Rebeca Joins Mike And Lena For More Than Dinner free porn video

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Dinner with Sam and Sandy turned out to be a bust for Mike and Lena. They had hoped the young couple would come back to their chalet for some after-dinner fun. Instead, they said their goodbyes and went their own way. Mike and Lena spent some time in the bar but never found any suitable playmates for the night. They finally gave up and went back to their chalet.

A little later, they were curled up on the bed, Lena in a shorty baby doll nightgown and Mike in his boxer briefs.  They had been watching some Christmassy love story, but all it was doing was making Mike horny. He kept picturing the blond in the movie in some sexual way or another. Of course, as he got aroused, he also slowly worked on trying to get Lena aroused.

He had pulled her closer to him and had one arm draped around and his hand on her breast. He was ever so gently massaging her nipple through the silkiness of her nightgown. Lena caught up in the movie knew what he was doing and couldn’t help make little moaning sounds while doing her best to ignore him and keep up with the movie.

The movie finally ended, much to Mike’s relief because he knew by now that Lena would be horny as he was. She had let him continue until he had moved from her breasts to rubbing and playing with her pussy. The whole bottom edge of her nightgown was wet from her juices leaking in response to his fingers.

Lena flipped the tv off and turned to Mike and said, “Are you happy, I’m soaked for the second time today.”

Mike looked at her and then it hit him, Rebeca and Lena this afternoon. He looked at her and said, “Yes, but you said you’d tell me about what you learned today from Rebeca.”

She smiled before saying, “Oh, it so much fun. I learned how to fist a woman to orgasm. It was a terrific feeling to have that much control,” and Lena went on to tell Mike all about the afternoon and them taking turns fisting each other.

When she was done, Mike was hard and in desperate need of attention, and Lena, who was already wet from Mike’s playing was in just as much need. It wasn’t long until the two were deep into a passionate round of sex, leaving them both drained and sleeping soundly.   


Mike and Lena spent the entire next day on the slopes, and only when they were back in their chalet did the subject of Rebeca come up again. Lena shared with Mike even more details about her afternoon with Rebeca. Just like the night before it ended with them having terrific sex before falling fast asleep.


As six o’clock approached, they were both excited for Rebeca to get there. So, when the knock came at the door, they both were on their feet. Lena reached it first and opened to see Rebeca standing there in a long fur-lined leather coat and holding a small overnight bag. She held the door wide so Rebeca could come on in out of the cold. Rebeca stepped inside, and Lena closed the door behind her.

Lena immediately turned and wrapped her arms around Rebeca, giving her a deep kiss before finally saying, “I’m so glad you came tonight.”

Mike came over and gave Rebeca a big hug, also saying, “Yes, I’m so glad you accepted Lena’s invitation.”

Afterward, Mike stepped back and offered to take Rebeca’s coat. She sat her bag down and slipped it off, handing it to him, revealing she was dressed in a sweatshirt, jeans, and knee-high boots.

Lena took her in and smiled at her attire. She looked like the young college girl she was but was a little disappointed she wasn’t dressed more for the evening. Her disappointment was short-lived though when Rebeca asked, “May I use someplace to change? I got held up at school and didn’t have time to go home and change and still make it here by six.”

Mike answered right away with, “Sure, use the second bedroom, and it’s bathroom. Take your time; dinner should be here in a few. I got some wine for us chilling when you are ready.”

“Thanks, Mike, I won’t be long,” with that she picked up her bag and headed towards the bedroom.

Mike watched her walk away, leaning closer to Lena, said, “Man, she looks nice in those jeans and boots.”

Lena chuckled and replied, “She’ll look better out of them.”


While Rebeca was changing, their dinner had been delivered set up. Just as the door was closing behind the waiters, Rebeca walked back out into the room. She stopped and said, “How do I like look?”

Mike and Lena both turned towards her, and their mouths dropped open. Standing there in front of them was Rebeca in a red silk gown. It hugged her body, clearly showing her breasts with hard nipples straining the material. Then lower it went, it pulled into the vee of her legs before flaring back out at mid-thigh where it stopped. They both drank in the vision before them.

Lena was the first to recover and said, “Oh my god, you are beautiful in that!”

Mike quickly followed with, “Anybody want to skip dinner, I see dessert is ready!”

Rebeca laughed, and Lena followed suit. Then Rebeca said, “Mike, if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to eat, and then we can all enjoy dessert because you two aren’t looking too bad yourselves.”

Mike was dressed in a pair of soft lounge pants, that was clearly showing a noticeable bulge now, and a blue polo that was stretched across his muscular chest. Lena was wearing a short frilly skirt with pleats that barely covered her ass and an almost see-through cream-colored top. The three of them made for a very tantalizing picture of things to come.

Mike said, “Okay, if I must have dinner first before dessert,” and moved over to the table that had been set. The two ladies followed, and he held a chair for each one before seating himself.

They enjoyed their meal and exchanged small talk getting to know each other bit more as they ate. When they had finished, they moved over to the big couch in front of the fireplace. There was a pleasant fire burning, and they continued to chat and share the rest of a bottle of wine they had opened for dinner.


Mike was sitting on one end of the couch with Lena next to him and Rebeca close to her. Lena finished her glass of wine and set the glass on the table behind the couch. She then took the empty glass from Rebeca and did the same before leaning into her, giving her a kiss. Rebeca reciprocated the kiss by pulling Lena to her, deepening the kiss.

The women continued to exchanges kisses as Mike just sat back watched. Lena’s stories of their afternoon together playing through his mind. He could feel his cock harden and knew it wasn’t just from watching them kiss. He didn’t know if he’d admit it to them, but he wanted to see them fist each other’s pussies as they had Lena’s stories.

Mike finally tired of just watching and scooted up behind Lena. He slipped his hands around her to cup her breasts. He started kneading, each one paying particular attention to her nipples, causing her to moan as she continued to kiss Rebeca. He continued to work his fingers on her breasts until he was at the buttons that held her top closed. He slipped each one open until Lena’s top was gaping open in the front.

Seeing this, Rebeca redirected her attention to Lena’s breasts and nipples. She kissed and sucked each one as Mike kissed Lena’s neck. He slipped her top off of her leaving her bare from the waist up. He then moved one hand to Rebeca’s head, pulling her tighter against Lena’s breasts. By this time, Lena was just a fit of moans.

Rebeca continued ravishing Lena’s breasts for the longest time until she finally pulled away. Looking up at Mike, she said, “Shall we continue this in the bedroom where there is more room for us all?” She had directed the question to only Mike because Lena was a horny mess now.

