Hostage Part Two
- 4 years ago
- 24
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As they left Tangier behind thethem, Ryan started to realise that things were not going to go the way he’d planned. Samantha had come out for breakfast but hardly said a word to him. When he told her of his plan for a Mediterranean holiday, she laughed at h
‘What sort of holiday is it going to be, if I can’t go ashore?’
‘Of course, you can go ashore. Tomorrow we’ll put into Oran and we can go ashore and explore the city. I thought that we could go on to Algiers then Tunis, maybe Tripoli.’
‘All Arab countries, do you speak Arabic or Farsi because I know I don’t.’
‘We’ll get by with English and French in most places. Can’t you see the positives in this we are together? We have enough money on board to last us for months and we’ve got non-stop sunshine.’
‘What positives? There are no positives. I’m a prisoner on this boat. The only places I can go ashore are places where I can’t speak the language and have no idea where to go for help.’
‘Don’t be so melodramatic Sam. You’re not a prisoner, and yes, we can go places where you can get by with English.’
‘Oh forget it. I’m going below to read. Call me if you need two hands for anything.’
That was the way things went. They called into Oman, but they found very few people who spoke English, and Ryan’s French wasn’t much help. Algiers and Tunis were a little better. Ryan did manage to buy some paint in Algiers and painted out the name of the boat In Tunis he set about giving her a new name. Samantha laughed at his choice of name.
‘Billy Jean? I never took you for a Michael Jackson fan.’
‘I’m not, but the life belts, cutlery, napkins and almost everything else on the boat are embossed BJ. The new name had to fit in with that.’
It had been ten days since they left Gibraltar and the relationship between Ryan and Samantha hardly improved. In desperation, Ryan set course for Malta.
The first stop in Valetta was for fuel. Lying at anchor all night had meant they’d been using the engine a lot to provide electrical power. Ryan paid two days in advance for the berth, then went back for Samantha. As they walked into town, side by side, he tried to hold her hand but each time he was rebuffed. Sam was desperate to get her hair done so after a pleasant lunch Ryan left her in a hairdresser’s while he explored the town. As he walked the streets, in the warm Mediterranean sunshine, he passed several bars whereas many people spoke English as did Maltese.
This wouldn’t be a bad place to settle. He thought to himself. Perhaps after he’d sold the boat he could come back here, Sam would love it too. Warm climate, no need to learn the language, it would be their own little paradise.
On the way back to the Salon, he found a newsagent that sold English Newspapers. They were a couple of days old but that was no real problem. An hour later he was back at the Hairdresser’s and knew that he’d found enough in the paper to keep Sam onside. They went to a small bar by the quayside and after ordering drinks, Ryan unfolded the newspaper and opened it at page 4. Immediately she recognised her photograph. It was one of her publicity shots, quite flattering she thought. There was also a picture of Bee Jay II lying at anchor on a calm sea.
She gasped as she read the headline. The story went on to say that police suspect that she and ‘her young lover’ had planned to murder her husband, William Wainwright. The plan went wrong when Mr Wainwright miraculously survived and was picked up by a Motor Yacht owned by Sir George McMahon. If found guilty the couple would be facing a ten-year prison sentence. The rest of the article concentrated on the size of Will’s fortune and the way he made his money. Toward the end of the article, it said that the couple had evaded arrest in Gibraltar and were last seen heading for Madeira.
‘No! They can’t believe that. I would never do anything to hurt him.’ She said as the tears began to flow.
‘It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Sam. The truth is irrelevant, it’s what people believe that matters. These people.’ He tapped the newspaper on the table. ‘These people already have you down as guilty, and they are the people that influence opinion. Now you see why we have to run.’
‘They are looking in the wrong place right now, so we have a bit of time. We can wait until the fuss dies down, then work out a plan.’
Ryan already had a plan, one which he knew Samantha wouldn’t like. He hadn’t wasted his time when he’d been alone and within range, he’d been making calls. He knew they had to get Bee Jay down to Mauritius where an unscrupulous dealer would give them up to £1.5million for her. No questions asked.
