Fluffer in TrainingChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
Rachel returned to the studio to find Paul talking to Lori, the blonde girl nodding as he spoke. He turned and acknowledged Rachel as she approached, and then spoke to both of them. “Thanks girls. Good work. You can take off now, we’re done for the day. Lori, great to work with you again. Rachel, nice to have your on board.” He gave her a little wink that she knew Lori couldn’t see. She wondered what that was all about. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you soon.”
“Thank you, Paul,” Lori replied.
“Thank you, sir,” Rachel said, unsure of how to address the director.
“It’s just Paul,” he said, patting her on the arm and walking away.
“How did things go with Tanya?” Lori asked. “I hear she can be a real bitch at times. Did you get her cleaned up okay?”
“Uh, yes. I think so,” Rachel replied, happy that she’d thoroughly washed her face. “It took a little longer than I expected, but she seemed happy afterwards.” She thought about how she’d left the young starlet, slumped in the chair with her legs spread obscenely, a dreamy look on her face. “And she was very nice too. I like her.”
“That’s good. You did great for your first day, Rachel,” Lori said, pulling off her hairband and shaking out her curly locks. “The guys liked you. That’s just about the most important thing.”
“Thanks,” Rachel replied. Following Lori’s example, she undid her ponytail, her jet black hair falling onto her shoulders. “Thanks for showing me what to do. I really appreciate it. I’m glad you think I did okay. I’m still unsure of myself and I really need this job.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be fine,” Lori gave her a little hug, which made Rachel feel more at ease. “Now, it’s Friday, girl. We’ve got the whole weekend ahead of us. Let’s haul our asses out of here. My man should be outside waiting for me.”
Rachel pulled on her jacket and the two girls picked up their purses, walking out side by side. In the bright late afternoon sun, Rachel had to squint to see her watch. It was a little past five.
“There’s Bruce,” Lori said, pointing to a young man with sunglasses and a beard behind the wheel of a pickup truck parked on the opposite side of the parking lot. “Which way are you headed?”
“Oh, I’m heading back downtown.”
“Sorry, we’re going the other way and we’re already late for a barbecue we’re supposed to be at.”
“Oh that’s fine. The bus stops right by my place anyways.”
“You’re sure you’ll be all right?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine. You go ahead. Have a nice weekend.”
“You too.” Lori walked towards the pickup truck before turning and smiling. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Rachel waved and walked across the street to the bus stop as Lori and her boyfriend drove away. As she waited, she saw the two young men who’d been in her scene climb into another car and drive away. She looked down the street, hoping the bus would come soon. She turned back and looked across the street, just in time to see a black Mercedes convertible come out from the side of the studio building and turn onto the street, heading in her direction. She saw the driver’s head jerk as he spotted her at the bus stop, the car quickly shifting into the lane next to her as he pulled to the curb.
“Hey, new girl.” Looking into the sporty car, Rachel watched as Justin Deeper took off his aviator-style sunglasses and set them on the console between the two front seats. He looked up at Rachel, giving her a hundred-watt smile. She barely recognized him with regular clothes on. He was wearing jeans and an open-collared white shirt, which looked great against his tanned skin, his stubbly growth of beard and longish hair making him look rakishly handsome.
“Mr. Deeper?” Rachel said, unsure of what to say.
“You’re waiting for the bus?”
“Yes. I’m just heading back home.”
“Where’s home?” Rachel told him where she lived. He reached over and popped open the passenger door of the sports car. “Hop in. I’m going right past there.”
“Um, are you sure?”
“C’mon, c’mon,” he said with a smile, waving his hand for her to get in.
Rachel climbed into the car, fastening her seat belt as he pulled back into traffic. “Thanks. I really appreciate it. The bus would have been fine though. I’m used to it, Mr. Deeper.”
“Mr. who?”
“Uh, Mr. Deeper? Or should I call you Justin? I’m not sure what’s appropriate.”
He laughed, giving her a big grin as he flicked his eyes from the road over to her. “Justin Deeper is just my stage name. My real name is Alan Ferguson. That’s not too exciting in this industry, so my agent came up with the Justin Deeper thing a couple of years back.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Ferguson. I had no idea.”
“Alan, just Alan will be fine. What’s your name? I don’t think we had time to be properly introduced.”
“It’s Rachel.”
“Rachel. Nice name,” he said, giving her that megawatt smile as he maneuvered the flashy sports car through traffic. “Do you like to eat, Rachel?”
“Pardon me?” the young girl replied, confused by his question, wondering if he was making some kind of joke or comment about her plumpness.
“Sorry, my fault. I should have asked if you were hungry. Are you?”
“Well, a little, I guess,” she said, still unsure of where he was going with this.
“Because I’ve got nothing planned for this evening and I was thinking of grabbing a bite to eat. I know a nice seafood place that has the best crab cakes in the world. Would you like to join me?”
He looked at her, a warm comforting smile on his handsome face. Rachel was thrilled that he’d asked her, but knew she only had a few dollars in her purse. She figured any restaurant someone with a car like this would go to would be out of her price range for sure. “That’s so nice of you to ask, but I don’t think I should.”
“Are you sure? You don’t like seafood? We could grab some Italian if you like. Anything you want.”
“No, no. It’s not that. I love seafood. It’s just ... well, to be totally honest, things are a little tight with me right now until I get my first pay check.”
“Oh, that’s my fault again. Man, how much more can I screw up in one day?” She found his smile infectious and felt her mouth turn up at the corners. “This would totally be on me. I heard that you took this job to help pay for your expenses at film school here, and I know how difficult it can be for a young person to make ends meet in this town. L.A. is great, but she’s a cruel mistress. So, what do you say, feel like joining me, or are you going to make this pathetic old man eat all alone?” He gave Rachel a sad face that made her laugh.
“Okay, since you put it that way. I really appreciate it. I’ll pay you back when I get my pay check.”
“Don’t worry about that at all. You won’t owe me anything. I’ll like having the company. It’s me that should be thanking you.”
“I would have thought on a Friday night someone like you would have had a date, or something.”