Mike replied, “Oh, yes, I hungry for dessert!” Rebeca got up, and Mike stood up, then bent down and scooped Lena up off the couch, carrying her to the bedroom as Rebeca led the way.  

After depositing Lena on the bed, Mike then turned to Rebeca. He reached out and caught her at the waist and pulled her to him, saying, “Come here, dessert!” With that, he kissed her hard and deep as his hands followed her sides from her waist to her shoulders. Once they got there, he slid his hands under the little strings holding her sheath up and slipped them off her shoulders. The sheath didn’t fall away right away as it was trapped between the closeness of their bodies.

As Mike shifted his kisses from her lips to her cheeks, then ears and finally trailing down to the nape of her neck, the sheath falls away to pool on the floor at Rebeca’s feet, leaving her naked for Mike.


As Mike worked his kisses over Rebeca’s body, Lena was lying on the bed watching them. Without any mental prompting from her brain, her hand started searching for her pussy. Pulling her skirt out of the way, it found its desired destination. Then as she watched, she slowly stroked a finger up and down the length of her swelling lips. Every once in awhile, slipping it deeper to gather the juices already collecting inside of her. She would smear them along her pussy and across her clit, making it easier to rub herself as she watched.


Mike continued working his kisses lower and lower until he reached the first one and then the other nipple of Rebeca’s breasts. He worked his tongue around each little nub until it was hard as an eraser. Then he would suck each one hard, causing Rebeca to let a little moan escape each time.

Mike spent some time enjoying Rebeca’s breasts before moving his kisses over her flat tummy until he at her navel. Not being able to resist, she twirled his tongue around it and inside of it, causing little giggles and moans from her. He played for a moment longer and continued to trace his way down her tummy to the top of her pussy.

By this time, Mike had gotten to his knees, but Rebeca was too short for his tall frame to comfortably enjoy her pussy. Realizing this, he wrapped his arms under the cheeks of her ass and lifted her up while still kneeling in front of her. Since they were right beside the bed, he just rotated her and dropped her on the edge of the bed before she could even react to him picking her up.

Now, this left Rebeca at just the right height and position for Mike. Even as Rebeca was recovering from his sudden move, he had her legs parted and applied the first kiss of many; her pussy would get this night. Rebeca moaned at the touch and just dropped back on the bed to enjoy.

Mike wasted no time in getting to what he wanted. Using his lips, tongue, and finally his fingers, he had Rebeca pussy running over with her juices. As Mike was working a couple of fingers into her pussy, she rolled her head to the side and could see Lena watching them. Lena seeing her, scooted closer, and gave her kiss smothering some of the moans Mike was causing sucking and tonguing her clit.


Lena was enjoying watching Mike go to town on Rebeca’s pussy. Like Mike that first night, she marveled at the color difference of Mike’s darker coffee-colored skin against the pale white skin of Rebeca. It was always a joke between her and Mike; she got a little more cream in her coffee than he did because she was just shade creamier in color than he was.

As she watched, she started rubbing Rebeca’s nipples with one hand. She would alternate pinching, pulling and rubbing them as Mike continued going down on her. Every so often, she would also lean over and kiss Rebeca but all that did was quell the loud moans emitting from her.

But Lena wasn’t neglecting herself either; she was still playing with her own pussy as well. She had two fingers stuffed in herself, now working them back and forth rapidly. She knew she wasn’t going to orgasm like this, but it was feeling so good until she could get a mouth on her pussy. She didn’t care who’s.


Suddenly Rebeca arched her back and let out a cry as she came all over Mike’s face and fingers. She brought her legs up over his shoulders, locking her ankles behind his head, holding him to her pussy. She shook and writhed for a good five minutes before she let him go. Mike lifted his face from her, and it glistened with her juices.

Lena looking up at Mike, used her now free hand to give him the come-hither motion. He slipped onto the bed next to her. As soon as he was close enough, she used her free hand to pull him towards her for what he thought was a kiss. Instead of kissing him, she started licking Rebeca’s juices from his face before finally kissing him.

Looking up into his eyes, she said, “I need this face in my pussy now!”

Mike, never one to disappoint, slipped back off the bed, grabbing Lena’s ankles as he did. He pulled her to the edge to place her pussy in the perfect location. Before kneeling, he slipped his shirt off and tossed it away. Then he bent down and slid the zipper on Lena’s skirt down before pulling it completely off of her. As he already knew, she was as bare ass underskirt as she had been braless under her top.

Mike knelt between his wife’s thighs and went right for what he knew would set her off. He sucked her already swollen and wet clit between his lips, and she squealed loudly before settling into soft moaning purrs. Using a finger, he started to rub along her pussy until he had it nice and wet. He then slipped it under her and pushed it into her ass. This again, sending a squeal emitting from Lena before she settled down to enjoy Mike’s moves.


Rebeca still recovering had rolled on to her side facing Lena and got a ringside seat to what Mike was doing to her. She knew how talented he was because he had already pushed her off the proverbial cliff. She was enjoying seeing the pleasure pass across Lena’s face. Each facial expression said volumes about what Mike was doing to her.

Rebeca continued to watch for just a bit longer. She was enjoying seeing and hearing every squeal, moan, and sharp intake of breath Lena had in response to Mike’s attention. Yet she had a desire she still wanted to fulfill herself.

Slipping off the bed, she knelt behind Mike as he continued to feast on Lena’s pussy. Looking over his shoulder, she could see he had his tongue deep in her pussy, two fingers of one hand pinching her clit and two fingers of the other buried deep in her ass. Lena had told her she liked anal play and sex, and now she could see the joy she was getting from Mike fingering her ass.

She scooted closer to Mike’s back and wrapped her arms around him.  She ran one hand along his muscled abs and other to the crouch of his pants. While the women have gone all-natural, Mike still had not, but Rebeca was soon going to solve that in part. She gripped his cock and gave it a squeeze eliciting a sharp moan to come echoing from Lena’s pussy as Mike’s mouth was smashed against it. She continued to squeeze and rub Mike for a short bit as he continued his feast on Lena’s pussy.

Tiring of the restriction of his pants, Rebeca slipped her hands into the waistband and slid them down over his hips until they pooled at his knees. As his cock flopped free, Mike’s moan again was smothered in Lena’s pussy. With Mike’s cock free, Rebeca wrapped her hand around it. She leaned her naked breasts into his back as she started to stroke his cock.


