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- 3 years ago
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Oh damn, I have homework too. Do I have to do lesson plans?
The dean emailed me to say I had to scale back to only three foreign languages in the freshman AP class because their parents were all up in arms about it. I had even more complaints about Sanskrit for many crazy reasons.
Three languages are probably enough, anyway.
After working up the next two weeks of teaching the two language classes, I shot the Freshman class’s parents an email. I explained that the students were required to do the other three languages, but Sanskrit was no longer part of the course. I would use part of the Friday language lab teaching Sanskrit to any kids curious about it.
That was how it went as we got to Halloween.
The AP Honor’s class could now read, speak, and write in Egyptian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Greek at about a ten-year-old level. The freshman class was already up to an eight-year-old level.
“I am going to piss off most of the parents of my freshman language class, just so you know it is coming,” I told the dean. “Those kids have busted their butts learning to speak Gaelic, Basque, and Dutch. After the test they took today, they are at least on par with an average eight-year-old who lives in the three countries. Most choose to speak those three languages outside of class. I’ve heard words I know I haven’t taught them yet, so they are learning them outside class. I do correct any pronunciation or grammar if I hear it.”
He laughed and told me, “You already pissed them off because they can’t eavesdrop on their kids anymore. Some have taught their siblings a few simple things to talk about, so their parents don’t know what they are saying. What are you going to do now?”
“Well, since I am licensed to take any kid into protective custody, for any reason, I’m kidnapping their kids the Friday afternoon after school lets out for Thanksgiving break. I’m taking them to Barcelona, Ireland, and Belgium,” I told him. “Parents can come along to chaperone if they want, but I will have plenty who are fluent in all three languages and trained as bodyguards. None of them look over eighteen, and some won’t be. There is no cost to any of my students or their families. I’m willing to take siblings if the parents are willing to work to get them to language classes every weeknight for two hours between November first and that Friday we are leaving.”
“Can I come, in an official capacity, of course? I’m a bit rusty, but I’ve understood most of what the kids in your freshman class are saying,” the assistant dean asked.
“Sure. Do you need a new passport, or is yours current?” I asked.
She needed a new one.
My email didn’t cause the stir I expected. I had parents calling me in a panic, asking where to take the student’s siblings for the language classes, and freaking out about all the stuff they thought they needed to happen. I had to call the parents to a meeting on the weekend to get things straight for them.
“Before you all start asking tons of questions, let me lay it all out first, ok?” I asked.
When they quieted down, I told them, “I own five-star, all-inclusive resorts at each destination. There is no cost to any of you for room and board. Those coming along will be helping me test out how well the resorts operate. I’m a licensed commercial pilot with planes big enough to take us all to our destinations in full first-class comfort. I will have pilots flying us there, but I can do it if there is any need or emergency. We will need cold-weather clothes on the trip. To be fair to all the students in the school, everyone will be getting at least one set of what the kids on the trip will need. Those going on this trip will get more. I know some of your children take meds for a range of reasons. I’ve gotten all the details on their medications and will have them available on the trip for my students and any siblings coming with us. Two pediatricians will be part of the group of chaperones should anything come up. We will leave after school on the Friday before Thanksgiving break and return the Sunday before school starts back. The pediatricians will give them sedatives on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights to reset their schedule and reduce jet lag. The only costs are for any souvenirs they get that doesn’t come from the resorts. I do need a list of those who are joining the trip. Even with the right connections and expedited, the passports will take a bit of time.”
“Just so I’m on the same page,” a man said. “You will take my children, at least those who take the language classes, on a business trip to check out properties in these countries. Everything is free except trinkets that they get outside of the place they stay.”
“Yes,” I replied.
He then asked, “I can’t be the only one to ask. Why?”
“Because I told you children if they could speak, read, and write all three languages as good as a ten-year-old who has these as their primary language, I would take them there to see how they did. I keep my word. I wasn’t kidding about kidnapping them, in a matter of speaking. I can take your children into my custody for no reason at all, and unless I give them back, or they leave the foster care complex on their own, you have to come to court to get them,” I told him. “I don’t know any of you or how you raise your children at home. I know that on the first full day of school, I had them singing Row-Row-Row Your Boat in all three languages. It was a rough start, but I had to make them stop so they weren’t late for their next class. Each student comes in ready to learn how to do something they already knew but now in three different languages. Kids don’t start conjugating verbs or getting specific on grammar when they are young. They learn to speak, read, and write. I expect them to be past the ten-year-old level in a few weeks. Your younger children will come up to speed quickly.”
