Sixes and SevensChapter 16
- 3 years ago
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Book 1
Chapter 1
Six little words, barely a sentence had changed their relationship forever.? ?I like to get tied up? she had told him casually.? Like someone would say ?I like to jog?, or ?I like strawberry ice cream?. ?Would you care to elaborate on that?? he asked.? ?If that?s not plain enough for you? she replied, a little snappy, obviously embarrassed at being caught.? The chains attached to her wrists jingled as she gestured while talking.? ?I like to be tied up, chained up, strapped, or basically restrained in any way.? Some people are control freaks; I?m a non control freak.? I want to be controlled!??? Jim was speechless for a moment, and then simply said ?I see.?
???? It had started six weeks ago at a corner bar a few blocks from where he now stood.? It was north of downtown Chicago, not far from the Lincoln Park Zoo.? It was an upscale neighborhood where all the twenty-first century version of yuppies and preppies seemed to reside.? The nights had been just about perfect in humidity and temperature.? The end of May was the best weather they had, had sine the previous Fall.? The gloom of winter was finally gone and the heat and humidity of summer hadn?t made it this far North yet.? He didn?t even need a light jacket as he took his evening stroll.? The call of a cold beer had been strong as he approached the little corner pub.? It was a Friday night, not that different from any other.? By most people?s standards, he was unemployed.? There was no work to get up for on the weekday mornings either.? He preferred the term ?self employed?, because that?s really what he was.? He did have his own business, after all, government tax identification number and everything.? He just hadn?t done a whole lot with it.? ?That would change shortly? he had vowed.? There was just too much to do, and too many distractions in the city.? One of them was sitting two stools down from him at the bar.
????? She didn?t fit in for some reason, but he couldn?t put his finger on it.? It wasn?t her style, the denim mini skirt and green top she wore blended in with the rest of the Friday night past after work crowd.? All the suits, ties, and dresses were long gone.? He liked her boots.? The black leather seemed to capture her calves tightly due to the angle in which the stiletto heels forced her feet.? She had gorgeous legs, and a nice tan, for this early into the warm weather.? It was a real tan.? He could always tell the difference between an outdoors tan and a bottle one.? He glanced away quickly after he realize how long he?d been admiring the long toned legs that flowed out from under the short flared, denim skirt.? He switched to a more covert tactic and studied her reflection in the mirror behind the bar.? Her arms weren?t that of someone who hits the weights regularly, but she did have very nice muscle tone.? ?Maybe she?s a runner.?? The proximity to the lakeshore did attract a lot of people to the sport.? He did it a couple of days a week.? ?Maybe that?s where he?d seen her before, and that?s why she seemed to stand out.?? She had a nice chest, maybe a D cup?.a healthy C at any rate.? She didn?t look drunk, just kind of deep in thought.? She had intelligent eyes.? Even in the dim light of the bar, he could tell that they were green.? A bright emerald green that seemed to shine.? Her hair was tied back in a deep red flowing ponytail that probably looked majestic when she had it down out in the sunlight.? ?Early twenties? he guessed.? Probably a couple of years out of college.? She was gorgeous.? She was way out of his league.? He liked the way she chewed on her lower lip as she worked out whatever problem was in her mind.
???? If he had any balls, he would say something to her.? He was practicing assorted really bad pick up lines when she turned to him and said something.? The jukebox was playing ?Photograph? by Nickelback at a deafening volume.? ?I?m sorry, I didn?t hear what you said? he shouted at her.? A crooked little smile crossed her face.? ?I said ?can I have another one?? she replied and raised her bottle.? ?I was talking to the bartender.?? As if on cue, he immediately appeared from behind Jim, and dutifully set another beer on the bar in front of her.? ?How about you, pal?? he asked.? ?I?m fine, thanks? he peeped.?
???? ?I?m sorry that I bothered you.? I thought that you were talking to me? Jim told her. He was sure that he was bright red with embarrassment, but he refused to avert his eyes from hers.? Maybe she could see his color in the poor light.? ?Don?t mention it, sweetie? she said with a twinkle in her eye.? ?Red?s not your color.? You need to stick to earth tones? she with a giggle, as she slid over to the stool next to him.? ?I?m Jessica.?? She extended her hand to him.? Even her fingers were lovely.? ?I?m Jim.? Nice to meet you.?? ?Can I give you some free advice, Jim??? ?Sure, shoot?.? ?If you?re going to stare at someone, even using the mirror behind the bar.? You should break eye contact every once in a while, otherwise the person will get that creepy feeling that someone is watching them.? You know what I mean??? His color had almost returned to normal, but then he was crimson again.? ?Uh huh? he replied dumbly.? ?I?m flattered? she said, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.? He could feel her lips after they were gone, and smell the sweet scent of her perfume.? Before he could gather himself together enough to speak again, she snatched up her beer, hopped off the stool, and disappeared into the back of the bar.?
???? That night, alone in bed, he had considered the many possible ways he could have gone to the back of the bar and approached her.? It was moot anyway.? He hadn?t.? As he took his morning run along the lake, he scanned the people, especially the female variety, but he eventually convinced himself that he had never seen her before. ?He probably never would again either.? He wouldn?t have forgotten that red hair.? He imagined what it would look like in the daylight.? Even as he kept running, he subconsciously kept scanning the redheads, just in case.? ?What was he thinking?? What would he even say to her if he did see her? ?Hi, remember me?? I?m the idiot you humiliated at the bar last night.???
???? After his run, he put in a few hours of work on the computer, but he still had her on his mind.? ?Maybe a quick masturbation session would get her out of his head.? ?That didn?t seem right either.? As night fell, he felt the pull of that corner bar.? It was only a few blocks away.? ?It?s a warm night, and a cold beer would taste good.?? Sure he had some in the fridge, but nothing beat the taste of a cold foamy one right from the tap.? ?Who do I think I?m kidding?? Why am I lying to myself??? If he wanted to go down and see if Jessica was at the bar, he could.
???? He did.? She wasn?t.? He was there half the night and got two phone numbers, neither of which he was interested in.? He tried again the following Friday, thinking maybe it was just a ?once a week? thing for her.? No dice then either.? She may not have even been from the neighborhood.? She may not have even been from Chicago.? She may have just been in town visiting someone, or for business. What did he even know about her?? It was probably the only time that they would meet.? He was sure of that now.? ??June came and her memory faded.?
???? Four weeks later he found himself in the same corner bar on the same stool.? He wasn?t looking for her, but he hadn?t really forgotten her either.? The place was packed, and the music was good.? The weather, even warmer yet, made a cold beer that much more delicious.? He was just starting back into the singles scene after a two year relationship.? He had almost forgotten how it was done.? The advice she had given him was taken to heart, and he never starred at anyone too long as he scanned the crowd in the bar room mirror.? A blond a few stools down hadn?t learned the trick, and he could tell she was checking him out.? Not really his type and she looked like she had already put away quite a few drinks.? Jim was still on his first.
