Matched PairsChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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Whether caught by hook or crook, the fish dinner that night was excellent. They grilled them over the charcoal fire, along with some red potatoes on skewers. They bought some white wine for the women, as well, during the same trip to replenish their beer supplies. After they finished eating Fred and Charlie gathered firewood as the sunlight slowly faded. Maggie and Pat did the dishes in the cabin.
"The fish tasted good tonight," Pat said.
"You know what, Pat?" Maggie ventured. "I'm not sure that they really caught those fish. If they had cleaned them they would have done it down by the dock in full view. I don't buy the 'we wanted to spare you the guts' story."
"You mean you would suspect our own beloved husbands of devious behavior just to save their own pride? I'm shocked to hear you say that!" Pat sarcastically exclaimed.
"I would suspect them if they had a chance to think of something," Maggie answered.
"Apparently they did," Pat sighed. "Charlie left his pants on the bed when he changed into his trunks. I found the receipt in his pocket."
"Of all the dishonest tricks!" Maggie said. "What do you think we should do to them?"
"Nothing!" replied Pat. "Let's let it slide. It'll only get a thing going, and I'd like to spend the time getting something else going, if you know what I mean. If I wasn't so hot-to-trot, I'd make them regret it!"
"I know what you mean." Maggie agreed. "Maybe we'll bring up this fish escapade at the holidays. Anyway, it will be fun to know what they did, and have them think that we don't know."
"Now you're talking, girl!" exclaimed Pat.
"By the way," added Maggie, we've had on two of our new suits, but not our secret weapons, the 'razor bikinis."
"I know." Pat acknowledged. "We have to bring them out at the right time. There will be one single first time for them, so it has to be done right."
"Kind of like a virgin," Maggie quipped.
"How can you remember that far back?"
"I don't think that I ever was one." Maggie answered back. "I was just assuming."
"All this talk has me turned on again." Pat gasped. "Let's go enjoy the bonfire for awhile and then drag these guys off to the sack and jump their bones."
To enjoy the beauty of the Adirondacks, vacationers must pay a price. In June, there are the Black Flies. (Don't go in June.) After June, there is the rain. It is written in the Great Book that in the midst of each Adirondack vacation, one complete day must be absorbed by rain. It will always follow a day of warmth and sunshine. The rain will start in the early morning; it won't stop until long after dark. The sky will take on the color of lead. At times the rain will be heavy and at other times it will be heavier. It won't stop. The air will turn damp and chilly. On the morrow the sun will reappear and proceed to dry out the forests. The rains are unavoidable. It is the decree of the ages. If you go to there, you must accept the rain.
Adults can accept the fact of rain, except when they are on vacation. Perhaps it is the expectation of boredom that sets nerves on edge. As one sits quietly to read a magazine a person knows that the solace will be short-lived. It would only be by sheer luck that a random periodical might contain something of interest to the reader. Once a reader is absorbed, it is only a matter of time before one person or another starts moving about the cabin, making a racket, talking, running the water, walking about the room, breathing and other nuisance things.
So it was with the two couples on Raquette Lake that day. The deluge continued the drum roll on the roof. Everyone had to raise their voices to be heard over it. Outdoor activity was out of the question. It was hard to sit still in the cold, clammy air. Beer didn't even taste good in this weather.
"Why don't we play cards?" Maggie suggested.
They all looked at one another dubiously.
"What game?" Charlie asked.
"It's too cold for Strip Poker," Pat joked.
"I don't know how to play poker," Maggie said.
"I don't know either, but there's a little card in the front of the deck that tells what all the hands are." Pat countered.
The men rolled their eyes in secret.
"You're just looking for an excuse to take your clothes off," Maggie accused.
"I don't need an excuse. I'm just waiting for Charlie to take the hint! Maybe you should do the same to Fred."
"Girls! Girls! Stop arguing. I have a better idea," Fred said.
The two women abruptly halted their banter and cocked a waiting ear to hear what Fred said next.
"Let's get into the SUV and take a drive up to Long Lake. We'll look around and then take in the Adirondack Museum. After that, we'll stop at Blue Mountain Lake. There are gift stores there and a nice restaurant."
The women looked at one another, weighing their options, and communicating through a system of pheromones that only women even know exist.
"Sounds good—let's go," they sang out in unison, and then disappeared into their bedrooms to change clothes.
"Wow!" exclaimed Charlie, "That was slick."
"Never underestimate the power of shopping to divert women's attention when they're restless," Fred instructed. "It'll be a nice day trip. The Adirondack Museum, alone, is well worth the drive."
