Katies Beginings 6 free porn video

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The following morning Tricia slept late. Caroline walked into her room, placed two cups of coffee on the side by the bed ,drew back the curtains and climbed into the bed beside her sister. "Someone must be tired, you are usually the first one up " handing her a cup of coffee and she snuggled under the duvet. A disheveled Caroline peered at her through the veil of hair across her face and mumbled something about how draining yesterday had been. The urgent call of future possibly caused by last nights drinking forced her to leave to warm cocoon of the bed and venture as far as the bathroom to deal with a necessity. Suitably refreshed she joined her sister in the bed again after glancing at the car crash of her face and hair in the mirror. Once the coffee started to take effect she felt better equipped to deal with the subject of Katie. Hoping that nobody including Katie would know or remember of the attention she had given her after the house was quiet she tried to sort out her thoughts and how to move forward. Before she had a chance to put into words some of what she had thought about Caroline broke the silence and asked if Tricia had meant what she had said about the foster home. Tricia now regretted the last glass of wine or two as it had appeared to muddle both her thinking and of her harsh treatment of Katie. She mentally reasoned that it was nothing to do with what happened after Caroline had gone to bed and had indeed had second thoughts about Katie. " I know its not up to me but you have to admit she is a rather changed person in comparison to Kevin. Did you notice the way she just started helping last night as iff it was the done thing?" Tricia agreed it was a pleasant surprise however that was fitting in with what she wanted in some ways. " I need to be really sure that Katie is being both honest to us and to herself. I still have a suspicion this is just dome sort of want fodder or ruse to avoid getting punished. I could say I want to look at big beefy blokes because secretly I admire them so much I want to be like them" Caroline looked across at her sister sitting up in bed, her hair long and blonde, her boobs filling the front of her nightie and her earrings glinting in the sunlight. " Err , I don't want to disillusion you Trish but I think you may not pass the criteria" causing both of them to giggle. " So what are you saying, just because Katie looked"cute " as you put it in a skirt that makes him a girl? I don't think so. I think it takes a lot more that looks to be a girl" Tricia reasoned. "Duh, I know that, I am not stupid ...well not completely . From what she said to you there is a lot more to it than just a skirt. Whats with the feelings of being delicate for instance. Whats that all about? " Tricia mused over this before replying " well, suppose you were going out to a party or something. You would spend ages choosing what to wear, ages doing your face and hair until you looked perfect. Once you look that good you are careful what you do, how you move , where you go. Imagine a summers day, a pretty summer dress, having to walk across the lawn in heels and having to contend with a blustery wind. Its like a juggler, you have to concentrate on not digging your heels in to far, hanging onto your dress to stop it blowing up, hanging onto your handbag and still appear elegant. Its what girls do just we do it naturally" the mental image all too familiar to both of them. " the vulnerability thing is a bit like that as well. Vulnerable to your skirt blowing up, a bra strap showing, exposing more than you would like to. Being weaker than men, more emotional, being expected to like feminine things, preferring shopping to Rugby. " she concluded." Its just , well , being a girl. It just happens as we grow up and grow into women" Caroline smiled at that and asked cheekily. Does that make me a woman or girl then? " " In your case both. Sometimes you are still a girl squealing and jumping up and down at something with Zoe, Sometimes like when you went to that dinner dance all dolled up and sophisticated, a woman" The thought of both examples clearly relevant. . " so you think thats what Katie wants or think she does? To be a girl? Or just to prance around in a skirt and pretend? Do you think he ...well... you know his thingy gets all hard when he does?" Caroline blushed slightly at her question. " For god sake Caroline you are 17, you can say penis, prick or cock harden , errection or stiffie you know" Trish teased. : and don't go alll coy on me either, I was your age just a few years ago and know what the score is." They both giggled at this before Caroline returned to her reasoning " Umm , I didn't see a big bulge in her knickers when we made him lift his skirt up the other night" with her reasoning slightly flawed. This made Tricia think as well. Despite seeing him in the bath, when she had dressed him, at various times when he had exposed more than he should , she had never seen a bulge. She thought back to when she had tucked him. No bulge either so maybe it went a sexual thing. They both thought of this some more. " Well Holmes, have you made any deductions or decisions yet? " Caroline asked her elder sister This was the moment of truth as they had to decide on what to do. Tricia knew inner heart that she wanted to give Katie that one last chance but there was no way she could back down over a punishment of some description. Caroline still thought Tricia was being too hard on her but couldn't see a way forward. Eventually Caroline took the bull by the horns," I have an idea that may be the kill or cure for Katie but I am not sure if it would work or how you would feel about it" Tricia thanked her lucky stars that her sister had come up with something that may just allow her to