He took a corner sharply, the black Mercedes accelerating as he headed towards the ocean. “Naw, nothing today. I like to relax on Friday nights. Have a nice meal, kick back, maybe watch a movie. That’s just the way I like it.” He paused as his eyes flicked over to her, he gaze roaming up and down her buxom form appraisingly. “But what about you? An attractive girl like you certainly must have a date for a Friday night. You don’t have a boyfriend waiting for you?”
“No,” Rachel replied, shaking her head. “I haven’t met anyone since I’ve been out here, and there isn’t even a boyfriend back home. No, I was just headed home to some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.”
“Then a nice meal sounds like just the thing for you.”
“And you sure you just don’t want to be alone? I’d understand if that’s what you’d prefer.”
“No, like I said, the company will be nice.” He turned to face her as he spoke, and she noticed his eyes flick down to her chest, the shoulder strap of her seat belt cutting right down between her substantial breasts, emphasizing their size. She felt a squeamish tingle deep inside her as his eyes seemed to reluctantly turn back to the road.
“I really like your car. How long have you had it?” They engaged in small talk the rest of the way to the restaurant. They pulled into the parking lot and Alan tossed the keys to the valet as he quickly strode around the car and opened the door for Rachel.
“Thank you so much,” she said, taking his hand as he helped her out. She’d never been treated like that before and felt herself smiling, feeling like a princess.
“Mr. Ferguson, we have your usual table available,” the maitre d’ said as he led them to a table for two that overlooked the ocean. He held the chair out for Rachel as she took her seat, feeling overwhelmed by the attention, and her surroundings. The restaurant was very impressive, with a modern vibe that she knew must have cost a fortune to decorate.
“Drinks to start?” Rachel looked up as a waiter addressed them.
“Yes,” Alan replied. “A couple of glasses of the house white should be fine.”
“Ahem.” The waiter coughed in his throat, his eyes flicking over to Rachel for a split second.
“Oh yes,” the actor said. “How old are you, Rachel?”
“I’m 18.”
“Oh, of course. Would a Coke be okay?”
“Yes, thank you.”
With a nod the waiter stepped away. “I never thought,” Alan said, shaking his head as he gave Rachel an apologetic smile.
“That’s fine, Mr. Fer—I mean, Alan. I’m not much of a drinker anyways. A Coke is fine.”
“All right then, let’s take a look at the menus. We definitely have to start with the crab cakes. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”
Rachel couldn’t believe how happy she was, sitting here in restaurant she never would have been able to step into on her own. And in the company of this handsome young man, whose warm smile made her want to melt, she found herself overwhelmed with excitement. They talked about the menu and she decided to try the swordfish steak, something she’d only read about before.
He ordered for both of them and their conversation over dinner flowed easily. He asked her a lot of questions about her upbringing and family in Nebraska, and how she was enjoying film school. After feeling that she was doing all the talking and feeling guilty for not asking him about himself, she asked if he was from California.
“No. Buffalo, New York. I came out here a number of years ago wanting to be an actor. Pretty standard story, actually. Had a lot of auditions and made a couple of commercials. I was running short on cash and wanted to stay. An actor friend of mine told me a small studio was casting for some parts in an ‘adult’ movie, and said both of us should give it a try. He said the money was pretty good, and I realized if I really wanted to stay, I needed to do something to bring in some cash. The director on that first movie liked the look of me, saying I had ‘certain attributes’ that could make me a star.” He paused as Rachel’s eyes opened wide and she nodded in agreement.
“I, uh, I noticed on the set,” she said, nodding towards his midsection.
“Well, yes. And so, shortly after that, my current agent approached me, changed my professional name to Justin Deeper, and here we are.”
“Lori tells me you’re very successful.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you’d say I’m doing all right. I’ve got a nice condo I like, and you’ve seen the car. It could be a lot worse.”
“I have to admit, I don’t know a lot about this business, but like you, I needed to make some money too. I replied to the ad Mr. Smithers put in that paper, and I had no idea at first what a production assistant’s duties were. It wasn’t until I came to the interview that I found out.” Rachel looked up as the waiter approached, their now empty dinner plates still in front of them.
“Would you two care for dessert?” the waiter asked as he cleared away their plates. “The caramel cheesecake is our specialty.”
Alan smiled as he saw Rachel’s eyes light up. “How about that, Rachel? Shall we have two of those?” She nodded sheepishly. He gave her a wink and turned to the waiter, holding up two fingers. “Great, two slices of cheesecake.”
“So, picking up where you left off,” Alan said once the waiter was out of earshot. “Were you okay with the job duties once you found out what was required of a production assistant?”
Once again, Rachel was pleased that he hadn’t called her a fluffer. “I was surprised at first, of course, but I felt foolish for not knowing what to expect. When Mr. Smithers showed me how much I’d be making, I knew I wanted to try. I thought I could do okay, and I just wanted the chance. Like you said happened with you, I really needed to find something to allow me to afford to stay here. Which reminds me, you said that you’d heard I took this job for that reason. Who did you hear that from, Mr. Smithers?”
Alan shook his head. “No, Carole mentioned it to me,” he said, referring to the attractive older woman who seemed to be the office manager. “And once I heard that, I knew I’d do what I could to help you. Like you said, I’d been in that situation myself.” He didn’t mention that before he left the studio he’d stopped in to see his pal, Dr. Fitzpatrick. Nearly every week, they finished their Fridays by having a drink in the doctor’s examination room and chewing the fat. Alan had a soft spot for the old guy, liking him from the first time they’d met.
Only this Friday was different. He’d tapped on the door and walked into the doctor’s office, finding the room in total darkness. He could hear soft snoring coming from across the room and turned on the light, spotting the doctor asleep on the couch. He walked across the room and touched Fitz’s shoulder, shaking him gently. The guy seemed like he was in a coma, and it took a couple of good shakes for him to finally start coming around. He slowly sat up as Alan went to the cupboard above the sink and poured the old man a stiff drink from the bottle they kept stashed there.
