Compulsion free porn video

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Compulsion Dawna Tompson Jan 2020 A desperate man takes extreme measures to satisfy his overwhelming desire to become a beautiful woman. But is he getting exactly what he needs? (A story from the genre "I woke up as a woman," but with a few new twists and turns.) - - - - - - An attractive young woman opened the automatic door with a quick swipe of an electronic card dangling at the end of a lanyard she'd slipped over her long neck. The large double doors swung open with a low swoosh. "Good morning Ms. Simmone, welcome to Transitions, I am Gloria and I will be your guide for your procedure. I want to make you as comfortable with today's procedure as possible. Is there anything I can do for you?" "Yes," replied the middle age man who was just beginning to raise himself from an uncomfortable waiting room chair. "I'm not sure I am ready to be called Miss or Ms., not just yet anyway." "Certainly, Mr. Simmone. Please come with me to Dr. Markoff's office, she must clear you before we can begin." He walked hesitantly behind Gloria as she ushered him into a small exam room. "Dr. Markoff will be in shortly." He sat still on the cold exam room table with a mixture of excitement, anticipation, and more than a little anxiety. Dr. Markoff breezed in and shoved an outstretched hand toward the man. He took it willingly thinking as he did so, "She's so young and pretty and probably talented as well. She is so lucky." "My name is Dr. Markoff and you are Ms., no, I mean, Mr. Thomas Simmone, yes? And you are here today to undergo our most radical procedure?" "Yes, well, it was expensive but it's what I want. No. More like what I need...." "Can I call you Thomas?" Dr. Markoff's tone was breezy and friendly. "Yes, please." "Thomas, I want to put you at ease. The risks in undergoing this procedure are minimal but you must understand that almost everything we do, almost right from the beginning, is totally irreversible." Tingles spread throughout his body as she lingered on the word 'irreversible.' "Yes. Permanence," he thought, "is exactly what I need." Dr. Markoff continued. "Once you make the transition, you will not be able to return to your former self. Your body will be much changed but importantly, you will feel much differently inside too. You will experience life from a new perspective, that of a young and attractive woman. Do you understand? There is no going back." "Yes, of course doctor. I've thought about this for a long time and there is no need to reconsider my decision. This is exactly what I want." "Good." Then turning to Gloria, "My assessment is that Mr. Simmone is certain about what he wants and appears to be a lucid and stable adult above the age of consent. Gloria marked a few items on a document fastened to a clipboard. Dr. Markoff quickly signed it and then thrust it toward Thomas. "Sign here please... and your initials here, here, and right here." He did so without hesitation. "I believe we have completed all the legal stuff. We'll begin right away. Are you ready?" "Yes, it's a big step, but I am ready. Ready to become the woman I've always needed to become." "Gloria, fill a syringe with 90cc of Toponol," Markoff instructed. Gloria busied herself on a side table and then quickly produced the syringe. Dr. Markoff turned toward Thomas, "Please, roll up your sleeve." She injected the needle painlessly into the flesh just below his shoulder. "How does that feel?" "Nothing. Just a prick." "Good." "Is this going to start the transition?" Thomas queried with a hint of nervous eagerness. "No." Dr. Markoff laughed. "Not so fast, Thomas. This is the start though." She continued. "This drug will quickly be absorbed into nearly every cell in your body. Enzymes will then travel to each nucleus and then pass into the DNA molecule in each cell in your body. This will sensitize each cell to accept the next drug, which will stimulate the cells to reconfigure to a new DNA pattern. Then, each cell will use the DNA to create messenger RNA which will begin replicating within the cell according to its new template." "She's a lot more interested in these details than I am," he thought. "I guess that's a good thing." He shifted impatiently as she continued to explain the science underlying the procedure. "Virtually every cell in your body will be altered to XX instead of XY chromosomes. Many cells will quickly die off, new ones will grow, and others will alter themselves. Your new DNA will be the DNA of the woman you have chosen to become. You will be, at the cellular, chemical, physical and physiological levels, a new person, a woman instead of a man. It should happen very quickly." Thomas nodded quickly, perhaps betraying a little of his impatience. He needed results, not a long scientific explanation. "Now follow Gloria down the hall, she'll need to take a few blood samples to confirm that the drug has infused your entire body. That will take a few minutes. And it will be best if you undress and lie down for the procedure. After that we'll begin the transition process." In a few minutes Thomas had undressed and crawled into a large hospital bed. He lay on the bed naked under his open-backed hospital gown trying to adjust his pillow to get comfortable. He pulled at the sheets to try to hide a huge erection caused by his excitement and anticipation. The thought crossed his mind, "This will be the last erection I'll ever have." It was unbearably exciting. Gloria, seemingly reading his mind, whispered, "I'll leave you alone for a bit." Thomas whacked off. He tried to make it last but he quickly spilled his cum into a wad of tissue. He tossed it toward a wastebasket, missed, and then thought better of it. Embarrassed, he hightailed it to the restroom and flushed the sticky evidence down the toilet. He crossed back to the bed and then wondered if masturbating like that might weaken his resolve. He was relieved to find that, if anything, the physical release made it easier to focus on what lie ahead. "Yes," he thought, "I really do want to do this. I've been waiting what? Thirty, no, close to forty years for this. I think it started just after puberty. No, maybe even before then. I really can't remember." "I know that I am not a woman. I'm not queer and I don't think I'm trans either. But I also know I desperately need to become a woman. One that can attract a man who will treat me as a woman. I simply cannot go on any longer with this overwhelming desire. God, I hope this works. This is my last best chance to fix whatever has been broken in me all this time." Gloria returned with Dr. Markoff. "Good news, the drug has worked very well. Over 99 percent absorbed." Markoff turned to Thomas. "Your body is ready to accept the transition drug. Let me confirm that you selected Female Model Number 22, is that correct?" Gloria held up a laminated 8 by 10 card with the number 22 embossed in large numerals. It had several pictures of a beautiful woman taken from different angles. Tabular data on the card indicated the physiological, emotional, and psychological attributes of Female Model Number 22. "Yes, 22, that's the one I've chosen. She's beautiful, everything I've always dreamed of," replied Thomas. "Okay, here goes." Markoff injected another drug. And then a third. "This one will make you sleepy. When you wake up you'll be female donor number 22. You'll be joining us in sisterhood Ms. Simmone. Good luck to you." Thomas awoke after what seemed to him to have