Match Making free porn video

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Match Making A RdL production Legally Copyrighted December 29, 2003 1. The remaining three hours in the day were the furthest thing from Mark's mind as he vacantly checked his email for the 3rd time that day. Work had been especially slow due to the approaching holiday. The office party had already been thrown and he, along with seemingly all of his coworkers, had taken that pitiful display of false camaraderie as the signal to coast until their elongated weekend. There had been a few unremarkable things in his inbox when he first checked it, nothing the second time and only one message this third time. At first glance, it appeared to be a run of the mill "special offer" message and Mark's finger hovered over the "delete" button. As he thought again, Mark decided that he'd be able to squeeze a few moments of entertainment from making a few private sarcastic comments about the contents of the spam message. As he opened it, two things immediately struck his eye as out of the ordinary. First off the message was addressed specifically to him and second were the contents of the message itself. The message itself was as follows: Mark Duster of 298 West Danbury, Apartment E, this is not spam. Based on an online personal you've posted, along with your proximity to our research facility, you have the opportunity to be a beta tester of our revolutionary new matchmaking process. We here at Make-a-Match are simply dying to have young professionals like yourself participate in our early trials in the hopes of having a high success rate right from the onset. We also understand that your time and patience in trying out this new process with us is extremely valuable. This program can be started any day, any evening, or any weekend, including this coming holiday weekend. Also, in order to sweeten the deal, we pledge to "refund" you the fee that paying customers would be charged if you aren't completely satisfied by the time our process has completed. Mr. Duster, our definition of "completely" means that if you even CONSIDER falsely telling us that you are dissatisfied, then you quite obviously weren't entirely happy with our work. The refund would be given to you with no strings attached. Mr. Duster, the fee we intend to charge our customers for the service's official launch is between $1,500 and $2,000!!! We swear to you, you will entirely satisfied after our service is complete. If not, you will be sure to enjoy an unexpected thousand dollars or so. Below you will find directions, along with a map detailing the route to our facility from your street. As said before, come see us any time on any day to get started. All you will need is your driver's license to confirm that you are one of the selected few on our list of beta testers. --Clark French Make-a-Match President After a moment or so of deliberation, Mark printed the email and stuffed it in his briefcase. Once he'd done that, he promptly forgot all about it, until the next morning. 2. On the morning of December 23, a Saturday, Mark sat at his desk in his bathrobe, scratching furiously in his checkbook. With a sigh, he paid his last bill and wrote his balance in red ink. 46 dollars. His monthly college loan payments and other routine bills had collaborated with his holiday shopping and shipping charges to put him in this precarious financial state. Not only would he not be able to return to him hometown for the holidays as he had excitedly pledged before he backed out of his parent's driveway for the last time, but it looked as if he'd have trouble feeding himself until his next paycheck, which would be two weeks from the day before. Dejectedly, he thumped himself down on his sofa, moving his briefcase out of the way before doing so. As the fake leather tote hit the floor, he was reminded of the offer he had printed and shoved into its pocket. While it reeked of a scam, the letter did promise quite a sizeable payout for his participation. Provided, of course, he was left "dissatisfied," but what dating service didn't leave people high and dry? A half hour later, Mark was showered and dressed and 20 minutes after that, he found himself standing outside of the clean and new-looking office building his directions had led him to. He smoked a cigarette, taking his time with it as he allowed time for last minute doubt to creep in. It never came, not only were the visions of dollar signs too much for Mark to resist, but part of him really wanted the dating service to work. Hell, according to the email, even if he "claimed" to be unhappy, he'd get his payoff. A girlfriend? Cash? Evvvvverybody's happy. Flicking away the smoldering filter of his last cigarette, Mark pushed his way through the door. The moment Mark entered, he was approached by an armed security guard. The guard gruffly asked him what he was doing on the premises and silently pointed Mark to a cubicle after Mark stammered out his reason. Mark nervously poked his head into the cubicle and was quickly greeted by a perky, middle-aged woman. She spoke rapidly, pushing forward in her one-sided conversation without giving Mark a chance to answer with even a full nod. "Hi! Here to beta test for us, right?? Great! I'm sure you'll love how things work out, sweetie, I've yet to hear of a single complaint, isn't that wonderful? There's a little paperwork to take care of, but we'll do that later hun, okay? Super! We'll get you started right away then with a little physical exam and once your bloodwork clears you'll be on your way to coupled happiness! Follow me hun... oh and be a dear and hand me your identification." Mark had been holding his driver's license in his hand as he was verbally blitzed by the older woman and she plucked it from his hand with fluid grace as she walked past him. She continued on, walking at a brisk pace, as Mark did his best to keep up with her. She led him to a small examination room and told him to disrobe, nodding at a paper gown laid over a chair in the corner. With the door shut behind her, Mark quietly did as he was told, reasoning to himself that it