Radio DaysPart 3
- 2 years ago
- 31
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My name is Ozzie Hanswatter and I am a forty one-year-old divorced male and the county assessor in my town of Little River, Idaho. As the last surviving Hanswatter,
I had been summoned to a lawyer's office to hear the reading of my late Uncle Darby's will. Much to my surprise, he was very wealthy, but even more surprising was that he left it all to charity, gifting me only a small, blue radio. At least it seemed like a radio. However, when I turned it on, I discovered that it was something much more mystifying.
My uncle had written me a letter suggesting that the "radio" was part of a puzzle that he was confident I could solve. As I began to examine the little unit, I was surprised that the broadcasts coming from it were very unusual. They appeared to be about fictional situations and imaginary characters.
By the time I had returned home, I was determined to solve the puzzle my uncle had presented me and spent almost all night writing down what I heard from the various stations that I dialed in. It became evident that each station represented a different point in time; some as near as a few days while others were years in the future.
I was obsessed with finding out all I could about the device and dedicated myself to unraveling this mystery over the weekend. Additionally, I had to revise my opinion. The reports I was hearing were about real people. The question was, were they real situations?
In the meantime I interviewed a candidate for an opening in the county clerk's office. Her name was Leticia Darling and she was a strikingly beautiful woman as well as a highly qualified candidate. I'm the first to admit I was smitten by her and hoped that she would be the one chosen for the position. I would love to get the opportunity to know her better.
Part 2: The Puzzle and the Lady
I had a hard time concentrating on clearing my desk that Friday afternoon. Ms. Darling had caught my attention and currently was filling my thoughts. She was so appealing that I started plotting my strategy to approach her even though she hadn't yet been hired. I was that confident of her success.
When I arrived home from the office, I immediately began work on my weekend project: unraveling the mystery of the little blue "radio." I had made copious notes Wednesday night and Thursday. I intended to authenticate what I was hearing with two tests. One was to compare the Sunday baseball scores announced on the "radio" on Thursday to the actual results on the sports TV channel Sunday evening. It was the simplest test I could conceive and would be a starting point for my investigation.
My other test would be to take a number of the names I had been hearing on the various newscasts and Google them to see if I could confirm their existence. I began with the two baseball players mentioned on the very first broadcast, Tom Lumpkin and Mort Sidle. Sidle has been described as a "perennial all-star" and I suspected he might have been noticed much earlier.
My hunch was right. The Mort Sidle of 2007 was the Double A batting champion for the Fargo Flatlanders. At twenty-two, he was a can't-miss phenom drafted out of Dry Gulch State and was the property of the Kansas City Royals. So that checked out.
I typed in Tom Lumpkin and got very little right away. It took several pages of hunting in the minor leagues, but I finally found a Tom Lumpkin, toiling away with the Bay City Rollers in the Single A Midwest League. He was a young fireballer, or so the little blurb on him indicated. He had been signed right out of high school in Arkansas and was only twenty years old.
I was satisfied that the reports I had heard were about "real people" and not some fictional characters. It paralleled my information on Elijah Mellor. I was just getting their bios a bit before their fame.
I began to type in more names of individuals that I had never heard of who were featured on various news reports. I confined my search to events that I suspected were within ten to fifteen years in the future. All in all, I entered fourteen names and had nine "hits." I couldn't be sure that all the names I matched were indeed the same person, but if there was a commonality of occupation or interest, I suspected I was looking at their future.
I was now semi-confident that the information I was hearing was authentic, but was sometime in the future. While this was encouraging, it still didn't solve the puzzle. What was the purpose of this information and how could I use it to create wealth?
I had already discarded gambling on the outcome of sports or other events. It was too slow, too heavily regulated and I would soon become well enough known that I couldn't take advantage of my knowledge. One big hit on Powerball might get me started, but what then?
I thought about the stock market. It would be a much slower process, but I could invest large sums without attracting a great deal of attention. Perhaps that was the method I could use. I was well familiar with compounding profit and I knew that once I got the ball rolling, I could accumulate a great deal of money in a relatively short period of time. Relatively short being five years or so.
I sat back and thought about Uncle Darby again. He was a complete mystery to me. He was kind, thoughtful, good-natured and generous. When my father died, he made sure my mother and I spent a nice vacation every year in Paramount, his home.
