- 2 years ago
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Tom returned home from his second semester at Lyling Military University to find out that his mother and father would be gone for the next year to France leaving him home for his 2 week semester break alone with Deana; the Woman left in charge of the care of the house and to manage the servants until their return. This was not the news Tom had hoped for, Deana was a very strict by the rules woman. She was middle aged, had 2 children that had left home, and her husband had long been gone from the scene. 22 year old Tom on the other hand, wanted a break from strictness and rules. After 6 years in all male military schools he wanted to take the family Jag down to the local college and find a girl. 22 years old and he still was inexperienced. Tom had brief back seat romps, but never more than an awkward fumbling. It was time to do more and try all those things he had heard about, seen on the internet, but he himself had never expierenced. Plenty of lonely nights in a dorm room had led to surfing of web sites with images and pictures of people having sex in ways he could only fantasize about. He thought to himself all the wasted opportunity, I haven’t even ever had a woman touch my cock, nor have I ever touched a pussy or a breast. In fact Tom’s one and only partner was his ex-girlfriend Gina. Gina’s idea of sex was that she would pull her skirt up and let tom pump away till he was satisfied, but never any more than that and never did they get nude or explore each other’s bodys like he yearned too. Tom knew nothing of fore play other than what he had seen in the video’s. That was about to change, 2 weeks down at the local college with the senior class girls and he would be caught up, and have all his fantasy’s fulfilled.
Deana was not at all impressed that the Wilton’s had not mentioned that she would be babysitting every time Tom returned home on a break. Oh well there was only 3 breaks this year, and at the end of this school year Tom would be graduating and starting his enlistment in the army, besides how bad could it be he was 22 and should be pretty self sufficient. Plus he was not hard to look at 6 years of running and push up’s defiantly showed in the young man’s physique. At dinner that night, they talked about what had happened at school. Deanna was shocked to hear that the only free time Tom ever had was late at night after lights out, this did not leave much time for a social life. Something she had heard Tom’s parents mention he had no skills in. “So what are you going to do with your break then”? Asked Deana “I am going to take the Jag down to Trep University and visit some friends for the first week”. Said Tom. “Oh…..I am sorry Tom but the Jag Was sent to the shop for restoration last week, and your parents lent the Mercedes to your grand mother.” Replied Deana. “So you mean there are no car’s here, what do you get around in”? He replied in a very hostile tone. “Tom, I’m sorry but I don’t need a car here, if I need a ride I call a Cab, or today I borrowed a car from the Chef. I’m sorry Tom but I did not even know you were coming home till this morning. Now please finish up your dinner so that Sarah can get the dishes washed and get home before it gets too late.” As Deana left the room Tom shoved his plate away, very unhappy that his 2 weeks off would be spent walking the halls of his house with stiff old Deana. Just great. Later that evening the Tom sat and watched TV as Deana paid the estate bills. As the show ended Deana walked through, well I am off to bed. You can stay in your fathers’ business guest room. “Fine, thanks” Tom sat on the Sofa for another 10 minutes till he decided he was bored, he turned the lights off and went up stairs. As he neared the top of the stairs he saw Deana in the mirror reflecting from her room across the hall. She was undressing and trying clothes on. He saw her in a very nice silk teddy which she had been hiding under stuffy clothes all day. Tom thought to himself, for a middle aged woman she has a very nice body, in fact a devastating body. She put a dress on that soon covered her large breast and vivacious curves, bringing her back to the frumpy strict woman Tom knew her as. She then disappeared from the mirror and the door closed. Tom made the turn at the top of the stairs in the opposite direction and continued to his room. As Deana lay in her bed she thought to her self that Tom was a very difficult person, 6 years in military schools had kept him from developing socially, and he seemed to have very little care for others fellings. Perhaps she would arrange a car tomorrow so that he could