Radio DaysPart 3
- 2 years ago
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Well folks, we are getting near the end of this saga. On the one hand, a lot of weird stuff has been happening to me, Ozzie Hanswatter. On the other hand, some really good stuff has been happening to me as well; namely Leticia "Tish" Darling.
I've been so busy meeting with alien recruiting agents and wooing beautiful blondes, you'd wonder how I had the time to do my job. The truth is, my job isn't that hard. What is hard is trying to believe that my inheritance, a little radio that tells the future, is actually an alien device. It seems like bait to get me to meet with this guy Snipe. You know, the one who looks like Ming the Merciless.
Anyway, this guy wants me to join his army and help save the planet. I thought that was a job for Greenpeace, but no, he insists I'm the guy he wants, along with another million or so like me. I'm thinking about it. No promises, but I did sort of agree to go along with it just to see what it was all about.
In the meantime, Tish and I are getting really close. Close enough that we've become intimate, if you know what I mean. I can't believe I could be so lucky! I found out she's been trying to cut loose from an ex-husband who liked to hit her. He followed her here to Little River and so I had a talk with the sheriff and he's going to help us keep him away from her.
So that's where we are right now; me waiting to hear from the aliens and Tish and I getting real close. But today was my day of reckoning. I finally had to tell Tish what was going on with my "puzzle."
The Big Finale:
I delivered the copy of the Blanchford restraining order to Sheriff Carbutt on Saturday morning as promised. I could see by the heading that it had been issued by the State of Washington and I knew that was what the sheriff had been hoping for. He took one look at it, flashed a big smile and then proceeded to read the order.
It was pretty specific. Terrence Parmeter was not permitted within 500 feet of Leticia Darling Parmeter and was to refrain from contacting her in any way; verbal or written. The sheriff shook his head and looked at Ozzie.
"Son, this doesn't look good for him. It's a state order and that carries a lot of weight hereabouts. The judge says we'll use this to get a state order here to trump the local county order. That means we can call in the state police if he violates it in Idaho. That's serious stuff as I'm sure you can imagine.
I was smiling I know. It sounded like we had Mr. Parmeter by the short and curlies. Violating the order would get him some jail time, plus a criminal record. If he thought he had job troubles before, they would pale in comparison to that.
"I should be able to get the state order by late Monday or Tuesday latest," the sheriff said. In the meantime, I'll have a little chat with Mr. Parmeter and let him know just how much trouble he might be in. Idaho has an anti-stalking law as well, so if necessary, I can threaten him with that. I'm thinkin' by Monday or Tuesday, he's going to be high-tailin' it out of here, if not sooner.
I shook my head in admiration. "You've gone to a lot of trouble, and don't think we're not grateful, sheriff. Tish is greatly relieved and grateful for your efforts and I'm sure she'll be around to thank you in person," I grinned.
"I'll look forward to it. This office can use a little sunshine, now and then," he smiled.
I gotta explain about our sheriff. He's a big, long drink of water; maybe six-four. He kind of reminds me of Gary Cooper, with a Sam Elliot voice. If they still made westerns in Hollywood, he'd be perfect for the part of the sheriff. A good guy with a good heart mixed with some toughness. Little River was lucky to have him.
We shook hands and I left to head back home. I left Tish at the Timely's and promised to see her later that day. I needed some time to myself. My other problem hadn't gone away. The radio, the meeting with Snipe, my future in their army, and my unnamed partner. Not to mention explaining all this to Tish.
So now, coming right at me was the moment of truth. I had to live up to my promise. Tish had revealed everything about her life to me. It was my turn. I had stalled her until tonight. I had no idea how I would make her understand or how I could even try. I wondered if this would be the end of us.
On the spur of the moment, I had phoned Ernie Gent and asked to meet with him. This time, it wasn't about new clothes. This time, I needed some sober advice. I had known Ernie since my early days in high school. Despite his carefree outer appearance, he was a serious and smart guy. While we hadn't been close until lately, we were friends and I trusted him implicitly.
"What's up, Oz. It sounded pretty heavy on the phone."
"Yeah ... it is," I admitted. I sat in the old oak office chair in the back of his haberdashery. Ernie had closed up at five pm as he usually did on Saturday. We were alone. I had a hell of a time getting started. I spent a lot of time trying to get Ernie to understand this was going to be a very strange story and that I wanted him to listen and then we could talk later.
"Yeah ... sure, Oz. I understand. Why don't you just tell me the way you want to tell me and we can go from there." There wasn't a hint of humor or doubt in his voice.
So I did. I began with the reading of my Uncle Darby's will and the radio and what I discovered about it, and then my phone call to Felix Bindle. I don't think I left out anything right up to the time I was ushered in to see Mr. Snipe. At that point I paused and took a deep breath.
Ernie hadn't flinched when I described the radio and what I had heard on it. I thought about bringing my notes, but decided it would be a distraction at that point and I could always show them to him later. It was time for the "big one."
I started again, and described my conversation with Snipe as best I could reconstruct it. Again, Ernie didn't seem to react to what I thought would be a real shocker and he just sat, concentrating on my face, saying nothing. Strange?
When I finished, I let out another deep breath, as if I'd been holding it since I started with my story. Perhaps I had.
"Well," I finally managed, "What do you think? Am I ready for the rubber room?"
Ernie didn't say anything for a few moments. He just kept his eyes on me, watching for what?
Finally, he sat up. "I think you believe every single word you've told me. I think you are absolutely convinced that what took place was real and that this story isn't over," he said in a level, controlled voice.
"What about you, Ernie? Do you believe it?"
He smiled. It was one of those self-deprecating smiles that he was so good at. "It doesn't matter what I think," he shrugged. "It matters what you think. But ... but ... I would like to see your notes. There may be something there that will tell me ... us ... more."
"Sure. Why don't we go over to my house and I can show you everything. Even what remains of the radio. OK?"