been no more than a couple of minutes asleep. Gloria was by his side and spoke up immediately. "Ms. Simmone, welcome to the female sex. Come sit up, I want you to have a look at yourself." Gloria walked over to help him get out of the bed. "There are a lot of things you are going to have to get used to now. Starting with this new body," Gloria declared. "There is a large three- way mirror behind that curtain, let me take you over there and I'll pull it back so you can see the results. I think you are going to like what you see." He walked unsteadily across the room. "It's not that I feel weak, it's just that I feel small, and my hips and everything seems unfamiliar and out of place. Oh! Look at these wonderful things." He brushed aside long strands of wavy light brown hair and then lifted, tossed, and fingered an unfamiliar mass on his chest through the thin hospital gown. Gloria commanded, "Now untie that silly hospital gown and drop it to the floor as I open the curtain." With that, Gloria reached to the curtain and then froze in place. - - - - - - A synthetic feminine voice intoned, "I'm sorry but your time has expired. If you wish to purchase additional time press the 'Continue' button and select the number of minutes you wish to purchase on the virtual keypad. Your credit card will automatically be charged." Then after a short pause, "Thank you. .... Continuing." "Hey, Brandon." A young girl looked up from her computer screen to address her coworker sitting across the cramped control room. "He's going again. Gee, this is really weird." Brandon replied, "Jesse, you'd better not let Mark catch you looking at any personal screens, that's a fireable offense. It's supposed to be very, very, private here. Our reputation depends on it." Then after a short pause he continued, "He's one of our regulars. And if the truth be told, I've watched his video stream a bit off and on. We get all kinds in here but his seems unique. It's not for me, but I guess, to each his own." "It looks like the card went through okay, do I need to do anything?" Jesse asked. "Naw, it's all automatic. You might raise things up a notch or two though. But make sure you keep the average level at about four. And don't let any of the settings go above six. We don't need a cardiac patient tonight do we?" - - - - - - - He reveled in his new body. He pirouetted and twisted in the mirror to take in every inch of his new form. His skin was so smooth and virtually hairless. He had long and beautiful light brown hair. Gloria handed him a hand mirror and he examined his new private parts. He poked and spread and fingered his new genitalia. He was delighted with what he saw and felt. He traced his fingers around the rim of his dark areola and then took his large nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and squeezed. "Oh!" he squealed in girlish delight. "I knew they'd be sensitive, but Holy Cow!" He then murmured to himself, "Gee, I won't miss my penis at all, not with these two nuclear tipped kittens so handy." He tugged again, quietly exhaling "Ohhhh" low enough so that Gloria could pretend not to hear him. "I look exactly like Female Model Number 22, except of course for the eyes." He excitedly spoke to Gloria. His eyes had remained the same, so he knew it was him when he looked in the mirror, but everything else had changed. "Yes, you do, you look simply wonderful. I hope it's all you wanted," Gloria responded. "Yes, it is. I am so overwhelmed with wonder, happiness, and excitement." His voice started to betray a hint of unconstrained emotion. "I am a woman now, exactly what I need to be," he told himself as a tightness gripped his throat and his upper lip quivered. Gloria came up and wrapped a warm arm around his shoulders. "I know it's a lot to take in," she comforted. "You don't understand, this is what I've craved all my life." He was choking on his words. "This is what I've wanted to be for as long as I can remember. I was a man, and I knew I was a man. I wasn't a woman. I functioned well and was successful as a man, but I had to live all the time with this tremendous secret. It was a huge weight on me every waking moment. It was a gnawing pain that never went away. This," he swept a graceful arm from the top of his head to his knees, "this is what I've always wanted to be. And now I am. Oh! It's so wonderful." He began to weep, starting with just a few tears but quickly progressing to uncontrolled sobbing. Gloria held him tight. "It's alright honey, it's all right. You no longer have to feel that pain inside anymore. It's gone. You can begin living again." Gloria soothed. Thomas took a few minutes to pull himself together. "It's true," he thought, "the pain is gone. I no longer feel that gnawing, throbbing grief pulling at me." Once Gloria sensed he was ready she changed the mood to something a little more upbeat. "Now come on, we have to get you into some new clothes that will show off that pretty figure you have. There is a dance tonight in the hotel ballroom next door, the hospital is celebrating its anniversary. All the doctors and staff will be there. You're invited too." "It's a rather formal affair so we'll want to get you dressed to the nines. Here, put on these panties and bra, there's a robe on the hook behind the door to cover the rest up. Hurry, and then follow me." Thomas did as he was told. A shiver rolled through his body as he slowly pulled the lace-trimmed black silk panties over his smooth thighs. "This is too much," he thought as he fumbled to hook the matching bra and twist it into place. He glanced again in the mirror to attend to his full, uplifted breasts. He adjusted the bra to reveal the deep cleavage it had been designed to show off. "Yes!" he exclaimed, raising his voice just loud enough for Gloria, who was standing in the hall just outside the door, to hear. "Come on!" she urged. Gloria led him to a small side room off the main hallway. Inside he discovered a hair and makeup salon with two girls waiting to help him with his makeup, hair, clothes, and jewelry. They were going to help him get ready for tonight's big dance. Gloria invited him to sit down as the two girls began their makeup magic on him. First, they explained, "We'll need to roll your hair in these huge rollers. It will give you lift and body." Best of all, the two girls, who he soon learned were Tammy and Beth, were professional makeup artists. And they were excellent tutors. They explained exactly how they intended to curl and comb his long beautiful hair into a formal upsweep and then how they planned to work on his makeup to bring out the best in his soft features. The chair he sat in was turned so that his back was facing the illuminated make-up mirror. "Can I see what you are doing?" he asked. "No," they teased. "You can look at yourself when we are through, but not a second before. Now sit back and let us apply your false eyelashes and begin working on your makeup. Close your eyes so I can apply the glue." The chatted as they worked. "Hmmm, I think this one.... Beth are you getting a good arch?... No, a lighter shade would look better.... Watch it. It's getting unpinned... Okay, purse your lips a bit. Yes, they look so kissable. Okay, it looks like we can comb him out now." He sat still while they worked. He imagined seeing himself in full makeup and the thought set his heart beating fast in anticipation. He was excited but in a much different way than he was used to. Soft tingles rippled between his legs, then traveled to his breast, up around the sides of his neck, around his ears, and then back down below. He felt oddly warm and damp down there. He noticed something else. He felt different inside. He couldn't put a finger on it at first, but he felt much less his ordinary self and more, "What?"