was actually a relief that candidates for this "service" were subject to blood screening. In this day and age, with all the diseases out there... Mark sat in his uncomfortable paper gown waiting for the examiner to come in and check him out. As he looked around, he was impressed with how new everything seemed. It was as if all the equipment had arrived the day before. Obviously, a doctor's exam room should be clean, but this one seemed to sparkle, even dazzle with its freshness and cleanliness. Less than 5 minutes after being left by the receptionist, a young looking doctor entered the room. "Greetings, Mr. Duster," he began, "I see you're ready to try our brand of romance. I assure you that you'll be perfectly happy with the way everything works out." He paused, seeming to size Mark up during the silent moment, then continued, "I can see from your appearance that you're in fine physical shape, which leaves us only with the blood test..." Mark blinked at that, knowing that he was more than a little out of shape, still, the doctor seemed to be satisfied as he rooted through the cabinet to his right. He withdrew a pre-filled syringe and an alcohol swab. As he dabbed at Mark's shoulder, Mark found the courage to question him. "Ah, doctor? I thought you were taking a blood sample, not giving me an injection... shouldn't that syringe be empty? The doctor chuckled as he gently held Mark's arm still, "Doctor?" Said the white-coated man with a smile. Mark winced as the biting needle pierced his skin, sinking into the muscle of his shoulder. "Who said I was a doctor?" The young, faux-doctor's grip tightened around Mark's arm as he pushed the plunger down, injecting Mark's arm with the burning substance. Mark's eyes went wide with horror, than almost immediately glazed over, becoming glassy and vacant. "Then wha... who..." He was interrupted with a yawn, as the doctor answered him anyway. "I'm a scientist and a well paid one, at that. Now you're going to go to sleep for a little while, I'll tell you what you need to know when you wake up." Mark shook his head, attempting to clear it, but still felt his eyelids getting heavier. Fighting will all his will power to stay awake, Mark was still asleep within moments. 3. When Mark awoke, he found himself eye to eye with himself. The puzzlement shook free the remnants of his drug-induced slumber, as his eyes snapped the rest of the way open, the alertness coming back to them in the span of a moment. The Mark standing across from him did the same. Squinting for a short period of time, Mark realized that the "him" across from him was actually a mirror image. The wave of unease lessened with the revelation, but quickly trebled in its original strength as Mark used the mirror to see what his situation was. He was strapped to what resembled a gurney, but was vertical. His feet rested on small planks inches off the floor and above and below his knees were thick rubber straps. As Mark's eyes trailed up the form of his mirrored image, he saw that he was also bound across each upper thigh, around his midsection, over each shoulder (and under the armpit), over each forearm and across the forehead. The straps themselves weren't painful or even uncomfortable, but the total and complete lack of mobility distressed Mark greatly. He could do nothing more than wriggle his toes, or bend at the wrists. All that, of course, was bad, really bad. But what made it all exponentially worse, was the fact that Mark was completely naked. Mark looked straight ahead, forced to look into his own panic-stricken eyes. Suddenly, he heard a faint click of an intercom switching on. The sound came from his left. He instinctively tried to face the source of the voice, but of course was unable. "Ah, Mr. Duster, I see you've rejoined us. You might be interested to know that today is Tuesday. Believe it or not, you've been asleep for just about three days. Our process has just begun and I'm delighted to inform you that things will now progress much more rapidly as you are conscious. It seems the decreased metabolism rate in sleeping patients slows down our process. No matter, we had discovered that quite early on in our studies and between you and I, I find having our patient to be conscious and coherent to be MUCH more entertaining. If you look closely, you may notice a few, minor improvements that are the beginnings of what was requested by your match. If you wish, you may pass some time trying to determine what these changes are...or where they are heading. An assistant of mine will be in to feed you shortly and if you cooperate, we may be able to improve upon your current comfort level. Until then..." "Wait! WAIT!" Mark spat out, "What is all this? What are you doing to me?" The answer came immediately, the smugness blatantly obvious in the voice, "I thought that would be obvious, Mr. Duster. This is a match making service and you are being made into the perfect match for one of our best paying customers. Actually, let me be more accurate. This service is being paid for by one of our best paying customers and you are to be the reward, well, one of the rewards, to his closest friend. The two of them, ah, what they had always dreamed about had once been a purely imaginary pleasure... but now, with our process and their funding, well... you'll make a fine addition to their collection. Now then, I have other patients to check on, so any other questions will have to be answered using the 'wait and see' method. Good day." Mark opened his mouth to call out again, but gave up as he heard the speaker click off. With a small sigh, he peered at himself in the mirror. As he looked, he noticed that there were indeed some slight changes. His legs had been bound slightly parted, so as to allow the independent straps to circle him just below his hip flexor. These legs were clearly different from the ones Mark had walked into the clinic in. For one, they were smoother. Mark halfheartedly hypothesized that his legs had been shaved to accommodate the bindings, but he knew in his heart that that wasn't the case. The doctor alone was a sinister enough figure for him to