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Visitors By J. Setak This story that I am about to re-tell to you is the events of June 23rd 2050. It was/is a day that shook the world as you are about to hear... Chapter 1: I had finished school for the summer. I loved summer holidays so much. Just last month I had finished my exams for secondary education, and me and my mates had gone and got so drunk in the middle of the park. We had hung round there until the red sun had hidden behind the horizon, which turned out to be around 10:45pm. It was a real summers day. My mum had woken me up the next morning just a little too early for my liking. She had told me that she had been up for about 2 hours, and that something amazing was happening on the TV. I dragged myself out of bed, ignoring the hangover, and went downstairs to the living room where my mum, my dad and my younger sister Carla were sitting round the TV set, wide eyed. I sat down next to my mum on the sofa and looked at the screen. 'Breaking News' flashed across the bottom of the channel we were watching. It was saying something about unidentified flying objects over Washington. A man appeared sitting at a desk on the screen. He looked shattered. "If you've only just joined us..." He paused. "Then you should know that it is now confirmed that there are unidentified aircraft over Washington D.C. The ships, consisting of one large ship, which is estimated to be over a mile wide and is escorted by 7 smaller ships, situated themselves above Washington at around 4 o'clock this morning. Local Police had over a thousand reports of strange objects in the sky and..." My brain went into daydream mode and I lost focus on the TV. Aliens? On earth? I had always contemplated the idea of there being other living things out there, but never considered it as too much of a reality. But here it was, the man on the news was telling me that they were there, in America, right now. The ships continued stationary for over two weeks. There had been many discussions from the White House, that had been broadcast live over the Atlantic to us in England. No one really knew how much they could hear. Scientists guessed that the reason that they were here is that they had picked up radio signals from our planet that had been travelling through the vacuum of space for over a hundred years and had decided to come and see what they were. It might have been propaganda, but most scientists seemed to say that they were only there as a scouting mission and weren't going to help us. Some people however, thought that they were there to harm us. To take over the world. We have all seen those films where humans are the good guys, but aliens are the bad guys who create mass killings. The whole world watched and waited, but other than that life went on surprisingly normal. It wasn't until the morning of June 23rd that breaking news came from the White House. The president came on the TV: "People of America, and of the World..." He paused the same way the news reader had done when the ships arrived. "This morning at 7am, the White House received a telephone call from the main ship that is currently above us. It seems that they have done extensive research into our human technology and worked out that the phone is a good way to communicate. They said that they came in peace. They aren't going to harm us." There was a bit of an uproar from the broadcasting room. "However. They said that their reasons for being here is to perform an experiment, on a worldwide scale. I urge every citizen to stand strong as we wait for further news at to what this experiment might be." He spoke for another 5 minutes about standing strong or some crap. People were now scared. The shops of supermarkets emptied within an hour. The roads were mayhem, and most petrol stations sold out of supply by lunchtime. I went into my room to watch the TV, wondering if anything else would happen. What could this experiment be? Why did they need to do it on humans? I guess we didn't really mean anything to them. They seemed to have equal and probably advanced technology from us. We could learn things from them. I started dreaming that there would be a new race introduced to earth, that we would be able to live together, to prosper. Suddenly on the TV, it went to an amateur picture of the main spaceship. There was a growing ball of bright blue light on the underside of the ship. It grew for nearly half a minute before it shot a bolt of lightening down to the ground in a direct straight line. The line hit the ground and stayed like that for a while. Then the ball of blue light started to grow again, as well as the line. There was a flash of bright white light, and the camera was blind for a moment. It regained picture to see what looked like an electric field moving outward from the line. It didn't tear up any buildings, but it moved fast across the City. I watched in amazement, then remembered the Presidents words; "Their reasons for being here is to perform an experiment, on a world wide scale." The last words rang in my head, and I got up and went to the window of my room. I watched in the distance and sure enough after about a minute, I could see a large wave of blue light streaming toward me. It moved swiftly over the land in front of me, and gained on my house. I closed my eyes and felt the blue wave sweep through my house. It made me shake and feel very very strange. I passed out. Chapter 2: My vision had gone bright white. I had some sort of dream while I was unconscious. It was of just swirling colours, quite trippy really. My vision flashed white again, and the ceiling of my bedroom swam back into focus. I felt relatively normal, but not at the same time. My back stayed pressed against the floor of my room for nearly 5 minutes. I didn't want to move for some reason. The world outside sounded quieter than I had ever heard it; there were no cars in the street that I could hear, or people talking in my next door neighbour's back garden. I rolled my head over to my right and stared at my red carpet. It took me a while to realise it, but I remembered that I didn't have red carpet in my room. It was green. That was strange. I sat up, using my hands to push my upper body up from the floor. I still felt a bit dazed, but as I sat up I saw a flash of blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. I subconsciously ignored it; I had had blonde hair before, but had never been able to see it. I sat for a while, with my weight being supported by my hands which where behind me at an angle. I looked around more now, slowly as I still didn't feel quite right. My room was decorated quite differently. My walls were now a pale red, to match the carpet. My bed was covered in a tinted pink cover with some stuffed animals at the foot of the bed. On the wall, there were still pictures that I had had up before the event. Only thing that was different, is the people in them. I looked at where there was supposed to be a picture of me and my best friend Michael, but instead there were two girls. The one on the left, where I should have been, had long flowing blonde hair. Everything about her face was perfectly proportioned. Although she had reasonably large lips that had had makeup aplied to them. The girl standing to her left was a bit taller than the first girl. She had dark brown hair that was tied up behind her head. She had a marvellous smile, and her eyes squinted as she showed all her teeth in a perfect grin. I dismissed it all. I didn't think too much about it, which when I come to think of it now was really strange. I could