"Yeah. Let me phone Pearl and let her know I'll be late. I'll meet you at your house in ten minutes," he promised.
He was as good as his word and I let him in, leading him to my office. I showed him the dormant blue radio and my file with all my organized notes and he whistled when he saw the size of it.
"Jeez, Oz. This must have taken forever. How did you remember it all?" he asked.
Kerblammo! How could I be so stupid? The recorder! I still had the portable recorder. Surely, some of the radio broadcast must still be on the little devil.
Ernie saw the look on my face and reacted immediately.
"What's wrong? Are you OK?"
"Yeah," I said, shaking my head in wonder. "I just realized. I couldn't keep up with my notes, so I recorded the broadcasts on a memory card. If I'm right, there must be something still on it that will prove what I'm telling you," I said in what I knew was an excited voice.
I stood and walked to my desk and opened the drawer, taking out the little recorder and holding it in my hand. I was almost afraid to turn it on. I was afraid that there wouldn't be anything there. Then what? If they could wipe the radio and the CD's, they could probably wipe the card. My hands were shaking and I couldn't move. I couldn't bring myself to turn it on.
As I gazed at it, Ernie's hand closed over it and took it from me. He looked at me and then at the recorder and pushed the 'on' button, then 'play.' I held my breath. Within seconds, I knew that I was vindicated. The sounds of the radio came through loud and clear. I remembered the broadcast. It was a year or so in the future and it was a business report I was interested in for potential investment purposes.
Ernie listened in fascination. I don't think it really hit him until the announcer started reviewing stock performances and referring to this year's results. This year wasn't two thirds over yet. He stopped it and reset the memory to the beginning, listening as the tiny machine foretold the future.
I don't know when he turned it off, but it was several minutes later. I had slumped back in my chair and just watched his expression as he absorbed what he was hearing. I expected a different reaction, I guess. His face lacked any sign of amazement or bewilderment. But, he was concentrating very hard. That much I could tell.
"Well, that really is something," Ernie finally ventured.
"It's better than that, Ernie. I can tell Tish about what's been happening, and not worry about her thinking I'm a nut-case."
He nodded, understanding. "One thing, though, Oz. You can't tell anyone else," he said in a level tone.
I looked at him with a question mark on my expression. "Why not?"
"You just can't. Trust me, Oz. I know how much Tish means to you and you don't want to keep secrets from her ... but ... that's where it has to end," he said unequivocally.
I looked at him, wondering what he was telling me. What message was I supposed to receive from this unilateral declaration? And then ... and then ... the lights went on.
He nodded.
He smiled. "Yep."
I thought I was going to pass out. I sat back in my chair, staring at my friend.
"How long?"
"Couple of years."
"Does Pearl know?"
"Yeah ... right from the beginning," he said with a smile. "We don't have any secrets."
"Shit ... I had no idea," I confessed.
"You weren't supposed to. Remember, life goes on and this is a long-term plan. Very long-term," he said levelly.
"So ... my friend ... my tailor ... is my partner," I cleverly summarized.
"Yeah. I didn't have the luxury of the radio to confirm what my contact was telling me was true. Then again, I wasn't going to doubt him after a couple of his predictions came to pass," Ernie said.
"Who did you talk to? Snipe?"
"No ... at least, I don't think so," he laughed. This guy didn't look anything like your description of Snipe. He was pretty non-descript. Plain vanilla, I'd say."
"So who put you in contact with them?" I asked.
"You'll never guess. My father," he said with a grin.
"Your father. He's one of the army too?"
"Yep. Has been for years. He was just waiting for their say-so to recruit me."
"Well I'll be damned," I whistled. "What about Pearl. How did you convince her?"
"It wasn't that hard. With Dad there and with us knowing each other so well, she pretty well figured out I hadn't fallen off the trolley. Then, she got to meet my contact ... called himself Purefoy. Anyway, that was that. I didn't know you were picked as my partner, but as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't be happier."
"Thanks. I feel the same way. I just hope Tish does too."
He nodded. "One thing, Oz. When you tell Tish tonight, Pearl and I will be there. We don't want her freaking out. OK?"
"Yeah ... of course. Thanks. I've been dreading the moment. I don't think I knew how to start, much less tell her this whole loony story.
"Another thing, Oz. When you've finished telling Tish, you're going to format the card, understood?"
"Yeah ... I suppose. As long as Tish is OK with all this ... craziness, I won't need it anymore," I said with some doubt in my mind.
I sat back for a moment and then looked at Ernie and grinned. "So it's all true, then. The army is real, Snipe or whatever his name is ... he's real." Ernie was nodding as I rambled on.
"What about this business of quitting if I don't like it or can't handle it?" I asked.
"All true. But I know you, Oz. You won't just handle it, you'll thrive in it. You are perfect for this role," he said, smiling confidently.
I slumped a little more in my chair as I thought about the implications of what Ernie had told me. I was going around and around in circles again. It was time to drop anchor.
"You want a beer?" I asked.
"Sure. Why don't you order in Chinese for the four of us. It might be a long night. Don't worry about Tish. Pearl is going to pick her up and bring her here. They should be here soon. In the meantime, I think you could use a beer more than me," he grinned.
I wandered into the kitchen and popped the top on two amber ales and strolled back to the living room. We sat in chairs facing each other and I tried to get my mind to slow down and operate properly.
"Ernie," I finally spoke. "You and Pearl ... you've been together over twenty years. As far as I can tell, you two look and act like newlyweds. How do you do it?"
"I bury her in love, Oz. Pearl will never know a day that she isn't sure of that."
He paused for a moment, taking a sip of his ale.
"I can tell Tish thinks the sun shines out your ass, so just bury her in love. That part I know you can handle. You've been waiting for this woman for a long time. Sometimes, good things come to those who wait. I heard that somewhere," he smiled.