Mike was very intent on pleasuring Lena until she had a fantastic orgasm, but Rebeca was making this more difficult by the minute. He was doing his best to put the feel of her naked body leaning into his and the actions of her hand on his cock out of his mind. Yet the longer it went, the more he was losing to his own pleasure. He decided to double down on his efforts to get Lena to orgasm before he lost his battle with Rebeca.


Lena was moaning almost uncontrollably as Mike doubled his effort to get her to orgasm. He was sucking, licking, and teasing her clit mercilessly. At the same time, he had slid three fingers into her and was pumping her pussy for all he was worth.

It was this action that caught Rebeca’s attention. She saw what he was doing and decided now would be a perfect time for him to learn a little something. Leaning closer to his ear, she whispered, “Slow your pace, I want to show how to fist her. Keep her excited and on edge.”

She shifted to be kneeling more beside him than behind him. Leaning, she said, “Take your hand and cup it like this,” she held her hand so he could see it. Her fingers were straight but curled inward towards each other with her thumb resting in the trough her fingers made.

Mike looked at her hand and pulled his fingers from Lena, causing her to moan in frustration. He took his hand and formed it as she showed him. She said, “Good, now slip your fingers back into her. She is already wet and open, so you shouldn’t have a problem.”

She watched Mike slide his fingers back into Lena’s pussy, causing her to moan as he filled her pussy full again. He pushed them until about three-quarters of his fingers were inserted. Seeing this and his hesitation, Rebeca said, “That’s it, Mike, keep pushing. It’s like anal sex; you’ll have that little resistance, and then she’ll open right up for you.”

Mike kept pushing firmly against her pussy, and just as Rebeca said, he suddenly slid through her opening. He had his hand all the way to his wrist in Lena’s pussy, and her reaction was to let loose with a moan that filled the room as she gripped the cover on the bed in both hands.

Rebeca told him to take it easy at first, but as she relaxed, he could get more aggressive. Again, she equated to anal sex for him. She watched as he slowly moved his hand in small in and out motions that were hardly noticeable at first. As Lena relaxed, he continued to increase how much he pulled back and how far he pushed into her. As Rebeca watched, he had worked up to sliding his hand as deep as several inches beyond his wrist.


Lena may have seemed relaxed, but she was moaning and withering on the bed at the sensation of Mike’s large hand filling her pussy. She had been getting close to her orgasm, but now the sensation changed. The urge to cum had lessened initially, but it was coming back as strong as it had been.


Rebeca had been watching Mike, but she moved up onto the bed next to Lena. She moved up and gave her a kiss before twisting around, so she was facing Mike. She leaned forward, giving him a kiss as his wife trashed under her.

Then as Mike watched, she lowered her head to Lena’s clit and licked it with the flat of her tongue, causing her to jump and moan out, filling the room again with it. Rebeca didn’t stop at the lick, she sucked Lena’s swollen clit between her lips, pulling on it hard. She held it tight for a few seconds before releasing it and looking back up at Mike, who's eyes were wide watching.

Rebeca said, “Increase your pace and finger her ass again. We’ll set her off like an orgasmic bomb,” winking at him before dropping her mouth back onto Lena’s clit. She again sucked her clit deep and hard as Mike started working her pussy hard. Lena was on sensory overload and moaning continuously.

Mike was doing as Rebeca told him and swiped two fingers through slimy juices collecting all-around Lena’s pussy, making sure he got plenty on them. He then placed them at her pucker and pushed them deep in one motion. His fingers bottomed out as his hand touched her skin.

Her reaction was quick in coming. She let out a cry as his fingers found the depth of her ass, his hand piston in her pussy, and Rebeca sucked at her clit. Her body tightened and her legs tried to raise, but between Mike and Rebeca, she was trapped. All she could do was cry out and wither as her orgasm started tearing through her body.

Mike and Rebeca both felt her orgasm start, but it was Mike that got the first physical evidence as her pussy and ass clamped around him. Then came the flood of her orgasm. Mike had only ever seen her squirt once, and now here she was like a fountain, splashing juices on him and Rebeca.

Rebeca had abandoned sucking her clit and moved back to watch as she fountained all over. She had seen many a woman squirt and was always amazed when watching. She saw Lena was what she always considered a sprinkler; she sprayed everywhere. She saw Mike was soaked and had her juices dripping from his chin because he had been so close unable to move when she started.

Mike slipped his fingers from her ass and then, with a bit more pressure than he meant to use, pulled his hand from her pussy. He could her let out a moaning cry as his hand stretched her coming out. He watched her collapse back on the bed, exhausted.


Lena felt her orgasm blast through her body as soon as Mike slipped his fingers into her ass. All she could do was thrash and cry out. She felt the wetness of her squirting orgasm run along her thighs. Then she started coming down from her orgasm, and her body just started shutting down on her. She barely felt it when Mike slipped his fingers from her ass and moaned loudly with the force of him withdrawing his hand from her pussy. She finally settled back on the bed and was utterly exhausted.


Mike stood up and slipped his pants the rest of the way before walking into the bathroom. He washed his hands and wetted a hand towel with warm water. He wiped his and chest down, getting rid of Lena’s juices. Then he warmed the towel up and walked back out to Lena and wiped her pussy and thighs down. He was amazed at the mess they had made together.

When he had finished, he tossed the towel back towards the bathroom. Then turned towards Rebeca, who had been watching him. When turned towards her, she could see he was still pretty hard. Looking up, she smiled at him, saying, “Let me do something about your stiff problem,” as she scooted towards the edge of the bed.

Mike moved towards her, and she reached out and took his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. She caressed his balls as she slowly stroked his cock. He hadn’t gone soft, but now he was back to being iron-hard again. Rebeca rolled over on her back and hung her head over the edge of the bed. She then pulled Mike towards opening her mouth to allow him to slide right in.

She tilted her head further back, allowing Mike to go deeper until he felt the tightness of her throat. He hesitated to push any further, but she decided for him by reaching her arms back and grabbing his hips. She pulled him forward, and his cock slipped down her throat. She never gagged once. Mike could tell she was no stranger to this.


Lena was coming back to her senses just in time to watch Mike’s dark-colored cock slid down Rebeca’s throat. She could see her throat expand as Mike’s cock went deeper. She continued to watch as Rebeca held him there before using her hands to push him back. Lena heard her take a deep breath, and then she pulled his cock back in.

Lena thought it was so erotic to watch Mike’s dark-skinned cock slip between Rebeca’s pale-skinned lips. The contrast in skin color made an image that much hotter to watch. She looked up into Mike’s face, and he looked like he was heaven. She had deep throated often but never like what she was watching.


