Substitute Pledge free porn video

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TV PLEDGE by "c.c." 1 Caught. "So you see, Uncle Charles," my lovely niece Bobbi batted her long- lashed blue eyes at me prettily, "you're really our only hope. Will you do it?" "You mean disguise myself as a girl? And attend the initiation at the Lesba Delta Sorority?" I asked. Seated next to the beautiful blonde Bobbi, her two equally attractive friends, Gina and Marie, regarded me hopefully as I considered the strange request. And a strange request it was indeed! Although Bobbi calls me "Uncle Charles," I am really only a friend of the family, and at Twenty-five, barely old enough to be "Uncle" to this eighteen-year-old girl. I have always taken a rather fatherly attitude towards her, however, giving her help and advice whenever I could and laughing as she went through the pangs of adolescence until she turned into the shapely coed freshman who now asked for this odd favor. For it seemed that, the girls of the Lesba Delta House (What an odd name for a sorority! Anyone would think they were ... well, never mind.) had set my niece and her two friends an especially difficult task for Initiation: Bobbi, Gina and Marie had been ordered to find a man willing to "join" the Sorority as an honorary member, and so feminize him that he could pass undetected as a girl at the Initiation Ceremonies. A nearly impossible job, it would seem! But, as Bobbi had pointed out, I was perfect for it. Being wealthy and single, I can live my life as I choose, and I have chosen to live in the bohemian off-campus neighborhood, enjoying the casual attitudes and free-thinking atmosphere that prevail around there. I have no job and no firm ties, so I could devote myself to a project like this, and, being rather small and slender, with fine features, I would be physically well-suited to the role. So there was the offer: spend a couple days letting these girls feminize me, then go through the mild discomfort of the Lesba-Delta initiation rites, and "And what do I get out of it?" I asked. "Well..." Gina, a voluptuous eighteen year old brunette, licked her full lips sensuously. "How would you like to spend a night sharing a bed with three sexy and eager young girls?" "Say no more!" I replied, just as eagerly. "When do we start?" "This is Wednesday afternoon, and Initiation is Friday night," Marie, a long-legged red-head with a take-charge attitude spoke up. "I'd say the sooner the better!" "Here, Uncle Charles." Bobbi handed me a jar of cream from her large purse. "It's Hair Remover. Why don't you go into the bathroom and try it out now?" Alone in the bathroom, I plied my body with the thick cream, following label directions carefully. My arms, legs, chest and bottom all got the treatment and, while I was waiting for the depilatory to take effect, I shaved my face closely -- something I only have to do every two or three days anyway- -cutting off my sideburns and even trimming my eyebrows! Then, into the shower, feeling warm water cascade over me, rinsing off the cream. And my body hair with it! I suppose that I should have wondered that the girls had come so well prepared, almost as if they knew that they were going to feminize me, whether I agreed to be or not. And I had never really heard of sorority called Lesba-Delta. But I was too caught up in the adventurous feeling of the whole idea (and too obsessed with the thought of making love to those three beautiful nymphs!) to think much about it. Completely free of body hair now, except for my crotch, I stepped out of the shower. And as I toweled off, I couldn't help but marvel at the results in the mirror. As I said, I am rather slender and slight of build, with delicate features. Now, with my arms, legs, chest and ass completely hairless. I could see that with a little effort I might make a really nice-looking girl! Hmmm, I thought, admiring myself in the full length mirror, This might just work! The legs have a nice shape, but the hips and bottom are really too small. I wrapped a towel around my waist like a skirt... That helps a little, I mused, now what about my hair? I've always worn my blonde hair fairly long, but now it was just a wet tangle. I wrapped a hand towel about it, turban fashion, and studied the result, noting that it gave my high cheek-boned face a rather cosmopolitan look--like a fashion model. Tentatively, I cupped my hands under my chest for a breast-like effect. Not bad, I thought, moving about in front of the mirror. My smooth leg slid out the slit in the towel-skirt, rather provocatively. I got up on tip-toe to make my legs longer, and walked in front of the mirror, still cupping my breasts. It was a nice effect, making my hips swish sexily and - - "Tee-Hee! Surprised, I spun about to see that Bobbi, Gina and Marie had eased the bathroom door open and were watching my antics with amusement. I quickly dropped my hands and blushed beet red, clutching my towel in embarrassment. it felt weird, not just being hairless and half-naked in front of the three girls, but having been caught behaving so outrageously! But the girls seemed delighted. "Oh, Uncle Charles!" Bobbi beamed. "You'll be just perfect!" "I can't wait to get started on you!" Big-breasted Gina put in. "Come on into the bedroom!" "And hurry up!" Marie snapped, tossing her red hair imperiously. With all that encouragement, I could hardly refuse, and besides, I had promised Bobbi I'd do it. So despite my embarrassment, I meekly followed the girls into the bedroom, where they gave me a pair of black silk panties for modesty and set to work on me. Some work! In less than an hour I was coiffed, manicured, and made up perfectly. I looked at myself in the dresser mirror, scarcely believing the results. My hair had been combed into heavy, feminine curls, sweeping cutely around my ears and down to the nape of my neck. Gracefully arched eyebrows now swept over my shadowed, mascaraed blue eyes. Each time I blinked, my long dark lashes batted demurely, just as Bobbi's had earlier. Makeup had given my face a smooth, delicate sheen, with softly rouged cheeks, faintly colored with blush. My lips were now drawn into a full, sensuous pout and painted a glossy red to match my carefully- shaped nails. The girls had dressed me in a padded bra, white T-shirt, and red shorts. This, together with a pair of white sneakers, made me look quite the College Girl, especially when Bobbi completed the outfit with a gold neck chain and ID bracelet. "Perfect!" she cheered. "Now let's practice moving!" So, for the next hour or so, I practiced walking, talking, standing, sitting and turning in a feminine manner, all under the watchful eyes of my three sexy instructresses. "Take smaller steps, Uncle Charles. Hold your elbows in." "Legs closer together. Swish those hips more!" Finally the girls said that they were satisfied with my movements and calmly announced that it was time to take me out on the Street! "Out in public?" I shivered at the thought, suddenly feeling very naked in my T-shirt and shorts. "Oh, I couldn't possibly do that!" "Nonsense," Marie snapped, "you look just fine, and besides, this is a case of Have-To." She consulted her watch. "Perfect! It's Five O'Clock. We can get you there and back by Six!" "Where?" I asked, feeling a little helpless. "You'll see." Gina picked up her purse and took me firmly by one arms as Bobbi took the other. "Now come on!" And before I knew it, I was out on the busy Campus sidewalks, being guided by the three forceful girls. Bobbi had my keys and wallet in her handbag and kept whispering reassurances to me. "Oh, Uncle Charles, you look just great. The four of us blend in perfectly! Wiggle your buns more, Dear. That's better. My! Look at those guys over there giving us the eye! I'll bet they are admiring those sexy legs of yours. Oh, don't blush so! Girls have to get used to that sort of thing. Oh look, we're here already!" "Here?" I asked, as the girls led me into a large marble structure. "But this is MacPherson Lab! The--" "The Biology-Medical Research Building," Gina finished for me. "I have a friend who works here." By that time we were in the nearly-deserted building and boarding an elevator, I saw Gina take a key from her purse and insert it in a lock next to the top floor indicator. "My friend works on a restricted access floor," she explained, "but don't worry about getting caught; he's the only one up there this time of day." As the elevator rose upwards I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach, as much from nervous wonder as from motion. Things seemed to be moving so fast! Just a couple hours ago, I had been secure in my apartment and comfortably masculine. Now, to, all appearances, I was a young coed on my way -- where? Oh, if only I had known what lay ahead. I never would have left that elevator! But as the doors slid open, I ignorantly allowed the girls to lead me to a small lab where a pimply-faced young man was waiting for us. "Glad you finally got here..." he said nervously. "Is this the -er- subject?" He indicated me. "Right!" Bobbi said. Then, to my surprise, she went on: "He's a very close friend of mine and has agreed to pass as a woman for us.... So we brought him here for treatment." Treatment? I wondered what Bobbi was talking about. And how embarrassing to be revealed as a transvestite -- in front of another guy, no less! I felt myself blushing again. But the young man was talking nervously to Gina. "Now listen," he said, "about this treatment... I mean, this stuff is harmless, but it hasn't really been tested or approved yet. I could get in a lot of trouble if--" "No one will talk," Gina said. "And you've been amply rewarded for your trouble. Let's get on with it." "Okay," he said reluctantly, "Better start with some muscle relaxant and some extra--strength pain pills...." He gave me a handful of tablets and a glass of water. "Er- Bobbi," I hesitated, "what is this? What are you going to do to me?" "It's just a treatment to make you look more feminine," Bobbi said. "Gina's been using it for months and it hasn't hurt her a bit! Come on now. You promised, remember?" And so I obediently popped the pills and obeyed the young man's instructions to remove my T--shirt and bra and lower my pants in the rear. It was terribly embarrassing to have to stand there in front of all of them like that, but I stood meekly still as he approached me with a small hand-held instrument. "This is an electric shot-injector," he explained. "It won't hurt a bit. Just hold still a minute." And I felt the mild discomfort of four small pin pricks, one on each buttock and one under each side of my chest. "Ouch!" I winced. "What is that?" "You mean they didn't tell you?" the young man gasped. "It's a muscle- enlarging injection. It'll swell up your breasts and ass. Like Gina-s!" I looked over at the bosomy, curvaceous Gina and gawked in shock--- "Like her?" I could barely grasp the idea. "Oh! No, I can't look like that! I'm a man!" "Oh, but you can look like me," Gina smiled. "We just guaranteed it!" "Oh dear!" I hugged my tingling chest nervously. "But for how long?" "We don't know yet," the young man said. "That's why it's still an experimental drug. We don't think it's permanent, but...." "Enough of this," red-haired Marie said sharply. "You've both already agreed and it's been done, so there's no sense crying about it. Here's your T-shirt, Uncle Charles." She accentuated the name sarcastically. "Let's go!" Worried, I tugged the T-shirt back on and pulled up my black panties and red shorts. Even with the pain pills, my chest and bottom ached somewhat. And what was that tingling sensation? I certainly never agreed to all this, and I told the girls so as we left the building. "Now Uncle Charles," Bobbi's tone was soothing, but firm none-the-less, "try not to be difficult. You said we could feminize you to the best of our ability, and that's just what we've done. It's absolutely necessary for us to get into Lesba-Delta, and if it's necessary to do even more for the sake of your appearance, we will. Now we haven't done anything to you that can't be un-done, and we're going to help you out all we can over the next two days, so quit being such a cry-baby!" All this was becoming quite upsetting. I could feel my chest getting heavier, developing a sort of jiggling, swaying motion. And the shorts were getting very tight over my bottom! I felt dizzy.... "Girlllsz," my words were slurred, "I godda sidown a minute!" "Let's duck in here!" Gina giggled. It was one of those free-wheeling bars that dot the off-campus area, full of good-looking young chicks and horny studs on the prowl. As a matter of fact, I came there often myself. Now, however, there