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“My Lord Patriarch, I will of course compensate you fully for the loss of the ship in any way that I can, I assure you that this was completely unforeseen.”

The Patriarch snarled, raising his hackles and exposing his sharp, carnivore teeth at the merchant, his pearlescent, ornate fur cape flowing behind him. The far shorter and plumper human straightened his tie uncomfortably, avoiding the penetrating gaze of the nine foot Borealan monarch.

Benedict sold used starships by trade, it was not an easy business to break into, even a second hand hull rendered unfit for naval service by battle damage cost a fortune to purchase. Fortunately his family was wealthy, and he had begun by recycling the hulks for scrap money. Recently he had discovered a far more lucrative business opportunity.

Borealis was a newly contacted planet, uncivilized and bordering enemy territory. The Patriarch who ruled Elysia, the most powerful and prosperous of the Borealan nations, was eager to modernize his military and not averse to paying for it. Benedict had been selling him used UNN starships, fixing what damage he could and bringing retired designs up to spec, in exchange for raw materials and precious metals that were abundant on the alien world.

The Patriarch had been delighted to have his own fleet, though Benedict doubted he knew to what extent the vessels were outdated or unfit for service, and had no intention of informing him. The world had no naval obligation to the multi-species Coalition that included humanity, and the ships were mostly decorative, used to intimidate and show off to the other territories of the planet.

The latest deal however, had gone badly. Benedict had purchased the UNN Alexandria at auction, a light cruiser that had suffered severe structural damage from a Betelgeusian smartbomb. The superstructure had been completely crippled, the damned ship barely holding together, and it had been sold for barely the value of its salvage after having been written off. He had gotten greedy, hiring a team of engineers to patch it up and reinforce the hull to the point that it was spaceworthy again, then had sold it to the Patriarch for three times the value of its scrap metal.

Borealis however had no space elevators and no orbital docks, which meant that the Patriarch had a bad habit of making landfall and applying unnecessary strain on his vessels. The Alexandria had broken up on reentry, killing her Borealan crew, and the monarch was furious.

“My people live by a code of honor,” the feline alien growled, glaring at the merchant with his reflective, amber eyes. They were sat at a long table in the Patriarch’s ivory spire, and the enormous creature tapped its curved claws on the marble surface, tipped with ornate thimbles made of gold. The room was decorated with innumerable banners and tapestries, depicting great battles or royal standards. Guards of comparable size and ferocity stood to attention nearby, their gilded, red armor standing out against the white pillars that held up the ceiling. Their long tails flicked back and forth, their round, furry ears protruded from their helmets, swiveling to track the conversation.

“Borealans do not lie, we do not cheat. We have traded much in the past, Benedict, and I am grateful for your contributions to the might and prosperity of Elysia. But if I find that you have misled me, cheated me, I will take that as a personal insult.”

Benedict was sweating, both because of the intense heat and gravity of the alien world, and because of the way the creature’s nostrils flared in anger as it stared him down. He had never seen the alien so angry before, going by the usual temperament of the Borealans it was a miracle that he had not been savaged yet.

“My dear Patriarch, you are my most valued customer! In all of Coalition space there is no alliance, and no business relationship that I would go further to maintain than the one that we share. I can promise you most assuredly that I will track down the original owner of the Alexandria and ensure that justice is served for your crew who so regretfully perished in the crash.” The alien was still angry, but he was listening. Benedict could still salvage this mess. “With your permission, I will return to human space and retrieve compensation for you, a vessel of twice the value of the Alexandria.”

The Patriarch scratched his chin, considering.

“That will be satisfactory, I agree to your terms,” Benedict breathed a sign of relief, but the Patriarch was not finished. “But on one condition.”

“Whatever you wish, Lord Patriarch.”

“I fear that if you return to human space, I may never hear from you again. You humans do not always reveal your intentions, and often talk at crossed purposes.” Benedict began to speak, but the alien cut him off with a gesture of his massive hand. “I will allow you to return and retrieve my compensation, however I will require that you leave your daughter in my custody. When the new ship is in my possession, I shall release her to you.”

“A ... hostage?” Benedict was hesitant to use the term, but the Patriarch seemed deadly serious.

“Think of it as collateral. You have caused me a great deal of trouble, Merchant Benedict, but as this is your first transgression, I will give you an opportunity to redeem yourself. Do not disappoint me.”

Benedict wanted to protest, to negotiate some more favorable deal that did not involve leaving his treasured daughter in the hands of aliens, but the stern expression on the Patriarch’s face told him that this meeting was over. He rose to his feet unsteadily, the crippling 1.3G gravity weighing down the already out of shape man, and he bowed deeply.

“As you wish, Patriarch.”

“Daddy you can’t! You simply can’t!”

Rebecca batted at her father with a silken pillow, her frilly nightgown flaring as she stomped her feet. The portly merchant tried to keep her under control, pulling the pillow from her hands and pleading with her to calm down. The desert planet hovered outside the window, her lavishly furnished quarters on their private yacht was her home during these extended voyages. She was in the prime of her life, and had reached the age when her rapidly developing figure had become a magnet for suitors. Benedict was overprotective, but he didn’t trust her to behave if he left her on Earth alone. She had a driver’s license after all, and was now too old for him to confine her to their villa.

“The decision has been made, Becky, please! I’ll only be gone for a few days, I own a shipyard two jumps from Borealis. All you have to do is stay on the planet. The Patriarch is a king, he has all of the amenities you’re used to, and I’ll be able to send down anything you want before I leave.”

“It’s awful and hot, and the gravity hurts my ankles,” the young woman pouted, giving in and collapsing onto her bed to sit with her arms crossed. “Why do I have to stay Daddy? Why didn’t you just tell him no?”

