The Empire Book 3Chapter 11 The Start of University
- 3 years ago
- 40
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I was ten when both my parents died in an auto accident. They had had me late in life; I guess I was one of those unexpected surprises. Uncle Sebastian had taken me in, he was my father’s elder brother and my only real relative. It wasn’t easy for him, money was always tight, and he had no experience in raising a teenage girl but bless him, he stuck at it, and I loved him for it.
Now having completed my A-levels, I was off to university and on my own for the first time in my life.
It had been a long thirteen-hour journey as the bus worked its way from my hometown towards the university I had worked so hard to become a part of.
Finally, as the weak afternoon light turned a shade greyer and the persistent drizzle continued to fall, the driver started to slow and shouted ‘University Plaza.’
I stretched my stiff aching limbs, welcoming the chance to move, and reached for my backpack. Small enough to fit the over-seat rack, it contained just my admission papers, wallet, phone and a couple of paperbacks I had packed to pass the time on my journey.
As I stood, I rubbed a patch dry in the condensation that had clouded the bus window for so much of the journey and caught the first sight of my new home. A sizeable brick-paved square with several shelters and beyond it, an expanse of grass leading to the halls of residence.
Several other people were disembarking, and I filed past the driver, pausing to offer my thanks before stepping down into the light rain. I waited my turn till I could step forward to retrieve my holdall from the luggage bay only to see empty racks. I rechecked where I had placed it at the last rest stop, and it definitely was not there.
In a panic I quickly scanned my fellow passengers; surely one of them must have picked it up by mistake. No one had it. A movement caught my eye, a dark hoodie moving swiftly away from the bus and a flash of khaki canvas. There went my holdall.
“Hey, you,” I shouted as I pushed through the other passengers.
Quickly I ran toward the receding figure but warned by my shout he was also running. I shouted again, my panic rising as he moved further away from me.
He was at the edge of the bus park now and moving across the road toward a rusty old pickup truck. I pumped my legs and sucked in air as I accelerated behind him. Slowly I started to gain ground.
Without warning, I was falling sideways and hitting the ground hard, finding myself flat out on the wet bricks. I struggled to regain my breath.
With a roar of acceleration and a cloud of exhaust, the truck drove off, taking with it all my worldly goods.
Slowly I stood, noting the rainbow coloured smears of diesel on the ground that explained my fall.
The bus driver appeared, and he tried to brush me down, but I was soaked to the skin and covered in crap from the dirty ground where I had fallen. I assured him that I was okay and that I would report it to the campus police. He wished me luck before climbing back on his bus and heading off to his next destination.
Clutching my backpack, wet and winded, I started to walk toward the university buildings. I’d had so many dreams and expectations of university life, and this had not been one of them.
I checked the rooming lists and found my name. I was to share room 310 with a Savanna Dayton-Jones.
I guess that was the icing on the cake, I pitch up wet and stained with no belongings whilst my roommate sounded like one of those monied girls with people at home and probably a frigging pony too.
Arriving at room 310, I knocked and popped my head around the door. “Hi, there, I’m Sandy, Sandy Mitchum and I think this is also my room.”
Inside was a tall, slim blonde with a complexion to die for.
“Well come in, honey, this is home,” she drawled, rising to hold the door and help me in.
Stepping in, I kicked off my wet sneakers and dropped my pack by the door.
“Oh, Sandy, you’re soaked and where are your things?” Looking past me into the corridor she added, “Are they being bought up?”
In a rush, it all came out: the theft, my fall and with it all the tears and stress of my move to the big city.
Savanna was terrific; she sat me down and made me tea, hot sweet tea. Her mother was English and her father Texan, she explained as she poured the drink.
The tea calmed me down, and I started to feel a little better.
“Dry clothes are next on the agenda. Fortunately, we look about the same size,” she announced and pulled open a couple of drawers.
“Will you be okay in a set of sweats? They’re new?”
I nodded, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
“Of course not, now go take a hot shower and get out of those wet things.”
Savvy, as she preferred to be called, pushed open our bathroom door and indicated a row of high-end toiletries, telling me to help myself.
I loitered in the shower, enjoying the combined sensations of the hot water and the aromas and feel of Savvy’s shampoo and shower gels. They felt as luxurious as the bottles looked.
“How are you now, honey?” The door opened and in swept my new roomie bearing a large fluffy towel.
I tried to preserve my modesty with a flannel and a body puff before Savvy started to giggle
“As my mamma likes to say, we’re all girls here, darling,” she laughed in a faux English accent.
I stepped out of the shower, and she wrapped the towel around me and in doing so spotted that large patch of gravel rash on my thigh. “Come on outside so we can clean and dress that.”
I followed meekly behind this mighty young woman who had taken charge of me with barely a moment’s hesitation. A first-aid kit appeared as if from nowhere. Savvy sat on the couch as I stood before her.
“This may sting a little.” As she spoke, a misting of antiseptic hit the raw red skin and I hissed as I caught my breath.
It was then I caught sight of myself in the mirror opposite, naked as a baby and flushed from the hot shower. To make matters worse, Savvy was face to face with my pussy as she cleaned the wound.
After quickly taping a square of gauze over the wound, she turned to grab some sweats from the couch next to her.
Now in my hometown, sweats were slightly thick baggy things you picked up in the clothing aisle of the Maximart, not these. These were sleek and patterned, Lycra or some hi-tech fabric. These were what Savvy was wearing, tight like a second skin, with sheer panels at the thighs, and every aspect of your figure was accentuated by the geometric pattern.
“Are you sure these will fit?” I queried.
“Well we’re clearly the same height, and I’ve seen all of you, and we have the same figures,” she answered with a giggle.
With that, she thrust the items at me again and laughed, “Try them unless you prefer to stay naked.”
Feeling my cheeks heat up, I started to pull the top over my head.
“It has a built-in bralette, I don’t bother with panties, but I have some if you want.”
“No, I guess I’ll be fine,” I muttered from inside the clingy garment. Moments later I had the top on and was easing myself into the leggings, a perfect fit.
