Katies dress is too small
- 2 years ago
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Cast of the story:
Bob ? father of Katie and Todd ? Bob is 50 years old and a single dad with full custody of the kids
Katie (13)
Todd (15)
Uncle Jim (40)
Josh (15) ? Uncle Jim?s son
Sam ? Bob?s neighbor and friend (Had a son Katies age named Kevin)
Story Line ? Bob, Katies dad is the leader of an all men amateur photography club who meets weekly with aprox 15 other men and a few bring their son?s. Bob had been leading this club for years and finally the club members had asked him to arrange to have a nude female model, so that they could practice taking photos of a nude model and enhance their photo skills. Bob had arranged for a model and she didn?t show up? guess who had to step in with encouragement from all of the club members ? yes you?re right ? little slim teen Katie (Bob?s daughter)? By the way, little innocent immature Katie was the only female ever present at the weekly photography meetings and the men of the club absolutely adored her.
Katie, Bob, and Todd lived in a small home in the country and had a few acres of land and a swimming pool in the backyard. Uncle Jim and Josh were spending a few weeks visiting with them.
Chapter One
Bob had arranged a BBQ the afternoon of the photo club meeting. Bob cooked up a delicious meal for his two kids and his brother Jim and his nephew. During the BBQ Bob had noticed that his brother and nephew kept sneaking looks at a his young and very innocent looking daughter. She had light brown hair, stood 5? 2? and was extremely slim with a boyish build. She was adorable and had a the face of an angel. She was extremely self conscious as her body was going through the change.? Her tits were budding and the shape of her little young teen titties were now clearly visible through her white blouse. Through her shirt you could clearly make out the distinct white straps of her little cotton training bra. Bob knew what kind of panties and bra she wore as he purchased them for her.
(As a side note) - He purposely went to Walmart with her during the evening when more men and boys were out. He would intentionally bring his son with him, parade his daughter to the teen panties and bra section, her brother Josh would be with them. He knew that this was very embarrassing for his daughter and that?s why it gave him so much satisfaction.
He would have her stand by the bigger isle and hold up various panties and bra against her teen body with men, girls and dads watching and he would ask her what she thought. Some times he would even ask her brother if he thought the panties and bra looked nice and asked his son if he thought they would fit. This would humiliate both of them, especially with perverted men watching this embarrassing spectacle.
She was wearing white shorts, with a jean belt, white socks and sneakers. After the BBQ the 4 men and Katie engaged in a fun game of lawn darts. Bob noticed that when Katie reached down to pick up her darts, that her shorts exposed a few inches of the back of her white lace panties. Her dad also noticed that the label of her panties was sticking out of the back of her white shorts. He knew that the men and boys had also noticed this.? Katie was so na?ve and had no clue that the men and boys, including her own brother were drooling over her young fresh early teen body.? Katie?s legs were perfectly formed with the smallest and cutest little ass you?ve ever seen. She was a Lolita dream girl.
After the game of darts Bob told them all to get washed up and ready to leave for the photo clubs meeting which was taking place at buddies restaurant. His friend Tom (also a club member) owned a restaurant that had an adjoining? banquet room. This was the location they would use for indoor photo sessions. The club had never hired a nude female model before and even Bob himself was a little leery about the event as he knew that a few of the club members would be bringing their teen age sons.
He reminded his son and daughter and Uncle and his nephew that at todays session the group had hired a nude model.? There were many awkward and exciting looks, especially from his son and his sons cousin. Katie dais to her dad. ?Dad, this is going to be so weird and I will be embarrassed seeing a naked girl?? Her dad told her that it was perfectly natural and that she had no reason to be worried or feel embarrassed.? He saw his son and Josh high five?ing each other and they looked excited. He knew that his son had never seen a live naked girl or woman.
Uncle Jim told his brother Bob that he had a camera but his son did not have one. Bob had a spare camera and gave it to little Josh and showed him how to use it. Bob took everyone?s cameras and put them in his camera bag. He told them that it was time to get going as he needed to be there before the rest of the guys showed up.
They all loaded into the car and drove about 20 minutes into town. It was a small town and Katie knew most of the people and all of the kids had basically grown up together. She personally knew all of the men in the club and in fact she even had a few of the boys that attended the photo club in some of her classes at junior high school. In fact, one of the club members was Sam who lived across the field and his dad was very good buddies with Sam. Sam also had a son (Kevin) in her class and they would take the school bus together. In fact they had been in the same class their entire life and they had grown up as friends and neighbors. Bob suspected that Kevin also 13 had a heavy crush on Katie, as he starred at Katie constantly.
Little Katie had never had a boyfriend and although her body was developing, she was still very child-like and immature for her age.