was no flicker of recognition from the bosomy bar maid who seated us and took, our order (beer for the girls, a Cola for me since I had no ID). Sitting down, my head soon cleared and I felt uncomfortably how tight my shorts were, noticing with surprise that my bosom already jutted out over the table. I wondered how big it was. "About a Thirty-Six-C," Bobbi read my mind, "and still growing!" "You make a wonderful girl," Marie nodded her approval. "And I must say, you look just fine going bra-less!" I suddenly realized that the curve of my breasts and my thrusting nipples were clearly outlined beneath the thin fabric of my T-shirt! "Oh good Heavens!" I hurriedly put my elbows on the table, trying to hide my new endowments, terribly self-conscious. "Where's my bra?" "I have it," Bobbi said, "but it wouldn't fit you now anyway, so --" Suddei1y I heard a male voice over my shoulder. "Hey Honey, how about letting me buy you breakfast?" Almost jumping in panic, I squirmed around to see a tall, bearded youth, leering down at me with a superior expression on his face. He wore a rugged brown shirt, leather vest, and tight blue jeans that emphasized his rampant masculinity. "Oh -I- I -" I stammered. "Later maybe," Gina said calmly, with full self-assurance. "We're kind of talking now. Come back in a few minutes, though!" With this polite encouragement, the young man sauntered off to the bar. "Oh thank you, Gina," I said sincerely. "I just didn't know what to say!" "I think I'd have just told him to fuck off." Marie tossed her red hair haughtily. "Seriously, though," Bobbi said to me, "I can see that if you're going to pass as a girl, you've got a lot to learn. This is going to take more work than I thought." "And we only have two days," Marie pondered. "Less than that, even! You're right, Bobbi; wed better put our Substitute Pledge through intensive training tonight, all day Thursday, and even Friday morning if we're going to be ready for the Initiation Friday Night!" "Maybe not," I said. Suddenly I was anxious to show these girls that I was better at this than they thought. I mean, two days of "intensive training" certainly didn't sound appealing! I saw the macho young stud swaggering back to us from the bar, holding a full pitcher of beer and two empty mugs. "Watch this:" Surprised at my boldness, the girls sat back and watched as the lecherous lothario came onto me again. "Join me in a drink, Honey-Buns," he leered. "Hate to chug alone, you know!" I looked up at him disdainfully, and in a perfectly feminine voice, I said, "Honestly, Creep! Why don't you do us a favor and just go soak your head in that stuff!" He stammered something and his face turned several shades of red as I looked smilingly back at the girls. "Now what were you saying, Marie?" I asked casually. Something was wrong. Instead of smiling back at me, the girls looked surprised, apprehensive. They were leaning back in their chairs, away from me. Then I noticed they weren't looking at me, but over me! From behind me, I heard a voice sputter, "Soak your head, Bitch!" - And suddenly, a whole pitcher of cold, wet beer came cascading down over my head! As laughter rocked the room, I gasped and sputtered, feeling the stuff drench my T-shirt and soak my shorts. "Eeee!" I clasped my hands over my chest. Soaking wet like this, my skimpy T-shirt was almost invisible, and I could see the tempting pink flesh of my new, thrusting breasts clearly beneath it. As the laughing Romeo sauntered off, I bent forward to try to conceal the shameless display I was making. R-r- i-i-p-p-p! More trouble! For my tight shorts were simply not equal to the strain of bending forward. In a wave of panic, I felt them tear apart at the seam, clear to the belt-line! Leaving me feminized, soaked to the akin, and now without pants! In public! The girls were quick to catch onto my predicament. "Quiet, Uncle Charles," Bobbi cautioned. "We've got to get you out of here!" "But how?" I almost cried. "Look at me! Where could I go like this?!" "Our place," Marie said immediately. "It's just a block away, and the three of us can crowd around you to keep you from being seen. Let's pay the bill and get out of here!" "Wait a minute," Gina warned. "Those red shorts -- or what's left of them -- don't cover anything, and they might trip you up. Better just slip them off and leave them here." "Don't worry," Bobbi saw the concern in my eyes and spoke before I could protest. "It's still warm out, and most folks will probably think you're wearing a bathing suit - Hurry now! People in here are starting to look at you too closely!" Trembling, I eased out of the torn shorts and dropped them to the floor. "Come on!" Marie ordered. I wonder if I can tell you just how awful I felt on that short walk from the bar to the small apartment that the girls were sharing before moving into the Sorority House. I mean, there I was, breasts pumping out in front of me, round swelling ass swishing behind me, clad only in tennis shoes, a sopping wet T-shirt, and tiny black panties. Face and figure totally feminine. And walking down a public street like this! Somehow, it was even worse, remembering all the times I had strode down this very sidewalk, a confidently-dressed man. The leers and remarks from people on the street -- who saw me now, despite the way Bobbi, Gina and Marie huddled around me -- made me burn with embarrassment. But the worst part of that awful trip was yet to come! As we approached a rather busy intersection, I saw a break in traffic. Anxious to end my humiliation, I darted across the street, horns honking as I gained the safety of the curb. Then, I looked around me and -- horrors! -- the girls were still back on the other side! I was alone on a street corner in T-shirt and panties! But not alone! This was quite a busy place, and crowds of pedestrians were crossing the intersection (legally, not the way I had come) and gathering on the corner to wait for the light to change. And there I was, with my breasts and butt hanging out for them all to see! Lovely coeds stared at me, some with - amusement, some with scorn, some even with envy at my measurements. "Put some clothes on, Girl!" I heard one smirk. And the guys! I could feel their hot eyes on me like a physical caress. Since I didn't know where Bobbi, Gina and Marie lived, I had nowhere to run. I had to just stand there, wet, half-nude, and disheveled as more people gathered at the intersection, waiting for the light. Someone pinched my ass. I tried to tug my T-shirt down, but this only made it ride tighter across my breasts. Then, just as the light changed, I felt mischievous fingers tug my panties down in back and goose me! There were tears in my eyes by the time the girls got me to their apartment. My swollen breasts and bottom ached terribly, and I was tired and frightened. I wanted to get back into my own apartment and male clothes again. But the girls soothed me, easing me into a tub of hot, scented bath water as they massaged my tired legs and gave me more pain pills. They had all changed into tiny black bikinis for this operation, and I must say they made a pretty sight! As Bobbi applied a rinse to my hair and set it, Marie calmly explained that yes, they knew that I wanted to get back to my own place, but really, it was getting quite late and they certainly had no male clothing for me to wear. Much better for me to spend the night with them, and let Bobbi pick me up some clothes in the morning. Meanwhile, they had something for me to sleep in and... The drugs, the fatigue, and the warm, soothing bath overcame me. I felt myself drifting off to sleep. II: Trapped. Sunshine was in my eyes. I rolled over in the huge, comfy bed, snuggling my arms up against my breasts. My fingers grazed the sensitive nipples and I felt soft stirrings of arousal... Breasts? My eyes flew open as memory flooded back. I was Charles Pearson, male. Temporarily feminized. In the apartment that, my "niece" Bobbi shared with her two girlfriends. That's right. All this was in preparation for me to appear as a Substitute Pledge at the Lesba-Delta Sorority. It was for Bobbi's initiation. This morning, she was supposed to go to my apartment and get me some male clothing. We settled the whole thing last night. But where were the girls? I sat up, feeling the unfamiliar weight of my new breasts and looked around the tiny three-room apartment. They were gone Then, I saw the note pinned to my pillow. Dear Uncle Charles, Gina and Marie and I will be very busy with classes and stuff, so we probably won't be back till late this afternoon. While were gone, you're to take the curlers out of your hair, put on makeup, and generally practice your female voice and mannerisms. If you get bored, the place could also use a good cleaning. See you later, Bobbi PS. Your outfit for today is on the vanity bench- Have fun! Bewildered, I looked down at myself and discovered that all I had was a tiny pair of pink silk panties! Had I actually slept this way? I turned to a full-length mirror on one of the closet doors and surveyed myself. Even though I expected it, seeing me all over again this way was something of a shock. -My face was scrubbed clean of make-up, but still looked quite feminine. My blonde hair had been set with a profusion of rollers, curlers, and hairpins of various sizes. Had it been bleached a shade lighter? I wasn't sure. I ran my hands down over my breasts. No doubt about these! I didn't know much about women's sizes, but I'd say that these boobs were somewhere around a 38 to 40 C or D cup! And very firm and well-shaped! They seemed to bounce and Jiggle like delightful jello with my every move! My waist seemed slimmer this morning perhaps because of the way my hips and ass swelled out beneath it. I studied the round, plump contours of my bottom in the scanty panties. Those shots had really done the job! Except for a definite bulge in the crotch. I looked totally feminine! A feeling of uneasiness crept over me as I surveyed my new reflection in the mirror. I was quite feminine, all right, and rather under-dressed in just panties! And Bobbi had said that they wouldn't be back until this afternoon. Was I going to have to spend all day like this? Nervously, I glanced at the clothes on the vanity bench. They looked incredibly feminine. But I had no choice really, I was getting a little chilly. Reluctantly, I started putting them on. It was quite an outfit -- where had three coeds got this stuff? Some kind of gold lam? thing went on first, over my panties. I'm not sure what you'd call it. It was kind of like a long panty-girdle, or maybe a corselet, tightly encasing my loins, pushing my genitals back up between my legs, and compressing my waist severely. Above the waist, it rose to cover my breasts in two uplifted, under-wired cups that pushed the treasures up and held them out prominently, like merchandise on display. It was strapless, with a rather rigidly-arched back, and I found I had to sit and stand very straight in this thing, as bending forward too much would cause my boobs to spring out of the cups with a jiggling "plop", a silly, embarrassingly feminine sight! White silk stockings came next, but they were rather short, coming up my legs to just below mid-thigh, where they were held up by elasticized tops. Black patent leather sandals with three inch heels went on my feet -- difficult to get used to walking in, but I thought I could manage. I bent down to tighten the straps and felt a humiliating "plop-plop!" as my breasts jumped free and I hurriedly tugged the top of my golden garment back up over them. The final bit of clothing was a long, flowing robe of gossamer-thin silk in see-through rose-red. It fastened with a sash, but the material was so slippery-silky that it simply wouldn't stay closed in front, and the belt kept coming undone no matter how I knotted it. An uncontrollable blush suffused me as I looked at myself in this get- up. The flowing, see-through red robe swishing about me as I moved, the gold foundation garment forcing me to stand erect and jut out my boobs, my legs encased in white silk hose that were little more than knee- stockings, and the black patent leather heels that feminized my gait even more.... I was more than just feminized now; I looked ridiculously effeminate in my scanty, lewdly silly, ultra-feminine attire! I quickly pulled the pins and rollers from my hair, noting with dismay that the girls bleached my hair to a lighter shade -- almost platinum blonde -- curling and styling it into a feminine poodle cut. And as I looked at myself in the mirror this way, with my feminine hair, feminine body, and outrageously feminine clothes, I started getting a terribly