Hostage Part Two
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Samantha didn’t leave the cabin all day. She never felt hungry or even needed the toilet, all she could think about was that Will was dead. Murdered, just when everything was coming right again. Their whirlwind romance had been unbelievable. Will had pursued her relentlessly from the time he’d seen her in a TV advert. Flowers arrived daily and regular gifts of jewellery. He turned up at her door every night.
At first, she resisted his advances but she soon gave in and found that being wooed by Will Wainwright was a most pleasurable experience. There wasn’t a restaurant that couldn’t find a table for him, nor a theatre that would turn him away. They always had the best of everything. After their marriage, things had calmed down a bit, but for the first year Will neglected his business, in order to be with her but slowly he got back to business as usual. This meant foreign travel. At first, she’d gone with him but she soon got tired of spending her days in hotels or exploring new places on her own. At least if she stayed home, she’d have people she knew around her.
She’d thought about filling her time by returning to acting, but her agent hadn’t been that successful at finding work for her. The trips down to Brighton had started as days out for Sam and her girlfriends, and of course, she hahad to impress them by showing them around Bee Jay II. That was when she first met Ryan. He was permanently employed by Will to look after Bee Jay. It was after one of these girl’s days out that she found herself sitting on deck with Ryan sipping champagne in the late afternoon sunshine. Ryan had taken them out on a short excursion and they’d all been lying on deck in their swimsuits, Samantha was still wearing only her bikini. The alcohol had loosened their tongues and Samantha was bemoaning being left on her own for so long. Ryan looked at he
‘If you were my wife I’d never leave you on your own.’
‘Oh Ryan, that’s so sweet.’ She reached over to stroke his cheek but as she did so, she almost tipped the chair over.
‘Oh dear I’m feeling a bit squiffy I’d better not drive home.’ She got out her phone and started to look for a hotel.
‘There’s no need for that. You can sleep on-board She’s quite comfortable you know.’
‘I hadn’t thought of that, of course, I could.’
‘If we order dinner from the Pavilion restaurant I could go and pick it up. Mr Wainwright often does that if he spends the night aboard.’
‘Oh Ryan, you really are such a dear.’ She reached over and squeezed his hand.
They had dinner out on the deck and continued drinking. Ryan started to talk about Will in negative terms. He wasn’t a real sailor; the boat was all computerised to cover Will’s lack of ability. She should really have a crew of four, but Will wouldn’t pay for that. Samantha realised now that she should have slapped him down but she hadn’t.
Ryan produced an amplified iPod and they started to dance on the deck. The alcohol she’d consumed took away her inhibitions and she sank into Ryan’s arms.
‘Oh, Ryan I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m a married woman.’
‘If he cared about you he’d be here instead of me.’
As the evening and the drinking went on Samantha became less stable on her feet. After one too many stumbles she hugged Ryan and kissed his cheek.
‘I think it’s time for bed.’
He put his arm around her waist and held her close as he walked her down the gangway to the cabin. He turned her and sat her on the bed. She put both hands behind his head.
‘My hero.’ she said as she pulled his head down and kissed him.
Ryan didn’t need any more encouragement. He kissed her back a full open-mouthed passionate kiss. He pushed her back down onto the bed as his kisses moved down from her mouth to her neck then her shoulders. He untied her bikini top and revealed her perfect breasts. His kissed moved further down until he was sucking on her nipple. Samantha knew she should stop him but it felt so good and she really needed someone. With both hands on the back of his head, she pulled him hard onto her breast as she moaned with pleasure. By the time she got around to resisting, it was probably too late to stop him and she didn’t know that she wanted to.
‘Ryan this is wrong. We shouldn’t be doing this.’
‘No Sam, this is right. You want it and I want it. It’s you and him that’s wrong. He doesn’t appreciate you, he doesn’t deserve you.’ Standing between her legs, he reached down, eased the bikini bottom over her perfect bum, and revealed the fact that she was a natural blonde. As he got back to work on her breasts and nipples, Samantha writhed about beneath him. As he entered her, she wrapped her legs around him and hugged him to her. They rolled about on the bed and enjoyed each other until both exhausted they fell asleep.