During the ride in the car Bob instructed Katie, his son Josh and his nephew to be respectful to the model, and not to make any silly or embarrassing comments. Bob knew that his son was dying to see this naked girl and so was his cousin.
They arrived at the restaurant and all poured out of the car and walked into the small restaurant. The little Italian restaurant was full of people and when they walked in Tom the owner and buddy of Bob was there to greet them.
The four men and Tom walked past the people and entered into the banquet room. Tom pulled Bob aside and spoke to hi privately. Tom basically advised Bob that the girl they had hired for the modeling gig had backed out and they had no model for tonight?s session. Tom who was red in the face asked Bob if her knew any other models. He told Tom that o such short notice it would be impossible. Then all of a sudden he thought of his daughter. Although she was young, she did have a nice body. She was so shy though and still only 13 years old. He would need the guys to sign some type of legal form stating the? photos would not be used commercially, or involve the web. He would also need to find some way of convincing or build up the nerve to ask his daughter to do such a thing. He knew that she would be absolutely terrified and embarrassed beyond belief, considering how well she knew each of the club members, not to mention the 2-3 boys that were in her classes.
Bob, said to himself, I can?t let the men down. Many had traveled from far to attend this weekly photo session. Bob was also red in the face as he built up the nerve to approach his sweet daughter.
He knew he had to do something as the guys would soon be arriving and he didn?t want to let them down. He walked over to his daughter and asked her to come with him. He walked her over to the room and said? ?Katie dear, I need to talk to you?? I know this will come as a shock, but Sharon the model was not able to make it and I need to find someone attractive to replace her. ? said Bob.
Katie had a confused look on her face.? Bob carried on and said.. ? Honey? I need you to step up to the plate and model for the group tonight.? Now I know this will be embarrassing for you. But I really need you to put your shyness aside and do this for me.
Dad! Exclaimed Katie.. What are you saying.??? You want me to model naked for all these guys.??? You know how shy I am.. and how I have never been naked in front of a guy before. I can?t do it yelled Katie.
Bob tried to calm his daughter down and have her a hug. He said? ? Please Katie.. I have done so much for your all these years. I have loved you, taken care of you and given you everything I have. Please I really need you to forget your shyness?. And do this. I promise I will take you and your best friend to Disney world in the spring. I also promise I will buy you a new bike and a I-Pod. I promise , said Bob.
Dad, explained Katie. I can/t I am so shy, how can I undress in front of these men that I know, including you , uncle Jim, Josh and sam. How can I undress and let them see my naked body. I can?t die.. I?d die of embarrassment.
Her Dad was getting impatient and desperate. Katie.. Said her dad, :You must do this. This is so important to me and you must do this. Please?..! asked her dad.
Katie was mortified and almost to the point of crying. She knew her dad loved her., she knew he sacrificed many a thing for her? and she felt obliged to do something. This was going to be her worst moment in her life, but she knew that she loved her dad and despite her embarrassment she would have to come through for her dad. This was about to be the worst moment in her young life?
Reluctantly she gave her dad a hug and said OK!? Her dad gave her a big kiss, hug and thanked her. He assured her on how beautiful she was and how much he appreciated her doing this for him.?
She was mortified and red in the face. Members of the photo group were beginning to enter into the banquet room and she still couldn?t believe what was about to happen.
Her dad went over to Tom and told him that his daughter had agreed to model for the photo members. Tom looked amazed as if a dream was about to come true for him.
He instructed Katie to go stand by the door and collect each of the guys money. It was agreed last week that each participant would bring $20 to cover the cost of the model. Little did she know that her dad would be giving her all of the money that she collected.
She stood by the door and collected the money and each guy greeting her, chit-chatting and flirting. ? the guys paying her still not aware that she was going to be the model for this evening. Her dad thought it would be more humiliating if he let the bomb drop on her once all of the guys were there.
As the guys paid her she tried to come across as sweet as she could, as she wanted to keep her little cute and innocent demeanor. She thought to herself, how could I have agreed to such a embarrassing ordeal. She knew most of these men real well, as was especially worried about her dad, uncle, cousin, class mates and even her neighbor that had seen her grow up. Her heart was beating hard and she tried as hard as she could to remain calm, despite the feeling of panic that she felt.
Most of the men were now getting their camera?s ready, fidgeting with camera accessories and getting ready. The room was set up like a class room, with a large table at the front of the room. On the table was a soft white fake fur like cloth which hung over the sides of the table. Katie kept looking at the table and couldn?t believe that she would be standing on the table undressing and stripping naked for these guys that she knew so well.