“Daddy has worked very hard for this alliance, princess. Our family now has exclusive access to the Borealan market, we alone can exploit their materials and provide them with ships. These aliens are a backward race, it all depends on my personal relationship with their damned Patriach. If I upset him and don’t make amends, he’ll cut us off.”

Rebecca sulked, turning her head away from her father conspicuously. She was a spoiled, petulant girl, but how could the daughter of a rich merchant be anything else? She twirled her golden locks in her manicured finger, doing her best impression of a scared, innocent girl.

“I’m afraid, Daddy. You know those beasts are violent, what if they decide to eat me?”

Benedict sighed, he was all too familiar with this routine, she knew just how to push his buttons, and after her mother had passed away, she knew that she was all he had left. Carol had always known how to reign her daughter in, but Benedict was too soft on her, he didn’t have the heart. She was the most precious thing in the world to him, but he knew the word of the Patriarch was good. It wouldn’t work this time, too much was at stake.

“Darling, I have already agreed, now pack your things, I have to leave soon.”

A tear of anger rather than sorrow slipped down her cheek, and she pursed her lips, throwing a stuffed animal at her father.

“Daddy you’re the worst!”

Rebecca removed her heels, walking on her long cotton socks as her father urged her along, the high gravity of the planet already making her joints hurt, and causing her usually bouncy, curled hair to sag. He dragged her massive suitcase behind him, filled with far more clothes than she could possibly expect to need.

“I look like an urchin, Daddy,” she muttered.

“I did tell you to wear something practical.”

“It’s so dusty and dirty, my socks will be ruined.”

“I’ll buy you new socks,” Benedict grunted, heaving the suitcase and passing it to a waiting servant. The eight foot alien, clad in a floaty, revealing gown took it easily, and carried it away into the spire. The building was the seat of Elysian power, towering over the surrounding city, which was made up of short, squat buildings. The gravity discouraged the aliens from building too high, and by human standards the six storey tower was laughable, but in this environment it was imposing. It was made from white stone that reflected the harsh light of the primary star.

“This must be Rebecca,” the Patriarch boomed in his deep, baritone voice. He was stood in the doorway to the spire, tall and wide enough to completely block the entrance. He was wearing his ornate, blue armor, embroidered with numerous scenes of hunting and war in fine, golden thread. His long cape fell behind him, the odd fur gleaming in the sunlight, the colors shifting hues depending on the angle of the observer. He extended his hand to Rebecca, who looked puny and fragile in comparison, the black and orange markings that patterned his skin visible beneath his sleeve. She hesitated for a moment, afraid, then after a quick glance at her father for reassurance, took the beast’s hand.

The Patriarch leaned down and kissed her wrist, his massive head as large as the girl’s torso. His mane of orange hair fell about her.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, daughter of Merchant Benedict,” the alien rumbled. He had been brushing up on his human etiquette. He turned to Benedict, his expression more stern.

“She is safe with me, return as quickly as you can. I am eager to put this affair behind us.”

Benedict nodded, and embraced his daughter, before turning back to the shuttle. Rebecca watched it rise from the stone landing pad, kicking up a cloud of dust, then fly away into the azure sky, the flare of its engines slowly fading.

“Please, this way, Rebecca,” the Patriarch said, gesturing for her to follow him with his long arm. She trailed after him, her shoes dangling in her hand, and did her best to avoid stepping on his cape as it dragged on the ground.

“Your father was very specific about your requirements, and has left us with a stock of food, and instructions on how to prepare it. Your suite has been furnished to your liking, and you will be provided with a guard and servant. Do not hesitate to ask, should you need anything. At your father’s insistence you will be confined to that area of the spire, he believes you will be safer that way, despite my assurances that no harm can befall you here.”

She followed him down a carpeted hall, the walls lined with elaborate tapestries and alien busts carved from wood sitting on marble pillars. Everything looked so large, it made her feel like she had shrunk. After a moment they came to a door to their right, its size just as exaggerated as the other furnishings in the spire. The Patriarch took the knob in his massive hand, turning it and pushing the door ajar. He ushered Rebecca inside with a wave of his claws. She slipped past him, he was almost large enough to block her path entirely even standing aside so that she might pass him.

She emerged into an open plan room, far larger than the cabin on her yacht. There was a gigantic bed that looked large enough to fit ten people, its mattress covered in silken sheets and heaps of satin pillows. The walls were made from large blocks of stone, but they were covered in most places by huge tapestries and carpets, no windows she realized. Some were embroidered with fine, intricate scenes of hunting and battles, others with geometric patterns or floral designs that the girl found quite pleasing to the eye. The same busts on pedestals were present here too, and she noted that the arches that opened up the walls to her left and right were elaborately carved, as if some skilled mason had poured his heart into the stone once he had finished his labor. There were faces, animals, plants, it was quite tasteful. These arches led to what must have been a bathroom and perhaps a storage area. There was A/C of some kind, the temperature of the room was lower than the stifling native atmosphere, and the air was more humid. At least her hair and skin would not be damaged during her stay. What furniture there was, was carved from dark wood that resembled mahogany. As she stepped over the threshold she felt her stomach drop, warning her that she was floating. She looked down in alarm, but her feet were firmly planted on the ground, it was a gravity device of some kind, easing the crushing hold of the planet. Relief washed over her as the pressure was taken off her joints. The patriarch smiled at her obvious approval, bowing and waving his arm jovially.

“An AG field generator, my lady. Small scale, but I obtained one and had it installed in this guest room by my architects some time ago, so that it might serve to alleviate the strain on our human visitors. As you can see, your belongings were brought to your room already.”

