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Book 1: Tangled
By Firedancer
Chapter One: After the Storm
Ashley Williams jerked awake, and then gasped as the action caused pain to lance through her badly injured body. "Easy Chief," came the soothing tones of a familiar voice as Dr. Chakwas' face finally came into her view.
"Doc," she whispered hoarsely. It was both a greeting and a plea and the older woman intuitively understood and pressed a hypo against Ashley's neck, administering a painkiller that quickly eased the agony. Several moments later, Ashley's eyes closed as she exhaled slowly in relief. "Thanks."
Chakwas smiled down at Ashley and patted her free arm before reaching for a cup with a straw in it. "Here you go, just sip it, and if this doesn't bounce then I'll let you have the rest in a few minutes."
Ashley lay immobile on the bed as Chakwas held the cup for her and sipped a bit of the water down, chasing some of the bitter taste and dryness from her tongue and throat. When she was done, she looked down at herself and grimaced. Her entire left side was immobilized. "What happened?" she finally asked dropping her head back onto her pillow.
Chakwas frowned, concerned. "What do you last remember?" Ashley's injuries had been severe, more than she'd first let on, but there had been no indication of any head trauma severe enough to cause loss of memory.
"I remember being pulled out of the wreckage and thinking…." her throat closed off as she closed her eyes in pain. "I remember thinking that the Commander had been killed. And then just as we were leaving, there she was….beaten all to hell and barely able to walk…but she was alive. The med team helped her to us, and she and Liara and I hugged…and then I passed out."
Relieved, Chakwas chuckled. "You both passed out. With the Citadel in shambles, I ordered all of you to be brought here for treatment since you both needed surgery right away and I knew you couldn't get it anywhere else."
"The Commander?"
Chakwas smirked to herself. "Seen better days, but she'll be fine after a few weeks of rest and physical therapy…as will you."
"What's the damage?"
"Standard fare after the firefight you obviously had, but you were all apparently running low on medi-gel by the time Sovereign came crashing down around your heads. Both of you nearly bled out by the time we got you back here. You're armor saved you from being crushed completely by the debris, but it couldn't protect you from the force of the impact. We had to take a cutting torch to both of you to get off half your armor. Five broken ribs, your shoulder was dislocated and the collarbone fractured in multiple places. Your leg suffered fractures in multiple places, but thankfully none of the breaks were complete. When we finally removed your armor however, we realized a thin sliver of metal debris had punctured clear through your knee causing extensive damage."
Ashley's eye's closed as she drew in a steadying breath. "Will any of this affect my performance in the future?"
"If you follow my orders to the letter and stick with my regimen of therapy…no it won't. You'll be back out there throwing yourself into the line of fire in no time at all Chief, you just need to do as I say for now, understood?"
"I hear you Doc."
Chakwas smiled warmly at her. "Good. Now here's the rest of the water and then I want you to get some more rest."
Ashley wanted to ask more, but she could already feel her eyelids getting heavy and knew she couldn't fight it for much longer. And in all honesty she didn't want to. All her life she had been forced to struggle and fight to get where she was at, but here, on the Normandy, she had been given a new life…and a chance at earning respect. That's why she liked the Doc so much. Chakwas was a straightforward woman who called things as she saw them. And Chakwas had never held Ashley's family history against her. In fact she'd been one of the few to befriend Ashley when she'd first come aboard. She trusted Chakwas implicitly, and if the Doc told her she and Shepard would be fine, then Ash knew they would be.
Comforted with that knowledge, Ashley finished her water and let herself slip off into a deep and healing slumber.
Chapter Two: Awakenings
The first thing she remembered after passing out in Anderson's arms was waking up in horrible agony with Chakwas' concerned face looming over her as she gave terse instructions to her staff who were frantically cutting away at her armor. The Doc then looked down at her and managed a wry smile and a brief shake of her head even as she pressed a hypo against her neck. "Don't worry Commander you're in good hands now."
Her vision faded, and she was caught up in her nightmares once more, only to briefly awaken some time later by a light and familiar voice whispering reassurances in her ears as a cool cloth was pressed against her forehead. Liara, her mind supplied and she settled back into a deeper sleep.
When the nightmares returned and she began to thrash in her sleep, it was a more melodic voice that chased the images away and soothed her fevered brow. Tali.
Three days after the attack on the Citadel, Commander Shepard finally opened her eyes, blinking against the dimmed lights of Normandy's med bay. She rolled her head to the side and saw Ashley lying in the bed next to hers, half her body locked in an immobilizer, but alive and resting. The Doc was slumped over her small desk, reports and paperwork forgotten as she dozed. Despite her pain, Shepard couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly, knowing that her friend had probably been keeping vigil for however long she had been unconscious and was most likely well overdue for a long night of solid sleep.
Not wanting to disturb the doctor and feeling the pull of exhaustion herself, Shepard closed her eyes and slipped back into unconsciousness once more. It was another ten hours before she woke again, and this time she was greeted by the sight of Liara and Tali sitting on either side of Ashley's bed, having a quiet conversation in hushed tones.
Shepard shifted slightly and then groaned, realizing she too had immobilizers keeping half of her upper body locked in place. Her groan announced her alertness and the other three women were instantly focused on her. Liara moved swiftly to her side, concern and relief in her pale blue eyes as Tali hastily went to the back room to fetch Dr. Chakwas.
Liara said nothing as she simply held Shepard's free hand until Chakwas entered the room, tugging her medical coat into place as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She cleared her throat and asked Tali if she could fetch a small cup of water and a straw before running some scans over the Commander and then looked down at her patient.
"Commander," she greeted with a warm smile. "Glad you could rejoin us in the waking world. I was starting to become a little concerned."
Shepard tried to answer, but her throat was to scratchy and dry from disuse. "Here, sip this slowly and don't try to talk for a few moments." Chakwas instructed as she took the cup Tali had fetched. Shepard drank it thankfully and closed her eyes and relaxed afterwards letting the water hydrate her parched throat.
When she finally felt a little better, she opened her eyes and tried again. "How long?"
"Almost four days since the attack."
"Crew?" she asked, still trying to work on voicing more than a single word at a time.
"A little roughed up, but none the worse for the wear. As you can see Liara is already patched up and back on her feet. You and the Chief took the brunt of the damage. As I already assured Williams, you'll both make a full recovery if you follow my orders and rest for a proper amount of time before pushing things." Shepard nodded, and for once, didn't feel inclined to push things. "How do you feel?"
Lying with half her body in an immobilizer, Shepard realized she didn't need to keep up the tough mask she normally did. "Like my arm was caught in a meat grinder and a ship fell on my head."
"Unfortunately, it most likely will for another week or so. You took a nasty blow to the head that caused some swelling of your brain, but I was able to get that under control quickly. Your arm was touch and go however. It was badly shattered and it took me over three hours of surgery and some steel plating fused to the bones to save it. It's going to be a few weeks before you'll have full use and strength back in both that and your hand. I'll up your dose of pain-killers however to help keep the discomfort down for now."
"Thanks." Shepard swallowed and then managed a tiny version of her smirk again. "You look like hell Doc."
Chakwas laughed and everyone else grinned. "Says the woman who has two black eyes and a broken nose."
"Dr. Chakwas has been insistent on keeping an eye on both you and Ashley. It took Tali and I over a day to convince her we could watch over you both and would promise to wake her if anything happened," said Liara.
Tali snorted. "And she still hasn't slept more than a few hours in the last three days."
"I'm fine and not going anywhere Doc…..get some sleep. Commander's orders."
"All right, with all of you ganging up on me, I have no hope of winning now do I?"
"I'll tell them to tranq you," Shepard teased.
"If you're well enough to threaten, then I think my work here is done for now," Chakwas chuckled raising her hands in defeat. She fixed Shepard and Ashley with a stern glance. "There will be no attempts to get out of your beds or stray from the strict orders I have given them about your care."
"Too tired to protest," Shepard admitted wearily.
Chakwas nodded and then looked at Liara and Tali. "One of you has to be in here at all times, and remember to keep the conversations with the patients to a minimum. I want them to rest. That also means keeping the rest of the crew out of here, unless it's a damned dire emergency. Wake me if anything out of the ordinary comes up…I don't care how insignificant you might think it is. The nurses will be back from helping out on station in about three hours and have orders to check on them before they retire as well."
"We understand Dr. Chakwas."
"All right then ladies, a pleasant evening to all of you and I will see everyone in the morning." She gave Shepard a final fond smile and squeeze on her uninjured shoulder before heading back to her bunk.
"Do you need anything else Commander?" Tali asked holding up the cup again.
"More water sounds good," Shepard said gratefully. Then she looked over at Ash who had been quiet the whole time. "How are you Chief?"
Ash managed a wry smile. "Sore, tired and itching to get out of this damned immobilizer. But we're alive, we beat that son-of-a-bitch and that's all that matters right now right?"
"Amen, Chief," Shepard sighed. "Glad you'll still be around to watch my six Ash," she said with heartfelt sincerity.
"I'd follow you to hell and back Commander," Ashley responded with quiet intensity.
Shepard felt Liara begin to withdraw her hand as she looked away, but Shepard managed to squeeze her fingers and looked at both her and Tali, who was standing somewhat awkwardly off to the side with a refilled cup of water. "I couldn't have done this without any of you. I know I was a bitch most of the time and rode all of you hard….but you were the ones who gave me the strength to get through this. Thank you," she told them quietly.
The room was silent as the two aliens stared at Shepard in shock and in a new light. Tali finally shook herself from her daze and helped the injured Spectre finish the second glass of water and then took a seat in between the two patients. "You should rest Shepard…and you as well Ashley."
"Sleep sounds good," Shepard agreed her eyelids growing heavier each moment. Liara squeezed her hand gently one last time and then moved to sit at the desk where she had some of her own research papers out while Tali called up her Omni tool and began going over data.
Shepard rolled her head and caught Ashley's eyes and held them for several long moments. Finally her lips twitched upwards and Ashley returned the faint smile before they both settled in to sleep.
Chapter Three: Visiting Hours
"Well it's nice to see you two ladies are finally on the mend."
Shepard and Williams, who had both finally been allowed to sit up in bed and start eating real food again, stiffened as they heard the familiar voice of Admiral Hackett as he entered the med-bay. Chakwas sighed in exasperation, and Hackett chuckled.
"At ease ladies. The last thing I need is to have your CMO give me an earful about setting your progress back because you were trying to salute," he teased.
Shepard settled for a respectful single tilt of her head however. "Sir," she greeted.
