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Sometimes, when everything crashes down around you, you need to do the unexpected – even if it turns out to have ridiculous consequences.

My wife, Marie, looked good – really good. Almost edible, if I was into eating rat poison.

She approached the board room in the centre of the crowd of ass-wipes who purported to run the company, Acme Ltd, although most of the actual running was done so far beneath them that they would reach terminal velocity if they ever deigned to move down to that level of reality.

Marie was dressed in an elegantly tailored bespoke suit, the skirt a little shorter and the top a little tighter than most business executives would probably go for, but that was Marie for you. She had shapely legs and lovely round tits, and used them to her advantage in any and every business meeting. But not for me, her sad, fucked-up husband. Not anymore.

The group of corpulent men and slim, hard-bodied and always attractive assistants entered the boardroom and stared at me seated at the far end of the long, highly polished oak table, where the chairman – the almighty Mr. Max Collins – would normally sit. On one side of me were Dallas and Holmes, on the other was Warburton. Together, we were the ambush party – the gang of four. We were reinforced by Beth, who was taking down every word in shorthand to back up the recording. Her pen was already busy.

“Who the fuck are you?” demanded Collins, known far and wide for his straight-talking, shoot-from-the-mouth style of management.

“My name is Rob Bentley, gentlemen.”

As she heard my voice, my wife’s head whipped around to stare at me. She had been hobnobbing with the marketing director, John Forbes hyphen-something-or-other, and hadn’t seen me until that point. She hurried to my side.

“Rob, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Ah, Mr.s Bentley,” I said cheerily. “You’re the assistant marketing director, are you not?”

After a long moment as she tried to work out what was going on, she said, “Of course I am. You know that. Now you need to leave, right now.”

“Why don’t you take a seat, Mrs. Bentley. Although why an assistant marketing director is needed for a board meeting, I don’t really understand. I would have thought you would be busy working, rather than taking an extraordinarily long lunch and then being involved in a meeting with the members of the board.”

“Rob,” she hissed. “You’re embarrassing me. You need to get out of here right now!”

“I think I’m much too late to embarrass you, Mrs, Bentley. And I need to be right here, right now. So take a seat, and let’s see how the cards fall in this game.”

“Rob, we can talk later at home. Now get out!”

She had been using a hissing whisper up until that point. Her last words rose dramatically in pitch and volume.

Collins chipped in again. “Someone call security and get rid of these arseholes. And tell them someone is going to be looking for a job as soon as I find out who let them in.”

Warburton spoke up. “An extraordinary meeting of shareholders is now in session, gentlemen. Security is aware of our presence and our right to be here.”

“Who the fuck are you?” demanded Collins. I had no idea he was this much of a smooth-talker. He had risen through the ranks from salesman to sales director to chairman of the board by schmoozing and kissing ass and backstabbing. I’m not sure how he could have reached his position using such language. He must have let himself go a little. The size of his belly showed it wasn’t the only thing he had let go.

“Horace Warburton, senior partner of Warburton, Warburton and Holmes.”

“Who the fuck are they?” Collins was on a roll here.

“The company’s auditors.”

“And you’re here because why?”

“I am are here to ensure the extraordinary shareholders meeting is held in accordance with all the rules and regulations of the Companies Act, as amended in 2006 and 2013.”

“Look, I don’t know who you jokers are, but whatever you’re trying to sell, I’m not buying. So fuck off. Get out of my building!”

“I would remind you, Mr Collins, that the building is owned by the company, which is in turn owned by the shareholders.”

“I own the fucking shareholders! Now get out, whoever you are! And stop that fucking bitch from writing things down.”

Beth looked up and gave him a sweet smile. Damn, Beth was so pretty, and when she smiled...

Down Boy! Not the time! Then she poked her black-framed glasses further up her nose again, pushed an errant lock of her dark blond hair back behind her ear, and my stomach flipped. Man, she was pretty, and those lips...

She scribbled busily as Piper, the CFO piped up.

“Shareholders meetings require notification, and take place in a venue that allows all to attend if they wish.”

“This is an extraordinary shareholders meeting, Mr Piper. Beth, could you check to see if I mentioned that before?”

“Yes, Mr Warburton. You said ‘An extraordinary meeting of shareholders is now in session.’ To which Mr Collins replied ‘Who the fuck are you?’”

Damn, I loved it when Beth said ‘fuck’. As in ‘fuck me’. Okay, I had never heard her actually say that except in my fevered imagination. Although when she said ‘fuck you’ or fuck off’ to other guys, it was pretty neat as well. I smiled at her. She smiled back. Did I mention I love that smile?

“Notices were sent out two days ago, gentlemen. As required.”