... "Feminine," he guessed. For one, he felt close to the two girls, Gloria, and even Dr. Markoff. "It's something different. Something I don't feel around men," he mused. "I want to be friends with them. No. Maybe... it's... I don't know." It was more like he felt he already was good friends with them. "How can that be?" he thought. "I just met these women yet I already feel so close to them." It occurred to him that all three women were also quite attractive, and yet... yet, he didn't feel any familiar sexual thoughts directed toward them. Ordinarily, he'd be initially attracted to any winsome girl, though the very next thing that would pass through his mind would always be, "Gee, I'd like to look like her." "No," he thought, "those impressions are totally gone." It was actually a big relief. But the internal changes really hit him when a young orderly peeked in. "Do you girls need anything? Water? A soda?" He glanced directly at Thomas. Thomas observed that the orderly's eyes were soon locked onto a point somewhere south of his chin. Thomas, feeling a bit exposed, adjusted his robe to close it a bit. Still, he was delighted to be included as one of the girls and even more delighted to garner the orderly's wordless compliment. He noticed Tammy and Beth exchange glances at one another and watched as they changed their tone of voice to something he recognized as a little flirtatious. He tried joining in with their behavior and found it easy to do. The three of them teased the young man and laughed with him as he brought in a couple of bottles of water. When he left, Tammy remarked in a low voice, "He's pretty easy on the eyes, No?" Beth giggled in agreement. Thomas felt a little thrill run down his spine too. "That was interesting," he thought. "Things really do seem different now." Tammy confided that the young man would probably be at tonight's big event next door. "Maybe he'll ask you to dance," she goaded. Thomas turned several shades of red as they all laughed together. Gloria appeared with several beautiful low-cut gowns folded over her arms. "You have a lovely figure and I think any of these will show it off, but I thought this blue satin slit gown would be perfect for you. It will feature an occasional flash of your lovely legs and of course it won't hide what you have on top either. She held up the gown so Thomas could inspect it. "What do you think?" He gazed at the lovely dress and nodded. It reminded him of the many times he'd fantasized about wearing a beautiful sequined mermaid gown like this. "And now I will get to realize my fantasy." Gloria unzipped the back of the gown and he eagerly stepped into it. The feeling of being surrounded by feminine softness, both inside and out, thrilled him as she zipped the back up and then smoothed and adjusted the thin shoulder straps. He could feel the soft silkiness of the fabric pulled close against his hips and thighs. It fit tightly around his nicely rounded bun too. Its low cut and bare shoulders made him feel exposed, and that made him feel vulnerable. And that in turn made him feel even more feminine. He made no mention to the girls of the image that had just crossed his mind. He saw himself walking out onto a dimly lit dance floor and then folding deeply into the young orderly's arms as a slow romantic tune started to play. "Wow!" he thought. I wonder where that came from?" If he had allowed himself to surface the entire image he might have seen himself standing on his high heels with the handsome orderly towering above him. He'd have tilted his head back, wrapped his arms around the back of the orderly's neck, and pulled him close enough to smell his after shave and rub his coarse stubble against his soft cheeks. He'd have felt the orderly gripping his silken encased body and pull him close, sending an exhilarating chill along his spine as a stiffened manhood eagerly pressed against his abdomen. He'd then have gently parted his lush red lips to allow the orderly's tongue to gently probe the inside of his mouth. Instead, the full image remained just below the threshold of Thomas's conscious awareness. Still, even the incomplete image managed to stir up something remarkable. He felt a rise of something unfamiliar. "It seems like sexual tension but it's not like like anything I'm used to," he thought. "That's quite a surprise. It feels so much different. Gosh. Am I ready for this?" Tammy and Beth pulled out the rollers and combed out his hair and then pinned it into an upsweep. He slipped on the rose ankle strapped heels. He was ready to see the final results. "Okay, close your eyes," Tammy teased. She placed her hand on the rim of the swivel chair readying herself to spin it around. "On the count of three..." He closed his eyes and waited as Beth counted. "One... Two... Three!" - - - - - The synthetic feminine voice broke in again. "I'm sorry but your time has expired. If you wish to purchase additional time press the 'Continue' button and select the number of minutes you wish to purchase on the virtual keypad. Your credit card will automatically be charged." Then after a short pause, "I am sorry, your card has been declined. This session is terminated. Please see a staff member if you think this is an error. Thank you. Goodbye." Jesse looked at Brandon. "What do we do now?" He replied, "Well, he'll need to come in and give us a valid card or that will be the end of it." Jesse looked out the window of the control room. "Uh-Oh." "Boy, he looks pissed," Brandon exclaimed. They were looking at Mr. Simmone struggling with his goggles, pulling at the wires on the head cap, and unplugging his full-bodied sensory suit. "Maybe I'd better help him out of that suit." He paused for a bit, while observing him struggle and then reconsidered. "No. You know what? I think I should let Mark handle this. I think there might be a scene. Stay here. Don't open the door to the bay. I'll be right back." Brandon left Jesse alone in the control room and took off through the opposite door that led down the hall to Mark's office. Jesse stared through the glass wall at the struggling figure. "No," she said out loud to herself, "he isn't angry, he's distressed. Maybe I can help him." She stepped to the glass door, opened the lock and called out, "Mr. Simmone. Do you need some help?" Thomas finally got free of the wires and walked briskly toward Jesse. His eyes were glazed. Jesse judged it was caused by rising emotion and not by long minutes staring unblinkingly into 3D goggles. He was breathing heavily, his face was contorted, and he seemed on the verge of crying. He looked desperate. "You've got to help me," Thomas pleaded. "Please, restart it, I have to finish this. It's all I have left." He walked quickly up the short staircase, past a stunned Jesse, and into the control room. Jesse offered, "Brandon went to find our supervisor, he'll be back in a minute, maybe they can help you with your card. Do you suppose its a mistake?" "No," he replied dejectedly, "it's no error. I'm maxed out. It's the last of me." He hung his head and his shoulders slumped. "Then you'll probably have to stop until you can straighten it out," Jesse replied. She thought, "He seems like he might be having breakdown. Maybe it would be