Hostage To FortuneChapter 3 free porn video

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Samantha didn’t leave the cabin all day. She never felt hungry or even needed the toilet, all she could think about was that Will was dead. Murdered, just when everything was coming right again. Their whirlwind romance had been unbelievable. Will had pursued her relentlessly from the time he’d seen her in a TV advert. Flowers arrived daily and regular gifts of jewellery. He turned up at her door every night.

At first, she resisted his advances but she soon gave in and found that being wooed by Will Wainwright was a most pleasurable experience. There wasn’t a restaurant that couldn’t find a table for him, nor a theatre that would turn him away. They always had the best of everything. After their marriage, things had calmed down a bit, but for the first year Will neglected his business, in order to be with her but slowly he got back to business as usual. This meant foreign travel. At first, she’d gone with him but she soon got tired of spending her days in hotels or exploring new places on her own. At least if she stayed home, she’d have people she knew around her.

She’d thought about filling her time by returning to acting, but her agent hadn’t been that successful at finding work for her. The trips down to Brighton had started as days out for Sam and her girlfriends, and of course, she hahad to impress them by showing them around Bee Jay II. That was when she first met Ryan. He was permanently employed by Will to look after Bee Jay. It was after one of these girl’s days out that she found herself sitting on deck with Ryan sipping champagne in the late afternoon sunshine. Ryan had taken them out on a short excursion and they’d all been lying on deck in their swimsuits, Samantha was still wearing only her bikini. The alcohol had loosened their tongues and Samantha was bemoaning being left on her own for so long. Ryan looked at he

‘If you were my wife I’d never leave you on your own.’

‘Oh Ryan, that’s so sweet.’ She reached over to stroke his cheek but as she did so, she almost tipped the chair over.

‘Oh dear I’m feeling a bit squiffy I’d better not drive home.’ She got out her phone and started to look for a hotel.

‘There’s no need for that. You can sleep on-board She’s quite comfortable you know.’

‘I hadn’t thought of that, of course, I could.’

‘If we order dinner from the Pavilion restaurant I could go and pick it up. Mr Wainwright often does that if he spends the night aboard.’

‘Oh Ryan, you really are such a dear.’ She reached over and squeezed his hand.

They had dinner out on the deck and continued drinking. Ryan started to talk about Will in negative terms. He wasn’t a real sailor; the boat was all computerised to cover Will’s lack of ability. She should really have a crew of four, but Will wouldn’t pay for that. Samantha realised now that she should have slapped him down but she hadn’t.

Ryan produced an amplified iPod and they started to dance on the deck. The alcohol she’d consumed took away her inhibitions and she sank into Ryan’s arms.

‘Oh, Ryan I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m a married woman.’

‘If he cared about you he’d be here instead of me.’

As the evening and the drinking went on Samantha became less stable on her feet. After one too many stumbles she hugged Ryan and kissed his cheek.

‘I think it’s time for bed.’

He put his arm around her waist and held her close as he walked her down the gangway to the cabin. He turned her and sat her on the bed. She put both hands behind his head.

‘My hero.’ she said as she pulled his head down and kissed him.

Ryan didn’t need any more encouragement. He kissed her back a full open-mouthed passionate kiss. He pushed her back down onto the bed as his kisses moved down from her mouth to her neck then her shoulders. He untied her bikini top and revealed her perfect breasts. His kissed moved further down until he was sucking on her nipple. Samantha knew she should stop him but it felt so good and she really needed someone. With both hands on the back of his head, she pulled him hard onto her breast as she moaned with pleasure. By the time she got around to resisting, it was probably too late to stop him and she didn’t know that she wanted to.

‘Ryan this is wrong. We shouldn’t be doing this.’

‘No Sam, this is right. You want it and I want it. It’s you and him that’s wrong. He doesn’t appreciate you, he doesn’t deserve you.’ Standing between her legs, he reached down, eased the bikini bottom over her perfect bum, and revealed the fact that she was a natural blonde. As he got back to work on her breasts and nipples, Samantha writhed about beneath him. As he entered her, she wrapped her legs around him and hugged him to her. They rolled about on the bed and enjoyed each other until both exhausted they fell asleep.