save face. " Go on, but it had better be something that is achievable and not give him what he wants or let him of the hook" " Well" she started "His image of a girl and what is probably more the reality may well be two different things. We both know its not all sugar and spice etc. Its a balance , a mix of all sorts. But that is something we grow up with, knowing you can't wear a dress to roller skate, getting your hair wet sucks, how to manage a skirt, choosing outfits that work, wearing heels hurts. How about we give him 110% girl lessons for the period of his punishment. I know you said he had to wear skirts or dresses but if he has to choose what to wear and when for himself. Imagine him having to spend the summer as a girl with all that goes with it. Just imagine him in a bikini on the beach! We learned that stuff as we grew up but he would have to do it all in one go. And the yucky side as well of course. " Tricia's eyebrows rose at that but she let it pass...for now. " I bet once Zoe knows she would help as well. I am sure we can find occasions to embarrass him as well...and humiliate him if thats what floats his boat." As the idea began to crystallise into a plan Tricia started to smile. " Perfect, but it would mean a lot of work, supervision and training for both of us..and Zoe if she wants to play" " So you see it as a sort of game as well as a punishment for him do you? Caroline asked already anticipating the answer. Games can be fun to play s long as you are on the winning side she thought. " Well a game, an experience, a lesson and maybe a revelation to him. Deal?" The two girls hugged and Caroline showed she was still a girl by letting out a little squeal. " So we both have different approaches? You are the big bad wolf and Zoe and I her saviours? " After a slight pause Tricia replied that she was probably more suited to being the good one as she would be to at work so the other two would have more time with him and he could run to her for comfort when she came home. The idea of being the one he turned to for cuddles and comfort appealed to her in a big way especially after last night , she certainly wasn't going to mention that. With the roles decided on it was agreed between them that as of now, no more Kevin, he, him or it. It was now 100% Katie, she , her, precious, sweetie, poppet or whatever other terms of endearment they could come up with for a girl. With the plan agreed on Tricia suggested that as she needed to pop into town as there were a couple of things she wanted to get, she would have a quick bath and escape to the shops leaving Caroline to get Katie up and dressed. The only stipulation was that Katie was not told of her fate until Tricia came back and that she was to be dressed in clothes suitable for her age. Any nonsense or opposition from her would be reported back to Tricia on her return and Katie had to realise this was her one and only chance to continue to live there with them. One super girly girl or not at all. After Tricia had gone out, Caroline lay in the bath thinking of how this was going to work. As far as she understood she was going to have the major responsibility of transforming Katie into an ordinary teenage girl , perhaps with Zoe's help. Added to the transformation of her she was going o be allowed to tease, humiliate and embarrass her as part of her pleasure. She thought about Katie having to be her servant and do whatever she wanted and blushed a little with what her mind came up with but for now, it was just a matter of getting Katie up and dressed for Tricia. Whereas normally Saturday would have been a jeans and teeshirt, today she stuck with a skirt and top, something that she had plenty of and knew would find something for Katie in a similar vein. Once dressed, she sorted through her clothes and came up with a denim skirt, knee length, cerise long sleeve top, bra tights and panties. That should do nicely she thought as she put them over her arm and went into Katies room, without knocking of course. The face peeping out from under the covers had obviously been awake for some time as Katie was clearly alert and waiting for something to happen. With a cheery" Morning sweetie, bath time and its certainly time you were up and dressed. Trish has gone to the shops so its just you and me for now. I chose you some clothes for the day so put these on , once you are ready and I will see you downstairs" breezing out as quickly as she had come in. Expecting a far worse start to her day Katie slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. It was a delight to be able to lay and soak for a while in luxury and she had washed leaving just her hair to do. Kneeling in the bath she wet her hair with the hand extension shower and lathered it up with a wonderful scented shampoo, life was pretty good. Or had been up to that moment. With her hair in lather, kneeling in the bath at the tap end she was suddenly aware of Caroline in the room with her. ' silly girl, you only had yo ask and I would have helped you " as she took the hand held from her hand and let it down into the bath. " Sit up for me" she instructed and as Katie sat up and back on her heels Caroline proceeded to wash her hair for her. Once washed and rinsed, a few minutes with conditioner she was done. For one brief moment Katie had been aware of Caroline looking at her chest which brought a blush to her cheeks. With Katie still kneeling in the bath facing the taps Caroline turned to face her , reached up under her skirt and pulled her panties down before sitting on the loo still facing Katie and carrying on a conversation regarding what breakfast she would like. Katie's blush grew hotter and hotter until Caroline finished, wiped, pulled her panties up, washed her hands in Katie's bath and left.OMG! Did that really just happen ? Getting out of the bath, Katie wrapped the