Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 25 Milena and Joel
- 4 years ago
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December 31, 1983, McKinley, Ohio
“Mike!” Milena gushed when Clarissa, Tasha, and I walked into her mom’s house.
“How’s the blushing bride?” I asked.
“I don’t think Milena has blushed since she was twelve!” Doctor Blahnik teased. “Hi, Mike! Hi, Tasha! Hi, Clarissa!”
“Hi! Milena, where’s your intended?” I asked.
“His friends have custody of him until the wedding starts at 8:00pm! But the rule was he had to be sober, able to stand on his own, and have no injuries!”
I chuckled, “So much for the wild bachelor party!”
“Put your things in the guest room, Mike,” Doctor Blahnik instructed.
“Will do, then we need to walk Tasha to where she’s staying tonight.”
“Is Kimiko going to be here?” Milena asked.
“Yes. She’ll be here for the wedding, but she’s going home after they cut the wedding cake. Sandy should be here any time now.”
“And you, Clarissa, and Sandy are sharing the guest room?” Doctor Blahnik asked with a smirk.
“If so, Sandy is WAY more likely to get lucky than I am!” I chuckled, earning a smack on the arm from Clarissa. “But the bed is big enough for the three of us to share without any concerns.”
Everyone laughed. Clarissa and I took our things to the guest room, and then she, Tasha, and I left to walk to the Sokolovs’ house.
“Your professor is so funny,” Tasha said. “Teasing you about a threesome!”
“If the Sokolovs wouldn’t tell your dad, we could go for a foursome!” I chuckled.
“«Ты некультурная свинья!»” Tasha exclaimed, but she laughed after she said it.
“He can really be a pig, can’t he?” Clarissa commiserated.
“I’m beginning to suspect all men have those fantasies,” Tasha said.
“They do!” Clarissa agreed. “Want to hear Mike’s most recent fantasy?”
“Lissa!” I snapped.
“She’ll find it as amusing as I did!”
“And you think it’s OK to share that without my permission?” I asked crossly.
Clarissa was quiet for a second, then breathed out slowly.
“No. I’m sorry. I guess I let the teasing get out of hand.”
“No fair!” Tasha protested strongly. “Here you tell me there’s some wonderful fantasy, but then you don’t tell me?”
“I’m sorry, Tasha,” Clarissa said. “I shouldn’t have said that. And Mike, I am sorry.”
I took my own deep breath and let it out.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you that way.”
“It’s OK.”
We were all quiet for about a block before I spoke.
“I guess this is a good sign in a way,” I said carefully. “The fact that you two are comfortable enough with each other to talk that way is a GOOD thing, but I think the two of you and Jocelyn know so much about me that we have to be careful not to violate anyone’s privacy.”
“You’re right,” Clarissa said. “Do you agree, Tasha?”
“Yes, though that doesn’t change my curiosity! But forget that for now; is Glenda going to be here?”
“Yes, but she’s going to drive home after the party just like Kimiko, which is why I’m sharing the guest room with Mike. Well, and Sandy, because she couldn’t find a place to stay. Anyway, Glenda’s family has a big New Year’s Day gathering to watch the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl. That tradition started when her parents were dating in the late 50s. She said they watched Ohio State beat Oregon in 1958 and that’s when they decided to do it every year. They married the year after, and Glenda was born in 1962. Glenda finds it amusing that Ohio State didn’t go back to the Rose Bowl for eleven years from the time the tradition started. Then they went a lot in the 70s.”
“We never watched much football in my house,” I said. “But my mom loves to watch the Rose Parade. But isn’t it on Monday this year?”
“I thought it was always January 1st,” Clarissa said.
“Me, too, but Mom said it was going to be Monday morning and she was happy that was the official work holiday.”
“Strange,” Clarissa replied, sounding uneasy.
I had an uneasy feeling as well, and wondered if Glenda had made a mistake, or if there was something else going on.
“When did you talk to her last?” I asked.
“Christmas Eve,” Clarissa said. “But we didn’t talk about the wedding except for her telling me she’d arrive around 4:30pm.”
“Maybe there was miscommunication on her end,” I said. “My mom didn’t realize until she checked the TV Guide yesterday.”
“Maybe,” Clarissa replied, sounding unsure.