After sometime deep throating Mike, Rebeca aliped him from her mouth and said, “I want this cock in my pussy,” with that she turned around and hurried to the center of the bed.

Mike being no fool, scrambled up onto the bed and was between her outstretched legs in a flash. He was just about to slip his cock into her when he glanced over at Lena, who now intently watching. His eyes asked is this okay, and hers replied hell yes; without any more hesitation, he slammed his cock into Rebeca’s pussy in one stroke. She let out a squealing moan as he filled her full.

It didn’t take long for them to get into a nice rhythm of him thrusting and her lifting her hips to meet him. Lena had moved closer was teasing Rebeca’s nipples with her fingers of one hand and teasing her clit with the other pushing Rebeca quickly towards an orgasm that hit with full force. Mike continued to slam into her as she closed her legs around his body.

Mike tried to keep thrusting, but Rebeca put him in a death squeeze, so he slowed down as she rode the wave of her orgasm. It took her a few minutes to calm down, and by then, Mike, who had been nearing his own orgasm, also retreated from the edge. The ladies were wearing him out, and he hadn’t had his first orgasm of the night.


As Rebeca calmed down, Lena scooted closer to her and whispered something in her ear Mike couldn’t hear. Rebeca, rolled her head so she could look at Lena and nodded her head. Lena then looked up at Mike and said, “Grab the lube, dear. Rebeca is going to give you a special treat for being such a good boy and taking care of us.”

Mike reluctantly slipped out of Rebeca’s pussy and went to the bathroom. He came back out with a bottle of lube that he and Lena use for anal sex and play. As he neared the bed, he stopped in his tracks because there was Lena rimming Rebeca’s ass. Mike watched as his wife worked her tongue all around and into Rebeca’s ass. Rebeca was moaning and pushing her ass back towards Lena wanting more.

He couldn’t help but say, “Goddam, that is fucking hot!”

Hearing him, Lena raised her head and said, “Get on the bed and prop your head up on a pillow.” Then she went right back to tonguing Rebeca's ass until she was satisfied.


The two ladies repositioned themselves, so Lena was next to Mike, and Rebeca straddled his hips. Then Lena taking the bottle of lube from Mike, squirted a generous amount on his still hard cock. She began to work it up and down his length until he was glistening from it.

When Lena was done, Rebeca moved until she was kneeling over his cock and said, “Let me control how fast I let you in,” with that, she positioned the head of Mike’s cock at puckered ring of her ass.

As both Mike and Lena watched, she lowered herself onto his cock, allowing her weight to apply the pressure for him to enter her. When the head started stretching her, she cried out lightly. Then she settled more of her weight on him and again cried out a bit louder as the mushroom of his head popped through the inner ring of her ass. That was like her big hurdle to achieve because soon after that, she had taken Mike’s entire cock in her ass.


For Mike, this wasn’t his first time having anal by any means, but he was usually in the so-called driver’s seat. Watching Rebeca impale herself on his cock was such an erotic sight. He marveled at how she just let her weight do the work, no pushing or pulling, she just let her body set the pace. Now she was resting on his thighs with his entire cock inside of her.


Like Mike, the experience of anal wasn’t new to Lena either, but also like Mike; she had never seen a woman take such charge of her penetration either. Lena thought, even anal sex between her Mike was usually all about Mike controlling the tempo. Yet after watching this, that was going to change sometimes. She wanted to savor that experience like Rebeca.


After resting for a moment to adjust, Rebeca started to move up and down on Mike’s cock. It was small movements at first, but it had them both letting moans escape. Rebeca was leaning forward with her hands on Mike’s waist to help her control the movements.

For his part, Mike was content for now to let her control the tempo and lay back and enjoy. He thought her ass felt like a velvet tub as she moved up and down on him. He did look over at Lena; she was watching Rebeca intently. Mike figured this was going to be a new way for them to have anal sex as well.

As Mike observed, Lena was watching his cock slip in and out of Rebeca as she rose and fell each time. She was also watching Rebeca’s pussy open and close as she moved up down as well. Not being able to resist, she reached out with her hand and stroked Rebeca’s clit. Rebeca moaned louder with her touch. Taking this as acceptance, Lena started to play with her clit more.

Mike, not yet getting to cum was teetering on the edge pretty quickly and said, “I’m going to cum soon.”

“Oh, Mike, not yet, I have one more treat for you,” Rebeca said through her moans. She looked over at Lena and said, “Please fist me now before he cums?”

Mike went wide-eyed, but before anything more could be said, Lena grabbed the bottle of lube and squirted some directly on Rebeca’s pussy and in doing got some on Mike as well. She then took the bottle and squirted a generous amount in her hand before closing her fist. This allowed the gel-based lube to easy between her fingers and make her hand slick for the next part.

As Mike watched, Rebeca leaned back, allowing better access to her pussy as Lena got into position, making sure not to block Mike’s view. She rubbed her fingers up and down Rebeca’s swollen pussy. She then stopped and positioned her hand. She started slipping first two fingers, then a third and finally the fourth into Rebeca’s open pussy.

Mike knew from his experience earlier what came next. As he watched, Lena curled her thumb into the palm of her hand. Then with a little pressure, she worked her whole hand into Rebeca’s pussy. Rebeca moaned out loudly at the intrusion of another object filling her.

Lena held still to allow Rebeca to adjust, but when Rebeca resumed her movements on Mike’s cock, she started her own. As she slid her hand further into Rebeca’s pussy, she could also feel Mike’s cock through the thin skin that separated two parts from one another. She flattened her hand out slightly and was able to stroke Mike’s cock as Rebeca moved up and down on him.

Rebeca was no stranger to this, but it was also something she rarely did. The feeling of Lena’s hand in her pussy moving back forth and the pressure she was creating as she applied pressure to Mike’s cock was quickly sending her into the abyss of mind-blowing orgasm.

Mike, who had never experienced a woman controlling the anal sex the way Rebeca was and then add Lena fisting her at the same time. His orgasm was coming and coming quickly. Just the sight of his wife’s hand jammed into Rebeca’s pussy would have driven him to the edge quickly, but somehow, she had managed to massage his cock as it moved within Rebeca’s ass. He was moaning almost uncontrollably at this point.


Rebeca won the unmentioned race to orgasm first. It hit her with full force. Lena felt instantly as her pussy clenched around her hand like a velvety vise. Then she leaned forward onto Lena’s hand, trapping her as her orgasm intensified. As it intensified, her ass also contracted around Mike’s cock. She began shaking and moaning uncontrollably.