visit his friends, which would probably do him some good. Tom entered the room with his bag and looked around it was a nice room with a large bed, a radio, a TV, and it was all his for 2 weeks. He thought this is funny it’s just like a large dorm room. Tom opened the closet to put his clothes away as he tried to put his last sweater away it hit something in the top of the closet. He looked and saw a small lap top computer. He pulled it down and recognized the tag on it immediately. It said Wilton INC.; it was his fathers work computer. Tom knew the rules, everyone in the house did. His father explicitly prohibited anyone from using it, the work files were very sensitive and his father could not risk losing them. He must have left it by accident before leaving for France. Tom put the lap top away, turned on his radio and crawled in to bed. 15 Minutes latter he still lay there stewing about not being able to venture out and enjoy the women of Trep University. How could his parents not leave him a car? Well they want me to stay here…fine then I am going to enjoy myself a little bit. He got up opened the closet and grabbed the lap top. On his way back across the room, he turned the radio up, to cover the noise of his plan. He removed his Pajama’s and crawled on to the bed naked, his 7 inches of man hood already beginning to swell with the anticipation of relief. As he logged on to the computer and began to surf he thought this is as close to a real woman I am going to get this year. He grabbed his cock and began to masturbate as he had for the last 6 yrs, watching the image of a woman masturbating and talking dirty to the camera filming her for his pleasure. Deana awoke to hear music blaring down the hall; half awake she sat and said to her self this is ridiculous. She got out of bed and put on the dress laid out for tomorrow, and went to the hallway. She immediately realized the music was coming form the guest room. As she approached the room she was so mad she did not even stop to think, and opened the door. There she saw Tom naked intently staring at a computer and stroking his cock furiously and awkwardly. In shock see stopped having opened the door just a few inches. She thought, right well, I’ll let him finish and he will go to sleep then, as she went to close the door she saw the Wilton INC. tag on the computer. Oh shit, how could she have forgotten Mr. Wilton asked her to send it to him two day’s ago. Now what will he think, he will see it has been used, and to watch Porn….he will fire me for sure she thought. Tom was in a world of his own; he never heard the door open, and all his attention was on the buxom blond about to orgasm on his screen. He feverously pounded away waiting for his release, but it just wasn’t happening. Great he thought, now I can’t even get my self off. Suddenly he saw a shadow move across the door and saw it was open……Deana he thought, the music must have woke her. Oh well his room mate had caught him before and it did’nt bother him then….in fact he thought why stop, let the old bird get a peak, maybe she will loosen up if she gets to see some cock. He refocused his attention on matters at hand and at the computer screen. Deana was totally lost; she knew she had to stop him, but how embarrassing for the both of them this will be. She knocked twice on the door with her head down and heard nothing. Tom lay on the bed ignoring the knocks. Deana Knocked again, and heard nothing. Right fine I have to go in Deana thought, she slipped through the door quietly trying to avoid eye contact with the muscular naked man stroking his hard cock in front of her, but it was hard to avert her eyes. “Thomas” she said. “What” replied Tom? “Can you please stop for a minute please” said Deana. “No” he replied. Deana was shocked ……what to do now. “Tom you can not use that computer for anything, especially for…..that, you know that”. Tom sighed and said “well what else am I going to do around here”? Deana was flustered, she didn’t know what to say, and with out thinking she replied “Tom you can do that all day long…I don’t care but you will have to use your mind and imagination, not your fathers’ computer”. Tom stopped and his mood changed immediately, he closed the computer and looked at Deana. “What do you mean”? For 6 years I’ve had to this quickly before some one intruded on me, I don’t have time to imagine it”. Suddenly Deana felt sympathy for Tom all his schooling had prevented him from enjoying his own body. Deana sat down and asked Tom “have you ever been with a girl Tom?” “Of course” he replied. As Tom covered him self with a sheet he explained how he had the 2 minute fully clothed romp