“Oh, honey, they do fit, you look awesome.”
Looking back in the mirror I could see how right she was. The stretchy fabric was showing my figure to its fullest, my legs long and lean, my butt pert and tight, my breasts full and high.
Suddenly I was swept up in a wave of gratitude towards this girl who had shown me such care and generosity. I stepped forward and in a very unlike-me moment wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly, “Thank you, Savvy, thank you for being such a friend when I needed one the most.”
Savvy hugged me right back and looking in the mirror I could not help noticing how sexy we both looked together.
That evening we ate at the university burger bar before returning to our room. We turned quite a few heads, both girls' and boys', as we strolled around the campus. Savvy seemed oblivious to it all, but to me, it was a whole new experience and, much to my surprise, one that I was enjoying.
Savvy examined my torn leggings, “These are ruined, but it’s still a week before lessons start so tomorrow we can go shopping.”
My heart lurched, I felt myself blush with embarrassment as I turned to my new friend, “ Savvy, I’m on a scholarship, I don’t have that much spare cash, I will need to get a part-time job just to make ends meet.” Indicating the torn leggings, I continued, “I will have to sew those and make do until next month when I get my next cheque from my uncle.”
Savvy blushed; a deep crimson flooded her peaches and cream complexion, and for the first time since we met she looked unsure of herself, ”Oh, honey, I’m so sorry, I never meant to embarrass you; sometimes I just get carried away and forget myself.”
We both stepped forward and hugged, just holding each other. I found it comforting and strangely pleasurable even when I felt Savvy’s hands as she cupped my butt cheeks and squeezed.
She produced an illicit bottle of peach schnapps, and we spent the evening sipping a glass and exchanging life stories. Eventually, we were both yawning, the misadventures of my day were kicking in, and we called bedtime. Savvy helped me make up my bed with spare bedding of hers.
I intended to change in the bathroom though all I had to put on was my underwear from the journey, now rinsed and dried on a radiator. Savvy, on the other hand, just stripped off. I turned to speak to her and was rewarded with a closeup view of her taut pale-skinned butt as Savvy shed her sweatpants.
I followed suit; after all, she had seen everything already. Turning back toward her, I drank in the sight. Full 34C breasts, pale skin with large pink nipples. Flat toned stomach and oh my god her mound was smooth and pale with a slash of pink where her full pussy lips protruded.
After a quick bathroom visit by each of us, I slipped between the softest sheets I had ever felt and dropped off into a deep sleep.
I woke up the following morning to a surreal sight. Savvy, still naked, was performing a yoga routine. Utterly confident in her body and relaxed in her nudity, she stretched and bent as I sat and looked on.
“Do you do this every day?” I asked, “Maybe I could join in. It looks very calming, and your body is great.”
“Of course, you can, every morning but there is one thing I should mention.”
“What’s that?”
“Some mornings I finish by masturbating,” she smiled as she said this, seemingly amused by my startled reaction. “Let’s be honest. I’m guessing you do it too, and we’re going to be roomies for the next year at least, so why hide it?”
Despite my now red-hot cheeks, I nodded my agreement. I looked down from my bed at this stunning girl as she moved to sit cross-legged. Her skin flushed from her exertions, her nipples full and hard, her pussy lips parted and, oh my god, slick with her juices. Instinctively my hand moved beneath the covers to graze my own slit.
I watched as Savvy stood. Her movement stretched and opened her pussy before those long firm legs started to pace about.
“Sandy, can I do something for you?” Savvy looked nervous but intent on making her point. “Daddy’s in oil like I told you last night and I have an extremely generous allowance; some would say I’m spoilt. Would you let me take you shopping to replace all your lost stuff? It would make me so happy to do so.”
I felt tears form in my eyes at the warmth and generosity of this beautiful young woman. Then a surge of shame as I remembered my uncharitable thoughts on seeing her name on the rooming list the evening before, “Okay, but only if I can pay you back as soon as I can.” With that I slipped from my bed to embrace my sexy new friend. I’d never been much for hugging before but to hold this beautiful naked girl in my arms felt so right. The sensation of her breath on my cheek as we hugged, to feel her erect nipples as they brushed my throbbing tips, felt so good; to feel the heat of her pussy against mine felt divine.
Stepping back, Savvy retook charge, “Okay, you need fresh clothes, and we need to shower.”
It took her just minutes to lay two outfits on her bed. Two short black skirts, two pairs of thigh-high socks and two cute knitted tops. “Pick a colour, Sandy.”
I went for the black socks, black skirt and red top, leaving Savvy with the pale-yellow top with white socks.
“Oh, skirts, so we need undies too,” she laughed, fetching matching black lace bras and thongs.
Holding up one of the skimpy lace thongs against my black-haired pussy, I giggled, “Can I borrow a razor too?”
In no time at all, I was showered, with smooth legs and just a little tuft of hair at the top of my pussy. The cluster was a compromise. I had always settled for a trim that left me fairly hairy, but Savvy’s smooth slit had mesmerized me. Maybe I wanted to follow her example.
I slipped on the clothes, and the feeling was incredible. Silky lace undies, and such expensive garments that felt so lovely against my skin whilst fitting in such a sexy manner.
“Savvy, I have to confess I’m normally in jeans or leggings with a tee or hoody and all my clothes come from the local Maximart. These are amazing.”
I reached for my rain-marked sneakers, knock-off copies of Converse, but Savvy tossed me a new bright white pair of Lacoste.
“These will look much better.”
A quick five-minute ride on the university shuttle bus saw us in the heart of town. I tried to steer Savvy toward the cheaper chain stores, but that was not to be. Savvy, it seemed, only shopped boutiques.
I came to realize that this lovely girl had a strong firm side to her and once she had decided on something there was no changing her mind.
The day flew by; we soon had a mass of carrier bags as my replacement wardrobe took shape. I was quickly the owner of designer skirts, tops, dresses and shoes along with beauty products and more. It was like all my Christmases and birthdays rolled into one.
