Fluffer In TrainingChapter 5 free porn video

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Rachel returned to the studio to find Paul talking to Lori, the blonde girl nodding as he spoke. He turned and acknowledged Rachel as she approached, and then spoke to both of them. “Thanks girls. Good work. You can take off now, we’re done for the day. Lori, great to work with you again. Rachel, nice to have your on board.” He gave her a little wink that she knew Lori couldn’t see. She wondered what that was all about. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you soon.”

“Thank you, Paul,” Lori replied.

“Thank you, sir,” Rachel said, unsure of how to address the director.

“It’s just Paul,” he said, patting her on the arm and walking away.

“How did things go with Tanya?” Lori asked. “I hear she can be a real bitch at times. Did you get her cleaned up okay?”

“Uh, yes. I think so,” Rachel replied, happy that she’d thoroughly washed her face. “It took a little longer than I expected, but she seemed happy afterwards.” She thought about how she’d left the young starlet, slumped in the chair with her legs spread obscenely, a dreamy look on her face. “And she was very nice too. I like her.”

“That’s good. You did great for your first day, Rachel,” Lori said, pulling off her hairband and shaking out her curly locks. “The guys liked you. That’s just about the most important thing.”

“Thanks,” Rachel replied. Following Lori’s example, she undid her ponytail, her jet black hair falling onto her shoulders. “Thanks for showing me what to do. I really appreciate it. I’m glad you think I did okay. I’m still unsure of myself and I really need this job.”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be fine,” Lori gave her a little hug, which made Rachel feel more at ease. “Now, it’s Friday, girl. We’ve got the whole weekend ahead of us. Let’s haul our asses out of here. My man should be outside waiting for me.”

Rachel pulled on her jacket and the two girls picked up their purses, walking out side by side. In the bright late afternoon sun, Rachel had to squint to see her watch. It was a little past five.

“There’s Bruce,” Lori said, pointing to a young man with sunglasses and a beard behind the wheel of a pickup truck parked on the opposite side of the parking lot. “Which way are you headed?”

“Oh, I’m heading back downtown.”

“Sorry, we’re going the other way and we’re already late for a barbecue we’re supposed to be at.”

“Oh that’s fine. The bus stops right by my place anyways.”

“You’re sure you’ll be all right?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. You go ahead. Have a nice weekend.”

“You too.” Lori walked towards the pickup truck before turning and smiling. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Rachel waved and walked across the street to the bus stop as Lori and her boyfriend drove away. As she waited, she saw the two young men who’d been in her scene climb into another car and drive away. She looked down the street, hoping the bus would come soon. She turned back and looked across the street, just in time to see a black Mercedes convertible come out from the side of the studio building and turn onto the street, heading in her direction. She saw the driver’s head jerk as he spotted her at the bus stop, the car quickly shifting into the lane next to her as he pulled to the curb.

“Hey, new girl.” Looking into the sporty car, Rachel watched as Justin Deeper took off his aviator-style sunglasses and set them on the console between the two front seats. He looked up at Rachel, giving her a hundred-watt smile. She barely recognized him with regular clothes on. He was wearing jeans and an open-collared white shirt, which looked great against his tanned skin, his stubbly growth of beard and longish hair making him look rakishly handsome.

“Mr. Deeper?” Rachel said, unsure of what to say.

“You’re waiting for the bus?”

“Yes. I’m just heading back home.”

“Where’s home?” Rachel told him where she lived. He reached over and popped open the passenger door of the sports car. “Hop in. I’m going right past there.”

“Um, are you sure?”

“C’mon, c’mon,” he said with a smile, waving his hand for her to get in.

Rachel climbed into the car, fastening her seat belt as he pulled back into traffic. “Thanks. I really appreciate it. The bus would have been fine though. I’m used to it, Mr. Deeper.”

“Mr. who?”

“Uh, Mr. Deeper? Or should I call you Justin? I’m not sure what’s appropriate.”

He laughed, giving her a big grin as he flicked his eyes from the road over to her. “Justin Deeper is just my stage name. My real name is Alan Ferguson. That’s not too exciting in this industry, so my agent came up with the Justin Deeper thing a couple of years back.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Ferguson. I had no idea.”

“Alan, just Alan will be fine. What’s your name? I don’t think we had time to be properly introduced.”

“It’s Rachel.”

“Rachel. Nice name,” he said, giving her that megawatt smile as he maneuvered the flashy sports car through traffic. “Do you like to eat, Rachel?”

“Pardon me?” the young girl replied, confused by his question, wondering if he was making some kind of joke or comment about her plumpness.

“Sorry, my fault. I should have asked if you were hungry. Are you?”

“Well, a little, I guess,” she said, still unsure of where he was going with this.

“Because I’ve got nothing planned for this evening and I was thinking of grabbing a bite to eat. I know a nice seafood place that has the best crab cakes in the world. Would you like to join me?”

He looked at her, a warm comforting smile on his handsome face. Rachel was thrilled that he’d asked her, but knew she only had a few dollars in her purse. She figured any restaurant someone with a car like this would go to would be out of her price range for sure. “That’s so nice of you to ask, but I don’t think I should.”

“Are you sure? You don’t like seafood? We could grab some Italian if you like. Anything you want.”

“No, no. It’s not that. I love seafood. It’s just ... well, to be totally honest, things are a little tight with me right now until I get my first pay check.”

“Oh, that’s my fault again. Man, how much more can I screw up in one day?” She found his smile infectious and felt her mouth turn up at the corners. “This would totally be on me. I heard that you took this job to help pay for your expenses at film school here, and I know how difficult it can be for a young person to make ends meet in this town. L.A. is great, but she’s a cruel mistress. So, what do you say, feel like joining me, or are you going to make this pathetic old man eat all alone?” He gave Rachel a sad face that made her laugh.

“Okay, since you put it that way. I really appreciate it. I’ll pay you back when I get my pay check.”

“Don’t worry about that at all. You won’t owe me anything. I’ll like having the company. It’s me that should be thanking you.”

“I would have thought on a Friday night someone like you would have had a date, or something.”

