My First Experience At University - Part Three free porn video

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I had started at the university during a cool, wet week in late summer, now the seasons had moved on, autumn had arrived in all its glory.

The trees had morphed into browns and golds as the leaves started to fall and the temperatures had dropped to give us cool, crisp days.

I was walking briskly through the grounds eager to get back to the warmth of my accommodation block. Despite a thick new winter coat and woollen thigh high socks under a heavyweight skirt, I was feeling the chill wind that blew across the common.

I had been down to the city center to do a little shopping and was returning via the uni admin center where I had to collect a couple of parcels.

The upcoming weekend was party time. My roomie, Savvy had scored invites to the most sought-after party of the year and along with our two best friends from the room next door, Laura and Celine we could hardly wait to raunch it up.

The annual Sigma Chi Night of Darkness party was legendary on campus. So much so the organizing house had been required by the administration to move it off campus.

Sigma Chi was a girls only sorority as was the party. Each year they would announce an erotic sexy party theme. This year it was to be, lace, leather and all things goth.

Invites were rare and fought over as receiving one conferred on you the status that you were part of the uber cool girls on campus. There were only three rules for the evening;

1, No boys

2, No drugs

3, No picture taking


I got back to our room to find Savvy just finishing the weekly cleaning session. Her long blonde hair was pinned up. She was only wearing an oversize Dallas Cowboys football shirt with white knee socks, she looked absolutely delectable.

Licking my lips in anticipation, I slipped my coat off and hung it on a peg by the door. I hastened across the room to where Savvy was standing on a chair to tidy a kitchen shelf.

“I have a couple of parcels,” I announced reaching up to stroke her bare ass cheeks.

“Oh, your hands are cold,” yelped Savvy.

“Sorry,” I giggled mischievously before standing on tip-toe to plant a warm kiss on her smooth taught butt cheek.

Hopping off the chair she embraced me, kissing each cheek. A lovely custom we had all adopted from Celine.

“Sit! I'll help with your boots darling.”

As I took a seat, she knelt before me and quickly pulled down the zips on my boots. Made of beautifully soft chestnut leather, they came to just over my knees.

Once the zips were down, she tugged each boot off pausing to squeeze the instep of each foot before running her hands up my calves.

“You have the sexiest legs Sandy, one glance and I’m horny," she said as she slid her hands up under my skirt, pushed it to my waist and started to pepper my upper thighs with light, airy little kisses before pushing her face against the silk panel of my thong and inhaling my scent.

“Oh, I so want you now my darling but we have to meet with Laura and Celine soon and I need to shower first,”

Struggling upright in the chair I pushed her shoulders away from me, "Go, shower and I’m yours later,” I giggled as I let a finger catch her moist lips before licking it clean with an exaggerated swipe of my tongue.


Whilst Savvy went off to shower and dress in fresh sweats I warmed a large mug of hot chocolate and decorated it with pink marshmallows.

Opening the smaller of the two parcels which was addressed in uncle Sebastian’s familiar script, I found a large packet of my favorite chocolate truffles, a homemade fruitcake courtesy of Mrs. Ellesworth, our neighbor of many years and a cheque for twenty-five dollars with a note telling me to get myself something nice.

I was still sitting there with a tear in my eye at the love and generosity of my uncle when Savvy swept out of the bathroom.

“One of these days you must introduce me to this wonderful man,” she whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly.

With that Savvy took her cell phone from the counter and speed dialed Celine, "She says Laura is still a little tied up but that we are welcome when we’re ready,”

Grabbing the larger parcel, we slipped out of our room and into Laura and Celine’s room next door.

Celine was wearing an outsize Montreal Canadiens Ice hockey shirt and knee socks. It was an “in thing” to wear team shirts and socks throughout the halls of residence. Indeed, there seemed to be hardly a team or a sport not represented.

“Hi, mes amies, come, make yourselves comfortable,” followed by a kiss to both cheeks and a hug.

Looking past Celine to the furthest bed I spied a naked Laura, kneeling on the bed with her arms stretched between her legs and each wrist bound to the corresponding ankle.