We had just left a patisserie when Savvy announced we had one more stop to make and led me down several side streets to a quieter part of town.
'Private adult store' it said on the plain-fronted shop. “What’s this?” I could hear myself stutter out.
“Aw, Honey, every girl needs a toy,” and with that, she pushed open the door and firmly shoved me inside.
My heart rate trebled, and my breath caught deep in my lungs as I looked around.
“Can I help you girls?” A pretty dark-haired girl not much older than us had come around the counter.
“My friend needs some new toys, a vibrator and maybe some beads,” Savvy replied, smiling at the girl.
There was a roaring in my ears. I was sure I was going to pass out on the shop floor.
The girl showed the way and started to offer various models to Savvy: six inches, eight inches, flex-shaft, multi-speed. Oh my god if only the ground could swallow me up.
Savvy was looking at me, and clearly, I had missed the question. “Pardon?” I croaked
“Honey, we were asking what size you’re comfortable with.”
“Oh, I don’t know, that is, I’ve never, well it’s just that...” I could hear myself mumbling nonsense and I could see understanding flash across their faces as my dilemma became apparent to them.
“Oh, Honey, just leave it to momma,” Savvy drawled, really emphasizing her southern accent.
Quickly she made several selections and to my relief ushered me back to the safety of the pavement. “Sandy, they say a university is a place of learning, you have a ways to go,” she giggled and then, dropping the heavy drawl, “Come on, let's catch the shuttle back.”
We had unpacked all my new outfits and shoes, and they were placed in my wardrobe. I kept opening the door just to admire them. Slinky, sexy lingerie as Savvy called it graced my drawers; skincare and bathing products adorned my countertops.
“Just leaves these then, Sandy.” Savvy was holding the adult store bag and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“Come here and sit beside me.” There was that firm voice again. I complied without hesitation.
Savvy tipped the bag out and held up the first item “This is a six-inch jelly dildo, it’s a good starter, not too long or thick.”
I took it from her and felt its smoothness, it was firm and cool but just a little bendy. I could feel my face heating up again.
“This is a rabbit vibe, it has ears to stimulate your clit, I have one, and it’s amazing,” she laughed before adding, “You’ll know when I’m riding mine; I get kind of noisy.”
This was longer and thicker, but Savvy’s open honesty was relaxing me. I could feel the heat leaving my cheeks.
“Slim butt plug and anal beads, but I suggest you leave those alone a while,” she smiled and stroked my shoulder. I felt a tenderness to this beautiful girl and a strange tingling somewhere deep inside myself.
“Okay, pop them in your bedside locker. Let's go eat.”
As had become our habit we took a stroll around the campus; we’d both been early arrivals, and new faces were arriving every day. We met a few girls to chat with in the campus snack bar and then as the sky darkened we headed back to our building.
We passed a couple of anxious looking parents waving to a tall girl with shoulder-length brown hair as they reversed their upmarket SUV and drove toward the main exit.
“Hi, I’m Laura, Laura Noble and I’m just moving in.” she offered.
I smiled and said hi. Savvy added her name and our room number
“310, oh we must be neighbors; I’m in 308,” she smiled back. I gave her a closer look: long dark hair, tanned complexion and a slim athletic body. She was wearing a plain white tee and a shortish denim skirt with black net pantyhose and sneakers. Trendy and sexy, I thought, and then mentally checked myself, “What the fuck, Sandy, since when have you thought of other girls as sexy.”
Anyway, we helped her gather her last few packages and headed up to our rooms. “It was lovely meeting you guys, but I’m bushed, so I’m going to hit the sack,” Laura yawned. With that, we exchanged good nights, suggested meeting up in the morning and entered our rooms.
Savvy produced her schnapps again, and we took turns showering before sitting on our beds to chat. It had only been two days, but we were entirely at ease being naked around each other; it was as if we’d been friends for years.
Savvy was just outlining the basics of yoga and how I might try some simple moves with her in the morning when she stiffened. “Oh, listen.”
“Come here, quickly,” she whispered back to me.
I quickly stepped across the room to join her on her bed and then I heard it too.
“Urrgh, mmm ooh!”
Blushing, I looked at Savvy who was smiling broadly as she moved toward the wall.
“Mmm,” another deep groan of pleasure came through the wall.
“It’s Laura, she must be masturbating,” giggled Savvy.
“Oh, yesss.”
We both placed our heads against the wall as our new neighbour cranked it up a notch.
A humming, buzzing noise became audible, “Yes, she’s got a vibe, told you, we all have one,” Savvy giggled and then she cupped her breasts and squeezed and stretched her nipples before sighing in pleasure.
Startled, I asked, “What are you doing?” before I realized it was a somewhat silly question.
“The lovely Laura is getting me wet, and I’m gonna play along,” that southern drawl was back and with that, she lay back on the bed and started to stroke her pussy lips.
I could see her long fingers with their glossy pink nails trailing across her lips and already they were getting wet and shiny.
“Urrrrgh yesss.” We heard Laura again, and louder this time.
Unthinking, I reached between my own thighs and oh my god my newly bared pussy was slick with my own arousal. I watched Savvy stretching her lips one at a time; as she mewled in pleasure I copied her. Oh, Fuck did that feel good.
Pausing from ministering to her now-swollen slit, Savvy pushed a pillow toward me, and we moved to sit alongside each other with our backs to the wall.
Raising her knees, Savvy parted her legs and slipped a finger into her wet pussy.
I copied. Mmmm that was so good, so good, I was getting so wet and feeling so, so good.
“Hook your finger, let it catch just inside the top of your pussy,” Savvy panted, “See.”
I watched her finger again as a long strand of cum hung from her glistening fingertip.
Our knees were touching, and I could feel my heart beating faster.
A gentle rhythmic knocking noise was coming through the wall.
“Oh fuck, she’s good,” whispered Savvy as she reached toward her locker. “She’s fucking herself hard.”