“That’s nonsense,” said Crisp, the company secretary. “I haven’t received any notification of any such thing, and I would be the first to know.”

“And yet our records show that the notification by email was received and acknowledged as read.”

“Not by me it wasn’t,” he stated smugly.

“Apparently you haven’t been here for two days. I believe you’ve been on a team-building exercise. Strange that that would take place mid-week, but you make the policies...”

“I make the policies!” averred Collins. “And you can fuck off. If I say it happens mid-week, then that’s how it is.”

“Of course, you’re right,” said Warburton smoothly. “My audit clerks are going through those accounts and receipts for the team building days right now.”

I couldn’t help chipping in. “Ooh, have you been bad, bad puddy cats?”

“Fortune,” Collins said. “Get down there and sort it out. I’m not having any arse-wipes wandering in off the street and looking through our financial papers.

I noticed Charlie Fortune, the chief financial officer looked a little pale.

“You alright Charlie? You look a little under the weather. I’m sure the team building exercise was all above board, and not just some excuse to ah ... just stay in a five star hotel so you could all get pissed, have an orgy and fuck your assistants.”

“Rob!” Dallas put his hand on my arm.

“What,” I protested. “I said I was sure it wasn’t an excuse to do that.”

He gave me an old-fashioned look. Well, as the legal mind of the gang of four, he had every right to.

“Mr Collins,” said Warburton. His smooth method of delivery reminded me of that character Kobayashi in The Usual Suspects; infinitely smooth and always with just the right answer. “You might want to keep Mr Fortune on hand for the meeting. According to the share register he owns significant shares and may wish to vote.”

“He votes how I tell him to vote,” stated Collins with no fear of contradiction.

The board members and their bimbasssistants were all still gathered around the far end of the table.

“Gentlemen,” Warburton said. “Please have a seat so we can get to the first order of business on the agenda.”

“There is no fucking agenda!” shouted Collins.

“I have the agenda right here,” I said, pushing a piece of paper forward, glad now Beth had talked me out of writing it in purple crayon, which had been my first instinct, this place being such a joke.

“I didn’t get an agenda. This meeting is not valid or legal!” protested Crisp.

I nodded to Beth. She pulled her phone out of some magical place on her magical body. It had to have been magical, because the clothes she was wearing looked like she’d been dipped in liquid silk, they fit that closely. And they certainly didn’t have any pockets or place to hide a phone. I would have known. Hey, I’m allowed to look!

She murmured into the phone, then made it disappear and nodded to us.

Collins was still muttering and threatening to have us thrown out, but I noticed the urgency had gone out of his dire warnings.

A minute later, a young man in an expensive suit appeared, carrying a laptop.

“Ah, Clark. If you would open Mr. Crisp’s laptop, he will enter his password.”

The man opened it and put it in front of the skinny company secretary, who stared at it, stretched a hand out to the keyboard and then paused.

“Mr. Crisp,” said Dallas. “I suggest you do not try to do anything silly. Mr. Clark would be forced to prevent that from happening. Which could be ... unfortunate.”

Everybody in the room was abruptly aware that Mr Clark was suddenly a lot more threatening than an audit clerk should seem. All without moving a muscle, which was quite frankly awesome. Crisp entered his password and opened his emails. When he went a little greyer and began to sweat I knew he’d found the notice.

Warburton continued smoothly, as if all of this was completely normal. “The notification was also posted on the company bulletin board as required, and in the national newspapers. None of which was completely necessary as we also have written agreement to short notice.”

Okay – the email was bogus. A friend of mine had done some jiggery-pokey on it and managed to get the date and time appear to be two days ago, instead of two hours, and to also make it seem to have been read and acknowledged. Don’t ask me how, I just have friends. But the notice board thing was correct, as was the newspaper notice. I didn’t feel the need to mention that the notice was fairly small and appeared amongst the sex adverts in the back of a newspaper with the smallest national circulation we could find, certainly not one that would normally be read by businessmen. The notice board was in the factory canteen of a small branch of the company – in Scotland. It had taken some deep thought to come up with that one. It was teetering right on the edge, but it was legal.

Warburton tapped the table.

“Right, if you gentlemen are more comfortable standing around, then we can begin. Mr Bentley, if you would read the first item on the agenda.”

I rose to my feet, adjusted my jacket and fastened the lowest button. My suit was cheap as chips, but it followed the same general pattern as all the expensive ones. Then I adjusted my tie and cleared my throat. All eyes followed my every move. Even Marie’s, although she seemed to not want to look at me, she was so furious.

“Thank you, Mr Warburton. Gentlemen, the first item on the agenda is a motion of no confidence in the board of this company, and that all members of said board be replaced with immediate effect.”