“Fitz, are you all right?” he asked, genuinely worried that the old guy might have had a stroke or something.
“Oh my God, you won’t believe it,” the doctor replied, taking the drink and downing it in one gulp. For the next twenty minutes, he filled Alan in on his escapade with Rachel, the young man smiling as he listened to the doctor’s lurid tale.
“Sounds like you had a good day?” he said once the doctor finished his narrative.
“Oh fuck, yes. I can’t remember ever having a day like that in my entire life.”
“I’m happy for you. It sounds like she’s willing to have you examine her again.”
“I can only hope so. As long as my old ticker keeps working, she can keep on sucking.”
With those words echoing in his ears, it wasn’t hard for Alan to convince himself to pull over and offer the young girl a ride when he spotted her at the bus stop.
“That’s nice of you to say, Mr. Ferg—Alan. I really appreciate you willing to help. I want to keep this job so badly.”
Their slices of cheesecake arrived, the scent of warm caramel wafting into their senses. They eagerly dug in.
“Oh my goodness, this is amazing,” Rachel said, the first forkful tasting heavenly as it slid down her throat. Alan smiled as he watched her eat, feeling happy for the young girl, knowing how tough it had been for him when he first came to Hollywood. The cheesecake was delicious, but very sweet, and he stopped after a few bites, feeling totally satisfied. When Rachel had thoroughly cleaned her plate, she looked up, noticing he hadn’t finished his. “You didn’t like it?”
“No, it was fabulous, but I’ve had enough.” He noticed the way she was looking at his unfinished portion. “Would you like it? I don’t’ mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Be my guest,” he said, smiling as he pushed the plate over to her.
“I have a bit of a sweet tooth, and this just tastes so good. I’m sorry.” Rachel reached forward with her fork, carving off another bite.
“That’s fine, Rachel. It’s nice to see a young girl with a nice appetite. Too many in this town starve themselves. Eat as much as you like. We can order you another piece to go, if you like.”
“I’m always worried about my figure, but when it comes to desserts like this, I just can’t resist.”
“I think you have a terrific figure.”
“You do?” she replied, totally in shock that this handsome man would find her attractive.
“Absolutely. Like I said, too many women in this industry think they need to be skinny to succeed. Me personally, I like women with some meat on their bones.” He paused as he blatantly ogled her full curvy body, his eyes lingering an extra second or two on her voluminous tits. “Yes, you look just fine to me.”
“Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say.” Rachel was beaming with happiness inside, but could feel herself blushing at the same time.
Alan smiled to himself as he looked at the young girl. “So, how did you think your first day went?”
“I think I did okay, but I’m not really sure. Everything is so new to me, and different from any kind of job I’ve had before. Lori was kind of showing me the ropes, which I really appreciate. And the guys seemed nice. I think I did okay when I was getting them ready for their scenes. I’m sure I can do better. I just need the opportunity to practice more. I really need to keep this job.”
Alan slowly nodded in agreement before looking up at her, his eyes bright. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. You said you don’t have a date or anything tonight?”
“No, nothing.”
“Well, if you really want to have the opportunity to practice, I’m not doing anything tonight either. If you like, you could come over to my place and practice there.”
Rachel looked up, her heart pounding in her chest as she took in what the handsome actor was saying. “You mean ... me ... practice on you?”
“It would all be purely professional, of course.” He waved his hand in the air, as if this kind of thing happened every day in the porn business. “If you don’t want to, I totally understand. Knowing how much you’d like to make sure you do well on your job, I just thought I’d offer. That’s fine.”
“No, no,” Rachel replied emphatically. “It’s just that your offer caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting anything like that. How, how would it work?”
Alan leaned forward, speaking quietly. “Well, we’re both adults here, working in this industry. And just so there are no misunderstandings, you’re right, we should lay out the ground rules right here and now.” He paused and waited until she nodded in agreement before continuing. “To be blatant, we’d go back to my place—which isn’t far from here—and you could practice sucking my cock. When you’ve had enough, I can drive you home. Simple as that.” He sat back, letting her digest his words.
“You’d really be willing to do that for me?” Rachel asked, in awe that this big star would put himself out for someone like her.
“Like I said, I know how difficult it is for someone in your shoes, just starting out and all.” He paused and looked at her solemnly. “I know this is supposed to be my night off, but if you think it’ll help, I’m more than willing to give you a lesson in being the best production assistant you can be. It’s your call. If you want, I can just take you home right now.”
“You’re sure you don’t want your night off, like you said?”
“I’ll have other nights to relax. What’s another night one way or the other? I have some experience, and if you really want to keep your new job, I think you know that it wouldn’t hurt to get some tips from someone who knows how things work in this industry.” He laughed. “I guess saying you’d get some tips was a bad choice of words.”
“That’s fine, Mr. Fer ... uh, Alan,” Rachel replied excitedly. “If you really wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate you helping me. A lesson would be nice.”
Alan nodded, a wry smile on his face. “All right then. Shall we be on our way?”
“Okay, just let me finish this,” Rachel said guiltily, scooping up the last bite of cheesecake on her fork.
“Waiter,” Alan said, turning and holding up his hand. “The check please, and one more slice of cheesecake to go.” He turned back, seeing Rachel smile back at him as he winked at her.
Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Alan’s eighth-floor apartment condo. Rachel followed him inside, the container with her cheesecake clutched in her hand. Daylight was starting to fade as he led her into the living room, a wall of windows before her. She noticed it led to a big balcony that ran the length of the room, with a spectacular view of the ocean beyond.
“Do you like it?” he asked as she followed him outside, the view through the glass and steel guardrail taking her breath away. His view faced the ocean, with no other buildings in sight. She could only stare, the distant sound of the ocean lapping against the shore seeming to take away all the cares of the day.
“It’s beautiful,” she replied, her eyes taking in everything she could. He had a nice setup, with a couple of loungers and a small table with two other chairs near one end. At the other end, she noticed a hot tub with a small table beside it. “It’s so different than my tiny apartment. You must love it.”
