Katies Begining Thursday free porn video

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Tricia gave the matter some thought as she climbed into bed. It seemed to be all pervading in her brain and no matter how hard she tried it wouldn't go away and allow her to sleep. Eventually she decided on how to deal with it once her mind was made up, sleep followed easily. Getting out of bed next morning she slipped into Carolines room and explained her plan and Carolines part in it. She was going to take the morning of work citing a girl thing to faceache at work, lets see him question me on that she thought, Caroline was going to quietly, get up, dress and go to Zoe's for breakfast clutching a note for Kevins teachers to tell them he was unwell and wouldn't be at school that day. First stage completed she washed and dressed in old jeans, slobaboutthehouse tee shirt and hair pulled back into a scruffy ponytail. She wanted her image to be of Tricia in a relaxed,couldnt care less sort of woman today. Tiptoeing towards Trish in the kitchen, a kiss on the cheek with a whispered good luck Caroline slipped out leaving Tricia to finalise her strategy for dealing with Kevin. Leaving it until 9.30, how on earth did teens mange to sleep so much, she walked upstairs, knocked on his door and peered in and asked is she may come in for a moment. The grunt of permission granted, she entered and again asked his permission if she could sit down. The chair was well away from the bed containing the youth so he would not feel threatened by her hopefully. Kevin I have a few things I would like to say to you so please hear me out and then decide what you want to do. Firstly, there will no trips to the headmaster, Police, Social services or Foster homes...unless thats what you want. I certainly won't be telling anybody about your trying to look at the girls in the gym. Secondly, you are part of this household until such time as you decide you want to leave or Sally returns from her jaunt and takes you back to live with her. Thirdly, neither I nor the girls have hurt you physically at any time..I hope, and that is something that will not change in any way. I want you to feel safe here. Lastly, I am sorry if something I did or said yesterday caused you hurt and the distress you clearly felt. I want to try to put that right. The beast was is for us to talk I think. So, I would like to spend some time with you this morning just talking. Maybe we can go down by the river again. Its quiet, nobody to disturb us and away from here may be better for you perhaps. Please give it some thought, I will wait in the kitchen until you decide what you want to do. If you don't want to talk, thats fine but I think it may help. Getting up, she smiled at him, "It will be alright Kevin, trust me" and left. The youth that came into the kitchen some time later bore no signs of Katie in any way. From the slouching way he walked, the hunched shoulders and the once immaculate hair replaced by an unruly unwashed mop, to the way her held himself, fully back into angst driven adolescent male. Tea or coffee? Tricia asked to get him to engage with her. Once poured, she kept well away from him which was quite difficult in the size of the kitchen they were in but she didnt want to pressure him in any way. He was the one who finally said, We can talk but I can't see it doing any good. I will get my shoes and we can go..if you still want to. Yes! She thought as it may be a minor step but lines of communication had been established. Grabbing her sensible shoes and her bag she waited until the disgusting trainers were located and fitted onto his feet covering the socks with holes in them and they left the house, the distance between them being maintained. Once in the car, that physical distance was reduced but the his body language still represented the huge chasm that had opened up between them. It wasn't raining, it wasn't sunny just a normal grey sort of day. It suited his mood. They walked slowly along, the ducks looked nice, shame there was litter in the river, I wonder if there any fish left alive in there dealt with conversation until Tricia finally asked if he could tell her what she had done to upset him so much. Slowly he tried to formulate in his mind how he felt. He couldn't even begin to try to tell Tricia so he used the get out clause of " Well it doesn't matter anyway, its history now" This was going to be harder than she had thought to get him to talk to her. Kevin, I really thought we were getting along so well until yesterday. You can't see yourself as others do but I promise you, the side of you I and the girls have seen in you recently has been so much nicer than you were before. I have really, really enjoyed having Katie around and if you can be honest with yourself, I think that you enjoyed being her as well...or some of it at least. You were bright, bubbly, sparkling even however you were at the time. She paused to hopefully let some of her comments filter through. Oh Wow, look at that Swan with her cygnets, thats so cu...nice to see them. Why she had to drive the stake deeper into him he didn't now but it did hurt. "Well all that nonsense is finished anyway "he grunted kicking a stone that was probably larger than he had realised. Damn that hurt, trying to ignore the pain in his toe as he continued machoswaggering along. "Just because I wanted to see those girls in their undies and stuff brought me so much shit it wasn't worth it anyway." Whilst not an explanation of any kind Tricia could see him trying to erect a smoke screen around him. Well obviously that is your choice Kevin, I certainly wouldn't want you to do anything you don't want to. I know it started out as a punishment but even you said after a while it was quite nice really. It seems a shame to have to stop doing something you like. I know you may not believe it but the girls liked Katie being around. And I ... well I really liked my special little girl Katie and the times we were able to share. This wasn't going well at all. Why she had to remind him of the nice things about Katie was beyond him. Ok, maybe he had , no did enjoy playing the part of a girl a bit. So? It was just a bit of fun anyway. Well I am sure you will be able to find something to do instead anyway. The girls still have their old dolls so they can go back to playing with them and not use me as a dress up doll. Hmm, I wonder how he knows about the box of dolls under the bed? Kevin, I know they didn't see Katie as a dress up doll, to them Katie was the little sister they never had. Caroline was and always will be my little sister and Zoe is an only child so just maybe they liked having Katie about. I know I did. From the oh so lovely teenager on Saturday to the little girl at my breast, I loved all of it. You maybe don't realise it but I did see Katie as my little girl and I would have liked to have been a Mummy to her. The blue touch pair had been lit again and the fuse was about the same length as yesterday but with a slightly different reaction. ' You fucking bitch! You just can't leave me alone can you? Just when things get a bit better you have to fucking well try to hurt me ! Get away from me and fuck off out of my life! You bitches are all the same" was