“You can ask her in about forty-five minutes,” I said. “Don’t get yourself worked up for no reason!”
“You’re right,” she replied, slipping her hand into mine.
We arrived at the Sokolovs’ house and Tasha left her bag in their guest room then got a key from Mrs. Sokolova. After a few minutes of polite conversation, we started back to Doctor Blahnik’s house.
“Where are they going on their honeymoon?” Tasha asked.
“Aruba,” I said. “They decided someplace warm was a good choice for early January!”
“As if they’re going outside!” Tasha declared mirthfully.
“Not everyone is a sex fiend, Natalya Vasilyevna!” I teased.
“I don’t hear YOU complaining, Mikhail Petrovich!”
“Mike’s sense of self-preservation is WAY too strong for him to do that!” Clarissa declared.
“What she said!” I said.
“Tasha, how did you decide to have sex?”
Tasha laughed softly, “I didn’t! My hormones did! I went through puberty and my body said ‘I want to have Mike fuck my brains out’ and who was I to say differently?”
Both Clarissa and I laughed hard.
“As I said, Tasha’s virtue wasn’t safe with Tasha! She made ME the custodian.”
“And then I had to argue with him because I’d made him promise!”
“And you didn’t care that you wouldn’t marry?”
“I was pretty sure we wouldn’t, so I really only had one option — have Mike fuck my brains out repeatedly before I found the man I’ll marry. Which, once I convinced him to relent on his promise, he was VERY happy to do! And he’s very good at it, too!”
“Thank you for the endorsement,” I said with a huge grin. “And may I be «некультурный»?”
“You may,” she said playfully.
“She fucks MY brains out and she’s VERY good at it!”
“So,” Clarissa smirked, “we’ve established that both of you are good at fucking! But you don’t want to do it for the rest of your lives?”
“Nobody said THAT,” Tasha laughed, “but we’re not going to marry and I think his future wife and my future husband might object just a bit if we continued to fuck each other senseless after we married other people!”
“May I ask you why?”
“Because, as adults, neither of us believe we’re the right partner. It’s not a problem. When I was fifteen I would have been very upset if someone said that, but I think I need a different sort of man. And I think he needs a different sort of woman.”
“Do you have anyone in mind?” Clarissa asked.
“For me? Or for Mike?”
“Both, I guess.”
“For me? There is a college student at Saint Michael who I’ve known for almost as long as I’ve known Mike that has wanted to date me for ages. And I think he’s interesting enough to consider.”
“May I ask who?”
“Nikolas Dmitriyevich.”
I nodded, “A junior at OSU who’s going to be a mechanical engineer. He’s a good guy. And I think his situation, graduating in eighteen months and with very good job prospects, is more compatible with Tasha’s desire to start a family soon.”
“Is that really the issue?” Clarissa asked.
“It’s important to me,” Tasha said. “I know most girls want to wait these days, but I want to start a family, and you know Mishka really can’t do that for at least six years. And even then, for two years he would have almost no time for me and our kids. I love him, but I think I would be very unhappy and discontented. Mike warned me about that but I didn’t really understand it when I was fifteen. Well, I mean, I understood, but not the way I do now.”
“Do you think the other guy is interested?”
I laughed, “Is that a SERIOUS question? As soon as Tasha says ‘hello’ he’ll be putty in her hands. I sure was!”
“Oh no, Mishka, it was VERY hard in my hands and my...” she teased, leaving the sentence hanging.
Both Clarissa and I laughed.
“And who do you have in mind for Mike?” Clarissa asked.
“You, of course, if you weren’t lesbian. Otherwise? I don’t know Maggie well enough to say, so I would have to say Oksana Mikhailovna. I would suggest Elizaveta Viktorovna, but she’s only fourteen, so dating would be difficult for almost two years.”
It was fascinating to hear Tasha analyzing which girl would be best for me, because in some ways, she knew me better than anyone except Clarissa, but she had a completely Orthodox mindset, which Clarissa didn’t have. I decided to keep my mouth shut and listen.
“Why them?” Clarissa asked.
“I know both girls very well, and I know that both like Mishka, and are both in a better situation to handle having babies even while Mishka is studying.”
“What do you mean?” Clarissa asked.