uncomfortable thought: I couldn't leave the apartment! Not looking like this, anyway! Alarmed, I ran to the two closets that the girls shared. Each had been fitted out with a new and very sturdy looking lock. I looked through trunks, under beds, into desk drawers, every place I could think of, searching for something I could safely wear out on the street. But there was nothing. The girls had simply locked up all their spare street-wear and left me stuck here, feminized. There wasn't a thing here I could wear to make myself look like a male -- or even an appropriately dressed female! The two full length mirrors in the apartment threw my pink and gold reflection back at me mockingly as I swished around the place, trying to think. I knew why they had done this, of course: Last night, I had said I wanted out of this business. But this initiation was very important to Bobbi, Gina and Marie, and they obviously didn't want to lose their Substitute Pledge after putting this much work into the project! Not now that they'd got me looking properly feminine. And they clearly intended to go to any lengths -- including this ridiculous costume -- to see that they didn't lose me! Well, I had some feelings of my own about this, I thought as I tugged the gold foundation garment back up over my breasts for the umpteenth time! I might be willing to do some of this stuff as a favor to Bobbi, but I definitely didn't care for coercion. I made up my mind then and there that I was going to get away from these three vixens. Then, if they wanted my help, they'd have to come crawling to me. And I'd see that they did some very interesting crawling indeed! All I needed was the key to my apartment and some way of getting there. That's when I thought of my cleaning lady, Leola. Now I should stop right here and tell you that Leola is definitely not your average cleaning lady. She's a very sexy, very light-skinned Black Chick in her early twenties, with a good set of tits and long, l-o-n-g legs that just don't quit. She wears her slightly coarse hair very long and straight, gathered in the back like an Indian Maiden, although every time I suggested that she should try to pass for white, she acted offended. In fact, Leola and I kind of a rough period of adjustment before we hit it off as Cleaning Lady and Boss. Even as more than that. Leola has a sexually passionate nature (typical, I think) and it wasn't long before she succumbed to my good looks, sly feels and offers of higher pay for sexual services. My threats to black-list her if she tried to quit didn't hurt either. Now, her twice weekly visits are often opportunities for free-wheeling sex, and I think we have got some jollies out of the arrangement. I know I've enjoyed making Leola go down on me, and I particularly recall how much she laughed one time when we played strip poker; I lost and had to put on an apron and clean up my own house while she supervised! But in less time than It takes to tell all this, I was at the phone, calling Leola. "Why Mr. Charles?" Her soft voice tinkled merrily when I identified myself. "I'm so glad you called! I have something to tell ---" "No time for that," I interrupted, "I m in kind of a bind and I need your help.." "Well," she tried to go on. "You know I've always worked above and beyond the call of duty for you, but -" "Now listen carefully," I really had no time to hear her tell me what a good little serving girl she was and I interrupted her again, a bit more forcefully this time. "I need you to pick me up at an apartment on First Street and take me to my place.. You'll have to let me in with your spare key. I've -uh- lost mine." "Lost your keys?" For the first time, she sounded interested.. "Well why don't I Just meet you in front of your place? It's close to First Street and well save time if --" "No!" I insisted, feeling somewhat embarrassed and frustrated at Leola's unusual independence, "I -er- I need you to come here and pick me up. And-and could you bring a long trench coat or something? I -ah- don't have much to wear!" "A trench coat'?" Now there was amusement as well as interest in her voice. "That must be some situation you've got yourself in!" "Never mind that," I squirmed uncomfortably. "Just bring it; Can you?" "Honey," she laughed, "I don't think I'd want to miss this for anything! See you in a bit!" In the few minutes that it took Leola to arrive, I paced nervously around, pantied bottom swishing and breasts jiggling as I stepped about in the high heels. How was I ever going to explain this to Leola? What would she do when she saw me this way? I took another look at my preposterous female reflection in the mirror, the blonde curly hair, the superbly proportioned, smooth-shaven body, and my ridiculous costume. And I realized that I could never make up a believable lie about all this. No, I was just going to make a clean breast of it, so to speak... *** "Ah ha-ha-ha! Ub-hee-hee!" Leola was still laughing several minutes after I had finished explaining. Her firm breasts were bouncing beneath her tight white dress, and her eyes were sparkling with mischief. "Boy, they sure did a number on you, Mr. Charles! Uh-hee-hee! Look at you!" I blushed for the hundredth time under her amused gaze and stamped my prettily-shod foot. "Come on," I said, "get me out of here!" "Oh I will, Honey, I will." She managed to suppress her laughter. "But first, let's figure out how you're gonna pay me for this little favor!" I didn't like the look in her eye. "Well," I tried to sound authoritative, not an easy job for a feminized male in gold lame! "I was planning on putting a bit extra in your next check..." "But that's just what I was trying to tell you!" Leola interrupted. "As of last week, I'm not working for you anymore! I've finished my night courses and got myself a job as an accountant at a big firm! No, Honey, you're not talking to your hired girl now! So what do you say to that?" This was quite a shock indeed! I had assumed that I was calling over a subservient employee to help me out of this fix -- not Miss Black Women's Lib' "Er-- What do you think would be a fair repayment, Leola?" I asked meekly, drawing my see-through robe modestly about me and crossing my legs demurely. "Well Sweet-Cheeks, I tell you what." I didn't like this new familiarity in Leola's manner, but there wasn't much I could do about it. "This is Thursday and you say you have to do this Sorority thing tomorrow night. Okay, how's this: Saturday Noon you show up at my place and give it a good cleaning!" "Your place?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Clean your place? Me?" "Sure," she replied calmly. "I mean, I hope you don't think cleaning houses is something to be ashamed of! After all, I cleaned your place and hauled your ashes for over a year! Don't you think it might be fun, cleaning my place just once?" "Oh Leola," I shivered in my scant attire. "I just don't know!" "Suit yourself," she rose as if to go. "I sure won't force you! You just have a good old time getting back to your apartment -- by yourself! I may even park down the street and watch the fun as you go strutting around town with that body in those rags! Ta-ta!" "No wait ---" Inside of me, my stomach had filled with butterflies at the thought of having to walk down the street like this. "I'll do it. I- I'll clean for you, Leola." "Promise? She insisted. "How horrid! Being a man of my word. I knew there would be no reneging on a promise like this. But it looked like my only way out. Eyes- downcast, I murmured, "I promise, teola" Minutes later, Leola was dropping me off at the curb in front of my apartment building. At her suggestion, I had put on makeup to make myself look more inconspicuously feminine, but I had removed the long silky robe and the gold foundation garment, keeping just the pink silk panties, white stockings, and black patent-leather shoes from my outfit. Leola had loaned me not only a concealing trench coat to cover my feminine form, but also a pair of elbow-length white gloves and a large scarf, made of heavy white silk, that I wrapped around my neck and tucked down the front of my coat to hide the lack of clothing underneath. A pair of sunglasses completed my disguise. "Perfect!" Leola had said when I finished getting into this outfit. "You look completely natural! And as your ex-cleaning lady, I can tell you that it ain't a bit unusual to see ladies come and go at your place all the time!" III. Robbed Now, as I stood on the curb in front of my place, a flush of embarrassment went through me to think that anyone who saw me would think that I was a woman visiting the apartment of wealthy playboy Charles Pearson for casual sex. An easy lay. I could almost feel the eyes of the men in the street on me as I entered the building, and I couldn't forget Leolas mocking last words to me: "Don -t forget: Saturday Noon! That's when you spend a little time as my cleaning lady!" Well, I thought, at least by then I'd be out of this fix! Back in my own clothes and able to dictate terms to my scheming niece and her two bossy friends I turned the key in the lock and entered, my apartment. In the living room, Bobbi was stuffing my clothing into the last of three large trunks. Marie came in from the bedroom, casually slipping my bank book, checks, and wallet into her purse. And Gina had just put the phone back in its cradle. "The guys from the storage company will 'be here in a jiffy," she said. "Bobbi, is that all of his clothes? Overcoats, sox, underwear, vests and everything? Even his ---" She saw me and stopped. "Well!" I said, taking off the sunglasses. "Looks like I got here just in time! You girls must have been planning on robbing me blind!" Marie faltered and Gina looked away guiltily, but to my surprise, Bobbi rushed up and embraced me passionately, her hands grazing my breasts. "Oh Uncle Charles!" she gushed. "How clever of you to get here! How did you ever manage it? What, rob you? Us? Why that's not what we were doing at all!" Marie approached me, just as warm and effusive as Bobbi -- who was unbuttoning my coat! "Oh no," she smiled, putting an affectionate arm about my waist, "we were just bringing the things over to the apartment that we thought you'd need! My, you look nice, though! Where did you get those clothes?" Now Gina joined in, and soon the three girls were just swarming all over me, patting, praising and caressing. Their hands seemed to be everywhere, all over my clothing, breasts, buttocks ... "Here, Uncle Charles, you'd better take off that heavy coat. Why look, girls, shed hardly wearing anything at all underneath!' Before I knew it, they had taken my coat off, and I was standing there in my heels, stockings, panties, and white elbow-length gloves, With the matching silk scarf draped around my neck. "How bold to come all the way over here like that! But l bet your poor feet are tired. Here, let me get those awful heels off you--there! Aren't you much more comfy in your stocking feet?" "Oh, and those look like the panties you slept in! Here, let me get you some of your comfortable male shorts. Might as well just slip those panties off first. Here now just step out of them...." A few quick moves and they had my panties. But as yet, they made no move to fetch my male underwear. What was going on here? "Oh, Uncle Charles, I can't get over how feminine you look! Especially now that you re just wearing stockings, gloves and scarf! And all in white! How nice! Just let me ogle you for a minute! See how your nipples stand up when I caress them?" Bobbi squeezed my breasts knowingly as she pulled the scarf from my neck, smiling at my obvious arousal. "That's not all that stands up! Here, let me rub this silk scarf over that pole between your legs! Turn around here... " "No, turn this way, and I'll rub the scarf all over that sexy body of yours. Feel it up against your pretty face?" All through this, I had tried to take some stand, give some kind of command. But the girls just seemed so pleasant and obliging... And I must admit, their enthusiastic hands felt unbelievably stimulating on my feminine body! So I just let them continue, turning me this way and that, making me step here and there around the room, stroking my round rump, tweaking my nipples, draping the silken scarf completely over my head so I couldn't see, occasionally giving my rigid cock a passionate squeeze.... I was almost dizzy with arousal when I heard a "click!" and felt a cool breeze over my front as strong hands coaxed me forward. There was another "click"- Suddenly the heavy white silk scarf was whisked off my head. I was alone with Gina and Marie. Out in the hallway outside my apartment- And nearly naked! I gasped in shock as I looked first at