feel that my backside was a bit more padded as I sat on my carpet. It was only a minor change, but it felt weird. I stood up, half knowing what was going on. I pushed my weight up with my hands again, rather quickly. I felt something on my chest bounce. This confirmed my fears. I didn't want to know any more about them. I started to feel quite emotional about what had happened. I had been turned into a girl. I can't explain what happened, but I broke down and cried. I hadn't cried properly for years. What was I doing? I even thought this to myself at the time, but I couldn't help it. It was quite a quiet cry, and my hair fell over my face as I leant forward. I composed myself after a while and got up, feeling my breasts jump again. I walked over to where there was now a dressing table with a mirror in front of what looked like thousands of pots of makeup substances. I sat on the chair and looked at the mirror. Staring back at me was the blonde girl that was in the picture. I wasn't that shocked, as the image seemed to be part of my memory now. It was just like I was looking at myself normally, but I still had some sort of shock. The girl in the mirror responded to my every move perfectly. I was wearing a tight blue T-shirt with some sort of logo across my chest. It made me look at my breasts. They were a decent size for someone my age; I presumed that I hadn't aged. I turned my body ninety degrees to look at them from a side angle. They seemed to fit my body wonderfully. I cried again. It was ridiculous. When I recovered, I decided to go downstairs. I wondered to myself whether everyone had gone through a change, or just me. This made me feel slightly sick, and rejected. What if everyone else was normal and I had become a beautiful girl! How would I explain that? I decided to risk it. I brushed my hair, I have no idea why, before leaving the room. I was wearing some baggy jeans on my lower half. I was quite pleased with this, at least I still dressed well as a girl. I walked down the stairs, feeling the weight on my chest every step I descended. I can't really explain the feeling of having breasts, just a tugging solid weight that is always there. I thought to myself, 'How can girls put up with these all the time?' But then realised I might have to. I passed a picture that should have been of me and my younger sister, but it now showed myself as my new body and a dark haired toothless 8 year old boy, grinning at the photo. I walked into the living room to see 3 unknown people. There was a woman who seemed to resemble my dad somehow. I put two and two together and realised that the man standing next to her must now be my mother. In fact he did look a lot like my mum's dad did. There was a little boy with dark hair who I quickly realised was my sister, or now brother from the photo. They all stared at me. There was quite an awkward silence, as the three people continued to stare at me. I felt sick again. "What?" I jumped at my voice. I hadn't spoke before in my new body and it was now quite high and definitely feminine. "You've all changed as well." I said, quickly taking to my new voice. I quite liked speaking in a different tone. I walked over to the crowd and there was a big family hug. As the four of us squeezed together, I felt my breasts being pressed against. It was the first time I had felt any sort of pressure on them and it felt exactly like how I would have expected it. I started crying again, and so did my dad who was also now a woman. Feminine hormones; I sympathise. Chapter 3: My whole family sat round and watched TV for a lot of the morning for news. It seems not much time had passed from when I was knocked out to when I awoke. Some channels on the TV were off the air but the main news channel was still up. They had been off the air just briefly when the blue wave swept the planet, but now where back on. The newsreader before, was a man in his late twenties. Now there sat a very shaken woman in her late twenties. It was quite hard to think that everyone in the world had swapped gender. The news reader was talked about the experiment that the aliens had told us about. It seems that they were quite amazed by the structure of our 'gender' system so they wanted to find out how much we rely on it. They decided to see how people would react to a total change in gender. It became apparent that everyone had just done a straight swap and that now you were living as if you had been born as a girl or boy, depending on your original gender. That would explain my room, I thought. Over the whole morning, I kept getting flashbacks of my past but they weren't my normal memories. The aliens had obviously changed everyone to every detail. The flashbacks that I was getting were memories of my life, but not as Jonny; as the female version of Jonny. The memories scared me, I could remember some details so perfectly. I searched my mind for my earliest memory. I remembered toddling along with my parents along a beach. I concentrated harder and could pick out some rocks on the beach. We walked over to the rocks, where there were small pools of water. I had slipped on a rock and fallen over. I could see the memory as first person, and saw the rock flashing towards my face. I cut myself out from the daydream and concentrated on the TV again. The realisation of what had happened was hitting the world over. The President of the US had made another speech but the only difference now was that he was a woman. Any other day you would have thought that this woman who was claiming to be the President would have been a nutter but everyone had experienced the change first hand and were still in shock. My family ate lunch quietly. I was surprised at my family's quietness. I put it down to the shock. I wasn't too fazed by this change. At the end of the day I was still a person and alive and kicking. I didn't really see why the whole world didn't just wake up to what has happened. After lunch I decided to get on with things. I put my plate away, and ran up the stairs feeling my new body shake in strange places as I did so. I went into my room, which took me a bit of time to remember that things had all changed around. I went over to the dressing up table and sat down again looking into the mirror. I couldn't get over how I looked; if I was a guy I would want to get with this girl. My bright blue eyes shone back at me in the mirror. It wasn't a bimbo look though, more cute. I searched through the drawers of the room. In my underwear drawer, my boxer shorts and socks had been replaced by bras and panties. I picked out a few thongs and wondered why anyone would want to wear one of these. My CD collection was pretty much the same. "Gender doesn't decide music" I said out loud, smiling at my own voice. I did find some CDs that I didn't have before; a couple of boy bands and a sound track to a soppy film that had been released last year. I decided that I was happy with my environment, but I was still curious about myself. My wardrobes were full of different types of clothes, some that I never wore. I knew this because of my new memory. I stood in the middle of the room and looked at myself in the mirror. I cupped my chest with each hand and was surprised to feel their weight being felt not only in my hands, but off my chest as well. They were so real. I could feel the bra underneath my hugging T-shirt. I jumped lightly and they bounced up and down. I pulled off my T-shirt, which took some effort as my hair got caught under my hands as I was pulling it off. I also noticed the static electricity from the t-shirt much more with