He took a corner sharply, the black Mercedes accelerating as he headed towards the ocean. “Naw, nothing today. I like to relax on Friday nights. Have a nice meal, kick back, maybe watch a movie. That’s just the way I like it.” He paused as his eyes flicked over to her, he gaze roaming up and down her buxom form appraisingly. “But what about you? An attractive girl like you certainly must have a date for a Friday night. You don’t have a boyfriend waiting for you?”

“No,” Rachel replied, shaking her head. “I haven’t met anyone since I’ve been out here, and there isn’t even a boyfriend back home. No, I was just headed home to some soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.”

“Then a nice meal sounds like just the thing for you.”

“And you sure you just don’t want to be alone? I’d understand if that’s what you’d prefer.”

“No, like I said, the company will be nice.” He turned to face her as he spoke, and she noticed his eyes flick down to her chest, the shoulder strap of her seat belt cutting right down between her substantial breasts, emphasizing their size. She felt a squeamish tingle deep inside her as his eyes seemed to reluctantly turn back to the road.

“I really like your car. How long have you had it?” They engaged in small talk the rest of the way to the restaurant. They pulled into the parking lot and Alan tossed the keys to the valet as he quickly strode around the car and opened the door for Rachel.

“Thank you so much,” she said, taking his hand as he helped her out. She’d never been treated like that before and felt herself smiling, feeling like a princess.

“Mr. Ferguson, we have your usual table available,” the maitre d’ said as he led them to a table for two that overlooked the ocean. He held the chair out for Rachel as she took her seat, feeling overwhelmed by the attention, and her surroundings. The restaurant was very impressive, with a modern vibe that she knew must have cost a fortune to decorate.

“Drinks to start?” Rachel looked up as a waiter addressed them.

“Yes,” Alan replied. “A couple of glasses of the house white should be fine.”

“Ahem.” The waiter coughed in his throat, his eyes flicking over to Rachel for a split second.

“Oh yes,” the actor said. “How old are you, Rachel?”

“I’m 18.”

“Oh, of course. Would a Coke be okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

With a nod the waiter stepped away. “I never thought,” Alan said, shaking his head as he gave Rachel an apologetic smile.

“That’s fine, Mr. Fer—I mean, Alan. I’m not much of a drinker anyways. A Coke is fine.”

“All right then, let’s take a look at the menus. We definitely have to start with the crab cakes. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”

Rachel couldn’t believe how happy she was, sitting here in restaurant she never would have been able to step into on her own. And in the company of this handsome young man, whose warm smile made her want to melt, she found herself overwhelmed with excitement. They talked about the menu and she decided to try the swordfish steak, something she’d only read about before.

He ordered for both of them and their conversation over dinner flowed easily. He asked her a lot of questions about her upbringing and family in Nebraska, and how she was enjoying film school. After feeling that she was doing all the talking and feeling guilty for not asking him about himself, she asked if he was from California.

“No. Buffalo, New York. I came out here a number of years ago wanting to be an actor. Pretty standard story, actually. Had a lot of auditions and made a couple of commercials. I was running short on cash and wanted to stay. An actor friend of mine told me a small studio was casting for some parts in an ‘adult’ movie, and said both of us should give it a try. He said the money was pretty good, and I realized if I really wanted to stay, I needed to do something to bring in some cash. The director on that first movie liked the look of me, saying I had ‘certain attributes’ that could make me a star.” He paused as Rachel’s eyes opened wide and she nodded in agreement.

“I, uh, I noticed on the set,” she said, nodding towards his midsection.

“Well, yes. And so, shortly after that, my current agent approached me, changed my professional name to Justin Deeper, and here we are.”

“Lori tells me you’re very successful.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you’d say I’m doing all right. I’ve got a nice condo I like, and you’ve seen the car. It could be a lot worse.”

“I have to admit, I don’t know a lot about this business, but like you, I needed to make some money too. I replied to the ad Mr. Smithers put in that paper, and I had no idea at first what a production assistant’s duties were. It wasn’t until I came to the interview that I found out.” Rachel looked up as the waiter approached, their now empty dinner plates still in front of them.

“Would you two care for dessert?” the waiter asked as he cleared away their plates. “The caramel cheesecake is our specialty.”

Alan smiled as he saw Rachel’s eyes light up. “How about that, Rachel? Shall we have two of those?” She nodded sheepishly. He gave her a wink and turned to the waiter, holding up two fingers. “Great, two slices of cheesecake.”

“So, picking up where you left off,” Alan said once the waiter was out of earshot. “Were you okay with the job duties once you found out what was required of a production assistant?”

Once again, Rachel was pleased that he hadn’t called her a fluffer. “I was surprised at first, of course, but I felt foolish for not knowing what to expect. When Mr. Smithers showed me how much I’d be making, I knew I wanted to try. I thought I could do okay, and I just wanted the chance. Like you said happened with you, I really needed to find something to allow me to afford to stay here. Which reminds me, you said that you’d heard I took this job for that reason. Who did you hear that from, Mr. Smithers?”

Alan shook his head. “No, Carole mentioned it to me,” he said, referring to the attractive older woman who seemed to be the office manager. “And once I heard that, I knew I’d do what I could to help you. Like you said, I’d been in that situation myself.” He didn’t mention that before he left the studio he’d stopped in to see his pal, Dr. Fitzpatrick. Nearly every week, they finished their Fridays by having a drink in the doctor’s examination room and chewing the fat. Alan had a soft spot for the old guy, liking him from the first time they’d met.

Only this Friday was different. He’d tapped on the door and walked into the doctor’s office, finding the room in total darkness. He could hear soft snoring coming from across the room and turned on the light, spotting the doctor asleep on the couch. He walked across the room and touched Fitz’s shoulder, shaking him gently. The guy seemed like he was in a coma, and it took a couple of good shakes for him to finally start coming around. He slowly sat up as Alan went to the cupboard above the sink and poured the old man a stiff drink from the bottle they kept stashed there.

“Fitz, are you all right?” he asked, genuinely worried that the old guy might have had a stroke or something.

“Oh my God, you won’t believe it,” the doctor replied, taking the drink and downing it in one gulp. For the next twenty minutes, he filled Alan in on his escapade with Rachel, the young man smiling as he listened to the doctor’s lurid tale.