“I want to move out of the house and be on my own. They get along really well with their mothers and grandmothers. That opens other options. And both families are well-to-do and could provide support if it were necessary. As I said, even though Elizaveta is the best choice, she’s too young, so I would say he should talk with Oksana. I’m sure she’ll jump at the chance.”
“To jump him?” Clarissa asked with a smirk.
“Obviously!” Tasha replied. “But also as a good match for a deacon and a doctor.”
“Any comment, Petrovich?” Clarissa asked.
“You know I’m involved with Kimiko and she’s the one I think I should be with.”
“I’m not sure she’s the best choice for you,” Tasha said.
“You aren’t the first person to say that,” I replied.
“You, Clarissa?”
“Yes. I don’t really know the Orthodox girls, having only met them at church, so I can’t comment. It’s my opinion he’d be better off with Maggie or Sophia.”
“The Greek girl he went skiing with?” Tasha asked.
“She decided marrying a doctor isn’t off limits,” I said. “But there are other areas of conflict, such as her not wanting to stay and practice in this area.”
“That’s a big challenge, I would think,” Tasha said.
“It is,” I agreed. “But I have time to work things out because I promised you I wouldn’t make any decisions until we had our talk after graduation.”
“But we both know how it will turn out, right?”
“And in our lives, nothing has ever changed out of the blue because of some unexpected event?” I asked.
“So, you still think it’s possible?”
“Anything is possible, Tasha. I won’t absolutely foreclose the possibility until June. Too many things could happen before then.”
“True. And it’s not like it would be torture to be married to you!”
“Gee, thanks,” I replied sarcastically.
“Oh, stop!” she said with a soft laugh. “What I said before is true, but as you say, it is not impossible, just unlikely.”
We arrived back at Doctor Blahnik’s house to find Sandy waiting for us, along with José and Rebekah, and Sophia, Robby, and Lee. Glenda arrived a few minutes later and she and Clarissa moved away from the rest of us to talk.
“What do you think, Mishka?” Tasha asked in Russian.
“I have no idea,” I replied in Russian. “It depends on what the truth of the matter is.”
Kimiko arrived just then, interrupting the conversation. We exchanged a chaste hug, which was the norm for any public greeting between us. Pete, Jason, and Fran arrived a few minutes later, which was a surprise. It was also a surprise that Pete had arranged for a motel and invited Sandy to join him. I was somewhat confused about why they hadn’t communicated, but Sandy didn’t seem upset. A minute later, Clarissa came up to me and asked me to the guest bedroom.
“A misunderstanding,” Clarissa said. “She thought the game was tomorrow, just as you did. Would you be upset if I stayed with her tonight?”
“Not at all. Where?”
“Glenda called Jennifer earlier and arranged for us to stay at her house. She tried to call me, but we’d already left West Monroe. Glenda only found out right before she left home when she said something to her mom who told her the game was Monday, not tomorrow.”
“Good,” I said.
“You were just as worried as I was.”
“I suspect so,” I said.
“Are you alone then? I see Pete’s here, so I guess Sandy will be with him.”
“So it would seem. I’ll live!”
Clarissa laughed, “I’m sure there will be plenty of bed warmers available if you’re interested!”
“Violet isn’t here,” I grinned.
“I’m sorry I said anything to Tasha before.”
“It’s OK. I just need you to be careful with what you say to Tasha and Jocelyn. I share things with you that I don’t share with them.”
“And they both get to sleep with you.”
“You get to sleep with me, Lissa! It’s the stuff we do before we sleep that’s different!”
“I was surprised by Tasha.”
I chuckled, “I wasn’t. You’re talking about the girl who at fifteen told me that all things were possible in the marriage bed and she wanted to do ALL of them when the time was right!”
“I think she missed the mark,” Clarissa teased.
“Perhaps,” I agreed with a silly grin. “But that’s between her and Father Herman. Shall we go out? I need to find Deb’s younger sister so we can practice our duet at least once before we sing it for real.”
Clarissa smirked, “You sing Endless Love to her and she’s going to be in your bed tonight, guaranteed.”
“I haven’t even met her!”
“How many non-Orthodox weddings have you been to?”
“Zero,” I replied.
