Substitute WifeChapter 4 free porn video

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Vivian sent for Mrs. MacGregor after breakfast the next morning. She was going shopping for Christmas decorations and knew little about London shops. Rather than go out with her own maid, Phyllis, a Staffordshire girl, she wanted company who knew the town.

“Annette would do, Milady. She was a London-born girl before Sir Richard hired her to be Deborah’s wet nurse. We have kept her on as a chambermaid. She might not know the most fashionable shops, but she will know where you can buy almost anything.”

Richard suggested that she take the coach. It was a strange vehicle for shopping within the town, but it was tight. It would keep out the wet from the slushy streets and most of the chill wind. She and Annette set out to buy Christmas.

She returned with her purchases and had them put into a sitting room before luncheon. She would supervise the decorations the next day. She had mail.

| Miss Martha Davis
| Accepts with gratitude
| the invitation of Lady
| Vivian Davis to sup with
| her and Sir Richard
| this evening at
| seven post meridian.
Martha had excellent penmanship for a nine-year-old girl. Vivian decided to keep the formalities until either Martha broke them or they were seated. Martha needed to be in a loving family, but she would need -- in seven years but it was not too soon to begin – to know how to behave in formal settings. Richard had been correct about the formal invitation. Martha was clearly seeing herself as grown up with the invitation. Vivian decided to dress formally.

After luncheon Richard again led her to the office.

“The household is yours to rule,” he said, “but we would come to grief if you chose a social life that required more expenditures than our income could comfortably cover.”

“Have I been profligate? Indeed, I have spent only for the Christmas decorations, and I brought back most of the money you gave me. Do you wish me to return it to you?” She thought, rather, that the household was much on a larger scale than the one her mother ran.

“Not in the least. Sometime soon, you must have some coin in your reticule, and the remainder of the Christmas-decoration money will suffice for now. It seems to me that there are several increases in expenditure beyond the current operation of the household. Are you content with the current operation of the household?”

“Oh, yes,” she said. She was not quite content with the solemnity his daughter showed, but this should have no monetary effect. Increased purchase of sweets? Well, she had already answered, and he had mentioned her pocket money.

“Beyond what we spend now, I count: Your clothes, all of your clothes, not just your ball wear; your pocket money; the extra food and wine needed for entertaining. These are very different concepts, and very different amounts, but they are all changes made by your entry into the household.”

“And also the salary for Phyllis.”

“I have counted that in the ordinary household accounts,” he said. “It is a change brought by your arrival, but a change already made. On the other hand, you have yet to buy any clothes. I could make a budget and say, you have this much for clothes to wear out to dinner, and that much for food and drink for entertaining others. That would be not only unnecessarily controlling, it would involve decisions where I am not qualified. When you want to give a dinner, you ask Cook how much it would cost to feed so many people at such and such a level; afterwards, you ask Dawkins how much it would cost to replace the wine the dinner guests consumed. Can you do that?”

“It should not be difficult.”

“Then could thirty-five pounds a month cover all that I have mentioned? -- The entertaining, your wardrobe, your other expenses?”

That was like asking whether the Atlantic could fill a fish pond. “I could never spend that much money,” she said. Then she remembered the expenses of her debut. “For Mary’s Season, it might not be enough.”

“The girls’ seasons, like their dowries, are other entries on the balance sheet. Anyway, there is no requirement that you spend it all. It is just that I can afford to be part of the social scene; I cannot afford to be one of the leaders.”

“Richard,” she said, “I never expected to lead the London social scene.” Indeed, she had had her London Season, and it had ended with a wedding. After all her fears during the first parts of the Season, that counted as a success. If Richard had said that she was never to attend a ball again, she would not have regarded that restriction as domestic tyranny.

When he had presented her with all his information, she went upstairs to prepare for supper. She had much more time than she needed, and she sat in her room and considered her marriage. Richard had told Mother that he would tell the complete truth. It had been truth, but far from complete. She had yet to see a burden of which she had not been warned. She had met several unexpected pleasures.

The matter of bed was one of them. Mother had spoken of sex as something that her husband would do to her that she must accept. Mother had warned her of the pain in the first time, but not in the comfort and pleasure of the later times. She had not mentioned the climaxes at all. Then Vivian remembered that her last climax had not been at Richard’s hand. Rather it had been during the sex act, albeit a strange sex act. She had understood that the man lay on the woman during sex. Even if you considered the climax as part of sex, Mother hadn’t mentioned it at all. One of the unexpected pleasures of marriage was the greatest pleasure she had experienced in her short life.