Each summer, from the time I was ten until I left for college, I would join my mother and we would drive to Uncle Darby's home and spend a wonderful two weeks swimming in the nearby lake, hiking, fishing in the river, and generally just getting away from our everyday lives. I know it was just as important to Mom as it was to me.
There was never a hint that he was rich or that he possessed this magic "radio." Perhaps it all came to him later in life, but for now ... I was left to wonder.
Mom didn't struggle to put food on the table or pay the mortgage on our house. Dad had a personal insurance policy plus the one that he had from his employer. When he died on the job, both insurance policies were in force and Mom was looked after financially.
On the spur of the moment, I picked up the phone and called Felix Bindle, Uncle Darby's lawyer. I had a question for him. As luck would have it, he was in his office despite the fact that it was almost six on Friday afternoon.
"Mr. Bindle, its Ozzie Hanswatter calling."
"Yes Mr. Hanswatter. What can I do for you?" He didn't sound irritated that I had called him so late in the day.
"I was wondering what happened to Uncle Darby's home? I mean, was it sold or ... what?"
"Well, actually, your uncle didn't own that home. He rented it from a corporation. They maintain the ownership," he said carefully.
"Really! What is the name of the corporation?" I asked.
"I'm not sure your uncle wanted that to be public ... but ... since you are the sole surviving heir, it's called the DMH Foundation." He sounded reluctant to give much information out.
"DMH? Those are his initials. Is it his business?"
"Not exactly. You see, he set this foundation up to distribute ... uhhhh mmm ... funding to worthy causes."
"Who owns the foundation then?" I asked, now confused.
"No one. Or rather ... everyone. It's a public trust ... something like PBS, except it doesn't have fund drives. I suppose I should tell you that your uncle was much wealthier than you realized. Each year he gave hundreds of millions of dollars to worthy causes throughout the world. DMH was the vehicle to distribute that wealth. It is generating so much cash that it takes several staff just to manage the transactions.
"Your uncle was a very generous and socially conscious man. He had created enormous earnings and yet was determined that it all go to worthy causes. The thirty-seven million that he had in his estate was ... petty cash."
I was dumbfounded. I had never heard of such nonsense. My uncle? Rich beyond reason? I was struggling to form my next thought.
"Mr. Hanswatter," Bindle interrupted quietly.
"I think it would be wise if you didn't discuss this with anyone. As you can appreciate, when sums of this dimension are involved, it attracts unwanted attention from nefarious types. I wouldn't want you to be ... pressured ... or perhaps threatened by anyone over money that they could never obtain," he suggested.
I was quiet for a moment. It was a lot to digest.
"I understand. Thank you for being so frank with me, Mr. Bindle. I may want to talk to you again about my uncle, but for now, I think I need to absorb what you have told me," I said slowly.
"Of course. Feel free to call me at any time. Your uncle has maintained a permanent retainer with our firm. I am at your disposal."
"Thank you, sir. I will probably call you again when I've had time to grasp all this."
"Of course. I'll look forward to it. Good day, Mr. Hanswatter."
I stared at the phone as I hung up.
A mystery on top of a puzzle on top of ... who knows what? This was reaching far beyond my comprehension. Enormous wealth in my uncle's hands and yet he lived a modest lifestyle with no hint of the power he held.
There was only one common denominator that kept coming up in my thinking; the radio. Somehow, someway, my uncle had used it to produce all this wealth. That he used it for good deeds to help others was irrelevant. To do that, first he had to create the financial underpinning. How had he done it and how long had it taken?
I felt overwhelmed. I didn't know where to start. Bindle had shared some sensitive information with me and now I wanted to know if he knew how Uncle Darby had made his fortune. His foundation was apparently self-sustaining, in spite of his death. That implied it was swimming in cash. How did it get to that state?
I heard my stomach growl and looking at the clock, I saw that I was an hour past my usual supper time. I stood from the chair and stretched, suddenly fatigued and not really interested in making a meal. I grabbed my car keys and left the house, heading for the nearby roadhouse; Dorsey Doe's Dance Hall. A little bit of Texas in northern Idaho.
