Enslaving Lena free porn video

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Lena cheerily breezed past Dale and Billy as she was buzzed in through the front door. Billy noted with approval that she was wearing the sexy knee high boots that he liked. Trimmed, toned and athletic the two men’s eyes followed her as she entered the lift. When he thought she was out of earshot, Dale turned to Billy,

‘I would, mate.’

Billy laughed. And then he laughed some more.

If he hadn’t been so turned on Billy wouldn’t have been able to stop laughing. Miss Perfect. Beautiful, fit, super smart Lena. Here, on her knees, in heat and begging to take his cock. She panted, she moaned, she mewled in submissive desperation. Her nipples were rigidly erect, her womanhood soaked in juice. Save for those knee high boots her only piece of clothing was a leash and collar. The usual sparkle in her spirited brown eyes was still evident but it had been diluted somewhat by a vacant look of silent suffering and doomed resistance. Billy drew her nearer…

Lena caught the fading echoes of Billy’s laugh as she approached the lift. Slightly odd, a brief image of Billy in her flat entered her mind. But she was sure he’d never been there. Dismissing both the thought and the men, Lena shook her head. Dale was just your typical unreconstructed male but she’d been disappointed in Billy. When would he just give up? Yes, she’d been moderately attracted to him when she first arrived at the company six months ago. Yes, she’d appreciated his help settling in. And yes, perhaps, new to the company she may have flirted a little and accidentally given the wrong idea. But, she’d made it clear since then that she was just not that interested. She was with Leo now. Let’s all just move on.

Still, for just a second she felt an ever slight stir between her slender yet athletic legs.

As the lift arrived at her floor she hurried out. She’d slept a little too well last night and was a bit late. She wobbled a little on her heels which were not designed for hurrying. Strange, she thought. She’d only ever worn these boots once for work. The day Leo interviewed her for the position of Deputy Director. They were not the most practical.

‘Morning, Deputy Director,’ said Luis as she approached her office. His sardonic smile oozed sleaze and smarminess above his goatee beard. It was pathetic the way he said ‘Deputy Director’. The way he tried to make it sound like he was ironically mocking the hierarchy of their workplace when really he was simply mocking her. Yes, Luis was more experienced than her and had been at the company longer. But that didn’t give him the right to be Deputy Director. They’d both done the interview with Leo and the other Directors and she’d got the job because she was the best candidate. Luis needed to get over it.

‘Please Master! Please take me! Please take me from behind!’

Helplessly, pathetically, Lena waved her naked behind in front of Luis. Were her tears of shame, desperation, anger, or something else? None of them could be sure. But Luis was sure he was going to enjoy her humiliation. His sleazy hands began playing with her exposed, submissive womanhood. Somehow she felt both repelled and aroused by his touch. She was both deeply ashamed of her predicament and desperate for it to progress to it’s ‘natural conclusion’. What the hell was going on?

Lena actually felt her flesh creep as Luis blatantly eyed her pert behind in the leather skirt that stopped perhaps just a little too far above the knee. But as she managed those heels, she herself felt somehow uncomfortably aware of her own arse. To make matters even more inconvenient her anus felt the ever so subtle hint of arousal. Not a state to be in with this particular clothing combination when at work. What had she been thinking that morning?

Luis chuckled quietly. It was the kind of chuckle someone makes when they’ve heard a joke that they don’t want you to hear. For some reason it aggravated her. She spun round,

‘Everything ok, Luis?’

She shot him a challenging look. He was silent for a moment. She regretted it. What tangible justification did she have for that confrontational glare?

‘Er, I’m ok. Is everything ok with you, Lena?’

She ignored the slightly patronising ‘with you’ and regrouped.

‘I, er, sorry, Luis. Didn’t sleep well’

‘Oh, didn’t you? No problem’

He had to fight his urge to say the word to her then and there. It wasn’t easy. But still, he walked off with a swagger in his step. With his back turned he allowed a triumphant grin to spread across his face.

He had to hand it to Billy!