Ashley glanced over at the Commander with a raised eyebrow. She had heard the Commander be gruff with the Admiral after several of his requests for them to go clean up some Alliance mess or another, and she had definitely seen Shepard all but tell another Admiral to kiss her ass and that there was no way in hell he was stepping on foot onto HER ship for an inspection. And yet here she was as respectful as Ash had ever seen her with any top brass.
Shepard noticed and rolled her eyes. "I can show some respect for my superiors," she commented dryly.
"Especially when one of them has a soft spot for his star pupil," Hackett grinned. "I came across Shepard back when she was nothing but a feral kid just trying to survive in a gang ridden territory back on earth. Saved her life that day, and even managed to convince her that she could have a better life if she had the courage to take the chance," he said with a fond smile to a now blushing Shepard.
"I had nothing to lose. Of course had I known back then that one day I would have survived Torfan, have my brain overloaded by ancient Prothean technology, and spend month after month on a grueling search to stop a rogue Spectre from helping to destroy all life as we know it, I might have run the other way," Shepard retorted with a smirk.
"Fate seemed to have plans for you Shepard. I think one way or another, you would have been sucked into this whole mess no matter what. How are you both feeling?" he asked, settling into a chair Chakwas pulled out for him as he looked between both of them.
"Better," Shepard answered simply.
Hackett rolled his eyes when no other answer was forthcoming and turned to Chakwas who was observing discreetly from her desk. "Doctor? How are our patients doing?"
"All things considered, very well. They are both still in a great deal of pain as to be expected with their injuries, but we have been able to keep it at tolerable levels. They are behaving themselves, and getting plenty of rest at least and I hope to start the Chief's physical therapy in a couple of days. The Commander
will need another week before we start hers."
"And you think they will make a full recovery?"
"I can guarantee it so long as they don't overdo it and re-injure themselves."
"Well ladies, you heard the good doctor. Consider it an order."
"Yes sir," Shepard grinned. "So what's the word Admiral?"
Here his expression fell a bit. "Things are a political mess right now. With the Council gone there is no one to officially calm the panic that has started. The Citadel is half in ruins, thousands are dead, and it will be weeks before clean-up crews can even get to some sections. Worse yet, there are certain greedy bastards that are trying to seize complete control of the Council in humanity's name and it's almost like a damned Crusade. The one good thing is that Anderson has agreed to step up to the plate as a potential nominee."
"Good. Udina is a backstabbing bastard who needs to be kept as far away from a position of power as possible," Shepard said vehemently.
"Having a former soldier would be a smart move anyway with the threat of the Reapers and war now," Ashley added.
Hackett grimaced. "That's the other thing. There are already rumors of the governments wanting to sweep this whole mess under the carpet. They don't want wide-spread panic and hysteria, which is already happening, and are trying to blame this all on the Geth."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Shepard demanded angrily. "This crew and I risked our lives to prove to the Council that the Reapers are real! I had to sacrifice one of my own men out there and have pushed this crew beyond their limits to stop Sovereign!!"
"Admiral," Chakwas warned quietly.
"Easy Commander," Hackett ordered calmly. He watched as she clamped her jaw tightly and saw her struggle with the tears that had moistened her eyes. That more than anything, spoke of just how badly this ordeal had worn on her.
"Damn it Jack," she finally grit out, hurt by his admission.
"I know Alex," he sighed, equally as frustrated. "But I believe you and Anderson believes you. Which is why I am pushing so hard for him to be on the new Council, because he won't let them get away with this- not without a fight. I'm going to do what I can to make this right, but I thought you should know up front what is going on right now."
Shepard closed her eyes and exhaled heavily as she sank back into her pillows, almost defeated. Ashley finally spoke up in the silence. "Sir, there were hundreds of Alliance and Council ships who fought that thing. How can they just get away with claiming that the Reapers aren't real?"
"Because we know so little about the Geth, that what debris we have been able to get our hands on, looks very much like Geth technology, if not more advanced. Couple it with the fact that Saren was knowingly allied with the Geth and they were working for him, and it makes it easier to believe. People are happier to believe it was just a Geth insurgence instead of some kind of super-race that has been wiping out entire civilizations for god knows how long."
"What happens now?" Ashley finally asked, dejectedly.
"You go home," he answered holding up a hand when both women jerked at that answer. "This is not punishment, this is my thanks to you and your crew for saving our collective asses. The Normandy needs repairs that cannot be accomplished here on the Citadel right now, and your crew is long overdue for some R&R. It'll be several more weeks before both of you can be released back to full duty anyway, so I spoke with the Admiralty, and convinced them that it was best if we brought you all home for repairs, recovery and some well earned time off. Since it will keep you all out of the spotlight that is being shined on the Citadel here, they were more than happy to agree."
"When are we expected to leave?"
"Chief Adams says it will be about a week before the engines will be stable enough for FTL, but he says there are some hull fractures they need to repair before he recommends jumping through one of the relays. Plus your med staff has been invaluable in helping out at the clinics right now until more personnel arrive from amongst the various races. I would say you'll be docked another two weeks and you should be seeing Earth by the end of the month."
"How long will our shore leave be?"
"We have a lot of ships limping home for repairs, but the Normandy will take precedence once she arrives. I estimate about a month right now. And you're crew has earned every hour of that, so no arguments on the timeframe."
"Well at least by then I should be almost fully healed," Shepard sighed.
"And itching to blow shit up I'm sure," Hackett smirked at her.
Ashley snickered, there was a snort of amusement from the Doctor's general direction, and even Shepard had to chuckle. "I know when I have been in the field too long because I feel naked without my armor on."
"Well considering the wealth you have managed to amass over these past few months, I think a few weeks on a nice quiet private island of your choosing will cure you of that. Be sure to send me a postcard," he said standing, knowing the good doctor would probably be chasing him out soon. He still had once last bit of business before he left though.
"I'll be sure to do that. Thank you for stopping by Admiral."
"Just glad you came through this insane mess alive Shepard. I know it's been tough on you and this crew. I know you never got a chance to really bounce back after Torfan and I'm sorry I threw you into this so soon afterwards, but it was a chance I couldn't let you pass up and I knew you had what it took to be a Spectre. I'm just sorry that your first assignment was something so horrifically burdening. But I'm proud of you kid, and I know that when you finally have a chance to heal from everything, you'll be back in the saddle proving those bastards wrong."
She didn't trust herself to speak just then so she nodded and reached up to squeeze the hand that had settled on her shoulder for a moment. Then Hackett turned to Williams. "By the way Chief, I want you to know that I appreciate you keeping the Commander's hide intact long enough for her to finish this mission. I know you two had a rocky start, but I am also aware of just how invaluable you were to her. I have been against the stonewalling of your career from the start, but unfortunately you do not fall under my direct chain of command. However, I want you to know that I have submitted your name in for a battlefield commission to officer rank of Lieutenant 2nd class. I don't know if they'll approve it, but I thought you deserved to know that I feel you've more than earned it."
Ashley stared at Admiral Hackett in complete shock. For most of her life, she'd wanted nothing more than to serve as an officer in the Alliance Marines and bring honor back to their family name. It wasn't until she'd been rejected for officer candidate school despite a flawless record, that she'd realized just how deep her family's stigma ran. It had crushed her to be denied the one dream she'd had for herself, but she'd continued to work hard and serve loyally despite the fact that her postings continued to become more dismal each time. Now, she had someone who was able to see her for herself and what she had accomplished on her own, and was willing to take a chance on her. It was more than she had ever let herself dare dream. "I…I don't know what to say Admiral. Thank you."
He shrugged and smiled a bit sadly. "I honestly don't know if they'll approve it Chief, so don't get your hopes up too high. But the one thing I can guarantee you is that so long as you want it, you'll remain aboard Normandy under Shepard's command. I am also attempting to get you reassigned to my command, but there is a lot of red tape to get through with that, and there are more pressing matters to consider."
"Sir, it would be an honor to receive the commission, but even if I don't….just knowing that someone in the Admiralty can see me for who I am and what I've done is enough for me. You have no idea what this means to me."
"So I take it you'll stay on with the Normandy?" he asked with a grin.
"For as long as the Commander will put up with me Sir," she replied with a watery grin towards Shepard who smiled back at her, pride and something else a lot warmer in her eyes.
"Good. Take care then ladies and I look forward to seeing you both in a couple of months before the Normandy pushes out again."
"You take care too Admiral."
With a final tilt of his head to Chakwas who offered up a casual salute, he left the med bay. Chakwas turned to Ashley who was staring at her sheets. "Well Chief, it seems congratulations are in order. Whether you get the commission or not, you were nominated for it and I know for a fact that it's been a very long time since anyone has been nominated for a battlefield commission."
"I….it's incredible. Thank you Dr. Chakwas," Ashley finally said.
"Yeah Skipper?"
"He's right you know, and I meant what I said before. If it weren't for you watching my back, I'd have never made it through this mission alive. You have more than earned this and I hope those bureaucratic bastards finally give you your due. But if they don't, I hope you know you will always have a home and the respect of this crew."
Ashley swallowed hard, once more struggling with her emotions and nodded once. "I do. And I thank you for giving me a chance Shepard. All I ever wanted to be was a good operational marine and restore some honor back to my family name. You gave that back to me and so much more. Thank you."
Chakwas allowed a moment of silence to pass between the two younger women and then stepped away from her desk to collect their food trays. "Okay you two, it's getting late and I need for you to get some rest. If you both continue to behave, I'll even release you to quarters in a couple of days…unless you'd like to remain here Chief since those pods are a little cramped."
"Actually, Garrus Wrex and I rigged some field cots down in the Mako bay. We spend most of our time there, and we've gotten used to each other's company. No one hardly goes down there except for a few engineers every now and then."
"So long as I don't catch you working down there before I release you, I see no reason why not. All right ladies, I'll be in my back lab," she told them as she dimmed the lights. "Call me if you need anything."
The two settled carefully back down onto their beds and lay there in the semi-darkness contemplating their futures and everything that was starting to lay before them. Sleep didn't come quickly for either of them, but when it finally did, there was a small smile on both their faces.

