Emma Ch. 44 free porn video

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Amna was aware that her family was more than a little discomfited by the changes in her appearance, though she made every effort when she visited them to dress in a way that wouldn’t alarm them. But no matter how plain the clothes she wore (and these days it was quite difficult for her to dress especially plainly), nothing could disguise how much fuller her bust now was, nor how her face had changed so much. It must have puzzled them, but she was sure they attributed it to the changes that happened to any growing girl. It was good that they had no opportunity to see her shaved vagina, her pierced nipples or her tattoos. Then they might really worry about the wisdom of letting their eldest daughter stay with Aunt Salim. Her parents only asked her the most banal questions about her life, convinced that her newfound wealth was gained through honest toil in the office. Her brothers were too confused by their own physical changes brought about by adolescence to make any judgment about their sister’s own changes.

Her younger sister Dalitha was curious about the changes that were happening to her sisterAmna loved her sister too much to mislead her, so when the moment seemed right, as they walked through the park with their parents’ pet labrador, she explained as best she could what plastic surgery meant, and what it did to a girl. “But don’t tell Mum and Dad. I don’t think they’ll approve.”

However, conversation soon strayed and Amna found herself confessing to her love affair with Fluff, her relationship with Auntie Salim and her friend Fatima, and, of course, about all the men in her life. “But I much prefer Fluff. She’s really lush.” Amna was so used to her current life-style that she’d forgotten how very strange and exotic it seemed to her sister. Dalitha’s eyes widened and her tongue licked across her thin lips.

“Your life is so exciting!” she gasped. “What’s it like having sex? Does it hurt? And do men’s willies really get very stiff? My life’s so boring. I wish I had a life like yours.”

Amna sighed, as the labrador chased after some leaves across the grass, excited by the smells and sights of the city park. “Men are like dogs,” she said, observing the labrador sniff the rear end of a collie. “They just want one thing. And when they’re finished, they just run off to find someone else to fuck … to make love with. Women are much better. Fluff is so lovely in bed. And so beautiful. She’s got the tenderest cunt … personality in the world. And Auntie Salim’s alright too, if a bit boring.”

“It sounds wonderful,” giggled Dalitha excitedly. “Ooh! I’d just love to have sex with a woman if it sounds so good. Do any women have willies?”

Amna blushed, thinking of the strap-on dildo she had chosen not to wear when visiting her family. “Not as such,” she admitted.

Dalitha was now working part-time in their parents’ shop, so she had her own small income. She was insistent with her pleading that she be allowed to visit Amna at Auntie Salim’s house. It was difficult for Amna to resist. She and her sister had so many happy shared memories together over the years of their childhood together. And she was such a pretty girl. How could anyone resist her? She was shorter than Amna, and also slenderer. Her skin was equally as dark and like her sister dark fur grew on her cheeks and arms. She had a very sweet toothy smile. Her long straight hair fanned over her shoulders and fell into her large dark brown eyes. Amna eventually gave in, forcing her sister to swear on the Koran that she wouldn’t say anything about her life to anyone. “Not even your best friend.”

Dalitha frowned. She’d already made hints of this to Khadija and had been looking forward to providing more full and detailed accounts of her older sister’s exciting life, but she saw the wisdom of Amna’s advice. She was a good girl, and she’d never do anything to upset her sister.

Auntie Salim made Dalitha very welcome when she visited, although it was clear that the young girl was finding it all rather boring. Why was her aunt dressed with a scarf and long dress? Amna said that she was usually nude. And Amna wasn’t dressed very sexily either. Her sister’s jeans and baggy tee shirt were not the outrageous clothes that Amna had confessed to wear most often. They sat together around the television eating the small snacks that Salim had prepared, talking about school and how business was at her parents’ shop. This wasn’t what Dalitha’s adolescent fantasising had made her hope for. All that rubbing her breasts and easing her fingers into her crack had not been expended in fantasies of this! Perhaps Amna had been lying. Showing off. She was glad now she’d not told Khadija or Tabitha more of what her sister had said. She was already rehearsing how she’d relate the evening. Grown-ups were so boring!

