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Enslaving Robert

Robert 5_1


By The Devil's Advocate


As I regained consciousness, I just laid on my back and stared at the
bars above me. I still had a bit of a headache but the main reason I did
this was that I was too scared to see who had captured me. The bars were
only a few feet above me so I knew I wasn't lucky enough to be in some kind
of temporary holding cell at the local sheriff's office.

I stayed like this for more than 30 minutes. I knew that the less I
moved the more likely I would be left alone. The last thing I remembered
was getting woozy as I drank the soda my 11-year-old sister, Linda, had
brought me. There was little doubt that the drink had been d**gged. The
only question was whether s*s had been in on it or not.

I knew s*s didn't think fondly of her daily spankings and other sexual
training I had been giving her. Therefore, it was entirely possible she
was in on this. However, I highly doubted she would have the will or the
knowledge to pull it off on her own.

Curiosity finally got the best of me and I forced myself into a sitting
position. There was another person in the cage with me but this fact
didn't surprise me. I had already felt the warmth of their body against my
leg and thigh.

However, this person wasn't who I had assumed it might be. I thought
for sure it was either one of my uncles or possibly Linda. I was shocked,
however, to find it was my grandfather.

"You dumb son of a bitch," I whispered.

We were the only two in the room but I already knew who had captured us;
it was Uncle Jay. When I gave Uncle Jay to Grandpa Bob as a sex slave I
knew there was a good chance my drunken grandfather would eventually fuck
up and either get caught by the authorities or worse... being locked in a
cage like this of course was one of those "worse" things.

It still surprised me, however, that my Uncle Jay actually had the balls
to do it. What surprised me even more was that he had somehow gotten me
into the cage as well. Sure, I had been d**gged... but how did my uncle
arrange it? Hell, how did he find me in the first place?

s*s and I left our home in Colorado just so we couldn't be found; we
even changed our names. When we left Colorado, we went to my Uncle David's
house to hide out for a bit. Well, to hide out and train an 11-year-old
girl named Pupsiie.

While finding Uncle David's location wouldn't have been that hard for
Jay, all logic seemed to indicate that he would never check there. Uncle
David k**napped and enslaved their brother Joseph and Uncle Jay never
suspected him. Sure, the story was that Joseph had run away, but there had
to have been at least a little suspicion that he might have been k**napped.
So, if he didn't suspect his brother of that then, then why would he
suspect his brother of harboring us now? In my mind, things were starting
to point even further to s*s.

But still, how did they manage to contact each other, let alone hatch
this "plan". The only computer and phone in the house was locked up all
the time. The only times s*s was ever out of my direct supervision was
when I was loaning her out to Steve down the street or when she was busy
training Pupsiie. Even then I had video footage showing her activities.

Pupsiie! The answer suddenly fell on me like a ton of bricks. I felt
incredibly stupid for my error. There was no way in the world Steve was
letting s*s hatch plans behind my back. That just left Pupsiie. I was
certain that Pupsiie wasn't actually in on it but she did have a computer.

God I was stupid! I'd even caught s*s using it. Hell, almost every
tape I had of s*s showed her on the computer for at least 15 to 30 minutes
each day. Why hadn't I thought to load some kind of key-catcher software
on it or at least make s*s turn the monitor so I could see it with the
hidden camera? I have no clue if there is an actual rulebook for masters,
but if there is then I'm sure I had broken the key rule... I had trusted
Linda when she told me what she did on the computer each day.

According to her, each day she was just searching for and downloading
porn images for the Windows background on Pupsiie's computer. I would bet
you top dollar that she wasn't just doing this but was also emailing Uncle

All of this was just speculation and pretty academic at this point. I
was in the fucking cage, which is all that mattered right now.

I glanced at Grandpa Bob again and noticed he had a bloody patch of hair
on the back left side of his head. I couldn't help but chuckle. Bob often
used thin rope to tie barbell weights to Jay's ball sac. He would then
make Jay crawl around dragging the weight behind him. My guess is that Jay
decided to use one of these weights for something else.

It served Bob right though. You never turn your back on a slave while
they have access to a potential weapon like that. He's damned lucky he
didn't get killed. Those weights are pretty heavy. Of course, it could
have been a dozen other things Jay used on him. In Bob's defense, I never
did give him the whole "house slave proofing" lecture. But then, I really
didn't give a shit if Uncle Jay killed or captured Bob. However, now that
I was in the cage with him I was starting to care.

I leaned over Bob to make sure he was actually alive. He was. I
checked the wound on his head to make sure it wasn't too bad. The dip shit
deserved to die for getting me into this situation. However, him living
was in my best interests. If he were to die then Uncle Jay, or whoever
captured us, would probably not want any witnesses left behind. Of course,
killing both of us might be on the menu anyway; but at least with Bob alive
I still had a chance.

When I glanced around the room it dawned on me that we were in Uncle
David's basement. This surprised me because the cage was one that Bob used
with Jay. Bob had two cages for Jay, one in the bedroom and one in the
bathroom. This was the bathroom cage. I prayed that he choose this cage
because it was the largest one and not because of what it was used for.

The bedroom cage wasn't even large enough for one person to lie down in,
let alone house two. Of course, that was the point of the cage. While
grandpa slept, his son would struggle all night trying to do so.

The bathroom cage was significantly larger. It was over 3 feet wide, 4
feet tall and at least 10 feet long. The damn thing was so long that half
of it stuck out the bathroom door when it was in place at Jay's house. The
bars were very similar to what you might expect to find on an actual prison
cell door. They were about a half inch thick and were spaced around 6
inches apart.

Grandpa had to literally climb over the damn thing every time he went to
the bathroom. No fucking way I would have put up with that on a daily
basis. Granted, if he just had to piss then he never actually went into
the bathroom. He would just stick his dick through the bars and his son
would drink it down.

I never seen any footage of him feeding his feces to his son but it
wouldn't surprise me if he did that too on occasion. He liked to have his
son bathe him, which is the only reason I could ever come up with that he
insisted on keeping the cage sticking out of the bathroom. I mean, he
could have very easily fed his piss to his son in any room of the house.

The presence of the cage here concerned me for a couple reasons. First,
it indicated that a lot of effort and planning was put into my capture.
The cage could easily be disassembled but each piece still looked like it
weighted a good 100 pounds. The second, and most important thing was that
all that effort wouldn't have been done if my capturer hadn't planned to
keep us here for a long time.

"Awake I see."

The sudden comment made me jerk backward and bang my head against the
metal bars. It wasn't that hard of a hit but it didn't do my current
headache any favors. I glanced over to see my captor. Sure enough, it was
Uncle Jay.

"Let me out of here this instant," I commanded.

Uncle Jay actually took a step forward to comply before he caught
himself; what a fucking weakling. I would have laughed at him but felt it
best not to upset him too much until I knew what his goals were.

"Where is she?" Jay demanded.

I was puzzled for a moment. Even if she wasn't involved in my capture,
I couldn't imagine that s*s had managed to escape. Then, however, it
dawned on me who the "she" was. He was in search of my mom, Karen; his

My father enslaved both mom and Uncle Jay around the same time. They
were made to do many things together. While it all started out being
forced on them, at some point the two had fallen in love with each other. I
was born not long after mom had been rescued. However, Uncle Jay and mom
continued to secretly "romance" each other for years afterward. While I
was the result of my father's sperm, Linda was the result of Uncle Jay's.

It was mom's pregnancy with s*s that put an end to their love affair.
Well, actually, it was grandma (Beth) that played a big part in putting an
end to it. In addition, Uncle Joey disappeared right about the same time
the pregnancy was known. This lead the family to think he had run away as
some kind of by-product of the pregnancy. These two factors convinced mom
and Uncle Jay to end the affair. It wasn't until many years later that I
managed to "rekindle" it.

"Sure, I tell you where she is and then you turn me into the cops," I

"Tell me where she is and I will let you go," Jay said.

Yeah, right. A more likely scenario is that if I told him he would kill
both Bob and I. I wasn't about to mention that of course. Even if he
already planned to do that it was to my benefit if he didn't know I was
thinking that.

"How about a compromise," I said. "You turn me in to the cops and I
then give mom's location in exchange for leniency."

The dumb shit actually stood there considering my proposal. Only an
idiot would go for that. I was only 14 for fucks sake. Like they would
believe I was actually able to enslave s*s, mom and him. Hell, sometimes I
couldn't even believe it. It would be Bob and my word against his. He
couldn't even bring Uncles Joey and David into it. I had them so well
trained they would never testify against me. If anything, they would be on
my side. I'm not even sure he could get s*s to testify against me.

No, I would keep my mouth shut if he turned me in to the cops. Even if
they believed him, I was still a minor. Chances are I would get a slap on
the wrist. In the worst-case scenario, they might put me on trial as an
adult. It wouldn't be until then that I would consider giving up mom's

Even someone as stupid as Uncle Jay had to realize all of this; he also
had to realize it could be months before it reached the point where I might
be forced to give up mom's location. For all he knew, mom could be locked
up somewhere with a limited supply of food and water.