“I must say, Lord Patriarch,” Rebecca said, turning to the giant alien as he awaited her response. “I am pleasantly surprised, your choice of décor is tasteful and you have taken many steps to make my stay here more comfortable.” She curtsied as her father had taught her to do when thanking high profile guests or dignitaries who he so often met with, and the Patriarch seemed delighted by this. “Thank you, my Lord.”

“As you can plainly see, your father’s fears were unfounded, my lady. May I introduce you to your guard and servant, he will see to your needs during your stay with us.” He barked an order in his course native tongue, his baritone voice reverberating down the hall. He was kind and well mannered, she liked the great beast well enough, but she couldn’t help but be intimidated by his sheer size and obvious strength.

Another Borelan trotted down the hall, standing to attention beside his Patriarch. This one was a little smaller than him, probably about eight feet tall with shoulders that were none the less far broader than those of a human. He had jet black hair and fur, like a panther she thought, and a skin tone to match. He had green eyes that peeked from below his brow, reflecting the light as her eyes wandered over his attire. He wore ruby red armor, emblazoned with golden figures and trim, it looked very ceremonial, some kind of royal guard perhaps? He was unarmed, not that the aliens seemed to need anything besides their wicked claws to fight, and the seemingly ceramic armor extended to his torso and limbs, ending at the hands and feet. A long, stabilizing tail protruded from behind his body, the same shade of inky black as the rest of him.

“This is Beltza, he will see to your needs. His English is adequate, do not hesitate to make requests of him, as I have ordered him to treat you as his Alpha.”

“Begging your pardon, Patriarch, but what does that mean?”

“Ah, you are unaccustomed to Borealan society? The Alpha is the highest ranked pack member, in this case it is an honorary title that requires him to obey any order given as if it came from my very lips.”

“I see, thank you.”

“He will stand guard by the door, call him should the need arise. I must bid you farewell, daughter of Benedict, I have much business to attend to. I trust you have everything you need?”

“Yes, Lord Patriarch. Thank you for your hospitality.” The great beast bowed, and then proceeded back down the hall the way they had come, his long cloak trailing behind him as it shimmered under the light.

Rebecca eyed her guard cautiously, now that they were alone together she realized how damned big he was. His size had seemed understated as he had stood next to the larger Patriarch. Becky was a fairly small girl, her figure was lithe and she could best be described as slight, though her golden curls and developed figure wooed her male classmates much to the distress of her father. At five feet tall her head barely passed the giant alien’s waist. He was looking straight ahead as if he couldn’t see her at all. She decided to just shut the door on him, this was not some influential ruler like the Patriarch, it was just some manservant, undeserving of her courtesy. Besides, the giant, orange-haired beast had made it sound as if the guard had to obey any order given. He would hardly protest her treatment of him.

Enjoying the lighter gravity and the cool air, she explored her room, there was indeed a bathroom and a storage area where most of her belongings were stacked. If the clumsy beasts had broken anything she would strangle her father, that buffoon. How had he allowed this to happen? He was like a jellyfish, no spine to speak of, a man should have stood up to that great furry creature and refused to have his only daughter serve as ... as collateral to a botched deal.

Oh well, no matter, her room was indeed comfortable and attractively furnished. She sat on the bed, having to jump a little due to its exaggerated height. The mattress was soft and the sheets were fine indeed, perhaps finer than those on her own bed back home. She removed her long socks, feeling the texture of the carpeted floor between her toes, and wandered around the space admiring the artwork. The carvings were everywhere. Not merely confined to the stone arches, but on the legs of tables, chairs, on stones in the wall, chiseled into the pillars that held aloft the domed roof, and seemingly anywhere there was workable material that wasn’t covered by tapestries or obscured by decorations.

She examined the tapestries, they looked heavy and they were held up by golden rods, secured in the stone walls by large hooks. Their designs were woven with colored threads, creating depictions of battles and hunting scenes, numerous embroidered representations of Borealans fighting eachother or chasing down prey animals. One prominently displayed what looked like a giant tarantula, which she hoped to God was fictional.

She became bored of exploring her surroundings, and so decided to unpack her clothes and personal effects. The chests were heavy though, and even in the lower gravity she was unable to move some of them. She considered just opening them and moving her belongings piece by piece, but a sly thought entered her head. She had been assigned a servant, had she not? One who was bound to obey her word as law.

“Beltza,” she called, and heard the wooden door to her room open as the giant alien entered. He found her in the store room and stood to attention. “Please move these chests into the bedroom, and help me unpack.” He obeyed without complaint, hefting the luggage with an ease that surprised her. He was incredibly strong, more heavily muscled than any human she had ever seen. His bicep must have been thicker than her torso. How much did these damned aliens weigh? Three hundred pounds? More in their own gravity. They would need such well developed muscles to even stay upright as large as they were.

It didn’t take him long to accomplish his task, and he stood beside her as stiff as a rod as she opened the clasps and began to unpack. She heaped piles of clothes onto her bed, gowns, skirts, all manner of fineries and dresses that her father had insisted she would not need. She was the daughter of a prominent merchant however, and she believed in looking her best at all times, especially in the company of dignitaries. There was also the factor of her own considerable vanity of course, and she was not afraid to admit to it. She worked hard on maintaining her appearance and expected the people around to appreciate the effort.

The alien eyed her glittering jewelry as she placed it carefully on the bed sheets, a diamond necklace crafted from white gold that had belonged to her mother, along with matching earrings. These aliens certainly seemed to appreciate ornamentation, that was a quality she liked.

“Put these in the drawers over by the dresser, and do keep your claws away from the fabrics,” she chimed, gesturing to the piles of clothes. The alien did as she requested, carrying the garments gingerly on flat palms, placing them gently in the dresser.