“Weddings put girls in the mood,” Clarissa said. “Add in New Year’s Eve AND you singing to her? Sure thing.”
“I seriously doubt that.”
“Want to make a friendly wager?” she asked saucily.
“I remember what happened with Kristin,” I said. “So I expect I’d lose that bet.”
“And Fate has delivered you a bed devoid of other women!”
“Oh, stop!” I chuckled. “Let’s go find Chloe.”
We left the guest bedroom and found Deb who introduced her sister, a pretty dark-haired girl with nice curves.
“Mike and Clarissa, meet my sister Chloe. Chloe, meet Mike and Clarissa.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said.
“Same here,” she replied.
“Doctor Blahnik is in the music room,” Deb said. “She’s waiting on you two.”
Chloe and I went into the music room, where the wedding was going to be held. The room had been rearranged a bit, with the piano in a corner in what would be the back of the room, given the way the folding chairs were arranged. Doctor Blahnik walked over to the piano and we joined her. I’d sung the song many times with Milena, so it was just a matter of any minor variations in the way Doctor Blahnik would play the accompaniment that I needed to hear.
“I hear you’ve sung this duet before with Milena,” Chloe said.
I nodded, “I have, but she’s going to be otherwise occupied when it comes time to sing!” I said with a grin.
“Shall we?” Doctor Blahnik asked. “No need to belt it out. Clarissa? Would you shut the doors please?”
“Would you play through once?” I asked. “I’d like to hear how you play versus how Milena plays.”
Doctor Blahnik smiled, “You’re learning.”
“I have a very good teacher!”
She laughed and played through the song, and I listened for any variations. There were a few, but they were minor, mostly different flourishes. When she began again, both Chloe and I sang softly, and neither of us put too much emotion into it. We ran through it as second time and both of us said we were comfortable.
“Milena and Joel wrote the entire ceremony,” Doctor Blahnik said. “Judge Landon is officiating, but he really only has a small part. Mike, you’re going to sing Every Woman in the World, just before they exchange their vows.”
“Against my better judgment,” I replied.
“I hear you!” Doctor Blahnik said with a soft laugh. “But you know Milena can be a romantic little girl at times.”
“Which is a good thing,” I said.
“And Chloe is going to sing We’ve Only Just Begun.”
“Kill me now,” I chuckled.
“Oh, stop!” Doctor Blahnik laughed. “You’re a romantic at heart! Do you need to rehearse your piece? Or the one you’re singing in place of the bridal march?”
I’d practiced earlier in the day by singing to Clarissa, who had done her best to make ‘goo goo’ eyes at me, trying to get me to laugh.
“I’m ready,” I said.
“Good! See you both in about twenty minutes!”
I left the music room and saw that most of the rest of the guests had arrived. Derek was talking to an older couple who I assumed were Joel’s parents, as the man bore a resemblance to Joel. I recognized most of the guests as Milena’s friends, but there were a few others who I assumed were Joel’s. I got myself a glass of ice water, then joined Clarissa, Glenda, Kimiko, and Tasha.
“How was your skiing trip?” Kimiko asked.
“I didn’t break anything,” I replied with a silly smile. “But I also didn’t attempt any runs that were too difficult because it was my first time. Have you ever skied?”
“No. Did you like it enough to want to do it again?”
“I think so, yes.”
“What did you do, Clarissa?”
“Hung out with Tasha and Jocelyn. Have you met her?”
“Not yet,” Kimiko replied. “She’s supposed to be here in August, I think.”
“Actually in June,” I said. “She’s going to take a Summer class. Things aren’t so good at home for her.”
“That seems to be a pattern for all the girls you’re close to,” Clarissa said with a soft laugh.
“Sadly,” I said. “But I had problems at home, too, so maybe it’s just something that happens when you go your own way and your parents don’t agree.”
“No doubt! Shall we get our seats? It’s about ten minutes to go.”
We went into the music room and everyone took seats, with Kimiko and Clarissa saving a seat between them for me. I went to stand by the piano and wait. A few minutes later the judge walked to the front of the room and Doctor Blahnik came to sit at the piano.
“Ready to make some beautiful music together?” she asked with a sly smile.
I chuckled, “I’m still a student!”
She laughed, “You blushed SO deeply last time. You’re not blushing now!”
