Niki s New LifeChapter 14 A new tail is woven in
- 4 years ago
- 38
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Over the next months, I won’t characterize the frequency of phone calls from Lena as sporadic, just not really consistent. I relished them. Really did. She’s bright. After the pall of Dad’s passing wore away, she became more light-hearted and funny. Email was a thing, too, all very benign – pictures flowing both ways – me of my worksite and the surrounding area, hers being cute things she found on the Internet to share, pensive notes on school and home.
Halfway through, I found myself beginning to fear that one day I’d get one that said, “Dear Jay – I met this guy...”
I guess I pressed the subject.
Lena-I got your pictures today. I’m glad to see you participating in extracurricular activities. You form friendships in those groups that will last a lifetime.
Refurbishing that old lady’s home is good for your karma, and it’s funny seeing a bunch of high school girls in old clothes and coveralls painting and cleaning.
I especially liked that close-up your friend shot of you. You look good with a rag tied over your hair and paint on your cheek.
You said that the guys from the group were doing the yardwork. I’m still surprised you’re not dating one of them.
I’m glad she didn’t reply to that note with a phone call. I don’t know that I might not have gone stupid.
Jay-Thank you for the pictures from your Saturday excursion. Mountains! Valleys! And I’ve never been out of Louisiana. I can only live through others sometimes. I’d love to see all that. One day I will.
About the guys in the service club, no, I won’t date any of them. I know they’re supposed to be sort of ‘upper tier’ because of their membership, but I listen to all the talk from girls who know them and those guys are still teenaged males. Yes, one of them will read a sonnet or discuss a classic film, but all the while that is a ploy to achieve a goal. That goal is not an honorable and long-lasting relationship. What they want, I’m not going to give, and I am not going to put myself on the path to being yet another faceless female to some guy who thinks entirely too much of himself.
Since you brought the subject up, I don’t think you understand how old-fashioned I am about some parts of life. I want to marry one day. I saw the marriage your folks had. Even after your mom passed away, your dad still revered her. We talked about that many times. I watched my own parents. They stayed together through the hard times, Dad’s employment troubles, the strain of raising poor Denny, all of that. They’re still together.
Mom says that love conquers all. I know that’s trite, but she believes it. Dad believes it. We go to church, and you know what the church teaches, but if you look around you’ll see how many people don’t take that message to heart.
So I have a goal. I may be reaching for the stars, but we’re meant to reach. We’re meant to keep our eyes on the divine.
I am not going to be diverted by some eighteen year old jock whose parents gave him his very own new pickup truck.
Okay, I read that one with a catch in my throat. Now she’d ruled out everybody up to the age of eighteen. That left college guys. It was approaching graduation time for Lena. Her grades kept her at the top of the class, maybe not the valedictorian, but certainly in the very top tiers. Conversations with her told me that she wasn’t the recipient of social promotions. She had a vocabulary and thought processes to go along with the grades.
And she wasn’t talking about college.
College! It’s getting close. I know you can do late registration, but you risk not getting the classes or schedules you want.
I hated the response I received.
Jay-I didn’t tell you. The money your dad left me – it’s gone. I had planned on helping Mom and Dad over a tight spot. The spot was bigger than I imagined.
I’ve been part-timing work for a while, you know, but no matter how thrifty I am, my bank account is not going to support summer or fall tuition. I was hoping for the summer semester, but there’s no way.
Darla says she can get me on with a friend at a REAL job in an industrial facility as an entry-level analyst. That’s what they call what used to be secretaries and administrative assistants now. Maybe, just maybe I could have enough to start the fall semester, but then I’d be back to part-time hours someplace because it’s not likely that an employer will work around my college schedule except maybe for a fast food joint.
I’m almost of a mind to take the industrial job and see if I can do night school. It might take years, but I could get a degree.
Do you have any ideas?
That warranted my return message.
This is not the news I wanted to hear. Call me as soon as you can.
I hit ‘send’. In five minutes the phone buzzed its way through Lena’s ringtone.
“Hey, Lena,” I said.
“Hi, Jay,” she said softly. “I guess I know what this is about.”
“College, Lena. Your future. Yes.”
“What I said in my email, that’s what happened. I know what you told me when I first found out about the money. I was just gonna help a little – a couple of thousand. Then Dad’s old truck blew an engine. Bills. Always bills. Jobs are just starting to pick up so Dad can find steady work, but when they weren’t around, Mom and Dad went pretty deep into a hole. What was I supposed to do? They raised me. I live there.”