???? A pair of hands covered his eyes from behind.? His hands immediately shot up and grabbed the other person by the wrists, but he stopped himself and didn?t jerk them away.? He was not being attacked.? ?Guess who?? a female voice said.? He had no idea.? ?Jessica Simpson?? he joked.? ?Well, you?re half right? came the reply.? He pulled the hands from his eyes and spun around on her barstool to come face to face with Jessica from his first night at the bar.? ?Hi? he said, very surprised.? ?I hear that you?ve been looking for Me.? she stated, batting her eyelashes at him. ??Did you miss me??? Followed by another fluttering of eyelashes.?
???? Time to come clean.?? ?Ye, Actually I did, but who told you I?ve been looking for you??? ?The bartender, Rick.? He said that he?s seen you in here quite a bit since the night we met, ignoring a lot of other women that were practically throwing themselves at you.? He figured that you were either looking for me, or gay.?? She flashed him a beautiful smile.? You?re not gay.? If you were, you wouldn?t have gotten all flustered that first night.? Where?d you go anyway?? I came back for you, and you were gone.?? ?I had a lot to do, and it was getting late.?? ?Boy, that sounds really lame.?? ?It was eight O? clock? she stated, putting her hands on her hips in a definite gesture of disbelief.? ?I can?t remember.? Maybe I wanted to get home to watch something on television.?? ?Wow!? That makes me feel pretty high up on your priorities list.?? He realized that she was hurt, angry, or both.? ?Honesty time again.?? ?I was embarrassed by you twice in about a thirty second period.? I figured that I wasn?t going to stick around and see what number three would be.?? The smile came back to her face.? It was radiant.? ?Honesty is always the best policy.? I came over here to see you, but after that, I was thinking about leaving.? Now I?ll let you buy me a drink.?? She plopped on the stool next to him.? Her outfit was almost identical to the first night.? Same black leather boots and pleated denim mini skirt.? The only difference was that she wore a pink halter top that left her trim midriff bare, and had a florescent pink scarf through the belt loops of the skirt for a belt.? It was tied in a knot over her left hip, and the ends trailed halfway to the floor.? She definitely looked good.?
???? ?You?re kind of new to this whole bar scene thing, aren?t you?? she asked with a grin.? ?I?ve been in plenty of bars before? he replied.? ?To pick up women??? ?Okay, maybe not for a few years? he conceded.? ?Want some more of my good advice/? she inquired, with a gleam in her eye.? ?Do I really have a choice?? But he said it with a smile.? ?When a girl kisses you and then walks away, it means something.? You follow her.? You don?t run away.?? ?What do you suppose her intentions were??? Now he had the gleam in his eyes.? ?I guess you?ll never know.? Do you know why I?m sitting here with you right now?? ?My charming personality??? ?I wasn?t aware that you had a charming personality.? I?m not saying that you don?t.? That?s just not the reason.? You are the best looking man in this room.?? She paused and flashed him another huge smile.? He blushed a little.? ?That?s not the reason either.? The reason I?m sitting here with you right now is that you?re the best looking guy in this place, but until I just told you, you didn?t have a clue.?? ?Thank you.? You are, by far, the best looking woman here also.?? ?There are two major differences in our statements.? One is that I know I?m the best looking girl here.? The other is that I scare you because I am.?
???? They sat in silence for a moment.? Jim to a sip of his beer to look like he was doing something other than sitting there like an idiot. ?Interesting Analysis? he told her.? ?But there is one big hole in it.?? ?What?s that??? She asked, her green eyes sparkling.? ?She likes a challenge.?? ?If I?m afraid of you, why would I be in here looking for you??? ?We can all learn to overcome our fears? she told him as she leaned over and kissed him, this time on the lips.?
???? An hour and several drinks later, they moved to a cozy table in the rear of the bar.? The music was still blaring, but they were sitting in one of those perfect spots between the many speakers.? The music was going over them rather than at them.? They could actually hear enough to hold a conversation, but had no fear of anyone over hearing them.? Jessica was getting many looks from other men.? What usually would have made him jealous or angry made him proud.? She was with him tonight, and seemed to have no problem letting people know.? They had pushed their chairs together on side of the table and it seemed like one body part or another of hers was touching him at all times.? She wore the same perfume that he remembered from their first meeting.? The fragrance seemed to cling to her whole body.? He couldn?t place the scent, but it was very familiar.? Her lips were soft and moist as they caressed his cheek and nibbled on his ear.? He was out of the game, and could admit it.? She was making the first move at everything.? She picked up his hand and set it on her trim thigh, just below the hemline of her brief skirt.? He took a chance and slid it up a little and squeezed the inside of her thigh gently.? He got a deep kiss in return.?
???? In between the kissing and the fondling, they managed to get a conversation going.? ?Where have you been for the last month while I may, or may not have been looking for you??? Jim asked her with a smirk.? ?I have a friend who has a friend up in Wisconsin.? It?s actually in the area that I grew up.? I go up there and stay from time to time? she replied.? ?It must be nice to be able to take a month off of work for a vacation.? Most bosses would go nuts.?? ?I don?t work.?? ?You mean that you?re self employed?? You have your own company??? ?I mean that I don?t work.? I shop, that?s what I do.?? ?I see? Jim commented, a little surprised.? ?Spoiled rich girl??? ?When I first moved down here, I had all the good intentions of getting a job, but there was a lot to do with my condo when I first got here.? I didn?t really want to commit to anything that had me going in and out in the cold if I didn?t want to.? Don?t get me wrong.? I love the outdoors, and everything about it.? I ski, ice skate, and snowmobile.? I?ve even been ice fishing a few times.? Maybe I was just making excuses for not getting a job.? Then this Spring I made a few trips back to Wisconsin to help my friend on her farm.? I?m very employable.? I have a degree in architecture and design from the Universityof Wisconsin at Madison.?? ?How do you support yourself, if you don?t mind me asking?? Living in Chicago isn?t cheap.? Especially in this area? Jim asked when she finally paused for a moment.? ?Is this a girlfriend interview?? she giggled.? ?Possibly.? I?m just curious.? Your situation has spoiled little rich girl written all over it, but It doesn?t seem to fit with what I?ve seen of you so far.?? ?Rich kid?? Yes.? Spoiled?? No, but I?m working on it.? Let me explain.? My family has money.? Lots of money.? More money than some small countries.? They made their money in the railroad business, years ago in Milwaukee.? Unfortunately, I?m the end of the line.? Pardon the pun.? I have no brothers, sisters, or other living relatives.? My mother died giving birth to me, and my father died of a heart attack when I was ten.? My father?s foreman was his right hand man, as well as his best friend.? It was all drawn up in my father?s will that I would go live him if anything ever happened to my dad.? It worked out well, because the foreman?s daughter was my best friend at the time.? She still is.?? She paused for a breath.