A couple of beers and a burger later, I was feeling much better. The live band hadn't yet started but soon there would be the usual full house for a Friday night. I was sitting at the bar and scanning the crowd for familiar faces.
I was resigned to a night of watching the other participants in this "meat market" and trying to decide which one I would have been happiest to pick up. There were several fine looking young ladies on display, but somehow, I wasn't interested. My telephone conversation with Bindle had thrown me right off my game and then ... then there was Ms. Darling.
I was staring into my beer when the young woman who was tending my end of the bar approached.
"You ever been stalked before?" she asked with a grin.
"Huh? Stalked? Uh ... no ... not that I know of," I laughed.
"Well, there's a first time for everything," she said with a smirk. She was looking over my shoulder and I instinctively turned to see who she was referring to.
"Which one?" I asked, unable to focus on any one person.
"The babe in the blue satin blouse. She's been boring holes in your back for ten minutes."
I peered through the dimly lit, smoky haze and finally saw her. It took a couple of seconds before all the lights went on, but when they did, I was knocked silly. Sitting at a small table between two other attractive women was Leticia Darling, my wet dream interviewee from this morning.
I turned back to the bartender and mouthed, "I don't believe it."
"You know her?" she grinned again.
"Yeah ... sort of. I just met her this morning. I interviewed her for a job."
"Well ... looks like she wants that job real bad," she chuckled.
I nodded, wondering what I should do. Would it be improper to talk to her? I didn't think so. I had already filed my recommendation and had no further say in whether she would be hired or not. I blinked a couple of times, slid off the stool and walked unsteadily toward their table.
"Hello again," I said weakly as I approached her table. I spoke directly to Ms. Darling, barely acknowledging the other two.
"Hi ... I thought that was you," she smiled. "These are my friends from college, Julia Timely and Tommie Hashimoto," she added. There was no guessing which was which.
I finally found my tongue and tried again. "I thought you'd be on your way to Coeur d'Alene," I began.
"Not tonight. I found the interviews very stressful and we had already planned to unwind. I'll probably head up there on Sunday."
Her two classmates nodded and I looked at them a little more closely. All three were very attractive young women in their early thirties and would be the subject of many approaches as soon as the dancing started, if not before.
"Well, since you're here, would it be alright if I joined you?" I ventured, almost cringing in fear of rejection.
"Sure!" both Tommie and Julia chimed in together. Leticia was smiling, so I assumed she didn't disagree.
"I'm Ozzie, by the way," I said, holding out my hand to Julia and Tommie. They took it gently and then I turned to Leticia. "May I call you Leticia?" I asked carefully.
"I'd rather you call me Tish. All my friends do," she smiled.
I was done for. If she had me this morning, I was a complete captive tonight. "Tish it is, then," I said, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Do you come here often, Ozzie?" Tommie asked.
"No ... not really. I was a bit tired this afternoon and decided to goof off tonight. I'm working on a bit of a project right now," I explained.
"Oh ... is it work related?" Tish asked, apparently quite interested.
"No ... not at all. I ... uh ... well ... it's a puzzle I'm trying to unravel, related to my uncle's estate," I offered, wondering if I'd said too much.
"Oh ... excuse me ... I shouldn't have pried," Tish apologized.
"No ... no ... don't apologize. You're the first person ... people ... I've even mentioned it to."
"I love puzzles," Tish said enthusiastically. "It's so much fun to solve them. It makes me feel smart."
I was about to say something about her already having demonstrated her intelligence but chose to shut up instead. I was unashamedly gazing at the three attractive women and noticing that both Julia and Tommie both wore wedding rings while Tish did not. My heart added a few more BPM with that discovery.
I also noticed that Tish had included some makeup and jewelry since our meeting this morning and her blouse was much more daringly open, revealing some cleavage. The outfit this morning was all business. Tonight's attire was much more provocative. All in all, she was a knockout babe and I wondered if there was a boyfriend around somewhere.
"Are you still with us, Ozzie?" Tommie laughed.
"Huh? Oh ... sorry ... lost my train of thought," I said weakly.
"I could tell," Julia laughed. "Why don't we get the preliminaries out of the way? Tommie and I are happily married and this is a 'girls night out' for us. Our single visitor here is in town hoping to get that job you interviewed her for this morning. Since we don't see any wedding ring on your finger, we're assuming you're single too?" she said boldly.