"Yeah ... I've done my waiting. I want Tish so badly, I don't know how to tell her," I confessed.
He laughed lightly. "Just tell her. Just tell her like you just told me. Maybe just tell her like you just told yourself ... for the first time?" he guessed.
I thought about it and then nodded. "Yeah. I love her. Maybe I have for a while, but I'm dead certain I love her. I guess I just had to convince myself. I just hope she feels the same way."
"I wouldn't worry about that for one second. She's been waiting just as long for someone like you. You know her history. You're the best thing that's ever happened to her and she knows it. Trust me. Pearl says it's so and if Pearl says it ... it's so!"
We were just starting our second beer when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and welcomed Tish and Pearl into my home. Tish had what looked like an overnight bag with her and when I saw that, I looked at her and gave her a big smile and a kiss; getting one right back.
"Hi girls. Come on in and find a seat. Ernie's pouring you a glass of wine right this minute and the food will be along shortly.
We sat in the living room, exchanging small talk, waiting for the doorbell to ring again. Fifteen minutes later, the food arrived and we all gathered in the kitchen to divvy up the spoils and savor the food. As usual, we ordered more than we could eat, even though I think we all ate far more than we normally would. I know I did.
Sated and relaxed, we returned to the living room to sit and allow our meal to digest. I didn't quite know how to get the topic of my "puzzle" started, but in the end, I didn't have to. Ernie, my "partner," looked after it.
"Tish, you're probably wondering what Pearl and I are doing here when you were expecting Ozzie to tell you about his inheritance and all the things he's been reluctant to explain about it. That's why we're here. We ... Pearl and I ... are part of that "puzzle."
Ernie began by telling Tish about my meeting with Bindle, the radio, and then, finally, my meeting with Snipe. Throughout his narration, she sat completely still, in total concentration on Ernie's concise yet thorough explanation. She didn't blink when he told her about the radio's unique attributes. She did react slightly when he told her about Snipe and his role in recruiting the army.
I had the little recorder in my pocket and I pulled it out. Before Tish really had time to absorb the implications of what she had been told, I turned the device on and let her listen to some of the radio broadcasts. Ernie and I had selected a few samples that would be meaningful to Tish and when we had finished playing them, we waited for her reaction.
"I knew it was something ... different ... something strange. I had no idea that I could be as ... strange as this," she said in a bewildered voice. "Do you believe this, Ozzie?" she finally asked, turning to me.
"Yes." I didn't feel the need for further embellishment.
"And you, Ernie ... Pearl?"
They nodded in unison. "Tish ... I'm ... we ... Pearl and I ... we're Ozzie's partners. We've been part of the army for over two years. It's real and it's important, just like Snipe said. I guess I have to also confess that I was one of the people who was sure Ozzie was right for this job. His uncle believed in him, but we were careful and needed to be sure. I'm sure. So is Pearl. So is Snipe ... and Bindle for that matter.
"Ozzie is special, Tish. He's not like other guys. But then, I think you know that already, don't you?" Pearl said.
Tish turned to me and smiled. "Yes. He's special. He's my white knight."
"White knights are hard to come by," Pearl continued. "We have to learn to share them, just as I had to learn to share Ernie," she said, smiling at her husband.
"I'm sure this is all a bit overwhelming, Tish. I know it's a lot to ask to just accept it. But the reason I chose to tell you is because you have become so important in my life," I said, more nervous that I could ever remember being.
I was about to say something more, when Ernie and Pearl rose.
"I think it's time for us to go. If there's anything you want to know or if you need anything, Tish, please just call us. We'll be there for you," Pearl said, hugging my lady to her. I passed the recorder to Ernie and he slipped it in his pocket. They said their farewells and left. Tish and I watched and waved as they pulled away and then returned to the living room.
Tish sat down beside me on the sofa. I reached for her hands and held them, raising my eyes to her face. She was completely at ease, I thought, which surprised me. With all the confusion and turmoil we must have caused her, I found it odd that she was calm.
"Tish ... there's something I need to tell you," I began, haltingly.
She looked at me and I thought for just a second I saw the hint of a smile. It gave me the courage I needed.
"I love you, Tish. I think I've known it for a while, but whenever it was, I know it and I'm sure of it. I love you," I said, amazed that I could get it all out at once.
This time the smile wasn't just a hint. It was there. It was real.
"I know," was all she said as she continued to watch me, focused on my eyes.
"You mean you can't tell?" she continued to smile.
"I ... I ... hope ... that you ... feel that way too. I mean ... about me," I stammered.
The next moments seemed to take place in slow motion. Her hands first ... and then her arms around my neck ... and then her face right in front of me and then ... and then... "god, this woman can kiss," I said to myself, desperately trying to breath as she attempted to suck the life out of me.
"Does that answer your question?" she smirked from a distance of about a quarter-inch.
"Yeah ... in spades. God, this feels good. Do you mind if we stay this way for the rest of our lives?" I kidded.
"We've got some serious stuff to talk about, love," I finally said. I hoped this wasn't a mood-breaker.
"Yeah ... we sure have. Real serious stuff," she grinned.
"OK, you go first," I offered.
"Two things ... marriage and kids," she said succinctly.
"Yeah ... that about covers it," I said, nuzzling into her neck.
"You haven't asked me," she said with a phony pout.
"OK. Will you marry me and do you want kids?" I blurted out as I nibbled on her earlobe.
"Oh no you don't. You're going to do this properly. I've waited a long time for you to come along and I'm going to get a proper proposal and then we're going to have a proper discussion about our future. Understood?"
I knew she wasn't angry or upset. It was a bit of play-acting, but I dared not treat it frivolously. I slipped off the sofa and with one knee on the carpet and holding both her hands in mine, I said the words I knew she wanted to hear.
"My beautiful, lovely Leticia, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?" I didn't think that was too bad, all things considered.