“You are telling me you can get my nine-year-old to speak all three languages at least as good as a younger child in that country?” a woman asked.
I laughed and said, in Irish, “Have you already gotten so used to hearing all three languages that you don’t even notice them switching between?”
“How about anyone else with other children,” I asked the rest in Dutch.
“My kids are too stubborn,” she replied in Irish.
“Anyone else?” I asked in Basque.
A man replied, in Basque, “Mine won’t shut up.”
That got them all speaking to each other about their children singing and talking in the three languages.
“Everyone,” I said in English.
They quieted down, and I said, “The joke is on you, it seems. You didn’t even notice me changing between three languages or you speaking amongst yourselves using them.”
One of the mothers let off a string of curses in Dutch, making the others laugh.
“I know I didn’t teach any of them those words. That is on you,” I teased.
“Look, David, if my wife didn’t have brains, we would live in a trailer somewhere. It is no secret that I had an accident that scrambled my brain right after our last child. Since then, I’ve been working to stay ahead of my younger two as I relearn everything. Now you tell me that I know three different languages as good as six to eight-year-old in those countries?” he asked.
“Yes. Reading and writing it takes more work,” I explained. “How I am teaching your children and how they taught you and their siblings are how I learned so many languages. It was easier for me because I somehow have a natural ability to learn languages quickly. Most eight-year-olds in those countries can barely write legibly, can’t spell worth a damn, and their reading isn’t much better. You did the nursery rhymes right along with them. When they were talking, you wanted to understand what they were saying. You know your children, and how they spoke in English, so you started picking up the words from the nursery rhymes. From there, you figured out the grammar. In your case, it proves that the technique works for those with traumatic brain injuries as designed.”
A guy at the back said, “I took four years of French in high school and four more in college. In French, the best I can do is call people nasty things, maybe get a glass of wine, say hello, and goodbye. As you said, we are doing it without even knowing it. Given their recent behavior, I would tell you to kidnap them now and keep them, but I would miss them terribly. You’ve proven your point to me.”
“If you want, I can have some people teach you while I teach your children. You will have to make the time,” I told them.
Some would be able to come on the trip. We decided to put the age cutoff at ten for children who couldn’t have one parent come on the trip. It was up to them if they felt comfortable bringing children under eight.
“One last thing. I have a friend who pairs kids she has taken in with kids their age as companions. There are those in the world where it is too dangerous for their children to have friends or go to town to attend a school or have kids over for playdates,” I told them. “While not quite the same, think of a president with school-aged children. They can’t just bring kids home after school to do homework and go to someone’s house to hang out. The companions with my freshman students are trained as bodyguards, have worked for families in all three areas we are visiting and are fluent in all three languages. They will be on vacation with us, so they can have time being kids too. There will be ones around your other children’s ages as well.”
“I guess we have no choice with our children in your class going, so I might as well have my others out of the house too,” a man joked in Basque.
Ellen, April, Crimilda, Dee, Tee, Vicky, Chris, Ronny, Bambi, Bart, and half of Molly’s younger siblings were all in the language classes. Of course, April already spoke all of them at a four-and-a-half-year-old level, which was not bad for a three-year-old.
Molly’s parents were coming along as a bit of a vacation. They were getting their language lesson Molly style.
I called Yuki when I got home and asked her, “So, how many of your kids can I kidnap to take on vacation? Your kids enjoyed being off the clock at the amusement park, so I wanted to do something nice for others. Can you believe I let Ellen and Crimilda’s school talk me into being a substitute teacher? I have a freshman honor’s language class I promised to take to Barcelona, Ireland, and Belgium to see if they learned to speak as well as a local ten-year-old. They are bringing along some parents and siblings. They get to be kids in exchange for knowing what to do on the trip for the kids if something happens. I don’t expect any trouble, and I’m sure the government will know I’m there.”
“You are still the best man I know in the world, David. It isn’t like either of us has to worry about the money involved,” she said happily.