“I’m not the same person I was a year ago!” I replied.
“I’ll remember that in eighteen months!” she said with a wink.
Deb signaled that Milena and Joel were ready, so Doctor Blahnik began playing Ready To Take A Chance Again. It was fitting, given what Milena had done to reconnect with Joel. They walked down the aisle together, followed by Deb and a guy I didn’t recognize, but later found out was Joel’s friend Herb.
My life goes along as it should,I finished just as they arrived in front of the judge, and turned to face their gathered friends and family. They began by alternating telling their story, of how they met at thirteen, fell in love, lost touch, and then found each other. I’d heard Milena’s side of the story, but it was interesting to hear Joel’s side, which filled in the missing pieces for me.
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April 7, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio “Hi, Mikey!” Liz said when I walked in the door of the house just after 11:00am. “Hi!” I replied. “You saw Paul?” “I did. Everything seems to be going OK. He said you had a good talk at breakfast this morning.” “I’m DYING, Mike! I need him to take me in his arms and...” I held up my hand and interrupted, “I get the picture!” “How are things with Angie?” “We only talked about her a little bit. This was mostly about me.” “Are you having trouble?” I...
February 11, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi, Mike!” Emmy exclaimed when Liz and I arrived at the apartment she shared with her cousin. Liz and I greeted her and she let us in. “What’s the plan, Em?” Liz asked. “The other girls will be here soon. We can go out or just order pizza and hang out here. My cousin bought a video cassette recorder, and she has some movies, or we can rent one from the store down the street, or we can go to the theater.” “Do you care, Mike?” Liz asked. I shook my...
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January 1, 1984, McKinley, Ohio Chloe melted into my arms and molded her body against mine and we began swaying to All Out of Love. I very much enjoyed the full-body contact, but something just felt different. I realized that I, too, had been enthralled by our duet, but it had worn off. I wondered if that was true for Chloe as well. If it had, then she wouldn’t ask; if it hadn’t, and she did, I’d promised to say ‘yes’. And truth be told, I knew I wanted to feel the body which was currently...
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June 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Unbelievable,” Milena sighed as she snuggled close. We were sitting very close together in bed, leaning against pillows which were against the wall, the sheet pulled up only to our thighs, and wine glasses in our hands. “What?” I asked. “That something so gentle and so slow could make me feel better than a night of crazy sex.” “Isn’t that what happened with Joel?” I asked. “You told me that mostly it was just making love then talking for hours.” “But we’re...
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September 24, 1983, McKinley, Ohio On Saturday morning, I was up at 4:30am, quickly showered, dressed, and left Sophia in my bed while I went to the lab to take down the readings and complete the checklists. I was back about 6:10am and Sophia was still sleeping. I changed into my running clothes and headed back outside. As I ran, I thought about my conversation with Sophia the previous evening. I didn’t have an easy answer for Angie, any more than I’d had one for Jocelyn, and I was...
September 27, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “That was not what I expected, AT ALL!” I said when Robby, Lee, Angie and I left for karate on Tuesday afternoon. “Two kilos is distribution amounts,” Robby said. “Forget expulsion, he’s going to do some serious jail time unless he has a good lawyer who can arrange for him to cop a plea.” “The funny thing is,” Lee said, “he had such a rep as a partier, I wouldn’t be shocked if that was his personal stash!” “Oh, come on!” Robby exclaimed. “Do you realize...
September 3, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “So now what?” she asked after about ten minutes of silence. A lot had run through my mind in those ten minutes. Jocelyn and I were two very different people, and I wondered if ‘Jos’ and ‘Mik’ actually still existed, or if they, too, had died as a direct result of that accident. And if they had, then what? Was there ANYTHING which could be salvaged from the past? Was Jocelyn even capable of having that kind of friendship? Her psyche was a complete mess,...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
April 1, 1984, McKinley, Ohio Highly annoyed, I opened the door to find Bill, one of the nighttime campus security officers. “Hey, Bill; what’s up?” “Is anyone here with you, Mike?” “Another student, why?” “May I look? Just to see who’s here?” “If you tell me why.” “We got a call from an irate father that his fourteen-year-old daughter is in this dorm.” “Wonderful. Sure, step in; only Laura is here.” He stepped in and saw Laura, who was sitting on the bed. I realized given how small...