with Gina his ex a few times. Deana thought this poor man……”Ok Tom, I’m sorry but your life so far has prevented you from learning some very pleasuring lessons”. Deana felt for the boy but this was awkward, her own life had started much the same but then in her early twenties she discovered the joy of sex with her husband. She had enjoyed about every possible sexual aspect she could for 10 years till her husband was killed 5 years ago. “Ok Tom this is awkward, but I think we need to teach you to use your mind and enjoy your own sexuality and not hurry through taking the time to enjoy yourself ”. Tom was stunned he actually was starting to feel a little awkward himself now. “Ok” he replied “what do you want to do, shall we fuck”? “No Tom, No, you need to know yourself before you can pleasure someone else. “Ok then what” said Tom. “First turn off the computer and hand it to me”. Tom lay on the bed as Deana sat in the chair, not able to believe she was doing this. “Tom close your eye’s and lay back on the bed, imagine one of you cam girls laying on the bed next to you slowly masturbating, look at her body, here her moans”. Tom’s cock immediately sprang to action. Deana was amazed, it was beautiful a nice large specimen, one she would salivated over in her younger day’s. “Now Tom slowly rub your cock, imagine her touching it” Tom immediately went from slow to furiously stroking. “Slow down Tom…Slow Down” Said Deana. “I can’t, I can’t I want to cum” said Tom. “Tom it is not just about the orgasm, it’s about the experience, the greater the stimulation the greater you’re orgasm, and hers will be”. Tom Suddenly felt Deana’s hands on his, slowing down his stroke, it felt odd, it felt good, but at the same time he felt his desire inside building, not just his cock wanting to explode. Deana was beside her self, she could not believe she was doing this, but he needs help she said to her self. She saw Tom seem to settle down and enjoy the slow teasing play, and his cock just kept getting harder. “That’s good Tom, now keep thinking about her body, her voice, what does it sound like. Deana was so hot at this point she decided she had to go soon, she had a vibrator she had not used in years in her dresser but tonight it was definitely going to be put to use. “What is she like Tom?” Tom never answered he was just breathing heavy and lost in his own mind. That was good he has found his imagination thought Deana, but Deana was ready to explode now too, she could feel her pussy was absolutely soaked. Her nipples were hard from the rubbing, that’s when she realized Tom’s hand was massaging her tits through her blouse. She looked down and didn’t even realize she was so caught up in the moment that Tom was no longer stroking his cock, she was. She thought oh well what will it hurt if we turn each other on a bit, she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled a breast out and placed her nipple to Tom’s lip. Tom immediately sucked on the hard nipple, she was amazed how he enjoyed it he slowly massaged her breasts and Deana felt a hand running up her skirt. Deana thought ok I have to stop this, or do I? Maybe Tom should learn it all tonight, Gawd knows I have not had a good fuck in years, and oh how I have missed it. “Tom, how do you feel?” Tom replied “I can’t explain I just want to explode inside…all of me”. Deana knew this feeling; in fact she felt it right now. She stepped back and said “Tom you are ready for more” She unbuttoned her blouse and dropped her clothes to the floor, Tom Stared in Awe. Deana laid down naked next to Tom, he looked in amazement he had never seen a woman nude in person. She was beautiful. Tom thought she looked good earlier in the hallway, but he realized now how amazing she was in full form. Her breasts were soft and subtle with large hard luscious nipples, her curves flowed endlessly and her neck yearned to be kissed. Her pussy was beautiful. Deana obviously enjoyed keeping it trimmed and Tom could see it glisten with wetness in the light. He approached her and they kissed passionately, Deana continued to slowly rub his cock, and for the first time Tom was allowed to touch and rub a womans pussy. She immediately let out a soft moan, which tom took as a signal to heighten her pleasure, he kissed her neck down till he found her nipples flicking them twice with his tongue before sucking them gently. Deana continued to moan and breathe heavily. Tom thought this is it; this is what I have been missing. Deanna sat up with a new look in her eyes, a look of lust, she slowly lowered down and took Tom’s manhood in her mouth. Tom felt as if he would explode, he had never felt this, and while