towel around herself as she had been shown and after checking Caroline went about escaped to her room. With a little trepidation and huge satisfaction she put on the panties followed by the bra that had been left out for her. The adjustment of the bra took a while to work out but when she had finished it felt ok, despite the fact that as she had nothing to fill it with. It was the thought that counts. Sitting at the dressing table she set about her hair with the hairdryer and a brush. Being a complete novice she was managing quite well to dry it into a style reminiscent of a scarecrow and the brush was clearly meant for a left handed octopus but at least she tried. The whirr of the hairdryer muffled Carolines approach until all of a sudden she was standing behind Katie in the mirror. Katie's initial reaction to try to cover her bra and then her panties was both futile and unnecessary Caroline pointed out as she took hold of Katie's wrists and held them at her side. " Katie, you are a girl now and so am I so its perfectly natural to be seen by each other in just our undies. Get used to it.Now would you like me to help you with your hair and show your how to do it "she asked. A timid nod from Katie was accepted as a yes please..this time, by Caroline who proceeded to show Katie how to dry, roll and brush to achieve volume and a style. Even Katie had to admit it looked nice. After handing Katie her skirt to put on followed by the top the look was coming together..sort of. With the addition of a necklace, a watch and a bracelet followed by clip on earrings and a pair of ballet flats Katie was dressed. Caroline made her turn and twirl until she was satisfied..nearly. Kneeling down in front of Katie she issued the words that Katie had been dreading since the other evening. ' Lift your skirt up for me precious" pronounced in a syrupy tone. Remembering her acceptance of this condition and that it had to be accomplished to a certain standard and without protest, she gripped the hem of her skirt at both sides and raised it until it was waist high, exposing even more of her legs and tummy than the other evening as her panties were considerably smaller than the knickers she had been wearing previously. Her sense of humiliation was further compounded by the instruction to hold it right there . With her skirt hiding her nether regions from her view Katie felt rather than saw Caroline take hold of the sides of her panties and pull them slowly down to her knees. Her colour resembled a pillar box as Caroline gently took her boy stuff in her hand and examined it carefully whilst commenting that her little cousin who was five is about the same size but perhaps a little longer. The tears began to run down her face, she wasn't crying, they just escaped. Caroline then explained to Katie that was now her clitty, it wasn't any of the names boys used to describe their parts and certainly wasn't any of the crude names that boys used To describe girl parts either. " So what is it called Katie?" She asked. " a ... cl...clitty" Katie stumbled out. " No sweetie, its not a clitty. Whose clitty is it? Her shame was complete as Katie was forced to admit to Caroline that it was her clitty . Good girl now, whenever you get dressed I am going to show you where to put your little clitty as she carefully manipulated it back between her legs before pulling her panties up for her. " Now something else to remember Katie " she instructed her" Only girls are allowed to see or touch your little clitty from now on.Understand dear?" Once again Katie was forced to repeat the instruction given to her by Caroline before she was allowed to lower her skirt and tidy herself up again. Caroline decided that maybe Katie should be wearing tights so once the selected some Katie was given a lesson in how to put them on without making holes and how to get them up all the way. Yet again this involved her lifting her skirt and exposing her panties but only to Caroline who just ignored her reticence anyway. With a final spritz of perfume and a last inspection Katie was allowed to go downstairs. Although Katie was under the impression she now looked just like Caroline and was a young lady in every respect, there was something that just wasn't right but she could not see it although Caroline had noticed it but kept quiet. Once out of the bedroom, the Katie bounce was back. Her very movement was more flowing, calculated and controlled. As she descended the stairs she noted the bounce of her skirt and the thought that someone at the bottom looking up may have been able to see up her skirt brought her hands automatically to the sides to control its movement. Feeling pleased with herself for recognising a possible "Oops" moment she smiled as she walked into the kitchen to see Zoe sitting at the table. There is only so much a heart can takes in shocks but luckily for Katie hers was strong. The capacity of the human brain to take in an optical image, analyse it, run through all possibilities and come up with a solution that still no computer can yet. She saw Zoe, knew Zoe had seen her and decided to carry out as if her entry was perfectly normal. The same brain can take a situation, analyse a situation , interpret it and suggest a solution, which Zoe's did as she smiled and greeted Katie and offered her a coffee. This two way instant, unsaid dealing with what could have been an awkward moment, was a release for Katie as she, after holding her skirt back , sat down and crossed her legs and took the offered mug from Zoe. " You look very smart Katie, quite a change from the pictures of your school uniform the other day" As Zoe had established a friendly conversation Katie willingly joined in complimenting her on her makeup and suggesting that she may need lessons soon. It was an easy conversation between two girls and then three as Caroline joined