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I've always been close with my mother. But in recent years we kind of went our own way, with me going off to law school, and her eventually moving in with her fiancee.

But in this past year, both of us faced an unexpected change which led to something that neither of could have ever predicted.

It started when my mother was laid off from her job as a university science professor due to California's budget cuts. Around that same time, she and her fiancee agreed to mutually spit up. Some timing huh? But at least it was an amicable break-up and there weren't any hard feelings whatsoever.

Thankfully she was able to land another teaching job fairly quickly, but the dilemma she faced was that she would have to move to another state. Looking for something new in life, she took that opportunity, and that's where things developed between us.


It was early in the morning when I showed up to help my mother pack her stuff. Her ex-fiancee, Dave, was off at work and he didn't mind me being there with her.

We were in the living room, and in between putting her things in boxes and carrying her books for her, I picked up a picture frame of her running past the finish line during a marathon in San Francisco. It was something she liked to do annually for both person achievement and charity awareness.

"Not bad for a 46 year old woman huh?" she asked proudly when she saw me looking at it.

I also couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked at that moment, with her hair tied in a pony tale, her eye glasses shining, and a look of pride of her face. She was barefoot, wearing a simple outfit consisting of gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt.

"Not bad for any age. Seriously, I know I couldn't do it."

She smiled, "That's because you never try."

"Good point," I replied. "But even if I did, there's no way I could finish as early as you did. That's one heck of an accomplishment. You always did have a lot of heart ya know."

"Thank you. Have a seat. I want to show you some pictures."

I sat down on the couch and my mother turned around to rummage through a box, pulling out a photo album. She sat down next to me and opened it while it was on her lap.

"I managed to make the top twenty percentile of all the participants. So not bad for a woman my age."

She pointed to a picture of her celebrating with her ex-fiancee, and she was drenched in sweat with a big smile on her face.

"Jeez, I had no idea you were in such great shape," I said.

"Like you said, it takes a lot of heart, and it was worth it for charity. That was my last time running a marathon since it wears your body down, so I gave it my all. These days I stick mainly to pilates and yoga."

"Whatever works for you. But if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and Dave? You two look so happy together in this picture."

She sighed, "He really is a nice guy. In fact, he's a great guy. But at the end of the day we're just two different people. If I want to watch science programs at night, he wants to watch reality tv. If I want to go hiking during the weekends, he wants to stay home and relax. And I suppose the fact that he works with attractive young models all day at the fashion agency doesn't help our relationship either."

"You mean he's cheated on you?"

"No, I didn't mean that. But it's hard to compete for attention with women who are literally half my age. You wouldn't understand," she said with an emotional tone.

I patted the back of her shoulder. "I do understand. And there are plenty of guys out there who actually prefer older women. I know I do."

"You do? That's news to me. I've only seen you with college coeds. Besides, it seems like all the younger guys who lust after mature women are only looking for that novelty one-night-stand. I've never had any interest in doing that."

"That's because you're a classy woman," I replied.

She gave me a look of appreciation. "So what's going on with your love life these day? Dating anyone new? Is she older? Anything serious?"

"No...well...not exactly. She's around my age and we're just keeping it casual. Nothing serious."

"So all that talk of you liking older women was just to make me feel better huh?" she questioned.

"I actually meant what I said about that. Honestly. I've always admired the grace and class that older women carry. They're smarter and much more elegant. And I prefer the way they look over younger woman. You would be a perfect example of everything I just said. I think Dave is a real fool for letting you go and not giving you the attention you deserve."

She suddenly grabbed me by the neck with both hands, pulled me towards her just as she leaned forward, and give me a simple kiss on the lips. It only last a second.

"That's for being a real gentlemen and for making your mother feel special," she said as she let me go.

I paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling of her lips. "That felt...that felt nice mom."

"Why do I get the feeling you enjoyed that a little too much?" she asked playfully. "You're hooking up with a girl your own age and I'm sure she does a lot more than give you quick kisses on the lips."

"Sure she does.'s hard to explain. It just feels nice from you."

She looked over at the clock. "It's 9 am on a Friday morning. I'm leaving tomorrow and I won't be seeing you until at least a few months after. Have you got anything better to talk about?"

I paused for a moment. "I know I'm going to regret telling you this, but you've always been my ideal woman. Whenever I go out on a date with someone new, if she doesn't have your qualities, then I'm not interested. You've really set the standards for me. So to have a kiss from a woman like you is like a dream come true."

"I...I had no idea you felt that way," she said with a genuine tone. "I had always assumed you were like most boys who can't wait to get away from home after they graduate because they don't need their parent's money anymore. I mean, gosh, is this even normal?"

"I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that. Let's just get back to packing."

She put her hand on my leg for a moment to stop me. "No. I apologize if I came across as being judgmental. I'm not upset. But I am a little curious about this, that's all. My friends who are around my age tell me about how their c***dren rarely ever call or visit them once they're out on their own."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure their k**s don't have a mother that looks like you," I replied honestly.

"That's very sweet of you to say. Can I ask you a personal question?"


She took a deep breath, "I get the feeling that this is more than just about personality. Are you...have you ever been...attracted to me? How did it start?"

"Is this really necessary?"

