Fluffer In TrainingChapter 3 free porn video

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“Rachel, so nice to see you,” Carole said as Rachel entered the building. The older woman got up and came around the desk, blatantly looking Rachel up and down. Rachel’s own gaze was drawn to the woman’s chest, her perfect-looking breasts nicely displayed in an ivory-colored blouse that fit snugly to her body. Rachel could tell the blouse was very expensive just by looking at the material. Pearl buttons ran down the front, starting just between the woman’s breasts, giving Rachel a teasing glimpse of cleavage. Looking down Carole’s curvy hourglass figure, Rachel saw she had paired the exquisite blouse with a cream-colored pencil skirt that ended just above the knees, the slim-fitting skirt looking fabulous as it hugged her shapely hips and long legs. Rachel noticed her legs were bare, her tanned skin glowing. Her dimpled knees and trim ankles seemed to emphasize her full calves. Rachel looked down to see her delicate feet encased in business-like pumps the same bone color as the skirt, the sexy shoes having a sharp pointy toe and slender 4” high heels. Rachel felt the whole outfit and the woman’s regal features made her look incredibly glamorous ... and sexy. Rachel felt her heart give a quick flip and her breath come more rapidly as she looked at the woman. She’d never felt this way about a female before, and she didn’t know what was coming over her.

“Hi, Carole,” Rachel stammered, feeling herself flushing as the older woman came up and put her hands on her arms. The woman leaned close and gave Rachel an air-kiss on each cheek before stepping back. The intoxicating scent of the woman’s perfume filtered into Rachel’s senses, making her feel dizzy with excitement.

“My, you look good enough to eat,” Carole said as her eyes roamed hungrily over Rachel’s buxom form.

“Thank you. You look very nice too,” Rachel replied sheepishly.

“I’m so glad you got the job.” The older woman’s hand touched Rachel’s arm, her fingertips tracing teasingly along Rachel’s forearm, sending a tingling sensation right through her. “It’ll be so nice to have such a sweet young thing around. I can’t wait until we can get to know each other better.” Carole paused as her eyes flicked down to Rachel’s generous bustline, the young girl’s big tits straining at the confines of her tight sweater and jacket. “Yes, I think you and I are going to get to know each other very well.”

Rachel felt a familiar tingling between her legs, that nagging itch deep inside her pussy starting as her juices started to flow. And yet, the feeling was strangely unfamiliar at the same time—she’d never felt this way when dealing with the attentions of a woman before.

The phone on Carole’s desk buzzed and she looked back at Rachel after seeing the call display. “It’s Dr. Fitzpatrick. He must be ready for you.” She picked up the phone. “Yes? ... All right, I’ll send her in.” Setting the phone down, she turned to Rachel. “Okay, dear, you’re going to be working with one of our best directors today, Paul. Also, Lori is another of our new production assistants that was hired yesterday as well. Lori’s been in the business for a while, so I’ve asked her to kind of show you the ropes, so to speak. Dr. Fitzpatrick’s office is the first office on the left behind that door.” Carole pointed to the door in the wall that separated the front reception area from the rest of the tenant space. “When the doctor is finished with you, just go back and look for the sign that says ‘STUDIO B’, that’s where they’ll be shooting today. Lori’s got blonde curly hair. You can’t miss her. She’s finishing her medical exam right now. Between her and Paul helping you on your first day, you’ll be fine.”

“Thanks, Carole, I really appreciate all the help.”

“I’d love to stay around and see you work,” the older woman said, her eyes lingering on Rachel’s full pouty lips for a few seconds before her eyes came up, “but I have an appointment with an investor that Mr. Smithers needs me to attend to. I’ll see you next Monday.”

“All right,” Rachel replied as the older woman gestured to the door behind her. “Thanks again.”

Rachel could feel her hand shaking as she opened the door and stepped into the rear portion of the unit. She’d just closed the door behind her when a young girl with blonde curly hair stepped through a door just ahead of her.

“Thanks, Doc,” the pretty girl said, closing the door behind her. She noticed Rachel and turned, a smile on her face.

“Hi, you’re the new girl. Raquel, right?” she asked, holding out her hand.

“Uh, yes. But it’s Rachel, actually.”

“Rachel. I’m so sorry. I’m Lori.” The two young women shook hands.

“So what’s this doctor’s examination like?” Rachel asked nervously.

“Oh, it’s a breeze. Dr. Fitzpatrick is a nice old guy. He has to take a small blood sample, of course, to make sure there’re no nasties lurking there. I was out of there in less than ten minutes. Of course, I’ve been through this before.”

“You’ve been a production assistant before?”

“A fluffer? Sure, lots of times. I came here from another company because Starlite is paying better, plus, they’ve got some great stars signed up.”


“Yes, I heard they just signed Justin Deeper. Rumor has it he’s starring in the film that we’re working on today.”

“Justin Deeper?”

Lori looked at Rachel incredulously. “Are you kidding me, girl? You don’t know who Justin Deeper is?” Rachel just looked at her with a blank expression on her face. “You don’t watch much porn, do you?”

“Uh, no, I guess not,” Rachel replied, feeling her face turning red.

“You might want to watch a little more if you’re going to be working in this business. Justin is the king of porn right now. His cock is huge, absolutely huge. It makes your mouth water and your pussy itch just to look at it. And you should see how much cum he shoots. It’s like he’s never going to stop. The directors love him because when he gives a facial the girls are just covered in the stuff. I’d love to take a bath in all that milky cream shoots.” Lori paused as Rachel’s mouth gaped open and her hand went to her throat. “Do you like to swallow cum?”

“I ... uh, yes,” Rachel admitted, feeling her face flush crimson again.

“There’s no need to feel embarrassed—I love it too. It’s almost a prerequisite for the job when you’re a fluffer.”

Just then the door to the office behind them opened. A frail-looking gray-haired man in his late-60’s stood in the doorway, wearing a white lab coat that extended almost to his knees. “Are you Rachel?” he asked.

“Yes,” Rachel replied, holding up her hand.