"Well, that wasn't the most creative proposal, but ... seeing that it's you ... and seeing that I'm in need of a white knight, I suppose ... I suppose I can see my way..."
She couldn't carry it off. She started to giggle and then as I joined her, it turned into outright laughter. We both ended up on the floor, holding each other as we laughed uncontrollably. With all the internal tension we harbored, it took a while for the laughter to subside, but when it did, I pulled her to me and we kissed with the passion both of us felt for the other. There was no mistaking the message.
She pulled her head back and gazed at me, her eyes searching mine.
"If you hadn't told me you loved me tonight ... I think I would have died," she moaned. "I've been waiting and waiting for you to tell me what I know you felt, but ... it took you a long time to get it out, didn't it?"
"Yes. I admit ... I didn't really know what to expect. I've just recently realized that I had never been in love until I met you. Certainly not with Martha. You were a surprise. A wonderful surprise. You arrived just in the nick of time. Tish ... I'm so happy, I can't tell you how I feel. It's confusing and exciting and a bit frightening and ... every good emotion that it's possible to have."
Our foreheads were touching and I could see tears trickling down Tish's cheeks as I spoke.
"You don't really need me to tell you how I feel, do you?" she whispered. "You know. I know you know. The whole world knows."
"I just need to hear you say it. I guess I'm a bit insecure that way."
"I love you, Oswald Charles Hanswatter. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I want to be your wife and have your babies and live with you forever."
"OK, that's good for starters," I kidded. My reward was a stinging knuckle-punch on the bicep in payment for my cheekiness.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make light of your admission. It was everything I ever wanted to hear. I don't think I can quite believe my good fortune. I'm not even sure if I've really understood what happened here tonight. But I wouldn't change it for anything," I said softly as I pulled her to me again and wrapped her in my arms.
Now, under normal circumstances, you might think this story ends here and they live happily ever after. Who said this story was about normal? Lots of other neat and weird stuff happened, so you might as well hear about that too.
By coffee break on Monday, everyone in the county office knew we were engaged. I was surprised and pleased at just how many people came up to me and congratulated me and wished us well. I know Tish got a lot of the same, even though she'd only been there a little over a month.
A month! We'd only known each other a month and we were engaged. That was something that set me back on my heels. How had all this happened so quickly? Did I have second thoughts? Not a one! And trust me, I examined my motives and my feelings and all the things that made me tick and when all was said and done, I was absolutely convinced it was the right thing for me. I wanted this woman as my wife. Period!
I kept probing Tish to make sure she was just as convinced and couldn't find a hint of doubt. That Monday, we used our lunch break to make a quick trip to the jewelry store and look for a ring. I think I'd have given Tish the Hope Diamond if she'd asked for it, but in fact, the ring she was looking at was so modest, I was almost embarrassed for her.
It took a bit of talking, but I finally convinced her of something a little more elegant and expressive. When she asked me for the umpteenth time if I was sure and I once again assured her I was, she agreed. She picked out the wedding bands and I was quite happy with simple gold bands for both of us.
The jeweler promised them ready for Friday, and that timing was perfect. I had suggested to Tish that we travel to Spokane to see her parents. I had it in mind to ask for their daughter's hand in marriage, even though their approval wasn't going to change our plans. It seemed like a small courtesy.
I was more worried about trying to explain the fact that Tish was still legally married to butt-head and our wedding was dependant upon the finalization of the divorce decree. According to the documents, that should come sometime near the first of October.
Tish assured me that her parents knew all about Terry Parmeter and his behavior and that they were just as anxious to see her free of him and safe as well. One thing was certain, there would be no mention of my inheritance or my experiences with Mr. Snipe.
I had been lobbying Tish to move in with me. It just seemed the logical thing to do. She hadn't agreed yet, but I figured maybe I could get some of her friends (Julia, Tommie and Pearl) to convince her there was nothing wrong with it.
In the meantime, we had thought about a small civil ceremony with just a few close friends in attendance. The Timely's, the Hashimoto's, The Gent's, and Tish's parents. Nice try! Before I knew it, there were plans afoot for something a good deal more elaborate than that. On top of that, it was going to be catered and the bill was going to be picked up by ... wait for it ... DMH!
I guess I had mentioned to Felix Bindle that Tish and I were getting married and he was enthusiastically supportive. Now, if you knew Felix, you'd know that enthusiasm is not something you'd immediately think of as a personality trait. But, to my surprise, he was determined to make this the wedding of the season, even if the season was fall.
By the time we saw the guest list, I almost fell over and I think Tish was just as surprised. The list included almost everyone at the county office, Sheriff Carbutt and his wife Ramona, and Bindle's secretary; surprise, surprise. It turns out she was Felix's girlfriend and they had been going steady for several years. I didn't see Snipe's name anywhere on the list, but that wasn't a surprise. Holograms hardly ever have any fun at wedding receptions.
There were also a few names on the list that looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put a face with any of the names. Little River didn't have that many big social events and Felix and our friends were determined to turn this into one.
I think the thing that surprised me more than anything was the good wishes and congratulations that I kept getting from so many people. People I hardly knew in some cases. I tried not to let it go to my head and I kept questioning it with Tish. I think she got a little fed up with my humble attitude and told me to "put a sock in it!" I did. Remember, "just go with the flow" was my new mantra.
The trip to Spokane was long, but important. We left Friday after work and headed for Pendleton, Oregon. The short way to Spokane from Little River was actually the long way. Better roads and fewer towns made it faster. Still, it was a six hour drive non-stop, and Pendleton was a nice half-way point. We had a light meal late at the hotel and retired early. We'd be up at eight and on the road by nine with arrival at the Darling home by noon.
I was anxious about meeting Tish's parents, but I shouldn't have been. They welcomed me and made me feel right at home. Within a few minutes of my arrival, Mel Darling and I each had a beer in our hand and had tuned in the Orioles-Yankee's game on Fox. The only thing missing was the popcorn, but that was because Muriel was busy with daughter Tish in the kitchen putting together a big lunch. I could see myself working extra hard at the gym for the next few weeks.