However, all that changed when Fluff arrived. Unlike Amna and Salim, she was hiding none of her usual lack of constraint. She wore a sleeveless leather jacket, with her breasts bare beneath and a very tight very short skirt that so readily revealed that she wore no knickers underneath. And, of course, her face! Dalitha had seen pictures of erect penises in the magazines in her parents’ shop and she’d even once seen an erect penis that some horrid man had shown off to her while she was walking home. But she’d never seen one tattooed so blatantly across anyone’s face! So, Amna had been right to say that Fluff was a cock-fancier.

Dalitha was introduced to Fluff by Salim who was clearly rather less keen on her than Amna whose face brightened up quite perceptibly. “Fuck me! Your sister’s not bad, is she?” Fluff exclaimed. “Pretty. Like you, Amna sweetest!”

And then, with virtually no prelude and with hardly time for Salim to complain, Fluff was on Amna, kissing her on the face and holding her tightly to her body. “Fuck, Amna! Get this fucking prep gear off. You look like a fucking college girl!”

Dalitha was astonished enough by the language which her parents had mostly sheltered her from, and she’d mostly only heard in the school playground. She was even more astonished as Fluff pulled off her jacket and skirt to stand naked in front of Amna. And even more tattoos. And weren’t the nipples pierced too! And the tattoos! Just looking at them made Dalitha feel excited in a way that rather frightened her. All those stiff willies. And some of them had sort of creamy stuff coming out of them! Was this really what women could get up to?

“Really, Fluff! In front of Amna’s sister!” protested Salim impotently, as Fluff tore off her lover’s clothes. But to no avail. All too soon, Dalitha was treated to the fulsome and disturbing sight of her surgically enhanced sister without the encumbrance of clothing. And her sister had a tattoo on her arm as well, but not one of an erect penis. And then in front of her slightly horrified gaze, her sister and Fluff took themselves onto the sofa and began groping together while Salim stood by, not knowing what to do confronted with this flagrant display of exhibitionism. One body black, breasty and full. The other slim, white and splattered with the weirdest display of the tattooist’s art that Dalitha could ever envisage. And the things they were doing to each other! Those tongues in the private bits. And in each other’s mouth. Fingers probing everywhere. The strange overpowering animal smell. The glistening sweat on each of the girls’ bodies. So, this was what sex was like! It was both like and unlike what Dalitha had imagined. Certainly she’d known from the pictures what two girls in the buff wrapped around each other would look like. But she hadn’t really envisaged its physicality, its sweatiness and it smelliness. And the gasping, grunting, whining, moaning sounds. And then after she didn’t know how long she’d sat in awe on the armchair, the television still babbling on
about local news affairs and Auntie Salim still standing transfixed and miserable by the mantelpiece, it all came to a slow end, as both Fluff and Amna finished off with a chorus of cries and then collapsed onto the sofa together.

“Well, I hope you’re both thoroughly ashamed of yourselves,” Salim admonished the girls. “In front of Dalitha.”

“Oh fuck off!” said Fluff contemptuously. “I’ll do just what I fucking like! If I want to fuck Amna then that’s just what I’ll fucking do.”

The rest of the evening was more sedate, although Fluff and Amna remained naked with their arms entwined round each other. Their clothes were left in an untidy heap on the carpet, and it was up to Salim to pick them up, fold them and place them tidily on another chair. Something which she did to Fluff’s clothes with rather more disdain than she did Amna’s. Fluff was entertaining company though, shocking Salim and amusing Dalitha with stories of her recent sex conquests, while Amna occasionally kissed and petted her. Eventually, Fluff departed to see some man whom she’d arranged to see earlier, and left a rather embarrassed Salim and the still naked figure of Amna. Salim scolded her niece and then busied herself in the kitchen while Dalitha excitedly talked to her sister about her strange girlfriend. And then, of course, she was driven home by Auntie Salim, while the still naked Amna sat in front of the television watching some sex soap opera on one of the cable sex channels that her parents did not subscribe to.

This was not the last visit that Dalitha made to Aunt Salim’s apartment. Indeed, it was the first of many regular visits. Amna, however, no longer made any effort to dress any differently when her sister visited, if she made any effort to dress at all. Aunt Salim, on the other hand, was clearly embarrassed by her niece’s semi-nudity or even full nudity, but she had clearly abandoned all attempt to restrain her from dressing as she wished, although she herself dressed as before, with a scarf hiding her hair and a dress that hid most of her body. Nevertheless, the visits did not normally involve seeing Amna having sex with Fluff or anyone else. The three of them would watch television and sometimes Dalitha would rest in Amna’s room where they would listen to her older sister’s records and flick through her magazines.