As humiliated as she already felt, Katie felt a wetness in her lace panties and wondered why she was feeling this. Katie of course a young virgin who had only pure and innocent thoughts. One last geeky guy came in. It was her dad?s buddy from church, Larry. She still could not believe that in a few minutes the guys would be finding out that she was going to be the naked model. She thought to herself, and not only will they see me naked, they will have permanent photos to look at what ever they want. This added to her humiliation. She thought to herself, what had she done to deserve this. Then all of a sudden, she felt even more embarrassed, she remembered that she was on her period, even thought it was almost over and that she still had a little white tampon sticking inside her pussy.
She ran over to her dad and pulled him aside. She whispered to her dad that she was on her period and tried to convince him to give her a break. Her dad was insistent that she model, despite the fact that she had a tampon in. He whispered to her that once she took her panties off, he would cut most of the dangling string off of the tampon so that it would be less embarrassing.
Katie was trapped, doomed and paranoid. Her humiliation was about to begin.
of the story:
Bob ?
father of Katie and Todd ? Bob is 50 years old and a single dad with full
custody of the kids
Jim (40)
(15) ? Uncle Jim?s son
Sam ?
Bob?s neighbor and friend (Had a son Katies age named
Line ? Bob, Katies dad is
the leader of an all men amateur photography club who meets weekly with aprox 15 other men and a few bring their son?s. Bob had
been leading this club for years and finally the club members had asked him to
arrange to have a nude female model, so that they could practice taking photos
of a nude model and enhance their photo skills. Bob had arranged for a model
and she didn?t show up? guess who had to step in with encouragement from all of
the club members ? yes you?re right ? little slim teen Katie (Bob?s daughter)? By the way, little
innocent immature Katie was the only female ever present at the weekly
photography meetings and the men of the club absolutely adored her.
Bob, and Todd lived in a small home in the country and had a few acres of land
and a swimming pool in the backyard. Uncle Jim and Josh were spending a few
weeks visiting with them.
had arranged a BBQ the afternoon of the photo club meeting. Bob cooked up a
delicious meal for his two kids and his brother Jim and his nephew. During the
BBQ Bob had noticed that his brother and nephew kept sneaking looks at a his young and very innocent looking daughter. She had
light brown hair, stood 5? 2? and was extremely slim with a boyish build. She
was adorable and had a the face of an angel. She was
extremely self conscious as her body was going through the change.? Her tits were budding and the shape of her little young teen titties
were now clearly visible through her white blouse. Through her shirt you
could clearly make out the distinct white straps of her little cotton training
bra. Bob knew what kind of panties and bra she wore as he purchased them for
a side note) -
He purposely went to Walmart with her during the
evening when more men and boys were out. He would intentionally bring his son
with him, parade his daughter to the teen panties and bra section, her brother
Josh would be with them. He knew that this was very embarrassing for his
daughter and that?s why it gave him so much satisfaction.
would have her stand by the bigger isle and hold up various panties and bra
against her teen body with men, girls and dads watching and he would ask her
what she thought. Some times he would even ask her brother if he thought the
panties and bra looked nice and asked his son if he thought they would fit. This
would humiliate both of them, especially with perverted men watching this
embarrassing spectacle.
was wearing white shorts, with a jean belt, white socks and sneakers. After the
BBQ the 4 men and Katie engaged in a fun game of lawn darts. Bob noticed that
when Katie reached down to pick up her darts, that her shorts exposed a few
inches of the back of her white lace panties. Her dad also noticed that the
label of her panties was sticking out of the back of her white shorts. He knew
that the men and boys had also noticed this.?
Katie was so na?ve and had no clue that the men and boys, including her
own brother were drooling over her young fresh early teen body.? Katie?s legs were perfectly formed with the
smallest and cutest little ass you?ve ever seen. She was a Lolita dream girl.
the game of darts Bob told them all to get washed up and ready to leave for the
photo clubs meeting which was taking place at buddies
restaurant. His friend Tom (also a club member) owned a restaurant that had an adjoining? banquet
room. This was the location they would use for indoor photo sessions. The club
had never hired a nude female model before and even Bob himself was a little
leery about the event as he knew that a few of the club members would be
bringing their teen age sons.
reminded his son and daughter and Uncle and his nephew that at todays session the group had hired a nude model.? There were many awkward and exciting looks,
especially from his son and his sons cousin. Katie dais to her dad. ?Dad, this is going to be so weird
and I will be embarrassed seeing a naked girl?? Her dad told her that it was perfectly
natural and that she had no reason to be worried or feel embarrassed.? He saw his son and Josh high five?ing each other and they looked excited. He knew that
his son had never seen a live naked girl or woman.