good if he paused for a few days anyway, so he can get a grip on himself." "You don't understand." His eyes were wild with fire now. "I have to finish this. I have to!" He heard voices in the hall outside and quickly took one of the control room chairs and propped it under the door, jamming it closed. "I've got to finish this... Now! I can't wait. It won't wait." "I can't help you," Jesse said, now with some fear rising in her voice. "You've got to talk to Mark, why don't you let him in?" "Look, young lady." "Jesse. My name is Jesse." She thought that perhaps putting a name to her face might help calm him down, or at the very least, stop him from hurting her. "Look, this is all I have left. Two years ago I was a successful man. I had everything a man could want. An advanced academic degree, a profession, a great job, a career, a wonderful family, close friends, a big house, luxury cars, a boat, and plenty of leisure time to fill. Instead of spending it with my family or taking up a useful hobby I choose this." He waved his hand around the room. "Maybe I didn't choose it. Maybe it chose me. But it was the only relief I could get." "Look Mr. Simmone, maybe you need to calm down a bit." "Calm down? Do you know what it's like to live everyday of your adult life wishing you had a different body? Wishing you could be someone else? It gnaws. It hurts. It consumes your every waking thought. I need to do something to make it stop. This is the only way I can come close to taking away the agony. I was fired from my job. I gave up all my friends. They all drifted away. My wife eventually divorced me and my kids turned on me as well. I wasted all my savings and maxed out all my credit cards. I went bankrupt. This credit card...." He tossed it on the desk. "I stole from my daughter. Can you imagine anyone stooping so low?" "But they have medical procedures, you could have changed your sex, like that Olympic swimmer guy," Jesse responded. "Are you kidding?" Thomas asked incredulously. "Have you seen him? All that access to money and Hollywood plastic surgeons and he still looks like a guy in a dress. No thanks. Besides, I'm too far down this rabbit hole now." "Still, maybe a doctor could..." Jesse trailed off. "You don't understand. I never told a soul about my compulsion. I couldn't do it. I didn't ever consider going to a doctor. It would have meant shame and embarrassment, changing my entire life, risking losing my wife and kids, maybe my career too. Can't you see? It would have been just too difficult. No, I thought it would be better this way. I thought this would help me beat it." It's funny how ironic things turned out. Saving myself from possible ruin caused me to lose everything. I've given up everything chasing this dream. For the last couple of months I've been living in my car but they repossessed it this morning. I'll have to sleep on the street tonight. I have only the clothes on my back left! I'm a loser, a fake, a lost soul." Tears of frustration welled up in his eyes. "I can't go on like this. I just can't." Jesse, judging his mental state to be on the verge of collapse, was getting frightened by his behavior. She backed herself into a corner of the control room. "We can help you, I'm sure," she pleaded. "We'll find you the help you need." "The pounding at the door grew more fierce. "Let us in! Jesse are you alright in there? What's going on?" Thomas stepped across the room and stood at Jesse's computer console. He began to fiddle with the controls. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Jesse cautioned. Thomas replied, "I've been here often enough to have learned a little something about these." He hit the manual override and then raised each control; physical, psychological, physiological, emotional, cultural, and social; to the maximum value, number10. He then entered a code, something Jesse was unaware could even be done, and activated a maintenance mode. From there he was able to raise the levels even higher. The screen lit up red and the console began issuing beeping warning tones. "Mr. Simmone, that could be dangerous." Jesse stepped toward the console as the banging continued at the door. "I'm calling 9-1-1," yelled Brandon through the door. "Let us in. Now!" Thomas seemed a bit calmer. "I'm sorry Jesse, but I can't risk you fiddling with these controls. Sit down now and be as quiet as you can be. I won't hurt you but I'll have to tie you up." Jesse did as she was told. He pulled out the mouse and keyboard and used their wires to tie her arms to the chair. It was makeshift but Thomas figured it would hold just long enough. "Please Mr. Simmone. Stop! It's too dangerous. You won't be able to take it with everything set so high. It's more than anyone can withstand!" "Shhh now. Please tell them to stop banging at the door and then be quiet yourself." Jesse called out, "Brandon! Mark! I'm okay, just stop banging. It will be be alright." Thomas strode to the bay door, used another chair to block it closed once he was inside, and then slipped onto the couch and began to expertly reconnect all the wires and sensors. Jesse could only stare at the console as the alarms rose in intensity. Thomas sat back and stretched onto the soft couch. He flipped two switches to close the pod, took a deep breath through his nose, and then exhaled it all through pursed lips. He pulled the goggles over his eyes just as the shell doors closed over him. Jesse watched wide-eyed as the heart monitor and brain waves rose to their red lines and then beyond. Seconds later Mark and Brandon managed to unblock the door and burst inside. As they did so the heart monitor and EEG both flatlined. "Shit!" cried Brandon. He raced toward the console as Mark rushed to Jesse and began untangling the wires that bound her to the chair. Jesse began to cry as Mark finished untangling her. "He's inside the bay, I think he's in trouble." Brandon toiled at the console but couldn't get it to respond. He didn't immediately realize that Thomas had disabled the keyboard and mouse. He finally managed grab a set from another console, plug them in, and initiate the emergency shutdown procedure. He let out long breath once he confirmed that the shell doors were retracting. Just as he did, Mark manged to force open the bay room door. All three of them rushed into the bay and crowded around the couch. Thomas was still. "Jesus," Brandon exclaimed. "I think he's dead. Did we kill him?" Mark took command. "We've got to call 9-1-1 back and ask for an ambulance. Jesse you call. Brandon! You and I have to start CPR. You do the breathing and I'll do compressions. Are you ready?" Brandon had already removed the goggles from Thomas's head. Jesse bent over his still body and stared into his face. She held up her arm to stop the two men. "No! Leave him alone." "Are you crazy?" Brandon and Mark exclaimed in unison. "No, take a look at his face. Have you ever seen anyone so tranquil and peaceful? He's smiling and relaxed. Look at him. He died happy and complete. It's a miracle given how he was acting just a couple of minutes ago. Whatever he's done or wherever he's gone to, he was finally successful. He is complete. His pain is gone. He's finally at peace. He's achieved what he'd craved for a lifetime. If we bring him back now we'll just be putting him right back into his personal hell. We have no right to do that. Now, leave him alone." The two men stopped and looked down at Thomas Simmone's serene face and they knew instinctively that Jesse was correct.