It was then Mike’s orgasm hit him. As soon as her muscles tighten on his cock and she slid down on him, he was done for. He had let her control the pace, but with his orgasm, in full roar, he pushed his hips up into her ass, trying to drive his cock deeper. When she leaned forward, it changed his angle in her and made it feel even better.

It was quite the sight of Mike and Rebeca in the throes of their orgasms, and Lena trapped between them with her hand still firmly impaled in Rebeca’s pussy. She was lucky; it was just her arm being crushed between the two bodies. All she could do was wait for them or at least Rebeca to calm down and relax. She knew she couldn’t simply yank her hand free.

Her wait was mercifully short because Rebeca began trying to lift herself off of Mike’s cock. When she straightened up freeing Lena's arm, she reached out, grabbed Rebeca’s arm. Looking her in the face, she said, “Hold still and let me pull my hand free, then I will help you off of Mike.”

With Lena’s help, Rebeca leaned back, giving Lena space to pull her hand free from her pussy. A she was swollen and still excited from her orgasm, Lena met a little more resistance than she had hoped. When her hand came free, Rebeca let out a cry. Once free, Lena helped her lift herself off of Mike’s cock that was deflating.

Lena helping Rebeca, she guided her to the bed next to Mike and then laid down next to her. She wrapped her arms around Rebeca and as far around Mike as she could. At this point, they were all exhausted and drifted off to sleep.


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RebecaChapter 1

The following characters appear in the first chapter of the story: Robert King’s Marshal, 6’-8” tall, 275 pounds, 29 years old, flaming red hair and beard, green eyes, freckles mostly not visible Rebeca Slave girl, 5’-7” tall, 120 pounds, 34C-21-32, 17 years old, orange/red hair, green eyes, freckles, very cute Albert Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 190 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and eyes broad shoulders Wesley Journeyman Physician, 5’-10” tall, 150 pounds, 26 years old, blond hair, blue...

2 years ago
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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Part 3 Myself and Mike Candice and Tarryn

Part 3, Myself and Mike, Candice and Tarryn. FridayAfter a naughty fun afternoon with my sister and Carry, my parents were soon home. We chatted a bit before all helping with dinner and tidying up before heading our separate ways. Carry and my sister were first in the lounge watching TV, where Mike and I joined for a while as we message Tarryn and Candice, finalizing plans for tomorrow. Even tho being open with my sister and Carry, Mike and I soon said good night, leaving the two girls to enjoy...

1 year ago
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Robert King's Marshal, 6'-8" tall, 275 pounds, 29 years old, flaming red hair and beard green eyes, freckles mostly not visible. Rebeca Slave girl, 5'-7" tall, 120 pounds, 34C-21-32, 17 years old, orange/red hair, green eyes, freckles, very cute William Royal Judge and Executioner 5'-10" tall, 175 pounds, 37 years old, brown hair, blue eyes, Albert Farmer, 6'-0" tall, 190 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and eyes broad shoulders Wesley Journeyman Physician, 5'-10" tall,...

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Part 2 Mike meeting Candice and Tarryn and Thursd

Part 2 Mike meeting Candice and Tarryn and Thursday at my houseWhile waiting for Mike to arrive, myself and the 2 girls eventually moved back inside the house. Both Candice and Tarryn put a top on over their wet bikinis and into the kitchen we went to make lunch. Mike arrived while we were eat, and after opening up for him, I introduced him to my new girlfriend Candice and her naughty friend Tarryn. The 4 of us chatted as Tarryn and Mike started to get to know each other better. The afternoon...

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Nanbanin Thangai Nandhini And Reshma 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en peyar Ashok ippozhuthu thaan vayathu 20 aagugirathu, naan diploma padithu varugiren. Naan padikum kalluriyil enaku nerungiya nanban oruvan irunthaan avan peyar arun, en vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Avan thangaiyudan eppadi kama thodarbu eer patathu enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Oru naal engal kalluriyil stirck seithu irunthaargal, appozhuthu enaku engu selvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal en nanban veetirku andru sendru...

2 years ago
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Becoming My Mothers Lover Mike Joins In

My mother was a petite woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a taut slender build and weighing only about 115 pounds. Her breasts were fairly small, although very shapely and well formed and she had truly spectacular legs for a more mature woman. Many short women seem to have legs that appear thick and unattractive, but my mothers legs were perfectly proportioned for her height. Although her hips were fairly full, she had a slender waist and always looked wonderful in...

3 years ago
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Mike Joins The Family Fun

It was a Saturday afternoon at our house. Bree, mom, dad and I had been involved sexually for a while now. Bree was over for the day and we were all hanging around the pool. Dad was bartending and we girls were tanning nude on floats. Bree and I were questioning mom about her having already fucked Mike, our stepbrother. Mike was a personal trainer at the time and in great shape. Both Bree and I wanted our turn with him. I was turning seventeen and Bree was eighteen. It only seemed right. It...

1 year ago
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Barry and Lena

Barry was shocked about Iris telling him that she couldn't be his home, anymore. But once the shock wore off, he decided to sign some divorce papers and abandon Central City and Team Flash. Barry decided to head over to National City to visit Kara. Barry knocked on Kara's door, and waited for her to answer… Kara opens the door and is shocked to see Barry. "Hi Kara," Barry said with a happy tone but with a hint of sadness to it. "Hi Barry, what are you doing here?" she asked "I just came to tell...

4 years ago
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A World of My OwnChapter 5 Fernanda Joins The Fold

After Jan left the room I found my way into the shower and realized I didn’t have enough strength left to stand there under the spray. So, I got the whirlpool started and spent the next hour lounging in the hot pulsing water. My thoughts were streaming through my consciousness as quickly as the water passing through the jets, taking random turns from what I did to Jan and what I was going to do with Fernanda and Emily. I ate in my room that night and began to formulate a plan that went well...

4 years ago
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Mike Ameel and I in the fort

When we were k**s, I was pretty familiar with sucking another guys cock, but never really had a sexual romp with more than one guy. My first time was with Mike and his friend Amil. Mike and I had been sucking each other for several weeks. He was new in our neighborhood. he lived 5 blocks away and we met by accident in the swimming pool showers. I saw him on his knees in front of another teen and i peeked under the stall to see what they were doing. I wasn't shocked but the excitement was unreal...