Sam woke with a throat like sandpaper. Someone was swinging a hammer against the inside of her head and there was a wet patch on the bed beneath her. She struggled to get out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to get a glass of water. She found some paracetamol in the cabinet and swallowed two down with some more water. It wasn’t until she walked back into the bedroom that the full impact of the previous night hit her. She gasped as she saw Ryan still sleeping in the bed she’d just left. She stepped back into the bathroom, sat down and put her head in her hands.

‘Oh my god what have I done.’ She thought to herself.

She sat and thought. ‘This must never happen again.’ She decided. ‘I’ll tell Ryan it was all a terrible mistake and that it meant nothing and that he must try to forget it ever happened.’ She walked back into the bedroom and found Ryan sitting up in bed. He looked at her and his eyes lit up.

‘God you’re beautiful.’ he said, ‘Last night was absolutely fantastic. Where do we go from here?’

‘Ryan, darling, last night was a mistake and must never happen again.’

‘No, no, it wasn’t a mistake. I wanted it and you wanted it, I know you did we’ve done nothing wrong.’

‘Of course, we’ve done something wrong. I’m a married woman I shouldn’t be here with you and you shouldn’t be here with me. What would my husband, your boss, think if he knew?’

‘He doesn’t deserve you, he doesn’t love you like I do. He can’t, or he wouldn’t leave you alone for so long.’

Looking back on it, she knew that she should have responded differently. She should have told him that it was her own fault that she was left alone. That her husband did want her with him and that he did love her. However, it was that declaration of love that she focussed on.

‘Oh Ryan, you can’t really love me, you hardly know me. Last night we both had too much to drink and we made a mistake. You are a darling Ryan and I like you but I’m married and that’s important.’

‘I do love you. I’ve loved you since I first met you. I wasn’t drunk I wanted last night to happen and I want to be with you.’

‘I think you’d better get your clothes and leave while I get dressed. I’m going back to London.’

He gathered up his clothes and headed for the door when she called out to him.

‘Ryan, last night never happened. Are we clear on that?’

He nodded and left the cabin with his head down.

Now as she dwelt on the fact that she was alone on the boat with a murderer she wished she’d left it at that. That she’d never returned to Brighton without Will. She tried, she really did. For three weeks, she held out against her friends’ demands for another girl’s day out on Bee Jay

‘I know what it is.’ Said Samantha’s best friend Jane. ‘She just wants to keep that hunk Ryan all to herself.’

‘That’s not fair.’ Beverly chipped in. ‘She’s a married woman, and her Will is pretty dishy not to mention loaded. Having Ryan as well is just being greedy.’

She blushed, and tears came to her eyes.

Jane put her arm around her friend. ‘Oh don’t get upset. We were just having a little fun. You have to admit Ryan is a bit of a hunk. We’re just a little bit jealous that’s all.’

Sam dried her eyes. ‘I’m sorry it just brought home to me how much I miss Will.’

‘All the more reason for a girlie day out on that boat.’

‘Maybe, I’ll call Ryan and set it up’

She’d known it was a mistake but she just couldn’t help herself. The other girls had tried their luck with Ryan but got nowhere. Jane even suggested that he might be gay. It was all Sam could do to avoid jumping in to deny it. As usual, the champagne had flowed and Samantha had her fair share. The other girls got a taxi to the station leaving her alone with Ryan.

She’d booked a suite in The Grand for the night and had intended to get a taxi, but Ryan insisted on driving her. It seemed ungrateful not to invite him to dinner. From that point, there was only going to be one outcome.

It was a warm spring and the pressure from the girls, for days out on the boat was irresistible when Will was away. It didn’t take long before she was popping down to Brighton whenever she felt lonely or in need of a distraction. It had seemed like a harmless bit of fun she’d never imagined it would end up with her sharing a boat with a murderer.

She heard a knock on the door.

‘Sam, Sam speak to me. You can’t stay in there forever. We need to get things straight.’

She lay on the bed with the pillows over her head willing him to go away.

I’d never felt so grateful for spending my gap year in France. It had given me the chance to practice the French I’d learned in school. By the end of the year, I’d become very good and I certainly needed it now. Few of the hospital staff spoke good enough English to explain everything that had to be done, but in their native language, it was no problem.

It was twenty minutes before the doctor came to see me.

‘Madame Wainwright?’