Being a parent -- albeit a step parent -- was another pleasure. The girls would laugh with her, and Deborah, at least, would hug her. She had been told she would be a mother to them, but she had expected much more of the drudgery and none of the joy. She realized that Miss Walters experienced the drudgery. She was certainly not depriving her of the joy. Miss Walters was depriving herself of the joy as certainly as she was depriving the girls of it.

And, then, the freedom. Mother had hinted something of that. A married woman ruled her household -- under, of course, her husband. Richard seemed to wish to enlarge her rule. If she understood him correctly, he wished her in charge of their social life. She would decide what the two of them would do socially.

She rang for Phyllis. She would bathe and wear one of the gowns she had worn for visiting. Her thoughts of her marriage led to thoughts of her husband. Naked in the warmth of the bath water, she remembered how Richard had come to her, aroused her, and satisfied her. Then, she remembered that Phyllis was in the room. The warmth of the water could have explained her blush, and she washed herself and let Phyllis dry and dress her.

“Thank you for your kind invitation, milady,” Martha said when she entered the dining room. She curtsied deeply, and rose smoothly.

“You are quite welcome, Miss Davis. Shall we be Martha and MamaVivian for the rest of the conversation?”

“You are no longer wroth with me, MamaVivian?” Martha asked when they had been seated.

“Wroth with you? Martha, I corrected you. That is what a mother does; she corrects her daughters. I expect to correct you much less often than my own mother corrected me, but that is because of the services of Miss Walters.” She waited for a response, but none came. “Another thing that mothers do is to love their daughters. Just because I corrected you last evening, I still loved you then. I certainly still love you now.”

“I did not learn of this fault,” Richard said.

“Husband,” she said, “I shall, of course, answer any question you have. It was a minor fault, though, and one I did not consider worthy of a report to her father. You put me in authority, and I exercised that authority according to my judgment. Martha made a remarkably smooth curtsey, although you saw that. Her note showed excellent penmanship. It would be both unfair and misleading to report to you every fault I see in her and not report every excellence.”

“I was only asking out of curiosity. You are in authority, and you are exercising that authority exceedingly well.”

“That is kind of you to say.” She felt that she was feeling her way through a thicket at midnight, not exercising any authority well. “And, Martha, you have many excellences. At your age, you will have many faults, as well. What would happen if Miss Walters said, ‘You left the I out of “parliament” again. I will never teach you any more spelling’? In the same way, when I see you make an error in behavior, I will correct it. That neither means that you are a bad girl nor that I have stopped loving you.” Indeed, if the girls were wrong, it was in the direction of behaving too well. A parent could never say that, though, and Miss Walters would rightly consider that a betrayal. Richard -- Richard and she, now, from Miss Walters’s point of view -- were paying Miss Walters to teach the girls to behave well.

Martha smiled, but said nothing.

“It was kind to notify Deborah of supper,” she said. “Was that your own thought, or had Miss Walters sent you?”

“No, MamaVivian.” Martha’s answer left Vivian nonplussed. She had given the girl a choice, and Martha had not answered it.

“There is more to the situation than you have told me. Why did you stop there?” she asked.

“Miss Walters says that children should not speak to their betters except to answer direct questions.”

“Well, that is a good rule in some situations. It does not serve us now, however. We invited you to sup with us so that I could learn about you. If I do not know the correct question, then I cannot learn what I should know without your telling me. Now, what is it that I might not know about yester eve?”

“Mary told me to get Deborah.” So Mary took care of her sisters. “Miss Walters stops us from eating when she has finished her meal. She says that we should learn to take small bites, and yet not to dawdle.” Indeed, Martha was eating when not talking. She was taking small bites, but she was taking them with dispatch.

“Well, it was kind of Mary to send you, and kind of you to come,” Vivian said. “Did you get enough to eat?”

Martha smiled. “Yes, MamaVivian. When I told Miss Walters what you had said about your having delayed me, she stopped eating to tell us about the history of Rome. She does not dawdle, but she sometimes talks while we are eating to give us time.” Miss Walters was humane, then, and human as well. Vivian would give odds that Miss Walters thought that the girls had not noticed that trick.

“We are going to have Christmas in London this year. What good things do you remember from Christmases past?”