“See you in a few minutes, hon,” Lori said, giving Rachel a comforting smile before walking off.

“Come right in, Rachel,” the doctor said as the buxom young girl walked past him. He closed the door, eagerly eyeing up her lush curvy body. She was so different from most of the girls that were hired in the porn industry. Usually they were skinny little things with fake tits, with a lot of them being regular users when it came to recreational drugs. But this one looked different ... very different. He did this gig with the porn studios a couple of times a week, supplementing his income now that he was semi-retired from his regular practice. The studios paid well, and he was a fan of porn, even if his personal equipment didn’t work as well as it used to. Whenever he and his wife of many years got around to doing it, the little blue pill was a necessity for any sort of positive result—and sometimes that didn’t even work.

Carole had told him that this curvy Rachel girl was new, never having worked in the industry before. She had told the doctor how attractive the plump young girl was, and now the doctor was seeing that the older woman had been bang on in her appraisal. The girl had some meat on her bones, just the way he liked it. And that meat seemed to be in all the right places. Her breasts were big and round, and they looked incredibly heavy and soft. Her big bum was the same, and he could see from her tight jeans that her thighs looked just as full and touchable. With her jet-black hair, round face and full sensual lips, she reminded him of Monica Lewinsky. The doctor was old enough to remember those headlines, and once he’d seen a picture of the curvy Ms. Lewinsky, he’d envied the president at having the opportunity to have those gorgeous lips wrapped around his cock. And this girl had lips just like that—lips made for sucking cock.

“So you’re Rachel, the new girl?” the doctor said, closing the door behind him as his eyes flitted to the girl’s substantial chest.

“Yes sir, Dr. Fitzpatrick, sir,” Rachel replied, smiling nervously at the doctor.

Carole had also told the doctor that the girl was incredibly naïve, but was touchingly sweet at the same time. The girl’s answer and that smile on her face confirmed that. “Please, there’s no need to be so formal. Everybody just calls me Fitz.”

“Yes, sir. I mean, yes, Dr. Fitz.”

Dr. Fitz ... how sweet is that, the gray-haired man thought. “Dr. Fitz will be just fine,” he said, smiling to himself as he opened a drawer in the vanity sink unit in one corner of the room. “Why don’t you take your blazer off and hang it on the back of the door and then sit up on the examination table? We’ll take the blood sample first and get that out of the way.”

“Yes, Dr. Fitz,” Rachel replied as she peeled off her jacket and hung it from the hook on the back of the door. Her first impression of the doctor was a positive one. His smile and demeanor were very sweet and comforting, just what she liked in a doctor. He seemed quite old to Rachel, looking very much like her seventy-year-old grandfather. Behind his knee-length lab coat, the doctor was slim and looked somewhat frail, but he had kind eyes, which Rachel liked.

When she turned around and walked back over to the examination table, the doctor almost dropped the syringe in his hand. Oh fuck, are those ever nice, the elderly man thought to himself as he looked at her sleeveless turtleneck, the powder-blue fabric stretched taut over her big round tits, the vertical ribs of the material flowing in and out provocatively as they followed the swells of her voluminous breasts. Nice tits, really nice tits, the doctor thought as he stepped over and took Rachel’s arm. “Just a little prick,” he warned as he carefully inserted the needle into her arm. “I’m sure with your new job you’ll be seeing much bigger pricks soon enough.”

They both chuckled at his little joke, and as he’d hoped, it did work to help Rachel feel more at ease. It was obvious that the doctor knew what she was going to be doing on her new job, so there was no point in either one of them trying to fool anyone. While the tube of blood was filling, the doctor let his gaze wander to the girl’s prominent chest just inches away, feeling his own prick surprisingly give a twitch. It happened far too rarely anymore that he got that reaction without taking Viagra, and it made him feel good to see his body reacting to this young girl’s presence.

“There now, that should do it,” he said, withdrawing the needle and replacing it with a cotton ball over the tiny wound. “Just hold that in place and you should be good to go in a minute or so.” As Rachel held the cotton swab against her arm, Dr. Fitzpatrick grabbed his tablet and turned back to her. “Okay, I need to take down some standard information for your file. I have your name. Your age is 18, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”


“Five foot, six inches.”


Rachel paused, feeling herself flush as Dr. Fitzpatrick looked her chubby form up and down. “Uh...”

“That’s all right, dear. We don’t need to put anything down for that right now.” He gave her a little wink which helped to relieve her anxiety.

“Thanks, Dr. Fitz,” Rachel replied. “I have a sweet-tooth and I just can’t help myself. I always have, and this is what I have to show for it.” She gestured to her voluptuous figure, her full round breasts straining against the tight sleeveless turtleneck.

“Don’t worry about that at all, Rachel. It’s nice to see a full-bodied healthy young woman in here for a change. Between you and me, I’m sure you’re in much better shape than just about all the other girls I see in here. Whether it be smoking, or drugs, or just starving themselves to look like they think men want; they’re only hurting themselves.” He paused, looking Rachel up and down appraisingly, like he was eyeing up a prize-winning mare at the state fair, looking for just the right one for his stallion to mount. His eyes rested an extra second or two on her big tits before he looked up into her questioning eyes, giving her a warm smile as he put on his best bedside manner. “No, you are much more attractive than anyone I’ve had in here in a long time.”

Rachel looked at him surprise, her face starting to beam with happiness as she smiled. “Really? Thank you, Dr. Fitz. That’s so nice of you to say. I thought you would have seen so many beautiful girls in your job.”

“Oh, no. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen anyone as pretty as you, Rachel.” The usual physical examination he gave most of the girls, including Lori who had just left the examination room before Rachel—ended after another five minutes or so of answering questions about sexually transmitted diseases they may have had at one time or another, asking about drug or alcohol use, and similar questions pertinent to their work in the porn industry. With Rachel, he decided to go a different way, the examination being more like what she would expect in a regular’s doctor’s office, but he did have a plan to put in some specialized tests of his own. He reached forward and took the cotton swab from her arm and tossed it in the garbage can, putting a tiny bandage over the wound. “Okay Rachel, time for the rest of your examination. Please take off you sweater and jeans. You can hang your clothes on the hooks there.”