dismiss that hope. Secondly, the shape of the legs themselves seemed to have changed a bit. They were rounder, less muscular, certainly less bulky, but still... rounder... smooth looking... almost... womanly. Mark grunted and bit his lip as that thought struck him. Could it be possible? Mark certainly hoped not. Seemingly contrary to the change in his legs was the fact that his feet appeared to be much larger. Not only in length, but in height as well. Mark tried to shift his weight to see if they still at least felt the same, but was unable to budge due to the bindings strapped all around him. Finally, Mark saw a change that almost made him smile. His waist, which had seemingly always been burdened with a small "beer belly," or at least the beginnings of one. He was, after all, still in his mid-20's. He found himself to be drastically more trim and in shape. Even in his immobile and strained state, he was able to make out the faint outlines of a 6-pack. Despite the changes to his waist and legs, Mark's thick pelvis was still as it was. The bulk hadn't gone away between his waist and legs in the slightest, making for an odd contrast in his "improvements." Mark was left alone for some time later, but he had no way of knowing just how long. All he knew was that it was quite a bit after the point at which he got tired of looking at himself and tired of worrying about what was going on. His mental track had just started leading him to the "fuck it" point, when he heard a door open to his right. He perked up and couldn't help but smile as a younger woman pushed the mirror away. She smiled back at him as she stood in place of the mirror. "It's time for lunch, sweetypie, aren't you happy to hear that?" Mark tried to nod, but his firmly secured head forced him to verbalize his assent. "Yes, very happy," he managed to croak out, surprised that his voice had become so ragged and sore since the time he had "spoken" with the speakerbox. The young lady giggled and smiled, reaching over Mark and pulling back a largish cylinder attached to some sort of hose or tubing. Still smiling brightly, she brought the cylinder to Mark's lips and slipped it between them. In shock, Mark tried to resist by holding his mouth closed, but the device slipped right in, without any strain at all on the young lady's part. It was almost as if Mark's teeth gave way... or didn't exist. Mark was only able to "mmmph" and whimper around the slick feeding tube lodged in his mouth. As strange and unsettling as his position was, Mark couldn't help but enjoy the taste of the thick fluid being pumped down his throat. Before long, Mark's struggling "Mmpphs!" became "Mmmmms." Before even that, the pitch of the basic verbalizations changed drastically. By the time Mark had closed his eyes in pleasure from the taste and the rightness of his feeding, the moans had become the high, throaty groans of a porn star. His eyes snapped open as the tube was suddenly ripped free of his mouth. He whimpered urgently, his eyes pleading as the young lady looked at him bemusedly. "Well! That was certainly interesting, Dusty. Thirty minutes on your first time? Either Dr. Clark picked the right candidate, or you really wanted this all along." At some point during the "feeding," Mark's head restraint had been removed. He cocked his head to the side and attempted to speak. All that escaped his lips was a curious sounding, "mmM?" "In addition to the essential proteins that your metabolism now needs to survive, that particular batch was laced with an accelerator. I was supposed to stop you after 15 minutes, but I was having too much fun watching you suck on that." The young assistant paused, thinking for a moment, "You know Dusty, hee hee, I love calling you that, I hope they keep that as your new name, ANYhoo, Dusty, my instructions were to release you and leave you with the tube and the mirror, but I think you deserve to be told what's going on before your new personality fully takes over." Mark once again repeated the head-cock and sound making, which made the assistant giggle once again. Then, her eyes lit up as she seemed to be stricken with a sudden idea. She wheeled the mirror over to Mark and giggled delightedly at the frightened whimpers and squeaks that came from him, along with the look of horror in his eyes. His first glance forced him to lower his eyes, which did nothing other than give him a good look at his new feet. During the feeding, they had become a living facsimile of a cartoon rabbit's feet. Wiggling his toes in disbelief, he watched as his new bunnyfeet obeyed his mental command. The tops of the feet were a bright shade of pink, while the sides and presumably the bottoms were creamy white. As he raised his eyes, he saw that the pink and cream fur had enveloped his entire body, his tummy, chest and inner thighs the cream color, the rest of him pink. What was left of his maleness was an embarrassment. His cock resembled an acorn, only the nub of it remaining in view and his testicles and scrotum had already disappeared completely. Below his appalling mircopenis was a smooth indentation of what was to come. The shape of the rest of his body provided plenty of clues as to just what that would be. The hinting he had seen earlier was now greatly exaggerated. His waist was tiny, while his hips and tush curved generously, worse yet; he was endowed with a nice, full set of B range breasts. Taking a deep breath, Mark raised his eyes to look at his face. What he saw in no way resembled the way he had come in. Perched atop his head were smallish, floppy ears that once again reminded him of a cartoon bunny's. They were a bit out of proportion, but that undoubtedly would be taken care of as the process completed. His eyes were now huge, blue and slightly vacant looking, even the shock of discovery seemed to be dulled. The bunny face look was completed with a little pink nose and a short muzzle that was capped off with cutely exaggerated buckteeth. As soon as she noticed his gaze fall on his two front teeth, the young assistant interjected, "Hee! That's my favorite improvement, Dr. Clark is quite creative when he