1 year ago
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Lena Teil 2

Lena (2. Teil) Kapitel 1 Gabi und Lena erinnern sich und werden Freundinnen Gabi war schon am Vorabend gekommen und hatte im G?stezimmer ?bernachtet. Sie wollte eigentlich Zeit haben, um mit Lena ?ber Vergangenheit und Zukunft zu sprechen, aber Lena war eine ?berarbeitete Hausfrau und Mutti. Gabi hatte dazu den Ansto? gegeben, um Lena in diese Situation zu man?vrieren. Lena, das Fabelwesen, ehemals ein Mann, kastriert, mit dem beringten Schwanz und dem grossen Busen, der jetzt die "...

2 years ago
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Chris And Lucie Pt2 Lucie Meets Lena

Chris was driving home, followed by Lena in her car. Chris and Lena worked at the same company and a few weeks ago, at a company event, after some flirting and a few drinks, they ended up kissing at a parking lot, making sure that nobody saw them. Although Chris had a more senior position, they did not work in the same team, neither was Chris in any way her superior.Chris was sure that even if something went public it could not be classified as a mobbing or anything similar. Two days ago, they...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 2 Mikes Birthday

"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...

3 years ago
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LenaA Lusty, Funny Dick Girl Story! Flirting, Flashing, Up Skirt, Double Anal, Wet Play, Face Fucking and MorePreston asked “does it hurt”, Lena replied “what”? He grinned “you know, when y'all... I mean I can't help but hear you cry out, whimper and moan”? Lena giggled as she paced before him, the bright sunlight penetrated the floral print of her Sun Dress high lighting the shadow of her body. “Mercy Sake's Lena, it's your asshole and Tanner has a big cock”, Preston giggled. She sat down...

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Lena 1

Lena 1The weeks with Saxon had ended and he was on ship again. Preston had seen Lena do things and acting ways he never imagined, kinky, extreme, naughty, filthy, submissive and she loved it all. Tanner had been assigned to China for 45 days helping to start up a new company Branch Office. She walked over to Preston saying, “I'm all yours for a while, what shall we do”? Her short floral print, casual sleeveless pleated Sun Dress barely reached mid thigh, swaying as she stepped. She sat side...

1 year ago
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Lunch With Lena

The call from Lena was unexpected. Colin hadn’t spoken in a while and she made it sound as casual as she could when she asked if he would have lunch with her and help evaluate a job opportunity. As casually as he could, Colin accepted, they settled on the following day and he suggested an up market sports bar that was close to the midpoint between their offices. When he put the phone down Colin took a deep breath and sighed. There could never be anything casual about meeting up with Lena. Next...

Straight Sex
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 2 In Love Lake

LENA LETS ME FEEL HER UP DURING OUR BATH OF HOURS IN LAKE LOVE, I HOTLY HOPELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental 'prison': over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is with me, others siblings and our folks on a hot holiday at our auntie at Lake Love, Bavaria.Lena looks like me and dad: tall and very pretty. Lena and I are always closer, than the others.Lena is by three or four years younger...

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Lena Teil 1

LENA Kapitel 1 - Vorgeschichte Ich wurde als Christian Lennart 1962 geboren. Nach einer Handelsmatura machte ich schnell Karriere im mittleren Kader einer kleineren Firma in unserer Stadt. Ein gutes Einkommen, anst?ndige Manieren und gute Zukunftsaussichten machten aus mir einen begehrten Partner f?r die M?dchen. Eine hatte es aber besonders auf mich abgesehen: Gabi, eine 5 Jahre j?ngere mir unterstellte Mitarbeiterin, die auch ich sehr nett fand. Sie verstand es, mic...

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Lena Lost Her Hymen 8 Cam Beach Act 1

LENA LOVE LOVES TO RETURN IN SUMMERS TO HER HOT 'ISLAND OF INTIMATE LOVE & LUST' Lena Love Has Hot Mighty Memories of First Found LOVE in her LIFE: - Implying First FornicationsLena Love Has Hot Hopes For Fame For Her Name in a Feature Film - Best After a Best-seller BookLena Love's Lovely Long Love Slow Shy Seductive 'Submissive Sweet Sister' Story Sexy Shooting Lena Love's Lovely Long Love Slow Shy Seductive Scenario Switches Sides Story in Story...

3 years ago
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The Girls of Club Cache Lena for Hire

The Girls of Club Cache: Lena for Hire By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Lena The music filtered through the brick walls of the club and pulsed nondescript and muffled in the back alley way. It burst forth with sudden clarity and volume as a cook swung open the back door of the kitchen, slinging a bag of garbage into the adjacent dumpster. Nervous, I was hyper aware of every sound around me and would stiffen momentarily every time this happened. "Shake it off Lena" I told myself....

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 7 BeachBitchBang

LENA LOVES TO MAKE LOVE WITH BIG BRO EVERYWHERE - ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE IN NATURELena is Lovely Looking - Everyone Agrees & Would Want to Make Out with Her for a Naughty NightLena is Lovely Looking - I am her only elder Sibling Who Teaches'R Every Time New Nice NumbersLena Loves to make Love - Everyday and Night Lena's Ready To Try something New @ Prof Peters Lena Loves to make Love - I Take LENA to Texel Island to HAVE HER In the Dunes & On the...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 4 Peter Pokes

LENA LETS ME TOUCH HER BEAUTIFUL FULLY NUDE BODY TO POKE PRIVATE PARTSLena is a perfectly pretty smart slender tender tiny tit sweet sexy sexteen verified virginLena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: Over 18. -- Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is slender, tall, tasty and very pretty. Hence also very sexy -- despite her shyness nude.Lena & I are burning, for four hours, bathing in...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 3 First Full Nude

LENA LETS ME WATCH WHEN WATERING NAKED, SQUATTED AT THE GRASS, IN MY TENTLena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even has not discovered yet any masturbation!Lena is slender, tall, tasty and very pretty. Hence also very sexy, despite all her shyness nude.Lena & I are before, for four hours, bathing in Lake Love. Lets lets me touch her under water.Lena loves how it feels. First time ever for...

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Lena the Laid Sister

Mom had died and my life changed, I was sent to live with my aunt and cousin Lena. I did not know that my aunt was my birth mother nor that Lena is really my sister. My adopted mom told me the truth as she lay dying of cancer, she was a great mom. I had to learn to call my aunt by a new name, mom and call Lena my sister, it was hard but I did it. This last year my life had changed, I moved from the suburbs to the city and life took such strange new paths. My aunt and Birth Mother had married a...