???? ?He was a real bible thumper.? He was so shook up by my father?s death that he bought a farm North of Madison and moved us there to get us away from the evils of the city.? It was actually a lot of hard work, but I really enjoyed it.? He got a whole lot of money as part of my father?s will, and another big pile of cash for raising me, but never touched a dime.? We lived comfortably, though he already had good money from the time he worked for my dad.? He and his wife were killed in a car accident coming home from bible study one evening.? My friend and I were both seventeen at the time.? The court emancipated us because we were mature for our ages.? Neither of us had long to go before we reached eighteen.? We got an inheritance at that time.? Mine was from my father?s will, and she got her inheritance from hers.? It was kind of funny.? The wills were set up almost exactly the same.? Mine was just larger sums, but hers is enough to live on comfortably.? We got a small chunk at eighteen, and a larger one at age twenty one.? The bulk of it comes at age thirty, and there is even a small sum at age sixty.? I guess that?s just in case I blow all the money and need something to retire on? she said with a wink.? ?I have enough to be more than comfortable for the rest of my life.? So to sum it up, rich, yes, but not spoiled yet.? At least I wasn?t when I was growing up.? I can drive many different tractors and a combine.? That?s kind of what I?ve been doing when I go back up to Wisconsin.?? ?Driving a tractor?? I can?t picture it.?? ?No I was driving a bulldozer, and end loader, and some other heavy equipment.? It?s not a working farm, but we?ve been doing a lot of remodeling lately.?? ?I still can?t picture it.? Can you run an excavator too??? ?Yes, I can also drive an excavator.? I worked for a construction company three summers during college? she stated proudly.? ?I guess that explains your beautiful tan.?? After a moment he added ?That was the longest pause we?ve had in this conversation. ?Quick, say something!?? She gave him a fake dirty look and then said ?I know that sometimes I talk too much, and hog the conversation.? It?s been said that the only way to shut me up sometimes is to gag me.?? ?I can?t imagine gagging that beautiful mouth? he said, running a finger gently over her lips.? ?Trust me, it?s been done? she assured him with a wink.? ?So let me get this straight.? You?re a big city girl who moved to the country, learned to run heavy machinery, got a degree in architecture, and then moved back to the city.?? ?In a nutshell, the just about sums it up.? That?s enough about me.? Let?s talk about you.? Start with your family.??
???? They established all of the basics.? He was an only child.? His parents had divorced when he was fifteen.? His dad moved to California immediately after the divorce.? When he went off to college, his mother moved to Florida.? He wasn?t really terribly close to either of them.? He had gotten a degree in computer science from MIT.? Then came the big question. ??Where do you work?? she asked.? ?I?m self employed.?? ?Doing what??? ?Does that pay well??? ?Now it sounds like I?m getting the boyfriend interview.?? ?You are, answer the question.?? ?It would if I actually finished the game and managed to sell it.?? ?Are you having problems finding a company to buy it, and distribute it?? I can understand how that would be a tough market.?? ?No, it?s not that.? I?m under contract with a major firm to write another game.?? ?Another game?? It sounds like you?ve written one already.?? ?I did, or I should say ?we did?.? I wrote it with a friend during college.? It sold well, but caused us to have a major falling out.?? He told her the name of the game.? ?That?s too bad about you and your friend, but you?re way too modest.? It?s a very big deal!? That game is still really popular, and it?s been out several years.? You accuse me of being a trust fund brat.? You must be rolling in the bucks.?? ?I?m comfortable.? I don?t rally have any complaints right now.?? ?Last girlfriend??? ?A couple of months ago.?? ?How long were the two of you together??? ?About two years.?? ?Who ended it??? ?It was by mutual agreement.? She took a job in Connecticut and moved there.? For as long as it went on, it really didn?t get that serious.? Now it?s your turn.?? ?A couple of months.? I should probably tell you that I?ve never had a relationship that?s lasted longer than six months.?? ?Never?? he asked.? ?Never.? I didn?t date much before college, and since then there always seems to be something going on.?? ?Who usually breaks it off??? ?I do the majority of the time.? It?s not like it sounds.? I don?t find a better guy, and then dump the one I?m with.? I?m not psycho.? I?m not overly jealous, or a raving bitch.? At least not any more than any other woman.? I have my bad days just like everybody else.?? ?Are you trying to scare me off??? ?No, not at all.? That?s the last thing I want to do.? I?m just trying to be honest and up front.? I don?t do long term relationships.? It?s not because I don?t want to.? It just seems to happen that way.?? Jim kissed her to stop the babbling.? ?I?m willing to take a leap of faith if you are? he told her as they broke the kiss.? She stood, took his hand, and pulled him to his feet.? ?Let?s jump, but we?ll have to do it at your place.? My girlfriend is staying over at mine, and she?s a little tied up with something.?
???? The sex was good and the relationship even better as it progressed.? It blossomed because neither one of them had any firm commitments to occupy their time, so they had plenty of time to be into each other.? Her friend went back to Wisconsin and they began spending almost every night together, mostly at his place.? For two weeks straight they saw each other every day.? They were getting near to inseparable.? Jim had to leave town for the weekend because of a business meeting.? She tried to go with him, but with the short notice, she couldn?t find a flight.? She?d find something to do while he was gone, she had assured him.? Jim felt bad leaving her, but it was only for a couple of days.? He was meeting with his marketing rep from the computer game company.? Jessica had offered to drive him to O?hare airport, but he had declined, instead opting for a Town car service like he usually did.? He would need to get there by six AM to get cleared through security before his flight.? She had left his house when the car came to pick him up.? He promised her that he?d call immediately upon touch down, and passionately kissed her goodbye.?
???? He had managed to make it to the airport on time despite the terrible morning traffic.? The driver got a big tip.? He was second in line at the boarding gate counter when his cell phone rang.? He guessed that it was Jessica wishing him a safe flight, it seemed like most of the time they were apart, which wasn?t much, they were talking to each other on their cell phones.? Jim fished it out of his pocket, and when he looked at the number, he was surprised.? It wasn?t Jessica, but the rep he was going to see in Seattle.? He answered it, and was told that the meeting was cancelled.? He apologized profusely, stating that there had been a death in the family, and that he would let him know when the meeting was rescheduled. Before he hung up, Jim gave him his condolences and told him that he understood.? It would have been a much greater inconvenience if he had already checked in, or worse, already been in the air.? When he got to the head of the line, he explained the situation.? The woman working the boarding gate was a lot sharper than the man at the check in counter had been.? She told him that it wouldn?t be a problem, and they would do their best to get his luggage off the plane before it departed, but it was probably too late.? He told her not to worry about it, and just to deliver it to his condo.? He gave her the address and filled out the form.?