"To me it is," she replied with complete sincerity. "My biggest regret these past few years is that we kind of drifted apart with you going off to law school and me moving in with my former boyfriend turned ex-fiancee. I know I would deeply regret it if I moved to another state without getting to the bottom of how you truly feel about me."

I paused and thought for a second before replying, "Fine. It was a long long time ago. I came home after high school and you were asleep on the couch with your blouse slightly open. It was the first time I had ever seen a bare breast and I never forgot it. I tried catching glimpses of you over the years, and sometimes I was successful, and sometimes I wasn't. Since then you became the standard for what I looked for in a woman, both physically and personality wise."

"I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that..."

"I'm sure you weren't. I never thought I'd find myself explaining that to you."

She put a hand over her heart as an emotional gesture. "I'm actually very flattered by this. I'm flattered that you would think this way about me. I know it's strange and not exactly common, but I'm really touched."

"I'm just glad you haven't freaked out and sworn to never talk to me again," I joked. "You've always been such a cool and understanding mom. And I guess it hasn't really hit me yet that you'll be moving away to Arizona and I won't be able to see you whenever I want."

"One foot in front of the other is what I like to say. We've all got to move on sometime. I love my life here. But I have a great job offer teaching science over there which pays well, along with having more students to work with. I also get to meet to knew people and experience a new environment. I'm not getting any younger you know."

"But won't you miss San Francisco and all it has to offer? You've lived in this area your whole life."

She smiled, "Of course I will. But like I said, new experiences. And let's not act like I have no other benefits from living there. I'll finally get to work on my tan all year round among other things..."

"Among other things? You sound like you have something up your sleeve?"

"Not really," she replied with a coy and mischievous look.

"Wait a second, after everything I've told you where I risked total humiliation, you're still keeping secrets from me? Come on, what 'other things' are you talking about?"

"You've always been too curious for your own good," she said with a smile. "But I guess you get that from me. To tell you the truth, I would get to enjoy roaming around my own place naked again. There's obviously a lot of hot weather and sunshine here in California, but I just see at it as an extra perk that comes with a new job and a new state to live in."

"Oh..." I gasped. "I wasn't expecting to hear that."

"So it looks like both of us learned something new about each other this morning."

"You've got that right," I replied. "Dave is a real idiot for letting you go."

"I wouldn't use harsh language like that, but I felt more comfortable being naked and he didn't. That was another source of contention between us. It's not that he minded seeing me bare while I cooked or graded school papers, but rather he didn't want to join in which made things awkward. Most men are insecure with their bodies, which I think is really unfortunate."

A warm tingly feeling crept through my body and I started getting aroused.

"You cooked and graded school papers while you were naked?" I asked rhetorically. "You've officially become even more perfect in my book."

She laughed, "Thanks I guess. I'm glad you think so. All my life I've always felt comfortable without the constraint of having to wear clothes. It gives me a sense of profound freedom. And I do my best thinking while undressed, which is why I like to grade school papers naked, not to mention writing articles for the school newspaper or online publications. If the scientific community only knew..."

"Yeah, I bet those nerds would have a serious nerdgasm knowing how you like to write. And I bet your classes would be packed with male students if they knew how their teacher liked to grade their papers," I joked.

"Hey, those 'nerds' are my friends. And students only come to my class to learn. Got it mister?"

"Got it. So when you're unpacking in your new place in Arizona, I take it you'll be doing it while unclothed right?"

"Gosh, you won't leave this alone will you? And this whole time I thought we were having a mature and enlightening conversation," she replied.

"We are, but it's hard for me to overlook the fact that my beautiful mother is a secret nudist."

"Do you think it's any easier for me to overlook the fact that my son has an i****t fetish? You don't hear me making wise-cracks about that do you?"

I paused for a moment, "Good point. What an educational day."

"Look..." she said in a moment of candor. "This may sound a bit out there, but by your own admission, you have a certain interest in me, and I've just told you I have a thing for nudism, so why not make this a special day before I leave?"

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" I asked nervously, with a hint of excitement.

She nodded. "Why don't we just get naked and get this whole thing over with. You won't have to spend the rest of your life wondering what I look like fully nude, and I finally get to experience the freedom of nudism with someone who I truly love and who appreciates what I have to offer. What do you say?"

"I say that sounds like a freaking awesome idea mom. Dave's probably gonna kill us if he finds out that we pranced around his house naked- but hey, it'll be worth it."

She chuckled, "Actually, I doubt that. Dave and I had some pretty personal conversations in bed together, and he made me swear that I would never tell another soul about this...but...well...he sort of...his mother and him...God, I really don't know where to start..."

"He fucked his own mother?"

"Watch your mouth!" she snapped. "But to put it in less crude terms, yes, he sort of had an adult relationship with his own mother which lasted for many years. That was one of the reasons why I was so intrigued by what you said about me. He's only talked about it vaguely, and it was the first time I had ever heard anything like that. So it came as a real shock to me that both of you feel the same way about your respective mothers."

"You have the internet right? I suggest you turn off your safety filters and do some online research. It's a pretty common deal amongst men. It's even starting to become popular amongst women."

Her eyebrows raised, "Good to know. I'll have to do some research on that...umm...for scientific purposes of course. As for right now, the clock's ticking, who should go first?"

"You're the experienced one. You should go first mom."

"Fine. And it's such a strange feeling hearing you call me 'mom' right before I'm about to get naked in front of you. Anyway, here it goes..."