“Sounds like you had a good day?” he said once the doctor finished his narrative.

“Oh fuck, yes. I can’t remember ever having a day like that in my entire life.”

“I’m happy for you. It sounds like she’s willing to have you examine her again.”

“I can only hope so. As long as my old ticker keeps working, she can keep on sucking.”

With those words echoing in his ears, it wasn’t hard for Alan to convince himself to pull over and offer the young girl a ride when he spotted her at the bus stop.

“That’s nice of you to say, Mr. Ferg—Alan. I really appreciate you willing to help. I want to keep this job so badly.”

Their slices of cheesecake arrived, the scent of warm caramel wafting into their senses. They eagerly dug in.

“Oh my goodness, this is amazing,” Rachel said, the first forkful tasting heavenly as it slid down her throat. Alan smiled as he watched her eat, feeling happy for the young girl, knowing how tough it had been for him when he first came to Hollywood. The cheesecake was delicious, but very sweet, and he stopped after a few bites, feeling totally satisfied. When Rachel had thoroughly cleaned her plate, she looked up, noticing he hadn’t finished his. “You didn’t like it?”

“No, it was fabulous, but I’ve had enough.” He noticed the way she was looking at his unfinished portion. “Would you like it? I don’t’ mind.”

“Are you sure?”

“Be my guest,” he said, smiling as he pushed the plate over to her.

“I have a bit of a sweet tooth, and this just tastes so good. I’m sorry.” Rachel reached forward with her fork, carving off another bite.

“That’s fine, Rachel. It’s nice to see a young girl with a nice appetite. Too many in this town starve themselves. Eat as much as you like. We can order you another piece to go, if you like.”

“I’m always worried about my figure, but when it comes to desserts like this, I just can’t resist.”

“I think you have a terrific figure.”

“You do?” she replied, totally in shock that this handsome man would find her attractive.

“Absolutely. Like I said, too many women in this industry think they need to be skinny to succeed. Me personally, I like women with some meat on their bones.” He paused as he blatantly ogled her full curvy body, his eyes lingering an extra second or two on her voluminous tits. “Yes, you look just fine to me.”

“Thank you. That’s so nice of you to say.” Rachel was beaming with happiness inside, but could feel herself blushing at the same time.

Alan smiled to himself as he looked at the young girl. “So, how did you think your first day went?”

“I think I did okay, but I’m not really sure. Everything is so new to me, and different from any kind of job I’ve had before. Lori was kind of showing me the ropes, which I really appreciate. And the guys seemed nice. I think I did okay when I was getting them ready for their scenes. I’m sure I can do better. I just need the opportunity to practice more. I really need to keep this job.”

Alan slowly nodded in agreement before looking up at her, his eyes bright. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. You said you don’t have a date or anything tonight?”

“No, nothing.”

“Well, if you really want to have the opportunity to practice, I’m not doing anything tonight either. If you like, you could come over to my place and practice there.”

Rachel looked up, her heart pounding in her chest as she took in what the handsome actor was saying. “You mean ... me ... practice on you?”

“It would all be purely professional, of course.” He waved his hand in the air, as if this kind of thing happened every day in the porn business. “If you don’t want to, I totally understand. Knowing how much you’d like to make sure you do well on your job, I just thought I’d offer. That’s fine.”

“No, no,” Rachel replied emphatically. “It’s just that your offer caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting anything like that. How, how would it work?”

Alan leaned forward, speaking quietly. “Well, we’re both adults here, working in this industry. And just so there are no misunderstandings, you’re right, we should lay out the ground rules right here and now.” He paused and waited until she nodded in agreement before continuing. “To be blatant, we’d go back to my place—which isn’t far from here—and you could practice sucking my cock. When you’ve had enough, I can drive you home. Simple as that.” He sat back, letting her digest his words.

“You’d really be willing to do that for me?” Rachel asked, in awe that this big star would put himself out for someone like her.

“Like I said, I know how difficult it is for someone in your shoes, just starting out and all.” He paused and looked at her solemnly. “I know this is supposed to be my night off, but if you think it’ll help, I’m more than willing to give you a lesson in being the best production assistant you can be. It’s your call. If you want, I can just take you home right now.”

“You’re sure you don’t want your night off, like you said?”

“I’ll have other nights to relax. What’s another night one way or the other? I have some experience, and if you really want to keep your new job, I think you know that it wouldn’t hurt to get some tips from someone who knows how things work in this industry.” He laughed. “I guess saying you’d get some tips was a bad choice of words.”

“That’s fine, Mr. Fer ... uh, Alan,” Rachel replied excitedly. “If you really wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate you helping me. A lesson would be nice.”

Alan nodded, a wry smile on his face. “All right then. Shall we be on our way?”

“Okay, just let me finish this,” Rachel said guiltily, scooping up the last bite of cheesecake on her fork.

“Waiter,” Alan said, turning and holding up his hand. “The check please, and one more slice of cheesecake to go.” He turned back, seeing Rachel smile back at him as he winked at her.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Alan’s eighth-floor apartment condo. Rachel followed him inside, the container with her cheesecake clutched in her hand. Daylight was starting to fade as he led her into the living room, a wall of windows before her. She noticed it led to a big balcony that ran the length of the room, with a spectacular view of the ocean beyond.

“Do you like it?” he asked as she followed him outside, the view through the glass and steel guardrail taking her breath away. His view faced the ocean, with no other buildings in sight. She could only stare, the distant sound of the ocean lapping against the shore seeming to take away all the cares of the day.

“It’s beautiful,” she replied, her eyes taking in everything she could. He had a nice setup, with a couple of loungers and a small table with two other chairs near one end. At the other end, she noticed a hot tub with a small table beside it. “It’s so different than my tiny apartment. You must love it.”

“Yes, I do. I spend a lot of time out here. It’s nice to just relax and listen to the ocean, or soak in the hot tub. We could do that later, if you like.”

“That would be nice. I’ve never been in a hot tub before.”

“You’re kidding?”

“No. You don’t find a lot of them in Nebraska.”