Producing her dildo, she moved onto her knees and in doing so gave me a real close view of her wet pussy. Her lips swollen and coated with her juices. For the first time ever, I inhaled the scent of an aroused woman.
“Oh, yes, yes,” came from Laura as the buzzing and the knocking got stronger.
Then Savvy just raised her ass and slipped the dildo deep inside herself, “Ooooh yesss,” she gasped as she filled herself and I just shoved my fingers deep inside my wetness and rubbed for all I was worth.
I will never forget those few minutes. They are seared into my mind forever. Laura’s moans reached a crescendo, Savvy joined in, whimpering and gasping as she plunged her fuck toy deep inside herself. And me, I experienced pleasure like never before as I worked myself into my first orgasm. It started deep inside me, my core becoming lit as electricity flowed from my slit to every extremity of my body before I collapsed back onto the bed.
Savvy was close behind. I watched her body spasm with delight and cum coat her thighs as she howled her pleasure into her pillow.
Savvy withdrew her slick toy, and I watched trickles of girl cum run down her thighs. It seemed only natural to hug and kiss for a moment. No speech was necessary as we reassured ourselves that we were happy with what had just occurred before we moved to my bed and slipped between the sheets.
Savvy’s was far too damp to be comfortable, we joked as we spooned.
Eight-thirty the following morning and there was a knock at our door. Savvy stood and moved to answer it, wrapping a sheet around herself as she went. Delightfully I could still see her bare ass.
“Hi, hope I’m not disturbing you but I have no water to my shower, could I hop into yours?”
I recognized Laura’s voice, and my mind flooded with memories of the night before.
Savvy opened the door fully to allow Laura into our room, and it occurred to me that I was lying naked on the bed. Then I surprised myself by realizing that it did not bother me; the shyness that had always been a part of my personality had gone.
“Coffee?” offered Savvy, “We’re just about to make some.” With that she dropped the sheet on a chair and moved toward the kitchen, if you can call a countertop with space for a microwave and a coffee machine and toaster alongside a tiny sink a kitchen.
“Yes, please, I forgot to bring some with me, erm I’m feeling rather overdressed, do you guys mind?”
Savvy and I smiled in unison and Laura pulled off her oversized tee and tossed it onto Savvy’s bed. As I had noticed the night before, she had the toned body of an athlete but with full firm breasts and her nipples were pierced. A small silver hoop passed through each of her dark stubby nipples. I had seen pictures before, but I’d never realized how hot it was in reality. Like Savvy, Laura was utterly bare around her pussy.
I waved Laura over, and she moved to sit on my bed, her back against the wall, Savvy passed over the coffees and proceeded to rest against the headboard by me.
“Do you guys always share a bed or have I disturbed something?” Laura was smiling, and I could see her eyes had focused on Savvy’s dildo still laying on her bed.
“Well, it's like this, we were chatting last night over a glass of something comforting.” Savvy had slipped back into her southern drawl, “And a noisy neighbour started to fuck herself,”
“And we just played along with her,” I added, mimicking Savvy’s accent.
“Oh, I’m sorry guys. It's just that I was super horny and my big sis gave me this new vibe. I just had to try it out.” Laura was doing her best to look abashed, but honestly, she looked rather pleased with herself. “I must admit that I am rather loud, just can’t help it,” she was smiling now and making puppy dog eyes at us.
“We’re not complaining, honey, in fact, we loved every moment,” I giggled, still mimicking Savvy’s drawl.
“Laura, looking at your abs and ass do you work out, maybe stretches or yoga in the morning?” Savvy was running her hand over Laura’s flat stomach. “It's just that I was going to show Sandy the basics of a morning routine and maybe you could help.” I just caught her wink as she made the offer.
“Well, honey, it just so happens that I do and I would love to help y’all out.” Now Laura was aping Savvy’s sexy drawl.
With a little effort, we cleared a reasonable area of floor space and Laura popped back to her room, returning with a properly padded yoga mat. She seemed to think nothing of being naked in the corridor.
I had for a while been on the track team in high school. Whilst my new friends put their heads together, I tried a few stretches and warm-up moves.
“You have a lovely butt.” Laura was behind me as I touched my toes. "That’s it, just keep your legs straight and control your breathing,” she added as she stroked my butt cheeks
I released a long slow breath as I straightened, feeling her hand linger on my rear.
“Okay, Laura and I will demonstrate some simple poses, and you can follow.” Savvy was taking charge again.
They were really very good teachers; we ran through a variety of poses: Mountain pose followed by Tree pose, then Cow and Cat. Cow and Cat gave me flashbacks to Savvy on her knees the night before, and I was increasingly conscious of my nakedness and how exposed I was.
After a brief rest in Child pose, we moved to the Downward dog,
“No, you need to keep a straight back.” Savvy moved to run a hand down my spine to caress the small of my back.
“Move your feet a little further apart.” Laura was kneeling behind me with her hands running down my legs. I was bent almost double and as naked as the day I was born with two super sexy girls running their hands over me. My inner being was awakening, and try as I might, my focus was slipping.
“Okay, that’s enough for the first day. You sit back and relax while Laura and I finish off,” declared Savvy.
I watched mesmerized as they ran through some more advanced sequences until their bodies glistened with a light sheen of sweat. As Laura moved into Firefly I could see that her nipples were not the only parts of her body that were pierced; a matching silver ring graced her clitoris.
I started to stroke my breasts. I teased and stretched my aching nipples as I watched them work their sexy bodies, with every aspect on display for me.
I worked a hand down over my stomach and let my fingers dance through that tuft of hair atop my now-wet pussy. Parting my legs, I trailed my fingers along my slick lips, stretching and opening my petals as I had watched Savvy do the night before. Closing my eyes, I surrendered myself to the sensations of my body.
“May I?” Laura was kneeling before me, her hands resting on my knees.
“Please,” I whispered and with that, she pushed my knees apart and dropped her head to my aching slit.
I felt her warm breath on my lips; I had never been this sensitive before. Laura was drawing in deep breaths, inhaling the aroma of my arousal and then releasing her warm breath across my quivering needy sex.