“When these are empty, return them to the storage room,” Rebecca ordered, and the alien waited patiently beside the bed as she removed the last of her affairs. She retrieved her tablet computer from the bottom of one of the boxes, she had enough movies and books on here to keep her amused for the duration of her stay thankfully, though she wouldn’t let her father forget the boredom he would surely be exposing her too any time soon. She missed the glitz and glamour of Earth, parties with her friends, the attention of jealous rivals and eager suitors. She hated coming on these long voyages, practically a prisoner in her cabin, but her father did not trust her to behave herself at home and knew that she would heed the words of no sitters or guardians.

He couldn’t keep it up, he would have to cave and let her be her own woman eventually, she would be coming of age soon and would have the legal right, but she had to admit that he was holding out longer than usual on the subject. She doubted she would be able to send messages to her friends, these aliens wouldn’t have wireless extranet in this backwater. She sat on the edge of the bed and attempted to check her messages.

Noticing that she seemed to be finished, Beltza started to move the chests back into the store room.

“When you’re done with that, get me something to eat,” Rebecca demanded, not looking up from her screen as she waved her hand at him. “Something with sour cream, this damned heat has parched my throat. Blinis with salmon maybe, understand?”

Beltza bowed, and spoke in his course voice.

“Yes, my Lady. Will there be anything else?”

“Oh, so you do have a tongue? No, that will be all, you may leave me now.”

“It will be as you say.” He left and closed the door softly behind him, while Rebecca lay on her bed to tap at her tablet computer.

Beltza returned a short while later with a tray of food, as Rebecca had requested, and she sat up eagerly as he approached her bed. He leaned down so that she could reach the tray, it was covered in blinis topped with a sliver of smoked salmon and a dash of sour cream, her favorite snack. She took one between her thumb and forefinger, raising it to her lips and taking a bite.

“Adequate,” she said, wiping a blob of white cream from the corner of her mouth with her finger. “I blame my father for failing to provide sufficient instructions, but these will do. Set the tray down and leave me now.”

She waved Beltza away dismissively, turning back to her tablet computer and finishing the rest of her snack. He seemed a little taken aback by her reaction, had she offended him? It didn’t matter, he was ordered to obey her, his feelings were not her concern. He placed the tray on her bedside table, then seemed to wait for her to speak to him again. Rebecca raised her eyes from her tablet and shooed him again with a wave of her manicured fingers.

“Off with you, do I need to repeat myself? Is your English poor?”

Beltza bowed submissively and slunk away, his tail flicking back and forth as he opened the door and left the room to stand outside. He was obtuse, he reminded her of a Martian nanny she had had when her father had been working in the Martian docks. She had been a tall, lanky woman who had grown up in low gravity and didn’t speak a lick of English, Rebecca couldn’t abide it.

She selected another blini and popped it daintily into her mouth. They were actually quite good considering that the alien chefs had probably never seen a salmon before, never mind learned how to prepare one, but one had to use a firm hand with the help to keep them in line. She lay back on the bed, holding her tablet above her face and starting an episode of her favorite drama show as she picked at the tray of food.

The next morning she awoke to the clanking of dishes, Beltza was setting up breakfast for her on her bedside table. She recognized her father’s own china and silver cutlery, did the Borealans not have their own? They looked savage, perhaps they still ate with their bare hands, how unsavory. She rose to a sitting position groggily, rubbing her eyes and rearranging her silk nightgown as Beltza stood to attention.

“Ugh, what time is it? Who told you to enter my room and disturb me?” Beltza looked conflicted and lowered his eyes to the floor, his furry, black tail flicking back and forth again.

“Apologies, my Lady. I was ordered to bring you ... breakfast.” He had trouble getting his tongue around the unfamiliar word, and seemed to slur a little in general. She appreciated that learning an alien language must be difficult, but it was the responsibility of her hosts to provide her with a servant who was qualified and articulate. She sighed and swung her legs out from beneath her sheets to dangle over the edge of the bed and examined the meal. Two fried eggs, broken of course, toast that seemed to have been unevenly cooked over an open flame judging by the burn marks, and hash browns that surprisingly looked properly prepared. She was irritated at being woken up, and she snapped at the alien who seemed to recoil as she berated him.

“What’s this mess you’ve brought me? Take it back and do it again. These eggs should be intact and the bread should be toasted evenly so that the color is consistent, understand?”

“I ... am sorry my Lady. I did not prepare the food, it was-”

“I don’t want to hear excuses, you are my caretaker, are you not?” The alien seemed hesitant to answer, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the carpet. “Answer my question.”

“Yes, my Lady.” He struggled to gather up the dishes and return them to the tray, fumbling with the small cutlery in his oversized hands. They were as large as damned dinner plates and tipped with curved claws.

“It is your responsibility, see that it is done properly this time.” He bowed his head, and made to leave. “And in the future, don’t wake me up or bring me food unless I request it of you, is that understood?”

“Yes, my Lady.”

He returned some time later, and Rebecca was happy to see that the aliens could at least get a breakfast right when properly incentivized. She ate while Beltza stood nearby, hovering nervously. She had to admit, if there was one thing she liked about these Borealans it was their strict adherence to the pecking order. This one had been informed that she was an important guest, and he treated her with the fear and respect he might show superiors of his own kind, Rebecca could appreciate that attitude.

Beltza seethed with barely controlled anger, his tail flicked from side to side in an expression of conflict and irritation as he watched the minuscule alien eat. The Lord Patriarch had granted this whelp Alpha status for the duration of her stay in the Elysian spire, Beltza was to obey her as if the orders came from his very mouth, but she had only been on the planet for a matter of hours and she was already testing the limits of his patience. Beltza was not an off-world soldier, he was a royal guard to the Patriarch and his family, and as such he had not undergone integration training on the Pinwheel station in order to learn the skills necessary to interact with humans. He had been briefed on the basics, and had assured the Patriarch that he could tolerate a certain level of impertinence and audacity, self-control and discipline were part of military life after all. But to have this frail creature, that looked as if it might come apart at its frilly seams were he to grip it too tightly, treat him like some kind of idiot slave was driving him to distraction.