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Hollywood Coke Whore Ch 1 with Lena Headey

. 1with Lena Headeyby DarkTemplarcodes: interracial, blowjob, deepthroat, anal, creampie"Breathe. Just act natural, Lena. You can do this.." the Hollywood starlet kept assuring herself the entire ride, as if through simple repetition she might finally strike up the nerve to actually get off the bus at her designated stop. At any rate, her stomach was in knots and she couldn't stop fumbling with her pocketbook.This was her third time riding the metro bus into the worst ghetto of South Central,...

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Lena Lost Her Hymen 9 Lenas MirrorMe

LENA LOVE LOVES TO RETURN IN SUMMERS TO HER HOT 'ISLAND OF INTIMATE LOVE & LUST' Lena Love Has Hot Mighty Memories of First Found LOVE in her LIFE: - Implying First Fuck & SuckLena Love Has Hot Hopes For Fame For Her Name in a Feature Film - Best After a Best-seller BookLena Love's Lovely Long Love Slow Shy Seductive 'Submissive Sweet Sister' Story Sexy Shooting Lena Love's Lovely Long Love Slow Shy Seductive Scenario Switches Sides Story in Story...

2 years ago
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Lena Loses Her Hymen 6 Dune Dance

LENA LOVES TO MAKE LOVE WITH BIG BRO EVERYWHERE - ESPECIALLY OUTSIDE IN NATURELena is Lovely Looking - Everyone Agrees & Would Want to make out with her for a Naughty NightLena is Lovely Looking, I am her only elder sibling, who teaches her every time some New NumberLena Loves to make Love - Everyday and Night Lena's ready to try something New with Prof. PeterLena Loves to make Love - I Take LENA to Texel Island to HAVE HER In the Dunes & On the...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 2

Mike stepped out of the closet and noticed that all of his weapons were in a pile on the floor of the closet. He glanced over at the clock on the desk and saw that only fifteen minutes had passed. Cat had told him that would be the case, but it was difficult believe considering that an entire week had passed in Crossroads. He bent down and picked up his gun belt, badge, wallet, and coins from the floor. It took him a couple of minutes to get presentable. Once he was sure that everything was...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 1 To Adam video

LENA LOOKS AT HER LOVELIEST AT EIGHTEEN AND STILL A VIRGIN -- FINALLY FULLY FREELena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: over eighteen, gymnasium graduated.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. As far as I know, she even has not discovered masturbation yet.Lena takes the train with me, after our hot holiday. That day she is exactly eighteen and six months old. Lena is born on February 27. As a 'Fish' by star-sign she loves bathing or our swims in a Bavarian...

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LenaChapter 6

“Lena, you’re entirely too lovely,” I gasped. I desperately wanted to get my hands on the feminine form molding itself against me, but I just couldn’t get over the hurdle. Conscience. Morals. And I’m tangled up with a sweet thing in a nightshirt and I just can’t get myself to think that I should see how far I could get because I know she’s swept up in the moment and what’s okay right now with two sets of raging sex drives could well lead to regret when the rush subsided. Naturally that meant...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 4

As he accepted the week’s pay from John Rider, Mike said, “It’s been an interesting week. I won’t say that I loved the job, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” John said, “I’ve got to admit that I’m shocked that you stayed the week.” “I learned a lot this week,” Mike replied dropping the coins into his money purse. Cat had told him to stay the week regardless of what happened. He wasn’t sure why she had been so insistent, but he followed her instructions and made the best of the...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 7

Although it was nearly impossible for Mike to believe, Erica was even more responsive in bed than Cat. The young woman came just from being kissed. He had never thought of himself as having much stamina in bed, but she was unconscious before he was even close to coming. At first it worried him a lot, but he got used to her collapsing on the bed unconscious within a minute of two of him entering her. The solution was to include Cat in the bed so that she could warm him up before he turned his...

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Lena Loses Her Hymen 5 Blonde Blows

LENA LEARNS IN AMSTERDAM AT MY BIRTHDAY AS A PRESENT TO US BOTH HOW TO BLOWLena is a perfectly pretty smart slender tender tiny tit shy sensual sweet subby verified virginLena looks at her loveliest. Feels finally free from parental prison: Is over 18. Got Gymnasium.Lena is still a very virgin innocent teen. She even hasn´t discovered yet how to play her pussy!Lena is slender, tall, tasty and very pretty. Hence she´s very sexy in shyness to me -- fully nude.Lena looks up to me both in her sould...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 3

Mike stepped out of the bank and took his first look upon Chaos. The majority of buildings surrounding the bank were made of stone. Further up and down the road were cheaper wooden structures. The wooden buildings were made of rough cut lumber. Most of the buildings weren’t painted leaving them in various states of decay. The wind shifted bringing with it the overwhelming stench of a distant tannery that nearly made him sick to his stomach. The heavy smoke of burning wood hung heavy in the...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 6

Following the Mayor’s suggestion, Mike and Erica decided to spend the night in Kevin’s house. According to the law as pronounced by the Mayor, it was their property. There wasn’t much in the house; just a bed, a table, two chairs, a chest, and some cooking equipment. The shed outside had the tools for running a small farm. The real value of the farm was in the livestock. After looking around the little shack, Erica opened the chest and looked at the contents. There was some cloth, a bundle...

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Lena And Kats Secret Bonding Time

POV: KatI gently rose and felt my stomach. "Damn, eating that pussy made me hungry," I muttered, smiling. "I need a snack," I added, before slowly making my way to the door. "I guess I should put something on in case I run into one of the girls."I slipped into my panties and then my bra. Then I opened the door, grabbed my cell phone to light my way, and calmly went to the kitchen."Damn, feeling the cool breeze on my body is making me horny. I'll have to wake Savannah up again and fuck her...

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Lena Rosalyn Like Each Other

POV: LenaLena comes back to her house late finds out her mom and Kat fucked at her home on the first date anyway. Although, Savannah lies and then introduces her to Kat's daughter Rosalyn. They chat while their moms are on another date. They both discuss they've never been with another woman, and find each other attractive, so they try it.  "So, you're back here at home now, Mom, dare I ask, did you listen to you me?" I pondered, walking to the front door. "Am I a bad daughter for lying and...

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A Helping Hand for Lena

It was a fairly standard buffet dinner party among Calgary's affluent oil crowd. The food was excellent, the caterer probably even better than last time. There was lots of good wine to drink, and the people milled around happily, telling tales in dribs and drabs to anyone who happened to be next to them, asking about business and holidays, sharing the latest gossip on hedge funds, friends and associates who were dying, divorcing, or buying apartments, or cows or buffalo, or having trouble with...