"Sheesh ... you don't fool around, do you?" I said, rolling my eyes upward.
"Why bother. It saves a lot of wasted time and then we can get down to the reason for being here — having fun." Julia's sly smile was confidently pasted on her face as she stared me down.
"I won't argue that," I grinned. "The music is about to get going and having a conversation is going to get difficult."
I had no sooner finished my comment than the band began to play. I smiled at Tish and stood. "Would you care to dance?"
"Sure," she said as she stood and walked around the table, taking my outstretched hand.
The first song wasn't too fast and I was able to hold her as we moved to the music. Thank god for those dance lessons I took a couple of years ago. I took them as a way to meet women, but on this occasion it was a life-saver. Tish moved so effortlessly and smoothly with me that it was as though we had been rehearsing this for hours.
"You dance very well," she said as her eyes wandered over my face.
"I'd better. You are very good. I don't want to embarrass myself." That was the god's honest truth. The last thing I wanted to do was appear to be some socially inept klutz.
"Are you nervous, Mr. Hanswatter?" she smiled.
"Yes. I confess I am Ms. Darling."
"Whatever for? You're supposed to be 'goofing off' tonight, aren't you?"
"I ... uh ... find you very attractive and I guess I'm trying not to ... put you off," I admitted.
She laughed. "Relax. I'm the one that's supposed to be nervous."
"Why?" I was puzzled at her comment.
"Simple. I really do want that job and you have a big say in that decision."
"Well, your fate is sealed, I afraid," I laughed. "I've already written and submitted my report. Too late to change it now."
I couldn't for the life of me think of why she would be worried. I had interviewed every candidate but one and she was head-and-shoulders above any of the others. I couldn't imagine her not being chosen.
She looked worried as a frown crossed her face and I felt her stiffen.
"Now it's your turn to relax," I said with as upbeat a tone as I could. "I don't think you have a thing to worry about."
I felt the tension that had gripped her gradually loosen.
"I hope not. I really do want that job. I would love to live here in Little River. Tommie and Julia are dear friends and that would make it so much easier to settle into a new place," she explained.
We danced the entire set then walked back to the table. Both her friends were up dancing with men and chatting with them as the band took a break.
"No boyfriend, Tish?" I asked carefully. Might as well find out now.
"No ... not lately. I've sworn off for a while," she stated cryptically.
"Oh ... bad experience?" Was I getting too personal?
"Something like that." She looked at me carefully for a moment before her eyes shifted out to the floor and her friends. "Looks like Tommie and Julia are doing fine," she noted.
"Yes ... and you?" I probed.
She brought her eyes back to me and smiled. "Yes ... fine, but I'm thirsty. Would you please get me a glass of water," she asked.
"Nothing stronger ... perhaps a wine?" I offered.
"Not right now, thanks." She seemed quite comfortable as I headed for the bar.
I don't think I'd ever danced that much in my life. When we finally decided to call it a night it was after one in the morning and the time seemed to have flown by. I did manage a few dances with Tommie and Julia. I learned that Tommie's proper name was Tomika and that the men they were dancing with were neighbors whose wives were at a conference for the weekend. She assured me there was no "monkey business" going on.
My focus was on Tish and we seemed to have hit it off very well. I gave her my phone number and asked her to call me when she heard about the job. I told her that I would be more than surprised if she weren't chosen. That seemed to pump up her spirits. We spent a lot of time talking about ourselves. I let her do most of the talking.
She and her girl friends had plans for Saturday, so I wouldn't see Tish again until she returned. I was operating on the assumption that she was a "mortal lock" for the job.
I slept well that night and didn't crawl out of bed until ten on Saturday morning. I put the coffee on and then headed for the shower. By the time I was finished, the coffee was ready and my mind was well into beginning my puzzle solving exercise.
I had picked up two important software programs when I took my night school courses; Firebird 2.0.4, a relational data base, and Excel, Microsoft's ubiquitous spread sheet program. I planned to use both of them to document what I was hearing on the radio. I purchased an inexpensive 16GB digital recorder which would allow me to transcribe what I was hearing and accurately load the information into both programs. In addition, I would use the usual search engines to look for background information on individuals and companies that were indentified in the stories.
