"Bivouac Baby" free porn video

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"Bivouac Baby"

By Gentile

New York City
5 April 1963

There'd been thoughts, visions before. He'd been able to keep them secret, suppress them, dismiss them, discount them and they'd even lessened, but, yet always had returned. And now keenly so. After Tracy had left their office for Brady's executive floor he'd put his wife on the elevator going down then quickly ensconced himself in the men's restroom. Mercifully he'd found it unoccupied. Visions of his wife and another man, this, this Englishman coupling together was filling his conscience to bursting. He washed his hands, then found the courage to lift his gaze into the reflection above the sink. 'Jesus, what in the Hell is wrong with you, boy? She's your wife, the mother of your son.' He'd admonished himself before like this. This was not the first time. He dropped his eyes to the running water, then cupped his hands. The cold water clearing his mind, then the visions launched again. She'd undressed them both, first Rattigan, then herself. He watched from the kitchen thru the open shutters. She was perfect. Laura came into his arms as they stood in front of the davenport. Tracy's fingertips immediately falling to his wife's bottom cheeks, resting there close to the crevice as their lips met then parted. She guided Tracy's head to her breasts as her eyes met her husbands then closed as Rattigan nursed. He gripped the kitchen sink tightly, the stainless steel wet and cold, then realized he was gripping the white porcelain of the sink in front of him.


Chapter 1.

"Rob, Rob, hey, Rob."


"You okay, Rob?"

"I'm fine, Buddy."

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Buddy moved to the urinals. "Can you believe that Rattigan guy, Rob? What a character." Rob watched in the mirror's reflection as Buddy relieved himself.

"Rob, a Jew and a gentile are pissing. The Jew says,,,,"

"Buddy, not now. I have to get back."

"Wait up I'll walk back with you."

He had no choice but to wait. To do otherwise would be unwise. Buddy was already aware of what had transpired back in their office. Mel Cooley had sprung Tracy Rattigan on Rob and his co-writers out of the blue. Laura had made a special trip into the city for Friday luncheon with Rob. They'd dined at Sardi's, Laura's favorite and were looking forward to a weekend alone together. Their son Ritchie was departing later in the day for a Boy Scout Jamboree up state and would not be back until Sunday night. Upon returning to the office afterward they'd opened the door to find Rattigan holding court. He'd at once pounced upon Laura, introducing himself to her and Rob. Mel had already introduced him to Sally and Buddy. Rattigan's reputation was legendary. 'Racy' was his nickname and well deserved. He enjoyed flirting, to him it was sport. He was one of the UK's most eligible bachelors and had dated the world's most beautiful women, some of whom were married.

Laura had retreated at Tracy's advances to Rob's side. She grasped Rob's hand. Rob found it warm and moist.

"What a beautiful ch*ld you are, my dear." Rattigan's accent was not the least bit muddled, but, with a marked clarity that matched his blue eyes and sharp features.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Laura's voice was stifled and thick.

"What do you think of Alan's surprise, Rob? Tracy will be our special guest host on next week's show." Mel was beaming. Rob had forgotten about Alan taking a short vacation in Bermuda.

"Uh, uh, uh..." Now it was Rob's turn to bluster out a response.

"Oh, we'll have a fabulous time, Rob. You, Buddy, Sally and me. Though I'll miss this charming creature. You'll have me out to the house while I'm stateside, hey? New Rochelle, is it?" He knew.

"Of course." Laura was decisive.

"You have a standing invitation to my place, Tracy. It's just me and my pussy...well my cat, but, you're most welcome." Sally had moved across and was now at Tracy's side.

"I shall keep that invite close at hand, Sally dear, hey?" He was speaking to Sally, but, his eyes had not moved from Laura's since the Petries had entered the office.

"Tracy, Alan is expecting us back upstairs, we should go." Mel had grabbed onto Rattigan's suit coat and was making a move toward the open doorway.

"Mel, why don't you go and let Tracy stay. You could go over and spar with Cassius Clay. I hear he's looking for a punching bag." Buddy was in fine form.

"Rob!" Mel beseeched him.

"Buddy!" Rob was not in the mood. The gaze twixt Laura and Tracy had not broken.

Chapter 2.

For Rob it had started at Camp Crowder where Laura and Rob first met. She was working for the USO there while Rob served out his enlistment in the entertainment wing of the U.S. Army. They'd met one afternoon while Laura was practicing a dance routine in the camp theater. Laura was tall, slim and moved with such grace. Robert Petrie fell instantly in love with her. She took some convincing. There'd been resistance at the start and that resistance would never quite vanish. The "Bivouac Baby Contest" was where Rob's pathology first surfaced. The winner of the contest was awarded a date with Camp Crowder's--Bivouac Baby--Laura Meehan.