“I told this naughty girl that if she did not tidy the bathroom, I would have to teach her a lesson and all she did was squeeze the toothpaste across the mirror and dare me," laughed Celine hamming up her French accent.

Looking more closely I could see several pink handprints on Laura’s buttocks but even more interesting was the sheen of cum that coated her slight labia.

“Oh, I love the gag,” Savvy was pointing at one of Celine’s thong panties which had been wadded up and slipped into Laura’s mouth.

“I wore them all day yesterday, including two hours in the gym, if she wants dirty she can have dirty.”

With that Celine firmly swatted Laura’s ass again, giggling as she did so. Unable to resist temptation I stepped forward and added a handprint of my own, delighted to see my friends wet pussy twitch in response.

“I do declare she’s enjoying this,” Savvy said adding another swat to the other cheek and we watched as a single drop of cum trickled from Laura's slit as she groaned around the gag.

“Ok, that will do.”

With that, Celine pulled the Velcro fastenings from Laura’s legs allowing her to straighten up and remove the soiled panties from her mouth.

Another round of hugs and kisses followed before Laura pulled on a New England Patriots shirt and we all settled on their two beds with a glass of wine each.

“So, this weekend it's the big party, it’s time to see who’s wearing what,” Savvy in charge as ever reached for the parcel and started to remove the wrapping,” I have these new leather trousers and a sheer black blouse to go with my ankle boots,”

From the parcel appeared the softest black leather trousers you could imagine and an all but sheer silk shirt.

My turn next and I unveiled a black leather mini skirt and an open net singlet vest that would hide nothing, "I’m going to team these with black knee boots and net thigh highs,” I explained feeling myself moisten at the thought of so openly exhibiting myself.

Celine produced a sheer red body stocking and explained that she had a pair of black patent thigh boots to collect before the weekend.

Laura revealed nothing, she just smiled and told us it was all in hand but that it would be a surprise.


The day of the party broke cold and crisp with clear skies and little eddies of crunchy brown leaves blowing through the grounds. The four of us had a group booking at the beauty parlor for mani-pedis and waxes all round, so we were all up early to catch the shuttle bus to town.

Late afternoon we gathered in our room for another buffet before separating to bathe and prepare for the evening.

Savvy looked stunning, her long golden hair gathered in a French braid, the silk shirt hiding nothing of her full 34C charms and the trousers were spray-on tight. Indeed, it took both of us to pull them fully on. It was only then that I noticed the zip ran not just where you would expect but all the way between her legs to the rear waistband.

Braless under my tight vest top my breasts were stretching the net with my large stubby nipples protruding from the mesh. The skirt barely covered my black micro thong and did not reach the tops of my black net thigh highs. I pulled on my boots and looked at myself in the mirror. I had never felt or looked so horny in my life.

Knocking at our door, Celine walked in and took our breath away. Her long jet-black hair was combed out dead straight. Her tall, athletic body was encased in sheer red nylon. Wave-like swirls in the fabric accentuated her stunning figure, as did the glossy patent thigh boots.

But by far the most eye-catching feature was her swollen pussy with its ring of trimmed black hair exposed by the open crotch of the body stocking.

“Laura said she would be here in a moment, she changed elsewhere,” explained Celine in answer to our questioning glances just as another knock was followed by the door opening.

I think all three of our jaws dropped in unison. Laura was wearing nothing but spike heels and a silver chain. Oh, and a layer of black latex paint.

From her hairline to her toes her entire body had been painted glossy black, all she had added was silver nipple jewelry and a silver chain that ran from her full firm breasts around her neck and then around her body before passing through the ring in her clit and joining a waist chain.

“Laura, you look stunning, absolutely stunning,” stuttered Celine, "I am so going to fuck you later,”


Arriving at the hotel which was the venue for the evening we entered via a side door that serviced the suite of conference rooms that had been hired for the night.

As we shed the long modesty preserving overcoats that we had all worn for the cab ride over we were greeted by Savvy’s friend and Sigma Chi senior, Becky.

Resplendent in spike heels and thigh highs with a red satin lined cape that would break as she moved to give flashes of a leather bikini she took our coats and explained the layout for the evening.