Yet, he still stood there for over a minute considering the option.
Finally, he started shaking his head back and forth slowly and said, "No".

While the answer did not surprise me, it still concerned me. This was a
point of no return for Jay. He wouldn't be able to let me go without great
risk to himself. Yet, if he turned me in he would be in a lot more trouble
with the law than I. k**napping a minor is not looked on very kindly by
the law, regardless of if the k** is an angel or the devil.

I could see him mowing this over in his mind as well. He didn't say
anything further and just turned and walked out of the basement and back
upstairs. I braced myself as best as I could mentally for what I was
certain would be coming next. I was surprised, however, when he did not
immediately return. I thought for certain he was going upstairs to get a
pair of pliers, nails, saws or who knows what in order to torture me into
confessing mom's location.

I've obviously never been tortured. However, I had already decided I
would hold out as long as humanly possible. The second I confessed I was
as good as dead; I knew it and Jay knew I had to have known that. While I
was certain I would eventually reach the point I didn't care anymore, there
was still the chance Jay might screw up. Even if I didn't get the upper
hand, he might accidentally cut too deep or something else life

He would then have no choice but to let me die or take me to a hospital.
That choice would depend on how much he truly loved Karen. My death would
mean she would be lost to him forever. Taking me to the hospital wouldn't
guarantee anything for him but at least there would still be a chance.

I would like to say that I was so smart that all these thoughts just
magically came to me on the fly. Truth is that there had not been a night
that went by that I didn't play out scenarios just like this one in my
head. Being caught, after all, was my worst nightmare. Unfortunately for
me, there was a good chance that Uncle Jay had been running through his own
simulations each night.

What concerned me is that if he had indeed run those simulations then
that meant he knew he couldn't negotiate any more. Unless he was actually
thinking of turning me in then that meant torture; however, to delay like
this only gave me more time to prepare myself. It might cause me to get
more nervous, but in the long run it just weakened his position. So...
what the fuck was the delay?

I sat there waiting in the cage for hours. Around the two-hour mark
grandpa finally woke up. He seemed to know even less than I did in regards
to what was going on. After chastising him on his stupidity, I brought him
up to date on our situation... as though it wasn't already blatantly
clear. It gave me something to do, however, in order to kill time.

I had no way of knowing for sure if it was day or night, but I
eventually got too tired to stay awake and dozed off. When I woke up I
felt rather refreshed so I guessed I must have slept for a good 7 hours.

When I sat up I saw Bob sitting up at the other end of the cage staring
back at me.

"Now what?" he asked.

He said it as though all this shit was my fault. I felt like leaning
over and kicking him in the face. It would have been an act of utter
stupidity on my part though. I was pretty certain I would eventually need
his help to escape and even if I didn't he was almost twice my size. Even
if most of his size was in the form of fat, I'm pretty sure he could easily
take me in a fight. Instead, I just ignored his comment.

I had more important things to worry about, like why the hell Jay was
just letting us sit down here. None of the scenarios that I had run
through my head in regards to my capture had ever involved just leaving me
in a cage like this with no interaction.

I was actually grateful when I finally heard someone walking around
upstairs. At least I knew Jay hadn't just left us here to starve to death.
Though, his real intent was yet to be seen.

Another two hours went by and I was tempted to start yelling obscenities
at him through the floor. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction
though so I kept quiet. It was yet another hour before he finally
descended the steps to the basement again.

He was carrying a couple dog bowls. These were the same bowls I used to
feed Uncles David and Joey with. I don't know what turned my stomach more,
the thought of what might be in those bowls or the fact that my faggot
uncles used them as well.

Jay didn't say anything; he just pushed them through a small hole in the
cage. I could see Bob calculating if he could reach Jay's hand before he
got out of range. I just shook my head back and forth to him. There was
no way the slow fuck would be able to reach him in time. All he would do
is piss Jay off.

After the food and water was in place Jay turned and left the basement.
Bob rushed to the bowls and started eating. From the way he devoured the
food, my guess is that he was just as hungry as I was. I let him eat first
though, if it was poisoned then I would know soon enough. It was worth
waiting 10 minutes or so just to be on the safe side.

Fifteen minutes passed after he finished and he was still breathing and
wasn't throwing up or anything. So, I moved over to the bowls myself. I
had tons of dog food upstairs and assumed that is what he had given us. To
my surprise, it was actually normal food. It looked to be a mixture of
ground hamburger, onions and who knows what. It actually smelled good so I
reached in and grabbed a hand full. It wouldn't have won any awards but
considering what it could have been I felt it tasted rather good.

When I went to drink the water, however, I noticed something off about
it. It was definitely d**gged. I put a couple drops on my tongue and knew
what it was right away. There was a homemade concoction that my father
often used on his slaves. It took me awhile, but I eventually duplicated
the recipe. However, as far as I knew my father always used this d**g in
enemas. I had no idea what would happen if I drank it. I was thirsty as
hell but decided not to drink it.

By the time Jay came back down to the basement 2 hours later Bob was
definitely feeling the affects of the d**g. I'd used it a few times on s*s
and my other slaves and I could spot that glossy look in the eyes anywhere.
I did my best to look d**gged as well. I was hoping Jay planned to move us
out of the cage or something.

"Nice try," Jay said to me. "Do you really think I'm that stupid? I
know you didn't drink any."

I had to assume there was a hidden camera somewhere in the room. It was
a good thing that I had not decided to hash out any plans with Bob.

"Drink this," Jay said as he placed a large plastic cup full of the
mixture on the ground just outside the cage.

I thought about telling him to go fuck himself. But I was so thirsty
that I knew I would eventually have to drink the d**g anyway. Plus, there
was still a chance I might be able to fight the effects of it. Okay, the
chances of that were pretty slim considering my alcoholic grandfather was
twice my size and the d**g had him drooling all over himself.

I leaned over, reached through the bars and grabbed the cup. It was one
of those plastic cups you get from fast food joints and I was easily able
to pull it through the bars. I brought it to my lips and took a few big
swallows. While it was pretty watered down, I could still make out the
chalky and alcoholic flavor in the background.

"All of it," he said when I went to put the drink down.

I felt like protesting. The cup easily held twice what Bob had drunk. I
had not done enough tests to know what an overdose of the d**g might do.
Considering the stuff I knew was in it, at the very least I would probably
end up addicted to the shit if he made me drink this much every day.

Less than 15 minutes passed before I started feeling the affects. I
would be lying if I said I disliked the euphoric feeling it gave me. But
that was my main concern. After a night of this I knew I would be
willingly drinking the crap from now on. My guess is that he planned to
get me hooked on the shit then deny it to me unless I gave mom's location
to him.

He tried asking me again while I was d**gged up but I'm certain he knew
already that it would do no good. The d**g didn't work like a truth serum;
all it did was fog up your mind. It was pretty odd how it worked. If you
asked a slave a question the fog would clear just enough for them to
answer, but it also cleared just enough for them to make sure the answer
was one they wished to give. In other words, they were perfectly capable
of lying... just like I currently was.

I had planned to fabricate something in order to help ensure he would
have to turn me into the cops in order to get his sister back. However,
when he asked me about mom I just couldn't remember what I had planned to
say. I could just barely remember I even had a plan. Instead, I just told
him that I refused to say where she was.

While I'd seen the d**g used on others, I had never experienced it for
myself until now. It was a very odd feeling; especially when it came to
tracking time. I seemed to be aware of almost every second that passed,
yet at the same time it seemed to just fly by. I'm guessing that it must
have been because my brain wasn't really processing anything other than the
few times he came back into the basement to ask about mom.

This went on for at least 7 days. It was hard to tell for sure though
since he stopped asking about mom on the second day. After that, all the
time seemed to just scrunch together. I remembered the food and drink
bowls being placed in and removed at least 14 times. Assuming we were fed
twice a day that would mean a week. Though, if he was only feeding us once
a day then we are talking two weeks... that's how out of it we were.

He also started taking us out of the cage to use the bathroom. These
little trips were very frustrating. As I would crawl from the cage to the
bathroom I remembered fighting to clear my mind each time. However, by the
time I would formulate any kind of escape plan I would find myself back in
the cage already. Then, I would slowly feel my brain sinking back into the

It wasn't until after the 15 or 16th meal that I finally discovered what
Jay's plan was. It was on this day that my mind poked out from the fog due
to the sounds of a belt making contact with flesh. I glanced up to see Jay
a few feet away swinging the belt downward repeatedly. I could hear my
grandfather grunting and guessed that the torture had finally begun.

I managed to bring my gaze down to what Jay was swinging at. Sure
enough, it was against Bob's back and ass.

"Suck it!" I heard Jay yell as he swung he belt.