We worked out the details. The man-in-the-machine got “magic” passports for all her kids so they could move freely between countries with us without being tracked. Yuki knew those were worth more than I would pay to have the kids be companions for all those going on the trip. She just accepted that I had a source that none of the elite families have ever been able to buy for any amount of money.
My mom decided that she and dad were coming along with my siblings. Both agreed to try the method used to help traumatic brain patients.
I didn’t pull them into the time bubble or make them forget they were ever there. It only did what would be three months of full immersion in those languages over two weeks.
The closer we got to the Thanksgiving break, the more the excitement grew for everyone in the school.
Most of the girls in the AP Honors Class had the Freddy versions of One, Two, Buckle My Shoe down to sound close enough to the girls in the movie that they posted it to YouTube with them doing it in Japanese, English, and Portuguese. The Egyptian version didn’t translate well. All the boys had started doing Gregorian Chants in Greek with parodies of children’s songs. It was hard to keep a straight face when it made the girls in the class start giggling so much that the boys couldn’t keep it going. What mattered the most to me was that both language classes had a total blast each day, and they learned a lot.
I didn’t want to kill their excitement, but everyone going on the trip had to get vaccinated for every possible thing they could need on Thursday. They were groggy when they got to school and sleepwalked through the school day. I had already let the administrators and all the teachers know. In my high school gym class, girls going on the trip only wore sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a zip-up sweatshirt. They were so out of it that they would have gone up naked and not had a clue. A few boys did make it up in only a jockstrap, not that any of them needed it, before being sent back down to get on shorts and a t-shirt. None of them could remember someone helping them shower or dress back into their school uniform. Their parents had done the immunizations right after they decided they would come on the trip.
The kids were slightly more alert when we headed to the airport, but not much more.
“Welcome to David Air,” the pilot said from the cockpit. “This is a no-smoking flight. If we see smoke coming off you, we assume you are on fire and respond accordingly. Please listen to the flight attendants as they go over the emergency procedures required by the FAA. If David hasn’t already strapped you in, the flight attendants will ensure you get buckled in safely. Since David doesn’t like slow, lumbering jumbo-jets, our flight time will have us arriving in Donegal at six thirty-nine. You will arrive at the resort by seven-thirty AM, where breakfast will be waiting. Enjoy your flight.”
We were soon in the air. After two hours in the air, the flight attendants began serving a light meal to the kids. The adults got a nice steak, shrimp, and chicken dinner with wine if they wanted. During the movie, they all fell asleep. None of them were awake to get dessert. April was running up and down the aisle, much to the flight attendants’ dismay.
“No running that rabbit’s batteries down. April will climb up in a seat somewhere and sleep at some point. Any sedatives you give her will wire her up that much more. I’ll keep an eye on her. If we need anything, I will get it for us. Why don’t you get some sleep? The pediatricians said the kids would be out all night long. My friend Yuki is meeting us at the airport to help get everyone into bed at the resort. You have about two hours before we land.”
I went in to sit with the pilots. Both flew on carriers under the retired Admiral before deciding they were too old to be fighter pilots and got out to fly private jets.
“You do know you are an asshole, David, right?” the pilot asked.
“Why?” I asked back.
He shook his head and said, “Not only didn’t anyone tell us that we were going to be flying over Mach 3, but this aircraft is also capable of hypersonic flight up to around Mach 7. We can’t go any faster than we are now because too many people are watching.”
“Then I guess it will piss you off knowing that we could have stopped off at the ISS, let everyone use the space toilet, do a half-hour spacewalk, and still land an hour before our expected arrival time,” I told him. “There are too many logistical problems, and this trip is too high profile. Plus, the ISS doesn’t have enough room for more than me, the kids in my class, and the two of you. Then there is the fact that I don’t have any pizza.”
The co-pilot exclaimed, “Fuck! That wasn’t just some joke? Someone brings them hot, fresh pizza when they make a visit that didn’t happen?”
“If it didn’t happen, then no pizza arrived, right?” I joked.
We went “dark” ten minutes after leaving U.S. airspace and landed at a private airport outside Cork County just after one AM. Yuki had people waiting to get everyone off the plane.
As we rode the bus, Yuki explained, “Donegal turned out to not be the best choice of location. The kids said something odd was going on. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. You have a large estate outside Cork County on the coast. Irish is the primary language where we are going, and many students attend primary and secondary schools where they teach only in Irish. It is a much better fit for a school group. The staff is already aware you are on the way. My kids are waiting to help get everyone awake enough to use the bathroom before getting them changed and into bed. If you let any of them, my kids want to express their appreciation for what you do for them.”