“Should I leave my bra and panties on?” the naïve young girl asked.

“For now, yes.” To give Rachel some sense of privacy, Dr. Fitzpatrick turned his back to her as she started to undress. He stepped over to the sink area and, shielding her view of what he was doing with his body, surreptitiously slid the box of latex gloves and the jar of wooden tongue depressors on top of the counter into one of the vanity drawers. He turned to face her as he heard her slide back onto the examination table.

Oh my God, those tits are amazing, he said to himself, his eyes immediately drawn to the big round spheres all but spilling out of her lacy bra cups. Her cleavage was a mile long, her breasts pushed together and up provocatively by the heavily-structured bra she was wearing. He could see that the cups were absolutely jam-packed, her big round breasts barely contained. The swells of tit-flesh looked deliciously soft and inviting, and he could tell right away that they were totally natural. They looked perfect. The stiffening of his aged prick in his pants was telling him that as well. He reached for his tablet, pretending to look down at a question that he knew was not really there. “Oh yes, seeing you in your bra reminds me of a question I forgot to ask. This is the kind of thing they make note of in this industry. What is your bra size?”

“Well,” Rachel said demurely, “this bra is a 38DD, which I’d been wearing for quite a while. But I think I’ve gained a little bit up top lately, so I think I might have to go up a size the next time I go shopping.”

“Yes, I can see what you mean.” The doctor gulped, his filling prick now rising up on one side and heading for the waistband of his loose-fitting boxers. Barely able to tear his eyes away from her mouth-watering chest, the doctor set down his tablet and put on his stethoscope. “All right, let’s check your chest ... er ... I mean, your heart.” Standing at Rachel’s side, he rubbed the stethoscope across the front of his white coat to take the chill off, and then positioned it just beneath her left breast. Her skin felt deliciously soft and warm as he moved the stethoscope slightly, listening to the steady beat of her healthy heart.

“Very good, now let’s check your lungs.” The doctor had Rachel turn slightly as he stepped up close to her back, positioning the diaphragm of the stethoscope just above her bra strap. He leaned closer, making sure he was looking down over her shoulder. “All right then, take a good deep breath and hold it.” When Rachel did, her voluminous tits rose even higher as they swelled over the top edge of the packed bra cups. The bra was pulled so tight, the doctor was surprised it didn’t give up the fight, snap open under the strain, and go flying across the room.

“Very good,” he said, moving the listening device slightly before looking over her shoulder again. “Another one. Try to take a bigger breath this time, and hold it.” Rachel did as he asked, and the doctor felt himself start to sweat, his cock now an iron bar in his pants as he looked right down into that deep inviting line of cleavage, the girl’s huge tits seeming to fight for freedom from the confining bra. She held the breath for a long time as he looked at her massive guns, totally spellbound. Finally, she let it out in a big gasp, her breasts settling back into position.

“Perfect,” the doctor said, meaning more than just the clear sound coming from her lungs. He knew if he turned the stethoscope on himself, he’d feel his old heart hammering in his chest. But he was happy, and that old ticker was pumping the blood right to his midsection, his old wizened prick now standing at full salute.

“Very good, Rachel,” he said, taking off the stethoscope and setting it aside. “I have to ask you to take off your bra now. I have to do a breast exam to make sure there are no lumps.”

“But I just had a full exam before I started school just a few weeks ago. The university required it.” Rachel looked at the doctor questioningly, feeling embarrassed about exposing herself to him.

Dr. Fitzpatrick’s mind was still sharp as a tack, and that hard cock in his pants was not to be denied. He came up with an answer immediately, even if it was a total lie. “I understand, but it’s California state law that anyone working in any capacity in the film industry has to be cleared by the physician of record. I’m sorry, Rachel. I wish we could just end the examination here and use the university’s records, but my hands are tied.” He held his long bony hands up and gave her a wry smile, as if doing what he had to do was a hardship.

“Of course. I’m sorry, Doctor. I’m very happy to have gotten this job and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.” The doctor pretended to avert his eyes as Rachel reached behind her and deftly undid her bra. She slid the shoulder straps off first, and then lowered the bra cups. As soon as she lowered her bra, the doctor coughed, as if something was stuck in his throat.

“Are you all right, Dr. Fitz?” Rachel asked, her voice full of genuine concern.

“Yes, I’m fine,” the doctor gasped out. “Just a tickle in my throat.” Oh, sweet Jesus, the doctor thought to himself as he watched the young girl’s spectacular tits settle and spread out over the full breadth of her chest. His first sight had caught him unawares, and he’d almost choked on the anxious lump that had appeared in his throat. Her breasts were tremendously full and round, perfectly shaped. The immense weight had them settling luxuriously over her midsection, as only big natural breasts could. They didn’t stay high and round on her chest like they’d been cut and stuck in place, as most fake breasts looked. No, this girl’s breasts were sensational. His eyes focussed in on her areolae and nipples, the sweetest shade of red he’d ever seen. Her nipples were big, and he could see them getting stiffer and swelling up once they’d been exposed to the cool air in the room. They looked like ripe cherries, just dying for someone’s mouth to enjoy the lusciousness.

“Now then,” Dr. Fitzpatrick said, once more clearing his throat, “let’s just make sure there are no nasty lumps.” He stepped up beside Rachel and lifted his hand, feeling himself shaking with excitement as he reached forward and cupped one huge tit. He gave it a little heft. Oh, fuck me, that’s heavy, he thought to himself as he let the big boob settle in his cupping hand. He squeezed, the softness of her big tit feeling exquisite in his hand.

“Unh,” Rachel gave off a little groan, but the tone seemed to be more of pleasure than shock or surprise. He squeezed again, and he saw she consciously made an effort to stifle another moan, now with a guilty look on her face.

“Are you all right, Rachel? I’m not hurting you, am I?” the doctor asked, sliding his hand across her body and filling his hand with her other big tit.

“Uh, no, not at all. It’s just that my breasts are quite sensitive. Sometimes I forget how sensitive they are.”