There was a moment’s silence, and then an uproar broke out that would have suited any bar during a cup final game. Some were laughing like donkeys, others were roaring like bears and some were squealing like pigs. So perhaps it would have been better suited to any bar during a showing of Animal Farm.

My wife now appeared to be so embarrassed at my behaviour that she couldn’t look at me. She was slumped in a seat, shrinking right down in the hope that nobody would notice her.

“Any discussion of item one gentlemen?”

“What’s to discuss?” roared Collins. He looked squarely at me. “I know you. You’re Bentley’s shit-shovelling husband, aren’t you – the brickie. Perhaps, instead of just using your muscles, you should have used your brain and taken some advice from her. She knows what she’s doing, and she’s really good at it too.”

He waggled his eyebrows suggestively as looked around the room at his colleagues, who followed his lead and took seats at the table, smirking at Marie and me in turn. If her straying had been unnoticed before now, it was certainly no longer any mystery. She had been fully outed. Red-faced and a little tearful, she shrank even lower in her chair.

“You morons may have set this up, but you have obviously not got the faintest idea of how a business works. This is a limited company with shares that are sold on the stock market, not some turkey farm out beyond the M25. You don’t get any say in the running of this business ... my business. Now be a good little cunty boy and fuck off! Get out of my face! You were amusing with all your talk of agendas, but now you’re just pissing me off!”

Warburton didn’t turn a hair.

“Any other discussion on the first item on the agenda?”

When all he got was sneers and laughter from all twelve board members, and sniggers and disdain from the assistants that stood behind them, he held his silence for a moment.

“Then this item is put to the vote on the motion that: all the board members of Acme Limited be sacked and replaced with immediate effect. All in favour?”

I raised my hand.

“You?” sneered Collins. “You have shares?”

I nodded, and Marie looked at me in surprise.

“How many?” Collins asked.

“One hundred shares.” I said. “Bought and paid for.”

Marie looked down at her lap again. The humiliation of her being associated with me in any way was perfectly clear. A hundred shares was not even a hundredth of one percent. I was the village idiot in the finest university in the land, compared to the businessmen she associated with daily. She was an acolyte at their feet, eager to learn all she could from the masters, whereas I wasn’t even smart enough to be allowed to empty the chamber pots. I saw her slip her wedding ring off her finger and put it in her pocket. Seeing that didn’t make me sad, just surprised at how little it bothered me. I thought I would at least care a little.

Beth smiled at me, and I wrinkled my nose at her in return. A little bunny nose. She liked that and her smile grew wider.

Collins was howling with laughter. “A hundred shares? What’s that worth? Two pounds?”

Warburton continued, unruffled. “Those against the motion?”

The laughter continued. “Then if there are no votes against...”

Piper suddenly sobered up. “I vote against!”

“What?” Collins guffawed, wiping his eyes. “Are you taking this seriously?”

“The vote was about to go against us. He voted his 100 shares, but nobody was voting against him.”

Collins suddenly sobered up and stared at me, his bushy eyebrows drawn low over his eyes as he frowned.

“You tricky little cunt! You planned this! You planned this all the time! And you almost got us to fall into your trap, laughing all the way. Very clever. Well, I own eighty three million shares, and I vote against this proposal. Now get the fuck out of here and take your lackeys with you. And if you ever enter this building again, I’ll have you locked up so tight your arse will squeak every time you breathe!”

Suddenly there was a small forest of raised hands voting against the motion. Things were not looking so good for the away team.

Warburton noted down each vote against the proposal, checking them against the share register to see how many shares each of them possessed.

“That is a total of just under 242 million shares against the proposal. 27.62% of all shares issued vote against the proposal. The proposal is accepted.”

“Get out of my building, you fucking little piece of...”

“What do you mean accepted?” Crisp was standing and shouting at Warburton.

“Wait, what... ?” gasped Collins. “I thought he meant rejected.”

“No Mr Collins. My meaning was clear. I meant accepted. The motion has passed.”

The hubbub now was full of protest and denial rather than laughter and hooting and that other monkey shit stuff they had been doing up until now.

“Look, Warrington or whatever your name is, you can’t cheat these things. You saying something is so doesn’t just make it happen.”

“Of course it doesn’t, Mr Collins. I am as trained in business procedure as ... well actually more than any of you. I know exactly what I am saying.”

“Okay, then say it in plain fucking English, because right now you’re talking out of your arse, motherfucker!”

“Mr Collins, the numbers are very simple. 27.62% of the shares – those owned by the people at this table – voted to reject the motion. 58.98% of the shares voted to accept the motion. Therefore the motion is passed. I don’t understand how to make it any clearer.”