Sam woke with a throat like sandpaper. Someone was swinging a hammer against the inside of her head and there was a wet patch on the bed beneath her. She struggled to get out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to get a glass of water. She found some paracetamol in the cabinet and swallowed two down with some more water. It wasn’t until she walked back into the bedroom that the full impact of the previous night hit her. She gasped as she saw Ryan still sleeping in the bed she’d just left. She stepped back into the bathroom, sat down and put her head in her hands.
‘Oh my god what have I done.’ She thought to herself.
She sat and thought. ‘This must never happen again.’ She decided. ‘I’ll tell Ryan it was all a terrible mistake and that it meant nothing and that he must try to forget it ever happened.’ She walked back into the bedroom and found Ryan sitting up in bed. He looked at her and his eyes lit up.
‘God you’re beautiful.’ he said, ‘Last night was absolutely fantastic. Where do we go from here?’
‘Ryan, darling, last night was a mistake and must never happen again.’
‘No, no, it wasn’t a mistake. I wanted it and you wanted it, I know you did we’ve done nothing wrong.’
‘Of course, we’ve done something wrong. I’m a married woman I shouldn’t be here with you and you shouldn’t be here with me. What would my husband, your boss, think if he knew?’
‘He doesn’t deserve you, he doesn’t love you like I do. He can’t, or he wouldn’t leave you alone for so long.’
Looking back on it, she knew that she should have responded differently. She should have told him that it was her own fault that she was left alone. That her husband did want her with him and that he did love her. However, it was that declaration of love that she focussed on.
‘Oh Ryan, you can’t really love me, you hardly know me. Last night we both had too much to drink and we made a mistake. You are a darling Ryan and I like you but I’m married and that’s important.’
‘I do love you. I’ve loved you since I first met you. I wasn’t drunk I wanted last night to happen and I want to be with you.’
‘I think you’d better get your clothes and leave while I get dressed. I’m going back to London.’
He gathered up his clothes and headed for the door when she called out to him.
‘Ryan, last night never happened. Are we clear on that?’
He nodded and left the cabin with his head down.
Now as she dwelt on the fact that she was alone on the boat with a murderer she wished she’d left it at that. That she’d never returned to Brighton without Will. She tried, she really did. For three weeks, she held out against her friends’ demands for another girl’s day out on Bee Jay
‘I know what it is.’ Said Samantha’s best friend Jane. ‘She just wants to keep that hunk Ryan all to herself.’
‘That’s not fair.’ Beverly chipped in. ‘She’s a married woman, and her Will is pretty dishy not to mention loaded. Having Ryan as well is just being greedy.’
She blushed, and tears came to her eyes.
Jane put her arm around her friend. ‘Oh don’t get upset. We were just having a little fun. You have to admit Ryan is a bit of a hunk. We’re just a little bit jealous that’s all.’
Sam dried her eyes. ‘I’m sorry it just brought home to me how much I miss Will.’
‘All the more reason for a girlie day out on that boat.’
‘Maybe, I’ll call Ryan and set it up’
She’d known it was a mistake but she just couldn’t help herself. The other girls had tried their luck with Ryan but got nowhere. Jane even suggested that he might be gay. It was all Sam could do to avoid jumping in to deny it. As usual, the champagne had flowed and Samantha had her fair share. The other girls got a taxi to the station leaving her alone with Ryan.
She’d booked a suite in The Grand for the night and had intended to get a taxi, but Ryan insisted on driving her. It seemed ungrateful not to invite him to dinner. From that point, there was only going to be one outcome.
It was a warm spring and the pressure from the girls, for days out on the boat was irresistible when Will was away. It didn’t take long before she was popping down to Brighton whenever she felt lonely or in need of a distraction. It had seemed like a harmless bit of fun she’d never imagined it would end up with her sharing a boat with a murderer.
She heard a knock on the door.
‘Sam, Sam speak to me. You can’t stay in there forever. We need to get things straight.’
She lay on the bed with the pillows over her head willing him to go away.
I’d never felt so grateful for spending my gap year in France. It had given me the chance to practice the French I’d learned in school. By the end of the year, I’d become very good and I certainly needed it now. Few of the hospital staff spoke good enough English to explain everything that had to be done, but in their native language, it was no problem.
