Fitness By Flash Elena
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Just when I was beginning to feel that my one night of weakness was not going to haunt me for the rest of my life, disaster struck. I found out that someone else on the team knew our secret, and in a bizarre twist of Murphy's Law, it was the worst possible person. Elena, our hot-blooded, rebellious keeper, had me by the short hairs.
Elena Ruiz was a fiery, self-absorbed Latino girl who probably should have been kicked off the team for her disruptive behavior. But she was one of the best goalkeepers in the state, and we would have found it a lot more difficult to compete without her in goal. She wasn't at all shy about using that fact to make life miserable for her coaches and teammates. Even some of the parents had questioned us about why we let her get away with things that would have landed any other player on the bench. It was difficult for me to swallow some of the shit she dished out and still work with her, especially since the rest of the players were so much fun to be around and eager to work hard for the good of the team. But it had gotten even harder for me to put up with her since Susan had told me that Elena might be attracted to me. I tried to keep things on a very professional level between us, and she had never shown any overt signs of being interested in me. I began to wonder, and hope, that maybe Susan had misinterpreted something the chatty Ms. Ruiz had said, and that she really wasn't interested in me.
But all my hopeful illusions ended suddenly one day after practice. We had finished as we usually did, with a half-field scrimmage. We had a State Cup elimination tournament coming up, and I was pushing the players even harder than usual. If we played soft against some of the teams we would meet in that tournament, they would hand our heads to us. Don't think of women's soccer as just being some kind of gentle, girlish activity. Girls, especially those serious enough to want to play in college, are just as aggressive and determined as guys. I've had more than one referee tell me that girls games are actually harder to call than boys. I've never been one to teach or encourage dirty play, but for weeks I had been trying to get some of our more timid players to step up their game. On this day, that attitude adjustment had resulted in one of our more docile forwards crashing into Elena as she came out of goal to stop a low shot. Elena took a cleat in the thigh, and came up swinging. I jumped in quickly and got them players separated, but as I did so I noticed some blood on Elena's leg.
I decided we had accomplished everything we needed to that day and declared the practice over. The rest of the players started leaving, but I told Elena to wait for me at my car so I could tend to her wound. I opened up the back of my SUV and she sat over the bumper while I dug out my first aid kit. The cleat mark was high on the inside of her thigh, but thankfully it wasn't very deep.
"You know that bitch did that on purpose," Elena complained, as I started cleaning the area.
"Um, yeah," I reluctantly agreed, "in a game that might have earned her a yellow card. But I like her aggressiveness." I had been trying to get Stacy to be more forceful all season, and honestly hadn't minded what had happened at all. It indicated that the girls were finally starting to develop the harder edge that I had been pushing for.
"Next time, I take her out," Elena huffed.
"I thought you were too tough to let anything like that bother you," I said, as I applied a bandage to the hole in her leg.
Elena didn't respond to my barb. Instead, she took the conversation in a different direction. "Do you know," she almost whispered, "that you're touching me in a place that would get any other guy slapped."
Actually I had been trying not to notice where my hands were. But now that she had brought it up, I became acutely aware of what I was doing. Her knee was raised and her legs were spread to grant me access to the cleat mark. To anyone just passing by, it could easily have looked like I was inappropriately touching her upper thigh. I didn't want respond to her comment, knowing that she was just trying to give me a hard time, but something about her attitude made me want to get in a jab of my own. "That's interesting, because from what I hear, you don't mind having guys put their hands in places like this."
She could have, and should have, been upset by that, but instead she grinned at me. "Ouch, coachie. That's harsh. Don't you think I'm a nice girl?"
"Yeah, you're a real little angel. But you do like your chicos, right?"
"Oh yeah, coachie, I do like the guys, and they like me. By the way, how are you and your little girlfriend getting along?"
I looked at her, and something in the devilish way she was looking at me confirmed my paranoia. I knew exactly what she was talking about before I even asked. I played dumb anyway, hoping that maybe I was wrong. "What are you talking about?"
"C'mon, coachie. I know all about you and Susan. So, are you still banging her, or was it a one-night stand?"