Jim told his brother Bob that he had a camera but his son did not have one. Bob
had a spare camera and gave it to little Josh and showed him how to use it. Bob
took everyone?s cameras and put them in his camera bag. He told them that it
was time to get going as he needed to be there before the rest of the guys
showed up.
all loaded into the car and drove about 20 minutes into town. It was a small
town and Katie knew most of the people and all of the kids had basically grown
up together. She personally knew all of the men in the club and in fact she
even had a few of the boys that attended the photo club in some of her classes
at junior high school. In fact, one of the club members was Sam who lived
across the field and his dad was very good buddies with Sam. Sam also had a son
(Kevin) in her class and they would take the school bus together. In fact they
had been in the same class their entire life and they had grown up as friends and
neighbors. Bob suspected that Kevin also 13 had a heavy crush on Katie, as he
starred at Katie constantly.
Katie had never had a boyfriend and although her body was developing, she was
still very child-like and immature for her age.
the ride in the car Bob instructed Katie, his son Josh and his nephew to be
respectful to the model, and not to make any silly or embarrassing comments.
Bob knew that his son was dying to see this naked girl and so was his cousin.
arrived at the restaurant and all poured out of the car and walked into the
small restaurant. The little Italian restaurant was full of people and when
they walked in Tom the owner and buddy of Bob was there to greet them.
four men and Tom walked past the people and entered into the banquet room. Tom
pulled Bob aside and spoke to hi privately. Tom basically advised Bob that the
girl they had hired for the modeling gig had backed out and they had no model
for tonight?s session. Tom who was red in the face asked Bob if her knew any other models. He told Tom that o such short
notice it would be impossible. Then all of a sudden he thought of his daughter.
Although she was young, she did have a nice body. She was so shy though and
still only 13 years old. He would need the guys to sign some type of legal form
stating the? photos
would not be used commercially, or involve the web. He would also need to find
some way of convincing or build up the nerve to ask his daughter to do such a
thing. He knew that she would be absolutely terrified and embarrassed beyond
belief, considering how well she knew each of the club members, not to mention
the 2-3 boys that were in her classes.
said to himself, I can?t let the men down. Many had traveled from far to attend
this weekly photo session. Bob was also red in the face as he built up the
nerve to approach his sweet daughter.
knew he had to do something as the guys would soon be arriving and he didn?t
want to let them down. He walked over to his daughter and asked her to come
with him. He walked her over to the room and said? ?Katie dear, I need to talk
to you?? I know this will come as a
shock, but
had a confused look on her face.? Bob
carried on and said.. ? Honey?
I need you to step up to the plate and model for the group tonight.? Now I know this will be embarrassing for you.
But I really need you to put your shyness aside and do this for me.
Exclaimed Katie.. What are you saying.???
You want me to model naked for all these guys.??? You
know how shy I am.. and how I
have never been naked in front of a guy before. I can?t do it yelled Katie.
tried to calm his daughter down and have her a hug. He
said? ? Please Katie.. I have done so much for your
all these years. I have loved you, taken care of you and given you everything I
have. Please I really need you to forget your shyness?. And do this. I promise
I will take you and your best friend to Disney world in the spring. I also
promise I will buy you a new bike and a I-Pod. I promise , said Bob.
explained Katie. I can/t I am so shy, how can I undress in front of these men
that I know, including you , uncle Jim, Josh and sam.
How can I undress and let them see my naked body. I can?t die..
I?d die of embarrassment.
Dad was getting impatient and desperate. Katie.. Said
her dad, :You must do this. This is so important to me
and you must do this. Please?..! asked her dad.
was mortified and almost to the point of crying. She knew her dad loved her.,
she knew he sacrificed many a thing for her? and she felt obliged to do
something. This was going to be her worst moment in her life, but she knew that
she loved her dad and despite her embarrassment she would have to come through
for her dad. This was about to be the worst moment in her young life?
she gave her dad a hug and said OK!? Her dad gave her a big kiss, hug and thanked her. He assured her
on how beautiful she was and how much he appreciated her doing this for him.?
was mortified and red in the face. Members of the photo group were beginning to
enter into the banquet room and she still couldn?t believe what was about to
dad went over to Tom and told him that his daughter had agreed to model for the
photo members. Tom looked amazed as if a dream was about to come true for him.
instructed Katie to go stand by the door and collect each of the guys money. It was agreed last week that each participant
would bring $20 to cover the cost of the model. Little did she know that her
dad would be giving her all of the money that she collected.
stood by the door and collected the money and each guy greeting her, chit-chatting
and flirting. ? the guys paying her still not aware
that she was going to be the model for this evening. Her dad thought it would
be more humiliating if he let the bomb drop on her once all of the guys were
As the
guys paid her she tried to come across as sweet as she could, as she wanted to
keep her little cute and innocent demeanor. She thought to herself, how could I
have agreed to such a embarrassing ordeal. She knew
most of these men real well, as was especially worried about her dad, uncle,
cousin, class mates and even her neighbor that had seen her grow up. Her heart
was beating hard and she tried as hard as she could to remain calm, despite the
feeling of panic that she felt.