A handsome fellow, a Sergeant from supply won the contest. Laura was hesitant to fulfill the date. "Rob, I won't if you tell me not to." She looked intently for his response.

But, Rob did not want to forbid it. And though he disliked Sergeant Williams he desired the date to take place.

"No, Laura, it wouldn't be right for you to refuse."

"But, Rob."

"No, it will be okay."

"If you say so, darling." Though she wanted to assure Rob that nothing untoward would occur during their Friday night date. "Nothing will happen, Rob, I promise."

But, the more Rob thought about the date the more he wanted something to occur. And he wanted to see it, to bear witness to it. He couldn't explain it, but, it was real and it was strong. And it was undeniable.

He did not query where the date would take place. All he knew was that Van Williams would pick Laura up Friday night at her apartment. Rob also knew he'd be there and he would follow them, and he'd watch.

Chapter 3.

Friday night found Rob standing across the street from Laura's apartment building next to an Army Jeep he'd borrowed from a buddy in the Motor Pool.

Williams was prompt, even a little early, arriving in a late model Pontiac convertible/top down. Rob sank back into the darkness and peeled his eye.

The couple came out a few minutes later, and they were hand-in-hand, she in a light blue summer dress that showed off her figure and long legs. He was in uniform. "What a ham." Rob spat from the shadows. Laura scooted into the front seat past the wheel, but, stopped abruptly half way across. Rob's heart raced as Laura held station-Williams settled in next to her. Instead of hitting the ignition the couple conversed for a while. Rob could hear Laura's laughter cascading across the street.

"If this is their first date Bing Crosby can't sing." Rob grunted.

Soon the laughter stopped and kissing began. Rob clenched his teeth and his fists. And was torn between rushing across the street-announcing his presence and going back to the barracks, holing up in the latrine with his thoughts and the visions.

'"Nothing will happen" my ass.' Rob said to himself. 'But you wanted this, didn't you?' "Yes. Why? I have no earthly idea." Williams started the Pontiac, hit reverse and cruised on down the street as Rob slammed himself against the wall of the closed Texaco station he was hiding next to.

By the time Petrie scrambled into the Jeep it was too late. He'd missed his chance.

On the drive back to the Motor Pool Rob imagined all manner of exploits, from parking in a secluded spot to taking a motel room for the night. There was a string of such motels in the exact direction they were headed to when last he spied their disappearing tail lights.

"Go back and check it out." Rob prompted himself.


"Do it. You know you want to. You know you want to find them there."

"No." Nonetheless he executed a perfect 3-point turn and went back.

He never told Laura that he'd found the Sergeant's Pontiac at the Candy Cane Motel. It was parked in front of Room 9. He left the Jeep a half mile up the road, then trekked back and took station across the road in a slightly elevated wooded area. He also never told Laura that he'd purchased a pair of binoculars from Sears and Roebucks that very afternoon.

"Yes, sir, these are our most powerful model. You'll be right on top of the action. It will be like you're in the huddle." Rob had told the salesman he needed the binoculars for watching football. Rob shelled out the $150.00 even though it left him flat broke.

Fumbling with the binoculars in the dark woods caused Rob to curse himself for not trying them out earlier. Looking thru the powerful lenses caused his stomach to lurch, his chow hall dinner threatening to reverse course. Then the rear end of the Pontiac came into the viewfinder followed by Door Number 9. He shifted right and found the window. He also found a wedge of pale light twixt the d****s, the bed, a yard beyond.

Chapter 4.

The Sears and Roebucks sporting goods salesman was dead on. While not in a huddle, Rob Petrie was in Room Number 9 and he was bedside.

"Sir, this button here." The salesman had pointed to a tiny button on the top of the binocular arch. "Depressing this button will enable you to get 30 times closer, but, just for a limited 30 second interval. Then it will take the internal power structure an additional 30 seconds to recover before you can utilize it again. It is this feature that enable these glasses, the Model 30-30 to out perform every other, whether it's Monkey Wards, or, the trash at J.C. Penny. Trust me. Go ahead, sir, try it." Rob had declined. He was on his lunch break and needed to get back and a bit ashamed of himself knowing the true intent of his purchase. Plus Rob was just relieved they actually had a set in stock.

In the dark Rob searched-found-depressed the button. "Oh-my-God."

Rob, for the second time in his life sighted Miss Meehan in panties, though this time they were half way down and rested just above her knees. The first time was in Laura's apartment when the girl had tried to seduce him. He'd flat out refused. "Not till were married, Laura." It was his mid west upbringing. She'd cried-then fled, Rob ineffectually averted his eyes as her incredibly round, white panted bottom disappeared back into her bedroom.