one amused girl, then the other. Their smiling eyes were positively gloating over my feminized nudity! My stomach fluttered as I realized that I was standing out where any of my neighbors might come along and see me, with my shaven body, enlarged breasts, round ass, and feminine makeup and hairdo. And all I had on was a pair of white elbow-length gloves and white stockings! Swiftly, I turned and tugged at the doorway. "Come off it, Chestie," Marie said contemptuously. "You know as well as we do that it's locked. And Bobbi has no intention of opening it for you!" "But- Girls!" I hugged my gloved arms around my breasts. Then, as the girls smiled down at my exposed crotch, I dropped my hands down over my genitals -which were now the only male thing I had left! But this made my breasts jut out between my arms! Finally, I was fanning my hands frantically all over myself, trying to cover my breasts with one forearm, my privates with my other hand, and struggling not to show my round, pink bottom, sticking saucily out behind me. "Someone will see me this way.!" "Someone certainly will see you if we stand around here much longer," Gina smiled, "And like we said, Bobbi isn't opening up that door!" "But- but what'll I do?" I shivered, looking desperately up and down the hall. "Well we're going back to our apartment. We parked right outside the back exit to this place, so you should be able to come with us without anyone seeing you -- if you hurry!" "You mean leave here? Like this?" I hugged my nakedness even tighter. "It's either that or just get stuck here -- like that." Marie turned curtly, her red hair swirling gaily. "Make up your mind. Were leaving!" "Here's a little something for your modesty," Gina giggled and tossed me the white silk scarf. "Don't get cold, Sweetie!" And the two girls strode confidently to the exit. I hesitated only for a second. I certainly didn't want any of my neighbors seeing me in this shameful state! And hadn't Gina said something about Delivery Men coming? I quailed at the thought of having some burly trucker catch me like this! Feeling perfectly awful, I hugged the scarf to me and scampered in my stockinged feet after the girls. But once out in the parking lot, after the security door had snapped shut behind me, Marie imperiously opened the trunk of her battered old car and gestured commandingly. "In here!" she snapped. "But--" I bit back the Protest. No time to argue now! Quickly, I crawled into the dirty trunk and winced as Gina slammed down the lid. "We have a few stops to make," she called in to me, "And we don't want you getting impatient and wandering off!' Both girls laughed merrily and got in the car. IV. Diapered. Alone there in that dark, cold trunk, I lost track of time. Lost count of how many stops the girls made. All I could think of was how helpless and vulnerable I felt. The girls had all my clothes now. They had locked me out of my own apartment and taken all my money, checks, and credit cards. And they had changed my own body almost beyond recognition, from an arrogant male playboy to the cringing, feminine thing that was now Me, huddled naked in the darkness. I wanted to cry with shame and self- pity! And that wasn't my only concern. As the girls chauffeured me about, I suddenly thought of another problem: I had been able to get from my apartment into this car fairly easily, since it had been parked in the private space reserved for me at my luxury apartment building. But, as I remembered from my visit last night, the girls had no such privileges at their crowded building. They might have to park blocks away! How could I ever get from the trunk of their car to the safety of their rooms in this shameful state? My question was answered a short time later as I felt Marie ease the car into a parking slot. Seconds later, I heard the girls come around to the back of the car. "..... little further away," Marie was saying. "But it's nice and private here." I thought I heard them assembling something. There were vague sounds of metal struts snapping into place-Then... "All set. Let's take our little girl out!" The trunk lid opened, and as I blinked in the light, Marie and Gina reached in and took me firmly by the arms. "Now this is going to be very difficult," Gina cautioned me. "You'll have to hurry like hell to keep from being seen. There's no time to think; just do as we tell you. Understand'?" I nodded fearfully. "Then come on!" The girls almost jerked me out of the trunk, and for a few seconds I was standing naked on a public street, breasts bouncing. Then, before I knew it, they had hold of my stockinged legs and were helping me climb into something. It was a baby carriage! Gina was right. I had no time to understand as they forced me to lie down in the cramped, reinforced pram. Suddenly, I was on my back, knees bent almost up to my chin, trying to find room for my elbows in the confining space. "Girls!" I protested. "I cant -" "Quiet, Baby," Marie unceremoniously shoved a pacifier into my mouth and tied it with a ribbon around my head. "Let's get to work on her," she ordered Gina. Hovering over me like attentive little mothers, the girls stripped off my gloves and stockings. Then, before I could resist in the cramped space of the Baby Carriage, they bent my left arm and bound the wrist to the upper arm, near the shoulder. They used my silken, elbow-length glove for this, wrapping it tightly around my wrist and armpit until the only thing I could do with my left arm was to flap it like a useless wing. Seconds later, they repeated the process on my right arm, and commented on how nicely this bondage forced my breasts out! Now that I couldn't fight them off (besides being unable to use my hands, I was afraid that too much struggling might call attention to us. I just couldn't bear the thought of anyone seeing me this way, feminized and naked in a baby buggy!) the girls took their time tying my ankles to my upper thighs, so that I had to keep both legs bent up in the cramped confines of the pram. They used my stockings for this, then stepped back and surveyed the result: "Isn't she cute, sucking on her rubber nipple?" Gina teased. "She looks almost baby-sized, now that we shortened her arms and legs like that!" "Well these certainly aren't baby-sized!" Marie playfully tickled my breasts, bringing the nipples up to tingling arousal. "Here, let's see if this makes her look more baby-ish!" So saying, she produced an oversized bonnet with a wig sewn into it. As she deftly tied the thing onto my head, I saw with shame that the wig was styled into girlish pigtails, complete with ribbons on the ends! But Marie wasn't done yet. Smiling smugly at my plight, she pulled out her makeup kit and re-did my face, exaggerating the lips, putting big round circles of rouge on my cheeks, raising my eyebrows, darkening my eyelashes, and even putting a sprinkle of freckles across my nose! Then, to rub it in, she held up a compact mirror close to my face, forcing me to study my pig-tailed, doll-faced, baby-ish features close-up until the true shamefulness of my confinement and condition had sunk in! "There!" she leered. "Isn't she just the Little Baby now?" "She' s just darling!" Gina slid a passionate hand over my exposed breasts, then stroked my defenseless cock artfully. "Let's wheel her back to the apartment now! Just as she is! Without even covering her!" This suggestion filled me with such panic that I began struggling despite my helpless, futilely flapping my knees and elbows, trying to spit out the pacifier. But all I could do was slide my naked rump across the baby blankets beneath me and shake my made-up face in the ridiculous baby bonnet. "Baby seems upset," Maria teased, "if only she could talk! What do you suppose she wants, Gina?" "I know!" Gina tittered, "She needs diapered! Does-ums want her didie, hmmn?" She deftly manipulated my exposed cock, stroking skillfully until I became aroused despite my predicament. "She definitely seems to go for the diaper idea!" Marie grinned down at my aroused state. "Shall we?" "Surely!" Gleefully, Gina folded my white silk scarf about my loins, diaper fashion, then fastened it tightly with an oversize safety pin. "Now for the finishing touch!" Almost cackling, or so it seemed to me, Marie took out a tiny bed jacket in see-through pink rayon, and forced it on me, pushing my bound arms through the puffy short sleeves and securing the front with ribbons wrapped around fuzzy pink pompoms. The lacy thing was so short that its shirred hem barely covered my thrusting nipples! Now I really writhed in shame at my humiliating, infantile appearance and blushed several shades of red at the thought that these two mischievous vixens were going to push me down the street in a baby carriage, looking like this for all the world to see! But, to my infinite relief, Marie thoughtfully pulled one of the baby blankets over me, up to my chin, and put up the hood on the pram, completely hiding me from view. I said that I was infinitely relieved, but my emotions on that long, trundling ride down the sidewalk were much more complex than that. I felt I had been taken several crucial steps from my true identity, first feminized, then deprived of clothes and locked out of my apartment, and now even my adulthood had been stripped from me! I lay helplessly in the carriage of the two immature girls who were wheeling me down a public street. If they met a friend and decided to show me off, there was nothing I could do to stop them. They paused on a street corner and chatted about how long I had been wearing my diaper and whether they should change me now or wait until they got me home! I trembled with dread at the thought that they might remove my diaper right out in public, but there wasn't a thing I could do except lie there in my baby clothes, arms and legs cramped in bent-up bondage, sucking on my pacifier. Fortunately, Gina and Marie decided it could wait until they got back to the apartment! ----- But there was another surprise waiting for me when we got back to the girls' tiny living quarters. Bobbi had already returned, and she looked on in amusement as Gina and Marie wheeled me into the living room and unceremoniously tipped the pram forward, dumping me out onto the floor! "Oooff!" I hit the carpet so hard that it actually knocked the pacifier out of mouth. With immense effort, due to my bound arms and legs, I struggled up on my elbows and knees. And I noted with dismay that my struggles had the unwanted side-effect of causing my silken diaper to slide down in back, exposing almost half of my pink bottom. "Bobbi! Get me out of this!" I looked up at Bobbi from my floor-level position and noticed for the first time that all three girls were wearing very short skirts and tiny panties! For her part, Bobbi smiled down at me condescendingly. "Awww," she cooed. "Did Baby loose her nippy-nip? Here...." She wiped the pacifier on the hem of her skirt, grinning at the way my eyes were irresistibly drawn to her sexy legs. Then she crouched down in front of me. "Open wide!" "Bobbi, this is ridic --- !" My protest was out off by the pacifier being plunged deep into my mouth and re-tied into place. "Now Babee," Bobbi grunted as she knotted the ribbon savagely behind my head. "Maybe you'll listen while I explain a few things to you!" My elbows and knees were already starting to ache from the strain of holding up my feminized body, but as Bobbi crouched in front of me, her skirt hiked up to her waist, and grabbed me roughly under the chin, I had no choice but to listen in wide-eyed fear. "All my life you've acted like you were supposed to boss me around, just because you're a few years older and distantly related to me," she said coldly. "Well, things are a little different now! It's you that's the Baby Girl and me that's in charge! Just look at you." She sneeringly cupped my hanging boobs in her hands, then playfully tugged at my diapers. "You may think of yourself as a grown man, but to us, you're just a Little Miss in didies!" She reached down again and massaged my cock through the silk. With all the previous teasing I'd already been through, it didn't take long to bring me right back up to attention! "So this treatment excites you, does it? Well, that's good for you, Baby-ums, because you've got a lot of it coming!" "That right," big-busted Gina put in. "We intend to keep you this way until you forget all about escaping and agree to be our slave girl right up to the Initiation!" "So what's it going to be, Little One?" Marie smiled down at me, pivoting her sexy leg on a pretty heel. "We can treat you like a baby all night if we have to. Or are you going to save us the trouble and promise to be our Slave Girl