my flowing hair. I tossed the shirt down onto the floor and looked in the mirror. I had a flat, if not muscular stomach with a belly button piercing. It displayed some sort of jewel. I was quite shocked at this. "If I was a girl, I'd have a belly piercing!?" I exclaimed. I searched my memories, and sure enough remembered having it done and it was second nature taking it out and putting it back in; which I did before looking back at the mirror. I was wearing a black lace bra, which held my chest tight against me. I undid the bra strap at the back and pried the cups off my chest. It revealed two magnificent breasts reflecting back at me in the mirror. I stared down at myself, and sure enough there they were; mine. There was a feminine nipple capping each mound of white flesh and they hung off my chest, weighing me down. I touched them again, and winced at how cold my hands were against them. I just stared at them and experimented with them for about 5 minutes. I never knew how sensitive breasts were to women. I could feel every move on them, even if it was a light touch. I stripped down to my pants, and found that I was wearing a matching underwear piece. I tugged it down off my hips, which I had just noticed how wide they were, and pulled them off my feet. I tossed them on the pile and looked at the mirror. Sure enough, there was a slit between my legs and the dick and balls had totally gone. I thought to myself that it was surprisingly neatly kept. The strange thing is, is that I wasn't too shocked at what was under my underwear. It was because I had been so used to it for nearly 17 years now as a female. The memories provided me with everything I needed to know about my life; it was overwhelming. I decided to put on some new underwear. I picked out a thong. 'I wonder what it's like...' I thought, but my memory informed me. I pulled it on anyway, and could feel it against my ass. I put on a bra, instinctively, and looked for something out of the cupboard. I eventually decided on wearing a summer tank top, which had straps that went over my shoulders. It was warm outside, so I thought it was suitable. I pulled on some tight three quarter length jeans, which hugged my ass tightly. I reached down to my backside, and was surprised how quickly my hands reached it. As a boy, I would have expected to travel a bit more before I came into contact with it, but my hands found it sooner as it stuck out more. It was reasonably padded, and I even thought to myself how good it looked in the mirror. I grabbed my mobile phone, and went down the stairs with a skip. I didn't even go into the living room, it was a summer's day. I wanted to get out and see the world from new eyes. Chapter 4: I went into the porch and grabbed a bag, without even thinking about it. I unzipped the tiny purse bag and looked to see what was in it. About 4 bottles of something for my face, and another two for my eyes. I didn't take a second glace; it was normal. I shouted back to the house. "Going out for a bit. Got my phone." And opened and closed the door quickly so that my parents couldn't stop me from going out. I was heading for the park that we lived quite near to. I had never seen this city so quiet. There wasn't anyone around. They were obviously sill in their houses too scared to come out. "Pathetic." I thought to myself, and I walked on quite happily. I reached the park at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I found a bench and sat on it, feeling my bum press against the wood of the seat. I crossed my legs, which I never used to do. Even from this small movement, I could tell that I didn't have a penis anymore. Parts of my legs seemed to rub together where they had never done before. I thought nothing of it and got my mobile out of my pocket. I wondered to myself how my friends were taking this. I thought of the picture in my room of me and Michael. It had been taken at a party that I had round my house. I remembered it well, from my male life... I had all my friends over and then some for a party at my house last year. We all got drunk in the back garden. The thing that I remember most from that summers evening was that me and my girlfriend Tina had managed to get a bit of peace and quiet at the end of the night if you know what I mean... I then thought about this literally. That was when I was as a guy, but now I'm not. I scanned Jenny's memories and didn't remember the party too well. I did remember a guy though. We had got pretty drunk and then started kissing. It was coming back to me, then I remembered what had happened. I had had someone in me?! No, but I was male then. I've only just been changed to a girl. It was all too confusing for my to think about. I looked at my phone book on my phone. I had decided to get in contact with Michael. I couldn't find Michael in the list of numbers, but then I remembered everything has changed with people's names. Mine had become Jenny from Jonny, Michael's would have become... I found it; Michelle. I sent a text to the number on the screen: Michelle. I'm at the park, want to come out? There's no one around. Text back. Jenny It wasn't until I had pressed send, that I realised I had signed my name as Jenny. I hadn't even thought about it really. I guess it was my body just accepting that my name was Jenny now. I got up from the bench. I looked in my bag, and pulled out a hair tie. I wondered how far instinct could go. I started pulling my hair back into my clasped hands behind my head. I twisted an electric tie around the section, and then pulled it up so it folded back under the elastic. I looked in the small mirror I had in my bag. Unbelievable. It looked great. Ahead of my there was the cricket field where there would usually be people playing; but today was different. I remembered that I was a very good gymnast as Jenny from my memories. I guess that had been converted from my sportyness as a guy. I had used to play soccer and captained the basketball team for my school. I set my bag down on the side of the grass and positioned myself in room. I started running, then did some front tumbles. I placed my hands down on the grass, and flicked my feet over my head at rapid speed. I flipped for about 20 metres before I became dizzy. I did a perfect cartwheel and then landed it in the splits. The splits?! When I was a boy, I wasn't even supple enough to touch my toes without bending my knees yet here I was sitting in the splits on the grass of the park. I was breathing heavily and could feel my breasts rising and falling on my chest. I had quite quickly grown to ignore the weight of them, it was becoming natural. This scared me, maybe I was becoming too accustomed to this body too quickly. A beeping from my bag awoke me from my daydream and I ran over to where it was, feeling my boobs bounce all the way. Bras are such a good invention. I looked at my phone; "1 message received." I read off the screen. I opened the message and sure enough it was from Michelle. Jen Sounds good, I'll be there in a few minutes, M x x Kisses? A girl thing, I thought. I was quite pleased that Michelle had responded using my new name as well, maybe Michael was taking this well as well as me. I put my phone back in my bag, and sat. My curiosity strayed back to when I was in my bedroom. I was a girl now, I didn't have a dick. There was no one around, so I undid the button on my jeans. I slipped my slender feminine hand under the waistband of the jeans and could feel the silky front of the underwear. I ran my fingers against it. It was so flat compared to what it would have been when I was a guy. I pulled