“That’s all right. A lot of girls are like that,” Dr. Fitzpatrick lied as he gave the young girl a comforting smile.

“Really? They are?”

“Oh, of course. I had a girl in here just yesterday that reacted the same way. Why don’t you just relax and enjoy it? I’m afraid that with the size of your breasts, the examination is going to take longer than usual. You don’t mind, do you?” He accompanied his question with a full-handed squeeze, Rachel’s head tipping back as her eyelids fluttered under the sensations flowing through her.

“Uh, okay,” she replied timidly, her body starting to flush under the doctor’s skillful hands.

“That’s good. A lot of girls react just like you. It’s perfectly natural. Just relax now while I do what I have to do. If it happens to feel good, just let yourself go. If it’s easier for you, you can just close your eyes, if you like.”

“I ... I think I will.” As Rachel closed her eyes, he felt her lush curvy body seem to loosen up, his soothing words calming her.

“There, that’s it ... just relax,” the doctor said, a lecherous smile on his face as he really started to feel her up. He squeezed and kneaded the soft heavy mound, his fingertips pressing here and there as if he was checking for lumps. He moved from one breast to the next, and Rachel sat there, her eyes closed, letting him do as he wished.

Time to go for it, Dr. Fitzpatrick said to himself as he took his cupping hand and let his fingertips slide over the soft warm skin until he encountered her protruding nipple. With a gentle touch, he ‘accidentally’ let his fingertip rub over the stiff bud.

“Aaahh.” Rachel let out a little gasp, her full mouth opening as he looked down at her—but she made no move to push his hand away. With his imaginary fingers crossed behind his back—and a lewd smile on his face—the doctor reached for her nipple with both his thumb and forefinger, rolling it slowly between his fingertips.

“Ohhhnn,” Rachel let out a deep moan as her body gave off a shiver, but still, she made no move to get away from the old man’s exploring hands.

“I just need to check your nipples for abnormalities, Rachel,” the doctor said, his cock harder than it had been in years. He was glad he had his long lab coat on, knowing his stiff prick was tenting out the front of his pants. “I’ll only be a minute or two.”

“I understand, Doctor,” Rachel replied, still not opening her eyes. “It’s just that, like I said, my breasts are very sensitive.”

“That’s fine, Rachel. Just let your body feel what it wants to. No one is judging you here.”

“Okay,” she replied, giving off another moan and leaning against him slightly as he pinched her nipple gently, feeling it stiffen and expand even more beneath his fingertips. He moved to her other breast and gave that nipple the similar treatment, watching it turn a bright rosy-red under his touch.

“Aaahh,” Rachel gasped again as she breathed more raggedly, a fine sheen of perspiration appearing on her pretty face. He could feel her getting more and more aroused as he openly groped her, combining the exploration of her nipples with cupping and hefting her mouth-watering tits. She was squirming slightly now, but she still made no attempt to stop him, her eyelids remaining close as she surrendered to his touch.

“The skin here seems a touch dry,” the doctor said, lying to her once more. “I know just the thing.” He reached over to a shelf next to the examination table and grabbed a bottle of hand lotion, pumping out a huge dollop onto his fingertips. He quickly brought his hand back, taking the stiff bud of her nipple between his lotion-coated thumb and forefinger. He rolled the hard pebble between his slippery fingertips.

“OH MY,” Rachel gasped, her back arching forward towards his hand. Dr. Fitzpatrick smiled to himself, squeezing her nipple as he rolled it, watching her gasp and twitch beneath his touch. He moved to her other breast, quickly pumping out more lotion onto his hand before taking that rosy bud between his fingertips. He had made sure to put extra lotion on his fingers, spreading it now over more of her heavy breast. He kept at this one for a couple of minutes, and then went back to the first, applying more lotion before caressing the whole heavy sphere with his slippery hand. Both big round tits were glistening, her nipples glowing like wet cherries. Once he went to town on that one again, Rachel really started to squirm.

“Oh Doctor ... I ... I ... AAAAAAAAHHH...” The young girl started to convulse and shake as he continued working on her tits, twitching through a spine-tingling climax. He kept tweaking her nipples as she spasmed, the fiery little buds burning against his fingers. She spasmed and shook for a long time beneath his experienced touch until, finally, the thrilling sensations waned, and she slumped against him, catching herself and sitting up, her eyes opening. The doctor let his wandering hand drop back to his side.

“Dr. Fitz, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” Rachel said, her face flushing with embarrassment.

“That’s quite all right, Rachel. It’s just your body’s natural way of reacting to stimulus. I see it in here all the time.”


“Of course, it happens quite often, actually,” the doctor said, never having had a patient of any kind climax right before him. But the stiff rod of flesh in his pants told him he had to keep this ruse going, at least until she stopped him. He figured he’d better say something more to put her mind at ease. “You can put your bra back on if you like. We’re done with this part of the examination.” He turned back to the sink and washed the remnants of the lotion off his hands.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Rachel reached over and slipped back into her bra, securing the hooks in the wide strap before spinning it around and stuffing her girls back into the heavily-wired cups.

The doctor pretended to write notes into his tablet, but he surreptitiously watched her, his cock throbbing as she fit the massive orbs beneath the shiny white satin of her bra. He was a lingerie guy, and as perfect as her breasts looked totally exposed, he loved the look of them filling that sexy bra just as much. And now, it was time to carry out the next part of the examination. He opened the cupboard beneath the metal examination table and lifted out the two metal stirrups that had been in there forever. Rachel watched wide-eyed as he fit them into the end of the table. “All right, Rachel, if you would please remove your panties and place your feet in the stirrups, we can take care of the next part of the examination.” He saw the surprised look on her face. “Like I said, before, it’s California state law. There’s nothing I can do about it. If you want to talk to Mr. Smithers about it, well...”

“Oh no, I understand. I really need this job.” The doctor turned away as Rachel stood up and shimmied out of her panties, hanging them on the hook where her bra had been before lying back on the table and lifting her feet into the stirrups.

