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"I'll be back off my deployment in six months," Dad told me before he left. "I want you to get your mother pregnant by the time I return." He told Mum the same thing, so I was looking forward to six months of boffing my sexy mother. Hah! Not a chance.
The first night, when I tried to get her into bed, she told me, "Your father said by the time he gets back, and that's six months away. We don't even have to think about it for five months."
"We could always start practising," I pointed out, hopefully.
"No, Phil," she said, cutting me off.
Well that left me really pissed off, to put it mildly. I'd built up my hopes for a six-month shagathon with my sexy Mum, but no dice. I felt just as deflated as my prick.
The pod AI was no help either. As long as she was pregnant when Dad got back the damned thing didn't care whether she was six months pregnant or six days pregnant. I could have screamed with frustration. It wasn't like I was going without. Dad's third concubine, Gisele, was happy to fuck me most times I got horny. But she wasn't Mum, and it was Mum I had the hots for; probably because Dad had kept her for himself up to now, so she'd been off-limits.
We had a bit of a strange set-up in our pod. When he'd been extracted, Dad took Mum and me as his two allowed concubines. He'd had to use a slot for me because I was seventeen then, with a CAP of only 4.7 -- yeah, I know, I'd heard them all: 'Phil the prat', 'Phil the plonker', 'Swarm-food Phil'. And that was just my friends! Of course they'd turned into my former friends; I was off Earth and they weren't. Who's laughing now, plonkers?
During the journey here Dad picked up Gisele as an extra concubine while we were still on the ship. Her original sponsor had got himself reduced to a concubine, so she was floating around as a spare. Dad got her because he'd scored 6.9 CAP, (almost a seven), and we were two men with one woman, so we were short of women in our pod. The Civil Service guy said something about helping with genetic diversity in the family as well. Gisele is Austrian, so her name has a hard G, like KEEZ-ler, but with a G and the 'er' sound at the end. Definitely not JEEZ-elle, which really annoys her.
Dad hadn't allowed me to fuck Mum up to now, but he did let me fuck Gisele, at least when he wasn't doing her himself. That helped a lot and I was able to stop worrying about the muscles in my right arm getting overdeveloped.
The day after Dad left I talked to Mum before breakfast, "Why can't we do it now, Mum? We're going to have to do it sometime, so why not now?" I was trying my hardest not to get whiny about it, which was guaranteed to put Mum off. I allowed myself to ask the question once. Just once.
"It is not easy for me, Phil," she explained. "You still look like my son and I can't help thinking of you as off-limits. I know that the Confederacy can fix any medical problems from inc ... from you fathering my baby, but it hasn't really sunk in. I need a lot more time to get used to the idea before I can do that sort of thing with you."
She had a point there. When we'd gone into the med-tubes for our changes, I'd come out looking much the same as I had before: better teeth and better eyesight was about it. I was still just under six-foot and had the same dark blond hair as Dad. In contrast Mum had gone from thirty-nine to looking like twenty-two, and a lot sexier than she'd been before. Dad had slimmed her thighs, flattened her stomach, tightened her arse and lifted her tits; Mum was a hot babe! She didn't really look like the mother I'd left Earth with, while I still looked like me. Dad was a Marine, so he was huge, two metres (that's six foot seven in old money) and wide with it. Mum had been pregnant for nine months, but Dad had popped her straight back in a med-tube after Kath had been born so she was still looking hot. In contrast to Mum, who was medium height and brunette, Gisele was tall and pale blonde. She'd arrived from her former sponsor with enormous tits, but Dad had reduced them to just being large. That was fine by me, they'd looked ridiculous on her at their old size. I know us men are supposed to find big boobs a turn-on, but hers were just silly. Her previous sponsor must have been a right idiot. I suppose that was what got him knocked back down to a concubine.
As well as Dad and us three concubines, we had two babies in the family: my little ten-week-old sister Kath, and Gisele's Franz who was two days older. Franz's father was Gisele's previous owner -- she was already pregnant when Dad took her in. A lot of concubines got pregnant in those first few weeks on board ship! That meant that I wasn't going to get Gisele pregnant this time round. Dad wanted to do that himself when he got back from his deployment, so he'd put her in a med-tube to fix things so she wouldn't get knocked-up while he was away.