She didn’t expect to have April appear out of nowhere to climb into Yuki’s lap to hug her before going to sleep in her arms.
“Well, not the best introduction. That is my daughter April. Watch what you say when she can hear you because she is psychic enough to say something to you that no one else knows. She has gone up to a girl or woman to tell them they have Day-id’s baby in their tummy more than once. Some didn’t even know they were pregnant yet,” I warned.
Yuki smiled and said, “About that.”
“Sssh,” April whispered. “Babies sleeping.”
“Uh,” Yuki said. “Yeah. I see what you mean about April. I only found out I’m carrying twins because I saw the ultrasound before my doctor would let me fly. They’ve been very active all day long. They settled down as soon as she put her head on my stomach.”
Once we put April to bed and sated Yuki’s pregnancy itch, we went down to get something to eat.
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I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly;...
It all started when I got my results at the end of the first term. I had failed all my business studies exams, my teacher, Zainab, was not happy. I was doing so badly that I had to have a meeting with the principle and Zainab. At the end of the meeting, I had to two choices, either drop business studies or attend after school classes with Zainab every day. I was only taking one other subject, so I decided to take the after school classes. Zainab was the best-looking teacher in the school and...
FetishThe Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Author's Foreword: This is a unauthorized "part two" to Tiffani Andrews' excellent The Lesson Plan Part One: Endless Summer (http://fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID =1431653814505060881). The characters, the setting and the setup were so wonderful, I felt inspired to continue in my own way. Thanks to Tiffani for setting the scene so well. I hope you don't mind. Wednesday: Shakespeare for beginners Chapter...
It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...
It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...
BDSMThe Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Friday: After-school Activities Chapter 22 I have a spring in my step and a bounce in my stride as I go into school the next morning. The soft curls of my long hair jump and twist around my face in rhythm with the wiggle of my hips and the increasingly familiar jiggles of my body. Today's dress swishes around my ankles, with a loose flare at the skirt and a tight-fitting top, long sleeves and a keyhole back fastening. It's light blue...
My name is Mike, I’m seventeen and if you’ve read what’s happened to me before you’ll know I tried to give up taking piano lessons a year ago but my parents made me continue. Worse still, Miss Edwards got their permission to punish me if I’d failed to practice properly. Mum and Dad were away and my piano lesson was at 6.30 p.m. If it wasn’t for my Mum reminding me to go I would have regularly been late but today it was down to me. I was enjoying my time alone in the house when I realised with...
SpankingOur senior school was a bit behind on the premise of sexual education lessons. In the three years I had been there we had only ever had one lesson, which never really explained much. Of course most of us at our age knew plenty, thanks to porn and cheap alcohol. Some students however were a little behind on the knowledge, my friend Rose was one of them. She had done as much research as she could and even tried a few things, but she had confided in me she had only ever had sex once, and it never...
First TimeWhen we arrive to your hotel, I gather my skirts teasingly on my exit. You don’t bother to muffle your tortured groan as my back arches upon standing. I stretch after the half-hour ride, arms to the sky. The wait is drawing on my patience, and admittedly I’m looking forward to a nice drink and romp by the night’s end. A murmured ‘thanks’ and metallic door slam mark the end of our taxi excursion.“Baby,” you call conspiratorially from behind. I face you with a heady look, biting my lip. It stops...
Introduction: She always teased me…she needed a lesson! My poor Girlfriend&hellip,. Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt...
Appreciation training It was a typical Monday night. I was watching the news before heading to bed, my wife Jan was reading in the chair aside mine. The news ended and I turned off the TV and Jan put down her book and we headed for the bedroom. Once there, we tossed off our cloths and turned to each other, embracing and kissing. I sensed that my wife was in a playful mood by the passion of her kissing. "Ya know," she began in a low, sultry voice, nuzzling his neck and ear with her lips,...
Chapter One: Nubile Girl's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat The moans of my mother bled through my bedroom wall. I groaned as I lay in bed, hearing their passion. The bed creaked at the sounds my mother made. The passion. Twenty years of marriage and my parents were still going at it. A shiver ran through my virgin body. I shuddered at hearing the sounds. They were so loud. “Yes!” I heard my mother gasp audibly. I shifted on my bed. I suddenly felt my pajamas over...
DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSpecial Lesson (part 1) It was a warm, sunny Saturday afternoon. Ben and his best friend Zack were walking up to the front door of their teacher, Bruce Johnson. The 18 year old boys weren’t quite sure why their 42 year old teacher had asked them to stop by, but they had...
I told her that many a horny driver probably passed her thinking about grabbing her and using her. The odd person must have at least grabbed their cock and masterbated as they passed her. I know I did that first day. She laughed thinking it was funny as she stripped down from her 5 mile run in front of me. She could see I had a hard cock from watching her. Her tight tanned little 120 pound body worked me up so so badly. She walked by me brushing up against my cock and laughed. There was...
She was late. Again. Alex looked down at his standardized testing books sprawled across his desk and sighed. Zoe was smart, and he enjoyed teaching her, but punctuality was not a strong point. He could never really stay upset when she arrived, though, flashing that smile that made him melt. He also couldn’t get enough of her cute, innocent face framed by long strawberry blond hair, and a toned, tight body that he tried to keep himself from staring at during their lessons. She probably noticed...
Straight SexAll that night, all I could think about was Carly. I still couldn't believe that I was finally able to see her young naked body. I could still feel the after taste of her pussy juice in my mouth. Maybe that's what kept her racing through my mind. I knew she loved to be eaten out,but would she come back for more? Girls can be strange at times, never knowing what they're going to do next. I had fantasized for years fucking Carly ever since the time her family and mine, had a pool party/cookout....
"Office hours by appointment only," stated the sign upon the frosted glass of the private office door. Inside, Jin sat in one of the chairs next to the round conferencing table; pages of notes and homework and past tests scattered over its surface. Just a few months ago, he would have squirmed uncomfortably in his seat and been unable to focus on anything his hot professor might have been trying to teach him in such a private lesson. But things had changed, and Jin himself had changed...
Megan was a wreck as she saw her husband off to work, several days after Jamal had taught her about anal sex. She had played with the doctor's little prick the previous two nights and he hadn't been able to get an erection. Megan had gotten used to constantly yearning for a cock in her pussy, but she wasn't used to needing a cock in her ass. She desperately wanted to get butt-fucked again. Finally, last night, Harold had gotten a partial erection. She had told him to put it in her ass and...
This smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gauging how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masturbate after leaving these men all hot, and bothered. She'd think about the bulges she was able to cause in these grown men, as she started...
While driving home, I saw that the weather outside was nice, so I planned to take a jog through my neighborhood when I got home. Plus, I had a new sexy jogging outfit that I was sure was going to turn a lot of heads. I made it home at exactly 1:00 PM. Exactly two and a half hours before my daughter Erica would be arriving home from school. As I stood in front of my full-length mirror, checking out the way my new pink and white outfit hugged my slim/thick 6', 190 lbs, 38-D's, and 48-inch...
***** "What do you mean you got arrested?" my girlfriend, Ashley, demanded into her cell phone. I glanced up as she entered the living room of our apartment, curious as to what had happened. I had a good hunch who she was talking to but for now I just turned the TV down and listened. "What the hell, Amber!" Ashley said, clearly pissed off. "Disorderly conduct? What, did you get drunk again and go yelling and cursing in public? I can't keep bailing you out every time you get...
I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And now that the time had finally come to decide what to do with the...
Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...
spending my hard earned money left right and centre and got us in a bit of debt, no ill put it another way she got me in a lot of debt buying expensive designer clothes. Not only that she was very rood to the woman next door. She would always look down her nose at her and make some out of order comments. The neighbour was a friend of mine named Megan. I had known Megan for years as we had grown up together even attending the same school; she was bisexual to the point of...
"Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex. This smart assed little thirteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gaugeing how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masterbate after leaving these men all hot, and...
It’d been a good week. Tips were good, the bar had a new DJ and a football camp was in town. The boys liked to watch her dance after a ‘hard’ practice. On the couch, they held her against their washboard bellies stuffed money down her g-string and told her she was nothing like the girls back home. The only down side was her damn Thursday class. She just wasn’t getting the writing. It bored her. But then HE called. The first time they met, here at the club, he...