the elastic top of the thong up and slid my fingers inside them. I met a neat mound of hair and then searched for the opening to my new womanhood. I massaged it for a while. It felt quite good, but not that great. I decided what I was doing was stupid, and then retracted my hand. I did up my trousers. I searched my memories and it seemed that Jenny did 'pleasure herself' quite a bit. A bad habit I thought. I looked up to see Michelle walking along the path toward me. Thank God I had stopped what I was doing, what kind of welcome would that be. I stood up from the bench and slowly walked toward her. I could tell it was a friend, I don't know how. We had been friends since we were tiny, me and Michael and now me (Jenny) and Michelle still had the same friendship. I started crying. This crying thing was really getting annoying, but I saw Michelle's dark eyes flood up with tears as well. I sped up towards her and hugged her tight. I could feel our new bodies pressed together, something I had never felt before. We stayed like this for a while, just crying. "How's it going?" I eventually sobbed at her through teary eyes. "Okay... quite strange isn't it? How's your family?" Michelle inquired. "Good. Yours? Yeah it is, but not totally alien." Michelle giggled at my use of the word alien. "My mum has been in hysterics all morning. She's been crying and shouting. I was so thankful when I got your message." She fell into my arms again. "Hey hey. That's what friends are for?" I comforted her. This was so strange. We were behaving ridiculously. We continued to talk for about an hour as we walked around the park. We talked about the changes to our rooms, and to the pictures on our walls. Michael had had quite a few pictures of nude women on his walls, and he had woken up to find that they had changed to men who were totally naked or modelling men's underwear. We talked about how weird all the memory thing was, it was like you had lived two lives. When we said goodbye to each other, we hugged again. There was still no one else around. I walked home in the late afternoon sun, clutching my bag. When I reached my house, I realised how tired I was. My new body wasn't as strong as my old one and couldn't handle even the shortest of distances let alone long ones. I opened the door and put my bag on the sideboard. I ran up to my room and pulled on a hoody. I tied my hair up again, and went downstairs. Chapter 5: The next few days proceeded mainly in shock. None of my family really went out of the house except me. I quite liked the new body that I had been given, it was so nibble and mobile. I had returned to the park the following day, and again there was no one there. I risked it and stripped down all my clothes and lay on the grass in the sun. It was amazing, I lay there for about 2 hours just tanning in the sun and didn't see another soul in site. I would have thought that maybe by now people might at least leave the house! It seems that their stock pilling before the event happened was lasting out for at least a few more days. I found that I could climb trees quite a bit better even though my upper body strength was nowhere near as strong. I managed to reach right to the top of one of the trees that I had been trying to climb since I was a kid. It had been somewhat of an ambition of mine, and now I had achieved it in the most strange circumstances. I don't think that my parents really liked me going outside. It was just a bit too much for them. My dad and mum sat around the house watching the news and crying with my now male sibling who was quite distraught. I sympathised with them, but just got on with my life. A month passed and we were nearing the end of our summer holidays. I hadn't really spoken to my friends throughout the whole ordeal, except Michelle of course. I had met up with Michelle a few times since that summer's day in the park. She had even come over my house and slept the night. It was strange, we sat up for most of the night talking about stuff when if we had had a sleepover when we were guys, we would have just got stoned. I had definitely noticed changes in my character since the change, and it scared me slightly. I organised a meet up after people started coming out of their shells in August. I had arranged for a night party in the park, like we had done the very year before. I was first in the park as the sun was still high in the air. Soon, Michelle emerged from the pathway and joined me, carrying a case of booze. I smiled at her, and she returned the gesture. We waited for about half an hour before a group of 3 of my mates, who were now girls also came into the clearing of the park. I stared at them and my memories recognised them as Robyn, Chloe and Leanne. They all slightly resembled their original male structures, but were definitely women now. We broke down to tears, and had a group hug. After another half hour, the pack of 5 were reasonably drunk. Then some guys turned up, I recognised one of them to be Tina. Except he wasn't Tina, he was Tim. It was most strange. I remembered almost year to the day that I had lost my virginity to Tina, my beautiful girlfriend of over a year. But now, this Tim person was in her place. The strangest thing of all, was that I still felt funny inside when I saw Tim. Was a really attracted to this person still? I wasn't gay, but it seemed so. We hugged, and got drunk in the park. It was strange, we actually spent that evening as a couple. Most people dismissed this as normal. It was so weird to now be on the female side of a teenage relationship, I wonder how it's going to progress. That evening, the group of us lay on the grass to the early hours in the morning. We were now so different to just a year before, but we were still so similar. We lay on the grass, drunk out of our minds. It was one of those odes to summer evenings, and we wondered whether we would have to return to school. I couldn't really contemplate school, as my male psyche, I wouldn't know anyone or recognise them really, but my new female psyche would take control and I would recognise my friends and have fond memories of them as if I had known these people all my life. Soon, I was the only one sitting on the grass. I watched as Michelle walking away from me, her body stumbling across the lawn in the bright light from the full moon. She soon disappeared out of sight, and I looked up at the sky, surrounded by empty bottles. I fell backwards onto my back, feeling my long hair rustle in the grass. I sighed, and then cried. I looked up to the stars and wondered if the aliens would ever return to return us all to normal. Part of me longed to have a dick between my legs again, but the other half, and maybe even greater than a half, was quite happy with my new form. I lay and cried on the grass for about another half an hour before I looked at my watch and saw that it was 2:30 in the morning. I got up, and walked back to my house as it started to rain. I felt confused more than anything. I opened the door lightly, and realised that there were no lights on in the house. I set my bag down in the porch, and went up to my bedroom. I staggered up the stairs on the way, but tried to make as little noise as possible. I reached my room and fetched out my laptop from my desk drawer. I opened it and booted it up. I sat down, and started typing my story of the events of the past month, which you have just been reading. As I finish this story, I look out the window and see the sun rising on the horizon. June 23rd 2050, it's a day that everyone will remember, or a day that everyone can look forward too...

