The Three Signs - Book 1 - CathyChapter 5: The Birth Of The Roberttones free porn video

Saturday dawned slightly overcast, although it was predicted to clear up by lunchtime. But with just over a week until my piano exam, I really needed to buckle down and practice hard. After breakfast and a quick few laps in the pool, I sat down to an hour of mind-numbing scales and finger exercises. I took a short break, and sat down and played through the various pieces that I was to be tested on several times – by now I could play them without looking at the music, I knew them so well. I then finished up with playing a selection of more difficult classical pieces, mainly to work on my sight-reading. By the time I was finished, it was almost lunchtime and really felt like a break.
Just as I was about to make some lunch, the phone rang, and my mother answered it.
“It’s for you, Will,” she called out to me. “Garry is on the phone for you.”
I picked up the phone near the kitchen. “Maaaatttteeeee,” Garry called out. “So whadoya know?”
“Not much, mate,” I replied. “What’s going on?”
We chatted briefly, the upshot being Garry, David, their girlfriends, and a few others in our group were going to the beach, and Garry wanted know if I wanted to join them. Cathy wouldn’t be there; since she was working in Mrs Francis’s darkroom all day, developing and printing the photos she took yesterday. Still, the weather had cleared, and it would be good to catch up with Garry, Glenn and a few of the others I hadn’t seen for a week or two. After a quick lunch, I grabbed my swimming gear, and rode my bike to David’s place, where we were all to meet before going to the beach.
When I got there, most of the others had already arrived; Dave, of course, and Gina; Garry and his girlfriend, Sarah (at least I think he and Sarah were going out together at the moment; their relationship was always off and on); and a bunch of others – Peter Swan, Glenn Brown, Janelle Ward, Lori Earle; the usual bunch. We were just waiting on Janice Collins – typical for her to be the last to arrive.
While we were waiting, we discussed where we should go swimming. A few suggested the Cook Terrace end of the main beach, while David said we should go to Bungan Beach. None of the others – apart from him, Gina and I – had been there, and the idea of trying someplace new interested everyone. So as soon as Janice arrived, we walked down the road, then around the headland to the beach.
We picked an area next to the headland; pretty close to where Cathy and I usually sat. There were some other people near us, but like most other times, probably no more than ten people in total on the south end of the beach. David and Gina placed their towels very close together; as did Garry and Sarah, while the rest of us spread out a little.
Janelle asked David where Cathy was, and David told her that she was developing and printing a bunch of photos she had taken, and that I knew all about the pictures.
“What are they of?” Janelle asked.
“They are for a competition on National Parks,” I replied. “I have been her pack mule, carrying cameras, tripods, bags of equipment and stuff like that up to Barrenjoey Head and West Head these last two Fridays.”
“So, has she also taken any special ‘candid photos’ of you, Will,” Peter asked. He was always teasing people.
“No, nothing like that at all,” I replied indignantly, feeling my face start to turn red. “My role in those photographs was strictly professional.” Much laughter ensued, and I could feel by cheeks burning. “You lot are just envious, that’s all!”
Garry came to my rescue, suggesting that the water and waves were just too inviting to sit on the sand. He picked Sarah up, put her over his shoulder, and ran to the water, all the time she was screaming at him to put her down. A few of us ran after them, and once he was waist deep in the water, said, “You want down?” and dropped her in the water.
Well, it was on for young and old, as they say. The next ten or fifteen minutes was a crazy confusion of dunkings, tackles, water fights and general mayhem. Which we all enjoyed immensely, it only ending when we were too waterlogged and exhausted to continue.
We made our way, laughing and giggling, back to our towels, and flopped back down to dry off and recover. I noticed that two women not far from us were lying topless, and wondered if any of the girls in our group would be brave enough to do the same. Janelle and Lori were the two most likely, I thought, although maybe not with everyone around.
After a while of lying in the sun, a few of us decided that the waves looked good enough for body surfing. The five of us guys all swam out to where the breakers started to form, and caught several of them in. Gina and Sarah joined their respective boyfriends; not wanting to be away from them.