of the men were now getting their camera?s ready,
fidgeting with camera accessories and getting ready. The room was set up like a
class room, with a large table at the front of the room. On the table was a
soft white fake fur like cloth which hung over the sides of the table. Katie
kept looking at the table and couldn?t believe that she would be standing on the
table undressing and stripping naked for these guys that she knew so well.
humiliated as she already felt, Katie felt a wetness
in her lace panties and wondered why she was feeling this. Katie
of course a young virgin who had only pure and innocent thoughts. One
last geeky guy came in. It was her dad?s buddy from church, Larry. She still
could not believe that in a few minutes the guys would be finding out that she
was going to be the naked model. She thought to herself, and not only will they
see me naked, they will have permanent photos to look
at what ever they want. This added to her humiliation. She thought to herself,
what had she done to deserve this. Then all of a
sudden, she felt even more embarrassed, she remembered that she was on her period,
even thought it was almost over and that she still had a little white tampon
sticking inside her pussy.
ran over to her dad and pulled him aside. She whispered to her dad that she was
on her period and tried to convince him to give her a break. Her dad was
insistent that she model, despite the fact that she had a tampon in. He
whispered to her that once she took her panties off, he would cut most of the
dangling string off of the tampon so that it would be less embarrassing.
was trapped, doomed and paranoid. Her humiliation was about to begin.
How was school today? Katie’s mom asked. Just a regular day. I am glad tomorrow is Saturday. Are you going to see any of your friends this weekend? I don’t know maybe. If you don’t maybe we all can do something. Ok I am up for whatever. Katies mom Sandy was happy that she hadn’t grown up so much but she knew it was going to change real soon. She was a freshman; just starting high school had just started being interested in boys. She was developing nicely, not to fast or to slow but her looks...
Read firts 4 parts for best effect this story is fictional... After 10 mins.of helens continual shitting it finally came to a halt she had been drained so to speak.Katie loosened the ropes holding her Moms legs up high and let them fall to the bed.Her Mother was a complete total shitty mess.Katie asked her mom have you had enough you whore? Helen could barely speak her mouth still full of her feces and quite shocked as...
Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...
Katie slept in and awoke about 9 AM.She stopped into the bathroom and peed before checking on her Mom.She thought to herself Mom probably has to piss like a racehorse..Fuck that bitch she said to herself out loud.I am going to make her pay for fucking with my boyfriend and my good times. After she wiped her young pink pussy and flushed she opened the door to her Moms bedroom.There she was snoring like a drunken...
Read first 3 parts first for best effect..This story is fictional............. Katie untied her moms ankles first and then one wrist.She then faked untying the other wrist her Mom thought she was completely free but Katie was no fool and just had one ankle free and one wrist free.She let the restraints slack but not untied so helen thinking she was loose suddenly grabbed Katies arm and tried to punch her in the face.She swung her arm at...
Caroline and Zoe had a fairly reasonable shopping trip, nothing spectacular. They had both bought a few things but despite trying on all sorts of clothes and shoes nothing had leapt out and insisted that they had to be bought. Which was unusual for the two besties who normally found something that one of other of them had to have. But they had given it their best shot, it just wasn't to be today. Still in a good mood Caroline put on the cd she had bought and the two of them were dancing...
With Tricia gone, Katie looked to Caroline for guidance as to what they were going to do. After checking that Tricia had actually gone and hadn't returned for something left behind she pulled Katie onto the bed beside her. "Katie, some of the stuff we need to go through could be fairly embarrassing for both of us so we need to get over that bit first. So...have you ever seen a naked girl Katie, other than in the books the boys look at" already including her in the girl category. Shyly...
Having arrived at school he was suddenly very aware of how vulnerable he felt to exposure. He realised that even going to the toilet was going to be a problem for him. He was mulling over the options of standing to wee or going into a cubicle but either way had its risks, standing may expose his underwear as could using a cubicle was equally fraught with the gap underneath the door, He checked his image in a window as he walked past and ruffled his hair once more to try to lose the slight...
The following morning Tricia slept late. Caroline walked into her room, placed two cups of coffee on the side by the bed ,drew back the curtains and climbed into the bed beside her sister. "Someone must be tired, you are usually the first one up " handing her a cup of coffee and she snuggled under the duvet. A disheveled Caroline peered at her through the veil of hair across her face and mumbled something about how draining yesterday had been. The urgent call of future possibly caused by...