When I finally took a break, it was two-thirty and I was hungry. I fixed myself a sandwich, opened a beer, and returned to my office. As I leaned back in my chair, my thoughts drifted back to last night and the happy time I had spent with Tish. She was in my thoughts constantly when I wasn't working on the project -- something new for me.
I'm still a bit shy. Despite the fact that I'd dated several women since I had made my lifestyle change four years ago, I was still a bit unsure of myself and how others would react to me. Once I am accepted, I can move forward more confidently, but until then, a piece of the old Ozzie was still there. That Tish had quickly accepted me was all the encouragement I needed.
When I was dancing with Julia, she told me that both she and Tommie thought I would be a "good match" for Tish. I had been a bit surprised when she said it, but I took it as encouragement and thanked her.
I resumed my research and finally called it a day just before six. I was amazed at how much I had accomplished. I know knew that each station on the dial had the same call letters; KTOM. The various dial locations identified what date in relative time the station was operating on. My documentation helped me prepare a schedule for when various programs would be broadcast.
By continuing to listen to one particular "location," I was hearing news, some music, and commercials. At first, I hadn't paid any attention to the commercials, but eventually I realized they were a valuable source of information as well. I started to realize the enormity of the task I had chosen. Even more surprising was how Uncle Darby had managed without the use of computers. He must have done it all longhand. Amazing!
I prepared a light supper for myself and dropped down in front of the TV to get the afternoon baseball scores.
I must had dozed off, the result of another beer, a late night, and several hours of concentrated effort on the project. I awoke about nine and went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. I wasn't in the mood for another night at some saloon. Besides, Tish wouldn't be there.
I had been neglecting my exercise program the past few days, so I grabbed my workout gear, stuffed it into my sport-bag and headed for the gym. It was open late and wouldn't be very crowded on a Saturday night.
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Oral SexIt had been four months since the discovery of the wives' cheating. In the sessions with the men and separately with the women, Julia had made every argument that she could muster for reconciliation. At that point, it was a question of courage and will. Did the men have the will to put their wives' sexual history and their involvement in the sex parties behind them? Did the women have the courage to let everyone know that it was them and not the husbands who had cheated? Julia could not...
Laying in bed naked staring at the ceiling, your eyes shut, fantasizing about everything and every fetish. You bring your hand down to find your completely smooth and bald pussy gushing wet. Your name is tara Smith 21 years old 5'6 145lbs soft yet perky c cup tits your nipples are almost always hard , soft but curvy body with a shapley thick ass. Oh and your a completely crazed horny self proclaimed nymphomaniac willing to do almost anything sexual. Youv had a few boyfriends and a couple...
IncestSarah wondered if she should tell Karen. She bubbled with pleasure, wanting to tell someone how fantastic she felt. She couldn’t tell her sister about being fucked gloriously, day after day, by her son and Keith. She didn’t know what Karen’s reaction would be to that. But she knew that Karen knew she didn’t date, go out with a man. If she told, her sister would suspect where she was getting so much cock, and start to question her, and then it would all come out. Karen, dressed in a white,...
Zachary checked himself in the mirror and straightened the cuff links of his crisp white suit shirt. He thought he was due for a bit of a hair cut, his salt and pepper hair was just beginning to curl to his ears. His custom fitted charcoal grey suit jacket hung perfectly from his broad shoulders, tapering slightly at his trim waist. The black trousers fit him perfectly, accentuating his muscular thighs and backside. His black soulful eyes regarded his reflection in a positive light, not to...
BDSMIf you’ve read “I Have a Hobby”, you know about my initial encounter with Jim, but that is not the whole story and this chapter will help fill in some of the gaps. I knew of Jim from one of my sexy girlfriends whom he had dated in the past. She had told me all about his huge cock and its staying power, how he treated a woman in bed. She had pictures of him an they made me instantly hot for him. And the way Ellen told the stories of their fucking really got me wound up, almost gushing. So Ellen...