“Well, it will be a treat for you then.”

“I don’t have a swimsuit with me,” she said, looking down at what she was wearing.

“Aah, don’t worry about that,” Alan said as he looked her plump curvy body up and down. “We’ll figure something out. Come on, let’s go back inside.”


“Let me take that from you,” he said, reaching forward and taking the container with the cheesecake from her. “I’ll just put that in the fridge for now. You should probably take off your jacket and boots and get comfortable.”

“All right.” The main part of the apartment was an open concept design, and as he stepped into the modern-looking kitchen, Rachel took off her blazer and kicked off her short boots, slipping the jacket over the back of one of his dining room chairs and setting her shoes near the front door.

“Are you ready for the rest of the fifty-cent tour?” he asked as he came out of the kitchen.

“I’d love it.”

“Well, this is the kitchen,” he said, pointing to the big galley kitchen, everything done up in a modern high-tech style, just like the other parts of the apartment she’d seen so far. “And this is the second bedroom, which I use as kind of an office.” He led her to a door just off the kitchen. She spotted a double bed in the room, along with a desk with a computer on it and some sporting equipment stacked in the corners. He pointed to a door next to the spare room. “And there’s a full bathroom right here, should you need it.” She nodded and then followed him as he turned away.

“You’ve seen most of what they call the great room,” he said as they returned to the other side of the apartment, her eyes now taking in the high ceilings and rich light-gray wall tones that fit in with the modern look perfectly. A huge TV was mounted on one wall, with a black leather couch and big recliner facing it. She followed him into the master bedroom, which was huge. Again, everything was done up in a modern high-tech motif, with lots of glass and chrome. The king-size bed was enormous, but tastefully decorated with throw pillows in different tones of grays that accented the pearl-gray comforter. Floor to ceiling windows faced onto the bed, the blinds now open, the view to the ocean just as spectacular as the one from the living room.

“And this is the ensuite bathroom.” He let her poke her head in as he stood to one side. Just like the rest of the room, the bathroom was massive, with chrome and silver fixtures, a big glass-enclosed shower with multiple shower heads looking deliciously inviting. So different than her simple tub with the plastic shower curtain that she had in her little apartment.

“So, that’s about it,” he said as they returned to the high-ceilinged living room.

“It’s incredible,” Rachel gushed, her eyes going from one thing to the next. “You must love it.”

“Yes. I guess I’ve been lucky. This industry can be good to you, but it can tough too. Hopefully with some help, you’ll be fine.”

“I can only dream about living in a place like this,” Rachel said, gesturing to the various objects around the room before nodding to the view outside. She ended up with her eyes on him as he looked out the window at the view she’d indicated. He was so handsome, and so sensually attractive that she felt herself getting all tingly inside. “Do you think ... do you think we could start my lesson now?”

Alan turned to see her staring at him, her face flushed, her big tits heaving beneath her tight turtleneck. It made him smile inside, seeing how eager this plump young girl was. “I think that’s a great idea. Why waste any more time.”

“Umm, how do you want to do this?”

“Well, for now, we’ll try to keep things similar to the way they’d work on the set.” Standing in the middle of the living room, he reached over and tossed one of the pillows from the couch onto the floor in front of him. “So, why don’t you take your place on your knees there while I get undressed?”

“Yes, sir,” Rachel answered immediately, stepping over and kneeling on the pillow as he unbuttoned his shirt.

He nodded solemnly and had to suppress another smile when she’d used the word ‘sir’. He liked the way this was going. “Don’t forget your hairband,” he reminded her as he tossed his shirt aside and started undoing his jeans.

“Oh yes. Thank you, sir. I almost forgot.” Alan was thrilled with how obedient the plump young girl was. He watched as she whipped her inky black hair up into a tight ponytail, securing it tightly so her round pretty face and full mouth were his to use. In a way, he felt bad for taking advantage of the sweet young thing’s naïve nature, but he could tell by the hungry look in her eyes that she wanted his cock just as badly as he wanted to give it to her—maybe more. He knew he’d never do anything to hurt her, that wasn’t his style. If she continued to go along with his ruse, that was fine with him. It looked like they would both get the pleasure they wanted. If she wanted out, he’d be able to sense that, even if she didn’t say anything. If that happened, he’d end this charade right away. Taking advantage of someone against their will was not in his wheelhouse. He’d seen enough of that in the porn industry and it sickened him. No, if he got the feeling Rachel was uncomfortable with what was going to happen, he’d let her know it was time to call it a night, and take her home, making sure she felt safe at all times. But if she wanted something different ... well...

“All right then,” he said as he pulled his jeans off and tossed them next to his shirt, standing before her in his white fitted boxers, his enormous package thrusting towards her face. He watched her dark eyes focus on his midsection, smiling to himself as he watched her tongue come out and circle her lips instinctively. “How about we start with you taking my underwear off? And then you can practice sucking me once you have my cock out.” He saw her eyes light up as he stepped closer, his jam-packed bulge mere inches from her face. “Would you like that?”

Rachel started nodding anxiously as she stared intently at his tented-out underwear. “Y ... yes,” she stammered, her hands starting to slide up the front of his powerful thighs. Rachel felt her pussy leaking like crazy as she looked up at the handsome porn star standing over her. His muscular tanned body made him look like a god, and she felt her heart start to pound as she just looked at him, taking in every glorious inch of his perfect masculine body—and she hadn’t even gotten to his cock yet. It looked like he was hiding an enormous salami in his shorts, the tube of flesh casting bold shadows across the front of his underwear, the defined mushroom head heading off towards one hip. She felt her mouth salivating, and knew she wanted that gorgeous cylinder of flesh in her mouth more than she’d wanted anything in the world. She also knew she’d do a much better job of servicing it that the Tanya woman had done of the set earlier. No, Rachel knew she wouldn’t just service his prick—no, it was a huge majestic cock that needed to be worshipped—and she knew she could give it the respect it deserved.