When Katie woke up the next morning she instantly remembered that today was not only a school day but that she had to go to school half as a girl. She didn't mind the girl part, but was terrified of being discovered. She slipped out of bed and was just about to slip into the bathroom when Tricia, having heard her door open came out out of her room in her nightie and smiled at her." Is there something you want to ask me sweetie?' She asked and the blank face that looked back at her was a...
The week was passing easily and pleasurably mostly for Katie. Every morning when she got up it was becoming more natural to her to put her uniform on, do her hair and there was definitely a degree of pleasure when she was ready to admire herself and preen in front of the mirror before going downstairs. Once there, any compliments from Caroline or Tricia were gratefully received and her bounciness increased when being told how nice she looked, how her was looking juts right. She really was...
There is something rather nice about putting a child to bed and for Tricia it was an experience she was getting used to. From taking the child upstairs, undressing them and then putting suitable nightwear on, to supervising teeth brushing, face washing and wee wees all had their own rewards and delights. In Katie's case it was further enhanced by her change from a teenager to a little girl in seconds once she was picked up and told it was time for bed. Having what was now a little girl...
Waking up most mornings, her thoughts usually centred on her scheduled activities for the day, what to wear, who she had to meet during the day, anything particularly important that had to be done. Today was no different from any other day but her thoughts were of the more pleasurable things she was planning for Saturday. If all went well with the girls, she would have an entire day with just her and Katie and possibly a visit from Fiona. That was something she hadn't quite got her head...
Katies story part 2Within the next 24 hours the chopper appeared collected Jess and vanished, she had no doubt he was fetching some other unlucky ladies to assist with servicing the “Dundee crowd” whoever they would be.The Butler appeared at her bedside, summonsing her to father`s bed, she knew without Jess to keep him fairly calm he would do whatever he fancied to her thus she went trembling to the lavishly furnished master bedroom. “I am her sir” she said, when in answer to her knock he asked...
The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...
Katie went put her blazer back on to hide what she was wearing as she left the room..and the stopped. With her blazer over her arm she asked outside to the awaiting girls who were initially surprised by Katie's bravery. Bit her smile and confident talk confirmed, Katie was a girl and didn't care who saw her anymore.It was three confident girls who walked arm in arm, boarded the bus and headed for home. Once home, the school uniforms were removed, never to be worn again, except perhaps...
Caroline and Zoe had gone back upstairs together with ams full of the clothes they had just sorted out downstairs and into what was now going to be Katie's room. They dumped them all the bed and flopped down on the floor with their backs against the wall. " Wow, that was something else. I just can't believe that great big oaf has changed into a sweet little girl...and all over him peeking at some girls doing PE. I have to say I would never have believed that was the motivation behind it...
With Katie at her breast, that warmth that she experienced before came over Tricia again. She lifted her top slightly to be able to see Katie so content, eyes closed, her mouth just contracting slightly as she suckled. She stroked her face softly, adoring the feeling of closeness between them at that moment. It was hard for her to reconcile in her mind that she was suckling a teenager now and not the little girl as she had done previously. To her it made no difference. She adored Katie...
"Sit down Katie and we can talk about your new life for the foreseeable future" Tricia instructed as the shy "girl" stepped across the room and flopped into a chair."No!" Now get up and do it again, gracefully back up to the chair, smooth your skirt under you as you sit and keep your legs together, sit up straight and put your hands in your lap" Her eyes flashing anger at Katie's first public exposure and her apparent lack of concern. Katie leapt to her feet ignoring any possible more...
Katie's nipples were not cooperating.The 17-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didn't keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown.Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...
This is my first attempt at writing anything hope you enjoy it.Moving thru the night like a breeze I enter your room like a mist moving along with the ease of your breathing. As I look deep into your soul watching you dream of my touch as you touch yourself while you sleep as I lean down kissing your ear lobe and biting your bottom lip. You stir boldly sitting up as I kiss you long and deep running my fingers thru your hair as I whisper shhhhhhhhhh in your ear. I hold out my hand to you. I...
The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...
I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....
Tricia gave the matter some thought as she climbed into bed. It seemed to be all pervading in her brain and no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't go away and allow her to sleep. Eventually she decided on how to deal with it once her mind was made up, sleep followed easily. Getting out of bed next morning she slipped into Carolines room and explained her plan and Carolines part in it. She was going to take the morning of work citing a girl thing to faceache at work, lets see him...
Katie’s PunishmentThis is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real punishment.”Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my...
Kevin woke the next morning, still feeling tired and exhausted as Tricia came into the room in her dressing gown, wet hair with a pile of clothes in her arms. "come on Katie, time to get up, your bath is running and you have a lot to do before school this morning. No nonsense now, up and get moving" as she pulled the duvet back from the bed. The sudden realisation that she was calling him Katie and that all that was covering him was a nightdress brought back the horrors of yesterday. He...