Chapter Four: Growing Pains
A week after the Citadel Battle….
"Attention on Deck!" Pressley called out crisply as Shepard entered the CIC, leaning heavily on Anderson as she slowly limped into the room. The entire Normandy crew was gathered along the length of the bridge, with the Senior Officers and her squad lining the wall behind the galaxy map. As one the entire crew, aliens and all, snapped to attention and saluted their Commander. Even Joker had managed to drag himself to a formal attention and present a textbook salute.
"Commander Shepard," Pressley began formally. "On behalf of the crew of the Normandy, I would like to express what an honor and privilege it has been serving under you. Some of us may have had our doubts in the beginning…myself included," he admitted with a wry grin. "But you never gave up on us, and you never let us give up no matter how hard it got. You didn't just bring us through this mission Commander, but you helped to save everything we hold dear and fight for to begin with. Thank you. Hip hip."
"Hooray!" the Normandy crew shouted in unison as Pressley led them in an old traditional cheer.
The normally hard Commander felt a knot in her throat and tears of both pride and gratitude sting her eyes as the traditional cheer ended and everyone began shouting, clapping and whistling in a more informal cheer for her. There were a lot of people shouting that it was good to see her and have her back, and it was then that Shepard fully understood the gift she'd been given in this amazing and loyal crew. Not normally one for speeches, Shepard couldn't let this moment slip by without saying something in return.
"Captain…can you help me up to the platform?" she asked Anderson quietly. He nodded as both he and Chakwas carefully helped her up to where the galaxy map was and she turned it off so her view of the crew was unobstructed while everyone quieted down.
She cleared her throat, and looked out over the crew silently for a moment as they also got a clear view of just how much of a toll the mission had taken on her. It was clear that it was taking every effort for her to remain on her feet,. Half her upper body remained immobilized, her face was still heavily battered, her cheeks gaunt and skin pale and tight. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked exhausted and in pain. But her eyes shone brightly with pride and unshed tears and everyone straightened just a little bit more.
"Eight months ago, I doubt any of us would guessed that we would be caught up in the middle of galactic politics, working in a racially integrated crew, and racing against the clock on a mission to save the galaxy from certain destruction. We had a steep learning curve that all of us had to overcome, and we suffered some setbacks along the way. Worse yet, we lost several good soldiers and friends during our mission. But their dedication and sacrifice will never be forgotten and their memories will be carried on in each of us."
There was a stir of concern as Shepard faltered and winced in obvious pain as Anderson and Chakwas moved to take more of her weight. Chakwas muttered something to her quietly and Shepard shook her head briefly before forcing herself straight again, her voice more strained but still carrying down the entire length of the bridge. "I couldn't have done this without the contribution of each and every one of you. I pushed all of you beyond what any of us thought we could ever endure and I can say with certainty that this is the best damn crew in the entire galaxy. You faced every challenge head on and you never backed down even with all the odds stacked against us. I am damn proud to have been your Commander and it is an honor to stand in the presence of such fine soldiers." She turned to look at her alien squad mates and a look of genuine gratitude filled her features. "Tali, Liara, Wrex and Garrus….all four of you joined my crew when you had no obligation to…some of you at great personal cost to yourselves. I know we weren't always the easiest to deal with in the beginning, but I thank all of you for giving us the opportunity to get to know all of you. I am in debt to all of you for all that you did for myself and this crew."
Another spasm cut through anything else she might have wanted to say however and this time Chakwas was not to be dissuaded. "Alright Commander," she said kindly, but firmly as she fixed Anderson with a look that brooked no argument from him either. "Let's get you settled in before you undo all that miracle working I did on you."
Gently panting from the strain, Shepard merely nodded and allowed them both to help her off the bridge, amidst more applause from her crew, and down to the med-bay where the Doc settled her in and gave her a hefty dose of pain killers as she checked the medi-gel administrators on the immobilizer.
Shepard called out to Anderson before he left however and he turned back. "Thank you Captain…for everything," she whispered even as her eyes began closing.
He smiled fondly at Shepard. "No Shepard….thank YOU," he told her just as sincerely. She smiled faintly and then drifted off into a heavy sleep.
Five days later…..
Shepard groaned in relief as the Doc finally took her immobilizer off. Ashley, who was sitting on a nearby bed, being helped with her physical therapy by Liara, chuckled knowingly. "It's nice to be able to scratch the places that itch, eh Commander?"
"Hell yes," Shepard said wryly as she set about doing just that.
Even with all the advancements in medical technology, no one had found a way yet to avoid dry and chaffed skin under the immobilizers without creating some other bigger problem or inconvenience. Shepard had endured through her fair share of the restrictive devices throughout her military career and then some, and felt the removal of an immobilizer was almost on par with sex. Chakwas snorted in amusement as Shepard sighed contentedly as she gently raked her nails over freshly healed skin that had been itching like mad the last couple of days.
"Better?" the older woman asked with a smirk after a couple of minutes.
"Any pain? And no tough Marine/Spectre bullshit either," Chakwas said firmly.
Shepard tentatively rolled her shoulder and shifted the arm around a bit, wincing slightly. "It still aches some, and it's pretty stiff," she admitted.
Chakwas nodded. "To be expected, but no sharp pains while resting the arm?" Shepard shook her head and the Doc smiled. "Excellent. Now I know how you are and you'll be wanting to throw yourself into therapy, but we are going to have to go easy this time around Commander. If we push it too hard and you tear anything further while it's still in this condition you will most likely end up with irreparable damage and loss of motion and or strength in that arm and shoulder."
Shepard sighed but didn't argue. "I read you Doc. When do you want me to start therapy?"
Chakwas handed her a sling that would support her arm and keep it protected, but would still allow for some natural movement as Shepard moved. It would help aid in getting the stiff muscles and ligaments to start loosening up without straining them. "I'm going to allow you to be up and around for six hours each day and no argument or I'll pull medical rank and have Hackett and Anderson back me up on that," she threatened when Shepard began to protest that.
Off to one side, Ashley coughed as she tried to cover a laugh and Shepard shot her a look that made the Chief focus back on her therapy. It didn't help that Liara, whose back was to Shepard, was openly grinning.
"You can do all six hours at once or break it up…which is what I would prefer. I am also severely limiting your activities during those six hours to visiting and walking around. Anything else and I'll have you confined to sickbay for another full week. After those six hours you will be in your quarters relaxing or sleeping."
"Can I at least have one or two friends visiting if I promise to relax when I'm in my quarters?" Shepard hated the pleading tone in her voice and glared in Ashley's direction again for good measure.
"On occasion, yes. However if it's boredom you are concerned with, I'm sure there is plenty of paperwork to keep you occupied over the next week that I am enforcing this."
"A week?!"
Chakwas sighed and moved closer to Shepard lowering her voice as she rested a gentle hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "Commander…Alexis," she said quietly as she looked into Shepard's grey eyes. "In the past year, you have been through more high stress situations than most Admirals go through in a lifetime. Any other soldier would have already been required to take a medical leave to recover and yet you have been forced out of necessity to deal with everything and push forward. This last mission has done more than wear on your spirit Shepard, it's exhausted your body. I know you want to do more, but you can barely stay awake for more than a few hours at a time and your adrenal and endorphin levels are completely out of balance. Your brain patterns are erratic, and you suffer from those nightmares on an almost nightly basis if I don't give you a sedative. And don't even get me started on what I think interfacing with Prothean technology has done to you. I'm not doing this just as your doctor Shepard, I'm doing this as your friend. You need this time to heal…from everything."
Deep down, Shepard knew this had been coming. After that nightmarish mission on Akuze where she'd been the only survivor, Shepard had honestly been surprised that after a quick patch job, they had immediately posted her back with her old CO on the Normandy. Not that she had really minded at the time. It had been easier to deal with everything she'd been forced to endure by having something to throw herself into and initially, chasing down Saren was just what she'd needed. But the weeks began to drag on, with little time for rest as they pushed through one battle after the next, and being forced to leave a man behind had hit her far harder than she'd wanted to admit.
Having the Doc lay out just how much this whole fucked up situation had affected her only added to the depression she could feel herself slipping into. And that realization told her it was time to shut up and take care of herself before she tried to throw herself back on the frontlines. A distracted soldier was a dead soldier. Even worse, a distracted CO could get other people killed and Shepard wasn't about to let anyone else under her command down again. She'd had enough blood on her hands this past year to last several lifetimes.
"Alright Doc," Shepard said quietly as she looked down at her sheets.
A gentle squeeze of her uninjured shoulder made her look up into the compassionate gaze of her friend. "There's no dishonor in this Shepard. A lesser person would have been broken long ago by the kind of strain you have been under . As your friend, I am using my authority to see to it that you get the rest you so badly need and so richly deserve. I know it's tough for you military types and I've had the same discussion with your Gunnery Chief over there, but please try to just enjoy this downtime while it lasts Shepard."
Shepard looked past Chakwas and met Ashley's understanding gaze. The Chief finally gave her a rueful grin and shrug that seemed to reassure Shepard who exhaled slowly before looking back up at her older friend with a small smile as she covered the hand on her shoulder with her own. "Thanks Doc. Don't know what any of us would do without you here to put us back together."
"Go insane and try to take on a ship full of Krogan I imagine," Chakwas answered back dryly.
Shepard couldn't help but laugh, and for the first time in a long time, she felt something inside her chest loosen just a little bit. Maybe things could be alright with a little time.
Later that evening Shepard was dismally staring at the massive backlog of reports she had to go through realizing that Chakwas hadn't been kidding. There was more than enough to keep her busy for a week. This was the inglorious work that a commanding officer had to find time to do, and Shepard despised this aspect of her job. At least with being Spectre she didn't really have to worry about paperwork. Her only aggravation came from having to deal directly with the Council. Of course even then she hung up on them when they started pissing her off enough.
Shepard was saved from trying to figure out just where she should start by her door chime. "Enter," she called out gratefully, and smiled as Tali entered. "Hey Tali," she greeted warmly as she gestured for the young Quarian to have a seat on her couch.
"Shepard," Tali returned. "I hope I am not interrupting anything?"
"Thankfully, you did," Shepard chuckled as she pointed to the massive stack of data pads littering her desk. "I was about to get lost in my backlog of reports. I was just trying to figure out how I might be able to bribe Pressley to take at least half of it."
Tali chuckled. "Pressley is a good XO, but I don't think he likes being in charge for so long. I wouldn't be surprised if he's sneaking some of his own in there to get back at you for being down for so long."
"Probably," Shepard agreed with a grin. "So what brings you down here?"
Tali sighed and shifted uncomfortably as she looked down at her folded hands. "My father has asked several times when I am going to return to the Flotilla," she answered finally, in an unhappy tone.
Shepard's grin faded almost immediately. "Oh," was all she could muster for a minute. She'd known the time would come when Tali would have to return back to her people. Especially since Shepard had told her that first night that Tali and Liara had kept watch over her and Ashley that she'd changed her mind and Tali could have the Geth data. "You've been gone longer than most haven't you?"
"Most Quarians are gone for a few months, some even only a few weeks. Few go past six months, but that was when I stumbled across that transmission and felt the need to investigate it further. I've been gone from my people well over a year now."
"That's a long time, he's probably anxious to have his girl come home," Shepard said with a sad smile.
"He is," Tali sighed. "Especially since he knows now that I was in the middle of all this and probably have something very valuable to bring back to my people. But truth is….I don't want to go back Shepard," Tali said in an equally sad voice. "The Normandy has become my home, and it's you I wish to follow as my Captain, Shepard," she added in a stronger voice as she looked back up.
Shepard wished not for the first time she could see the young woman through the purple haze inside her visor. But those beautiful silver eyes shone brightly and never wavered as they held Shepard's gaze. And once again Shepard found herself being plagued by confusing emotions she'd long thought buried. She didn't know if it was just the aftermath of everything she'd been through, but every time she was around Tali, Ashley, or Liara she just couldn't seem to keep her bearings any more. And at times like this, she felt an almost physical ache in her chest. Emotion battled with reason, and Shepard sighed heavily.
"Tali, I would like nothing more than to have you join my crew permanently. But I can't ask that of you and I can't ask that of your people….at least not just yet. Your people know more about the Geth than any other race, and with the Reapers stalled for now, the Geth are the biggest threat since they have moved beyond the Veil and show no signs of returning. That data, it could be the key to stopping the Geth, and as much as I would love for you to stay, I know you can't figure this out on your own. You need the resources of your people, and I can't give you that here. I don't trust anyone else with this Tali…not even the Alliance," she admitted a bit bitterly.
Tali looked down and nodded. "You are right, and my father says that my people need my battlefield experience right now as well because the Geth have been making some bold moves lately."
"I underestimated you when you first came aboard Tali," Shepard smirked. "But you have turned out to be one hell of a fighter and especially going up against those Geth bastards. You're people will be lucky to have you back with them." Shepard knew her smile was forced, and Tali could obviously tell because she leaned forward and took Shepard's good hand in her own.
"I will never forget all that you have done for me Shepard. You saved my life back in that ally and you helped a young Quarian girl find the courage to face more than she ever thought possible. I know my father wishes for me to take his place some day, and that thought has always terrified me. I never thought I could be responsible for so many lives, and yet throughout this mission any failure on our part could have meant the end of all civilization as we know it. I will return a hero yes, but more than that, you helped me to grow into the person I know I will have to be one day for my people."
Shepard couldn't seem to form any words for that around the sudden lump in her throat, but this time her smile was more genuine. "I will return to my people Shepard and do what needs to be done. But should the Reaper threat return once more, you only need to call upon me and I will return in a heartbeat," Tali promised.
"When do you leave?" Shepard finally managed, her voice slightly rough.
"There is a transport leaving for the Flotilla first thing in the morning. My father has requested that I be on it," Tali sighed.
Shepard squeezed the hands that were clasping her own. "Then I wish you much success and happiness Tali'Zorah nar Rayya. I hope that our paths cross again someday soon, but not just because the galaxy is about to be blown all to hell. The Normandy will always be ready to have you back home….as will I."
Tali moved off her chair and crouched down in front of Shepard and drew the Commander into an embrace, careful of her still healing injuries. "I'll miss you Alexis. Take care of yourself and I look forward to the day when our paths will cross." They stayed that way for several long moments before Tali moved back towards the door. With a final glance backwards, she nodded farewell and took her leave of the amazing woman that had changed her life in so many ways.
Shepard watched bleakly as Tali walked out of her room and felt like the young woman was also walking out of her life. It hurt in a way that Shepard had never experienced before and only served to compound the confusing emotions that had been at war within her the last few weeks. Drained, depressed, and aching, Shepard moved to her bed and killed the lights. There she lay in the darkness, tears silently spilling down her cheeks as she tried to sort out her feelings and figure a way to put them back in the box they'd broken free from.