It was twenty minutes before the doctor came to see me.
‘Madame Wainwright?’
‘Non.’ I told him. I explained that Samantha had been on the boat with Will and as far as I knew, still was.
‘I am Mr Wainwright’s Personal Assistant.’ I explained. ‘Is there a problem?’
‘Monsieur Wainwright is very ill. He has some damage to his skull and there has been some bleeding on the brain. We need to do a craniotomy. It is a dangerous operation I really need the authority of his next of kin to go ahead.’
‘What will happen if you don’t do this operation?’
The doctor shrugged holding his hands out palms upwards ‘It is difficult to say. He is a strong man. I don’t know why he isn’t dead already. He may survive but he will not be the man he was.’
‘And if you do it?’
‘He will probably survive and the brain damage would be small. In time he may make a full recovery.’
‘Well Doctor, I can’t get any family here in less than twelve hours. Do we have that much time?’
‘Non, every minute we delay increases the risk.’
‘Go ahead Doctor, I will support you all the way. Will Wainwright wouldn’t want to live if his brain wasn’t on top form. I will try to get his father here but go ahead and do what you have to do.’
The doctor walked away and I sat down and got out my phone. Will’s father Tom lived in Sheffield I’d spoken to him a few times when he’d tried to make contact with Will. He seemed like a nice man and I always felt sorry for him. Will never spoke about him but I knew something had happened between them. Tom seemed to want to build bridges but Will wanted nothing to do with him. He hadn’t even invited him to his wedding.
Unknown to Will I’d had a few conversations with his father and had his number in my contacts list. I punched in the number and waited for an answer. When he answered, I knew where Will got his directness from.
‘Tom Wainwright, what do you want?’
‘Tom, its Stephanie Fletcher. Will’s had an accident. He needs you.’
‘Stephanie, I’m sorry love, I didn’t recognise the number. What do you mean he needs me? That boy hasn’t needed me since he was a teenager. Is that what he said, that he needs me?’
‘No Tom, he’s not in a fit state to say anything. It’s really serious we could lose him. He needs you here, I need you here.’
Tom owned an engineering business in Sheffield, supplying components to the motor industry. It wouldn’t be easy for him to just drop everything and leave.
‘Okay lass, so where is here?’
‘The hospital in St Nazaire, it’s in... ‘
Tom cut me off in mid-flow. ‘Oh, I know where it is lass. My father took part in the raid there. I went with him to a memorial service when I were a lad. I’ll have to make a few calls first then I’ll be on my way. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.’
We said our goodbyes and I looked up the next number I needed. Sir George McMahon was a prickly character. He built his construction business from nothing and was proud of the fact. Now in his late sixties, he was under pressure to make way for a younger man. That was certainly not Sir George’s way. While he could still cut it, he would stay at the top. He had no time for people like Will who made money out of other people’s misery. He answered the phone on the third ring.
‘Yes, what is it?’
‘Sir George, I’m Stephanie Fletcher, Will Wainwright’s P.A.’
‘I don’t want to be rude Miss Fletcher, but I doubt that Mr Wainwright and I have anything to talk about.’
‘Oh no sir, I didn’t think you would. I’m calling to tell you that your boat will be a day late arriving in Mahon. Your man Bruce Goddard did us a huge favour today and it’s going to make him late. I just wanted you to know and tell you that Mr Wainwright owes you a favour.’
‘Well, I’ll deal with young Goddard when he gets here. As for Wainwright what could he possibly do for me?’
‘Well sir, if he were here I’m sure he would start be suggesting you call your finance director, Mr Andrew Pemberley and tell him the emergency board meeting next Tuesday has been called off. Mr Wainwright can’t make it and all offers are off the table.’
‘Now wait a minute young lady. Are you telling me that Andy Pemberley, one of my oldest friends, was going to sell my company from under me?’
‘I think that is something you should take up with him sir. Mr Wainwright feels that he owes you a favour. He is willing to loan you some of our team to show you where you are vulnerable, and advise on what to do about it.’