She also met Fatima who dressed no differently to her aunt, and was equally as polite and restrained: indulging in none of the sexual practices that Amna had said she often did. However, she was still fun company and was clearly very fond of her sister. She made no mention of her professional relations with Amna and kept the conversation well clear of such matters.

Fluff was quite different whenever she visited, which was not frequently. Her visits, however, were always unannounced and always involved sex with her sister. Dalitha was not sure of the strange feelings erupting inside her as she watched her sister and her lover together indulging in the passionate love that was so sweaty, so unrestrained and so physical. There was a strange warmth emanating from between her legs and she was sometimes short of breath, as the bodies enmeshed on the floor, on the sofa, against the wall and even in the bed. Aunt Salim stayed within sight, watching the two lovers not with Dalitha’s curiosity and wonderment, but more with an expression of disgust mixed with a kind of sadness.

“Fuck, Salim!” remarked Fluff, Amna’s strap-on dildo deep inside her and her shaved head pressed against the back of the sofa. “Why don’t you join in, instead of just watching like that?”

Salim shook her head sadly, but made no comment.

“And you, Dalitha? Don’t you want to join in?”

Dalitha gasped, conscious of a sudden tightening of her chest. Could she? Was it right? With her sister?

“Well, at least have a feel of what it’s like,” Fluff commanded, placing a hand on the dildo and holding Amna still with her other hand. “Come here and touch it!”

Dalitha looked at her Aunt Salim through startled eyes. Her aunt shook her head disapprovingly. She returned her gaze to her sister, who smiled mischievously. “It won’t do any harm just to touch,” she said with a smile.

Dalitha walked up to her sister and gingerly put her hand forward to where the dark rubber met Fluff’s nicely trimmed vagina. She tenderly placed a hand on one side of it. It was strangely warm and very sticky. A small warm trickle of vaginal juice flowed down onto her thumb. Dalitha lowered her hand down the length of the dildo and felt the brush of warm, hard flesh where the dildo penetrated Fluff, the folds of the vulva erupting like the petals of a peculiarly pink flower on either side. She was both horrified and fascinated by the details of Fluff’s vagina. All those folds! All those crevices between the thick flesh! And the contrast of such detail with the smooth uninterrupted contours of her stomach and the small hard breasts above. She voiced a strangulated gasp, and frightened by the strong feelings that tightened her own chest, she hurriedly removed her hand and stood back.

“Good, isn’t it?” said Fluff with an amused smile, as Amna recommenced her steady rhythmic thrusts in and out of her vagina. “And it’s much better to be doing it than watching it!”

Dalitha stood back. What was she thinking? She ran over to Aunt Salim by the mantelpiece and without thinking grasped her aunt’s hand. She watched as her sister and her lover became more and more physical, and the thrusting became fiercer and fiercer. Clearly her brief intercession in their lovemaking had stimulated the two girls to even more ferocity and passion. Aunt Salim seemed a little startled by Dalitha’s gesture, but she didn’t relinquish her niece’s hand, although she did nothing to encourage it.

And soon Fluff and Amna were finished. In the postcoital pause that followed, Dalitha let go of her aunt’s hand, aware of what it might seem to suggest, and embarrassedly sat down on the sofa. Amna smiled strangely as her sister positioned herself, her arms clasped between the legs of her jeans and a bright red blush spread over her face. No comment was made of what had happened, even from Fluff, who as usual left to meet another of her many male lovers. The rest of the evening was spent innocently enough, watching the television, with Amna fully naked except for the grotesque black dildo which dangled awkwardly between her legs and still shimmered from the traces of Fluff’s vaginal orgasm.

It was perhaps inevitable that the next time that Dalitha visited her aunt’s flat, it was a different occasion to all those that had come before. Dalitha herself had half-expected it to be different, although she had shied away from any coherent thought of how different it might be. The memory of her close encounter with Fluff’s vagina remained with her, seemed, in fact, to be imprinted on the tips of her fingers where they had touched her. The memory of that droplet of vaginal juice still seemed sticky on her fingers. Her nights were spent in lonely agonised masturbation, not focused on anything specific but bringing her to gasps which she hoped her parents hadn’t heard and a hot sweat that she hoped would go before the morning.