Out in the mess, Ashley, Wrex and a few of the crew were involved in a game of Turian poker and chatting with Liara and Dr. Chakwas who were simply enjoying a drink and watching. Ashley was the first to see a dejected looking Quarian exit the Commander's Quarters and tossed her cards down absently. "I fold guys. Don't deal me in until I come back," she told them as she stood, grabbed her crutches and moved to intercept Tali before she got onto the elevator.
Liara who hadn't see Tali come out, but saw Ashley quickly forget the game also excused herself to see what was going on. Both women made it on the elevator just before it began to descend to the lowest deck. "Tali, is everything okay?" Ashley asked in concern, noticing the Quarian had yet to lift her head.
"I must return home tomorrow," Tali answered softly.
That caught both other women off guard and all Ashley could manage was "Oh."
"But what about the threat of the Reapers?" Liara asked confused.
"The threat still looms, but they are not the biggest danger right now. Saren's actions caused the Geth to leave the Veil and they now pose the immediate threat to my people and yours. Shepard…" Tali's voice faltered and they saw her draw in a steadying breath. "Shepard believes my people are the only ones with a chance at figuring out how to stop them. She asked me to bring the data back to them."
"She told you to leave?" Ashley asked, both hurt and in disbelief.
The door to the elevator opened and they all stepped out as Tali was quick to correct the misunderstanding. "No, nothing like that. She made it clear that she would want nothing more than to have me stay. But she knows I need to finish my Pilgrimage and she knows my people need me right now. Shepard needs for me to deliver this information as well, but it was difficult…for both of us…to say goodbye."
"When do you have to leave?" Ashley asked, feeling a bit of her heart break. She'd become very fond of the young engineer, and had admired her courage even though she hadn't been a trained soldier. Tali had become more than just a teammate over the months, she'd also become a close friend and Ashley realized that she may never see Tali again after this.
Liara was just as heartbroken. When she'd first come aboard and stumbled her way through her first few conversations with Shepard, she'd almost asked to leave at their next port out of sheer embarrassment. But one night when she was wandering the ship because she was unable to sleep and had run across an equally restless Tali, they'd sat for several hours in the empty Mess and bonded over their mutual difficulties of trying to adapt to living amongst the humans. After that, they'd often sat up late into the nights, discussing what they'd learned from their interactions and helping each other adapt. Tali was her first true friend aboard the Normandy, and she felt like a piece of her was about to leave with Tali.
"My transport leaves first thing in the morning. But I need to be on board in another couple of hours to receive my cabin assignment and have my gear stored."
"Want some help carrying everything?"
"I do not think Dr. Chakwas would approve," Tali reminded her.
Ashley managed a smile. "Who said I was going to carry it? I was volunteering Liara for luggage duty. Since I'm ranking officer here, I get to oversee," she joked, lifting one of her crutches towards the young Asari.
That garnered a noise of mock protest from Liara and a chuckle from Tali. "Considering I am now leaving with far more than I came with, I wouldn't mind the help…or the company."
Garrus, who had been tinkering with the Mako when he noticed Tali start packing her gear, came over to join them. "Going somewhere?"
"My Pilgrimage is over and I must return to my Flotilla. Shepard gave me the Geth data and she believes that my people have the best chance of stopping them."
"I see. Well you weren't thinking of just sneaking off now were you? I know a few engineers that would be pretty disappointed if you didn't say goodbye to them."
"I…." Tali paused realizing that was actually what she had planned to do. "I didn't really think anyone would notice."
"Shepard wasn't making that stuff up when she gave her speech on the bridge Tali. Adams has made it clear he wishes he had at least five more like you. Hell, I think even Pressley finally came around and saw how valuable you have been. Tell you what, we'll finish this up, you go make the rounds and say goodbye to everyone and we'll walk you to your dock."
Tali felt tears slip down her cheeks inside her mask and cursed not being able to do anything to wipe them away but stepped forward to hug Ashley fiercely. "Thank you, Chief. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Take your time Tali. Goodbyes should never be rushed," Liara said sagely. She more than anyone else there, knew just how important goodbyes were.
Tali nodded and then headed towards the Engineering doors. As soon as she was gone, Ashley began pulling Tali's gear back out and looking it over carefully. "Chief?" Garrus asked, somewhat confused.
"Liara can you pack the rest of this stuff? Garrus I need your help with her combat armor. She took a pretty good hit on Virmire, and I just never had a chance to repair the cracked plate. Problem is I just don't have the strength to remove it right now."
Garrus took the affected piece from Ashley and walked over to her work table. He set to work, removing the damaged chest plate as Ashley began digging through the cabinet next to her workbench and sifted through the spare parts she had for each of their gear. She came up with the right piece and handed it to Garrus who snapped it back into proper place and then stepped aside to let Ashley fine tune it's placement and then wipe down the entire section of armor.
By then Tali had finished her goodbyes in Engineering and had gone upstairs to make her rounds. Wrex came down after a little while and joined their group. "So I hear Stick Girl is leaving."
Ashley snorted. Leave it to Wrex to keep calling her that blasted nickname, even now. "Yeah. She's gotta head back to her people and bring them that data."
Wrex grunted and went to stand over in his corner while Ashley, Liara and Garrus chatted quietly for the next half hour until Tali returned. To everyone's surprise, the massive Krogan pushed off the wall as soon as she walked by and went over to his locker and dug out the Spectre grade HMWSG Master X shotgun Shepard had bought for him at their last port. He approached their small group and looked down at Tali.
"I hear you're heading back to help take care of the Geth problem, Stick Girl. You need something better than that old Katana you still carry around. Take this and give 'em hell Tali'Zorah nar Rayya." He cuffed her on the shoulder in salute - the most gentle cuff any of them had ever seen - and then without another word, the gruff Krogan lumbered off leaving the group in stunned silence. For Wrex, that was the closest thing to an emotional goodbye that anyone would ever receive. Tali stared down at the gun in her hands and then softly whispered her thanks, knowing the Battlemaster could hear her still. He paused, looked back ever so slightly and nodded once before stepping back onto the elevator.
The young woman slipped the shotgun into its spot along the base of her spine and picked up one of her bags, as Garrus and Liara picked up her other two. Together with Ashley, the four friends slowly headed towards Tali's final destination. They visited for another final half hour, and then it was time for Tali to board her transport ship home.
"Write when you can Tali, and stay safe out there," Ashley asked of her as they hugged one final time, desperately trying not to ruin her tough image by crying.
"I will try Ashley. Keep Shepard safe and keep your head down as well."
"I promise I'll do my best. Call us if you get into a situation. I know Shepard will come in with guns blazing if you need it."
Tali said her final farewells to Garrus, and gave Liara a hug that lasted for almost a minute as each of the young women wept quietly. Finally Liara stepped back, wiped her cheeks and gave Tali a shaky smile. "Success and happiness Tali'Zorah nar Rayya."
"Good hunting my friends."
And then she was gone.
Chapter Five: Reflections
"Raise you five and I'll take two cards," Ashley said as she tossed two cards face down onto the table and then slid her chips into the growing pile on the table. When Wrex had first suggested betting credits, Ashley had balked given that she was normally very stingy with her salary so she could send some home to help her family. When Wrex told her that maybe she should check her account though, she'd nearly fallen over in shock when she finally did. Apparently, a lot of those side missions had brought in a massive amount of profit and Shepard had distributed it amongst the crew in a very businesslike manner. Everyone got their fair share, but those that had been on the front lines had received a substantial 'hazard pay' bonus. It was enough to buy every piece of gear Ashley ever wanted and still have plenty left over to buy herself a nice slice of paradise somewhere.
Since Shepard had already acquired all the weapons and gear Ash had needed for the mission, she didn't see the harm in taking a small amount of those extra funds and indulging in a few games of chance amongst friends. Especially since she was becoming extremely bored and at least this kept her occupied for a few hours each evening now. Ash had set herself a limit though and once she'd blown through those credits, that would be that. Considering the large stack in front of her however, she might be able to keep up their nightly games of poker for a bit longer than she originally thought.
Garrus deftly dealt two cards her way before setting the stack down and looking at his own cards. "So Chief, you seen Shepard at all today?"
Ashley looked over her cards and quirked an eyebrow. "No, I figured I must have missed her while I was running through my PT in the bay this afternoon. Have you seen her?"
Garrus shook his head as he grimaced at his hand and folded. Ashley looked at Wrex. "You?"
"Nah, and I've been parked here most of the day. I saw the Doc go in there earlier, but she left after only a minute and she didn't look too happy. Liara stopped by to see her a little after that but Shepard never let her in. Man did she look bummed," he remarked with his normal flippancy. "I'll see your raise and add ten," he added with a smirk.
But then he always smirked. Ash had learned early on that Joker LOVED to bluff. And he was damn good at it so it was hard to tell if he really had a great hand or he was bullshitting. Her focus wavered however after hearing that bit of news. It bothered her that Shepard had turned away Liara like that…especially since she knew how close the two were. As much as Ashley cared for Shepard, she knew it could never happen. Shepard was her CO and the regs were very clear that fraternization between an officer and enlisted was career suicide.
It hadn't been easy for Ash to keep her feelings for Shepard in check though, because the Commander was very much her type - a tough, bad-ass, take no shit and give no quarter soldier who loved a good fight and never backed down from a challenge. But despite her renegade tendencies, there was a compassionate woman underneath that hard exterior. One who could be fair and willing to give people a chance if she felt they deserved it. The more Ashley had gotten to know Shepard, the harder she'd fallen, and if it weren't for the fact that Shepard had given her floundering career the boost it needed just when Ashley was about to throw in the towel, the Chief had been very tempted to act on her feelings -regs be damned. It didn't help that whenever they talked there always seemed to be a certain…electricity between them either.
But Shepard's distinguished career would be on the line too and Ashley would never do anything to jeopardize that, so she'd kept her distance as best she could and watched as Shepard and Liara began to dance around each other with a heavy heart. And when nothing happened for weeks, Ashley had begun to notice the subtle differences in Shepard's relationship with Tali and realized that she and Liara weren't the only ones who seemed to have caught the Commander's eye. Joker's comment made it clear that Shepard wasn't dealing with Tali's departure well.
"You in or what?" Joker asked the distracted Chief who blinked and refocused back on the game. Looking down at her hand she decided she would go talk to Shepard later, after everyone had turned in for the night. For now she would follow the Doc's orders to enjoy her downtime.
"What are we up to?"
"Wrex just upped the ante by another ten."
Ashley looked at her cards and decided to take a page from Joker's bag of tricks and smirked. "Really? Well I see both of you and raise it fifty."
"Too rich for my blood," grumble Wrex, who hadn't been doing so well all evening, as he folded.
Ashley looked over at Joker who just sat there and continued to smirk. "So what's it gonna be flyboy?" she challenged.
"Just because you can snipe a grape off my head from two hundred meters doesn't mean you intimidate me," he laughed tossing a hefty amount into the pot.
"Oh…so now you think you're on to me do you? Well I see that and raise you…..everything," she shot back as she shoved her entire stack into the middle.
"Well now, it's about time this game got interesting," Garrus commented as he leaned forward, looking between the two to see if he could judge just who had the better hand. Joker's expression never wavered so Garrus figured the pilot really did have a good hand.
The pilot shoved his own stack into the middle grinning. "Call."
Ashley's eyebrow lifted, but she didn't look upset, so she thought she had a good hand too. Joker laid down first. "Full house Aces over Queens. Read 'em and weep Chief," he said reaching for the pile.
Ashley whistled and nodded. "Gotta hand it to you Joker, that was a great hand. But-," she trailed off, her smirk back in full force now. She slowly started laying her cards down one by one and Joker's expression crumbled with each card. "Straight flush," she said smugly as she reached for the pot.
"Well all be damned," Joker laughed after the shock wore off.
"That's it for me tonight then," Wrex said as he collected what was left of his credit chips and stood.
Garrus looked at his decent pile, but knew it would take a miracle for him to catch up to Ashley. She and Joker had been the two biggest winners and with the pilot's share of the pot, she had a serious advantage. Besides, there was always tomorrow night. "I think I'll save myself the embarrassment, and carry this over into tomorrow night," he grinned at the Chief.
"All right you guys. See you down below in a while."
Wrex and Garrus nodded and headed off to the elevator. Joker was carefully getting to his feet and Ashley snorted. "You do that a lot more gracefully than me."
"When you practice you're whole life it gets a little smoother. Although I have to admit, it's a little funny for me to finally be the one laughing at someone else's expense."
Ashley just laughed. "I'll just bet. Enjoy it while you can flyboy. I finally get to ditch these crutches next week."
"Aw man, you mean no more tripping over deck plates and groping unsuspecting crewmates?"
Ashley blushed furiously. "Hey, you know I didn't do that on purpose! It made it worse that the Private Gomez tried to catch me, because she turned right into me as my hands went out to catch myself."
"Right on her boobs!" Joker guffawed. "Man, I don't know what was better. You're horrified expression or her come on!"
"And right there on the bridge no less," Ashley groaned shaking her head even as she grinned at the embarrassing moment. "God, I am so glad the Commander wasn't up there to see that. Pressley looked like he was about to stroke out. Shepard would have blown a gasket."
"Or the Private out an airlock," Joker smirked. "I get the feeling that the Commander doesn't like to share…much," he added with a wink.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Ashley said, glaring slightly at the pilot.
Joker just shrugged it off. "From what I can see, the Commander seems to think she has something of a little dilemma. Personally, I don't see much of a problem though because she's managed to juggle everything else in her life just fine. Alright Chief, I'm off to hit my rack. Night!" he said cheerfully as he turned and left the speechless Williams standing there staring at his retreating back.
"Well…damn," she muttered looking around and grateful that there was no one else around to hear that particular remark from the wise-cracking pilot. She doubted Shepard would show him any mercy if she'd found out he'd just said something like that in front of other crew. Sometimes Joker just didn't know when to quit.
With a shake of her head she looked off to the port side of the ship and figured now was as good a time as any.