???? He was now in a very good mood.? He would get to spend the weekend with Jessica after all.? He speed dialed her apartment, but got no answer.? Then he tried her cell phone, but didn?t get her there either.? He didn?t leave a message either place.? He?d surprise her.? He knew that she?d see his cell number on her missed calls, but would probably think he was calling to tell her that he was about to depart.? He wasn?t worried about his luggage.? There was nothing in the bag that he couldn?t live without for a couple of days.? He had his laptop bag with him.? All he had to do now was catch a cab back to the North side.
???? He was tempted to call her as they got close, but decided against spoiling the surprise.? Inbound rush hour traffic was far worse than the outbound had been, and it was now well after his scheduled departure time.? If she saw the number on her missed calls, she would know that he hadn?t left.? It was much better to do it in person.? He had the driver swing past her building on the way to his.? He was going to have him pull around the back and check for her car, but as they turned onto her street he saw three Chicago police cars, with their lights flashing, parked in front of her building.? There were only three units in her building. All of them were three stories tall.? There was one in front, one in the middle, and the third facing the alley.? The later was Jessica?s.? The taxi stopped in front of her building, and he jumped out, asking an officer what the problem was.? ?It?s all been taken care of? he replied.? When he asked which unit was involved, the cop indicated that it was hers. He sent the taxi on its way.? ?My girlfriend lives in that unit.? What?s happened?? Can I go back there?? he inquired.? The cop turned and yelled to a sergeant and another officer that were coming out of the secured walkway that ran between her building and the one next to it.? ?I?ve got her boyfriend here, or so he claims.? Can I send him back there??? ?I?ve got no problem with it.? We?re all clear here? the sergeant replied.? Jim thanked the officer and ran through the propped open security gate.? ?Ten bucks says she doesn?t open the door? one officer said to the other.
???? Jessica opened the door on the security chain, her body hidden behind it and just her eyes peering out from the crack in-between the door and door frame.? ?What?s going on here?? Are you alright?? Jim asked frantically.? ?What are you doing here?? You were supposed to be going to Seattle.?? ?Is everything okay?? Are you alright??? ?I?m fine.? Everything is fine.? It was all just a big mistake.? Why are you here?? Did they call you??? She seemed a little perplexed by his presence.?? ?I came to see you?? My meeting got cancelled.? Open the door.?? ?This really isn?t a very good time Jim.? Please go.? I?ll call you later.?? ?Jessica!? What is going on here?? Open this door right now!?? She closed the door, took off the chain, and then opened then opened the door for him.? She was still hiding her body behind it.? ??Damn!? She?s letting him in.?? He heard the police sergeant exclaim.?
???? Jessica closed the door and stood before him.? She was dressed from head to toe as a French maid.? It was a very kinky version of a French maid.? The uniform consisted of a short, black dress made out of a shiny patent leather.? It had white lace at the edges of the short puffy sleeves, and the hem of the abbreviated skirt.? The skirt was pushed up and out by many petticoats underneath, the bottoms of which were visible.? It was short enough that her garters and the tops of her stockings could be seen.? Her stockings were a fishnet pattern, and on her feet were black patent stiletto heels with one inch ankle straps.? They were so high that another strap went around the front of her foot to hold it in the shoe.? Shiny, black leather gloves covered her arms all the way until the disappeared under the puffy sleeves.? A white apron, trimmed in the same lace was tied tightly around her waist, ending behind her in a large bow.? On her head was a matching white lacy maid?s cap.?
???? The costume was strange, but it wasn?t the reason Jim?s mouth now hung open.? She was covered in chains, thin, but strong looking silver chain.? One chain went around her waist with shorter lengths about six inches long coming off either side.? A handcuff encircled each wrist and connected to the end of each chain.? A pair of leg irons hobbled her steps, and another chain ran from the middle of her waist chain down to the center of the shackle chain.? A tall, black leather collar went around her neck leaving just a peek of white lace from the uniform collar sticking out the top.? It was obvious that it was so stiff and tall, that held her head strictly in the posture it was now in.? From a larger silver ring in the front, ran another chain that connected to the center of the one encircling her waist, bisecting her breasts enroute.? From the back of the collar ran yet another chain that connected to a second set of handcuffs that were locked around her upper arms, just above her elbows.? A short chain separated them.? The length of the connecting chain kept her elbows tight to her body.? She could move, but in a very restricted manner, as she moved away from the door.? She turned to face him, and began to cross her arms, but stopped when she realized that her bondage wouldn?t allow it.? ?What happened?? Who did this to you? He exclaimed, looking over the kinky outfit.? ?Nothing happened.? No one did this to me? she replied calmly.? ?Why didn?t the police let you loose?? he shot back at her.? ?They didn?t let me loose because they don?t have the keys.? These aren?t regular handcuffs and ankle shackles.?? ?Who has them then?? Who did this?? Did you file a police report???? ?Jim, I have the keys.?? ?You have the keys?? Where are they?? Why are you still chained up like this in that costume??? ?The keys are in a special lock box that only opens on a timer.? Until the time expires, the box won?t open.?? ?Who did this to you?? Where is he??? he replied, oblivious of the key explanation.? ?I did this to myself?? ?You did this to yourself?? No you didn?t.? If you did, why were the police just here??? ?Calm down, come in here and sit down? she told him as she grabbed his hand and shuffled into the living room.? They sat down on here sofa.? Then she said those six little words.? Six little words that would change their relationship forever.?
If you?ve enjoyed this story so far, please let me know.?? Feedback is requested and greatly appreciated, as are suggestions for the plots and characters of future story segments.? You can contact my by email at [email protected].? Thanks for your support!? I look forward to hearing from you.
Book 1
Chapter 1
Six little words, barely a sentence had changed their relationship forever.? ?I like to get tied up? she had told him casually.? Like someone would say ?I like to jog?, or ?I like strawberry ice cream?. ?Would you care to elaborate on that?? he asked.? ?If that?s not plain enough for you? she replied, a little snappy, obviously embarrassed at being caught.? The chains attached to her wrists jingled as she gestured while talking.? ?I like to be tied up, chained up, strapped, or basically restrained in any way.? Some people are control freaks; I?m a non control freak.? I want to be controlled!??? Jim was speechless for a moment, and then simply said ?I see.?