gets down to it.. .watch..." Using a single finger, she pushed forward on the teeth. They easily parted and allowed the finger to slip between them, acting as if they were constructed of Jell-O rather than enamel. "Hee hee gets better..." She lifted her finger back and pulled up, showing Mark the specific dimensions of his muzzle. His lips were pursed in a permanent "o" shape, Mark tried with all his might to move them, but all he could do is close them or open them into a larger "O." The assistant gingerly reached into his muzzle with her free hand and grasped his tongue. As she pulled it out, Mark expected it to hurt greatly, but was awed as she showed him no less than 6 inches of flat, broad bunny-tongue before she was met with resistance. With another giggle, she released him and scooted the mirror over a bit. "That should give you some idea as to what is happening to you, the rest, well it's simple. Simple enough even for a silly piece of fluff like you, Dusty. What you've just been sucking down is a synthetic version of semen, your metabolism and physiology has been altered to gain sustenance only from the proteins in your partner's cum. An oral feeding is one method in which you can obtain your essential nutrients and I'll leave you to guess what the other two ways are. In essence, sweetie, you're going to be a toy for your new owner. He's been a longtime friend of our primary sponsor and shares with him a fascination with 'furries'. Even if you've never heard of the term, I'm sure you've guessed what it means from your current condition. He's voluntarily been changed into a male bunny and will be responsible for feeding you for the rest of your life. In return, you'll be responsible for providing him with endless pleasure. Your sole purpose will be to fuck him, suck him and service any others he may want to share you with. You won't do this because you want to, rather, you will need to. Your body simply needs to fuck and your mind... hee hee, well, there won't be much of that left behind to care one way or the other. Even now you're still changing, look..." She grabbed Mark by the chin and forced him to look at his chest in the mirror. As he panted in fright, the small breasts heaved and rocked. As he watched, they slowly began to get fuller, plumper and more round. The nipples widened to silver-dollar size as the quivering flesh filled out to what had to be no less than a D cup. A small tear formed in Mark's eye, but as it trickled down his cheek, the feeling that produced it left him. Sure he still felt helpless, but somehow it felt... right. His wide, bright but vacant eyes lit up as he felt a burning heat in his groin. The young assistant had been stroking and prodding at what was left of his maleness and it was responding by shrinking further. Within minutes, it was no bigger than the tip of the assistant's pinky finger and he squealed in half pain, half pleasure as the indentation below it split into a pouty, dripping vagina. The assistant purred to him as she teasingly fingered Dusty's new sexual equipment, the bunny's thighs twitching and quivering involuntarily as she mewled out her pleasure. Dusty's tongue lolled out of her O shaped muzzle as she was quickly brought to orgasm, the fog the sheer pleasure had clouded her mind with never eased. Even as the pleasure ended, the bunny was still clearly dazed. She whimpered and mewled, trying to beg for more attention, but the assistant cruelly pulled her hands away from her. The young lady spoke to Dusty, but she could no longer understand the words. She guessed that the words with friendly based on the tone of the sounds, but couldn't know for sure. With a few more words spoken to her, the young lady freed her of the straps holding her to the vertical table. The first thing Dusty noticed was the unattended feeding tube left next to her. Greedily, she stuffed it into her muzzle and sucked furiously on it. The wonderful taste exploded in her muzzle, as she squealed in pleasure. As she suckled, she became aware of a dull tingling spreading through her body. On all 4's, with the feeding tube still firmly between her lips, she crawled over to the mirror. With each swallow, her already generous curves became even more exaggerated. Her hanging, swaying breasts filled out more and more, as her upturned ass became plumper and fuller. She watched herself like that for a few moments, until she no longer had the mental capacity to recognize the image as herself. She closed her eyes and kept sucking until the tube was harshly removed from her mouth. With a mewl, she looked up and found herself face to cock with a very attractive male bunny. Without a moment's hesitation she stuffed the male bunny's cock into her muzzle and squealed delightedly as the male bunny rewarded her with soft, gentle strokes over her head and ears. Dusty had no idea just how long she sucked on the male bunny, but it seemed to be too short as the member tensed and flexed in her muzzle. Hot, wonderful tasting seed rushed down her throat and she instantly knew that nothing could replace the taste and feeling of this. The male bunny panted and chirred to her and she was more than happy to chirrr back up at him, nuzzling his thighs as he spoke in a kind tone, but his words were lost on her. After a few moments, the male bunny pushed Dusty back, bumping her down on her rear end rather roughly. Dusty squealed as she thumped to her bottom, looking up at her master with a puzzled expression. Her master simply grinned and flipper her over to all fours. Getting the hint, Dusty "murrred" her approval and raised her tail, wordlessly enticing her master to use her as she was built to be used. The male bunny grabbed her ass with both hands as he briskly hilted himself into her. How long they went at it there in the clinic was of no concern of Mark, now Dusty. Her only care was how long the delightful feelings would last and how long it would be until she could be on the receiving end of them again. From another room, Dr. Clark watched with a wry smile. It seems that the promise of unconditional satisfaction had been accurate after all.