“Hi Savvy, Hi Girls welcome to our evening of darkness. We want everybody to enjoy the evening so please follow the ground rules,” I could not help but notice her large deep brown eyes as she spoke.

“Just behind you is a row of screens, on this side you can wear as much or as little as you want but on the other side modesty but be preserved, also, no drugs, no photography. The bar is in the small room to our right, the main dance, party room is on our left and at the top of the stairs is the dark room. If you’ve not seen one before it’s an empty room filled with cushions and bean bags. It's completely dark, no lights except for a random strobe, inside anything goes. I repeat anything goes and by entering you agree to that.”

With that she hugged us all, letting her hands wander and linger on our asses before urging us to have a wild time.

Upon entering the main party room, we were greeted by another Sigma Chi hostess, this one in thigh high boots and a leather harness who offered us each a complimentary glass of bubbly.

The room was roughly divided into three. Along one wall were several rows of tables and chairs, followed by the dance floor and then along the opposite wall were a range of stalls and booths.

We were fairly early arriving but even, so the party was in full swing. Nude or near nude girls were everywhere, dancing, making out or chatting at the tables.

Laura tugged my arm and excitedly pointed across the room to one of the stalls where a woman in a black PVC catsuit was restraining a young blonde to a padded wooden bench.

“Come on let's go watch.”

We arrived as the woman started to stroke the young subs pert cheeks with a light leather flogger. Every time she trailed the ends between the girl's parted cheeks, she would squirm and moan aloud.

“We are looking for arousal, not pain, this is a pleasure, not punishment. It’s the act of submission that brings joy to my subject,” announced the woman as she flicked her wrist sending the leather tails skating across the stretched ass cheeks.

Quickly she repeated the action three more times bringing a pale pink flush to the girl's skin.

With every stroke, the restrained blonde groaned aloud. Her pleasure was obvious for all to see.

“Look how her passion is building,” the woman said as she slid a bolt allowing the bench to revolve. The girl's swollen labia slick with her excitement was visible to all.

Even over the music, I could hear Laura’s voice choking with arousal as she voiced her pleasure at the display.

Four more caresses of the flogger took the blonde's ass to a deeper shade of red, still no damage just stimulation of her nerve endings.

The dominatrix drew her finger through the honey leaking from the girls now open slit and smeared it across her cheeks. The girl mewing and bucking against her restraints so great was her need to cum.

“Don’t worry my beauty you can cum now,” the Dom gave a firm flick of the flogger across the girl slick lips.

With a loud scream, the blonde gave into her body’s need and released a flood of cum down her thighs as she shuddered in release.

The Dom released the ties and handed the girl some tissue to clean herself up as she stood from the bench on wobbly legs and stepped into the arms of a friend.

“Who wants to be next to free their inner self?” asked the woman as she sprayed the bench and wiped the blonde’s cum from it.

“Me, I’m next,” like a child eager to please its teacher Laura was waving her hand above her head, her silver chains shimmering in the lights.

In a matter of moments, she was being led by the chains toward the bench. The experienced Dom allowed just enough tension on the chains to gently stretch her nipples and clit.

Laura looked amazing, the chains, the latex body paint, the heels showcasing her long firm legs combined with an aura of total lust made her a sight to behold.

As with the blonde, the Dom gave her explanation as she gently warmed Laura’s ass with the flogger before stroking her already wet slit. When she revolved the bench, I caught a strong smell of Laura’s arousal as her swollen pussy passed before me.

This time after locking the bench back in place she placed several firmer swats across Laura’s sweet ass causing her to buck and writhe in pleasure.

Beckoning Celine forward she whispered in her ear causing Celine to knee and lock lips with Laura whose eyes were dilated with pleasure.

What a sight, tall dark-haired Celine clad head to toe in red body stocking kneeling before the crowd to lock lips with Laura bound to a bench.

“You will not cum until I say you may,” ordered the Dom gently tugging on Laura’s clit ring and eliciting screams of pleasure from Laura.

For the next few minutes Celine, her own smooth pussy on view to the crowd knelt before Laura, kissing her with unbridled passion as she gently stimulated Laura’s chained and swollen nipples and all the time the flogger danced across Laura’s ass.