‘But I’ve done nothing wrong.’ Sam sobbed as she repeatedly looked at the paper.
‘For the people who read this newspaper, a married woman who falls in love with another man, doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along, the only one that believes you, is me. I’ve been trying to protect you, stop you doing something stupid. Trust me, Sam, I’ll get us out of this. One way or another, I’ll keep you out of prison.’
They left their drinks unfinished and headed back to Bee Jay. Ryan put his arm around her shoulders as they walked along the quayside. Once back on the boat Ryan decided to set sail once more. As night fell he started the engine and took her quietly out of the harbour.
I was surprised when I got to the office and found only Jean, our receptionist, there. I asked where everyone was.
‘Gone. She said.
‘What all of them?’
‘Mr McInlay went first then Ms Anderton and Mr West, left. Mr Wainwright didn’t seem too worried but it does make it very quiet around here. Tell me honestly Miss Fletcher, should I be looking for another job?’
‘I’m sure your job is safe Jean. This is just a blip. People will soon learn that Mr Wainwright can function perfectly well from a wheelchair.’
The door opened and Will’s voice boomed out.
‘Come on Stephanie, I’m sure Jean has plenty to get on with. Get us both a decent cup of coffee and I’ll bring you up to speed.’
I made the coffee and joined him in his office. He looked across the desk at me and smiled.
‘God, you’re a fine looking woman. How am I going to keep my hands off of you all day?’
‘You’ve always managed it before, why should now be any different.’
‘Because now I’m alive. I mean really alive, I’m starting to see things differently.’
‘Is that why you let James, Rebecca and Robert leave without even trying to persuade them to stay.’
‘They are yesterday’s people, Steph. Yesterday’s people with yesterday’s skills. We are going to need different skills, you and I.’
‘Now I really don’t understand. I hope you don’t mean what I think you mean, I’ve just told Jean her job is safe.’
‘It is safe, well as safe as anyone’s job is these days. We are going to fill those offices again, but we’ll fill them with people with different skills. This is a new dawn Steph, things are going to change.’
I must have looked as stunned as I felt because he went on to explain.
‘In the past, we’ve looked for asset rich, cash poor companies and we’ve relieved them of their assets. In many cases, these companies have been perched on a cliff and we took away the only thing that stopped them falling. I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to be able to pull them back from the precipice. We can still relieve them of some of the assets but we leave them as a viable business. We are going to need people with experience in turning around companies, not the fast buck people we’ve had up to now.’
I just sat there in shock. I thought I knew this man but even I didn’t see this one coming.
‘Come on Steph, say something, as long as it’s not goodbye.’
‘I don’t understand. What has brought this on?’
‘You have. You and the old man. You were ashamed of what we do. That’s why you gave away the bonuses, isn’t it? I nearly died Steph. If it wasn’t for you I would be in Davy Jones’ locker, and most people would have been happy about that. I would have left nothing behind but a lot of money and a lot of miserable people.’
‘When my dad dies people will say that he was a good bloke. Several hundred people will have had jobs and been able to feed their family because of him. That’s what I want. I want my children to be able to believe that the world was a better place because of me.’
‘What about the firms we already own, what do we do about them?’
‘Well some of them are salvageable and we save them, the others we do what we normally do. Take that company that made my life jacket. We would normally sell the rights to the products to the highest bidder and sell off the property and all the equipment. Now if we get a good manager in there and develop a worldwide marketing plan. We could set it on the path to recovery, then when the share price rises, we sell it off at a profit. Of course, we bill them for the manager we supplied. We won’t make as much money as before but it will still be a good living.’
‘And where are we going to get these managers and salespeople.’
‘We headhunt them. Dad knows manufacturing and he knows who the movers and shakers are, so I’ll start by talking to him. What do you think, Steph? Are you up for it or do I just get out of everything? I mean I really don’t need to work, I can live quite well on just the interest on my capital.’