Cheating WifesFather had a fight with the village head Shaman, the Shaman had insisted the spirits wanted the village to go to war with the strange tribe across the river. Father had said it would be a waste of life to fight a battle we did not need to fight. He had said that we should approach the tribe with the hopes of trade with them, that perhaps we could both help each other. The Shaman had said it would be a waste as the strange tribe spoke a demon language we could not understand, he had forbade...
i really hoped Sir would give me a little break before He started working my sissy cunt with His fist but alas this was not to be. He returned just a few minutes later wearing an elbow length black rubber or latex glove on his right hand and had a huge bottle of lube in His left hand. "Alright cunt" he said.."Time to destroy that sissy cunt of yours,"i felt Him squirt lube into and around my gaping hole, it was cool and soothed the fire burning there.Soon i felt Him push 3 fingers into...
THE SIBLINGS By Donna Dee My story actually begins when I was 14, so please bear with me while I set the scene. I wasn't tall, I wasn't fat, in fact I was pretty much your average schoolboy, the youngest member of an affluent family, but I wasn't spoiled, at least I never thought so. My father was an eminent surgeon, my Mother was his anaesthetist and they worked at the town hospital on a permanent evening shift, four until midnight, at least five and often six nights per...
Wyoming, Character list: This is an incomplete list of the characters found in these stories. It will be updated as newer characters are added or other events in the story take place. Feel free to save it to your computer for future reference if needed. Thank you to my fans, and readers. Missy Wyoming, Tim's Wife,/ Molly, Wolf companion Peterbilt 385, Beauty (New), Beast (old) 385 Tim Wyoming, Missy's husband Peterbilt 379, Jumper (New), Hopper, (Old passed down to Red, then...
HistoricalWe pulled into Deadwood about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. While Sturgis wasn’t that much farther, Laurie’s hands gripping my waist was making me edgy and I knew I needed to stop and blow off some much built up steam. After we checked into the hotel, Laurie jumped in the shower and I took the opportunity to run over to the local grocery store. I strolled through the store quickly, grabbing a bottle of white zinfandel and a couple of the disposable enemas. I had plans for Laurie, even though she...
ReluctanceHello everyone, this is Shivaji. Here i am going to share one of my real experience. This was happened in 2012, after completion of my B.Tech and before joining in job. I used to stay in vizag along with parents. There was an Aunty named Kumari(name changed) in my street. Her structure was so sexy. Almost 38-28-36. She used to wear jackets in such a way that her boobs forced to come out from jacket. Hr navel always visible from her transparent Saree. Whenever i looked at those big balls my cock...
Introduction: A FICTIONAL accounting of a guy who gets off impregnating girls, gets the chance of a lifetime. Go ahead and call me a sick and perverted bastard. But just remember, not one single living soul was damaged in any way during the writing of this story. ITS FICTION, PEOPLE!!! So, what was I supposed to do? I mean, there I was alone with the girl and all she was wearing was a flimsy pair of shorts and a tank-top that was made of the same material. Shed been sitting on the edge of her...
As you lay on the bed, radiant in your nudity, resplendent on the clean sheets; I am already aroused before I even approach you.In my hand is a bottle. I have removed it from the sink, where it sat in hot water, warming up the oily liquid inside. As I approach, I begin unscrewing the top. You watch me, and your legs part. I can already see liquid glistening on your swelling labia.I bend over and kiss you, sweetly. Then I whisper in your ear, “Turn over, baby”.You do. And as doing so, I...
Sometime in the middle of the night, she was awakened by a noise that seemed to be outside her window in the back yard. it was a thump against the outside of her house. she stood up, putting on her robe, trying to see through the dark. she made her way downstairs, and through the kitchen to look out the back door window nothing hmm, she thought. maybe it was in her dreams. she made her way back through the house to be certain the front for was locked. as she turned to go back upstairs, by the...
Mom was not one to pull punches when she was upset with me. “What were you thinking bringing your girlfriend over here to skinny dip in broad daylight while I am at work? I have four messages from Mrs. Bergman on my phone complaining about your promiscuity.” “But mom...” “No buts. Mrs. Bergman even left a message insinuating that you had an erection and were fondling Kimberly. Mark, you are eighteen years old and should know better. You better not be fucking her in my house.” “But...