he was only rubbing Deana’s back, she acted and sounded as if she was on the verge of cumming her self. Tom thought I have more to do than finish here. He pulled Deana up and kissed her. “Deana I want to do the same for you, but I have never done that”. Don’t worry baby it will come naturally” said Deana. With that Tom disappeared between Deana’s legs. Tom knew nothing of female anatomy, at first he just kissed her pussy, till he found her clitoris Deana pulled his head forcefully on to it, and he realized this was the spot to stay on he sucked on her clit, and stroked her nipples with his finger’s. Deana was on fire almost gasping for air. Deana was in ecstasy , gawd he was good but she yearned to be penetrated. That is when she felt tom slip a finger in to her wet pussy, gawd it felt good, he fumbled about a bit then all of a sudden she felt something she had not felt in years, he had found her G-spot. Yes” she screamed yes keep doing that. Tom was amazed, was this the same woman he had dinner with. He thought not. Her body almost seemed to convulse. Her moans were now screams. Yes, yes tom … I’m‘Cumming. Tom Felt Deana’s body convulse and then almost go stiff at the same time he felt her pussy tighten and then she seemed to relax and every thing subside. Tom thought that was it, she would be done now, and he had missed his enjoyment, but nothing could be further form the truth. When he returned to his pillow he saw Deana with a look that almost scared him. She was a woman possessed. He had seen this look before with his sparring partners at the academy, he realized that there they were out to kill him. Deana had a different agenda, she intended to fuck his brains out, and she did not hide it. “Tom, tonight you will experience every thing you have ever wanted. With that Deana sat on top of Tom and guided his manhood in to her. It felt differently than when he had been with his ex. It was hotter, wetter, and defiantly more explosive. Deana was insatiable. She would fuck and cum almost like a machine. The two spent the next hour trying about every position tom had seen his movies and then some he had never. Finally almost exhausted he found himself on top of Deana, she was moaning and yelling “cum on me Tom Cum on me”. Tom felt his balls stiffen and an orgasm building, but it was moving slower, but felt more powerful then he had ever felt before. Finally he knew it was the final moment. Deana could see it in his face she knew it was Tom’s graduating moment. She quickly pushed him off her and took his manhood in her mouth for a moment then with a quick 2 or 3 frantic strokes, she felt Tom moan and his cock spasm, as his spunk covered her breast’s she rubbed it around her nipples almost like suntan lotion, savoring every little drop . In the end Tom’s cock went limp, he was exhausted, and she was exhausted. She climbed from the bed and Tom said “thank you”, she in return said, “No Thank you, I have been denying myself that for years”. Deana said “I suppose I had better go”, not really wanting to leave. Tom stopped her at the door “if it’s not too much, I would really like it if you stayed in here tonight”. Deana almost felt a tear swell in her eye, the two retired to the bed that they had turned into a love shrine for the previous 2 hours. The both quickly drifted off to sleep. In the morning, Deana awoke in a panic. It was 9 AM she usually started her day at 6. She quickly showered, dressed and prepared her self then ran down stairs. As she stepped on to landing she smelled fresh bread and saw fresh cut flowers. She saw Tom pouring Coffee and buttering some toast with 2 places at the table. “Thank you Tom, said Deana. Tom replied this is the least I could do, my first day home was the best night of my life”. Deana blushed. “Tom I thought we would go rent you a car so you can visit your friends” “Thank you Deana, but I think I would prefer to stay home during my break”. Again Deana blushed. Tom this could be awkward, the servants don’t go home till late, so we have to be careful all day long” “I know “said Tom….That’s why I gave them all the next 2 weeks off.
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Lying in the bedroom, we were watching TV. The show ended and she rolled toward me, her breasts shifting like firm bags of warm jelly. “Honey,” she said with a slow smile, “I have to pee.” I grinned back and rose to my feet. My dick had already begun to thicken and firm up. It always happens that way. Like last night. Let me give you a play-by-play... I give her a hand and we walk to the bathroom. Hand in hand we step into the tub. I sink to my knees, my tongue trailing saliva along the way,...