‘Non.’ I told him. I explained that Samantha had been on the boat with Will and as far as I knew, still was.

‘I am Mr Wainwright’s Personal Assistant.’ I explained. ‘Is there a problem?’

‘Monsieur Wainwright is very ill. He has some damage to his skull and there has been some bleeding on the brain. We need to do a craniotomy. It is a dangerous operation I really need the authority of his next of kin to go ahead.’

‘What will happen if you don’t do this operation?’

The doctor shrugged holding his hands out palms upwards ‘It is difficult to say. He is a strong man. I don’t know why he isn’t dead already. He may survive but he will not be the man he was.’

‘And if you do it?’

‘He will probably survive and the brain damage would be small. In time he may make a full recovery.’

‘Well Doctor, I can’t get any family here in less than twelve hours. Do we have that much time?’

‘Non, every minute we delay increases the risk.’

‘Go ahead Doctor, I will support you all the way. Will Wainwright wouldn’t want to live if his brain wasn’t on top form. I will try to get his father here but go ahead and do what you have to do.’

The doctor walked away and I sat down and got out my phone. Will’s father Tom lived in Sheffield I’d spoken to him a few times when he’d tried to make contact with Will. He seemed like a nice man and I always felt sorry for him. Will never spoke about him but I knew something had happened between them. Tom seemed to want to build bridges but Will wanted nothing to do with him. He hadn’t even invited him to his wedding.

Unknown to Will I’d had a few conversations with his father and had his number in my contacts list. I punched in the number and waited for an answer. When he answered, I knew where Will got his directness from.

‘Tom Wainwright, what do you want?’

‘Tom, its Stephanie Fletcher. Will’s had an accident. He needs you.’

‘Stephanie, I’m sorry love, I didn’t recognise the number. What do you mean he needs me? That boy hasn’t needed me since he was a teenager. Is that what he said, that he needs me?’

‘No Tom, he’s not in a fit state to say anything. It’s really serious we could lose him. He needs you here, I need you here.’

Tom owned an engineering business in Sheffield, supplying components to the motor industry. It wouldn’t be easy for him to just drop everything and leave.

‘Okay lass, so where is here?’

‘The hospital in St Nazaire, it’s in... ‘

Tom cut me off in mid-flow. ‘Oh, I know where it is lass. My father took part in the raid there. I went with him to a memorial service when I were a lad. I’ll have to make a few calls first then I’ll be on my way. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.’

We said our goodbyes and I looked up the next number I needed. Sir George McMahon was a prickly character. He built his construction business from nothing and was proud of the fact. Now in his late sixties, he was under pressure to make way for a younger man. That was certainly not Sir George’s way. While he could still cut it, he would stay at the top. He had no time for people like Will who made money out of other people’s misery. He answered the phone on the third ring.

‘Yes, what is it?’

‘Sir George, I’m Stephanie Fletcher, Will Wainwright’s P.A.’

‘I don’t want to be rude Miss Fletcher, but I doubt that Mr Wainwright and I have anything to talk about.’

‘Oh no sir, I didn’t think you would. I’m calling to tell you that your boat will be a day late arriving in Mahon. Your man Bruce Goddard did us a huge favour today and it’s going to make him late. I just wanted you to know and tell you that Mr Wainwright owes you a favour.’

‘Well, I’ll deal with young Goddard when he gets here. As for Wainwright what could he possibly do for me?’

‘Well sir, if he were here I’m sure he would start be suggesting you call your finance director, Mr Andrew Pemberley and tell him the emergency board meeting next Tuesday has been called off. Mr Wainwright can’t make it and all offers are off the table.’

‘Now wait a minute young lady. Are you telling me that Andy Pemberley, one of my oldest friends, was going to sell my company from under me?’

‘I think that is something you should take up with him sir. Mr Wainwright feels that he owes you a favour. He is willing to loan you some of our team to show you where you are vulnerable, and advise on what to do about it.’

There was a pause in the conversation before Sir George came back. ‘So just what was this favour that young Goddard did for your boss?’

‘I’m not at liberty to say that, sir, nor is Mr Goddard so please don’t ask him. It really was a huge favour and it has cost you nothing but the use of your yacht for a day. You’ll have my number now, so give me a call if you want to take up Mr Wainwright’s offer. There is just one other thing, we really would appreciate it if you could keep all this under your hat sir.’