Having two nursing babies around meant that I got four tits to look at over the breakfast table while Mum and Gisele were breast-feeding. Two brown nipples on Mum and two pink ones on Gisele. All four with big areolae. Dad had allowed them to lose those ugly concubine smocks and they'd switched to mini-skirts with an optional nursing-bra style top. Mum had told Dad that the smocks weren't very convenient for breast-feeding, so he let them wear something different. He allowed me shorts and a T-shirt, but still in that horrible grey colour. Well, it was better than that damned smock thing, I preferred being naked to having to wear that.
As I stared at the two of them feeding their babies at breakfast I blurted out, "How about some of that for me, Mum?" Me and my big mouth. Speaking before thinking again.
"Certainly dear, there's a jar of expressed milk around somewhere if you want some." Mum was able to keep a straight face, but Gisele lost it and burst into giggles. I felt my face burning as I turned bright red, had I really been that obvious? Mum continued, "Or was it not just the milk that you wanted?"
"Erm..." Oh shit, what was I going to say now? Could I really ask Mum to let me feel her tits? "Well, Mum, I was really hoping for..."
"You just want to get your hands on my boobs, don't you?" Mum wasn't stupid; she'd always been able to see straight through me.
"Erm ... well ... yes, I suppose so, Mum. They do look nice, and I am getting to see them a lot with you feeding Kath." I'd learned that it was better being honest with her than trying to fool her. Dad might be able to put one over on her sometimes, but I'd never been able to.
She looked at me with a half-smile on her face, thinking. "OK, we can have some fun when you get back from work. It'll give you something to look forward to while you're shovelling gloop."
Here on Waller the Civil Service had arranged work for us concubines to do. We couldn't stay in our pods fucking or babysitting all the time, so they'd organised all sorts of jobs for us. I was shovelling gloop down at the Biology Station. It's really a sludge of the local bacteria, but we called it gloop. Waller has less oxygen than Earth, so we're using the native bacteria to help build up the oxygen in the air. One of the guys said it was like living halfway up a mountain on Earth, where the air is thinner. Apparently the med-tubes have given us some extra nanites to help our breathing until the oxygen level gets more like Earth's.
We used big open concrete pans to grow the gloop. Start with a mixture of replicated gloop-food, seawater and the local bacteria. Then leave it to fester away in the sun making oxygen until the bacteria had eaten all the food and the pan was full of gloop. We shovelled the gloop straight into a big recycler. The stuff was organic so it was easier for the replicators to make food from gloop than from sand. Pretty much all Waller has on land is sand and rock. There aren't any native plants or animals at all. Anything living on land is an import from Earth, including us humans.
As a change from shovelling gloop I've also worked at shovelling sand. That's where we put rock and sand with some gloop into a special replicator and soil came out the other end. We planted mountain grasses from Earth in the new soil. The grasses made more oxygen and helped cut down on the dust in the dust storms. With all that sand and no plants, the dust storms could get pretty bad in the Dry season -- we've only been here long enough for one of those so far. They want to get some sort of force field in place by next year to protect the town. The dust storms certainly weren't any fun last Dry season.
That day the previous shift had just emptied one of the pans so I was working on steam cleaning it ready for the next batch of gloop and thinking about Mum's tits. She was right, it did give me something to look forward to.
And boy was I looking forward to it when I got back to the pod after work. Why was nothing ever easy with Mum? First she sent me off for a quick shower to clean off all the sweat and grime from work. OK, I allowed her that, I did really need one. When I'd finished, in record time of course, I found that baby Kath had latched on and Mum wasn't going to let me do anything until Kath had finished feeding. Even then, I had to help clear up the kitchen -- Mum was really good at keeping me frustrated! Gisele took both the babies away to settle them down after their feeds and finally Mum sat on the sofa and patted the seat next to her for me to sit down.
"So, you want to get at my boobs, Phil?" Mum didn't mess around, she got straight to the point.
I immediately got very embarrassed, just like whenever I tried to chat up a girl I really fancied and made a complete prat of myself. Even worse, Mum had left her top off and was just wearing her skirt. I was trying not to stare at her chest but I was too embarrassed to look her in the face. "Unhhh..." It was like one of those nightmares where you wanted to do something but couldn't get anything to work right. God! I was making such an idiot of myself!
"I'll take that as a 'yes' shall I?" she said with a smile.