It was a hot day, but I felt a chill run down my spine. My worst fear had come true. Apparently Susan hadn't been able to keep her mouth shut. And if Elena knew, it was like putting it on the six o'clock news. I didn't see any point in trying to deny it, but I had to know the extent of the damage. "How did you ... did Susan... ?"
"Don't panic. I'm the only one that knows, so far. And don't be mad at your little sex toy. She hasn't been going around bragging about getting you in the sack, if that's what you are afraid of. I just kind of figured it out on my own, then tricked that skinny little white girl into admitting it."
"What gave it away?" If Elena had figured it out, there might be others that had also.
"I saw how you guys were acting that weekend at the tournament. It was almost like you were trying very hard not to look at each other, but whenever you did make eye contact, you both would get this stupid little grin on your face for a second. You guys were cool, but I'm pretty good at picking up little things like that. When I found out that you two had been alone in the hotel Thursday night, everything made more sense. But I still wasn't sure, so last week I cornered Susan after practice and just flat out asked her if she had enjoyed having sex with you. She panicked and said, 'Who told you?' That's all I needed to know. And since you haven't tried to deny it either, it must be true, right?"
Damn, I had helped sink my own ship. "So what do you want? How much will it cost me to keep your mouth shut?"
"Coachie, don't be silly. I don't want money from you. I'll keep my mouth shut. But..."
"But, what?"
"Well, I would kind of like to find out what put that smile on Susan's face that weekend. How about spreading a little of your loving my way?"
"Sorry, Elena. I made a mistake with Susan, and I don't intend to make the same mistake again. My days of having sex with my players are over."
"Are you sure? I might not want any money from you, but I still think I can use your little secret to my advantage. It's kind of ... hmmm, what's the word I learned in my business class last semester? Leverage, yeah, that's it. I think I can leverage you right between my legs. So what do you say, coachie, want to try a little Latin lovin'?"
The worst part was that I had to admit, I was interested. Elena wasn't the prettiest girl in the world, but as her dark eyes locked on mine and a wicked grin slowly spread across her face, I felt something stirring inside me; something not entirely nice. Yeah, if I had been seven or eight years younger and she had made that offer, I would have accepted it eagerly. But my conscience was still tender from the bruising it had taken in that hotel room with Susan, and it was screaming "don't, don't" just as loudly as the animalistic side of my brain was saying "yes, yes".
When I didn't answer her immediately, she realized that I was at least thinking about it, and like any good salesperson she went for the kill. "Don't panic, I don't want to start any long-term relationship or anything. I just think a little roll in the hay with Elena would be good for you. It might get that stick out of your ass. And I'm serious, I will start telling other people what I know if I have to. I don't always play nice, you know."
I guess a man with more moral fiber or self-confidence might have taken her up on her dare, and been ready to deny all the innuendoes and rumors that might have arisen, but I wasn't ready to fight that battle. Besides, as I said, the price she was demanding wasn't all that terrible anyway. But this time my lust was combined with anger at being manipulated by that little bitch. After putting up with her crap for several months, and then being blackmailed by her, I was in no mood to have some cute "roll in the hay" with her. I had another picture in mind.
"OK," I sighed, "you win. But, one time only, and you keep your mouth shut."
"Of course, coachie. Hey, do you think you're the first older guy I've been with? My GPA has come up half a point this year, and it's not just because I'm studying more. So, you want to drive me somewhere more private, or do you want to do me right here in the back of your car? It looks like everybody else is gone."
"Get serious," I growled. "I'll let you know where, and when. Just give me a few days."
"OK, but don't take too long. My panties are already damp, and I don't think it's all sweat."
My first idea was to have Elena come to my apartment some evening, have our quickie, and be done with it. But I decided that wasn't such a good idea for a couple of reasons. First, I really didn't want Elena to know where I lived. Second, some of my neighbors were a little nosy. Some of them knew I was coaching a girls' team, and I was afraid that if they saw a teenage girl coming to my place they might get the wrong idea, which, in this case, would be the right idea. I considered doing what she had suggested and just go park with her somewhere and do the dirty deed in the back of my Explorer. But I hadn't grown up in this town, and didn't know where an appropriate place would be. Plus, I was a little paranoid about being caught. That only left one option, the last refuge for cheating spouses and horny men on the make, a cheap no-tell hotel.