Katie was awakened by a sound in the night coming from her mother’s room. She heard a thumping sound and then she heard groaning as if someone was in pain. She got up out of bed and walked down the hall as quietly as she could. When she got to her mother’s door she heard better. She heard her mom make sounds like she was crying but they weren’t exactly the same. Then she heard her mom’s boyfriend Tom moaning like he was in pain. Katie then heard them both cry out at the same time “Ahhh!” then...
katie was crying her eyes out, she occasionally said "why" before continuing to cry. She was stopped by the sound of the phone ringing. she rushed to answer it"john, is that you?""hey katie, its rob, your brothers friend""oh, hi rob" she snuffled."you ok, you sound upset?""its.... well... john, my boyfriend, he dumped me, said he was sleeping with someone else, said i wasnt good enough for him""are you ok? is anyone there with you?"no, im here alone, my brothers out somewhere, try calling his...
The next morning, over breakfast, Katie told her step-father that she was cooking them a meal tonight and asked what time he would be in.“About 6.30 I expect,” he replied.“Perfect,” she said, and buttered her toast.She looked at her him reading the newspaper and thought, ‘I can’t wait!’Evening arrived very very slowly for Katie, but she busied herself preparing a meal and preening herself ready for the evening. Seeing as her step-father had a liking for schoolgirls, she had found her original...
Taboo291 Katie`s story compendium pt1 It all began with a double date: she had been to the night club with her cousin and his girl and that great dozy bugger from work that had pestered her for a month for a date. Finally, she had given in and at the dance the cousin and his lady had tactfully withdrawn (they left them to it in reality) and he the Gallus beggar had then got pissed out of his head, so she had left him at the nightclub in disgust and set off home across the common on foot. Now that...
Later that afternoon Katie was surfing the net in her room. She was trying to find movies like Tom was watching. She was glued to screen because she found plenty of pictures of guys and girls fucking and sucking. She saw girls with their face and pussies stuffed by huge cocks and covered in cum. After a while she felt a tingle in groin and she felt wetness in pussy. She ran her hands down her body and over her pussy. She remembered that after the first time she rubbed her pussy she was wet down...
Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...
Read parts one and two first for the best effect.This story is fictional.... Katie let her mom rest for a few mins. Helen then asked Please let me up untie me please!!..No way Mom the weekend has just began and I have no intention of letting you free until you have been properly punished for calling me a whore and chasing my first real boyfriend off. Katie then heard her mom mumble..when i get free I will fuck you up...
mrs watson was in the mood for some light entertainment at someone elses expense so she called katys housea woman answered the phone 'hello''hi i'm mrs watson i just wondered if katy was at home ?''oh hello mrs watson its nice to hear from you i'm katys mom dawn i'm sorry katy isn't here can i take a message ?''no i really need to talk to her' mrs watson had a naughty thought 'or could you pop round it is important buti don't want to discuss it over the phone''ok as its important i'll pop round...
Sarah For one so young, Sarah Pickles was far from being a sight for sore eyes. From her carefully chosen brown corduroy below the knee skirt, thick beige tights and floral blouse and cardigan to her sensible flat black shoes she looked dowdy, plain and uninteresting. Her hair in a tight bun and no makeup. She looked absolutely perfect. Perfect that is for her current assignment. At 27, she was in fact gorgeous to look at with legs that never ended on sky high heels but not today....
“Come in!” Lilly yelled from her bedroom. Katie walked in wearing a curve hugging strapless silver mini dress that outlined her body so perfectly that Lilly couldn’t help but stare, “So who’s this for,” Lilly asked running her eyes over Katie‘s tight ass and big breasts. “Oh you know” Katie said with a wink. Both Lilly and Katie were single and during their weekly nights out they both picked up their fair share of men, but weren‘t interested in keeping them for long. Lilly was a tall curvy...
As they drove to a new club that had just open in town Lilly and Katie couldn’t‘t help playing with each other while Katie drove down the street. Lilly would casually rub Katie’s thigh, moving it closer and closer to her pussy that was already wet again, but just as Lilly’s hand made contact with Katie’s clit she would pull it away, only to go back to stroking Katie’s thigh. Katie was on the verge of another orgasm when they pulled up to the club. When they drove up there was a long line...
Long story short, my name is Katie Smith, a one man woman, with my husband only until 2-3 years ago. Life changes, k**s grow up, my body’s desire for sex grows and the more I have the more I want. I love risky sex, being paid for sex, fucking homeless guys, acting the slut, and holding down a job as a senior business woman.This explains why a blond milf, mum, wife, slut is, on a chilly night, dressed in a leather dress, high heels, stockings on a street used by truckers to park up over night. I...