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Don’t you just love it when a subreddit is super direct? Well, that makes two of us, and I am here to talk about all the juicy pussy content that r/PantiesToTheSide/ has to offer. Well, take your time and explore everything on r/PantiesToTheSide/, because as long as you love looking at dirty muff pictures of hot Reddit sluts, I am sure that you will love everything this subreddit is about.There is not much for me to explain about this subreddit when it comes to the content, because the name...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 16

CHUCK - Day 11 part 1 Thursday I left the house on my own before 0600 to go down to the patio for a quick breakfast this morning, because I needed to discuss the previous night's call with Sue. Well, she employed thousands of seamstresses, didn't she? Could she use twenty more? She came over as soon as I arrived, and while drinking coffee and munching on a breakfast sandwich, I quickly told her all that I knew. "Late last night, I had a call from an Atlanta Deputy named John Hanmer," I...

3 years ago
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Landlord and His Friends Have MeChapter 2

On the walk to the house we had obviously continued our quite explicit and sexual chat, and at one point my arse was being openly felt up by all three of them at the same time. Once we were inside Jim’s lower floor of the house, the action intensified very quickly, and it was time for serious fucking fun! It started with a deep snogging session for me. Jim kicked things off, clearly marking his territory. He pulled me close to him, his big, tall frame dwarfed me in his arms. As he kissed...

1 year ago
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 8 Stormy Weather

They'd put almost three hundred and fifty miles between Aruba and the Gon Waki 2, enjoying steady winds from the east of around seventeen knots. For most of the three days since they'd left Oranjestad, the skies had been clear and sunny. But by four o'clock on that third day, the weather threatened to turn stormy. "Brandon," Tracy's worried voice called from the navigation desk in the cabin, "you might want to come and have a look at this weather report. It looks like one hell of a...

1 year ago
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One Night Stander

11th Feb 2003, I stepped into a private college "I" as I was intended to look for a course with my friends. There was a guy (CC), a course consultant of the private college, he saw me coming in, and smiled at me. Gosh, his gorgeous smile really capture my heart and that's it! Is this what you considered as "Love at first sight?". Too bad, CC was too busy attending the phones and never got the chance to serve me. And, his colleagues, juniors, never really know about the courses, therefore, asked...

She Males
1 year ago
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Joan and the Party

Joan sat in her room, eagerly getting ready for the party. Her roommate Melissa was down the hall in her room getting ready also. The girls had been invited to the biggest Frat party of the year. It was an invitation only party and getting one was a big deal and a huge honor. “Are you ready yet?” Joan yelled as she put the finishing touches on her hair “We will be late!” “Yea! Almost!” She heard Melissa yell back “I’ll be ready in 5”. Joan put her hair up and admired herself in the mirror,...

2 years ago
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New Places New Faces Pt 3 Edit

Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________________ Edward’s day started very poorly. He got out of bed at 05:00 AM, his stomach a bottomless pit from the lack of dinner the previous day, his muscles sore from the violent movement he did without properly warming up first, and his wound still throbbing. ‘Jesus, if I won the fight and I feel like this, I imagine how the other guys feel like right now.’ Edward thinks before chuckling to himself. Sure the...

3 years ago
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How it startedhelliphelliphelliphellipGro

How it started………….Groomed 1 …………I was a typical 9 year old boy growing up in southern California in 1965. Hung out with my friends (mostly guys), played sports, swimming, etc. It was summer and there was lots of free time to play.Being a blond and fair skinned I developed the typical SoCal summer tan. Short crew cut haircut was the way my parents kept my hair (had to be like my dad). My dad was in the service and was overseas on temporary duty. Mom was busy with my younger baby sister. ...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 13 Hogwarts Pimp

Chapter Thirteen – Hogwarts Pimp Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, Mf, ncon, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, mc, preg, spank, unif, The Triwizard Cup feast had gone off without any problems; Ron had used a wondrous little potion to seduce the beautiful Fleur Delacour, and Harry had finally picked up the trail of his missing Spellbook of Desires. Even...