“Yes, I do. I spend a lot of time out here. It’s nice to just relax and listen to the ocean, or soak in the hot tub. We could do that later, if you like.”
“That would be nice. I’ve never been in a hot tub before.”
“You’re kidding?”
“No. You don’t find a lot of them in Nebraska.”
“Well, it will be a treat for you then.”
“I don’t have a swimsuit with me,” she said, looking down at what she was wearing.
“Aah, don’t worry about that,” Alan said as he looked her plump curvy body up and down. “We’ll figure something out. Come on, let’s go back inside.”
“Let me take that from you,” he said, reaching forward and taking the container with the cheesecake from her. “I’ll just put that in the fridge for now. You should probably take off your jacket and boots and get comfortable.”
“All right.” The main part of the apartment was an open concept design, and as he stepped into the modern-looking kitchen, Rachel took off her blazer and kicked off her short boots, slipping the jacket over the back of one of his dining room chairs and setting her shoes near the front door.
“Are you ready for the rest of the fifty-cent tour?” he asked as he came out of the kitchen.
“I’d love it.”
“Well, this is the kitchen,” he said, pointing to the big galley kitchen, everything done up in a modern high-tech style, just like the other parts of the apartment she’d seen so far. “And this is the second bedroom, which I use as kind of an office.” He led her to a door just off the kitchen. She spotted a double bed in the room, along with a desk with a computer on it and some sporting equipment stacked in the corners. He pointed to a door next to the spare room. “And there’s a full bathroom right here, should you need it.” She nodded and then followed him as he turned away.
“You’ve seen most of what they call the great room,” he said as they returned to the other side of the apartment, her eyes now taking in the high ceilings and rich light-gray wall tones that fit in with the modern look perfectly. A huge TV was mounted on one wall, with a black leather couch and big recliner facing it. She followed him into the master bedroom, which was huge. Again, everything was done up in a modern high-tech motif, with lots of glass and chrome. The king-size bed was enormous, but tastefully decorated with throw pillows in different tones of grays that accented the pearl-gray comforter. Floor to ceiling windows faced onto the bed, the blinds now open, the view to the ocean just as spectacular as the one from the living room.
“And this is the ensuite bathroom.” He let her poke her head in as he stood to one side. Just like the rest of the room, the bathroom was massive, with chrome and silver fixtures, a big glass-enclosed shower with multiple shower heads looking deliciously inviting. So different than her simple tub with the plastic shower curtain that she had in her little apartment.
“So, that’s about it,” he said as they returned to the high-ceilinged living room.
“It’s incredible,” Rachel gushed, her eyes going from one thing to the next. “You must love it.”
“Yes. I guess I’ve been lucky. This industry can be good to you, but it can tough too. Hopefully with some help, you’ll be fine.”
“I can only dream about living in a place like this,” Rachel said, gesturing to the various objects around the room before nodding to the view outside. She ended up with her eyes on him as he looked out the window at the view she’d indicated. He was so handsome, and so sensually attractive that she felt herself getting all tingly inside. “Do you think ... do you think we could start my lesson now?”
Alan turned to see her staring at him, her face flushed, her big tits heaving beneath her tight turtleneck. It made him smile inside, seeing how eager this plump young girl was. “I think that’s a great idea. Why waste any more time.”
“Umm, how do you want to do this?”
“Well, for now, we’ll try to keep things similar to the way they’d work on the set.” Standing in the middle of the living room, he reached over and tossed one of the pillows from the couch onto the floor in front of him. “So, why don’t you take your place on your knees there while I get undressed?”
“Yes, sir,” Rachel answered immediately, stepping over and kneeling on the pillow as he unbuttoned his shirt.
He nodded solemnly and had to suppress another smile when she’d used the word ‘sir’. He liked the way this was going. “Don’t forget your hairband,” he reminded her as he tossed his shirt aside and started undoing his jeans.
“Oh yes. Thank you, sir. I almost forgot.” Alan was thrilled with how obedient the plump young girl was. He watched as she whipped her inky black hair up into a tight ponytail, securing it tightly so her round pretty face and full mouth were his to use. In a way, he felt bad for taking advantage of the sweet young thing’s naïve nature, but he could tell by the hungry look in her eyes that she wanted his cock just as badly as he wanted to give it to her—maybe more. He knew he’d never do anything to hurt her, that wasn’t his style. If she continued to go along with his ruse, that was fine with him. It looked like they would both get the pleasure they wanted. If she wanted out, he’d be able to sense that, even if she didn’t say anything. If that happened, he’d end this charade right away. Taking advantage of someone against their will was not in his wheelhouse. He’d seen enough of that in the porn industry and it sickened him. No, if he got the feeling Rachel was uncomfortable with what was going to happen, he’d let her know it was time to call it a night, and take her home, making sure she felt safe at all times. But if she wanted something different ... well...
“All right then,” he said as he pulled his jeans off and tossed them next to his shirt, standing before her in his white fitted boxers, his enormous package thrusting towards her face. He watched her dark eyes focus on his midsection, smiling to himself as he watched her tongue come out and circle her lips instinctively. “How about we start with you taking my underwear off? And then you can practice sucking me once you have my cock out.” He saw her eyes light up as he stepped closer, his jam-packed bulge mere inches from her face. “Would you like that?”
Rachel started nodding anxiously as she stared intently at his tented-out underwear. “Y ... yes,” she stammered, her hands starting to slide up the front of his powerful thighs. Rachel felt her pussy leaking like crazy as she looked up at the handsome porn star standing over her. His muscular tanned body made him look like a god, and she felt her heart start to pound as she just looked at him, taking in every glorious inch of his perfect masculine body—and she hadn’t even gotten to his cock yet. It looked like he was hiding an enormous salami in his shorts, the tube of flesh casting bold shadows across the front of his underwear, the defined mushroom head heading off towards one hip. She felt her mouth salivating, and knew she wanted that gorgeous cylinder of flesh in her mouth more than she’d wanted anything in the world. She also knew she’d do a much better job of servicing it that the Tanya woman had done of the set earlier. No, Rachel knew she wouldn’t just service his prick—no, it was a huge majestic cock that needed to be worshipped—and she knew she could give it the respect it deserved.