‘Don’t make it sound like it’s all my decision. I’m just an employee here.’
‘A very important and valuable employee. One whose opinion I value. I think we can do this, but I want to know what you think.’
‘William Wainwright I have never seen you take on something that hasn’t succeeded. I don’t see this as anything different. I have faith in you. If you are asking would I like to be part of it then I say yes please.’
‘You know if I wasn’t in this bloody chair I’d get up and kiss you.’
‘Down boy. We’re taking this slowly remember. Now I think I should bring you up to speed with Mc Mahon construction.’
I went through all the negotiations I’d been through with Sir George and gave him details of the company I’d set up. The holding company had already acquired fifty per cent of the shares. We agreed that it was time to play hardball with the remaining shareholders.
We talked and planned until midday and I got another surprise. Will was just starting to talk about lunch when Jean came in.
‘Mr Wainwright senior is here to see you both.’
I looked at Will who just shrugged at me.
‘Show him in Jean thank you.’
Tom came bouncing in full of the joys of spring
‘Well am I in time to take my two favourite people to lunch?’
Will looked across the desk at me as if waiting for confirmation. I just smiled and gave him a slight nod. He turned back to his father.
‘I don’t know who your two favourite people are, but as they’re not here, maybe you could take us instead.’
‘I’ll settle for that.’ Tom said as he walked around the desk to take control of the wheelchair.
‘Now hang on old man. If we are going to lunch, we’re not taking this chariot. I’ll get my crutches and you’ll just have to be patient.’
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Will was still disorientated he had no idea how long it had been since he last saw Bee Jay’s sails. Now all he could see was water. The swell lifted him up but still, all he could see was ocean. He tried to make sense of things but couldn’t. He was in the water, they’d left him and they weren’t on any shipping lane so the chance of rescue seemed remote. ‘Mustn’t give up hope,’ he told himself. ‘He tried to work out how he’d got to be in the water but couldn’t remember anything since...
Samantha didn’t leave the cabin all day. She never felt hungry or even needed the toilet, all she could think about was that Will was dead. Murdered, just when everything was coming right again. Their whirlwind romance had been unbelievable. Will had pursued her relentlessly from the time he’d seen her in a TV advert. Flowers arrived daily and regular gifts of jewellery. He turned up at her door every night. At first, she resisted his advances but she soon gave in and found that being wooed...
Tom Wainwright sat in the chair beside his son. In his hand was a book of poetry by Philip Larkin. He remembered Will at fourteen reading the poems to his mother. His mum never liked them because of the bad language. Will kept telling her, it wasn’t the words that were important but the way the poet used them. He kept on reading until Tom, seeing his wife’s discomfort, snatched the book and threw it in the bin. ‘There.’ He’d said. ‘That’s where your bloody poetry belongs. Why can’t you leave...
I walked through the corridors of the hospital. As I approached, I could tell something was wrong. Nurse Marie came to meet me. She told me the other nurses had heard raised voices coming from Will’s room. She insisted that it was important for Will to be calm but none of the nurses spoke enough English to intervene. I thanked them and continued to Will’s Room. ‘Well, have you boys been having a party while I’ve been gone?’ They both looked at me in surprise. ‘Just clearing the air a bit,’...
Tom came back at about the same time as Dr Montand. The Doctor was his usual cheerful self but was giving Will an odd look. ‘You know M’seiur Wainwright you are a puzzle to me. I hear on the radio this morning that millionaire businessman William Wainwright was washed overboard from his boat last night. I think that cannot be our M’seiur Wainwright because he has been in my Hospital for three days, and the other man only disappeared last night off the coast of Portugal. On the television, at...
After the talk with Dr Montand, I started work on getting Will back to Britain. Chartering a private plane to fly him home was the easy part. In order to get him back into the country, he needed his passport, which at that moment was sitting in the safe on board Bee Jay II. In an ideal world, a few phone calls would have done the job but that doesn’t allow for the machinations of the British Home Office. For them, nothing less than a declaration that the old passport had been lost or stolen...