“There now, let’s just take a quick look and make sure everything’s as it should be,” the doctor said as he sat on his rolling stool and slid into position between Rachel’s widely spread legs. Oh fuck, what a gorgeous cunt, the doctor said to himself, his eyes feasting hungrily on Rachel’s openly-displayed mound. Her pussy was nicely shaved, just the way he liked. And it was just like the rest of her, lush and full. Both inner lips and outer lips were big and fleshy, the type of cunt-lips you could chew on all night long. And her pouting inner lips were a rosy-red, just like her nipples. Those inner lips were fleshy and kissable, made even moreso by the glistening wetness that covered her mound.

“I’m sorry if it’s a bit wet down there. I got a little excited when you were doing the breast examination.”

“That’s fine, Rachel. Nothing to worry about, that’s perfectly normal.” He smiled to himself as he moved even closer between her plump spread thighs and inhaled deeply, the musky warm scent of her girly nectar wafting into his nostrils. Once the intoxicating fragrance hit his senses, it sent a jolt right to his groin. He didn’t think his aged cock could have gotten any harder, but it did. He looked closer at her delectable pussy, shining luxuriously with her flowing juices. He focussed on her clit, the fiery red button shining like a beacon at the top of her slit. Again, just like the rest of her, it was big—big and a brilliant red. It seemed to be winking at him as it poked out from beneath its protective sheath, begging for his fingertips to reach forward and roll it between his thumb and forefinger, just like he’d done with her nipples. Feeling his heart pounding with excitement as he stared at her mouth-watering pussy, he shook his head to bring him back to the moment. He purposely turned around and looked over his shoulder at the counter near the sink, returning his gaze back to the Rachel before speaking to her. “Oh dear, it seems as if we’re out of latex gloves. I’ll have to talk to Carole about ordering more. I’m so sorry about that. But, I just thoroughly washed my hands, so I hope you don’t mind if I continue with the examination.”

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It has been almost a year since Regina has found Michelle on the side of the road and Michelle has gone into real estate and is doing well. In fact, Michelle has bought her house just signed the necessary documents and is now getting ready for the housewarming party to celebrate. Regina and Donald, Amy, Elbert, and Lillian Jacobs and Pastor Robertson and his wife Sandra are coming over. The doorbell rang and it was Regina and Donald showing up with roast beef and watermelon slices...

3 years ago
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Polaroid Club Book IChapter 4

The Gandydancer was Morriston's most expensive and most well-known restaurant-night club, catering to those among the population who could afford two dollars per drink during the thrice-nightly shows and boned squab at ten dollars per plate. It was plush and dark, with beautiful young cocktail waitresses in sequined halter-and-panty outfits holding forth in the lounge--and maroon-uniformed waiters hovering quietly and obsequiously in the upstairs dining salon. At nine o'clock the following...

1 year ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 18

Erin St. Clair sat nervously on the bench in front of her apartment building waiting for Claudia and Dan to arrive. Her normal attire was a tank top and form-hugging cotton shorts. She smiled seeing his red Caddy turn into the curved driveway and stop by her. “Right on time!” She smiled, getting in the back seat and leaned over the seat to kiss them hello. “I can’t believe this is finally happening. Thank you so much for your support, Claudia and Dan. We’ll have to spend plenty of time in...

3 years ago
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Ghosts and ShadowsChapter 3 Closing It Out

Even with the expedited rush due to my agreement to let the case be heard in Chicago, where her boyfriend's contacts made justice a very malleable proposition, it took almost a month before I got the paperwork by overnight UPS. During that month I went back to the house and tried to sleep in our bedroom. I tried. I made myself go back one night after another. It was just a house, a thing of mortar and wood and glass. There was no such thing as ghosts. I was a rational man, and yet... When...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 24

Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...

3 years ago
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First Time for Everything The Gift

For those of you who haven’t read my prior stories, I’ll give you a bit of a back story. My husband Matt and I have been married for a few years now and things were getting overwhelmingly stale. I couldn’t take it anymore and on one drunken night decided to turn up the heat with him. Since then we’ve enjoyed all of each other, and I now especially crave my husband’s lust for dominating and controlling me. Being self employed, I frequently have to travel for work to keep up with the ever...

2 years ago
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Kinky Carla Part 1 ldquoPostChristmas Party I

Our office Christmas party is legendary in our building, complete with catered food and a bartender. This year was no exception. I guess the typical office party winds down at about noon, since the employees prefer to pursue more personal things on the afternoon of Christmas eve. By the time the party was over, most of the building was empty.By the time I reached the parking garage, very few cars were still there. As I moved to my driver’s door, I heard sounds coming from the car parked...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 415 The Upgrades

Sunday, May 25 to Wednesday, June 18, 2008 On my next déjà vu, I gave my link partner an overview of my situation and discoveries, waited for him to calm down, told him I thought I could painlessly upgrade him to 352 minds, waited for him to calm down again, then I explained my "Second-Tier Helpers" idea in detail, including that he'd be letting himself in for some possibly risky work on my Voyage. I couched my description as being an invitation to him that he could refuse, but I knew he...

2 years ago
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Untold Story On Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part I

Hello all to ISS reader, today I am going to share one of the incidents that happened to me when I was in college. I was that time 20 years old. The incident involves by bhabhi whose name was Kamya. She was married 1 year ago to my elder brother. We use to stay together in a joint family. She was a very nice girl, in her mid 20s and she was very pretty looking. Kamya bhabi had a very nice figure. She always used to wear saree at home and that exposes her figure very nicely. She was around 5.5...

3 years ago
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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 4

When we get back to our room, we’re surprised to see a bucket with chilled champagne in it and four glasses waiting. You pour us each a glass, then sit back in a chair, loosening your tie. “Why don’t you two enjoy yourselves for a bit?” I move to you and sit on your knee, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You slide your hand up my thigh and return my kiss. I hear music begin to play and I pull back, turning to see Beth walking towards us. She pulls me to my feet and against her body, grinding...