She stood up and placed her glasses on the counter. And she followed that up by undoing her ponytail, letting her long hair fall freely. I could see her breathing become heavy as she bent down to remove her sweat pants, revealing her thin and nicely toned legs. Then off came her t-shirt, revealing her thin upper body with it's small breasts. She stood in only her bra and panties.

"What do you think so far?" she asked with her hands raised high.

I looked her body over and replied, "I think you're perfect as far as I'm concerned. You're the reason why I love older woman."

Her face lit up with pride and she got the confidence she needed to reach back and undo her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She bent down and did the same thing with her panties, letting them drop to her ankles and kicking them away with the tip of her foot. My eyes examined every inch of her, taking in her small but slightly hanging breasts, and her large brown nipples which stood in stark contrast to her fair skinned body. Her crotch had neatly trimmed pubic hairs and I could see her dark brown labia protruding below it.

My heart pounded as my decade long fantasy of seeing her completely naked had finally come true.

"God you're beautiful," I told her. "You're amazing. Even better than I ever could have imagined."

"You always were a charmer. Now it's your turn. Let's see what you've got underneath those clothes."

I remained seated and pulled my t-shirt off and tossed it on the other end of the couch.

"And the rest of it?" she asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now. Can I take a rain check?"

She put her hands on her naked hips and gave me a stern look. "A little shy all of a sudden?"

"It's not that," I replied. "It's know how these things go. You're a beautiful woman. And you're naked. You can see where I'm going with this."

She raised a single eyebrow, "Are you erect?"

"Yeah, I am."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of sweetie. I gave birth to you and raised you. It's a perfectly normal human reaction, and in my life experience, men's penises pretty much look the same. So stop being such a wimp and get naked already."

"Okay, if you insist."

I took off my socks, stood up, and in simple movement, I dropped my shorts and underwear to reveal my fully naked body to my mother.

She squinted her eyes and leaned her head forward, looking at my crotch. "I thought you said you were erect? Are you cold or something?"

"You better be joking or else I'm unpacking all the things I helped pack."

"I'm k**ding!" she shouted with a laugh. "I couldn't resist taking a jab at your delicate ego. You're a perfectly healthy young man. And whoever you're currently seeing is a very lucky young woman."

"Thanks," I replied. "So what now? Do we just hang around doing naked stuff together? Or do we just sit down and enjoy our nakedness? I'm new to this."

"Well there's not a lot of things we can do with that stiff erection between your legs. And we certainly can't have you pack my things like that. God forbid you drop something heavy on your precious manhood. I would never be able to forgive myself."

I laughed, "You still haven't lost your sarcastic touch. It's your fault I'm standing here with this erection you know."

"Then I suppose it's my responsibility to undo it. Is that what you're saying?"

I tried my best not to jump around the room in joy, and I succeeded. I stayed as calm as possible with my mother seemingly offering to take care of me.

"You can interpret it that way. You're the scientist. I don't mind."

She took a few steps towards me and we stood face to face. She maintained a relaxed expression while she used both hands to softly caress the shaft of my erection with her fingertips.

"I certainly didn't plan for this to happen," she said with her fingers staying busy. "But we're already naked and you're male fertility appears to be at its peak. So are you interested in making my last full day here a special one? It'll be special for the both of us."

"Why do I get the feeling that you haven't been made love to in a very long time?" I asked after seeing the longing in her eyes.

She paused for a second. "It hasn't been that long. But it's been unfulfilling in many ways. I'm not a woman who goes around looking for one night stands. I have nothing against woman who do, but if I don't feel that there's love and a connection there, then it's meaningless to me. And that's what's been missing between me and Dave. We haven't had an intimate connection in a long time."

"You seem like that kind of woman," I replied. "That's one of the things I really love about you. And I'm sure you wouldn't mind being with a much younger man with a little extra, you know..."

"Vigor?" she smiled.

"That too."

Her fingers went from simply caressing me softly, to wrapping themselves around my entire shaft and giving me a good squeeze, which sent a jolt down my body.

"So what's your answer going to be mister? Are you interested in making love to your mother? Or am I going to have to save these fingers of mine for myself later?"

I wrapped my hands around the back of her neck the way she did to me earlier, and I bent forward to give her a kiss. It wasn't the quick touch of the lips like she gave me, but a kiss which showed love and compassion. It was wet and sensual, and both of our tongues found themselves wrestling against each other in our mouths.

"Does that answer your question?" I replied.

She smiled and gripped my erection even tighter. "Yes. Yes it does. God, I can't believe this is actually going to happen. My own son of all people..."

I touched her soft breasts for the first time and gently pinched both of her erect brown nipples and played with them. We briefly kissed again.

"Son or not, this feels right. You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

"How should we start?" she asked.

"Sit down on the couch. I want you to spread your legs for me."

A shy expression crept over her face and she tried to hold it in. It was as if she was a virgin who heard a dirty word for the very first time. But she wasn't a virgin and she wasn't about to hear dirty things. She was my mother and we were about to have our first sexual encounter together.

Once she sat down, she did as I asked and spread her legs open for me. The look on her face showed that she didn't know what to expect until I got down on my knees in front of her.

"Are you going to perform oral sex on me?" she asked in a state of disbelief.

"Has it been a long time for that too?"

