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(C) 2006 - Nick B All rights reserved Chapter 2 It all kind of fizzled out when they realised that as nice as it would be to have another go, both of them had to go to work and it was with no small measure of regret that Chris rolled his stockings down his legs and off, placing them with his suspender belt and wishing that he could just call in sick or something. Stood in front of the mirror, he tried to remove the breast forms and try as he might, he couldn't. They were firmly stuck in place and wouldn't budge, except to take the real bits of him with them. "JESS!" he yelled. "What!?" she yelled back. "How do I get these bloody tits off?" "Oh shit!" she said. "What 'Oh Shit'?" he asked. "I didn't bring the bloody solvent with the forms and the glue." "Well that was smart. You'll have to go and get it then won't you?" "I can't. Mum's not going to be home until tonight, maybe tomorrow. I'm afraid you'll have to live with them for another day." "You're mad. I can't do that. I have a meeting with Bill from SolTech today," he said, beginning to panic. "I'm doomed," he said morosely, sinking to the floor. Jess stood in silence thinking while he sat there on the bathroom floor in a state of shock. "Has he met you before?" she asked finally. "No. Why?" "Then you're not doomed. Just go as a woman, rather than Chris. He'll never know will he?" "I can't do it, Jess," he said. "You did it last night and no-one knew who you were even, never mind that you weren't really a woman." "Yeah, but this is different. For a start, there's no subdued lighting and no alcohol. It's going to be a brightly-lit office with a totally sober customer." "Then we'd better make you convincing then hadn't we?" She was all business from that moment on. First she went back into the bedroom and rifled through her wardrobe, pulling out things here and there, then she brought tights, panties, the boots and girdle that he'd worn the night before, but it was the makeup job that sold it, topped off with a brunette bob wig that may have been old, but it fitted nicely and actually looked better than the blonde one he wore the night before. By the end of her ministrations, Chris looked about as girly as anyone could. "It's a bloody good job you're a similar size to me. Now, speak to me," she said. "What?" "Speak to me." "What do you want me to say?" he asked. "Soften your voice. We haven't got time for coaching so just speak softly. That should do it." "This is not going to work. What will the others think?" "Well if you keep up with that kind of negativity, it definitely won't work. As far as what the others think, you're making the best of a bad job. You don't want your company going down hill or even under thanks to a stupid mistake and you're doing your best to make sure that doesn't happen. Anyway, I doubt anyone will recognise you." He wasn't happy. A joke's a joke, but this was possibly pushing things a little further than most people would feel comfortable with and he was one of them. He left the house petrified, the broad daylight of the morning coating everything with stark clarity. He was dressed in a charcoal-grey two- piece business suit; the skirt falling to just below the knee, black sheer tights and boots, oh and don't forget the wig. Under the short jacket, he wore a plain white blouse and a white bra, but underneath all of that, he was convinced the whole street could see him; were all actively looking and pointing fingers. He didn't feel comfortable at all as he walked across the short paved area to the drive and his car, the heels of his boots (he did like them and found them oddly comfortable), striking staccato 'cracks' that he felt sure threatened to waken everyone who wasn't awake already and draw them to their windows. Their curtains were already twitching in his minds eye. Aside from the feeling of being watched by all and sundry, there were two things that he REALLY felt uncomfortable with: one was the handbag and the other was the change to the undercarriage. It wasn't that the handbag was horrible (in the hands of a woman perhaps), but it was a handbag for God's sake and carrying it made him feel a complete Nancy-boy. The change to the undercarriage was down to the fact that he was wearing a fairly tight skirt and that meant he had to wear fairly tight panties. He had argued that his own pants would be fine, but Jess pointed out that they were too thick and would show - VPL of boxers or 'Y' fronts was inappropriate. If that wasn't bad enough, she showed him in the mirror what even a flaccid penis looked like under the skirt. From that point on, it was tight panties and 'Willy' was tucked back between his legs - an incredibly weird sensation if one hasn't tried it before, although it DID make the front of his skirt look a lot more flattering. He had been accosted by so much to remember, so many things not to do and equally, so many things TO do, none of which were apparent during the party. The main reason for that was the fact that the heavy velvet dress he wore hid everything. You could have had several people under that skirt without anyone noticing. He wasn't supposed to be a girl when he was wearing it either; he was supposed to be a man in drag for a party and therefore, didn't have the finer nuances to remember about being female. This time, the opposite was true and it was just fortunate that the previous night's excursion into the realm of womanhood was realistic enough to make today possible. He got into the car and rummaged through the small number of things that Jess had added to the handbag; things he would need through the day like mobile phone, card-key for work, lipstick, hairbrush, tissues, a couple of tampons (why?), keys and money. It was like he was a little kid going off to school with a lunchbox that had teddy-bears on the outside rather than Superman or Spiderman. His nails had been left painted, and he looked at them as he put the key in the ignition. What the hell was he doing? Jess's voice rang in his head "...if you keep up with that kind of negativity, it definitely won't work..." echoing like an over-enthusiastic recording engineer's work after he had just discovered the reverb knob. He turned the key and the engine growled into life. He tried to arrange his feet on the pedals as he normally did, but in the boots, it all felt so alien. Christ, he could barely walk in the buggers, now he was going to have to start getting dexterous. He was a bit jerky driving down the road for the first time in those heels. However, by about the half way point in his journey, he was getting the hang of it, but boy did it feel strange. By the time he pulled into the car park, he had neither lost his temper nor hit anything and if he had, he was wearing clean underwear. He nearly fell off his heels twice as he attempted the walk across the car park between his car and the building, but those slips were the least of his problems. His main concern was