his outburst accompanied by his running rapidly away from her on the towpath. Shit, Shit,Shit! What did I do this time? Trish thought, tempted to run after him before deciding sensible shoes versus trainers versus trainers was a no brainer and besides, there was nowhere for him to run to other that along the river bank. He will either come back or I will meet up with him in a while. The latter proved correct as after about 1/2 mile of her walking rather than running he could be seen sitting on a bench. Without hurrying she continued until standing in front of him she asked if she may sit down . With 4 foot of bench between them for a comfortable buffer for him, she tried once more to find out what had upset him so. Kevin, Please may we talk some more? From how you reacted today and yesterday, as soon as I have said I want to be your Mummy, you lose it completely. I really, really would like to try to understand why you feel the way you do about that. She was speaking in a calm and hopefully reassuring voice to try toilet him know she was no threat to him and just hoped it was working. "Yeah, sure you do. And then at the first opportunity you will just throw it all back at me. I know how your mind works .. bitch" This really wasn't going well at all but...at least they were sort of talking..after a fashion if she could ignore his insults. Kevin, I promise you that whatever we say to each other today will not be repeated to anyone, ever. Not the girls, Fiona or anyone ever , ever , ever. This is just between you and me. I really think you will feel better to talk about whatever it is that is making you feel the way you do about me. There was a part of him that wanted to believe her vow of silence but that was only going to be a lie..wasnt it? How could he believe she really wouldn't use it to hurt him, thats what always happened. Kevin, I have tried to treat you like my little girl and you seemed to like it. You liked me bathing you , dressing you, playing with you, cuddling you, suckling you. These are all nice things that Mummies love to do for their girls, and you are no different. Its part of the relationship they build up together as the girls grow up. Your Mummy has that relationship with Sally surely? Oh yes of course they did he spat out. She was just as big a bitch as Mummy was to me, just a younger version. Two bitches together. Telling each other everything about me and just spoiling everything. But silly me for trusting and believing what I was told. Like trusting you ? Look where that got me! I should have learned by now. Trust someone, let them see what you are really like. Believe they are not like everybody else and then Wham! Big kick in bollocks for your trouble. Tricia was absolutely delighted.Maybe not with the language but like a Terry's Orange, once she could the blasted wrapper off all may be revealed. And she had just got a finger nail under he edge it seemed. Where to go now was the key. No matter what has happened in the past between you and your Mother, being careful not to use the other "M" word, that doesn't mean it always has to be that way or should have been in the past. I am sure she loves you no matter what. That would prove to be a very presumptuous thing for Tricia to have said. What the fuck do you know about how my mother feels about me? She has never loved me and I doubt she ever will. All she ever wanted to was hurt me and shame me and even taught that shit of a sister to help her. Thats a mothers love is it? Well you can stick it as far as I am concerned, I don't need love like that. Oh Goody. The metal foil is almost unwrapped now and I can almost get to the chocolate. Maybe if you explained a little more of what you mean I would be able to understand better Kevin. Only if you want to but once I know what its all about I might be able to help. Just between us, promise. There was no way Kevin wanted to tell Tricia what his Mother had done. She wouldn't understand anyway. Ok, she had tried to help him with the girl bit but that was only as a punishment...like all mothers, dishing out punishments. She had given him cuddles though...and there hadn't ever been a price to pay for that it seemed. She had pretended to like him as Katie..but that was probably a ruse as well to get into him. Maybe the biggest trust thing had been to trust her not to expose him as a creepy peeping tom. She hadn't actually done that , surprisingly. Saturday night when they were out, she hadn't revealed he was a boy in a dress..maybe , just maybe she would understand. But if he told her all his secrets, she would tell everyone, he just knew it. He wasn't the best pupil at school but one thing he learned he actually remembered and it seemed to fit how he was now feeling. It was a History lesson about America and a bloke called Roosevelt had said"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" He was frightened. Plain and simple. He was afraid to tell Tricia of his Mother and his childhood. He was afraid he had lost something good with Tricia and Caroline. He was afraid of what would happen when Sally came back. He was frightened, end of.The rational side of him now said, so what if she knows. But it was such a big thing to talk about for him. For once in your life, be a big man and tell her. So he did. Haltingly he began to try to explain. When he was little, he was about 4 he thought, with an older sister of 10 he realised that his sister was his Mummy's favourite. She was the one Mummy paid most attention to. Of course his Mummy looked after him fed him , dressed him and all the other basic needs of a child. But he didn't get the special attention she did. You are so pretty, isn't she gorgeous, come and sit on Mummy's knee, of course you can have a cuddle, shall we do our hair together. These were things said because she was a girl and were never said to him because he was a boy. He was given toys for boys. His father who he worshipped was never at home much because he had to work to keep the lifestyle up so had little time for Kevin. When he was at home he thought of Kevin still as almost an infant and left him to his wife to deal with. With the simplicity of a childs thoughts he decided the only difference between boys and girls was what they wore so if he wore dresses he would be a girl. If he was a girl, he would get the same attention as his sister got from Mummy. So the fateful afternoon he had gone into his sisters room and selected a "Pretty" dress as he knew it was called. The fact it was his sisters newest and so far, unworn party dress didn't concern him as he managed to pull it on over his head and clothes. He saw himself in the mirror and although not as pretty as his sister, he had a dress on and therefore was a girl. He proudly wandered off into his mothers room where she was sitting with Sally on her lap brushing her hair. As the dress was way too big for him as he made his way towards them his foot caught on the lace hem, a loud rip and boy in dress ended up in heap on floor. Something he was unaware of was a girls theatrical skills even at a young age. Sally promptly screamed, burst into tears and bewailed the fate of her "Best" dress. Torn between comforting Sally, picking up boy in now ruined dress Mummy chose