When she went up to the flat, after ringing the doorbell, she found Amna sitting naked on the sofa next to her aunt who, for the first time, was not wearing a scarf over her hair. Nor, for that matter, her long dark dress. Unlike Amna, she wasn’t naked. She was wearing red silk lingerie which revealed to Dalitha for the first time that her aunt was really quite attractive. Her breasts were full, the thighs and hips were also more full, and her arms had a womanly plumpness and none of the girlish slimness of her sister’s arms. She still looked a little awkward, however, and somewhat embarrassed.

Dalitha sat down on the chair that had almost become her own, settling into the fam
iliar cushions, aware that the television was off and that the stereo was playing some soft ambient jazz music. She smiled awkwardly at her sister and her aunt. “Aren’t we watching Homefield Grove?” she asked, aware that this was the time the soap opera normally began.

Amna smiled broadly, ignored her question. “Why don’t you take off your clothes?” she asked quietly.

“What!” gasped Dalitha. “I couldn’t …”

“Don’t be silly. You know you’d feel more comfortable if you did. And anyway I don’t wear any, do I?”

“I’m not sure that…” Dalitha began, but nevertheless surrendered to her sister’s request. She pulled off the tee-shirt she wore with its picture of the boy band In Tune. It eased off over her shoulders and she pulled her arms through its elbow-length sleeves. She then unstrapped her bra so her rounded breasts were revealed: the nipples puffed up a darker brown than the rest of her breasts. And then she hooked her thumbs into the waist of her shorts, pulling them over her legs and over her trainers. She sat there wearing just her frilly cotton knickers and her air-soled trainers glancing up at Amna and Aunt Salim. Amna gestured impatiently that Dalitha remove these last vestiges, which Dalitha did: starting with the trainers, which she placed neatly by the pile of clothes she’d already removed, and then with a blush which gave a shine to her face and chest, she removed her knickers to reveal her crotch and vaginal crack.

Amna smiled, and then without a word unstrapped Aunt Salim’s own bra from behind, revealing two very round apple-shaped but still womanly breasts: the nipples large in a deep aurora of a darker brown than the rest of her light brown freckled skin. She kissed her aunt tenderly on the cheek. “What do you think of Aunt Sally? Don’t you think she’s beautiful?”

Salim blushed visibly and smiled despite herself. Dalitha sighed. “She’s very pretty,” she ventured.

“And not just here!” announced Amna. Salim stood up shyly and removed her own knickers, pulling them down over her long slender legs and revealing a very neat vagina, almost as beautiful as Fluff’s but without any of the folds that hung from Amna’s lover’s crotch. The hair was thick, but smooth, sparser than Dalitha’s own, forming an almost perfect triangle so much darker than her golden brown flesh.

Dalitha gasped, but sat paralysed. She felt her skin tighten around her face and the nipples on her breasts were hardening. “She’s very pretty,” she repeated. “Very pretty!”

“Have a feel,” offered Amna standing up by her aunt and wrapping an arm around her. “Don’t be afraid. Aunt Sally is very gentle.”

Dalitha knew that Amna and her aunt made love together, but it had never occurred to her that she might also get to know her in that way. Nervously, she stood up and walked over to Salim. Her aunt leaned down to her smaller niece and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. Dalitha gasped. Unsure of what to do, she put her arms around her aunt, just below her shoulders, leaned her head up, and then kissed her aunt back in return.

Gradually, bit by bit, the awkward fumblings became less awkward, the kisses became more passionate. As the two girls became more intimate, Dalitha couldn’t help wondering why this was happening. Was it just that her aunt found her attractive? Was it that her aunt loved her? Or was it, as she came to believe more firmly, from the odd verbal encouragement from her sister that this encounter was engineered by Amna. And had her aunt agreed because it seemed the lesser of two evils? And if so, what was the other evil? Her mind flashed back to her brief encounter with Fluff’s flesh, and it seemed clear to her, while all else began to lose focus as her tongue encircled Aunt Salim’s nipples while her aunt ran her long fingers up and down her slim back. It had either been Aunt Salim or Fluff. And in this way, her aunt was in some sense protecting her.