Fred drove, since he knew the way. Charlie sat in the front with him. Pat and Maggie sat in the back. The drive would take an hour and a half, considering the trek from their cabin to the Village of Raquette Lake, and maybe a little longer due to the rain. From the Village, the drive would be down Route 28 to Blue Mountain Lake, then a turn up Route 30 to Long Lake. On the way back they would stop at Blue Mountain Lake for the Museum, shopping and dinner.
As they drove out of the Village of Raquette Lake the road ambled along a ridge overlooking the Lake.
"That cove over there is where we caught the fish," Fred called out to the women in the back seat.
Pat and Maggie looked at each other, and stifled a giggle. They said nothing, waiting to see how far Fred would go with his story.
"Isn't that right, Charlie?" Fred went on, pulling his co-conspirator into the web.
"Beats me," Charlie answered, as he sank lower in his seat. "Those inlets all look a lot different from up here on the road."
"It wasn't a lie." Charlie thought to himself. "I didn't confirm it or deny it. It could have been the cove; we did catch those perch. They just weren't the fish we brought back to the cabin." Charlie's conscience was soothed, but he wished Fred would shut-up, just the same.
Fred decided to drop the subject. Charlie wasn't helping and the women seemed uninterested.
At long-last they made it to Long Lake. As its name suggests, it looks like a long lake. But, it isn't a lake; it's a wide, slow-flowing river. It is part of the Raquette River, originating at the same lake as they were staying. Parts of Long Lake are so remote that the only access to it is by seaplane or boat. The Village of Long Lake lies at the southern end. There was a sandwich shop there, and they ate before heading to the Adirondack Museum.
It was a nice day touring, despite the rain. The Museum had something for everyone. It was a perfect way to pass a rainy day on vacation. As the rain continued to pour they sat around a table at Blue Mountain Lake.
"This was a good idea, Fred," Pat volunteered. "I think that I was getting cabin fever this morning."
"It's nice anywhere if you have good company to spend it with," Fred answered.
"Oh, Fred, that's so nice!" Pat said, stifling a little sob. "I was so afraid that we would be fighting this whole trip."
"It started out that way," Fred admitted. "We just had to get it out of our systems."
"So no more hard feelings?" Pat pressed on.
"No," Fred conceded. "Too much time has gone by. Things ended up well—for both of us. But, look, we're embarrassing Charlie and Maggie."
"No, not at all." Charlie asserted. "Here's to it. Maggie and I feel the same."
Maggie nodded that she felt that way, too.
They raised their glasses and drank the toast.
"And whose idea was this vacation? Does anyone remember?" Maggie reminded them.
"Gee, Maggie, I don't remember. Wasn't it a consensus kind of thing?" Fred ribbed her.
At first Maggie thought Fred's answer was in earnest and stared at him with her mouth open in disbelief. Then the others laughed and Maggie joined in.
It was a nice dinner, and a nicer night when they finally returned to the cabin.
As always happens in the Adirondacks in summer, the day following the rain was warm and sunny. After an early breakfast Maggie and Pat went for a walk while Charlie and Fred went fishing.
"That was a nice time at dinner last night," Pat said wistfully.
"It certainly cleared the air," Maggie added.
"Don't take this the wrong way," Pat went on. "I couldn't help thinking about the old days with Fred. It wasn't all bad—only the end. Even then, the bedroom was never a problem."
"That's the way it was for Charlie and me, too," Maggie agreed.
"We used to really set the bed on fire when we were young," Pat said. "Fred was strong and he would bore in like a bulldog!"
"He still does," Maggie assured her. "I heard you and Charlie through the wall more than once during this time at the cabin. You don't seem to be suffering."
"I'm not complaining," Pat responded. "Charlie and Fred are like strawberry and chocolate ice cream. They're both taste good, but completely different."
"I suppose that's true," Maggie mused. "Charlie makes love like a figure skater—smooth and graceful. He never lifts off the ice until both are ready."
"It sounds like you and Charlie have some memories together, too," Pat said. "I like the strawberry ice cream that I've got now. I do remember the chocolate fondly, though."
Maggie nodded.
They walked along the lane silently for a while before Pat changed the subject.
"Today is the day to unleash our secret weapons."
"You mean the razor-cut bikinis?"
"I sure do. We only have two more days here and the weather is so nice. I just hope that all of this eating and drinking hasn't put any weight on us."
"I wouldn't worry about that." Maggie assured her. "More to the point, what these suits are going to do to the guys. There is already a lot of current flowing through their circuits, you know."
"Only theirs?"
"I admit it, in mine, too," Maggie confessed. "But, you've forgotten to mention yourself."