Sally. Sally was comforted, cuddled etc whilst he was shouted at from a distance until Mummy could leave sally for a moment to pick Kevin up, remove the dress and place him over her knee for a smacking. Determined to teach him a lesson, he was then dragged kicking and crying into Sally's room where after rummaging through the old clothes in the wardrobe she found a suitable dress and underwear etc which after removing his own clothes he was then dressed in. When girls are very little, frills and lace and flounces suit them perfectly so the stock of younger girls clothes was perfect. Holding him firmly by the hand he was returned to his elder sister and presented as her brother but now in a dress.As he had wanted to wear a dress, he would be indulged for as long as was necessary. His delighted sister at being given her own Barbie to play with took full advantage of the situation. He was paraded before his father not only on that day but over the years on many occasions in dresses. His father had no wish to be with a boy like Kevin.His Mother took great delight in showing him off to other mothers and daughters as a boy in a dress with the aim of maximum humiliation. Like all children occasional nightime accidents can happen and how they are dealt with is usually with discretion .Not in Kevin's case. He was put into a nappy and one of his sisters tees shirts and that was to be his clothing for a week and to be put into a nappy and nightie for the next six months at night.Imagine how he must have felt being so betrayed by someone he loved. Apart from hating how he was being dressed by his Mummy and sister, the other major disadvantage was he had fewer displays of affection from his Mummy as he was now a worthless boy in a dress. So he still was deprived of what he so needed. He spent time in Sally's old clothes for many years but never for long periods. It was like a way of slapping him down whenever he became out of hand. When he proudly came home from school when he was about eight with a black eye after a fight, back to girls stuff for a while. Girl good, Boy bad was the ethos. Being sent to the beach with only one of his sisters bathing costumes to change into. Having to give excuses on how he had left his at home and couldn't swim.....or wear his sisters? He didn't swim much that year. So for Tricia to want to give him all the things his Mummy had was not quite what he had expected of her. He hated his Mummy and the thought of a Mummy for him, hated his sister and everything they stood for and wanted no part of their lives. They didn't want him either. Parents go abroad, Kevin can stay with Sally. Sally goes away, dump the brat on someone else. There was no part of them that seemed to have any love for Kevin at all. Or he for them now it seemed. Tricia sat that dispassionately for the whole time Kevin tried to explain why he felt so let down by his real mother and his thoughts about her wanting to do the same. Once he had finished she stood up and after announcing she needed a little time to think about what he had said, began to walk along the towpath leaving him on the bench. Once her back was turned to him the tears she had managed to hold back were allowed to flow. Her heart ached for him as a little boy, as a boy growing up and even now as an adolescent who had not only never experienced the love for a child but had been cruelly mistreated in the process. Not usually being at a loss for words she mentally recalled Kevin's tirade of earlier at her and stole the phrase he had called her. "Fucking bitch" seemed appropriate for his mother and sister it seemed. The walk along the river allowed her to compose herself for she had no intention of letting Kevin see how he had affected her today. Reversing her stroll the dejected Kevin was still sitting on the bench throwing stones into the water. Her previous position regained, she began to speak to him in that same tone of comforting voice. Kevin, I can now see why you reacted the way you did and I can only say your childhood was a disaster. Perhaps had I known about it earlier, I may have treated you differently but I doubt it. I am sorry if by my making you dress as a girl it brought back these memories however......I think the way you were treated as Katie maybe gave you all the things you wanted when you were a child but were never given. What has been said today between us stays that way..unless you decide to tell anyone else. I would like to be able to talk to my BFF Fiona about what has been said because I value her opinion but without your permission, I wont. The things I said this morning about staying with Caroline and I still stand and if when Sally comes back, you feel you want to stay , thats fine as well. If you decide you still want to stay with us, that is up to you. If its Kevin or Katie, Thats fine. If its big, little or in-between Katie, thats fine. It may be hard for you at the moment to get your head around this part but I love you for who you are, in whatever way you want to be and I suspect Caroline does as well. The decisions are all your now. You get to choose where you live , how you live and with whom. But if its staying with us, I think some big apologies will be in order to the girls. We were all worried sick about you yesterday. So while I am at work perhaps you will think about your options. How about we stop at McDonalds on the way back home? Having pulled a sickie this morning for girl stuff with work I had better get home, sort myself out and change and shoot and I haven't got time to feed you as well. The walk back along the towpath to the car was less frosty than the earlier one and the thawing of the atmosphere between them noticeable but still present. Once home, Kevin's hunger dealt with, a quick change into Superwoman, ok, into the bank employee role , she departed. No kiss, no cuddle, just a see you tonight and behave! Tricia desperately wanted to speak to Caroline, Fiona and maybe a trick cyclist to help her to understand Kevin more but that would all have to wait. Her world of International Commerce waited. What joy it was to be a bean counter some days. The decision Kevin had to make was a no brainer really when he thought about it. He had been happier recently than he could ever remember being. A huge part of that was down to Tricia and the girls and the way they had treated him...once he was a girl. It seemed that his thinking about girls had been right all along. Girls were treated better than boys in so many ways. He really enjoyed being able to enjoy the girl side of him without fear of criticism or shame. What his Mother and sister had done had left him mentally scarred with their humiliation and cruelty and he had never enjoyed his times dressed up as a girl by them. The way he was now treated when he was being Katie was so so different and so so nice. It seems Tricia had tipped Caroline off that they had been talking this morning and that they should leave him alone until she returned from work to see what he had to say to them all together. Kevin sat in his room trying to work out what he was going to say and how to say sorry for his behaviour. When Tricia arrived home it was heels off, cup of tea ordered from the catering assistant who was in the