We lived in an area where tourism is a major industry, so finding a place was no problem. I picked one far away from where most of the team lived, and told Elena to meet me there at nine o'clock on a Friday night. That was a week after our State Cup qualifying tournament, which we won, thanks in no small part to Elena's spectacular and courageous play in goal. Because of that, she was feeling even cockier than usual when she showed up at the hotel. When I opened the door to let her in, she had that I'm-better-than-everyone grin on her face, the one I had grown to despise. As soon as I closed the door behind her, I started to chip away at her arrogant, over-confident attitude. I was still pissed at myself about being pushed around by a schoolgirl. I glared at her, not daring to crack a smile. I didn't say anything, or make a move toward her. She may have had me by the short hairs and was going to get what she wanted, but I was determined not to make it an enjoyable experience for her if I could help it.
"Aren't you going to kiss me, coachie?"
"I don't think so. We're here to have sex, right? Not to make love, or try to develop a romantic relationship. You want to have sex with me, and that's what's going to happen. So I'm going to treat you like a guy might treat some tramp he picked up in a bar. In fact, if you're good, I might leave an extra twenty on the dresser when I leave". She looked like I had slapped her in the face, much to my pleasure. Chalk one up for the home team.
"Take off your clothes." I barked it, making clear that it was an order, not a request.
'What about you?" she asked, as she stripped off her shirt and started to unclasp her bra.
I ignored her question. I was still determined to make her feel as uncomfortable as I could. Getting into a verbal sparring match with her was not part of that plan. I sat down in the cheap chair next to the bed, and watched quietly as she finished disrobing. Once she was naked, I let my gaze wander slowly over her body, as if I were inspecting a piece of livestock I was considering buying.
"Turn around," I commanded. I couldn't help comparing her to Susan, and the differences were striking. Susan was a greyhound, slender and delicate, with small breasts, a well-defined waist, and sleek hips and legs. Elena was more of a bulldog. Her body was stocky, with no real waistline. She had full, pendulous breasts, with large, dark nipples. My guess was that when she dressed for school, or a trip to the mall, her tops were tight and low-cut, to emphasize that feature of her body. Her legs held no surprise, I had seen her often enough in her soccer gear. Full, almost heavy-looking thighs that led to a thicker patch of black pubic hair than I had somehow expected. I could easily see how Elena would look like her mom by the time she was thirty, and that wasn't a compliment.
I was trying to stay cold, and act disinterested, but it was impossible to deny that having a young girl standing naked a few feet away from me was having an effect. She certainly wasn't ugly, and under better circumstances I might well have found her to be sexually interesting. She wasn't my type, exactly, but I couldn't stop my body from reacting to her nudity. I unzipped my pants, raised my hips, and slid my jeans and shorts down to my ankles without getting up. "Come suck my cock." It was another order, with no hint of 'please' in my tone or attitude. I was determined to play the role of the bad guy.
Unfortunately, their plans came to a grinding halt when the Elena's gynecologist told her that a cyst in her uterus was growing, and she had to keep her eye on it, because it would have to be cut out if it grew any further. Then, Fred's had a stint in the Army which took him to Iraq, and he was took Elena with him, because his communications job let him go home nights. Elena began feeling very uncomfortable in her belly, and the first thing she did when Fred was discharged was to get back...
Elena was a wonderful young woman when I met her, not that I could really understand much of what she was saying. Elena was a strange one, she wasn’t your typical beauty and she had a way about her, a glint in her eye that you couldn’t quite place. She was the child of a Catholic German father and a Jewish Czechoslovakian mother. They met when the Germans settled in Czechoslovakia and fell in love, much to the disgust of her parents, pregnant by a man who quickly fell out of love and chose not...
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Part one Two Three note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)The initial buzz of seeing my name printed at the...
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Group SexCONFESSIONS PT 1These are confessions and stories people have sent me and some have their name but others are anonymous. Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do? Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 1BY ANONWhen I was in the Army I had a buddy who was living with a Korean woman while her husband was overseas for a year or so. The woman had a daughter about 7 y/o and a son around 9. My friend...
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GayCONFESSIONS PT 7These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECEIVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======I love reading the confessions you have posted. Like most of the confessions I to started sniffing dirty panties as a young teenager I started with my mothers and sisters and then...