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Excerpts From My Inexperience I Blew My Chance

"There's a train leaving to Sprawlish Rabbiton in five minutes. If I get on it, and make it back for the Nine O'Clock to Shedclip, how long will I have in Sprawlish Rabbiton, please?"The ticket inspector winked at me."Long enough for a cheeky pint.""That's exactly what it's for," I smiled. "I'm hoping to meet up with someone.""A cheeky pint and a snog," he laughed."You're good!" I blushed, shocked that he knew exactly what I was up to."I do this all day, every day," he told me. Quickly, he...

First Time
2 years ago
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Valentines Day Rimjob

Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...

4 years ago
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An Expats Life and LoveChapter 10

Considering how the day had begun, the rest went very smoothly. The three of us had a great time. I could see that Anita really enjoyed having Kathy around. It gave her a big sister to talk with and confide in. I enjoyed having her here too. She was witty and intelligent, giving me someone to have adult conversations with. The fact that she was eye candy did not escape me either nor did the mental image of her with Anita. After watching the sun go down over the lake, Anita was losing her...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Jade Wilde G262

The moment Jade has been waiting for has finally arrived! She is up on the pedestal and surrounded by FIVE COCKSMEN. You may also notice how covered in slobber she is right from the start. Find out why soon when her segment of GREET THE MEAT comes out. It’s gonna get messy, and we’re not just talking about what happens out on the red carpet. Jade is about to get FUCKED, FILLED, AND FED with FIVE CREAMPIES in her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. That’s a lot for a 20-year-old to take on,...

3 years ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 18

I pondered what I should do, as I ran my morning three miles. While running might be good for your heart and circulatory system, it doesn't really take a lot of concentration. That left me with a lot of time for thinking. For the last couple of years, I had watched the US taking a large and active roll in world events, mostly concerning the Middle East. I shook my head over the terrorist situation. It was now 2005, and I was trying to decide if I should take a more active roll in...

1 year ago
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Sexy spin on a Twilight Zone episode Nick of Time

Don Carter and his voluptuous blonde wife are sitting at a small table in the diner waiting for their lunch to be delivered. Don looks at his attractive wife thinking about how innocent she looks, like an older version of Doris Day. Don knew another side of her; a wild, passionate side. She could be a sexual dynamo, given the right circumstances. Their car had broken down so they had to stop in this town, forgotten when the Interstate Highway bypassed it. They are very anxious to attend the...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang With Teachers 8211 Part I

(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) Bhakti looked at me curiously as I gave a surprised shout. “What is it?” She asked. “Rajiv sent a long mail. Now, he is fucking all his teachers, including his head mistress” I told her. Bahkti smiled” I am not surprised. He is so handsome and we trained him so well in the art of fucking, no wonder his teachers are clamoring for his cock” she...

2 years ago
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Pizza guy really delivered

My wife and I order from the same pizza place every few weeks. The same good looking delivery guy deliver our pizza every time. His name is Spencer. We always tip him well. He is always very nice, stops and talks to us a bit and I can tell he has a huge crush on my wife. The past few times she has answered the door in either a very low cut top, or a tank top without a bra. She makes sure to bend over nonchalantly so he can get a good view of her spectacular dd’s. We have talked about having a...

3 years ago
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Photo Op

Marie had never had her photo taken like this before. She stood in the middle of the room in nothing but black stockings. Her hands lay on the arms of the chairs in front of her while she bent over as her husband instructed, exposing her glistening folds for his camera lens to capture. Her husband had been taking a lot of pictures of her lately. "Capturing her beauty" was the reason he gave for wanting to do this. Most of the photo sessions had been mild until today. As exposed as she was, she...

2 years ago
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John Finds A Beautiful Spot In The Woods

John was my boyfriend for nearly five years. In that time we only both went to stay with my family once. We were both twenty-two; my old childhood room still only had a single bed. When I was about sixteen I broke the door in a fit of teenage anger. It didn't close and we had no real privacy. To make things worse, the house wasn't huge, the walls were thin and my parents were always at home. There was never a moment alone.It was the middle of summer and, at night, we would cram into my old...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 3A

Just before my 9th birthday my godmother, great-aunt Frances, bought me a new dark brown suit and new shoes for my Confirmation ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic Church. It was a dim, cloudy Sunday afternoon outside; but inside the ornate, high-ceiling Gothic church, hundreds of banks of candles cast a warm, glorious light over everyone in the church. Mom and Aunt Frances and my deceased father's mother, Grandma Rose, drove me to the front entrance and let me out on the sidewalk while Aunt...

3 years ago
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Lund Muh Me Lia Bhabhi Ne

By : Arsh Hi SSI readers I am raj (name change). Me SSI ka regular reader hoon. Mujhe is ki saari stories pasand hai. Me Moradabad me rahta hoon. Ye story mere pahle sex experience ki hai meri bhabhi ke saath or this is the first story my on SSI.  Ab me apni story per ata hoon. Hamare ghar mere 3 bhai or 1 sister hai. Sister ki shadi ho gai hai. Or bade bhaiya ki shadi ho gai hai. Un se chote bhaiya apni padai ke liye delhi me rahte hai. Zyada ter me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabhi hi ghar per...