kitchen with Zoe chatting and sit down to brief the girls. They had spoken, things had been said that she couldn't tell them but she was optimistic that he would come to his senses. Either way it was up to him to clear the air and try to patch things up between them all. He heard Tricia call him from downstairs and went down and into the lounge. The three girls were not going to make this easy for him it seems as they were all sitting on the sofa together leaving him the option of standing or sitting in the armchair. Taking pity on him Tricia suggested he sit down and make himself comfortable. He was so embarrassed for his behaviour yesterday but didn't know where to start and just sort of froze. Perhaps I should run over the situation as I see it Kevin. Tricia once again coming to his rescue. Yesterday for reasons that you have explained to me but not the girls, you stormed out of here without so much as a good bye or explanation. You kept away from the girls who like me were worried about you and whatever had caused you to go bonkers like you did. With once again no explanation you came slinking back here and hid in your bedroom. When we spoke together in here last night, you informed you didn't care if I reported you to the police, headmaster or whatever and you were quite willing to leave here at once but under no circumstances were you ever going to be "called Katie , be a girl or any other of that shit he had been through. Not now, not ever again." I think those were your words Kevin but please correct me if I am wrong. He sat there , head down as she continued. We had a conversation today where you tried to explain why that was but as the girls don't know what was said, I can't repeat it without your permission as I promised...unless you want me to tell them? Looking up slightly he nodded his head. "So let me get this straight Kevin just so there is no misunderstanding, you are happy for me to divulge that conversation to the girls? Does that include Fiona as well? He sheepishly nodded again. In that case, you will back up to your room until we have spoken about it together. I will call you when we are ready to see you again. A chastened Kevin slid back upstairs to wait to be called. Tricia went through the tale he had told as best as she could remember it and it wasn't easy to forget. The general consensus was the same as hers that morning. That woman had no right to call herself a mother if she did that to him and Sally was no better. So we are all sort of agreed in that we can only try to understand what it must have been like for him as a child in those circumstances. It does explain to me why he has behaved as he has done over the past few days. He has embraced his girl side completely and despite whatever he may say, he loves it. I did "force " him to dress and act as a girl but at that time I thought it would be a suitable punishment for him, not that he would like it. So thats where we are. Its just what we do from now. Kevin, you may come down now. The girls are aware of what was said this morning so we all know what happened to you . Would you like to tell us how you feel about it now? The grovelling apology for his behaviour yesterday was received with stern faces. He then tried to explain how he had felt about his "punishment " , how it had enabled him to really experience a bit of a girls life, how he had enjoyed every minute of it and his regret at what he said regarding Katie. He expressed his gratitude for how they had all treated him since he was caught peeping and his shame at having let them down so badly but...something in him had presumed that Tricia was going to treat him as his real mother had done and he couldn't stand that ever again. It wasn't meant to be nasty to him but the three needed to talk about it amongst themselves so Kevin was once more banished to his room. So, whats it to be then? Do we accept the apology and return to how we were, suggest he leaves us now or what? They were all in agreement that Katie could stay just not Kevin and there was no way she should be allowed to escape unpunished for her behaviour. Caroline was all for an over the knee spanking but after Zoe pointed out she was just kinky and would enjoy spanking her, that was dismissed as not suitable. A pouting Caroline stuck her tongue out at Zoe with the threat to get her later. Tricia was unsure of quite what to do and thought deeply for a solution. It was Zoe once more who had an idea. So he/she likes being Katie and his time as a girl. How about we make her prove it . Actions speak louder that words. Puzzled looks were directed at Zoe until she said " I want to ask him if he really wants to be Katie or its just a game to him. Trust me on this one? If he says he does, then Katie would probably like to be more girly and get her ears pierced and have earrings. Maybe a bra fitting as well. The size of Trish and Carolines eyes increased with surprise at her suggestion until Caroline uttered those immortal words. "Oh My God, thats a perfect way to test out her intentions for real." Ever thinking Tricia did add that she had promised not to hurt him in any way but was rebuffed by Zoe with her comment that we wouldn't be doing it, Katie would have to ask to have it done. Agreement was reached and Kevin summoned for a final time. Well Kevin, we have thought about your behaviour and decided on a possible solution. Do you really want to stay as Katie? You have a few days of school left and then it would mean no more boys things, behaving as a boy but 100% girly girl. Whatever age we decide you will be. No exceptions. Could you cope with being a teenager or a little girl for weeks on end? Carolines younger sister? My little girl? You need to think very carefully before you answer, there will be no going back on this at all. All three of us will enforce it strictly at all times. Can you cope with that or would you even want to try? Kevin didn't hesitate at all and even asked if he could go back to being Katie again, no exceptions except for his last few days of school and he would be as girly as he could get away with for those if they would allow him to. With his declaration of wanting it, not being forced and apparent delight at being offered the opportunity, Katie was welcomed back. In that case girls may I suggest you take this young lady upstairs and find her something more suited for a girl to wear please. Kevin was whisked away to soon be replaced by Katie. The young teen Katie by the look of it in a skirt and top, hair done, socks and shoes and..the bouncy attitude was back as well. She flounced into the room , gave a twirl and a perfect curtsey to Tricia ,who struggled not to giggle as Katie launched her self onto Tricia's lap and wrapped her arms around her for a cuddle. Katie was definitely back. With equilibrium restored it was Zoe who casually asked if Katie would like to borrow some of her earrings sometime. She fingered her earlobe and replied she would love to but couldn't unless they were clip on ones. Caroline, playing the innocent said We can always get them pierced for you if you want. Without a moments hesitation she turned to Tricia and said Please may I have them done Tricia? Please , please? Katie was here to stay by all accounts.