January 4, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “How was New Year’s in Indianapolis?” I asked Dale when we sat down with our food at A&W. “Clara and I broke up,” he replied. “Whoa!” Jocelyn gasped. “What happened?” “It was building for the past few months,” Dale replied. “I’m not ready to be tied down as far as she wanted to tie me down.” “I don’t know,” I smirked, “I hear that can be fun!” Dale nodded, “Oh, it can!” Clarissa and I laughed and Jocelyn rolled her eyes as she had done so often...
November 13, 1983, McKinley Ohio Kimiko had spent the night with me on Saturday, and Clarissa joined the two of us to go to church. The previous night, when Clarissa had spoken my thoughts, we’d simply hugged, she’d kissed my cheek, and left, letting Kimiko know I was waiting for her. The previous twenty-four hours had been almost surreal, but also clarifying. But it wasn’t over just yet — I had my date with Tasha, which I felt was going to be equally enlightening. Kimiko hadn’t said...
September 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you sure, Tasha?” I asked. “I’ve never done that and I’m not sure I know how.” “The book said some people enjoy it while others don’t. Will you try?” “I think I read the same book,” I replied. “The Joy of Sex?” “Yes, that was the book. So you know how it’s supposed to work?” “Mechanically, yes, but Tasha...” “Mishka,” she said gently. “You are my first lover, and the one I want to experience everything with. I’ve told you that for a long...
May 28, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio Later that morning, I stared at the phone, trying to decide exactly what I was going to say to Janey. My problem was, that even asking her to have lunch was fraught with problems. If we were seen together, AND it got back to Tasha, or worse, Deacon Vasily, that would be the end of any possible relationship with Tasha. And the more I thought about it, the more convinced I was that I didn’t want to do that. That said, I didn’t want to have the conversation with...
November 22, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio I’d expected an immediate reaction but for a good thirty seconds, you could have heard a pin drop in the sitting room. The silence quickly grew oppressive and suffocating. I carefully watched Deacon Vasily’s face and specifically his eyes, and waited for the eruption which was bubbling just below the surface, but his wife beat him to it. “Sasha,” she asked softly, a tear running down her cheek, “are you sure?” “Yes, Mom, I’m sure.” “How did this...
May 29, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “What happened yesterday?” Mom asked when I came downstairs on Sunday morning. “What do you mean?” “You and Tasha.” I shrugged, “I might have decided I’d had enough of Deacon Vasily and went to Tasha’s house and announced we were going to Grant Park and that I’d have her to church for Vespers, and then after Vespers, announced we were going to Pizza Inn for dinner.” “What’s the real story?” Mom asked with a knowing smile. “That’s the real story. Tasha...
April 27, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I think I’ve finally recovered,” I said as Lara and I headed to the movies on Friday evening. “Sleep?” “And gorging myself on rich foods which I hadn’t eaten for two months! My body was totally out of whack. But I wouldn’t trade Lent and Holy Week for anything.” “You’re sure you’re OK with seeing Racing with the Moon?” “It’s what you chose, so yes. If I didn’t want to see something, I wouldn’t have said ‘pick whatever you want’!” “Is your sister still...
December 17, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio As soon as we started kissing, Hannah started tugging at my clothes, pulling my polo shirt from my jeans. We broke the kiss and she pulled my shirt over my head and reached for my belt. Less than a minute later she had me naked. “Wow!” she gasped. “It’s huge! And you can fit it in me?” “Yes,” I replied with a grin. “If you want.” “I want!” “I think you’re wearing too many clothes!” Hannah laughed and began quickly removing her clothes — sweater,...
February 19, 1984, Cincinnati, Ohio “Hi, Mike!” Anna exclaimed when she opened the door to her parents’ house. “Hi.” “Come on in. You remember Kyle, I’m sure!” “I do,” I replied, then set my bag down and knelt on the floor. “Hi, Kyle!” “Hi!” I held out my hand and he put out his little hand and we shook, then I stood up. “This is my sister, Gina.” “Hi,” I said. “Not quite the greeting he gives Steve, is it?” Gina said. “I miss Steve!” Kyle declared. “The guy from Milford I was...