2 years ago
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New Ski Bunny Part 4

New Ski Bunny Part 4 by Nikki H Kim and I are really thrilled to receive so many emails of encouragement about our life story. Please don't stop sending them and we promise to try and reply personally to some of your messages this time. The more we get, the more we will tell ! The next part of our story will be about our escapades in Germany and maybe even France if we have time, but only of course if you all want to hear about them! Love and Hugs to you all and we hope you...

1 year ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 15 I hope you get what you deserve

One of the guys handed Scott a beer and he offered it to me but I tried to turn it down saying, “No Scott I can’t I’m pregnant.” “Its okay baby it wont hurt you,” he said and pushed the beer at me again. “Come on its just one,” he said holding the beer in front of me. I took hold of it but didn’t drink it and he was handed another and he took a big gulp. I then noticed music playing and it seemed to get louder as I began to listen. Scott then started dancing with me pushing and pulling...

1 year ago
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My Uncle Fifi

This is a funny little spinoff of my other story, "Mockumentary." But it's totally okay if you haven't read that one, since the tie-in is pretty simple: this is the pilot episode for the sitcom that Tristan ends up starring in. Just to be clear, I wrote this story to be complete and have a nice, satisfying ending...but, since it's meant to suggest the pilot of a TV show, it does end on kind of a "and so, the adventure begins" kind of note. However, I've gone to lengths to ensure that...

3 years ago
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A Lifetime Rememberable Experience

Hi friends, I am back after a long time. With the help of my friend I met many other friends who like men and had a lot of pleasure. But this story is different from all of them this story is about how I fucked a couple of trannies. Let’s get into the sex story this happened recently, I was going to the US so my parents asked to visit all my relatives. I went for 10 days trip and coming back to my place… when I was getting down from my train one tranny was asking for money to all the passengers...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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One of Those Days

In her world…. He may have been a stranger, but he was no stranger to her heart. For over miles of invisible wires, they met. Became friends. Became lovers. At first they wrote about everyday happenings. Exchanging news of daily lives. Then dreams crept in. Imaginary prairies evolved sending them off in a snapshot of time where they could be together. He taught her how to fly away in her mind, and lose herself in a fantasy. Her mind’s eye became her private world. She could see clearly what she...

2 years ago
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Kate monday continues

I told Kate I was hurting, and I needed to peeShe dismissed this your going out Christine,no argument,okYes mistress I replied, I looked at Sally hoping for support but nothing!In the hall Kate passed my a pair of flip flaps I tried to bend over to put them on but the support knickers pushed the carrot deeper inside meHelp her Sally Kate ordered Sally obeyed , My shoes on Kate said come hereShe got the key to the hand cuffs and undid one' I thought she would remove the other,but no my arms...

3 years ago
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Abby TwoChapter 33

We are headed back home. This train starts at night ... early evening to Sydney. Alice took one look at the buffet ... and said, “I wanted breakfast.” The attendant heard, “Evening ... you get the evening meal selection. I need to see your ticket.” Alice is obviously NATIVE Australian ... with an oriental in the woodpile look. Natives generally travel economy ... Economy does not include the Buffet. He looked at me, “Yours too.” Too hungry to protest, we both produced. Humph He handed...

3 years ago
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I sucked my brothers cock in front of his friend

My brother's friend was an OK kind of guy and as is usual in these cases, he took a shine to me, resulting in him teasing me at every opportunity.He would stay over and the three of us would drink too much, I would tease for the hell of it, but he never, and sometimes frustratingly, never rise to the bait.I was never shy about my womanly attributes, and sitting showing my knickers, or wearing a t-shirt with pert nipples, was normal for me, even my brother remarked and would say things like I...

3 years ago
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This particular match took place on a large outdoor wrestling matt in one member’s back yard. The house was fairly secluded and surrounded by a beautiful wooded area. The boys circled around the matt as the competitors prepared to wrestle. Jake was a young boy of about 12 or 13. With short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a fairly toned build he was quite the looker, even though he was short for his age. He was wearing a tight-fitting blue t-shirt and black basketball shorts. Luke was...

3 years ago
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Ivys Aphrodisiac

To my readers: I must say that this is my first attempt at writing erotica and I could not have done it without the help from my editor, Eluckenbach. So thank you Eluckenbach! I am hoping to continue writing in this genre and any feedback will be welcome. Thanks and happy reading! SecretEssence ***** Standing hunched over the counter in her bakery’s kitchen, Ivy Moretti breathed in the heady aroma of freshly baked chocolate, as she created intricate white roses along the sides of the...

3 years ago
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Licking her ass when high

Hi, my name is Johnny and I'm a 27 year old malayali guy working in Bangalore. For those of you who don't know, that's a city in India. I'm 5' 7" and I've got an average sized dick. I've never measured it but it looks big enough and the girls haven't complained so I'm good with that. I workout 4-5 times a week and maintain a good diet so I look pretty fit. I've also been told I'm above average good looking which means I guess even though I'm not a showstopper I can still turn a...

1 year ago
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KissMeFuckMe Kenna James Aidra Fox What Are Friends For

Kenna James returns home to find her friend, Aidra Fox, waiting on the doorsteps with a suitcase. Aidra just broke up with her girlfriend and needs a place to crash. Without missing a heartbeat, Kenna invites Aidra to stay, and they move into the house. Once inside and settled in, Kenna gently asks what happened. Aidra is a little stumped, but admits that it’s like they stopped listening to each other, letting what they both wanted — or NEEDED — slip between the cracks. Aidra...

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The Village 9 Deflowered

Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:...