What was wrong with her!? Why had his creepy chuckle got to her? Yes, she’d heard it before. Yes, it was unpleasant. But she knew how to handle him. A strange tightness gripped her stomach. As with Billy before, that laugh seemed to stimulate an image of Luis in her flat. Him! In her flat! She couldn’t have slept as well as she thought. And thinking about it, the raised tone when Luis said, ‘Oh, didn’t you?’ was a bit odd. Why on earth would he be in any position to be surprised about how well or not she slept?

‘Shit,man. She really has no idea!’ Luis approached Billy gesturing with his eyes to Lena who was making a photocopy at the other end of the room. A perverse enjoyment was evident in his lecherous eyes.

‘Yes, that’s just as well don’t you think? And keep it down yeah?’

‘Sure man, but yeah. I so wanted to say the word just now.’

‘Well, of course you did! Who wouldn’t knowing what you know?’

‘Yeah, but it’s not just that. She’s so up herself!’

‘Not as much as you were last night!’

The two men laughed. Something about that laugh, preceded as it was by their semi audible words really got to Lena.

They were laughing together now. They stood there laughing. In overwhelming desperation she crawled on all fours between them. Consumed in her heat she didn’t know which way to turn. Her throat thirsted for Billy’s cock, her anus ached for Luis’

‘Please, please…PLEASE!’

She begged, she wept, she grovelled.

‘Who are we?’ Billy asked maliciously.

You are a pair of cruel, disgusting perverts who shouldn’t be allowed near a woman for as long as you live, she thought.

‘You are my Masters!’ she cried out.

‘And who are you?’ sneered Luis.

I’m an attractive, intelligent woman who is worth so much more than either of you, who is so far out of your league it’s unreal.

‘I am your slave!’

‘Something funny, gentlemen?’

Lena approached them. Giving them her best ‘don’t fuck with me, boys’ stare. A stare that usually worked.

Billy looked back at her. A look that was irritatingly both quizzical and somewhat uncomfortably knowing.

Lena flushed. Something wasn’t quite right. But she just couldn’t put her finger on it. Luis was now openly smirking at her. She felt furious. Furious but also increasingly powerless. To her horror she began to feel damp between her legs.

‘Fuck me! Fuck me Masters! Please!’

Naked and on her back Lena was actually using her arse to move along the floor to plead with these men, these sick, creepy, perverted men to penetrate her. The heels of her boots skidded against the smooth wooden floor preventing her from getting any traction. If she hadn’t been so overcome with heat she might have asked why the hell she was pleading with men who disgusted her so much to violate her. She might have asked why as a modern, professional intelligent woman she was so willing to degrade and humiliate herself in front of these men who weren’t even close to being her equal.

‘What do you think? We let her have it?’ Luis asked.

‘Yes, please, PLEASE.’ Lena panted and writhed in desperation.

‘Not yet. She’s not fully conditioned yet,’ replied Billy

‘Sure, man. This is fun too,’ Luis sneered as he began teasing her supplicating pussy.

‘No! NO! Masters please! I’m you
r slave! I’ll do anything! ANYTHING!!’

Their sick, lecherous laughter filled her ears as her helpless body squirmed at their feet.

Billy and Luis watched as her keen eyes desperately struggled with a puzzle that was just a little too much for them. Her eyes looked beautiful as they strove, and yet narrowly failed, to grasp something that lay just beyond their reach. She was also beginning to flush. Other people were in the room.

‘I…I…,excuse me…’

Defeated, she turned on her heel and left them triumphant.

Billy penetrated her deeply. Her body shuddered as it approached climax. Suddenly, he stopped. Lena moaned in shock and desperation.

‘What’s the word, slave?’



‘Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!’

‘Apart from the fact that you can be a real bitch when you want, why is this word significant now?’

‘Because whenever I hear one of you, my Master’s, say this word, I will instantly go deeply into an hypnotic trance. I will do everything you say.’

‘Good, go on. What else?’

‘I…I will sense what you tell me to sense. I, I will feel what you tell me to feel. I will think what you tell me to think…PLEASE, MASTER…PLEASE!