I was pinching my nipples, riding the pain that was oh so pleasurable when Laura took her first long lingering lick of my slit. I screamed as a wave of intense pleasure racked my body.
Again, and again she drew her tongue from my ass to the base of my aching swollen clit, always stopping just short of that molten bundle of nerve endings.
I looked up to see Savvy smiling down at me. “Fuck, you're beautiful,” she whispered before planting a long, wet kiss on my lips. I felt her tongue probing for access, and I surrendered to her.
Overwhelmed with passion and lust, I allowed myself to be tongued and licked into oblivion. My pussy was on fire--no, my whole body was on fire--as my arousal devoured me. I was bucking and writhing on Laura’s tongue, my juices coating her face, her breasts, my thighs.
Then it hit; someone should have shouted, “Clear!” like in one of those TV medical dramas.
My body went rigid, my mind was overwhelmed with pleasure. I may have stopped breathing, but then it couldn’t have been my voice I could hear screaming in ecstasy.
“Wow, honey, you sure needed that.” Savvy was stroking my hair, my head nestled between her full pale breasts.
“You sure kicked off when I slid a finger into that tight little pucker of yours,” added Laura with a naughty giggle. “Guessing that was a first for you, eh?”
I nodded, long past being shy and embarrassed by my needs. “Thank you, both of you. That was the most amazing thing anybody has ever done for me.”
Laura ran a hand through her matted hair and turned to Savvy. “I need a bit of a clean-up.”
I sat up, allowing Savvy to move toward Laura, and watched as they knelt before me embracing and stroking each other.
Savvy moved to take one of Laura’s nipple rings between her teeth, “That’s it, tug on it, oh fuck yes,” moaned Laura.
Laura’s head was back; she was moaning in pleasure as Savvy stretched her swollen nipple, the silver ring gripped between her teeth as she tugged.
As Savvy released her swollen nub, they locked tongues and kissed deeply as their hands explored each other’s bodies. I could see Laura cupping Savvy’s mound, her long fingers parting and probing her pussy lips.
Savvy moved to kiss around Laura’s face. I could see her tongue licking her cheeks. I realized that she was cleaning my cum from her face.
I watched as their passion built into a frenzy, tongues dueled, and fingers danced. I could see their eyes dilate with pleasure, their juices flow, and their skin flush.
Wordlessly they released each other and lay back; entwining their legs, they re-engaged. Now I could see their slick swollen slits as they touched.
Savvy, her skin so pale, her slit bright pink, swollen with need and pleasure was rubbing against Laura’s darkly pigmented slit, her lips so slight all I could really see was her smooth tanned mound and the glint of her piercing.
I sat back against the wall and watched as my new friends writhed in passion. I listened to the slick sounds of their juices as they mixed, I listened to their breathing deepen, their groaning grow louder. I inhaled the heady mix of their aroma as it filled the room.
Both worked their own nipples as they thrust and gyrated their slick pussies against each other.
I watched as they moved to orgasm, as their pleasure broke in a cacophony of screams and moans and obscenities. I drove a finger deep inside my own oh-so-sensitive slit and screamed my own release.
I moved to lay between my new friends and lovers as they laboured for breath. I felt their heartbeats, their heat, the slickness of their mixed sweat and cum and I finally felt at home.
“Tell me, does this mean that I am a lesbian?” I asked my new-found friends.
They looked at me with a smile. Savvy finally answered, “I sure as hell hope so, roomie. We are going to have a blast this year.”
My arrival at University had been rough, but I had found friendship. No, more than that, I had found love and acceptance. This was a place of learning, and it had already changed my life for the better.
Authors note. I have written several stories now and inevitably I like some more than others. This one I have a real fondness for, It’s a bit of a slow burner so please bear with it. I must also thank ChrisM for his support and editing skills, always so freely given.
“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...
Author's Note: I've added a "Score" feature. You will now have three main stats: Notoriety - How well known you are at Celebrity University. Making connections with famous people will help to boost this score. The more famous the person, the bigger boost you will get. Kinkiness - How 'deviant' you are. Performing sexual acts outside of the norm will raise this stat. Honour - Basically, how much of a dickhead you are. Are you a nice guy, or are you just an asshole. The idea is that certain...
Fantasy“If you’re going through a rough time, keep going until you reach the end. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill “Hi Razza, I’ve hardly seen you guys for the last few days I’ve been so busy, I’m terribly sorry. What have you been doing?” Jason asked as they walked along on campus towards the information technology laboratory to speak to the professor. “We had a great time traveling around with your daughter and grandchildren. We all found Chuck and Chloe very...
When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University. They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...
SpankingPrologue He’d turned my own sister against me. Seeing her there, naked save for his collar, looking at him with that empty-headed smile on her face, it threw me into a fit of rage. It made me want to burn the world. Starting with him. I ascended high into the heavens like the goddess I was, inhaled deeply, then let loose the fires of creation. My fire didn’t just scorch the earth, it melted it, bathing them in flames hotter than the sun. The rising heat and expanding gases twisted the...
FantasyJust as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...
You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...
FetishAfter I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office. I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of...
First TimeAh the unhallowed halls of Hela University, sister school to Hades University and according to those who know, the much more sinister sibling. It is located on the opposite side of Hell as Hades U, and is a Women's University with a very special student body. Slime girls studying shifting, vvitches testing their spells, suckubi practicing seduction, orges organizing orgies, cat girls capturing masters, dryads blossoming and ensnaring sweet beebabes, cowgirls shooting looks that beg you to milk...
LesbianElizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...
IncestYou wait in the waiting room to meet the Dean. You are nervous because it's not normal to meet the Dean but you didn't meet the minimum standards for acceptance into this university and you had to beg to be let in. The Dean agreed but required you to meet with him in order to prepare you for the university. The Dean comes out and asks John Smith and you stand up to shake his hand. The Dean is handsome and has a great physique. His dark hair has only a few gray hairs. He guides you to sit in his...