Jonas knew that he was dreaming because he was back in Joe's garden sitting on the bench beside the huge oak tree. He had been talking to his wife and daughter for what seemed a long time, but not nearly long enough. Jonas heard someone clearing their throat behind him and looked over his shoulder to see Joe. "Sorry folks. Time to go," Joe said jovially. "Please Joe. Can we talk just a little more?" Jonas pleaded. "OK. You still have time to say goodbye," Joe conceded. Jonas put...
This is a fantasy story based on picture sets of my wife. I'll start to add the illustrations shortly. Sadly the ones in the public domain will have to be masked, although I occasionally allow a private viewing if people are interesting to talk to. If you have requests about things you want to do/see/know please let me know, I am happy to alter the scenes for admirers of her. My email is [email protected] The game will not be very balanced until I get to revisit the numbers once the story...
As a young woman, many people feel that I should be having the time of my life, but that isn’t the case at all. Even people as young as I am have their struggles. My struggle is making my way through college. I am one of the oldest in my class, only younger than two people who are both in their late twenties and early thirties. People may ask, ‘Well, what’s the big deal?’ But they really don’t understand. I may be one of the oldest but I am certainly the most naive out of the girls. I have...
Adrian woke with a stiffy, as he always seemed to. Grinding his hips against his mattress, he caught himself in a dreary haze, realizing that the hot, wet mouth he was thrusting into did not, in fact, exist. Good thing too: he was perhaps mere seconds away from making a rather messy mistake all over his newly clean sheets. Not that it really made a difference. After the government passed the Collective Understanding Non-Transgression Act, his sheets ended up in the washer more often than he'd...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHumiliated by Mommy by Naughtieboys [email protected] © Julian Smith and Em-bare-assed Press 1999-2001. Revised 2014. THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION (or unpure friction) FOR ADULTS ONLY. NO REAL CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS STORY. BY READING FURTHER, YOU ARE DECLARING THAT YOU ARE A CONSENTING ADULT. This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and...
I grew up with my mom in a trailer park in the south, she worked two jobs just so we could get by. We were best friends and got along amazingly well. It was really hard to say goodbye but she was so proud of me for getting a scholarship at a decent university a few hours away. It was tough we don’t own a car so it was hard to see each other. I worked a part time job to help pay bills but it wasn’t enough and I was getting desperate for cash. I found an ad in the paper for a best assets contest....
Introduction: I made part seven like I said I would despite you rude comments and negative votes, i cant leave a story unfinished. I understand you guys didnt like the last part an dim to blame, I didnt really out an effort in writing that part. I hope you guyslike this part. And thank you for your nice comments and I love reading your private messages you guys sent me, so keep them coming. Bye It was an agonizing year and two months that she hasnt seen Jake. He was deployed and wouldnt be home...
Chapter 1. Tom returns homeI had planned to tell my husband on the phone about what I’d done with the boys, but the timing just didn’t seem right, so I decided instead to wait until Tom came home to reveal what I’d been doing. It seemed like the time Tom was away had flown by, and now he was going to be coming in the door any minute. After my sessions with Jason and then with Kirk the next night I’d let both boys fuck me. And then again the next night…and the next, each evening until Tom was...
IncestIt had been several weeks ago when, albeit in some way my own terrible fault I had decided to cross the road while on my way to college, and was struck by a car that I didn't notice. Although I survived, I ended up with two broken legs, fractured wrists and severe bruising. Over the next few weeks, as I rested up in hospital and recovered the best I could, I eventually was released into my family's care with my arms bandaged up and in slings, and one of my legs still in plaster as it hadn't...