She reached up to the waistband of his fitted boxers and tugged downwards, the elasticized material coming away from his defined abdomen. She started to lower them, noticing how cleanly shaven his groin was. She found herself licking her lips unconsciously as the thick root of his manhood came into view, the girth as big around as her wrist. She tugged harder, the waistband catching on his massive cockhead, before she pulled it right over the big knob, his underwear dropping to the floor as his prick sprang forward.
“Oh my God,” she muttered under her breath as it flexed up right in front of her face. Once it was freed from the confines of his underwear, it seemed to unfurl like a giant anaconda, rising up and surveying the world in which it was king from the wet red eye at the tip. She felt herself breathing raggedly as she looked at it. She’d been amazed at how big it had looked on the set today, but up close like this, it took her breath away, and it was only about half hard!
Alan directed Rachel to the big ensuite bathroom while he took a shower in the other bathroom. He’d handed her some clean towels and left out a variety of items he said might be suitable for her to wear to bed. He’d explained that he often had women stay over, a number of who had left various garments at his place. He told her to take her time, and then to join him in the bedroom when she was done. Peeling off the wet singlet, Rachel lavished in the unexpected pleasure of using his huge...
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At the end of the day Sunny was sitting in Robbie's office talking as Robbie finished her notes. "Bear, the mole removal, ask me out before he left." Robbie grinned "And what did you tell him Sunny" Sunny blushed a bit; " I said we would work it out when he came back for his stitch removal." Sunny thought for a minute, "Not sure what to tell Raquel though. He is a lot more appropriate age wise for her than me." "Well Sunny, why make it complicated, tell her a guy asked you out...
She Thought That She Was Alone I was working late in my office. It was just starting to get dark and I had not turned on my office lights. My computer monitor was dim because that was what I liked. From the corner of my eye I saw something or someone go by. I pushed my chair back and used its rollers to get me closer to my office window. I saw a blonde head of hair behind a partition. It went down an aisle, turned and went down another aisle. I followed her head of hair as it...
*somethings are destiny* I am Mia. Female 30 .This is based on a true story. the night was snowing. Stormy . The haunted home creaked. As I saw her pass my door peaking. Aunt Kim eyed me threw the door. I saw her pulsate as I fell asleep to the sound of the rainstorm. When the evening took a turn. I felt her on me. Aunt Kim ,,s had creamy breasts rose; her Glistening eyes sparkling devilishly watching me. I Felt the heat of her.. Overwhelming. As she lay beside me her breasts creamy and...
Friday Morning One thing about my deal with Dee to stay naked all day, it made getting ready for school simple. It was a late morning for me, because first period classes had been canceled, so sis had long departed, leaving me in peace at last. She had ragged on me about having to spend the whole day naked, until Mom made her stop. I showered, ate breakfast, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, grabbed my book bag and I was out the door, the cool morning air whipping around my bare balls and...
"Hi Jane, I'm glad you could come over." she said smiling sweetly. "I've got something I need to talk to you about, please come in." Jane entered the foyer and followed Mrs. Waters to the living room. She was wondering why she was invited over when she stopped dead in her tracks. There, laying naked and tied to the coffee table was her 13 year old son Brad. "Come on in, don't be afraid. Bradley is just being punished for setting off smoke bombs in the boys bathroom at school.'...
Thanks so much to BGMISFUN for the editing assistance with this story. All mistakes are my own! This is a continuation, it will make more sense if you go back and read Heathrow: Chapter One. Jenna and Tom were introduced there. Tom poked his head out from behind Jenna. ‘Martin! You’re awake!’ ‘As I’ve been half the night, actually. You are aware that the wall you kept using for leverage is the same one that we both share?’ Jenna looked down at this. She knew they had been raucous, but it...
Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was sitting on my bed pretending to work, but in reality waiting for Danielle to come home. I found I could work better with her around. Just knowing she was there, the faint smell of her conditioner, the near imperceptible sound of her breathing, gave me confidence in myself and whatever I was doing. She was later than usual, and I was beginning to think something had happened to her. Just as I picked up my...
Virna Reynolds was lonely and depressed! Her best friend Alicia was vacationing in Europe, and coupled with the fact that her husband of forty years had been gone for less that six months, and you had a woman who wasn't used to being alone for such a long period of time!!! After wandering around her apartment for about a week, she dialed the number Alicia had given to her before she left! After two rings, a sultry feminine voice on the other end of the line answered, "Sensations Unlimited, how...
LesbianPrologue Madison was on her way back to the pool bar with the empty glasses on her tray. Her large breasts gently flopped up and down in her skimpy bikini, whilst her curvaceous hips swayed sexily as she walked. She wore no bikini bottoms. As a waitress at the Black Rooster Resort, clothing was optional. It made her feel so sexy walking around like that, knowing that black guys could see her bare pussy and ass. She had thought about going topless as well, but she rather liked the way she...
He was a quiet, and very fit black man, late 20s maybe... tall, small head with very short hair... and his eyes spoke more than his mouth.He had something about him, she thought... something very appealing about his silence... some sort of hidden passion, manifested not only by the semi-permanent bulge in his pants, but also by his delicate mannerism in which he touched her and the way he breathed when he fucked her... it always seemed as if he was holding back something more than words... and...
Dave watched from the doorway to the austere conference room that JR was using to meet with the marketing staff. EneRG was casual enough that having the CEO lurking in the doorway to eavesdrop on the meeting was no big deal. Several of the staff had waved or nodded in his direction. Everybody knew everyone on a first name basis, too. Dave noticed Nikky also sitting in the meeting. JR was in her high-energy pattern and the meeting was clipping along at a rapid pace. The reports were crisp and...
I head back to the showers after Parker leaves, and suds up pretty quick. I was hungry—and not just for food. I announce that the official party will be down at the diner, and mom said they would have extra help for the expected crowd. By the time I finish up, most of the b o y 's had left, and I went wandering back to the field to get my lil bro. He and his three mgr buddies, along with some other volunteers were busy in the stands picking up the trash left behind. I gave them a loud...