GayThe new semester was starting. It was a time of new beginnings for you in a lot of ways. You had recently broken up with your girlfriend about 2 weeks before school started again. Your relationship was on the rocks for awhile so it didn't come as much surprise, but it did come with the usual negative emotions that come with such a thing. But you were excited. You were in your second to last year of college and were having arguably the best time of your life. Your roommate was your best friend...
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that you have been admitted into Blue Mountain University. This year we had a record number of applicants, leaving us with a record low admission rate of only 5 percent. We believe you are one of the select few that has the qualities to succeed here, at our beloved institution. We would love to have you as a member of our incoming freshman class, and you are most welcome to reach out to any members of our university between now and the decision...
Maria Castelo walks the campus in small fast steps. Her 4" spiked high heels prevents the hot Latina from going faster. She notices all the male students turn their heads to see the young busty girl walk by, her large braless hooters sway beautifully with each exaggerated little step. The girls give her evil stares, hating the fact that the big titted girl is able to draw their boyfriend's attention with her large and firm bubble butt and gigantic jugs. The cockteasing little minx loves male...
I was a freshman at Harvard University. No, not that Harvard. Mine was a small liberal arts college in Eastern Oregon, near the Washington border. It's mission was to "Further Education Through Education." Whatever that meant. Truth was, the only people who went there had no place better to be. As for me, I was supposed to go to the actual Harvard or wherever. My grades in high school were perfect, I volunteered at soup kitchens, and I even published a few top selling apps on the Apple store....
Group SexTo begin the story, I'll explain the situation shortly. It's about John 21, an ordinary university guy that isn't so popular around the girls. This is the beginning of a new day at the university... The bus stops in front of the university and I step out onto the sidewalk. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining on a cloudless day. I make my way slowly to registration while surveying the landscape. When I reach the registration desk, I see Jennifer. Jennifer is an arrogant girl who doesn't...
TeenJoyce goes to the University To say I was intimidated by my arrival at the University of Arizona would be the largest of understatements. I was terrified. I had just graduated from a high school that contained less than a thousand students in it’s entirety to a school that boasted fifty thousand students across several large campuses. I was at the main campus and I was suddenly reduced from being one of the most dated of girls to a person that was for all practical purposes, simply invisible. ...
The car pulled away from the curb with the woman in the passenger seat waving to the girl in the first floor window. Heena felt a feeling of loneliness unlike any she had experienced in her nineteen years. This was it, her parent's had left her here in the rented house, her university life commenced. During all of the years of her education it had built towards the goal of going to university in order to gain a degree. A new city, new home, new life and new friends awaited her.Looking round the...
In the next six years the Emir made sure that Sharifa travelled fairly widely, but always with him or one of the Princesses, so that she was not surprised by the customs of other countries, and was always carefully supervised on the trips. Sharifa’s first experience of travel alone outside Kobekistan was her visit to Oxford for her interview for a place at the University. Even then she had a bodyguard of four trusted soldiers. The interview was with her father’s old friend, who was now...
She is disable and lived in her room and cannot move. My aunt also live in same village but at some distance on the other side of the village.She has four daughter's and uncle was died when the her youngest daughter(sadia) was 3 years old.Since then she was taking care of them.Her daughter's name were summaya(1st),sidra(2nd),nuvera(3rd) & sadia.Nuvera lives with grandma and take care of her. She was 17(now 19) at that time and is the prettiest in her sisters with 5'4'' tall, long black...
This story is Publicly Editable. Everyone is welcome to make their own additions to it as they see fit. Just remember to stay within the rules already established (though establishing more rules which are unique to your own branches is fine). I am now endeavouring to cater to both Score and non-Score users, but overall I still recommend hitting Start Game on the right. Note, some chapters have been censored due to content restrictions. These chapters will be marked with an * on the header. You...
TeenBack at University; the second semester looked like it would be much the same as the first. Three subjects – physics, chemistry and math – continued on from the first semester; that’s why the mid-year exam results for those subjects were only an interim result. The same with Elec Eng 1; it was also a double credit subject; although this semester it would be concentrating on electronics. Engineering C was just a first semester subject; my result in the mid-year exam was a Distinction. A new...
Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...
High school had been uneventful on the girl front for me, I had fooled around a bit but never sex. I had always been afraid of it, and I hadn’t wanted to lose my virginity to the wrong person. So I found myself at university with my V-card fully intact. But it was still early, the semester had barely started. I had met a few girls but either they didn’t show interest or I didn’t. With a 6’1 athletic build I felt fairly confident in my body. In high school I had suffered from moderate acne...
My name is Kyle Barnum. I’m a junior at Ozarka Tech University, studying Electrical Engineering, and in my twenty years of life, I’ve never had a girlfriend. Granted, all that extra time spent studying and working got me a full scholarship to the best engineering university in the state with a nice bit of savings. And I do have a friend. And a job, sorta. So it’s not like I’m missing out on anything. And who knows, maybe this year will be different? August in Arkansas is hot, humid, and...
FantasyI suppose I would have to say that when I left home to study at university at the age of eighteen I was sexually fairly inexperienced and completely unsatisfied. A few clumsy fumbling encounters and a handful of young boys cumming way too soon was all I had to show for my trouble.Although a lot of people imagine university days to be endless wall to wall fucking, my first few months were nothing like that. My first encounter came through the landlord who owned the flat where I was renting a...
University Part 1 (April 6-8, 1999) Written by Erica Wright *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Two months into my freshman year and I was caught. Caught doing what? Let me explain, soon after checking in to my residence hall, I discovered that the young women on the south side of the...
I got the admission in the university of Peshawer – Pakistan…I complete my Inter from one of the college in Multan….by the way my name is Musaveer….I am 18 years of age….and is first time I am away from my home…and living in University hostel..I am 6′ tall with white complexion and slim sporty body….and I forget to mention that I like boys…though I am not virgin anymore….I break my seal with some Barber…when I went to cut my hair…I was in 9th class at that time……daily I used to go to meet that...