I sighed. “You did what you had to do. Your parents raised a good daughter. I’d’ve probably done the same thing, sweetie,” I said. Yes. Pet name. “So now you’re planning...”
“To go to work after I graduate. Darla’s dad is an office whatever for this big industrial supply house. They were planning on putting an entry-level analyst on the payroll starting in June, because they knew that there would be graduates looking...”
“Lots of college grads, baby,” I said. Another pet name. I caught myself. I might be pushing it.
“I helped Darla get over a couple of hurdles. Her dad knows this. Darla’s going to college. He said he’d get me an inside track to that job if I wanted it. Darla’s going to intern with them over the summer. If I work out, I get a permanent job.”
“Lena,” I said, “That’s the curse of small success. You get something that will get you by, and you stop there. Don’t get trapped.”
“It has too much going for it, Jay. I could make enough to actually get out, maybe split an apartment with another girl, like I planned before...”
“That fell through. Your friends got the apartment, one of them immediately moved a boyfriend in and she got pregnant.”
“In retrospect, all too predictable,” she said.
“So naturally you’re thinking about doing the same thing and expecting different results.”
“I’m trying to find somebody like me, Jay.”
“There IS nobody like you, Lena.”
“I’m not all that, Jay.”
“You are, Lena. You can’t see it because you’re on the inside looking out.”
“Nobody else notices, Jay.”
“They do. One day somebody will...” I said it, inwardly hoping either that I was wrong or that I’d have a pistol in the ear of the guy that did.
“I don’t have choices, Jay. Another month...”
“I got your graduation invitation.”
“You said you’d be here.”
“And I will.”
More conversations over the next couple of weeks, she’s the one that broached the idea that she’d forever be tied down if she stayed with her mom and dad, and slowly she started considering the idea of starting anew somewhere else.
“That’s VERY difficult, Lena,” I said. “Move to a new town, get a job, set up housekeeping ... All on a shoestring. Difficult.”
There was a tone of silent desperation in her voice. “I’m trying to think of something. Make something happen. There’s got to be a way.”
“Lean on me, Lena. Whatever I can do...”
That’s not an easy note to take to bed. First, that a good friend was facing an apparently hopeless situation for a future, second, that I had an imagined feeling growing past the ‘help a young friend’ stage, over Lena.
The next three weeks went by, the dying stages of Phase One of my project. The general contractor knew my desire to take a couple of weeks from the middle of May. My boss came to talk with me.
“Jay, you ARE coming back for Phase Two, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said.
“The GANTT chart says we won’t actually NEED you until middle of June, soonest. Can’t keep you on the payroll. Is that going to be a problem?”
“No. I’m good. Still got the apartment. And the astronomical salary you guys give me, I was able to save TWO jars full of quarters.”
“You always did have stellar interpersonal skills. One reason I’m staying,” I laughed.
“I appreciate the continuity. We’re losing a lot of people,” he said.
I’m an electrical guy. I distinctly felt a current start to flow in the light bulb circuit in my head.
“How about your documents analyst?” I already knew she was leaving when I asked, but one must adhere to form.
“She’s gone. Her husband’s one of the process guys, right?”
“Yeah. He’s pulling up for a job in Galveston, Texas.”
“Imagine that – leaving the scenic state of Missouri to go to that fetid swamp.”
“You LIVED a hundred miles up the coast from that fetid swamp.”
“You know the difference between Louisiana and a steaming pile of shit, Andy?”
Andy knows my sense of humor. He steels himself. “I’ll regret this, but tell me.”
I smiled. “The difference between Louisiana and a steaming pile of shit is the Texas state line.”
“Old,” Andy grimaced. “First time I heard it, it was the Sabine River.” The Sabine River is a big part of the line that divides Louisiana and Texas, so the joke would still work well, but I didn’t expect Andy to know it.
“You said you wanted to get back home for a week or two anyway. Go. Visit old friends and family. That’s what I’m doing. See you back here on Monday, the third week of June.”
“Nothing like a construction site in the summer,” I said. “Now, back to my question about that records analyst.”
“You got somebody?”
“I might.”
“Interest me,” he said.
“Eighteen. Graduates high school in a couple of weeks. I’m going to watch her do it.”
“No experience.”
“She has been part-timing in retail. She does things in the office. Smart. Like a 3.9 GPA. Sciences. Math. Computer-literate, past the point Livy was, for damned sure. She’ll learn fast.”
“I don’t even know if she’s interested,” I said. “But if I can get ‘er...”
“Here’s how we’ll do it,” he said. “YOU, my Cajun friend, are going to be her supervisor. You train ‘er.”