It's been a long day a work. You're currently driving along the expressway back to your house. Your job decided to close early, as well as many other establishments, because of an outbreak of an infectious disease spreading, one that you've heard has been heading toward your town. Not many people seemed too worried though, since news reports have claimed that the government had everything under control. But now the city was advised to go home and stay indoors until further notice. You're a bit...
Charlie After dinner we met it felt strange to collaring Lucy alone since I usually collared my mother at the same time. Now it was Dave who took the chain I had given him and fastened to her necklace. At the same time Sophie fastened her heavier chain to the golden collar which Bill always wore round his neck. When we had done this we led them to the dungeon and ordered them to strip. As the newcomer in our midst I had told Dave he should be the first to order his slave to strip and he did...
I had just moved to london for uni and was really excited to get a chance to try out some of the bigger gay saunas and sex clubs. I had spent the whole night before fucking myself with a dildo I had bought from a soho sex shop, wearing lingerie i had stolen from the halls wash room .A stripped thing with lace trim and black lace bra. I still had my fishnets and i had shaved my whole body, so i was feeling really girly. The next morning i got up early and spend the first couple of hours of the...
I could smell bacon, mom was cooking. Even though she’d worked late, she still got up early to make her kids breakfast, and late last night, as expected, I’d heard her open my door to see the we were ok.. She was very motherly that way. I, also as expected, had woken up with a boner, which Lacy had taken upon herself to go down and relieve me of.. She was very sisterly that way. I watched the blanket bounce around my lap. My hand was underneath it, rapidly fingering my sister from behind...
I never did stop by Powers Capital to meet Richard Powers in person. In fact I had all but forgotten about Paula in the intervening years. Now I was standing outside the Capital Grille waiting for her to punch out. "Hi," she said. I regarded her. It was a cold night and she was wearing a long coat that was beginning to look a little worn. "Where do you want to go?" I asked. "Someplace warm." We walked to a cafe that stayed open late She shucked off her tattered coat and draped it on...
There were about eight of them, and she ignored them as she stood at the spot by the aircar park entrance which had become 'hers' over the last couple of years. One of them said something to her, but she ignored him. They were young and not the sort of wealthy aircar owners who were her usual customers. She moved slowly on looking for the regular 'john' who sometimes picked her up here at about this time. She had been seeing him for some months now and his visits were getting more...
Hi friends, this is my real incident and chudai story that happened to me when I was was 19 years old and have a cousin sister who was of 18 at that time. So first I must tell you how we knew about sex. I always talked to my friends about sex and porn and all that stuff because it was very exciting for us that time.And it was a usual day I had a joint family and we all cousins used to play together in one room. We usually played ludo, cards , etc. We were 2 brothers and 2 sisters one sister was...
The Logic stories are three interrelated tales that begin with the actions of a monstrous, selfish, immature man, continue with an Eastern European immigrant who wishes to weaken and destroy his adopted country and end on a pony ranch in the Texas Hill Country. This particular story is expanded from a short vignette found in The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale of Vengeance. The TV Hostess is a woman who is the face of a low-budget, morning television show in Boston. She is kidnapped,...
You’d better be over eighteen if you are about to read this – all of the characters in the store are. It follows on from part1, of course, and part 3 will be along later. I slept between my lovely satin sheets on my second night at the Gordons’ Mansion, my back still sore from my whipping, my anus stretched and aching with the unfamiliar intrusion of the butt-plug. But I felt supremely happy. My Mistress loved me, and I knew I could serve her, that when I had made her cum that afternoon, she...
On a hot and humid summer day in Florida, Dani laid on the pool chair with her sunglasses on. Living in the two story house she brought for herself as a nurse in her early thirties, money was no issue for Dani and neither were her looks. Standing at five-foot-eight and having a robust athletic body to go with the same exact face as retired pornstar Charlee Chase, Dani was quite the looker. Unfortunately, the light haired blonde had been through a divorce and was single.Dani lived in a well to...
SeductionThanks go out to my editors LadyCibelle and Techsan. Between their editing and their comments, they make my story a much better read. I don't give them near the praise and credit they deserve. My old girlfriend loaned me a television series to watch. It was titled 'The Dead Zone'. A little background on the series: It's about a young teacher who has just gotten his longtime girlfriend pregnant. They are to be wed soon. He leaves her place to go rent a movie for them to watch. He is in a...
My Name Is Diana Jenkins,I Am 19 Years Old,I Heard On The News Today That 'The Birch' Has Finally Been Banned On The Isle Of Man-And Am I Glad It Finally Has Been!I Am One Of The Last Few Girls To Have Felt Its Sting-I Still Have Nightmares To This Day About It!There Are Still Some Small Scars That It Left That I Can See On My Buttocks And Thighs-Like Tiny Wriggling Little Worms- I Fear That I Will Carry Then With Me Till The Day I Die!The Events That Led To This Life Changing Experience Began...
I was in uproar for the rest of the day. Tim appeared pretty soon after our love-session, and we had to drop the subject. However, my mind was split, I was very distracted and my head was in turmoil. During the ride home, I could feel my still sex-aching vagina get stimulated from the movements in the saddle... but most of all, I could feel John's virginal sperm, which he had deposited inside of me only minutes earlier, squishing and squelching out of my tunnel of love only to soak my...
This story started about 2 years ago just a week before my birthday. I had caught Tommy and his girlfriend screwing and had got excited watching them without them knowing it. Of course I knew about sex but realy didn't know why I got wet from watching them. I also knew dad had movies he thought he had hid in the back of his closet. I started sneaking them out of his closet and watching them on my game system in my room while turning the music up so only I could hear the on screen action. This...