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Matchmaking Trap

Note : This story is completely fictional! Roberta was a 43 year old bartender, working weekends to make enough to keep her house, after her husband's death. She was also incredibly gorgeous, with soft, sensual skin, that cried out for a massage. She kept her hair cut fairly short, but it was still a beautiful jet-black, and she managed to seem quite feminine, despite her tomboyish exterior. She had loved being married, because, unlike many wives, she wanted sex every day, and made sure that...

1 year ago
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Matching Thong Dare

It was another fantastic weekend in Southern California. It was definitely beach weather. Things have been going pretty well with Jon. I think I have opened up the exhibitionist within him. He told me that wearing very little turns him on but was not really into being totally naked. We’ll see about that. We went to the secluded beach after I first dared him to go to the beach in a thong and he dared me back by making me go topless. It was fairly uneventful yet very exciting, which is why I am...

2 years ago
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Ruby And Phils Night Of Lovemaking

Ruby cleaned the office and then headed for Phil's house for what promised to be a night of passion for both of them.Although he had fucked her in the office, withdrawing before he came, and also fucked her in the arse what twenty-eight-year-old Phil Cooper really wanted to do was to make love to the gorgeous fifty-four-year-old West Indian lady. She had phoned to invite herself to his house but she had not yet told him what had changed for her to have made that call.Ruby arrived and Phil was...

4 years ago
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22. That was the magical number. 22. I was 22 years old. Not a problem in itself. Only if you took into consideration the fact that I was still a virgin. Not that I really suffered because of it; I had two healthy hands. But it somehow didn´t feel right. And avoiding the issue when I talked with my buddies became more and more tedious. I just hoped they didn´t have a clue about my stigma. But the clue hinting at the fact was obvious enough. It was right at the front of my head and was commonly...

1 year ago
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Matched PairsChapter 3

The process of accommodating four adults through a single bathroom was a major task. It began at ten and required nearly an hour. Fred and Maggie, as hosts, allowed Pat and Charlie to go first. Fred did his part by staying out of the way. He had half a beer to finish and the air was a warm and pleasant. He stood on the dock and listened to the night. The two bedrooms were arranged such that they shared a common wall. Fred was the last to finish in the bathroom. Charlie and Pat had been in...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Aunty Lissy Part 2 The Lovemaking

Now Lissy aunty was desperate for sex. As I was kissing her, could hear her telling me that she was feeling so light and so loved. This was getting too hot and we had to do something as we could not take the risk of getting caught by the locals. We were just half an hour away from my villa. I told her to go to my villa. She agreed though it was a torture for both of us to wait. As I drove I put my hand inside her saree trying to feel her vagina which she was only too willing to guide my...

4 years ago
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Shower Lovemaking

The first sign of the rising sun’s light was showing on the horizon as I pulled my key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I had just finished my morning run and was covered with sweat. I let out a soft sigh as I slipped inside the air conditioned house I shared with my lover, Grant. I began to strip off my running shorts and sweat-soaked shirt as I climbed the stairs and headed for the bathroom. Grant would likely complain about the discarded clothing on the stairs, but I didn’t care for the...