“Cum, cum now my sweet,” the Dom gave her clit a firm flick of her flogger and triggered another massive orgasm.

I have never seen Laura cum so hard, she shook, she screamed, she thrashed against the bench but never once released her hold on Celine.

After being released from the bench a still dazed and euphoric Laura stood whilst Celine took the tissue and wiped her down.

“You two go and explore I think we need to sit down for a while. Catch us in the bar area when you’re ready,” with that Celine took Laura in her arms they headed next door.


Savvy took me in her arms, we locked lips whilst gently slipping a finger in each other's slick folds

“Mmm that got to you too,” she murmured in my ear

“Oh god yes, let's try that dark room.”

Just as we reached the stairs to the upper floor, Savvy paused to pull her silk shirt over her head and then indicating the part opened zip of her trousers

“Here, do the last bit for me,” using that over the top southern drawl again.

I slipped my hand between her thighs, feeling her warmth as I tugged the zipper all the way back to her waistband.

Now as I followed her up the stairs, I had an unobstructed view of her swollen wet pussy and ass cheeks through the open seat of her trousers.

Outside the darkroom, we found a wall of lockers. I slipped off my boots and as an afterthought my thong. Savvy added her blouse and heels as we picked an empty locker.

Stepping through the blackout curtains into the dark room, all we could hear were moans of ecstasy, of panting wailing orgasming women. The atmosphere was electric and thick with the scent of pussy juice.

Barely two feet into the room I felt a hand slide under my skirt, nails scratched across my slick lips sending a frisson of excitement through my body.

The strobe flashed brightly illuminating a slim red-haired girl kneeling at my feet with her hands reaching up my skirt. As darkness resumed I bent and traced those arms back to smooth, warm skin. I followed the firm form until I cupped a large breast, my thumb squeezed the nipple.

She liked it, her fingers dug into my sex, applying pressure to my swollen lips in return.

I let her pull me down onto her beanbag. We locked lips before allowing our tongues to touch.

There followed several minutes of vigorous pussy rubbing. No sight and no speech, just moans, and groans made every touch so much more exciting.

I could hear Savvy’s distinctive sounds of orgasm close beside me.

Then my mystery companion started bucking on my fingers, her juices running down my arm.

Overwhelmed I let go, screaming my release, my voice lost in a sea of passion.

My companion had gone. The strobe double flashed as I moved further forward into the room.

Two pairs of hands grabbed my vest and pulled it over my head, fresh minty breath hit my face as someone kissed me hard.

My knees were against a padded platform, I sank down against it and allowed the two pairs of arms to pull me aboard.

Quickly the minty lips were against my own whilst another mouth took my pussy. We kissed hard. I palmed her breast, kneading it whilst feeling the large hard nipple rub against my own.

A finger, I don’t know whose pressed against my ass and it sent me over the edge. I rode the fingers of my mystery lover as my second orgasm of the night shook my body.

“Sandy, Sandy!” Savvy’s voice.

“Savvy, over here.”

The strobe flashed like lighting as I caught a glance of Savvy, her hair now out of its braid, her trousers now clutched in one hand she was standing by a tall totally naked black girl wearing a strap-on.

We groped toward each other stepping over naked bodies and ignoring the stray hands that reached for every part of our bodies.

“Drink?” I shouted.

Savvy grabbed my hand, and we weaved toward the door

“Sandy Honey, that was wild!” Glistening with perspiration and obviously slick with cum my darling looked radiant. “God, could she use that strappy,”


Entering the main dance room, we were hit by a wall of noise, deep throbbing bass notes that vibrated through your body and so many excited female voices as everybody gave in to their innermost desires.

I grabbed two large bottles of chilled water from the bar and handed one to Savvy.

“Sandy, there is something I want to check out, meet you at the bar.”

With that Savvy headed toward the stalls and I made my way to the dance floor.

Angel’s Massive Attack erupted from the speakers around a pole dancing stage and Becky now in just the leather bikini bottoms was MCing the dancing.

I spied Laura now over the euphoria of her public spanking, dancing stage side and asked her where Celine was.

At that point, my question was answered as our friend danced out onto the stage and wrapped herself around the pole.