I nodded. My mouth still didn't feel like it was properly connected to my brain, so I didn't trust it to say anything right.
"OK, put your feet up on the sofa and lean back so you can lay your head in my lap."
That was some good news and some bad news. The good news was that I was now looking up at the underside of Mum's lovely firm new tits, just inches above my face. Maximum underboob! The bad news was that I got stiff in a flash and had an obvious lump in my shorts, which Mum couldn't miss seeing. At least with Gisele out of the room there was only Mum to see it. I couldn't cover it with my hands because I needed them for Mum's boobs, so I just had to pretend it wasn't there.
Mum's tits looked awesome from below. They sagged a little more than usual because Kath had just had her feed, but they were still amazing. I hadn't been this close to them since I'd been a baby myself.
"Go on, feel them," she told me.
I had enough sense not to grab them straight off, I knew from girlfriends and Gisele that I should be gentle with them at first. Even so, it was difficult not to dive right in. These were not just any old tits, these were Mum's tits. They were softer than my teen girlfriends' and there were two dribbles of milk coming from her pointy brown nipples. I wasn't sure what to do with the milk so I licked it off as it ran down, switching from breast to breast. I could feel her moving to help me by twisting a little to bring each boob into position.
"You'd better get used to the milk," she told me, "it will be there for a few years yet."
"Wha... ?" I was still not very coherent at this point. Two big distractions kept interrupting my thoughts.
"I'm going to have more babies regularly, so by the time each one is weaned the next one will be about ready to start."
"Mmmph." It was difficult to talk with her nipple in my mouth. While she'd been talking I'd followed the trail of milk up her right tit to the brown nipple and started suckling. The milk was ... different. Not like ordinary milk. Sweeter. And it came in much nicer containers!
She put a hand on my head to get me to pause, "Don't take too much, Phil, your little sister needs it more than you do."
I switched to her other boob, but all too soon she stopped me there as well. As I lay back on her lap she stroked my forehead, "Did you enjoy that?"
"That was great, Mum, thanks. When can we do it again?"
She laughed, smiling, "Men! You just think about one thing. Go find Gisele, and get that lump in your shorts taken care of."
Damn! She'd noticed. I'd pretty much forgotten about her seeing my hard-on and now she had to remind me. I went red and rushed out towards Gisele's room preceded by the tent in my shorts. Mum really knew how to embarrass me.
I got to Mum's tits twice more over the next few days. I could never tell whether I'd be lucky or not, but the hoping did make work go by more quickly. The first time I ended up with Gisele again afterwards, though the second time Mum let me know that our fellow concubine wasn't feeling in the mood and I had to finish myself off in my bedroom. I wasn't a sponsor, so Gisele could tell me "no" if she didn't want to fuck. I wasn't complaining mind you, she said "yes" a lot more often than any of my girlfriends back on Earth ever had. Even after they made that big announcement about the Swarm I still wasn't getting a lot of nookie. With my 4.7 CAP I was lucky to get a date at all. The girls all wanted to date boys with sponsor scores.
A couple of days later Mum and I were on the sofa again, with my face buried in her tits. I felt her hand start rubbing my chest and tweaking my nipples. I went, "Mmmm," trying to encourage her while thinking, 'lower, lower, ' at her. Either my mind control powers kicked in (Not!) or Mum had decided to take things a step further. Her hand moved down and was soon rubbing outside my shorts where my shaft made a big ridge.
"My, what a large lump you have. Would you like Mummy to massage it better?"
"Mmmm." I wasn't really that incoherent, but I figured it would be better to let Mum take the lead. Whenever I tried to force things, she would shoot me down in flames. She seemed to want to move things along in the right direction, so I left her to it. At first she just used her hand flat, moving it round and getting my prick even more excited. I kept playing with her tits, alternating licking one nipple while tweaking the other. I wanted to keep her in the mood. Next she closed her hand over my cock, not moving it up and down, just squeezing and releasing.
"You like Mummy doing that for you, don't you?"
I pulled my mouth off her nipple, "Oohhh ... yes."
She smiled at me and grasped my shaft through my thin shorts, curling her fingers round it, and began to rub up and down. "Ohhh, such a nice hard stiff one you have. Almost as big as your father's."