Laura was in William's arms on the far side of the bed. The requisite 30 second recharge took place-Rob depressed the button. "Oh-my-God." The panties were gone, as Williams busied himself removing her bra, Laura's diminutive breasts released were immediately crushed by the bountiful chest hair of Williams.

Even without the booster the line of sight was incredible. He'd wanted to see Laura nude and now his want had been sated. He'd also wanted to see Laura kiss Van and now this want was being sated. Another 30 seconds in the books and Rob hit the booster. "Oh-my-God." Their mouths were fused.

"If this is their first date I'm a monkey's ass." It was then that the booster expired and Miss Meehan dropped to her knees. Both were bare-chested. But, only Laura was nude. Rob watched as Laura unbuckled Van's khaki's, took them down and off.

"What kind of soldier doesn't wear underwear?" Rob queried the darkness. Williams was long and incredibly stiff. Rob backtracked up the incline 10 yards to get a better view and it worked splendidly.

"If this is the first penis she has sucked I'm going to do the Dutch." Once again Rob spoke to the darkness.

Rob watched in near abject horror as Laura Petrie, nee Meehan, his future wife and mother of his c***dren made love to Van Williams. He didn't bother to hit the booster button again. Just watched the act of fellatio take place, a gentle, but, insistent bob to her ministration. Williams held stock still as she worked not only his penis, but, his scrotum in turn.

Rob had never been more miserable, nor sexually charged.

"Please do not go further." He beseeched the couple from the dark, wooded hillside.

They went further. Van lifted Laura from her knees and back to his chest where they resumed kissing

"What kind of man kisses a woman after she's sucked his penis?"

"Van Williams, that's who."

"I know."

Williams scooped Laura up in his arms then set her gently upon the bed, lengthwise.

"You'll have go higher to keep the advantage." Rob exclaimed.

"I know, I'm going, I'm going." This time the climb was higher and steeper, but, the reward commensurate.

"The button, press the button, you fool." Rob obeyed himself. "Oh-my-God."

"They're fornicating!" Rob turned and cried back up the hill. His indictment returning thru the pines via echo. "Shush!" Rob admonished himself.

"You could have that if you wanted it." Rob castigated himself.

"I'm better than that. A darn sight better." Rob castigated himself.

First one, then after a short shrift a second ankle of Laura's was cast over Van's shoulders.

"This, is not the first time. No way, Jose'."

Van was pounding his intended and Rob found the spectacle both abhorrent and absolutely mesmerizing. And as close as he was to the fornicating couple without the button's activation he was that much closer to them with it. So began a precise count on that hillside. Van slowed, stopped and arranged Laura in a different position. This one with her facing the hillside and her intended. Williams mounted her from the rear as Laura then hung her head and took the fierce copulating. Rob started a fresh counting sequence, just after the 9th button push Williams threw his head back, his body coming to a screeching halt. "Oh-my-God, he's inseminating Laura. Oh-my-God." Rob dropped the binoculars and joined them on the cold, hard ground.

Chapter 5.

Rob was torn between dropping his own khakis, flogging his log, picking up the binoculars, returning them to Sears and Roebucks and tearing down the hill, and busting in the door of Room 9 so he could get the very best view of the couple's post coitus afterglow. He did not have the guts, nor the shoulder for the last option, nor the sales receipt for the center option, so, he accomplished the charter option and put his seed onto the earth, visions of Van & Laura|Laura & Van rampaging thru his brain as his hand worked it's magic.

Mission accomplished and half way down the hill Rob reconsidered and climbed back up to retrieve the binoculars.

"Don't look." Rob defied himself and looked. The bed was empty, the Pontiac as before.

"Go back to Camp." Rob obeyed himself, made the 1/2 mile trek (thru the woods just in case they left in the interim and found him walking on the side of the road) to his Jeep and returned to the barracks .

As he laid in his bunk replaying the night's itinerary he was sure of one thing, he loved Laura more than he thought his heart was capable of. His greatest fear was that she would break off their more or less engagement and become Williams property. He'd proposed to Laura, but, she had hesitated, wouldn't even commit to a timetable for her decision. He'd had no choice but to wait.

"Petrie!" A loud shout. "Phone call, it's Laura."

'Bitch.' Rob, rail thin, in his GI issue skives, nearly ran for the day room.


"Hi, Rob. Well, I'm back. Van just dropped me off at my apartment."

Much to Rob's chagrin his olive drab boxers threatened to tent. "Laura?"

"Yes, darling, it's me."

"What happened, Laura?" Rob sounded informed.