I knew Celine was fit, extremely fit but I had no idea just what she could do. Over the next five minutes, I watched her work that pole like a professional. All her gymnastic background and fitness training coming to the fore as she gave it everything she had.

She hung upside down, she twirled, she did splits all the time working her body and showing everything, she had.

The crowd around the stage thickened and a wave of rhythmic clapping encouraged Celine on. As did the constant shower of bills being thrown at her.

I noticed how at every transition she would rip a little more of her body stocking open. First those small puffy titties then more of the crotch until by the end of her dance and encore she was nude bar a few scraps of nylon.

Laura grabbed my hand, and we hopped up onto the stage to hug our friend and lover before helping her gather her tips.

The only problem we had was our lack of clothing, me in just a micro mini skirt, Laura in nothing but paint and Celine effectively naked, so we stuffed the notes into Celine’s boots which she had discarded before her dance.

Just then I caught sight of Savvy’s golden locks pushing through the crowd, we jumped down to join her.

“Where have you been my darling,” I went to hug her hard, but she kept her arms locked and me at a distance.

“I’ve just answered my inner need.”

Looking down I saw a small sterile dressing over each nipple


“Not too bad but that could be the numbing gel.”

Laura passed around glasses of bubbly, "It’s been quite a night, let’s get our shoes and head home.”

“Yes, I still want to fuck you,” Celine giggled clinking glasses

I looked wistfully at Savvy unsure if her sore nipples would allow us to fuck

“Don’t look sad honey, you can take me from behind,” she whispered in my ear.


A week later we received an announcement that the four of us had been selected unanimously to join the Sigma Chi sorority if we wished. Our jaws dropped as we looked at each other. We had no inkling that we were being considered. In effect, the party was where future members were vetted before being invited.

"YES!" the four of us yelled simultaneously whilst jumping for joy, before going into our patented group hug.

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Eight University students and me part 3

Well, my next gang bang really did have to wait a lot longer than I wanted it too. The next couple of days were agony for me and the eight guys; they were desperate to give me another good seeing too, and I was going out of my mind wanting to fuck my next three guys but there was no chance it was going to happen any time soon.With the guys going back to uni the day after tomorrow, I did everything I could to tease them and drive them insane whenever I could behind my husband's and son's backs....

Group Sex
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The Empire Book 3Chapter 8 PreUniversity

Harry, Jason’s great-grandfather was a rejuvenated man. He felt he was better than he had ever been. Jason invited him to spend some time with him in his house when his rehabilitation was completed. They visited with Cassius daily, starting with gym at the palace in the morning, he worked out with them on the machines, and he learned to fight as a bug. Harry decided he needed a vacation from his estate and decided to spend his time in Laomedeia, and would support Jason while he settled in...

2 years ago
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Eros University Chapter 1

Enyo gets accepted to a secret university of sex, depravity, and seduction, full of hot schoolgirls in short, skimpy uniforms, hunky males, and sexy full-breasted teachers. First year promises to be a blast.... Chapter 1: A Mysterious Letter Whoever got accepted to a university they didn't apply to? Apparently, I did. Last year in high-school I was burdened with the decision of choosing the best university for my future but just couldn't come to a conclusion. At first it was a variety of...

3 years ago
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First Day Of University Part 2

Noises of movement started to come from the bedroom; I heard the bed creak and more soft footsteps across the carpet. Oh my, she’s coming in here. I started to panic. As my eyes darted around the bathroom, I did the one thing that came to me - I lightly jumped into the bath and, hiding behind the partially closed bright blue shower curtain, I held my breath. Silence. After a few seconds, more sounds of movement from the bedroom; the sound of drawers being opened and closed, a wardrobe opening....

1 year ago
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Sandra after University Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans Sandra has earned enough money to take a year out. Author’s Note This story is a continuation of my story ‘Sandra is Different’. Although this story could stand independently it will make more sense if you read ‘Sandra is Different’ first. V Introduction After 3 amazing years at university where I made a shed load of money letting men spank me, letting men fuck me whilst I was unconscious and demonstrating fucking machines at erotic equipment conventions, I decided that...