She reached up to the waistband of his fitted boxers and tugged downwards, the elasticized material coming away from his defined abdomen. She started to lower them, noticing how cleanly shaven his groin was. She found herself licking her lips unconsciously as the thick root of his manhood came into view, the girth as big around as her wrist. She tugged harder, the waistband catching on his massive cockhead, before she pulled it right over the big knob, his underwear dropping to the floor as his prick sprang forward.

“Oh my God,” she muttered under her breath as it flexed up right in front of her face. Once it was freed from the confines of his underwear, it seemed to unfurl like a giant anaconda, rising up and surveying the world in which it was king from the wet red eye at the tip. She felt herself breathing raggedly as she looked at it. She’d been amazed at how big it had looked on the set today, but up close like this, it took her breath away, and it was only about half hard!

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On Sunday morning, naked Candice was in her and Camilla’s bathroom looking at her hair and nails. Camilla, also naked, came up behind Candice and put her hands on Candice’s tits. She gave them a gentle squeeze, then rubbed her fingers around the outer areolae. ‘Oh, that feels good, Camil,’ Candice moaned. ‘But to make your dad like me, if you want my hair dyed black, or for me to wear a black wig, neither may be necessary. Do you see the black hairs I have mixed in with my red?’ Camilla took...

3 years ago
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From Queen to Sexslave

In a small land far away there were two warring countries eachbeautiful lands but both in need of a king. One had a very beautiful olderbut stunning Queen the other a handsome young Prince.Queen Raya, came up with a plan to help her take full control of her kingdomall she had to do was marry being that her husband the late King was very oldand had just died and few weeks earlier and now her country was asking fora new King even thought she wanted the thrown for herself she new she had todo...

3 years ago
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The Locum PriestChapter 4

Zeeta's Swansong We had just finished showering when Megan arrived and she must have heard Zeeta's last remark. "I thought we made it clear on Sunday what our position was." Megan said angrily. "The Rev Small body - I thought he had been retired." Zeeta said "Yes but they are so short of experienced priests so he has been called out of retirement." Megan was obviously angry. "I think it is about time that we involved the Church council in all this don't you?" Zeeta and I...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 396 Dicing With Death

Monday, October 22 to Saturday, November 3, 2007 With the pressure to make a decision removed and knowing that I could leave solving the Surveillance Problem to other Marks, I would be happier over the next few days, and especially over the next few minutes while I was celebrating in the shower. It should be easy for me to stall the baddies for several days because our knowing their plans in advance gives us a huge advantage. If we repeated avoidance maneuvers like we had in New York too...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Beach Showers

I reclined in the flimsy plastic chair, keeping most of my pale skin in the shadow of the beach umbrella. I loved being with my friends away from home, but the sun and I aren’t friends. When Tiffany told us we were going to go to the beach, of course I would be going. Just need my portable shade and SPF four million. If I would be lucky, a cloud bank might roll through and I would get to swim in the large lake for a while. Not Tiffany, though - since she got her car, she was up here every...

2 years ago
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Simply Friends

“Hey, Eli,” the common law wife and mother of two spoke into her cell phone. She paused a moment then said, “We’re around the corner for your place.” Valencia Williams ended the call. She looked at her husband, Durrell, who was driving the cash rental car. It was a metallic white gold 2010 Volkswagen Passat station wagon.Durrell, at 34 years of age, was a bit of a d**g kingpin in the small South Carolina county where they resided. He, Valencia, and two homeboys were driving up the Charlotte for...

3 years ago
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Sweet Hostage for Daddy

Sweet Hostage for Daddy By: Candy Sue, aka, Malissa Madison Martin Frost had always know that he was meant to be a girl, he'd just been cursed with the wrong parts. And he really did love his Daddy, he just couldn't be the little boy his father expected him to be no matter how hard he tried, it just felt wrong. His mother Alicia had always let him pretend when he was younger, and had had to step in a few times between him and his father when the man got drunk and wanted to force...

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Adam and Andrea Ten years later

Kevin Jackson was lying on his bedroom floor, reaching for a bag under the king size bed. He reached further with his arm, but it wasn’t long enough. He found a broom in the laundry room and went back. This time he managed to pull out the bag and opened it. Inside were several smaller plastic bags with photographs. They were taken before the digital era and some were so old they had yellowed. He found the ones he was looking for and put the rest back into the bag and pushed into its corner.The...

2 years ago
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My wife loves my blue balls

Women are a so complex. They can be the perfect social hostess by day and the meanest femdom that night. I introduced my wife to cuckolding years ago because the thought of some guy stretching her vagina made me horny. Getting her to actually do it was easier than I thought it would be. As time went on she noticed that I was more into the excitement of denial than love making. Cleaning her after she had been out was my absolute pleasure. Rarely did I ever try and have sex with her. One Saturday...

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The GREATEST story

WELCOME, to the greatest story ever written. Well, more like the greatest collection of stories since they'll branch off. With no rules one can't imagine where we'll end up.

3 years ago
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She saw him up there sitting on a high throne of red and green velvet and she thought well why not her boyfriend had broken up with her two weeks ago seems he found another girl to lie to...Barry had been a good lover but he was never her friend not really Patricia always knew what a con man he was but the sex had been so great that she overlooked a lot well Barry was gone now and she was lonely and kind of horny too so when she decided to sit on Santa's lap it was not just to ask for presents...

3 years ago
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Office Fun0

I had met a girl online and got to chatting with her for probably a few months. She lived in a different part of L.A. We enjoyed talking about everything but it was usually ending up being about sex. She was single, she knew I wasn't, but didn't seem to mind the secrecy of it all. Eventually we agreed to meet at my office for a little fun. I was nervous as hell, as she was too. I've been with many girls, but this was the first online meeting I've ever been apart of. I didn't know what to...

1 year ago
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Two WeeksChapter 8 Day Eight

Emily opened her eyes and was greeted with his face inches from hers. He was still sound asleep. She wanted to stay to breathe the same air as he did, but Nature called. She carefully crawled out of bed, making sure not to wake him. He always slept late anyway, but this morning she wanted him to sleep a little longer, to recuperate his energy after last night’s exertions. She still couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to make love with him; how wonderful he was to her; how wonderful it was...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 94

In the lot of a McDonalds, two tired men sat in a vehicle. The SAC and his assistant were just finishing their breakfast/lunch, since neither had eaten in a while. "You get anything to eat last night?" Whatley, the SAC asked his second in command. "Yeah, some uniform brought me a hamburger and a coke about two this morning. Just shoved it in my hands and left." "About the same for me." There was a long pause. "Shit this is a mess. And the news media..." Grigsby, the ASAC didn't...