The surf was pretty good, and some of the sets were over six foot; what with the Christmas high tides getting closer. After one particularly savage dumping, where I wasn’t quite able to keep ahead of the wave and got rolled under for a while, I decided that I would have a break. As I approached my towel, just as I had suspected Janelle and Lori had removed their tops, and made a half-hearted attempt to cover up as I approached.
“You don’t have to worry about that on my behalf,” I said as I saw Janelle start to move to get her top. “I promise not to stare, at least not too much.” I grinned as I lay down on my back.
“I guess Cathy sunbathes topless here with you,” Lori said. “Most of the women around this part of the beach seem to.”
I quickly thought how much to say, not wanting to possibly say things that would embarrass Cathy.
“Yes, she does sometimes where we are here by ourselves,” I replied. That seemed pretty safe. “A few times we have seen women who were completely nude, too. I think no one worries too much about this beach, it’s not like it is full of families and little kids.”
“Oh, I don’t think I could go completely naked,” Janelle said. “I mean, showing everything and all that. And what if you got sunburnt there?”
Lori and I laughed. “I’m not going to offer to put sun cream on you there, Janelle!” I said. She blushed bright red.
“You wouldn’t get burnt there, Janelle,” Lori said. “I mean, it’s just like anything else – you use sun screen. I have done it, lots of times – don’t any of you say anything, but where we go for our summer holidays, up on the north coast, is a nudist camp. Everyone is nude; it’s just no big deal.”
“That sounds cool, Lori,” I said. “But don’t you get embarrassed, and what if the guys get, um, well, you know...”
Lori laughed at that. “Well, I guess since we have been going for a few years, I don’t get embarrassed. Besides, everyone else is naked, and it’s not like you’re parading around for a bunch of dirty old men or that. And on the odd occasion when a guy gets, yeah, you know, well, you just don’t make it worse for him by staring.”
I tried not to think of Lori being naked; lying on my back with just my swimmers on would have made things a little obvious. To be safe, I decided to roll over on my stomach, and lie with my head on my arms as if I was resting. Janelle and Lori continued to talk about sunbaking nude and whether it would be embarrassing or not. I decided to close my eyes and tune out as the two of them continued to talk about nude swimming and sunbathing, and think about my upcoming piano exam. There was nothing like running through a bunch of musical scales in your head to take your mind off sex.
“Will, I asked you what you thought of that,” Janelle said, breaking my thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, Janelle,” I replied. “I must have been thinking about something else. What was it you asked me?”
“I asked what you thought about some of us going to an isolated beach and sunbathing nude, and whether you think Cathy would be interested,” she said.
I felt I was in a bit of a spot; I didn’t really want to say that Cathy and I had already done some nude sunbathing; but I thought Cathy may be interested in the idea – it was the sort of thing that appealed to her; doing something different, something that the mainstream of society would not approve of.
“Umm, well, I dunno,” I stammered, trying not to think about Janelle and Lori naked. “I guess it could be interesting, I mean, provided that there weren’t too many people around.”
“Haven’t you tried it before?” Lori asked. “I mean, going nude?”
Shit. I was even more on the spot now. Had she somehow known what we had done?
“Um, well, not really,” I replied. I didn’t want to say that we had.
Janelle leaned over towards me, and before I could do anything, pulled the back of my swimmers down, exposing most of my backside.
“Come off it,” she said. “Your arse is almost as brown as your back, so don’t tell me you don’t lie naked in the sun!”
Caught! I reached behind me and pulled my swimmers back up. I am sure my face was bright red, and my cheeks must have been burning. I was about to say something when Lori interrupted us.
“We had better cover up,” she said to Janelle. “Some of the others are coming back, and I don’t want Peter or Glenn to make smart-arse comments.”
Saved, and not a minute too soon. Janelle and Lori quickly replaced their bikini tops, and rolled over on their stomachs. At least I had the opportunity to regain my composure.
As the other two guys said something to Lori, I leaned over towards Janelle and whispered to her. “Just as well they arrived when they did, or I would have done the same to you. I bet your bum is tanned too!”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Janelle whispered back. “If they weren’t around, I would show you so you could judge for yourself. But just to let you know; Lori is completely tanned all over; and I am thinking of doing the same. But I wouldn’t want to be naked where lots of guys could see. Particularly those two; it’s bad enough the way they look at us girls when we are clothed.”