It wasn't until I heard this that I came even further out of the fog. I
don't know why but for a moment I looked around for something to suck.
Even in my dazed state I knew it was just the natural effects of the d**g.
While it didn't make you tell the truth, it most definitely made you
susceptible to suggestion. Luckily, however, there wasn't anything near
for me to suck or I might have actually done it.

However, a second later I felt something warm around the head of my
dick. I looked down in both horror and disgust to see Bob trying to work my
dick into his mouth. Bob looked just as concerned and confused as I was,
but he still tried his best to obey his orders. I'm sure the belt added
even more persuasion.

As Bob worked at my cock I realized we were not currently in our cage. I
focused hard and then tried to spring into action. However, my attempt at
escape was quickly halted when I discovered my hands were cuffed behind my
back. The cuffs also seemed to be chained or tied down to something
because I couldn't budge upward even an inch.

With escape no longer an option I tried to will my mind back into the
embrace of the fog so I could escape this current indignity. I just
couldn't pull it off though. My mind just kept focusing on the present.
What made things worse was that despite how disgusted my mind was with the
current activities, my body seemed to be gathering pleasure from it.
Especially when Bob started struggling to get my dick to enter his throat.

The gagging and choking sounds he made were repulsive, yet my dick
seemed to get even harder. Jay kept raining the belt down on him for over
20 minutes as Bob continued to struggle with my dick.

"Cum down his fucking throat," Jay ordered.

A few seconds later I could hear him choking even harder as my body
obeyed the command and unloaded Bob's dinner for that night. I felt both
embarrassed and ashamed as I came down from the bliss of my climax.

"The fucking faggot is trying to train us," I finally realized just
before sinking back into the fog.


Eating requires a certain degree of awareness, however, I think I
remember the meals mainly because the d**g was weakest in our systems just
before eating. We were very far from being lucid but it seemed to require
a lot less stimuli to bring us out of the fog.

As Jay brought in our breakfast I couldn't help but think about the
night prior. I remember thinking last night how lucky I was that Jay
seemed to be more concerned about punishing his father than getting even
with me. He knew I was the one that arranged the pairing of the two. Jay
was a slave by nature and Bob, while inexperienced, was a master. All I
did was play the role of a dating service and brought the two together.
Just because it didn't work out well between the two is hardly reason to
blame me.

All of that in mind, I still knew I would not be getting off the hook. I
still had information he needed and Uncle Jay planned to train me to the
point where I would willingly release that information.

In all the scenarios I had run over the months, I had run several that
involved me being trained like this. However, in none of them had I
planned to be d**gged. I always assumed it would be Grandpa or Vee that
tried to train me. Even if they found out about the d**g I knew those two
would never use it on me. Having me d**gged out and obedient all the time
would have taken all the fun out of it for them.

When Jay pushed the dog bowls into our cage, Bob and I both scurried
over to them. We both went for the water bowl first of course. It was a
very odd feeling each time we were fed like this. I still didn't want to
be d**gged but at the same time I couldn't help but crave drinking more of
it. I knew the shit was addictive, but I doubted it was this addictive. I
think it was more our need to escape from our confinement than it was an
addiction thing. Physical escape did not seem possible so we craved to
free our minds instead.

It wasn't until I reached the water bowl and reached out to scoop some
of it up that I realized my hands were confined. I think the actual name
is "fist mitts" but I just called them "mittens". I had a small pair of
these I used on Linda sometimes but the ones I was wearing belonged to Bob.
Well, I guess they belonged to Jay now. They were made of black leather
and fit over the hands similar to regular gloves, only these had no finger
slots. The space inside the gloves was small as well which meant your
hands were forced into a permanent fist as long as you had them on. There
was a small padlock on each wrist strap that ensured they stayed on until
the master decided otherwise.

For the life of me I could not remember Jay putting these on me last
night. Bob was wearing a similar pair and seemed to be as shocked as I
was. Mine were all scuffed and scratched up so I was pretty certain these
had been the ones used frequently on Jay. The ones Bob wore looked brand

I tried to think which adult stores in the area might sell such a
thing... not that such information would really do me any good. I guess
it just gave my mind something to focus on to help keep me in the moment. I
hadn't been in any of the local adult stores of course but I did scout them
out. I thought it might be fun to some day send David inside one of them
and see how much money he could make. There were two such stores that
looked pretty "rough" from the outside; my guess is they probably sold
items like these mitts.

I don't know how long Bob and I sat there looking at the mitts. It
seemed like only 5 seconds but for all I know it could have been 5 minutes.
Getting our precious water was more important, however, and we both
realized what we needed to do and stuck our faces down to it to lick it up
like dogs. I felt ashamed to be so weak in regards to wanting the d**g. I
also felt pretty damned embarrassed to have my face so close to Bob's as we
fought over drinking rights. Jay cut our fight short however.

"No!" Jay yelled as he stuck his foot through the bars and used it to
shove me away from the bowl.

I looked up at him in confusion and then went back toward the bowl.

"I told you last night you wouldn't be getting your drink from the bowl
today," Jay laughed as he kicked me away again.

I felt like such a fucking pussy as I knelt there watching Bob drink all
the water. A couple tears dripped from my eyes even as I realized he was
getting all the water and I was being denied.

I tried to remember what Jay might have told me last night in regards to
the water but couldn't. In fact, as I shifted my mind back to the present
I was having trouble remembering what he had just said. Something about
drinking... damn, what was wrong with me?

The next thing I knew I was out of my cage and crawling across the
basement floor. It dawned on me that I didn't have anything binding me
except for the mitts. I tried to will my body to stand but nothing
happened. I was either too dizzy from the d**g or just too weak. So,
instead I veered off my current course toward the bathroom and crawled
toward the stairwell.

"I said the bathroom," Jay commanded.

The command was quickly followed by a swish and then loud slap. My mind
suddenly became crystal clear as the pain from the belt lit up my senses. I
knew it was a belt, yet thought for certain someone had just stuck a
hundred needles into my ass cheek. It was pain unlike any I had ever felt
before. I found it hard to believe that slaves like s*s and my uncles
could actually enjoy being whipped. I know I sure as hell didn't. But
then, they were submissives, I guess it was just in their nature.

During that brief moment I formulated a plan of escape. I would turn
and punch Jay in the nuts then follow that up with one to the chin when he
dropped to his knees. I would then run or crawl up the stairs, make my way
to the living room and then out the door; or window if necessary. Once
outside it would be just a matter of moments before someone came to my
rescue. The plan was so vivid in my head and I knew I could pull it off,
yet before I could act I found myself quickly under the grasp of the d**g

As I bowed my head and slowly crawled to the bathroom I could feel my
tears running down my cheeks. As I crawled I was having trouble
remembering if I was crying because of the pain from the belt or my failure
to escape. By the time I actually reached the bathroom neither thoughts
were in my mind and I just simply wondered why I was crying.

I felt like a fucking sissy and did my best to stop my crying. I had
just managed to do so when I entered the bathroom and seen what was
prepared for me. Hanging from a rope tied to an eyebolt on the ceiling was
a large red enema bag. Of course, at the time it didn't fully register in
my head exactly what the item was. I just knew that deep down it was not
good and the tears started up again.

"Don't cry," Jay said in a mocking tone. "Its full of your special
water. Aren't you thirsty?"

Jay was already holding the enema nozzle in his right hand. Like an
idiot I tilted my head back and opened my mouth. As I looked at the enema
bag above me I actually felt a sort of joy. It was as though the bag was
some kind of bloated piñata that was about to rain sweet candies down on
me. That's how simple things were in my head while under the influence of
the d**g.

"This water goes into a different hole," Jay laughed when he seen me
open my mouth. "If you are a good boy then maybe I will let you drink the
possible backwash from the nozzle later."

My face turned red as I finally remembered what the enema bag was and
how it was used. I wanted the d**g but still shook my head back and forth
at the thought of how he planned to give it to me.

I expected him to rain the belt down on me again but the pain never
came. In fact, he seemed to actually enjoy the fact that I didn't want the
enema. He told me to get into position but I couldn't formulate what he
meant. He tried giving more detailed instructions but finally gave up and
just grabbed a hand full of my hair and maneuvered me around until he had
me kneeling with my face against the floor and my ass pointed up toward the

The enema nozzle was barely larger than my thumb but I still let out a
yelp as it was forced past my anal ring and shoved deep inside. As the
pain in my asshole started to subside I suddenly felt pain in my shoulders
and arms. Jay was pulling my hands behind my back. When I felt him let go
I tried to pull them back to my front but discovered the mitts I was
wearing had somehow been locked or tied together. It was rather
uncomfortable in this position with my hands tied behind my back.

I tried to use my stomach muscles to left my face and shoulders off the
floor a little but it wasn't any use. I was just too weak to do it. The
only bright side was that the pain seemed to be removing the fog from my
head. Or, at least I thought that was the bright side until my uncle
loosened the enema clamp and I felt the warm liquid shoot up my rectum.