"Nothing, darling, we just bowled a few lines at the bowling alley, then had a cheeseburger at "Wally's" out at the highway cutoff."


"Did he kiss you?"

"Of course not."

'An accomplished lying bitch.' He faced the wall, his blood racing to his penis.

"Did you make another date with him?" 'Please say "yes."'

"Of course not, darling. Tonight wasn't really even a date. It was a directive from the USO, right, sweetheart?"

He thought immediately of his mother, nude, it was the only way to waylay his imminent tumescence. Thank heavens it worked.

"You're right, Laura. I worried over nothing." Rob couldn't believe his own voice.

"Rob?" The voice of an angel.

"What, Laura?" His most flaccid tone.

"Yes." Her most loving tone and one he'd never heard before.

"'Yes' what?" He couldn't have cared less. He wanted to visit the latrine, lock the wooden door to the stall and flog his log till there was no more. 'Mother, mother, mother.'

"Yes, Rob, yes, I will marry you, darling. I love you, Rob. Yes."

Chapter 6.

A week later in front of a small gathering at the Camp Chapel the couple exchanged vows. They had little money for a real honeymoon, so they decided to honeymoon close to Camp Crowder.

"Rob, how about one of those cute little motels by the highway? You know where I'm talking about, darling?"

He knew. "Sure, that would be economical. I'll make the reservati."

"No, darling, let me." Laura had interrupted him, a dictate to her tone. "It will be my wedding gift to you, Rob. I'll handle everything."

Saturday evening, after a small, informal wedding reception at the NCO club she drove them to their honeymoon destination, the Candy Cane Motel. "Surprise! This place is so cute from the road. Now I'll finally get to see it from the inside." Rob plastered a pleasant countenance to himself and returned her excitement. "The Candy Cane Motel, eh?"

"Rob, he said that Room Number 9 is the cleanest and has the only color television of all the motels in the area." She'd made him wait outside in her pink over white Metropolitan while Laura claimed the reservation and checked them in.

"Why can't I come in?" He'd queried.

"Darling, do you trust me?" She'd queried, her white teeth gleaming.

"Yes." Tight-lipped & flat-eared Rob lied.

He watched as she engaged the desk clerk in deep conversation. Several minutes later Laura emerged all smiles waving the room key at him. Rob didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But, one thing for certain: he too wanted "to finally get to see it from the inside."

There were two double beds. The d****s had not been touched, the sliver of space still in evidence. It was surreal standing inside the room when a week earlier he'd been across the road, tall and thin among the pines.

Laura had been impressed when Rob scooped her up and carried her across the threshold of Room 9. 'Make sure you carry her to bed like Van did. Will do.'

"Thank you, darling." She'd blushed as Rob's hands held her closely, securely and with a certain anim*listic intent.

"Rob, why don't you open the champagne and let it breath while I take a warm bath. Please, darling. I won't be long, sweetheart, I promise." She took her small overnight bag into the bathroom and closed the door. He waited for her to engage the lock and was disappointed when she did.

He'd no sooner heard the bathtub begin to fill when she called to him: "Rob, darling, we'll use the bed closest to the window."

Chapter 7.

Rob quickly confirmed that he could not have been detected on the hillside. Satisfied he opened the champagne and then donned his light blue cotton pajamas. He'd brought along his transistor radio and dialed thru the stations, Patti Page suggesting "Changing Partners" came in clear as a bell. Rob quickly turned the tuning dial. "Answer Me My Love" demanded Nat King Cole. Rob quickly turned the tuning dial. Doris Day confessed to having a "Secret Love." Rob quickly turned the tuning dial and the on-off switch consecutively.

Rob sat down heavily upon the bed. "If she doesn't know or suspect why in the name of God did she pick this motel, this room and this bed?" Their bed offered nary answer.

"I'll tell you why, she wants to relive the affair with you. She wants to compare and contrast the two of us."

"Give her what she wants, Rob."

"But, I've never done any of this."

"You've seen exactly how it's done though, haven't you?"

"Yes. Of course I have, you were there."

"Can you do it? Play her game, give her exactly what she wants, what she desires. She chose you. There must be a good reason."

"I know, but, I can't ask her that reason."

"I know, you have to believe in yourself as being the reason. Now give it to her like she got it a week ago in that exact same bed." Rob leaned forward and with the flat of both hands pressed down on their bed. The springs were loosey and they were goosey. "Beat him, not once, but, twice in the same day."


"I'm thinking, I just don't know if I can do it."

"Rob? Do what, Rob?" It was Laura, she'd emerged from the bathroom and she'd emerged as a goddess in white.

A pure white negligee, they'd seen it on the mannequin at the J.C. Penny. 100% rayon, he'd marveled at the feel of the materiel. "Oh, Rob. I could never wear that." She led him quickly away from the floor display.