As Tricia drove home she mulled over her day, certainly not one of the best as far as she was concerned. The promotion almost promised to her and been given to the golden boy of the bank. Despite her having more experience and certainly being better at dealing with people face to face Ian had managed to persuade the Manager that he was better suited to the role. The way Ian had looked at her as he offered his commiserations that she hadn't got the job was so condescending towards her. He...
I will get the personal details out of the way quickly. My name is Katie I am 19 and am studying history at University. Oh, and by the way I have always considered myself to be the sort of girl that is only interested in men. Well that was until I met Suzie. She had enrolled on the same course as me and the first time I saw her I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I admit I was shocked by the way my body reacted, my nipples were soon erect...
Christmas is a time for fun, pleasure and excess. It is a time for giving and receiving. I did not realise quite how apt these words were when I got ready for an after works Christmas drink with my all male team. I am the boss and older than all of them. I like to dress smart and business like for work and to be a tease too - I love wearing something tight fitting or undoing an extra button on my blouse or revealing my stocking tops. I think it’s good for morale and, I enjoy the attention. In...
She stands in front of the mirror and ties the collar of the white, satin blouse, white for unsoiled virginity, the wide satin ties hang to her breasts. She slides her hand down the front of the knee-length skirt. She is delectable, unspoiled, a fruit ripe for picking, her juices maturing and longing to be tasted. She closes her eyes, smelling his cologne and recalling his exotic accent. He slides his fingers under the half collar and kisses her lips. She feigns resistance, pushing his hand...
This was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...
Kevin walked home, dejected, fed up and with some degree of trepidation. If he could have turned the clock back a few hours his life would not be about to end as he knew it. Even better if he could have turned it back 6 months ago, before his selfish sister had decided to take a once in a lifetime job opportunity as a personal assistant to a rich woman off on a round the world adventure. Life was good before that. Just the two of them living in a house in a neighbourhood they had grown up...
It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to b It was my birthday and two members of the local bdsm club to which I belonged had decided to take me to dinner I was told to be ready at 8-00pm..I was to be taken to a good restaurant so I was to dress elegantly.I was ordered to wear white and nothing else I had no rights, no choice and no free will.Garth and Sally instructed me to wear a white very lacy bra,...
A fantasy by dahCopyright © 1999 by dahLeila's Humiliation, Part 1Leila arrived at the medical building just five minutes before her 10:30 a.m. appointment and took the elevator to the tenth floor. Her new job required a complete physical, and she had decided to combine that with her annual checkup. Since her old schoolmate Maria worked in Doctor Hillock's office, she had decided to make him her new doctor. It would be good to see someone she knew, as she had just moved to the city.She entered...
Hi,As English isn’t my mother tongue, it wasn’t easy to write down this story. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right term, so I hope the story isn’t getting boring soon, especially because this is the first story I ever wrote. But I wanted to write this in English, to give as many people as possible the chance to read it. Any corrections or comments are welcome. The chapter about my childhood is mostly based on real life events. Because of legal matters some details were changed, because of my...
Chapter 5 - humiliation With my last evening as a free woman finished and now officially Masters Sissy Slave I had assumed that things would return to the way they had been for the previous 2 weeks. Waking up in bed with Master inside me I received my first fucking as an official slave. After he was finished with me I went to prepare myself for the day by returning to my morning routine. Taking in my gruel I remembered how good the food felt last night. I never thought that the day...
Husbands HumiliationLosing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could...
Losing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could just crawl into a hole...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...
Sarah had her nose pressed against the wall with her hands on her head. She had already removed her skirt and knickers and knew that her vest top had ridden up so that the whole of her bottom and her lower back were on show. She wasn’t ashamed of her body. Far from it in fact. However, she hadn’t expected to be facing discipline today.Sarah was dressed in a red vest top and white short skirt. It was summer and she had bare legs. Her blonde hair flowed down to her shoulders and she had a quite...
SpankingBy JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
My name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooTEEN 4 EVER - PT. 2 By BERTHA Bert, now Carol suffers from a rare condition known as Peter Pan Condition in which some sufferers stop aging during pre or early teen years, they never grow any older looking. The events depicted here take place during Bert/Carol's second year as a girl at St. Rita's School for Girls. It will be narrated in Carol's own words. I'm Bert; I'm eighteen and am better known as...
Teen Fire &Teen Frost????this story contains bondage, torture and sexual explicit content. The story is for entertainment purposes only. It should only be read by persons of legal age and in areas where this material is legal? the bottom line adults only?all persons portrayed in this story are 18 years of age or older this is a work of fiction?. if you don't understand that seek help.Teen Fire and Teen Frost are my creations please do not use without my expressed permission this is the first...