Thanks for nothing, Mum. I really needed to know that. I'd come out of the med-tube a bit bigger than before, but Dad had obviously wanted to be numero uno. I didn't say that of course, what I actually said to Mum was more like, "Unhhh ... yes, Mum, that's really good, unhhh..." before I squirted in my shorts.
Shit! Shit! Shit! Spraying my shorts like a twelve-year-old who'd caught a glimpse of his girlfriend's nipple. How could I look like a suave potential lover for Mum if I did something stupid like that? I apologised quickly, and ran to my bedroom to clean up and get a new pair of shorts from the replicator.
I grunted my way through dinner and escaped back to my room as soon as possible. Mum came in, topless, to kiss me goodnight. She didn't mention my 'accident' but just chatted about stuff she'd done during the day. I did say, "Thanks, Mum," when she left. She'd been trying to be nice, so I wanted to thank her. Besides, I was more likely to get into her panties if I treated her nicely. Ulterior motive or what?
When I woke up the next morning I had a thought: Mum wasn't stupid. Definitely not stupid. She had to have known what would happen if she rubbed my dick like that. She must have expected it. I wouldn't have grossed her out at all, or looked silly. I'd done exactly what she expected me to do. Great! If that was what she wanted, then I'd spunk my shorts for her any time. I was much chirpier at breakfast having worked that one out. I didn't always see things straight off, but I did get there in the end.
That evening was the same, I got to play with Mum's tits and ruined another pair of shorts. Having her rub me was so much better than doing it myself. I was much more relaxed about it as well, so I didn't rush out afterwards. I thanked Mum with a kiss and walked slowly out. Not as sophisticated as I wanted -- difficult with a big wet patch all over the front of my shorts -- but not the embarrassed bent-over rush I'd done the day before.
The next day I was anticipating more fun with Mum all through my shift. It wasn't to be. After dinner, Mum put the babies down and picked up one of the slushy romance novels she liked reading.
Instead, Gisele pulled me into her room. "You've been neglecting me, Phil. Tonight, you're mine." She stripped and lay on her bed, legs wide apart. Her snatch was staring at me, and I was staring right back at it. Very nice looking too, with its light halo of blonde hair. Her voice brought me back to reality, "Eat me. You need to learn to do it better."
Gisele should know, hers was the only pussy I'd eaten since we'd been extracted. Then it struck me; there was a second pussy in our pod. If I got a good report from Gisele, then the owner of that other pussy might let me at it.
I told her, "Sure, Gisele. I'll eat your pussy for you. You can teach me while I'm doing it." And she did. Very thoroughly. My jaw was beginning to ache by the time she let me put anything other than my fingers or tongue into her. At least my shorts were safe for the night.
For a few days Mum played the same game with me as before: sometimes she would let me at her tits and rub me off, other days not. Some days Gisele was ready to play, and to teach, other days she wasn't. I never knew from one day to the next what would be waiting for me after my shift. Between the two of them I didn't have a chance.
Eventually, Mum moved things on a bit. That day, when she reached for my dick, her hand went under my shorts, not over them.
"Ohhhh ... that's really good, Mum," I said, smiling up at her past her boobs.
"Take your shorts off," she told me. "The waistband is getting in my way."
I heaved my hips up and quickly slid my shorts down. As soon as I could I got my hands back on her tits, tweaking her nipples for her. Her hand felt really good on my cock, much better than when she was rubbing me through my shorts. All too soon I was cumming all over my stomach, my T-shirt and Mum's hand. She produced a wash-cloth from somewhere and wiped her hand on it.
When she'd finished, she handed it to me, "Here you are, clean yourself off so you don't drip all over the floor, dear." Mum could be very romantic sometimes!
She only did me once over the next three days, so I was getting rather impatient. Bad mistake. Bad, bad mistake. When Mum finally beckoned me over the next evening, I dropped my shorts before walking across to her with a big stiffie and a grin on my face. She frowned, put her top back on and told me to go to my room and play with myself. Like I said, a bad mistake. Gisele turned up a few minutes later to offer me a consolation tittie to suck on, and a hand job. I asked for more, but she wasn't in the mood either. She explained that Mum was still finding it difficult doing things with me, and I should let her go at her own pace. Well, thanks for nothing, Gisele. Why didn't you tell me that earlier today, before I made a complete fool of myself?