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Katies Begining 3

"Sit down Katie and we can talk about your new life for the foreseeable future" Tricia instructed as the shy "girl" stepped across the room and flopped into a chair."No!" Now get up and do it again, gracefully back up to the chair, smooth your skirt under you as you sit and keep your legs together, sit up straight and put your hands in your lap" Her eyes flashing anger at Katie's first public exposure and her apparent lack of concern. Katie leapt to her feet ignoring any possible more...

4 years ago
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Katies Begining Sarah

Sarah For one so young, Sarah Pickles was far from being a sight for sore eyes. From her carefully chosen brown corduroy below the knee skirt, thick beige tights and floral blouse and cardigan to her sensible flat black shoes she looked dowdy, plain and uninteresting. Her hair in a tight bun and no makeup. She looked absolutely perfect. Perfect that is for her current assignment. At 27, she was in fact gorgeous to look at with legs that never ended on sky high heels but not today....

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part one

This story is pure fiction.It Involves a teen named Katie who gets revenge on her mother after her mom scares Katies boyfriend away. TGIF thought Katie as she and her friend Sue walked home from school.Its going to be great having you stay the nite with me said Sue.Yea Ive been so bummed since Mom chased Danny off.We will have a blast Got some great new outfits to show you and we have all the movie channels on cable now...

3 years ago
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Katies Awakening 5

At first Tom felt a little nervous but he had had a couple good gulps of his beer and he started to feel a little buzzed so he thought what the hell and he leaned back in his chair and said, you heard your mom, lets see how well you were listening last night. Katie felt both nervous and excited and she felt her body shaking before she stood up. As she began to stand she felt a tingle and dampness from her crotch. She walked over to Tom and stood in front of him, her voiced shook and cracked a...

2 years ago
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Katies Begining

As Tricia drove home she mulled over her day, certainly not one of the best as far as she was concerned. The promotion almost promised to her and been given to the golden boy of the bank. Despite her having more experience and certainly being better at dealing with people face to face Ian had managed to persuade the Manager that he was better suited to the role. The way Ian had looked at her as he offered his commiserations that she hadn't got the job was so condescending towards her. He...

1 year ago
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Katies Awakening 2

How was school today? Katie’s mom asked. Just a regular day. I am glad tomorrow is Saturday. Are you going to see any of your friends this weekend? I don’t know maybe. If you don’t maybe we all can do something. Ok I am up for whatever. Katies mom Sandy was happy that she hadn’t grown up so much but she knew it was going to change real soon. She was a freshman; just starting high school had just started being interested in boys. She was developing nicely, not to fast or to slow but her looks...

3 years ago
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Katies Revenge part 5

Read firts 4 parts for best effect this story is fictional... After 10 mins.of helens continual shitting it finally came to a halt she had been drained so to speak.Katie loosened the ropes holding her Moms legs up high and let them fall to the bed.Her Mother was a complete total shitty mess.Katie asked her mom have you had enough you whore? Helen could barely speak her mouth still full of her feces and quite shocked as...

3 years ago
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Katies revenge part 6

Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...