them. They talked about music clothes, shoes everything except that damned Elephant again. Until once Caroline was satisfied Katie was calm and accepted by Zoe, she proceeded to tell Zoe about the revelations of the day before, of Katie not wanting to see girls knickers and clothes but of being jealous of them and how they were treated etc. her face was expressionless as the story unfolded. When Caroline had finally finished all the gory details Zoe got up and went over to Katie who expected a slap around the face as the bare minimum and was stunned when she gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Katie I am so proud of you for allowing Caroline to share that side of you with me. I will do whatever I can to help you fulfil some of the things you want" The gratitude that Zoe had not rejected her shone in her face as with only a tiny blush she graciously accepted Zoe's offer. What she didn't know of course was that Caroline and Zoe had exchanged all the gory details on the phone earlier. But it made Katie feel nice...for the time being. Tricia's shopping trip had gone fairly well withe her managing to get almost everything she needed. Deciding not to rush back she went to a cafe and sat down for a few minutes to run through the events of the last few days and her plans for the future. Providing she handled Katie carefully this may be a beneficial event for them both and her sister and friend. It was just a case of being careful. Checking her shopping list she thought a few other small things to get so picking up her bag, once more she set out on a mission. The last items on her list did provide some embarrassment for her but with the thought of the greater good, she ventured down a side alley to a rather salubrious shop and made her final purchase before returning to her car with a degree of relief. Driving home, she smiled at her thoughts and her plans for the future with Katie, and those thoughts gave a nice feeling elsewhere as well. She parked in the driveway and collected her shopping from the boot, went in and upstairs to dump her bags in her room, a quick wee, makeup and hair checked and downstairs to inform Katie of her future. Deciding that the lounge may be a better place for this conversation she went into the kitchen and asked the three girls to join her in the lounge. Her eyes ran over Katie and her outfit and a flash of acknowledgment crossed her mind and added another item to her agenda. Once they were all sitting, Katie on tin tacks it seemed as she fidgeted and shuffled in her chair. She very carefully explained to Katie that her admission of the previous day had put a different complexion on her punishment and the now revised terms were explained to her. 100% Katie for the rest of the school term, ok only two weeks but still a marathon and for the rest of the summer at least with Caroline and Zoe if she wanted to , as his tutors. Due to her work commitments she would be responsible for Katie's pastoral care so to speak, amongst other things. Not only was kKatie to be 100% Katie but she would be expected to be 110% girly girl with no exceptions. Despite her ashen face, Katie was taking it all in and whilst it seemed a mountain to climb, she was also thrilled of the prospect of being a young woman like Caroline and Zoe. That was all perfect in her mind until Tricia asked her to stand up and for Caroline to stand beside her. Despite being dressed in a similar fashion there was something about Katie that didn't fit. She looked like the little sister who had borrowed her elder sisters clothes for a start. This was the moment for Tricia to destroy Katie's image of herself. " Katie, I am sorry but there is no way you are going to be able to pass yourself off as a 16, And a half. Yr old girl. You just don't look right of at the moment, have the right body for it. Let me show you what I mean" as she stepped forward and unzipped Katie's skirt and slid it down her legs. Katie stood stock still, unable to move just standing there in her panties and top. Tricia then lifted her top up and off and exposed her bra as well. Katie knew that there was no chance of protesting or complaining having just been given a lifeline. Turning to Caroline Tricia asked her to remove her skirt and top as well. This was no big deal for her as all three of the girls were used to seeing in state of undress at various times so she slipped off her skirt and top as well, noticing out of the corner of her eye Zoe taking more interest. Hmmm. Once they were both in just bra and panties Tricia proceeded to explain to Katie that her legs were still what could be described as coltish, long and thin and not that shapely yet. Her bottom whilst very cute was not as full or as rounded as Carolines and the lack of a bust made her out of proportion . To emphasise this point she unclasped Katie's bra and slid it down her arms leaving her in just her panties. She ran her hand over Katie's bust area and pointed out that whilst there was certainly some small amount that could be described as a breast there was no way it could be compared to a 16 yr old girl. Caroline looked on with interest wondering if she too was going to be braless in front of Zoe but sadly that didn't happen. Tricia did not notice with interest that Katie's nipples were certainly very responsive to her touch, noting it for the future. Katie stood there in both shame and humiliation although she knew that what Tricia had pointed out was true. Asking Caroline to get her a dressing gown before she got cold, she allowed Katie to sit down again to wait. On Carolines return one of her old dressing gowns was produced and Katie covered up with a pink fluffy shorty dressing gown. " So you can see what I mean Katie when I say you won't pass as a 16 yr old girl in any way. I know you want to but all little girls want to grow up to be like their