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Linda and SonChapter 2

When he went up to his room, Bill removed his clothes and cleaned himself. The he got into his pajama bottom and lay on the bed. He started to think of his sexy young mother and what they had done earlier. This caused his manhood to leap into arousal. It swelled, lengthened and tented his pajama. He heard a knock on his door. "Yes?" "May we come in, Bill?" That was his grandma's voice. "Yes, please come in... the door's not locked." He got up and stood by the bed. He was nervous...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 57

The next day I tried to find a place to run that I felt had some interesting things along the way. On the downtown run, not only did I look for stray animals, I looked at the back doors of business as I ran by. The Victorian house was three blocks from the edge of downtown and ten blocks from the center of town where I had run the day before. So I would be adding twenty blocks to my run if I went there. Not something I wanted to do. So I ran the three blocks of full blown residential area,...

1 year ago
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Silk Reflections

Silk Reflections I was sitting on the porch with my girlfriend Cindy, when she commented about going out tonight. You know Chris, its ben a long time since you made love to me. We just got back together Cindy, don't you think your going a little to fast? What's the matter babe don't you want me anymore? Of couse I want you, it just seems to fast to me. Just then my house maid Stephanie walked over with the iced tea I requested. Your tea sir. Thank you Stephanie that will do for now. My...

2 years ago
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On Being A Hotwife

I’m a woman who has been happily married for thirty years, which, I admit with some satisfaction, is no easy feat. There are many reasons for my marital happiness, including mutual trust, respect, love and appreciation. But I want to focus on an important, but perhaps more visceral and base reason. About eleven years ago, I began practicing non-monogamy. That’s been a sexual game-changer in a lot of ways but especially so in these last two years when I really embraced the Hot Wife/Cuckold...

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Enslaved Chapter 21

On the following morning, after Julia had attended to his toiletry needs, Quentin rang up Miss Judith on the house phone and asked for the girl to be taken back to her cell.“I expect Jason or Ahmed, or maybe both, will be looking in there a little later on,” he said with a smile to the kneeling figure. He liked the way Julia gave a shudder. The dark lustrous eyes were on him wide and frantically pleading.“M-Master... may I speak?” asked Julia in a low voice, rather to Quentin’s surprise. The...

2 years ago
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Moth Ch 037

Submitted to literotica.com by the author. * ‘The tracksters tell me it sustained a minor injury from the traps near Bellwin village,’ informed Officer Fol. ‘Hardly enough to slow it, but with some luck there will be some fresh blood for the courier on the scene to return to us. Our tracksters might see more with more connections.’ Zoa didn’t like the thought of a lone courier going near a spot where the monster had been. If ever the creature should change its pattern of fleeing triggered...

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Awesome Alycia Sex Schools Verified Virgin Video

Alycia Abused AcquanintedActress Amazing Amateur Amusee As Astoundedas Attractive Awesome aa Boobies Bare Beautifulelted Best Bilingual Bisexual Blond Baby Beauty Bare Blows BDSM-submissiveCandid Careful Carelessly Central Climaxing & Clitorial Climaxin& -- Coming from Penile PenistrationDaring Dear 'Dirty Defloration Demonstration Destimnation Doll Doing Doneas 'Dyke's Dynami Dynamo Energizing from Eroticising Every Experience @ 'Experimental Erotics' Eventful Evenings Enorm Eyes Fine...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Holi With My Friend

It was March and one of my friend came to my village for some site survey of a big MNC, it was about their plant and other stuff. When I got married to a village girl my friend was in US, his name is Ramesh and he is having huge body, his colour is fair as he living in US, and living life in us with different environment made him fairer. I got married two years back and my wife is very fair, her lips are ping and both upper and lower lips are very thick, like two red slice of orange, full of...

1 year ago
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My first black bull

On our family holiday to Florida I had noticed that the strong and sexy black man in his late 40s-50s next door was always watching me, especially when I was outside sunbathing in my little bikini. He had a study or something right across from our hotel window and Iwould some evenings see him in there in the dark, watching. I got a secretthrill taking off my clothes in front of him.One night I went to my room to get ready for bed while my parents were still out. As I turned on mylights, his...

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Sister Brother At Hotel 8211 Part III

I call up my dad, we are reaching Dimapur by tomorrow, my dad asked me to take care of my sister, as I’m taking care of her from last evening now we both get fresh and went out to have dinner and after having dinner we returned to our hotel room and have one more round of our fucking session.. when we enter the room she just started removing her dress from the door, I closed the door and I also become nude by seeing her becoming naked, she was laying naked on the bed and she was biting her...

8 months ago
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Private Sara Diamante Sexy Biker Addicted to Leather and Anal

The spectacular Sara Diamante returns to www.private.com today in Private Specials, Hot Lovers alongside her biker boyfriend Juan Lucho, and there’s only one thing that’s likely to happen when this horny couple gets some time alone! A walk out in nature is the perfect excuse to get wild, and Sara certainly sees it that way too as she gives her man a sloppy deepthroat blowjob under the sun before taking him home for a hot anal fuck that includes 50 minutes of ass pounding action on a pool table...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XI 5 Your Subconscious is Thy Master

After my workout with Joey and Pete in the weightroom, Joey drove me home in the Mustang and we discussed the possible problems of letting the twins try and straighten out Michael's head. "I have an idea of who to ask about it," Joey finally said. "Who?" "Your dad." "Yeah! He would know better than anyone. Okay." When I got through to him, he quickly told me, "Yes, the girls probably could do it if they think they can, but you might be better off if you didn't. As long as they...