Gay MaleMonday March 31, 2008 The Dean's List San Jose State again. The Top Gun School made one change to our routine. We now did one half hour of Tai Chi before we ran. We were going at it fine in March and April and the first three weeks of May. We all had 4.0 averages when we were all called to see the president of the University. President Chow came out and ushered us into her office. She wanted to meet us before we graduated. She had been watching our progress since we enrolled. We had...
This story is mostly true, a few bits may have been altered to work better.I had been at university for 2 weeks, managed to get through freshers week and was looking forward to studying. But by far and away the real excitement was the fact I was now living away from home. I had chosen Leeds as it had a good reputation for science, and was 4 hours from home so no chance of my parents or brother turning up unexpectantly. I had some money saved from my summer job and my first purchases were a pair...
Mature University! If you’re reading my articles, I’m going to assume that you watch a lot of porn. This isn’t a site that newbies stumble upon and spend their day exploring. This shit is for hardcore porn heads who can’t get enough naked sluts. You type that needs a steady supply of ever-changing porn sites to keep you involved and invigorated.The Pearly Necklace GatesI’m the perfect resource for such people. I strive to keep my readers dicks in their hands and eyes on the screen. It’s my...
Free OnlyFans Leak Sites==================================SHOE STORE SEXPERIENCE(s)The Rack It was a hot muggy cloudy Tuesday afternoon at the end of July. My Uncle was off golfing and the store was dead. Maybe 10 customers all day and here it was 3:00 O'clock and there had been no shoppers since lunch. Then "The Rack" walked in! She was a real cutie, about 10 years older than me but what stood out about her the most were her incredible boobs. They were firm and huge, but not so huge as to be droopy and ridiculous....
Hai my dear issreaders, this is ur madan, the continue of my sexperience with a guy in a bus is now i tell u ””””On that night after getting sucked my 8″ dick by a gentleman in the bus, we went to his house and I was on lungee without drawer and banian, after dinner a while I along with that man slept on the bed on floor, after 15 mints his wife also came and sat on floor bed, she aws in a white saree and blouse without bra, petty coat, so that her beatiful baloon boobs with their erotic...
LesbianWhen Emma was in high school, she heard about a small group of major universities introducing schools of Femdom. She absolutely adored the idea of locking cocks in chastity and breaking their balls as a career. On her 18th birthday, she spent half of her life savings buying femdom porn. She played with herself four times a day for a month. She noticed that all of her favorite dommes had her same black, medium-lenght hair and sharp features. There was one difference that really bothered her...
FetishHi all. This is Mr. K from Bangalore, India and currently working in a MNC. I am sharing one of my experiences here.This story involves someone I knew from my university days. Jenny (name changed) was my junior and was decent looking. She had a good body build with medium height. It was more of formal friendship with hi and bye as we happened to travel on the same college bus. I did not even bother to be in contact with her. I had no idea that I would meet her again.It was during last summer...
College SexLife at University for me was for the most part enjoyable, I was in residence the first year sharing a room with a girl from New Hampshire who I got on okay with. She was an attractive brunet with a nice figure that I admit I enjoyed seeing from time to time. We kind of hung out together and of course got to know a lot of other students, who would often ‘hit’ on us. I ended up dating one named Chad, a fair haired quiet man in his final year. Chad was good to and for me, he was quiet and not...
It was the end of summer. You were sad. Not only for the end of the summer, but also because you were about to change again from high school. Your father had a new job in a new town called Willow Mount, so your whole family moved to that place. Willow Mount was a small place, so finding the new house wasn’t difficult. Besides, it was some blocks away from the university, so all the family, Dad, Mom, James and you, unpack the family’s stuff, and quickly your parents and you, carrying your...
BisexualIn a world where almost everyone is gifted a superpower, quirks, people are trained to become heroes and protect those who can’t protect themselves. UA University is known for helping to forge the world’s greatest hero, All Might, but his glory days will soon be behind him. Will you be the hero that takes up the mantel or will you be the villain who aims to take over the world? Join UA where you can meet and form relationships with other future heroes or start as a common thug and rise through...
Sky High University. A flying fortress built to train those gifted few into becoming Hero's to protect the world. Depending on your power, you will be labeled a hero, or a sidekick. Once you graduate, you shall be able to pick your sidekick, or be assigned to a hero. Will you save the world? Or destroy it?
Camwood is a new University in the middle of nowhere, it is surrounded by a small town and a trailer park 10 to 15 minutes away. There are several sororitys and fraternitys on campus amd plenty of interesting classes to take. Lets take a look at some of the sororitys. (Story is now public anycan can add)
InterracialYou are Jason McHugh, entering SU- Stink University. You thought it was just a clever name since it happened to be in Stink, New Jersey. But as you walk onto the campus, you notice something a bit uncomfortable. All of the students are either incredibly tall and strong looking, such as a blonde girl you walk past who looks about 6'2 and has an ass the size of two watermelons, or a giant muscle man who knocks you a bit as he walks past, laughing as he does so. On the other side of things,...
FetishThe bell rang on a Friday afternoon and a thunderous roar reverberated throughout the entire school. Students danced and squealed. All the school's seniors rushed out the door of the school, greeting the warmth of the sun. Large groups of friends crowded around each other, discussing their plans for the summer and beyond. Chatters filled the campus green. Peter, one of the school's football player, ripped off his shirt like he was the Hulk and let out a shout of joy. The nerds, with their large...
You pull into the parking lot for the first time and you pause and sit to think about the day ahead. This is your first day at P.S.U., (Pink and Sore University). You are worried about how the students will react to being taught by someone that just finished college two years ago. You slowly walk up the sidewalk to the entrance when you hear something really peculiar. It was ...licking ...and moaning ...and slurping. This seems really odd, so you look around to see what it could be and it leads...