“What?” asked Collins. “How do you get 58% out of 100 shares.”

“You don’t Mr Collins, you don’t even get 1% out of 100 shares. How could you? This is a public company, traded on the stock exchange as you said. There are almost a billion shares all told.”

“So where does the 58% come from?”

I stood up again. “It comes from proxies, which give me the right to vote their shares. And I vote to throw the lot of you perverted, thieving hogs out on the street. Which I just did.”

Marie was now staring at me with wide eyes. How the hell did I know about things like proxies? I was a builder, not a financier. Where would I have even heard the word?

Collins was staring at me, wide-eyed.

“You don’t have that many proxies, you can’t. It’s impossible!”

“Ah but I do, Collins. I simply asked for them and they gave them to me. For this one meeting. For one day.”

“That would have cost you millions!”

“No, just finding the right people to talk to. And most of them really don’t like you.”

It had taken weeks to do it. Ever since the moment I had overheard two of the board members talking in the executive toilets while I had been up in the ceiling trying to find the source of a leak. Marie had arranged me the job as a fob to her feelings of guilt, I think.

“That Bentley bitch is so fine,” one of them said – I think it was Murray, sales director.

Only one Bentley in my town is a bitch, so I knew who they were talking about. Of course, the fact that she was working one floor down might have given it away as well.

“You think Collins is going to share her ass on the team building this time?” asked the other. I think it might have been Marie’s immediate boss.

“He likes to have her tucked under his wing where he can pork her to his heart’s content. Although it’s been over two years now, so he may have got tired of her cunt by now. Perhaps he’ll share this year. I thought he was going to get generous at the Christmas party, but the fuckhead wasn’t going for it. He had her under the table and sucking his cock even while her husband was looking for her. Greedy cunt.”

“Tucked under his fat gut, you mean. I’m surprised he hasn’t ironed her flat by now.”

I heard the sound of laughter and then two zips and the door opening and closing as they left.

“Wash your hands, you unsavoury pigs,” I called after the door closed.

My head was spinning and I wondered how much it would hurt if I toppled sideways and fell through the false ceiling. Part of me wished it would happen, maybe it would make the hurt inside less.

Now it all made sense. Oh, I knew she’d been cheating for a while now. A look in her eyes to an innocent question from me had raised suspicion. And when that gets its dander up, it doesn’t go back down easily. I had noticed slight changes in dress, especially underwear. The phone calls carefully taken in the other room. Sexy time had become scarcer, then too often, then scarcer again. All the classic signs.

But I had been looking for a cheating partner amongst our circle of friends. I mean, Marie is a fox – all long black hair and slinky curves no matter which side you viewed her from. And always as fine as it comes, with hair, make-up and clothes all from the finest and most expensive places. Marie did not stint when it came to Marie. That was for sure. So she would prowl up, never down.

Sex with her was fine as well, although there was always a treacherous little thought within me after a bout of good loving that wondered if her responses to me had come from an Ikea instruction booklet: do this and then this, then turn it over and screw that, and then pound that and hope there are no bits left over. In other words, a well-learned way of having really good sex rather than a natural progression of desire.

I had always felt a little treacherous for thinking that. I never considered that treachery would come from her.

So, I had been looking at the wrong page in the cheating partner catalogue. I had imagined her with a big, fine-looking, flashy guy with an enormous nob. Not a little yapping terrier with a sense of self-importance only slightly bigger than his belly.

It was over two years then, since the foul-mouthed old lecher had first hoisted that belly up onto her naked body and prodded at her with his cock. For a moment I wondered whether he was better at it than me, or if he had a longer cock. Then, still perched in the rafters, I began to giggle at the thought that he would need a much longer cock for it to reach beyond his gut and actually get it into her. Sadly, my giggles turned into tears, and I wept for a while at my lost love. The final end of a marriage, even one in its terminal stages, will do that to you.

I sniffled for a while, feeling sorry for myself. Then I got angry instead and thought of murder-suicide, then just murder, and then finally downgraded it to maybe acid washing his car. Finally, I put the stupid stuff away and began to think properly.

I spoke to a friend, who gave me a couple of little plastic things and told me what to do, which I carefully wrote down. The next day, I walked back into the building with my toolkit and began to search for that pesky drip once more, pausing only to plug the plastic things into unattended laptops and press the buttons in the order I had written on my list. While I waited, I whistled loudly and banged about the office, swearing loudly about the damned leak and carefully searching everywhere. Always best to hide stuff in plain sight. Finally, I pulled the plastic things out again and walked out again, still whistling.