right now?" Ashamed and frightened as I was, I simply couldnt agree to such a preposterous thing as becoming a willing slave to three teenagers, even just for a day or so. I shook my head vigorously, trying to ignore the way it made my braids fly about my head. Bobbi's smile grew a little wider at this. "Poor Baby has so much to learn," she teased. "I think it's getting close to Feeding Time! Gina, would you take care of Baby while we fix up her formula?" "With pleasure!" As the other two girls went into the kitchen, Gina casually approached me. I just had time to appreciate her fine legs and the round ass beneath her skirt from my vantage point on, the floor, when she playfully kicked me over onto my back! "Let's try Baby out on some Breast-Feeding first." She smiled, unbuttoning her blouse and stretching out beside me on the floor. Before I knew it, she had removed my pacifier and was pushing one of her huge tits in my face. "Suck, Baby," she urged softly. "Get-ums Dinner!" As she spoke, she leaned forward. I gasped for air and suddenly my mouth was filled with her bountiful breast! "That's right, Baby," Gina purred. "Make Mommy feel nice, now! Don't you dare bite!" She pushed my face closer into her chest, then reached down, and I felt her fingers through my silken diaper, gently stroking my cock! Incredibly, despite the awfulness of my predicament, thrills of pleasure went through me, just at the sexy nearness of this shapely girl and the intimate attentions she was forcing on me. Almost involuntarily, I was moving beneath her, pushing my feminine breasts up against her body even as her fingers danced over my aroused manhood. And I was sucking furiously at her breast, flicking her nipple with my tongue and pursing my ups in and out! "Mmmm," Gina moaned, "nice Baby, nice....." I began squirming more rapidly, adding my own movement to the pressure of her hand on the front of my diaper. Feeling the caress of her flesh against my straining nipples. Moving.... Stroking.... Stroking... I was going to come. I could feel--- "Dinner Time!" Deliberately, Gina pulled away from me, just as Bobbi and Marie came into the room. I gasped and wiggled, trying to attain the orgasm that had been so close! But it was no use. Lying on my back with my arms bound, I just couldn't get pressure against my stiff cock. I could have wept with frustration! "Oh," I moaned. "Oh Gina... come back! I was so--- so..." "Bad Baby!" Marie snapped. "Babies don't talk!" "That's right!" Bobbi affirmed. "No more talking from the Baby!" "Oh, but I---" That was all I got out before three determined girls dragged me over to the couch by my bound arms, sat down side by side, and hauled me up on their laps, face down! "Girls!" I sputtered. "Don't -don't! I ------" With a smooth motion, Marie, who was closest to my head, wriggled out of her panties and shoved them deep into my mouth! "Now maybe we can get on with this," she said. "Right," said Gina, who was sitting in the middle. "My! Our Baby Girl certainly does bulge in the front of her diaper! All that room in there gives me an idea!" And she picked up my discarded pacifier and shoved it into the front of my silken didies, next to my cock, which felt so achingly huge. "Never mind that now." Seated at the end, Bobbie tugged down the back of my diapers, exposing my bottom completely. "This is punishment time! I think three swats apiece ought to be good for starters. Here goes---" Smack! Smack! Crack! Three bursts of pain suddenly exploded across my upturned, girlish bottom. I arched my back, breasts thrusting in my frivolous bed-jacket, eyes wide as I tried to scream. But the only sound from my painted mouth was a muffled "Mffggh!" "My turn!" Gina beamed, "Get ready. ..." Crack! Slap! Smack! Gina's meaty palm, driven by her muscular arm, connected three times with my smooth, defenseless rump! Tears sprang to my eyes and I jerked my bound arms and legs desperately, trying to escape the awful pain. "Now me!" It was Marie. And she put all the force of her dominant, man-hating personality into her elbows. Smmackk! Swwapp! Swwapp! "Mrhuffgg!" I yelled into the gag. Tears were running down my cheeks and my poor ass felt like it must be on fire! Then Marie pulled the panties out of my mouth. "Well, Baby," she smiled. "What do you say now?" "Ohhh!" I groaned. "Oh, I'm sorry! It hurts so!" "Uh-oh," Bobbi said with amusement. "She's talking again! And she knows talking is for grown-up girls!" "Maybe it's her way of saying she's agreed to be our Slave-Girl," Gina said. "How about it, Baby? Are you our Slave?" Through my pain and humiliation, I managed to plead. "No, not that! Please!" "Then she' s a bad baby girl!" Marie flared. "More punishment!" The horrid panties went back into my poor, lipsticked mouth, and the awful spanking began once more! Three, six, nine times, the cruel girls slapped pain into my tender buns. Then: "That's enough for now," Marie panted. "We've still got Feeding Time to do, remember...." The girls dumped me roughly onto the floor, after re-pinning my diaper, then Bobbi bent down and pulled Marie's silk panties from my mouth. "Remember," she said, "no talking for Baby until You're ready to be our own grown-up Slave Girl! Understand?" Sniffling, fighting back sobs and blinking tears, I nodded. "Good baby! Now for Din-din!" Using their combined strength, the three girls hoisted me up onto a makeshift High Chair made from a bar stool and a bed tray. I groaned as my diapered rump settled onto the hard seat, but said nothing as my captresses laughingly made me drink two cans of warm beer out of nippled bottles and spoon-fed me a gooey mixture of noodle soup and soggy crackers. "Now Baby can get her nap while we eat," Marie said, lifting me down off my chair and laying me on my back in a pile of silky baby blankets under the kitchen table. "Nite-nite, Baby!" I lay silent in the silky mess, watching as the girls fixed themselves a simple meal and sat down to eat. All the while, my eyes were drawn irresistibly to their shapely legs and up their short skirts. Panty-less Marie kept smiling at me knowingly as she flaunted her bare ass out of my reach. Occasionally, Gina would look down at me and giggle. And young Bobbi was just all smiles, beaming her satisfaction at this bizarre role-reversal. I mean, there I was, surrounded by sexy girls just oozing with passion. And all I could do was lie there, covered in silk, massive breasts jutting out of a shapely smooth body that belied my true sex! Arms and legs bound so that I could only wave my knees and elbows laughably. Not only that, but I was also dressed In feminine baby clothes, mocking my supposed adulthood! And worst of all, inside my silken diaper, my unrelieved hard-on still bulged against the wet, slippery pacifier. Anyone would think I was enjoying this! Dinner was over all too soon, and the girls decided I should have some exercise after my "nap". Laughing, they pulled me into the carpeted room and set me on my knees and elbows. "Crawl now," Bobbi ordered, "Just like a good baby. Three times around the room, and if you do it quickly enough, maybe we won't take you down in the lobby and make you do it where everyone can see you!" That threat was enough encouragement for me! Swiftly, I began crawling on my knees and elbows. Oh! How awful it felt! My arms and legs soon began to ache from the unaccustomed strain, and the cheap carpet felt like hundreds of tiny needles on my poor elbows and knees. Moreover, I couldn't raise myself very high off the floor this way, so that as I moved, my nipples rubbed the carpet through my silky bed-jacket! And all the time, I felt the soft diaper, shimmering and sliding my bare bottom and protruding cock. And then I became aware of another problem: I had to use the bathroom! "Go-go!" I borbled and nodded toward the bathroom. "What's that, Baby?" Gina pretended not to understand. "Does-ums want a drink of wa-wa?" "Unh-umh!" I shook my head and looked imploringly at the bathroom again. "I think she wants another spanking," Marie suggested cruelly. "Is that it, Baby? Do you want us to spank your naughty diapered bottom?" "Uxmnh!" The strain of holding back my urine was becoming unbearable! "Wel,, while Baby tries to make up her little mind, I'm fixing some tea!" Bobbi got up, stretched her sexy limbs above me, and went into the kitchen where she began filling the tea-pot. That did it. The sound of rushing water was simply too much for me. Helpless to stop it, I let go and felt wet warmth flood my heavy diapers. Gina and Marie noticed the spreading stain and smiled knowingly. "Well, well," Marie said, "she's really getting into this Baby business! What shall we do with our little infant, Girls?" I blushed beet red and hung my head in shame. But my young tormentors were just beginning to have their fun! "For starters," Gina said, "we'd better bring out that sorority paddle and punish Baby for wetting her diapers. I hear that a spanking feels even worse on a wet bottom!" "Oooh, how wicked!" Bobbi giggled. "And then we can take her down to the Laundry Room! That's the only room with a Utility Sink big enough to bathe our Baby in! Won't she look nice in her braids, with her big boobs and ass, sitting in a sink full of bubble bath? Too bad there'll only be a dozen or so other college kids there to see her!" "I can fix that," Marie smirked. "After her bath, we don't have to dress her at all! We can just put a leash on her and parade her down the street all naked, duck-walking behind us! Maybe we could even take her into a bar..." "I don't know," Gina considered. "After all, she certainly won't be carrying any ID!" All three girls laughed at this. "I know! We can take her to that Gay Bar, FOXXXIE'S, where they have the female impersonators and - -" "No!" The words leaped out of my mouth, along with sobs of shame. "No, Not that! "ll be your slave! I will! Anything. Whatever you say! I'll be a girl for you! A Slave Girl! I'll be just ever so feminine and do whatever you want, only please don't take me out like this! Oh, please!" "You mean you want to wear women's clothes, young lady'?" Bobbi teased. "Panties and hose and high heels to show off your smooth shaven legs? And a bra for your pretty breasts?" "And you'll wear whatever we tell you to?" Gina went on. "Even if it's just chains and pretty feminine nighties?" "And you want to be our Slave Girl?" Marie insisted, "and obey our every command from now until Initiation is over tomorrow night? Any command, no matter how humiliating?' "Well?" How can I describe my feelings at that awful moment? I don't think any captive Princess, suddenly finding herself naked on an auction block, or a wealthy heiress, sentenced to prison and undergoing strip-search, or even the lowliest prostitute, turning tricks on a street corner wearing nothing but a fur coat and high-heeled boots, could possibly have felt lower, more humiliated, or more helpless than I did as I said, "Yes - Mistresses!'" V. Enslaved. That night and most of the next day were just too awful for me to tell you about in detail. Perhaps if I outline the high points, you'll get the idea: The girls untied me and ordered me to bathe and freshen my hairdo. Then, when I was looking properly feminine again, they made me attend them in the bath, wearing nothing but high heels and a pair of painfully tight, scandalously skimpy black lace panties. Thus attired, I had to scamper about and serve the girls, bare-breasted and practically bare-assed, terribly ashamed of my near-nudity, while they sported about in the shower, revealing in their sexy nakedness as I dried them off with big, fluffy towels (Never daring to touch their alluring soft flesh with my hands!) then fetching kleenex, undies, nightwear and cold cream for my demanding Mistresses. At bedtime that night, the girls fulfilled '1heir promise of letting me participatein a foursome with three sexy girls, but I didn't enjoy it much. Not with my wrists bound to my knees and my toes tied with strings to the brass foot-rail of the huge bed. And the terribly tight black panties crushing my manhood. And my big bare breasts sticking out for the girls to play with. And my oh-so-feminine mouth offered up as a tool for their pleasure! I thought the girls would never tire of sitting on my face, ordering me to lick their sexy bottoms, or having me suck their pretty toes while hey pleasured each other! I began to understand now, just why they would join a sorority called Lesba-Delta! But time for sleep came at last, and all too soon after, it was time for me to rise, put on an apron, and fix breakfast for my lovely captresses. I got to eat their left-overs from a bowl on the floor, then dry them after their morning