"I know it!" Pat acknowledged. "I can't help it. The setting is so perfect. We're so secluded in our little part of the lake. It's so nice with the lake and the forest. We're having so much fun together and it's so relaxing. The reconciliation yesterday was frosting on the cake. I feel like I'm right on the edge of being out of control. I should be fighting it, but I can't—I love it. I love the excitement."
"Are you looking for a taste of chocolate ice cream?" Maggie asked gently.
"No, it's only a fantasy. I don't expect that to happen. I am going to get a thrill when Fred and Charlie start ogling me this afternoon when we put on those bikinis. Seeing them get the hots for us is almost as good as the real thing. You should feel it, too. You have a great package to display."
"I think that we're playing with fire," Maggie cautioned. "What if our husbands decide to take this a step further?"
"They won't!" Pat answered. "They'll sure think about it; but they'll run back to the henhouse at the last moment. Then, wait and see how much juice is in their batteries."
"This could never happen back home," Maggie said.
"That's right!" Pat agreed. "Remember what we said before we came here—what happens at the lake..."
"... stays at the lake." Maggie completed the sentence.
The sun was high in the sky. Charlie and Fred sat in lawn chairs by the lake sipping after-lunch beers. They had changed into their trunks and were waiting for Pat and Maggie to finish the dishes and join them after they changed into their suits.
"Another bad luck fishing day," Fred mused. "We probably should have gotten out on the lake earlier."
"That's alright." Charlie answered. "I get more enjoyment on being out there than actually hauling them in."
"Raquette Lake isn't the best fishing lake in the area. Serious anglers go to Long Lake. You can find anything up there, Bass, Northern Pike, even an occasional Muskie. It's wild. You really need a guide."
"Speaking of 'wild', I thought that I was going to have a heart attack in the car yesterday when you started up on pointing out where we caught the fish. That was a big risk!" Charlie said, and took a swallow of beer.
"I like to live dangerously," Fred chuckled. "It keeps the thrill going. The women never caught on, anyway"
"Here's to thrills!" Charlie exclaimed, and the two men clinked bottles.
"Speaking of thrills, what do you think those two women are doing? We could have gone to town and bought new dishes in the time it's taken to wash them," Fred observed.
It was almost seven before the women strolled nonchalantly from the cabin. The sun was still in the sky, but slowly surrendering to the night. The men heard them rustling about in the kitchen before they came outside to join them. They each wore a bathing suit with a long tee shirt over it and carried a glass of wine. The men were on beer number three. "Getting hungry?" Fred asked them. He saw an expectant look in Maggie's eyes. He guessed that it was related to her bathroom fib earlier....
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Hi friends this is KING PHANTOM. Like most of us I masturbate. I masturbate thinking about every possible women of almost all ages. Little kids to elder women. But my favorite masturbation theme is “Actresses”, Film Actresses and that too I do in a particular fashion, I think about my favorite actresses in an “INCEST” setting…. Yes that’s it…. I think about my favorite actresses as my Sisters, Aunts, Bhabhis, Daughters etc…. Sometimes I do some little exceptions like making some actresses...
IncestAt age 43, Bret had enjoyed a lot of great sex over the years with a variety of women. Although he wouldn’t exactly call himself a Casanova, he felt that he had fulfilled a number of fantasies that included threesomes and group sex scenarios as well as a marathon session with the cousin he had always wanted. Bret got all of those desires out of his system back when he was in his 20s. Love struck him in a big way and he settled down into mariage and a monogomous relationship. That was 12 years...
He listens to her boots, thigh high black PVC, tap against the floor. Unable to see her, or anything else for the mask in front of his eyes. "What to do with you next" she says, expecting a very specific answer. " Anything you wish Mistress" he answers quickly. Laughing she steps in front of him, slapping the side of his face with something he immediately recognizes and opens his mouth wide as is expected of him. Suddenly his mouth is full, her strap-on plunging in and out of his...
Having experimented with a couple in my younger days, I mostly stuck to fucking guys throughout my twenties.I hadn’t really thought about having sex with a woman again, it just wasn’t on my radar.That was until I started working for Carol, a 50-something bombshell who was admired universally for her body as much as her business skills.When my most recent long-term relationship broke up last summer, she was great, checking up on me to make sure I was okay, taking me out for lunch to make sure I...
ThreesomesThis chapter is graphic. There is NO SEX in this chapter, because I am trying to develop the characters. Please, read it and understand that this is a fictional story. It is not about anyone that is real. All of the characters are figments of my imagination. I hope you enjoy it. Please vote and comment. Michal awoke Wednesday morning ready to accompany his mother. He didn’t have classes, so he was available to go with her at any time. Delia wanted to talk to Clementine early, because she...