1 year ago
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Mona Sona

Hello, friends. I thank you all for liking my stories and feeding me your comments. Here is my new erotic story which I am sure you all would love. Please send the feedback at I had married Mona, a beautiful 22 year old big boob woman last year and was madly in love with my wife. Mona was a whore in bed and I loved my whore. She is 5 feet 4 inches, round ass, nice big tits with brown nipples that she loves getting sucked. She keeps her cunt shaved for me and loves my 7 inch cock. She likes...

1 year ago
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Elite Babes! There has been an explosion in erotic photography in the last few years, mainly due to an increased number of women watching erotic content as well as the producers’ intent on standing out from typical porn sites. The upside for lovers of erotic photography is they get to see loads of breathtakingly hot women posing naked or having steamy sex in high-quality galleries; this is definitely the fucking finest photography in the world.At Elite Babes, the narrative is similar; there are...

Porn Pictures Sites
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When I was a Tutor Chpt 14

When I was in my mid-twenties I had a history-professor at university that I really got along well with. I was doing the tutoring for some of his younger students and helped during office hours while he paid me good cash. He also was a man past his fifties who hadn't forgot what days were like when he was young, so a little booze-flavoured sweat in the morning coming from my side did not freak him out, as long as the work was done properly. Swell guy, one could say. And it was this man...

4 years ago
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I talked to Jimmy and asked him just how tough a lesson did he want Leslie to learn. He told me he really wanted to give her a wake-up call about how life really is out on the street. He is always telling her about muggers, rapists, and molesters that are out there preying on young children. She always tells him she knows how to take care of herself. I told him I wish I could help him but that I didn't even know his daughter. I then asked him when was his week to have Leslie with him and he...

3 years ago
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The Lesson

The Lesson By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped. ~ African Proverb It was horrible. No, it was worse than that. It was... very very bad! I looked in the mirror again to confirm what I already knew. The knee length pants were very tight, so tight that I had to wear a panty girdle to hide my parts, and the shirt? Maybe blouse, whatever, was bright white, and very frilly, almost to the extreme, and the jacket was only...

4 years ago
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Cum with Big Momma

I was having a hard time fulfilling my favorite fantasy. I wanted to be fucked by a shemale. I'm not a total bottom but I definitely liked cock in my ass.I cruised through craigslist but had disappointing results. Most of the hottest gurls in the t4m section were hookers, and crossdressers in the m4m section were all bottom. I finally found an add for a chubby black shemale who called herself Big Momma. The pics in the add showed a huge fat bbw with big tits, big ass, and the last pic showed a...

2 years ago
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IntendedChapter 3 Embarking on a surreptitious mystical journey

The crossed branches holding the waterskin pot above the flames sagged under the weight of its burden. Steam rose from the half-filled container and dissipated into the air. Stretching out his legs, Jakal locked his fingers behind his head and reclined, resting his shoulders against the log behind him. Gazing up at the sky vividly colored by the sunset, he sighed. "Sala, once again you prepare a meal worthy of a Gathering of Clan Leaders." It pleased her to see him content. Jakal had been...

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Solstice Ch 02

If someone had asked me, just a few hours ago, whether I’d agree to take a late-night walk with a man I’d only just met… Stranger danger. At the nursery school where I worked we were always telling the children about that. Never go off with a stranger, never take things from a stranger… ‘Not past your bedtime yet then?’ Adam teased, his hand warm in mine as we strolled along the path towards St Catherine’s Hill. I smiled. ‘Well, it is, actually. But I’m only working until lunchtime...

2 years ago
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484 handing over the wife

484 handing over the wife Over the next two weeks things became jumbled, Mya found herself in a flat above the clubhouse, well appointed, tidy but nothing like her own barn conversion, however there were some items not readily available at home, a St Andrews cross in the spare room being one, and its companion rack being another. Neither were used in the first week, Alex being quite satisfied with using her in his bed in every possible position in the karma sutra, at first he was a loving and...

3 years ago
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Glorydaze 4

Being a glory hole slut has always been fun. On my knees sucking anonymous cock in the dark seemed almost like a hobby. The threesome with Dennis and Keith changed things, now I’m just a slut. My week has been consumed with thoughts of sex, dirty sex. It’s been all I could do stay out of the booths. I glance up at Keith and nod as I walk in. I mean what do you say to a guy who was straddling your face naked the last time you met? Dennis was waiting at the door to the back and led me in. I...

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The Brewmeister

Here's a story where I managed to combine two hobbies WARNING: This story contains explicit descriptions of the transformation of barley into beer. If this offends you, please stop reading now. Also, there is some adult material somewhere in here. This story may be archived on any free site. Just let me know. Brewmeister by Sarah Miller It was Carl's 40th birthday, and he rushed out of the office at five, eager to get home to the surprise party he suspected was planned. ...

1 year ago
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It was with nothing but disgust that Susan regarded the musicians whose subtle and accomplished performance was so enrapturing most of the other guests. Susan was conscious that she was a fraud in so many ways and her presence at the recital a sham. It was the music she should be appreciating rather than the musicians. She should be somehow transported to the higher plane that Franz Schubert had prepared for listeners to his String Quartet No. 14 in D minor : otherwise known as Death and the...

Straight Sex
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Stalked Raped Part 3

I only say that because my green eyed man turned me around at some point, stuck me on his dick-more like impaled me there...stretched over his big cock. We were face-to-...well mask. There was no door covering the front of my body, no darkness in the room-nothing blocked me from him. Just the grip on my hips, the furious bounce he made me do in his lap that rolled my eyes back. He scooped me up and slid me back down, over and over making me moan wildly. My head bobbed up and down and my tits...

3 years ago
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A Necessary Cuckolding Part IV

Dawn awoke at 16:17. She found herself staring at the television screen affixed to the wall and the red time light began to mesmerise her. Bradley stirred beside her, his erection prodding her buttocks, and she suddenly remembered where she was. He kissed her shoulder. “You snore, you know.”She laughed as she turned over. “I know. Alan has already told me. He says I also talk in my sleep.”“Well, I’ve never heard that yet.”“Yet?” she said with a smile. ”You mean you’re planning to do this...