Martha remembered several things. Little was on her list that could be purchased, and Vivian had already purchased those things. Did Wassailers travel London? Well, they should be ready for them.

“And what,” Vivian asked as the meal was coming to an end, “would you like to ask me?” Martha, with her efficient eating, and Richard, who had barely participated in the conversation, had already finished their suppers. Vivian was not quite done, yet, and Martha was sitting quite politely. She expected some questions about Staffordshire or what the Season was like.

“Why did you and Father marry?” asked Martha. She must have seen shock on Vivian’s face, because she looked sorry that she had asked that question.

“That is a perfectly good question en famille.” She didn’t want her asking something like that in front of company. “The short answer is that your father proposed and I accepted. I am not the right person to ask why he proposed, but I accepted, in part, because he was the only man who did propose.”

“I had seen her smile,” Richard said. “Apparently, few other men had. You might have seen it outside in the snow. You certainly heard her laugh then. I needed brightness in my life, and your MamaVivian is brightness personified.” He had never spoken like that to her. She remembered the incident when he tickled her in the mirror, though. “That is a real smile,” he had said. She blushed when Martha looked at her.

“I could have refused your father’s proposal,” she said. How many problems that would have caused were not for nine-year-old ears. “But when I accepted, I did not know the reasons for acceptance that I would list now. We often say, ‘I shall be totally honest with you.’ Often, however, what we say then is not all the truth. It is only the bad things. So it was with your father. What I did not know marrying him was that he was exceptionally kind.” She did not know about the joys that he brought to the bedchamber either, but she could not tell his young daughter that.

“Is Father really kinder than most husbands?” Martha asked.

“Well, he is the only husband that I have ever had. That makes it very hard to make comparisons. He is much kinder than I expected. My new family has produced many happy surprises. The careful penmanship of your letter was one of them.” Let us stay away from the surprises of her bedroom, and -- most especially -- the surprises she received in his bedroom.

“That was my fair copy,” Martha said. “I sometimes spill the ink.” That must be an apology for her criticism of her sister.

“Sometimes, I do, as well. That is why I am careful to cap the inkwell and wipe the quill before I let anyone come near. I spilled more at nine, of course, and even more at seven.”

“Yes, MamaVivian.”

“When I rise, Martha,” Vivian said, “you should rise with me. Whenever you are a guest at dinner, you rise when your hostess does, and the gentlewomen leave the gentlemen.” The she rose and walked out. After following her, Martha left her for the children’s quarters. Richard, who had not smoked a cigar from his smell and the time it had taken, came out to join her.

“You were marvelous,” he said. “The girls have needed a mother as much as I have needed you.” Well, if she was not to be loved, she was to be needed. She was appreciated, as well. “I remain, however, curious.”

“It was nothing. When I saw sisters in school, I sometimes envied those who had sisters to care for them. And Mary cared for Deborah, and Martha came down so she would not be late for her meal. Then, sometimes, I would see how older sisters could treat their younger sisters, and I would thank God I did not have that sort of bully in my family. Well, while doing her favor, Martha asked Deborah whether she were bothering me. I will not have those girls think that speaking with me was bothering me. I told her so. Then she said that Deborah was sometimes messy with ink. I told her that she should be less conscious of her sister’s faults, and more conscious of her own. At table, she confessed to me that she sometimes spills ink, as well. All of these are trivial, and I do not want her feeling that trivial faults will be reported to her father. I may, sometime, need to report their grave faults to you as a punishment for them.”

He offered his arm, and she took it. They walked up the stairs together. “Is it utterly selfish of me to rejoice that mine was the only proposal?” Richard asked.

“I am very happy that I accepted yours. I am less certain that I would have accepted another.” But, would she have done so? The widower who said that he did not love her had seemed a cold offer.

“And you consider my kindness that great a recommendation?” he asked when they were outside her dressing room. He kissed her before she could answer. The kiss was gentle at first, when he invaded her mouth, though, he plundered it. His hands stroked her derriere and then grasped it.

“The kindness would have been enough, and it something that I can discuss with Martha. I cannot say a word to her about the pleasure that you bring to my bed.”

“You find it pleasure, then?”

“That is good enough a word.” That was the only word she had, but it was a mild one for what she felt.

“Well, then, I should be certain to visit you tonight, should I not? We wish you to have all the pleasure that a marriage can afford.”

She laughed. “I am happy to attract you away from your habit of avoiding me,” she said. He had been in her bed the last two nights.