2 years ago
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UberDommes Society

Chapter One: IntroductionSix women sat around the large dining room table in the opulent penthouse apartment. The apartment was located on Central Park West, occupied the top two floors of the building, and covered at least 6,000 square feet. The dining room was large and well-appointed, with a beautiful Tiffany chandelier suspended over the center of the table. The buzz of conversation around the table ceased as the woman at its head intoned, loudly, "The Society of Uber-Dommes will come to...

4 years ago
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Some other stuff Jackie liked to do wme

Before I begin, keep in mind that all this stuff was going on in like 85, 86, 87,. There were no smart phones,no pc's, not even dvds. We had vcr's & video cassettes back then. So with that in mind....let me tell y'all bout some of the other fun nights we spent together. Living in Birmingham Al. in the later 80's for 2 extremely horny people with no internet doesn't mean no fun, it was what it was. Here's what we'd do sometimes, there are always flea markets down here. Anyone can bring...

3 years ago
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My heart beat was rapid. It had been a long time since I have been touched like this. His strong hands rubbed my shoulders. I could feel his breath on my neck. Feeling the moisture of his soft lips on my neck my knees began to quiver and my pussy moistened. He wrapped the scarf around my eyes tying it tightly around my head. I couldn’t see a thing through the dark scarf, not even shadows. Taking two fingers he placed them around my jaw, opening my mouth wide. Something limp and soft entered...

2 years ago
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OMG VI The Steel

Her face smelling like man ass, Pansy Pumpscock glowed as she knelt behind a dumpster in the dirty alleyway. Kneeling next to her was her sissy sister, Prissy Pumpscock, face covered with ropes of sticky white man goo. Her makeup all a mess, Prissy looked as if she had been crying for hours. Even so, Pansy could tell that she was glowing as well. They had made a man cum together, hard! Looking into each other's loving eyes, they said, "OH MY GAWD, I NEED TO BE MAKING MEN CUM!" And with...

2 years ago
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The Watcher

I first noticed her on my way to work one morning. She was young, either a senior or fresh into college. She had long tanned legs, curly brown hair and the perfect figure. She was running on the sidewalk, tight spandex shorts and a little tank top on, showing all of her curves. She had her headphones on so she didn't hear me drive by. This girl was gorgeous. I thought to myself. As the days went on, I took this same route just so I could see if I would see her again, and I did. She ran every...

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Pehla Pehla Sex

Hi friends, My name is Siddharth, i am an engineer by the profession and this is my first experience of posting my personal story of how i got the chance for my first sex. Baat un dino ki hai, jab main 10th standard mein tha aur us time hum mumbai mein raha karte they, mere ghar mein ek family kiraye par rehti thi, wo uncle merchant navy mein they, unke do chote bache aur wife thi. mera room unke room k saath mein hi tha aur mere bhai aur mummy papa k room k liye gallery k through jana padta...

1 year ago
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JAV World! If you are ready and willing to get off to an amazing assortment of JAV content, you already know that there are so many options available for your horny ass. You already know for a fucking fact that you have a wealth of content that awaits you. You have browsed ThePornDude on the regular, so of course, you know how many Japanese adult videos are waiting to feel your semen sticking on its proverbial pretty faces!This brings me to my latest offering today: JAVWorld! The aptly named...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Little Miss Love

LITTLE MISS LOVE (You give her a name.)[The author does not condone sex with minors. If there is a problem with age, this can be corrected asap, so please don't be in a hurry to mark it for deletion. This story has not been proofread, so please ignore spelling and grammar errors. I was typing with one hand (you know why) so, kindly report any inconsistencies and they shall be corrected.]She lived a few blocks from my house. My house is enclosed with a fenced garden and a path leading up to the...

2 years ago
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Shifting Sands

by Philip Johnson Chapter One It wasn’t totally unexpected and yet, Lee still couldn’t believe it. His sweet aunt had died. Aunt Amalie Hansen was born in Norway and came to the U.S. as a child, and she was a long legged beautiful blonde her whole life. Even as her health left her, he couldn’t help but admire her regal fair skinned beauty. He was the only nephew, but she did have a niece, Anna Grierson. Aunt Amalie had a claim to fame of sorts. Many years ago she and Uncle Mathias had bought...

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Real Doll

Realdoll! What would happen if the producers of Black Mirror made a porno? Well, I think I may have just found the site that would start it all.Real Doll made by Abyss Creations makes the most lifelike, realistic, customizable male sex toys on the market today. They have a whole roster of sexy inanimate fuck toys for you to browse and (if you’re lonely and rich enough) purchase. If you thought blowup dolls were bizarre, just wait until you see the shit that Real Doll has to offer. Holy....

Sex Doll Shops
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Manya Forbidden Lust 5

Deen’s head was reeling and his heart was pounding. What he had seen shocked him to start with. He saw an unruly man, dark and powerful, manhandle his beautiful mother, pump into her pussy roughly, mash her fleshy body all over and finally spew his hot cum deep inside her belly. And all along she not only liked it but loved and craved for it. The fact that she didn’t mind going through it with her son in the house made his heart beat faster with the realization that his mom was indeed a lusty...

3 years ago
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Living the High heel Life Part 3

Chapter 1 The breakup had been completely unexpected. Chris had made reservations for a late summer romantic weekend getaway to a quaint bed and breakfast. His plans seemed to be going great until at the last minute Erica called and told him that she couldn't go. Chris had been disappointed, they had been going out for almost eight years now. In fact it was just short of their anniversary, that day in college when Chris had finally gotten up the courage to tell Erica how he felt. ...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Lana Rhoades Stephanie West Lana Rhoades Introduces Stephanie West To Her First Anal

Lana Rhoades takes it in the ass and helps her friend Stephanie West with her FIRST ANAL with Jules Jordan! Lana & Stephanie show up looking hot as hell in matching black and pink lingerie with stockings and high heels, and matching pink butt plugs. There’s a plate of strawberries and whipped cream on the counter so Lana decides that they should show off their dick sucking skills on the strawberries. They pull out their tits and put whipped cream on their nipples then take turns...