It’s amazing the variety of people you meet when you build houses for them. And if you’re lucky, how many good friends you can make if you treat them fairly, with respect and humour. Another friend analysed the data from the plastic things. That took me on a roundabout journey to Mr Warburton, who introduced me to Dallas and Holmes. A long round-table discussion in a bar gave me the answer to my problem, although the method had to be on me. They couldn’t do more than gently hint as to what that might be.

So in the end I looked up the person I needed to ask, and went and asked her. I explained the situation, and she even looked sympathetic. I then showed her what the data had said and she looked very troubled instead. And when I told her of my plan, she laughed and gave me what I needed. She was in charge of a large pension fund and worried that Acme’s current board would crash the stock price, with her having invested large amounts in their shares.

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FOUR BAD-ASS JOCKS, TENDERIZED AND READIED FOR USE."God Fucking Damn! ... I need me some ass ... NOW! ...", shouted the burly bro nastily. Stroking the outline of his cock in his army camo. He roughly squeezed the shoulder of master Lucas's bitch sitting next to him. "How about it Greg? Want to go another round on this?", joked Jeremiah. "Hands off my boy, Jerry! ... His ass is still gaping from the last time I let you borrow his hole.", said master Lucas sternly. "Shit man, ... If I don't get...

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BFFs Kelsey Kage Maddie Winters Alissa Avni My First Girlfriend

Kelsey Kage was headed off to college. Her best friend Maddie Winters was going to come over to see her off. Kelsey low key had a crush on Maddie all her life. She wants to try and make something happen before she goes away. As they were chatting in Kelseys hot room, the girls took off their shirts, then things started to get real. Kelsey admitted her love for Maddie, and it turns out she also felt the same way. The girls began to kiss and fool around for a little then relocated to the other...

3 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 6

Except for my normal housework the only thing I had to do the next day was shop for a slutty dress. I didn't even know where to go to shop for the kind of dress Tommy ordered me to buy. After everyone left for work and school I got ready and drove to the mall. Both Victoria's Secret and Fredericks of Hollywood have stores there. I went to see what kind of secret Victoria was keeping first. I sometimes buy underwear and sleepwear there. This would be the first time I ever shopped at either...

1 year ago
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Welcome to your new home

The city slowly faded from the rear-view mirror, as Tim drove up the freeway. "Well off to better days I guess, and only 12 hours till I'm at my new home" he mutters as the city disappears behind the hills. Tim had lived in San Francisco for ten years, moved there on a whim and fell in love with it. He had grown and changed in so many ways. Finding his true love had made his heart soar, and was the happiest he'd been in years. Then it came crashing down, and the heartache set in. His...

2 years ago
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Staying after school

Mr. Green was an old school teacher who believed that students needed discipline and had no problem sending students to detention. He missed the old days when teachers could spank students he feels that is still needed and it bothers him that schools do not allow that. He wished he could spank students like Cathy who continue to misbehave but, he is not allowed So he has decided to keep her 1 hour a day after school in his classroom.Cathy stood staring out the window of her classroom watching...

3 years ago
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First Time Dost Ki Bhen K Sath

Hello dosto mera naam bhayyu h ye meri pehli real story h shayad aap logo ko pasand aaye me apne bare me bta du me gwalior (M.P.) me rha hu or B.E. 2nd year ka student hu abhi Jan 2012 h shadi ka mahol h mere dost ki bhen ki shadi thi kuch din pehle to me wha gya tha kyo ki shadi ka ghar h to me apne dost ki help kr rha tha tbhi us k mama apni family ke sath wha aaye un ke sath un ki beti bhi thi wo mere brabr ki thi jese hi wo andar aayi me use dekhta hi rh gya fir Usne muje dekha or kha...

2 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 35 An Interesting Evening Adventure

Monday mornings always seem to come too soon.  After the busy weekend working in the yard and taking the time to play, it seemed to arrive even sooner.  Tim and Abbie wake to return to the work world.  They are a bit sore from spending most of Sunday outside cleaning the front yard, cutting the grass, and getting some plants from Les to begin their renovations.  Not to mention the breaks they took for mutual enjoyment.Both are starting nice tans from being out in the sun.  Tim’s face is already...

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Cosplay Butts

Reddit Cosplay Butts, aka r/CosplayButts! Are you an ass man? Do you enjoy watching cuties in cosplays? Well, how about checking out r/cosplaybutts/? I mean, this subreddit is basically those two things combined, which is pretty nice. With a name like that, I am sure that there is no need for me to formally introduce what this subreddit is all about, but then again, I am sure there are loads of you who would love to know more.So, what can you actually expect from r/cosplaybutts/? Well, you can...