MasturbationI always see sexy ladies in their beautiful dresses and think of having sex with them. I started watching blue films when I was in class 8 and from then I got into the wonderful world of sex. I use to read porn literature and watch adult movies whenever I got the chance. Today I would like to share my experience with a couple which happened in bangalore. From last few years I was getting pretty attracted towards married ladies who have great round boobs and soft ass cheeks. This happened in...
Hello Everyone. My name is Ankit (name changed). I am from Mumbai but currently I live in Chicago – USA and I am a big fan of ISS. This is my story with Pankhuri (name changed) when I was doing my Masters in University of Illinois at Chicago. I have always been interested in sexy and tall girls. About myself I am athletic, well built, smart and handsome. About Pankhuri – she is tall and has a figure of 34-28-36. We met first time during our Orientation. We were in our first year of MS and...
before i start this story i would like to tell you that both the people involved are married and after telling my husband what i had done he encouraged me to write it on hamster i will not mention names to keep the man and his wife from any trouble it may cause my friend and i have been best friends for as long as i can remember and i feel bad about what happened but i cant turn back time and even if i could i would still have done itanyway she is married to a guy and since we are so close we...
It was Monday and we were back in class and this time I was ready for anything. Photography 101! Finally I'd have a chance to show what I could do with a camera! Was I in for a surprise. The first thing I saw when I walked into the studio was a bunch of kids standing around talking about what great photographers they were and bragging about the outstanding images they'd created. I decided keeping a low profile was my best bet. After last quarter with Grossfeldt I had learned the fine art...
At least those who had seen a Machoke kill people before might not recognize the Machamp with an unusual coloration. The plan involved taking down the guardhouses. Here, Machamp would act as a mentor regarding a useful move. It involved observing the target for weaknesses, before landing a devastating punch. The group went to the nothern gate leading to Route 35. Their leader stood still to the side of the gate, paying no attention to the conflicts of Team Rocket grunts and trainers out in...
I met Jean through a husband/wife couple that I had been playing with for awhile. They had also played with Jean, but before they told her about me, we had never met. The husband of the couple sent me an email, and in it he told me that he and his wife had been with Jean on the previous Saturday and that they had told her about me, and that she might be contacting me. I opened my email on Monday and sure enough, there was an email from Jean and she said that she wanted to chat with me and...
Kelly was about to say something when a large crack of thunder interrupted her words, "Are you sure you want to go out on a night like this? You have a long way to travel. It would be safer if you stayed overnight and only left tomorrow. It is Sunday, after all, so, unless you have a previous engagement, you don't have to rush to get somewhere." "It'll be fun; you'll see," added Jill. "Joe and I sleep on bedrolls whenever we're here. It's actually quite comfortable. It's like...
This is a story I have had in my head for a while and decided to act on it, please let me know where I can improve as I am not a writer by trade. Thank you The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each part adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story...
This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...
SpankingWhat a long week it had been! Ferrying around a sullen, moody teenager to his driver training classes…and back and forth to his job, which ended far too early in the morning…unpacking boxes after a move that she hadn’t really wanted, but needed anyway…trying to hold it all together. It was wearing on her. Badly. But today, the break in the horrid mid-summer heat, along with the brand new hammock her best friend had gotten her as a house-warming gift, would break this funk she was in. She was...
Cien watched from the stables as Regan walked out of the house and checked her flash light. With a deep breath, she walked forward into the woods. Cien looked himself over, suddenly unsure of himself. His new jeans were in a good clean condition, and the same could be said of his black sweater. He’d allowed Iris to pick out his clothes for this special occasion, and now he wasn’t sure if he should have just worn his torn and burned kilt instead. Taking a breath, he followed after her. She...
Hi ISS Readers , mai aapko meri sexy Mom ki ek nayi story suna raha hun. Yun to ab mom ke sath sex anand utha chukka tha, isiliye mai mauka dhoondhta tha kab mere papa koi tour par jayen aur mai mom ke sath masti karun. Ek din jaise hi mujhe pata chala papa outstation ja rahe hai mai khus ho gaya. Wo sham ki train se chale gaye the. Mai jab tution karke lauta to mom ne kaha jaldi khalo mujhe nind aa rahi hai mai aaj thak gayee hu. Maine mom se kaha kya koi special item hai, to wo boli khao tab...