2 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 2

"There are a lot of girls depending on you and one in particular as well, so Bridget are you game?" she asked in all seriousness. I really thought about what she was asking me to do. I mean it was one thing to dress like a girl. It was one thing to try to pass in a crowd, even one thing to ask to be accepted for the way you chose to dress. But to truly try to live as a woman is a task far more complicated than all those put together. I looked around at the room again taking it all...

1 year ago
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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 2

The showers weren't much to write home about, other than being full of hot, steamy naked flesh. I didn't have the time to actually enjoy them much, due to being busy washing myself. Worse still, I became hard again, but had no recourse to handle the situation, due to the rushed pace. So, there I was, a newly minted member of the secret society committed to dominance and sexual power, yet I couldn't use that power to get laid yet. This problem didn't begin to sort itself out until I got...

3 years ago
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The Cheerleader Roast Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica wasent the only one to be sacrifised to the spit for the pack or ravenous football players, Its Staceys turn. The Cheerleader Roast Story: #9 Copyright 2005 Written: January 1 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 – The Entertainment Stacey is now just a memory to the 5 scared girls, lying in the dirt, waiting...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 9

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...

1 year ago
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My Ghost With Benefits Ch7

The receptionist nervously lowered her head back towards her textbook, her face nearly as red as mine. I quickly sprinted around the corner and fumbled my shirt back on. I can't believe I had done that. Admittedly she probably sees shirtless guys all the time as the gym receptionist. But that didn't make it appropriate for me to do. I felt so insecure walking back to my dorm. I wasn't used to anybody seeing me even half-naked, well, except Janie, that is. Even with football I usually waited...

College Sex
2 years ago
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The Switch

Introduction: True story, about a sub/dom switch couple Starting to awaken, she stretched and yawned, rubbing her face against his leg. Naked, save for cuffs, the human puppy looked up at her master, whimpering lightly as she pressed her cheek into his thigh. She smiled, and hummed happily, as he reached down to rub the top of her head. He pushed her hair to the side, and clipped a short leash to her collar. Knowing what is coming, she licks her lips and puts her hands on the edge of the chair,...

3 years ago
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The Arrangement Ch 08

‘I like her,’ Daniel smiled at the quiet, understatement that had always been his father. He nodded his head as he brushed the back of his hand across his eyes. ‘Me too,’ he replied as he turned to look at his father. He had spent the past ten minutes standing on the old porch watching as Jill and his mother played with Bel and the babies. Jess was hiding in the barn with the horses again. ‘Just like, son?’ his father questioned. Daniel sighed, the action causing his shoulders to slump...

3 years ago
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My Two Mommies

My Two Mommies By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You are wonderful Chloe," Mrs. Graham said, answering her door. "I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for doing this on such short notice." "It' s no big deal, Mrs. Graham," said Chloe. "I never mind watching Charlie, but just keep in mind I'll be dragging him all over this weekend." "I know your schedule is crazy and I feel bad dumping him on you, but I've got little choice. These last minute business trips...

4 years ago
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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 2

Joe's TormentBut I knew I was going. I slept on the couch that night, not feeling I had any right to sleep in my marriage bed. The k**s thought I had just fallen asleep waiting for them to come home, which I had. But I remained there after they went to their rooms. I slept fitfully Friday just as I had on Thursday... with dreams (nightmares?) of long thick Black Cocks invading my body and filling my holes with their cum jism and sperm till I was awash in a sea of white creamy fluids.I awoke and...

1 year ago
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Chapter One In My Fairy Tale

My names Bobby Duke, I am married to Amanda Duke, my wife. I walked in on her cheating on me once, with my best friend. Yes, my best friend. I was shocked, and I didn’t know what to do… so I forgave her. The second time I walked in on her with a family member, my own brother! This time instead of me walking in on her with a best friend or family member, at least, this time it was someone I knew, someone I knew very well. It was shocking for me, just like every other time. Don’t worry, we’re...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 13

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Story f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 4

I lay under the covers pondering the rapid changes in my life over the past few days. I knew I loved Sally, and she loved me. Mila was a breath of fresh air. But was this a one night stand or the start of an escalating relationship with her? Then looming over everything was Denver, and behind it, all was Linda, was I betraying her memory or was it time I moved on? It was pointless; I couldn’t get back to sleep, and dawn was breaking so I eased myself out of bed. I paused for a moment,...

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my Dad part seven

My DadChapter SevenAfter I just looked at the bite mark and could see the blood seeping through the plaster, Ana said “That is my first time with another woman, why have I waited so long, I always fancied you and really thought you looked after your body, your skin is so soft and smooth even when we were at school, I really liked looking at other girls body’s, but it was always yours that turned my eyes, used to love seeing the water on your skin so shiny and sexy, never thought we would be...

3 years ago
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In Sickness and in Lust By

My sexual liaison with Sue started with an exchange of emails. At first, they were quite vanilla and demure. But soon, they became increasingly suggestive, then progressing to become downright explicit in sexual context.I “confessed” to her that I had a suspicion that communicating with her had affected me greatly. My conclusion was that she had caused me to suffer from satyriasis. She had created in me the uncontrollable urges and wantonness of a “male nymphomaniac.”Her response was that...

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What a Difference a Summer Makes Part 5

For those who know my work sorry to repeat but here goes: I use italics in my stories as the inner thoughts of the main character and since musicals are my favorite movie genre, they are used for musical breaks as well. You will find in my writing I try to be as illustrative as possible so you, the reader, will have a clear visual of the characters and the environment they are in. I do encourage you guys to use your platform of choice to look up the songs being used in this latest offering...

3 years ago
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First Time

First TimeThe first time I saw you, you were sitting on a barstool chatting away with several friends I presumed. Smiling faces and occasional laughs assured my presumption. There was a stool next to you vacant, so I sat down. Your back was toward me and I got to look you over good before I said anything, if I got the courage to say anything. Black polyester pants, fit was perfect as were the curves contained within. A simple but very nice white top with your light coat still on. Black...