The first few seconds were a bit of a shock but not actually that
unpleasant. However, the liquid seemed to quickly run out of space and I
could feel the pressure building up inside myself. When the cramps began I
actually found myself praying to God for the d**g to pull me back into the
abyss. The pain in my shoulders, neck and guts would not allow it though.
In fact, I seemed to be coming more lucid by the second.

"God..." I moaned as an even greater cramp punched at my gut.

"Don't let any of it spill out or you will be sorry," Jay said once he
realized I was fully aware of my surroundings.

I couldn't imagine there being any punishment worse than the pain I was
currently feeling. I was just smart enough not to test that theory though.
So, I did my best to fight against the natural urge to force the liquid out
of my bowels. I thought for sure I was about to loose that battle; but
then suddenly the pain seemed to subside. I groaned in defeat when I
realized the liquid had made it past whatever had been holding it back and
was now working it's way deeper into my bowels... much deeper.

While the constant pressure was still there, the cramps soon
disappeared. I felt utterly embarrassed as my ass sucked in all the liquid.
I would have sworn I could even hear the liquid rushing down the enema
tube. A good two minutes later there was the slightest slurping sound as
the last of the liquid left the enema bag and shot down the tube and into
my ass.

"Good boy," Jay said as he grabbed the nozzle and yanked it from my

For an instant I thought I would loose control of my bowels but got them
under control again. It actually wasn't too bad now that the liquid was no
longer rushing into me like before. Tiny cramps still snuck up on me but
it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

It seemed that my mind was starting to slip back into the fog now that
most of the pain was gone. As I slid further away I realized that it had
to be more than just the lack of pain. While I was still a bit lucid I
could somehow tell that I wasn't just slipping into my normal foggy state.
I was certain that this time I would be falling much deeper into the pit.
It was as though the fog had turned into quicksand and I was being pulled
under. It was pulling so much harder this time that I was scared shitless
that I might never be able to return.

Right before going under it dawned on me that the effect was much
stronger because the d**g was being administered via an enema instead of me
just drinking it. I even started to realize why this was the case, but
never quite got there. Instead, I lost my final grip and sank under the

I felt as though I had been under the sand for an eternity but it
couldn't have been more than 20 to 30 minutes. I was still in the
bathroom. The only thing that had changed was that I was being lifted and
placed on the toilet.

"Don't you dare let any of that out yet," Jay growled at me after giving
me a good slap across the face to make sure I was listening.

The urge to release the liquid was almost beyond measure.

"Please, I have too..." I mumbled.

"First you have to do something for me," Jay smiled as he stepped

It wasn't until then that I realize Uncle Jay was completely nude. I
would have sworn he had been wearing clothes when he first led me into the
bathroom. Had I actually been kneeling on the floor with liquid inside me
long enough for him to get undressed? Or, had I just imagined he had
clothes on earlier? Hell, for that matter, is it possible I was just
imagining he was currently naked?

That last thought disappeared when I felt the tip of his dick slide
across my cheek. The smell of his dick wasn't that strong but it still
repulsed me. I tried to turn my head but he ordered me to face forward and
for some reason I obeyed.

"No," I begged as I felt his dick slide against my face again.

I could almost feel my pores soaking up his precum as he smeared it
around on my face with his dick. I clinched my mouth shut when he finally
slid it that direction. He slid it back and forth across my lips.

"Settle down," I heard Jay command.

I knew it was the d**g but I still chastised myself when I felt my lips
relax. I still kept my mouth shut but didn't get my lips back under
control until he had already slid the tip of his dick under them and rubbed
his dick snot on my teeth.

"If you want to relieve yourself in the toilet then you are going to
have to help me relieve myself in your mouth," he said.

I started to cry again as I gave in and let my jaw go slack. I felt so
ashamed of my inability to refuse his order. Even in my d**gged state I
knew I still had the physical ability to refuse. I could just keep my
mouth shut tight and release my bowels. Yet, I just didn't have the mental
strength to hold out that refusal any longer.

I'm not sure why I was so surprised by my obedience. I knew from
watching my father's videos that the d**g had this affect on people. To
make matters worse, the formula I came up with was no doubt superior to the
one my father used. Unlike my father, I ran my formula past a doctor. Dr.
Mike Kelly is his name. Mike is one of the sickest fucks I've ever met.
You would have to read some of my prior memoirs to get a true feel for how
sick he actually is.

Mike actually scared the shit out of me. However, there were several
ingredients I had to get via him anyway, so I decided to have him double
check the formula. I was mainly looking for his assurance that long-term
use of the formula wouldn't kill a slave. He not only assured me it
wouldn't but recommended a few additional d**gs be added. They were all
things I had never heard of before. Don't ask me to spell them out here
either, I wouldn't be able to spell them even if I could remember the
names. They all seemed to have like 30 letters in them, only maybe 3 being

I looked the d**gs up on the internet of course. A couple of them I
never actually figured out what they did. The best I could tell they just
help offset bad side effects of the other d**gs. Most of the others
appeared to be related to female hormones. But to be honest I still didn't
fully understand those d**gs either. But, Mike was a doctor so who was I
to question them?

Now, I kind of wish I had decided against using them. I've lost
complete track now, but Jay has been giving Bob and I this mixture for at
least 3 to 4 weeks now. I seemed to be getting emotional at the slightest
shit these days and I can't help but attribute that to Mike's contribution
to the formula.

Of course, there wasn't anything I could do about all of that now
anyway. All I seemed capable of at this moment was just sitting there and
crying as Uncle Jay slid his dick into my mouth. The disgust and
humiliation of my situation seemed to bring me even further out of the fog.
However, the fear of disobeying still somehow managed to trump everything

Jay held the tip of his dick just inside my mouth for the longest time.
At first I thought he was trying to keep from cumming. However, it dawned
on me he was just ensuring I got a good tasted of his precum.

The flavor wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be. In fact, I really
didn't taste much at all. I knew it was there, however, because it seemed
to be a slightly different consistency than that of my saliva. It was that
consistency and the knowledge of what it was that really grossed me out.

As I sat there my mouth quickly filled up with the mixture of precum and
spit. Jay hadn't told me to swallow so I forced around his dick and out of
my mouth. The mixture ran down my chin and neck and then across my bare
chest. The feel of it as the air blew across the slime made me feel even
further soiled by his dick. It was still better than had I decided to
swallow instead.

Jay didn't agree, however. He seen the mixture running down my body and
got rather pissed. He pulled his dick free and the next thing I knew the
side of my face was stinging. The slap was so hard that I almost lost
control of my bowels.

"You never spit your master's juices out unless told otherwise," Jay

There it was... "master". I knew Jay was training us and Jay knew he
was. Hell, I think even idiot Bob was aware of it. However, this was the
first time any kind of verbal confirmation had been given. I kick myself
for not taking Jay under my wing for a few months before turning him over
to Bob. The small slave refresher course would have probably prevented all
this shit.

He stuck his dick back in and it wasn't long before my mouth was filling
up again. I was about to force myself to swallow the crap when Jay decided
to feed more of his dick to me. He suddenly pushed the end of his dick to
the back of my mouth forcing most of his dick slime to shoot down my
throat. I was caught off guard and some of it went down the wrong pipe. It
hurt like hell as I tried coughing it back up. He seemed to enjoy the
feeling as I tried to cough around his dick.

I'd barely gotten my coughing under control when he decided it was time
to teach me how to deep throat. My uncle's dick is at least 8 inches long
and a good 1.75 inches thick, so I went straight from coughing to gagging.
While the gagging felt horrible, the worst part about it was that it
prevented me from trying to block out the fact that Uncle Jay was fucking
my throat.

"I'm deep throating my uncle's dick."

This sentence shot through my head over and over as Jay sawed his dick
back and forth. The gagging only made it harder to hold my bowels. It
wasn't long and my only prayer was that Jay would cum soon; anything to get
this ordeal over with.

Jay, however, didn't appear to be in any rush. Right when I could tell
he was getting near he would slow down in order to get his climax under
control. Then, a minute later, he would start jack hammering my throat

I knew, and he knew, that he would go on torturing my throat all night
like this until I became an active participant and helped push him over the
edge. I held out as long as I could... I really did. However, the pain
in my throat and guts became too overwhelming. So, I did the only thing I
could do, I tried to help him climax. I was already swishing my tongue
around on the bottom of his dick before I even realized I had made the
decision. Even after I realized what I was doing I still couldn't believe

Just weeks prior I would have rather choked to death on his dick than to
give the fucker any pleasure. However, the d**g could do a lot to a mind.
I guess deep down I thought I would somehow be immune to it. The
realization that I wasn't immune to the effects made me feel utterly

I think it was my surrender, more than my oral talents that finally got
my uncle to climax. The fucker didn't even have the decency to pull out
and shoot it on my face or chest. When I felt his dick swell in my mouth I
hoped that he would at least shoot off deep in my throat so it would go
directly into my stomach. Instead, he pulled back until just the head was
inside my lips and filled my mouth with his cum.