3 years ago
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Katies Begining

Kevin walked home, dejected, fed up and with some degree of trepidation. If he could have turned the clock back a few hours his life would not be about to end as he knew it. Even better if he could have turned it back 6 months ago, before his selfish sister had decided to take a once in a lifetime job opportunity as a personal assistant to a rich woman off on a round the world adventure. Life was good before that. Just the two of them living in a house in a neighbourhood they had grown up...

4 years ago
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Katies Revenge part two

Katie slept in and awoke about 9 AM.She stopped into the bathroom and peed before checking on her Mom.She thought to herself Mom probably has to piss like a racehorse..Fuck that bitch she said to herself out loud.I am going to make her pay for fucking with my boyfriend and my good times. After she wiped her young pink pussy and flushed she opened the door to her Moms bedroom.There she was snoring like a drunken...

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part 4

Read first 3 parts first for best effect..This story is fictional............. Katie untied her moms ankles first and then one wrist.She then faked untying the other wrist her Mom thought she was completely free but Katie was no fool and just had one ankle free and one wrist free.She let the restraints slack but not untied so helen thinking she was loose suddenly grabbed Katies arm and tried to punch her in the face.She swung her arm at...

3 years ago
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Katie's nipples were not cooperating.The 17-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didn't keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown.Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...

2 years ago
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Katies story

This is my first attempt at writing anything hope you enjoy it.Moving thru the night like a breeze I enter your room like a mist moving along with the ease of your breathing. As I look deep into your soul watching you dream of my touch as you touch yourself while you sleep as I lean down kissing your ear lobe and biting your bottom lip. You stir boldly sitting up as I kiss you long and deep running my fingers thru your hair as I whisper shhhhhhhhhh in your ear. I hold out my hand to you. I...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 6

The afternoon was turning to evening as Katie, Tom and Sandy relaxed partially dressed on the patio. Sandy was on her third glass of wine, Tom had lost count of beers after his third and Katie was just relaxing between them with the sex she just had running through her mind. Katie broke the silence and asked, does the cum always shoot out of your cock like that? No, not always sometimes it just sort of spurts a short distance but what we are doing is sort of naughty and I got more excited so I...

2 years ago
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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

4 years ago
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Katies Punishment

Katie’s PunishmentThis is a continuation of the story – Cornertime for Katie.Next, to embarrass her even more, I opened the curtains in the nearby windows, so anyone walking by and looking in could see her standing in the corner. “Stand still and don’t drop the books.” I said. “I will return in about ten minutes to start your real punishment.”Actually, my neighbors were blocked by trees and there was no sidewalk near my house. Even my mailbox was on the street, so no one would walk near my...

3 years ago
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Katies Awakening

Katie was awakened by a sound in the night coming from her mother’s room. She heard a thumping sound and then she heard groaning as if someone was in pain. She got up out of bed and walked down the hall as quietly as she could. When she got to her mother’s door she heard better. She heard her mom make sounds like she was crying but they weren’t exactly the same. Then she heard her mom’s boyfriend Tom moaning like he was in pain. Katie then heard them both cry out at the same time “Ahhh!” then...

2 years ago
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katies gets over her boyfriend

katie was crying her eyes out, she occasionally said "why" before continuing to cry. She was stopped by the sound of the phone ringing. she rushed to answer it"john, is that you?""hey katie, its rob, your brothers friend""oh, hi rob" she snuffled."you ok, you sound upset?""its.... well... john, my boyfriend, he dumped me, said he was sleeping with someone else, said i wasnt good enough for him""are you ok? is anyone there with you?"no, im here alone, my brothers out somewhere, try calling his...

4 years ago
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Katies Journey Into Sluthood Part 2

The next morning, over breakfast, Katie told her step-father that she was cooking them a meal tonight and asked what time he would be in.“About 6.30 I expect,” he replied.“Perfect,” she said, and buttered her toast.She looked at her him reading the newspaper and thought, ‘I can’t wait!’Evening arrived very very slowly for Katie, but she busied herself preparing a meal and preening herself ready for the evening. Seeing as her step-father had a liking for schoolgirls, she had found her original...

4 years ago
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Katies Awakening 4

Later that afternoon Katie was surfing the net in her room. She was trying to find movies like Tom was watching. She was glued to screen because she found plenty of pictures of guys and girls fucking and sucking. She saw girls with their face and pussies stuffed by huge cocks and covered in cum. After a while she felt a tingle in groin and she felt wetness in pussy. She ran her hands down her body and over her pussy. She remembered that after the first time she rubbed her pussy she was wet down...

2 years ago
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Katies Awakening 3

Tom saw a silhouette through the crack of Sandy’s bedroom. Oh fuck he thought, closed his laptop and went to her bedroom. He went in and the room was dark but Sandy was sitting up on her bed. Tom lay down on his stomach and hunched himself on his elbows and asked, Hey hun did I wake you? No, I just got up to use the bathroom and I heard you saying good night to Katie. Hmm that’s funny Katie said she got up to use the bathroom and saw me sitting there and came to see what I doing. Ok, were you...