big sisters" Starting to reveal her hidden agenda. " we need to work out what age your body says you are if you were a girl. You do understand what I mean don't you? " Have either of you two any ideas?" Passing the buck to Caroline and Zoe. After exchanging glances , Zoe replied" I have no idea at all how to do that" Whilst Caroline trying to keep a straight face suggested that as she still had most of her clothes from when she was younger they try a fashion show to see what fits and what looks right on Katie. Between them, Katie included but she just nodded when asked for a response, they agreed it may be a good idea. The two girls went upstairs to "try " to find some of her old clothes and after a respectable period returned with several bin bags tied up which they proceeded to empty onto the sofa and rummage through. With Katie looking concerned at the size of the pile that was being generated the girls sorted the clothes into skirts, dresses tops, nightwear and underwear. Unbeknown to Katie, a fair number of these clothes had come from Zoe's younger sisters old clothes to swell the amount available to Katie. Once sorted, it was only a matter of Katie doing the modelling which she was encouraged to do at a fairly fast pace. Withe each change being assisted by the girls an instant decision was made that left Katie whirling. Keep, no, possible , no way or yuck seemed to be the phraseology used.That took care of the outerwear etc and then the choice of underwear started. In her wildest dreams, Katie never imagined having to stand in front of three girls trying on underwear and nightwear. Despite being second hand all the panties , as she liked to call them, were in perfect condition. There were petticoats, slips, nighties bras and some things she had no idea what they were. When it came to the bras, Tricia was most careful in fitting each one and adjusting them to fit.It seemed that Caroline must have been just Katie's size for quite a while as there were a good selection that fitted her perfectly. Some thin training bras and some padded and wired in the right places. They all had a purpose be it to give the illusion of a bust or just comfort to a growing girl to know she is old enough to need, or should that be, allowed to wear a bra. The pile of clothing tags that had just been removed by Caroline and Zoe on the floor in Tricia's room, bore witness to the success of the mornings shopping with respect to all the underwear. With the selection of clothing now sorted as to what fitted and what didn't, the question of defining an age for Katie came up again, skilfully guided by Tricia. They were all taking wild guesses until it was suggested that the size labels be examined as they usually gave an age rather than a size for younger girls. After much rummaging and comparison between them the girls that Katie's age was 11 to 13. This was a devastating blow to Katie at being categorised as almost a child again and the now familiar tears began to flow. With some compassion for her dignity Tricia suggested the two older girls leave her with Katie to sort things out with her. This enabled Tricia to dress Katie in suitable underwear and then a little pleated skirt and top with little puff sleeves and buttons up the back .Once dressed, the addition of the recently purchased Alice band completed the look. Asking Katie nicely to give her a twirl, a reluctant Katie turned miserably a couple of times with a dejected look on her face. Seizing the opportunity to reinforce her position as Katie's saviour she picked up Katie and sat her on her lap and pulled her close for a cuddle. With the experience gained she knew how to comfort Katie with a cuddle, calm voice and gentle stroking of her face and hair. As Katie gradually calmed down and began to relax , Tricia explained to her that Katie was her special little girl and how she would look after her and be there if she was upset. How she knew Katie didn't really want to be a little girl but for now, until she grew up a little that she would have to be. That she had bought some special tablets for her that would make her more girly and help her little breast grow, running a hand over Katie's top and bra, just able to feel her tiny nipples through the thin material.How they would share special cuddles together without Caroline or Zoe knowing. If Katie was prepared to be her special little girl and try to behave like just that, Tricia would be so pleased and proud of her as well. How Tricia loved to see a bouncy Katie, with a skip in her step and a smile on her face. Her words and her cuddle, the way she spoke softly and reassuringly to her relaxed Katie even more as she lay in Tricia's arms. Tricia's hand was on her knickers under her skirt, softly stroking her bottom , something Katie found comforting it seemed. Sensing the moment may be right as Katie was almost dozing off, she slipped a hand to the front of her blouse and began to unbutton it. She was aware that Katie was just peeping as she eased her blouse open a little to reveal her bra. This was a sort of now or never moment as if Tricia had read the situation wrongly it could spell the end for her plans. Almost imperceptibly, Katie eased herself forward until her lips just brushed against Tricia's bra. This was could be described as a founding moment in the relationship between them as Tricia deftly reached for the clasp on the maternity bra she was wearing and eased the cup down. With one hand on the back of Katie's head, she eased her forward until the nipple touched her lips and Katie opened her mouth just enough to accept the offered nipple and began to suckle . Tricia cradled her against her breast and felt a warm feeling take over her body and smiled unaware that a similar feeling of warmth and comfort filled Katie as she settled even further into Tricia's warm embrace like a child.