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The Chastity Pledge

THE CHASTITY PLEDGE by Throne It started out simply enough. Tommy got engaged to Fiona and she said she felt strongly about them taking a chastity pledge that would last until they were wed. He didn't like the idea. It wouldn't be easy to be around such a gloriously sexy female and not be able to consumate the desire she provoked. On the other hand, he didn't want to lose her. It was highly unlikely (read 'next to impossible') that he, a short, unimpressive guy with a soft body,...

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The Pledge

[ This intended as a piece of 'fiction.' ] Here's a question for you. What would you do (I'm talking here to guys) if you had the opportunity to 'earn' $50,000...IF you swore a pledge to have NO intercourse, NO anal sex, or ANY blow jobs (and this includes NO masturbation as well) for 365 days, in a row, and instead were given merely hand jobs ONCE A MONTH? Would you do it? Would you at least consider such a proposition? $50,000 is quite a bit of money, after all; and who couldn't find a use...

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The Gilded Pledge

Ayla stood cautiously outside the Sigma Lamda Tau sorority house. Was she really going to do it? This was the night new pledges went through the final process of being accepted into the sorority. Ayla hadn't made it that far. She was denied in the first round of recruitment. Just like she had been last year. She was a sophomore now. 20 years old. She was NOT a c***d anymore.Ayla gulped deeply as she slowly started walking up the path to the sorority porch. Sigma Lamda Tau was THE place to be as...

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Sorority Pledge

"All right pledges, you have your assignments. You have been paired up with a mentor. Go get it! You have two weeks. You don't complete it, you won't be admitted to Delta Alpha Delta Sorority."They filed out of the room, some excited, some nervous, but all comitted. They had just been told that they must fuck someone. But not just fuck them, they had to have video or photographic proof. The more outrageous the circumstance, the better. No proof. No further pledging. Ordinarily, I wouldn't give...

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Survivors Pledge


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Substitute Teacher part 1

I’m Karen Fields 39 years old and recently divorced. Green eyes, red hair, 5’4” 38d, 28,36. Never had k**s. Married 14 years to a very successful man. The last four years he was a cross dressing sissy. That isn’t why we divorced. Matter of fact I had a lot of fun helping him perfect his image. I pegged him almost nightly with a 12” black cock that he purchased himself. As his ability to get hard diminished he used a smaller version of the same on me which kept me satisfied. No the divorce was...

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Substitute Pledge Epilogue

SUBSTITUTE PLEDGE... The Sequel By "c.c." Morning. Sunlight invaded my eyelids as I stretched luxuriously in my bed, feeling the cool flow of satin sheets across my shaved legs and voluptuous breasts... Breasts? I blinked awake, and suddenly the memories of the last three days came flooding back to me: How I, a wealthy male named Charles Pearson, had promised my niece, Bobbi, that I would help her with a sorority initiation by disguising myself as a woman - - - how Bobbi and...

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Substitute slave Substitute slave Another warm Sunday morning, and I was feeling particularly horny on this one. I alwyas went to a park on the other side of town to look for some young cunt to play with, when I was feeling like this. The park I frequented, always had some nice 13 and 14 year old sluts, usually riding bikes or on roller blades. I parked myself behind the same set of bushes, I always used, the bike path was very close and it was in a secluded part of the park. I hid behind...

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Substitute Teacher gets fucked HARD

Mrs West stood at the front of the class. The students were filing in for the last period of the day. Chemistry. Tommy walked in behind her son. Jesus Christ what were they doing here. Mrs West wore a lab coat over her conservatively dressed clothes. She supervised the experiments the students performed during class however she had been distracted by Tommy and her son working with a female student. She was Asian , Japanese possibly. Her name was Hina, she was tall 5'10" wore her skirt to short...

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Thirty plus years of every type of security job mostly in the Greater London area gave me many sexy opportunities and I was fortunate to have a very understanding wife who even found my retelling of the encounters a great aphrodisiac and helped spice up our now and again sex life. By now and again I refer to the fact that for some years we had a young family to raise which required Money and to earn money meant lots of long hours worked in my chosen career. Occasionally my sex experiences were...