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Sex and Health

Sex is good for your health, then the obvious next question would be, how should you arrange your sex life so as to maximize the health benefits? Is a series of one-night stands as salubrious as a long-term coupling? Could a few bouts of masturbation be as nourishing and wholesome as a single night of conventional intercourse? Not that masturbation is so bad. A 1988 study found that genital self-stimulation increases pain thresholds and produces an analgesic effect in women, and a 2003 study...

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Tangled Webs

I choked on my wine when I saw her. I threw up - in my pants - when she walked towards us."Hi lover," Cara purred, taking a seat at our table.I felt a pang of guilt and a shit-ton of panic at the unexpected appearance of the woman I had buried my cock in just a few days ago. I bravely glanced at my wife, who sat quietly staring at me. Awkward silence continued. Think, man, think!Finally, I said, "Hun, this is Cara ... my-""Secret affair," she finished. "Well, not so secret now, I guess," Cara...

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Larry Redux

Larry Redux This is Belle. This tale is from Nicole. It is about her brother. I will let Nicole tell it. Hello everybody. I am Nicole. I had the night off. I was watching my brother's children while he filled in for a shift at the Ye Old Irish Inn. My work partner Bobbie had to work a graveyard shift as well as her normal posting. My housemate Jo was working a twelve hour shift with the Salem PD. Helga was out of town for a convention and was due back in two days. It was Three...

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NOTE: Not original? Not mine. And now for the next exciting installment! Read, Review and Enjoy!     Hermione sat down in the grass and the others circled in around her as she showed them the relevant page in the book. "What we are searching for is the Ring of Mykele." She announced proudly. "The ring of what now?" Ron asked looking confused. "Mick- elle." She said sounding it out for them. As Harry leaned in closer to her to read the passage, she felt her heart beat...

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Watching Auntie Jo

Crouching over, his whole weight was against the doorframe as he secretly peered through the gap.The glare of the afternoon sun disappeared as Jo pulled the curtains in her nephews room. After the early morning start for the drive to her sisters, she had needed that long shower. Sitting down at his desk, she pulled the towel from her wet hair and began to rub it dry. Reaching for her hairdryer, she jumped at the loud ring from her mobile phone beside it.”Oh it’s you honey, yes I made it here...

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After Gabriel

After GabrielBy BrewtMay 2010The Actually Big EventWITH OVER 8 billion people on the planet, that means that at any given moment of any given day, around 5 million people are some way through the process of having sex; a solid ? million of which are in the process of starting penetration, another ? million are half-way through, and another ? million are just finishing up.So it is not surprising that at The Point in Time That Completely Changed Everything About the Course of Human History, we...

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Wanna come over to my place

wanna come over to my place? You can dress like a little school girl with really expensive tights on that you have been wearing all day and some killer high heels. ill pull you close and starte kissing you and running our hands all over each other’s bodies Ill lift your little skirt up with my big hard cock and start rubbing it over your nylon covered pussy Ill pick you up in my arms and push you against the wall and start to press my swollen bell end into your pussy but it wont go in cause of...

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Sunday Afternoon

I’d woken up feeling sick and with a hard on. Last night I’d found out that my Dad was having an affair with my mate’s mum, and then I’d fucked her. The whole thing disgusted me but I couldn’t get the picture of her covered in my muck, her fat tits on show and her cunt flaps pouting for the world to see out of my head. I had a quick wank and then got up.Dad was in the kitchen doing a fry up and Mum was hanging some washing out in the garden. “Morning son, did you have a good time at Mark’s...

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Sarahs Aspiration Ch 01

This is my first time at writing anything and I hope it is good, any comments would be very grateful… All People within the story are above 18 years of age. * Sarah was an ordinary woman, the kind you never seem to find nowadays, standing at 5’3′, with a lock of thick, light brown, long hair, a killer tan throughout the summer months that always seemed to stick throughout the winter and a pair of daring blue eyes. She grew up living in the outskirts of Bristol with her family. Although she...

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Child MagusChapter 17

Leanne wasn't completely true to her threat. Like the night before with Sammi, every time one of us rolled over and grazed up against the other, we didn't go back to sleep until we both reached another orgasm. When the sun rose, we both groused about too much light, but we also knew we'd have to get up soon. We finally crawled out of bed after another session of bouncing around. Leanne was difficult to gauge. She tried one position after another, and when she found the angle or amount of...

1 year ago
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The Nyanny Part 2

Introduction: Amanda attacks the robot catgirl nanny in a fit of jealous rage. In the future, robotics and advanced A.I. become a ubiquitous part of society, aiding mankind in all facets of everyday life. However, they still retained the cold impersonal look of a machine until a new development rocketed over the uncanny valley. Grown rather than built, this new kind of being was made possible by hacking the human genome and combining biology with nanomachines: cyborgs down to the cellular...

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The Nightmare Inside chapter 4

Lori awoke with the taste of blood in her mouth like she did most mornings. It seemed like such an odd thing to get used to, but it was now her new norm. It had happened nine more times since the incident in the park and each time she felt the demon inside her growing stronger.Not only could she feel it growing stronger, she felt it growing more comfortable inside Lori’s skin. This frightened her and was, to her horror, starting to comfort her as well. She didn’t remember much of the last nine...

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The Cruise Chapters 5 6 and 7 A Frantic Search

Chapter Five Linda had someone fallen asleep in her bonds and was jolted awake when the van rocked as someone slid open the door and stepped in. In short order she was unstrapped from the floor and her hogtie released. As she let out a groan from the newfound freedom, she felt chains being clamped on her ankles. With a hard slap on her bum she was rolled over and into a sitting position and then pulled out of the van. Disoriented with the hood still on she struggled to stay...