Shepard lay in the dark, her mind still running in endless circles. She was a soldier, and before that, a feral kid who had survived growing up alone on the streets. She'd never let herself get close to anyone before, and she certainly didn't know the first thing about how to deal with the emotions she was trying to cope with right now. Problem was, there was no ignoring them any more- she'd been trying that and had obviously failed miserably.
What made it all the worse however, was the fact that her heart had suddenly decided to make up for lost time. She couldn't have done something simple and just fallen for one of her teammates. No, she was Commander-fucking- Shepard and nothing was ever easy in her life. Now she was trying to deal with having more than friendly feelings towards three of her teammates. And one had just left…quite possibly for good.
God this was fucked up, she groaned to herself for the hundredth time. In fact it was so much of a nightmare that she'd remained secluded in the dark of her room since the previous evening, not bothering to eat and telling the Doc she was too tired to do her PT for the day, knowing she would only get a one day reprieve. She'd felt horrible about not answering the door when Liara was outside, but she couldn't bring herself to face the young Asari just now…not like this. She felt too raw. Too vulnerable.
Now her door was chiming once more and she slapped a button on her nightstand to see Ashley leaning on her crutches outside. Ashley looked up at the camera just then. "Commander if you don't open these doors I swear I'll drag Garrus up here to bypass the lock."
"God damned, stubborn bitch," Shepard growled out as she pushed herself upwards and barked out 'Enter'.
Ash made her way just inside and blinked at the dark room. "Shepard?"
"Lights," Ashley finally called out and Shepard's eyes slammed shut in pain.
"Damn it Ash!"
"Wow…you look like shit Commander," was all Ashley said in response as she lowered herself into the chair by Shepar