There was a pause in the conversation before Sir George came back. ‘So just what was this favour that young Goddard did for your boss?’
‘I’m not at liberty to say that, sir, nor is Mr Goddard so please don’t ask him. It really was a huge favour and it has cost you nothing but the use of your yacht for a day. You’ll have my number now, so give me a call if you want to take up Mr Wainwright’s offer. There is just one other thing, we really would appreciate it if you could keep all this under your hat sir.’
Introduction: My name is Ariete (A-Ree-Et) and I am 18 yrs old. My hostage romance starts here. It was half past twelve (12:30) midnight. I was staying at a motel from having a huge fight with my parents arguing about my arranged marriage with some rich, disgusting guy I was supposed to marry and have children with. He was so hideous I had chills down my spine. It was getting late I couldnt sleep from thinking too much. Suddenly, a bag went over my head and everything went black with a fierce...
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Will was still disorientated he had no idea how long it had been since he last saw Bee Jay’s sails. Now all he could see was water. The swell lifted him up but still, all he could see was ocean. He tried to make sense of things but couldn’t. He was in the water, they’d left him and they weren’t on any shipping lane so the chance of rescue seemed remote. ‘Mustn’t give up hope,’ he told himself. ‘He tried to work out how he’d got to be in the water but couldn’t remember anything since...
Tom Wainwright sat in the chair beside his son. In his hand was a book of poetry by Philip Larkin. He remembered Will at fourteen reading the poems to his mother. His mum never liked them because of the bad language. Will kept telling her, it wasn’t the words that were important but the way the poet used them. He kept on reading until Tom, seeing his wife’s discomfort, snatched the book and threw it in the bin. ‘There.’ He’d said. ‘That’s where your bloody poetry belongs. Why can’t you leave...
I walked through the corridors of the hospital. As I approached, I could tell something was wrong. Nurse Marie came to meet me. She told me the other nurses had heard raised voices coming from Will’s room. She insisted that it was important for Will to be calm but none of the nurses spoke enough English to intervene. I thanked them and continued to Will’s Room. ‘Well, have you boys been having a party while I’ve been gone?’ They both looked at me in surprise. ‘Just clearing the air a bit,’...
Tom came back at about the same time as Dr Montand. The Doctor was his usual cheerful self but was giving Will an odd look. ‘You know M’seiur Wainwright you are a puzzle to me. I hear on the radio this morning that millionaire businessman William Wainwright was washed overboard from his boat last night. I think that cannot be our M’seiur Wainwright because he has been in my Hospital for three days, and the other man only disappeared last night off the coast of Portugal. On the television, at...
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Inspector Garcia brought his fist down hard on the desk as he put the phone receiver back on its cradle. ‘YES! I told you, John, I said they were hiding something.’ ‘Just who would they be then boss?’ Asked his sergeant. ‘Young Betts and Mrs Wainwright. I knew they weren’t being straight with me I just had nothing to hold them on. Now I have. –Come on John let’s get down to the harbour’ ‘I reckon Betts is going to want a solicitor this time boss. You made him a bit uncomfortable last...
Inspector Davies noticed the lack of people in the suite of offices owned by Wainwright Enterprises. At reception, he gave his name and asked to speak to Mr Wainwright. He was shown into a large office with a large mahogany desk and big leather Chesterfield sofa. Will moved his wheelchair out from behind the desk and welcomed him. ‘Things a bit quiet around here today sir.’ ‘Yes inspector, mine is not the sort of business where you do very well working from one of these.’ He said, thumping...
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Lucknow, India 1858 The repercussions, retaliations and counter-retaliations associated withthe Great Mutiny continued to create great violence and brutality in the country.Military 'law' was in force and atrocities by both the forces of British colonialismand by the opposition continued. Following the rebellion by Indian officers,known as the Sepoy Mutiny, within the British Army and the massacre of Britishpeople, which followed in Cawnpore, feelings were running extremely high andrevenge and...
As Tony and Maria were finishing their tryst, Sean McCarthy was lying on his bed in gym shorts and a t-shirt trying to study for his upcoming History final. His parents, James "Mac" and Mary McCarthy were out for their weekly, Friday evening, 'dinner and dancing' date. There was a soft knock at his door. He heard his sister Colleen ask, "Sean, may I come in?" "Sure, Collie, it's open." Colleen entered. Like Sean, she was fair skinned, with red hair and freckles. She was wearing...