4 years ago
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Rani In JS University 8211 Part 1

Rani ek middle-class girl h. Usne abhi abhi school khatam kiya h aur js university mein admission liya h, merit ke basis par. Rani dikhne mein bahut hot h aur uska figure 34c-32-36 h. Uske boobs na jyada bade na jyada chhote h. Bilkul perfect shape ke h aur ass ka to kya kehna. School ke sab ladke uski ass pr fida the. School ka uska ek senior bhi isi college mein h. Naam h rahul. Rahul ka school time se hi rani pr crush tha. Jb vo 12th mein tha aur rani 10th mein tb usne rani ko apni dil ki...

2 years ago
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A Taste of University

May 12 - 16, 1975 Introduction When I began my senior high school years, I elected to do the advanced maths course; what was then called "Level 1 maths", but these days is probably "3 Unit", or for people in the US, it is the equivalent of "AP Math" (Advanced Placement – a precursor of university / college level). About twelve of us opted for that class, which was taken by Mr King – our normal maths teacher, and one of the top teachers at the school. Back with I was in 5th form (or...

3 years ago
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Part of my University Education

My first week at university,I went for a walk to explore the city. Leaving the colleges behind me I walked down to the river, following the path by the bank to the wilder parts. A couple was lying stretched out on the grass under the shade of one of the trees. He was on his back and she lay partly across him. They were locked in a passionate kiss. Instinctively I stopped to watch and saw one of her hands move down to his trousers where she stroked the bulge in his jeans. I couldn't believe what...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 24 A Taste of University

“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...

3 years ago
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University Life Part 4 The Initiation pt1

My heart was hammering in my chest as I was led away from the Kitty Litter to a place unknown. I did my utmost to keep track of my progress as we left behind the warmth of the morning sun and into the coolness of the University interior. I could hear the sound of other people nearby as I was led along, the fact that nobody commented on my condition (with a bag over my head) implied the belief that my ‘initiation’ was something that came to everyone.Certainly, Wendy (aka Mrs Murdoch) had made no...

1 year ago
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Home From University Part III

In seven days, my sister would return to university and things would never be the same ever again. By returning to university on this next occasion, she would effectively be leaving home for good. This summer would never be repeated and all I could think about was one thing: would I get the opportunity to fuck her?Was she prepared to go that far? I say ‘that far’ when actually, we had come pretty fucking far over the summer! My cock ached at the thought of sliding into her warm wet vagina....

3 years ago
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Celebrity University

Author's Note: I've added a "Score" feature. You will now have three main stats: Notoriety - How well known you are at Celebrity University. Making connections with famous people will help to boost this score. The more famous the person, the bigger boost you will get. Kinkiness - How 'deviant' you are. Performing sexual acts outside of the norm will raise this stat. Honour - Basically, how much of a dickhead you are. Are you a nice guy, or are you just an asshole. The idea is that certain...

2 years ago
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Lust Relief University Chapter 1

It was my first day at college. I moved into my dorm and left my stuff in my room. With a smile, I breathed in the air; so this what freedom smelled like. For the next twelve months, this dorm would be my home. Dorm C.  I heard that Dorm C was more isolated from the main campus than Dorms A and B, since those two dorms were closer to the main campus. That’s why I heard from the older students that Dorm C students tend to have somewhat of a rivalry with the students from Dorms A and B. “Hi, I’m...

College Sex
4 years ago
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University Life Part 3 The Next Day

The morning arrived, shafts of sunlight pressing in through gaps in the thick curtains. I awoke, half in and out of sleep. I had been dreaming of the ‘Kitty Litter’ and of a pressing need to return for another outdoor pee with other girls from the University. In my dream I had been denied my intent, always turned around before I could reach the spot by the tall spreading oak that had been designated an outdoor loo.I slipped a questing finger between my legs, seeking out the warm wetness of my...

1 year ago
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University Life First Ch 01

‘Mum, Mum…MOTHER!’ Kainene screamed the last word. ‘Gah! What is it, Child?’ Her mother snapped in irritation. She was trying to stuff her daughter’s novels into her suitcase and it refused to shut. Her face was red, she was sweaty and her daughter was screeching in her ear. She was not best pleased. ‘Don’t yell at me mum, I’m trying to tell you not to bother squeezing them novels in. I’ve got space in this other bag.’ Kainene rolled her eyes. Gosh, she was the one who had to move to Bristol...