She nodded. "Dave isn't a very big fan of doing it. Neither was your father when we were still together. I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to lose my virginity all over again."

I pressed my hands on her thighs and rubbed her legs. "Good. This is supposed to be special right?"

My hands continued rubbing her thighs and made their way up to her crotch. I examined her vagina and was mesmerized by how beautiful it was. Her labia was dark brown and protruded at just the right amount. But what was most eye catching was seeing her clitoris swell and the pink area of her vaginal opening start to release clear fluids. She was aroused alright.

I leaned forward to give her womanhood a nice kiss, feeling her pubic hairs against my lips. My hands were still on her thighs and I felt her twitch, so I did it again and again until she was used to it. Once her movement stopped, I stuck my tongue out and gave each side of her labia a nice long lick, which she reacted to. Then finally, I stuck my tongue inside of her vagina and she let out a sharp moan.

"Oh my god..." she gasped. "Whatever you're doing, don't stop."

Hearing my prudish mother's sexual pleadings only motivated me to suck and lick her vagina even harder. Her fluids filled my mouth and I couldn't help but notice how good she tasted. I looked up at her while I continued my oral service to see her eyelids squeezed shut and her hands squeezing each of her small breasts and pinching her large brown nipples.

"I'm ready," she suddenly said. "I'm on the verge of an intense orgasm and I want you inside me already."

I patted her on the leg, "Come on, lay on the floor."

After I stood up, I did the gentlemanly thing and extended my hand for her to hold to help lift her. But to my delight, she took my hand to get off the couch and immediately dropped to her knees to orally please me. As great as it felt, the thing that grabbed my attention the most was the surreal sight of my throbbing cock in her pretty little mouth.

After a few seconds later, she spit out my cock and said, "I hope you don't mind but I'd like to return this oral reciprocation another time. I'm in desperate need of making love."

"I'm sure we can work that out later," I smiled.

She smiled back and she laid down on the carpet. Her eyes never left me and she watched me climb on top of her, kissing her after I pressed my weight down.

"I bought this rug for Dave and I when I first moved in here," she said in between kisses. "We were so close to getting married. So it's especially hard to believe that I'm currently laying naked on it with my son on top of me."

I gave her a few more kisses. "You're a woman with needs. If he's not willing to take care of them, then someone else has to. And it might as well be me. You deserve it mom."

"Do you really want to have sex with me? My vagina is the place where you came from after all," she said with a hint of shyness.

"That makes it even more special doesn't it?"

Her eyes lit up when I said that, and then she reached down to guide to tip of penis towards the open entrance of womanhood.

"You're right, it does make it more special," she said. "And this is our special day. Now give me an experience I'll never forget."

I pushed my hips down and I penetrated my mother. She felt warm, comfortable, and dripping wet; everything a real woman is supposed to feel like. After I went all the way in, I pulled back and did the same thing again, forming a nice rhythm.

"Oh god..." she moaned with her eyes wide open. "This feels so good."

Her legs wrapped around me tighter and her hands squeezed my back. I'm no stranger to good sex, but actually screwing my own mother was the best thing I had ever experienced. The depraved and lust filled look which filled her eyes showed that she agreed and felt the same way. Both of our heart rates skyrocketed as I continued pounding her thin body.

She suddenly tapped my shoulder to get me to stop. "Wait, I have an idea. Turn around, lie on your back."

I had no idea what she had planned, but with the excitement in her eyes and the lust in her voice, I knew it would be good, so I did what she said. Once I turned to my back, my mother climbed on top of me with my cock still inside of her, and she straddled me in the 'cowgirl' position.

"I had no idea you would be interested this position," I noted to my mother.

"We'll see," she said with her voice filled with curiosity and heavy breathing. "I've always wanted to take charge during sex, now here's my opportunity. Another piece of memory I'll take with me. So where did we leave off..."

She placed both hands on my chest and slowly started to rock her hips back and forth. I missed the closeness we shared with me being right on top of her with our faces just inches away from each other, but that feeling was immediately replaced with the erotic sight of my mother's hair waving back and forth. And as she picked up her pace, I got to see her small breasts jiggle in front of me with her large brown nipples being as hard as they possibly could.

Beads of sweat formed around her face, as did mine. She squeezed my chest harder and I squeezed her thighs tighter. Both of moans and breathing became louder. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, and suddenly her back arched and I could feel her legs shivering on top of me. She was having an orgasm.

"Oh my god...Oh my god...I'm cumming...."

Her face was pointed upwards and her hips kept gyrating in short movements while she entered a state of sexual bliss. It was an amazing sight to witness, and it felt equally as amazing feeling a slight rush of fluids gush from inside of her body onto mine.

It didn't take long for me to reach my climax as I shot spurt after spurt of my cum deep inside of her womb, while I squeezed her hips tightly.

When it was over, she collapsed on top of me. Her long hair covered my chest, and I could feel her face and her breasts on my skin while we tried to calm down and make sense of everything.

"Thank you," she said a few minutes later. "Thank you for this. I'll never forget it. And I'll always have this memory of us even after I leave tomorrow."

I rubbed my hands through her hair and back. "No, thank you. I've had this fantasy since I was young. And you know that fantasies rarely come true. I'm glad this one did."

She gave me a kiss on the check and then on my lips. "You're so sweet."