When things calmed down after the lunch and the ballgame, I got around to asking Mel his permission for his daughter's hand. He got a real serious look on his face and I thought for a minute I was in trouble.
"Son, there's only two things that I want you to solemnly swear to me that you will never do. First, you will never hurt my little girl the way that asshole Parmeter did. Neither physically nor mentally. Can you promise me and Mrs. Darling that?"
"Yes sir. It's written in stone. It will never happen," I said with as much emphasis as I could.
"Good. The second and just as important. I don't ever, ever want to hear of you rooting for them damn Yankees. Can you promise me that?"
I nearly bust a gut. "Yeah ... ha ha ha ... no problem. I'm a Red Sox fan from away back. You're daughter's in safe hands with me."
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This arrangement had been in place about a year when one evening at dinner, Brooke broke into our conversation about possible weekend trips to ask. "Do either of you know a Carolyn Crumwell?" Janice looked confused, but I answered. "Why do you ask?" Brooke looked a bit upset. "She's some new junior engineer. Last week she was walking around and asked me if Janice was any relation to a Walter Cogline. I refused to answer, but now I hear that she's been inquiring into the strength of...
“I’m here” it reads. I look back in the mirror to admire my outfit of the day. I dressed like a cute school girl. Plaid skirt that ends just above my knee, black t shirt, and knee highs with my black converse. It looked normal enough to pull off on a typical day. Not too teacher-student porny. Except for the detail that I’m not wearing a bra or panties. I’m hoping to get touched before class starts. I grab my backpack from my coat rack and head out to Mr.Jacobsen’s car. I hop in the...
[email protected] Place. Hold. Set. Soft. Closed. Tight. Length. Breadth. Depth. Push. Clutch. Pushing. Tighter. Harder. Dry. Big. Give. In. Warm. Deep. Drag. Then deep then drag. Then deep then drag again. And again. “Is this what you want?” her brother, from behind her, stroking. “mm-mhuh…; more – ” like you did them, she said, his sister, naming names. §§§ They sat across from George in a row from left to right, Maggie...
Incest‘Penny, there you are!’ Where were you yesterday? You missed the meeting!’ Sheri was so sweet, I regretted that I hadn’t spent more time with her. Truth be told, I’d been so busy trying to hold my own life together, I hadn’t time for anyone else. I decided, then and there, that I would change. From then on, I resolved to allow more people into my life. I also reminded myself that I may not be employed any longer. ‘Thanks, Sheri, did I miss anything?’ ‘Nothing much yesterday, but guess...
I hope you enjoy the story.AN AFRICAN HONEYMOONI first met Debbie when she was 16 years old. I am two years older. We married shortly after her 18th birthday. The honeymoon was meant to be an adventure holiday. It certainly was that. We got lost on an organised river tour. The water had been fast running and I realised we had be swept along, way off course. We were rescued by black men. They were dressed in tribal gear and had spears. They came alongside and one jumped aboard. They could not...
One of the great pleasures in my life was tag-teaming a hard cock with Barb over the course of our almost eleven-year open relationship. Whenever we were in the mood to play with others, we tended to look for partners that were open about their bisexuality, regardless of race or age. We both loved to get another male into bed or any other convenient location so we could share him. One of our favorite experiences was when Barb met an eighteen-year-old by the name of Miguel during one of her...
BisexualI kept Jerrod close as we mingled with the crowd. He was as cool as I had expected that he would be. The only thing that might be of any interest to the authorities which I owned at that moment was the smarter than smart phone. I decided to wait for the order from the farm to dump it. Surely they had a way to clean or block any attempt to trace it. If not, they should tell me to dump it soon. I got the message at first light. It came in direct and of course wordlessly. They are going to take...
Hi dear readers. I am going to introduce myself to you. My name is Namita Das. I am 42 years old. I am from north eastern part of India, Assam. My marital status is divorced and I am having a 16 year old son. I was divorced before 10 years. Right now, I am doing a job as a teacher in a school and by the grace of god, I am financially in good condition. I own few acres of tea garden here. So never faced any problem financially. I am a normal lady. So my sexual desires are also like all of you....
Hello all friends. Main iss ka regular reader hu. Aap sab ki stories read krke mera bhi mann hua k main bhi aapko apni life ki ek sachi ghatna btau.Ye ek sachi kahaani hai.. Let me introduce myself. My name is bunty aged 24 from punjab.. Meri id hai. Jyada bore na krte hue story pe aata hu.. Baat un dino ki hai jab main 18 saal ka tha.. Aur garmio ki chuttiyo mein main apne chacha k yaha gya hua tha.. Mera chacha ki shaadi hue 5 saal ho gye aur unke ek 3 saal ki beti aur ek 1 saal ka beta...
This is Agunna from Awka. I'm 21years old. This story is all about how Ilost myvirginity. I got a job in a reputedCompany andwas asked to join in marketing. Thecompanyarranged for a 15 day stay in ahotel. Onthe first day When I left the roomfor awalk outside I saw this girlnamedKachy coming down from thelift. Herhairs were wet and she waslooking sostunning. I took it easy and wentout She was so cute , I cantexpress hercute face in words. She was kindoffair,had long black hair andbrown...
This storie is a creation of my imagination. Hope you enjoy it!!!At work I had a colleague from a very strict religious family. She was always seriously dressed as if she were coming from the church, with skirts exactly until the knee, thick socks, shirts buttoned up till her neck, with no heels or make-up. A regular religious lady who respected everyone and talked nicely! I was just the opposite. My skirts just covered my pretty ass, thin shiny tights, at least 10cm heels and deep neckline...