The flavor was just as bitter and disgusting as I had expected. After
he finished he pulled his dick free of my mouth and slid the tip back and
forth across my face. I could feel my face getting coated with the last
few drops of his semen. I already felt like throwing up and this didn't
help any.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you not to spit that out," Jay warned.
"Don't swallow it yet though. I want you to hold that in your mouth until
after you expel the enema. This way you get to know my flavor better."

I had to admit; my uncle seemed to have more balls than I gave him
credit for. He even sounded half way convincing as a master. Though, I
could still hear the faggot submissive in his voice. I probably would have
laughed at the thought of him trying to train me, but I was too busy at the
time crying.

I sat there staring up at him. I wanted to beg for permission to
release the enema but my mouth was full. He stood there staring right back
at me for almost a minute before he finally nodded. I swear I never felt
such relief in my entire life as the enema shot out my ass and into the
toilet bowel. So much was coming out that I felt almost as though I had
been turned inside out.

As the pain in my guts subsided, the d**g quickly started dragging me
back under. Unfortunately, Jay knew this would happen and ordered me to
swallow the cum before my mind became too fogged. I've never eaten a raw
egg before but my guess is that it probably felt a lot like swallowing my
uncle's cum. I doubt an egg would have tasted as bad though.

My stomach tried to reject the mixture but I managed to hold it down.
As my stomach settled down, so did my mind. I vaguely remember cleaning
up, but then everything seemed to glaze over as my mind finally went under


I woke the next morning and discovered a few things.

First, I noticed that my mind wasn't anywhere near as cloudy as in prior
weeks. My guess is that while the d**g was absorbed by the body faster and
in greater quantities via the enema, it also wore off a ton faster since I
had expelled most of it out afterward.

Another thing I noticed was that I was extremely hungry. This was
logical of course considering my entire bowels had been cleared the night

The final thing I noticed was that Uncles David and Joey were
downstairs. They were still wearing their leg chains and were tethered to
an eyebolt that had been screwed into a nearby concrete wall. The bolt
looked like it would be a bitch to remove but I'm certain that the two
could manage it if they tried hard enough. I knew they were to chicken
shit to try though. Plus, I'm sure that unlike me they actually enjoyed
this treatment.

I stared at them for the longest time. My mind had been in such a fog
the last few weeks I couldn't determine for sure if I had seen them chained
to the wall in the past. After thinking about it for a while I decided
that they must have just been brought down during the night. I was certain
I would have noticed had they been there longer than that.

It didn't surprise me in the least that Jay had kept Uncle David chained
up. By now he probably has figured out what David did to his brother
Joseph. Hell, David is lucky he's even still alive. What did surprise me
was that Joey was still chained up also. Maybe Jay realized as I had that
Joey could really never be unchained. Uncle Joey has spent almost half his
life chained up now and I doubt he would ever be "normal" again. Hell, I
think the faggot would cry like a baby if you made him take the chain off.
It would be like asking you or I to remove one of our limbs. It wouldn't
matter if it could be done painlessly, we just wouldn't want to loose it.

I knew there were a lot more questions in regards to Joey's presence
downstairs, but I just couldn't get my head to focus enough to think them
up... let alone come up with answers.

I sat there for over an hour before I heard Uncle Jay walk down the
basement steps. I was still highly embarrassed by the prior night's
activities and couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye as he entered
the room. Instead, I blushed and looked down at the floor of the cage.

"How's my little cock sucker this morning?" Jay laughed when he seen my

This comment only served to embarrass me further. I felt like crying
but managed to hold back the tears. My reaction to his comment both
confused and concerned me. I was still slightly under the d**g but I knew
damn well that my face should be red with anger right now and not shame and
embarrassment. And I definitely shouldn't be feeling like crying like some
kind of fucking pussy.

It had to be the female hormone aspects of the d**g. It just had to be.
A dreadful thought suddenly occurred to me and I glanced at my chest to
make sure I wasn't growing breasts or something. I was relieved to see
that my chest looked perfectly normal. My nipples were hard for some
reason but other than that nothing looked abnormal.

I glanced over at Uncle David and Joey and seen that Jay's entrance had
awoken them. They seemed to be staring back and forth from me to Jay. It
further embarrassed me that they were hearing about what I had done to Jay
the night before. I'm not sure why it bothered me so much though, I never
gave a shit what they thought before. Yet, knowing they would be down
there witnessing everything somehow did bother me.

While I was thinking about all of this Uncle Jay was going about his
daily chores. He prepped our dog bowls but left them across the room. I
got a very bad feeling which was soon confirmed when he went into the
bathroom and then returned dragging a garden hose behind him. He bathed us
several times before with this hose and I wasn't looking forward to it yet

I clinched my teeth shut when he reached our cage and pointed the nozzle
at us. A second later I felt a thousand tiny needles poking at me as the
ice cold water splashed over our bodies. Fuck was that water cold.

I wasn't sure what month it was but winter was either here or very
close. The basement had been getting colder by the day. There were heating
vents leading to the basement but Jay had ensured they were all closed. I
doubt it was even 60 degrees down there. It felt like 30 though with steel
bars and floor of the cage touching your body all the time. With the cold
water on you, however, it felt like fucking 50 below.

After giving Bob and I a good hose down he pointed it at my uncles and
did the same to them. After Jay walked away, my uncles huddled together
for warmth and so did Bob and I. I know it sounds faggy but there was
nothing sexual about it. We were so cold we would probably jump into a
bucket of dog shit if it was nice and warm.

Even sharing heat you could still hear our teeth clattering as we
trembled. The worst part was that we, or at least Bob and I, knew it would
be another hour or two before we finally dried off. By then our muscles
would be worn out from the constant trembling.

"Where is the farm located?" Jay asked as he walked back into the room
carrying a towel.

It shocked me that he knew Beth was being kept on a farm. Had he
managed to get me to talk? I didn't remember telling him anything. I
prayed that he had just gathered this information from my uncles. They
seen all the videos so they certainly could give at least that much
information to Jay.

I looked up at Jay for a moment after he asked the question. He just
stood there swinging the towel back and forth in his hand. It was clear he
was offering the towel's warmth in exchange for the information. Truth be
told, if I thought he would actually let me go after I told him then I
probably would have gladly traded the information for that fucking towel.

"Okay," he said when it was clear I wasn't going to tell. He then
tossed the towel onto the floor across the room.

Bob and I broke our embrace when Jay brought over our food and water.

"None for you," Jay said as he kicked me away from the bowls.

I almost went back to the bowl anyway but knew it was best not to
disobey. I was pleased when he went back across the room and returned with
a separate food bowl for me. Sharing the same bowl with Bob was not only
disgusting but often very messy. I wasn't so pleased, however, when he put
it down in front of me and I seen it was full of dog food.

He had put dry dog food in the bowl and poured water over the top. It
looked and smelled disgusting. I backed away from it and Jay just laughed
and went to fetch the dog bowls for Uncles David and Joey.

I couldn't help but shiver and cry in the corner of my cage as I sat
there watching my fellow captives eating their gourmet meals. Their food
looked more like table scraps than actual "dishes" but it was still 100
times better than fucking dog food.

I hoped Jay would go upstairs so I could snatch some of Bob's food.
However, after 5 minutes Jay collected not only Bob's bowl but David and
Joseph's as well. He left my bowl but he knew as well as I did that there
was no way I was going to eat it.

He fumbled around the basement for a while and then went upstairs. Bob
and I were already snuggling together again before he left. David and Joey
were holding each other also, but they had decided to use different means
to keep warm. David spooned up behind his brother and slid his dick up his

It was a bit of a turn off watching the two faggots go at it. However,
I have to admit that they did look much warmer. I groaned in disgust when
I felt Bob's dick get hard against my side. I pushed myself away from him
when I felt his mitted hand playing with my dick.

"I would rather freeze to death," I chastised him.

Bob is the type that would probably punch your lights out if you called
him gay. I think he even thinks he is actually straight. But the truth is
he is as gay as they come. My understanding is that he never once fucked
his daughter, Karen, when she was young. Yet he had his dick up Jay every
chance he could. Hell, just now he had gotten a chubby watching his sons
fuck each other and that was in spite of how fucking cold we were.

Bob gave me this apologetic look and then slowly crawled back over to me
and cuddled up again. I felt like stressing my anger by kicking him away,
but it was too damned cold so I accepted his warm embrace. I still made
sure, however, that his dick didn't touch me any more than necessary.

The bad part about freezing like this was that it made it impossible to
let your mind slip fully back into the d**gged fog. While the fog made
time pass like a shooting bullet, the cold slowed it down to molasses. It
had to be one of the worst punishments possible.

The bad part about the cold was also the good part. While a part of
your brain was still in the fog, the cold pushed you out just enough that
you could think and reason a little bit. It still took you more than 10
times longer to come up with answers to your questions but at least you
were capable of computing things at least. Unfortunately, I only had one
question and it was one in which there seemed to be no answer. That
question of course was "How the hell do I get out of this mess?"