Ryan made it clear that he was not a happy bunny when he arrived at the police station. Inspector Garcia had him and Samantha taken to separate interview rooms. As Joseph Garcia walked into the room Ryan made his displeasure known. The inspector said nothing until he was sitting at the table opposite Ryan. ‘Now Mr Betts why don’t you tell me all you know about the disappearance of Mr Wainwright.’ ‘I’ve already filed a report with the Harbourmaster.’ ‘Yes I know that sir, it was the...
Inspector Garcia brought his fist down hard on the desk as he put the phone receiver back on its cradle. ‘YES! I told you, John, I said they were hiding something.’ ‘Just who would they be then boss?’ Asked his sergeant. ‘Young Betts and Mrs Wainwright. I knew they weren’t being straight with me I just had nothing to hold them on. Now I have. –Come on John let’s get down to the harbour’ ‘I reckon Betts is going to want a solicitor this time boss. You made him a bit uncomfortable last...
Inspector Davies noticed the lack of people in the suite of offices owned by Wainwright Enterprises. At reception, he gave his name and asked to speak to Mr Wainwright. He was shown into a large office with a large mahogany desk and big leather Chesterfield sofa. Will moved his wheelchair out from behind the desk and welcomed him. ‘Things a bit quiet around here today sir.’ ‘Yes inspector, mine is not the sort of business where you do very well working from one of these.’ He said, thumping...
In Crete they anchored in the bay at Heraklion and took the tender ashore, they shopped in the tourist sector where they wouldn’t stand out. Once they got their supplies, they got a taxi back to the beach and were soon back on board Bee Jay. They lay at anchor for the rest of the day and Samantha did a little sunbathing while Ryan did what maintenance he could with his one hand. In the evening, Sam cooked dinner and they shared a bottle of wine. By the time they turned in Samantha was a...
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No matter how hard I try I have never been able to beat Cassie running. It’s not a defeatist attitude but rather a simple indisputable fact. Every time we go for a run she crosses some imaginary finish line ahead of me. I’ve tried sneak attacks. I’ve tried to get a lead and hold it. I’ve tried to shadow her and sprint to the end and I’ve even tried the “I’m just running next to you but sneak a three step sprint in at the end” technique but none of it works. Cassie is just a faster runner than...
HumorThe slut gasped, kneeling naked and panting like the little bitch she was. The blindfold she wore held her trapped in darkness. The ropes woven intricately over her forearms held them securely behind her back. Welts covered her body from her whipping. Her nipples were red, puffy from the. Her pussy dripped with her juices like a true slut. “And now my little cum slut, it’s time for your reward,” the silky voice came from out in the darkness. Suddenly the fleshy shaft of what could only have...
Passionate One NightHis name was Shawn. He was a cute, very cute, guy that was living in Houston when he was making his way to the small town of Llano, Tx. He was planning to meet family so he could go dove hunting. I had posted an ad that night to see if any of these dirty minded straight boys would respond. He responded late at night when it was about two in the a.m. I was a bit skeptical. He had that southern accent, great body, tattoos, seemed a little too good."Too Good" turned out to...
During the following weeks it seemed that luck was on my side for once, since the weather was good and I was able to get some deer, finish some work in my small garden and gather some of the apples. Besides that, I collected some berries from the nearby forest and used some of the precious honey I had bought to make some jam. Something inside my head kept on telling me that I was just keeping myself busy so that I wouldn’t need to think about what I had found out. Whether it was true or not...
This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....
Sorry it has been so long since my last story. I have been busy with alot of things and I thank you for your patience.Lately, I’ve been working part time at a restaurant to make a little extra cash on the side along with my nights as Missy. I was saving up for a cruise I wanted to go on that I heard was for like minded people such as Missy. When people ask me about what I want to do with the money I am saving I just tell them I am thinking of getting a new car or something, but that’s not the...