“But I thought you wanted to know if Cathy and I would go sunbathing with you and Lori?” I asked, slightly confused. “Wouldn’t you worry if I could see you?”
“It wouldn’t worry me for you could see me in the nude, you aren’t like most guys,” she replied. “Particularly Peter and Glenn, sometimes they make really sleazy comments. But remember, us girls need something interesting to look at too, you know!” She laughed and continued, “You know, ‘show us what you got, honey’, isn’t that what you guys call out to women? We have just the same desire to see things too, you know.”
I blushed deeply again at the thought Janelle would see that as an opportunity to look at my prick. “And you say they are sleazy, but you just told me that you want a good perve at my bum and, well, you know,” I whispered back, trying to hide my embarrassment.
“What’s this ‘you know’? You mean, do I want a good perve at your prick? Of course I do; and I bet Lori would too,” Janelle replied, further increasing my embarrassment. “I’m sure Cathy has seen it, so why not Lori and I? Or are you too bashful?”
“Gee, Janelle,” I hissed back at her. “What sort of guy do you think I am? I don’t go around flashing my prick to everyone. I mean, you don’t go around giving guys a good look at you, do you?”
She laughed at that. “Of course not, and I didn’t say everyone. Just the four of us, that’s all. I will give Cathy a call tonight, see if she is interested in sharing you – at least sharing a look at you!”
God, what had I got myself into? Peter and Glenn were now sitting next to us, so I didn’t say any more. I lay with my face down on my arms; to hide what I knew must have been my red cheeks. As well, lying on my stomach hid my growing erection; since the thought of being naked with Lori and Janelle; and having the two of them (as well as Cathy) looking at my naked body was starting to turn me on.
Apart from Cathy, Lori and Janelle were the two girls I got on best with. Lori had been in our group since she arrived here from the US, about three years ago. Her father worked for some American company, he was their manager here. I wasn’t exactly sure what he did, or what the company was, but it must be something to do with telecom stuff, because my father dealt with him professionally a lot. Janelle’s comment on how Lori would want to see me naked surprised me; in all of that time I couldn’t recall Lori being interested in any of the guys. Not that they weren’t interested in her; Glenn in particular was obviously keen on her, but she never returned his attentions.
It wasn’t that she was aloof or snobbish; in fact she was quite the opposite. Maybe because she was a bit older than most of us, she was a bit more mature and thoughtful, and maybe she felt the guys in our group were too young and immature – particularly Glenn – for her. Janelle was similar in many ways to her, at least in her behaviour and outlook; and I couldn’t recall her having a serious boyfriend in the last few years – or at least any boyfriend.
The others had come back from the water, and someone – most likely Garry – poured some cold water right on the middle of my back. That certainly disturbed my thoughts on nude sunbathing!
“You bastard!” I yelled, springing to my feet. Some of the water must have splashed on Janelle, as I heard her squeal as well. I chased after Garry, but he had a good lead and could outrun me anyway. I caught up with him at the water, and tried to tackle him – never an easy task, since he was a few inches taller than I. Janelle and Lori had come to my rescue, and the three of us managed to duck him under the water.
“That will serve you right,” I told him, as he stood up, coughing and spluttering. “Next time, I won’t let you off so lightly!” I sprayed him with some more water as he started to head back up the beach to the others.
Since I was back in the water, and well and truly wet, I decided to swim and catch a few waves; and Lori and Janelle joined me. At least the cool of the water had caused my prick to subside, thank goodness.
“Well, Will, what do you think?” Lori asked me while we were waiting for a wave.
“About what?” I replied.
“What we were talking about, you know, you and Cathy coming nude sunbathing with us one day.”
“Well, I don’t know,” I replied. “You would really have to ask her to see how she would feel about it.”
“I will do that tonight,” Lori replied. “It would be fun, just the four of us. At least I wouldn’t pour cold water on your back.”
“Thanks, friend,” I replied. “Where could we go, anyway?”