???? It had started
six weeks ago at a corner bar a few blocks from where he now stood.? It was north of downtown
????? She didn?t fit in for some reason, but he couldn?t put his finger on it.? It wasn?t her style, the denim mini skirt and green top she wore blended in with the rest of the Friday night past after work crowd.? All the suits, ties, and dresses were long gone.? He liked her boots.? The black leather seemed to capture her calves tightly due to the angle in which the stiletto heels forced her feet.? She had gorgeous legs, and a nice tan, for this early into the warm weather.? It was a real tan.? He could always tell the difference between an outdoors tan and a bottle one.? He glanced away quickly after he realize how long he?d been admiring the long toned legs that flowed out from under the short flared, denim skirt.? He switched to a more covert tactic and studied her reflection in the mirror behind the bar.? Her arms weren?t that of someone who hits the weights regularly, but she did have very nice muscle tone.? ?Maybe she?s a runner.?? The proximity to the lakeshore did attract a lot of people to the sport.? He did it a couple of days a week.? ?Maybe that?s where he?d seen her before, and that?s why she seemed to stand out.?? She had a nice chest, maybe a D cup?.a healthy C at any rate.? She didn?t look drunk, just kind of deep in thought.? She had intelligent eyes.? Even in the dim light of the bar, he could tell that they were green.? A bright emerald green that seemed to shine.? Her hair was tied back in a deep red flowing ponytail that probably looked majestic when she had it down out in the sunlight.? ?Early twenties? he guessed.? Probably a couple of years out of college.? She was gorgeous.? She was way out of his league.? He liked the way she chewed on her lower lip as she worked out whatever problem was in her mind.
???? If he had any balls, he would say something to her.? He was practicing assorted really bad pick up lines when she turned to him and said something.? The jukebox was playing ?Photograph? by Nickelback at a deafening volume.? ?I?m sorry, I didn?t hear what you said? he shouted at her.? A crooked little smile crossed her face.? ?I said ?can I have another one?? she replied and raised her bottle.? ?I was talking to the bartender.?? As if on cue, he immediately appeared from behind Jim, and dutifully set another beer on the bar in front of her.? ?How about you, pal?? he asked.? ?I?m fine, thanks? he peeped.?
???? ?I?m sorry that I bothered you.? I thought that you were talking to me? Jim told her. He was sure that he was bright red with embarrassment, but he refused to avert his eyes from hers.? Maybe she could see his color in the poor light.? ?Don?t mention it, sweetie? she said with a twinkle in her eye.? ?Red?s not your color.? You need to stick to earth tones? she with a giggle, as she slid over to the stool next to him.? ?I?m Jessica.?? She extended her hand to him.? Even her fingers were lovely.? ?I?m Jim.? Nice to meet you.?? ?Can I give you some free advice, Jim??? ?Sure, shoot?.? ?If you?re going to stare at someone, even using the mirror behind the bar.? You should break eye contact every once in a while, otherwise the person will get that creepy feeling that someone is watching them.? You know what I mean??? His color had almost returned to normal, but then he was crimson again.? ?Uh huh? he replied dumbly.? ?I?m flattered? she said, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.? He could feel her lips after they were gone, and smell the sweet scent of her perfume.? Before he could gather himself together enough to speak again, she snatched up her beer, hopped off the stool, and disappeared into the back of the bar.?
???? That night, alone in bed, he had considered the many possible ways he could have gone to the back of the bar and approached her.? It was moot anyway.? He hadn?t.? As he took his morning run along the lake, he scanned the people, especially the female variety, but he eventually convinced himself that he had never seen her before. ?He probably never would again either.? He wouldn?t have forgotten that red hair.? He imagined what it would look like in the daylight.? Even as he kept running, he subconsciously kept scanning the redheads, just in case.? ?What was he thinking?? What would he even say to her if he did see her? ?Hi, remember me?? I?m the idiot you humiliated at the bar last night.???
???? After his run, he put in a few hours of work on the computer, but he still had her on his mind.? ?Maybe a quick masturbation session would get her out of his head.? ?That didn?t seem right either.? As night fell, he felt the pull of that corner bar.? It was only a few blocks away.? ?It?s a warm night, and a cold beer would taste good.?? Sure he had some in the fridge, but nothing beat the taste of a cold foamy one right from the tap.? ?Who do I think I?m kidding?? Why am I lying to myself??? If he wanted to go down and see if Jessica was at the bar, he could.
???? He did.? She wasn?t.?
He was there half the night and got two phone numbers, neither of which
he was interested in.? He tried again the
following Friday, thinking maybe it was just a ?once a week? thing for
her.? No dice then either.? She may not have even been from the
neighborhood.? She may not have even been
???? Four weeks later he found himself in the same corner bar on the same stool.? He wasn?t looking for her, but he hadn?t really forgotten her either.? The place was packed, and the music was good.? The weather, even warmer yet, made a cold beer that much more delicious.? He was just starting back into the singles scene after a two year relationship.? He had almost forgotten how it was done.? The advice she had given him was taken to heart, and he never starred at anyone too long as he scanned the crowd in the bar room mirror.? A blond a few stools down hadn?t learned the trick, and he could tell she was checking him out.? Not really his type and she looked like she had already put away quite a few drinks.? Jim was still on his first.
???? A pair of hands
covered his eyes from behind.? His hands
immediately shot up and grabbed the other person by the wrists, but he stopped
himself and didn?t jerk them away.? He
was not being attacked.? ?Guess who?? a
female voice said.? He had no idea.? ?Jessica Simpson?? he joked.? ?Well, you?re half right? came the reply.? He pulled the hands from his eyes and spun
around on her barstool to come face to face with Jessica from his first night
at the bar.? ?Hi? he said, very
surprised.? ?I hear that you?ve been
looking for
???? Time to come clean.?? ?Ye, Actually I did, but who told you I?ve been looking for you??? ?The bartender, Rick.? He said that he?s seen you in here quite a bit since the night we met, ignoring a lot of other women that were practically throwing themselves at you.? He figured that you were either looking for me, or gay.?? She flashed him a beautiful smile.? You?re not gay.? If you were, you wouldn?t have gotten all flustered that first night.? Where?d you go anyway?? I came back for you, and you were gone.?? ?I had a lot to do, and it was getting late.?? ?Boy, that sounds really lame.?? ?It was eight O? clock? she stated, putting her hands on her hips in a definite gesture of disbelief.? ?I can?t remember.? Maybe I wanted to get home to watch something on television.?? ?Wow!? That makes me feel pretty high up on your priorities list.?? He realized that she was hurt, angry, or both.? ?Honesty time again.?? ?I was embarrassed by you twice in about a thirty second period.? I figured that I wasn?t going to stick around and see what number three would be.?? The smile came back to her face.? It was radiant.? ?Honesty is always the best policy.? I came over here to see you, but after that, I was thinking about leaving.? Now I?ll let you buy me a drink.?? She plopped on the stool next to him.? Her outfit was almost identical to the first night.? Same black leather boots and pleated denim mini skirt.? The only difference was that she wore a pink halter top that left her trim midriff bare, and had a florescent pink scarf through the belt loops of the skirt for a belt.? It was tied in a knot over her left hip, and the ends trailed halfway to the floor.? She definitely looked good.?