how he was supposed to get past reception? Mary was sure to know who he was and he would within five minutes, be the laughing stock of the company. He stopped, pulled his mobile out of the purse and phoned Jamie. "Can you come downstairs and let me in the building?" "What? Can't you get in yourself?" "No." "Why?" "I think you need to see this for yourself," he said. "And promise you won't laugh." "Laugh?" "Yeah, you know; it's that thing you do when you hear a joke, or see something funny. Just get down here." "Okay. I promise. See you in a minute." It was a very bemused looking Jamie who left the building some five minutes later. Chris had gone back to his car. It was cold and as nice as women's clothes may look, they are generally thin and not much use against the cold, never mind the draught that was blowing up the skirt and through the rather insubstantial panties. He tried a casual walk across the car park, slipped off his heel and tried a casual 'limp' instead. Jamie looked across the rows of parked cars and turned back. "Jamie!" shouted Chris. Once again Jamie scanned through the rows of vehicles and looked right through him, past him or something, but he didn't rest his gaze on him, Fortunately Chris was nearing. Jamie's bemused look turned to a frown. "Jamie!" Chris called again and the frown deepened as Jamie stared at him, his 'breasts' wobbling up and down inside his jacket as he limped towards the confused young man, causing something of a hypnotic trance to set in on the face of the hapless Jamie. "It's me - Chris," he said from about fifteen feet and Jamie's jaw nearly hit the ground. "What the hell are you doing here looking like that?" "I had a bit of a problem." "No shit, Sherlock." "Jess forgot to bring the solvent for the glue that holds these on, er, my eyes are up here?" said Chris pointing at his face. "What? Oh, yes, sorry." "Look, I wouldn't have come in at all had it not been for the meeting later." "Bill will be surprised." "Not half as much as I was, I'm sure." "Or me." Jamie started to laugh. "Er, Jamie," Chris prompted. "You promised." "Yes, sorry. I forgot myself for a moment," he said and burst into fits of giggles. He coughed and cleared his throat and Chris could see tears starting from the corners of his eyes, but bless him, he did hold it together long enough to get into the building. Chris needn't have worried about reception, as Mary hadn't arrived anyway, but being escorted in by Jamie, certainly prevented people from asking questions and causing more embarrassment. Upstairs, Jamie was starting to lose it again as Chris followed him into his office, closing the door behind them. "The shock is Chris; you actually look quite stunning. You're a bit slim round the butt perhaps, but apart from that, it's pretty good and I like the hair." "Thanks," he said smiling a bit coyly and fluttering his mascara coated eyelashes. "That's not going to help," said Jamie and both of them burst out laughing. "Who is this Bill anyway?" "Don't know. They just said 'their representative'." "Have you met him?" "No." "Well we'll just have to wait and see I suppose." The big question of course, was what they were going to tell others. It was alright to try and hoodwink Bill, out of necessity of course, but what of the others at work? Jamie suggested that Chris should be his sister. "I suppose it might work," said Chris. "It's risky though, don't you think?" "No worse than you dressing up like that to come to work," Chris had to agree. "What's my name?" "Chris." "Not MY name, dumb-dumb, my sister's." "How about Pippa, short for Philippa?" "Do I really look like a Philippa? It's a bit 'horsy' don't you think?" "Not really I suppose, but then does anyone? I mean look like their names?" That was a point. Take Moon Unit Zappa for example. "Okay. It'll do." "Best you get back to your office and calm down, Bill will be here about ten." Chris sat in his office and got more and more nervous. He took a breath as Jess's words once again imposed themselves on his mind "...if you keep up with that kind of negativity, it definitely won't work..." which made him steel his resolve somewhat. He had good reason to be nervous though, when one of the secretaries, Wendy, wandered in, took one look at him and excused herself again. Seconds later, her head poked round the door. "Er, I'm sorry, but who are you?" "I'm Philippa, Chris' sister? Call me Pippa," Chris lied trying to soften his voice like Jess had told him, smoothing the hair of the wig. "I can see the resemblance," she said. "You could almost be twins." 'Close twins at that,' though Chris smiling inwardly, unable to tell whether she recognised him or was just being kind. All he knew was that she seemed quite happy and he was just about to let out a "phew!" after she left the office, when she poked her head back round the door and asked if he wanted coffee. "Please. Two sugars, white please," he said. "Like Chris!" the secretary smiled and once the door was closed behind her, he could feel a flush creeping up his face. He just hoped it would have dissipated by the time she came back. He continued to browse the documentation regarding the up coming project when she came back in. "It's nice to have another woman in here," she said, placing the coffee down on a coaster on the desk. "Oh?" "I didn't mean anything by it. It's just nice to see a woman in a position that normally seems to be exclusive for men, if you know what I mean." "I do, but don't get too used to it. I won't be here that long. I'm just covering for Chris while he's away." "Shame. Never mind. Enjoy it while it lasts then." 'How ever short a time it lasts, it'd be too long,' Chris thought. Still, it was nice to pass for one of the girls. In fact, that thought probably reduced his nerves more than anything else. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The phone rang and it was Mary on reception. "There's a visitor for you and Mr. Healey, Mr. Burton," she said. "Thanks," he said. "By the way. It's Ms. Burton." "Who?" "I'm sorry, we weren't introduced. I'm Philippa, but I prefer Pippa. I'm Chris Burton's sister." "Well it was nice of your brother or Jamie to let me know," she said sourly. "I'm sorry, but you weren't there this morning or I'd have done it myself." "I'm sorry too Pippa. It's just it happens all the time." "I know how you feel. I seem to be getting things sprung on me at the last minute as well at the moment. Would you mind asking him to wait?" "Him?" "It IS 'Bill' who's arrived isn't it? We're expecting a Bill, from SolTech." "Yes, that's her." "Her?" Chris spluttered. "The buggers! They've done it again. Would you mind asking her to wait?" "Certainly Pippa." Chris headed downstairs. Bill was a woman? He wasn't prepared for that at all. He arrived in reception and smiled at Mary. "You must be Pippa," she said with a warm smile. Odd; Chris never got one of those. "Bill?" he said to the visitor. "Hi," she said. "Belinda Dempsey, but everyone calls me Bill. I