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The following week was depressing with regular rain and showers; it did nothing for Aidan’s mood. Vicky went back to her own flat on the Tuesday of that week. Aidan had fed her and got her strength back, and they were both back at work on the Thursday, advertising for more staff. Aidan was surprised he’d heard nothing from Kevin: it was so unlike him. Aidan surmised that perhaps Kevin was knee deep in marriage counselling or divorce, and began to feel regret and guilt at his impulsive action...
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Sam asked for milk. Aidan grabbed two glasses and filled them. She was already on her way to her room; he followed her. He had to enter her bedroom to give her the milk. She turned and smiled. “We don’t have to be up early tomorrow,” she said. He took her meaning. He now had no excuse for leaving, and anyway, he didn’t want an excuse. He wanted to stay. He simply put the milk down and moved to ‘his’ side of the bed, putting his own drink down on the bedside table. When he turned back, she...
Next day at work, Aidan’s face must have given his feelings away, for Vicky asked him what was the matter. He told her that Sam’s passport had arrived and that they had booked her flight back to Canada. She was to leave on the following Tuesday. Since Vicky knew most of their friends as well as the ‘office family’, the news spread like wildfire, and by Friday morning Vicky told Aidan that Sam and he were invited to a farewell party on Saturday evening at Giles’ house. Giles was a party...
Aidan went from the airport straight to work after his farewell to Samantha. Despite the sunshine, life felt bleak and miserable, and there was a great yawning gap in his life. The expression on his face betrayed his feelings, and Vicky took one look at him as he entered the building and showed her sympathy and concern. “Should you be here?” she asked. “You could take the rest of the day off, you know. The rush is over.” “No,” he replied, “I need to keep busy; take my mind off it.” “You...
Aidan woke up on Thursday morning, the last day of October, Halloween, feeling good, so good that he did a double check to see if the feeling was real or if it would evaporate like the morning dew. It didn’t. He felt optimistic and, he was sure, happy, and he knew he could trust those feelings. He sang in the shower and hummed a merry tune over breakfast. He felt almost giddy at the prospect of a day without depression. He looked out of the window, and seeing a bright break in the clouds...
“Aidan?” Julie said, after he identified himself on the phone. “Caroline says you’ll meet me.” “Yes, that’s right,” he said guardedly. “Thank you,” she said. “When would be convenient?” It sounded to him as if they were making a business or medical appointment. “Tomorrow?” he hazarded. “How about the Hare and Hounds?” There were too many people who knew him at the Plough and he wanted this to be private, otherwise he knew he would never hear the end of it. “Fine,” she said. That word...
Vancouver: a conversation “Mom? Did you phone Aidan Redmond after I got back from Europe?” “Why honey? Is something wrong?” “You knew I didn’t want you to phone.” “But Sam, sweetie, Daddy and I couldn’t let it go without thanking him.” “You remember he stopped writing?” “Why, yes, but didn’t you write and ask him about that?” “He never replied. I put a note in his Christmas card, and I got an email from him this morning.” “Well, I’m glad he’s writing to you again.” “He isn’t. Mom,...
Giles was hosting a New Year’s Eve party at his ‘modest manor’ as he put it. Aidan was invited and Giles enquired whether ‘that incredible woman you had with you last time’ would be coming over for the celebrations. No she wouldn’t, Aidan told him, but, on a whim, invited Julie. Well, not quite a whim: he felt a little guilty about neglecting her over the Christmas period. “Are you doing anything for New Year’s Eve?” he asked her. “No,” she answered, her interest aroused. “Fancy going to...
He awoke on Wednesday the first day of the year to find, not a pair of breasts pressed against his back, nor his erection (which was real) pressed between the cheeks of a female bottom, but the stroking of a hand over his hair and the word tea spoken in his ear from a female body standing nakedly next to the bed. He rolled onto his back and sat up, his bare chest gaining a predatory lustful look from the said female, which in turn enhanced his erection. “Kathy!” he said in surprise. “How...
January as always was busy, very busy. Hours were long and everyone was worked hard. There was little time for entertainment, though they managed to get to the Plough on Wednesday nights which was a necessary relief of tension. Aidan heard nothing from Julie, though he was so busy he hardly thought about her at all. While the rest of the staff had Saturdays and Sundays off, Vicky and Aidan worked all day Saturdays. On Sundays he slept and relaxed, though he would often go for a walk, telling...