She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...
"April is the cruellest month." T.S. ELIOT. The Wasteland Chapter 1: A Handful of Dust 15th April 2001 Sometimes the rats came, but tonight, thankfully, was not one of those nights. When they did come, Mary could do little about it. They would scurry around her feet, noses twitching over the debris which people had left behind - hamburger cartons, cigarette packets, chocolate wrappers. Mary would sit in her doorway and watch them, always nervous that one of the creatures would come...
“Jeff! Over here! Someone’s gone through the bush here . . . and it looks fresh!” All four teens froze as the words floated through the air. They knew they were in trouble but had no idea how many of the hoods were chasing them. All they knew was that one of them, Jeff Hansen, was reputed to be a rapist. Unfortunately, there had never been enough evidence to convict the son of a rich industrialist, and his victim claimed to be too afraid to testify. As a result, he had gone free, his...
She heard the door shut, but she hadn't heard it open. He was home. She looked at the door to the front room, waiting for him to come in. He did. His short brown hair was brushed back, his green eyes lit up to see her. He rubbed his stubble covered chin and beamed at her. "Babe," She smiled at him, her whole face lighting up. "you're home so early." "Yeah," He grinned, leaning over her. His suit was still neat and clean, even after almost 12 hours in the office. "I missed...
"A lessen in Discipline and Love."#English translation- A sequel to: Or start at the beginning: The men drank some coffee and were enjoying the memories of that horny threesome that we just had. I went upstairs. Rinsed me clean and went to my bedroom to get dressed in Leather. I put on the Leather Chaps with the black zippers over my black jock strap. And put on the...
I didn't stand up until I was sure that there was nobody around waiting to take a pot shot at me. Apparently, this town was not overly populated with nosy parkers, because not a single person came running to see what the commotion was all about. Of course, it could be that they expected more shots to be fired and didn't want to be in the way of a stray bullet. If that was the case, I had to admire their perspicacity. I figured that the coast was clear after a few minutes of nothing...
(C) 2006 - Nick B All rights reserved Chapter 2 It all kind of fizzled out when they realised that as nice as it would be to have another go, both of them had to go to work and it was with no small measure of regret that Chris rolled his stockings down his legs and off, placing them with his suspender belt and wishing that he could just call in sick or something. Stood in front of the mirror, he tried to remove the breast forms and try as he might, he couldn't. They were firmly...
“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...
One Friday, around midnight, we arrived home from a boring dinner party thrown by a colleague of Martin, my husband. I took a quick shower and then flopped naked on the bed, I was feeling quite tired and ready to sleep. But Martin had other ideas, his head nestled between my legs and he began to lap at my pussy with a slow and deliberate pace. After more than twenty years of marriage he knows exactly what I like and when I like it. Ten minutes later, I came with a huge gush soaking his face....
Life was busy with new work for the both Sue and me. Her big sexual experience with the Englishman had begun to fade and we didn't have any new experiences for sometime. Sue was dressing as sharp as ever, complementing her petite 5'4" body. Her skirts were well above the knee, and most always, those firm 34B tits without a bra. Our friend Sandy had now taken a new view of Sue, as he had detected the distinct scent of sex on her when she had returned home from her liaison with Geoffrey....
This is a story that I write together with a member a long while ago. It has an open ending -- so if anyone wishes to fill in the blanks, you are very welcome :)It is Saturday and I am on my way to a hypnotist. This is quite extraordinary for me since I don't usually believe in this hocus pocus, but two things came together. First, I really want to get rid of my smoking habit [disclaimer: I don't in real life], but I didn't manage to do so with normal means and second, a good friend of mine...
When we arrived at my place, I knew that I wanted to fuck Chelsea right off the bat, just as I could tell that Nicky wanted another go at Monica. It didn't take long, in fact, for me to bring out the beer and help those two relax a little more to prepare for the act. I could see how hot and heavy Nicky made Monica, not that I could blame either of them. In relatively short order, those two were rolling around on the carpet, Monica pulling off articles of Nicky's clothing with her teeth....
“Good morning,” she said, kissing it again. I reached over her and held her breast, tweaking her nipple. “Good morning Mummy,” l said, “did you sleep well.” “Mmmmm,” she replied, “l don’t want this ever to end.” I felt her lips slide over the head of my cock, felt the comforting warmth of her mouth as l grew to full erection. “It will never end Mum,” l said, “l will still be fucking you when you are an old lady.” Her hand went to my balls, massaging them as her mouth took the length of my...