know. You were expecting a William. SolTech does that. It kind of puts people off guard." She laughed a warm, rich laugh, but it didn't take away Chris's increasing nervousness. Chris took Bill to his office and sat her down, asking if she'd like a coffee. "Yes please, it's a long slog through the traffic," she replied. Chris went to find Wendy. In the meantime, they started going over some of the technical points for the project. "Thanks Wendy," said Chris. "You're most welcome," she grinned. This was getting very confusing for Chris. Wasn't that the woman who only last week told him to "get his own bloody coffee"? Anyway, back to the plot. It transpired that SolTech were an engineering company and wanted a software company to take charge of the firmware and software applications for their project. This meant working with them rather than being solely in control. This would be a new one for Millennium. It was nearing two when Chris suggested they break for lunch. He took Bill to the Bird in Hand. They arrived at the pub and were greeted by Tina, the barmaid. "You must be Pippa," she said brightly, looking Chris up and down, though Chris could see nothing in her expression that said she knew he was anything other than Pippa. "I can see the resemblance." Chris smiled and Tina passed him and Bill a menu each. "So how long have you been at Millennium?" Bill asked. "It's my first day today. I'm really only filling in for my brother who's one of the directors. He's away today and asked whether I could help. He said this needed to be dealt with professionally and needed someone who could give it their full attention. Jamie couldn't as he has other commitments." "I see," she said. "In that case, you have surprised me with your level of knowledge." "Chris brought me up to speed, well more or less anyway, but it has been a bit of a slog. It's a shame really I was quite getting into it, but this might be my last day." "But you've only just got here," said Bill looking somewhat shocked. Chris smiled and shrugged. "I was only asked to help out." "What happened to giving the project your full attention?" Bill clearly wasn't happy. She almost felt as though she had been duped, palmed off with someone who wasn't going to be with the company as if it didn't matter. "I'll be honest with you Pippa. I like what I've seen of you so far. The staff you come into contact with have respect for you despite the fact that you've only been there for a day, even less and at SolTech, we like continuity. I don't think we can offer a contract to a company that has no regard for the continuity of a project." This was a blow and something that in the heat of trying to fathom out how to take the meeting, Chris had neglected to consider. He shouldn't have said anything about how long 'Pippa' was going to be there, he should not have said that. "Would you excuse me for a moment?" he asked and disappeared to the toilets, nearly going into the gents, but the clicking of his heels reminded him that he was not really appropriately attired for such a move. He found a stall and took out his mobile. "Jamie? It's Chris," he whispered. "I'm afraid I may have cooked our goose here. I told Bill that I was only here to take care of the meeting while Chris was away. Now she thinks they'll be unwilling to hand us the project unless they have a little more continuity." "What do you want me to do?" "Meet us in reception and announce that you're glad you caught us as you were just going out. Say that Chris is going to be longer than he had expected. Say that if I would like to stay on, you'd be pleased to keep me there for the duration." "Are you sure?" "If it means that we get the contract, then what else can I do?" "It's not going to be easy. You'll probably end up in drag more often than not, at least to begin with." "I know. I don't know how Jess will react either. It's a big step." "Look, I'll do it, but I don't like it. It's deception and it might come back to bite us in the arse. Afterwards, we'll just play it by ear okay?" "See you back there then after lunch." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They arrived at reception and as soon as Mary saw them approaching, she picked up the phone. Jamie was down in reception almost before they had gone through. "Pippa," he said looking relieved. "I'm glad I caught you. I was about to go out." So far so good. "I've just had a phone call from your brother. I'm afraid he thinks he's going to be away for longer than he first thought and wonders if you'd be prepared to stay on." Chris feigned surprise, while at the same time, thanking his lucky stars that Jamie didn't stuff his lines. "I'd be happy to," said Chris. "That's the best move you two boys have done since I've been here," said Mary. "It's about time we had a woman's touch about the place." Both Chris and Jamie looked at the receptionist, eyes wide. "Congratulations," said Bill when they had returned to the office. "It certainly makes me feel better about suggesting that SolTech award the contract to Millennium." "Thank you. Yes, I'm quite surprised and over the moon. It's not easy to get a technical job as a woman." "I know how you feel. You're always treated like you can't do the job or something," said Bill. "I think you'll be perfect to look after the project from this end. Of course, I'll have to clear it with the brass back at base, but I don't see any problems." After Chris had escorted Bill to reception and said his goodbyes, Mary once again congratulated Pippa on her continuation at Millennium. "Thanks Mary. I think it's going to be hard work though." "Yes. Those two boys are quite high maintenance!" "I'll bear that in mind," Chris said dryly and went back to his office, probably to have a nervous breakdown. A few moments later, Jamie came in. "How did it go?" "Splendidly. I think we got the contract," said Chris. "They're going to let us know." "Well done." "Thanks, but if you don't mind, I'm going home. It's been a long day." "See you Monday, or rather, see you Pippa," Jamie chuckled. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chris was worried all the way home with whether he'd made the right choice. He kept going over and over it in his mind. Pulling into the driveway, he locked the car and went to the house. He called out after he unlocked. "Hello?" he shouted. Nothing. He took off his jacket and folded it over his arm, his intention being to go upstairs and change into something more suitable, but instead, he flopped back onto the sofa, trying hard to reconcile the decision he'd made, trying to hypothesise how Jess would feel and as he sat there, he slipped into sleep. Who knows how long he'd been there before his dreams became intertwined with the sound of someone calling his name. He was starting to resurface as he felt Jess's soft lips against his forehead, barely touching as she kissed him. The kisses traced down to his neck and he felt her undoing buttons on his blouse. A hand snaked inside, brushing the skin of his chest, reaching below the bra and cupping the firm globe within the cup. Kisses recommenced from below his ear, down his neck as the collar of the blouse was gently pulled aside and the kisses moved to his collarbone, all the while, he could feel the breasts being massaged, his skin under them moving sympathetically. His fuzzy brain was clearing as he felt Jess's hot breath on his skin, more buttons were being undone and her hand snaked round his back to fumble with the clasp when suddenly, the bra sprang free and was lifted clear of the mounds beneath. His breathing was becoming more urgent as the thought of what was being done sank in. 