Gay Male
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 2 Passionate Lovemaking

I was too tired after the passionate lovemaking and just lay there on the bed, naked, breathless, dead. The bedsheets had stains of our love juices everywhere. I didn’t care. At this stage, we are gonna wet the entire mattress very soon. She came back from the bathroom wrapped in a white towel that barely covered her upper milky tits and thighs. Her hair was wet. She had a faint smile and a dab of pink on her cheeks. I had never seen anyone blush this much. She slowly approached the bed and lay...

2 years ago
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 2 Passionate Lovemaking

I was too tired after the passionate lovemaking and just lay there on the bed, naked, breathless, dead. The bedsheets had stains of our love juices everywhere. I didn’t care. At this stage, we are gonna wet the entire mattress very soon. She came back from the bathroom wrapped in a white towel that barely covered her upper milky tits and thighs. Her hair was wet. She had a faint smile and a dab of pink on her cheeks. I had never seen anyone blush this much. She slowly approached the bed and lay...

1 year ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 31 Mourning Rebuilding Hope and Lovemaking

I cried almost nonstop for an entire week. Everyone came by the house and tried to console me, as well as the others close to Crystal. We were all crying or moping around the house; we relished the few moments when we fell asleep exhausted because for a few minutes we were numbed from the events Crystal precipitated. Crystal was gone, disappeared, and maybe even dead somewhere. I couldn't even think of her without feeling total devastation sweep over me. For two days that first week, I...

3 years ago
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Matching MadisonChapter 2

I don’t know how, but my housemate Aaron had recently learned about my competitive side. I have an identical twin, Madison, and he’s been goading me all week. Finally, last night, it came to a head when he said that my twin sister’s pussy tasted better than mine. “Like hell it does,” I basically said, jumped up on the counter, and pushed his head between my legs. After he told me that she orgasmed louder and more easily than mine, and the game was on. A couple of days later, I broke up with...

2 years ago
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Matched PairsChapter 2

"I don't mind telling you—this gives me the creeps!" Maggie told Pat as she shed her panties and took her position lying on the guestroom bed. Pat knelt beside her with a razor in her hand and a can of shaving cream in the other. A towel and washcloth sat on the floor alongside a wash basin full of water. Pat was bare below the waist, having just received the same treatment as she was about to render to her friend. "I don't know why." Pat answered calmly as she carefully worked the...

4 years ago
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Matched PairsChapter 4

Whether caught by hook or crook, the fish dinner that night was excellent. They grilled them over the charcoal fire, along with some red potatoes on skewers. They bought some white wine for the women, as well, during the same trip to replenish their beer supplies. After they finished eating Fred and Charlie gathered firewood as the sunlight slowly faded. Maggie and Pat did the dishes in the cabin. "The fish tasted good tonight," Pat said. "You know what, Pat?" Maggie ventured. "I'm...

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Matched PairsChapter 6

Pat and Maggie were finished shopping at Blue Mountain Lake. Pat had been strangely quiet. It wasn't like her. She was usually chattering away. It wasn't sullenness or bad humor. She wasn't giving Maggie a cold shoulder; she was pleasant enough when spoken to. She seemed too preoccupied to share whatever was going on in her mind. Maggie accredited it to their leaving for home the next day. Maybe she was mulling over what had gone on the day before as she accosted Fred while they were...

2 years ago
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Matched PairsChapter 7

It was almost seven before the women strolled nonchalantly from the cabin. The sun was still in the sky, but slowly surrendering to the night. The men heard them rustling about in the kitchen before they came outside to join them. They each wore a bathing suit with a long tee shirt over it and carried a glass of wine. The men were on beer number three. "Getting hungry?" Fred asked them. He saw an expectant look in Maggie's eyes. He guessed that it was related to her bathroom fib earlier....

4 years ago
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The Bus Trip to Spontaneous Lovemaking

The true experience stories are being shared, so I wanted to share one of my… distinctive… experiences. I am a little bit scared actually, but I believe it will be worth it. It is completely real.   I believe I will have to give a little bit background first, for you to get my true emotional motivations. I will try to keep them as short as possible, not to bore you to death with my life. I want to do this because emotion, in my humble opinion, is what makes a man’s sex different than an...

3 years ago
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Shower Lovemaking

The first sign of the rising sun’s light was showing on the horizon as I pulled my key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I had just finished my morning run and was covered with sweat. I let out a soft sigh as I slipped inside the air conditioned house I shared with my lover, Grant. I began to strip off my running shorts and sweat-soaked shirt as I climbed the stairs and headed for the bathroom. Grant would likely complain about the discarded clothing on the stairs, but I didn’t care for the...

4 years ago
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Just Sex with My Son Turned Into Lovemaking

Just Sex with My Son Turned Into Love MakingOne night my husband and I came home to find our son fucking his girlfriend on the couch in the living room. My husband and I went out for dinner, just the two of us, and we stupidly trusted and thought that our son would just innocently watch a movie with his girlfriend and then take her back home. We should have known better than to leave a 16 year old boy with his girlfriend alone. That was how I got pregnant by my husband, who was just my high...