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Substitute Wife

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The roller door at the back of the yellow box truck slammed down with the finality of a guillotine. One of the movers we’d hired wrenched the locking mechanism closed and walloped the sheet steel three times with a thick hand the color and texture of a boiled ham. The engine of the truck started with a thick tubercular cough and a cloud of diesel fumes that made our eyes water. The mover swung up into the cab and the truck rolled down our driveway, taking the last of the house contents away...

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Substitute Teacher Pt 2 Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! After I graduated high school, I decided to take some time off and work so I could save up money to go to college. I didn't want to go to a four year deal, I was really interested in writing and wanted to find some courses I could take that pertained strictly to that. I worked odd jobs throughout the next two years and saved money wisely. As I went to the local college to sign up for the courses I wanted, I found that they fit into my schedule nicely....

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Substitute Teacher

When I look back on the sexual adventures I've had over the years, it's easy to pinpoint where they began. My senior year in high school. Barely three weeks into my senior year, my regular teacher would not be coming back and that a permanent substitute had been hired. Of course, right away, rumors began flying around as to what the new teacher would be like. As the week went on, we began hearing the same story over and over. She had just graduated from college where she majored in English Lit....

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Hazing the New Sorority Pledges

"Ok you bitches," she shouted, "my name is Mistress Zoe. You will remember that name. You will remember this face." All the girls looked at her face, encased in a full black leather mask. It covered her whole head and face, and there were holes for her eyes and mouth. Her long blond hair flowed out from under the mask. Below the mask she was wearing a black leather bra, garter belt and panties. She had on fishnet stockings and black high heeled, tall leather boots. She carried a leather riding...

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Take The Pledge

He had fallen in love with her soft blond hair done up in pig tails and her bright blue eyes in the second grade. She had been taller than he had been back then. He was smaller than most of his classmates and not remotely athletic. Another girl had actually beaten the crap out him early the following school year. He was often teased and picked on in elementary school but never by her. She’d always been kind to him. She’d endured his clumsiness during dancing class, even asking him to dance when...

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The Pledge

“Ahhh fuck, little bitch, take that…” “Ay! Dios mío! No más, no más!” “Ahhh… Yeah… Like that…” “Ayyy! Yes! Ahí, en el culo, en el culo!” Your dick twitches as a load of cum shoots through your dickhole and into your favorite white Nike gym sock. You let out a big breath as you slide the sock off your cock. With clean hands, you close the laptop’s lid. The visual pleasure you just enjoyed is one of your favorite pornos, ‘Derek Diggler fucks hot Latina maid’. That money-hungry maid just took...

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My first encounter with one half of the Jacobs’ twins left me curious to discover the second half. I met them just a short week ago when one took over my 5th hour English class and the other my 7th hour Science class. Mr. J, who took Ms. Yoder’s place in 7th hour, was the easiest to seduce. By the Friday after we met, I had him bending my 5’8′, tanned frame over his desk. All it took was a bit of adjustment to my school uniform, buttons undone on my white shirt, black and red plaid skirt rolled...

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Substitute Twins Ch 01

With high school graduation only 2 weeks away, my mind was focused solely on making it through the day as quickly as possible. I was ready to leave this stuffy building and my drab uniform behind. The short, red, black, and plaid skirt seemed to get even more boring the more I wore it and my short-sleeved, button-up white shirt had a hard time holding in the chest that decided to finally show up this year. It seemed like the fabric got tighter each day. Until recently, I wore tank tops under my...

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Substitute dad The End

On their way home, Michelle received a text from Nicole saying that she and Janet were going out that night. Todd and Michelle enjoyed a quiet evening together, talking and laughing while sharing a bottle of wine. As the evening wore on, their conversation grew more serious, and Michelle told Todd that her therapist felt that she was close to a breakthrough. Although Todd had carefully avoided prying into Michelle’s therapy, this gave him quite a bit of hope. “What kind of...

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Over the next couple of days, Todd stayed away from Nicole’s bedroom, and Michelle seemed to settle back down. Before long, he felt horny late one night, and left Michelle sleeping next to him to make a visit to Nicole. As he opened their bedroom door, Michelle stirred. “Todd?” “It’s ok, I’m just going to see Nicole. I won’t be long, promise.” Michelle grunted sleepily, and rolled back over. Todd padded down the hall to Nicole’s room and quietly knocked on her door. “Nicole, are...

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Substitute dad pt3

Todd looked over his shoulder to see Michelle slumbering peacefully next to him. What the hell? Did I drink too much yesterday and black out? Was that just an incredibly vivid dream? Michelle stirred and opened her eyes, smiling up at him. “Good morning. How did you sleep?” “Umm, fine.” Todd wasn’t sure what else to say. “You haven’t had such a peaceful night’s sleep in I don’t know how long. Having sex with Nicole certainly agrees with you.” Todd stared at her dumbly. So that was...

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Substitute dad pt2

Todd bolted from the couch and raced around Nicole as she reached for him, and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him. He took several deep breaths before picking up his phone and calling Michelle. Voicemail. Shit! Shitshitshit!!!! As soon as her voicemail beeped, he began speaking. “Michelle, you need to get back here, Nicole had too much wine tonight and is acting all weird, and I just don’t feel comfortable being alone with her right now. Call me as...

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Substitute dad pt1

Todd turned at hearing his name called. A sixteen year old beauty was facing him. Wholesome good looks, perky breasts, and a tiny waist perched atop a delightful bubble butt, tapering down to a pair of gorgeous gams, aptly displayed by her Daisy Dukes. Her low slung shorts exposed her hip bones, and her belly shirt showed off her tight stomach. Her belly button peeked out of the bottom of her shirt. She showed off a deep summer tan. But not that he would notice that sort of...

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Santa's ElfAbby was in her senior year of high school and had been getting in trouble- mostly because of boys. The problem was that Abby had discovered how much fun sex could be, and the boys at MLK High School were most willing to help her out.Abby was an average looking girl, with a big smile, even though she had a couple of teeth that were a little crooked.  She had straight red hair, that was fine and limp. She had to tie it into pigtails to keep it out her green eyes, and even then, there...

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Substitute Wives Part 2

Steve picked up Lauren and headed to the airport.“I can’t believe you talked Jenni into this,” Steve said as they drove to the airport."It wasn’t as hard as you think. I think your wife has a little more of a wild side than you want to admit. It didn’t take that much convincing. I figured if she agreed she would have put more rules than just no intercourse,” Lauren said. “I thought she would have restricted us to only playing above the waist. I guess your friend down here may get a little...

Wife Lovers
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Substitute Teacher part 2

I stood there with the door covering the right side of my wet nearly naked body. The thin satin fabric clinging to my wet skin. The light breeze was just cool enough to cause my nipples to stiffen. Jerome’s eyes were still fixated on my breast. Again I said Jerome is there something I can do for you. Trying to focus on my face now he said yes ma’am Ms Fields. One of your neighbors called and said they had heard screaming or yelling coming from your home. So I came to see if you were alright....

1 year ago
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"Would you please get Anne out of my house!?" Rather uncharitable of my mother-in-law, I thought, but a perfectly understandable remark given the context. The whole of the afternoon, and all through dinner, Anne had been a total bitch to her mother. Barbara rolled her eyes. Time for my wife to play Ms. Mediator again. I could see her irritation level was up. When Barbara got angry, she flushed from the neck down. Even with the top several buttons on her blouse undone, there was no end in...

2 years ago
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Substitute Sub

I sometimes have to wonder how I get into these pickles. Here I am, about to be spanked, whipped and tortured, and probably even have my pussy and ass fucked. Me, a perfectly normal, young successful lesbian. OK, mostly lesbian, legal intern. And no, for the record, I am not into S&M, BDSM or whatever the alphabet soup for alternate kinky sex is. It all started 5 days ago, when Marcella, my roommate had to leave on a family emergency. Her mother was really sick, might not survive, yada...

1 year ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 2

Richard had courted Vivian for her smiles. When she was pleased, the entire room lit up. She should be pleased at her wedding, for God’s sake. She looked worried, though, throughout the ceremony and the feast afterwards. When they were back at his town house and had separated to dress for bed, her maid, Phyllis, rapped on the connecting door and he went in. Vivian was lying with the sheet pulled up to her chin. If she’d looked worried during the service, she looked terrified now. Well,...

4 years ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 3

What first woke her was Richard leaving the bed. It was light outside, and there was a knocking at the door. At her call, Phyllis came in with her cup of tea. She felt marvelous as she stirred in a second lump, and the room looked different, too. “The light seems different,” she said. “‘Tis the snow, Milady.” When she got out of bed and looked out the window, she saw what Phyllis meant. Snow, white snow, covered the ground, and more was falling. London snow was normally dirty, from all the...

3 years ago
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Substitute WifeChapter 4

Vivian sent for Mrs. MacGregor after breakfast the next morning. She was going shopping for Christmas decorations and knew little about London shops. Rather than go out with her own maid, Phyllis, a Staffordshire girl, she wanted company who knew the town. “Annette would do, Milady. She was a London-born girl before Sir Richard hired her to be Deborah’s wet nurse. We have kept her on as a chambermaid. She might not know the most fashionable shops, but she will know where you can buy almost...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 2

I gave a final check to every entry point in the house before heading out. Pausing at the interior door to the garage, I locked it behind me and took a slow, shallow breath. I dreaded being in here. I would have left the car on the street if the day’s forecast hadn’t called for hail. Standing inside the dimness of the garage I watched my forearms pebble into gooseflesh. A rough patch of concrete just in front of my feet was a slightly lighter colour than the rest. This is where my father had...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 3

After refilling our glasses I brought out the chocolate-dipped crostini, drizzled in maple, sea salt, and finely chopped cashews. Violet groaned and held up her hand in a stop gesture, then flipped it to open her palm while she turned away and dramatically covered her eyes in shame. “Just one.” She peeked back. “Maybe two.” “Next time I’ll make salted butter caramel ice cream.” She groaned again. “Brother, you’re going to kill me.” “Never.” I kissed the top of her head. “Another...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 4

The cobbler’s children have no shoes; the house of my father, an engineering genius, was filled with things that barely worked or had been left half-broken for years. The treadmill in the home gym didn’t run, and the air conditioning was on the fritz. Not surprising, considering he’d barely used the room. Instead, I’d warmed up after waking by taking a fast five kilometre run around the nearby botanical garden and public park just as the sun was beginning to rise behind the Rockies. Years of...