After the May Bank holiday, in the offices of Redmond and Compstall things settled down. June and the summer beckoned, when things became easier and slacker for the accountants. Kathy seemed very happy with her new boyfriend, and Vicky and Brendan had started to plan a spring wedding for the following year. Things were less complicated for Aidan as well. There was the Wednesday night meet for the staff, which now included partners, fiancés and friends. Vicky and Aidan met one evening a week...
Ottawa early July “Mz Grogan, it seems you really are fluent in four languages. You would be surprised how many interviewees say they are fluent, but only have a working knowledge. All our interviewers were impressed. Congratulations.” “Thank you, Mr Desmodine.” They were sitting in his office in Ottawa, the headquarters of ITI, an international company specialising in expert translators and interpreters for governments and multi-national companies. Sam was at last committed to find a job...
Against all Sam’s inner protestations that there was no chance Aidan would contact her, either because Julie did not tell him, or because he simply did not want to know since he had gone back to Julie, Sam was on tenterhooks for that week and the week following. There was, as expected, no contact made, and as the third week began Sam felt her spirits plummeting as if a great gap were opening deep within her. At the end of that week as she climbed into bed, the tears came and with them a...
November Aidan and Vicky returned from their London trip feeling a mixture of triumph and fear. They agreed the outing had been a resounding success, and now it was a question of how to manage a much wider extension of the business. Fortunately the commissions were to begin with the new financial year in April, though there would have to be more meetings before that. Once again they needed to hire more staff. Fortunately an adjoining office suite had become vacant on their floor of the...
St Valentine’s Day. Strangely it was the first thing that came into Aidan’s mind as he awoke at the late hour of ten o’clock. He gave himself a wry smile in the bathroom mirror, as he thought of the loss of Sam, and the impending showdown and loss of Julie. The very reverse of all that Valentine’s day purports to be, he told himself. “Yad Enitnelav” he said out loud and laughed at his own stupidity, as he reversed the letters of the feast day, but that cheerful moment passed instantly, as...
On hearing Julie trying to get into the flat, Aidan and Samantha rolled out of bed. “You get dressed,” Sam said going into the bathroom and getting a bathrobe. “I’ll go and let her in,” she said with a devilish grin. Aidan didn’t feel very humorous, but saw her determination and agreed, and Sam left the bedroom for the flat door. He dressed quickly and went to the living room. Meanwhile, Sam took her time undoing the snib, so that Aidan could get dressed. She then opened the door. Standing...
It was a deflated pair who shut the block door Julie’s departure and returned to the flat, arms around each other. “I didn’t enjoy that at all,” said Aidan. “No, I can see that. She was under a misunderstanding. I can see why she did what she did. She does love you, you know. Very much.” There was a pause, then she sighed, then smiled. “But I love you more!” The woman was perfection, he thought, and hugged her tight, an action she reciprocated, pulling him round to her for a deep gentle...
On Monday Vicky breezed into Aidan’s office. “Aidan,” she said. “After all that trouble when I was ill, you never got a holiday. Then you’ve been working all hours to get the new kids sorted. You’re looking very tired and everything is running well now. Why don’t you take a break? August is a slack month in any case. Go somewhere exotic; take as long as you like. Go somewhere out of all this damned rain. Get yourself better, more rested, ready for September when life will get demented again...
The word turmoil had always been a favourite of his. It conjured up chaos, mayhem, directionless thrashing about. Well, that was his mind as he trudged the quarter of a mile or so back to his hotel. A woman, than whom a more flawless, achingly beautiful example he had never met before, though he had seen them in films, or movies as she would call them, that woman, seemed to have taken a shine to him. While he knew that their boyfriend/girlfriend game was only that, it betokened an intimacy...
Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...
Book 1: Tangled By Firedancer Chapter One: After the Storm Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. "Easy Chief," came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas' face finally came into her view. "Doc," she whispered hoarsely. It was both a greeting and a plea and the older woman intuitively understood and pressed a hypo against Ashley's neck, administering a painkiller that quickly eased the agony....
Michael looked in the bathroom mirror. He had just turned thirty-two in January, but due to a hectic work schedule of sixty plus hours a week, he felt twice as old. Although it was Saturday, he felt compelled to go into work, at least for two or three hours as he knew that his best friend, college buddy and partner, Jim Hutchinson would be there, as he was every day. Washing his face, Michael felt his chin. He hadn’t shaved in two days but, he detected only a hint of stubble and the fact that...