"Do you think we'll get to do this again in the future? Or is this a one time thing? I would understand if you wouldn't want to or if you meet somebody else over there, but I think this feels right between us."

"We'll see," she said as she rested her head back on my chest. "I was never very good at predicting the future. And I certainly never could have predicted that this would ever happen when I gave birth to you all those years ago. But for now, let's just enjoy this moment."

" you plan on telling Dave that we had sex in his living room?" I asked in a joking manner.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Are you k**ding? I'm going to tell him every last detail about what we did just now. Trust me, his right hand will have plenty to do for the next several months. It's still fairly early in the morning, so who knows, maybe we can give him more stories to think about."

The End

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I open my eyes to the sound of waves crashing onto a beach. I almost forgot where I was for a moment as I sat up. The sun was down, I looked over to the clock sitting next to the bed "2:23am" It read. I lay down quickly making the entire bed shake, I roll over to see the most beautiful girl laying next to me. The covers half on her body, barely covering her. I have a great view of her amazing C up boobs and her toned stomach all the way down to her groin area. The moonlight coming in through...

2 years ago
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The Black Bull The Hotwife and Cuckold

Introduction: It was all her idea and I just went along because I really didnt have a choice. It all started when my 28 year old wife Sarah told me that her best friend Jill (who is married) was seeing a black guy on the side. It had started out as just a casual thing where Sarah was just sneaking around but now had progressed a month later to the point where Sarah was contemplating splitting up with her husband Dave and was moving in with Marc her new black lover. I was shocked. Jill and my...

3 years ago
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me and my middle sister was playing around the house just being bored it was just me and her until are older came home and went right up stairs i looked at Sidney and scratched my head as me and her watched are older sister Donna having a hard time to go up the stairs and as she going up the stairs she taking her clothes off I thought to myself she must be getting in the shower. This was a long time ago this happened I remember a lot of it but not all of it Donna went up stairs me and sid new...

4 years ago
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Door 2 DoorChapter 10

“Morning, tiger!” Abel heard, jolting him awake from whatever strange dream he had. “What?” Abel asked groggily. Suddenly, a very strong pair of feminine hands pulled Abel into the shower and turned on the water jets. Then a very familiar scent struck his nostrils and he looked closer to find his beloved Christina, who else? She kissed him repeatedly as she bathed him, her attitude one of true selfless service to another person, the man that she loved. In just one weekend, he stole her...

2 years ago
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Swinger club in Vienna

Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Rebecca Black Horny Teen Gets Her Anal Fix

Kristof Cale walks in on his sexy blonde college roomie Rebecca Black taking naughty selfies of her sexy slit, and he wants something more real than a picture. He wants to touch, feel, and taste his Czech housemate. The young temptress is happy to oblige his request, as what woman doesn’t love being fawned over and properly fucked? And this horny man can’t wait to eat the pussy of this little nympho and penetrate her horny little asshole in the way she’s asking him to. See the...

3 years ago
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Young bottom fucked by old store owner part 2

This is a continuation story. I had successfully seduced a older store owner into fucking my ass in the back of his store. Since then i kept day dreaming and flashing back to that moment. I remember the fear and excitement. I remember his hard cock in my mouth and ass. But most of all the feeling of his cum load shooting deep into my hole. That day when i went home i remember stripping naked in front of the mirror looking back at my ass admiring my figure and comprehending what i had done. I...

1 year ago
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Jerrys Huge Cock pt2

Well Jerry got laid off at work to my disappointment so I could no longer see him strut his huge cock in the showers.I was not sure if he would ever get called back so I went over to his house to console him and try to up his spirits! When I got there he was already pretty drunk and was walking around in his underwear showing a huge basket. I said dude you look huge in those have seen my cock he said you know how big I am, can you believe my wife is leaving me for a guy with a 6...

2 years ago
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Great Minds

It starts sometime that morning. As you stumble out of bed to the noise of your alarm clock, you wish that it would just shut up. To your surprise, it stops mid-tone, not continuing like it usually does. You brush it off, thinking that it's probably just a malfunction. "Great, John, looks like you'll have to get a new alarm clock soon," you think, stepping into the shower. The water starts and stops when you turn the knob, despite the fact that you've paid your bills. It's not a great part of...

Mind Control
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Sparing with ChungLi

I’ve know Chung-Li for a while now and we’ve become pretty friendly over time. Now Miss Xiang is a world class fighter, arguably the strongest woman in the world. I’m just an amateur fighter, but I’ve been trying to get her to train with me. We work out together pretty often and today I lucked out in getting her to practice martial arts with me. She has a training room in the back of her house, so we met up there for some exercise.We got ourselves setup to practice on the mats in her training...

1 year ago
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I first met Karen during my second year of college, but we didn't really know each other that well...she was just a friend of a friend at the time. We didn't really start hanging out together until we moved into the same apartment building in our third year of college...her apartment was just four doors down from mine. We had a class together one semester and sometimes we would walk to and from school together. She was the type of person you couldn't help exciting and...

3 years ago
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David, my husband has an older brother, Steven who has two sons, Charlie and Miles with his wife Karen. At the time of this incident, Steven was serving in the British Army based out in Germany, both sons thanks to the Army paying some of the fees, had been educated at UK boarding schools since they were 8 years old, flying out to see their parents at full holiday times, at other times we were their legal guardian in the UK and looked after them on the half term breaks. Charlie is 2 years...