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Chester wasn’t in the bedroom. In fact, Felicity couldn’t find him anywhere. She felt helpless. As maddening as he was - imagine the nerve of the man, calling her ‘darling’ and correcting her in front of the servants! - she had to admit that he was a strong, confident man. She had hoped he’d just give up and go home when she made it clear she didn’t like him. She’d been fine, as long as he was clear down the table from her. But, both when she’d gone to him, and when he’d come to her, those...

2 years ago
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Secrets behind closed doors

Jon was working the day I came to his shop. I asked him to give me a tour of the place. He stopped his work and led me around the building. While walking with him I decided to make a move. I pretended like I purposely dropped my keys. Jon immediately went to grab them but I stopped him and said, "Oh, that's alright. I can get them." I bent down and picked my keys up, rubbing my bottom on Jon's torso. He quickly stepped back and said in a soft tone, "Follow me. I know where we can...

3 years ago
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Man I Hate Straight Guys IV

Man I Hate Straight Guys IV A Jimmie Johnson Original (A James Johnson Story) I claim this story as my own original work, and give all readers the right to repost it as they feel necessary and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced or copied I turned off the shower and dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me. I went and looked in the mirror, I’d never thought of myself as much of a stud, but after having had sex wit two hot studs, I don’t know if I can remain the same shy...

3 years ago
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Lesbianism in Modern Literature 6

Sam lay in bed listening to the sounds of pots and pans in the kitchen as she recovered from the intensity of her orgasm. Her body was still tingling all over. In her thirty years, she had never experienced anything close to what had just happened. She never knew that sex could be that good. And, what could she say about Sally. Every time she saw her face in her mind, her heart would burn with fire and butterflies would start fluttering in her stomach. She had never felt this way about someone...

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Castle What happens next

Castle looked at his cellphone Beckett was calling. He held the machine in his hand and swiftly pressed "Ignore". As he placed it back on his glass and chrome coffee table his plasma screen murder board caught his eye. He tapped on the portrait of Detective Kate Beckett and unfolded a digital file that spiderwebbed out all the known consorts in her mothers murder. He stared at the mess of names and dates and grudgingly dragged a file icon Marked Beckett to the Digital trash can. "Deleting...

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Behen ki help

Hi ISS reader merey ya pehli story hai asha karta hu app logo ko pasand ayegi. Maira naam abid hai.main Mairaw raang bhoot gora hai or main bhot attractive hu.main 29 sal ka hoon. Mairey height 6ft hai yeh kahani mere ek dost ne mujhay sunai thi ab mai aap ko suna raha hoon.apnay lafzon say aap ko bayaan kerta hoon yeh story. Abb main apni story par ata hu mairey ghar main,mairey mummy,papa or merey choti bhen hai hum char log rehtey hai.papa bank may service kar ta hai mammi house wife hai or...

4 years ago
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Looking BackChapter 5 After the Party

I woke up and the room was quiet. John must have stepped out. I was rather glad to be alone. I needed time to think. My legs and private areas still hurt. I was honestly hoping that it was all a dream or should I say nightmare. I was wondering exactly what John knew and how involved he was in this escapade. I was sure that he had sex with Mary, but did he know anything about what happened with me? If he set it up I would divorce him in a minute. He knew how I felt about swinging. I knew we...

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The cdren of the Watchers

This is a story about myth creation and syncretization. If you're offended by stories where your sacred texts are reinvented, then you may not wish to read this."Once upon a time, a long time ago before the Flood, the Watchers were on and above the earth. The Watchers' job was to observe and report the doings of human beings to God...""But they were really aliens instead of angels, weren't they Nadiya?""Yes, Sam, they were. You already know the story. Why do you want me to tell it again?""I...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 11 Inheritance

When Willow awoke the next morning, Ty was already gone. She sorted through the morning mail and found a note from the lawyer a Baron David Karlson, who had contacted her the month before. She decided she had better go see him before she got any busier. She told Grace she was going out. She didn’t need to be accompanied as she was just going to see a lawyer and would take Brain with her. She dressed and went to the stables to find Brain. He was happy to drive the carriage and take her to...