Reddit NSFW List
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SpaceChapter 11

"I figured that already. If you were an Arab you could have more than one wife. I know that you would take care of Liza." "A kid like me has lots of dreams. Lots of women is one of them but I think I am mature enough to see that one woman may be hard to take care of." "Liza says you get turned on about making her pregnant." "She's smart. Then the rest followed her lead. I hope my urges do not overcome my common sense. I want Liza to have a happy and normal childhood even if she...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter

Welcome to the world of Harry Potter! You can begin in the first year, or later on, where more... interesting things are likely to happen soon. So, which will it be? ( Feel free to add more chapters or story lines. Help developing the story is much appreciated!)

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Reese Robbins 09122022

When Reese hears from her best friend how she has dumped Lawson because she thinks he is a freak due to his foot fascination she pounces on the opportunity. Seems Reese loves her footsies played with. Sure it’s personal info she gathers as intel on her cock seeking mission but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. So Lawson comes over and gets to tell his pathetic tale of woe is me to the eager best friend of his former girlfriend. Poor sucker was dumped and his heart is hurting...

3 years ago
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Hair Restorer 2

Hair Restorer 2 By Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 2001 All rights reserved. As I approached Ellen for our meeting with Dr. Montero, I noticed that the walk over the winding path to the quad was a lovely and serene setting. The trees and shrubs were nicely trimmed; blooming flowers lined the path on either side. The ducks in the pond were quietly talking and swimming, going about their business of finding food. Ivy covered one wall of he science building. All seemed right with the...

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Codename Lumiere Soft Launch Pt 3

CODENAME LUMIÈRE – THE SOFT LAUNCHChapter 03 – The Rules of the AttractionDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story, save if they are original characters (OC). They belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor I intend to cash on it. This content is mostly to be seen as a parody work with adult content. I...

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Had An Awesome Experience With A Salesgirl

Hi Guys, this is Rahul. I am working as a software engineer in an MNC in Bangalore. This is my 1st story and is about my wonderful time spent with a sales girl some 8 months back. Not wasting time in trivial details I will directly go to the story. I was helping out my GF in her shopping one day. As you know its one of the most difficult task for guys. So we were in a mall near MG Road, and she was trying various dresses. As i was having no other task than sitting and just helping her out to...

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Premier travesti

J'ai rencontré Manuela directement à l'hôtel.Elle m'attendait comme nous avions convenu allongée sur le lit.Comme prévu, j'avais reçu le code de la chambre par sms.A mon arrivée, elle était allongée sur le lit, avec des bottes hautes noires à talons hauts. Les mains étaient sur son ventre avec une paire de menottes pour les attacher.Elle portait une petite culotte rouge en dentelle, dans laquelle je pouvais deviner une belle bite. Elle était torse nu, complètement lisse et avec des pinces à...

4 years ago
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Some fun

one summer afternoon we had decided to go for a walk, no destination in mind. around 20 minutes later we found ourselves in the local woodland.finding ourselves alone you give your skirt a quick flick, revealing your sexy ass covered by your batman panties, which you know are may favourite cock twitches, you must have noticed as you lift your skirt, bend over and look back at me. "do you like what you see?" you ask me. before i can answer you tell me take you.looking around i notice a...

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Micheles pleasure

Michele and I were very good friends for quite a while. We have been a couple for about a week now, and we couldn't be happier. She has beautiful brown hair and amber brown eyes that glisten with the sunlight. She has a Nordic look about her: which I find fucking sexy...One thing we like to do is take strolls in the park: Hand-in-hand. The subject of sex has only come up once in our blooming of a relationship. I asked if we would and she responded that it would be a "Maybe". I completely...

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Vignettes of Family Life Volume 4

Ben woke up the next morning and stumbled to the kitchen, greeted by Mindy and Beth, who were in not much better shape than he was. His sisters were clearly hung over from their pussy eating frenzy of the night before and had no interest in heading off to classes or work either one. They were groggy, but otherwise in a good mood and looked at each other and smiled occasionally sharing what they thought was a secret between them. When Ben entered the kitchen they greeted him with a sleepy "good...

2 years ago
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Chudai kolkata mein

Dear friends, my name is Sumit , 33 years old from Kolkata and I am working with a packers and movers firm. I has chatting friend we had lots of sex chat, later we exchange our numbers. Now sex talk whole night, especially role plays, she eagerly wants to meet me, she is also from kolkata , said that she wants to meet me. Her name is Kakoli she is 38 years old, she called me and said that she is going to book a room at hotel Taj kolkata. So on that day I went to her at 12pm. When I knocked the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 55 Trial Separation

April 19, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Do you need any help?” I asked Jessica on Monday morning. “No. I’ll just take enough things for a few days and figure things out from there.” “I want you to come back home,” I said. “But those conditions aren’t negotiable. They can’t be.” “I know. You’re OK with my plan to see the kids each morning?” I’d been very happy when she’d made that request, rather than me suggesting it, because it seemed to indicate that I was right that she did love them, and...