But, Laura had donned it and she looked like an absolute angel. She'd brushed out her brown hair and it rested on the countless ruffles of her gown.

'I'll do it!'

And he did. Robert Petrie gave it to Laura Petrie as she'd gotten it a week earlier. The itinerary wasn't a mirror image, but each act was recreated in kind. Rob didn't have hair on chest, no, his chest was as smooth as baby's bottom. But, Rob was extremely stiff and adequately long to bring rapture to his bride. Laurie Petrie, nee Meehan took the sanctified intercourse in the spirit that it was intended. In a loving display of male supremacy Rob bent Laura over not their bed, but, their bed and Laura never said one word about her dictate being disavowed.

The couple whispered long into the night, of promises and vows not spoken in the Chapel, but, confirmed now. Laura dedicated herself to Rob and Rob met her on the square.

As Laura slept, Rob watched over her, reliving their wedding night coupling and the coupling that took place in the bed yonder a week past. As sleep closed in Robert Petrie made his peace with Laura, with Van and finally as dawn launched with God.

9 months to the day of their wedding-minus a week-Laura gave birth to Richard R. Petrie.

"He's a preemie, Rob!"

---The End---

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Becoming Daddys Good Girl 9 Bratty Sister Transformed

Chapter Nine: Bratty Sister Transformed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice trembled before me while Daddy's commands echoed through the hall: “Get in here and get across my lap. You need discipline, too, young Lady.” Such powerful words. I lifted my face from between Alice's butt-cheeks, the sour flavor of her ass lingering on my lips. My sister and I had just gotten home from spending the day with my friend Sun at the park. It was my task, given to me by Daddy, to get Alice so...

2 years ago
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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 34 Undesired Arrivals

The nobles started to arrive in Tyrell weeks before the official start of Court. For some, it was the first time they had been to the capital in many years; for others (the ones Joseph had named to replace landholders that had fled or been killed), it was the first time in their lives. A tent city popped up outside of the castle walls and soon rivaled the capital itself in population. There wasn’t room at the castle for all of the nobles and the retainers they had brought with them. Joseph...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 53

Union Station Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania June 19, 1885 Eli had been on the train for four days when he arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They had an hour layover there, one of many layovers they’d had on his long train ride from Indian Territory. After he’d found the toilets to relieve himself, he sat inside the huge train station and watched the hundreds of people coming and going. He’d never seen this many people in one place ever before, not even in Kansas City at the ballpark. He kept...

3 years ago
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Its Bad For Men Too

"Now, I just want you to relax," intoned the psychiatrist I've been coming here for three months and up to now nothing was working for me. Luckily my health insurance was paying for his time for it was certain I could never find his high fees. "Let's go over it one more time, shall we?" he said. I don't know what good it was going to do to say it out loud one more time. I closed my eyes and thought back to that long weekend. "We had only been married a few months," I said softly,...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 43 Home Again

As the aircraft slowly made its descent, Nicola couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of seeing her mother again. She wondered if the past twelve years or so had changed her much. She was also amused at her son, Prince Ghasaan. The twelve year old was clearly trying to adjust to seeing his mother in Western dress, especially the jacket and matching pants she had worn for the flight, anticipating the much cooler weather in Cardiff when they landed. As they descended the steps the...

1 year ago
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Sexual Fantasies with Daddy and friends

I am a lot older now, but those fantasies I had way back then were, the foundation of my sexual addiction, that I now battle with.Many famous men and some equally famous women, have been treated for their addiction to having constant sex, with multiple partners, can you imagine opening a public toilet cubical and seeing a beautiful woman standing there, begging for a quickie, could you say no to her?From my experience of doing this sort of thing, well, put it this way, I never heard any man say...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jewelz Blu Amber Wildee Sister In Love

Jewelz Blu is engaged, but her fiance Tyler isn’t around to run errands for their wedding. He sends his sister, Amber Wildee, instead. Given that Jewelz has just slipped into some sexy lingerie with the intention of making Tyler’s day, she decides that maybe she’ll just set her eyes on Tyler’s sister instead. The doorbell rings and Jewelz hangs up the phone to do just that. Opening the door in just her sexy outfit, Jewelz urges Amber to come on in even though Amber...

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Catherine Bell and Zoe Mclellan Get Dogged

36-year-old Catherine Bell, beautiful co-star of the popular TV series J.A.G. was flat on her back in her bed, legs spread wide, and heels hooked behind her husband Adam Beson's ass as he pumped his hard cock in her tight wet pussy, he was propped on his arms over her watching her beautiful face flushed with desire as she built towards her climax, they both shone with a sheen of sweat from the sexual exertions they had already been though. Slorp, slap, slursh, his shiny cock going in and out...