???? ?You?re kind of new to this whole bar scene thing, aren?t you?? she asked with a grin.? ?I?ve been in plenty of bars before? he replied.? ?To pick up women??? ?Okay, maybe not for a few years? he conceded.? ?Want some more of my good advice/? she inquired, with a gleam in her eye.? ?Do I really have a choice?? But he said it with a smile.? ?When a girl kisses you and then walks away, it means something.? You follow her.? You don?t run away.?? ?What do you suppose her intentions were??? Now he had the gleam in his eyes.? ?I guess you?ll never know.? Do you know why I?m sitting here with you right now?? ?My charming personality??? ?I wasn?t aware that you had a charming personality.? I?m not saying that you don?t.? That?s just not the reason.? You are the best looking man in this room.?? She paused and flashed him another huge smile.? He blushed a little.? ?That?s not the reason either.? The reason I?m sitting here with you right now is that you?re the best looking guy in this place, but until I just told you, you didn?t have a clue.?? ?Thank you.? You are, by far, the best looking woman here also.?? ?There are two major differences in our statements.? One is that I know I?m the best looking girl here.? The other is that I scare you because I am.?
???? They sat in silence for a moment.? Jim to a sip of his beer to look like he was doing something other than sitting there like an idiot. ?Interesting Analysis? he told her.? ?But there is one big hole in it.?? ?What?s that??? She asked, her green eyes sparkling.? ?She likes a challenge.?? ?If I?m afraid of you, why would I be in here looking for you??? ?We can all learn to overcome our fears? she told him as she leaned over and kissed him, this time on the lips.?
???? An hour and several drinks later, they moved to a cozy table in the rear of the bar.? The music was still blaring, but they were sitting in one of those perfect spots between the many speakers.? The music was going over them rather than at them.? They could actually hear enough to hold a conversation, but had no fear of anyone over hearing them.? Jessica was getting many looks from other men.? What usually would have made him jealous or angry made him proud.? She was with him tonight, and seemed to have no problem letting people know.? They had pushed their chairs together on side of the table and it seemed like one body part or another of hers was touching him at all times.? She wore the same perfume that he remembered from their first meeting.? The fragrance seemed to cling to her whole body.? He couldn?t place the scent, but it was very familiar.? Her lips were soft and moist as they caressed his cheek and nibbled on his ear.? He was out of the game, and could admit it.? She was making the first move at everything.? She picked up his hand and set it on her trim thigh, just below the hemline of her brief skirt.? He took a chance and slid it up a little and squeezed the inside of her thigh gently.? He got a deep kiss in return.?
???? In between the
kissing and the fondling, they managed to get a conversation going.? ?Where have you been for the last month while
I may, or may not have been looking for you???
Jim asked her with a smirk.? ?I
have a friend who has a friend up in
???? ?He was a real
bible thumper.? He was so shook up by my
father?s death that he bought a farm North of Madison and moved us there to get
us away from the evils of the city.? It
was actually a lot of hard work, but I really enjoyed it.? He got a whole lot of money as part of my
father?s will, and another big pile of cash for raising me, but never touched a
dime.? We lived comfortably, though he
already had good money from the time he worked for my dad.? He and his wife were killed in a car accident
coming home from bible study one evening.?
My friend and I were both seventeen at the time.? The court emancipated us because we were
mature for our ages.? Neither of us had
long to go before we reached eighteen.?
We got an inheritance at that time.?
Mine was from my father?s will, and she got her inheritance from
hers.? It was kind of funny.? The wills were set up almost exactly the
same.? Mine was just larger sums, but
hers is enough to live on comfortably.?
We got a small chunk at eighteen, and a larger one at age twenty
one.? The bulk of it comes at age thirty,
and there is even a small sum at age sixty.?
I guess that?s just in case I blow all the money and need something to
retire on? she said with a wink.? ?I have
enough to be more than comfortable for the rest of my life.? So to sum it up, rich, yes, but not spoiled
yet.? At least I wasn?t when I was
growing up.? I can drive many different
tractors and a combine.? That?s kind of
what I?ve been doing when I go back up to
???? They established
all of the basics.? He was an only
child.? His parents had divorced when he
was fifteen.? His dad moved to
???? The sex was good
and the relationship even better as it progressed.? It blossomed because neither one of them had
any firm commitments to occupy their time, so they had plenty of time to be
into each other.? Her friend went back to
???? He had managed to
make it to the airport on time despite the terrible morning traffic.? The driver got a big tip.? He was second in line at the boarding gate
counter when his cell phone rang.? He
guessed that it was Jessica wishing him a safe flight, it seemed like most of
the time they were apart, which wasn?t much, they were talking to each other on
their cell phones.? Jim fished it out of
his pocket, and when he looked at the number, he was surprised.? It wasn?t Jessica, but the rep he was going
to see in
???? He was now in a very good mood.? He would get to spend the weekend with Jessica after all.? He speed dialed her apartment, but got no answer.? Then he tried her cell phone, but didn?t get her there either.? He didn?t leave a message either place.? He?d surprise her.? He knew that she?d see his cell number on her missed calls, but would probably think he was calling to tell her that he was about to depart.? He wasn?t worried about his luggage.? There was nothing in the bag that he couldn?t live without for a couple of days.? He had his laptop bag with him.? All he had to do now was catch a cab back to the North side.
???? He was tempted to
call her as they got close, but decided against spoiling the surprise.? Inbound rush hour traffic was far worse than
the outbound had been, and it was now well after his scheduled departure
time.? If she saw the number on her missed
calls, she would know that he hadn?t left.?
It was much better to do it in person.?
He had the driver swing past her building on the way to his.? He was going to have him pull around the back
and check for her car, but as they turned onto her street he saw three
???? Jessica opened the
door on the security chain, her body hidden behind it and just her eyes peering
out from the crack in-between the door and door frame.? ?What?s going on here?? Are you alright?? Jim asked frantically.? ?What are you doing here?? You were supposed to be going to
???? Jessica closed the door and stood before him.? She was dressed from head to toe as a French maid.? It was a very kinky version of a French maid.? The uniform consisted of a short, black dress made out of a shiny patent leather.? It had white lace at the edges of the short puffy sleeves, and the hem of the abbreviated skirt.? The skirt was pushed up and out by many petticoats underneath, the bottoms of which were visible.? It was short enough that her garters and the tops of her stockings could be seen.? Her stockings were a fishnet pattern, and on her feet were black patent stiletto heels with one inch ankle straps.? They were so high that another strap went around the front of her foot to hold it in the shoe.? Shiny, black leather gloves covered her arms all the way until the disappeared under the puffy sleeves.? A white apron, trimmed in the same lace was tied tightly around her waist, ending behind her in a large bow.? On her head was a matching white lacy maid?s cap.?