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The HinduMuslim Lovemaking

Hello Friends. This is my first story on ISS and I would appreciate your feedback. I am Nabil, a tall and handsome young Muslim guy from Pune. This story is about a real-life experience that happened with me a few months back. So let’s begin. I was quite active on chatting sites and in normal conversation. I realized that most ladies or groups liked one of the Khan superstars of Bollywood. Their fantasy was to be with one of them. This made me think that in spite of having so many young and...

2 years ago
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At Varkala Our First Lovemaking

Hai I am indhira. M sharing my first sex experience with my lover. We have been in love for over 2 years. Its a long distance relation and actually I haven’t met him till tat july in train. We started loving each other madly, he introduced me to sex chat and everything and I was so mad to have sex with him. We decided to meet july in train and then go to . Now about myself i’m indhira age 19 and bali my lover he is 24. He is tall and m short. 38-32-36 that’s my size. It was my holidays and was...

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Frenchman, an Italian and an American were discussing love-making."Last night I made love to my wife three times" boasted theFrenchman. "She was in sheer ecstasy this morning...""Ah, last night I made love to my wife six times," the Italianresponded, "and this morning she made me a wonderful omelette and told me she could never love another man."When the American remained silent, the Frenchman smugly asked, "And how many times did you make love to your wife last night?""Once." he replied."Only...

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The Bus Trip to Spontaneous Lovemaking

The true experience stories are being shared, so I wanted to share one of my... distinctive... experiences. I am a little bit scared actually, but I believe it will be worth it. It is completely real.   I believe I will have to give a little bit background first, for you to get my true emotional motivations. I will try to keep them as short as possible, not to bore you to death with my life. I want to do this because emotion, in my humble opinion, is what makes a man's sex different than an...

Straight Sex
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Back Massage To Love Making

My name is Nitin. When my cousin ( Fathers side distant) Sitara apu got married to a Doctor I was only six. She got married when 21 years old but My Jeeza was about 37. There was big age difference and I remember elders talking about it. But he was a Doctor in U.K. so nobody complained thinking she will have better life. Sitara apu was also Happy as jeeza was a good man so far I know he took good care of apu. Then Apu moved with jeeza to U.K. started living in a city called Durham as Jeeza used...

2 years ago
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Learned The Passion Of Love Making

Please apologize me if you found any mistakes in it and can give feedback to me. This is lengthy. Let’s begin the fantasy. This is series so I’ll be posting the stories one after other else it will be too lengthy. All the parts will be complete one not half for you people to enjoy. Please forgive me for any mistakes in grammar or lines being up and down. I’ve tried my best to give you a clear picture. Enjoy Hello guys this is banner again with another fantasy. This story is about another...

3 years ago
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Morning Walk To Love Making

Hi this Raj,I’m regular reader of sex stories. This story is about a love making between a beautiful sexy aunty and a young man. It was winter I woke up early that day and not able to sleep so thought of morning walk, got up from the bed.and moved out for a walk. There is a garden near our house .It was a very pleasant environment, little cold green all over wow what a climate. As I was walking a beautiful aunty passed by me. I was just amazed after seeing her , I was looking at her till she...

2 years ago
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tamil village mom and son love making

We have big farm land and do the agriculture our self. Because of outdoor activities all members in my family are having good physique. In our family apart from Grandparents and Mother we are two c***dren, myself and my younger sister. My mother in addition to household activities takes care of our fields too along with my grandparents. Because of all the physical work my mother’s figure is perfect, she has firm tight belly long shapely legs, big breasts and wide hips to match. Her name is...

4 years ago
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Actress in the making

Maggie was a beautiful girl. Tall, thin, long blonde hair that waved when she walked, she was also one of those girls that daydreamed, a girl that loved to live in being popular. Her dream was to be a model, a star. Alone, she lived in her fantasy world with her father. Her mother had passed when she was young and never having the chance to meet her did she find that it was normal living with a father who watched porn here and there, who kept the dirty magazines underneath the bathroom counter....

3 years ago
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Virgin to Slut in 2 point ZeroChapter 4 The Plan in the Making

When Sharon got pregnant at the end of the school year Jason and his sick friends lost their little moneymaker. They needed another cash cow. Cindy's little enterprise had made him and his friend's lots of money and the most sought after boy at school to be friends with but never his girlfriend. This little game of theirs was something they were going to keep doing right into college. His looks helped a lot along with Cindy's dirty mind mixed in. All rolled in to real hard cash and as a...