3 years ago
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Running Together

Part ITom Clark slapped his belly as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rather than the flab he gotten used to over the years, his flat hand met real muscle, and like they said on those old cereal commercials, he no longer pinched more than inch on his waist.It was true that at the age of forty-seven, Tom was in the best shape of his life, and it was all thanks to his daughter, Brin. After a scare with his heart - which had turned out to be nothing more than anxiety and extra pepperoni with...

2 years ago
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An Honorable Union

An Honorable Union by Will Buster This story is an experiment. The English Norman period is one of my favorites and I hope I’ve captured the spirit of the times. Let me know if you like my depiction of this courtly age. I have other novels that deal with this long past world. So feel free to send comments and by all means vote. W.B. ******** “I thought it would be a good idea for you to meet your betrothed.” Young Brian Fitzgibbon raised his eyebrows ever so slightly as...

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The Scullery Maids Tale

The little girl skipped down the forest path, her mother following close behind. She crested a little rise, and stopped short. When her mother caught up to her, they looked out over a fenced field planted with row upon row of blooming cotton plants. The little girl's attention was riveted on a group of tall, nearly naked Slave-men harvesting cotton. Two uniformed fieldwomen, shiny metal batons held casually in their hands, watched them from a short distance away. The little girl looked up at...

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Maa Didi Ki Choot Me Jhada Part 1

Hii… Mera name vaasu ha… Sex k liye ladkiya or aunty fb par search kare faadu.King.31 Niras nahi karu gaa.. Mera 9inch ka lund aap ki seva me ho gaa.. Bilkul muft… Me aap ko yaha ek story sunane jaa raha hu.. Jo maa or didi or meri bich bane sex samband ki ha.. Meri maa ka name asha ha. Unki age 39 ki ha.Vo bhut hi sexy ha . Bade bade boobs ha un k vo bhut gori ha..Or meri didi riya bhi bilkul fit or gor rang ki ha. Unki age 20 ha. Bade bade boobs ha or gand to kamal ki ha.. Mera name ashu...

4 years ago
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A New Bully In Town Part 3

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3 Ashley Jake is a cover. My parents are the white, christian, find a nice boy and settle down type. I’m not. I have been exploring my online submissive side. Speaking with men via chat and sometimes photos who degrade me and make me do sexual tasks. I’ve only recently started doing it, but I’ve always felt that...

2 years ago
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A Correct DestinyChapter 13

The temperature was in the mid-fifties and a stiff ocean breeze was blowing across the tarmac of Cambridge Aerodrome on the morning of March 24. There were a few high clouds drifting overhead but the sky was otherwise a brilliant shade of blue rarely seen in inland California. This was typical weather for southern Tasmania four days after the autumnal equinox. Ken and Meghan were both enjoying the combination of bright sunlight and brisk air. They wore blue jeans and light windbreakers over...

3 years ago
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An Epic Desire

Ewan stood, still and mesmerized, beneath the castle window. It was the darkening hour, around midnight, when his longing was greatest. Not the longing to feed, no. He had satisfied that some hours before, from his stash of blood red vials he kept in the cellar beneath the expansive orchards of this vast abode. The hunger and longing which brought him to this very window each night at the same hour was caused by Elysia, a princess in Sir Douglas’s castle, and the fairest maid ever to set foot...

First Time
2 years ago
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Fantasies Come True

I was 16 when it happened. My best friend, Jamie and I, were in our computer arts class. I had liked Jamie for a long time, but she did not want a relationship. This was fine with me, I did not want to jeopardize our friendship. However everyday it was getting harder and harder to ignore how badly I wanted her. She had a perfect figure, beautiful full lips, deep brown eyes, huge D cups, a nice round ass, and she know just how to torture me with it. At first I didn't think much of what she was...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Lover

Hi I am Monica; I am 21 years old, lives at Chennai. I am a regular reader in ISS. I found many girls posting their sex experience that gave me some guts to post mine too. This was my first sex experience with my first love. I would like to hear from you all about my story to I am little chubby, my sizes are 40-34-36. So u can find that I have big boobs and it’s really huge among any parts of my body. I always feel proud of my big boobies and I love pressing them. I always used to wear a very...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Stone Double of Nothing Part 1

"Well, I'm here," Jay Heckmer said as he arrived at his cousin's house. He was spending some time at his cousins in an effort to get away from his hectic job. Jay wasn't married and he thought it was nice to just get away and spend time with family. Jay was a man in his late thirties about five foot ten and 170 pounds. He had short brown hair that was slightly receding as is the case with many men his age. Jay considered himself OK looking but he was being a bit hard on himself not...

4 years ago
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Z and the Truckers

Z’s Walks a Truck Stop   Z came to visit me.   I live in a much smaller town than Z.   We don’t have the theaters like she does but she brought her sexy outfit anyway.   Had a fun warm up at my house.   We haven’t seen each other, since the last Theater visit, which had been a few weeks ago.   I treated her to a great elegant dinner with wine. Z, out of character, had two vodka martinis. She felt and would continue to feel the affect, especially, the strong martinis.   We went back to my...

3 years ago
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Road to Bi Part II

As I mentioned, we had lost track of each other for a couple years, and although I had his phone number, I didn't want to call for fear something may have happened to him or maybe he just had a change of heart and didn't want to do that any more. We had promised no pressure, and I was determined to live up to that. Then one day we were both on the same chat site where we had originally met. As he told me later, he had lost his original password and sure enough was signed in under a different...

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