Real story-I married my cousin Yasmeen, last year. She is a beautiful and I married her because she is nice and I have known my uncle(Mom’s bro) and his wife, Shamshad ever since I was a kid. My mami now MIL is a very conservative woman and was known for her beauty when I was growing up as a kid. I just had a baby boy last month and my MIL came and stayed with us in my 2 bedroom apartment to help with the baby since Yasmeen has some minor complications and is heavy on prescription pills. I...
IncestOne of the things I enjoyed about semi-retirement was freedom to either do nothing or write but that meant meeting certain publisher's deadlines. But then you have it worse in certain industries, deadlines for turnout of products, customer expectations, the boss, stock holders – a royal rat race.Not long ago I decided to see what a certain ski lodge up in the mountains was like. It was early spring the snow was melting off the mountains except in the "high" country and most every ski bum in the...
Let me get straight in the sex story. I am Raj studying in college. I am 5 feet 11 inches with nice athletic body build, fair and handsome with an 8-inch cock. My mom is 40, although she doesn’t look like 40, with a very curvaceous body. Her figure is 36-26-36. She is a working woman at a very high post in a corporate office. She is quite modern and earns well. She is a widow as my dad died a long time ago. Since then, she has taken good care of me by fulfilling all my wishes. I never had any...
IncestHi friends I am raj from indore.I am regular reader of Iss.This is my first real story on ISS.maire age 24 ki hai aur meri chachi ki 42.chachi kafi sexy hai wo 36 no. Ki bra pehanti came to on my story.mai ek joint family mai rahta hu hamara ghar ek hai lekin hum alag alag rahte hai.ek bar hamare family ko ek rishtedar ke yaha function mai jana thasub log chale gaye the. Mai kisi kam ke karan der se jane wala tha meri chachi teacher hai uski subah ki school hai wo 18 baje school se aati...
New Chapter 5: Ups and downs. The girls, though reluctant, and their bodies filled with my seed, pulled themselves up and got dressed. Tammy gave me a passionate kiss, thanking me for reminding her how attractive she was, before they headed home to follow my instructions. I saw them to the door and let them out, still naked, only to have Heather and Mom rush by as the girls headed down the sidewalk. "What's going on?" I asked. Neither of them said a word, just got into mom's car and...
SISSY ON SISSY by Throne Bob stood there feeling beyond foolish. His body had been denuded of hair and his skin, after weeks of using an imported emollient, was satiny. All he had on was a pair of bikini-cut panties and a training bra. He was wearing the latter because his wife, Tessa, had taken him to a specialist two weeks before and gotten him a lovely set of breasts. They were small implants and his nipples rode high on their feminine curvature. It didn't provide any modesty...
I still can’t believe that I had my virginity taken by my co-worker Robert and his gorgeous wife June. In one evening I had my first blow job, first pussy, first pussy eating experience, first cock-sucking experience and first time having a man fuck me. It was surreal to have a lifetime of experience take place all in one evening. The following Monday I was sitting alone in my cubicle at work with my mind in a whirl, contemplating what had happen the previous Friday when Robert suddenly...
… I remembered the tempting voice of Bria ‘I bet you squirt don’t you? The quiet ones always do’. Too long had it been. I was sure that I’d peed myself, but as I looked back through jolts of pleasure, I saw my sweet, clear liquid squirt from my pussy onto the dildo and Gina’s stomach. She started pumping the strap-on harder, deeper inside of me. ‘You better cum all the way bitch! I didn’t wait this long to break you off for nothin’!’ Gina had lost it. I was convinced. It didn’t matter...
They met at a hotel bar. She was across the room, sitting alone in a dimly lit section. She looked sultry enough, with a tight mini that showed off her slim, firm body. Her dark brown hair spilled across her shoulders and her lips looked inviting. He was in town for a technical conference and he was only there for a quick drink. Meeting a woman was not on his agenda. He had a young wife back home who was hoping to get pregnant. Sex was not something in short supply at home these days, so it...
Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 19 MORE BUT FOR WHAT Jeff, it seems like youre more interested in your friends than in me. I wish we could see each other more. Maria, were together now. Why talk about that now. Lets enjoy the moment. I cant talk about it when youre not around. My best moments are with you, Maria, but we need to keep our other friendships strong too. Actually, Id like to take our friendship to the next level. Next level? What do you mean? We talk about...
Based on postive feedback for my short short I am now publishing the FULL VERSION (Real story)-I married my cousin Yasmeen, last year. Yasmin is very beautiful and I married her because she is good person and I have known my uncle (Mom’s elder bro) and his wife Shamshad, ever since I was a kid. My mami, now my mother in law (MIL), is a very conservative woman and was known for her beauty when I was growing up as a kid. Yasmin and I just had a baby boy last month and my MIL came and stayed...
IncestLukeI pulled up at Tina’s and was not greeted at the door by mother or daughter; I actually had to knock. “Alright mush, come in. Tina will be down in a sec.” Mrs C leant up for a kiss, which I obliged and I swear she wiggled her bum as she walked into the kitchen. I thought I would have to watch her; I didn’t want Tina tearing my eyes out.“Hi, sweetie,” a quick kiss on the cheek, “bye mummy, be back late.”“Bye Mrs C, see you tomorrow.”“Wela'i di wedyn,” rang from the kitchen. I looked...
Love StoriesI went to Jenny’s side and helped her with her stuff while Matt helped Suzy with hers. We all had a nice hug and Matt helped Suzy upstairs with their stuff. Jenny came to me and said I need to talk to you. Mum Suzy thinks I am ashamed of her for what she did. I cant get her to understand that I dont care. I have decided that I want to do the same number of films with Lucky as she did and then she will realise that I cant afford to lose her again. Are you sure you want to do this. Lucky...
An Exchange Student 3 By Paul Jutras In what was a normal school facing the start of winter, 14 year Paul had propped up his book in order to hide behind it. While everyone else was listening to the English teacher going over the previous night's chapter in the assigned assigned reading, Paul was giggling at the local town gossip rag. The paper had stories about things like a four-legged woman opening a dance studio and Martians threatening to attack the Earth. What was bad for...