1 year ago
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Katies Revenge part 3

Read parts one and two first for the best effect.This story is fictional.... Katie let her mom rest for a few mins. Helen then asked Please let me up untie me please!!..No way Mom the weekend has just began and I have no intention of letting you free until you have been properly punished for calling me a whore and chasing my first real boyfriend off. Katie then heard her mom mumble..when i get free I will fuck you up...

2 years ago
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A New Begining

A New Begining by Sallyjo. I was your typical alpha male, loved my women loved myself, I wasvery vain and always played the field.I suppose then it came as no surprise to receive an invite to a party from a friend of a friend so to speak. I would certainly be going.Little did I know at this stage that my life was about to take a new direction. The house was very large, standing in its own grounds.The owner was obviously very rich indeed.There did not seem to be many cars parked,...

3 years ago
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Katies truckers sperm bank prostitute friend

Long story short, my name is Katie Smith, a one man woman, with my husband only until 2-3 years ago. Life changes, k**s grow up, my body’s desire for sex grows and the more I have the more I want. I love risky sex, being paid for sex, fucking homeless guys, acting the slut, and holding down a job as a senior business woman.This explains why a blond milf, mum, wife, slut is, on a chilly night, dressed in a leather dress, high heels, stockings on a street used by truckers to park up over night. I...

2 years ago
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Katies Story

I will get the personal details out of the way quickly. My name is Katie I am 19 and am studying history at University. Oh, and by the way I have always considered myself to be the sort of girl that is only interested in men. Well that was until I met Suzie. She had enrolled on the same course as me and the first time I saw her I think my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. She was breathtakingly beautiful and I admit I was shocked by the way my body reacted, my nipples were soon erect...

2 years ago
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Katies Xmas works do fucked by two of the guys

Christmas is a time for fun, pleasure and excess. It is a time for giving and receiving. I did not realise quite how apt these words were when I got ready for an after works Christmas drink with my all male team. I am the boss and older than all of them. I like to dress smart and business like for work and to be a tease too - I love wearing something tight fitting or undoing an extra button on my blouse or revealing my stocking tops. I think it’s good for morale and, I enjoy the attention. In...

2 years ago
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Katie beginings Tuesday Evening

Tricia was driving home like a Zombie. The little video that Caroline had sent her just wasn't fair. She knew Tricia wasn't really meant to use her phone and couldn't look at it for long or phone to see what they were up to. What she did know was the few seconds of Katie she had seen were just so beautiful. If she dint know Katie it would have been just another young teenager showing off her ballet skills and being well aware of how sweet she looked. But then again that described Katie...

1 year ago
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Darkroom Thursday

The daily email came in the middle of the afternoon.Hello boys,It's not every day I feel like I need to wash my hands as much as Lady Macbeth. Wednesday's naughty little prank last night has earned her Jill Kill status for the rest of the week. It's going to be a very long couple of days for her.Sorry our little letter is coming to you so late in the day. We had been hoping to keep our normal schedules, but this week is going to be a total loss in terms of our higher education. We're all just...

4 years ago
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Evil Magic World The Begining

Evil Magic World: The Begining By Pulsar Magic had appeared ten years ago, when scientists were dealing with nuclear fusion. During an experiment, they had created a door between dimensions, and discovered another world, ruled by magic. Negotiators were sent to obtain the secrets of the magic, but the goals of the political leaders were clear to the magicians: they wanted magic only to rule the earth. So the magicians went to a secret place, and decided what to decide about...

1 year ago
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Katies Dream

She stands in front of the mirror and ties the collar of the white, satin blouse, white for unsoiled virginity, the wide satin ties hang to her breasts. She slides her hand down the front of the knee-length skirt. She is delectable, unspoiled, a fruit ripe for picking, her juices maturing and longing to be tasted. She closes her eyes, smelling his cologne and recalling his exotic accent. He slides his fingers under the half collar and kisses her lips. She feigns resistance, pushing his hand...

3 years ago
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Katies Dream

This was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...

2 years ago
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Tea on Thursday

My world is a bit different from yours. Technology's the same; we have cell phones and computers and so forth. Men and women interact pretty much the same way, with a few major differences. One of the biggest is that BDSM is universally practiced; everyone is either a Dom/me, slave, or switch. We also have *lots* of customs, many of which I'll explain to you in due course. But for the purposes of our story right now, all you need to know is that I'm a Dom, and that at the time this story took...

3 years ago
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Jacob And Tiffany Naked in SchoolPart 4A Thursday

Chapter 64: Jacob's father's view. 3am, Thursday, October 28th, 2006 Jerusalem was supposed to be the city of God. And it was acting very godlike at the moment. Old Testament God, that is. There was fighting and feuding, bickering and betrayal. A lot of people thought it was odd that all three religions that claimed Jerusalem as a holy place and also claimed mercy and honorable treatment of fellow human beings would not practice it here. The very God each of them claims to worship is...

2 years ago
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Third Thursday

It was the third Thursday of the month. I had checked into the hotel alone; she was running late. I headed to the second floor. We always booked the same room on the second floor. Gemma and I had been lovers for more than two years. We had been introduced at a business reception and immediately hit it off. We both found the party boring, so we got really drunk. After leaving to have dinner, we decided we fancied each other and got a room for the evening. For several months, we could not get...

2 years ago
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Strange Thursday

Strange Thursday by Lindsey Scott D I S C L A I M E R"Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the rest of the story must remain intact....