Vivian had learned to her surprise that Miss Walters released her charges for the hour or more before they were served supper. She tutored the girls one at a time, and then set each one free until supper time. Vivian had not known that when the girls had no interest in coming down from their floor. As the Christmas season neared and they grew fonder of her, they started to come down and seek her out.

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SubstituteChapter 6

“Do you think we could take that down?” We were eating breakfast after Violet’s morning workout. There still had been no discussion of the previous day. It didn’t feel like we were avoiding the subject, exactly. Our mutual silence on the topic wasn’t due to discomfort. The emptiness had an invisible energy to it, as if there was a membrane that vibrated silently between us, forming shapes that we were both still trying to discern. I had the sense that if either of us dared to speak of what...

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 7

For the rest of the day the desire between us was so thick that it almost formed a rope. It scented the rooms I inspected as Violet stood by the door, head bowed, hands behind her back, waiting for my approval. Her arousal had been rubbed into every surface. I no longer felt my erection: my entire body ached for her. A spot of precum had soaked through my boxers and into the blue denim of my jeans. I saw my sister’s eyes slide towards the dark circle when I turned to her. I no longer tried...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 8

You fucking idiot. I sat in bed, staring at the wall. The Meditations sat on the nightstand, unread. What the hell do you think you’re doing? She wants you. You want her. What’s wrong with that? Legalisms didn’t bother me. I had convinced myself that what was happening between Vi and I wasn’t incest. Not really. Violet was my half-sister, and we’d grown up apart for most of our lives. The doubt that had hooked its barb into me was entirely about what was best for her. She was right. I...

1 year ago
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SubstituteChapter 9

Waking up the next morning was a sudden, pleasant transition: one moment I was asleep, and in the next, my eyes had snapped open. For the first time in weeks I wasn’t drowsy; in fact, I felt remarkably clear-headed. I slid my arm across the bed, felt nothing, and rolled onto my side. Violet was gone, but I could feel a trace of her warmth in the sheets. Pressing my face against the fabric, I breathed in her scent, a combination of something like cinnamon spice and Calvin Klein’s...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 10

We spent the rest of the day in bed. Under the sheets, we created a kingdom of sighs. Tentative, exploring touches evolved into more confident, knowing caresses. We fell asleep together. Napped. Woke up and started kissing again. Stole out like mice to eat tiny bites of breakfast from the tray before diving back into bed to kiss once more. Both of us were torturously, deliciously caught, desperate to buy condoms but unable to be apart, even for a moment. And we talked, as we never had...

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SubstituteChapter 11

Barely awake, I felt my sister slide out of bed in the early morning. Through half-open eyes I saw cool grey light coming through the windows. It was barely dawn. “Vi?” I mumbled, reaching for her. “Everything’s fine,” my sister whispered. I felt the bed shift as she came back to kiss my shoulder. “I’m just going to freshen up before Stephan arrives. Sleep.” “K.” I was unconscious again in moments. My need for rest must have been far deeper than I realized: when I woke again the house...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 12

“What?” I pulled my head back in surprise. In a moment of emotional déjà vu, I felt exactly as when Violet had asked me to spank her just two days before: shocked, disbelieving, and instantly, deeply aroused. “I want you to slam-fuck me,” Violet repeated, her voice louder, more confident. I could feel her hands tugging at the waistband of my jeans, fingers pulling the zipper down. “But we should –” I looked up at the ceiling, towards the bedroom we now shared. “We don’t need condoms. I got...

2 years ago
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Substitutions. I walked into the room like I had two times before. it was well lit -- not a dungeon at all, but more like a playroom. She kept it as an apartment most of the time, a separate place to use away from the rest of her life. She welcomed me in, as always, closed the door but stopped me before i fell obligatoringly to my knees. "This isn't about that, sweetie," she said. "I appreciate you coming over on short notice. But I've something I want to explain to you." "Of...

2 years ago
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Substituting Susie

A very pleasant evening hanging out with Susie and her gay best mate Sam became a bit frustrating when he overstayed his welcome. I was really hoping to get into her knickers but he didn't seem in any hurry to leave. It was too late for transport so it looked like we were all going to stay the night. I cornered Susie in the bathroom."I was thinking we might sleep together if you're up for it?” I suggested."I knew that's what you were thinking, but I don't think it's fair on Sam. He'll...