???? The costume was
strange, but it wasn?t the reason Jim?s mouth now hung open.? She was covered in chains, thin, but strong
looking silver chain.? One chain went
around her waist with shorter lengths about six inches long coming off either
side.? A handcuff encircled each wrist
and connected to the end of each chain.?
A pair of leg irons hobbled her steps, and another chain ran from the
middle of her waist chain down to the center of the shackle chain.? A tall, black leather collar went around her
neck leaving just a peek of white lace from the uniform collar sticking out the
top.? It was obvious that it was so stiff
and tall, that held her head strictly in the posture it was now in.? From a larger silver ring in the front, ran
another chain that connected to the center of the one encircling her waist,
bisecting her breasts enroute.? From the
back of the collar ran yet another chain that connected to a second set of
handcuffs that were locked around her upper arms, just above her elbows.? A short chain separated them.? The length of the connecting chain kept her
elbows tight to her body.? She could
move, but in a very restricted manner, as she moved away from the door.? She turned to face him, and began to cross
her arms, but stopped when she realized that her bondage wouldn?t allow
it.? ?What happened?? Who did this to you? He exclaimed, looking
over the kinky outfit.? ?Nothing
happened.? No one did this to me? she
replied calmly.? ?Why didn?t the police
let you loose?? he shot back at her.? ?They
didn?t let me loose because they don?t have the keys.? These aren?t regular handcuffs and ankle
shackles.?? ?Who has them then?? Who did this??
Did you file a police report????
?Jim, I have the keys.?? ?You have
the keys?? Where are they?? Why are you still chained up like this in
that costume??? ?The keys are in a
special lock box that only opens on a timer.?
Until the time expires, the box won?t open.?? ?Who did this to you?? Where is he???
he replied, oblivious of the key explanation.? ?I did this to myself?? ?You did this to yourself?? No you didn?t.? If you did, why were the police just
here??? ?Calm down, come in here and sit
down? she told him as she grabbed his hand and shuffled into the living
room.? They sat down on here sofa.? Then she said those six little words.? Six little words that would change their
relationship forever.?
If you?ve enjoyed this story so far, please let me
know.?? Feedback is requested and greatly
appreciated, as are suggestions for the plots and characters of future story
segments.? You can contact my by email at
[email protected].? Thanks for your support!? I look forward to hearing from you.
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Sam asked for milk. Aidan grabbed two glasses and filled them. She was already on her way to her room; he followed her. He had to enter her bedroom to give her the milk. She turned and smiled. “We don’t have to be up early tomorrow,” she said. He took her meaning. He now had no excuse for leaving, and anyway, he didn’t want an excuse. He wanted to stay. He simply put the milk down and moved to ‘his’ side of the bed, putting his own drink down on the bedside table. When he turned back, she...
Next day at work, Aidan’s face must have given his feelings away, for Vicky asked him what was the matter. He told her that Sam’s passport had arrived and that they had booked her flight back to Canada. She was to leave on the following Tuesday. Since Vicky knew most of their friends as well as the ‘office family’, the news spread like wildfire, and by Friday morning Vicky told Aidan that Sam and he were invited to a farewell party on Saturday evening at Giles’ house. Giles was a party...
Aidan went from the airport straight to work after his farewell to Samantha. Despite the sunshine, life felt bleak and miserable, and there was a great yawning gap in his life. The expression on his face betrayed his feelings, and Vicky took one look at him as he entered the building and showed her sympathy and concern. “Should you be here?” she asked. “You could take the rest of the day off, you know. The rush is over.” “No,” he replied, “I need to keep busy; take my mind off it.” “You...
Aidan woke up on Thursday morning, the last day of October, Halloween, feeling good, so good that he did a double check to see if the feeling was real or if it would evaporate like the morning dew. It didn’t. He felt optimistic and, he was sure, happy, and he knew he could trust those feelings. He sang in the shower and hummed a merry tune over breakfast. He felt almost giddy at the prospect of a day without depression. He looked out of the window, and seeing a bright break in the clouds...
“Aidan?” Julie said, after he identified himself on the phone. “Caroline says you’ll meet me.” “Yes, that’s right,” he said guardedly. “Thank you,” she said. “When would be convenient?” It sounded to him as if they were making a business or medical appointment. “Tomorrow?” he hazarded. “How about the Hare and Hounds?” There were too many people who knew him at the Plough and he wanted this to be private, otherwise he knew he would never hear the end of it. “Fine,” she said. That word...
Vancouver: a conversation “Mom? Did you phone Aidan Redmond after I got back from Europe?” “Why honey? Is something wrong?” “You knew I didn’t want you to phone.” “But Sam, sweetie, Daddy and I couldn’t let it go without thanking him.” “You remember he stopped writing?” “Why, yes, but didn’t you write and ask him about that?” “He never replied. I put a note in his Christmas card, and I got an email from him this morning.” “Well, I’m glad he’s writing to you again.” “He isn’t. Mom,...
Giles was hosting a New Year’s Eve party at his ‘modest manor’ as he put it. Aidan was invited and Giles enquired whether ‘that incredible woman you had with you last time’ would be coming over for the celebrations. No she wouldn’t, Aidan told him, but, on a whim, invited Julie. Well, not quite a whim: he felt a little guilty about neglecting her over the Christmas period. “Are you doing anything for New Year’s Eve?” he asked her. “No,” she answered, her interest aroused. “Fancy going to...
He awoke on Wednesday the first day of the year to find, not a pair of breasts pressed against his back, nor his erection (which was real) pressed between the cheeks of a female bottom, but the stroking of a hand over his hair and the word tea spoken in his ear from a female body standing nakedly next to the bed. He rolled onto his back and sat up, his bare chest gaining a predatory lustful look from the said female, which in turn enhanced his erection. “Kathy!” he said in surprise. “How...
January as always was busy, very busy. Hours were long and everyone was worked hard. There was little time for entertainment, though they managed to get to the Plough on Wednesday nights which was a necessary relief of tension. Aidan heard nothing from Julie, though he was so busy he hardly thought about her at all. While the rest of the staff had Saturdays and Sundays off, Vicky and Aidan worked all day Saturdays. On Sundays he slept and relaxed, though he would often go for a walk, telling...
After the May Bank holiday, in the offices of Redmond and Compstall things settled down. June and the summer beckoned, when things became easier and slacker for the accountants. Kathy seemed very happy with her new boyfriend, and Vicky and Brendan had started to plan a spring wedding for the following year. Things were less complicated for Aidan as well. There was the Wednesday night meet for the staff, which now included partners, fiancés and friends. Vicky and Aidan met one evening a week...