Billy started again, more slowly. Enough to stimulate but not enough to satisfy.

‘What else?’

‘I will remember what you tell me to remember. I will forget what you tell me to forget! Master…please!’ she whined.

‘Good girl. Now listen, BITCH. You will mostly forget what’s happened tonight. But you will get the odd tantalising memory that will lead you on. But it will never be enough. It will be like a jigsaw where you can’t quite find enough pieces to work out what the picture is. You will strain that sharp mind of yours but it will not quite be enough. You will only remember, if I clearly and distinctly say to you the words, ‘Lena, remember”

‘And what’s more. As you try to piece together the memory you will find yourself feeling aroused. Helplessly aroused. Submissively aroused.’

Even Luis thought Billy was going a bit far.Hell, Billy wasn’t even sure he entirely approved of what he was doing himself. If the Geneva Convention could have conceived of a psychological torture as sadistic as this it would surely have banned it. But something primeval within him drove him on.Lena, meanwhile, was desperate. Beyond desperate. Her entire being strained to be allowed release. She would have accepted anything. She was broken. Really broken this time.


Finally, her tormenters allowed her to climax. A most humiliating, but also most desperately craved climax. As Billy filled her pussy, Luis choked her with his manhood. As she came copiously, both men withdrew and spunked all over her helplessly enraptured, yet sobbing face and over her prone, naked body. Her heels intermittently rapped on the floor as her legs twitched spasmodically.

‘Sleep now, Lena. You will remember all my commands when you wake up.’

‘Yes, Master.’

‘And wear the boots to work tomorrow.’

‘Yes, Master. The boots.’

These boots were ridiculous. She’d been in them all day now. Alone in her office, why couldn’t she take them off? She shuddered as she remembered the subtle leers from Billy and Luis as they watched her walk away from them after that last failed confrontation. But could anything else be expected? Perhaps not in these boots which seemed to make her walk like a slut. Made her feel like a slut. Oh God, She was getting so aroused. What’s going on!? This had to be connected to Billy and Luis. She just knew it! What had they done to her? Picking up the phone she called them into her office. She would sort these bastards out no matter what.

‘Don’t worry,’ she heard Billy address Luis outside the door. ‘We’ll move to the next stage now.’

Next stage!?

The two men entered. Trying to affect a confidence she did not feel she remained seated behind her desk as they stood before her.

‘Ok, guys. What’s going on?’

Billy stared into her eyes and detected their desperation. She knew that he’d seen it. Her nipples began to feel taut under her blouse.

I must not let this bastard win!

Billy turned around and locked the door.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’

Summoning all her strength she stood up, walked round the table and eyeballed them. Her eyes shone with anger and defiance.

Luis stared back with an infuriatingly insolent, triumphant smile. Staring between them she could take it no more. She hurled herself at Luis. Taking him by surprise he staggered back and fell against the wall,

‘You bastards! What have you done to me!’

She fell on him and began slapping him.

‘Bitch’ Billy said quietly.

The fire in Lena’s eyes glazed over ever so slightly. She stopped.

What! Why have you stopped? A distant part of her asked her.

Laughing, Billy said,

‘Let him get up but you can stay there on your knees.’

She let him go.

What are you doing girl? Get him!

Cursing, Luis got to his feet.

‘Now, that’s no way to treat your Master, is it Lena?’

A battle was taking place in Lena’s eyes. A burning force could be detected. But it was being subdued.

‘No, Master.’

‘Beg for forgiveness’

Her entranced eyes blazed with anger and resistance. Still, she found herself begging.

‘Good girl. Now lick his shoes.’

A hint of sadness now joined the increasingly bound free spirit as it continued its dance with the anger in Lena’s eyes. She was aware of her humiliation and abasement while grovelling at the feet of these sleazy triumphant men, but was powerless to resist their commands. She tasted polish and leather on her increasingly desperate tongue. She flushed with a mixture of shame and arousal.

‘Good, girl. Now, Lena, Remember’.