October 27, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “How did your clandestine tryst go?” Mom asked with a smile when she arrived home. “OK. Maggie is suffering under pretty harsh restrictions; in a way, they’re even worse than the ones you imposed on Liz, and Maggie didn’t really do anything other than go to church with me, read some Orthodox books, and say some Orthodox prayers. I mean, I could at least understand somewhat if she and I had fooled around, but we didn’t.” “And you think her dad knows that?...
January 5, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Should I lie on the couch?” I asked with a silly grin. “If you feel more comfortable. Some people do better face to face, some do better when they can’t see the therapist, others prefer side-by-side. You’ll learn that for what you’ll call your ‘bedside manner’, no two patients will respond the same way. You and one other young man who shall remain nameless to protect the guilty, just want straight shooting, no mincing words. Others need enough embroidery to...
February 11, 1984, West Monroe, Ohio After I left Doctor Mercer’s office, I stopped at a deli on Route 50 in Milford, bought a cup of coffee and a bagel, and then headed towards West Monroe. I was still chuckling to myself over the revelation that Emmy had told all of my sister’s friends about my measurements, and apparently my prowess, and that had led to Mindy’s full-court press, as well as attention from the other girls, which, until they turned sixteen, had been a bit of flirting, but...
April 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “«Ты говоришь по-русски?»” I asked when I recovered from the double shock. “«Удивлены»?” “I don’t think surprised even scratches the surface!” I replied in English, not wanting to give up any nuances of my speech. “What’s your full name?” “Larissa Sergeyevna Federova. I was named for ‘Lara’ in Doctor Zhivago, but I go by Laura Sera Bragg. My parents divorced when I was little and both remarried. My mom changed her and my legal name to Bragg, which is my...
September 30, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind. Well, perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration, but compared to other first kisses, this one was certainly memorable — a soft touching of lips, a light hug with Kimiko’s small, silk-covered breasts brushing lightly against me, and her hand lightly on my back. Kimiko broke the kiss, looked me in the eyes, and whispered,...
December 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “You really object to Emmy and Clark being together because they’re from different races?!” I asked, completely taken aback. “I’m sorry,” Kimiko replied meekly. “I was trying to describe how Japanese felt about mixed-race children, especially those of black American soldiers and Japanese women. But it’s really any mixed-race children or relationships, because they are not pure Japanese.” “So if you and I were to marry, and have kids who were half-Japanese,...
August 7, 1983, McKinley, Ohio The phone in my room rang late Sunday afternoon while Milena and I were relaxing and listening to music. “Hi, Mikey!” “Hi, Liz! What’s up?” “Guess whose parents came home WAY earlier than expected? Three guesses, and the first two don’t count!” “«Говно». Maggie’s.” “Right the first time.” “And?” “Grounded for two centuries, I think.” “Wonderful,” I sighed. “It’s worse, Mikey.” “How could it be worse?” “Her dad found the books you gave her and the...
January 7, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Thanks for the lift, White Boy!” Clark said as we got out of my Mustang. “Somebody had to drag your lazy black ass the last fifty miles, and I have sympathy for the mentally challenged,” I deadpanned. “Hey, Cracker, are you saying I’m dumb because I’m black?” “Not at all! You being dumb has absolutely nothing to do with the color of your skin!” “Fuck you, Honky!” “I love you too!” I grinned. We both laughed, shook hands, and with Clarissa following...
June 25, 1983, McKinley, Ohio I awoke to someone pounding on my door and calling my name. A quick glance at the clock showed it was 2:50am. I quickly got out of bed, pulled on shorts and a t-shirt and went to the door. I opened it to see a girl in a robe. “What’s up?” “Cecilia said to come get you. One of the girls is really sick!” “Did someone call for an ambulance?” I asked. “I don’t know.” “Call right now. Use my phone. Where are they?” “243!” I hurried down the hall into the...
December 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Exams had gone well, and Clarissa, Sandy, and I didn’t have a Friday exam because of our work in the lab only had an evaluation, which we’d each received earlier in the week. We’d all received excellent reviews, which meant an A for the course for each of us. Our stats exam had actually been a breeze, as had the biochemistry exam. The psychology exam was moderately tough, but I was sure I’d achieved at least a B, which meant I would have an A for the course....
Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. I respectfully disagree. Opposites attract, and it often works wonders. Please allow me to elaborate on that, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Joel Saint-Vincent, and I was born in the City of Montreal, Quebec, to a Haitian immigrant father and a French Canadian mother. My folks, Lucas Saint-Vincent and Marlene Tremblay split when I was in the tenth grade, and I guess you could say that I come from a broken home. I’d like to think that my...
August 26, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Told you!” Clarissa laughed as she and I relaxed in my room after breakfast. “They sat with us at breakfast,” I said, then grinned, “So what?” “Even YOU aren’t that clueless, Petrovich!” “Just because Rebekah said she thought I fingered the frets expertly when I played the guitar?” “And she batted her eyelashes and flipped her hair. Short of asking you to fuck her, she couldn’t BE any clearer about what she wanted.” “Well, she’ll need to find a different...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
March 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Sorry about earlier,” she said. “My roommate was being a bitch.” “Something specific?” I asked. “She’s been on the rag ever since our second week here. Guy trouble. I guess she thought you were trying to use me.” “I can see why she would think that,” I replied. “You and I don’t know each other except basically by sight and name, I sang to you, and you came to my room.” “If I were totally clueless about life, I could see it. But I knew what was going on!...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Andrea's Goes to School and begins to grows up By Robin Y. School started at St. Theresa's Junior High in September and I was excited and fearful to start my freshman year. Thus far, my new life as a girl had been limited to being with Aunt Hilda and her friends. The few other teens that I met didn't seem to be interested in including me in their circles. When school started things changed. In ninth grade all the girls came from different feeder schools. Most girls had at least one...
Time Stands Still Chapter Eight: Junior By 9:30 a.m. As the couple hugged each other, Jack comforting his wife. I went to find Junior and tell him the bad news. Walking down the hall, I opened the first door that led to the basement. Jack had fixed Junior a complete suite in the basement. I walked down the steps and the noise and laughter got louder. The door was closed, so I knocked. "Junior, its Renee. Can I come in?" "Renee! Sure, the door's open. Come...
MAGIC MEDICINE Christopher Halstead was at the end of his tether. He was only 50 years old but felt deep down in his soul that his useful life had come to an end. To understand why it is necessary to go back some twenty-five years. In 1992 Christopher married his childhood sweetheart Amy. He and Amy had grown up in adjacent houses; attended the same schools; and had had an unspoken 'understanding' from their teens. They only occasion they spent time apart was whilst they were at...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
November 19, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “You know I think you’ve made a terrible mistake and given Sasha bad advice, right?” Clarissa asked after we got into my Mustang for the drive to my parents’ house. “Obviously.” “Her life is going to be very, very difficult.” “And living with her conscience after what she would consider murder would be easy?” “It’s not murder, Mike,” Clarissa said firmly. “I know that’s what you believe, and I know that’s what the law says, but I also know what she’s...
July 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you OK?” Clarissa asked on Friday morning as we lay in bed together. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “You seemed a bit out of sorts last night. Did that kiss bother you?” I smiled, “Not the way you mean. It was just, well, to be blunt, fighting a reaction. And losing.” Clarissa laughed softly, “I know. I felt it when I spooned. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I liked the kiss. The other reaction is kind of involuntary. As I keep saying, testosterone knows NOTHING about...
June 18, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Becky, this is my friend Milena; Milena, Becky.” “Hi!” Milena said. “I hope I’m not intruding.” “Hi,” Becky replied. “You aren’t. Mike told me you were going to hang out with us tonight.” “Do you drink wine?” Becky laughed, “My pastor would have a cow, but he’s not here!” Milena laughed, “And shacking up with Mike, THAT would be OK?” “Well, no!” Becky laughed, blushing slightly. Milena uncorked the bottle of wine while I got three glasses from the...
June 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Wednesday at the Quick Mart was very much like Tuesday, though there were no deliveries, so I had time to work through a number of items on Mr. Sokolov’s list. That kept me busy, and away from Nancy except for when it was time for her breaks. She apologized again and I replied as I had before, just telling her to take her break. Maybe I was being a jerk, but I was honestly quite upset with her, and really didn’t think there was much to talk about. When my shift...