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A run in the park

Penny has been happily married to Josh for two years. They met in college and married shortly after graduation. Josh played baseball, and Penny played soccer in college. They are both very athletic in nature, so they get up every morning at the crack of dawn and jog in the large state park one mile from their home. They do this to keep their weight in check. Josh is 6' 2" with a slender, muscular build. His abs are the envy of all his friends. Penny is 5' 7", with a slender frame but 36 C...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Student Part 1

I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed. She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn’t makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn’t a mouthy brat, she wasn’t an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same...

4 years ago
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Straight guy has seen the BBC light

Every since my first experience with interracial thoughts when I bought my first black dildo I cant get black cock off my mind. I am known to my friends as a straight guy that would never do something like this, even at the end of the world. But here I am, thinking of black cock day in and day out.As mentioned in my first story, I sneak in and steal my GF's aunts panties and bra every chance I get and dress up like a little slut. Yesterday was extra special. I was alone and no one was going to...

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From a Top to a Bottom PT3 Gay

By the time Brent and Jeff left two hours later, making sure I saw them snag my underwear as a trophy of their conquest, I was a fucked out mess and exhausted beyond belief. I hadn't been fucked since that Spring Break night and I'd never been used the way I'd been tonight. It felt fantastic.Jonah was in the bathroom cleaning up. Whether or not he'd anticipated the night getting this wild, he seemed pleased with himself and with what he and the guys had accomplished, and I couldn't stop...

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Traveling has always been fun for me, and this particular trip would likely be very different. Most of my excursions consisted of me operating on my own time, over indulging in a few areas and fully embracing the tastes of the local cultures. Not only would I be unable to engage in any of the sexual activity that I looked forward to and enjoyed while away from home, but I was constantly surrounded by family members and had absolutely no privacy.I was in Vegas for a week enjoying a destination...

2 years ago
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Federal Mind Relocation Changing Hats

FMR changing hats By Shawnee Federal Mind Relocation file: 914 "I never dreamed it would come to this." Paul said with deep sigh. "No criminal ever does." David plainly answered. The two of them sat in the small interrogation room in silence. It's cool grey walls and dim lighting with large mirror on one wall. Paul slowly reached over and too a cigarette from the pack David was nice enough to share. "So how can you protect me huh?" He said waited for David smoke. "Some...

1 year ago
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Bleeding Blood With Sus

Hi I’m Sonu Delhi se ye story meri pados ki didi k saath hui mere sex ki h uska naam susmita h uski umar karib 23 hogi r meri 18 uska fig lund khada kar dene wala h 34 D 32 34 ek baar mene uske boobs daba diye the to usne Meregaal p jor ka thappad maar diya r dubara esa kiya to mere ghar m batane ki dhamki dene lagi tab se m usse badla lena chahta tha r ye mauka mujhe tab mila jab mere dost ne mujhe Susmita r uske ek dost raj k love affair K baare m bataya mene socha mujhe is baat ka fayda...

2 years ago
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Craving That Bitch Chapter Two

It had seemed like forever that they had been carrying Mia in the woods. Both guys had to take breaks carrying her body because she was continually kicking and screaming. A few slaps across the face usually got her calm for awhile but then she was back at it again. After about 15 minutes, from their guessing, they had finally arrived at the house. They carried her down into the basement and threw her in a jail cell, slamming the door shut. Her blue eyes stared into the dimly lit hallway....

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Pooja Aur Uski Business

Friend’s Wife Hi readers ye meri pahli story hai ISS me, ise to mai ISS ke regular reader hu kafi salo se.Ye story ke kuch hisse sachi hai aur usko thoda fantasise kar ke apke samne rakh raha hu, pasand aya to jarur mail kijiye is mail id per: Mera naam Rajesh Mangat hai mai Mumbai ke Kandivali ilake me rehta hu, mera 1 distributor ship company chalata hu. Mai 29 age ka hu 5.7” hight bachular ladka hu. Ye story kuch 1 saal pahle ki hai. Hamari office Borivali me hai. Charkop sector me 1st...

3 years ago
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Anabelle produced a small bundle of paper’s and said, ‘I have amended one of our temporary contracts of employment to highlight that you will work here for three month’s without pay in lieu of your transgressions, sign here’, with that Anabelle handed me the paper’s and a pen. There was little point in me reading the contract, if I refused she would just call the Police and I would be back to square one, plus I was feeling vulnerable still being naked. I scribbled my signature on the...

1 year ago
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My first bisex experience Part 3

Tim popped a porn tape into the VCR (yes, this was a long time ago). I sat between them on the couch. The story was a threesome with two men an a woman. She sucked them both, then both at the same time then the usual mmf sex tape. The video was not great, but the combination of watching the sex on screen and the three of us touching and playing with each other slowly got Tim and me hard again. I turned and kissed Sylvia and played with her tits and pussy. Tim was running his hands over my...

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Diary Entries Of A Son8217s Lust For His Mother

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, narrated as excerpts from the diary. The excerpts narrate the secret thoughts, desires fantasies about various people in life. This story narrates the explicit incest between mom and son. Any person who is sensitive to close incest relations and doesn’t like such stories, please stop reading here. By continuing to read ahead, you agree that you are within the legal age limit and you are solely responsible for what you are reading, and neither the writer...

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The Camping Trip4

This time Sarah had convinced me to go camping in the country. The summer was almost over, and she wanted to have some fun before the fall started. She’d found a really nice camp site in the woods beside a lake. When she’d shown it to me, I had to admit that it was tempting. After seeing it, I concluded that it looked like a decent place. I agreed that we could go there, but then the trouble started. “Can I bring a friend along, Dad?” Sarah asked me over the phone. My heart stepped up...

1 year ago
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Show off wife gets fucked

Ever since my wife got her new tattoo she has gone cock hungry. She came home from her tattoo appointment with new ink from her right thigh all the way to her right breast. It is sexy and now that she has it she loves showing it off. She bought a new bikini that goes very well the style of the tat. After she saw the effect she had on me when I see her in that bikini she always puts me in my chastity device when she is wearing it. She has no interest in ever allowing me to have sex with her now...