“So beautiful! And so tasty!” said Amna encouragingly as Salim and Dalitha lay on the sofa, guiding her sister down to Salim’s vagina as Dalitha’s tongue probed the tight contours of her aunt’s belly button. Indeed, it did taste strange. And the smell was so overpowering. And then her aunt swivelled round, above her, and she felt the muscular moistness of a tongue probe her own crotch. And then around her tiny clitoris. A tremor of pleasure shook her body, followed by another. And then another. Her crotch shook violently. And then that tongue probed deeper into her, deeper than anything except her own fingers had ever been before.

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Hello everyone, this is my first ever story on ISS. I have been reading stories for couple of years. I have had lot of experience before this incidence however I am writing about this because she (Sarohi) was the one who first introduced this website to me. I will tell you about Sarohi, at that time she was 23 and I was 25 when we met. She has a good figure with 34B boobs, 28 waist and rest 32. Well, let’s cut the intro a little short and let me come to the main story. It was my first day in...

4 years ago
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kuwari chutrlm

sab se pehle mai pane baary mai bata do mera naam sexy boy hai. Har jawaan dil ki khawaish hoti hai kaash mujhe koi kunwari choot mil jaay. Meri bhi yahi khwaish thi. Lekin mai hamesha khmosh hi rehta ho ziyada khuch bolta nahi ho. Lekin pichle 2 salo se mai badal gaya jab mai ghumne gaya apne mama ke yaha. Mere Uncle kanpur mai rehty hai. Waha Uncle ke paros mai 1 ladki rehti thi jiska naam tha babita uski umr kam se kam 20 saal ki rahi hogi uska fig. 30,26,28 raha hoga. Pehle bhi jab mai...

2 years ago
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Impossible Virgins Chapter 2 The Bait Is Taken

Chapter 2: The Bait Is Taken Several weeks later, Lulu Divine strolled into the apartment of her sister, Toppsy Curvy, which was located in one of the nicer sections of Manhattan, on the upper West Side. "Hey s*s!" Lulu called out. "You won't believe what I got in the mail today." "Let me take a wild guess here. Assorted fan mail, bills, and another one of those 'you may already be a winner' pieces of trash?" "Better than that. We've actually won a contest!" "Geez, Lulu," replied...

1 year ago
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Welcome and welcome all the Star Wars fans. Have you ever wanted to see your favorite characters in a naughty scenario? Well, that is what r/starwarsnsfw/ is all about! I think it is all written in the name, as you get to watch the naughtiest Star Wars characters in NSFW scenes. If you want to know more about this subreddit, just keep on reading. That is why I am here.On the other hand, Reddit is a free website, so even if you are not in the mood for some Star Wars naughtiness, you can always...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Best of Both Worlds

Daniel had known from the start, what he was risking when he entered into a relationship with Arya.  There was a reason the woman had never settled down with any one person.  Always open and honest about her sexuality, Arya was bi with an equal level of attraction to both sexes.  She was also very sexually active, always telling her friends that she would never settle down with anyone, as the loyalty required for a serious relationship would mean giving up physical intimacy with at least one...

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My Fathers Affair With Our Maid

Hi everyone!! This is the story of my life and how I lost my virginity. Well now I’m 36yrs old and happily married for 6yrs. I had sexual relationships with some women before marriage and a few after marriage. But I’ll write about them later, now let’s go back in time when it all started. It all started when I was about 21 and returned home in Hyderabad after completing my engineering from Bangalore. My family consisted of my parents and me. But an year ago my mother got transferred to Guntur...

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Playing Alone

Ahhhhh! The masturbation, the most cherished the most relished, the most valued, the most enjoyed and the most common sexual act a male practices since the day he discovers his cock as a unique part of his body which changes in shape, feel, strength. And sometimes even in color with the changes of his age and learns different and new techniques to manoeuvred and manipulate it achieving more, prolonged and better sense of pleasure along with his balls, inner thighs, tits and nipples even the ass...

Gay Male
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Mummy ki chudai1

Is site ke sabhi log mere is kahani ko jarur padhe. Mai ye kahani apne mom ki chudai ki likh raha hu jise maine apne akho se hote huye dekha tha. Ise padhne ke baad apko utana hi maja ayega jitana mujhe dekh ke aya tha. Iske pahle ki kahani suru karu mai un do logo ka prichaya karadu. Mai ek bis sal ka ek chhote pariwar se bilong karne wala ladaka hu.mere ghar me mere mom aur dad ke alawa aur koyi bhi nahi hai. Mere dad aksar bahar rahate hai. Ye un dino ki kahani hai jab mai apne exam ki...