2 years ago
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i fucked my mates nanna

i was asked to paint and decorate my mates nannas bungalow cos his grandad had died last year and he normally liked to do it,as a favor i said i would fit it in some time.i rang mary to set up a time and date to come and measure it all up,she asked could i call round monday night about 7, no probs, id'e never met mary but on the phone her voice was sexy.i called round monday, mary must have forgot i was calling she had just got out the shower and was so embarrassed she was only in a towel,come...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 60

Dan walked over to the grave and laid a bouquet of flowers by the tombstone. As Tom moved to stand behind him, he looked down at the ground. In a soft voice, he said, “Hello, Pat. It has been a year since I visited your grave. I’m sorry that it has been so long. It is It’s hard to believe that you’ve been gone for two years now. It feels like it was yesterday when we met. “I’ve been watching over Betty like you asked me to do. It was real rough on her for the first year, but she’s doing...

3 years ago
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Drunk Stepmom teaching teens

Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray movie on his new big screen TV. They laid next to one another holding hands. Danny thought that it may be his lucky night. This was his first night with Kate alone in his new apartment. He just moved in three weeks ago. He started work six months ago, after a small course at his uncles firm where they make computer software. He was looking forward for having sex with Kate, she walked around in her hot pants and tank top with no bra from the...

2 years ago
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Opening to new horizons

We were all young, athletic, handsome young men in the beginning of our 20s and so we loved flirting around with almost every young, hot lady we came accross. It was a game to us, that turned to competition : it was all about who dared most, who got most phone numbers and flirty texts. Snapchat was at its peak, so we would try and get sexy pics from the girls we were chatting with. But that was nothing compared to getting a kiss in front of all the guys. So we were chilling and fooling around...

2 years ago
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Some jobs have hidden benefits

When Ben Brown was growing up, he was always borrowing money from his father. Everything he wanted, he would ask his father for the money. His father did make him work for his money, he wanted Ben to realize the value of money. This was OK when it was for computer games, going to the picture theater with his friends, or his new bicycle. But when Ben turned seventeen, he wanted four thousand dollars to buy his first car. This was way too much for Ben to pay off in chores. Ben’s dad made him go...

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The Manchurian Girlfriend

THE MANCHURIAN GIRLFRIEND Sleazy Blonde, 2021 I transferred into Slippery Rock, mid-term, from State University. I thought that Slip would be a better fit for my active lifestyle, outdoorsy and all, you know. Slip recognized all my credits and simply wanted me to join their mountain climbing team. Its an up-and-coming NCAA sport, mountain climbing is. I was fortunate to get a dorm room too. It would have been too much, you know, switching schools and having to navigate around a...

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An attractive red head feels quilt about seeing black men and tells her husband the truth

Kathy first met a black man without her husband’s knowledge and had a great time experiencing her first taste of black cock. Kathy told me she loved meeting them and watching the contrast of seeing a huge thick black cock as it slices into her pussy. Kathy still felt guilty about going out with these men and coming home with their seed still inside her belly knowing her husband had no idea his wife was out screwing around. After she told me she was going to stop seeing her black lovers...

2 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 36

Day 130-140: The Islanders of Sweetwater Port refused to allow anyone off the boat when they anchored. A swarm of canoes launched from shore a short while later. “No dock?” John asked. Vasin shook his head. “No, and the ground underneath the water is quite shallow near the shore as well. The natives consider it part of their protection.” One Islander, obviously the leader climbed up onto deck first, followed by a small, well-armed entourage. “You are a Raider vessel.” The Islander...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Sex With My Ex In Chennai

Hi friends, this is Jaks and I’m 24 years old guy working in IT industry from Chennai, Tamilnadu. This is my first story so please ignore my mistakes. I love this site and I have read lots of stories here. I really did not even dream that I too would have sex that too with my Ex lover about my girl friend, her name is Kavitha, she got married now she is very innocent and she has really a sexy figure having a great body of sizes 28-30-28.Viewers can share their views and comments to my mail id...

1 year ago
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The Contract Ch 04

I use italics to show when conversations occur telepathically I hope you enjoy Please Note this chapter is unedited!! Copyright RS Chapter Four What is the problem here? ‘Gregory, please get out prisoner and move her from her into the interrogation room’ Alpha Dravid, ordered his second-in-command, as all other Alpha’s, bar Alpha Titos, entered the room. Titos had chosen to head straight to the interrogation room. He looked on at the proceedings on the observation side. Titos hoped...

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The Mirror

The clock on the wall had just struck 11:00 pm. For hours I had been lying in my bed waiting. I knew that in about an hour my brother would be returning.from his date with Evelyn Parks. Evelyn was the prettiest girl in our high school, a real knock out with long back hair, a sweet face, big tits, and a fine round ass, just made for squeezing. She and my brother had been dating since the twelvth grade. I must admit that I was envious of him. There I was, Just seventeen and in the tenth grade,...

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Classmate To Bedmate 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Ani (name changed) from Chennai. New to ISS as a writer, I will feature some of my encounters with you people which will make you feel horny. My age is 24 years, completed my bachelor’s degree from a decent college. This incident happened when I was studying in my second year (age 20) at my college. Usually, college students will be eager to talk with girls a lot. I was good at talking with girls even though I studied my schooling in a boys school. In my class, there were...

