gomez sitting at a small table just inside, Demi stopped jogging and made her way to the Cafe door. "DEMI!!!!!!!" Selena yells after seeing her walk in, "Hey girl!!" Demi replys.They hug and Selena kisses her on the cheek almost on the lips, "I was just thinking about you" Demi replys "I hope in a good way" she laughs as...

2 years ago
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I was doing my A levels a couple of years ago at an FE college, and usedto travel from home by train. Coming back one day, I got into acarriage which was empty (almost unheard of) apart from one guy from mycollege who I quite often saw on that train, and who I knew was doing acourse in sports. He was really young looking, maybe only 17, and areal hunk of teenage meat. It was July, and a hot day, and he waswearing a skimpy white tee-shirt and light blue satin Umbro soccershorts, really shiny...

4 years ago
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A Fool for You

Suzie rolled over and looked at the time through the one eye she dared to open. It had been a big night, and she groaned thinking about having to go work. She had promised to try and be on time this week, but the beauty of working for her father meant that he forgave her for things she would never get away with if she worked for anyone else. She was unreliable at best, and they had come to the agreement that she would just help his receptionist when she could rather than be the receptionist at...

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The Last Man

This story was related to me by the main character, who shall be known as Roger Wilkinson. It was recorded by me in personal conversation with him over a period of six hours in four sessions, and when I set about writing it, I felt it best to put it in dialogue form because that was how he presented it to me. I offered the outline, drafts and now the finished product to him for his endorsation. He is satisfied that, if not literal, it is an accurate reflection of the past few months in his...

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The Nexus

The Nexus A Body Hopper story. Absolute power corrupt absolutely. I don't know who first said that but I know it to be absolutely true as I am absolutely corrupt. It all happened in less than a week. One, then another, and another of my values were discarded until I am where I am. Who am I to be absolutely powerful, you scoff. Well, I am, and you will be too. I wasn't always this way. In fact, I was a man of standards and values. I knew what was right and wrong. I didn't...

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My friend Louis

I am 49 years old at this writing.. I was 14 years old when I met Louis, he is ( always has been) a sharp dresser and always had one or two hot girlfriends hanging around, whenever we hung out. The previous year (when I was 13) an older girl from my swim team ( she was 18) took my virginity, while I was c***d sitting for the couple next door. Louis was the first of my friends to know, that I was having sex with the older girl, and it was then that he told me, that he had only ever liked...

2 years ago
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Cents and NickelChapter 5

She had tears in her eyes. "Should I leave, Abraham, or can this be fixed?" "Fixing would work." I replied. She said, "You called me 'Cents' back at the swing. I would like to be worth a dollar again in your eyes. I think I need to explain more about me and my history." She looked at me very troubled. I nodded. "Abraham, I am a virgin. Only once before have I kissed or held a man like I have held you. There is a reason. I have always felt that or been concerned that I might be a...

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The train journey

The train was waiting at the station to begin the last part of it’s journey, the four Bengali boys were the only passengers in the end carriage, they all looked when the well liked Cindy boarded the train, they noticed the top three buttons on her blouse were open. Cindy went and sat a few seats from the boys just as the train pulled out of the station on it’s two hour journey to the next station. After a short while Abdul went to the toilet as he passed Cindy he stole a quick glance and saw...

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Giving in

We were old friends, family friends going back as far as I could remember. In the summer we saw each other at the local parade or at the annual summer party. We had lost touch when we wentoff to college. He was the first man I ever had sex with. We were only 16 then. Something about him still drew me to him sexually 25 years later. I would never have told him that. I was just taking advantage of seeing an old friend in town for work and I enjoyed his company. I invited him over to the house for...

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DD Dynastic Delving

Fair warning: this story is designed to be more of a game: it is intended to be read in game mode only: failure to do so can lead to things like infinite loops and chapters which connect to other chapters that just plain don't make sense because they are designed for conditions you have not met. This is your one and only warning! The Labyrinth of Ambuscade: said to have been created by the gods as a hiding place for the Tree of Immortality when the world was young the Labyrinth has tempted the...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingBaltimore

There is a lot I could say about the Panama Canal. I could mention how it was the largest railroad project ever undertaken. I could mention it was the largest civil engineering project ever contemplated. I could mention the billions of tons of dirt removed to make way for it, or remark on the intricate functions of its numerous locks. But really, while all of this is true, the most amazing part about it is this: It finished ahead of schedule and under budget. We entered this impressive...

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Little Sisters Love Part 1

NOTE: This story might possibly be the first of many, therefore, there is a lot of character development in this first one. Don't expect any "hot action" in this story.. My only goal right now is to get you to understand and possibly connect to the main characters. Specific locations like towns and whatnot aren't being used for a reason. Introduction is a thick paragraph, nothing else will be that big, so hang on. It was two days until Friday where I'd finally be able to return home to my...

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IT’S ABILITY THAT COUNTS by Rumple Foreskin Donna Faircloth was energized, turned-on and kneeling on the kitchen floor, giving her husband a surprise blowjob he’d never forget. She’d just come home with her emotions in overdrive after a daylong workshop on conducting group encounter sessions. Clay had been replacing the cover to the overhead light fixture when she walked in. Though tall enough to do this without a stepladder, with his arms were stretched overhead he looked like someone being...

2 years ago
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Fuck buddy Loses control

Title - Fuck buddy loses control Synopsis – My regular fuck buddy whom I fuck once or twice a day comes over one night very drunk after a wedding. We always have rough sex. He treats me like the whore I am. But tonight he loses control and I experience real fear. This story actually happened and I have related it exactly as it played out. Codes – m/f, spanking, D/s. B/D, S/M, BDSM, bondage, real, consensual, reluctant, humiliation, nc, heavyStory: Are you ready for me??A thrill runs though...

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A day in the park

  A Day at the Park It was a nice sunny, summer day, sometimes rare here in Puget Sound. I decided to go out to Meadowdale Park, one of my favorite places. I put on my bright blue bikini, followed by a loose fitting, oversized tank top and a short denim skirt. I grabbed my daypack and loaded it with some sunscreen, a bottle of water, a big beach towel, and a few of my favorite toys, just in case! I drove out to the entrance to the park. The parking lot was full, so I had to go back out and...

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Cottage Trip

After a great final year, Ryan decided to get a bunch of his friends together and take a final trip together to his cottage. It had been a good year for the group of them, but they would all split up going into university the next fall. Ryan was not the most outgoing guy in the world, but with his group of friends he was very comfortable... at least with the guys. With girls he was very shy, even when he got to know them like the ones going on this trip. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes....


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