“This seems to be as good as anywhere else,” Lori replied. “During the week it would be even better than on the weekend.”
“Well, maybe,” I replied. I still wasn’t all that sure if Cathy would want to go nude sunbathing with the other two. “But I won’t have the time until later next week, once my piano exam is out of the way.”
“OK, I understand, you’re probably practising pretty hard for that. She may be interested in coming with just Janelle and me until you are free.”
I decided to catch the wave that was approaching, and rode it all the way to the shore. The other two had as well, and we walked back up to our towels.
The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful; thank goodness, I really felt a bit uncomfortable talking about being naked with the two of them without Cathy around. Not that I was trying to start anything; it was just that I hoped when it got back to her, she wouldn’t take things the wrong way.
About 5pm, we all decided it was time to head home for the day. Once back at David’s place, we went our various ways. Since Garry lived in the same direction, we rode our bikes off together, and, as usually was the case with the two us, the ride to my place turned into a good-natured race. He beat me by about thirty metres, and as I pulled up next to him, we were both breathing hard.
“That was a great place for a swim,” he said to me. “How did you find out about that?”
“Cathy and I went there one afternoon,” I replied. “We just decided to go exploring along the headland.”
“Uh huh,” he grunted. “How serious are you two?” he asked. “I mean, it has only taken you and her a few years to realise the obvious.”
“Obvious?” I asked. “What do you mean?”
“Come, on, Will,” he said. “Blind Freddy could see that to two of you have been keen on each other for ages. Everyone knows that. How far have you gone, I mean, you know, have...”
“Have we had sex yet?” I said, cutting to the point. “No, we haven’t, and we don’t want to either, at least, not for a while. It just causes too many problems. But yeah, we are pretty serious, I guess, and yes, things are going well. I don’t know why we didn’t start to get serious earlier; but it was at her sister’s wedding, maybe all the romance was the kick in the pants we needed.” I certainly wasn’t going to tell him about having to help Cathy when she had to pee on the way home. “What about you and Sarah, is that looking promising?”
Garry had been keen on Sarah for a while, and this wasn’t the first time they had tried to have a relationship.
“Well, she hasn’t hit me in the face yet,” he joked. The last time they were boyfriend and girlfriend, Garry had done something and Sarah had slapped him in the face so hard that he had a black eye for a few weeks. He never said exactly what started it, but I think he tried to move too fast.
“Well, I hope it works out, mate, just remember to treat her properly, like she is someone special.” I didn’t add ‘and don’t carry her over your shoulder and dump her in the ocean’, if he didn’t realise that she wasn’t happy when he did that, then there was no real hope.
“Yeah, thanks, I will. You interested in hitting the beach again in the next few days?” he asked me.
“Wait until late next week,” I replied. “I really have to buckle down for the piano exam next week. Nothing like several hours of practice a day to make for a fun holiday.”
“OK, mate, good luck.” We shook hands, and he rode off towards his place.
After dinner, I decided to go for a run; normally my father and I would go for a run most evenings, we were now up to a course that covered two miles, and took in two steep hills. However, he had cut his leg while working in the garden that afternoon, and decided not to go, so I went by myself for a change. I felt like I needed the run, it was always a good opportunity to think about things, and just let my legs go on automatic.
Once I got into the rhythm, I thought about Janelle – and Lori – and what they suggested. I was wondering what Cathy would think of it; we had talked about going nude sunbathing, and both wanted to do that; but I wasn’t sure what she would think if the other two girls joined us. And what if Janelle was keen on me? I didn’t want to risk losing Cathy over some jealous spat.
Back home after the run, I cooled off with a few lazy laps in the pool, not really swimming, just floating, and letting myself drift from one end to the other. I then had a shower, and sat back at the piano for some more practice.
I had been practicing for about three quarters of an hour when the phone rang, and my mother called out “Will, it’s for you, Cathy is on the phone.”
I picked up the phone in the back room, and said hello. I heard the click as my mother hung up the phone in the living room.
“How did things go at the darkroom?” I asked her.
“Great, all of the photos came out well, the hard part will be selecting what ones to make enlargements of,” she replied. “And guess what? I have a job! At least a small one, anyway. Mrs Francis wants me to work on printing up a whole lot of contact sheets from negatives she has there; it will be two or three days work for a few weeks.”