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Sunday mass

It was a warm Sunday morning and I set off for church with my parents, everything was as normal , the usual meet and great before mass with the neighbours when suddenly I spot this vision of beauty across the car park!!Dressed all in white a goddess of unrivalled beauty, long blond hair red bag and red matching shoes, who was this girl where did she come from .? I was transfixed by this new stranger in my mists I needed to get closer hoping to find out more. I told my parents I needed to talk...

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 18 Mass Illumination

The Pirelli family attended 10 o'clock Sunday morning Mass regularly. This Sunday was no exception. They were all dressed in their Sunday best because Martin insisted they not dress casually for church. The entire family, except Angelica, sat lined up along one of the pews of the old cathedral. But Mia's mind was not on Mass, it was on the dance Friday night, and Riley Bills. She couldn't stop thinking about Riley and when she wasn't thinking about him she was thinking about her mother....

1 year ago
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Mona Massi caught red handed

Note : this story is completely fictional! This is from the times when I had just turned 18 and had shifted my base to Delhi i.e Mona massi's place for my studies.Mona massi was a very sexy lady around 39-40 years old.A perfect indian milf ,one whom i had been dreaming of fucking ever since i started jerking.Actually she became my dream girl when i accidently saw her nude bathing in our village bathroom.And ever since that day i have failed to spot some body sexier than hers.She was a perfect...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 55 Trial Separation

April 19, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “Do you need any help?” I asked Jessica on Monday morning. “No. I’ll just take enough things for a few days and figure things out from there.” “I want you to come back home,” I said. “But those conditions aren’t negotiable. They can’t be.” “I know. You’re OK with my plan to see the kids each morning?” I’d been very happy when she’d made that request, rather than me suggesting it, because it seemed to indicate that I was right that she did love them, and...