1 year ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 17 Fun In The Sun

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After that surprised hook up with Christina, I headed back to check on Amy. She was still sleeping soundly on the deck chair. I woke her up. Amy: Oh I fell asleep! Sorry, daddy!...

2 years ago
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Cum on toes Cleanup

I have to say I get turned on watching porn vids with a good cum shot and clean up. Either another girl cleaning up the cream pie and swapping it or the guy himself doing the clean up it really gets my cock throbbing. I often think to myself I'm going to clean my wifes cream-pied pussy only to back out after shooting my load. One is, after I cum, I just lose the desire, and two, I don't want her to think I'm a complete perv. I know she enjoys it though. She's a good cum swallower and always...

2 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 8

Megan's account: There are times, more often than not, that I just hate being the Scribe. I couldn't believe what I had done when Patrick left the room that night. I loved him so much it hurt, but in my ignorance I had repeatedly pushed him away in the last few weeks. Finally, I had pushed too much, too hard. Sometimes I can be so stupid and blind. As I watched him leave the room, I suddenly realized I had brought to fruition the nightmare I had lived with for years, that I knew was...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 3 Ice Breaking

December – Year 1 After that revelation, Lynn sat there looking at me for a long time. I was trying to read her eyes when Mark broke the silence with a loud laugh. “Did you see that?” “No, what? “That drunken guy at the pool table just racked himself in the balls with his cue!” Grateful for the break, I looked over to see the young guy rolled up on the bar floor. His friends were all laughing their asses off at his misfortune. I turned back to Mark and just shook my head. Just as I was...

1 year ago
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A country walk

A warm sunny day and a walk in the country hand in hand. We reach a grassy area, that is hidden by some trees, I spread the blanket on the ground and we kiss. I can't keep my hands off you running them up and down your sides and then cupping your buttocks as our tongues twist and turn round each other. I find the buttons on your top and slowly undo them and you drop your arms to shake it off. I kiss my way from one shoulder to the other as I undo the clip on your bra then kiss my way down to...

2 years ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 34

Amanda crawled across the grass of the Circle towards the peacefully slumbering slave. Her eyes flicked over the young woman's body to determine the correct approach. The slave had curled up on her side with her torso turned just enough towards the ground to make her breasts inaccessible. Not that having the breasts exposed had helped her on the first two attempts. If anything, that was where she kept making mistakes. She came alongside the sleeping girl and immediately spotted one...

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NeighborAffair Ashlynn Taylor 23251

Ashlynn Taylor is so horny that even though she’s a newlywed, she still wants to fuck neighbor guy who just moved and she hasn’t even met yet! On top of that, the plan she devised to get his attention involves her dog pissing on his leg when she sees him walking down the street! Well, it somehow miraculously works, and the next thing you know her neighbor Sean is up in Ashlynn’s apartment because she offered to clean his soiled pants for him. What he didn’t expect was for her to ask him to take...

4 years ago
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when your a boy and your name is leslie-not female version ie lesley, your first day at school is a real nightmare!-and it dont get any better all the way through your school years. boys are never gay but they sure get up to some strange games ,which if any one else did would be "sooooo gay" i was teased and bullied a bit all through my teen years,even though i soon learned too use my fists if things got to "crazy,i enjoyed hiding behind a "soft" image to see how far...

3 years ago
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Look Buttons no thatch

This tale is not of my adventure, rather one a chat friend shared. in great detail I might add. I took some artistic license to change names but did not alter the facts or exaggerate what they did. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed hearing it originally! In Great Britain, Terri learned after she turned 18, the value of her sex in getting what she wanted. She wasn't as busty as she would like, but going braless had distinct eye appeal for the slim brunette. Her girlfriend and 'partner in...

Group Sex
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Mandy part 2

The picture on the screen was in a very large room filled with men and women fucking and sucking each other. She quickly stopped the tape. "Wow there's more on the tape." She said aloud. She started shaking Timmy. "Timmy, wake up, there's more on the tape." Timmy's eyes opened. "More." "Yeah all kinds of people I never saw before fucking and sucking." Timmy sat up forgetting all about sleeping. "Turn it on, let's watch." Amanda started the tape again. The...

3 years ago
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Cindys Old Tale

Cindy sat on the bed, lazily chewing her gum as she waited. She was neither overly excited, nor completely indifferent and reasoned it was a small price to pay to get what she wanted. She would explain the new sneakers and jeans to her parents somehow, but that was still off in the future.There was a chill in the bedroom, and she shuddered slightly as the cool air caressed her bare skin. Her nipples hardened into tiny pale peaks and she thought that he would appreciate that. Cindy ran her...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 4 Psychotherapy

The first Saturday in August was a warm day – even hot, but most of the Circle had congregated around the pool for the afternoon. The umbrellas, however, were open to provide a lot of needed shade from direct sunlight. Alice returned outside carrying the baby monitor. She’d just put John Forrest down for his afternoon nap. He should be good for ninety minutes, and then she’d hear him cooing and making talking noises in his crib as he played with some of his soft toys. Alice strolled between...

2 years ago
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Experience at the Yoga Class

"I'm glad you decided to finally come with me to the yoga class. You're going to love it!" Ceenie said energetically as she loaded her briefcase into the trunk of her Altima."Well, Ceenie, if it is as great as you make it out to be, it will be a nice way to unwind after work, even though I don't have any workout clothes," I answered as I stuck my briefcase beside hers."Trust me, Jenna, after a day in court, it will be well worth it. And don't worry, you won't need any."Ceenie slammed the trunk...

3 years ago
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The Nightmare revised

She slid out of her gown and let it puddle to the floor. Her pale skin almost as white as her fur seemed to glow in the dim light of the bathroom. She bent over the large tub to turn the water on and stop the drain. Almost instantly the bathroom filed with steam. Mystery added bubbles and lit a few candles. She steped away from the tub and closed the door. As she turned to the mirror she pulled her long crimson hair up into a loose twist in the back of her head. The steam from the bath...