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GirlsWay Angela White Whitney Wright My Hero

Angela White bursts through the front door of a house exuding nothing but raw power. She makes sure that the coast is clear, then leads a worried Whitney Wright, who is handcuffed to a briefcase, into the house. They make their way upstairs to a bedroom and Angela confidently assures Whitney that everything’s going to be fine since they’re in a safehouse now. However, almost as soon as the words leave her mouth, she spots movement outside. It’s time for her to take care of...

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GT The PT Chapter 6 well fucked

Introduction: GT the PT Chapter 6 Serves her Right! Tracey [known as PT i.e. the world champion prick teaser] was invited to a hen party for the blushing bride-to-be, a workmate who invited all 6 females on staff. She didnt especially like Tracey, who she regarded as a poser who wore micro-skirts and tight tops and flirted with all the men in the office secretly she knew that this only made her jealous! They all met at Murphys Bar & Grill, had a great SurfnTurf meal and went on to Marios, the...

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Daughter of Light

The lady Margaret sits in her bower, clad in a raven black dress, sewing a black silk ribbon onto her black lace bonnet. She is in deep mourning for her father, who had been the baron for this part of the county. She intends to wear the bonnet to his funeral the next morning. She is kept company by her two little serving girls. One busies herself tidying the room while the other carefully pulls a silver comb through her lady’s hair. Nobody speaks, not one word passes their lips. The lady...

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I Needed a Good Fuck pt2

I woke about ten-thirty, I was still in my robe my butt still tingling from the shower fuck with Clarence. I mulled over going up to 428, my butt wanted more and besides Daryl had not been in the room since Friday. I grabbed some sweat pants threw on a t-shirt and slipped into my hoody. I went up the back stairs, which was closer to Clarence room, I reached the door and knocked twice. The door opened the room was pitched black, I heard Clarence voice say 'good come in quick.' I stepped into...

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The Love of Father and Daughter

Cindy had passed away from leukemia, and Ava, our nineteen year old and I were left. After a few months the calls and cards quieted down. I had an eight to five job, and Ava took it on herself to cook dinner for both of us, while going to junior college. She did a good job. It became a routine except on Wednesdays and Fridays, when she took off early with boyfriend Rick whom she had met at JC. Ava was a good looking girl by any standard, and I figured that Rick was making out with her, but...

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Country Wife

  I’m Steve and I’ve been married to my gorgeous wife Darlene for three years now. I guess you could say we are country folks. I grew up living and working on a farm. Darlene is a country girl. A real blue jean, sneaker wearing girl. Never saw her wear a pair of high heels until our wedding day and not a pair since.   We live in the little single wide trailer my Daddy put here for us as a wedding present. We’re back in the woods up on a hill not far from Daddy’s farm. I make a living fixing...

4 years ago
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Blazing AngelsChapter 2

March 17, 3049 to July 31, 3049 Both Vin and Aliya were left at the steps of the hiring hall in bemusement as they stared after their new boss. Vin turned first to Aliya with her hand out and a grin on her face. Aliya took it and couldn't help but return the smile. "Well let's welcome ourselves to the Blazing Angels. I'm Vin..." "Vin the Viscous." Aliya interrupted,"Your reputation proceeds you and I have also seen you around campus" Vin let go of Aliya's hand and let out a...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Little Slut 8211 Part I

Before I start let me describe myself, my name is Omar, I am 21 about 5’7 – fair with a girlish body; a small ass but a fleshy one. People have always commented stating how they would like to fuck me if I was a girl and these comments get me excited and I start thinking how nice it would be get used and abused by a bunch of people as their dirty little slut. So let me get down to the story which happened to me a year ago. It was a pleasant evening and I had gone for drinking session with a...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Halloween Is the Season for SpankingChapter 2

The village was in anticipation of the arrival of the famous witch-hunters with almost twenty witch cunts as trophies of their ability to sniff out a witch even when they were suffering from a cold. The entire female population of almost eighty souls was fearful that they might fall victim to false accusations. Include in that mix were the thirteen true witches in the village that were spitting with outrage that they were being harassed when in their logical perspective they were only doing...