'God, I wish those were real,' he thought, or did he? Was it something he said in his head, or was it vocalised for as if his words were a cue, the head on his chest issued a low moan, taking one of the realistically formed nipples and suckling it. He could feel every minute movement, though it offered no stimulation physically. He WAS getting turned on though, but from his own thoughts not the feelings that albeit small, were filtering through the heavy rubber prostheses to his own body underneath. Stimulation though WAS coming from a hand that had found its way up from the hem of the skirt, alighting upon the flat area of flesh above the crotch, the area which would have been occupied by his tool, which was uncomfortably trapped between his legs, trying valiantly to free itself from its panty restraint. He stroked Jess's hair as she continued to play with his breasts, pulling at his tights and feeling the bare skin underneath, moaning or rather purring as she did. He raised his hips and quickly, Jess began removing his tights, but without removing herself from his breasts, alternating from one to the other as Chris's turgid member became more and more like an iron rod, aching for release. With his tights around his knees, Jess soon got what she was after, rubbing the area of panty at the point where Chris's thighs met, stroking through the silky material. Chris could feel them becoming damp with the slick clear liquid oozing from the tip of his manhood, soaking into the gusset of the panties. "I can't take any more of this," said Jess, breathlessly and she took him by the hand, leading him from the lounge and up the stairs, not even pausing in her attempt to get him out of the clothes he was wearing, kissing him as he was trying to remove hers at the same time. They reached the bedroom, though how was a minor miracle, as Chris had his tights round his ankles and his skirt was making its way down his legs as they ascended the mountain of stairs to the bedroom. They had barely crossed the threshold when Chris entering backwards, his lips glued to Jess's, was pushed onto the bed. His tights hit the floor only milliseconds after his second boot, followed by the skirt and panties, his relief at freeing off his tool was almost enough to send him over the edge. Unlike the previous night, this was taking on a note of much more urgency and Chris took control, pushing Jess back on the bed and almost ripping her panties from her, kissing her from neck to navel and beyond, her body hot with the anticipation of what was to come. He didn't want to take it too fast as the preamble in the lounge had almost been enough for him on its own and he made sure that Jess was looked after, enjoying flicking his tongue over and round her breasts and nipples, moving slowly down to the area that was currently radiating heat like a blast furnace. It was some time later that the two of them staggered breathless from the bedroom and made the journey back down through scattered debris of clothing to the lounge where Chris fixed them both a drink. Jess nestled in beside him on the sofa. "How did your day go?" she asked. "Better than we expected I think, but Bill being a girl caught me off guard." "A girl?" "Yeah, her name's Belinda." "What about the rest of the day though? I've being dying to find out how it went." "Well it wasn't too bad actually, once I got over the initial shock. I seem to have been accepted as Pippa, Chris's sister. That was Jamie's idea," he said, taking another sip from his glass. "But it's got a little complicated." "Oh? How so?" "The only way SolTech is prepared to award us the contract is if Pippa stays on." "Is that usual?" "I don't know about usual, I mean people come and go from companies much more regularly nowadays, but SolTech seem to feel that employees should last more than a day. It's my own fault. I told Bill that I was there to ensure that the meeting was given full attention, since Jamie couldn't be there and neither could Chris. As soon as I told her that I wouldn't be staying with the company, she said that she liked what she'd seen of me and the way I got respect from the staff, despite having been there for such a short time and if I wasn't going to be there to offer continuity, she said that SolTech probably wouldn't be interested." "Oh." "Yes. I had to do some pretty fast talking on the phone with Jamie to tell me in front of Bill that Chris was going to be away on extended leave and that he wanted me to stay on." "Oh my." "I'm really confused, Jess," he said downing the rest of his drink and getting up for a refill, his dressing gown falling open slightly and exposing most of his breasts, a fact that was missed by Chris, but not by Jess. "I got things from the staff today I never expected, like Wendy making the coffee for one and not once, but twice." "Blimey!" "Yeah and even Mary on reception said it was nice to see a woman there. She told me to be careful as the two 'boys' were high maintenance!" "You have got yourself into a pickle haven't you?" "I'm not so worried about that, but I'm worried about you. I mean I know you've enjoyed the last couple of days as we are, but to make it full time, at least for the foreseeable future, well, I'm a bit scared." "Come here," she said quietly and he went to the sofa, handed her the refill and cuddled in beside her. "It's not permanent and it's been fun. Let's just see what happens eh?" Chris was surprised by her apparent nonchalance. "I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to be quite so cool about it." "I'm surprised too, but when I think about it, I'm at least half-way responsible so I can't really complain." "Thanks Jess. Thanks for being so understanding." "There is one thing though," she said. "But I expect this is not a good time to ask." "Go on. What's bothering you?" "Oh, it's not a bother, more of a question." "So?!" he asked, the tension getting to him. "Did you mean what you said earlier?" "What was that?" "You wishing your breasts were real?" "Well at the time I suppose I did, but that's just because I don't get much out of having them played with. Of course now, you know, without the stimulation and tension, it sounds silly." "Oh." Was that a note of disappointment or was it understanding? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Continued in chapter 3