I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Allison and I've been in college for several years now. I'm 5' 5", blonde, have 36 C breasts, and I'm into both girls and guys. I guess the best way to describe myself personality wise is that I'm a good girl who is capable of doing horribly filthy things when I'm in the right mood. Anyway, the following story is true, and it happened during the first semester of my second year. During my first year of college, I have to say that I was a very good...
I am a soccer mom, hopelessly and forever. It's like I've heard some men say, "Once a Marine, always a Marine". Well it's the same for me. Dean is 23 now and is doing post graduate work at Upton College but I still call myself a soccer mom. He was only 13 when his dad took off and I was left to raise him and his sister Toni on my nurse's salary. We must have gone to scores and scores of games together, mostly here in town but occasionally, and especially at tournament time, to away games in...
Great. I was late for class again. O well, I thought as I casuallystrolled to the class I was 15 minutes late for. When I finally gotthere, I managed to find a seat in the crowded auditorium way in theback. Perfect. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit next to Teri. Teri wasgorgeous. She had beautiful brown hair with few blonde streaks. She had afemininely athletic body, toned muscles and all. This was because she wason the soccer team. Everything about her was beautiful. She was about5'10 and...
This is a story of two high school seniors, one a star soccer player on her way to college, the other, a mediocre lacrosse player at best joining the work force. His former high school was shutdown from the inside of the school parish six weeks before the semester started, so he was very angry, lonely and confused because his best friend went to a different school than his. He met her in his first period English class on the first day of classes. He didn’t know who anyone was in the class...
First TimeI have been a soccer official for almost fifteen years. I have been to small towns, large towns, huge communities, big schools, small schools, and have spent more time driving around to cities and communities that I'd never seen before. I have enjoyed it all the years I've done it. And it's one thing to do the things I love, but it's more enjoyable when things happen that I don't expect. What happened after my match on Tuesday night was one of those unexpected crazy things I will forever look...
TruePart One Two note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Most days were the same though my learning curve was fast and within a few months I was able to set up the studios for the different types of...
CONFESSIONS PART 9======Yes, I do sometimes wear panties in public. I remember the first time. I wore a pair to school one day obviously I picked a day when we didn’t have gym class! I remember the thrill of it and the fear of being caught. I think I must have had a hard on all day! Now, to be honest, I wear them most of the time because I still love the softness and lightness of the material. Just plain black simple cotton ones - I must have a couple of dozen pairs. Sometime I do wear guy...
Thank you. Xoxo, the text read. Sean cursed at the prospect of having to endure Michael's various caprices longer than necessary and at his inability to say no—more accurately: to say no to the pair of perky breasts Michael's mother, Sharon, used to keep in either no bra or a sports bra under her tank top. In combination with her yoga pants, this gave an overall picture that had Sean nodding absent-mindedly and stupidly commenting open-mouthed uh-huh's whenever she was talking to him, no...
Straight SexIt all began when soccer season did. Being on the team, I was obliged to travel with the other boys for matches, juggling my school work on top of daily practice and my match schedule. But despite that, each one of us on the team made sure to train extremely hard, and because of that, we just kept winning our matches. Unfortunately though, that also meant that we had to keep traveling further and further out as we continued winning and made a beeline toward nationals. Before long, we were...
Author’s Note: All persons in this work of fiction are at least 18 years old. ***** Leticia Clark is a tall, blonde forty year old divorced woman who is raising two teen-aged sons on her own. Her former husband pays her very generous child support and even sends her money for her personal expenses so she can be a full-time mother but otherwise has nothing to do with her or their children. One of her favorite activities is taking one or both of her sons to their soccer games and practices,...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women. His older brother...
Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...
Mature“you’ll need to get up soon” she said “remember dad’s not here this week to take you to Soccer so I’ve got the short straw”. “I know” I replied “thanks mom” “Ok, Darling” she said “what do you want for breakfast?” “just some eggs would be good mom please” I replied. I know I was spoilt by my mom but I was an only child so kind of made the most of it. She turned and started to leave the room, as she walked I could see her round ass move from side to side in her robe. She stopped on...