Hai me Leena main 39 saal ki hoon. Shadishuda hoon. Kismat achhi hai ki me aaj bhi bahoot sunder,& saxy hoon, muzhe pata hai ki kai lund wale meri stori padker muzhe chodna chahenge lekin me lisbo hoon muzhe ladkiyoo se sex ki bate karna and forplay kerne achha lagta hai isliye boyes meri kahani padker apna lund hilaker shant ho jana lekin girls muzhe reply kerna 10 saal purani ghatna haii main apse apna ek experience share karti hoon baat 10 saal pahle ki hai meri nand ka ladka (ajju)jiski...
Do you have a hankering to see some of the most beautiful women in the world all in one place? If your cock demands that you stroke it to celebrities that are looking hotter than you ever will, sure, you could go to the many websites that have popped up over the years. Maybe get a little taste of fake celebrity nudie pictures. Maybe you’ll pop a boner for those giant titty pictures that have different flesh tones. That’s what porn is supposed to look like, right?Wrong mother fucker! Go with...
Twitter Porn AccountsHi friends.. This is Rahul. I am a reader of iss from so many days. I want to share a fantasy story with you people. I’m studying xyz in Bangalore. My tool is 6’ in size. Once i went to my brother’s home on account of holidays. My brother is a senior manager in a company and he needed to travel for some place for 10 days. He told to stay with her wife and left on his tour. I liked my bhabhi very much. She was good looking but i never thought of having sex with her. But when only both of us...
IncestAfter the fucking that Goliath/boy had given her, Veronica Lodge wasn't up to more of that at the moment. Unfortunately for her, the other two dog/boys had other ideas. Damien/boy lay down next to his exhausted pal and assumed the same position. His raging hardon pointing straight up. Hotdog/boy pulled Veronica back up and had her straddle his waiting buddy. He then guided her down on top of him, driving his friend's cock in her now loosened cunt. After the stretching that she had gone...
Amber had inherited the business from her late husband and had grown it tenfold. What started out as a small firm of engineering consultants had now grown to include architects, civil and hydraulic engineers, quantity surveyors and a construction division. With her business acumen, talent at networking, people skills and background as an architect, although she had never really practiced, Amber had proved that all round knowledge, common sense and people skills were a better recipe for success...
Written for a friend on another websiteMy list of things to due today. Morning wood - check. Big breakfast - cold pizza a beer - check. Put on old AC/DC black t-shirt and tan baggy cargo shorts - check. Remove old copies of Bodacious Magazine, Juggs, Score, XL, BBW, Voluptuous magazine and old D-Cup when they had stories and cartoons off couch in bed room - check. Log on PSP and PC computer in back room - 2 computers at same time - check. Upload galleries - check.I just got done down loading...
Playing at Porn Stars It was my birthday, my wife Olivia had prepared a wonderful meal which we ate after I got home from work and we were about to retire to the lounge “I have a surprise for you.” said Olivia, as we made our way to the lounge. “Tonight is Porn Star night,” she announced, “so I want you to go in there and strip off completely.” “Who are the Porn Stars?” I asked, “or what film are we watching.” “We are the Porn Stars!” she exclaimed in her best posh accent, “Now I want you...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 18 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
The weeks seemed to fly by. Beth never brought up her mother, so I never told her of the talk I had with my sister. I figured it would be a nice surprise. Beth proved herself to be the total package. She was beautiful, intelligent, graceful, athletic, quick witted, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous. She could be so modest yet oh so bold, child-like yet wise beyond her years. We became inseparable. We joined a local fitness center. Mostly, we would play racquetball and run on their indoor track....