He flexed his claws as she ate her meal, she was so small, so fragile. Humans were short to begin with, how they made effective soldiers Beltza couldn’t imagine, but this one was some kind of juvenile which only compounded her lack of stature.

He didn’t understand the Patriarch’s obsession with the humans and their technology, Beltza couldn’t see the purpose of the human spaceships his ruler was expending precious resources to sink his gilded claws into. Let the enemy come to the ground if they wanted to fight, Beltza reasoned, to destroy an enemy from the comfort and safety of an armored ship in orbit was an act of cowardice. An unearned victory would sour the taste of ‘raises the hair’.

The idea that females would be smaller and weaker than males was an odd enough concept, and he hadn’t believed it until he had seen the two genders side by side, what evolutionary path could have resulted in that being a survival strategy? To be both female and juvenile resulted in a creature so small that it would hardly make more than a mouthful were he to eat it. He had caught fish far larger than this human girl in the lake. As tiny as she was, she was oddly ... developed. Her figure was uncomfortably familiar, both their species shared similar sexual features.

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Boots and Corsets by Richard Head Foreword (Taken from Chapter 18) A considerable amount of nonsense has been written about Corsets and Tight Lacing over many years by authors who have no practical knowledge or personal experience of their subject. Most of these writers will try and titillate their readers by relying upon the constant repetition of popular words and phrases such as "I felt as if it was cutting me in half," or "She laced me in until I was unable to...

1 year ago
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Mias Mistake

Rainy cold Tuesday morning, I just dropped off my brother for a minor outpatient surgery. Once he was checked in, I really wanted a cup of coffee. I stopped at a coffee shop down the street and stood in a short line to place my order. A woman turned from the counter and looked at me. I politely smiled at her and her glance shifted down from my face.“Did she just check me out?” I asked myself. I checked my zipper to confirm it was secured, it was.The woman, I will call her “Mia’, turned and...

3 years ago
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Libbys Night Time Adventures I

Introduction: This is my first story, any advoice is welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Libbys great night time adventures (1) – Libby and Tiffany Libby was 12 years old when she had her first great night time adventure. Her friend Tiffany had told her how she and her older sister had their own adventures and all the neat things they learned on their excursions. The one adventure Libby was especially interested in was of Tiffanys mommy and daddy and the games they played at night. Tiffany didnt want...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest…..The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude, so,...

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The breaking of Terri

Terri arrived at the building a couple of days later, the building looked like an old warehouse. Terri entered the building and found the suite he was supposed to enter. The room looked like a dance studio with hardwood floors and full-length mirrors on the walls. There were also a couple of doors that looked like offices. Terri called out a couple of times, and then tried the office door, but the doors were locked. After about five minutes one of the office doors opened and a young...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Proposal The Finale

Chapter TwelveAfter the relaxing a couple of days sailing, the next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Jim spent a good part of the next day gambling. He won over $3500. He was excited and I was proud of him. Not that we needed the money, Kevin had paid for our room and the upgrade, all of our room service and of course my dresses and any other thing he could find that we needed. The next day Jim and I took a guided tour of the local rainforest. It was beautiful with lots of a****ls and...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

MISTAKEN IDENTITY BY JENNIFER REDMON Author's note: James (Jack) Stevenson finds that a case of mistaken identity leads to a dramatic change in his life that not only loses his wife, but changes his life forever. Rating: R "Marie," said James Stevensen to his wife of just four years, "the post office has done it again. We're still getting mail for that guy across town. We may...

2 years ago
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Bellagio Blues

There it was, in obscenely banal black and white: her grandfather’s will. He’d been dead for years, and she’d heard rumors about the disposition of his estate, but she’d certainly never expected to see the actual document, much less have it casually handed to her as if it were a grocery receipt and not a real person’s final words to his loved ones. Her mother handed the red folder to her. ‘Will you look this over, honey? My mind’s just not what it used to be.’ She smiled in self-mockery when...

1 year ago
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Sex club experiments

I was just discovering my sexuality, at eighteen years of age. I First started out with just masterbation. But it was never enough to satisfy my unusual hunger for pleasure. I wanted more,soo much more indeed. So I went on the internet looking for sexual relief of any kind. Found a guy in a chat room who then told me of a sex club he had gone to many years ago,out of curiousity himself. So I decided I was going to go there in hopes of cureing this ache deep inside my almost continuously wet...

4 years ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 17

Joe survived Black Friday, although he wasn’t sure about his right hand. They had stayed open past 2 am. A lot of the later customers he actually recognized. His rock and roll friends. Boxes and boxes of his book had been sold. A lot them signed by him personally in front of the customer. More he had signed earlier in the day. All day. Yes, it was a wonder his hand survived. Advertising had been intense. In dailies and weeklies. Nationally. Television too. Using the image of the friends on...

2 years ago
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swami ji ke mantr jab

hi dosto ye kahani hai ek swami ji ke jisne ne priya ke maa banaya. to kahani is tarah hai ke ek lady the jiska nam priya thaa uske shadi ko kafi time ho gaya tha par uske han joe aulad nahi thee, uski padosan ne us ke kaha ke gaon ke bahar jo swami ji ke kutia hai wahan par ke kafi chamatkari sadhu baba rehte hain tum unke pas jao unki poja se tumhein zaroor aulad hogi. phir ek din priya uski padosan ke sath milkar swami ji ke pas gayee, padosan se swami ji ko priya se milaya swami ji ne kaha...