2 years ago
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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 2

Ekdin main office se aaya, tab Rahul bahar gaya tha kisi kam se. Maine socha aaj sahi mauka hai ye janne ka, ki Rahul kya sachmuch koi problem mein hai? Isliye main Rahul ke room mein jaa ke search karne laga toh mujhe woh papers mile. Maine woh papers par ke ekadam se tang rahe gaya! Woh medical papers tha jahan pe bohut spasht roop se likha tha ki Rahul ko cancer hua hai! Main wahi pe rone laga. Mujhe dekh kar Manali turant mere pass aake poochne lage kya hua hai? Maine ye sab kahan toh usse...

2 years ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 9

Joe wasn't sure just how far he had expected the three men to go when he had turned Susan over to them. He had certainly urged them on. He watched as the clerk started unfastening his pants and he knew that they would all take her now. He was almost as excited watching them as he would have been if he were about to fuck her. But he was a patient man. He knew that he would get his turn. His biggest regret was that the innocent young wife's foolish husband was not in the room and being forced...

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Eastenders Adventures

I arrived in Walford just a few days ago, and already I got a job working on the market in Albert Square. The girl working on the stall next to me is absolutely gorgeous - late teens, long dark hair, blue eyes, big, pert tits. We said hello earlier and introduced ourselves- her name's Zoe. All day I've been fantasizing about her, hardly able to take my eyes off her. I look at my watch and realize it's nearly time to shut up the market for the day, so I don't have much time to make a move. "Zoe,...

4 years ago
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The Storm Concludes

Quinn could not accept what he was seeing. First, his best friend knocks the piss of him. Then, he drags him here to watch him fuck around with his girlfriend. It was true that he had left her, but it was not like they were finished. Sitting here wat ching Scott lick and suck on Kat’s pussy, Quinn wanted to be angry, but couldn’t. For some odd reason, this was turning him on more than anything he has ever witnessed. Here he was tied to a chair watching the scene in front of him unfold, and he...

3 years ago
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After Party

So my friend asked me to go with him to a bachelor party. Always fun, so I wnet with. A few drinks and strippers later I was feeling good. One of the strippers was putting on a show, she grabbed me and my buddy pushed me forward. Next thing I know she is sitting on my face, so I obliged and my tongue went to work. When I sucked on her little pink clit she pulled off and with a grin she said it's always the quiet ones, I knew I had gotten her. Felt pretty good, knowing I pleased her.At the...

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There and BackChapter 99 Protest

The trip back to the estate took longer, though at least I wasn't as grim as I'd been on the way. We took turns half-leading, half-carrying Zevran, but I was just grateful he'd come back with us. I almost hoped Zev would make Aedan beg and crawl for a while before taking him back ... until I remembered what they were supposed to be doing the following day. I wasn't sure Aedan would be able to pull off infiltrating Howe's estate without Zevran, especially if he was in as bad a mental...

2 years ago
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Billy Becomes Bill the continuing nylons adventu

By now, Billy had a very substantial stash of pilfered and salvaged nylons all carefully sorted by color and cleverly hidden away in three book slipcases in his room. He began to notice that his obesession with women's hosiery was more complex than he initially realized.He actually enjoyed organizing and comparing the seemingly endless array of nylons. He treated them as cherished treasure found, some associated with very substantial risk in connection with their acquisition. They had a...

2 years ago
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Rough Night

Gerald woke with a start. His mind full of dark dreams. A throbbing erection reminding him of the potent source and he cast a sly glance at his sleeping wife, disregarding the brief impulse to satisfy the urge on her. Tonight, he needed something much harder than she could ever give him. Satisfied she wouldn't wake, he slid from the bed and made his way into the bathroom. Carefully he switched a light on over the mirror, illuminating his flushed face. 'Disgusting', he thought, 'you're a...

1 year ago
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A night at the club

A Night at the ClubIt had been less than three years since I stood at the alter and promised my love; honor, and fidelity to my husband who I love dearly. Now I find myself in a darken area by the side of the country club with my back pressed up against a wall, my legs spread open, my white panties down near my knees with a stranger who was jamming three thick and long fingers up my pussy.I held on to his broad shoulder to keep from falling as with each hard jab his fingers dug deeper. My legs...

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Supporting Mum

The pandemic lock-down has been going for a few weeks now. We adapt, butsome find it more difficult than others. My 68 year old Mum lives alone, but insheltered housing, so there are lots of people she can chat to, living in thesame complex. That being said, I still talk to her once a day, just to make sureshe’s ok. Although she only lives 20 minutes drive away from me, we bothagreed, reluctantly, that we should observe the current no-contact ruling.Mum’s had a few minor health issues as she’s...