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My Sweet Suma

My name is Madhu well built with 5 feet 9 inch good looking studying in first year Bsc in Mangalore . The incident which I going to narrate is real happened 6 months back and I passed my 12th standard in my village for higher education I came to Mangalore where I searched room for rent and I got it in good place with affordable and nearer to my college. The owners are couples may be around 24 year of their age husband is working in some business so he was on tours many time so I was not seen...

2 years ago
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neha got threesome

I am 24 yr experienced single delhi male. I m 6ft 70kgs clean Shaven with ahtletic body. I have lots of wild n erotic fantasies and True experience which i wud like to share with like minded ppls… I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet broadminded and like minded cpls and females for casual or one off scenes such as 3 sum or 5 sum. i m always respectful mannered and considerate and Familiar with what is safe sane and consensual im not too aggressive pushy Or over bearing and always open to new...

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My brother Tommy

Hi, my name is MellisaThis story all started when I was 19,I remember this because I was in my first year of college and had just broke up with my high school boyfriend of 3 years.Mom and Dad went on a vacation for two weeks leaving my brother and I home alone. My brotherDavidwas 3 years younger than me he had just turned 16 at the time. He was a little guy wore glassesand real skinny.kind of your typical geek or nerd so to speak.Don't get me wrong he was cute but just was no ladys man.I am 5...

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The Program

The Program By Sissy Candie She said it would change my life, little did I know how much! First let me tell you a bit about myself, or actually, who I was. Three weeks ago, I was a systems analyst, named Michael for a major software company. Today, so much has changed, I don't know where to start. I was logged in to the main server, trying to find out why some of the custom functions for one of our clients were acting up, when a new co-worker, Amanda, asked what I was...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Ballbusting High

It’s a normal day in late spring in the classroom of 12-A. Beatrice Banks High, or BB High for short, is a campus for 18 y.o. high school seniors. Students, especially males, find themselves living a different way of life to what they were used to. Their school was built on the ideals that boys need punishment. The teachers noticed how boys that got racked good in the courtyard would do better in their studies and be more polite to their female counterparts. It was said that a boy’s balls...

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Journey into Melanies Reality Ch 02

Author’s note: If you haven’t read the first chapter of this, it will make more sense if you do so. Thanks to all of you for your appreciative comments on chapter one. I hope you enjoy this one too. And very special thanks to my editor and muse. ***** She was woken earlier than she wished by her three children climbing on the bed, snuggling into her: – Is he here Mummy, where is he? It was almost as though they’d expected him to be in her bed. The thought made her shiver momentarily. She...

3 years ago
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First time sex with neighbor

Hi, this is raveekiran from tumkur nearer to Bangalore. I am 25 today and unmarried. This story is about 6 months back, when I had just come out of my engineering. I was looking for a job, and my neighbor one floor below me, offered a freelancing opportunity to me. He was working for some manufacturing company and had to make some machine. He wanted some person who can design the machine for him. I accepted the offer and started working with him. As his office was far off from our place, he...

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the christmas shelter

It was Christmas and the homeless persons shelter had opened, this year there were more people than normal there, 14 year old Colin was there, his family had been made homeless when his parents fell into arrears with the rent and they were evicted, Colin was in a quiet area when he saw 16 year old Sara walk by, he had gone to the same school as her she was well liked at school, Sara was a volunteer at the shelter and had spoken to him a couple of times. as she passed she said if you want some...

2 years ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 19 Another Life Again

When I awoke this time, I remembered everything. I remembered my father Sam and my mother Matty. I remembered Sarah, my loving little sister and Jason my best friend and I hoped they were all unhurt. I remembered before them - Maria and my boys. But most of all I remembered Melody and April and the bastards who killed them. They would pay, but how? I could make my way to California and attack the office, but I probably wouldn't get all the ones I wanted. I had to think, I had to make a...

1 year ago
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I Was a Reluctant Shemale

Author notes: I wrote several stories back in about 1995 or so, but due to certain circumstances, I ended up purging them off of my computer. Over the years I have found those stories on the net and resaved them to my hard drive. The story you are about to read is the most recent story that I have found. It was harder to find because it has been posted to a site (Kristen's Archives) by someone else claiming it to be their writing. It is not. It is my story and I am now reclaiming it...