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Katies Begining Saturday

The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...

1 year ago
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Katies Begining Friday Evening

Katie went put her blazer back on to hide what she was wearing as she left the room..and the stopped. With her blazer over her arm she asked outside to the awaiting girls who were initially surprised by Katie's bravery. Bit her smile and confident talk confirmed, Katie was a girl and didn't care who saw her anymore.It was three confident girls who walked arm in arm, boarded the bus and headed for home. Once home, the school uniforms were removed, never to be worn again, except perhaps...

2 years ago
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Katies begining 7

Caroline and Zoe had gone back upstairs together with ams full of the clothes they had just sorted out downstairs and into what was now going to be Katie's room. They dumped them all the bed and flopped down on the floor with their backs against the wall. " Wow, that was something else. I just can't believe that great big oaf has changed into a sweet little girl...and all over him peeking at some girls doing PE. I have to say I would never have believed that was the motivation behind it...

4 years ago
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Katies Begining Tuesday

With Katie at her breast, that warmth that she experienced before came over Tricia again. She lifted her top slightly to be able to see Katie so content, eyes closed, her mouth just contracting slightly as she suckled. She stroked her face softly, adoring the feeling of closeness between them at that moment. It was hard for her to reconcile in her mind that she was suckling a teenager now and not the little girl as she had done previously. To her it made no difference. She adored Katie...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining 3

"Sit down Katie and we can talk about your new life for the foreseeable future" Tricia instructed as the shy "girl" stepped across the room and flopped into a chair."No!" Now get up and do it again, gracefully back up to the chair, smooth your skirt under you as you sit and keep your legs together, sit up straight and put your hands in your lap" Her eyes flashing anger at Katie's first public exposure and her apparent lack of concern. Katie leapt to her feet ignoring any possible more...

3 years ago
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Katie's nipples were not cooperating.The 17-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didn't keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown.Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...

2 years ago
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Katies story

This is my first attempt at writing anything hope you enjoy it.Moving thru the night like a breeze I enter your room like a mist moving along with the ease of your breathing. As I look deep into your soul watching you dream of my touch as you touch yourself while you sleep as I lean down kissing your ear lobe and biting your bottom lip. You stir boldly sitting up as I kiss you long and deep running my fingers thru your hair as I whisper shhhhhhhhhh in your ear. I hold out my hand to you. I...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 6

The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...

2 years ago
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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

2 years ago
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Katies Begining Thursday

Tricia gave the matter some thought as she climbed into bed. It seemed to be all pervading in her brain and no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't go away and allow her to sleep. Eventually she decided on how to deal with it once her mind was made up, sleep followed easily. Getting out of bed next morning she slipped into Carolines room and explained her plan and Carolines part in it. She was going to take the morning of work citing a girl thing to faceache at work, lets see him...

4 years ago
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Katies Punishment

Katie’s PunishmentThis is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real punishment.”Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my...

4 years ago
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Katies begining 4

Kevin woke the next morning, still feeling tired and exhausted as Tricia came into the room in her dressing gown, wet hair with a pile of clothes in her arms. "come on Katie, time to get up, your bath is running and you have a lot to do before school this morning. No nonsense now, up and get moving" as she pulled the duvet back from the bed. The sudden realisation that she was calling him Katie and that all that was covering him was a nightdress brought back the horrors of yesterday. He...

3 years ago
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Katies Awakening

Katie was awakened by a sound in the night coming from her mother’s room. She heard a thumping sound and then she heard groaning as if someone was in pain. She got up out of bed and walked down the hall as quietly as she could. When she got to her mother’s door she heard better. She heard her mom make sounds like she was crying but they weren’t exactly the same. Then she heard her mom’s boyfriend Tom moaning like he was in pain. Katie then heard them both cry out at the same time “Ahhh!” then...

2 years ago
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katies gets over her boyfriend

katie was crying her eyes out, she occasionally said "why" before continuing to cry. She was stopped by the sound of the phone ringing. she rushed to answer it"john, is that you?""hey katie, its rob, your brothers friend""oh, hi rob" she snuffled."you ok, you sound upset?""its.... well... john, my boyfriend, he dumped me, said he was sleeping with someone else, said i wasnt good enough for him""are you ok? is anyone there with you?"no, im here alone, my brothers out somewhere, try calling his...

4 years ago
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Katies Journey Into Sluthood Part 2

The next morning, over breakfast, Katie told her step-father that she was cooking them a meal tonight and asked what time he would be in.“About 6.30 I expect,” he replied.“Perfect,” she said, and buttered her toast.She looked at her him reading the newspaper and thought, ‘I can’t wait!’Evening arrived very very slowly for Katie, but she busied herself preparing a meal and preening herself ready for the evening. Seeing as her step-father had a liking for schoolgirls, she had found her original...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 4

Later that afternoon Katie was surfing the net in her room. She was trying to find movies like Tom was watching. She was glued to screen because she found plenty of pictures of guys and girls fucking and sucking. She saw girls with their face and pussies stuffed by huge cocks and covered in cum. After a while she felt a tingle in groin and she felt wetness in pussy. She ran her hands down her body and over her pussy. She remembered that after the first time she rubbed her pussy she was wet down...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening 3

Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part 3

Read parts one and two first for the best effect.This story is fictional.... Katie let her mom rest for a few mins. Helen then asked Please let me up untie me please!!..No way Mom the weekend has just began and I have no intention of letting you free until you have been properly punished for calling me a whore and chasing my first real boyfriend off. Katie then heard her mom mumble..when i get free I will fuck you up...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining

As Tricia drove home she mulled over her day, certainly not one of the best as far as she was concerned. The promotion almost promised to her and been given to the golden boy of the bank. Despite her having more experience and certainly being better at dealing with people face to face Ian had managed to persuade the Manager that he was better suited to the role. The way Ian had looked at her as he offered his commiserations that she hadn't got the job was so condescending towards her. He...