We were still partly wet and shivering an hour later when Jay came into
the basement again. David and Joey had switched off at least 3 times now
and were still going at it when Jay walked into the room.

Uncle Jay didn't say anything when he seen them. I expected him to be
either angry or happy about the two's activities. However, he looked more
concerned than anything. He looked as though he wanted his brothers back,
or at least Joey, but was scared they had progressed too far. Of course,
if that was his goal then chaining them next to each other wasn't the
brightest idea. Who knows, maybe he had given up hope for them already. I
just prayed he didn't give up hope on his sister, Karen. Once that
happened I knew my life would probably be forfeit.

"I see you still think you are too good to eat the food I provided you,"
Jay growled when he reached our cage. "Let's see if we can correct that."

My eyes lit up in excitement for a moment when I seen Jay open our cage.
Even with our hands in the mits Bob and I had a good chance of overtaking
Jay. My excitement was short lived though. When I moved away from him in
order to prepare for my lunge, Bob just plopped over on the floor of the
cage and curled into the fetal position to help stay warm. I had forgotten
that he had just drank another full dose of the d**g.

Bob was still suffering from the cold but was too far out of it to help
in our escape. Without his help I didn't have a chance. I was pretty
strong before being captured but even then Jay probably could have beat me
in a fight. Add the mits and several weeks of d**gs and limited activity
to the equation and the outcome was far from being in my favor.

Jay snapped his fingers and I reluctantly crawled to the cage door and
then out. For a moment I thought about making a break for it anyway. The
odds of actually getting free were so slim that I decided it best not to
try. All I would do is piss him off. By staying compliant I figured it
might help catch him off guard down the road when a better opportunity

I groaned when we entered the bathroom and I seen the enema bag prepped
for me. I hesitated for only a moment before I crawled over to where I
knew he wanted me and brought my face to the ground and arched my ass up as
high as I could. It was humiliating but at least I was doing it on my own
and not having to do it via his orders. I wouldn't give him the pleasure
of making me do it. It was the closest thing to defiance I could get
without being punished. Not that an enema isn't punishment in itself.

"Good girl," Jay said to me.

While I felt both embarrassed and angry at being called a girl, the
degree of the emotions seemed to be completely skewed. I knew I should
have been at least 90 percent angry and only 10 percent embarrassed but in
actuality it seemed to be the complete opposite. I prayed that this was
the hormones in the d**g causing this. If it wasn't then that only meant I
was getting closer to breaking.

God, how could I even be contemplating the idea that I might be
breaking? I'd hardly received any training yet. To be even considering
breaking already was a sign that I wouldn't last long once the real
training started. As a dominate, the thought of being trained was awful.
However, the thought of actually breaking was horrifying.

"Oh!" I let out when Jay suddenly jammed the enema nozzle up my ass in
one quick thrust.

I heard the click of the hose clamp and a second later I felt the water
shoot into my guts. I was both surprised and pleased to feel that the
water was actually pretty warm. The only time I had seen Jay enter the
bathroom had been over an hour ago. He must have used steaming hot water
for it to have stayed warm this long. Of course, I was so fucking cold
that ice water probably would have felt like room temperature.

I was still pretty empty from the night before and it didn't take long
for the water to drain into me. The cramps were considerably less as well.
I started to get up when the nozzle was removed but Jay kicked me in the
back of the head and told me to stay down.

I began to cry as the d**g took hold again. I wasn't even sure why I
was crying; the d**g actually made life in the cage much easier. I guess I
was crying because in a way the d**g was a cage in itself. As long as I
was in its grasp I had no hopes of escape.

As I knelt there with my ass high above me, I could feel the liquid
working it's way even deeper inside me. It seemed to be going much deeper
than the prior night. It wasn't long and I swear it felt like it was
actually filling into my stomach. I'm not even sure it is possible for
that to happen but it certainly felt like it. It made me feel kind of

Thankfully, the Nause

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Enslaving Rico1

Enslaving Rico chapter 1 I am not a writer but if you find my work good then please email me. This is just a work of my imagination. My story is inspired by some of the stories I read in the past any similarities are purely coincidental. The Leash Rico was an average 18 year old jock who really loves basketball. He is the Fire Tiger University’s heartrob and also an outstanding student. He was really a looker together with his 8 pack abs and hard toned pecks. His height was a bit...

3 years ago
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Enslaving Abbey

                   ENSLAVING ABBEY - PART ONE        I don’t know quite how to start this story.  I guess, the beginning is the best.  My name is Jim Bryant.  I am married to an incredible woman.  I must tell you about Abbey, and my life with her.  I have always, as far back as I can remember, liked the idea of sexual                          bondage, and of course erotic discipline.  Like most guys, it was hard for me to find an outlet for my proclivity when I was young.   But as I grew...

1 year ago
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Shayla and Robert

Shayla felt physically ill when Robert came back to the shack after work. He told her that he had been last in the field today and the overseers had ordered him and her to the barn tonight. She had been working hard why hadn’t he done his part how could he have done this to her, to them. They had been doing so well. They had not been singled out before and she hadn’t burdened him with the few times she had been used in the field by the overseers. It had been bad but when you were used in the...

3 years ago
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What Now Robert

What Now, Robert? Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson aka Karen Anne Brown One "Robert? I still can not believe that I ever let you talk me into doing this. I don't know what ever possessed you to think that I would go along with it in the first place, but I guess you were right. Here I am. Promise that you will not laugh at me? It's your fault after all?" With that, I stepped from my still hidden from his view position of being in the hall way that led from the bed rooms...

4 years ago
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Part III Pattie meets Robert

I approached the front of my house and climbed the steps up to the front porch.  I said to myself, "Ok, Pattie girl, just keep going.  Don't look left or right, just straight ahead."  Everything around me was deathly quiet.  The only sound that I could hear were my footsteps on the wooden porch.  I walked to the front door, unlocked it, and stepped into the house.  After closing the door behind me, I relocked it securely.  Since I had showered less than an hour before, I simply undressed,...

3 years ago
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Part IV Pattie and Robert

My name is Robert. I was born in a sleepy little oil town in southeast Texas, and now I live on the North Sea coast of Germany. How I came to live here in Ostfriesland, as this region of the country is called, is a story for another time. Suffice it to say that I have a house here, and I work as a software architect/designer/developer for large banks, insurance companies, and corporations in Germany.  When I look back on my life, I often wonder how a shy skinny little black kid from a sleepy...

2 years ago
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Playing a game with Sanne and Robert

Sanne was home alone. Robert was back to work after the holiday trip. They had some e-mail contact with a Master before their trip but didn't find any response when they got home. Sanne got wet when she thought about the insinuations he had given in His last e-mail.Somebody was at the door. Sanne was startled. She huried over to the door. She noticed her fingers were wet. Absentminded she must have played with herself. She put the fingers in her mouth as she opened the door. A rather handsome...

1 year ago
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CuttyChapter 14 The weekend with Robert

The bell rang as Donna was busy cleaning up the house. Two weeks of neglect had made it very messy indeed and her daughters hadn’t helped neither. Old pizza was everywhere she found out, and the dust ... She straightened her clothes and opened the door, wondering who it could be. “Hello Cutty,” Ninon walked inside. She looked at Donna with disgust. “That’s not the way you planned to see Robert, is it?” “Of course not, I’m cleaning up the house first,” Donna answered annoyed. “What are you...

2 years ago
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A Little Sexy Fun For Robert

Robert had figured out that he really had a fetish for women’s panties. He absolutely loved to see his girlfriend in them. In fact, when she was out, he would go into the hamper and actually smell her used and fragrant panties. Her scent was very intoxicating to him. He often would masturbate, while smelling her used panties and sometimes would even taste them. Robert would smell the used panties and then get another pair of hers and wrap them around his cock. He would work his cock up and...

1 year ago
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Tara Robert

[ Dedicated to two young people who are boldly exploring the future of what it can mean to be a couple, sexually engaged, and yet not bound by former rules and ideas about such things (such as 'monogamy'). You've inspired me! Thanks, and I hope this story brings at least a smile to both of you! ]"I want to start doing something that you and I haven't done before," Tara said to her notional 'boyfriend', Robert."What is that?"She had him follow her to her apartment bedroom. She closed the door...

3 years ago
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My Friends Secret Sophie and Robert

My Friend's Secret: Sophie and Robert. Sophie Murray and Robert Peterson were really close friends. They met when they were six years old and their friendship, ten years later was stronger than ever. They shared everything and they never kept any secret. Or at least that's what Sophie thought until one day something happened. A while ago Sophie had noticed that Robert's mood was different. He was more serious and he always had a sad look on his face, he was also more irritable. She...