2 years ago
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ValentinaChapter 2

The Aftermath Lisa slipped off the bed where Alex was snoring softly. She couldn't believe that she had just slept with her own cousin. Guilt should be at the front of her feelings but her traitorous body, just wanted to know when she could have him again. Walking into the kitchen, she opened the fridge and was surprised to see some real food in it. Where had her cousin vanished to and who was this man in his place. Before he had moved he had eaten more at her apartment than his own...

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I met a warlock and he changed my life

This is the story of how I met a very interesting man. This man was able to change my whole life literally. With all these changes came one sacred rule. We’ll find out in this story, if I was able to abide by this one rule. I was very unhappy and feeling very down on myself. I’m not the best looking person, but lately I was just feeling really unattractive. All the other girls in my class are all so pretty and they have lovely figures. They all look like models. My name is Heather and I’m...

1 year ago
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A man discovers that he likes gay sex

I had never even thought of having sex with another man…let alone get on my knees and suck his hard cock. But that’s what happened one afternoon last week. My name is Jason. I’m forty-one with an average build. My wife considers me good looking but I think I’m just average. We have a good and active sex life. She gives me head on occasion and I love going down on her. She also loves fondling my rather large genitals… especially my balls that hang quite low. My cock...

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The General Book 2Chapter 2

Paul Armstrong had been Mark's roommate in his last year of their undergraduate collegiate studies. Together they had made the rounds of the various sorority houses and collectively could account for numerous broken hearts and hymens of the residents of those houses. As dashing and handsome as Mark appeared to the girls, in their eyes, Paul represented the handsome escort accompanying the beautiful models in the fashion magazines. His look was clean, rugged and classic. He was an...

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Juhi 8211 Being A Bait For A Deal

All of us have secret desires within us, some are fulfilled, and some just remain in our minds. Since the time I remember, I’ve always had dark secret desires. I have also had plenty of chances with a variety of men to fulfill them. The story that I am about to narrate is about being a bait when I was 26 and working with an advertising firm in Mumbai. My sexual hormones were at their peak. I wasn’t in a relationship and was free to fuck any cock I desired. I was mighty proud of my 34D’s – 28...

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My mother finally lets me fuck her

This is a story and over 18, mother and son sex.Hi my name is Nathan aged 21 and I’m 6’5 with a muscly body from my years of football and I have an 8inch cock that only gets hard from my mother Alice aged 44 with the sexiest body you will ever see, she has Ava Addams body and looks of Kendra Lust with dark red hair and green eyes, her breasts and ass are the same size as Ava Addams they are all natural, my mum had me when she was 16 and at the age of 5 I’ve always had a crush on her.When I hit...

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A Lusty Conference Trip

While you worked I went for a work out at the hotel fitness center. They only had a treadmill so after I ran I came back to the room to finish the rest of my workout. I was in the room doing squats dripping with sweat thinking about how I couldn't wait to squeeze my tight pussy around your shaft. The thought of it made me shudder and my nipples harden. You peeked in the room the moment you heard me moan a little. I just smiled and took of my clothes in front of you ready for a hot shower. You...

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The High School Bully Part 1

"Honey, it's just for a little while until his bed arrives. Please, just do this for Mommy, okay? It won't be for long, I promise.""Mom, it's not fair! I'm nearly twenty-one! He just turned eighteen. I'm over that whole teenage bullshit. I'm a goddamn adult! "Her golden eyes darkened to whiskey, hands flying to her hips. "Don't you use that language with me, Todd! I won't have it." Her look softened, her hand reaching up to cup my cheek. "Please, baby. It was his idea! He thought it would give...

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Family PlanningChapter 3

I’m starting to become worried. Summer is speeding along, and I have little hope of losing my virginity. Certainly not before a return to school in the Fall. I haven’t heard from Amber since that day in the pool, and the game I’m playing with Elsa doesn’t appear to be leading us anywhere. Never mind the confusing relationship that I’ve begun with Emma, and my role as her make believe boyfriend. I really don’t understand what everyone wants from me. Elsa stopped using my bedroom window to...

2 years ago
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The shirt was sitting on her shoulders and completely open showing her lush body and erect nipples. She had her magnificent legs wide open as she pleasured herself with a vibrator at my request. The look on her face showed that she was obviously enjoying herself as I watched. The previous day she had phoned me asking if I had some jobs she could do for me to help pay some bills. In the past she had made similar requests and I had paid her for ironing and cleaning. This time I told her I...

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