4 years ago
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Katies Begining Sarah

Sarah For one so young, Sarah Pickles was far from being a sight for sore eyes. From her carefully chosen brown corduroy below the knee skirt, thick beige tights and floral blouse and cardigan to her sensible flat black shoes she looked dowdy, plain and uninteresting. Her hair in a tight bun and no makeup. She looked absolutely perfect. Perfect that is for her current assignment. At 27, she was in fact gorgeous to look at with legs that never ended on sky high heels but not today....

3 years ago
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New Beginings

By anon y mouse First a preamble this is a follow on from a previous story ‘NEW MOTHER’ this story stands alone but for the background read you can read the other one first the choice is yours. On with the story............................. Chapter 1 After finally confronting my husband James about his affair with a 12 yr old girl we had reached a pact. He stayed out of my life and me his. The girl in question was the daughter of my lover and Boss Mike. I had been given carte' blanche'...

2 years ago
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New Beginings

Mike hadn’t seen Linda in years well sence they both graduated high school, But today he was going to see her. She had messaged him on Facetalk and said she would love to reconnect. He was so excited he had loved her so back in school, but she had acted like he didn’t exist. Mike hoped Linda had changed and now had time for neerds like him and not just looking for help with her husband or looking for a one nighter just to say she had. He was nervice about meeting her so they decided to meet at...

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Gay 8211 New beginings

(This is not a sex story. If you are looking for a quick jerk off then you may be disappointed. Reminder: This story is of love between two boys (gay). Please stop reading if this offends you. ) Senthil had moved to pune for his engineering. He didn’t make it into the iits and the recs and this was the first major decision of his still young life. It was what was best for him he was told, if he didn’t want to drop an year and try again. First year was typical, ragging, sudden feeling of...

Gay Male
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Katies truckers sperm bank prostitute friend

Long story short, my name is Katie Smith, a one man woman, with my husband only until 2-3 years ago. Life changes, k**s grow up, my body’s desire for sex grows and the more I have the more I want. I love risky sex, being paid for sex, fucking homeless guys, acting the slut, and holding down a job as a senior business woman.This explains why a blond milf, mum, wife, slut is, on a chilly night, dressed in a leather dress, high heels, stockings on a street used by truckers to park up over night. I...

3 years ago
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strong beginings

This is a story of me and my girls first threesome. My girlfriend had always been a little reserved when it came to sex but I could always tell there was a sexual b**st just waiting to be let out. Gradually we started to experiment and finally after coaxing it out of her she told me that it was a fantasy of hers to be with more than one guy. So one night when we had all been drinking I sugessted the idea to her and one of my friends jon. Jon loved the idea and after a little reassurance she...

2 years ago
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Panties upskirt and stocking fetish beginings

It all started years ago, I guees before I even remember. I used to watch my eldest sister get ready to go out. I guess I was about 9 or 10, she would be about 24 or 25, she would parade around the house doing hair and make up in just a bra and her slip, under her slip she often wore stocking suspenders and panties... and they could clearly be seen through the slip. I would sit uncomfortably nursing a little hard on (I was young it was only little....lol)So that is where the stockings and...

3 years ago
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Katies Begining

Kevin walked home, dejected, fed up and with some degree of trepidation. If he could have turned the clock back a few hours his life would not be about to end as he knew it. Even better if he could have turned it back 6 months ago, before his selfish sister had decided to take a once in a lifetime job opportunity as a personal assistant to a rich woman off on a round the world adventure. Life was good before that. Just the two of them living in a house in a neighbourhood they had grown up...

2 years ago
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Katies Story

I will get the personal details out of the way quickly. My name is Katie I am 19 and am studying history at University. Oh, and by the way I have always considered myself to be the sort of girl that is only interested in men. Well that was until I met Suzie. She had enrolled on the same course as me and the first time I saw her I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I admit I was shocked by the way my body reacted, my nipples were soon erect...

2 years ago
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Katies Xmas works do fucked by two of the guys

Christmas is a time for fun, pleasure and excess. It is a time for giving and receiving. I did not realise quite how apt these words were when I got ready for an after works Christmas drink with my all male team. I am the boss and older than all of them. I like to dress smart and business like for work and to be a tease too - I love wearing something tight fitting or undoing an extra button on my blouse or revealing my stocking tops. I think it’s good for morale and, I enjoy the attention. In...