Six Months to Grow On Chapter 6 - Month 6 The summer was in full swing and Brian James Kelly was enjoying himself. Sunshine, a beautiful girlfriend, and freedom. Mindy had a pool in her back yard and they'd while away the hours sitting and talking. It was the only place that Brian felt comfortable taking his shirt off and revealing his skinny chest. They'd swim, they'd shower, and they'd fool around. Her back yard was very private. Brian was spending his whole summer as...
Six Months to Grow On Chapter 13 - Month 7 Barbara Kelly stood in the doorway overlooking her son's room. She hesitated to walk right in. She didn't want to be a snoop and would rather enter when Brian was present. It was becoming more and more important to build trust in their relationship. Brian was going through some tough times. It seemed like it had never been easy for them. Barbara and her former husband, Jack, had Brian during the first year of their marriage. ...
"Was it like you expected? Did I do it right? Was it good Michael?" "You did that very well. It appears that you have had some practice." "No Michael, you are the first man to have his penis in my mouth. At our Academy each girl has a Sensei. She is a special teacher or mentor. All girls have three; four hour private lessons a week; with their Sensei to discuss anything they wish. The Sensei is sworn to secrecy much like a priest in the Catholic Church. My Sensei was born in 1959,...
"Come on Daddy, let's get some breakfast. We can go to my house and play all afternoon if you want. My mom won't be home until late this afternoon." She was OK. Michael didn't break her after all; Thank God. They went outside and he took his motorcycle out of the garage. She loved to ride behind him. She had told him several times that the vibration of the motorcycle made her pussy tingle. What a girl he thought. She looked so cute in her miniskirt and a motorcycle helmet, that he...
The fire warning bell mounted high on the station wall rang. One, two, three, four, five, six times it rang. There was a pause. It rang again, six times. In every station throughout the city, firefighters stiffened and fell silent. The bell rang six times for the third time. Prayers went skyward, but the bell rang a final six times. The loudspeaker came on. ‘The department regrets to announce…’ A firefighter had died. * * * * * Tim Bernard gasped for breath. He strove to keep his legs...
Mike Duncan couldn’t have been more surprised when his son and nephew pulled up outside the temporary office trailer on one of the many construction sites that Duncan Development was working on. ‘Dad, we need to talk to you.’ Bobby told him with a ‘cat that ate the canary’ look. ‘Okay, what about?’ Mike answered warily, knowing that his son, the Sheriff, was showing up with Donald Duncan. ‘The new dad!’ Bobby said with a laugh, while pointing over at Don. Mike looked back and forth at them...
Six Forty-Five, Part 2: The day everything went crazy started off seeming no different than the day before. I woke at six forty-five, got out of bed, and got dressed, socks, underwear, pants, and then shirt, just like every day. I did my teeth and ate my breakfast and walked to school in the morning twilight. I didnt see the janitor, but I tried the door, and it opened. Nothing seemed different until I was sitting in front of my classroom door, reading. I glanced at the school...
Six Months to Grow On Chapter Seven - Month Seven On the way home from DMV, Brian sat in the back of Tiffany's car cursing and swearing that they needed to go back and get his Learner's Permit corrected. "You're going to have to do this later, Brian. I'm going to be late for my class if I don't just drop you off and fly." Tiffany checked her phone. "I'm cutting it real close as it is." Mindy sat there in the front seat giggling. Then, she'd turn and keep grinning back at...
Six Have Fun at the Ranch Part 1 - Arrival "Now listen up, kids," Brad Shaw, the multi-millionaire Los Angeles property developer, told his children, the 18-year-old twins Kelly and Timmy, as he swung his Cadillac into the driveway leading to the Hunts' secluded Nevada ranch. ?While we’re on holiday here, I want you to do everything that Uncle Kurt and Auntie Barbara say while we're they’re guests. ?Remember that Idaho is a very...
The fire warning bell mounted high on the station wall rang. One, two, three, four, five, six times it rang. There was a pause. It rang again, six times. In every station throughout the city, firefighters stiffened and fell silent. The bell rang six times for the third time. Prayers went skyward, but the bell rang a final six times. The loudspeaker came on. "The department regrets to announce..." A firefighter had died. Tim Bernard gasped for breath. He strove to keep his legs...