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Jealous ProtectorChapter 4

It took Paula Edwards a long time to wake up the next morning. She kept drifting in and out of consciousness not knowing whether she preferred the terror of her nightmares or the shameful realities of her daily life. Finally, with a groan, she pushed back the covers and stared up at the ceiling with red-rimmed eyes. The sick pain of a hangover shot through her head as she started to sit up, and she fell back heavily on the pillow. It was a full five minutes more before she was able to swing...

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The Client

He ran a large manufacturing facility in Arizona and had recently fired his Certified Public Accountant due to embezzling. He was desperate and she came highly recommended. Entering her office, he was surprised to find she was much younger than he anticipated. Mahogany skinned, shoulder length black hair, chocolate pools of liquid in her deep brown eyes, and a body to kill for. “Welcome, you must be Mr. Phelps,” she stated, as she rose to greet him. “Thank you, Miss Williams, for agreeing to...

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Taboo TemptationsChapter 3

I guess I was a fully qualified “short-timer” in foster care services now with only ninety days left before my eighteenth birthday. I had been in the foster care program ever since I was eleven years old and had seen it all for the past seven years. Shortly after I was assigned to my first foster parent home, I had orders to just lie on my stomach and keep my mouth shut about what was to follow. That was my introduction to ass-fucking 101 and it was a lesson I was never to forget the rest of...

1 year ago
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Judgement Day

This is a little different for me. People complain that I do not often feature the confrontation, This story is all confrontation. It is also short. There is no sex in this story, if that’s what you want look elsewhere. No bitches get burned so again if that’s your bag look elsewhere. The inspiration came from an old rock starwho came out with something similar when he wanted to get rid of his wife. I looked down the street towards the main road. Four estate agents boards graced the...

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Battle fuck

You are a college student who is in need of some cash fast to pay for the coming semester, however there is no way you can get a job that pays that well, so you have turned to other alternatives. You are approached by one of the goth-esque girls at school who says she can help you make some fast money if you're willing to "play their game". You have no idea who "They" are or what the game might be but you're out of options. You arrive at the location mentioned in your conversation with the goth...

4 years ago
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My friends son welcomed me

It had been eight months since my friend’s son, Frank, had fucked me. The last time I had sex with him was a day before I had to leave his house to come back to my city. Frank and I were good friends, too, and there was a big reason behind it. I was a painter and Frank also wanted to have painting as his career. Eight months ago, I went to meet my friend, Marry, and I ended up fucking with her seventeen-year-old son. Like any other young man, Frank was very nervous when he came over my naked...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 552 Beti Ke Badti Shaitaniya

Narrated by Swati In sawalo mein main baithi unke kamre ko dekh rahi thi. Tab dhyan mein aayi ki papa mujhe dekh rahe hai. Main turant unhe dekh muskurayi aur aankho se ishara ki. Papa aankho se ishara kiye ki main itni kya soch mein doobi hui hun. Main uthi aur papa ke paas jaa kar baith gayi aur kaan mein boli: To kya haal hai? Papa dheemi awaaz mein bole: Haal! Kiska, mera? Hahaha, ayse kyu pooch rahi ho tum? Main apni haath bada kar unke lund par rakh boli: Aapka nahi papa,...

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Wife Swapping Sex Of My Parents

Hi, friends. I am here to share a real-life incident with you all. I am Raj, and my age is 19. I was a virgin up till now and lived with my parents. My mom, Sunaina, age 43 and my dad, Ashok, age 48, used to run our family business. I had a lot of fantasies. One of them was having sex with my teacher, neighbor bhabhi and many such fantasies. Little did I know that I was up for something bigger in the coming days. I had a college friend who was my senior too. His name was Rashid. He was 20 years...

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Wedding PhotosChapter 3

When Chastity walked out the door of his studio, Ethan assumed he would never see her again. But, she'd apparently been serious when she said she would see him around. Over the next two weeks, she dropped by the studio three times and Ethan's apartment once. Each time, she was a little better dressed and seemed a little happier. She didn't seem to care who saw her come or go and, by the end of the first week, Ethan's picture appeared in the Enquirer under the headline, "Chastity...