Soccer Practice. Clarinet Rehearsal. Anal Practice. Ballet Recital. Dinner. Homework. It’s 4:25pm, and she’s still lively as she trots to the van. How I admire her youth. Had I gone through a full day of classes only to follow up with an intense soccer practice, I would already be physically spent. But not her. And the day is only half done. She hops into the backseat, a huge smile on her face with sweat and grass stains on her side. This was her favorite activity of the day. Maybe second...
It was a warm fall day and the boys' varsity soccer team was scrimmaging. Shirts vs. Skins. Nick was a skin. Some of my colleagues suggested I should support the sports teams, get more "school spirit". Gag. But if it meant getting to see Nick's taught, glistening abs again, well, I guess I could take one for the team. Get it? Nick spotted me and jogged over to where I was sitting. "Hey, Miss Lane. What brings you here?" he asked oh so casually. "Oh, I've always been a sports fan, especially...
Group SexIt was very difficult for my son, David, to make the boys traveling soccer team in our small, suburban town near Miami. But after many years of effort and practice he made the team. I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor free of charge, but he made the team before I agreed to provide medical services. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys...
IncestI live in a typical quiet neighbourhood on the edge of a busy town, my neighbours are all typical busy working families with 2.4 c***dren and mortgage, where as I am a single guy in my early thirties.Now my neighbours to the right of me, John and Lucy Bennet are that typical perfect couple I was talking about, John works in office in town for a financial company making good money, Lucy is a the perfect stay at home mom with one k** at junior school, and between bake sales and soccer practice...
So I guess being married to a Soccer mom makes me a Soccer Dad. But as we all know some Soccer moms are hot and incredibly horny and will fuck anything. Well I have always had this feeling that Soccer moms talk about everything, including their husbands and significant others, if you know what I mean. Well anyway I digress. My wife is attractive and she has mentioned to me some of the other moms think I am good looking to which I always laugh. But little did I know where that would land me. ...
MILFMy name was Josh, I was a normal 18 year old lad who lived in a quiet village with this parents. One Sunday morning I awoke as mom entered my room. She walked towards my bed in her normal morning attire, a shortish robe that looked a little worse for wear held together by a tie round the middle. My mom leant over as she was leaving a cup of coffee by the side of my bed. As she leant over her robe splayed open a little at the top allowing me to get a quick glimpse of her big tits hanging free in...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
SOCCER MOMS Part 1After having brought up her daughter by herself for the last 15 years, Sheila was rather good at it. Her husband had left her with a 3-year-old daughter. He went for some milk with the car and never came back. Neither did the car. Sheila’s daughter Linda was into a lot of sports. She was attractive, well-built and lots of fun. She was a little older than most of the girls in her class since she had missed most of one year after a skiing accident. Sheila was nearly 40, middle...
Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls. Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys. Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach...
In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...
Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....
BisexualCONFESSIONS PT 6These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERS======nice i had an older 20 something girl at work that would change in the girls bathroom but at the end of the day i was the last one out and went in the bathroom to see what goodies i...
Hi, if we haven’t met yet, my name is Cindy; I’m a cocksucking, dick-riding, pussy-eating, ass-fucking cum slut. And these are my confessions. My very first orgasm, and the half-dozen that followed, I climaxed while a cock spurted hot cum in my mouth and I fingered myself. The next 20 or 30 times I came, I was squatting in a glory hole, again with a series of cocks in my mouth, leaking precum or shooting a load down my throat while I fingered myself. In college, I lived in a dorm with a...
I watched my mother looking through the window.She was in the kitchen washing the dishes on a weekend morning. She's a lawyer. Her schedule is always hectic. Often times she spends long hours in the office meeting with clients or writing legal briefs. If she had a courtroom appearance, she would spend her nights doing research on the computer and preparing for strenuous oral arguments. She has always been a naturally hard worker with a powerful drive to be successful.On the rare occasion that...
To be very honest, growing up, sport didn’t interest me at all. I always remembered my high school days, when straight guys would go into raptures about the most infinitesimal aspects of some or other game, discussing it as if it were the most important historical event that ever took place. I was always bored out of my mind by these trivialities and would escape at the earliest convenient moment. Although many of these guys rang every bell in my body, I simply couldn’t endure the mindless...
Gay Male