Her eyes filled with the memory. Billy and Luis watched fascinated as she was overwhelmed. For one moment, the repressed explosions in her eyes made Billy doubt the power of the hypnotic conditioning to hold her in check. But only for a moment.

Shame, helplessness, anger and powerlessness formed a heady cocktail at the core of Lena’s very being. As they stood over her kneeling figure and laughed she realised they had won. These sick, sleazy bastards had won! Her breasts tingled, her nipples stood taut and she began to feel wet. Billy tilted her chin up and stared into her eyes. The intricate, kaleidoscope of emotion that was her eyes fascinated him. Kneeling there, she stared back with fury, with defiance, with violated indignation, with powerlessness, with submission, and then with understanding. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

‘Oh, Masters!’

Lena threw herself at their feet.

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A Quick One For Jelena

When my two best friends asked me to go to watch the tennis at Wimbledon with them I immediately agreed. Yes, I liked tennis, both playing and watching, but that wasn’t the reason I was going. Oh no! I wanted to see Anna Kournikova and the rest of the hot ladies there. The short tennis skirts and tight tennis tops always got me excited. We had queued for ages before we finally got into the huge green coloured tennis complex that was the All England tennis club. The place was packed. There were...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 56 Joel and Milena

December 31, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Mike!” Milena gushed when Clarissa, Tasha, and I walked into her mom’s house. “How’s the blushing bride?” I asked. “I don’t think Milena has blushed since she was twelve!” Doctor Blahnik teased. “Hi, Mike! Hi, Tasha! Hi, Clarissa!” “Hi! Milena, where’s your intended?” I asked. “His friends have custody of him until the wedding starts at 8:00pm! But the rule was he had to be sober, able to stand on his own, and have no injuries!” I chuckled, “So much...

3 years ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 13 Milena

Henry and Ellen were left alone and had to find their way out by themselves. "Any more surprises up your sleeve?" Henry asked casually. "No, just this dinner at Eileen's. Tomorrow morning it's British Airways back to Gatwick." "And what have you planned for the rest of this day?" Ellen grinned at him, an impish grin. "I was thinking of a repeat performance of this morning." "Sounds like a plan," Henry seconded after what seemed to be some careful thought. They skipped lunch...

1 year ago
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Malena sat thinking about her sister, Makaela. Malena had just watched her sister being thoroughly spanked. Her sister bent over a chair, while her mother had stood behind her with a wicked switch. The house was filled with the ‘swishhh’ of the switch, and Makaela’s shrill screams of promising to be a good girl and begging for it to stop. Her mother did not stop spanking Makaela until every inch of her bottom and upper thighs were crimson. Malena looked almost exactly like her sister....

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The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena

Title: The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena (Part 1)Author:  SadoRuskiSynopsis: This is a story of two friends, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez and the many sexual misadventures that they find themselves in. Disclaimer: This is fantasy. It is not real. Rape and violence against women is WRONG.  DON’T DO IT. Intro : Trying something a little different. This is the 1st part of a series of stories. Please tell me what you think at search4aphrodite(at)Hotmail(dot)com. Please include your username...

3 years ago
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Slaves For Selena

Slaves For SelenaEmily Osment stood to the side, off camera, watching her friend Miley Cyrus do a scene on the set of Hannah Montana."Hey sexy." Someone whispered in her ear. She turned and saw Selena Gomez standing there smiling."I told you not on set!" Emily blushed red and turned quickly to see if anyone heard her. They hadn't. Selena grabbed Emily's arm in a not too gentle grip and pulled her back farther from the crew. "Hey! That hurts!" Emily said. Selena let go of her arm and looked...

1 year ago
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 9 Sweaty Aunt Selena

Read previous chapters to get into the fun with my sweaty Aunt Selena. Narrated by David. I opened aunt Selena’s WhatsApp message. Selena: Where are you? I was happy to see her message. The photo she sent me came back to my mind. God! I can’t believe I had a sexy aunt like her. I replied to her message. Me: home. What’s up? There wasn’t any reply. So I went to brush my teeth. While brushing, I heard the notification on my phone. I went and opened the notification. It was her...