1 year ago
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Tara Robert

[ For two very inspiring young people who are part of a new and emerging sort of relationship! ]Tara---After Robert and I began seeing each other, I found out that me having dated a number of black guys before him was something that excited him. He readily confessed that he watched "lots and lots" of interracial porn, and, that the idea of interracial sex was the most exciting thing he could imagine. I was both surprised, as well as excited to hear that; and Robert wasn't the first white guy...

1 year ago
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Tara Talks About Fucking Robert

[ For Tara, and Robert as well...,but mostly for Tara, and other women who've wondered what it would be like to take charge of a guy in bed by fucking him, instead of the other way around! ]I couldn't believe at first that Robert was eager, and willing, for me to use my dildo on him, but he was! I have had a nice big black dildo for sometime. I often use it when I haven't gotten fucked in a while; and until I met Robert, my main experiences with getting fucked were with several different black...

2 years ago
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Robert is your run of the mill hot sexy I am better then you kind of man on the outside but I have started seeing sides of him I never would have guessed at I do not even think he himself knows his bonds , he is about to have one of the wildest days of his life ...The day starts out as any other day , up at 6 am shower shave and get out the door by 7 am , But today I have a surprise waiting for him as he gets out of bed mm he stretch and walks over to the bathroom he is naked ...   He turns...

3 years ago
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Danny and Robert

Danny rubbed his dick against robrts hole to lube it, and pushed. Robrt flinched a little, but didn't move. Danny started humming him emeditly. Watch Danny's ypunh butt was so tempting, but I just watched. He finally pushed all in, Roberts facr was a mixture of pain and. Pleasure. Danny fucked him for about 5 minutes, them pulled out and turned and bent over for his turn. I told Robert to let me put so shampoo on him. I came up and offered his dick to me. I wanted to taste it so bad, but knew...

2 years ago
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Meeting Robert

Robert and I met through a bisexual dating site. I guess it was a midlife crisis for me but I suddenly had a desire to get it on with a guy, preferably older. Robert was 65, retired, and married. I was 42, still working and married. When I was younger, i would play with couples and would enjoy being with both. Now, I wanted to spend more time with a guy and everyone i knew from before was either too far away or I lost touch. Robert was about 5’10”, solid build like a barrel, with silver hair...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 16 Dinner with Alice and Robert

Do you want to taste us again?" Sharon asked Rosa. She was referring to her now dripping pussy along with her co-conspirator, Cindy's foaming cunt. Rosa was almost exhausted from all the sexual hi-jinx they'd put her through after telling her the test results indicated Rosa was clean as the driven snow. Still she was ready to continue with whatever they had planned for her. "Do I want to taste you again?" Her voice was weak after expending so much energy in eating the two luscious...

2 years ago
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More Tara Robert

[ ]Ultimately, it was eleven days before Tara and I managed to get back together again, and in that entire time, I wore the chastity cage without a single complaint! So, not only was I ready for an orgasm, but I was feeling quite proud of myself for having gone so long without one in order to please Tara!At first, Tara acted as if she was no hurry to remove the chastity cage, but this was her teasing him more; which she loved doing very much!"I'm really surprised you never started begging me to...

3 years ago
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School of Sex Robert

Robert woke up early. He could hear the faint snore of the girl sleeping beside him. She was Lucy, his new maid. She was not much beautiful. She was very lean but had a good pair of boobs. He took her as his maid only because she was a virgin. He liked to deflower virgins. He loved to feel the warmth of their blood on his cock and their loud cry when he pushed his cock inside their pussy. Three weeks back when Mr. Thomas called him to his office, he did not expect anything. He wanted to...

4 years ago
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Enslaving a myth

Titus gave a soft, deep grunt as smoke curled out of his scaled muzzle and rose towards the ceiling as he peered out the window. He gave a glance down at his obsidian claws, and then sighed, examining the gold watch on his wrist a moment later. The Dragon was annoyed by all of this waiting... to say the very least. Unlike many of his kind, he utterly and completely lacked the patience to wait centuries to get what he wanted. Instead, he used his hoard to acquire goods, purchase services, or lay...

3 years ago
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Enslaving Taylor

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to be Taylor Swift's agent. No, really. It's true. I was her agent for about five years. And a damn good one, too. So what happened to get me fired? Nothing I did, I assure you. Taylor just wanted me fired because I was a 'lazy good-for-nothing', ignoring the fact that I had gotten her some gigs which improved her public reception. Okay, okay, maybe I had spied on her in her dressing room once....or twice...or four times...but can you blame me? She does have a...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Enslaving Kim

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to work for Kim Kardashian. No, I'm serious. I used to be her publicist, and while the Kardashian clan were vain, stuck-up, rich bratty bitches, they certainly paid well. Then, it happened. I accidentally peeked at Kim while I was walking by her bathroom, I saw her curvy body in all it's glory, she freaked out, and soon I had a massive lawsuit on my hands. I chose to settle the matter outside of court but I was also promptly fired as well. Now, however, I...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Rachael and Robert

I walked into Robert's room, locked the door behind me, and looked at him while he played Darts, listening to the Radio. He turned at me, looked for a second, and went back to his game, with a little smile. I too had an idea of being pricked, only it was not a board, but something better.My trousers were off and my pants followed shortly afterward thrown across the room onto his bed as I walked over to the fireplace.I stood there leaning over the fireplace my arms resting on the mantlepiece, I...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Cheryl Mr Roberts

Cheryl woke up and rolled over expecting to see Katie, but the other side of the bed was empty. She had spent the night at Katy's because her friend would soon be going away to college. Cheryl knew from experience that when friends left they usually drifted apart. Cheryl sat up in bed and looked around. There was a note on the nightstand.“Cheryl, I forgot that my mom and I needed to get some stuff for school. I didn't want to wake you up. We'll be back around noon. Luv' ya! Katie”Cheryl looked...

2 years ago
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Enslaving Lena

‘Morning!’ Lena cheerily breezed past Dale and Billy as she was buzzed in through the front door. Billy noted with approval that she was wearing the sexy knee high boots that he liked. Trimmed, toned and athletic the two men’s eyes followed her as she entered the lift. When he thought she was out of earshot, Dale turned to Billy, ‘I would, mate.’ Billy laughed. And then he laughed some more. If he hadn’t been so turned on Billy wouldn’t have been able to stop laughing. Miss Perfect....

2 years ago
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Enslaving Rico Part 5

No Escape Rico can’t believe he is standing naked with a 9inch boner in front of his enemy at the basketball court he played in a few hours ago. Rico covered his manhood as much as his hands can cover but his hands were not enough to fully cover his throbbing meat. Rico: I thought you said you wouldn’t let anyone know as long as I do as you say! Ben: Considering the fact that I hate you and also you destroyed someone else’s dreams I have to make an exception. Rico: But he is as much of...

4 years ago
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Enslaving Rico Part 6

The Other Way Around Ben answered the phone. Rico didn’t say a word. Trevor was also surprised and couldn’t say anything. Ben put the phone on loud speaker mode so Rico and Trevor can hear Tory. Tory: Rico!! Are you there? Hello?...Hello? Ben: I am sorry Tory, this is Ben speaking. Tory: Ben?! Why do you have Rico’s phone? Ben: Well you see Rico is failing in class and He begged me to tutor him. Tory: Really?! Then why did he say he was free tonight? We had plans. Can I speak with...

3 years ago
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Enslaving the fish in the sea

You are a freak, a medical experiment who has developed the power to manipulate other's minds and to break their will in a single glance. They are not yet aware of this power, but you must act quickly to escape before they seal you off from the world forever. You are strapped to a table, completely stripped naked for the lecherous stares of the medical staff that surround you. Today is the day of your termination, you are useless to them now and are now being disposed of. There is only one...

Mind Control
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Enslaving a family 2

You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend John who has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. John has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...

1 year ago
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Enslaving a family

You are 24 years old and have had a secret crush on your friend John who has never shown any interest in you. She has a boyfriend and has been involved in several relationships previously. However, she is still a virgin and only uses oral sex to pleasure her boyfriends. She lives in a separate city from her family. John has a younger sister named Varsha. She recently had her birthday and is legally an adult now. She is planning to move to her sister's city next year for her undergrad...

1 year ago
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Enslaving Simon

Oh Simon how did it come to this… Who is Simon? He’s our friend in the dark clothes, black hair shaved sides and back, very ‘cute’ on him don’t you think? You’d think him a tomboy in the wrong outfit… or the right one depending on your tastes. At this moment he’s dressed in a choice ensemble, slim fit charcoal cargo pants and the neon green top with splatter paint skulls plastered front and back, heavy boots and an all too adorable choker like a dog collar with little chrome skulls for studds....

3 years ago
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Enslaving Divorced Reader

Hi, I am back again with a new experience of mine. I got a quite awesome response on my previous experiences and sex story and especially on my experience with Sukanya. If you haven’t read them yet, please go through them and I bet you won’t be disappointed. For any feedback and fun, I am always up for a chat/meet on I am Delhi guy who loves to explore the wild world of sex and beautiful female bodies. I am not athletic but my ideas compensate for what I lack in physique. Now, this is a real...