“Extra pay?”
“Oh, hell no. Off the books. Docs clerk is under the project engineer’s umbrella, but I’ll explain the situation. I hope it works.”
Inwardly I thought ‘I hope SHE takes the opportunity.’ “If she tries, Andy, she’ll succeed.”
“How well do you know this girl?”
“She’s my dad’s next door neighbor. I met ‘er when they moved next door. She’s been helping Dad right up until the end. Very responsible. Mature for her years. Smart. Kind of dead-ended where she is, though.”
Old Andy’s eyes softened. “Giving a kid a chance. Mighty decent of you.”
“I try.”
“No, I’m serious. You weren’t on Leslie’s scoreboard.”
Leslie was what we call a ‘plant 10’, a girl who might be a five or six anywhere outside an industrial site. She fucked just about anybody who’d buy her a couple of dinners and a few drinks. Made herself available to me. I declined. One – morals. Two – rumors that one of her ‘partners’ had somehow picked up a strain of gonorrhea that took a flamethrower to kill.
“Not what I’m looking for, bud. You know me better.”
“I did after I heard you turned Leslie down. You got that apartment. You could’ve had a full-time Leslie.”
“Leslie got herself forty miles of dick off this project,” I said. “She’s got the morals of a cat in heat, and for heaven’s sake, she puts makeup on with a trowel...”
“So you stuff ‘er in the shower, scrub ‘er down, and THEN fuck ‘er.”
“Man, I love it when you’re subtle. But no. I’d rather have my time to myself, take off exploring on weekends.”
“I heard she could suck-start a Harley,” he laughed.
“Admirable skillset, I’m sure. Not exactly what my lifestyle is open for, though.”
The Monday before Lena’s Thursday graduation I had my truck packed with clothes and computer and other niceties. A hotel room, mid-range in price and amenities, was booked for my stay. I hit the road early in the morning, timing my drive to arrive at Lena’s in time for dinner.
Lena knew my itinerary.
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"May I help you, sir," the attractive young saleswoman asked while Ryan Majors scanned the display of night gowns that were marked at twenty percent off!?! "Uh, yes, maybe," he replied while feeling the material on one of the gowns!!! "Is it a present for your wife," the lady asked?!? "Yes," he replied, "it's our fifth wedding anniversary and I just thought that maybe she might like something like this!!!" The saleslady, who introduced herself as Dawn answered quickly, "These might be a little...
EroticPlease state if you thought the story was good or bad at the end, it only takes a few seconds. Gay-ass remarks lik "you sick fuck" will eiter be ignored or laughed at and striken from the vote count. The overall rating will also help me decide. Every vote counts, remember, if you want more like this then say so or I'll think you didn't like it and won't post anymore. I'll be checking back in about two weeks to see how the story has...
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You’re stood in front of me, your 8” heels pushing your calves high, nyloned legs silky, smooth and shiny in front of me. Your cock straining as I work it with my hand and mouth. My cock hard with precum dripping off the swollen end. You rub your cock on my nyloned legs, up over my nipples and towards my mouth. You stand before me with your hard cock looking at me, longing to be kissed, licked and sucked. I take you in my mouth, slowly drawing you in, my fingers wrapped around your hardness, my...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 74Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Vanakam, enathu peyar Sathish. Naan oru software niruvanathil vellai paarkiren vayathu 25, ennudan niraiya pengal vellai paarpaargal. Naan perumbaalum pengalodu mattume pazhaguven pasangalodu pazhaga maaten. Naan enudan pazhagum pengalai niraiya murai hotel roomil vaithu oothu irukiren aanal ippozhuthu enathu team leaderaga oru pen vanthu irukiraal. Avalathu peyar shalini vayathu 27 ennai vida 1 vayathu periya pen enbathaal aval konjam thimiraagave irupaal. Enathu niruvanam chennaiyil...
Samantha didn’t leave the cabin all day. She never felt hungry or even needed the toilet, all she could think about was that Will was dead. Murdered, just when everything was coming right again. Their whirlwind romance had been unbelievable. Will had pursued her relentlessly from the time he’d seen her in a TV advert. Flowers arrived daily and regular gifts of jewellery. He turned up at her door every night. At first, she resisted his advances but she soon gave in and found that being wooed...
I must admit I stood there for a full minute not quite able to take in exactly what had just happened. Not just in the preceding few minutes since reaching my hotel room but the evening as a whole.This sort of thing just doesn't happen to me. I’ve never found it easy to ‘pick up’ (I hate that phrase) women, especially in a bar or well, anywhere to be honest. Yet here I was with someone I had only known for a few hours, having mind blowing sex. To quote one comedian I have the sort of luck that...