4 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 2

Later that night, when the house was quiet, I again let a dose of sticky cum fountain out of my cock onto my stomach, where I wished I had Jennifer's panties lying ready to collect the gooey mess. Ever since I had asked my sister that fatal question I had avoided her and either slipped out of the house before her or lurked in my room till she was gone, so we hadn't had each others company walking to school for more than a week. She didn't seem to mind though and even if I felt a little...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 3

The next day I was left alone, except for my sister's company. She seemed willing enough to provide me with panties and she went through her inspections just as willingly. For about a week everything happened as it had before, then one morning there was a soft knock on my door and Sue came just inside and stood there looking at me for a while. I was still lying under my blanket, we were after all out of school for the summer. I noticed that her hair was still damp from her morning shower and...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 4

Sue and I spent every day together and I even had to suffer a couple of days of celibacy when she had her menstruation. She was very generous with her panties during these days though, so I survived it without any wet dreams or blue balls. She even masturbated me a couple of times and she loved watching my spurting cock. The days passed quickly and soon it was time for Jennifer to come back home. She called as soon as she was back and we made a date for the next day to go to the pool. Of...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 5

For the rest of the day Vi was transformed. Anything I asked of her, she did, without hesitation or complaint. My sister became focussed to a degree that I had never seen outside of her rehearsals, her usual playfulness reduced to a low simmer. More importantly, she was happy. Her mood was the best it had been since we’d moved in. I could hear her humming in contentment as she buzzed through the hallways to organize and clean. There was a warm smile every time she came to me, asking for...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 6

“Do you think we could take that down?” We were eating breakfast after Violet’s morning workout. There still had been no discussion of the previous day. It didn’t feel like we were avoiding the subject, exactly. Our mutual silence on the topic wasn’t due to discomfort. The emptiness had an invisible energy to it, as if there was a membrane that vibrated silently between us, forming shapes that we were both still trying to discern. I had the sense that if either of us dared to speak of what...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 7

For the rest of the day the desire between us was so thick that it almost formed a rope. It scented the rooms I inspected as Violet stood by the door, head bowed, hands behind her back, waiting for my approval. Her arousal had been rubbed into every surface. I no longer felt my erection: my entire body ached for her. A spot of precum had soaked through my boxers and into the blue denim of my jeans. I saw my sister’s eyes slide towards the dark circle when I turned to her. I no longer tried...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 8

You fucking idiot. I sat in bed, staring at the wall. The Meditations sat on the nightstand, unread. What the hell do you think you’re doing? She wants you. You want her. What’s wrong with that? Legalisms didn’t bother me. I had convinced myself that what was happening between Vi and I wasn’t incest. Not really. Violet was my half-sister, and we’d grown up apart for most of our lives. The doubt that had hooked its barb into me was entirely about what was best for her. She was right. I...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 9

Waking up the next morning was a sudden, pleasant transition: one moment I was asleep, and in the next, my eyes had snapped open. For the first time in weeks I wasn’t drowsy; in fact, I felt remarkably clear-headed. I slid my arm across the bed, felt nothing, and rolled onto my side. Violet was gone, but I could feel a trace of her warmth in the sheets. Pressing my face against the fabric, I breathed in her scent, a combination of something like cinnamon spice and Calvin Klein’s...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 10

We spent the rest of the day in bed. Under the sheets, we created a kingdom of sighs. Tentative, exploring touches evolved into more confident, knowing caresses. We fell asleep together. Napped. Woke up and started kissing again. Stole out like mice to eat tiny bites of breakfast from the tray before diving back into bed to kiss once more. Both of us were torturously, deliciously caught, desperate to buy condoms but unable to be apart, even for a moment. And we talked, as we never had...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 11

Barely awake, I felt my sister slide out of bed in the early morning. Through half-open eyes I saw cool grey light coming through the windows. It was barely dawn. “Vi?” I mumbled, reaching for her. “Everything’s fine,” my sister whispered. I felt the bed shift as she came back to kiss my shoulder. “I’m just going to freshen up before Stephan arrives. Sleep.” “K.” I was unconscious again in moments. My need for rest must have been far deeper than I realized: when I woke again the house...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 12

“What?” I pulled my head back in surprise. In a moment of emotional déjà vu, I felt exactly as when Violet had asked me to spank her just two days before: shocked, disbelieving, and instantly, deeply aroused. “I want you to slam-fuck me,” Violet repeated, her voice louder, more confident. I could feel her hands tugging at the waistband of my jeans, fingers pulling the zipper down. “But we should –” I looked up at the ceiling, towards the bedroom we now shared. “We don’t need condoms. I got...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 132 Making solemn pledges

“Fuck!” John snarled, incensed that the Brimorians were causing him even more problems. Let me get this straight ... the Maliri fleets won’t make it in time, so now we’re rushing to save the Kintark from an Enclave invasion?! That’s correct, Edraele replied mournfully. Except we won’t make it in time either, Alyssa added, sounding heavily distracted. John froze. What do you mean? It’s kinda tricky to talk right now. Come up to the Bridge. He fastened up his trousers and reached for his...

1 year ago
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I've been back at high school for two weeks now and just last weekend I engaged in something that warrants a story. I date the president of one of the fraternities so of course I love to fuck. I'm open for almost anything and one night my boyfriend asked me if I would help him out with this years pledges. "I have an idea for what the pledges can do this year." "Mmhmm?" "Part of being in a fraternity is being fraternal, yes? You know doing stuff together." "Go on." "And one of your fantasies has...

2 years ago
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Substitutions. I walked into the room like I had two times before. it was well lit -- not a dungeon at all, but more like a playroom. She kept it as an apartment most of the time, a separate place to use away from the rest of her life. She welcomed me in, as always, closed the door but stopped me before i fell obligatoringly to my knees. "This isn't about that, sweetie," she said. "I appreciate you coming over on short notice. But I've something I want to explain to you." "Of...

2 years ago
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Substituting Susie

A very pleasant evening hanging out with Susie and her gay best mate Sam became a bit frustrating when he overstayed his welcome. I was really hoping to get into her knickers but he didn't seem in any hurry to leave. It was too late for transport so it looked like we were all going to stay the night. I cornered Susie in the bathroom."I was thinking we might sleep together if you're up for it?” I suggested."I knew that's what you were thinking, but I don't think it's fair on Sam. He'll...

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Substituting for Absentee Fiancee

My friend, Steve, was dating a very voluptuous latina, Martina. Martina wasn't a BBW, but she was very curvaceous and had HUGE tits, a tiny waist and a great ass (if you like a little "junk in the trunk"). She was also lots of fun to hang out with, smiled and laughed a lot, cooked up some great meals, and was always very friendly. Although I ordinarily would have made a play to bang Martina at least once, there was never anything sexual between us, since her relationship with Steve was...

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Centerfold Daughter

Chuck Nelson hummed to himself as he approached the news stand. The new issue of Playpen was out and he always looked forward to that. It was a hard core porn mag that had the best models in it, both male and female, and he never failed to have ample jerk off fantasies as he examined the mag during the month. In fact, he liked them so much he hadn't thrown a single one away in the two years he'd been buying them. Ever since his wife had died, he hadn't had the stomach for re-entering the...

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my girldfriend leave me and i did this D

Hello i want to tell all you this small history, i think is nice and a good memories:It was around 2007 to 2008 year, i was living with a woman for few years but we had many fights all the time, everyone here that have read my other post, know that i wear like a girl in private since i was lik 13 old ( no one would know it) and well, when i was with this girlfriend since i had 23 i think, i stopped to wear as girl because " respect". But things never went right, always fights, lies and more in...

1 year ago
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Banging a Thai MILF part 2

Previously, I had met Anna, a twenty year old bar girl in Phuket. I had slept with her a few times. I had met Anna’s mother, Noy, at their apartment. When Anna went out to the market with her baby son, Noy had come on strong, and I ended up getting sucked and fucked by this gorgeous Thai MILF. The next day I had said I was going to take Anna to the cinema, but not before secretly arranging to see Noy again sometime the next day. I took Anna shopping in the end, as there was nothing on at the...

3 years ago
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A 33 Year Old Virgin

Hello friends. Itis Rakesh, after a long time, again. It’s been boring a few months after college. Let me tell about myself again. I am Rakesh. Age 24. Graduate and working as a freelancer. I have a not so good-looking body though I am mediocre-looking. Sorry for the long post for but I think it is worth it. Let us jump right to it. I was bored one weekend and thought of installing a dating app. After successfully failing in my search in various dating apps like ‘Tinder’, I thought I had my...

1 year ago
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A Really Tricky Abduction1

But you have to accept what is served And if you harbor dark fancies My words are what you deserve ..... I’ve written my “abduction” story In a format not to every-ones taste But if you decide to continue Grab a tissue, you know, just in case My words are for one special person A woman I completely adored And although my feelings still linger She moved on and I moved abroad Anyway, back to my story And to give an initial insight It tells of her part in a works-outing Where...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 6 Video Sex Chat

Author’s note: This story about the video sex chat is connected to the previous ones. So please read from part 1. Many days passed after the previous act. Fuck Divya, she now again slowly started to ignore me. She was ignoring me because she feared that we might again get caught by her mother. I started to feel very lonely. I missed the days when I used to kiss, fuck and cum with her. Every night, my pussy itched so hard. I scratched it by watching porn and thinking about Divya. But solo...

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