4 years ago
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GF Birthday Surprise Pegged

Cindy promised that she had something special planned for my 30th birthday. I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or frightened. And yet, there I was, naked, my wrists shackled to either bed post like Christ on the cross, my ankles shackled and bound up with straps against my thighs, making my nether region fully exposed and accessible. And then she put on the blindfold. "I am not sure how I feel about this," I finally said. She breathed softly on my ear and said, "Trust me, relax, and enjoy." I...

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The Change Up Part 3

Sammy looks at us and says, "You know that Elsie gets pissed when you tie up the ladies room like that. Then Trish came back and saw that you were all gone and wanted to know why you didn't invite her along?" Emily says, "You know Trish is working, and it's too early for Elsie to be at the club." The band started to play swing music. I remember the song, Jumping Jack. I danced to it in college and had the lead role for some of the swing songs. I look at Emily and ask her to dance. "Honey I...

1 year ago
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‘I could make an outrageous indulgence out of the side dishes alone,’ he said. ‘I keep hearing about how soft the downtown market is,’ she said. ‘You’ll receive rave reviews,’ he said. ‘Please let me know if you have a conflict,’ she said. And on it went. For days, for months, for years. There was no communication, no contact. This was their life, they woke, they worked, they slept. They talked, but it had no meaning. They couldn’t hear. They did not see. ‘Lets indulge ourselves,’ he said....

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Chapter 1 The situation in which I now find myself is something I never dreamed would ensue when I began corresponding with Ariana. It started seven years ago as a brief e-mail correspondence and has now become my life. But I must here digress, in order to give the reader some background information about me that relates to this tale. It will sound a bit weird to those of you who have never had a fetish.There has always been something about women smoking that aroused me. I always thought of...

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Jaden Submits

Jaden maintained strict disciplinary control over her step-mum and two sisters, enforcing all of the rules and boundaries set for them. It was now pretty much constant that twenty-year-old Alexis was spanked twice a week, twenty-three-year-old Velvet was spanked three times each two weeks, while Valentine, her step-mum, was spanked once a week.The offences were varied, but Jaden, who was the youngest at sixteen-years-old, operated a strict no second chance rule, which everyone agreed was the...

3 years ago
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My Trip To Jaipur For Work Turned Memorable One

Hi, guys, this is Singh loves back with another cute and beautiful story. Those who do not know me I am singhlover 25 yrs old working in a reputed company with 7-inch dick and very athletic body. My height is 5’11. Let’s come to the story. Recently I was traveling to the Jaipur for work. I decided to try tinder while there. I started talking to a local girl, I introduced her to snap chat, She enjoyed the idea of text, video and pictures disappearing. I think that made her comfortable chatting...

4 years ago
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My Buddy wins a bet Real

So After the first time sucking my friend off, We have done it few times since.One time I will never forget, because I let my mouth write a check my ass had to cash....He looked at the original dildo that we used to get the girls excited. Made some comment like "its not that big" I told him if he could take that in his ass I would let him have mine.WTF was I thinking? Anyway that toy disappeared right before my eyes.I'm not sure if I was more shocked at the fact that he just popped it in...

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Dare Me Not Ch 03

We continue the story from Ch. 2 where Janine is slowly falling into a trap. Her body seems to respond to dares and bets and she still doesn’t know how or why. Please read Chapters 1 and 2 to see what has happened to this point. There is some non-consensual sex so if you’re offended by it, please turn back. Otherwise I hope you’ll enjoy it. I really appreciate your feedback, so please leave me some. * Starbucks was busy and people were milling around the entrance, frappucino in hand,...

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Sissy spit roast sleep over

Pt 1: Long black limoSissy Saraya was very excited because her new mistress had told her they were going to continue with her corset training tonight, she had been wearing her waist trainer and inflatable plug all day along with her favourite pink maids outfit and cute sissy 6" white heels and stockings with pretty pink bows, She had been watching BBC porn all day and was dreaming of cock while she finished her chores, Mistress text to say her driver would be arriving at 6pm sharp, Mistress...

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Sissy hypno The beginnings

The beginnings of cock lust – Sissy Hypno pornFOR THOSE NOT INTO STORY OR BUILD UP, SCROLL DOWN TO THE ******** MARKER FOR EROTIC ACTION!Felicity heard Billy come rushing down the stairs from his home quarters above the pub, he swung around the doorframe and appeared behind the bar area calling out to the Indian beauty who was sat looking out the window for a moment.Felicity stood in an empty pub window looking out at the welsh countryside. As far as her Indian eyes could see, were blankets of...

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Slutty Brenda really surprises me

That Friday afternoon Brenda called my wife, inviting Ana to go with her to a concert featuring her favorite symphony rock band.Ana’s girlfriend explained she had been quarreling with her husband; so he was now angry and did not want to drive her there.She added that I could even go with them, since she had bought four tickets. I liked the band, so I agree to go with both girls…Brenda forgot saying that the concert would be outside town, just a couple hours driving away from Savannah.We arrived...

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In The Hotel Room

In The Hotel RoomBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was only 20 miles but due to the play while driving there it seemed like 200 miles as Manohar Bajwa and Clair reached the hotel in the evening. They had booked this room in advance and as they were registering, they were told that there was a little repair needed under the bathroom vanity and it would be done in less than an hour and they happily agreed. In the car Manohar’s hands had been in her skirt and she was no shy either and searched his pants all...

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Cock For Doris

My wife is a very attractive half Chinese girl named Doris. She is small and slim and sexy, and always gets paid lots of attention. Last year on our holiday we had a little drunken adventure involving two other guys, and since then I have longed to watch her getting well and truly fucked. The chance came when we were invited to a party with some friends, but no sooner did we all arrive but some emergency cropped up and our friends had to leave. Doris and I decided to stay on at least for a...