Die Besten Geschichten schreibt bekanntlich das Leben. Und sie zu erzählen ist immer wieder schön. Das Konzert war der absolute Hammer, tiefe Bässe, geile Beats, ein Rhythmus, der mich zum Grooven bringt und an meiner Seite eine richtig heiße Frau, meine Frau. Sie trägt heute extra für mich zu ihrer Bluse und den glänzenden Leggings ihre schwarzen Stiefel. Diese sind eben noch tauglich für die Piste und mit knappen 12cm Absatz recht sexy. Nadine fiel in der Menge auf. Denn auch in Punkto Make...
I drove to the garden center one Saturday morning to pick up an order for my wife. When I arrived I was directed to the rear of the building to be assisted by someone named Daniel. The receptionist told me that he was the sixteen year old son of the store's owner. She said, "Daniel's a treat. You'll like him."He turned out to be a typical teen kid with slick-backed blond hair - a good looking kid who, for some reason, wore no shirt. Probably he was featuring his new developing body, the taut...
Gay MaleAmandaI would drive to Amanda's house when she opened the door i would walk inside and get onto my knees and kiss each of her feet, while i would ask her how her day was and how all day i looked forward to seeing her. Then on my hands and knees i would follow her into the loungeroon. she would sit on the couch and i would sit at her feet and lick her feet all around her heels, telling her how great her feet taste, then remove one heel and suck and lick her toes and foot until she pulled her...
Kamla ko raat bhar chodnay k baad jab me subha utaha to dekha kamla meray paas nangi soai padi thi ,me fresh honay bathroom me chlaa gaya jab mai bathroom se bahar aaya to dekh ke kamla ab tak soai hui thi,mai kamla ko uthanay ke liya kamla ke gaand par ek chapat lagai kamal chok kar uath gai,kamla maujh ko dekhkar smile karnay lagi,mai kamla se bola ke chloo jaldi se ready ho jayo office chalna hai,kamla uath kar bathroom janay lagi kamla ke badi gaand mast hil rahi thi kamla ke gaand dekhkar...
Waking up on the morning of April first I was angry. My Mother had Just decided I was going to live with my dad, and that I was dropping out of my school in Arkansas and flying north to Montana that following weekend. That day at school I said my goodbyes and exchanged emails with everyone. After a rather teary kiss goodbye with my girlfriend Wendi I made my way to my mom’s car. I should probably describe myself, back when I was 15 I was around 5’4 small thin body with normal build I was fast...
“Alright first I am going to demonstrate using Becca here,” Nicole says smiling, grabbing her large bag. Melissa and Vikki sit there and just watch. Nicole opens her bag and pulls out a large purple dildo that is curved at the end. She plugs it in, turns it on. Vikki and Melissa giggle some as it starts to vibrate. Nicole slowly inserts the curved end of the vibrator, into Becca’s pussy. “Ohhhhhhh!” Becca moans sitting up almost right away, only to be pushed back down by Nicole. Nicole...
When you go on a path of self destruction, it is normally painfully evident to everyone but yourself. I was, not so fortunately, unaware. The thing is, I -wanted- to care. I just couldn't. Depression is a hard thing to explain to someone else. I kept asking myself over and over again what I had done to make Stella stop loving me, to just cast me away like some plaything. For the first few days I didn't even come out of my room. Pepper left me alone, either through knowing that harassing me...
This is the story of how my real cousin Mary and I started our thing. Mary just turned 45 yrs old in February. She is divorced and has 3 k**s, 24yr Female, 22 yr old male and 17 yr old Ada (see my gallery for pics of her)In 2008 when I was 18, I started working where my cousin Mary was working. It’s there where we grew really close to each other. Before that we weren’t as close due the age gap (18yrs) She is more close to my moms age than mine. So at family functions she would always be with...
My Sissy Life Part 5 I got into my maid's uniform, it was different from my first one. My first one was black with a white apron that tied in back in a big bow. It was off the shoulder style and only came a little higher than mid thigh. There was a little white cap that clipped in my hair also. I had two, but they weren't very well made. They were more like Halloween costumes, they started to fall apart after the first wash. That is when my mother bought me new uniforms. These...
It all started the night mom had me join her and her friends at card club. Well some time after that Jill invited us to her house for a party. I haven't seen her since the last time mom hosted the games. It was a swim party at her house and there were allot of people there including her husband. When we arrived there were about 20 or so people, mostly close friends and family and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Mom and I had our swim suits with us in a beach bag and Jill quickly took...
TabooIntroduction: The story of parents that love their daughter a bit too much Most would say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I grew up in a gated community in the hills above Newport Beach California. I am a 57 girl, with a slim waist and long legs. My tits are small but perky with puffy nipples. I think Im cute, in a girl next door kind of way. Maybe I am a bit too much of a tom-boy for some, and while I may not win a beauty pageant, you wouldnt kick me out of bed. At least no...
I saw him walking toward me from across the yard as I played with my toy cars outside my play house. I was excited to see him, but nervous too. I didn't know how to act around him, he didn't treat me the same way other grownups did. But I really liked him. He came up beside me and gently placed his hand on my hair, smoothing over the tangles. I looked up at him and smiled. "How's my favorite little girl?" "I'm playing with my cars." He knelt down next to me, his...
Saturday 14 December 2019Jessica MacFarlane knelt, impaled on her son Richie’s rock-hard penis. Moments before he had orgasmed deep inside her fertile vagina. An outcome that was the culmination of months of planning. Planning she had undertaken with the help of her sister, Maeby Lewis. Richie’s only aunt.Jessica wanted a baby, but her husband Dennis was unwilling. Unwilling to take on the sex required. And especially the commitment of raising a second child this late in life. She knew at...
IncestAuthor’s Note: This is for all those who have told me my stories need a noir bent. Here is proof that I write modern fairy tales. I love my characters too much to do noir. To make it scarier, I edited it myself. The Cotillion The elevator wasn’t moving fast enough. I watched the dull red numbers change from floor to floor, seven, eight… They seemed to be moving slower, almost like the building was getting tired. A four letter word caught in my throat. I would have let it loose if I were...