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There and BackChapter 131 Separation Anxiety

We left Denerim a scant few days later. We’d managed to avoid Eamon – who was apparently accompanying Connor to Kinloch Hold – altogether, and saw Kallian only briefly, between her duties as Bann of the Alienage. Cailan had ‘people’ looking into who would have attacked Anora’s ship, as did Leliana, though I doubted we would ever get closure on that subject. Erlina had been locked up in Fort Drakon – but in a rather comfortable room, not a cell, and the reforms Cailan had brought to the prison...

4 years ago
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One Year Separation

My ex-wife and I were married for 25 years before our divorce. We met at Clemson university in South Carolina. I was in a fraternity and she was one of our little sisters. After a year of dating, my ex-wife admitted that she had had a one night stand with one of the Clemson football players. They had been studying together that night. my wife is a sexy 5 foot five 110 pound lady with skin as white as snow. The football player was 6’5 star running back with less than 2 ounces of body fat. Just...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Massi Shilpi

I was 18 years old ,5’9″ ,slim smart handsome virgin and endowed with a 7.5 inches long dick with a big crush on my mother’s sister Shilpi ,whom I used to call Massi ,she used to live in the same town as us and she had 2 sons at that time. The elder one being 6 years and the younger 2 years and it was my summer vacations and my cousin who was very fond of me insisted that I stay in their house and my parents also said yes to the same and I played with the young kids throughout the day and then...

3 years ago
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Mass Effect

During the Lazarus Project, a Cerberus scientist secretly installed a chip which causes uncontrolable sexual urges. It was never activated beause that scientist went into hiding after the attack on the Lazarus Research Station. However, that scientist has now tapped into the Normandy's bugs and camera's, and has activated it to see it's effectives.

1 year ago
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Second sex with Mona massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! Second sex with massi After the first encounter I had with massi we became a pair and had the best sex of our lives during that period .And the best sex invariably would come on the Saturday night.and the first sex and the second sex could not have been on seperate days.Who could have waited? Not me ,neither massi. Coincidently it was a Saturday .After the great facial i gave to massi in the first encounter i garnered energy after 2 hours to get up and...

1 year ago
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Mona massi Jerking to fuck

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just shifted to Mona massi's house for my further studies and had started believing that very soon Mona massi would be in my arms.But it was just my desperation to get her and did not look realistic.She was a very free and bubly character and moved around the house freely in her nighty and sometimes even in her saree and peticoat.And looking at her sexy body was all that i could settle for at that time.She had a magnificient body.Very feminine ,...

2 years ago
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180 Degrees

They said my world would change when my chosen numbers came up winners. Before I even turned that ticket in, I hired a lawyer and a financial planner. I may not have a college degree but I'm far from stupid. I had k**s and grandk**s to think about after-all.The lawyer was both for estate planning and divorce. Luckily, we had been legally separated for months. Due to financial constraints we were still living together but that ended the day my numbers flashed up on the screen. I took my k**s...

2 years ago
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Summer of 1992Chapter 3 Another week of separation

Surprisingly, neither Suzanne nor Mr. Oldham questioned why I came in the back door thirty minutes after leaving for my date with Kelley. I guess they were getting used to our on-again, off-again romance. As for me, I was getting damned tired of the off-again periods. Down deep, I made allowances for her flare-ups. Both times, I had done something to set her off. Not skimming my journal before giving her my password was a big mistake. I would have discovered that I had forgotten the few days...

2 years ago
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DistributionChapter 13 Separation sucks

The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...

3 years ago
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About two months after these weekly sessions began, Clarissa was wiping the oil from my boobs and pussy juices from between my legs after one of my ‘massages’ when she stopped for a moment and handed me a card with a co-worker’s name on it. She said, “Sophie, if I’m ever not available for one of your sessions, use Rick…here’s his card. He gives great massages, and his approach to stress relief is very similar to mine. I think you’ll like him.” I thanked her, and put the card away without...

4 years ago
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Massi Ke Badi Bahu Ki Chudai

Massi ki badi bahu   Sorry dosto badi late aya apni real and new story lekar. Wase to aapko pata hai mein Ravi hu aur mein Delhi mein bachpan se reh raha hoo. Jab se muje sex kee knowledge hoi tab se mein bus sex ke bare mein sochta rehta hoo. Khas taur per mujse shaadi shuda ladies jada pasand hai and moti ladies bhi.   Ye story meri aur meer massi ke badi bahu ke bich ke hai. Meri massi ke badi bahu ka naam rajni hai aur unki umar 43 ke as pass hai lekin wo dikhen mein lagtee nai hai. Aur...

1 year ago
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Dream come true with massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 21 now and have been lucky enough to be having sex with my aunt, actually my massi, for the past 3 years.I had admired her sexy body ever since i had started mansturbating.She fits perfectly in the image of what i call a sexy lady, an indian milf.She is 38 years in age but has the body of a 25 year old.On a first look at her nobody would be able to not notice her perfect breasts.Size 35 and shape better than the best you would have ever seen.small...

3 years ago
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Yes Massa

Yes Massa.I was tired when I made my way back to our little shack, just past dusk. It had been a very hot day and I had been on duty fanning Mistress Elizabeth and Her guest on the veranda all afternoon. I’d heard talk that there was a new kind of fan, much lighter than the heavy one I had to use but Mistress wasn’t going to pay out for something that didn’t effect Her.I was sad that I was just a slave; something inside me felt it wasn’t right. But what could I do? I was just a nigger on Massa...

4 years ago
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24 Degrees

We had hoped to take a romantic tour of Washington DC, envisioning walking hand in hand down the National Mall, strolling though the art museums and visiting a few of the monuments, but when we opened the curtains in the room, the immediate chill we felt sent us to the TV to catch the local forecast. The night before the weatherman indicated temperatures would go up into the mid forties, but looking at the Weather Channel we noted that the current temperature was twenty-four degrees. The wind...

3 years ago
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Closer Than Six Degrees

March 2007. New York, NY. Shiri Appleby stirred the ice in her glass with an elegant finger, picked out a cube and looked at it, then dropped it back. "They're late," she sighed, looking at the other two women sitting with her in the hotel suite and shaking her head. "They'll be here," Erika Christensen said, running a hand through her dyed hair. "And if not, we can always have fun without them." The buxom redhead looked at the willowy brunettes to either side of her and licked her...

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Degrees Of Lewdity

Sometimes nothing beats sitting down and sinking hours and hours into a game. It’s like shutting your brain off from all of the bullshit going on in your life. I get it. I could see why some of you pathetic betas would want to shut that shit out. Not me; I just lay there at night relishing in my conquests of women and my fat stacks of cash. But the one thing about gaming for hours on end is that you can’t jerk your dick to most games out there. Fuck that noise. If you cucks want to kill two...

Free Sex Games
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected; it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special “guests” realize their full potential. None of us work full time at the academy, we have two lives; one we show to all, the other...

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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

2 years ago
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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

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Temporary Separation

Temporary Separation Please direct any questions or comments or ENCOURAGEMENT to: [email protected] Chapter One. Katherine toweled her long brown hair as she stepped out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Wiggling her damp toes into the thick carpet, she called downstairs to her new husband, "Sweetheart, how much time do we have left before we've got to go?" "A little over an hour," Bob hollered up at her. She did a loose wrap-around with her short blue silk...

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Massi Ki Chut Badi Mazboot With Sexy Legs

Hi guys, this Rahul from Mumbai I am 24 years old presently working with a MNC, I am normal guy with chocolate boy looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex can feel to mail me on mail id I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me it was around December my mom and dad had to go to hometown urgently because my dads brother who lived in hometown...

1 year ago
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Fuckin the sexiest lady my Mona massi

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mona massi was the sexiest woman i had seen till then and had the dream of fucking her one day ever since i had started jerking. 90% of the time i jerked it was fanasizing about mona massi.She was 38 at that time and i was 18. I had shifted to her place after her husband had left her.having mona massi so close and all alone with me was great but the fact that she never gave me a chance to even get close to her was very depressing.I had started to think...

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mass effect

1- eden prime- sovereign attack 2- normandy arrival and extraction 3- citadel part 1 4- spectre recruitment 5- family trouble 6- therum 7- feros 8- virmire assault 9- virmire cloning facility 10-noveria 11- bring down the sky 12- new information 13- the citadel return 14- freedom 15- ilos 16- citadel assault 17- epilogue me2 chapters 1- collector attack and retrieval 2- revival and escape 3- freedoms progress 4- meet the crew/ citadel 5- omega 6-stolen memories dlc 7- ...