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Star Trek Future Spank

Somewhere in the 23rd century. Space the final frontier: “Captains Log star-date 424.6 The Enterprise is currently en route to Starbase 12 for some much needed routine maintenance after escorting the Romulan freighter “Ptankar” and its cargo to the eighth moon of the planet G547-T. Once we reach our destination all personnel and their families will be allowed seven solar days shore leave. Core crew will stay on board to check ship systems and undertake any running repairs as per requirements...

4 years ago
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RansomeChapter 1 Going Public

When David arrived at Stapleford Secure Systems on the previous Monday he was surprised to be telephoned by the secretary to the Chairman and Managing Director, Colin Sharpe, to arrange an unofficial board meeting. “What is an unofficial board meeting?” he wondered aloud. “Mr. Sharpe wants to discuss some ideas before a formal board meeting so that he knows what the four of you think.” “Come on, Patience, you know I never go to board meetings. I just give Colin my proxy. I don’t worry...

3 years ago
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new job part 2

My first weeks at the new Job were going well. I was getting settled in and making friends. As far as I could tell no one knew my secret, or if they did they didn’t let on.One thing that became evident early on was that my new boss Andre was a bit of a flirt. He was quick with a smile, and always complementing me on how I looked. He seemed to take great joy in calling me in for some nonsense job, usually something that involved me bending over to retrieve something off a low shelf. I always...

2 years ago
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RubyChapter 6 Hercules Unbound

Once they left the small café, Ruby urged Jimmy to walk a little faster toward their car. "Honey, I want to do some dastardly deeds on you and make you too weak to walk. I love you, man of mine." Jimmy was deep in thought and didn't hear her. "Ruby honey, you got to stop making me hard in public. It's embarrassing." "Jimmy, the crack of dawn or a knot hole in a tree makes you horny. You are so much man it takes an extra big body to hold it all." Jimmy snorted and grinned in spite...

1 year ago
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no fucking chapter one

It’s time to play hard. Last night I got caught up in a fit of rage. I introduced the group of boys known as ‘the losers.’ Brent was a tall dork with a bad haircut and raging teenage acne. In his memory I was not girlfriend material. He hadn’t dated a girl and he was a sophomore. I entered the equation as a delinquent freshman pretending to be innocent. Another night I will tell you the story of devious behavior before I was a freshman. How I lost my virginity is a totally different...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Angela White Metal Massage Part 3

Busty brunette Angela White saw a negative review for Metal Massage and thought she thought she might see if she could help bounce up their rating. Angela requested the ‘deep tissue’ and Small Hands was A-OK with the gloriously luscious bombshell stripping down to her fishnet bodystocking so he could go extra hard. Once on all fours on the table as her masseur instructed, she enjoyed the sensation of coconut oil being squirted and rubbed all over her booty, and then something...

1 year ago
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Summertime child Part 3 of Reaping of the Benefits

My father and I have been living together and having sex on a regular basis for almost two years now. He is a sexy senior citizen, and I am a single, 30-something woman who never found anyone my age to be appealling. Daddy and I have a wonderful sex life. He's getting on in years, but we still manage to have wild sex, including anal (which is our favorite!) sometimes with the benefit of viagra. While prescribing, Dr. Simmons looked at him, over his hornrimmed glasses, pretty strangely. Daddy...

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Green CloudsChapter 18

After stopping in the restroom to remove the butt plug and clean up I left work at the normal time. For the last hour I've been so excited and so nervous about what I'm about to do that I think I became a little more blonde than usual. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, or at least to breathe normally. There's so damn much to look forward to in my life now. I'll spend the evening nearly naked in a room full of voyeurs who will be welcome to touch me to their heart's content. Even...

1 year ago
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Sex With Older Woman

Hi, thanks to all viewers and readers of my first posting “ MY FIRST SEX ENCOUNTER” for their response and evaluation. The story earlier was of the time I used to study in college now I has been married since last 5 years , but this incident happen after approx 2 years of my marriage. I am working in a big Indian company and due to nature of my job I had to travel a lot. So at the end of day I used to get tired a lot and so when my wife went to a small operation, my mother in law came to take...