1 year ago
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The Ranchers Daughter

Introduction: Please leave comments. Thats her there. Jake said to his best friend Jeremy as they watched a sixteen year old with long hair so blonde that it was almost white come out of the door of a small ranch house set back from the road through a pair of binoculars. Wow. Jeremy said admiring the long slim legs clad in fitted jeans, slim waist and the suggestion of nice sized breasts under the white tee shirt and denim jacket. Look at that tan. I wonder if it is all over. Just wait. We...

3 years ago
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The Coupling

About six weeks after our unusual family event this one fateful summer day, I woke up to get ready to go to my classes at the local college.  Normally, my mother is up and going, but today was different.  She was nowhere to be found.  I always give my mother a hug and a kiss before I leave the house, so I called out to her.I yelled out, “Mom?  Are you awake?”I heard a very muffled response from upstairs.  After I walked up the stairs and toward my parent’s bedroom, I called out again.“Mom?”A...

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My Teacher And Myself 8211 Part 1

Hi. This is Jessi. I’m 21 now. Its been 5 months since I changed into fully girl. Actually I was born as a boy named James. I had gender identity disorder. I feel like girls always. I watch porn with my frnds they say,”how it will be to fuck a pussy” but I will think ,”how it will be to get fucked by a cock in a pussy” I don’t like boys dress much. So I started to wear my mom’s bra secretly from my teen age itself. I feel very happy. I don’t like to have a single hair on my body. I kept it...

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CastawayChapter 36

The first hint we had—and it was no more than that, the barest of hints—that something might be amiss in our little self-created paradise came Thursday evening. Camilla and I were dressing for dinner. Again! I'd been realizing that, back in her accustomed metropolitan setting, she was far from the homebody she'd been during her week at my cabin. She wasn't exactly a social butterfly, flitting from party to party with reckless abandon, but she liked them. And she liked going out, seeing...

2 years ago
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A Cop Named Thelma

A COP CALLED THELMA By Betty Noone Cal Buckner, 56 years of age, 5'11" and weighing in at slightly over 200 pounds is a cop. He has been on the force 30 years, starting out as a beat cop and now he is a detective (3d Grade) in the homicide division. He could have pulled the plug and retired after 25 years on the job, but he liked being a cop. Also, the longer he could stay on the force, the better his retirement benefits would be. As a cop he had to develop an armor to protect...

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Fucked My Lovely Married Neighbour So Hard

Hello All ISS readers, I am sandeep from Indore. I am a regular reader if the ISS & this is the by far the best sex story site I have ever been. So lets start now I am 25yr old 5ft 11″ tall with a nice physic(gym build) & I am a punjabi boy. My partner my lovely neighbour Rekha 38yr old a fair bhabhi with a figure of 36 28 40 so sexy. means at this age she can compete any girl & win the competition in looks. Now the story begins I use to gaze her daily from my balcony at 12 noon fix because...

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A Mercenarys TaleChapter 16

The men were formed up and they marched towards Balham’s Holm. They kept good formation, and made an impressive sight as they entered through the main gate. The townsfolk were nervous and anxious, that much was obvious from their faces. They were met by a delegation of local worthies. One of the men, an older man with straggly greying hair stepped forward. Donald called the column to a halt. “My name is Demitris. I welcome you to Balham’s Holm.” “I am Sir Donald. This is my wife, Lady...

1 year ago
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Nailed Part 2

Continuation of 'Nailed' written some time ago. This story makes more sense if you read that one first. Nailed - 2 I slept the sleep of the just that night. I can't remember when I'd last been in such a deep slumber. My consciousness began to return and the events of last evening and night came back to me. For a moment I wondered if it was a dream. Though if it was, it was a pretty darn good one and I was not anxious for it to end so I kept my eyes shut. But as I rolled my head...

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Mr Hightower and Cydney go all the way

"Thank you baby," Cydney said as she used more paper towels. "How did you let out that much cum? I'm not complaining but that was amazing to see." I had no real answer for her because I didn't know how it had happened either. "Your blowjob was so good, how could I not?" I helped Cydney stand up and put her dress back on. After Cydney went to the mirror to make sure she looked presentable again, I pulled her towards me, and we kissed. "Oh Jason, we should head out, I bet there's a line to get in...

Straight Sex
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A Bus Ride Sex With the Stranger

I am very new in writing story so I hope reader would omit my english mistake, although I encourage them to mail them so that I would avoid them if in future I write any of my incident. I am Rahul from one of the city in Uttarakhand. I am writing my own sexperience with you all. It was a fortnight ago I had to catch a train in late night to go and attend my friend’s birthday party in Madhya Pradesh. So, I took normal Uttarakhand bus in the evening as I was planning to stay over at the station...