3 years ago
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Celebrities Fucking Part 3Teaching Selena

Ian rubbed his hands together as he looked down at the bounty - or in this case, the booty - before him. It’s like a smorgasbord of sex! he thought. So many choices! Finish off Kristin by fucking her ass…work on a fresh-faced, inexperienced beauty like Selena…or see what Kate has to offer. Ian allowed his fingers to trail over all three sets of velvety smooth buns as he moved from left to right. With each woman, he allowed his finger to press lightly into her asshole before moving on. He...

1 year ago
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Shelly and Selena

Shelly and Selena Note: this is based on a chat I did with my friend Selena on IG a few weeks ago based on a manipulated image I produced. It's a straight up sex romp with no apologies. The two models looked amazing on the copied balcony. Built to look like an Italian Villa, it just was a set up for photo shoots like this. The two tall, dark haired women, looked at each other, both feeling more than the feigned affection they'd been putting on for the camera. It wraps, and they...

3 years ago
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Fitness By Flash Elena

Elena wasn’t always this fit though. In fact, she was a good 75 pounds overweight for most of her adult life. The 32-year-old beauty had spent the past year working out at Flash’s Fitness Factory, adhering to a strict and unique fitness regimen that has allowed her to shed the pounds systematically and shape Elena’s body into a curvy delight to any man’s eyes. Growing up in Hawaii and raised by a Polynesian mother and a Caucasian father, the 4’10” short girl with the pretty face and dark...

2 years ago
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The following story is a novel-type story. Don't mind the long threads. Consider that there is a Setting/Plot/Characters thread attached for reference. "ELLEN! Don't be late!" my mother shouts up the stairs, her footsteps easily heard through the wooden flooring. The reason she is shouting is because I am leaving home for college. Both my mother and my older sister resent my going to Neo-Francisco for schooling where I can stay here in Neo-Amsterdam for college. Their resentments aren't enough...

2 years ago
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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 4 More Helena

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 5 Meeting Aunt Selena

Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by David. We have finally arrived in Bangalore. The morning was all blurry and fast. We left the hotel as soon as the car was repaired. During the rest of the journey, all I could think of was how mom slept by my side. It was still pretty early in the morning when we arrived at uncle Jerry’s house. It was a luxurious grand house with an indoor swimming pool and all. Mom and I were given separate rooms. After settling...

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Lewd Tales 8211 Part 5 Meeting Aunt Selena

Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by David. We have finally arrived in Bangalore. The morning was all blurry and fast. We left the hotel as soon as the car was repaired. During the rest of the journey, all I could think of was how mom slept by my side. It was still pretty early in the morning when we arrived at uncle Jerry’s house. It was a luxurious grand house with an indoor swimming pool and all. Mom and I were given separate rooms. After settling...

3 years ago
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Unfortunately, their plans came to a grinding halt when the Elena's gynecologist told her that a cyst in her uterus was growing, and she had to keep her eye on it, because it would have to be cut out if it grew any further. Then, Fred's had a stint in the Army which took him to Iraq, and he was took Elena with him, because his communications job let him go home nights. Elena began feeling very uncomfortable in her belly, and the first thing she did when Fred was discharged was to get back...

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OffWorld Slave Girl Chapter 3 Helena

Again, a warm and hearty welcome to my Earth readers. As previous readers are aware I had retired to the planet Rigel VI, on the outer rim of our galaxy and I continue the story of my adventures with the amazing local custom of pleasure-slaves.The rich elite of this planet, of which I had become one of its newest members, bought and sold pleasure-slaves. Pleasure slaves were women (and men) who had submitted themselves to the auction houses in the big cities here.They were escaping the terrible...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Helena

Visit to Aunt Helena,A short story written by Mrs. Wanda NylonChapter 1It was in the days after my graduation that my mother came to me that she and my dad had come to the idea that it was better for my upbringing that I learned a bit more of the world, and that there was more then the 2 square miles of our farmhouse. My father worked for the local government and we had lived there for as long as I could remember.Well two days after my twentieth birthday my parents brought me to the train...