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the new neighbor

Recently completed thirty years Antonio decided to go to live alone, the rest had a good job, what prevented him from hanging out on his own, and not always under the eyes of mom and dad? Most of his friends had already married or were about to do, but not because one is not married can not have his own house. So he decided to buy a house, 2 bedrooms one bathroom lounge and kitchen would be perfect and said that within 15 days he found the house he sought. It was located in a beautiful building...

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Kathys Dog ActChapter 3

"Going home now Mrs. Murphy?" Helen asked as she finished with the final fitting. "I think I'll stay down here for a few minutes and study my lines," Kathy said. "Just close the door and turn out the light. It locks by itself when slammed shut," Helen said as she nodded and stepped into the hall. Kathy sat down at the tiny dressing table and opened the script to her first lines. She didn't know how much time had passed before she heard something walking into the room. Kathy...

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Insurance Salesmans

There's a killer on the loose in your town, and you're the local insurance agent. You've suddenly been getting raises and bonuses and new jobs and work so much that your head could explode. You get back from a hard day of work and start the shower running. Once in the shower, you begin to wash yourself but your mind wanders. You lube up your shaft with some silky shampoo and begin to stroke. Up and down your hand goes, thoughts run through your head about your secretary, your ex-girlfriend,...

2 years ago
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Home at Last

I’m sitting on the couch waiting for the familiar sound of your car being parked and then your keys jingling in the lock. Tonight is no normal night as far as my plans are concerned! Car… Keys… I leap up and stand in the corner next to the door, the instant you walk in I snatch your glasses away from you and put a blindfold over your eyes. You try to protest but I kiss you softly, letting my lips meet yours, my tongue lick them and eventually, as the passion builds, my teeth nibble them. I...

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Agent Tanya

As the Allied Commander that had given them victory at Brighton Beach and repelled the Soviets from the United Kingdoms, it was no wonder that Jack was being utilized once again where he was most needed. His next task was to liberate France, a tall order given that after his defeat at Brighton Beach, General Krukov had retreated their and captured Cannes. That left the majority of the Soviets in Cannes and to make matters worse; several Allied leaders were also trapped in the city, pinned...

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The ProtectorsChapter 4

Liz stayed with Helen while I went upstairs to use my cell phone and to wait for my call to 911 to be answered. I was in a hurry for them to get here because I wanted to visit the crime boss before he had a chance to prepare for us. Our questioning had produced an address that was supposed to be the gang's headquarters. If we were lucky, we could end this reign of terror tonight. The address we had was another of those abandoned manufacturing plants. This one was surrounded by a large...

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Rants Tantrums and Hissy FitsChapter 3

Even More More Rants Hmmmm ... I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought I had more rants saved than this. Oh well. It's gonna be a loss for some Internet Lit. major fifty years from now when she's trying to put together a Ph.D. on the "Romantic Period" of the Erotic Renaissance. Bad enough we've all forgotten how to write a real letter and now rely on email shorthand, short-stroking the English language to get half-witted, ill-considered, stillborn thoughts onto our blogs so...

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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 5

"I see your point, Scott," Harry Halliday commented, rubbing his chin with his hand. "I must admit, however, that I have mixed emotions about it." "From every standpoint, Harry," Scott insisted, "it makes sense. It gives us glamour where we need it. Brings the product alive, so to speak, and makes for an identifiable market. It'll sell, Harry, you know it will. And we can cover up the instrument panel without being too obvious." "But at the same time, Scott, we'll be bringing...

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Strange Woman In My Shower

Strange Woman In My Shower I came home from a two-day hunting trip in the Montana Mountains. I had shot a good size elk, gutted it, and managed to drag it out of the forest on a plastic tarp. It was all I could do to drag it while taking several rest breaks. It would go a long way to filling my freezer for the winter. I was very tire, I was dirty as usual, and I smelled like a dead skunk. Sweat, campfires, and that damn awful smelling stuff that covers up my human scent does not do...

4 years ago
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Educating Cassidy Part 1 The Audition

Gwen had a daughter that had just graduated from high school and was going to the state university in the fall, so Gwen fully met the requirements to be classified as a MILF. And that was what she wanted to talk to me about. Her daughter was going off to college with a rather limited experience with people of the opposite sex. And she wanted to introduce her daughter to sex in a safe way. For some reason she had decided that I was a good candidate to be the one to help. It came as a bit...

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My Father In Law

hi friends hope you like my story…. thanks for all your comments for all my stories …and keep mailing on (ANY GIRL OR AUNTY WANT A PRIVATE MASSAGE IN BANGALORE CAN MAIL ME WHICH WOULD BE A TOTAL SECRET) Note : This story is completely fictional! I am young, married to a guy, well, yes a guy, who was also 25 and I met him at the college. His name is Osman, the younger of the two brothers. I was taken away by his naïve nature and his seriousness for his career. His elder brother, Aslam, who was...

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Getting The Contract

People looking at my wife Jean and myself nowadays see us as a successful couple, both in our relationship and our business life. We've been married for ten years and have managed to grow ever closer in that time; to me Jean is more beautiful at forty than she was at thirty when I married her, despite the years her 36-24-36 figure is almost as firm as in her youth, her auburn hair has no hint of grey, her eyes still sparkle with mirth and sexual desire. Jean tells me that I've grown more...

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Fine Tuning Part V The Journey Begins

She was face down on the bed and with her ass up, she wondered, oh shit, what’s he going to do now? Her inflamed, clamped nipples ached from being depressed on the bed. She wanted to complain and beg for Him to remove the things pinching her but she wasn’t entirely sure what He would do if she seemed liked she was whining. Fear of being dismissed by Him invaded, worming its way inside her mind, and because she wanted so much to please Him and be in His favor, she clenched her jaw and sucked up...