Goondoe's decision to settle for waiting turned out to be much better than he thought. Even with the horses bringing the kills right into camp there wasn't enough time and labor to finish processing them all in what was left of the day. Things were much less ceremonial the next morning and women were still working on stretched skins when my crew was followed up the path by six women leading the freight horses and travois while six men followed them to help loading the kills. Daro and...
I moonlight as a gigolo pleasuring women in that age group so connecting with that group of women was very appealing to me. I kept asking my female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Nancy over the phone asked me if I would like to be the ‘featured man’ (her words) for their next meeting. She explained that the women were all high profile people in business and government, all were single, all were...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Six Forty-Five, Part 3. I crossed the street, my new heels clicking. I was a little scared, but in this outfit, I felt much more like a grown-up, and with that extra confidence, I was able to go inside my old elementary. The door was unlocked, so I let myself in. "Now where?" I tried to remember this place, but it was fuzzy. Then I saw a classroom open, and on the teacher's desk was a pair of heels, not much different from the ones I was now wearing. I went inside, and looked...
My wife Andrea came home from work and informed me that she was out of work for six weeks due to the Covid scare. I asked her what she wanted to do for those six weeks. She said I want to fuck every day. I yelled Hell Yeah. She laughed and said NOT YOU ! I said I was hoping you would say that, I want to be locked up for the entire six weeks and what ever you do don't let me out no matter how bad I beg. She said if I get to pick the cage. I said I know which one you like best. She said go shower...
I moonlight as a gigolo pleasuring women in that age group so connecting with that group of women was very appealing to me. I kept asking my female clientele and network about the group but always drew a blank response. However, in due course a lady who introduced herself as Nancy over the phone asked me if I would like to be the ‘featured man’ (her words) for their next meeting. She explained that the women were all high profile people in business and government, all were single, all were...
Late at night, Susan found herself dreaming. In the dream, she was wearing the same French maid outfit that she'd worn after losing the bet with Suzanne. She was cleaning the dining room table when Alan came in, dressed in his usual T-shirt and shorts, and sat down next to her. "Nice outfit," he said as he reached out with one hand and caressed her nearest butt cheek. Since in her dream Susan was wearing neither panties nor a bra, his fingers found nothing but firm yet somehow soft...
Xania and Amy continued to kiss, lick, and fondle until most of Alan's cum was gone. But they didn't stop there. With the others giving them some privacy, they were able to get even more intimate. Xania wound up lying on top of Amy. Xania's pussy had finally recovered from her last orgasms, so the two beauties fingered, kissed, and fondled each other until they reached a mutual orgasmic peak. They just rested for a while, lying on the floor entwined in each other's arms. Amy said, "You...
Back at school, Glory still had one Televibe vibrator in her pussy and a smaller egg-shaped one in her ass. The cell phone allowed Alan to remotely control the vaginal vibrator with the press of a single button in his pocket. He'd put the Televibe to good use during the first two breaks between classes, but during the break between third and fourth periods he'd had an unpleasant run in with Heather. All of his troubles with her put him in a bad mood, so now that his fourth-period class...
Much to my surprise there was no trip to the space ship for me. I'd expected to be whisked aboard and then have a few days or weeks or at least a few hours being taken back in time to put me where I was going. That wasn't what happened though. I simply appeared on the ground beside my eight by eight by eight container with twenty-four green plastic totes stacked neatly beside it. Rose had gone over my immediate actions, with as best she could foresee, what would happen right away in mind....
Introductory Information – Not necessary to understand the story but I recommend reading it. This story is set in Jamaica where there is a different educational system from the United States. Anyone from the UK will probably be familiar with it as Jamaica shares more or less the same system as the UK has. In Jamaica there is no Junior High, High School starts in 7th grade (Called ‘First Form’ in Jamaica.) and carries on through 11th grade (Called ‘Fifth Form’) which is Senior Year. Sixth Form...
My life had changed dramatically in January. My wife of 12 years unexpectedly left me for another man. This turn of events caught me completely unaware. Needless to say I was devastated as I was still in total love with my wife. Unfortunately she was unwavering in her intentions. The darkest day of my life unfolded that January 31 as the movers loaded her half of our possessions into a large moving van. Tina gave me a peck on the cheek and off she went. The next three months were a grieving...