In the summer I often sunbathe, nude, in my garden, which I can do because it has high hedges and is not overlooked by the bungalow on the other side of the hedge. The owner of the bungalow is Audrey and we sometimes spoke to each other through the hedge and I had told her that I sunbathe in the nude knowing she couldn’t see me. One day she told me that she was going to have another story built on her bungalow so that her brother and his family could stay with her occasionally. Later, builders...
After going out to her friends’ birthday brunch Jordan Maxx is feeling a little tipsy as she takes a ride share back to her apartment. She’s on the phone as she makes her way up the path but when she opens the door, Jordan realizes that she’s not in her apartment as there’s a man sitting on the couch. It doesn’t seem to bother Jordan much as she sits down next her neighbor while he watches the game on TV. She goes to take her shoes off to get comfy but he tells her that she’s got to go, at...
xmoviesforyouPhilippa gently eased the suction on John’s big thick cock; it’s engorged mushroom head filled her mouth almost to gagging. She used her fingers to very lightly brush the tips of her husband’s nipples. He squirmed and she giggled. His big cock filling her stretched mouth muffled the soft feminine sound of her giggles. Simultaneously with brushing the tips of his nipples Philippa swirled her tongue on the sensitive underside of his cock. Philippa reached over and got the tiny tube of travel...
SupernaturalWith the holidays nearing a thought has been lingering in my mind a while now. Thought this would be a good Thanksgiving story. We wake up on Thanksgiving morning at 7am. You want to take a bath first with me and enjoy some hot and hard fucking before you begin cooking the meal for the f****y. Hot water and turn the jets on. Then afterwards I bend you over and drill your cunt hard. Shove a vibrator in your ass and call you a slut. I open the drawer that has your panties in them. I pick out a...
Hello guys,, ye story h meri bhan ki . or ye bilkul true story h. umeed h ke aap sb ko bhi pasand aayegi. Ye story h meri bhan ritu ki. Hamare ghar me hm char log h. mom dad meri sister or m. ye story tb ki h jb m 8th class me tha or meri bhan ritu 1st year collage me thi. Meri bhan kafi sunder h. uski height 5’10 h or figure wise bhi kafi sunder thi. Uski breast kafi attractive thi sath hi sath uski ass bhi kafi sunder the. Wo slim or smart thi. Ek baar hme train se patna jana tha. Train ki...
Hi its me simoh again from jaipur.Thnxx a lot my all frd jinhone mujhe mail kiya or mere phle ki stories ki tareef ki.Ap sab k liye mai apni ek or sex xprience apke sath share krne ja rha hu.Jaipur ki koi b aunty n girl mujhse contct kr skti hai.Meri id hai and friends mujhe fir btana ki kitno ne story padh kr muthi mari n kitno ne apni chut me ungli ki..Ab sidha story- Bat tab ki hai jab maine 12th pass kri n engineering me admission lene wala tha isi silsile me mai bhopal gya,waha mere papa...
My name is Mark and I have a true story to tell you about my first time having sex and my first time doing a few other things too!My mom and dad were both avid nudists and on weekends, we would all go to this place where everybody ran around naked! I was use to it by the time I got in 7th grade and I kind of enjoyed watching people, especially the girls my age at that place. We were all too young to have even any pubic hair much less experience with sex, but one night, I saw something that...
The characters Mark: The buff, boastful and overconfident blond footballer dating Ashely. Ashely: The blond bombshell, good looks, big tits, and a superiority complex making her an ideal match to her boyfriend Mark, that is except for her compulsion to flirt. Anthony: A rather low key guy with a slim build short black hair and average looks. Fairly shy he had a past close history with Michelle that died out and now looks to her as his lost crush. Michelle: shoulder length haired brunette and...
The stadium neighbouring my school was quite impressive, and much larger than a town of this size warranted. Ten-thousand seat capacity, concessions, commentary box, VAR, and a broadcast booth. It was even laid out for track and field events, and most perhaps most importantly, considering how rainy the UK is, a retractable roof. While Wood Green Secondary was better funded than most public schools, a multi-million-pound stadium was far out of the budget. Generous donors, grants, and...
When I woke up on Wednesday morning, Julie was still next to me. I looked over at the clock. "What the fuck?" It was 0645 hrs. Chief was supposed to wake me for last watch at 0430. What the hell was going on here? I quickly dressed, and went to find out what was up, leaving Julie covered up in bed. I found Chief in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "There's more in the pot," he said. "Thanks. I thought you were going to wake me for last watch, like we agreed last night." "Well,...
Once inside the suite, Jackie insisted the newlyweds take the master bedroom, “I’ll sleep in here with Bob. After all, there are two beds out here,” she told J Lo and the two of them laughed as if they knew better. “You and Tommy use the master bath, too. I’ll share this one with Bob. When you’re dressed, just tap on the door so we’ll know you’re coming through.” When they had gone into the master bedroom, Jackie turned to Bob, “Bob, come shower with me, please?” “Jackie? Are you sure...
They didn't even give me a chance to put on my shoes. As soon as they told me to go, I ran. Immediately my feet hurt like crazy from running unprotected, hitting against the hard, uneven field. I could feel small rocks gouging into the arches of my feet. I knew I needed to find a place to hide quickly. I could hear them howling behind me. I glanced back and they were already running! I knew it hadn't been 30 seconds. I don't think it had even been 15, those dirty bastards! Before too long...
I'm sitting on the couch when Lexia walks into the room. Now let me first share something about Lexia she has been like a best friend to me since I came here to visit loving heart with no foul intentions, eyes that completely pull you in even when she's not really looking at you. As for her body she's about 5'3 with meat on her and I thick ass that I refer to ass two watermelons side by side. And her tits oh oh my her breasts are a 42 DD and they make your mouth just drool. But I have never...
First Time"First day of school!," thought Emma. Any girl her age would be dying at this moment, hating having to wake up early and shoving through the freshmen brats. But not her! She couldn't wait to show off her D cups to her favorite teacher...Over the summer they had grown to a D cup size, and she couldn't be more excited! She loved how big they looked on her tiny frame, she looked innocent and yet alluring.She had spent the following week trying to pick the perfect back to school outfit to wow him....