4 years ago
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Victim of Circumstance

The girl everybody's willing to screw and screw over, making "This again?" a common phrase of her's. 5'7", (about 5'9" in her boots)pale white skin covered in various tattoos, a few peircings here and there, purple contacts on her eyes, and a small stylish black and purple mohawk with a clump of bangs hanging in the front and lightly shaven sides. Big perky c-cups, a slapable ass, and a hourglass figure along with her skills maker her quite the fuck. Her tattoos are a tribal band on her right...

2 years ago
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Diary of an Incubus Ch 03

My intention is to release my entire erotic novel in chapters. I hope you enjoy my writing. Constructive feedback is always appreciated. Copyright 2014 by D.J. Winters All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and...

3 years ago
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 13

Merciful Heavens ... it's another dastardly chapter 13. You remember last time: Connie and Junior managed to meander to Johnson's Ranch in Big Bend ... the immovable disk ... the burnt out caverns and the C-130 hulk disappearing slowly into the shifting sands of time ... and the signs... There were WARNING US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY KEEP OUT signs all over the place. Remember that? Remember what she said? "Well, that's one sign we needn't bother with." Any reader who has dedicated...

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Fantasy Box 3

My wife and I have a fantasy box, we both write out sex fantasies on a piece of paper, put them in our boxes and the other takes one out and makes the fantasy come true. This is my wife’s second fantasy, after she made mine come true, I picked one out for her, she had written “I would like to experience a sensual massage“ as before, she had added that she wanted me to be present. I searched the web and found 3 ads for sensual massage services for women in our area, I contacted all 3 and awaited...

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Bright Star Quest I The Book of BaysilChapter 4 Baysil the Lame

"Come on, drink this. It'll make you feel better." He closed his eyes tighter, trying to wish away the voice and the hand that tugged at his shoulder. "Baysil! Open your eyes! This'll do you good." A warm, hearty aroma tickled his nostrils. He opened his eyes reluctantly, grasping the proffered mug. His arm trembled with weariness, and a strong hand steadied his. The hot drink settled in his belly, sending a tentative wave of energy through his limbs. He watched Anji carry the empty...

4 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 14

I motioned for the two girls to come sit beside me, just as Joey looked up to see me waving my hand. He looked back over his shoulder, grinned, and waved when the Cox sisters waved at him. Joey kept right on fucking their mom. I’m so proud of my brother. He’s becoming more like me, every day I’m around him. “Hi, I’m Eddie Masters. I’m Joey’s new brother. You girls sure are beautiful.” “Hi, Eddie. I’m Skyler. You sure do have a huge dick.” “Hi, Eddie. I’m Kylie. You really do have a huge...

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Katha pt3 alt Drunk girls shitty threesome

Why an alternate version of a story? Well... during writing the first version, the characters somehow didn't do what I wanted them to do, so I had to edit and re-write the part I wanted to be different. Enough talk for the moment - let's start the story. . A few weeks after Kathas "birthday shitting", our school class was out for a vacation trip to a camp near a small city some 100 miles away from home. The ride was supposed to go on for three days. The time that we didn't need for...

2 years ago
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Brittany Stevens Office Slut Part 1

Brittany Stevens sat down for breakfast and opened the local paper, flicking the pages to the Staff Wanted section. Brittany had not had a job for almost half a year now, and money was starting to run dry. Sure, her parents had helped her with her rent, her car, and pretty much everything else, but they were threatening to cut her off so she decided it was time to find herself some work. Brittany bit into her toast as her eyes grazed down the various want ads. She licked her lips, still tasting...

3 years ago
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Why Motorcycles are InFreakingCredible

I am not a biker chick! First off, my breasts do not sag! Okay, bad joke. I know, but it’s been my go-to line when some idiot makes a crack about me and my Harlie! Yes, I spell it with an ‘ie’, get over it. This time of year, I love riding my Sportster XLH833. No, it’s not freaking pink! Sure, I gave it a girlie name, but I am not riding a pink Sportster! The hills, the sun, the wind, and the winding roads just scream ‘freedom’ for me. I don’t do it often enough, but today just looked...

First Time
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Marriage Rehab Epic FAIL

I awake lying naked, on a cot, in a pure white jail cell. Well, almost pure white. There are four black video screens on one wall. As the only non-white things in the room, they attract the eye. There is a large screen in the middle. It is at the eye level of someone seated in the room’s only chair. The other screens are on both sides and above it. The cell also has a cot, a toilet, a sink, and a door with a small view port and a small slot at the floor, presumably for the passage of meals,...

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Anal Fantasies Cum True

For years I made love to my wife without being attached to the tight pucker that lies so closely behind the sweetest pussy in all the world, but then one day my tongue wandered into territory that had never before been shared with any other lover. As the tip of my tongue slipped past the back of her wet pussy into a field of fuzz and sweetness never before tasted, her reaction was immediate and in the opposite direction from my advancing tongue. At the time I was told not to plan on kissing her...

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Hot Sheetal

Hi, I’m Adersh from Pune. This is my real experience which happened in my life a few years back and I want to share my experience with ISS readers and can enjoy this story a quite well, any girls, aunty or bhabhis from pune & pcmc If you are looking out for some good fun and would like to have the fuck of a lifetime I promise the same. My cock is really adored by anyone who has experienced it. You may contact me at Bye for now and wet dreams. . There is a Malayalee aunty is neighbor to us...