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Reawakening The Beast

It had been two years since I started my lifestyle change. Purely for health reasons, I was perfectly happy being a fat girl. Hell, if I would have been able to control my illnesses and remain fat, I would have. No doubt about it. I had lost almost a hundred pounds using exercise and a modified diet. On the outside, I looked better than ever, according to everyone around me. On the inside, I was suddenly lost and unhappy. I attribute the fact that I was never bullied and I've always been very...

1 year ago
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The Blushing Bride

As we walked into the club my mate Kev pointed out a group of old workmates. He introduced me to them one by one, and they were nice people. But then he introduces me to Christina. There was no doubt there was an instant spark between us and as the night went on it was clear we fancied the pants off each other. I gave Kev a lift home, and Christina's was my next stop. "Stop at the top of the road" she asked. She explained how she would love to fuck me but she was engaged, and her fiance was in...

Erotic Fiction
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The King 3

King " It's been fun Doc, thanks for everything " ( The king dies ). Doc Holiday " Goodbye Mr Sims ". The 24th century, Federation space. Wishing Steve and his family the best of luck and getting into his ship Kevin leaves star base 12 to start his new life in the 20th century. He's about to use the same technique Captain James T Kirk used when he and his crew traveled back in time when he's contacted by another ship. Understandibly Kevin is surprised when the pilot of the other ship...

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Wagons HoChapter 22

We made good time today and we got in eighteen miles. We had just finished supper and were leaning back letting it digest when Sam Arnold and his son came around. He introduced himself then got right to the point. "I came here to talk to you about Abby Wilson," he said. Abby wiggled her way in between me and Lettie. "She's Abby Tackett now," I said. "We've adopted her." "Well, whatever you're calling her, she needs to be punished. She attacked my boy for no reason. First, she...

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Fucked My Hot Sexy Girl Friend For The First Time

Ok, it all started off when she invited me over to her house. So when I got to her house, she opens the door for me and I see her.. Wearing a tight dress with red lipstick and high heels. Damn she was looking fine. I look at her she and hugs me so tightly that her huge tits are pressing really hard against my chest. We stare into each other’s eyes for a while and slowly I planted my lips on her soft lips and start to kiss her… We get in a lip lock and we’ve been french kissing and tasting each...

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Milflife Crisis

Peggy smiled to herself as she wiped her brow. She picked up the box of cleaning supplies, having just finished cleaning. Her youngest son had just moved off to college, and she wanted to finaly clean his room. She put everything away and went to her large bathroom. Closed the door and stripped off. Just as she was about to take a shower, she stopped. She looked her naked body over in the mirror, running her hands over her smooth skin. Even being nearly 50, she looked amazing. Her hands roamed...

1 year ago
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Samantha Surrenders Part 1

Proud independent Samanatha falls for a powerful handsome man. It was like any other day, Samantha has just finished the new studio, it was twice the size of the previous studio allowing for up to eight “stages” each stage was a full environment, not just a backdrop, she had gotten the idea from seeing a video on stages for tv shows. This evening she had several stages setup for a sexy photo shoot. Samantha was just finishing up the last few touches when she heard a voice behind...

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Beautiful Banking Bitch Banged In Office

Hey Guys. I hope you are doing great. Stay safe, take very good care of yourself, and, most importantly, stay happy. Current times that we live in need mental peace and happiness. So chill, relax, enjoy and do things that make you happy, like reading . This is Vinay here from Chennai. My business account is with one of the leading banks. I operate my account from a branch that is close to my residence. There are no reasons to complain from the bank as they deliver top-notch service. Being one...

2 years ago
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Back Home Again

Authors Note: Hi, welcome to 'Back Home Again'. This has been great fun to write, as always there will be lots more to come. Thanks for Reading. Enjoy. Dansak. (Caitlin) My older sister Laura is taking me in. Laura would say ‘I’m not taking you in, you’re coming back to the family home and for as longs as needs be’. I closed the door to my old apartment for the final time, put the keys behind the plant pot as requested and left. It’s going to take a while to get used to calling Laura’s place...

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brother pt 1

Randy was happily surprised to discover that his little brother is a big slut! I honestly didn’t ever plan to fuck my little brother. And I really don’t give a damn if you believe me or not, but it was Billy that came on to me. Now, I will admit that I was horny as a three-peckered goat, that first night. And seeing as how I was a lot older and a lot bigger than him, I suppose I could have made him stop. But like I’d said, I was about to bust a nut even before I went into the bedroom Billy...

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