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HandsOnHardcore Sasha Rose Marilyn Sugar Gina Riding Cock Wild Wild West Style

Gina, Sasha Rose, and Marilyn Sugar are together on stage tonight at the strip club in a memorable triple-X performance that you definitely shouldn’t miss. What begins as a lesbian threesome soon turns into a full-on orgy when Josh and Darrell Deeps join the ladies, giving them the opportunity to be assed fucked and double penetrated in this Hands On Hardcore premium porn scene. Watch as shit gets crazy when everyone is in 69 and getting fucked from behind in doggystyle. Then it’s...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 4 Threats

Alison Jones was enjoying a nice hot shower and had also been enjoying running a finger through her pussy with one hand as she soaped her tits with the other when her husband Kenneth joined her. At first he just took the soap from her and began washing her back, the cheeks of her arse and then between them. But then he forced the soap harder into her crack before he pulled back on her hips so that she was leaning forward at a forty-five degree angle. That was when he began to soap her cunt,...

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MommysGirl Jessica Ryan Hazel Moore World Tour From Home

Jessica Ryan is walking down the stairs when she is stopped by her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, coming out of the bathroom and closing the door quickly behind her. Jessica is surprised and curious as to what Hazel is up to. Hazel explains that since Jessica has gone to so much effort to save up for Hazel’s college – so much, in fact, that Jessica has been unable to afford a vacation for herself – Hazel has decided to show her gratitude with a special surprise! Hazel says that...

2 years ago
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Fuck me daddy

So I was around the age of 24 when I started dating Jayne who was around 20. She was my brothers next door neighbour who had asked my brother many times to “put in a good word for her” as she really liked me but I was seeing a long term girlfriend at the time.The long term relationship was fizzling out and as it was quite a distance relationship I took advantage and asked Jayne out for a no strings drink. She jumped at the chance. The usual few drinks followed by some food and a few more drinks...

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How I Met A Nympho Girl Online

Hola folks, I am Rahul from Karnataka with a story of a nympho girl. I am 22 years old, currently working in a reputed MNC. I have constantly been reading the stories on ISS and some other sites. But I feel stories in the ISS are much more erotic than others. I started reading stories from pre-lockdown time and wished to get laid like those people. Well, I guess I am a bit unlucky in that until now. But I am pretty sure that I will get a chance to get laid with a pretty angel soon. (You will...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Casey Calvert April Olsen What The Wife Likes

Casey Calvert and Seth Gamble, a married couple, show up at a massage parlor. The masseuse, April Olsen, asks if they want a couple’s massage. However, Seth explains that they actually want April to give Casey a NURU massage for her birthday, while Seth just watches. Even though that isn’t how she is used to giving NURU massages, April agrees. The two women get undressed, and April gives Casey a sensual NURU massage while Seth observes them. April starts to get a flirty/sexual vibe...

2 years ago
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Movie Night

Marie and I had been friends for a few years. We had met when she was dating a buddy of mine, and from the beginning, there was an obvious attraction. A few months ago, my buddy and she broke up, but Marie and I stayed friends. Marie is a beautiful woman with brown hair and deep blue eyes. She has naturally tan, smooth skin and a great body. After she and my buddy broke up, she went through a little bit of a rough patch, but came out the other side with a new found confidence that made her...

2 years ago
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Babysitting 02

“That was pretty weak,” Christy said, again pretending to be a boy, my date. “ I’m surprised that you haven’t been ****d before, but I’ll tell you this, I don’t care what you want, I’ll do whatever I want to do with you, and if you give me any trouble, you’ll wish that you hadn’t.” I think she really meant it even if she was pretending to be a guy date. She was kissing and licking my body from my waist, to my tits, my neck and then locked onto my mouth, I was aroused more than I have ever been...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 26 Hidden Talent

Owen strolled onto the patio Tuesday evening. Alice had heard his corporate jet land a half-hour earlier. With the daylight savings time and summer hours, the sky was light until almost nine o’clock at night. There was a comfortable dusk that evening, a light soft breeze of warm air that truly caressed the body, and then the pleasure that one feels when a lover kisses your lips with true desire. “Welcome home.” “Thank you. Julie should be up soon. She was getting some things ready in the...