Jessica Collins arrived at work early as usual and put the finishing touches to the day's lessons. English Lit. from nine all the way through till two and then two more hours of field hockey.Jess was a 25 - year - old teacher of English and Physical Education, to give it its old fashioned name, and she absolutely loved her job. She worked at Endsleigh High School in London, and taught girls from the ages of 11 to 16. It was a Friday so it meant that the final two periods of the day were to be...
LesbianThe Suicide By Margaret Jeanette Peter Mech sat in the bar staring at his drink. It was the worst day of his life. A rather large man came in and sat down next to him. The man asked him, "Why the long face? It's time to celebrate, I got engaged today!" Peter said, "Congratulations to you! For me it was the worst day of my life. Life just doesn't seem worth living." "You sound like you are considering suicide. Suicide is not the answer!' "Speak for yourself. I don't want to...
When summer came along and school was out we would spend many days out by Jane's pool, swimming laying in the sun and fooling around. Then one day her Mom took the day off from work and said we should have a small BBQ just the three of us.Now here I was helping out with the grill as Jane 5'6" long blond hair and a 110 lb athletic body with nice B cup tits and her mother also about 5'6" short shoulder length blond hair and a 115lb average body both in bikinis laying by the pool glistening sun...
Two weeks into her reign, the cold rains came in off the Irish Sea. The King had been laid to rest as a Great Warrior. His body was sealed within the castle walls just like the previous Kings. Morath, William the First. and now William the Second. The Queen held her tears until she returned to her chambers then let loose the flood of from her eyes. In her own quarters, Debra was doing the same only she didn't have the strength of character to hold back hers like Nora had. Lady Diana, hugged...
Day Forty-nine - Sunday Kisses, lots of kisses. Someone was kissing my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, my mouth, my ears, my neck and my shoulders. I opened my eyes to view the deep brown of Sue's eyes. They were sparkling with a smile, as was her mouth. With another soft kiss, she said, "I love you so much. I am so lucky we met." "Not as lucky as I am. If I hadn't met you, I would be back out on an oil platform, with this place as a nice memory. You gave me reason for a whole new life....
This story is told by the main character, Henry Gordon. Prologue The story begins with Henry Gordon sitting with his grandchildren, from his daughter Emily. I had sought out the help of the Charmed Ones and the Power Rangers to find a way to try and kill the Beast and also rescue my cousin Bruce, and my half sister, Jennifer. All that the Halliwells could do was put him to sleep. After I defeated The Leader, I traveled to Angel Grove where I met the rest of the Power Rangers (from when...
"Yes, Ms. Treble, but we've had a lot of football practice and dates lately." "Really, Billy? That's what you came up with, just blame it on football practice and dates? That's your excuse? Are you aware that you will fail my course if you don't turn in your project? Call me crazy, but I think if I called Coach Phillips right now, he'd be ripping you both new assholes." "Hey, language, Ms. Treble." "Oh, shut the fuck up, Chuck. Neither of you has taken this course seriously, and...
Hi friends mera naam aakish hain main 20 saal ka javan ladka Hu aur main aap logo ke beech apni sachi story le ke aaya Hu yeh story meri aur meri maa Ki hain meri maa ka naam Ruchi hain. Voh ek hot sexy divorced aurat hain unka figure 36 34 38 hain. Voh thodi moti hain aur zyada kar saree hi pehnti hain. Ab main apni story pe aata Hu main 7 saal ka tha jab unka aur mere papa ka divorce Hua mere papa aur meri maa Ki zyaada banti nhi thi isliye unka divorce Hua tha uske baad se hum log mere nana...
It's been a long tiring day and all you want to do is sleep. You get ready for bed by stripping down to nothing but your underwear before getting in bed. We cuddle and share a few kisses while saying our 'good nights' to each other. For a while everything is fine, but I can feel how restless you become. I rub your chest in a soothing manner to help you calm down. You shift a little to get more comfortable as my lips begin to pepper whisper soft on your neck. I feel your hands roam my body;...