2 years ago
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Mothers Little Helper Her Mothers DaughterChapter 2

Mother's Little Helper Chapter Two "Hey Gina." Gary smiled when he opened his door. "Uh, hi," I said and this time I didn't have Jilly with me, thank God. That helped a lot, but I was still very nervous. "Come on in," he said. "How are you doing?" "I'm good," I nodded. "Uh, great ... Except I'm out of pills, those, um, green ones." "Already?" He chuckled. "Here, sit down. Come on, it's okay." I let him guide me onto his sofa and Gary sat down next to me. His...

4 years ago
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SeedlingChapter 6

Ms. Savile, nude and having stripped her clothes off some time ago, steps into the clearing surrounding the large alien tree holding her allegiance. Integrated into the massive trunk is Karen Diangelo’s still breathing body. Her legs, up to her knees are buried deep and spread apart. Her arms are pulled back so that her breasts are pushed forward. And the majority of her back looks as natural as the tree itself. Karen’s torture doesn’t end here, however. From the massive alien tree, several...

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Hijacking on the Heath

Responding to the wailing siren closing in quickly from behind, I tucked my aging Renault as far into the side of the road as the cars already parked there would allow. The police car, the flashings of its blue emergency lights reflecting off the wet tarmacadam, hurtled past at over fifty miles an hour - far too fast for safety down an Old Kent Road that was now crowded with drunken Saturday night revellers pouring out of the late opening pubs and fast food outlets before heading into the...

3 years ago
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Mere Dost Ne Meri Mummy Ko Choda 8211 Part 3

Toh jaise ki aap logo se vaada kiya tha, main apni story ka third part aapko batane jaa raha hu. Agle kuch dino tak mom aur Shadab apna affair continue karte rahe. Woh aksar ghar aata aur dono sath mein time spend karte. Mom aur Shadab ek dusre ki sharirik zaroorato ko pura kar rahe the. Dono din bhar kamre mein band rehte. Mom ko ab uski aadat si ho gayi thi. Dono miya biwi ki tarah reh rahe the. Fir ek din main college se jaldi aa gaya. toh maine dekha mom aur Shadab dono bina kapdo ke bed...

3 years ago
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The Three Panties Of My Mom 8211 Souvenirs Of The Conquered Territories

Part 1 :Story of the first panty : It was a cold winter night and my mom and I were returning from her native place. We were having RAC tickets and despite my effort, I could not get it confirmed. My mom and I were left with single berth in a sleeper coach for the whole night. At around 10:30 pm my mom slept on the side lower berth. I was also sitting on the same berth but with my legs stretched and we both were oriented in opposite direction. Since it was very cold and we had only one blanket...

3 years ago
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Alfreds wife Return trip

It's been quiet for quite a while now. Think it is time to pay another visit to a past victim. Having a large white van comes in hand. I slap on a courier magnet, put on a uniform and this time bring my sub slut along. Priscilla, my sub slut, wears a sundress with no bra or panties so I can have access to her pussy and tits at a moments notice. She has been wanting to go on a mission with me to help and watch. This mission is going to be one she will really enjoy and one of her favorite treats...

2 years ago
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Out for a run Part 1

What can I tell you, things have been getting better and better the past couple of weeks when it comes to sex. First was the gardener catching me without cloths on, and than the meter guy catching me sunning nude in the back yard. These were both very erotic and exciting, but just giving them blow jobs was not getting me off in the way that I like getting off. It did not help that around this time my husband went on a two week business trip to New York and left me home alone. We fucked like...

2 years ago
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My Wife outs me as a sissy cuck and BBC lover

My wife and I were out getting groceries and she wanted to stop at the liquor store to get some beer. I had plenty at home so she just went in while I stayed in the truck. A little later she comes walking out with a nice-looking black guy. They are both coming to the truck as they are talking and my wife is laughing. He opens the door and she gets in. I’m a little confused as she looks at me with a smile. She says, “this is Brad, and he’s coming over tonight to fuck us both, but especially...

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The Cable Repair

I awoke to the sound of the alarm clock screaming, I looked around the hotel room one last time, finally I was going back home. It was a great visit with friends but it was time to get home, I missed my wife and my own bed and frankly I was horny as fuck. I packed up my things and headed to the airport. My wife on my mind the entire time, her long black hair flowing over her ample 38 C tits, her long muscular legs, her ass round and firm, her shaved pussy just waiting to be fucked. After all it...

3 years ago
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DogmanMore Shopping

My coke spayed from my mouth at Kari's words, and I looked at her in shock. "What?" I blurted out. "Only if you strip and parade naked for him, will he fuck you," Jane said. I started coughing and gasping for my breath, as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Shaking my head, I walked out doors and looked across the desert. Wiping my eyes, I leaned against the porch support, and started thinking hard on what was going on with the women here. 'We are making them more attracted to...

2 years ago
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Chosen Path Ch 03

‘There.’ ‘Pillar.’ Wakahisa-san advanced one frame and pointed at the screen. ‘Right there.’ ‘Pillar.’ ‘OK, now watch how she waves her arms around like she’s trying to grab something or catch her balance.’ Wakahisa-san played the video forward again until the train hit. ‘Yep.’ ‘The kimono woman totally pushed her.’ ‘Can’t see,’ Shimizu said, looking over Wakahisa-san’s shoulder. He wasn’t convinced. A structural pillar obscured the best view they had of the platform. Detective Wakahisa...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

Title: Boss Lady Author: Euryleia Rider Contact: euryleia_at_hotmail.com Codes: F/f, D/s, humiliationSynopsis: An innocent is turned into an obedient toy for her boss.Boss LadyChapter One Vivian DeArmoud admired the play of light on the bright red polish of her fingernails as they flew over the keyboard. She was really beginning to enjoy this temporary assignment. The law firm of Morris, Lankford, and Emes LLP had a number of amenities for the hired help, including ergonomically designed...

1 year ago
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Everything depends on the lubricant gel

Everything depends on the lubricant gel My loving wife Ana was very horny that Saturday afternoon and she asked me to go downtown to an adult book store, to purchase “something new” for our sex foreplay games…I went directly to see new movies and Ana stayed watching magazines.Suddenly I saw my wife was behind the counter, kissing a black guy and rubbing her hand all over the bulge in his pants. I could see everything as well as several other people that happened to be in the store. This black...

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