Straight SexBobbi and James were new office neighbors in our multi-tenant office. James was an affable older fellow, in his fifties and Bobbi, while equally affable, was much younger and unsettlingly cute. James was an appliance installer and Bobbi was his office help, scheduling appointments for her husband.I helped them to get settled into their new offices when they brought in their office furnishings and we seemed to hit things off very well, right off the bat. Even though they weren’t from the little...
Office SexSlender brunette Anna de Ville and hot Latina Mathilde Ramos meet sex superstar Nacho Vidal; he and sexy Anna soon find themselves discussing anal sex. Pantyless Anna bends over, spreading her gaping asshole for Nacho’s stunned gaze. He lustfully tongues her bunghole, giving a deep rim job. Anna inhales his big cock, taking the thick root in her luscious mouth. The delicate, porcelain beauty stuffs his meat up her ass for a fierce fucking ride! Sphincter slamming leads to an ass-to-mouth...
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Premium Fetish Porn Sitesbeep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...
Mind ControlMy mom and dad had always seemed like they had the perfect marriage. They always fucked. I would some times peak thru the door and watch. I loved how mom's boobs would shake or sway as dad fucked her hard. I also loved it when dad would pull his limp cock out of mom and some white cum would trickle out of mom. Mom and dad went thru a nasty divorce after mom found out dad was not only fucking mom, but his secretary, the checkout lady from the store, and several other women. The divorce d**g on...
My name’s Hex. Odd name huh? So I’ve recently been told by the sniggers of the matron here. Me? Well I sort of like it, it’s simple and uninformative, it doesn’t tell much about me, which suits me fine because I don’t have much to tell, I don’t know anything to tell even if I wanted to. I’m shortish, or petite if you prefer, just pushing 5ft 5, I’m slim I’d like to say skinny but my chest is 34DD, or so I’ve just been informed ,so I can’t exactly be that tiny and I guess my hips are quite big...
B?atrice : EngagementL'action se situe en suite directe du 3e chapitre de B?atrice : les d?butsChapitre 1 : Premiere rencontre, la demeureFinalement, ce n'est pas une partie de plaisir de conduire completement nue ! La p?dale d'acc?l?ration ?a va encore mais les deuxautres, elles sont dures ! D'un autre cot?, cela m'empeche de penser constamment ? ma peur de croiser quelqu'un et qu'il me voit ainsi, surtout une patrouille de gendarmerie, cela ne m'amuserait pas du tout ! Autre probl?me, c'est mon si?ge ! Si mon anu...
“So when are you coming for the real thing?” he asked. Was this actually happening? Was I actually about to arrange a meeting with a stranger I met online? I couldn’t believe it had gotten this far, yet there was something inside of me that wanted it more than anything despite all of my nerves and doubts. To give some background, I am a white, 26 year old male with an average build, 170 pounds, a naturally large, feminine looking butt and smooth features. In my early teens I was pretty shy, and...
Terms Specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours Minton - 2 1/2 days Daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Quant - 2 1/2 years Galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches Heckson - 2 1/2 miles Tetson - 2 1/2 acres Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, King elect King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body...
I was in my sophomore year of college when I stumbled my way into a date with Julia. She was three years older than me, 22 to my 19, and I'd caught her glancing at me one day in class and figured that I'd take a chance. We went out to dinner a few nights later, I drove and she walked from her apartment. I dressed up, she didn't. I tried to apologize but she stopped me with a kiss. "As long as you're comfortable, I don't give a fuck what you wear." I appreciated the honesty. I went back to my...
My Dearest Lover, I am thinking so much about you right now! I just did something naughty and sexy! I hope you like it! I just shaved ALL the hair off my pussy! Oooh, Baby! Then I went in the shower and lathered up! It was hot! I wish you had been here! I could have watched you get hard! Just thinking about your wet dripping dick makes me want to get fucked! Your cock is amazing! My tits are getting hard just thinking about it! I want to suck your cock until you’re ready to...
.This is the fantasy exploration of an on-line “friend” here at xHamster. She is a very hot Cross-Dressing boy, her fascination with the feminine part of her is new… it was for a time my pleasure exploring with her this new “side” of her… the story is on going – with three chapters written so far… I will post more… and if she decides to continue this explorations, there may be more stories…~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-My new CD bitch.CH 1 I decided to fly to St Louis, I had some business to do there - it...