1 year ago
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He was called by many names -- Xšayaršā in Persian, Ahasuerus in Hebrew, and Xerxes the Great as he was known in Greece -- but was always known as the fourth king of kings of the Achaemenid dynasty of Persia. His empire was vast -- stretching from Greece to Egypt to the Indus Valley -- and as such, his harem was populated with the most beautiful young women from the various lands he had conquered. He had so many wives that some woman would spend almost a year before finally sharing carnal...

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Teaching is a Dogs Life or is itChapter 3

Blackmailed I was sitting there my brain in a whirl as all this tried to sink in. I had a terrible sinking feeling in my stomach as the implication of what she was saying began to sink in. Just then Karens sister Joan came into the room carrying a tray of drinks. She smiled at me as she passed me an orange juice which I drank quite quickly as the consequences of what was happening to me ran through my mind. My mouth was quite dry and the tinge of bitterness in the drink did not register with...

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NubileFilms Marilyn Sugar All About Tonight

Sometimes Kristof Cale needs a little bit of a pick me up, and he knows the girl for the job. He can always pick up the phone and have Marilyn Sugar on her way over in just a few minutes. Marilyn takes just long enough to deck herself out in some simple but sexy lingerie beneath a simple but sexy dress, and then she heads to Kristof’s place. When Marilyn arrives, Kristof is waiting for her to put on a show. This bubbly blonde is happy to deliver! She takes her time stripping for both...

1 year ago
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 24

We washed ourselves, dressed in denims and t-shirts and started studying. I received a call from Omar during that. -hello?- -hello hameeda, how are you? I am still at field work here. Hope you are alright- Of course I was alright. With imad around, I am always alright. -hmm…are you coming back today?- -well…looks like I can but it will be dark by the time I come back. I guess you can manage till then- -mh…you know how much I miss you…- Oh god! Please forgive me for lying to him. -…but we have...

1 year ago
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Renting a Room Ch 03

After the emotional breakfast over my employment status, bodies got dressed and filtered out of the house. The twins said they had wrangled use of an aged but usable practice beam from the collection at their gym. They might be able to get a friend to deliver it today. I put in an appearance at the lab, but there was nothing going on, and I was thinking maybe life had a better hand to deal me than being a earthquake geology research assistant. When I called, Maggie answered and said to come...

2 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 32 Construction

“Wow, this place is a disaster!” commented Frank Boscow. “Yeah, isn’t it cool!” replied his grandson. “You two are not being helpful,” said Lauren. The three were standing in the Graham kitchen, looking at the construction going on around them. The week following Lauren and Peter signing their prenups had been busy. First, that Wednesday night, Peter had brought around an architect and an engineer from his firm to discuss what was to be done. Lauren had been amazed to find that the...

3 years ago
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first time was with 2

My name is gio it was about to b my first time to have sex.. And it was with 2 girls.. It all started at a party with a bunch of the high school k**s there. Everyone was having a good time playing drinking games and fun stuff like that but u know what happens when boys and girls start geting a little bit to d***k. We start doing crazy things.. It all started with a dare no1 would beilieve that I would do two girls at once. So I had to prove them wrong.. We went to a room upstairs and we started...

3 years ago
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The Seduction and Using of Dawn Pt 01

The Seduction and Using of Dawn Pt. 01This is a story about an unfaithful wife and how she became an unfaithful wife as told by herself and one of her lovers. There are many twists along the way.Each chapter is the story so far as told by either Dawn or Neil. It's in the he said, she said style.*****Chapter 1: (Neil)The first time I saw her was at a company dinner dance. She was quite small in stature, but possessed a regal serene presence. She commanded everyone's attention as she glided...

3 years ago
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Put Me In CoachChapter 7

I had a ballgame to play, and Alice had her own ballgame to coach, so there was no time for anything except the usual high-fives for her ballplayers before I left in the late innings. "Mind if I call you, later, find out who won?" I asked. "Sure. And you can tell me who won yours." "It'll be in all the papers," I said. "And on the ESPN website." "For some reason, they don't post our scores there," she said. "So. I'll call and ask. I've got the number -- on your business...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 51 Pyramus and Thisbe

About two-thirds of the way along the Faubourg Saint-Honore, and in the rear of one of the most imposing mansions in this rich neighborhood, where the various houses vie with each other for elegance of design and magnificence of construction, extended a large garden, where the wide-spreading chestnut-trees raised their heads high above the walls in a solid rampart, and with the coming of every spring scattered a shower of delicate pink and white blossoms into the large stone vases that stood...

4 years ago
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My first time cheating

My first time cheatingSarah and I were together for a while in college. More than half year. It felt like a long time for college students. We acted just like best friends to our friends and the other students. But it was more than that. She taught me to truly touch another woman. I learned how to reciprocate. In no time I was using my mouth to satisfy her also. It was a wonderful experience. She taught me everything I needed to know to be a lesbian, even though I still did not consider myself...

2 years ago
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First time escort

My First Try at Escorting1 ESCORTI see Sue in her final preparations tugging that tiny G-string between her cheeks then stepping into her little black cocktail dress, it thrills me and shames me in equal measures. Yes, I know it’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to feel in control; it’s crazy really, we are a loving and wealthy couple so why did I talk her into doing this? We had paid £350 a night to stay at the Grand just so that I could let a complete stranger rent my wife for a few hours....

1 year ago
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Londons BurningChapter 5 Fire

About a week passed and trade quickly built as Tony played for the regulars every night. Lady Sheila fitted in remarkably well at the Feathers and soon Kate and Lady Sheila were working quite well together, and quickly becoming close friends ... She enjoyed working in the bar and was quite proud of Tonys piano playing for patrons on the piano. Quite quickly the word spread about the atmosphere created by the nightly sing songs and whole families were coming in when the air raids allowed them...

3 years ago
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Sheep WarChapter 7

The next day, Jason went into town and bought more cans and more blasting powder. He bought blasting powder in small grain size and in large grain size. The idea was that he would put a can of small grains inside a can of large grains and set them off with the same fuse. The small grains would burn much faster than the large grains and, hopefully, explode while the large grains were still burning. Jason's plans was to use this combination to start fires. Also, the can with the small grains...

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