Jake stood speechless for a second. He hadn't been sure who Ykir was, but this was surely not what he was expecting. At the same time, he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt it was true. He could feel the kindred soul in this man. But what was he doing here? He asked as much. Ykir raised an eyebrow. "Here? Here is nowhere, Jacob. The Portal you went through is a direct path to a section of the Great Ether." With those words, the whole room blurred and reformed into a comfortable office,...
"It was so nice of you to include my grandparents." Alexander caressed her hair while he drove the big Packard with his left hand. "And I'm so happy that you were OK, even if they are so much older than we are." Alyssia had persuaded him to take the long drive around the lake. She felt they needed to talk, and she always found it easier to be honest in the darkness of a driving car. "Well, first of all they both look incredibly good for their age, and it only felt natural after that...
Film At Eleven By Cal Y. Pygia I'm a shemale. I'm also an exhibitionist. And a news hound. These interests, as I've learned, don't always go together--or maybe they do. Let me explain. Since becoming a woman in every detail but my genitals (which remain, as they always shall, defiantly masculine), I've delighted in "accidentally" exposing myself to men and women alike. It's much easier for a shemale to expose herself than it is for a guy, because society tolerates a great deal more...
By: Greg This is a rewrite of an earlier story of mine. It has been rewritten to have a more realistic storyline. It is a brutal tale of unrelenting violence against innocent victims. I was in a weird place in my life when I first wrote it. I was venting frustrations and decided to put it all into a story. I do not condone any of the actions described here. Remember, this is just a fantasy.This story involves a gang-rape of a mother and daughter in the presence of the husband. If...
Over a year ago, Steve began begging to have his cock locked up. He had purchased a cage and had locked his cock up in it. He handed me the key and told me I controlled his cock from now on. The whole thing seemed crazy to me but I played along. Over the next few days I teased him over and over again. I walked around the house half naked, rubbed up against him and pinched his nipples each time we got close I would dipped my finger in my pussy and put it under his nose so he could just smell me....
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Squire Angela – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My metal armor clinked as I circled Kevin on the training sands at the center of the Chapterhouse of the Knights Deute. The sun was warm, glinting off Kevin's armor. He wore a man's armor, a full breastplate instead of the half-plate I wore that left my midriff bare and revealed a large swath of my cleavage. His torso was covered by a skirt of banded mail. He did not wear his helmet, and his gorgeous...
We'd fallen into a kind of phone routine, Lee and I. I'd call in the morning, usually about 10:00, and then an evening call somewhere around 8:00 to say good night. So when I called her at 1:00 in the afternoon she wasn't expecting me, and I'd told Spook to use "unknown" as the caller ID. "Hello," she said. Lee could never leave a call unanswered if she was able to take it. "Don't say anything!" I told her urgently. "The Feds can hear you but not me, to them it's a dead line....
But she’d been right in her recommendation for many reasons. Traveling with the caravan allowed them to see the might of the Coalition gods. A massive gaseous wall of blue bordered the entirety of the caravan, a blessing from a traveler god of the Coalition. The barrier protected the caravan as it traveled. Kobolds stalked the caravan and launched attacks against it, but the blessing of Turin halted them and when the kobolds pushed further into the shimmering wall of blue, their bodies...
The couple worked on their cover story. In the last couple of years, they hadn’t done a lot of undercover work that lasted more than a week or two. They both reasoned that this probably wouldn’t be any different. They needed to get in find out who was doing what and get out again. Their job wasn’t to rescue the slaves that would be up to UNSEC and the Islamic Federation to sort out. They both worked on altering their features, so they looked more Persian. They studied the common facial and...
Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...
“Martina, I ought to apologize, I think. I don’t know what came over me last night.” “Well, Ysolda, if I were to make a guess I’d say Lydia, then me, then Lydia again, and finally me.” “You’re ... you’re not upset?” “Love, that was just pure fun. Now, how about we get some breakfast, and talk about your new responsibilities.” “I am hungry enough to eat a horker. Wait, what new responsibilities?” “As my personal merchant and trader, of course. Come on, let’s go see what the Bannered Mare...
Your city is corrupted. The police become weak. The politicians grow stupid. Criminals in plain sight. And everything is normal, Why? Because the people gave up. Old Eden, NY can't be saved. Not with a good push. Your Push. you have power, you see; The power to absorb solar rays: day or Night ( I'm sorry my grammar and is horrible). You have the power, now use it.