3 years ago
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Coming Home

Coming Home by Caitlyn Masked When Gina broke off our relationship it was really devastating. I loved her more than I thought was possible. She made me a better person in just about every way imaginable, and even though I promised I'd do anything for her she still had her things packed up in a single day and was out of my life the next. My friends tried to cheer me up by taking me out to bars and strip clubs and by hooking me up with sexy available women, but while they only saw...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Milking a black man

I got there 11am and waked in to be greeted by her and introduced to her friend and gym partner, another lady. She said to the lady this is my cow I been telling you about. The lady looked a bit shocked as she was not expecting a black guy I don’t think. The lady said really how do “said her husband name” feel about it. She replied oh it’s perfectly fine he’s watch me milk him several times and our sex life couldn’t be any better. You want to see? Before the lady could answer she told me to get...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Question

Would you help my wife and I have a child?This question came from a customer of mine that also happens to be my Doctor.  Sharon and I have been friends for many years but travel in different circles, so we don't socialize often.  I ran into Sharon at the local grocery store last Sunday morning.  Since we both seemed to be following the same direction through the store, we chatted along the way.We started with the weather and slowly moved into more personal material.  We were about...

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Madve Agiro Aunty Jothe Modala Rathri Hagu Kalitha Pata

Hi, Ella iss odugarige namaskaragalu. Nanu 7years enda ISS fan. Appata kannadiga adrinda illi nanu Nan jeevanadalli nadeda nijavada ghataneyannu hanchikolbeku antha ishta pattu illi kannadadalline kathe hanchikolluthene enadru thappiddare dayavittu kshamisi. Hagu pure kannadadalli kathe bareyoke agada karana English padalu allali serisiruttene yaru thappu thilibedi pls. Ella storygalu fantasy story agiralla yaakandre sex maado storygalu Ertave . K naanu story ge bartini. Nanna parichaya heegide...

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Secret of the Strongman

This is a story for adults. It deals with dark sexual fantasies, especially forced feminization. Don't try any of this stuff at home. If you are under 21, do not read this. Secret of the Strongman By Nancy Rose Copyright 2000 Prologue He picked me up easily, bear hugging me in his big meaty arms. My red-high-heeled feet left the floor as I wrapped my stocking covered legs around his waist. We kissed, and I felt so loved, so protected. While one of his big arms held me...

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Swati Bhabhi Ko Rula Rula Kar Chodda 8211 Part II

Hi, All Mere pehle story swati ki chudai part one mein mein kuch jaida nhi bata paya tha yee uske baad ke story hain mein assha karta hun aap story ko jarurr pasand karoge, Chalo mein storie start karta hun Maine unko garam karne ke liye unke janghoo aur kamar par hath lagane laga aur fir main unke boobs ko apne hoto par lagay aur uske nipple ko kass kass kar ke dabane lagga aur jhorr se dant kat liya aur bhabhi chilane lage aur maine unke bra jo mere pass the wo Unke muuh mein daal diya fir...

1 year ago
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Mumbai Air Hostess At Her Best

Hello, Myself Sam, male aged 29 from Pune working in an MNC. I am an experienced masseur only for females and couples. I am OK to travel as well. I do this as my hobby and get to meet a lot of interesting people. I love to network and hence meet a lot of wonderful people across territories through my job. Needless to say, the massages are done at the clients location (home or hotel). Come and experience Nirvana!! Send in your suggestions, feedback regarding the sex story if any, inquiries at...

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Halloween Surprise

HALLOWEEN SURPRISE by Throne Charlie took the bus to Helena's neighborhood and walked the final six blocks to her small suburban house. He was so thrilled that she had invited him to accompany her to a Halloween party, even saying that she had an extra costume he could wear. He hurried along, trying to regulate his gait, which often slipped over into a distinctly feminine swish. Charlie sighed mentally. He was very aware of is less than manly body language and the accents he added...

2 years ago
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Angel Anjali 8211 Touching After A Break 8211 Part 1

Hi guys. Raj Rambo back with a new story to please you all. Noticed that there are too many writers named ‘Raj’ here. So will be using my full pen name. Raj Rambo. Also, moving forward, I will try to keep the titles of stories consistent. The word ‘Angel’ is followed by the name of the heroine in the story. I chose the word angel because I feel every woman on this earth is an angel. Beautiful in their own ways irrespective of age, size, or color. These beautiful angels deserve to be treated...

4 years ago
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first of many part 1

Bev, Well, at my mid teen years lost my virginity to a very forgettable experience not worth mentioning. I met another girl in school we'll call her Bev, who we got a bit frisky and she would soon become my first fuck buddy, with out the fuck that is...Bev and I would play grab ass, and flirt a lot in class until one day she invited me to her house after school as we'd have some alone time as her mom wasn't home. Let me tell you about Bev, she was medium height, curvy to chunky build, but...

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More Than Just A Word

Beth smirked at her friend across the room and quickly sipped from her mid afternoon glass of Chablis in an attempt to stop herself from giggling. Jenna, her friend since school, wasn't fairing quite so well in stifling her own fit of girlish giggles. As her shoulders began to silently shake, Beth knew it was only a matter of time before her friend would let out her customary bizarre high pitched whine, which always preceded the inevitable complete break down into hysterics for both women.Beth...

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I will tell you a story!But it is not the story of havin sex and love, but it's my story of pain and humiliation.This happend several years ago.I knew her for a long time and I really liked her. She was the kind of girl that realy turnes me on. So I tried my luck with her. We were sitting at a drink. I was extremely nervous, but I surprisingly noticed, that she was pulling her glas of wine seesaw, so I concluded she was nervous too. So she invited me at her birthday, wich was several days later...

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Magic InkChapter 19

We did not rush off to my parent's for Christmas break this year. I was at a critical point in my studies of Magic and I needed time and quiet to complete them. The six days between 14 and 19 December allowed me to finish what I had been working on for the past several months. On the morning of Tuesday, the 20th of December, we loaded the Rolls and headed for my parent's house. It was a pleasant drive, as the Rolls is a excellent road car. We got waves and honks from quite a few on the...

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