“That’s great,” I said. “Not only is it great experience for you, but I assume you are getting paid for it.”
“I sure will, she said she will pay me fifteen dollars a day,” Cathy went on. “Plus I can do whatever developing and printing I want for free.”
“That’s even better,” I said. “Maybe we can take some of those photos you suggested?”
“I suggested?” she exclaimed. “I thought you suggested it.”
We both laughed about the idea of taking nude photos of each other.
“While on that subject,” she said, “Lori Earle called me a bit earlier. Sounds like I missed a fun afternoon at the beach with everyone.”
I wondered what else Lori mentioned to her. “Yeah, it wasn’t bad. You know Garry and Sarah are back together again?”
“Really? How long before she socks him one again, I wonder.” Cathy knew all about the black eye, I am sure Sarah told her exactly what Garry had tried.
“Well, you know what Garry is like,” I replied. “Maybe he has learned?”
“Or maybe Sarah may not object this time,” Cathy replied obtusely. “Anyway, Lori wanted to know if we would be interested in going to the beach with her and Janelle, down at Bungan.”
“Uh huh,” I said.
“Not only that,” she added, and lowered her voice, “but they want to go nude sunbathing and swimming there, and asked if we would be interested in doing that with them. What do you think?”
“Um, well, I don’t know if I would want to be naked in front of them,” I answered guardedly. “I mean, I love it with you, but I don’t know about anyone else.”
“Oh, I guess so,” Cathy said. I could tell the disappointment in her voice. “It was just an idea.”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind me being there, we could try,” I said. “I mean, if we felt too embarrassed, then they are good friends, and would understand. Maybe we could go after my exam?”
“Yeah, that sounds okay.” Cathy’s voice had an edge of excitement in it. “Would you mind if I went with them one day this week without you? I mean, you are going to be busy with your practicing anyway.”
“No, that’s fine by me,” I replied. I could tell Cathy really wanted to go nude sunbathing; it was all part of her adventurous nature. “That way, you can see if you like it without me there. And we can go together with them later next week, say Thursday or Friday, perhaps.”
“That sounds fun, just don’t spend all the time looking at their bodies and not mine,” she added, laughing.
“I won’t, I promise,” I said. “And you have to make sure you don’t do things that would make me get, you know...”
“Would that make you embarrassed, if the other two saw you, um, aroused?” she asked.
“Reckon!” I answered emphatically. “I may have to spend a lot of time lying on my stomach!”
“Spoil sport,” she teased. “I think it would be fun for them to see what I have to play with, and they can only look at. It will get them all jealous, seeing all of you!”
The thought of having the three girls looking at my body, and seeing my erect prick was getting me aroused, even though I felt I would get really embarrassed if that actually happened.
“Well, let’s just see how things go,” I replied.
“Okay, I’ll talk to Lori tomorrow and tell her we are interested, just the four of us.”
We chatted about other matters for a while; until it was probably time I finished my practice and went to bed. We would see each other tomorrow evening at church fellowship, anyway.
Lying in bed, I though again about having the three of them see me naked, and me seeing Lori and Janelle naked as well. It was quite arousing, thinking about having three sets of eyes on me, and wondering if looking at my prick would get the other two aroused as well. Soon, I was stroking my hard prick, and fantasising about all three of them watching me as I rubbed myself, and imagined seeing them rubbing themselves as well. It didn’t take long before I was about to come, so I quickly jumped out of bed, pulled on a pair of shorts and went to the bathroom, and shot my load into the toilet. I didn’t want to have to clean up the mess I would have made in my bed. I returned to bed, and drifted off to sleep with visions of Cathy, Lori and Janelle, all naked around me.
Sunday morning I went through my whole practice session again; scales, exercises, exam pieces, sight reading; all of that took me until lunchtime. After lunch, I had to do my chores around the yard, mainly cleaning the pool completely, and then helping my father with tidying up the back corner, pulling out some dead shrubs, digging over the beds there, and fixing up some loose fence palings. By the time we had finished, the pool was incredibly welcoming, and we cooled off for about an hour before dinner.