4 years ago
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Substituting for Absentee Fiancee

My friend, Steve, was dating a very voluptuous latina, Martina. Martina wasn't a BBW, but she was very curvaceous and had HUGE tits, a tiny waist and a great ass (if you like a little "junk in the trunk"). She was also lots of fun to hang out with, smiled and laughed a lot, cooked up some great meals, and was always very friendly. Although I ordinarily would have made a play to bang Martina at least once, there was never anything sexual between us, since her relationship with Steve was...

3 years ago
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Community Involvement Ch 10

Return to Clare ‘As one door closes and another door opens’ as the saying goes and to say that I was living that saying would not be too far a stretch of the imagination. To put you in the picture, it was just over six months ago (November 2013 to be more precise) that I was made redundant from my accountancy position which was quite a set back for me on a number of fronts, as it is for most people. Fortunately I had been able to get some contract work with a number of local real estate...

4 years ago
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His Name was Man of Steel

As I was answering some of the replies to my ad, I was sent an IM from Man of Steel. There was no small talk, no attempt to hide what he was driving at- the very first message was something to the effect of “So you’re looking to suck some cock?” It was pretty obvious that he was comfortable with having another guy service him, so I didn’t hesitate to tell him that I was. We started trading messages back and forth, talking about the standard stuff: his penis size, cut or uncut, stamina,...

2 years ago
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Ms Priss and the pick up

I never go out to bars. My friends asked me to meet them at the local watering hole and I said yes. I had been lonely and bored. I sat at the bar and ordered a Tom Collins while I waited. I was dressed conservatively in the skirt and modest cardigan I had worn to work. I crossed my legs and swung my high heeled pump nervously. I barely noticed a man sit down next to me. I drew shapes with my finger in the condensation from my glass and pretended to be relaxed. Where was everybody? The man next...

Straight Sex
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My wifes little sister

We went to visit my wife's little sister for Christmas. Shes only 22 and just got married last year. A real sweetheart, she's got these tiny little tits with big pink nipples that stick out about an inch! A natural reahead, she's got an ass to die for and I had the hots for her big time! We had dinner when we got there and then talked for a while before they showed us to the guest bedroom where we were to sleep. I heard Jessica in the bathroom across the hall and I wished I could sneak...

1 year ago
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Real Control 3

Real Control Part 3 Thank you for the feed back and kind messages just to clarify when I say puppy training it just for me no pets was harmed It's a form of obedience training lots of women train there men the same way the shock dream lover 2000 has a canine Mode taking me to the floor and shocks if you try to stand up. I was told any method used to break someone is good. then we can rebuild you. You will find sandra Anne will learn obedience even after...

2 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 3

The Journey What have I done? Why am I here? I am "miserable." I was saying to myself. I had just taken a physical this morning; too bad, that everything checked OK. This was the longest bus ride that I have ever taken in my life. I just turned seventeen the previous month; I quit school and coaxed my father into co-signing me, to enter the Army. I would find out later that I did not have to coax him, that he knew it was best for me. I had made this decision and I could do nothing about...

2 years ago
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Planting The Seed

I was sitting in my $2,500 custom made contour chair behind a $14,000 hand built Teak executive desk in a private corner office on the thirty-third floor of the fifty story high-rise and looking out my window and daydreaming. When I heard my computer buzz I turned and saw a reminder flashing on the screen for the upcoming three o'clock conference call. I really didn't want to sit in on another boring conference call on the proposed take over of KCI Inc., but as the new Chief Operating Officer...

1 year ago
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maliha slut wife

maliha was a very sexy 24 year old newly wed sex goddess she was 5’3 had the cutest face and pouty cock sucking lips you would ever see, she was 36c-24-36 her best asset was her round wobbly ass and her cute green eyes her ass would shake where ever she would walk her husband zaid was a very skinny gullible man and both him n his wife were very shy naive Pakistan people who moved in the hood less than 2 months ago. her husband was a smart man who was 30 years old and worked for a computer...

2 years ago
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418 things aint always quite as you may fantasise

418 things ain`t always quite as you may fantasise .This story started about September last year, when I had a friend request from a couple SAYING; My profile on here clearly states I am a bi lady in my mid fifties and seeking a lesbian couple from preference for mutual sex [though what it doesn’t say so, in reality to have a good tryst with another woman again I would at a push agree to sex with her husband] but most hamster folk live on hope anyway. I`m Mid fifties as I said, I live alone, in...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling my boyfriends fantasy

I am standing at your front door, wearing a not-so-long black coat, that ends suggestively mid-thigh. You invite me in, licking your lips in anticipation. My sexy heels straighten my back and gently push my ass out, and as I slowly turn around to close the door, you catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. I turn back to look at you, expecting a gentle, yet passionate welcome, but instead you grab me around the throat and snap a collar around my neck. “You’re mine today bitch, and you...