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Lena my little fucktoy PART 3

As we arrived in my hotel room, we made her undress (yes, simple as that…Carl said “undress” and she threw her remaining clothes on the floor) and stand in front of us just in heels.“Show him your handbag” Carl said, and Lena emptied the content of said acessory on the large bed and returned to stand erect with her hands lifted high behind her neck. I started sampling the content on the bed…“Hm..a buttplug” I said with a grin….”C´mon, whore, make it wet!”….she jumped at it and began to lick and...

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Lena The Plug 20000 14m

You probably know Lena the Plug by her ass, her two podcasts, or her YouTube page. She's known for being partners with Adam22 from the podcast 'No Jumper,' and they have a podcast called 'Plug Talk.' Plug Talk is known for having slutty guests who come for a friendly chat and then have a threesome. When Lena isn't sucking Adam's dick with another chick, she has another podcast about being a mother and entertainer in the adult space called 'Touchy Subject.' Lena the Plug towers the top percent...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Enslaving Lena

‘Morning!’ Lena cheerily breezed past Dale and Billy as she was buzzed in through the front door. Billy noted with approval that she was wearing the sexy knee high boots that he liked. Trimmed, toned and athletic the two men’s eyes followed her as she entered the lift. When he thought she was out of earshot, Dale turned to Billy, ‘I would, mate.’ Billy laughed. And then he laughed some more. If he hadn’t been so turned on Billy wouldn’t have been able to stop laughing. Miss Perfect....

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Lenas Love Lessons 1 Offers

Lena looks lovely, an innocent ingenue and still a virgin when she follows her big bro Bert to study in Amsterdam. Finally she is free from the all-seeing eyes of her overprotective mom. So she can start to find out things about love and sex. Back at home sex was a taboo subject. Hence she had hardly any occasion to ask her beloved Bert about those things, in which he had gathered some experience with his first steady girlfriend, as she correctly guessed.Lena is glad Bert drops by on her first...

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Lena and Liam 3

For two weeks Lena continually stretched Liam in every imaginable way. She wrapped rubber bands around his young boy beans and hung weights from them to stretch him while she forced him to lick her and suck on her clit. She began putting pencils, one at a time in his ass as she stroked his cock to stretch him. She also blindfolded him and did made him touch her and as she did things to him that were so perverse. She even took a raw hot dog and smeared it over his ass, balls and little pecker...

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Lena my little fucktoy

The bar was full of happy people. It was Friday night, still winter but with the first traces of spring in the parks. In Stockholm that was always a special time of the year. The restaurants and bars around Stureplan had their chairs out al fresco – no one from outside Sweden would ever understand why people would sit outside when it´s just above freezing point…but the tables were full on this friday evening.I had finished my speech at the conference I was invited to, and was heading for a...

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Wonderful footjob from Lena

My family was at my wife's parents. They were having summer holiday at another city. My wife's friend Lena and her husband was our family friend. We were visiting each other a lot.Because I was a horny foot fetishist, I was looking secretly at her well groomed feet when we are together. Lena is a 49 years old blonde woman.She is rather thin but her legs are sexy and her feet are always very groomed. But, I knew I didn't have possibility to fuck her. There was no time and possibility.Actually I...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 5

Although the nearest village was only a twenty minute walk away, it took Mike most of the afternoon to locate the cave where the Damsel was being held. The entrance to the cave was little more than a shadow tucked away in little cut into the mountain. He would have missed it if he hadn’t come across the tracks of men on one of the animal trails that cut through the area. Cat had told him to wait until after the men holding the Damsel had left for the night before attempting to free her....

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Lena Me

"Whew! Is it always this hot down here?" Joe was gleaming from head to toe with sweat. And I mean head to toe because he was naked. For that matter, Lena and I were naked and sweaty, too. We all had good reason to be sweaty because we were recovering from nearly an hour and a half of hot monkey-love sex. "After a marathon like that it's bound to be this hot. But it is July and this is Arizona. There are extenuating circumstances," I told him. I looked down at his meaty cock, lying limply...

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LenaChapter 5

Jay’s turn: We hit Vicksburg with Lena holding my iPad in her lap, surfing for tourist information. She found an antebellum home and museum that looked interesting, so that became our first destination. We did the tourist thing, absorbing the information, the history, the lore, as presented by a nice lady who acted as tour guide. Lena paid rapt attention. After the tour of the home and the grounds we got back into the car, went to find the Mississippi River. Yes, at one time that home was...

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Mike And Mandy

Mike stared ahead of him at the long ribbon of highway that stretched as far as he could see without a town in sight. He had been driving since early morning and it was now 5:50PM in the evening. His was getting tired and he needed a rest. The next town of any size was still forty miles away where he could check in at a hotel, and get some food and a good bed to sleep in. He still had two hundred miles to travel before he would be home and with his wife. He planned to stop and buy her a gift as...

Straight Sex
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LenaChapter 2

Over the next months, I won’t characterize the frequency of phone calls from Lena as sporadic, just not really consistent. I relished them. Really did. She’s bright. After the pall of Dad’s passing wore away, she became more light-hearted and funny. Email was a thing, too, all very benign – pictures flowing both ways – me of my worksite and the surrounding area, hers being cute things she found on the Internet to share, pensive notes on school and home. Halfway through, I found myself...

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Lena and Liam 2

As she was preparing to take her shower, Lena saw Liam step into the bath, naked, just as instructed. His little cock was not much more than the first segment of her thumb, but she knew from the day before how it could get a lot longer and a decent amount thicker."Come here, you little shit and take my panties down off of me." Lena could see the only son of her husband, the son born of his first wife, look at her and debate whether instead he could still run for it. He had been checking out his...

1 year ago
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Afternoon with Lena

But all of them can't compare to the girl that is laying next to me. Lena is a short blonde that moved to my class last year. We have known each other before but we didn't talk much. But after she moved to my class I got to know her better, we became close and one thing lead to another and now we have been dating for almost two months now. Even tough she is always horny and we sext a lot talking about our fantasies and what she wants me to do to her we havent actually had sex yet. Mostly...

3 years ago
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Lena my little fucktoy PART 2

“Where is she?”…Carl looked troubled when I returned to the bar“Oh, she is getting used by a lady who came in upon us” is said matter-of-factly..”Frankly, I sold her for 15 minutes” and with this said, I put the two 500 Kronas on the table from which I pushed one over to him. “I think it´s fair if we share her money” I chuckled looking him carefully in the face. I think he liked the situation per se, but would have loved to be controlling it, not watching from the sideline as he had to do now....

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