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The Wedding Present

What a great day this is. Joe here, I'm 28, about 5'10" and, guess I need to include this, have about almost eight inches of dick. Oh, and I stay in pretty good shape.Today is my wedding day and I've finally caught the woman I want to spend my life with. Jill is around 5'5", nice B cup tits, a wonderfully shaped ass and very nice, strong legs.She was a wild one in her younger days but after we met things changed as things became more serious. Guess it was time for both of us to grow up.I'm...

4 years ago
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Masturbating Teen Sister

Hello, guys… welcome to the world of fantasies where all your crazy horny shitty sex fantasies are met. I am a new writer member at Indian Sex Stories and with this first story of mine, I just thought to deliver my fantasies as well. So here comes the first story of Jack and his teenage sister Eve. Hope you guys would like it. Jack, 16 and his younger sister Eve, 18 years old lived along with their dad in Mumbai. It had been 2 years that their mom passed away in an accident. Since then their...

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Moms new Lover

This now brings me to the beginning of my story. I have been lonely for a long time, and I loved my husband Tim. He was a great husband and provider, he also was a stud in the bedroom, and when he died I couldn’t bring myself to really date anyone. So my daughters insisted I get a dog to cheer me up for companionship. “I think this is really the best thing for you right now mom” Amy had said to me. “I just don’t know it’s a lot of responsibility and I don’t know if I’m up for...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 52 The South West Corner

Monday Week 27 When Dave woke up next morning, the first thing he thought of was that fantastic meal he and Jill had enjoyed yesterday. Fortunately he would only be driving for about three hours today, so was able to sleep in. It was about 208 kilometres to Bruce Rock. Because he didn't get away until after 9:30 am, it was after 11 am when he stopped for a late morning tea at Quairading. Only an hour later he was pulling up at Kokerbin Rock, which impressed them with its size and grandeur....

3 years ago
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The Chastity Trap

Samantha looked at her computer screen and smirked. "Looks like we have a live one here," she quipped. Rachel leaned over her shoulder nuzzling her ear as she did. "Local as well.....perfect......." she crooned. "Quite the wimp, perfect for our new maid," she crooned as she kisses Sam's neck. Rachel's hand snaked around and caresses Sam's pert breasts through her T-shirt making the nipple strain against the material. Rachel noticed this, reaching further forward to tweak it...

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Jan Family Part 2

Thanks to those who were generous enough to comment on Part 1. ………………………………………………………………………………………. What am I doing here? Why has everything gone wrong? Remember those words. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. The day after being filmed fucking Jan and Sally’s Mum, Anne, I woke early and tore through the chores my Mum wanted me to do. I felt so good when I woke; I couldn’t stop thinking about the things Anne had taught me and the way her body had felt and the way my body had reacted to...

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DreamWeaverChapter 7

The next day, I went through my normal routine until there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and found myself facing Melody and Theresa. There was a small cargo van parked in my driveway. “Hi, Rand!” Melody sounded warm and bright and jumped into my arms to give me a hug that I returned gratefully. Theresa got one of her own as I let them in. “What’s with the van?” I asked lightly. “If you’re still willing to part with the bed, I want to get it back to my place today. A friend...

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Freezing to Hot Part 3

I woke up with a super hard boner after a fitful night of dreaming of big cocks and big tits. I was conflicted as ever with my sexuality. As much as I liked cock, I was still mesmerized by the visions of those big tits displayed by the waitress at the diner. Dragging myself out of bed I began to think about whether or not I would be going down the hall to the shower. I knew I needed to get myself cleaned up. With my boner sticking straight out and refusing to recede, my decision was made for...

Gay Male
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The Nude Journal

This is my entry into the Nude Day contest, so I would appreciate your comments and votes. It is a romance and coming of age story, and does not have any graphic sex scenes, so be forewarned. Enjoy!! * Prologue. New York, early this morning. In the early morning light, Danielle’s sleeping body was beautiful. Since the first time I saw her naked, 8 months ago, I never tired of just looking at her body. I’m sure that an objective viewer might argue that her breasts were a bit small, or her...

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FLIGHT 247 LOST BOYS By Boys in the hood This is a fictional story, it never happened, yes it's make believe, Any names, places, or events may or may not be real, any resemblance is just that. **WARNING** Due to sexual activity and bad language used you need to be 18 and over to be here and your country or state may or may not encourage you being here. Copyright: 2010; Boys in the hood Do not copy, change or repost Without contacting the owner first. CHAPTER...

1 year ago
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Me And My Real Sister

Hello guys this is my real story I lost my virginity to my sister (Priya) last month, just after diwali. I am 18 and priya is 20. My sister is one of the best sisters one can have. Caring, good nature damn too hot, fair, figure is also awesome, very curvy. Height is 5.5 feet. We love each other a lot but this was a just a brother sister love. I never had sexual feelings about her even though we slept of the bed, we never had naughty feeling about eachother our bed is pretty big as it could...

1 year ago
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Der Ring der Verdammnis

Katharina steigt aus dem Auto ihrer Freundin und winkt zum Abschied. Sie trägt ihr hellblondes Haar wie immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Weil heut so ein warmer Tag ist trägt sie einen weißen Rock und dazu passend ein blaues Oberteil. Um sich möglichst keinen Sonnenbrand zu holen, will sie im Schatten der hohen Bäume bleiben, die die Einfahrt ihres Elternhauses einsäumen. Da glitzert plötzlich etwas in der Sonne und als sie näher kommt, erkennt sie, dass es sich dabei um einen kleinen...