3 years ago
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Hasha Fucking Her Coworker Mark

Hi, horny guys and girls, this is a true sex story modified to make it interesting. Characters involved in the sex story. Hasha, mark, the coworker. After the abusive encounter with hasha’s brother in law Rizwan, hasha was horny all the time. She was looking for ways to compensate her sexual endeavors. Two days after the incident with her brother in law she loses her calm, comes back from work. Goes to her room, locks it shut. Strips naked find a deodorant bottle. Shoves its straight in her...

4 years ago
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Watching The Boys Part 2

I tried to get some sleep, but the images of my son sucking down hisfirst load of cum out of Jamal's huge member, were now forever burned intomy brain. I had a restless night's sleep, and wondered what else hadhappened between Jamal and my son. I so desperately wanted to get back tothe house and deal with Jamal, but the meetings I had were too important tomy company and I couldn't delay or ignore them. I had to watch the video again first thing in the morning. Just tomake sure I didn`t...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Brixley Benz Stepdaughter Squirts By The Pool

It’s a nice day Jonathan Jordan is out by the pool. His stepdaughter Brixley Benz wants to play a prank on her stepdad. She gets on the float and starts jumping up and down. You can see her perfect small breast through her top. She suddenly goes in for a kiss. Jonathan is concerned. But she wants to get fucked. Jonathan whips out his massive black cock She is more than happy to swallow his cock whole. She gets on his cock for a ride. He thrusts his dick in her tight pussy. She loves it so...

2 years ago
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Doing Moms Job 3

I sat up. The memory of the day before was still fresh on my mind. I had licked my daughter until she had come, after she had given me a nice blow job earlier in the day. The memory made my normal morning wood harder than usual. My feet touched the floor and I made myself to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Once dressed I headed to the kitchen where I could hear Kimberly moving around and preparing for breakfast. I was sad to see that she was fully dressed. I had liked the sight...

4 years ago
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KOMŞUM MERALÖncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin...

1 year ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 60 The First Jump

I stepped through the doorway. Ensign Munfree jumped to her feet and turned to look at me. “Captain,” she shouted. I nodded. “Helm, can you plot a course for system Gee One Dash Six Five Nine?” “Sure,” Lance Corporal Kelly said. He turned to look at the controls. “Captain?” Ensign Munfree asked. “I need an all ship intercom channel,” I said. My own words felt weighty on my tongue. “This announcement won’t be welcome.” Chaz sat down and turned to her controls. She seemed to move...

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Bachpan mein pataya8230

Hi iss reader it is my 1st story on iss main pichhle 2 saal se rojana iss ki kahani parhta hoon. Pehle main apne baare mein batata hoon. Main varanasi ka hoon, mera naam kuchh aur hai lekin mere dost mujhe harry bulate hain. Mera land ka size 8 inch hai aur meri hight 5’8 inch hai. Ab main kahani shuru karta hoon ye un dino ki baat hai jab 12th statnderd mein parhta tha mere saath kayi ladkiyan parhti thi unmein se ek thi gulshan jo mere ghar ke saamne rahti thi.wo dekhno mein thoi sanwli thi...

1 year ago
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A Little Gettogether

The man was kneeling astride the woman. After fucking her he had removed the condom and had spent a pleasant few minutes sliding his still erect cock between her ample tits. Now he was approaching the end. While his right hand, fondled a nipple, his left was pumping fast along his shaft. His breathing came in irregular gasps as he urged himself towards the point of no return.The woman regarded this as the supreme moment. With a word or a gesture she could puncture the erotic tension just as it...

Group Sex
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Egypt Lovers

I was sitting on the beach drinking an ice cold beer looking out over the sea, it was beautiful! It was so hot that day I was dying to get into the sea. As I was just about to get up and walk down to the ocean, a hot women walks by in a thong and sits in the deckchair in front of me. She lay on her front facing away from me, so I got a great helping of her pants. They were pink and looked very tight on her, and as she lay down she gave herself a camel toe.

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 10 The Aftermath

We all slept late on Saturday morning, but by 9:30 we were together around the Parker's kitchen table, enjoying orange juice, French toast, and crisp bacon. I filled my coffee cup for the second time and wondered what the proper attitude was, after a night of hot public sex on your friends' own marriage bed -- all of it recorded by Don's skilled photographic hand. The Parkers weren't feeling any tension, that's for sure. "What a night!" Louise said, refilling her own coffee cup....

3 years ago
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Me and mom

I was on my way home Friday night at about close to midnight when I received a call from my mom.My mom loves to smoke weeds. Mom ask me if I can get her some weeds , she forgot buy some earlier in the day from Marijuana Ckub store . She has medical marijuana card.I went to see one of my buddy who has connection and get some for her before I stop at her house.I arrived at her house and went straight to her room and gave her what she ask for.Mom want me to spend the night with her, because it...

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All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together raised their feminine side to grow up as sisters into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. Girls were on their way to inform the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns that zombies can be saved...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Scarlett Mae Truth Or Bare

Moving out is a big step in any young persons life. Scarlett is happy that she is taking the leap with her stepbrother by her side. Their parents think its weird that the two of them are going to be living together on their own. Maybe their parents are right because it does not take long for Scarlett to have her stepbros cock in her mouth! Later, Scarlett has to share a bed with her stepbrother. She tells him they should pretend to be a couple and cuddle in bed. Soon, her pussy lips are gliding...