I don’t know why he even crossed my mind. It had been over three months since we had called it quits yet when she woke this morning that jerk was in my head. What the heck she thought to herself. All of a sudden, I looked at the clock and realized that I had a half hour before she had to be at work and I was not even washed and dressed. ‘Oh shit,’ I said and raced into the bathroom. I quickly showered and raced back into my bedroom. Quickly throwing on some clothes, I raced for the door. ...
Hi guys, new to this site, so please bare with me. I am a 30 year old guy from Scotland and want to tell u all about probably my sexiest ever experience which occurred last summer. Having slept with just six girls before I got together with my wife seven years ago, I realise I am not the most experienced guy out there! I am however far more experienced than my wife who had only ever been with one guy, her previous boyfriend of five years, before we met. This at first was something I liked as I...
Wife LoversHi I am ajay sharma I am sending this story for my fans if some one like pls message me or mail me reena pussy tastes like heaven. My mouth has been pressed into her cunt for what seems like hours now. She’s wearing a sheer black bra. Her pink nipples are hard, and she’s been pulling at them to stimulate herself more. She wasn’t wearing any panties, and she hiked up her skirt so I could spread her legs, and comfortably wedges my head into the space between. It’s dark and I’m surrounded by her...
The other night Mrs O and I were lying in bed chatting about her love of showing herself off. She told me that it had started while she was at university, it was a standing joke among her circle of friends that everyone had seen up her skirt or down her top they even referred to her as "the best show in town". She then told me a story that blew my mind and had me rock hard.It all began when she was a student, there was a particular lad who she described as a geeky photographer type, forever...
Let me brief about myself, I am 174cm in height with attractive physic and look and I belong to South India. I am a person interested upon everything in life and porn sites have taught me a lot about sex. To know the psychological mindset of married ladies, I used to stare at them to know their responses. I’ve got positive responses from many strange ladies but never reacted to their calls. This incident happened 3years ago when I was 27yrs old. Jaya is my relative 35years old. To tell about...
Miss Blossom’s Ordeal ?Well, well, what have we here?? Linda Blossom knew that voice. It was the voice of Mark Conrad, the insuperable little creep from Information Management who had asked her out on a date last week. If offering to buy her dinner and ?fuck her into next Wednesday? could be considered a request for a date. When she’d seen him last week, his face had inspired only disgust and contempt in her, along with a sharp twinge of unacknowledged fear at the...
We spent the rest of the day sightseeing. She took me around all her favorite places. And actually we had fun. She treated me as an equal, not as an underling. It ended too soon when we had to return to the hotel to dress for dinner and the show. After shaving and showering, my valet had arranged for a hair stylist to "fix" my hair after my shower. The stylist worked about an hour on my hair. It's funny but it only took me a couple of minutes when I combed and dried it. When the stylist...
High School Days She wasn't always my wife. I met Catherine, Kit for short, when I was a senior in High School. I had transferred into school at Milway High School after my folks had moved to there when my Dad was transferred. I remember Mom and Dad being excited about his promotion and the transfer and how great things were going to be. Frankly I didn't want to go. I had a cool job and an even cooler girl friend... one who loved to screw... why would I want to move? But I had little say-so...
My Ford Mustang GT was parked under a tree on south bound riverside drive, along riverside park, between Henry Hudson Parkway and Columbia University Campus of Manhattan, in New York City. My eyes were half closed. I was listening to Rabindra Sangit(Tagore’s Song) and relaxing after my regular jogging ritual in the park. The right door of my car was open and the widows were down. The volume of my CD player was a bit louder than usual suddenly, someone got in to my car and closed the door. I was...
I walked into the house after a long day of work to find my wife Jackie waiting for me on the couch. She was a little more dressed up than usual, and her brunette hair was perfectly styled. Her outfit wasn’t going out to dinner level, but certainly more than lounging around the house attire. She looked delicious.“Hey, baby. You look great. What’s up?” I asked.She stood up and said, “Get in the shower. You have a doctor’s appointment.”“What?” I asked, punctuating it with an incredulous chuckle....