1 year ago
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Stacy Shares her sister with me

My cousin Stacy settled into life around my house quite well. She helped with the house work and spent time catching up with her old friends. They had no idea of her new “job” and Stacy didn’t let them in on her secret lifestyle. I spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to...

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PureTaboo Violet Starr Always Been Close

It’s Prom night, the most magical night for many teens. Jenny (Violet Starr) is excited as she waits with her boyfriend, Brandon, while a photographer gets ready to capture some memorable shots before they head out. But it’s obvious that there’s trouble in paradise between the young couple. It’s even more evident when Jenny’s stepbrother, Ryan (Jay Romero), soon joins them for the pictures and Jenny instantly lights up. The photographer gets to work and it’s...

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Her First Time

I'm hosting a cute ass. I approach her and purr that she looks beautiful. Her cheeks turn crimson as she stammers a thank you and I know that she isn't used to being approached by females. I debate playing it out all night but decide that I want her as soon as possible and besides, I'm not in the mood for games. I lean over, my hair brushing her cheek and whisper into her ear that she should come upstairs with me. She blushes even more and stutters that she 'doesn't swing that way'. But I'm not...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams I'd been having difficulty sleeping for a while now.? Work was stressful, and I'd often wake up at 3 in the morning, staring at the ceiling or watching infomercials on TV.? The lack of sleep was interfering with work, and I was so irritable that I'd broken up with my girlfriend Robin. She stormed out one day, cursing me up one side and down the other.? I figured we were over, but a few weeks later she sent me an e-mail with the name of a doctor who she said was a sleep...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 7 Departure

After I was reunited with my friends and my ship we left Karthanian space and returned to the space dock of Fantlemo Brthail. The Karthanian engineer had returned with us. He told us, that with the First Engineer active, the old Guildmasters would be swept away; and he realized that he no longer wanted to be a Guild leader. He rather returned to Itheamh and helped rebuild it and run his space dock. In order to maintain our cover, he reverted to his alter ego of Fantlemo Brthail and only...

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The Garden Bench Backstory

I have seen this lady a couple of times now, as it turned out, always on the 16th of the month, always at 2:30 in the afternoon. There always seemed to be purpose in her visit. Her visage purposeful.On this summers day, she looked so beautiful in her pink summer calf length frock. I looked at my watch and decided to take my break. Life in the gardens for staff could be hard physical work and for me, a young guy on placement from horticultural college, this was my life. It was all I ever wanted...

4 years ago
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The Roommate

Winter time in the Midwest could be a real drag. The weather was cold, often, accompanied by an certain dampness that scored right down to your very bones. Finding ways to entertain yourself could be just as difficult and vexing. My roommate and I sat silently in our living room of our simple apartment. Mina sat at the end of the couch staring out the window, her chin resting upon her palm. We had been discussing ideas of what to do this evening for entertainment. By the look of the roads we...

3 years ago
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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 17

It was far from the best of times. While I had been commuting between Camden and Cambridge in a kinky sensual glow, the whole country seemed to be in the grip of a sickness. Millions were in the throes of the worst industrial strife since before the war. Strikes broke out every day, there was revolution in the air. In Northern Ireland sectarian violence ruled the streets, with the army failing to keep them apart. Unemployment was rising, and the football terraces were ruled by rabid racist...

3 years ago
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Balcony By Rosie I wasn't completely finished with my cleaning, but the late autumn sun seemed so inviting that I decided I'd take a short break before it disappears altogether. After all, it could well be the last time before spring that I get the chance to do so. Quickly, I made myself a nice cup of coffee to enjoy along with a small, slim cigar. Normally, I'd change my clothes before going out on my balcony, but this time I threw caution to the wind and simply pulled on a thick...

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Date Night With Jennifer Club Wives 6

It was hard to believe, but for a week after my swinger’s club adventure with Jill, I didn’t want to even think about sex. Going to an orgy is such a sensory overload that my balls ached just thinking about sex. It was lucky for me that things got very busy for me at work and I was often at the office very late. My phone was constantly blowing up from Rochelle, Jill and Jennifer and I had a reasonable excuse to push them off. Finally after two weeks, my libido was beginning to return and my...

1 year ago
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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 6

Jim walked into the big communal sex bedroom to find Beverly nursing Julie, each with their fingers in the other’s pussies, and each making happy noises. Jim stepped close to his mother and latched on to her free nipple, causing his mother to gasp with the stimulation and begin a climax. He kept up the suction, and, first moistening his middle finger in his mother’s very wet pussy, then moved it around and inserted it in her ass. Her exclamation of surprise changed into deeper moans as he...

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"This was just too easy," thought Vic Tabor, as he carefully opened the unlocked window on thefirst floor of the secluded farm house. Climbing silently into the dark room, he snapped on a smallbut powerful flashlight and surveyed the surroundings, and pulled out an old pillow case frominside his coat. Moving quickly to the buffet, he found a drawer full of expensive antique silverware, which he quickly looted of its booty. Over the desk, a bill fold was emptied of all credit cardsand two...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Came Reality With Kanan Bhabhi Part 15

So hello to all my friends who waited so long for the next part. I really appreciate all the emails and queries about your lovely Bhabhi. Here I am back again to make you guys happy and cheered up. So as far as the last episode goes. After that awesome ride back to the hotel I really got a hunch. What if brother started to get a hint of what is going on or is he just casually reacting to that. So after that day, we had kept a relaxing day on our trip so that we can get recharge and get...


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