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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 The End Beginning Of Love Making

Hi, all. I am back with the next and last part of the series. Till now, there have been many incidents between my Priya masi and me. But this time, she caught me. Read this part to know how all this ends. It is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy this story of love making. Priya masi had caught me red-handed in the act. I was lying there on the bed, and she was standing at the door. What should I do? I sat up and covered my dick with a towel. Masi walked towards me slowly. She stood in front of me...

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My friend Breanna is one of the best people I’ve ever known. She is truly a wonderful soul. Her energy is infectious and she just makes everyone around her happy. I met Breanna in college. We were both on the tennis team and we have been friends from the second we met. Although I am basically into guys, I am a “wee bit” bi sexual. My two soulmates, Shannon and Jessie, have been with me through every moment of my life. Encouraging me, helping me, giving me tough love and also making love. We...

3 years ago
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That Was One Hell Of A Love Making

Hey there ISS readers! This is Praveen and it is gonna be my 1st sex story. To describe about me I am from Chennai, doing CA, 6 feet tall fair and smart (as majority of the gals tell me ) ;). As i have mentioned earlier i am doing CA and i have to study day and night. So i just get fucking stressed out and I desperately read sex stories here and get relieved. And yeah!! The story!! I just wanna be true and describe you guys just what happened without any fantasy(except the girls name). I have...

2 years ago
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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 4 Romantic Love Making

Ridhima sat on the bed, held her face with her hands, and started sobbing. Her mouth was dry because she had narrated her long story and kept crying while doing so. Naveen, too, was sitting on the couch, listening carefully to Ridhima. An hour ago, he was shivering with anger and grief after he discovered his wife’s scars. But now he seemed calm and composed. He decided she would experience romantic love making with him.He got up, walked towards Ridhima, and gave her a glass of water. Ridhima...

2 years ago
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Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete 8211 First Love Making

Hello friends, this is karthik here again. This is a continuation of the first part published on the topic “Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete”. First part is more about how we started the affair. Here let me describe how wonderful was our first love making session. It was awesome, I get tempted even today when thinking of what happened on that day.we grew very strong relationship just like a real husband and wife. We use to meet whenever we get time. chat for the whole day through...

2 years ago
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A Turkish Delight in the Making

A Turkish Delight in the MakingBy Buck JonesUmut is the product of a home, controlled with fairness, but steeped in a latent hidden sexuality. Every daily routine reeks of sex in one way or another. Not in a bad way, but in a constant way. Many times, Umut sees his solidly built father naked, with his fat cock, sometimes semi-hard, parading around proud in his nudity. Umut is privy to the rutting noises of the sexual b**st, a kind b**st, a b**st barely under control, and the b**st is his...

3 years ago
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Its Not Just Love Making

Hello…everyone…This is Pradeep (Name Changed) here…..Hope U All Happy..The following story is the real awsum days which ive enjoyed in my life…I assure that every human will love my story and the way of my narration is quite different from others.It may be I have a sound knowledge about sex and I approach sex in different manner to enjoy the love and feel of sex …So lets go to the story… Attention peoples…. This story is sumthing not jst story,u may know it from Title.Its sumthing the spicy and...

4 years ago
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A Trip Worth Making

Driving had become almost second nature to me now and my mind started to wander as my body worked on autopilot, reacting to the blur of traffic as it buzzed past. Everything around me was just background noise to a preoccupied and wandering mind.I joined Lush for the stories and the chat quickly became a large part of it, but I never expected to find myself on the way to ever meeting anyone. It felt like such a risk, exposing my secret life to the world and suddenly it was all becoming so real:...

Straight Sex
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A Trip Worth Making

Driving had become almost second nature to me now and my mind started to wander as my body worked on autopilot, reacting to the blur of traffic as it buzzed past. Everything around me was just background noise to a preoccupied and wandering mind.I joined Lush for the stories and the chat quickly became a large part of it, but I never expected to find myself on the way to ever meeting anyone. It felt like such a risk, exposing my secret life to the world and suddenly it was all becoming so real:...

Straight Sex
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Orgy in the making

This is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for s****rs. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...

4 years ago
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Orgy in the making

This is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for sisters. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...

3 years ago
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Revenge Turns Into Love Making

Hello everyone!!. Myself smartyking, 21 from Vizag(AP) studying medicine, average looking guy with 5’11 height. Anyone in and around vizag who wants to have fun can contact me @ privacy guaranteed. Coming to the sex story, this is my first one so sorry for any mistakes. This is a real incident which happened few months ago. When i was in 11th standard, i had a friend robert (fake name) who was very friendly and had good friends in girls even. I was kinda shy type and never talked to girls...

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