3 years ago
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Two Presidents or How I Came To Love Elena

Elena was a wonderful young woman when I met her, not that I could really understand much of what she was saying. Elena was a strange one, she wasn’t your typical beauty and she had a way about her, a glint in her eye that you couldn’t quite place. She was the child of a Catholic German father and a Jewish Czechoslovakian mother. They met when the Germans settled in Czechoslovakia and fell in love, much to the disgust of her parents, pregnant by a man who quickly fell out of love and chose not...

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Jacob Elena

It all had started innocently enough. Your typical “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” thing. But it was apparent that things would get out of hand quickly the desire we had for each other was taboo, but that made us want the other even more. My brother is two years older than me; when all this started he was twenty I was eighteen. I had been rather sheltered and had just discovered my vagina and had realized how good it felt to rub the top of the mound. I’d hide in my room and study my...

2 years ago
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Watching Anita and Helena

Watching Anita and HelenaIt had been a long week and that Friday evening I just got home really very tired.Anita came out of the bathroom and I felt my cock starting to grow inside my trousers. She was wearing a short black dress, high heels and of course, she turned and bent over to show me her naked fresh shaved pussy, no panties at all…She was ready to go out; her loving friend Helena had texted her, asking if we wanted to have a little fun. I was exhausted from work but I always loved...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a Soccer CoachChapter 2 Elena

Just when I was beginning to feel that my one night of weakness was not going to haunt me for the rest of my life, disaster struck. I found out that someone else on the team knew our secret, and in a bizarre twist of Murphy's Law, it was the worst possible person. Elena, our hot-blooded, rebellious keeper, had me by the short hairs. Elena Ruiz was a fiery, self-absorbed Latino girl who probably should have been kicked off the team for her disruptive behavior. But she was one of the best...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

4 years ago
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My first time was not really my first, but it was my first time with a woman an actual woman, not a high school girl, a woman with some skills and talent, who knew how to guide a boy to manhood to show a boy how to please a woman.Her name was Helena and she worked in the convenience store in the small town that I grew up in. The store was not even a big place, but a place where the k**s hung out to get candy, pop, icees and such. Helena was not a super model she was just a Midwestern woman, not...

1 year ago
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Watching Elena

I thought briefly to myself, I wonder how that would have worked if he had been inside her. Would she have received the same enormous jolt of electricity that he did? I would like to see that in a movie. Just as he turned to see what was taking place, I jammed the cattle prod on his balls and hit him with another current load. He sagged somewhat, then I put it behind his neck and hit him again. He went all the way down. Knowing that this was a temporary solution for what could be a very big...

3 years ago
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Spending the afternoon with Helena

Spending the afternoon with HelenaI was alone at home that Saturday afternoon; Victor was visiting some friends out of town. I was feeling really horny and I had touched myself many, many times since morning. I called my girlfriend Helena and explained her how my fucking crazy state of mind was…Helena laughed and invited me to visit her, because she was also alone at home. When I arrived her home, she kissed me deeply and said that I needed a shower, because I smelled like nasty sex…When I got...

2 years ago
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My turn tu use Helena

My turn to use HelenaMy old friend Jorge had agreed to give me her slut wife Helena for one night…She was going to submit to my commands; with no question about the matter.Jorge was flying out of town early in the afternoon. My sweet wife Ana was visiting some friends in a near city; so, she would not be aware of that matter; unless Helena would tell her anytime.I bought some stuff at the mall for Helena. I got a sexy black push-up bra for her tits; to leave her nipples showing out. A pair of...

3 years ago
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An unexpected visit from Helena

I left the western country dancing place after Ana and her group. At the parking lot I heard Charlie saying they could go to his place.They climbed onto the cars. Ana sat down close to the Latin man…I saw them leaving and then I went back home. I took a warm shower as I jerked my hard cock under the running water. Soon I passed out on the couch, as I was trying to watch some TV…Two hours later I was awaken, as I heard a car was parking at the front. I opened the door and found a nice surprise:...

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