Not my story, author is unknown to me, but sharing it for all to enjoy.T-Girl UniversityJason was apprehensive about starting college, as any freshman would be. His high school girlfriend, Becky, whom he loved dearly, was going to a different college on the opposite side of the country. They had to promised to stay together but Jason was worried; there would be a lot of temptation for her from all those west-coast surfer dudes. He hoped she wouldn’t forget him and made a vow to himself to stay...
Life at University for me was for the most part enjoyable, I was in residence the first year sharing a room with a girl from New Hampshire who I got on okay with. She was an attractive brunet with a nice figure that I admit I enjoyed seeing from time to time. We kind of hung out together and of course got to know a lot of other students, who would often 'hit' on us. I ended up dating one named Chad, a fair haired quiet man in his final year. Chad was good to and for me, he was quiet and not...
LesbianThe whole thing was a complete wrench for me, I was just a 17 year old girl, I had never been away from home before, but now because of my scholarship, I was leaving my home town of Kyoto to go to Oxford University in England. My dad sat next to me on the train to Tokyo, holding my hand, every now and then he looked at me and squeezed it. My mum and little sister sat before me, they both looked sad. We finally got to the airport and I said my goodbyes. I left my family behind, all crying as I...
Hello people! This is Dheeraj from Bangalore. I’m pursuing my Mtech at a prestigious university in Bangalore. It is obviously a co-ed one and also both men and women hostels lie inside the single campus. But men are not allowed to enter girls hostel and vice versa. We generally be loaded with shitload of assignments by our professors. And some of our assignments are group assignments. And sometimes, actually many times a group contains both men and women. And like all engineering students do,...
From my bedroom window, I could see my sister sunbathing in the garden. I was sixteen and my sister was nineteen, just back for her first summer holiday from university. I had to peek through the net curtain, so as not to be seen. She wore a light blue and white, horizontal striped, toweling bikini. Her long legs stretched out in front of her, arms straight by her sides and eyes closed to the bright sun which made her pale skin luminous and glowing. I longed for binoculars so I could take a...
IncestJason drove from his family's home toward the university campus where he was a grad student and teaching assistant. His thoughts were on his newly acquired powers. Due to a recent lab accident, he could influence other people's lives merely by thinking of the changes he wanted to make for or to them. He could control their actions merely by thinking about what he wanted them to do. He had made several changes to his family, friends, and others around his home town. Jason felt his life was...
On Saturday, we had all gathered in the studio for a planning session and rehearsal for the new album. Phil had invited several others, DonWalker and Ian Moss (ex-Cold Chisel), I had invited Mike Franz, and Mary Beth had invited Chrissy Amphlette. Don had brought his Yamaha DX7 synthesizer and a Yamaha Clavinova electronic piano, Ian had a Fender amp and two of his guitars and Mike had a Yamaha stage organ. After a bit of shuffling equipment around, we had room for everyone; although we were...
Hi all, I am raj from bengaluru,im self empolyed and im a normal looking guy who dress decently in mid forty and naughty ;) .Though I am bit reserved from childhood as I grew up I developed good rapo with girl/women I met in my life.To be frank I am lucky as far as romancing is concerned coz I happened to have fun with pretty few nos of partners from past 25 years.I love ,like and respect women that is y I am blessed with a beautiful wife and 2 lovely daughters . Well coming to this...
Hi dear readers, here your madan, after a little gap….i want to share with you my recent sexperience with a mail- friend, which you can enjoy an send your feelings and views…..ok?………on that day i was usually checking my mails and i found a mail from a girl sweety, that she read one of my story and she was impressed. I sent reply as usual with thanx and asking her how she felt. Sweety has replied that while she read she was so hot that her panty was wet and sweet enjoyment she had. ….later in...
Hi my name is jaiprakash 25 yrs from hyderabad.This is my first story in iss,im regular reader of iss,my school friend told me to write my 1st sexperience bcoz privacy is maintained here.when i was in 10 th class after my exams i wanted to go pune to my aunt’s place,bcoz my mom was busy she could not accompany me so my dad asked my cousin brother and his wife to accompany me,as they were going to bombay for some work i dint knew that one of my cousin sister(my uncle’s daughter) is also coming...
IncestHai my dear ISS readers here ur madan with another episode of my sexperience with a stranger in a bus leads to fuck his wife on that night. One day I was on a journey to Karimnagar on duty. I was sitting on window side of deluxe bus, after a while a person ,a gntlman came and sat besides me. In the bus TV was playing, in a sex scene of the running film the exposure of the dancer made me hot and my dick in my pant arousen and its shape was clearly visible I pressed my shaft , this was seen by my...
As I was walking home I passed a run down looking sex shop. My drunk curiosity got the best of me and I decided to wander in. After wandering around for a while I came to the pay to wacth porn booths. Figuring I wasn't going to get laid tonight I went to the cashier got some of the tokens and wandered into one of the middle booths. Once I got in there and my eyes adjusted to the dim light i settled into the chair and inserted my tokens. I started scrolling through the movies and settled upon...
Like most of you I like married woman. Although it is difficult to seduce married wives coming from good homes, but once you did, they indeed make your efforts and waiting worthwhile. They fuck tirelessly, without the fuss of shown by young, inexperienced girls. I especially like the women, who even after fucking several times, show a lot of hesitation and feel shy before taking off their clothes before me and getting fuck another time. Kusuma was such an example and I would to share her,...
Hello all. It has been a while since I have posted my experience here. Yeah, lovers and haters are always there, but many thanks to ISS for helping me to connect to some broadminded and genuine people. For those who think, this is a fantasy/fake/true, you are most welcome to think the way you want to, cannot help or force anybody to think positive always. A little about me, I am Nishant, aged 30, from Bengaluru, offering massages to females and couples for nearly four years now. I have posted...
Hi Indian sex stories dot net readers. Myself Manoj 37 yrs old from bangalore. I am back with another story to make you all get wet. My previous story “Sharada Eternal Lust” got a good response and as well as appreciations. I would like to thank ISS readers welcoming new member with such a massive response. I never expected that. Coming to the new story. This story is a mix of the real incident and my fantasy towards the heroine of this story. I started working immediately after my degree in...