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter III

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...

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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 18

Without a word being said they adopted their now normal position on the sofa. "Has there been any improvement in your father recently?" "Slight. His speech has improved but his right arm is still next to useless. Mum says he tries but there's really very little he can manage on his own." "It must be so frustrating for him." "Yes. Mum says she hears him growling and scolding at himself." "Poor chap. You said 'Mum says'. When did you last see him?" "Christmas. I haven't...

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Highway 8216Drive8217

It was just 8 in the evening, and I was about 50 km outside Chennai heading to Bangalore. I stopped at a Dhabha, for drinking a coffee and smoking a cigarette. The air was filled with the aroma go food. Although I was tempted to order some food, I decided against it. I was driving alone and I did not want to fall asleep at the wheel. While I had my coffee, my eyes kept going back to a young woman standing a few feet away from me. She must have been in her mid-twenties, with brownish complexion,...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 30

Renee woke to a hand on her shoulder, and for a heart-stopping moment, she thought it was Zack's. But Sawyer's mismatched eyes calmed her fears. "What time is it?" she asked. "Seven PM," he said. "We have to go." "Where?" He grinned. "First, I'm going to take you somewhere I should've a long time ago." "Where?" she repeated, unease creeping into her stomach. "It's a surprise. You'll like it." He placed some clothes on the bed, and brushed his bangs from his eyes....

1 year ago
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Meeting a Twink on Campus

I’m a much older student (58), with a pretty big 6’0” athletic physique. I have a very good physique and weigh about 210 pounds. I attend our local state university and that’s where I met Kevin, we sat at the same table in our History class. Now Kevin had very feminine mannerisms, he was very thin, had very fair skin and a nice skinny ass. He was movie star handsome and if you did not get close to him you could mistake him for a girl. I’ve had a few relationships with men before, but this...

2 years ago
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Pony for DaughterChapter 4

Later that night, Priscilla sat curled up in a chair. Her eyes were trained on the television, but her ears were tuned to Ben. He was talking to his daughter, Tammy, on the phone. Priscilla couldn't wait until it was her turn to talk with Tammy. She fidgeted impatiently in the living room chair, unable to concentrate on the TV show. "I'm through," Ben said to Priscilla. "You can talk to her now." Priscilla leaped out of the chair. "Can I take it upstairs in the bedroom?" She wanted...

1 year ago
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Sleepover Swap

Here's the story, with a little bonus as the end that I've included as a bribe to get more of you to comment on this story. *** Sleepover Swap By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 "I'm tired of being treated like a child -- no, like your damned _pet_," Carla Parker exploded. "I have to be there for you all the time, looking pretty, building up your ego -- as if it wasn't big enough -- doing every damned thing you say like I don't have a brain in my head." Jeff Crawford leaned back against...

4 years ago
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Reminiscences of the Night Before

What a wonderful way to wake up! I awoke in Hubby’s right arm with my naked body pressed against his. He was still asleep. My breast was resting on his chest, my crotch pressed up against his thigh that was between my legs. His hand resting gently on my shapely ass. It was such a deep sensual feeling to awake like this, especially after what we had experienced the night before. As my eyes slowly opened the first thing my eyes caught sight of was hubby’s flaccid circumcised love tool...

1 year ago
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Helping My Girlfriends Daughters To Come Of Age

It was 2003 and I was 39. At the time I was going out with a girl called Ann. Ann was a year older than me. She had two daughters. Katie And Claire who were twins,their 16th birthdays due on the 22nd of August.You would not have thought they were twins. Both had slim pert titted figures but Katie was a Redhead and Claire a Brunette. Both lovely and fuckable. Both about just over 5ft tall. Absolutely gorgeous.It all started on Saturday 9th August. It was about 4pm. I had been to the pub was laid...

4 years ago
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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 2Chapter 2

The bad thing about a weekday holiday is returning to work the day after. None of us had imbibed that much the day before; in fact as far as I knew none of the women had drunk at all, still it was hard getting up at 5:30. The flight over to NAS Pensacola in the Sabreliner VIP aircraft was less than 15 minutes. We were met by Chuck Swanson, commander of Det Two on the ramp. He was driving one of the Ford Explorers that we had modified to run off of the vegetable bio-diesel we were producing...

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SexAndSubmission Demi Sutra Hostile Takeover

Demi Sutra has built her company from the ground up. Her only mistake is trusting her long time business partner Seth Gamble. Seth is sick of listening to Demi and decides it’s time to take charge. He kidnaps her, strips her to her bra and panties, and has her tied and gagged. Now Demi has no other choice but to sign the contract Seth has drawn up which gives her shares of the company to him. Demi thinks after she signs Seth will let her go, but Seth has other plans. He knows he has to...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 30 The Loss of a Sister

Brit woke up early in the morning to a pleasant sensation. She lay with her eyes closed for a while, just enjoying it. Finally, as sleepiness fled from her, she opened her eyes to discover just what felt so good. She lay on her back, and Crystal had rolled over on top of her, the girl's head on Brit's chest. Crystal's body felt warm and soft against her own. It was a little embarrassing though, since they were both nude. She tried to gently push Crystal off of her without waking her, but...

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