4 years ago
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In His Truck

I'm in my thirties and the first time I ever sucked a cock was a couple of years ago. I'd secretly fantasized about it a lot, though I’d never spoken to anyone else about it. I'd let a couple of guys suck me off and checked out a few online ads and a lot of porn. I finally got my nerve up when I saw an ad I liked on craigslist. George and I e-mailed back and forth for a while. He sent me some e-mails of his cock, one covered in his cum. this went on for a couple of weeks. He was as...

First Time
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Living in America

I've always had a thing for milfs and older women, which im sure makes me no different from any other guys my age, and working in a bar i was never short of offers. Until recently however i'd never allowed myself to break fantasy into reality but unknown to me this was about to change.Halfway through my second year at university i landed my dream placement job in florida about an hour from Miami for the year. I worked every hour I could to pay for the visa and flights and got my beach body...

2 years ago
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Talis Torment

Zack couldn't believe it, but Selby was insistent    244-0142Zack couldn't believe it, but Selby was insistent."Dude, trust me. This chick has her number up on the park restroom wall,and if you call,she'll comegive you a BJ right here in the bathroom! I don't know why she does it, but shecame to see me. She looked miserable, but maybe she's a psycho. She's a goodlooking psycho."*****Tali rested, enjoying a glass ofwhite wine with Fenton the Felon. "This is a great show" Fenton saidto her. "I'm...

1 year ago
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Tales of WW2

The Second World War was a time of chaos presenting opportunities for debauchery as well as heroism and villainy. Conflicts and deviousness raged across the globe. Spies abounded. As with all ages and all times of trial though, some people found an "angle" to exploit.

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The SongbirdChapter 7

Cate Gradually over the next few weeks bookings came in and time became a precious commodity. Steve and his musicians were in demand for studio sessions, I was still getting bookings for Rock concerts and we had to get together to rehearse and refine our performance as Kat Lacey and the Stela Swing band. The visit I had promised Jack was put back time and again. He was golden about it. Constantly re-assuring me when I yet again phoned him to put off our few days together, that it was o.k....

3 years ago
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Solo Father gets taken by TS Girl

Walking out of the Welfare office a mature woman approaches me. " Hello I'm a photographer and I'm looking for a model. ""Nah. No way." I protested."Hear me out. $100 cash in hand for one hour. If the camera likes you and I think it will. There maybe more work for you."I needed the money no doubt about that. Digging ditches a labourer just didn't make that sort of money. She walked along side me continuing her hard sell. I wasn't listening. I was thinking how bad can it be. "... You're a good...

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Raggedy Andy

I was looking for an anonymous piece of ass and I was hoping that this was the right place for it. It was a Halloween party. Virtually everyone was in costume. There weren't a lot of people wearing masks but there were enough to make my own mask unremarkable. I wanted to be as anonymous as my next fuck. The reason is easy to explain. I was going to rape the lady of my choice. I don't get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I'm 19 years old and I...

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Had great piece of thai massage woman at Bangkok m

Nana square shopping mall has massage shop on second or third level. Top of steps turn left and in left side corner. Women there change from visit to visit. My massage woman is very pretty, had a baby but never lost the muffin top and it bothered her. Told her. She reached under and massaged me cock, in my ear told me she wanted to try fat cock. I said I have no condom, She said "I have big condom for man like you" she told me the price, I came back at 700 for everything, she said yes. Told me...

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The Gushing BBW Part 1

After the end of a four year relationship in my late twenties, the urge to have some fun was to much to resist. Online dating? So many women to chose from. It all seemed overwhelming, maybe I was doomed. The messages rolled into my new account from women wanting to meet; things had sure changed over the last few years. Finally a welcoming message from a really cute brunette.From her pictures and profile stats she was 5’3” tall. She had dark brown hair, almost black. She appeared to have large...

3 years ago
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Crush Ki Chudai Peheli Baar

Mera nam Jay hai aur meri umar hai 20 saal. Us wakt ma 12th standard me tha aur 18 saal ka tha. School me ek lakdi thi jiske ka naam Mary tha. Wo ek dum maal thi dik ne ma. Uski umar 18 saal thi. Muje wo bohat pasand thi aur muje us p crush tha. Sara school ki ladkda us p maar the t. Uski ki figure thi 36-24-36 (Meri nazar me). Gaand uski ek dum mast dhik thi t. Sunny Leone jasi gol gand thi uski. Tits us k perfect tha is umar me. Chara us k ek dum beautiful tha aur us k badan ek dum sexy tha....

1 year ago
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PervNana Corra Cox Sophia West Ho For The Holidays

Mike and Corra visit Mike’s step-grandma, Sophia, for the holidays. Sophia wants to ensure Corra has been “taking care” of Mike in every way possible, so when they have a moment alone together, she whips out his cock and gives him a handjob. But before Mike can cum, Corra walks into the room. Later that night, Corra jumps at the opportunity to suck Mike’s cock, but again, before he can finish, they are interrupted by Sophia. The raunchy step-grandma wants to finish what Corra started and lets...

2 years ago
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Business And Pleasure DO Mix

She sat perfectly still on the edge of her chair as Trevor and Michael approached, her nipples pushing against the fabric of her thin, silky red camisole. Her legs, crossed at the ankles, glistened with the coconut oil she had applied earlier in the evening, her jeans undone at the waist. I had pulled them down a bit when I sat her in the chair, the top of her thong panties clearly visible now. She could feel the presence of the men, their lust evident in the room as her calves rubbed together,...


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