CrossdressingThis new friendship proved to be fun and fulfilling, the girlfriend and the wife quickly became best buddies and the location of our nights together changed to her house. If we had nothing organised and they were free we spend Fridays or Saturday evenings in each other company. Usually just talking and drinking but more often than not some form of sexual encounter. Even vanilla fucking was done in each other company and the girls enjoyed playing with each other exploring the lesbian side of...
It was 9:00 I got stuck at work trying to dig out of a months worth of overdue paper work. I normally don’t leave the office so late but sometimes you have to do what you have to. I hopped the 9:10 train out of the city and back to home and settled in for a nice hour and a half long train ride back. It was pouring outside and I had my trench coat on. There were a couple of stragglers on train and with each stop the train emptied out more and more. I was 20 minutes into my trip when I looked up...
The Sheriff's sixteen-year-old teenaged daughter, Kimberly Brock, found herself stranded with car trouble on the outskirts of her hometown of Rome, Wisconsin. Luckily for her, a tow truck soon appeared and stopped to give her assistance. A towering black man stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to her. Being of a very trusting nature, the sixteen-year-old showed no sign of concern at his approach. The man had made no threatening move towards her and smiled in a very friendly...
I was a happy married man and everything was perfect for couple of years. Well, almost everything...I was having a lot of sex with my wife but it wasn't really great. I didn't pay much attention to that until one day when we stopped having sex. Again, that didn't bordered me much and deep down I was more relaxed without fucking her. She didn't seemed to be bordered by the situation also.Though we were getting along very well, we didn't fucked for about six months.One day I came home from work...
Miss Krystal was correct about how a constant state fades into the background. A week passed in dull routine before I knew it. The rest of my squad was wearing uniforms routinely. Thursday was when my neck brace was removed. "You must be careful to avoid re-injury," Nurse Yardley cautioned. "How will that affect my squad, Nurse Yardley?" I asked. "Will I hold them back?" "Not at all," Nurse Yardley said. "We do have squad competitions. Nobody can be the best at everything. The...
“Oh fuck Mrs. Hanson,” he grunted as he thrust his hips. “So tight… I’m going to cum,” he moaned looking down at her. He thrust his hips forward and shot ropes and ropes of cum… all over his bedroom window. Chris was standing at his full height bedroom window, looking down at his next door neighbor, Mrs. Hanson. She was bending over, weeding her garden. “Grrr…” he growled in frustration. He was tired of jerking off alone in his room to the sight of her, he wanted more. *** Chris was...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.She watched him across the kitchen.He was naked and bent over the table, filling in the crossword in his newpaper.Keeping one eye on the pan, she sneaked over and smacked him with the hot, oily spatula.SLAP!"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ass with one hand, whilst scratching his forehead with the pen in his other.She grinned."Just lubing you up for some playtime." She went back to the hob to...
FetishFirst things first: There's Red and... then there are other trainers. My writing will follow Red primarily but, should you prefer to follow someone else, the option is there. And with that out of the way, a brief synopsis: Red (unaffiliated with Ash Ketchum) is an eighteen year old guy who has decided to give life on the go as a pokemon trainer a try. He's well built and the ladies seem to fine him handsome. Raised in a fairly liberal household, it's time to forge his own way and see the world....
As I returned home I was still excited about the fact that I'd fucked my mother that morning, and ordered her to keep wearing the new see-through bra and her suspenders and stockings. The only concession I'd made was that she could change her very wet panties. She had adapted to my domination excellently over the last two days, obeying almost immediately every command I made aimed at exposing her body and doing exactly what I told her. Tonight I knew would prove once and for all that she was...
One night on my way home from a meeting I pulled into a local beauty spot, very shortly after I had arrived a sports car pulled up along side me, I looked across and saw a young couple who started kissing and stripping each other off, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I was sitting watching their every move.As I watched the front seats went back and the guy put his head between the girls legs, she moved forward in her seat and spread her legs then looked over at me and smiled, put her hands...