1 year ago
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Katies Dream

She stands in front of the mirror and ties the collar of the white, satin blouse, white for unsoiled virginity, the wide satin ties hang to her breasts. She slides her hand down the front of the knee-length skirt. She is delectable, unspoiled, a fruit ripe for picking, her juices maturing and longing to be tasted. She closes her eyes, smelling his cologne and recalling his exotic accent. He slides his fingers under the half collar and kisses her lips. She feigns resistance, pushing his hand...

3 years ago
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Katies Dream

This was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...

3 years ago
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Katies Place

Part 1Katie sat on a hard wooden chair looking disappointedly at the place she’s inherited. What the solicitor had described as ‘commercial premises’ was not on the high street, but up a small, rarely use alleyway. No passing traffic and no chance to realise her initial hope of opening a high class clothing store.The place itself comprised the basement and ground floors of a unit in old brick built commercial block. It had a small reception area and an empty room behind that didn’t seem to...

4 years ago
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Katie and Jenns CrossCountry Nightmare

“What the hell?” Jenn quietly asked. Her car started to sputter and struggle. ‘I don’t know if we’ll make it very far’ she thought. She’d never been broken down before. She didn’t know what to do. She’d never been on a trip like this before either. She’d always been with Mommy and Daddy on trips like this. Her car was getting worse too. She wondered if she should just pull over to the shoulder of the interstate or try to make it to where they had planned to stay for the night. Katie and...

2 years ago
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Katie is Devious complete

Jackie Meyer was sitting at her computer in her home office. She was a widow of two beautiful daughters. Katie, her oldest, was actually her step daughter. She was 24, and Sarah, the youngest at 18. Jackie had Sarah when she was 16 and still in high school. She was home alone as both of her daughters were out. Katie was away at college and Sarah was with a friend out of town for the weekend. As soon as Sarah had left Jackie turned to start her evening. After dinner her mind wandered back to...

2 years ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began...

3 years ago
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Katie and Ted and Reggie

Introduction:This story is a REVISED version based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams who helps salvage their marriage. My sister-in-laws assisted me with this revision by adding more of the female perspective.This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie...

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I'm kind of an asshole. It's not something I do on purpose. Rather, it's a side effect of not caring about many people. I didn't care about my parents, and I barely ever called them, and even more rarely visited. After I turned eighteen, I never spent a holiday with them. It didn't help that my old man was a violent drunk, and my mom a helpless victim who failed to protect her own c***dren, but my lack of compassion wasn't limited to them. I didn't care about the beautiful woman I married out...

2 years ago
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Katie and Ted and Reggie REVISED

This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....

1 year ago
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Katiersquos Roommate

Katie’s Roommate1 Katie KendalKatie Kendal was extremely proud of the fact that for more than three years, she lived by herself in an rented house and paid all the bills on time. It was difficult, and at times she barely made ends meet. Worse than that was the fact that she was terrified of being alone. It had been the most difficult decision she had ever made when she decided at twenty years old to move out of her parents house and into the real world. She hated living by herself but she knew...

2 years ago
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Katie and I tried to get back to normal after her weekend with Tom, but we weren't doing very well. Every time we made love together all I could see in my head was her being fucked by him, or worse, her being gangbanged by his poker buddies.Katie tried to be understanding and supportive. She did everything she could do but I would only last for about 10 seconds before cumming so hard that it hurt. No matter what we did to prolong things, as soon as I thought about her weekend, I'd blow. We...

4 years ago
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Katie Our long forbidden romance edited

1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen. She...

1 year ago
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Katie judges a kissing contest

Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brother's head in her arms. She had her answer. Ding, dong! "Oh my God! That's Josh!!" said Katie with a gasp. "He's here for our...

2 years ago
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Katie and RandybyNotDoctorPhil©(A note: I am always interested in sharing fantasies and developing new ones with others. If you're interested in sharing fantasies, and perhaps having an orgasm or two together, contact me.)*Young Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having came home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the...

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Katie Alex Part 1

Bournemouth this May was cold and damp. Dark clouds littered the sky, and it had rained without pause for the entire drive down from Guildford. At first it started as a light drizze, but intensified the closer they got to the town, becoming a deluge that monotonically drummed the roof of the car. The radio presenter glumly reported that this was going to be the wettest weekend on record, as she attempted to uplift moods across the country by playing uplifting tunes. Once Katie finally pulled...

3 years ago
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Katie Judges A Kissing Contest

"So, did you like my pussy?" whispered 16-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile. Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katie's just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his step sister's cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her step brother's head in her arms. She had her answer.Ding,...

3 years ago
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Katie Jasmine and Lucy

However the event which this story follows is one which they had never practiced before. It all started 2 weeks previously. The girls were in Jasmines house chilling out as it was raining heavy outside. Katie and Lucy loved being in jasmines house, simply because they fancied her twin brother Carl. “Hey Jasmine is Carl in” they asked as they sat slumped on her big double bed. “I think he’s out with our parents” she replied “why? You want to see if you can get a piece of him”? They laughed...

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