2 years ago
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Emma To The Rescue

The party was dire and I was beginning to wish I'd gone to the pub instead. New Year's Eve was always busy and the thought of spending most of my evening queuing at the bar was the chief factor in me deciding to go to the party. However, it was going nowhere and the guy I'd spent the last thirty minutes listening to could bore for Britain. My mate, Dave, who came with me was nowhere to be seen; he'd either left without telling me or, more likely, had drunk himself into a stupor and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 32

I started taking things out of the boot box, putting them on the bed next to me. Four fur lined manacles with ties attached. I imagined those ties would be fastened to the four corners of a bed making the prey spread eagled. Next was a small butt plug, then a life like eight inch rubber cock. These couldn't be my sweet Rita's toys. They were probably hidden on that top shelf of the closet because Luke was into bondage with a secret girlfriend. I put the dildo down next to the butt plug on...

3 years ago
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New Years Eve Present

It was New Years Eve, and as usual I had a group of friends at my place for a party. Things had been going great, beer had been drunk, laughter was had, and Emma spent the entire night teasing me in that gorgeous black party dress she wore. Barely long enough to cover her sweet little ass, her bare legs caught the attention of every guy in the room. And best of all, she was all mine. The clock had struck twelve, and the New Year was here. Emma grabbed my hand and told me to follow her. I...

3 years ago
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Hidden MemoriesPart Four

Introduction: Im sorry I took so long, Im always apologize but only because you guys wait and I feel bad when I dont put a part up within four days. My reason why it took me long to post this, Ive recently read a new book by one of my favorite authors, you guys should check it out. Its Lori Foster Run the Risk, great book, I couldnt put it down. Anyways I also Apologize for the French Ive put into this, Im not completely sure if its correct but I did have help and I thank BeastlySoul for giving...

3 years ago
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El Yes Wed Like Some of ThatChapter 6

TUESDAY 7:45 A. M. CST Elfrealm Lake's Edge, Chicago, IL Tao Lin was still not certain what her guardian meant for her to do, or where her new home was to be. The last three days of her life had passed like a dream. After leaving The State Department office she was led, in that 'Moses Parting the Sea' mode, to an area on the north end of Grant Park. Once they had arrived there, her Living God did something and an eight foot circle of haze appeared before their path. 'You need rest,...

1 year ago
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Longtime Lovers

He lay me down on the bed, crawling up the bed behind me. Leaning over my face, so I could look into his deep brown eyes. He leant in close, and ran his tongue across my lips. I love the way his tongue feels against. Reminds me of past encounters with him, his tongue exploring my body… But now he’s licking my lips. Running his tongue across them, back and forth, till he pushing his tongue between my lips, spreading them apart, sliding into my eager mouth. He kisses me deeply. Lots of tongue....

2 years ago
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Sandy was more than a little upset with herself as the early morning light brightened the hall. Her son had been due to arrive home from school late last night, and though she really wanted to be awake when he arrived, sleep had gotten the better of her. She thought about going to his room to check on him, but then thought the better of that idea and, retreating to her room, found her bathrobe and slowly made her way to the kitchen. As she poured her first cup of eye-opener she thought about...

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Vienna Waltz

“Welcome to the New World” is a story event being curated by QHML1. In one way or another, all of the stories will involve women being seduced by power. Being a great writer doesn’t necessarily equate to being a wonderful judge of writing, which explains why QHML1 invited me to participate. I look forward to reading all of the other stories and encourage you to join me. Vienna Waltz “Listen, darlin’, I didn’t freaking plan this. I don’t know what you want me to do here. It’s not like I don’t...

2 years ago
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Desire for sister

My name is Anil, engineering graduate and working in abroad. I am from middle class family. My parents are working as teachers in the high school. I have only one sister Amutha who is younger than me. I have completed my 5 years contract from my company and returned for a long vocation to my village. Last 5 years I never visited my village and parents. When I entered my home I wondered about my little sister. She has got very voluptuous structure. Her baby lemons of bosom got enough flesh and...


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