2 years ago
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University Halls of Residence

Lucy was thrilled to be offered a place at Carbeach University for a media studies course. It was a two year course and was far enough away from home to mean she would have to stay in the Halls of Residence. The University student accommodation wasn't the normal big blocks with students all crammed into dormitories, but individual houses each taking ten students.Lucy was being shown around her new home by the senior student liaison officer, a dishy looking postgraduate student called Mike. He...

3 years ago
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Lust Relief University Chapter 2

Taking a breath, I looked behind the last bookshelf in the history section of the university library. In the back of my mind I already knew what going on behind the bookshelf, but I still felt nervous about it. Could it really be? I always thought that such things only existed in the stories that circulated among students, but I never imagined that those stories had a grain of truth. I took a peek and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight in front of me. There was one girl on all fours,...

College Sex
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Making a Troubled University Vibrant Again

June 14, 2023 From: The Board of Trustees of Global World University To: The Global World University community As you know, our financial situation has been unsatisfactory for several years now. We are pleased to announce that we have hired as our new president Dr. James Smith. His wife Dr. Marian Smith will also become a research professor in the Psychology Department for no compensation, for as long as Dr. James Smith is President. September 8, 2023 From: The Research Ethics...

3 years ago
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University Life Part 1 The Kitty Litter

It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady, smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us.Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names, at which stage a girl...

4 years ago
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Being a University Student Part 1

A university experience! My name is Aaron and some of the best times of my life were at university. It was a standard week day student night, so myself and my friends decided to go out for a few drinks to celebrate one of my friends belated birthdays. Around 7pm, I got ready into my slickest clothes. Keeping it simple I wore some skinny fit jeans, a long sleeve top, a grey slim blazer, and some dark brown boat shoes. To top my look off, I put on my designer watch and sprayed some Paco Robanne...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 8 University

“If you’re going through a rough time, keep going until you reach the end. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill “Hi Razza, I’ve hardly seen you guys for the last few days I’ve been so busy, I’m terribly sorry. What have you been doing?” Jason asked as they walked along on campus towards the information technology laboratory to speak to the professor. “We had a great time traveling around with your daughter and grandchildren. We all found Chuck and Chloe very...

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Debbie Returns To University

When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University.  They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...

2 years ago
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Eros University Chapter 2 The Blonde Seductress

On his first day at Eros—a secret university of dark desires, forbidden pleasures and carnal delights—Enyo meets his ravishing blonde teacher, a foxy redhead in skimpy schoolgirl's uniform, and is seduced by his wickedly hot counselor...all in 24 hours! Chapter 2: The Blonde SeductressThe blaring beeps of my bedside alarm-clock forced me awake. "Why did I have to sleep so late last night?" I groaned, sitting up on my bed with the white blanket disarrayed over my lap. "Oh, right," I remembered...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 8 Things start to get a bit routine except for

When I say that, the Sunday morning was the first time ever that I have been woken up by a man fucking me. I’d thought that it would be an amazing experience and I was right. I invited Matt to do the same anytime that he wanted to. We fucked again in the shower then I went back to my apartment thinking that I was very lucky to have a good friend with excellent benefits. My head wasn’t quite as clear as it could have been and I had a little nap before waking in the afternoon when Roxy was...

1 year ago
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Pocket Monster University

Prologue He’d turned my own sister against me. Seeing her there, naked save for his collar, looking at him with that empty-headed smile on her face, it threw me into a fit of rage. It made me want to burn the world. Starting with him. I ascended high into the heavens like the goddess I was, inhaled deeply, then let loose the fires of creation. My fire didn’t just scorch the earth, it melted it, bathing them in flames hotter than the sun. The rising heat and expanding gases twisted the...

1 year ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 006

by Vanessa Evans Part 06 – A couple of not so exciting days followed by a really exciting day. I quickly checked my Wi-Fi camera’s recordings and was pleased that I’d masturbated twice during the night. I was still annoyed that I hadn’t reached Riley’s 3 but maybe that was a one-off or my 2 was because I was too tired. I decided to give her the camera and get her to repeat the exercise. Most of Thursday was boring, two lessons at the university followed by some homework followed by a solo...