Straight SexLukeIt’s amazing how fast the brain can process information. It was a micro-second that told me who the three people where, Diane hadn’t finished saying “Oh, fuck!” before I knew.“I’m guessing that’s not her brother, that she’s never spoken of?”“She hasn’t got a brother. Luke, for Tina, please stay calm.”“When have you ever known me not to stay calm?”“Okay, how about you not go over and rip his face off?”“One question, I haven’t caught her out have I?”“How could you say that?”“I want you to...
TeenHello all, I am Madhan, 34 years with an athletic build. I am fortunate enough to have sex with more than 20 girls and still counting. I enjoy sex with an older woman because of more privacy. In this incident, I am going to tell you about a real sex incident with Neelam and her gay husband. She is older than me and married with a kid. She had an artificial pregnancy where her hubby’s sperm was injected into her womb. Her hubby is gay and never fucked her. But her hubby has a fantasy for...
Sometimes I take a day off, so I let my other coworkers run the XXX PAWN SHOP when I’m not around. Of course, this means that they have to make sure that people that come in shouldn’t think that they can pull a fast one on them because I’m not around to catch it. So when of course, this hot brunette walked into the XXX PAWN SHOP carrying a box full of phone cases (they were out of date from 2 years back), Victoria tried swindle us and asked to get them at a top dollar return or trade it in for...
xmoviesforyouWe’re in the middle of a wide street – on one side of the road, a large brick building – several storeys high – the end wall closest to us has no windows and is painted red – with a huge red and white logo reading “STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY”. There are no students to be seen, because the university is – of course – still on lockdown. We pan around and look over the road – where we can see a small corner-shop – a fast food outlet. “Nice ‘n Spicey” We zoom in as our hostess, Charley Ozvik,...
When she woke just before dawn, Sir Bogud had rolled over and she was able to rise, don her shift and slip down to the kitchens for hot water for his bath. She left a fresh towel by his washbasin and returned to her own room to fully dress for the day. Her normal chores for the day had her running about with laundry, cleaning and other household duties. She found herself distant - often waking from a reverie to find overflowing buckets or other careless error as if she had forgotten her tasks...
Strap-on Jenny By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy, it is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sexual acts between females. Hi, it's Jenny here again with another tale about raping other women. Thisone's about the time I first discovered the joys of using a strap-on to fuckmy victims. After I'd had Miss Johnson (my teacher from school) my confidence was sky-high.I'd raped two women now, both older than my 18 years, and had got away scot-freeeach time. I felt...
This is my first story, so bear with me. Based on a true experience of me. Support me for more such stories. Me and achu used to go to the same tuition. One day she gave me her email ID and we started speaking to each other like that. I later understood that she had a crush on me. I replicated the feeling and told her that I to had a crush on her. A few days ago, we went to tuition together. On reaching there we found out that the teacher was out of station and so we had to go back. Achu said...
- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the...
I'll start with a confession. I am a slut. I know I'm a slut and furthermore I enjoy the hell out of being a slut. All it took for me to become a slut was to graduate from high school and go off to college. I was a good girl all through high school. I dated a lot and I did make out with my dates. There was a lot of touching and feeling, but it was all with clothing between the hand and what it was touching. The closest I came to 'being bad' was in high school on prom night. For a couple...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...
One night after watching some skin flicks i went in to get some tissues for my mess. When i opened the cabinet door i noticed that Julie had left her cabinet door open and I could see clear in her room. That was the first time I started looking at my sister in a sexual way, she was asleep in bed and the covers were pulled down almost to her nipples, just far enough that I could see she was sleeping in the nude. I had never noticed how fucking sexy she was before. She was about 5'6" and...
I should have known better. I thought the boys had had enough excitement. But their sap was still rising. John has arranged two arm chairs alongside each other, about a metre apart. Dave took me by the collar and chain and half dragged me to one of the chairs where he sat I I knelt. Harry did likewise with Mina, who followed his lead (her lead I guess). Men love that feeling of power and me, and I could see Mina was the same, was happy to be controlled, added to the fun. I watched as John...