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my wifes first massage from a male masseur

I have come across many stories of husbands… fantasizing or in real sharing their wives. I always thought how would it feel to experience this bliss. Now this is my true story and I have tried to write it in the simplest possible way.We are a couple in early thirties… and are married for 5 years now. This all started a year back when I read all the wife sharing stories, saw pics and watched videos… I kept on thinking how will it be to see my wife acting like a slut and enjoying with other men...

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The Threesome With Massi And Shreya Part 1

Hello, everyone. This is raj. I am 22 years old and this is the first time that I am writing a story.This is a real incident which happened with me in 2011.Now let’s not waste time and start with the story. At that time I was only 16 and I would love to go to my massi’s house. { let me tell you about my massive she is a 32-year sexy lady with a sexy figure of 36-33-38 and she was a widow as mosa passed due to heart attack} I loved to go my massi’s house because she had a daughter of my age.Her...

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The Dirty Masseur Aeishwarya gets a hot massage and even hotter sex

He squirted more oil on her back and spread up to it her neck and then downwards on her calves. He slightly pushed his hands below, brushing her ass. Seeing no comments being made he her spread the oils on her ass cheeks. "The masseur is too dirty" she commented, "just the way I prefer." He kneaded her backside and slightly brushed her groin. Pouring more oil over her tiny little rosebud he clamped his thumb over it and tickled her pussy. She shuddered and moaned. He poured oil on her thighs...

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Center Mass

Part One: Center Mass Greg Lorcan had left implicit instructions with the Hotel manager to be left alone in the restaurant banquet hall, a room sizable enough to accommodate at least fifty people comfortably. And while his ego could fill a space twice that size the Senator from Washington D.C. just wanted to be left alone. He didn’t notice her at first but he should have. She was tall standing a good six feet with long toned legs that would make a spider jealous. She was dark skinned...

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Mass Effect Never Send An Engineer To Do A Soldiers Job

ORIGIN: SPACER REPUTATION: SOLE SURVIVOR CLASS: ENGINEER --- Maisie Shepard was making her way through the Normandy to the cockpit. Her mood was already sour; she hated this horribly. The whole flight here she was grumbling to herself about why she was chosen for this mission. She wasn’t a well-trained soldier or a powerful biotic. All she was was a little engineer. She didn’t have any command experience, and was always unsure of herself. Sure, she’d taken several classes in her studies -...

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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 5 Sunday Mass

I awoke. Surprisingly, Marissa was lying in my arms. We were on my couch still naked and there was no sign of Tony or his girlfriend. Marissa snuggled her cheek against my neck and sighed. The smell of bacon frying in the kitchen filled my nostrils as she turned in my arms and pressed her buttocks against my groin. The smell of her hair and perfume mingled with the bacon and I felt myself getting hard. She pressed her soft cheeks against me, and I moved my hips back enough to allow me to...

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Six Degrees Ch 05

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Six Degrees Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

4 years ago
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Degrees of Attraction

This is nonsense. And yet... The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that; first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which they would not do if presented with it as an immediate order. Second is that there is evidence it is not true at all, but a superstition put forward as self-serving propaganda by hypnotic...

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By Degrees

By Degrees by Cassandra Morgan One millimeter at a time. Another drop of water in the bucket. Another grain of sand in the shovel. Eventually, after all of the other questions, people will get around to asking me how I got into a dress. How I became the maid cleaning the grease off of the frying pans, or ironing the wrinkles out of the shirt, or making the salad for Mistress' lunch. One more molecule of air, I tell them. One more raindrop from the sky. One more blade of...

2 years ago
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Disposal By Degrees

 DISPOSAL BY DEGREES..Snuff, torture, non-consensual.Warning. Don?t even look if you do not like those categories.This is extreme PHANTASY.If it had any bearing on reality it would be sick and disgusting.. This is a new story from Susan, readable as a separate story but featuring the characters introduced in ?Questions and Answers?.. However, what happened in that story was only childs-play when compared with the outlandish cruelty unleashed on the unfortunate family in this...

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Degrees of FreedomChapter 13

Zoe There's something about a quickie. Not that I didn't enjoy hours of passionate and hot, slow and tender or rough and wild sex with Ann, or, even better, all of that and in no particular order. But quick hot sex means you get to drink your coffee while it's still hot. Win-win all around. No wonder we both had wide smiles on our faces as we sipped, the scent of coffee and tea mingling with the musky scent from our lovemaking. Me, I wouldn't have minded to remain in bed for the rest of...

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Degrees of FreedomChapter 18

Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...

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Degrees of FreedomChapter 19

Zoe There's nothing like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Well, OK, there are other things I like even better. Drinking the coffee, for example. But to be honest, even if I hadn't been in the kitchen preparing breakfast but in bed with Mistress, I might have still preferred the taste of strong, black coffee over the taste of sweet, hot pussy. At least for the moment, until I'd been awake enough to get my priorities right. But then again, there's a time for everything....

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Masseuses Buck BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had only been on the job for about two weeks. It was just part time. I went to college during the day. Two nights a week I helped clean office buildings, banks and shops near campus. The pay was pretty good. I usually worked with two other guys. We get a text on the way to work. Where to meet. Then we divide the work up. One person would vacuum, the other garbage, and one would dust. Nothing to hard. It was just staying up all night that was difficult.I...

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My Days as a Masseur at an Asian Massage Parlor

When I was in college I had to find a job to pay for tuition and fees. I was looking for a job where I could make some real money, not just minimum wage most jobs offer for college students. One day I was going through the local job ads on Craigslist when a posting caught my eye. It was an ad looking for a male masseur for a local massage place, called "Rejuvenation Spa". The ad said that no prior experience was required. I cross referenced the spa on google and found that it was a local Asian...

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We walked briskly to the car and didn’t even acknowledge the “cat-calls” we received from the guys as we passed. It was several minutes into the ride home before I broke the silence. “Well we have baited the beast, and I just hope our cage can hold him when he comes to feast,” I said trying to be funny, but in truth, I was worried. Tisha didn’t respond to my summation. She just kept her eyes straight forward on the road ahead, as if wondering what was around the next turn. When we finally...

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Force X MassCollaboration Chapter 3

Her words pierced my ears and flowed through my body ending up in the pit of my stomach. I was nauseated by the fact that she knew my secret. She was outside the circle, or so I thought, and in a matter of moments I went from the liberation of sexual power against my professor to a feeling of shame. What would I do if other people found out? MY GOD! What about my parents? It was kinky and lustful to play such games “under the cover of darkness.” But, for the first time I thought about what...

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Force X Mass Penetration

Arriving at his off-campus home I was immediately confused and baffled about my decision or either my poor sense of direction in reaching the proper location. In his driveway were a Lexus Sc430 and the growing “Boom” of bass resounding from his rather untidy but large, by college standards, house. Ignoring the warning signs and pushed by my academic woes, I knocked on the door. I was greeted by Kevin who was closer to my expectation, being average height and medium framed; he spoke as man...

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Retribution The Critical MassAnd Meltdown of Aunt Madge

"Retribution. The Critical Mass-And Meltdown of 'Aunt' Madge!" Madge, "Aunt" Madge as she was known to her "nephew" Timmy and others in her circle of friends chatted over coffee early in the morning with Gladys Gladstone, a friend of hers who owned and operated an upscale vintage lingerie and dress shop in town. The move had been completed months ago. Madge had moved to this new town to be nearer her friend and to have a new home, a house in a country setting far from...

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Center of MassChapter 15

Under ordinary circumstances, the Remington rolling block buffalo gun just had too much recoil for somebody of Joe's size and age. It had a very narrow buttplate and could very easily break his collar bone. However, I thought about it for a while and came up with a possible solution. If I could come up with some sort of pad to absorb and distribute the shock of the recoil, Joe could shoot the rifle. I went to talk to my friend, the leather worker. Jeremiah thought about the problem for a...

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Five Hertz of Separation chapters 4650 of 61

CHAPTER FORTY SIX I don't think anyone heard the "ding" of the elevator when it reached to lobby. There had been a few cries of surprise when the door of one elevator opened and Pegues boarded several minutes earlier, headed for the top floor after Alex called on the radio. That was over ten minutes ago and most everyone's attention had returned to the locked doors. I had been watching very carefully since she left and was relieved when I saw the display above the elevator indicated it...

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Helping a masseuse teach massage

The first time Jennifer massaged me, She asked if I went to the local high school! That was a little embarrassing, and I let her know that I had graduated that high school seven years earlier. She apologized and said that later in life I would appreciate looking younger than my age. I was a little nervous during that first massage, at that point in my life, I really didn’t have a way with women. My in-experience was obvious, and having a confident, very attractive older woman put her hands...

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