3 years ago
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Good day to go to university part 1

It was an ordinary summers day in London as i left my house to walk to university. Along the way i passed the river Thames eyeing up some sexy ladies as they waved at me and i waved back. I walked into the university and went straight to my first lesson. Biology with the sexy Miss Jones, i watched her breasts slowly bouncing up and down all lesson. As i was walking out of the lesson, "Steve can you stay back i need to talk about your recent level of work" she said. Part 2 to come soon

1 year ago
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Eros University Chapter 1

Enyo gets accepted to a secret university of sex, depravity, and seduction, full of hot schoolgirls in short, skimpy uniforms, hunky males, and sexy full-breasted teachers. First year promises to be a blast…. Chapter 1: A Mysterious Letter Whoever got accepted to a university they didn’t apply to? Apparently, I did. Last year in high-school I was burdened with the decision of choosing the best university for my future but just couldn’t come to a conclusion. At first it was a variety of...

4 years ago
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My First University Christmas

Small eddies of powdery snow were blowing across the university grounds as I looked out of the window of our new accommodation. On first arriving at uni at the end of a glorious summer I had been paired up with Savanna Dayton-Jones or Savvy for short and we had hit it off right from the start.All my doubts had been blown away by her warmth, her generosity and the sheer power of her personality. Soon after that, we had met our neighbor, Laura Noble. Laura won us over without even trying, we just...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Green University 8211 The Beginning

It is 9’o clock in the night and Samir is in his apartment which is right in the middle of the Green Valley town. He is on his bed inside the blanket and he is wearing just a blue t-shirt and a boxer. He already has a boner thinking about Sandhya’s huge ass. Sandhya is a girl who works in the same office with Samir. She has that huge ass which could give anyone an instant hard-on and it was no different for Samir when he saw Sandhya for the first time. She is his junior; in fact, she works...

4 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 2 Still Settling In

The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental list of what I had to do that day. It was a...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 27 Back at University

Just as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...

3 years ago
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University Challenge Part 2

Whether she wanted it or not, naive, eighteen year-old Nicky has just been ‘rescued’ by her older stepbrother Mike while just beginning to have sex with one of his rugby-playing friends in an alleyway down by the waterfront. * I don’t know how long I clung to Mike in the darkness, trembling, crying with confusion, relief and shame. My own stepbrother had just caught me with a boy’s cock actually inside my body! He truly believed he had rescued me – that he, the Hero had saved his little...

College Sex
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UniversityChapter 45

Mum phoned from some restaurant. Apparently she'd spoken with Sarah and appeased in some sense. But more importantly, dad had decided to take to post at the Australian Museum and Rachel's dad was moving to CSIRO headquarters in Canberra. I told her to wish everyone happiness in their big moves. When I got off, I had to report fully to Rachel. "And so the fuss about Sarah is shoved aside?" "Seemingly. Do you know Tennyson's 'Departure'?" "You're joking." "It ends: 'Across...

3 years ago
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XChange University

You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...

3 years ago
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Learning something new after leaving university

After I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office. I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of...

First Time
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Hela University

Ah the unhallowed halls of Hela University, sister school to Hades University and according to those who know, the much more sinister sibling. It is located on the opposite side of Hell as Hades U, and is a Women's University with a very special student body. Slime girls studying shifting, vvitches testing their spells, suckubi practicing seduction, orges organizing orgies, cat girls capturing masters, dryads blossoming and ensnaring sweet beebabes, cowgirls shooting looks that beg you to milk...

3 years ago
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University Encounter

When I went to university many years ago now I was a virgin and I’d never even had a girlfriend. I arrived at university with high hopes of getting a girl straight away. Those hopes faded in my first few weeks as I had no success with girls. My frustration was compounded by being surrounded by innumerable young micro skirted girls. It was made even worse because in my last year at school, as a sex-obsessed eighteen-year-old I’d had a couple of “wank buddies”. Boys at school I masturbated and...

Gay Male

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