Hi all Friends, Let me first introduce myself to u all. I am 32 married male from Hyderabad. I love sex a lot. I think of it all the time. Ok let me cum to the point here. Since last two year I started chatting with gal who was 22 years old. Her name is Sangeeta (Name changed) when we first had a chat she introduced herself as a single female. after four to five months I asked her if she was married. She was shocked as how I knew it, then I joked to her “u only told me”. She was confused and...
So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner. She sat down with me a few months after our first night of sex and told me "I know you're feeling guilty about this but I wanted you to know that this was my choice. I've wanted this for the past few years. You've always been so kind to us and treated us like your own flesh and blood." I shook my head and replied "You may think you want a sexual relationship...
Rose felt a tingling and tightness in her breasts. The sensation was awkward and foreign, enough to get her attention while she flipped through the channels of her TV. She moved to adjust her bra believing it must have shifted or bunched up only to remember she hadn't yet put one on for the day. Still feeling the strange sensations she stood up from her bed and walked towards the mirror on her closet door, removing her top as she did. At first, everything seemed normal and as it...
My wife surprised me with having a threesome for my birthday which was the first time for her with another woman. Needless to say we tired. When I started to wake the next morning I noticed I was alone in bed. My wife and Kim were already up and moving. I layed in bed a few more minutes thinking about how hot it was watching my wife with Kim before I got up and took a shower. I figured Kim had already left and my wife was having her morning coffee. I finished my shower and didn’t get dressed...
EroticAfter a great summer of , in which I fucked not only Magda, but several other girls (all of them right before letting my daughter into my bedroom for the night), I kissed her goodbye for another year, as she was to go to Denmark and attend the university there. Since she was pregnant, she was to live with her Mom and her step-dad instead of in a dorm, which meant that she would be living with Bjorg as well. I knew that she hoped to get a student visa to live in the USA as soon as I could...
IncestMy buddy said we should get naked, so we quickly pulled off our clothes and went back to sitting on the couch, only now we were openly stroking our hard cocks. She got on her knees between us and began sucking his dick, then mine and then back to him. While she was sucking my dick, he suggested I lay on the ground and let her get on top of me in a 69. I wanted to eat her pussy so quickly agreed. I laid on my back and she got on me, shoving her pussy in my face. She must have been really...
I am Raj, 28 years old from Hyderabad. I am working in one of the MNC in Hi-Tech city. I am very much fond of Married women and my eyes glare whenever I see a women tie saree. I work in the night shifts and was fed up with my life. I visit malls in the day time as I have no time in the nights for shopping or to have an eye feast. Here is the story of (how I turned to a part-time gigolo by one of my sexy lady Meena). Meena is a dusky women aged 36. Her most attractive part in her body is her...
Harley groggily opened her eyes, panicking for a moment at the unfamiliar surroundings, then remembered where she was. Sighing, she rolled out of the bed, placing her bare feet on the ground in front of her. There was a dress lying on the end of the bed, and surprised, Harley got up and put it on. She didn't know why Cal would leave her a dress, after making such a fuss about her costume last night, but she wasn't one to kick a gift horse in the mouth. Slipping out from the tent, she...
I pull up in a black van around the corner of your house. It's about 7:30pm and it’s getting dark. I wait patiently while I check my bag. I have some hand cuff's a roll if silver duct tape amongst other things that I'll get to use later.....I wait until about 8:30. It's totally dark now and the street is very quiet. I drive around the corner and park the van a few house down from where you stay. I wait until the street is clear and silent and leave the van with my bag of tricks. I creep around...
STRANGER THAN FICTIONby VelvetgloveIntroduction to Part One?The truth is rarely pure, and never simple? (Oscar Wilde)This is a true story. Truth can sometimes be, as they say, ‘stranger than fiction’. During 2009, I have received many emails and messages enquiring whether I have given up writing stories and why I stopped posting. I apologise now to all those to whom I never replied. What follows will hopefully make the reason obvious – in short, I have had better things to do than write !Do not...
Chapter 2 Connecting the Dots Alan and his parents arrived home, and his mom heated some leftover chicken for dinner. There was little conversation at the dinner table. Alan’s grandfather was deteriorating rapidly. The doctor had spoken to them while his grandfather was sleeping, telling him that Alan’s grandfather had told the medical team in the CCU that he did not want any heroic measures taken to prolong his life, and by the doctor’s estimation the end could come anytime from within a few...
Katie's Vindication The last few months had seen many unexpected changes in our lives. The night before Katie was supposed to leave on her business trip she received a phone call from the regional director of the bank who informed her that her services were no longer needed because of downsizing. It was later reported in the news that over 1500 employees were laid off including upper management with blame being placed on the current economy. We had read so much in the news about the economy...
Lester Davenport- sharon and amy green- the green mother and father of sharon, - Jenny the writer from hammer and tong. Ralph and Ester the parents of Sharon Green. Eve Sims the real reporter. When we got outside the newspaper’s office I said, “Why don’t you go to the offices on both sides of the street. Show your ID to the managers, and ask them if they knew the green family. Then get all the details that they can give you. Don’t be in a rush, let them get chatty.” “Come on Rogers, I...
Faith said, "What do we actually fucking know? Somebody tell me the fucking fact right now!" She was a little proud of her self-control.Dawn liked to sleep almost curled in a ball. With someone there with her. It was useless information right then. But Faith kept feeling herself on the verge of blurting it out, along with a lot of other useless bullshit. She just wanted to know that Dawn was going to be safe."Dawn went to this pawn shop on Fifth Street and Lewis to see if they had the glove and...