After I had finished eating, I got changed and rode my bike down to church for the evening service. Most of our fellowship group went to the 7pm service, and hung around afterwards for coffee and talking in the church hall. As I was leaning my bike up behind the church, Cathy and David arrived, and Cathy walked down to greet me with a kiss.
“Guess what,” she whispered to me. “It started this morning.”
“What started?” I said, not understanding what she was talking about.
“My period, silly,” she replied. “Right on time, just as I hoped. First time I have been really glad to see it.”
“That’s good,” I said, and then understanding hit me. “That’s really, really good.”
“It sure is,” she said. “Probably just as well we are both going to be busy over the next few days; you wouldn’t want to see me pee at the moment.”
“Oh, why not?” I asked.
“Cause it is all bloody,” she said. “Well, from now until Tuesday, probably, my pee will be pink from the blood mixing with it.”
“Yeah, I didn’t realise that,” I said. I still knew very little about all this period stuff, and wasn’t quite sure just how closely I wanted to experience it all.
We took our seats in the church, as it was right on 7 pm. Afterwards, when we were heading down to the hall to have coffee and biscuits with the others, Cathy told me about the conversation she had with Lori earlier that day, and how Lori suggested the four of us go nude sunbathing at the beach.
“I’m working for the next three days,” she said. “But on Thursday, if it is fine, I will be going to the beach with Lori and Janelle. I can tell you exactly what they look like, if you want. Then you can work out if you want to see for yourself.” She laughed at the idea of describing the other two girls’ pussies to me. “Are you interested in the colour of their hair, and how much, and all that stuff?”
“You can’t talk about that here, not at church,” I said to her.
“Oh, don’t be so prudish,” she said. “Besides, I bet Janelle’s got a whole lot of thick black hair there. Not sure about Lori, though, her’s is probably light like mine.”
We were now inside the hall, and there were too many people around to continue our discussion, so we mingled with some of the others. One of the older guys, Paul Winters, came up to me and grabbed my arm.
“Hey Will, got a minute?” he asked. When I nodded (I had a mouth full of chocolate biscuit), he continued. “You know Phil Jones, don’t you?” Again I nodded. “Well, he and I and a few others are thinking of forming a group, we look like we will have a regular gig at the new place they are building in Newport when it opens at the end of January. As well as Phil and I, we will have Phil’s older brother, Tommy, on drums and vocals, and Andrew Wilson – I don’t think you know him – on bass. We want you to join and play keyboards, and backing vocals. Are you interested?”
“Sure,” I said, “that sounds great. What are the details?”
“Well, nothing is 100 per cent yet, but it’s a pretty sure thing,” he said. “The sort of stuff would be older music; you know, from the thirties, forties and fifties; dance stuff like our parents like. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole; I bet if you asked your parents they could give you lots of ideas. We would be playing every Saturday night, and probably get something like twenty or twenty-five each, maybe. What do you think?”
“Well, I would have to check with my parents, see if they would let me,” I answered. “But it does sound great. When will we start to get together?”
“We can’t get the others together until the weekend after next,” Paul said. “You know where Phil’s place is, don’t you? It’s not far from yours, behind Maxwell Street. We will use the basement there to practice, he has a piano for you, and he and Tommy have the sound equipment. Give him or me a call, once you have checked with your folks.”
“Sure, Paul, I will,” I said. “It does sound great, just what I would love to do.”
After he walked away, I grabbed Cathy and told her.
“Wow, that is great,” she said. “You would be great at that. And my boyfriend will be a famous musician!”
I laughed at that thought. “Well, a musician, any least. I can’t see myself becoming famous playing at the Mirage for middle aged people to dance to!”
We talked some more about it, and then it was time to head off home. Well, at least time for Cathy and I to walk up the road to the park, and kiss for a while in a secluded area before we went home.
When I got home, I told my parents about Paul’s offer. They didn’t disapprove, but said they would want to check out the details more, and would talk to Paul’s parents. My parents had known the Winters for almost as long as we had been in Mona Vale, and were good friends with them, so I felt pretty sure they would let me do it.

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