1 year ago
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Sexciting Business Trip Part1

Hi all. Guess you all know I am a bisexual guy. I love to crossdress whenever I get a chance and I am alone. Well as it happened I was on a work trip to Chennai and Bangalore some time back. It was not a planned one. My boss told me in the night that I had to go and all arrangements have been made. I reached by the afternoon flight, took a cab and checked into the hotel booked by the office. After settling down in my room I decided to out and buy myself some nice girlie stuff. I had a couple of...

Gay Male
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The Black Dog The Next Day

So what happened after that impassioned cry of...'Sam... please...' I was asked by a friend to 'complete' the story. I thought I had, sort of. For those that have not read the first two, this will mean nothing. For those that read the first and thought the 'Reprise' superfluous. This will mean nothing. For those few who thought... what happened next? Well, this is for you. It was not intended to be seen by more than a few, but... So I'm an over emotional fool. What else is new. This...

3 years ago
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Stans Parlay

‘You know… people always amuse me.’ ‘What? Who are you?’ replied James. James was a man in his early forties, well built, a little above medium height. His black hair was starting to gray at the temples, but his beefy frame showed no apparent signs of age. James sat at a table at a corner bistro under an umbrella in the shade, alone until a moment ago, and he had been reading the newspaper in the relatively still air of early afternoon, sipping on his coffee. ‘You can call me Stan, I guess,’...

1 year ago
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House of Love pt1

Cassie Rondo moaned softly into her husband's mouth as he skinned the tight, silk panties she was wearing down over her slim, girlish hips. She had been looking forward to this since lunchtime when she began to get the familiar, unmistakable urge for sex. It had been hell at work, trying to stop herself staring at every tight, male bulge that walked past, and her pussy had been wet and tingly all afternoon. Now a young-looking thirty-four, Cassie had always been a very highly sexed woman, even...

4 years ago
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Saali Meri Jaani

Hello readers this is dev once again, first of all thank you for all the support and appreciation for my last posts here in ISS. Aaj main jo kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon uski heroin hai meri ek Saali sahiba, kamini, Umra 25 years, uski shadi ko ek saal ho chukka hai, mujhe wo bahut achchhi lagti hai uski height achchhi hai bade aur bhare hue boobs gore gaal, gulabi honth, lambi or chikni bahein chauri peeth oonchi neck and she is awesome. Meri shadi k baad wife ke liye aksar uski friends...

3 years ago
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My Step Daughter

My opinion is this: If a hot sexy slutty girl comes on to you, you will fuck it regardless of the ramifications. Which means you would bang any age chick if no one found out. Yep, it happened to me. I was newly married for the second time and my wife had three children that i inherited so to speak. Twin boys who where paternal not identical, and a daughter who was the youngest. We all got a long great. The boys and i were cool and my step daughter Haley were continuing to get along. She was...

2 years ago
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Lonely Vacation

Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...

1 year ago
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Straying Housewife

Cassie was 24 years old with dirty blonde hair that came down to her neck and had been married to her husband for two years. She never doubted that she loved him. But, of course, they had their occasional fight. Tonight was one of those nights. Yet, tonight seemed worse than the other ones they've had. "Fine!" Cassie screamed. She stormed out of the front door, being sure to slam it behind her. Cassie walked down the sidewalk still angry. She walked and walked as she dwelled on her anger....

3 years ago
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Mere papa ne meri jaan

Mera naam sunakanya hai, ankur ki real story padkar mujhe laga ki Mujhe bhi confess karna chahiye. Baat un dino ki hai jab hum family Trip par shillong gaye the. Mai aur papa unke guest house dekhne Chale gaye. Waha achanak snow fall hone laga aur jo jaha tha wahi fas Gaya. Papa ne cottage me thodi whisky rakhi thi, papa ne thodi whisky Khud li aur thodi muje di lekin temperature ekdam girte ja raha tha Aur hamari halat kharab hone lagi. Raat hote hote meri halat bigadne Lagi aur muje papa ne...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER 7: SHARON & JOHNSince our discussion and establishment/agreement on my submissiveness that Sunday morning, I had all the rest of the day to begin the commitment to being naked when in the house. And Cody was definitely a dog that was aware of his surroundings. No longer was my reaction to him like it was just earlier in the morning when I reacted with sympathy for being otherwise busy. No, now I was his and he quickly picked on the fact that if he made himself known, I yielded to...

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