Hey What a way to start a new story Well I might as well introduce my self. Totally not in a up my self type of way tho. My name is Sarah Jade. I'm 19 years old. I have brown ombré hair I guess you could say with hazel eyes. All my friends call me the sexy model one and my previous boyfriends (all whom are dickheads) said that I was the girl people would want to 'fuck'. I guess I have perky breasts (34a) and a nice ass. I'm about to go to university for a degree in law. Also I love sex, very ,...
RomanceChapter 2Missy & her Daddy can't stopMissy was all I could think about. I knew that having sex with a man's daughter was not right. But it felt so right. Missy was the best sex I ever had. She looked like her mother. Long Dark hair flowing down over her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes. Those lips perfect as they showed off her sparkling teeth. That smile she gave me. Missy and I had always been close. When her mother divorced me ten years ago it left just the two of us starting...
Abdul Jamal Al-Fayed, also known as Jerome Parsons, was in a quandary. Everything had been going so well in the months since his escape from his rooftop sniping 'stand', and the Washington, D.C. dragnet that followed it. Within a week after his escape, his life changed for the better. He was offered a fulltime job with benefits. Furthermore, his military service was counted as part of his seniority, taking him to within a week of his first pay raise. He only needed to pass a security check...
Ray rapped on Kathy's door and waited. In a few moments, she opened it. She was still wearing her robe. Her eyes were dry now, but they were sad. "Kathy, we're going to have to talk," Ray told her. "All right. Come in" He entered the room and left the door open. "Sit down," he said. The girl sat on the only chair. That made it necessary for Ray to sit on the edge of the rumpled bed-the very bed where he had caught his son and stepdaughter fucking a short while ago. Kathy fidgeted....
Las Vegas January 3, 2004 Alicia looked around, her heart pounding in her chest. This was it: Her first step into the world she wanted to live in. The world she was sure she was born to live in. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and turned into the walk. Alicia was a very unusual girl. From the age of perhaps thirteen, Alicia knew what she wanted to be: A sex toy. Not some whore to be used and abused, but the cherished possession of a Master and Mistress who would know how to get the...
Hello cool guys and hot gals I am Anvesh 20 years old guy,5 feet 10 inches tall. I am living in Kanpur and my email id and guys this is my second story and my first story on this site was Sexy Shadishuda Door Ke Rishtey Ki Didi Ki Chudai and thanks for amazing response for that story and this is other my real story it happened before 3 weeks. Now as usual I am starting my story in Hindi. Mai graduation mumbai ki ek Open University se kar raha hu.So june me mere exams they. Mere uncle mumbai me...
Chapter 1 It has taken me years to learn to accept my lot in life. I've been called an asshole ever since junior high and I used to take great exception to it. More than a few fights came of it, but as I grew older I learned that it was stupid to get into a fight with someone just because he made a true statement. I am an asshole. How big an asshole you ask? Well, how big of an asshole is someone who seduces his brother's wife less than a month after the wedding ceremony? How big of an...
It was all working out the way I wanted it. After what had been a very bad day turned good, Missy and I walked into my empty house. Mom and dad were at work and there was no telling where my brother was. Missy did not even know where he was. It did not matter. Missy and I had the house to ourselves. I knew that Missy did not have her bikini with her, but that did not matter. I was not going to wear mine anyway. Our pool happens to be surrounded by a privacy fence so I was not worried about any...
IncestHi ISS readers! Mera naam Harish hai aur ek Computer Engineer houn. Main 26 saal ka ek unmarried ladka houn. Healthwise, main normal houn(5’7” height with lund size 6”) . Maine 2 saal pehle Delhi mein ek company join ki hai. Aur NFC mein Kiraye par rehta houn. Abhi kuch din pehle meri company mein ek ladki customer care executive ki post par aayi. Jab maine usko dekha to dekhkar kuch jaani – pehchani sa chehra laga. Kuch der baad dhyaan aya ye to meri college friend Nagma Khan thee. Nagma 25...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this sex story is the second and final installment of my previous sex story “Drenched in the wet heaven”, if you haven’t read it yet, click the link here and read it first, and be prepared for an ecstatic and orgasmic ride. I received a really nice feedback on my previous sex story, and I will take all care in this part to avoid any errors. Let me describe myself first, I am Rohan,...
"Bivouac Baby"By GentileNew York City5 April 1963There'd been thoughts, visions before. He'd been able to keep them secret, suppress them, dismiss them, discount them and they'd even lessened, but, yet always had returned. And now keenly so. After Tracy had left their office for Brady's executive floor he'd put his wife on the elevator going down then quickly ensconced himself in the men's restroom. Mercifully he'd found it unoccupied. Visions of his wife and another man, this, this Englishman...
Cry for Help He was shocked by her abrupt appearance in the church day-care. Bright eyes, dripping wet and nearly falling through the door, he was forced to drop the half assembled shelving unit and spring to her aid. ‘I am so sorry I’m late! My kids pitched such a fit over being dropped off during a thunderstorm, I forgot my umbrella, then I couldn’t even find you until I heard your drill, what are yo-‘ she suddenly cut off her ramble, finally looking up to meet his gaze as she had been...
Hii everyone I m Rajveer from Punjab, 5’11” with muscular body doing I m 20 years old. Coming back to the story, it happened when I was in 12th class. Our school has recruited new staff for the better board results and mrs Meenakshi was one of them. She was our chemistry teacher. She was married from past ten years and had two kids, she recently completed her post graduation and joined the job to make her hubby realize that she can also earn and do something. By the way she was really...
Holly’s Daddy had told her, “get your sweet lips all the way to the pretty red ribbon tied on the dildo and leave me some teeth marks…and then maybe I will think about untying you!”That was the previous night. And in the extremely agonizing 24 hours since, she had gotten no further than just over half the way there. She now just knelt there bound and aching in her ropes, her mouth and jaws sore from having tried so hard to reach the ribbon.A low long creaking noise, as the door opened behind...