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I had decided to play hooky from work. By God, I told myself. I deserve a day off. My back-log of projects at work was in control, the boss was out of town and I had needed to get the brakes fixed on my car for a couple of months anyway. So that morning, after sending an email explaining I wouldn't be in, I took the car to the mechanic and had them drop me off back home while they worked on it. Ann, my wife, was at work. Lisa, my daughter, was at school. I had the house all to myself. For a...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 11

Sandra and her classmates were waiting for their math teacher. Just a good week ago, the only thing on Sandra's mind about this class, was that she had to do better for it than last year. From all the classes she had, this was the class she had the most trouble with. However, today, the only thing she could think about, was not how she would perform in math, but that she was standing here naked. Even when she had shown her most private part of her body to all the other students just now, she...

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Jonathans Birthday Celebration

I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...

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Trading UpChapter 28

“That’s her problem,” I commented lightly. “I made sure she knew about it and I’ll make sure she knows if I hear of him doing anything else that’ll piss her off.” “Still looking out for my big sister?” Jane asked playfully. “Maybe a little,” I admitted. “She’ll never be my wife again, but she’s going to be my sister-in-law. I don’t want to see someone take advantage of her. I’m not gonna lie though. It would bring a smile to my face to find out that she’d kicked him to the curb for lying to...

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My Wifes Sister

The sound of the dirt hitting the coffin was dull, which matched the dreary day. I was standing there, watching as the minister said some words meant to ease the suffering of those left behind. I held my daughter's hand, her husband standing just behind us. His hand was on my shoulder, offering comfort. My son was standing next to me, his girlfriend beside him. At forty-nine years old, I never expected to be standing at graveside, burying my wife. I always believed deep down I would be the...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 05

At this point, the four friends were grinning broadly, aided by the wine they had consumed. The boys’ cocks were getting hard and the girls’ panties were getting wet. Sharon suggested a short break while they cleaned up the dinner dishes. A short while later, the dinner table was clean and the cards were retrieved from the closet. Glasses were refilled and they began to play. The game was started. Following the rules, Tom was the winner for most of the hands. Ashleigh was the big loser. When...

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Heart of the Sunrise Ch 02

©2008 by Adrian Leverkuhn (Note: The first part of the Sonata appeared under the title ‘Woman in Chains’, the second part as ‘The Stones of Years’.) * Chapter II At times it felt like a fever. Hot and close, like death stalking. Then the music would come. Out of the light and into her hands. She could not stop it, she could not control it, the music possessed her completely yet occasionally it must have taken pity on her and let her be — for a moment. She would drift as if on the wings...

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Perfect Evening

I wrote this for a friend to give to his current SO, he encouraged me to post it. Thanks again to my marvelous editor Teknight. I’m sorry for the diabetes the story gave you. *hugs* Your the bestest editor ever. All characters in this story are over 18. * It’s early in the evening, an hour till sunset. The sun is warm on our skin and the smell of the sea next to us fills our senses. The table is garnished with two small vases of the deepest red roses I could find. A single white rose sat in...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 3

Because of what Cheryl suggested, Joe decided to call Chandi at her office at the university in Barbados. “The Joe Solomon?” the secretary exclaimed. “You’ve heard of me?” Joe asked. “Of course. I’ve got all your novels. I even tracked down a copy of your poems. Such a beautiful book. I admit you only caught my attention with your Caribbean trilogy.” “Did you notice the acknowledgements?” “Why?” “Because the professor I wish to speak to is the one I acknowledged most,” Joe chuckled. He...

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Video Tape

Video Tape By Margaret Jeanette Deanna Holcomb was mad, very mad. The private detective she had hired to check on her husband had just given her a video tape. On it she saw her husband and some woman she didn't know making love and her husband putting on the woman's bra and panties. Then the two of them were wrestling on the bed. Then it showed him taking the bra and panties off and handing them to the woman. Deanna was outraged. She called her secretary in...

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Ms Rannigans Noisy Neighbours

Three years had passed since Katherine Cook had first visited one of her tenants, Ellie Mitchell, and confronted her over the non-payment of rent. She had punished the girl with a spanking and had not had to repeat the punishment for non-payment of rent since then. However, Ellie had become a regular recipient of corporal punishment from the ex-governess. She had needed it in her life and Katherine had enjoyed dishing out the occasional over-the-knee hand spanking and caning to the younger...

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The Hand Youre Dealt

The Hand You're Dealt This is a piece of fan fiction. "Wild Cards" created by George R.R. Martin. In 1945, an alien virus was released over the skies of New York City. Eventually, that virus would be known as the Wild Card. Of those who contracted the virus, nine of ten died, most horribly. Of the survivors, nine of ten mutated into monsters and freaks, known as Jokers. But one out of every one hundred people who contracted the virus developed super-human abilities, and these...

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