Ottawa early July “Mz Grogan, it seems you really are fluent in four languages. You would be surprised how many interviewees say they are fluent, but only have a working knowledge. All our interviewers were impressed. Congratulations.” “Thank you, Mr Desmodine.” They were sitting in his office in Ottawa, the headquarters of ITI, an international company specialising in expert translators and interpreters for governments and multi-national companies. Sam was at last committed to find a job...
Against all Sam’s inner protestations that there was no chance Aidan would contact her, either because Julie did not tell him, or because he simply did not want to know since he had gone back to Julie, Sam was on tenterhooks for that week and the week following. There was, as expected, no contact made, and as the third week began Sam felt her spirits plummeting as if a great gap were opening deep within her. At the end of that week as she climbed into bed, the tears came and with them a...
November Aidan and Vicky returned from their London trip feeling a mixture of triumph and fear. They agreed the outing had been a resounding success, and now it was a question of how to manage a much wider extension of the business. Fortunately the commissions were to begin with the new financial year in April, though there would have to be more meetings before that. Once again they needed to hire more staff. Fortunately an adjoining office suite had become vacant on their floor of the...
St Valentine’s Day. Strangely it was the first thing that came into Aidan’s mind as he awoke at the late hour of ten o’clock. He gave himself a wry smile in the bathroom mirror, as he thought of the loss of Sam, and the impending showdown and loss of Julie. The very reverse of all that Valentine’s day purports to be, he told himself. “Yad Enitnelav” he said out loud and laughed at his own stupidity, as he reversed the letters of the feast day, but that cheerful moment passed instantly, as...
On hearing Julie trying to get into the flat, Aidan and Samantha rolled out of bed. “You get dressed,” Sam said going into the bathroom and getting a bathrobe. “I’ll go and let her in,” she said with a devilish grin. Aidan didn’t feel very humorous, but saw her determination and agreed, and Sam left the bedroom for the flat door. He dressed quickly and went to the living room. Meanwhile, Sam took her time undoing the snib, so that Aidan could get dressed. She then opened the door. Standing...
It was a deflated pair who shut the block door Julie’s departure and returned to the flat, arms around each other. “I didn’t enjoy that at all,” said Aidan. “No, I can see that. She was under a misunderstanding. I can see why she did what she did. She does love you, you know. Very much.” There was a pause, then she sighed, then smiled. “But I love you more!” The woman was perfection, he thought, and hugged her tight, an action she reciprocated, pulling him round to her for a deep gentle...
On Monday Vicky breezed into Aidan’s office. “Aidan,” she said. “After all that trouble when I was ill, you never got a holiday. Then you’ve been working all hours to get the new kids sorted. You’re looking very tired and everything is running well now. Why don’t you take a break? August is a slack month in any case. Go somewhere exotic; take as long as you like. Go somewhere out of all this damned rain. Get yourself better, more rested, ready for September when life will get demented again...
The word turmoil had always been a favourite of his. It conjured up chaos, mayhem, directionless thrashing about. Well, that was his mind as he trudged the quarter of a mile or so back to his hotel. A woman, than whom a more flawless, achingly beautiful example he had never met before, though he had seen them in films, or movies as she would call them, that woman, seemed to have taken a shine to him. While he knew that their boyfriend/girlfriend game was only that, it betokened an intimacy...
"I'll be back off my deployment in six months," Dad told me before he left. "I want you to get your mother pregnant by the time I return." He told Mum the same thing, so I was looking forward to six months of boffing my sexy mother. Hah! Not a chance. The first night, when I tried to get her into bed, she told me, "Your father said by the time he gets back, and that's six months away. We don't even have to think about it for five months." "We could always start practising," I...
Suzanne lay back on the bed, waiting. Amy lingered over her. She slowly brought her face and body down. As usual, there was a big smile on her face. As her face got within a few inches of Suzanne's, she said, "I love you, mother." Suzanne finally lost control and burst into tears. She cursed, "Stop saying that, already! You're turning me into a blubbering idiot!" Amy frowned. "Are you unhappy?" "No way! These are tears of joy. I WAS unhappy, for so many years. All those affairs I...
Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...
When I woke up from the sleep learner my mind was filled with the Twelve Days of Christmas. You might have experienced how that song sticks in the mind. My own fault entirely. I had taken those people who were in sleep learners or medical tubes along on a Christmas trip to a virtual edition of Disneyland. Were you aware that "it's a small world" adds "Jingle Bells" and "Deck the Halls?" I made a mistake and put the "12 Days of Christmas" sound track—hey, a version of that is at the...
Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...
Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...
Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
You are in this story the 20 year old Jesse. You live together with your mom(Sandra), your dad(Ben), your little brother(Mark) and your big sister(Julia). you have a happy, good working family. Only there is one thing you never want to to tell your family or anyone else. That is the secret about your penis. See you dont have a normal penis, but a very tiny little mini penis. Flaccid is it just 1 inch long, and hard are just 3 inches. Youve never told anyone about is. Youve always succeeded to...
BDSMHi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...
I got up and went into the bedroom ,stripped off and snuggled close to Suma, She was sleeping with hands folded across her chest ,turned to left side. I slowly lifted her nightie above her buttocks and gently lifted her left thigh and pressed my dick close to her pussy and lowered her thigh. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep but felt my hungry dick wanted some relief, some warmth. Slowly I inserted my hand in the opening in the nightie and cupped her tit. I just wanted to savour her touch and...
I tapped Suma lightly on the shoulder, she jumped a foot . “Why, you scared me, Why do you have to come like a ghost?” She admonished me. I told her I didn’t mean to and asked her why she was so jumpy. She evaded and we finished breakfast in silence, each lost in own thoughts. She finished her bath, pooja and preparation of lunch in record time. I noticed she was watching at clock frequently. Then on the dot after 2 hours, door bell chimed. I put on a see through banian which showed contours of...
I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...
I am a freak. Well, not exactly, unusual may be a more appropriate word. I can understand what animals,birds and insects talk.Not every time or all the time. The phenomenon is like a Tsunami. I can never predict when I suddenly acquire the skill or how long it will last. Not that I am complaining. I don’t know how Dr.Doolittle managed to live with continuous chatter and cacophony. I gave up trying to find a reason and learnt to live with it. My vague suspicion is that when my wavelength or...
The house Lizards are not very well educated,yes,some of them live in schools and collages and may have intellectual leanings. But Charlie and Lillee were not so educated. So, I am not reporting what I heard verbatim but in my own words. Lillee said ” You won’t believe……” Charlie said scornfully ” Try me, I believe humans are capable of doing any stupid thing. Their stupidity is directly proportional to their arrogance and inversely proportional to their intelligence. I think,it has some thing...
Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...
Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...