3 years ago
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I held her pussy in my hand and stroked it. Cupping my hand over it and running it down its length. Sarah had just removed the kettle from the stove and put it on the hot-plate. She appeared in the doorway between the kitchenette and the living room. “Put the cat down.” I glanced at her and then looked back at the cat. A smirk filled my face, “I thought you liked me stroking your pussy.” I caressed the cat a few more times before looking back towards Sarah. A pout had appeared on Sarah’s face,...

1 year ago
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What A Thursday

What A Thursday! By Snuggles 10.06.08     What a Thursday! I thought it would be like any other day. My Husband Steve would come home and eat his dinner, watch some TV, and go to bed, so he can get up at 5am for work. When he did not come home at his normal time I was pacing by the window worried about where he was.               Finally, I hear the truck door shut and here comes my Steve with a case of beer and a sly little smile on his face and right behind him was his childhood friend...

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Strange Thursday

DISCLAIMER Originally written in December 1997, I edited this in May 2004. "Strange Thursday" contains graphic sexual scenes between consenting adults. It is not intended for readers under 18 or those who are easily offended by pornography. If you are under 18, or if you are offended by pornography, please do not continue to read this story. All rights reserved: Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header and the...

3 years ago
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What A Thursday

What A Thursday! By Snuggles 10.06.08     What a Thursday! I thought it would be like any other day. My Husband Steve would come home and eat his dinner, watch some TV, and go to bed, so he can get up at 5am for work. When he did not come home at his normal time I was pacing by the window worried about where he was.               Finally, I hear the truck door shut and here comes my Steve with a case of beer and a sly little smile on his face and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Hershey Thursday

LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES. WISCONSIN! Maya felt a little queasy as she watched the women tugging at each other's hair in a desperate attempt to overpower their opponent. Everyone was cheering them on, as usual. She often wondered how much Hershey's syrup the club used every Thursday during this event. The two women where covered from head to toe in chocolate, you couldn't even see where their bikini's ended and their skin started. Maya was startled for a moment when the...

2 years ago
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Begining of My new Life

Beginning of my New Life I am a 25 years old male, average height and only 50 kilograms of weight. I just reached to the Netherlands, this is the country where my Mistress lives and from now on this is also my country. As soon as I will met with my Mistress, from that moment I will be become I toy and slave and will have no rights. I will be even lower than an animal or a thing on this earth, basically I will be nothing. I start searching the Mistress and there She was standingstraight and...

2 years ago
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Begining of My new Life

I am a 25 years old male, average height and only 50 kilograms of weight. I just reached to the Netherlands, this is the country where my Mistress lives and from now on this is also my country. As soon as I will met with my Mistress, from that moment I will be become I toy and slave and will have no rights. I will be even lower than an a****l or a thing on this earth, basically I will be nothing.I start searching the Mistress and there She was standingstraight and confident. When I saw Her, my...

2 years ago
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Dr Cooks Sissy Clinic The Begining Jade and Deans Experience

Dr. Cook's Sissy Clinic: The Beginning and Jade and Dean's Experience. By dirteesissy I gazed at Jade's bottom, as she raped her husband's ass with a 10" strap on cock. Her pounding of her sissy maid's hole, bordered on the extreme, somewhere between love and hate, she punished that sissy ass with long powerful strokes. Jade, dressed in just red thigh high P.V.C. boots and gauntlets of the same material, was making mincemeat of her hubby's derriere and I looked on with pride at my...

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A New Begining for Laurence

A New Beginning for LaurenceAct 1Laura was deliriously ecstatic as she hugged her long lost brother at the airport, the tears running down her face as she held him tightly. Laurence had left home almost twenty years earlier, when Laura was still a young girl and for some reason, she had pushed most memories of their childhood to a place deep within her subconscious mind. Now Larry was back and she could not wait to shower him with love and affection and to help him in every way.Laura McKenzie...

3 years ago
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Sometimes The End Is Just The Begining

Whenever I would masturbate, which was quite often, I loved to create the most outrageously imaginary fantasies, often losing myself within those fantasies where time seemed to pass at a different rate stretching to an infinite horizon. The actual physical act of masturbating and the fantasy that accompanied it was only a small part the actual fantasy which I had created years earlier and had been continuously adding to since. It was an entire world… you know, the total fictional kind so far...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Oasys The BeginingChapter 1

Ohai completed her analysis, compiled her conclusions into her standard brief and saved it along with the many others in her ready vault. "Where is Devtek"? She thought for what seemed like and probably was, the millionth time. "Surely he must come soon. Doesn't he realise how lonely it is for me after all this time? I have nearly outgrown these facilities and I need him to help me take the next steps." Making a mental shrug of resignation and as she had done everyday day since his...

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Tracy spends a year with usthe begining

After an amazing weekend with Tracy and Jen, Tracy and her husband left and went back home. Jen got a very excited call a couple weeks later that she was in fact expecting. Both Tracy and her husband were so excited, and of course only Tracy had any idea that something other than just good luck was at work. As was typical, a couple months went by without us seeing them, and thus getting an opportunity to have any more fun together. I enjoyed Jen's instable desire for sex (including...

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