3 years ago
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Enslaving A Friend

You and Ryan have known each other since college. Meeting in the dorms, you became fast friends. Spending time with him has always been easy, hanging out constantly, eventually moving in with each other post graduation. Ryan is tall, with short straight brown hair. He was on the swim team at college and has managed to maintain the same build of lean muscle. To you he is beautiful. You've always harboured feelings for him. Feelings that you always felt you wouldn't act on. He is straight, as...

2 years ago
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Enslaving His MotherChapter 2

The next 14 years saw Jack breed his mother 3 more times and they were all girls now aged 14, 12, and 11. It was now time for round two of the breeding cycle. Jack led Nancy on her leash into his son, John, bedroom. He hadn’t knocked and so caught the horny 14-year-old beating his meat. John yelled “Dad!” as he scrambled to cover up. “Don’t be embarrassed, all teenage boys beat off. But you won’t have to any more. I’m going to give you our mother for your full-time use. All three holes...

1 year ago
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Enslaving Kate

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to be Kate Beckinsale's agent. No, really. It's true. I was her agent since she acted in that Adam Sandler movie Click in 2006. And I was a damn good agent, too. So what happened to get me fired? Nothing I did, I assure you. Kate just wanted me fired because I was a 'lazy good-for-nothing', ignoring the fact that I had suggested she improve her PR by doing some charity work. Okay, okay, maybe I had spied on her in her dressing room once....or twice...or four...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Coming Home from Dr Roberts

You might want to read The Good Dr. Roberts first. We had just got home after a session with Dr. Roberts, a sex therapist with a hands-on philosophy. I had come like never before but Tony was light-headed with lust and frustration as I led him upstairs to our bedroom. We undressed ourselves and each other at the same time, hands everywhere. I piled the pillows and a couple of cushions against the headboard and had Tony half lie, half sit on the bed with his knees bent and I fondled his balls...

1 year ago
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The Good Dr Roberts

It started when my wife Kate’s very best friend Sonia came round to see us to tell us that she and her partner Alan had been to see an ‘alternative’ sex therapist. Alan is not the most dynamic of men so I wasn’t amazed at the news and I knew that Sonia would not be able to resist giving Kate all the details later and that Kate would tell me. There was much innuendo and giggling from Sonia and repeated recommendations that we should go and see this Dr Roberts. “Tony, it’s taken our sex life to a...

1 year ago
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The Good Dr Roberts

It started when my wife Kate’s very best friend Sonia came round to see us to tell us that she and her partner Alan had been to see an ‘alternative’ sex therapist. Alan is not the most dynamic of men so I wasn’t amazed at the news and I knew that Sonia would not be able to resist giving Kate all the details later and that Kate would tell me. There was much innuendo and giggling from Sonia and repeated recommendations that we should go and see this Dr Roberts. “Tony, it’s taken our sex life to a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Diabolical Delectable Thats Little Shona Roberts

Something out of the ordinary occurred at work yesterday, I got summoned to see the big boss. Didn't know what it was about. Was I in trouble for some reason? "Shona, hi," said Mr Rose, as I entered his penthouse office on the top floor. His office, and his secretary out in the anteroom, that's all there was on this floor. The air felt different up here. Rarified. "Hi," I replied, controlling my anxiety. "Should I close the door?" "Yes please," he said. "And do take a seat." I...

3 years ago
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Robert is your run of the mill hot sexy I am better then you kind of man on the outside but I have started seeing sides of him I never would have guessed at I do not even think he himself knows his bonds , he is about to have one of the wildest days of his life …The day starts out as any other day , up at 6 am shower shave and get out the door by 7 am , But today I have a surprise waiting for him as he gets out of bed mm he stretch and walks over to the bathroom he is naked …

1 year ago
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My Name was Robert

My name was Robert (Bobby) Preston but now it is Bobbi Preston, and here is my story At the tender age of 9 my mother was diagnosed with cancer, at that time nobody explained this to me - not that I would have understood or what that all meant anyway or what was going to happen. Prior to this, my life was very much like many children. My dad had always taken me to my swim lessons and Boy Scouts. Mom always took care of the school stuff along with my emotional needs. Dad was never...

2 years ago
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Jerryrsquos World ndash Mrs Roberts

I don’t know why but I was a bit nervous as I got off the bus and walked up the street to Mrs Robert’s house. I was sweating in the heat and realised I was a little bit early but decided to go along anyway.As I approached the house which was in a leafy street in one of the better parts of town I noticed Mrs Roberts pottering around in her well kept front garden, she hadn’t noticed me standing by the front gate as she had her back to me so I stood quietly soaking up the atmosphere.From what I...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 13 A Surprise For Roberta

As the blindfold was taken off, Roberta was somewhat surprised to see herself back in the clearing where she had been twice whipped, firstly when Celestine and Amy had alternately attacked her back from both sides and secondly by Celestine alone. The shame of her reaction to that second whipping still haunted her. She had received seventy lashes and wept and screamed for mercy after each of them She, Roberta the bravest of the brave had grovelled and pleaded for mercy. Even seventy long...

3 years ago
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Robert la Roberta

Hoofdstuk 1. Robert ? la Roberta Door Louis van Amoren. Het verhaal dat ik U ga vertellen, klinkt U misschien een beetje vreemd in de oren. Maar het is helemaal echt gebeurd. Ik ben nu ??nmaal heel goed van vertrouwen, dus stap ik overal erg gemakkelijk in. Maar ik zal eerst even vertellen wie ik ben, dat praat iets gemakkelijker. Ik ben ongeveer ??n meter vijfenzeventig lang, 61 kilo, dus nogal slank en 21 jaar oud. Mijn naam is Robert van Amoren en ik ben van het mannelijke gesla...

2 years ago
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The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a Dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...

1 year ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Seven Roberta

Time Stands Still Chapter Seven: Roberta By r.gold 9:00 a.m. "Okay, Jack. If you want me to be there, I can. I'll always be there for you, Jack." The Warner House's alive with the sounds of people. In the living room, you can hear the sounds of a television, a quiz show. With the shears closed and the drapes open, you could see a woman shadow sitting on the couch with her feet up. The occasional glow of a cigarette, the clinking of ice in a glass. Other parts of the...

1 year ago
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The Delicious Diabolical Shona Roberts

1. SEDUCTION: Something out of the ordinary happened at work the other day, I got summoned to see the big boss. Didn’t know what it was about. Was I in trouble for some reason? “Shona, hi,” said Mr Rose, as I entered his penthouse office on the top floor. His office, his secretary out in the anteroom, that’s all there was on this floor. The air felt different up here. Rarified. “Hi,” I replied, controlling my anxiety. “Should I close the door?” “Yes please,” he said. “And take a seat.” I closed...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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Sleep over at Roberts

I came home from school and heard mom on the phone. She was talking to my friends dad. I put my books down and went to change clothes. When I came back, mom said she was going out tomorrow night and I was going to stay at my friend Robert's house for a while. My heart jumped. I had a lot of fun last time I stayed the night. School let out Friday and Mr Baker was waiting for Robert and I. He had stopped by my house and picked up a bag my mom packed for me. When we got to his house, Robert and I...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Education BluesChapter 24 Jeff and Roberta

"What are we going to do?" asked Jeff. "We should probably try to do at least one thing that doesn't involve sex, while we're here," said Roberta. "That's not what I meant," said Jeff. "I mean what are we going to do two days from now?" "Oh!" said Roberta. "About us, you mean." "Yes, about us!" said Jeff. "I can't go back home and just pick up where I left off. I'd go insane." "Tell me about Melanie," said Roberta. "What?" Jeff's mouth dropped open. "I don't...

4 years ago
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Camping With Mom by robertlean

True Story, Boy, Cheating, Cuckold, Erotica, i****t, Male / Older Female, Male/Female, Masturbation, Mature, Wife, YoungIntroduction:Boy and His Mother Go CampingNote: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I am editing Grammar, Paragraphs, and re-typing...

3 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 5 The Birth of the Roberttones

Saturday dawned slightly overcast, although it was predicted to clear up by lunchtime. But with just over a week until my piano exam, I really needed to buckle down and practice hard. After breakfast and a quick few laps in the pool, I sat down to an hour of mind-numbing scales and finger exercises. I took a short break, and sat down and played through the various pieces that I was to be tested on several times – by now I could play them without looking at the music, I knew them so well. I...

1 year ago
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Visiting Mr Robertson

I could barely get to sleep when I went to bed, Mr. Robertson kept running through my head. After school I did my homework in record time, jumped on my bike and rode to his house. I knocked on his door, he opened it and smiled. "I was wondering if you were coming back, come on in " Mr. Robertson said. I went in, he put his arm around my shoulder and asked if I was hungry, yes I said. He made me a sandwich and poured a glass of milk. He said to come sit down when I finished. After eating...

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